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  • 8/12/2019 The Road to the Riverland


    The clash of metal on metal met Ashe's ears as she

    brought up the rear of Rhoman's troupe. She kicked

    Hooahn to speed up and find out what the hell was going

    on. Her face went sour as she saw a battle between

    Rhoman's men and small contingent of rag-tag fighters.

    The ones attacking Rhoman's men looked ratty, but

    they fought with speed and accuracy. Assassins

    !pposition to the "eace talks #t didn't matter. Ashe was

    honour bound to defend her new friends, and charged into

    their midst. Rohman's men seemed to be refreshed as they

    saw Ashe attack, gi$ing them hope, since they were

    outnumbered nearly two to one.

    Rhoman was face to face with two of them, ha$ing losthis horse to archers that sat in the treelines, shooting into

    his ranks. He was a damn good swordsman, blocking and

    attacking, parrying and forcing his enemies back step by

    step, but they were also well trained. He heard a collecti$e

    roar from his men as Ashe charged by, trampling three ofthe attackers under the sharp hoo$es of her warhorse.

    His enemies saw her as well, making them stall in

    their attacks. This ga$e Rhoman the opportunity he

    needed. He plunged his sword into one, dropping him to

    the ground, then focused his attack on the other. That one

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    turned and ran toward the treeline where archers drew a

    bead on Rhoman, letting arrows fly. %ut they didn't reach

    him. The fletched wooden missiles seemed to free&e in

    mid-air, floating for the shortest of seconds, then fell to the


    There was a series of thunderclaps, and crashing

    screams came from the trees as archers fell from their

    nests. A few men came from the trees, arms raised,

    bloodied and battered looking. Rhoman's men regrouped

    and faced off against the now decimated opposition, all of

    whom were staring at Ashe on her horse. She had two long

    swords in her hands, one as sil$ery white as well-polished

    steel, and the other black as the coal used to fuel the firesin the sto$es. She was blank faced, pointing the swords at

    two different ind$iduals who suared off against her. Her

    horse was spattered in blood, as were her challengers.

    Howe$er, she had at least three men on the ground, badly

    wounded or dead.Rhoman wasn't without casualties, as well. (ill leaned

    up against a dead horse, arrows in his side and shoulders.

    )our of the retinue were dead, and a few others perhaps

    soon to be. He motioned for the remaining ones to watch

    the attackers as he made his way to (ill, worry in his eyes.

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    *Hang on, (ill, we'll get you to help. Ha$e you seen

    Shamus* he asked as he looked around.

    *+o, y ord, # didn't see where Shamus went. There

    were.. too many.* He whee&ed.

    A looming shadow crossed o$er them both, and Ashe

    knelt beside them. She had a sil$er flask in one hand and a

    stern look on her face, *(ill, Sleep* She said in a soft and

    somewhat frightening tone. Rhoman blinked, watching

    (ill's eyes close, and the whee&ing rattle to a soft breath.

    Ashe gently pulled Rhoman from his man's side.

    *# am going to heal all who # can, those # cannot heal, #

    will end their suffering.* She didn't wait for him to reply,

    but went back to (ill, and pulled out each arrow to a goutof his blood. (hen the last arrow was remo$ed, she tipped

    the flask to (ill's lips.

    Rhoman tried to protest, but words from his other men

    turned his attention to his other wounded, and the

    Ri$erlanders that had attacked. He ga$e commands to bindthose who li$ed that had attacked, and to gather the

    wounded and dead, both his and the Ri$erland's. His

    attention was taken, and not on (ill, which made Ashe

    rela slightly.

    She stood and made sure his breathing was e$en, and

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    healthy. (hen she was sure he would sur$i$e, she went to

    the others, performing her duties to them as well. The ones

    who had attacked, howe$er, she took time to contemplate

    weather or not to help them... She looked at the ones who

    li$ed, wounded and now seriously afraid of the strange

    warrior who had killed more of them in one charge than

    they had themsel$es in the entire battle.

    She found a man who was near death, whispered

    something in his ear, and faced the li$ing soldiers, *# am

    sending this man to my /od. ay he ha$e mercy on his

    heart and soul.* She said to the Ri$erlanders, then slit the

    man's throat, letting him drop to the ground.

