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Page 1: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ February 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk


                                                                               The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches  

Christopher Wren, in designing his City churches after the Great Fire, used, where possible, the principles of classical architecture, not the Gothic style which had dominated church architecture in England prior to the Reformation. There were effectively no churches in England that could serve as an example for him. Wren had visited Paris in 1665, where he had seen the domed churches of Lemercier’s Sorbonne and Mansart’s Val de Grace. The main source of classical church design, however, lay in Rome, where great architects like Bramante, Bernini and Borromini had been building domed churches in the classical style. Many of these buildings were known to Wren through a book of engravings by Giovanni Falda, “Chiese di Roma”, the 1675 edition of which is known to have been in his possession. Wren also had copies of the works of Serlio (from the 16th century) and Vitruvius (1st century BC), the latter being the only contemporary written authority on the buildings of ancient Rome. Wren’s biggest churches, such as St Bride Fleet Street, St Andrew Holborn and Christ Church Newgate Street, were built in the style of ancient Roman basilicas, with a three-aisled interior and barrel or groin-vaulted ceilings. The origins of his other church designs, particularly the steeples, are less obvious. The interior of St Mary le Bow is of an unusual, three-bay design. There is, however, a strong resemblance to the Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius in the Roman Forum, and it seems likely that this was the model used by Wren for the famous church of the Bow Bells. St Mary le Bow is also the first example of a classical steeple in this country, or indeed anywhere, the classical churches in Rome and Paris having, in most cases, no real steeples. The Gothic spires common throughout England were not suitable models for Wren, so he invented a new form of steeple for his City churches, each quite individual and different from any other. These steeples were very innovative and even today have no real equal anywhere. Several writers seem to believe that some of the later steeples designed by Wren’s office (St James Garlickhythe, St Michael Paternoster Royal, St Stephen Walbrook and St Vedast), were the work of Nicholas Hawksmoor, who learnt his trade as a young man in Wren’s employment. There is no direct evidence for this, however, and, in researching Wren’s influences in Rome, I found several examples of the work of Francesco Borromini which appear to be models for some of Wren’s later steeples. These designs would have been known to Wren in the 1670s from Falda’s “Chiese di Roma”, long before Hawksmoor arrived on the scene. Looking at Borromini’s Sant’ Agnese in Agone, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane and Sant’ Ivo alla Sapienza, the twin classical columns on the corners of the towers/steeples of these churches are highly reminiscent of St James Garlickhythe, and the lanterns on the dome of Sant’ Agnese and on San Carlo have single columns on each corner of an octagon, much like the steeple of St Michael Paternoster Royal. In addition, Borromini’s churches feature concave and convex curves on their fronts and their steeples, as well as an ingenious use of light and shade, all characteristics of many of Wren’s buildings, such as the steeple of St Vedast. Rome also provides models for Wren’s work on St Paul’s Cathedral, the Greenwich Royal Hospital and several of his buildings at Oxford and Cambridge. It seems clear that Roman precedents allowed Wren’s genius to reach its full potential and that the Eternal City was an inspiration in the design of many of the City churches.                                         Tony Tucker ─ City Guide, Lecturer, and author of 'The Visitor's Guide to the City of London Churches'            

      Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6DN,  tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 2: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

REGULAR SERVICES IN FEBRUARY 2013 The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Said Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Botolph Aldersgate 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Said Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion (BCP - said) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate

1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe

Every Wednesday ─ continued 1730 Evening Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1200 Holy Communion St Clement Eastcheap 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Said Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens [NB Said matins with hymns on 21 February] 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Said Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from

the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1831


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to:www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk

Page 3: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 6 February 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 7 February 1245 Sung Eucharist for Candlemas St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Choral Eucharist for Candlemas St Margaret Pattens Wednesday 13 February ─ Ash Wednesday 1215 Mass with imposition of ashes St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist for Ash Wednesday All Hallows by the Tower 1230 Holy Communion Service for Ash Wednesday St Dunstan in the West 1300 Sung Eucharist – Ceremony of Ashing St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Service for Ash Wednesday St Botolph Aldgate 1305 High Mass and Imposition of Ashes St Mary le Bow 1300 Holy Eucharist for Ash Wednesday with Imposition of Ashes St Olave Hart Street 1310 Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Choral Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes St Botolph Bishopsgate 1315 Choral Eucharist for Ash Wednesday with Imposition of Ashes St Bride Fleet Street 1730 Ashing Service followed by Meditation, Art Installation and Stations of the Cross St Mary Aldermary 1305 Service for Ash Wednesday St Botolph Aldgate 1800 Taizé Service with Prayer and Song St Bride Fleet Street 1810 Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes St Anne & St Agnes Thursday 14 February 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate 1315 Choral Eucharist for Ash Thursday St Margaret Pattens Wednesday 27 February 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 28 February 1310 Choral Eucharist for St David's Day St Margaret Pattens Friday 1 February 1230 Organ Recital: Joseph Sentance St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Les Elémens ─ Belinda Paul (oboe), Ann Allen (oboe), Anneke Scott (horn), Joe Walters (horn), Robert Percival (bassoon), Martin Clark (bassoon) Works by Mozart & Haydn St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Mitra Alice Tham (piano) St Bride Fleet Street Monday 4 February 1300 Recital: Anna le Hair (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Recital: Lysianne Chen (piano) Works by Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Debussy and Albeniz St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: Programme to be confirmed. Please check the website: www.stanneslutheranchurch.org.uk St Anne & St Agnes Tuesday 5 February 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Richard Moore (Organ Scholar at St Paul's Cathedral) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Recitalist to be advised St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: James Woodrow (guitar), Audrey Riley (cello) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church – admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1900 Song Recital in the series 'Song in the City' ─ Lucy Hall (soprano), Gavin Roberts (piano) Tickets £10 (£5 concessions) St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall Wednesday 6 February 1305 Recital: The Primavera Quartet play Whitlock St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Ensemble Tramontona ─ voice, harps, recorders, viols and percussion St Olave Hart Street 1305 City of London Festival Free Winter Concert ─ to be given by Manus Noble classical guitar) – 'from J S Bach to Gary Ryan' St Vedast alias Foster 1310 Recital: Edward McCullagh (violin), Elspeth Wyllie (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate

Wednesday 6 February ─ continued 1315 Recital: 'River City Saxes' St Dunstan in the West 1805 JustShare Lecture: 'What's the good of capitalism?' Speaker: Peter Heslam of the Transforming Business Project in the University of Cambridge St Mary le Bow 1900 Recital: Jonathan McGovern (baritone), Joseph Middleton (piano) Songs by Mahler, Richard Strauss, Debussy & Fauré St Olave Hart Street Thursday 7 February 1305 Organ Recital: Alan John Phillips St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Hazel Correa (violin), Adam Johnson (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital in the International Celebrity Series ─ Hans-Georg Reinertz from Eupen, Belgium St Margaret Lothbury Friday 8 February 1230 Organ Recital: John Webber (St John, East Dulwich) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: "Les Elémens" ─ Belinda Paul (oboe/recorder), Ann Allen (oboe/recorder), Anneke Scott (horn), Joe Walters (horn), Robert Percival (bassoon), Poppy Walshaw (cello), Luke Green (harpsichord) Works by Handel, Telemann and Fasch St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Luca Luciano (clarinet) St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 9 February 1400 to 1700 Come and Sing Vivaldi's Gloria with St Dunstan's College. Rehearsal at 1400 and performance at 1700. Tickets £5 on the door. More information at: www.stdunstans.org.uk/come-and-sing St Sepulchre without Newgate 1930 Concert to be given by the Ad Libitum chamber choir directed by Julian Collings with Colin Spinks (organ) Italian Masterworks by Palestrina, Monteverdi & Pergolesi Tickets £10 from 01732 353 487 or: [email protected] or on the door St Mary le Bow Monday 11 February 1300 Recital: The Cremona Piano Trio – John Paul Ekins (piano), Michal Cwizewicz (violin) and Liubov Ulbysheva (cello) St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Recital: For details: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: "Strange Invention" – Eva Caballero (flauto traverse), John Crockatt (violin), Vladimir Waltham (violincello), Johjn McKean (harpsichord) Works by Couperin & Telemann St Anne & St Agnes Tuesday 12 February 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Concert: The Handel Collection conducted by Edward Adams The first in the Wisdom of Age series of concerts This concert will be in memory of Raymond Salisbury-Jones St Stephen Walbrook 1305 City of London Festival Free Winter Concert ─ Leslie Howard (piano) Works by Beethoven and Alkan Bishopsgate Institute 1315 Recital: To be confirmed. For more information please refer to: www.stbrides.com/ St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 13 February 1305 Recital: Antonio Romero Cienfuegos (double bass), Gabriel López Rodriguez (piano) St Botolph Aldgate 1310 Recital: Aiki Mori (cello), Asa Mori (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1930 Bank Churches' Lent Course covering five sessions: Session 1 – 'Peace and human flourishing' For more information and booking link please refer to: http://lent2013.eventbrite.com St Mary Aldermary Thursday 14 February 1300 Song Recital in the series 'Song in the City' to be given by 'Three's a Crowd' ─ Oboe Liaisons St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1300 Song Recital in the series 'Song in the City' to be given by 'Three's a Crowd' ─ Oboe Liaisons St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall



