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The role of feed-forward and feedback processesfor closed-loop prosthesis controlIan Saunders* and Sethu Vijayakumar


Background: It is widely believed that both feed-forward and feed-back mechanisms are required for successfulobject manipulation. Open-loop upper-limb prosthesis wearers receive no tactile feedback, which may be thecause of their limited dexterity and compromised grip force control. In this paper we ask whether observedprosthesis control impairments are due to lack of feedback or due to inadequate feed-forward control.

Methods: Healthy subjects were fitted with a closed-loop robotic hand and instructed to grasp and lift objects ofdifferent weights as we recorded trajectories and force profiles. We conducted three experiments under differentfeed-forward and feed-back configurations to elucidate the role of tactile feedback (i) in ideal conditions, (ii) undersensory deprivation, and (iii) under feed-forward uncertainty.

Results: (i) We found that subjects formed economical grasps in ideal conditions. (ii) To our surprise, this abilitywas preserved even when visual and tactile feedback were removed. (iii) When we introduced uncertainty into thehand controller performance degraded significantly in the absence of either visual or tactile feedback. Greatestperformance was achieved when both sources of feedback were present.

Conclusions: We have introduced a novel method to understand the cognitive processes underlying grasping andlifting. We have shown quantitatively that tactile feedback can significantly improve performance in the presenceof feed-forward uncertainty. However, our results indicate that feed-forward and feed-back mechanisms servecomplementary roles, suggesting that to improve on the state-of-the-art in prosthetic hands we must developprostheses that empower users to correct for the inevitable uncertainty in their feed-forward control.

BackgroundFor many decades researchers have considered the pos-sibility of ‘closing the loop’ for upper-limb prosthesiswearers. Historically, feedback has been added toincrease patient confidence [1] and to improve objectgrasping and lifting [2,3]. In the future we may see pros-thetic hands that integrate directly with the amputee’snervous system, utilising state-of-the-art sensor technol-ogy [4,5] and relying on pioneering medical procedures[6-8]. Nevertheless, state-of-the-art upper limb pros-theses are still open-loop devices with limited degrees ofcontrol, described as “clumsy” [9] and requiring consid-erable mental effort [10]. As technology continues toadvance it is more important than ever that we findeffective ways of delivering feedback to amputees.

Artificial feedback systems can exploit the idea of sen-sory substitution: feedback delivered in a different mod-ality or to a different location on the body in an attemptto exploit the latent plasticity of the nervous system. Forexample, Multiple Sclerosis patients significantly over-grip objects [11], but when sufferers receive vibratoryfeedback of their grip force (displaced to their less-affected hand) these forces reduce [12]. In a similar way,prosthesis fingertip forces have been transferred to thestump [13] or even the toes of amputees [14] to createappropriate and useful sensations. Successful substitu-tion is achieved when subjects no longer perceive thestimulation as an abstract signal but instead as an exten-sion of their sense of touch. Achieving ‘embodiment’ inthis sense depends critically on the presence of feedback[15]. Despite these promising results, few studies haveobjectively quantified the benefits of artificial tactilefeedback. One must not only question the efficacy ofthe feedback method (e.g. its resolution and latency) but

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Perception, Action and Behaviour, School of Informatics,University of Edinburgh, UK

Saunders and Vijayakumar Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2011, 8:60http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/8/1/60 J N E R JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING


© 2011 Saunders and Vijayakumar; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

also identify what feedback information should be pro-vided and observe how well it integrates with our exist-ing sensory processes (i.e. whether their presenceobviates its utility [16]). A key feature of human gripforce control is the ability to act in a feedforward man-ner, a mechanism by which people act in anticipation oftheir actions in the absence of externally-arising cues.The formation and maintenance of internal models hasbeen studied in healthy individuals (reviewed in [17]),but the coupling between feedforward and feedback pro-cesses has not been studied in prosthesis wearers.Research in intact and deafferented humans has sug-

gested that both feedback and feedforward mechanismsare required for successful object manipulation, with amarked disassociation between these aspects of control[18]. The difference between feedforward and feedbackprocesses is of fundamental importance to our under-standing of human sensorimotor behaviour [19], andlikewise should be considered crucial in designing aprosthesis to improve the quality of life for amputees.Feedforward anticipatory grip forces precede loadchanges due to acceleration, a phenomenon unimpairedby digital anaesthesia [20] and long-term peripheral sen-sory neuropathy [21]. In contrast, the scaling of gripforce magnitude is not preserved under anaesthesia,resulting in over-grip and unstable forces [20], suggest-ing that cutaneous cues are required to allow us tomaintain our forward model of grip force. These studiesindicate a vital role of tactile feedback for both learningand maintenance of internal models.In this study we use the behavioural phenomenon of

economical grasping and lifting to quantify the

contributions of these fundamental processes in prosthe-sis control. Economical grasping is a stereotypicalhuman behaviour in which grip forces scale appropri-ately with objects of different loads (minimising effortyet avoiding slip). This phenomenon has been charac-terised for both healthy [22] and sensory-impaired sub-jects [20,21]. In this study we augment healthy subjectswith an artificial extension to their nervous system (Fig-ure 1), creating a model system in which we can readilymanipulate the control interface, the robotic controller,on-board sensors, and feedback transduction. Using thisclosed-loop manipulandum we observe the effect of arti-ficial sensory impairments on the phenomenon of grasp-ing and lifting.We conducted three experiments designed to focus spe-