    She walked up to another who was near death, buttipped her flask to his lips, also whispering in his ear. He

    immediately fell into a coma-like sleep. She did this with

    all the wounded that seemed near death. Then she went up

    to the ones still standing.

    *0ou ha$e attacked a Royal of Suna, on his way tospeak peace with your 1ing. )or this alone, you or who

    you were commanded by, should be ashamed. To gi$e up

    peace and prosperity for a %rother 1ingdom to keep up

    this pathetic war, this... atrocity. # should kill each and

    e$ery one of you, and send your bodies back to the one

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    who commanded you. %ut # am a merciful woman. Tell us

    who commanded you to attack this enterage, and # will

    consider sparing your li$es.* she said in a low monotone,

    sending chills up the backs of necks throughout all of


    !ne of the men stepped forward, his skin blanched

    and eyes wide, *-m-'lady.. it was commanded by the

    1ing's Ad$isor, 2hord. He said it was from the word of the

    1ing himself.* he knelt before her, *This is truth.* He said,

    lowering his head.

    *He speaks true.* 2ame the weak $oice of Shamus from

    the treeline. He stumbled forward, a large gaping wound

    in his side, and an arrow in his chest. There were two ofthe Ri$erlanders behind him, prodding him forward.

    *et our men go, or we kill your speaker.* Said one that

    looked as if he hadn't been touched by blade or fist. Ashe

    stood strait and took one step toward them. Shamus cried

    out as the Ri$erlander's blade cut into his arm, *3on't comecloser4* the Ri$erlander called out.

    *1ill him, you will ne$er perform another action again

    in your life.* Ashe said in that same low, serious tone, a

    hand raising in front of her.

    The other one started to back away from his

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    compatriot and the wounded Shamus. The one that had

    Shamus snarled, *0ou let the men go, demon. This is my

    final warning.* He placed the sword edge at Shamus'

    throat. Ashe 5ust smiled.

    Shamus looked at her, and nodded, *#t's alright, m'lady

    Ashe. # am ready to die.* he said to her, then nodded to

    Rhoman, *# am honoured to ha$e ser$ed you, y 1ing.* His

    $oice faultered and he fell to one knee.

    Ashe's hand lifted slightly higher, and a single word

    left her lips, *%urn.*

    The Ri$erlander's eyes went wide, then he began to

    shake, the sword dropping from his hand, glowing white

    metal ha$ing seared into his gauntleted hand. The rest ofthe man's armor began to glow white hot. He howled and

    screamed in pain as it set his cloth on fire, then himself.

    The men all watched as the apparent leader ran fi$e

    steps then toppled o$er, and a scent of seared meat and hot

    metal met their noses. Soon the whole armor of the manmelted to slag, his body burst into flame, and soon, nothing

    was left but ashes and a puddle of steel.

    Shamus was laying flat out now, his breath coming in

    gasps, Rhoman ha$ing dashed to his side, *Shamus4 Stay

    with us4* he begged, then looked up at Ashe as she finally

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    let her eyes lea$e the pile of what was left of the

    Ri$erlander. *"lease, help him4* he asked, begging in his


    She strode up to them, and tipped her sil$er flask to

    Shamus's lips, letting him swallow a small mouthful. As

    soon as he swallowed, she ripped the arrow from his body,

    the blood oo&ing out after it. Shamus' breathing became

    e$en, soft snores came from his lips as he fell into a deep

    sleep. Rhoman cradled his head in his lap, then seemed to

    slump himself, ehaustion and wounds then became

    apparent on the 1ing. Ashe handed him the flask, and


    *Take one swallow, Rhoman. 0ou'll heal.* she said inthat low, soft tone, but no hint of the malice was in it as

    she had toward the Ri$erlanders.

    He did as commanded, and handed back the small

    flask. He could feel the heat spread from his belly, and the

    pain fade to a dull ache. He continued to hold Shamus as(ill came up to them, kneeling by his 1ing's side. Ashe

    had already started back to her horse. The horse actually

    looked as if he had been busy as well, rounding up all the

    other horses that li$ed, Rhoman's as well as Ri$erlander's.

    Ashe went from horse to horse, applying the same

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    flask to each one, pulling out arrows and checking them

    o$er with knowing hands. Rhoman 5ust watched as the

    remaining men held the Ri$erlanders capti$e, all of whom

    were staring after Ashe in ab5ect terror. This woman, this

    outsider of great bearing and apparent power had lain

    waste to half of them, healed all of the wounded of

    Rhoman's, and most of theirs.