Page 4: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Thursday 14 February ─ continued 1305 Recital: Mercedes Maresca (flute), Richard Black (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital for Valentine's Day by Classical Folk: Andrew Wickens (violin), Sylvia Golden (voice, flute), Peter Golden (guitar) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents Part 2 of "The Glorious Baroque" St Margaret Lothbury 1900 Concert: "Motets and Anthems: the Golden Age" Works by Bach, Byrd and Tallis given by the Illumination Chamber Choir Tickets £7 or £6 online at: www.illuminationchamberchoir.com/ St Vedast alias Foster Friday 15 February 1210 Recital; Emma Alter (viola) Works by Bach, Britten & Biber St Anne & St Agnes 1230 Organ Recital: Matthew Blaiden St Stephen Walbrook Sunday 17 February 1900 Concert: The London Gay Symphony Orchestra "Russian Favourites" – works by Shostakovich and Borodin Advance tickets £10/£8 from: www.wegottickets.com/event/187525 Tickets on the door: £12/£10 St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 18 February 1305 Recital: 'Why do I love?' Rhona McKail (soprano) accompanied by Yshani Perinpanayagam (piano) with songs across the ages - traditional, classical and contemporary St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: Chalotte Rowan (violin), Chalotte Stevenson (piano) Works by Brahms, Kreisler, Bach, Fauré and Massenet St Anne & St Agnes 1930 The Barts Academic Festival Choir and Orchestra welcome singers to join in an 'Instant Brahms Requiem' Please bring a copy! Tickets £5 at the door All proceeds will go to Barts Cancer Unit The Great Hall of St Bartholomew's Hospital Tuesday 19 February 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: James Luxton St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Jane Gilbert (flute), Neil Wright (organ) St Stephen Walbrook 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church – admission £6

St Bride Fleet Street 1800 'Challenging Lifestyle' A course based on the book of that name by Nicky Gumbel. The course will be in six parts on consecutive Tuesdays continuing into March. Each part will be preceded by a light supper. Part 1 ─ How to view marriage and divorce St Olave Hart Street Wednesday 20 February 1305 Recital: Emilie Capulet (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1305 City of London Festival Free Winter Concert : Guildhall Jazz Singers and Band directed by Scott Stroman St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Harriet Kirk (mezzo-soprano) St Dunstan in the West 1930 Bank Churches' Lent Course ─ 'Being the People of Peace' This course will cover five sessions continuing into March Session 1 ─ 'Peace and human flourishing' For more information and booking link please refer to: http://lent2013.eventbrite.com St Mary Aldermary Thursday 21 February 1300 Song Recital in the series 'Song in the City' to be given by 'Three's a Crowd' ─ A Clarinet Collaboration St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: Eliza McCarthy (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Dr Christopher Maxim St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital; Oskemen Duo: Evgenia Startseva and Yuri Paterson-Olenich (piano duo) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital in the International Celebrity Series ─ Jérôme Faucheur from Lille, France St Margaret Lothbury Friday 22 February 1230 Organ Recital: Charles Andrews (Assistant Director of Music at All Saints, Margaret Street) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Kinga Ujszaszi (violin), Henrik Persson (viola da gamba), Pawel Siwczak (harpsichord & organ), Jadran Duncumb (theorbo) "The Sorrowful Mysteries" from Biber's Mystery Sonatas St Anne & St Agnes

Friday 22 February ─ continued 1930 Concert: Northern Lights Symphony Orchestra "Britten Centenary Concert" Advance tickets £16/£12 from www.wegottickets.com (Search 'NLSO') or 020 8348 1216 Tickets on the door: £20/£17 St Sepulchre without Newgate Saturday 23 February 1930 "Voices for Sight" – Charity Concert raising money for RNIB and Moorfields Eye Charity Elizabeth Capener (soprano) and Matthew Pochin (tenor) will give an evening of arias and duets. Advance tickets: £9/£7 from: www.ticketsource.co.uk/elizabethcapener/ Tickets on the door: £12/£10 St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 25 February 1300 Recital: The Martin Clarinet Trio; John Paul Ekins (piano), Jonathan Parkin (clarinet), Dan Bull (cello) St Lawrence Jewry 1310 Recital by Martin Knizia & John Peacham – organ and harpsichord "Bach and Bach (?)" – works by Bach and those thought to be by him St Anne & St Agnes 1305 Recital: Ruth Gibson (viola) - Works by Hindemith and Hosokawa St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 26 February 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital in the Sixth Form Series to be given by Hugo Marrow (Pupil of Simon Williams at St Giles International Organ School) and Laurence Carden (Student of Jane Watts at Highgate School) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Marta Fontanals-Simmons (mezzo-soprano) (Guildhall School of Music & Drama) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Cheapside Debate: 'Can we afford immigration?' Speakers: Professor David Metcalf (LSE) & David Goodhart (DEMOS) All welcome St Mary le Bow 1800 'Challenging Lifestyle' Course Part 2 ─ How to respond to difficult people For more details please refer to the entry at 19 February St Olave Hart Street Wednesday 27 February 1305 City of London Festival Free Winter Concert ─ City of London Sinfonia with Fiona Bonds (viola) Works by Purcell, Walton, Finzi, John Woolrich and Britten St Andrew Holborn 1305 Recital: Octet from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama - Octet in F major (D 803) by Schubert St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Yuki Negishi (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital St Dunstan in the West 1805 City Talk: "Fairtrade and flawed research: Do we know who benefits?" Speaker: Chris Cramer, Professor of Development Studies, SOAS St Mary le Bow 1930 Bank Churches' Lent Course: 'Being the People of Peace' Session 2 - 'Peace and outing our judgementalism to ourselves and others' For more information and booking link please refer to: http://lent2013.eventbrite.com St Mary Aldermary Thursday 28 February 1300 Song Recital in the series 'Song in the City' to be given by 'Three's a Crowd' ─ The VoluptuousViola St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: John Crockett (Baroque violin) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: 'Unaccompanied Bach' ─ Fenella Humphreys (violin) Third in a series of six recitals exploring Bach's Sonatas and Partitas alongside other solo repertoire St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents Part 2 of "Bach and Buxtehude" St Margaret Lothbury 1900 The Word in Action: 'Contemplation: Arts and the Media' A special evening to be held under the auspices of Bible Society. Fr Christopher Jamison OSB will talk on 'The Word in Action' ─ examining the relationship between the media and the Christian Scriptures. There will also be a selection of the latest compositions from the Psalms Project performed by their composer Steven Faux with chamber orchestra and singers. Drinks from 1900, performance at 1930. Tickets £10/£7.50 [Group discount available on 5 tickets (pay for 4)] from Bible Society on 01793 418 222 or: [email protected] Tickets must be purchased in advance – places are limited so early booking is advised St Bride Fleet Street

The City East Churches – All Hallows by the Tower, St Botolph Aldgate & St Botolph Bishopsgate will be running an online course 'Christianity from the Beginning ─ The Bible' at www.cityeast.net from Ash Wednesday and thoughout Lent, with other modules 'What we believe', 'Church history and the Church of England' to come later in the year