cifically on the interaction between feedforward and feed-back processes. In our first experiment we created anidealised scenario in which sensory and motor uncertaintywere minimised. Subjects were asked to grasp, lift andmove an object, and we provided vibrotactile force feed-back on 50% of the trials. We hypothesised that under‘simulated anaesthesia’ subjects would still be able to gripeconomically, albeit with larger variability and more errors,since anaesthesia does not impair anticipatory force con-trol in healthy individuals [20]. In our second experimentwe deprived subjects of visual, tactile and auditory feed-back in order to quantify the resulting benefits of vibrotac-tile feedback in the absence of all other sensory cues.Intermittent sensory feedback is necessary to update andmaintain internal models of object dynamics [18] andvibrotactile feedback has been shown to be beneficialunder partial sensory deprivation [16]. We therefore

Figure 1 The ‘Grasp and Lift’ paradigm with our Closed-Loop prosthetic hand. Healthy subjects were fitted with a modified i-limb Pulseprosthetic hand with a two-channel differential force controller. Grip-force feedback was delivered to their arm using a vibrotactile feedbackarray (see methods). They were instructed to grasp, lift and replace a low-friction object (inset 1-5). A typical trajectory (showing grip force, objectand thumb elevation, and grasp aperture) is also shown.

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hypothesised that under complete sensory deprivationeconomical grasping ability would decline, but in the pre-sence of vibrotactile feedback it would not. An unex-pected result in the second experiment suggested thatanother strategy was employed in the absence of feed-back, sufficient for subjects to negotiate an efficient gripforce. We hypothesised that this may be due to feedfor-ward information and sought evidence for this hypothesisthrough our third experiment. We induced temporalunpredictability to the controller in order to manipulatefeedforward uncertainty to quantify the utility of visualand vibrotactile feedback under feedforward uncertainty.By adding temporal unpredictability to the hand, subjectsexperience reduced utility of feedforward control. Wehypothesised that this would increase their dependencyon vibrotactile feedback. Together these experiments pro-vide a window into the role of feedforward and feedbackprocesses for prosthesis control. In this study we aim toexplore a well characterised behavioural phenomenonusing a novel sensorimotor platform, open to arbitrarymanipulation. Our results confirm differential roles forfeedforward and feedback processes, and reveals theircomplementary nature.

MethodsSubjectsSubjects were healthy males and females, all right-handed and aged between 21 and 30 years old, sampledfrom the academic institute in which the research wasconducted. They had both upper limbs intact, and hadnormal or corrected-to-normal eyesight. None of thesubjects had previous experience controlling aprosthesis.The experimental protocols were in compliance with

the Helsinki Declaration and assessed in accordancewith the University of Edinburgh School of Informaticspolicy statement on the use of humans in experiments,approved by the Planning and Resources Committeeand the Research Advisory Committee. All subjects gaveinformed consent before participation in the study.

Hardware SetupClosed Loop HandHealthy subjects were fitted with a modified Touch Bio-nics i-limb Pulse prosthetic hand on their dominant(right) hand (Touch Emas, UK), using a custom-built‘socket’ (Figure 1). This state-of-the-art, commerciallyavailable prosthesis has a differential (open/close) con-troller, driven by two surface electromyography (EMG)electrodes. The hand has 5 individually-powered digits,and a bluetooth interface to allow real-time streaming ofdata to a PC for data logging. It has scored highly interms of patient satisfaction [23] and is an open-loophand, making it an ideal candidate for developing a

feedback system. We modified the firmware of the handto enable differential force control.Differential Force ControlWe used a ‘gated ramp controller, for two-channel dif-ferential position and force control (e.g. see [24]). Sub-jects controlled the hand using extensor and flexorsignals detected by force-sensing resistors (FSRs) rigidlyattached to the fingertip (see Figure 1). For simplicity ofoperation, the signals operated as binary switches. Theflexor signal closed the hand at a constant speed of0.12m/s, and when contact was made the force rampedup at approximately 5N/s. The extensor signal openedthe hand at a constant speed of 0.12m/s. This simplecontroller allowed subjects to control the force theyexerted, in the range 0-15N, by modulating the durationof the signal. We chose this method as it is similar tothe existing controller on the i-limb pulse hand, whichis a highly successful open-loop prosthesis.Vibrotactile FeedbackA ‘vibrotactile feedback array’ was constructed usingeight 10 mm diameter shaftless button-type vibrationmotors (Precision Microdrives, UK). These were eachconnected to transistors on the output of digital latches,to enable the switching on and off of each motor whenthe appropriate digital signal was sent from aPIC18F4550 microcontroller (Microchip, USA). Themicrocontroller was running custom firmware, includinga universal serial bus (USB) module that enabled a per-sonal computer (PC) to control the vibrotactile stimula-tion. The hardware allows us to control the pulse widthand period of stimulation. This enabled independentcontrol of the duty cycle and frequency of pulses toeach motor. Our firmware modulation allowed motorpatterns at frequencies ranging from 2 Hz to 200 Hz,and with pulse-widths of 500μs to 64 ms.Subjects were fitted with a socket containing the

vibrating motors (shown in Figure 1). The eight motorsspanned the full length of the palmar-side of the fore-arm. The grip force on the object was translated into astimulation location: weak forces were perceived nearthe wrist and string forces (up to 10 N) near the elbow.To further increase the resolution of this tactile displaywe devised a method to create ‘between-motor’ sensa-tions, achieved by co-stimulation of neighbouringmotors.Sensor Recording EquipmentA large FSR (5 cm square) was attached to the objectbeing lifted. The sensor was calibrated using high preci-sion digital scales, so that the force output could beaccurately recorded at 1 kHz in the range 0N to 10N,using a 10-bit analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) onthe the microcontroller, streamed to PC software. Posi-tion sensors were attached to the thumb and forefinger,the wrist and the base of the object, to enable accurate