    She whispered in the (arhorse's ear, which then

    tossed his head and trotted o$er to Rhoman and his men.

    There were only enough horses for 6 to ride, the rest of the

    men were to be on foot. Rhoman looked to the woman who

    stood with the prisoners. She nodded to him and motioned

    to her horse. Two other larger horses trotted up to hers,and stood in wait for Rhoman and his two trusted men to

    mount. (as she going to go on foot with his men and the

    prisoners He didn't wait to ask, but patted Shamus's face

    until he woke. He looked up at Rhoman and (ill, then

    around.*Am # perished, y ord Rhoman* he asked.

    *+o, Shamus, the ady Ashe has sa$ed us, and perhaps

    the talks. (e need to ride now. She is going with the


    Shamus and (ill stood, helping Rhoman to his feet

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    with steady hands. They all mounted, as well as 7 others of

    Rhoman's retinue. They rode uickly down the road

    toward the Ri$erland, the castle and city were only a day

    ride's away, and Rhoman would be damned if this attack

    was going to set him and his intent back.

    Ashe looked around at all the men, then motioned

    forward, *Start walking.* She said to the prisoners, a touch

    of power behind her tongue kept any unci$il words at bay,

    and their feet mo$ed. 8uickly. She was uite pee$ed that

    the incident had occoured, but it was ended, and she had

    to follow up on her promise. As soon as they were out of

    sight of the corpses, the ground around them writhed and

    churned, e$en around the still smouldering puddle of steelslag that once was a person. All bodies seemed to

    disappear into the earth without a sound, and without a

    trace. The elemental had taken its claim.

    As the sun began to set, Ashe had some of the men go

    out and fetch firewood, as she made sure the prisoners satand rested. Soon she had a large bonfire going, the

    prisoners watching her closely, the fear still in their eyes.

    They dared not speak, for they saw what she had done to

    one of their captains. (hat could she do to their 1ing

    Their homes

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    She pulled from her armor a pouch the si&e of four

    hands together, perhaps enough to hold a gallon of water,

    and from that she pulled small items, which she threw to

    the ground. As each item hit the ground, up sprung a table

    or chair, and soon food was on those tables. Hot food,

    breads, butters, drinks. She looked around at them, and


    *# am not pleased with what your Ad$isor, 2hord, had

    done to upset this balance. y /od may or may not bring

    retribution down upon him, for he is a /od of 5ustice as

    well as of death. (hen we get to the Ri$erland, we will see

    what came of the deaths of your men. So until we get to

    your home, you will at least be fed and gi$en drink. 0ouand the men of Suna will be euals tonight, under my care.

    "ray to your gods that 2hord has seen the error of his

    ways, and "ray to your gods that your 1ing has seen the

    error of his choice of ad$isor. And "ray for your li$es to be

    spared if an accordance cannot be found between Rhomanand his 2ousin.*

    All of the men, including the Suna retinue, bowed

    their heads and prayed. (hen they all looked up, they saw

    each other in a slightly different light. They all ate uietly,

    sa$ouring each bite, and thanking their gods that their

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    li$es had been spared. The tales of the day would be passed

    from father to family, to grandfamily for generations. This

    was a sign from their gods that the peace had to be.

    Rhoman rode at the head of the remaining troupe, and

    at the break of morning, they trotted through the gates of

    the Ri$erland's ain capitol. "eople stopped in the streets

    as the large, hea$ily armored warhorse carried The 1ing of

    Suna toward arlon's castle. (ill carried their banner and

    Shamus watched the crowds, reading to make sure none

    had any more traitorous thoughts.

    Shamus was surprised to see that none thought of

    attack, but most were relie$ed and happy to see the Suna

    1ing ride through the city. They made the short trip to thecastle drawbridge, and (ill blew a horn to announce thier

    arri$al. The guards looked down at them from the

    ramparts, and wa$ed open the gate, allowing them


    The hea$y clop clop of hoo$es echoed through thecourtyard as Rhoman and his group walked their horses

    toward the stables. Stablehands came up to them, and held

    the horses as they dismounted. Two of the guards trotted

    off to announce their arri$al to the 1ing of Ri$erland, as

    the horses were lead off to be stabled and cared for.