Page 5: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches


March 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk


The City Churches, in common with churches all over the world celebrate many anniversaries. There are the key anniversaries, one of which will be marked with special services during the latter part of the month of March when we remember the Passion of Jesus Christ. Information regarding these important services can be found in the following pages of this edition of City Events and readers will find a diverse choice of City churches in which to participate in the distinctive traditional rituals and music associated with the life and death of Jesus. These very positive contributions ensure that this unique group of churches continues its mission as it has done for centuries. Apart from the anniversaries with a specifically religious connotation certain of the City churches host a number of events which commemorate personages who played an important part in the life of the City of London in past times. There is the service to commemorate the life and work of John Stow of 'Survey of London' fame, held every three years in the church of St Andrew Undershaft when a quill pen is placed in the hand of Stow's effigy. The next such service will be held in April 2014. Then there is the Knollys Rose Ceremony at All Hallows by the Tower held annually in June when the Master of the Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames cuts a rose from a bush in the garden in Seething Lane and takes it as a symbol of the fine imposed on Lady Constance Knollys in 1381 to the Lord Mayor in Mansion House for erecting a footbridge between two of her properties in Seething Lane without permission. The ceremony will be held on Monday, 17th June. There are doubtless numerous other anniversaries celebrated in churches in March but one in particular stands out as being of unique importance. At 11.30am on Monday 4th March at St Mary le Bow, a Commemorative Service will be held to honour the life and achievements of Admiral Arthur Phillip (1738–1814). Anyone with an interest in or connection with Australia and its history should know that he was the commander (with the rank then of Captain ) of the memorable First Fleet of eleven ships which set sail from Portsmouth on 13th May 1787 with the aim of establishing a British penal colony in New South Wales, Australia, because of the loss of the American colonies to which the convicts might have been deported. The land in New South Wales had been claimed and named as a British possession in 1770 by a certain Lieutenant James Cook. (On the nicety of the matter of rank he was not promoted to that of Captain until 1775). The eleven ships were crewed by men of the Royal Navy, the remaining complement being originally 1773 (50 did not survive the voyage although not one was lost through scurvy) convicts, male and female and their children, in addition to Royal Marines, whose task it was to guard the convicts, and other officers who were to administer the fledgling colony. The planned site at Botany Bay, the original landing-place of Captain Cook in 1770, proved to be unsuitable since the soil was poor and there was no reliable source of water. Several days later Phillip discovered a more appropriate place at Port Jackson, north of Botany Bay, where the marines and convicts were landed on 26th January 1788 – "the finest harbour ion the world", as he described it. Phillip named the new landing place Sydney Cove after Lord Sydney, the then Secretary of State for the Home Office who was the minister in charge of the whole undertaking back in England, at which point one might be forgiven for saying that the rest is history. Thus Admiral Phillip became the first Governor of the founding-state of Australia and the success of the voyage and the subsequent success of the colony owed much to his skill and leadership. He put into place a system for emancipating the convicts and he encouraged a friendly attitude towards the aborigines. Thus when he returned to England in 1792 the colony was thriving. At the service of commemoration for this remarkable man at St Mary le Bow on Monday, 4th March a wreath will also be laid at his bust in the south-west corner of the church a most appropriate commemorative act for "Admiral Arthur Phillip, Scholar, Seaman and Gentleman, the man who founded the great City of Sydney and the Island Continent of Australia" to quote his biography at the Admiralty.

Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6DN,

tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information,

or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 6: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

REGULAR SERVICES IN MARCH 2013 The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Botolph Aldersgate 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion (BCP - said) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate

1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe

Every Wednesday ─ continued 1730 Evening Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1200 Holy Communion St Clement Eastcheap 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer (BCP) St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk

Page 7: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Monday 4 March 1245 Praise and Worship hosted by KPMG St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 6 March 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1800 Taizé Music and Meditation St Bride Fleet Street

Thursday 7 March 1310 Mothering Sunday in the City ─ Choral Eucharist St Margaret Pattens 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate

Thursday 14 March 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate

Wednesday 20 March 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate

Thursday 21 March 1310 Holy Communion for Palm Sunday St Margaret Pattens

Sunday 24 March ─ Palm Sunday 1050 Choral Eucharist (English) with Procession St Anne & St Agnes 1100 Sung Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 1445 Stations of the Cross. The Palm Sunday celebrations will begin in the gardens of St Dunstan in the East in Idol Lane at 1100 from where there will be a procession to All Hallows for the Eucharist followed by 'Stations of the Cross' All Hallows by the Tower

Monday 25 March 1310 Mass, Preacher Br Martin SSF, Theme: 'Generosity' St Andrew Holborn 1310 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate Tuesday 26 March 1300 Easter Lunchtime Service, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 The Passion of Our Lord to be sung to plainchant St Mary le Bow 1310 Mass, Preacher Br Martin SSF, Theme: 'Two ways of repentance' St Andrew Holborn 1310 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate Wednesday 27 March ─ Holy Wednesday 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 1310 A Sequence of Readings and Music for Passiontide St Botolph Bishopsgate 1800 Taizé Music and Meditation St Bride Fleet Street 1800 Taizé Prayer around the Cross All Hallows by the Tower 1900 Sung Mass, Preacher Br Martin SSF, Theme: 'Through the darkness' St Andrew Holborn Thursday 28 March ─ Maundy Thursday 1305 High Mass with Foot Washing St Mary le Bow 1310 Organ Music for Passiontide All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Mass, Preacher Br Martin SSF, Theme: 'The Servant King' St Andrew Holborn 1310 Choral Eucharist with Maundy Ceremonies St Botolph Bishopsgate

Thursday 28 March ─ Maundy Thursday ─ continued 1310 Music and readings for Passiontide St Margaret Pattens 1315 Choral Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Eucharist with Washing of Feet (English) St Anne & St Agnes 1830 Sung Eucharist with washing of feet and watch for an hour St Botolph Aldgate 1830 for 1900 Passover Supper Please email [email protected] if you wish to attend St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Liturgy of the Last Supper with foot washing and stripping of the altars, followed by silent prayer and ending at 2045 with Compline All Hallows by the Tower 2045 Compline All Hallows by the Tower

Friday 29 March ─ Good Friday 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 1030 Good Friday Morning Service St Helen Bishopsgate 1100 Good Friday Liturgy (English) St Anne & St Agnes 1100 to 1200 Children's Activities St Botolph Aldgate 1200 Good Friday Liturgy with veneration of the Cross All Hallows by the Tower 1200 Litany and Ante Communion St Bride Fleet Street 1400 Good Friday Liturgy (Latvian) St Anne & St Agnes 1400 The Liturgy of Good Friday St Botolph Aldgate 1400 Choral Evensong St Bride Fleet Street

Saturday 30 March 1900 Liturgy and Vigil (English) for the Resurrection of Our Lord St Anne & St Agnes Monday 31 March ─ Easter Day 0545 Kindling of New Fire and Choral Eucharist followed by egg rolling in Fleet Street and Breakfast St Bride Fleet Street 1030 Easter Sunday Morning Service St Helen Bishopsgate 1030 Sung Eucharist for Easter Day St Botolph Aldgate 1100 Festal Eucharist with blessing of new fire and renewal of baptismal vows All Hallows by the Tower 1100 Choral Eucharist (English) St Anne & St Agnes 1600 Easter Sunday Afternoon Service St Helen Bishopsgate 1730 Choral Evensong and Sermon in Music St Bride Fleet Street 1800 Easter Sunday Evening Service St Helen Bishopsgate

Friday 1 March 1230 Organ Recital: David Cook St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Sanja Hadzic & Antonietta Notariello (piano duet) Works by Beethoven, Balakirev, Casella and Godowsky St Anne & St Agnes Sunday 3 March 1930 Concert by the Barbican Chamber Orchestra Viv McLean (piano), conducted by Joel Sandelson, in a Beethoven programme: Overture - 'Egmont', Piano Concerto No 5 in E flat, 'Emperor', Symphony No 5 in C minor Tickets £8/£5 students To reserve tickets please email: [email protected] or available on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate


EMBER 2012


EMBER 2012

Page 8: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Monday 4 March 1130 Annual Admiral Arthur Phillip Commemoration All welcome St Mary le Bow 1300 Recital: Ben Schoeman (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Recital: Rachel de Cock (soprano), Johan de Cock (piano) Baroque arias and songs by Purcell, Handel, Arne & Haydn St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital by IL BACIO ─ Ann Allen (baroque oboe), Liam Byrne (viola da gamba), Anna Dennis (soprano), Tom Foster (harpsichord) Works by Handel, Purcell, Finger and Geminiani St Anne & St Agnes Tuesday 5 March 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Richard Moore Organ Scholar at St Michael Cornhill St Lawrence Jewry 1305 City of London Festival Free Lunchtime Recital to be given by Judith Hall (flute) & Craig Ogden (guitar) Works by Poulenc, Benoit, Schlosberg, Rodrigo, Phillip Houghton & Robert Beaser Bishopsgate Institute 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church – admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1800 'Challenging Lifestyle' Continuation of a 6 part course based on the book of that name by Nicky Gumbel. The course continues with the remaining four parts on consecutive Tuesdays. Each part will be preceded by a light supper. Part 3 ─ How to handle conflict St Olave Hart Street 1900 Recital in the 'Song in the City' series: Aivale Cole (soprano), Catherine Norton (piano) Tickets: £10/£5 St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1930 Concert: to be given by Stile Antico on the theme 'Masters of Europe': Music for the Hapsburg Rulers Tickets £15/£10 available from: [email protected] St Sepulchre without Newgate Wednesday 6 March 1305 Recital: Isabel Martinez Garrido (classical guitar) St Olave Hart Street 1315 Recital: Ruth Gibson (violin) St Dunstan in the West 1330 Lenten Cantata music by Buxtehude St Mary le Bow 1930 Bank Churches' Lent Course is continued covering three sessions in March: Session 3 – 'Peace and living the Sermon on the Mount' For more information contact [email protected] or 020 7248 89902 For the booking link please refer to: http://lent2013.eventbrite.com St Mary Aldermary Thursday 7 March 1305 Recital: Iria Perestrelo (soprano), Carlos Gomez (tenor), Mie Ito (Baroque harpist) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Timothy Wakerell St Mary le Bow 1305 Concert to be given by the Guildhall Harpists and friends St Olave Hart Street Friday 8 March 1230 Organ Recital: Mark Brafield St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Vienna and the Viola Emma Alter (viola), Yeu Meng Chan (piano) Works by Beethoven and Schubert St Anne & St Agnes

Friday 8 March ─ continued 1900 until 0700 Saturday 9 March St Bride's Church Rough Sleep in Aid of Street Child World Cup. For more information please see the 'box' display on the last page St Bride Fleet Street 1930 A Concert for International Women's Day 2013 to be given by the London Oriana Choir. The programme will feature a number of UK premieres which will highlight an impressive line-up of works by exclusively female contemporary composers. For more details please visit: www.londonoriana.com/current-season/ St Andrew Holborn Saturday 9 March 1500 Concert given by the Bloomsbury Chamber Orchestra Works by Berlioz, Tchaikovsky, Saint Saëns and Mussorgsky arr. Ravel (Pictures at an Exhibition) Tickets £15/£8.50 concessions For more information: www.bloomsburychamberorchestra.org.uk St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 11 March 1300 Recital: Mikhail Poll (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Recital: Lysianne Chen & Minnie Ho – "Four Hands" piano duo St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: Olga Popova (violin), Katie De La Matter (harpsichord) Sonatas by Vivaldi, Biber, Finger and Castello St Anne & St Agnes Tuesday 12 March 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1800 'Challenging Lifestyle' Course Part 4 ─ How to become truly generous For more details please refer to the entry at 5 March St Olave Hart Street 1900 Recital in the 'Song in the City' series: Marie Vassiliou (soprano), Nico de Villers (piano) Tickets £10/£5 St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall Wednesday 13 March 1305 City of London Festival Free Lunchtime Concert to be given by Christine Tobin (vocalist), Dave Whitford (double bass), Phil Robson (guitar) 'A Thousand Kisses Deep' featuring works by Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell & Rufus Wainwright St Anne & St Agnes 1305 Recital: Tom Pigott-Smith (violin), Adam Johnson (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: The Azuré Duo: Nao Maebayashi & Eamonn Ramsay (piano duo) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Green Chorus St Dunstan in the West 1330 Lenten Cantata music by Buxtehude St Mary le Bow 1830 JustShare Panel Discussion under the auspices of the City church of St Mary le Bow 'Exploring the barriers to food justice'. What can businesses, governments, NGOs and individuals do to help halve the proportion of people suffering from extreme hunger by 2015. This event will be held at the church of St James Piccadilly 1930 Bank Churches' Lent Course is continued covering three sessions in March: Session 4 – 'Peace and sustaining compassionate relationships' For more information contact [email protected] or 020 7248 89902 For the booking link please refer to: http://lent2013.eventbrite.com St Mary Aldermary

CONCERTS & EVENTS IN MARCH 2013 ─ continued

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Thursday 14 March 1300 Recital in the 'Song in the City' series: Sea Fever: The Love Boat St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: Alex Hughes (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Samuel Rathbone St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Isis Duo Lindsey Ellis (flute), Anne-Laure Lasseux (piano) St Olave Hart Street

Friday 15 March 1230 Organ Recital: John Webster (Holy Cross, Cromer Street) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Christopher Bundham (guitar) Works by de Falla, Torroba, Walker and Brouwer St Anne & St Agnes

Saturday 16 March 2000 The Arioso Orchestra Inaugural Concert Brahms – Symphony No 4, Debussy - Prélude à l’après- midi d’un faune, Bizet – L'Arlésienne Suite No1and Mozart - Overture to 'The Marriage of Figaro' Tickets: £10 or £7.50 for Over 60s and students. These charges include a booking fee. Tickets are available from: www.brownpapertickets.com or from freephone box office: 0800 411 888 St Sepulchre without Newgate Sunday 17 March 1500 Recital: The Chelys Consort ─ the first in a series of recitals in churches designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor. 'All the King's Men – the music of the Courts of Charles I and II' Works by Coprario, Locke, Purcell and Jenkins Tickets £10(£8) More information at: http://www.chelys.webeden.co.uk/ St Mary Woolnoth Monday 18 March 1300 Recital: Christopher Guild (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Recital: Elizabeth Pink (contralto), Tim Tozer (piano) "Where Corals Lie" ─ oceans, rivers, lakes and streams in song by Schubert, Berlioz, Quilter, Elgar, Brahms and Kurt Weill St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: Emily Curcio (soprano), Nadia Giliova (piano) Songs by Debussy, Gershwin and others St Anne & St Agnes 1930 A Concert to be given by The Barts Academic Festival Choir and Orchestra. The programme will include Serenade No 1 by Brahms and Stabat Mater by Rossini Tickets £5 at the door All proceeds will go to Barts Cancer Unit The Great Hall of St Bartholomew's Hospital

Tuesday 19 March 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: James Luxton Assistant Organist at Worcester Cathedral St Lawrence Jewry 1305 City of London Festival Free Lunchtime Concert given by Joseph Tong & Waka Hasegawa (piano duo) Works by Poulenc, John McCabe, ending with Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring' Bishopsgate Institute 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church – admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street

Tuesday 19 March ─ continued 1800 'Challenging Lifestyle' Course Part 5 ─ How to pray like Jesus For more details please refer to the entry at 5 March St Olave Hart Street Wednesday 20 March 1310 Concert: The Valley Orchestra Guild (on tour from Iowa, USA) Director – Phil Peters Works by Handel, Vaughan Williams, Parry, Avison and O'Connor St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Edward McCullagh (violin) St Dunstan in the West 1330 Lenten Cantata music by Buxtehude St Mary le Bow 1930 Bank Churches' Lent Course is continued covering three sessions in March: Session 5 – 'Peace and sustaining compassionate relationships' ─ continued For more information contact [email protected] or 020 7248 89902 For the booking link please refer to: http://lent2013.eventbrite.com St Mary Aldermary Thursday 21 March 1300 Recital: 'Song in the City' series: Sea Fever: Rich and Strange St Botolph Bishopsgate 1305 Recital: Ingrid Cusido (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Mark Brafield St Mary le Bow 1305 Concert to be given by the Forest School Brass Ensemble St Olave Hart Street 1930 Concert: Orlando Chamber Choir: 'The Lamenting Lowlands' Odes and elegies of the Franco-Flemish Renaissance Tickets: £14/£10 St Andrew Holborn 1930 Concert: Northern Lights Symphony Orchestra Programme – Fauré's Requiem Advance tickets £16/£12 (under 16s) from www.wegottickets.com (Search 'NLSO') On the door: £20/£17 (under 16s) St Sepulchre without Newgate Friday 22 March 1230 Organ Recital: Joseph Sentance St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Concert to be given by the Choir of Queen's College, Cambridge ─ director Silas Woolston 'Thou Mastering Me' Works by Byrd, Gesualdo, Moore, Gabrielli and O'Regan St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital: Yuki Negishi (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1930 Concert: City Chorus conducted by Paul Ayres Programme: Handel – Chandos Anthems; Haydn- Missa Brevis Tickets £10 from www.londoncitychorus or email [email protected] St Sepulchre without Newgate Saturday 23 March 1030 The Bach Choir conducted by David Hill Rehearsal for "Come and Sing" Brahms's Requiem Performance at 1500; Tickets: £20 for singers; £10 for audience; £5 for students (singing or audience) available from 020 7127 9114 or www.thebachchoir.org.uk/comeandsing/?order St Sepulchre without Newgate 1500 Performance of Brahms's Requiem St Sepulchre without Newgate 1930 Concert by Sinfonia Tamesa Works by Nielsen and Shostakovich Tickets: £10/£8 St Andrew Holborn