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three dimensional tracking using a Polhemus Liberty240 Hz 8-sensor motion tracking system (Polhemus,USA), and logged by PC software. The i-limb hand wasconfigured to stream state information, such as controlsignals from the EMG inputs to the hand, via bluetoothto the PC software.All data were collated using the same PC software to

ensure accurate temporal calibration. Force feedbackwas streamed back to the microcontroller for provisionof vibrotactile feedback.

ExperimentsPreliminary Experiment: ‘Just noticeable difference’measurementTo establish the efficacy of the feedback system, we ranan adaptive-staircase design two-interval forced-choiceprotocol. Subjects (N = 6) were presented with two suc-cessive vibrotactile stimuli (10 ms duration, 3 msseparation) and asked to report if the second stimuluswas located to the right or to the left of the first. Thiswas done at 6 reference locations along the forearm.Probe stimuli locations were chosen, as per the adap-tive-staircase design, to converge on the 75% just-notice-able-difference (JND) threshold. This is the threshold atwhich subjects correctly determine the location on 75%of the trials, where ‘chance’ is at 50%. Subjects received20 pairs of stimuli for each location, which was suffi-cient to establish a per-subject psychometric curve anda per-location psychometric curve (across subjects).Overview: Economical Grasping ParadigmHealthy individuals exhibit stereotypical and repeatablegrasping profiles [22,25] and the term ‘economicalgrasp’ describes this ability to minimise grip force whileavoiding slip. This phenomenon relies on both feedfor-ward and feedback mechanisms (see introduction).In our three main experiments, subjects were given

on-screen instructions to grasp and lift objects with suf-ficient force, and to avoid dropping or over-gripping theobject. Two objects were used, one ‘heavy’, (300 g) andone ‘lightweight’ (150 g). The objects were upward-tapered identical rigid beakers, 55 mm diameter at thepoint of contact, covered with a low-friction cellulosefilm. Since we are primarily interested in establishingwhether or not subjects are able to differentially controltheir grip force, we define an economical grasp occur-ring when subjects are able to appropriately assign dif-ferent grip forces to the two objects (Note: in the thirdexperiment we use just the heavy object to reduce theexperiment complexity, and so ability at this task isjudged by the difference in measured performance mag-nitude between the feedback conditions.)Experiment 1: Grasp, lift and move taskIn our first main experiment we intended to create idea-lised conditions. The i-limb hand was controlled using

FSRs, so that it would respond immediately and predic-tably to control signals. Subjects were allowed to usevisual feedback throughout, and performed repeatedtrials with each object weight. Subjects (N = 6) werefitted with the i-limb socket with vibrotactile motorsalong the palmar forearm. On a given trial subjectswere instructed to grasp, lift and transfer an objectbetween two locations, spaced 20 cm apart. After eachtrial subjects received on-screen feedback of their peakgrip force during the trial. Subjects performed fourblocks of trials, each of which included 20 trials with theheavy object and 20 trials with the lightweight object. Ina given block, each subject was exposed to one of twocounterbalanced experimental conditions: either with orwithout vibrotactile feedback of grasp force (see Figure2). In our analyses we examined the effect of tactilefeedback condition and object weight on performance.Experiment 2: Grasp and lift task with feedback deprivationIn our second main experiment we examined perfor-mance when subjects were deprived of all useful sourcesof feedback: visual, auditory and additional tactile cueswere eliminated. We compared two groups under thissensory deprivation condition so as to observe the bene-fit of tactile feedback alone on performance. Twelvesubjects were split into two groups for vibrotactile feed-back condition. One group (N = 6) had vibrotactile

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group one group two

phase one phase two

Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Experiment 3






Figure 2 Experiment Overview. We conducted three behaviouralexperiments to examine the role of feedback. (A) In Experiment 1we allowed subjects to use visual feedback throughout, andalternated the presence of vibrotactile feedback. Object weight(lightweight, ‘L’, and heavy, ‘H’) varied between blocks as shown.The order of presentation of feedback was counterbalanced(indicated by the double-headed arrow). (B) In Experiment 2 weused two groups of subjects, one with vibrotactile feedback andone without. Subjects performed two blocks with visual feedback,and a third immersed in darkness, with different object weights. (C)In Experiment 3 subjects had an initial training phase, then had twophases of trials in all four feedback configurations (visual, tactile,neither and both), counterbalanced as shown.