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    Rhoman looked around, pulling off his blood stained

    glo$es, and pushing back the bit of hair that had blown

    into his face. A suire motioned to them, smiling. Shamus

    looked at him closely, noticing that he also was not in a

    murderous frame of mind. The Ad$isor, 2hord, seemed to

    ha$e his own agenda.

    *y ords, Sire Rhoman, "lease come inside. 0our

    cousin, Highness arlon, wishes you to take your rest in

    chambers. 0our ride must ha$e been rough by your

    missing the day by two. He is not upset, but in actuality,

    worried, 'ords.* The young man stated, motioning once


    *He speaks true, 'lord. et us go clean up and meetyour cousin in his court. (e need you to be fresh.* Shamus

    said softly, smiling. (ill had handed off the banner to be

    hung with their horses, and stood at Rhoman's right, also

    watching the Ri$erlanders.

    *Alright. (e will follow to the offered rooms.* Henodded to the young suire, who led them into the castle.

    (hen they entered their room, they were pleasantly

    surprised at the oppulance that the 1ing there had in store

    for them. There were bowls of fruit, cheeses and chunked

    meats on platters, drinks in pitchers with car$ed goblets

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    and fresh changes of clothing hung up on racks net to

    steaming tubs of water. They all stripped and began to

    bathe. Soon they were surprised that a do&on young

    women entered their room, carrying towels and scrubbing


    *!ur ord has commanded that you be treated as if

    you were 1ing here. (e are to bathe you and make you

    ready for the talks of "eace.* The one in the lead eplained.

    Shamus was $ery careful in reading the women, and their

    attentions, and so far, none had any intention of


    *3o any of you ser$ice the Ad$isor 2hord* (ill asked,

    looking at them suspiciously. !ne stepped forward. Shewas a lo$ely dark haired young woman of perhaps

    se$enteen, and kept her face lowered. Shamus focused on


    Her thoughts were non$iolent, but he could tell she'd

    seen the wrong end of a stick or whip in 2hord'schambers. She wanted to make her master happy, and to

    end the peace talks in any way would make 2hord happy.

    Shamus pointed at her, *0ou. Sit at the table, and one of the

    others, 5oin her, keep her occupied. There is food and

    drink enough for all of you as well as oursel$es.* Shamus

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    said in a soft tone. The girl looked up at him with a little

    fear, but nodded.

    The one in the lead tapped another's shoulder and

    motioned for her to 5oin 2hord's girl. *9at and drink. #f it

    makes His Highness of Suna pleased.* She said.

    *#t will, (hen we are done here, it would please me if

    all of you sat with us and shared a meal.* Rhoman stated.

    They all smiled at the prospect, and began to bathe the

    1ing and his men. They took their time, soaking off the

    long night's ride, some of the men e$en falling asleep in

    the arms of the women. Rhoman was feeling relaed, and

    finally ready to gather his thoughts, and the papers sa$ed

    for his cousin to read o$er.(hen they finished, and the do&ing men woken to

    dress and eat, they all sat at the table, gi$ing thanks to their

    gods for the welcome gi$en by the 1ing of the Ri$erland.

    The women all watched the 1ing and his men, then replied

    by thanking them for coming to end the hostilities towardeach kingdom. Rhoman began to eat, and talk to his men

    of how soon Ashe would make it to the castle, and if he

    should ask for another day to let her time to return the

    men to the Ri$erland.

    Some of the women looked surprised, ecept the one

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    that ser$ed 2hord. She looked down and gripped the edge

    of her slee$es. The head woman looked at her with


    *:illie, if you ha$e something to share, it would

    behoo$e you to do so. 2hord has been a good ad$isor, but

    we all know how he likes to treat you, and how he likes to

    keep the strife. (e are all actually $ery surprised the 1ing

    hasn't let him go as ad$isor.* she said, laying her hand on

    :illie's arm.

