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Page 1: THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT MATTHEW & …Mar 15, 2020  · Wedding Anniversary Mass. For information about the 2020 Mass, contact the Special Events Office at 646-794-2000 or


The Week of March 15, 2020 - Third Sunday of Lent


SATURDAY, MARCH 14 REQUESTED BY: 5:00 pm Maria Riggillo Lena Cilurzo & Family SUNDAY, MARCH 15

8:30 am Dan Maloney Carolyn & Frank Pagani 10:30 am Anna & Cosmo Vellone Ann & Linda MONDAY, MARCH 16 8:00 am Kitty Keaney Mary Ann Tina TUESDAY, MARCH 17

8:00 am Maribeth Groth For Healing WEDNESDAY , MARCH 18

8:00 am Maribeth Groth For Healing THURSDAY, MARCH 19

8:00 am Peter Carrier Wife Lucia FRIDAY MARCH 20 8:00 am Special Intentions for Brian J. Knecht Christine SATURDAY, MARCH 21 8:00 am Special Intentions for Brian J. Knecht Christine 5:00 pm Patsy Cilurso Salvatore & Antonietta Denardo SUNDAY, MARCH 22

8:30 am Special Intention Harkin Family Harkin Family 10:30 am Pietro DiMatteo Rocco Maiorano


SATURDAY, MARCH 14 REQUESTED BY: 5:00 pm Ann Mitchell Family SUNDAY, MARCH 15 8:30 am Father Smyth Peter & Betsy Westrell 11:00 am Michael Markman Wife MONDAY, MARCH 16

9:00 am Ann Mitchell Family TUESDAY, MARCH 17

9:00 am George Nehrbauer Ann WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18

9:00 am Special Intention Jordan Kerns Maria Kelly THURSDAY, MARCH 19

9:00 am Ann Mitchell Family FRIDAY, MARCH 20 9:00 am Frank DeSouza Sr. Wife & Family

SATURDAY, MARCH 21 9:00 am Peter Roach Virginia 5:00 pm Edward Illmensee Jr. Walter & Joan Haubold SUNDAY, MARCH 22 8:30 am Kathleen Stricks CYO 11:00 am Zornida Doughtery Teri DeSouza

Page 2: THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT MATTHEW & …Mar 15, 2020  · Wedding Anniversary Mass. For information about the 2020 Mass, contact the Special Events Office at 646-794-2000 or

First Reading: Exodus 17:3-7 This story from Exodus reveals that the Israelites, after their escape from Egypt, cast all blame for their sufferings on Moses. In this instance, they were dying of thirst. When Moses appealed to the Lord, the Lord directed Moses to strike a rock and water would gush forth. Second Reading: Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 Paul reminds the Romans that because Christ died for all people, they are acceptable in God’s sight. Gospel: John 4:5-42 Jesus converses with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well. When Jesus indicates that whoever drinks from the water He gives will never be thirsty again, the woman immediately answers, “Give me this water, sir...”. Jesus then reveals that she has had five husbands and tells her that He is the Messiah. The woman believes Jesus and proclaims this news to all the townspeople, who believe her and come to see Jesus.

March 15, 2020 - Third Sunday of Lent


Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

“Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God. And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts, through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.

As I pause to pray, do I realize that I have access to God? Do I realize that God is waiting for me? Do I think that I am doing God a favor? It really doesn’t work that way. Because of God’s unfailing love for me, for us, He reaches out or bends down, to share His life, His grace with me.

St. Paul teaches us, that God in His generosity has filled us with His grace, in abundance, pouring it on. As I live this third week of Lent His statement to the Samaritan woman, “If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you ‘Give me a drink’, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.” May we all seek this gift.

Page 3: THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT MATTHEW & …Mar 15, 2020  · Wedding Anniversary Mass. For information about the 2020 Mass, contact the Special Events Office at 646-794-2000 or

Please keep in your prayers the ill of our parish especially: Kristin Harkin, Susan Sullivan Manuel, Maribeth Groth, Fred Wolff, Tom Donohoe, John Wazeter,

Edison Blanco Perez, Brian Yozzo, Jerry Daigle, Eleanor Dalton, Maureen McLaughlin, Margaret Bates, Brian J. Knecht And for those who have died marked by the sign of faith, especially: If you know of any parishioners who are ill and would like to be visited by a priest, please contact the rectory at 914-478-2822. Please feel free to call the rectory to add names of immediate family members at any time.

We are very grateful to those in the military who have dedicated themselves to protect our liberty and

freedom. Please keep our troops in your prayers, especially: Brian Dunne-Navy, Christopher Gaulin-Army, George Moore-Navy, Nicholas Sestito-Marine, Michael Germain-Navy, Brandon King-Army, Michael Parton-Navy, Peter Dillon-Coast Guard, Chris Minozzi-Marines, Sean Roth-Army, Mike Gibbons-Marines, Donald Wemer Jr.-Marines If you would like to add a name to our Military List, please call the rectory office.