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feedback for the duration of the experiment, and theother group (N = 6) received random (uncorrelated) tac-tile stimuli.On a given trial, subjects were instructed to grasp and

lift an object in a fixed location, then return it to the samelocation. After each trial subjects received on-screen feed-back of their peak grip force during the trial. Subjectsexperienced three blocks of trials, two in the light, and onein the dark. Each block included 12 trials with a heavyobject and 12 trials with a lightweight object.Visual feedback was removed by immersing subjects in

darkness. The robotic hand and the object were coveredin dark materials so that the hand and its movementswere not visible at any time. Subjects were alsoinstructed to look at a screen throughout the trial,though they were able to see if the object had been suc-cessfully lifted by observing the movement of a phos-phorescent strip attached to the top of the object.Auditory feedback was removed by playing white noisethrough earphones, and separately through a speaker.Additional sources of tactile feedback, such as vibrationswhen contact is made or during force ramping, wereremoved by the use of random (uncorrelated) vibrotac-tile stimuli. These stimuli appeared at random locationson the arm, vibrating with randomised frequencies andfor unpredictable durations. In our analyses we exam-ined the effect of tactile feedback condition, visual feed-back condition (block 2 versus 3), and object weight ontask performance.Experiment 3: Grasp and lift task with feedback deprivationand feedforward deprivationIn our third main experiment we added feedforwarduncertainty by inducing random unpredictable delays tothe hand controller. In contrast to experiments 1 and 2,where the control of the hand was repeatable and pre-dictable, this experiment was designed to examine therole of feedback under motor uncertainty, such as ismore typical in real-world situations. We added randomdelays to the hand motion before the onset of move-ment and before the onset of the force ramp. Delayswere drawn uniformly from the interval 0 s to 1.5 s, theorder of magnitude of a typical hand movement, simu-lating the grasping of unknown-size objects (see discus-sion). Each subject (N = 12) was exposed to fourdifferent feedback conditions. We modified both thevisual feedback condition (light versus dark) and tactilefeedback condition (vibrotactile feedback versus no feed-back). For each condition subjects performed a block of12 trials. In a given trial, subjects were instructed tograsp and lift an object in a fixed location, then returnit to the same location, as per experiment 2.We used a within-subject design to reduce the effects

of inter-subject variability. Since using a within-subjectsdesign it was important to minimise interaction between

the order of blocks and subject’s ability to control thehand. We therefore mixed the subjects into fourbetween-subject groups. Each group had a different con-figuration of the visual feedback order and the tactilefeedback order, to ensure any learning effects werecounterbalanced. This enabled us to control for carry-over effects within-subjects. Furthermore, we alsotrained subjects briefly before the start of the first trial,with full feedback sensibility, so that they could get usedto the control mechanism of the hand.Subjects performed the four blocks of the experiment

over two separate phases. This would allow us to detectany effects of learning across phases. We used the sameobject for all trials to simplify the design. In our analyseswe examined the effect of tactile feedback condition,visual feedback condition and the phase of the experi-ment. We also ensured that there were no effects ofvisual feedback order or tactile feedback order whichmight confound the results. One subject was discardedfrom these analyses as he used a different strategy tocomplete the task (the subject was able to detect suc-cessful contact using his free hand).

Performance measures and statistical analysisAutomatic SegmentationData from each trial were automatically segmented. Datawere annotated to mark occasions where the objectslipped or was dropped. We located the start and end ofthe force ramp, and the period for which the object waselevated. Figure 1 shows a typical recorded trajectory, andillustrates segmentation features. Phases 3 and 4, high-lighted, are the ‘force ramp’ and ‘lifting phase’ respectivelyThis temporal segmentation allows us to compute theduration of the motion, count the number of errors made,and compute the grasp force during object lift.Grasp ForceA key indicator of economical grasping is avoidance ofover-grip. Lightweight objects should be gripped withless force than heavier objects. For a given trial i wetherefore define the grasp force, fi, as the average gripforce (in Newtons) applied to the object for the durationof its elevation.Ramp DurationThe duration of the control signal is directly related tothe subjects intended grasp force. This is a more reliableindicator of force than the FSR reading, as subjectsmight make imperfect contact with the sensor. For agiven trial i we define the ramp duration, ri, as the dura-tion in milliseconds of the force ramp phase, excludingany random delays induced in experiment 3.Trial DurationFor a given trial i we define the trial duration, di, as theduration in milliseconds of the entire trial, excludingany random delays induced in experiment 3.

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Number of errorsFor a given trial i we define the number of errors, ei,as the sum of ‘drops’, ‘slips’ and ‘failed lifts’. A dropoccurs when the object is in a stable grasp (betweenthe thumb and forefinger with grip force> 1 N), andthe downward acceleration of the object is 5 m/s2

greater than the downward acceleration of the thumb.A slip occurs when the object is in a stable grasp, andthe upward velocity measured at the tip of the thumbis greater than the upward velocity measured at thebase of the object by more than 0.05 m/s. A failed liftoccurs when the object is not in a stable grasp (gripforce< 1N) and the upward velocity measured at thetip of the thumb is greater than the upward velocitymeasured at the base of the object by 0.05 m/s. If twoerrors are detected in a given 60 ms period we countthis as just one error.Grasp ScoreWe devised a compound metric to handle inter-subjectvariability: a per-trial grasp score si, rates each trajectory,i, in terms of both speed and accuracy. A higher graspscore indicates worse performance. This metric is com-prised of four terms, to capture the grasp force, fi, theramp duration, ri, the trial duration di, and the numberof errors, ei, defined as follows:

si = norm(f , i) + norm(r, i) + norm(d, i) + ei (1)

norm(x, i) =xi − target(x)

peak(x) − target(x)(2)

target(x) = minj(xj|ej = 0) (3)

peak(x) = maxj(xj) (4)

target computes the best performance from a givensubject’s successful trials (i.e. only using trials in whichthere were no errors, denoted by the conditional term).This is therefore a measure of the subjects target perfor-mance. peak, is a measure of the subject’s worst perfor-mance over all trials. norm uses the target and peakfunctions to normalise each trajectory into a per-subjectrange, where si = 0 indicates good performance on triali, and si ≥ 1 indicates bad performance on trial i.

