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The rise of data-driven sales

By Veera Virintie, Marketing Manager, Vainu.io



Three  years  ago  the  total  amount  of  data  in  the  world  was  4.4zettabytes.  By  2020 it  is  set  to  rise  steeply  to  44  zettabytes.  

1  zettabyte =  1  000  000  000  000  000  000  000  @veeravirintie@vainuio

How much data is created in two weeks?

35 Exabytes . That is equivalent to…

7420 000 000 000 000 songs

2100 000 000 iPhones

1260 years of HD video



“Facebook knows you’ll get divorced even before your friends do.”



“Facebook knows you’ll get divorced even before you do.”

What if you could predict the actions and needs of

companies in the same way?



We eat complexity to portray simplicity.


3 ➤ 60 employees

0 ➤ 650 customers

1 ➤ 7 countries

1 ➤ 100 million companies

➤ 12 leads per sec


Vainu in two years

The reverse innovative process

started by selling a software to potential

customers with Power Point slides.


from complexity to simplicity

The software brings all the relevant data about companies

that is out there in the Internet to one single place.


Vainu is for sales people,

what Tinder is for single people.


Inbound + outbound =



Thanks to companies continuously growing their digital footprint,

it has been possible to build the world’s most modern and useful

company database.



1130 prospects

Which companies use Hubspot?

Which companies use Hubspot?


22 % are in IT industry, 90 % also use GA and have a responsive site.

Helsinki is a Hubspot hub and Hubspot companies have 30 employees on average.

45 have recently recruited for marketing and 114 have a growth rate bigger than 50 %

Which Finnish startups have international potential?


25 % companies founded in 2015.

10% have their website in other languages than English or Finnish.

36 % located in Helsinki and ca 8 % both in Oulu and Tampere.

18 % received funding and 16 % of these have more than 100% revenue growth.

How to sell this venue?



How to sell this venue?

It’s about being at the right place, at the right time.



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