CONCERTS & EVENTS IN MARCH 2013 ─ continued

Page 10: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Sunday 24 March 1000 to 1830 Special Peal Attempt The Ancient Society of College Youths will attempt to ring 10,000 changes St Mary le Bow 1830 A performance of the St John Passion by J S Bach, For more details please refer to the 'box' display below St Anne & St Agnes Monday 25 March 1300 Recital: Sharon Barnea (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Recital: Nina Leo (piano) Works by Debussy, Schubert, Gluck/Scambati and Bach/Busoni St Martin Ludgate 1305 Midday Office – music for voice and organ St Mary le Bow 1310 Recital: Alison Crum & Mary Pells (viole da gamba), Martin Knizia (organ) Works by Finger, Schenck and Boismortier St Anne & St Agnes

Tuesday 26 March 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Sixth Form Series 2013 No. 1 Hugo Marrow - Pupil at St Giles International Organ School St Lawrence Jewry 1305 The Passion of Our Lord to be sung to plainchant St Mary le Bow 1310 Organ Recital: Martin Knizia will play Lenten Organ Music Works by Bach, Buxtehude and Scheidemann St Anne & St Agnes 1800 'Challenging Lifestyle' Course Part 6 ─ How to handle money For more details please refer to 5 March St Olave Hart Street Wednesday 27 March 1305 City of London Festival Free Lunchtime Concert to be given by the City of London Sinfonia with Stephen Stirling (horn) and Ronan Busfield (tenor) Works by Finzi, Holst, Elgar and Britten - his Serenade for Tenor, horn and strings St Andrew Holborn 1305 Recital by the Stadler Ensemble St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Emily Atkinson and Jenni Harper (sopranos), Martin Knizia (organ) will perform 'Leçons de ténèbres for the Liturgies of Holy Week' by François Couperin St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital: Margaret Dziekonski (violin), Carson Becke (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Catherine Lee (cello) St Dunstan in the West 1330 Lenten Cantata music by Buxtehude St Mary le Bow 1830 The St John Passion by J S Bach in a liturgical context, reflecting the events of Passiontide, performed by the Music Society Choir & Orchestra of Queen Mary College, London St Mary le Bow Thursday 28 March 1300 'Song in the City' Series Recital: Sea Fever: Salt Water Ballads St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: To be arranged St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Music for Passiontide All Hallows by the Tower Friday 29 March ─ Good Friday 1100 'Stabat Mater' by Pergolesi St Bride Fleet Street 1300 Stainer's 'Crucifixion' St Bride Fleet Street

The City East Churches – All Hallows by the Tower, St Botolph Aldgate &

St Botolph Bishopsgate are running an online course

'Christianity from the Beginning ─ The Bible' at www.cityeast.net throughout Lent, with other modules

'What we believe', 'Church history and the Church of England' to come later in the year

The St John Passion by J S Bach

to be sung in German at the City Church of St Anne & St Agnes

Palm Sunday 24 March at 6.30pm

Emily Atkinson (soprano), Julian Forbes (Evangelist) Cheyney Kent (Christus), David Soar (Pilatus) Eclectic Voices ─ Scott Stroman choir master

and the Sweelinck Ensemble ─ Martin Knizia director

Admission free ─ retiring collection

St Bride's Church Rough Sleep

In support of Street Child World Cup

Friday 8 March 2013

In 2014 street children from around the world will kick off the second Street Child World Cup in

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The aim is for street children to receive the protection and opportunities that all

children are entitled to

Join us for our Brazilian themed sleep-out raising vital funds for the Street Child World Cup

There will be entertainment, a breakfast voucher for all sleepers and the chance to hear more about the

Street Child World Cup.

The Rough Sleep will begin at 8.00pm on Friday 8 March and will last until 7.00am on Saturday 9 March

For more information contact:

[email protected] or call 020 7427 0133

CONCERTS & EVENTS IN MARCH 2013 ─ continued

Page 11: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ April 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk


The leading article in the March edition of City Events featured an account of Admiral Arthur Phillip, the founder and first Governor of the Australian state of New South Wales in 1788, who, as a result became the first Governor of the fledgling colony of Australia. His life and achievements are commemorated each year in a special service held at the City church of St Mary le Bow and this event duly took place on Monday 4th March this year. A full account of the event can be read on the website of St Mary le Bow. Near the end of the service a wreath was placed at the memorial bust of Admiral Phillip in the south west corner of the church. Insufficient space in the March edition of City Events did not allow us to give additional detail regarding the memorial and its travels over the years. That omission is now rectified. The bust, by the sculptor C. L. Hartwell was originally erected in 1932 on the front of the City church of St Mildred Bread Street which stood on the east side of the short section of Bread Street between Cannon Street and Queen Victoria Street. The church was almost totally destroyed in the Blitz of 1941. However, the memorial to Admiral Phillip was salvaged from the ruins of the church and eventually was re-erected in St Mary le Bow in 1992. Prior to that event a smaller copy of the memorial was erected on the east wall of Gateway House in Cannon Street in 1968. Gateway House was demolished in 1999 and a new office building, 25 Cannon Street stands on the site. On the north side of the garden in front of the west side of that building, facing onto the western end of Watling Street, the smaller memorial to Admiral Phillip has been re-erected and a lengthy inscription on the front of it recounts its history. It also tells us that he was born in the Ward of Bread Street on 11th October 1738 which gives us the historical link between the original placing of the memorial at St Mildred Bread Street. There are two additional bronze plates on the east and west sides of the memorial depicting in relief, respectively, the discovery and fixing of the site of Sydney on Wednesday 23rd January 1788, and the founding of Australia at Sydney on Saturday, 26th January 1788. It must surely be rather unique for virtually the same memorial to have two locations not very far from each other. Admiral Phillip is commemorated elsewhere in this country, notably in the church of St Nicholas, Bathampton near Bath, where he died in 1814. During the service at St Mary le Bow we learned that he is to be commemorated next year with a plaque in Westminster Abbey thus recognizing in no uncertain manner the life and achievements of this remarkable but somewhat unsung man. To quote from the Dictionary of Australian Biography, “He was sent to found a convict settlement, he laid the foundations of a great dominion” While active on-site research was being carried out on the Watling Street memorial several other memorabilia were observed. It is very easy, and equally pleasing, to be diverted in the City by the diverse number of plaques fixed to the walls of buildings in the City, let alone the statuary. The excellent plaques are mainly those put in place by the Corporation of the City of London, rectangularly shaped with white relief letters on a blue background. The thought occurs that therein might lie a rewarding research project. But to return to the diversion. On the east wall of 25 Cannon Street there is a plaque which tells us ‘SITE OF ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST, FRIDAY STREET, DESTROYED IN THE GREAT FIRE 1666’. This information prompted your correspondent to seek a similar plaque marking the site of St Mildred Bread Street in the short southern section of Bread Street nearby. Sadly there appears to be no such plaque to be found anywhere in that vicinity. Perhaps this omission might be rectified at some time? Additional evidence for the site of that church in the form of parish boundary plates, which abound in the City (invariably fixed fairly high up on the walls of buildings), were sought but also to no avail. Time was pressing and so your correspondent had to head for Cannon Street Station but using a somewhat circuitous route via Pancras Lane, off Queen Street, a rich source of memorabilia. In that interesting little lane is to be found the quite striking garden on the site of the church of St Pancras – with plenty of artistic seats for lunching office workers. The ubiquitous rectangular blue plaque which is fixed to the low west wall of the garden tells us that the church was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666. Heading east down the lane, on the north side, there is to be found the dramatic inscription (this time actually carved into the face of the building) ‘BEFORE THE DREADFUL FIRE ANNO 1666 STOOD THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST BENNET SHEREHOG’. Finally there is another blue plaque fixed to the wall of a building just east of the St Pancras garden which informs us ‘The Institute of Taxation Founded on this site 1930’. Perhaps apologies are due for the inclusion of this rather sombre information but the title of this piece did, after all, include the words ‘a miscellany … ‘        

      Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6DN,  tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 12: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Botolph Aldersgate [NB Not 2 April] 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate [NB Not 2 April] 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate [NB Not 24 April] 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate

1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street


Every Wednesday - continued 1730 Evening Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1200 Holy Communion St Clement Eastcheap 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate [NB Not 4 April] 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens [NB For 11 and 25 April see

Special Services] 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk


Page 13: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Thursday 4 April 1830 Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 8 April 1305 High Mass for the Feast of the Annunciation (transferred)

St Mary le Bow Wednesday 10 April 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 11 April 1210 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate 1305 Easter Carol Service St Margaret Pattens Sunday 14 April 1115 Easter Carol Service Temple Church Tuesday 16 April 1830 Pontifical High Mass for St Magnus’ Day Celebrant and preacher the

Rt Revd Jonathan Baker, Bishop of Fulham Followed by refreshments St Magnus the Martyr

Wednesday 17 April 1830 Solemn Evensong and Licensing of the Rt Revd Jonathan Baker as

Guild Vicar St Dunstan in the West Saturday 20 April 1800 Official Virgin London Marathon Thanksgiving Service To give thanks

for everything achieved through the Marathon and for the gift of sport All Hallows by the Tower

Tuesday 23 April 1310 Choral Eucharist for St George, Martyr, Patron Saint of England, with English choral music Followed by refreshments

St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 25 April 1145 Court of Common Council Service St Lawrence Jewry 1310 St George’s Day service and Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens Monday 29 April 1245 Praise and Worship, hosted by KPMG St Bride Fleet Street Tuesday 30 April 1800 Annual Memorial Evensong of the Friends of the Musicians’ Chapel

St Sepulchre without Newgate

Tuesday 2 April 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Recital: Luba Tunnicliffe (flute), Tom Blach (piano) Works by Brahms and Hindemith St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Daniel Murray (guitar), Luca Luciano (clarinet)

St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 3 April 1305 Recital:Joana Ly (violin) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Timothy Peake (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Hannah Woolmer (violin), Daniel Roberts (piano)

St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 4 April 1305 Recital: Hannah Woolmer (violin) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: George Harliono (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Peter Dutton (Christ’s Hospital School)

All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend - The Glorious Baroque (4)

St Margaret Lothbury Friday 5 April 1230 Organ Recital: Geoffrey Tuson St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Andrew Wilson (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1315 Recital: Forssaäng Swedish Girls Choir Contemporary church music,

Swedish traditional church music and traditional folk songs St Dunstan in the West Saturday 6 April 1930 Concert: Luzmira Zerpa and 'Family Atlantica' Venezualan calypso

meets West African highlights and more Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door See www.stethelburgas.org for details and advance tickets St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate

Saturday 6 April - continued 1930 Spring Fayre – A Music Celebration of Springtime (with cakes)

given by London Gay Symphonic Winds Tickets £8 in advance from www.lgsw.org.uk, £10 on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate

Sunday 7 April 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate Monday 8 April 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1300 Recital: Ashley Fripp (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Jonathan Bunney (St Giles in the Fields) Works by

Bach, Mathias, Chadwyke-Healey, Bott, Howells and Vierne St Michael Cornhill

1305 Recital: Catherine Chetwynd (mezzo-soprano), Carol Wells (piano) Songs and arias across the ages St Martin Ludgate

1310 Recital: Spring Voices I A selection of young singers accompanied by Simon Leppar St Anne & St Agnes 1800 Annual Boyle Lecture: The Revd Dr John Polkinghorne KBE FRS Science and Religion in Dialogue All welcome – seating limited

St Mary le Bow Tuesday 9 April 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Soloists of the Handel Collection play Richard Strauss’s

Metamorphosen (original version) St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Watson Trio St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1800 The Little Baroque Company presents Bach’s Coffee Cantata – a

short comic work depicting the rise of coffee houses in the 18th century and the addiction to coffee even then! Tickets £15 - including coffee, cake and an hour’s music – tel 01460 54660 St Andrew Holborn

2000 Coffee Cantata – repeat performance – see under 1800 above St Andrew Holborn

Wednesday 10 April 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1305 Recital: Mayah Kadish (violin) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Ensemble Musae ─ Jill Kemp (recorder), Fenella Humphreys (violin), Anna Menzies (cello), Alexis White (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Jessica Summers (soprano), Jelena Makarova (piano)

St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Uberto Orlando (flute) St Dunstan in the West Thursday 11 April 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1305 Recital: Mark Gibbs (viola) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Julian Collings (organ), Rebecca Hewes (cello)

St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Diana Galvydyte (violin), Christopher Guild (piano)

St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend - Melody and Harmony

St Margaret Lothbury 1800 Concert: Albion Baroque – Handel: Roman Connections Tickets £11-£14 from www.ticketsource.co.uk/date/59837 St Sepulchre without Newgate Friday 12 April 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1230 Organ Recital: Paul Rosoman (St Luke’s Anglican Church,

Wellington, New Zealand) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Organ Recital: Stuart Whatton Works by Bach and Buxtehude

St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Clare McCaldin (mezzo-soprano) St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 13 April Advanced Choral Conducting Course organized by the Association of British Choral Conductors See www.abcd.org.uk/training/abcd-courses/Advanced for details St Sepulchre without Newgate

Sunday 14 April Advanced Choral Conducting Course – see under 13 April above

St Sepulchre without Newgate 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate



Page 14: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Monday 15 April 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1300 Recital: Matthieu Esnult (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Annual Oundle Recital by James Orford (award

winner at the 2012 Oundle Summer School for Young Organists) Works by Bach, Bridge and Dupré St Michael Cornhill

1305 Recital: Fenella Humphreys (violin) Works by Kreisler, Geminiani, Ysaÿe and Bach St Martin Ludgate

1310 Recital: Spring Voices II A selection of young singers accompanied by Simon Leppar St Anne & St Agnes

1830 Debate: Do businesses care about health? Presented by St Mary le Bow and C3 Collaborating for Health For further details see www.stmarylebow.co.uk To attend RSVP to [email protected] or 020 7637 4330 St Mary le Bow

Tuesday 16 April 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Robert Gower St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Tom Robson (tenor) Britten’s Canticles (1)

St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Cheapside Debate: Can technology save the planet? with

Dr Bernie Bulkin (Dept of Energy & Climate Change) and Dr Mayer Hillman (Policy Studies Institute, University of Westminster) All welcome St Mary le Bow

1315 Recital: Matthew Drinkwater (piano) St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 17 April 1305 Recital: Belle Chen (piano) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: tbc For further information tel 020 7488 4318 or see

www.sanctuaryinthecity.net/concerts/ St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Yuka Matsumoto (violin), Kentaro Nagai (piano)

St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Lysianne Chen (piano) St Dunstan in the West 1805 JustShare Debate: Africa’s prospects for economic growth with

Richard Dowden (Director, Royal African Society) and Rob Wilson (founder, READ International and author) All welcome Refreshments afterwards St Mary le Bow

Thursday 18 April 1305 Recital: Harriet Kirk (mezzo-soprano), Jorge Navarro Colorado (tenor)

St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Margaret Morrell (soprano) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Cosima Piano Quintet - Evaline Puzaite (piano), Katerina

Nazarova (violin), Algirdas Galdikas (violin), Jenny Lewisohn (viola), Angélique Lihou (cello) St Olave Hart Street

1310 Organ Recital:Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend - Bach and Buxtehude (4)

St Margaret Lothbury 1930 Concert: London Lawyers’ Symphony Orchestra Works by Berlioz,

Chabrier & Saint-Saëns Tickets £12 on the door St Lawrence Jewry Friday 19 April 1230 Organ Recital: Richard Moore (Organ Scholar, St Paul’s Cathedral)

St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Emma Alter (viola) St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Annabel Lawson (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1900 Concert: The Giltspur Singers Sacred music and English madrigals

Admission £10 St Mary le Bow 1930 Concert: The Esterhazy Singers Entente Chorale - French sacred

choral music Works by Charpentier, Franck, Gounod, Poulenc and Duruflé Tickets £12.50 in advance, £15 on the door, students and children half price – tel .07958 688 422 St Andrew Holborn

1930 Concert: Nila Band Senegalese rhythms with a touch of reggae and salsa Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door For details and advance tickets see www.stethelburgas.org