    She looked up at all of them, *2hord is a good man, he

    works so hard to keep this 1ingdom fed and warm in the

    cold seasons. He gi$es arlon ad$ise on how to keep us

    prosperous. * She looked sad, *# didn't want to say anything,but .. * She looked down again, *%ut 2hord planned an

    attack on Rhoman, sire... on the way here. He sent me to

    find out what happened to the other men.* she looked up

    again, afraid. * "lease, # am only doing as he asked me.*

    Rhoman nodded and scowled, but looked at her with atender eye, *ady, # do not blame you for who you ser$e,

    howe$er, we were attacked, and lucky for us, during our

    trip, we came across a $ery .... fortunate tiding. She will be

    bringing the sur$i$ors to the gates $ery soon, and # want

    her and those with her to be treated as we ha$e. y own

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    horse was killed in the attack, and the steed in the stables

    is actually her own. She is part of my retinue officially as

    of now. (hate$er she says will come from her as if #

    commanded it.* He looked around at all the people at the

    table, making sure his men understood as well as the

    women. *# want you to tell my cousin this as well.* He said

    to the lead woman who stood at (ill's right shoulder.

    *# will pass this message on to my ord, 0our

    Highness.* she bowed, then turned to lea$e, *Saille, you will

    take charge here until # return.* she tapped a $ery tall

    blonde on the arm, who nodded and smiled at Shamus.

    Ashe walked ahead of the group, ha$ing spent a fewminutes with each of the prisoners, speaking to them in

    turn, pri$ately. %y the end of the day, they all were

    con$ersing with the remnants of the Suna men, sharing

    stories, and finding out that all of the commands handed to

    them that had come from 2hord were what was causingmore strife than e$er had been gi$en by the 1ing arlon.

    Ashe took this information in stride, and at all of their

    stops, she would go off to the side and meditate. They left

    her alone during these times for she had made it uite

    clear that if anyone bothered her during her editations,

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    it had better be a life or death situation, or it would be a

    life or death situation.

    She would find herself sitting across from a large,

    5ackyl headed being during her meditations. There was a

    beautiful chess set between them, and she would make a

    mo$e, then he would. Soon they would con$erse about

    what was to be done in the Ri$erland.

    *Should # help these Suna people in these peace talks

    And what has happened to the ones # sent to you* she

    asked him, mo$ing her pawn a space, then leaning back in

    her chair.

    *0ou are right to assist the Suna 1ing. He is a 5ust man.

    The ones you sent to me were guilty of following ordershanded down from a man who has power o$er the 1ing of

    the Ri$erland. The peace talks are a trap, it seems. 0ou will

    be going up against a fairly powerful wi&ard named

    2hord.* The being said to her. His mouth mo$ed delicately,

    his tongue reaching out and licking the side of his nose asif in thought.

    *2hord, the ad$isor, is a wi&ard !r a Sorcerer* she

    asked as she watched him mo$e a rook, then contemplated

    her mo$e.

    *0es, actually, a (i&ard. He has no innate ability. He is,

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    returning contingent, and let them know that the 1ing of

    Suna had made it to the castle the morning before, and

    1ing arlon had alloted them the time to wait for the

    return of the remaining men. Ashe 5ust nodded as she

    o$erheard the $illager tell this to the Ri$erlander to her

    left. After the $illager ran off, the man turned to Ashe.

    *0es, # heard this, and #'m happy to know your 1ing is

    waiting for us. Howe$er, # think there will be more to this

    return than you think. "repare your men for perhaps

    treachery from within. # ha$e a feeling about your Royal

    Ad$isor. Ad$ise my men as well.* She said to him uietly,

    and smiled as he nodded to her, taking her words to heart.

    They soon passed through the same drawbridge thatRhoman and the others had passed through less than

    fourty-eight hours earlier. The men spread out and ga$e

    word that they were unharmed, unfortunately not all of

    them had made it back, but this would be brought up at

    the meetings between Rhoman and arlon. Ashe lookedaround and pinpointed the stables. She pulled aside a

    young worker and asked to be taken to them to make sure

    her stallion was well cared for. He nodded and led her to

    the stable where Hooahn was well brushed, watered and

    fed. She beamed a smile at the workers of the stables,

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    noting that the horses were all well taken care of. She ga$e

    each of them a large coin of sil$er, and made her way back

    to where the Suna men were gathered to be led to the

    castle proper.

    Ashe whispered a few protecti$e spells o$er herself as

    she made her way toward the castle, looking up and

    scanning the building for this 2hord who she was to be on

    watch for. She was not disappointed when she saw a

    la$ishly dressed man out on a small balcony, lookng down

    at the group with a large scowl on his face.