AnalysesIn our subsequent data analyses we use the grasp force,duration of ramp and the grasp score measures to com-pare performance. In a pilot trial these were determinedto be the most relevant measures of a successful grasp.We correct for the use of repeated measures in our sta-tistical analyses (except where univariate results areexplicitly reported).

ResultsPreliminary Experiment: We can effectively communicategrasp forces to patients using artificial feedbackBefore using our tactile feedback interface we conducteda preliminary experiment to verify that its efficacy(bandwidth) would be satisfactory to enable economicalgrasping. We calculated the just-noticeable-difference(JND) threshold of the stimuli using an adaptive-stair-case forced-choice design (see methods). Data for all sixsubjects were combined.A cumulative Gaussian function was fitted to the pro-

portion of correct responses as a function of stimulusseparation. Figure 3A shows curve fits at three locationsalong the arm. As our adaptive staircase method doesnot give evenly distributed points, we do not fit thecurve to binned data (though it is also shown for com-parison). In Figure 3B we plot the across-subject JNDthreshold as a function of stimulus location. The resultsindicate that 12 discriminable levels are attainable overthe length of the forearm, and sensitivity increases nearthe wrist and elbow.

Experiment 1: In ideal conditions, subjects performeconomical grasps regardless of feedbackIn our first main experiment we measured grasp econ-omy for prosthesis wearers under ideal conditions. Eco-nomical grasping is achieved when subjectsappropriately assign different grip forces to objects ofdifferent weight (see methods).To create ideal conditions, the robot hand was

attached to healthy individuals and was controlled witha noise-free, predictable and responsive differentialforce-control algorithm (see methods). In a given blockof trials subjects were asked to grasp, lift and move anobject multiple times, with visual feedback throughout.Vibrotactile feedback was provided on some blocks (seemethods).The force trajectories for one subject are shown in

Figure 4. The data indicates that, for this subject, whilethere was less variability when vibrotactile feedback wasavailable, economical grasps were formed regardless offeedback condition: the lightweight object is graspedwith less force, and the heavier object with greaterforce. This phenomenon is consistent across subjects.In order to evaluate this observation statistically, we

reduced the recorded data to three measures of perfor-mance: grasp force, duration of force ramp and graspscore (see methods). Figure 4 shows the data groupedacross subjects.A within-subjects ANOVA, with factors of object

weight (heavy/lightweight) and tactile feedback condition(with vibrotactile feedback/without vibrotactile feedback)revealed a significant main effect of object weight (F(3,

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3) = 659, p <.001), but no significant effect of tactilefeedback condition (F(3, 3) = 2.61, p = .226), and nointeraction (F(3, 3) = 1.42, p = .390) The main effect ofobject weight was significant on all measures (F(1, 5) ≥92.9, p ≤ .001). However, no significant effect of tactilefeedback condition was found for any of the three mea-sures (F(1, 5) ≥ 2.74, p ≤ .159).

Experiment 2: When deprived of additional sensory cues,trained subjects show no significant deficit in graspeconomyIn our second main experiment we measured graspeconomy for prosthesis wearers under ideal conditionswith all additional sensory cues removed (visual, tactileand auditory, see methods). As a preliminary trial weobserved a single naive subject in the dark (data notshown). We found that performance was greatlyimpaired in the initial dark block. Over all 10 trials thesubject failed to supply enough force to successfully liftthe object. However, the same subject completed thetask with ease in a second dark block after 10 trials ofvision-assisted training.In a full experiment we compared performance with

and without tactile feedback between two distinctgroups. Subjects were exposed to three blocks of trials,the first two in the light and the third in the dark (seemethods). The grouped data are shown in Figure 5. Abetween-subjects ANOVA, with factors of object weight(heavy object/lightweight object), visual feedback

condition (light block/dark block) and tactile feedbackcondition (with vibrotactile feedback/without vibrotactilefeedback) revealed a significant main effect of visualfeedback condition (F(3, 8) = 4.68, p = .036). While nosignificant main effect was found for object weight (F(3,8) = 2.1, p = .179), univariate tests did reveal a signifi-cant effect of object weight, on all three measures: graspforce (F(1, 10) = 7.84, p = .019), ramp duration (F(1, 10)= 5.01, p = .049) and grasp score (F(1, 10) = 6.58, p =.028). Univariate tests also confirmed the main effect ofvisual feedback condition (F(1, 10) ≥ 7.62, p ≤ .020, allmeasures). There was no significant between-groupsmain effect of tactile feedback condition (F(3, 8) = 0.218,p = .881) and univariate tests also revealed no significanteffect on any measure of performance of tactile feedbackcondition (F(1, 10) ≤ 0.764, p ≥ .402).