St Ethelburga’Centre Bishopsgate Saturday 20 April 1930 Inaugural Concert of London City Orchestra Works by Rossini,

Beethoven and Mozart Tickets £8 in advance (concessions £6) from www.londoncityorchestra.com/product/tickets/ - £10 on the door

St Sepulchre without Newgate

Monday 22 April 1300 Recital: Emmanuel Vass (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Richard Moore First recital in the 'A to Z of Organ

Music' series – Composers A & B (excluding Bach) St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Harriet Kirk (mezzo-soprano) St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: Programme tba Visit www.stanneslutheranchurch.org.uk

for further information St Anne & St Agnes Tuesday 23 April 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Quintessence Wind Quintet Works by Nielsen,

Zemlinksky and Ibert St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com or tel 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Concert in the 'Song in the City' series - Dreams and Hallucinations

Dan Norman (tenor), Sholto Kynoch (piano) Tickets £10, concessions £5 St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall

Wedsday 24 April 1305 Recital: Olivia Sheepers (violin) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Michael McHale (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: The Wolfe Ensemble St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Alexia Maknovskaya (mezzo-soprano)

St Dunstan in the West Thursday 25 April 1305 Recital: Catherine Lee (cello), Lysianne Chen (piano)

St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Mignonette Aarons (piano) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Alice Cartledge (recorder), Rachel Neiger (piano)

St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series: Marcus Torén (Sweden)

St Margaret Lothbury Friday 26 April 1230 Organ Recital: Mark Williams (Jesus College Cambridge)

St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Asako Ogawa (harpsichord) Works by Bach and Couperin

St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital: Jelena Makarova (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Organ Recital: Stephen Disley (Southwark Cathedral)

St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Western Sahara - Film Screening & Concert Film about war poetess

Al Khadra, followed by music from singer Aziz Brahim Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door For details and advance tickets see www.stethelburgas.org St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate

Saturday 27 April 1930 Inaugural Concert of London Euphonia Orchestra, playing music by

Mozart Time tbc - For further details see www.st-sepulchre.org.uk or tel 020 7236 1145 St Sepulchre without Newgate

Sunday 28 April 1900 Concert: London Gay Symphony Orchestra Works by Elgar,

Mahler and Glazunov Tickets £10 (concessions £8) from www.wegotickets.com/event/187527 St Sepulchre without Newgate

Monday 29 April 1300 Recital: Kanae Furomoto (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Jonathan Rennert All-Bach St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Nicole Crespo O’Donoghue (violin), Chad Vindin (piano)

Works by Schnittke, Prokofiev and Sarasate St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: Programme tba See www.stanneslutheranchurch.org.uk

for further information St Anne & St Agnes

Tuesday 30 April 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1310 Recital: award-winning Chamber Choir of the University of Newcastle,

New South Wales, directed by Philip Matthias St Katharine Cree 1315 Recital: Annabel Price (mezzo-soprano), Charlotte Brennand (piano)

St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Concert in the 'Song in the City' series – From Wanderers and Knights

Martin Hässler (baritone), Marek Ruszczynski (piano) Tickets £10, concessions £5 St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall


Page 15: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk

It will be a well-known fact that there are four ecumenical feasts celebrated by the Christian Church. These are the Passion, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. The first two were fully and properly celebrated in churches throughout the land and, of course, in the City churches, in March. In this edition of City Events for May will be found listings for the third and fourth of the feasts listed above, namely the Feast of the Ascension and Pentecost. The Feast of the Ascension or Ascension Day marks the end of the Easter season and is customarily celebrated on a Thursday 40 days after Easter. Thus, this year Ascension Day will be on Thursday, 9th May. We are told in the New Testament that Jesus Christ met several times with his disciples during the 40 days after his resurrection to instruct them on how to carry out his teachings. It is believed that on the 40th day he took them to the Mount of Olives and there his disciples watched as he ascended to heaven. In the listings below will be found the customary concise information concerning services being held in certain of the City churches to mark this important event in the liturgical calendar. Apart from the actual services held on Ascension Day there are a number of traditions observed in churches around the world, such as "the blessing of the first fruits" in which grapes and beans are blessed. The Paschal candle, lit at Easter, will be extinguished and triumphal processions may be held with torches and banners displayed outside the churches to commemorate the entry of Christ into heaven. Some churches carry out a special ceremony on, or near Ascension Day and that is the "beating of the bounds". Members of the particular church parish walk round the parish boundary marking boundary stones (for example by writing on them in chalk) and, curiously, hitting them with sticks. The ceremony had a particular use at one time in that knowledge of the parish boundaries was important bearing in mind the duties that the particular church might have towards their own parishioners. An example of such a duty would be the care of children born out of wedlock in the parish. Before the days of social services the responsibility of such care fell upon the parish and clearly the parish authorities would not want to be held responsible for more such unfortunate children than was necessary. The ceremony of beating the bounds will be observed by at least two of the City churches and these are listed in the following pages. St Bride Fleet Street will beat their bounds on Tuesday 7th May while All Hallows by the Tower will beat theirs on Ascension Day itself, Thursday 9th May. The actual beating will be carried out by pupils of St Dunstan's College. The College has a strong connection with All Hallows by the Tower in that one of the churches absorbed into the parish after World War 2 was that of St Dunstan in the East which was severely damaged in the Blitz of 1941. All that remains of the church now is the tower built by Wren after the Great Fire of 1666 and the north and south walls of the 19th century rebuilding of the post-Great Fire church. The particular connection of the College with St Dunstan in the East is marked by a very distinctive large circular commemorative plaque fixed to the inside of the north wall of the remains of the church. The plaque can be seen when one stands in the beautiful garden laid out within the shell of the church. The plaque was unveiled in 1983 and it commemorates the founding in 1466 of a 'school attached to the church of St Dunstan in the East', the said school being one of the five recognized grammar schools in the City of London. The inscription on the plaque continues by commemorating the re-founding of the College in 1888 on its present site in Catford, South East London. At 3.00pm on Ascension Day at All Hallows by the Tower a procession will form consisting of the clergy and officials of that church, the Headmistress of the College and some of her colleagues, and, most importantly, a select group of pupils from the College armed with bamboo canes ready to beat the bounds of the parish. They will make their way round the parish boundary which is marked at various spots by plaques fixed to the walls of nearby buildings. At certain of these points prayers will be said and a verse of a hymn will be sung and then the pupils will energetically beat the paving stones at these spots. One of the most important places where this will be done is near the west door of the tower of St Dunstan in the East in Idol Lane. At this point the ceremony will be particularly poignant for it is believed that the College was founded in 1466, as described earlier, in a building (long since disappeared!) in Idol Lane. After further "beatings" the procession will return to All Hallows by the Tower where at 5.30pm Festal Evensong will take place with the College Choir providing the choral foundation of the service. Finally, Pentecost, the second of the two ecumenical feasts to be celebrated in May, will be marked by services on Sunday, 19th May. Pentecost, (or Whit Sunday) which is held fifty days after Easter, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Twelve Apostles and other followers of Jesus as described in Chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles. For this reason Pentecost is sometimes described by some Christians as the "Birthday of the Church".        

      Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6DN,  tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 16: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Botolph Aldersgate 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate

1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street


Every Wednesday - continued 1730 Evening Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1200 Holy Communion St Clement Eastcheap 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk


Page 17: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 1 May — St Philip & St James 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 2 May 1310 Choral Mattins ─ English Saints and Martyrs St Margaret Pattens 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Saturday 4 May to Tuesday 7 May Romanian Orthodox Easter Services St Dunstan in the West Thursday 9 May ─ Ascension Day 1305 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Margaret Pattens 1305 High Mass for Ascension Day Preacher: The Revd Deborah Frazer, St Mary, Bow Music includes the Coronation Mass by Mozart St Mary le Bow 1310 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Botolph Bishopsgate 1730 Festal Evensong following the Ceremony of Beating the Bounds (See Events) All Hallows by the Tower 1745 Choral Evensong for Ascension Day with the City churches St Dunstan in the West and St Bride Fleet Street A special welcome for members of the Edmund Plowden Trust followed by drinks in the Round or the Master’s Garden (Suggested donation for drinks £5) Temple Church 1800 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Anne & St Agnes Sunday 12 May 1800 Evening Guest Service: What if …… God cared about your

suffering? St Helen Bishopsgate

Thursday 16 May 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Common Worship Communion for Pentecost St Margaret Pattens

Saturday 18 May 1130 Patronal Festival ─ Pontifical High Mass Celebrant and preacher – The Guild Vicar St Dunstan in the West Sunday 19 May ─ Pentecost 1100 Choral Eucharist for the Day of Pentecost St Anne & St Agnes 1300 'Circle the City' Pre-walk Service All Hallows by the Tower 1300 'Circle the City' Pre-walk Service St Mary le Bow 1600 Afternoon Guest Service: What if …. God isn’t hiding?