    They all walked through the halls up to a series of

    rooms where e$eryone was bid to take their rest, wash and

    be made comfortable. Ashe was led to a separate room, forshe was the only female in the contingent. She allowed for

    her separation, but signaled the men to try to contact her if

    anything went awry.

    She entered her room, escorted by an older woman

    dressed simply. The woman had a look of disdain on herface when she had reali&ed the warrior in shining, yet

    bloody armor was a female, but treated her with

    diffidence. The room itself was la$ish, smelling of lillies

    and roses. There was a large tub and change of clothing set

    out for Ashe, as if she were wearing something that 5ust

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    didn't work well with the customs of this land. She

    thanked the woman, and asked her not to be disturbed.

    The woman conceded, and backed out of the room.

    Ashe placed a small spell of holding on the door, took

    her time to bathe and change, the clothing fitting a bit

    loose, but short. Her simple spells fied that issue as well,

    making the dress fit perfectly. She cleaned her armor,

    packing it all away into her small, precious bag. All but for

    the web of sil$ery chain and gems that was her /ossamer,

    the coif. She placed a few more spells upon herself of non-

    detection, and applied makeups, and a bit of perfume. She

    was going to make an impression on this court, in the

    simplicity of her dress, if not her bearing alone.(hen she was finished, she opened the door to her

    room, to disco$er a pair of guards waiting for her.

    *"lease take me to my ord Rhoman's 2hambers.* She

    spoke softly to them. They looked at her with a bit of

    surprise.*1ing Rhoman of Suna is not to be interrupted,

    'ady. * !ne said to her, his $oice strong with command.

    She tilted her head and looked at the other guard. He

    merely stared at her, not uite eyele$el, in fact, she was

    nearly a good foot taller than both of them, but her dress

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    and stance made her look feminine, easily commanded in

    their eye.

    *y name is Ashe. # am his Royal Highness's own

    ad$isor. # will be led to his rooms, and # will determine

    weather or not he is to be bothered.* She said with a rolling

    accent that held a touch of power behind it.

    %oth men looked at her with surprise, and then

    around uickly, knowing that they were commanded to

    not allow anyone to see Rhoman, but this woman held

    herself much differently than any of the men in Rhoman's

    retinue. They nodded and motioned for her to follow.

    They stopped at the top of a series of steps where a

    large oak door sat, closed. There were two guards at thisdoor as well, and they looked at Ashe's guards in surprise.

    *The 1ing Rhoman is not to be disturbed as he is in

    conference with Ad$isor 2hord.* !ne said to her. This was

    not acceptable, she thought.

    *!pen the door. +ow.* She pointed to the door, and thecommand rolled from her once again. They all looked

    shaken, but the door was opened and swung open.

    Ashe stepped through the door, and into a large room

    where Rhoman sat alone across a table from the la$ishly

    dressed man with the scowl. There was a young woman at

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    2hord's side, and a guard at Rhoman's elbow. Rhoman sat

    as if in a trance as 2hord snapped a look to the door and at

    Ashe. He lept to his feet and pointed a hand at her, his look

    of pure malice made her tilt her head, then chuckle.

    *0ou are to lea$e, woman. 0ou are not allowed in my

    presence4* 2hord commanded, the guard at Rhoman's side

    drew his sword, and ad$anced upon her. The woman that

    had stood by him scurried to the other end of the room

    where a large fireplace held a crackling fire and a rack

    of ... torture impliments Ashe nodded as she felt a wa$e of

    command came from him. He was good, but not close to

    her power.

    *Sit the fuck down, asshole* She simply said, throwinga hand at the Ad$isor, who sat as if sho$ed down by a

    large hand. Rhoman didn't mo$e, but the guard did. He

    leapt at Ashe, attacking her uickly with his sword. He was

    fast, but she was faster, *H!3* she shouted, and he fro&e

    only inches from her, the sword close to her head, the edgebeginning to turn away from the /ossamer.

    She strode toward Rhoman, and wa$ed a hand o$er

    his eyes. *Release him of your hold, or # will make sure you

    will ne$er speak or see again.* She ga$e him a cool, e$en


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    2hord sat there in stark ama&ement, and then anger as

    he reali&ied that he had been caught. He began to chant

    and raised his arms. Ashe began to counter his spell when

    a solid whang4 et her ears, but nothing was felt but a

    small bump at her head. She turned and saw the young

    woman holding a large pan, arms shaking and a look of

    terror on her face.