Experiment 3: When feedforward uncertainty is increased,trained subjects show significant performance deficitswhen deprived of either visual or tactile feedbackExperiments 1 and 2 indicate that tactile feedbackmay offer limited practical utility for grasp force con-trol if the hand controller is predictable. In the thirdmain experiment we added uncertainty to the handcontroller, in the form of brief randomised delays (seemethods). This unpredictability was used to reducesubject’s ability to form an accurate feedforward esti-mate (see discussion). The grouped data are shown inFigure 6.

stimulus separation / cm reference location / cm


e lo


n / c



ent c


ct re



510 15 201.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5







Figure 3 Just Noticeable Difference (JND) experiment. We measured subjects’ ability to distinguish adjacent vibrotactile stimuli. Referencestimuli were chosen at six locations starting from the wrist (location 0) to the elbow (location 255). (A) Psychometric curves at three separatelocations along the arm. The coloured circles correspond to average response data when binned into groups of 10 data points. Thepsychometric curves are Cumulative Gaussians fit to the raw data. (B)Sensitivity along the forearm can be plotted as a function of the success atdistinguishing any two given stimuli. The 75% JND thresholds (black bars) suggest a region of stimulus indistinguishability (red shaded region).From this region we calculate the number of just-distinguishable stimuli, shown by the black blobs. This analysis indicates that approximately 12distinguishable stimuli can be perceived along the forearm.

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In experiment 3 subjects found the task more difficult(indicated by a higher mean grasp score compared toexperiment 2). Under the increased difficulty we foundthat subject’s grasp forces were outside the linear range

of our force sensor. For consistency, we retained thegrasp force measure in our analyses. The remainingmetrics were still sufficient to show a significant maineffect of tactile feedback.A within-subjects ANOVA, with factors of visual feedback

condition (light block/dark block), tactile feedback condition(with vibrotactile feedback/without vibrotactile feedback)and phase (phase one/phase two) revealed a significant maineffect of visual feedback condition (F(3, 8) = 6.91, p = .013)and a significant main effect of tactile feedback condition (F(3, 8) = 7.51, p = .010). There was no significant main effectof phase (F(3, 8) = 1.56, p = .274), and there were no signifi-cant interactions (F(3, 8) ≤ 2.17, p ≥ .169).Post-hoc comparisons revealed that the cause of the

effects was best explained with the grasp score measure(see Figure 6) As an additional analysis, we comparedthe grasp score measure for the various feedback condi-tions in the second phase of trials. In trials withoutvisual feedback we found a significant effect of tactilefeedback (F(1, 11) = 6.4, p = .028), but with visual feed-back there was no significant effect of tactile feedback(F(1, 11) = 0.405, p = .538). We also found that withouttactile feedback there was a significant effect of visualfeedback (F(1, 11) = 9.27, p = .011), but with tactilefeedback there was no significant effect of visual feed-back (F(1, 11) = 0.231, p = .640). This suggests that,after training, either modality was sufficient to enabletask performance (see discussion).

DiscussionThe purpose of our first experiment was to quantify thebenefits of tactile feedback in an idealised grasping andlifting task. We used grasp economy as our measure ofperformance, a phenomenon known to depend on feed-back and feedforward predictions (see introduction). Ithas previously been shown that two chronically deaffer-ented patients were not significantly different fromhealthy matched controls at scaling grip force to differ-ent object weights [18].A study to quantify the benefits of artificial feedback

for force control also found no significant differencebetween feedback and no-feedback groups [26]. Consis-tent with these studies, we found no effect of tactilefeedback condition, yet we found a highly significanteffect of object weight, indicating economical graspsregardless of tactile feedback. A preliminary experimenthad confirmed that our feedback system offered ade-quate bandwidth to subjects. We therefore suspectedthat, under the ideal conditions of experiment 1, sub-jects’ ability to grasp economically was due to abundantsensory cues (from visual and auditory modalities).Contrary to our hypothesis, in our second experiment

subjects were still capable of differentiating objectweights and applying appropriately economical grip

Figure 4 Grouped results from Experiment 1. (A) Sample grasp-force trajectories from Experiment 1, from a single subject. In eachplot the x-axis denotes time in seconds, and the y-axis the force inNewtons. The plots show four different experimental conditions:lifting a heavy object without (top left), and with vibrotactilefeedback (top right); lifting a lightweight object without (bottomleft), and with vibrotactile feedback (bottom right). For this subject,tactile feedback offers little utility in reducing grasp force, only inreducing variability. Object weight, on the other hand, has a cleareffect on grasp forces. (B) Data from Experiment 1, grouped byfactor, using three metrics to compare performance. Error barsdenote standard error. N = 6. Comparison of within-subject factorsof tactile feedback condition (green bars) and object weight (bluebars). Weight is split into lightweight (’L’) and heavy (’H’). ANOVAresults revealed a significant main effect of object weight, but notof tactile feedback condition, denoted by the stars. (C) Data fromExperiment 1, grouped by feedback condition, using three metrics.Error bars denote standard error. N = 6. Comparison of subjects’ability to discriminate object weight as a function of feedbackcondition. Feedback conditions were with tactile feedback (’tactile’)and without tactile feedback (’none’). The two bars per conditionindicate performance with the lightweight object (’L’) and heavyobject (’R’). Successful discrimination is indicated by a positive slope.Subjects were able to discriminate equally well in either feedbackcondition.