Weekend 2020 Parish giving 2019 March 8 $5,778 $1,347 $5,081 CRS $1,195 — $1,482

There are two collections this weekend. The second collection is for Repairs & Maintenance. Next weekend will be our In-Pew weekend for the Cardinal’s Appeal.

Please remember: When writing a check, please use only BLUE or BLACK ink. The check scanner can not pick up any other colors, ie: Red, Aqua, Turquoise, Green, Pink

Circle of Love Prayer Group meets the 1st & 2nd Monday of the month to say the scripture rosary at the Atria Senior Living Residence at 1017 Saw Mill River Rd at 7:30pm. All are invited to come share in

God's love. Questions call Lourdes 914-693-2959.

The Mass Book for January - June 2020 Is OPEN

When we face the death of someone, even a person who is not Catholic, to have a Mass offered for the repose of his or her soul and to offer our prayers are more beneficial and comforting than any other sympathy card or bouquet of flowers. To have a Mass offered for a birthday, anniversary, or special need is appropriate, beneficial, and appreciated. Call or stop by the rectory to schedule a Mass.

Classes continue on

Wednesday, March 18th

& Sunday, March 22nd

The date for First Reconciliation has been tentatively

rescheduled for Saturday, March 28 at 10:00 am in St.

Matthew Church, 616 Warburton Avenue in Hastings on

Hudson 10706.

We believe that March 28 is the last available date before

Palm Sunday/Holy Week and Easter. However, if there are

school closings in Ardsley or Hastings, we will have to

postpone until a date after Easter on April 12th.

We want to limit the health risks to our parishioners. Please

stay informed about the latest updates from Westchester

County and the New York State DOH. We will let you know

of any changes to our plan.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We realize

that parents will and should make the decisions about events

their children attend in the current health climate.

Candles & Flower Dedications

St. Matthew Tabernacle Candle In Memory of Frank DeSouza Sr.

req. by Grandchildren

St. Matthew Blessed Mother Candle Special Intentions for Brian J. Knecht

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tabernacle Candle In Memory of Maureen Farrell Kenner

req. by Joan Farrell & Family

Page 4: THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT MATTHEW & …Mar 15, 2020  · Wedding Anniversary Mass. For information about the 2020 Mass, contact the Special Events Office at 646-794-2000 or

STATIONS OF THE CROSS We adore You, O Christ, and We Praise You.

Because by Your Holy Cross, You Have Redeemed the World

Every Friday of Lent at 7:00pm at Both Churches

Couples in the Archdiocese of New York celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in the present calendar year are invited to the Fiftieth

Wedding Anniversary Mass. For information about the 2020 Mass, contact the Special Events Office at 646-794-2000 or [email protected]. This is a special opportunity to recognize the powerful witness of the importance and permanence of marriage.

The 2020 Golden Jubilee Wedding Mass will be held on Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 2:30pm at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral.

This event provides a meaningful spiritual experience for the Jubilarians and their families. During the liturgy, the Jubilarian Couples have the opportunity as a group to renew their wedding vows and receive a blessing at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral.

BIBLE STUDY: The Year of

the Bible

“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome

Would you like to inform yourself of God’s Word? Would you like to form yourself by God’s Word? Would you like to transform your life by God’s Word?

To find answers to these questions, join our 2020 Parish Bible Study Class on the following dates;

March 22, April 19, May 17, June 14, & September 27

Sunday, March 22 will meet in St. Matthew’s Church

Fathers Tierney, Gabriel and Thomas will lead the Bible Study.



Next weekend, March 21-22, we’ll hold our commitment weekend, also known as In-Pew Weekend for the Cardinal’s

Annual Stewardship Appeal. You should have received or will be receiving a letter from Father Henry about the Appeal in the coming days. To learn more about the Appeal and where your gifts go, please visit www.cardinalsappeal.org. You can also watch a video from Cardinal Dolan and a few other videos that share stories from the lives impacted by your participation in past Cardinal’s Appeal campaigns. Thank you to those who have already participated this year, but if you have not made a gift yet, please consider joining your fellow parishioners by responding to Father’s letter or participate in the In-Pew Weekend.

You can also make your pledge by returning the mailed form, or by visiting the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal website at: www.cardinalsappeal.org/donate

Please remember to Direct your gift to our parish: St. Matthew & Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Hastings on Hudson, New York. If you are mailing in your payment, please make note of our Parish ID #359

Thank you for your generosity. Our Parish Goal: $78,000

To Date: 37 Gifts $17,595 Pledged $11,070 Paid To Date

Page 5: THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT MATTHEW & …Mar 15, 2020  · Wedding Anniversary Mass. For information about the 2020 Mass, contact the Special Events Office at 646-794-2000 or

In light of flu season and the recent headlines

regarding the coronavirus, we are asking everyone to

please avoid shaking hands both at the sign of peace

as well after mass when exiting the church. A friendly

nod and wave will be gladly appreciated during these

times. Thank you so very much for your cooperation.





MARCH 22, 2020 12PM

Page 6: THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT MATTHEW & …Mar 15, 2020  · Wedding Anniversary Mass. For information about the 2020 Mass, contact the Special Events Office at 646-794-2000 or

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