    *0ou did not 5ust do that, you little bitch.* Ashe made a

    flicking motion with her hand which sent the girl flying

    back across the room, slamming into the wall and

    dropping like a sack of potatoes. She could feel a build of

    power around 2hord as it began to heat up around her,

    the air sworling around her as would a cyclone, and motesof fire shot toward her from the fireplace. She rolled her

    eyes, and walked uickly around the table toward 2hord,

    who's eyes grew wide as he reali&ed she was bringing the

    burn to him. His chanting stopped and the cyclone of heat

    and fire died down. Ashe took him by one wrist, makinghim cry out and writhe as if her touch alone was killing


    *Release 1ing Rhoman, # will not ask you again.* She

    whispered in his ear. The other four guards 5ust stood at

    the door, watching in silence as this small battle of magic

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    layed out before them. 2hord nodded and spoke a few

    words, wa$ing a hand in Rhoman's direction. Rhoman

    dropped in the chair, head hitting the table, as 2hord

    began to laugh at her.

    *0our precious king is dead, you abonination. arlon

    will be king of both lands, and you are net to meet your

    doom4* he cried out as she felt a piercing pain sink

    through her back and through her belly. !ne of the

    guards had come up behind her, stabbing her with his

    sword. She looked down at the sword as it then slid back

    through her, pulled out by the guard. She looked up at

    2hord and smiled. His laugh faded.

    She lifted him from his chair, her gauntleted handsthen gripping him by arm and collar as she swung him

    around, slamming him into the guard. The other three

    guards seemed to not understand what the hell was going

    on, and one e$en ran back down the stairs, calling for

    backup. Ashe lifted the now howling 2hord, and used himas a shield against the guard that 5ust stabbed her. The

    guard was backed toward the door, and then down step

    after step, the last two gaurds following him. She used

    2hord to hook and close the door, flicking her fingers at

    the lock. A satisfying click was heard as it locked. 2hord

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    continued to scream and try to chant. 9ach time he tried to

    speak a coherent word, she shook him until his teeth


    %lood had soaked down her dress, but soon stopped.

    She took 2hord to the fireplace and pinned him against the

    wall with one hand to his neck, *0ou rotton son of a bitch.

    0ou ruined my new dress4* she hissed, letting her eyes shift

    in color and the pupils in shape. 2hord blanched and

    began to flail again, *+ow, where do you keep your library,

    you rotten fuck* she growled, her teeth flashing in the

    dim light of the fireplace, serrated and ra&or sharp.

    2hord motioned with one hand to a second door in

    the corner, which she drug him to, using him to sho$e itopen. #nside the second room was row after row of books.

    +early a hundred of bound tomes and scrolls filled this

    small room, around a large table with candles and small

    containers. She sucked on her teeth a little, then hissed.

    *0ou really fucked up, 2hord, boy.* She purred at him,making him shake and shudder, eyes wide.

    *0ou can't do anything4 0ou're the enemy, and # will

    rule the land with arlon as my 1ing4 # am the power of

    this land and the lands in all directions4* he started to

    scream and kick at her. She took a few blows to her legs

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    and a knee to her thigh, then shook him again.

    *See, you idiot, you're a blight on the land, and #'m

    gi$en permission to erradicate your sick and sorry ass.

    These books are mine now, and you, # think you need to

    meet my /od. ay Anubus ha$e mercy on your soul.. then

    again.. # pray that my /od toss you in the Sty and let

    your soul rot in pain and suffering until the end of time.*

    She smiled at him then, her hand closing around his neck

    tighter, and tighter, feeling the bone crack and crunch

    under her fingers, then snap completely as his head

    flopped to the side. His body went limp, and a cry came

    from behind her.