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forces when deprived of all sources of sensory feedback.We found no significant difference in grasp economybetween two groups, one with vibrotactile feedback andone without, nor did we find a significant differencebetween the light and dark conditions. It has been pre-viously shown in healthy humans that cutaneous feed-back enables maintenance of the anticipatorycomponents of grasping [18], but our results suggestthat, under the idealised control conditions, force feed-back was not necessary for this purpose. However, wedid find a higher overall grip force in the absence ofvisual feedback, consistent with an increased safety-mar-gin observed in feedback-deprived individuals [20].Nevertheless, subjects still differentiated the two objects,which requires precise signal timing in order to setappropriate grasp forces. Since the objects were liftedmultiple times, we concluded that subjects were able tolearn an internal model in the absence of within-trialfeedback. We posit that a feedforward process was play-ing a crucial role in the observed behaviour.The results of our third experiment showed that when

feedforward predictability was degraded, performance

degraded too. However, with the addition of eithervisual or tactile feedback, performance was restored,providing evidence that feedback is required in the pre-sence of feedforward uncertainty. Best performance wasachieved in the presence of both sources of feedback,suggesting that visual and tactile cues play complemen-tary roles in facilitating successful grasps in the presenceof uncertainty.In this study we used a vibrotactile feedback interface.

Direct pressure-feedback devices [27] may offer a morenatural sensation, and electrotactile feedback might pro-vide greater spatial resolution [28] at the expense ofsafety. However, vibrotactile feedback systems are givencredit for their low cost, size and weight and the simpli-city and flexibility with which they can be used in sen-sory substitution applications [29]. For these practicalreasons we developed a spatially-encoded vibrotactilefeedback interface (similar to [30]). In pilot studies wehave found that this method affords greater stimulusbandwidth than a single tactor providing frequency- oramplitude-encoded feedback, as well as reduced adapta-tion (data not shown). To make the argument that

Figure 5 Grouped results from Experiment 2. Three metrics are used to compare performance. Error bars denote standard error. Data arefrom two groups of subjects, one with vibrotactile feedback (N = 6), one without vibrotactile feedback (N = 6). (A) Comparison of within-subjectfactors of visual feedback condition (red bars), tactile feedback condition (green bars), and object weight (blue bars). There was a significantwithin-subjects effect of both object weight and visual feedback condition, but not tactile feedback condition. Post-hoc results confirmed thesedifferences (denoted by stars, significance at the p = .05 level.) (B) Comparison of subject’s ability to discriminate object weight as a function offeedback condition. Feedback conditions were (left to right): no feedback; vibrotactile feedback only; visual feedback only; and both visual andtactile feedback. The two bars per condition indicate performance with the lightweight object (left) and heavy object (right). Successfuldiscrimination is indicated by a positive slope. Subjects discriminated well in all feedback conditions, including in the absence of any feedback.

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subjects were adequately trained to use the vibrotactilefeedback we conducted an preliminary trial whichrevealed that subjects were immediately able to discrimi-nate tactile stimuli, and it offered a sufficient perceptualrange. Furthermore, subjects were able to utilise vibro-tactile feedback to their advantage in the third experi-ment. It is possible that with considerably more trainingwe may have observed a difference in performancebetween the vibrotactile group and non-vibrotactilegroup in experiment 2. However, this does not invali-date the finding that subjects could form economicalgrasps regardless of feedback under ideal experimentalconditions.It is likely that our observations were a result of the

ideal control conditions we created. Since blocks oftrials were in a predictable order and subjects performedmultiple repeated trials per object, subjects could learnby trial-and-error. Furthermore, subjects were aware ofa successful lift via feedback from their arm muscles aswell as on-screen feedback at the end of each trial,allowing them to refine their judgements. Our workassumes that, by these processes, subjects can establisha feedforward prediction. This is defined as the ability toanticipate the forces they are exerting in the absence ofexternally-arising cues to that fact (see introduction). Itis important to note that proprioceptive and tactile cuesof the control signal are considered to be internal cues– they provide no feedback of how the robotic hand isinteracting with the environment. However, it should

also be noted that, in contrast to our ideal controller,commercially available prostheses are typically con-trolled by noisy EMG signals and that prosthesis controlmethods often do not provide predictable force control.Our results indicate that predictable control can obviatethe practical benefits of feedback. However, in the pre-sence of unavoidable feedforward uncertainty the bene-fits of feedback are apparent.In this study we induced random temporal delays

when simulating feedforward uncertainty in experiment3. Temporal uncertainty and temporal judgementimpact many dexterous tasks, in both healthy humansand prosthesis wears. At the task-level one can expectunpredictable sensory and motor delays [31], such aswhen grasping objects of unknown size or shape, orwhen not paying full visual attention. Every motoraction is undertaken in the presence of uncertainty [32],resulting in some degree of temporal error. Temporaluncertainty is also a considerable concern for prosthesisdesigners. Since EMG signals used to initiate and con-trol prosthesis movement fluctuate as a function ofsweat, movement, muscle fatigue and skin-conductivity[33] the most reliable EMG classifiers require 250-300ms of sampling time before accurate classification canbe made [34]. In the interest of responsiveness, controll-ability and expense, many commercially available pros-theses use differential ("open/close”) controllers to deferthe problem of EMG signal reliability to the temporaldomain. Our results reveal that temporal uncertainty


Figure 6 Grouped results from Experiment 3. Two metrics are used to compare performance. Error bars denote standard error. Data are fromone cohort of subjects (N = 11). (A) Comparison of within-subject factors of visual feedback condition (red bars), tactile feedback condition(green bars), and trial phase (grey bars). Within-subjects ANOVA revealed significant main effects of visual feedback condition and tactile feedbackcondition, but not phase, indicated by stars. For detailed statistics see text. (B) Comparison of subjects’ performance as a function of feedbackcondition: (left to right) no feedback; vibrotactile feedback only; visual feedback only; both visual and tactile feedback. The two bars per conditionindicate performance in the first (left) and second (right) phases of training. Subjects performed significantly worse in the absence of eithersource of feedback.

