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Page 1: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.


Why was it so important?


Page 2: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.

How was the Roman Army organised?

• Main part of the army was the LEGION

• This was made up of 5000 men under the command of the LEGATUS

Page 3: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.

How the Roman Army was organized

• The legion was divided into ten cohorts

• Each cohort was made up of six centuries

• The centuries were commanded by a centurion

• Centuries originally had 100 men

Page 4: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.

How the Roman Army was organised

• The centurions were very important men

• They were responsible for training the soldiers under their command and making sure everyone obeyed orders.

• Some were very cruel

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Standard Bearers• Each century had its

own emblem or standard.

• This was carried by the standard bearer, a very experienced and trusted soldier

• To lose your standard was a great disgrace

Page 6: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.

How to become a Legionaire!

• You had to be a Roman citizen

• You had to be physically fit and 1.6m tall

• You were expected to stay in the army for 25 years

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What was he paid?• They earn 225

denarii/year (up to 300 under Domitian)

• Food, clothing and equipment were subtracted from the salary

• Some money was placed in a bank for his retirement

• Probably received 20-25% of his pay

Page 8: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.

Retirement and Promotion• Soldiers could be

promoted to optio or centurion

• Promotion meant more pay and duty exemptions

• Upon retirement a soldier could expect a lump-sum payment of 3000 denarii or land!

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Training• Most soldiers joined

between 18-20 years old

• There were three 22 mile marches each month

• On each march the legionaire would carry 90 lbs of equipment

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Training• Legionaries would

also learn drill, or marching

• This was important for learning manoeuvres in battle

• New recruits were given shields and swords twice as heavy as the real thing!

Page 11: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.


• Gladius (short sword)

• Pilus (spear)

• Pugio (dagger)

• Scutum (shield)

Page 12: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.


• Lorica segmentata (armor made from metal strips)

• Cingulum (military belt)• Caligae (military sandals)• Helmet• Short leggings (Late


Page 13: THE ROMAN ARMY Why was it so important? MarshLatin.wordpress.com.

Who else was in the Army?• Auxiliaries- These

were soldiers from lands conquered by the Romans who volunteered to fight for the Romans

• Many of these had special skills- like cavalry soldiers and archers

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Auxiliaries• Archers• Most fought with a sword and short

spear• Thought of by Romans as second

class soldiers , paid less and not trained as rigorously

• After 25 years- they became Citizens (and their children too!)

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