    The young woman had woken from her unconsciousstate, and saw Ashe break 2hord's neck. She threw herself

    on 2hord's body, sobbing, howe$er, soon she stopped

    crying, and looked around as if she were unsure where she

    was. She stood, and looked around again, not e$en

    glancing at Ashe as she made her way out of the room, andto where the other door sat closed, locked. Ashe could

    sense something lift from the castle, as if a guise were

    remo$ed. She drug the body of 2hord to the other room

    and sho$ed him into the fireplace. She hastily called upon

    a fire elemental, offering the body to the flames in

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    echange for the complete de$ouring of the flesh fo the

    one who caused such suffering. She was not disappointed

    when a male body wo$e its way down the flue of the

    fireplace, looked at her with a gleaming smile, and began

    to eat the body of the dead mage, 2hord.

    Ashe watched only for a few moments before going to

    Rhoman's dead body, and wrapped a hand around her

    symbol on her neck. She closed her eyes and prayed,

    resting her hand on Rhoman's head, his cool skin way,

    and unmo$ing. She stood and prayed for nearly fi$e

    minutes until she could feel his skin warm to her touch,

    and a deep breath come from him, ribs rising and falling.

    She let him lay there, but arranged his arms to support hishead. He slept soundly as she returned to the other room,

    and began to cast spell after spell upon the racks of books

    and scrolls. 9ach one fell to the floor, looking $ery much

    like well-sewn small patches of cloth.

    Ashe scooped up each and e$ery patch, tucking theminto her precious pouch. She scoured the room for any

    hidden doors, panels or stones, and wasn't disappointed.

    There was a hidden door that opened to a large chest of

    gems and coins, most of which were stamped with the face

    of Rhoman, or someone that looked an aweful lot like him.

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    now, as well.* She smiled brightly, and nodded back to the

    girl who smiled, then reali&ed she was soaked in blood.

    *Ashe... you'$e been in5ured4* Rhoman took a shaky

    step toward her.

    She 5ust nodded, *#'ll be fine. y people heal uickly.

    0ou should come with me to the 1ing's chambers...* She

    then remembered the fro&en guard near the door. She

    released the spell upon him. He o$eretended in his

    attacking mo$e, and almost fell. He stopped uickly,

    howe$er, and looked around in confusion.

    He sheathed his sword, and bowed to them, *y lord

    Rhoman4* he eclaimed, and went to the door, *# don't

    know what in the nine hells 5ust happened, but # think weneed to find ord arlon.* He said uickly, motioning for

    them all to follow him out the door.

    Ashe also unlocked the door, letting it swing wide,

    where three guards stood, trying to unlock it. They looked

    5ust as confused as the fro&en guard had been, but bowedlow to the 1ing and Ashe, who had let the girl go down the

    stairs first. They all walked uickly down the stairs, where

    more of the Suna men had gathered, the /uards of the

    Ri$erland leading them to the base. Soon a shout and

    flurry of bodies made its way down the hallway toward

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    them. A large man in furs and golden crown came

    thundering down the hallway toward them all.

    Ashe stood between him and Rhoman, hands raising,

    but not doing anything until she reali&ed the look upon the

    1ing arlon's face was relief at the sight of his cousin. She

    stood aside as they embraced, and the guards fell away,

    relie$ed as well. These "eace Talks were going to be much

    better than all had hoped.

    Ashe sat in on the talks which lasted only two days.

    %efore the main talks, she eplained to the kings what

    2hord was, and that it seemed to be a rare thing indeed to

    ha$e magic in this land. They listened to her carefully, and

    agreed that agic was $ery powerful in the land, butshouldn't be feared, but closely guarded. Ashe eplained

    that she was to tra$el to the kingdom to the east that held

    the libraries of all the magics in this land. %oth arlon and

    Rhoman agreed that would be best, and that Rhoman

    would wait until she returned to tra$el back to Suna.(ill and Shamus didn't lea$e Rhoman's side again the

    entire time of the talks, and all three saw her off as she

    mounted her horse, and headed east, to the land of ages.

    They all turned to return to arlon's castle, a feeling of

    success in their minds and hearts, and the 5oy of peace

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    being known for the first time in years. The loss of 2hord

    had hit some hard, but they only felt it because he had

    gi$en them power. (ith him gone, howe$er, they were left

    to their own de$ises, to try to gain power back again

    without aid of magic and 2hord's words in the 1ing's ear.

    Ashe rode out of the small city heading east. She

    patted Hooahn's neck and smiled, whistling a tune. Her

    god had gi$en her a task, and she was happy to do this for

    him. #t was who she was. She was 3eath. She was :ustice.

    She was Ashe, and none could take her from her duty.

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