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can significantly impair performance, but these effectsare reduced with appropriate feedback.To our knowledge this research provides first demon-

stration of the existence of feedforward and feedbackprocesses for an artificial limb. Our results support, andperhaps provide an explanation for, similar studies inthe literature. A study that showed no significant pros-thesis control improvements with vibrotactile feedback[26] could be explained by our finding of a strong feed-forward contribution. The benefit of feedback in thepresence of partial sensory deprivation [16] or withvisual distractions [35] is supported by our finding ofthe role of feedback in the presence of uncertainty.Furthermore, we assert that our result is widely applic-able to research into human perception and sensorimo-tor control. In line with studies involving deafferented[18,21] and anaesthetised patients [20], our work sup-ports the computational view of sensorimotor learningunder uncertainty [32].We have shown quantitatively that tactile feedback can

significantly improve performance in the presence of feed-forward uncertainty. These results have important implica-tions for the prosthetics field, and consequently we makethree recommendations: (i) Prostheses should be designedto make control as predictable and repeatable as possible,to minimise feedforward uncertainty; (ii) Feedback shouldbe provided to handle the inevitable uncertainty that willarise, and should be chosen to enable better feedforwardlearning (such as error-corrective feedback, or force-deri-vative feedback, described in [36]); and (iii) We shouldaim to exploit the different sources of noise betweenrobotic and human systems: trade-offs in design, for exam-ple, allow temporal uncertainty to be transformed intospatial uncertainty. If we can minimise uncertainty in task-specific domains we may increase control reliability andconsiderably improve hand functionality.This study raises a number of interesting possibilities

for future work. We have presented here a robotic sys-tem that replaces the healthy sensorimotor system forthe elementary task of object lifting, but what are thelimits of this analogy? Amputees fitted with prosthesessuch as the one presented in this paper will not havethe benefit of ‘idealised control’: real-world prosthesesare controlled by EMG electrodes which, as previouslydiscussed, add control uncertainty. Our results suggestthat EMG control will result in diminished grasp econ-omy that can be remedied either by improving the relia-bility of EMG measurement (reducing feedforwarduncertainty) or through provision of a reliable limb-statefeedback. Our robotic manipulandum also provides aviable platform to test this hypothesis. Multifunctionprostheses of the future offer increased dexterity andfunctionality at the expense of additional feedforwardand feedback demands (as discussed in [37]). Tasks

involving dynamic or unstable loads, such as handwrit-ing, or tying shoelaces, require the learning of muchmore complex internal models. It is not obvious howthese models are acquired, nor how they depend onmotor control or available feedback, yet they are key tothe design of a system that needs to mimic humanbehaviour. We argue that our novel manipulandum isan ideal platform to study human sensorimotor pro-cesses as it allows the experimenter to access sensoryand motor components that, in intact individuals, iseither unethical or practically impossible.Our results suggest that feedback should be chosen to

complement the uncertainty in the control system. Thisdoes not mean, however, that by removing all uncer-tainty from the controller we will remove the necessityfor feedback: a device which acts automatically andintelligently will surely reduce the number of graspingerrors, but may not be accepted by the amputee as anatural extension of their nervous system. Vivid sensa-tions of embodiment and prosthesis ownership can onlybe achieved through physiologically appropriate cuta-neous feedback [15].

ConclusionsWe have presented here an original method to decouplethe role of sensory and anticipatory components ofhuman grasping. Using our novel manipulandum wehave shown quantitatively that feedforward and feedbackprocesses are co-dependent. This is the first demonstra-tion of the existence of feedforward and feedback pro-cesses for an artificial limb, a phenomenon wellcharacterised for the healthy nervous system, and istherefore an important step in understanding thehuman-machine interface.By manipulating feedforward and feedback uncertainty

we have shown that the seemingly trivial task of grasp-ing and lifting objects employs non-trivial cognitivemechanisms. We might exploit this by designing pros-theses with predictable feedforward controllers and feed-back systems that allow users to correct for inevitablecontrol uncertainty.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences ResearchCouncil/Medical Research Council scholarship from the Neuroinformaticsand Computational Neuroscience Doctoral Training Centre at the Universityof Edinburgh. Prof. S. Vijayakumar is supported through a Microsoft Research- Royal Academy of Engineering senior research fellowship. We thank ourcollaborating industrial partner Touch Bionics for their expertise andtechnical support, we thank the reviewers for their constructive feedbackand insightful suggestions, and we thank Dr. O. R. O. Oyebode and S. P.Wilson for their comments on this manuscript.

Authors’ contributionsIS contributed to all stages of this research (i.e. planning, implementation,conducting experiments and writing). IS conceived the concept of the novelmanipulandum, designed and built the requisite vibrotactile feedback

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hardware and developed the software and firmware required for control ofthe i-LIMB hand. All stages were completed under the supervision of SV.Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Received: 4 May 2011 Accepted: 27 October 2011Published: 27 October 2011

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doi:10.1186/1743-0003-8-60Cite this article as: Saunders and Vijayakumar: The role of feed-forwardand feedback processes for closed-loop prosthesis control. Journal ofNeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2011 8:60.

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