St Helen Bishopsgate Wednesday 22 May 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate

Thursday 23 May 1310 Common Worship Communion St Margaret Pattens Sunday 26 May 1030 Festal Mattins for Trinity Sunday. This is the Patronal

Festival for the former City Church of Holy Trinity the Less, a parish incorporated with St James Garlickhythe many years ago and the first anniversary of the Royal Jubilee Bells. This service will be followed by Potluck Picnic Lunch. Bring some food and drink to share. St James Garlickhythe

Tuesday 28 May 1745 Sung Evening Prayer to celebrate Lanfranc Day. Our church is believed to have been founded by

Archbishop Lanfranc. St Mary le Bow Thursday 30 May ─ Corpus Christi 1305 Festal Choral Eucharist (BCP) St Margaret Pattens 1305 High Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi St Mary le Bow Wednesday 1 May 1305 Recital: Mie Ito (baroque harp) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Jill Kemp (recorder) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: PerKelt — a Celtic-Medieval Speed Folk ensemble St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Donna Macfadyen (soprano) St Dunstan in the West 1930 Concert given by the Constanza Chorus The programme will consist of the Fauré Requiem and Duruflé Motets Tickets £15 Booking at: www.constanzachorus.co.uk St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 2 May 1305 Recital: Russell Woo (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Johan de Cock (piano) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Julian Jacobson (piano), Mariko Brown (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents Part 5 in the series "'The Glorious Baroque" St Margaret Lothbury Friday 3 May 1230 Organ Recital: Georgina Sheriff (Royal College of Music) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Sergei Podobedov (piano) Chopin: Etudes, Nocturnes and Waltzes St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com

or telephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street



Page 18: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 7 May 1300 Recital: Young Pyo Lee (violin) St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com

or telelephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1800 Beating of the Bounds of the Parish St Bride Fleet Street 1800 A One Hour Recital — Opera Arias & Duets by Mozart,

Bizet, Handel and Monteverdi Eve Strasburger (soprano), Karah Hible (mezzo soprano)

Free with retiring collection St Sepulchre without Newgate

Wednesday 8 May 1305 Recital: Rachael Chesney and colleagues (woodwind trio) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Lisa Cassidy (soprano), William Fergusson (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Maria Oguren (violin) from St Petersburg, with piano

accompaniment St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 9 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series Women in Song 1: Mother and Child St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Organ Recital: Paul Rosoman (Wellington, New Zealand) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Hamish Dustagheer (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series: Bo Ingelberg from Vastervik (Sweden) St Margaret Lothbury 1515 Ceremony of Beating the Bounds of the parish by pupils of St Dunstan's College. The procession will set off from the church at 1445. The ceremony will be followed by Festal Evensong at 1730 All Hallows by the Tower Friday 10 May 1230 Organ Recital: Joseph Sentance (St Stephen Walbrook) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital by the Trio Lavolta: Joyce Fraser (violin), Felix Buser (violincello), Sally Mays (piano) Works by Panufnik and Beethoven St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Mitra Alice Tham (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Concert given by the City Chamber Choir Tickets £10 & £15

For details see: http://www.citychamber.org.uk St Lawrence Jewry Sunday 12 May Advanced Choral Conducting Course organized by the

Association of British Choral Conductors See www.abcd.org.uk for details St Sepulchre without Newgate

Monday 13 May 1100 Opening of '20 years at St Mary le Bow Church' ─ an exhibition of paintings by Paul Brown. For more details please refer to the 'box' display below on the last page. St Mary le Bow 1300 Organ Recital in the A to Z of Organ Music series Jonathan Rennert – letters G to H St Michael Cornhill 1310 Concert by the Sweelinck Ensemble: Emily Atkinson and Jenni Harper (sopranos), Benjamin Sansom and Philip Yeeles (violins) Peter McCarthy (violone), Martin Knizia (organ) Works by Schütz, Monteverdi and Bruhns St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Eleanor Janes (soprano), Carol Simmonds (piano)

Works by Poulenc, Brahms, Schubert and Copland St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 14 May 1300 Concert given the Handel Collection directed by Edward Adams Handel Organ Concertos Opus 7 Nos 3 & 4 with Mark Williams (organ) and “Phaedra” by Britten,

with Carris Jones (mezzo soprano) St Stephen Walbrook

1315 Recital: Lesley Cox (soprano), Curtis Dabek (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1915 for 1930 Guest Event with dinner What if …..God can’t love

you without his son’s death? More details at: [email protected] St Helen Bishopsgate

Wednesday 15 May 1305 Recital: Adelia Myslov (solo violin) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Fenella Humphreys (violin) continues her unaccompanied Bach series – Recital 3 St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Juwon Ogungbe (baritone) with Wai Yin Lee (piano) Theme — ‘From the streets to the saloons’ St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Legal Harmony Choir St Dunstan in the West 1805 City Talk: 'Professional Philanthropy' with Will Crouch, President of '80,000 Hours' the Oxford-based careers advice service for people who want to use their careers to have a positive impact in the world St Mary le Bow 1900 for 1930 Guest Event – Wine Tasting Evening with a short

talk on the Christian Faith More details at: [email protected] St Helen Bishopsgate

1930 Concert: The Cellar Singers — Spring Concert in aid of the Alzheimers Society. A programme of cappella music from

Lotti to Cyndi Lauper Tickets £5 available on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate

Thursday 16 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series Women in Song 1: Wives St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: Patrick Rutland (viola) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Harry Cameron-Penny (clarinet), Jonathan Musgrave (piano) St Olave Hart Street


Page 19: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Thursday 16 May ─ continued 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays Mendelssohn and Brahms St Margaret Lothbury 1915 for 1930 Guest Event with dinner What if …..God has given

proof of life after death? More details at: [email protected]

St Helen Bishopsgate 1930 Recital and Talk by Vinyl Closet, a gay music group – sponsored by the 3F Group (LGCM London Fellowship) St Botolph Aldgate 1930 Concert to be given by “The French Collection”

Works by Ravel, Poulenc, Saint-Saëns Tickets: £17/£14 Available on the door or at: www.wegottickets.com/ St Sepulchre without Newgate

Friday 17 May 1230 Organ Recital: Jonathan Bunney (St Giles in the Fields) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Jenny Thomas (flute), Martin Knizia (harpsichord) "Father, Son and Godfather" Works by J.S. and C.P.E. Bach and Telemann St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital: Ed Bonner (tenor) with Ryoko Izutsu (piano) sings ‘Dichterliebe’, ‘The Poet’s Love’ by Robert Schumann St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com or telephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 18 May 1445 to 1800 Whitehall Orchestra Workshop on Verdi’s Requiem Tickets: £15 for players, £20 for singers Players tickets from: [email protected] Singers' tickets from: www.whitehallchoir.org.uk/comeandsing2013.htm St Sepulchre without Newgate Sunday 19 May 1630 London Mandolin Festival — ‘Fun with Flutes’ Tickets: £10, £8 concessions, £5 students, Under 5s FREE from: www.londonmandolinfestival.org.uk/TicketsAndVenue.aspx St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 20 May 1300 Organ Recital in the A to Z of Organ Music series Paul Griffiths – letters E to F St Michael Cornhill 1310 Recital: The New Camerata Ensemble ─ David Richmond (violin), Gruffydd Owen (viola), Sheena McKenzie (violincello), Andrew Vickers (double bass), Anna Lightbown (piano) play Schubert, Quintet for Piano & Strings in A major D.667 ─ 'Trout' St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Francesco Scelzo (guitar), Catherine Lee (cello) Works by Schubert (arranged), Zenamon and Piazzolla

St Martin Ludgate

Tuesday 21 May 1300 Concert given the Handel Collection directed by Edward Adams Symphony No 14 by Shostakovitch with Shuna Scott Sendall (soprano), Ross McInroy (bass)

St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Benjamin Williamson (counter tenor) with piano accompaniment St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 22 May 1305 Recital: Olivia Scheepers and colleagues (string trio) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Joana Gil (soprano) with piano accompaniment St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Makiko Sada (piano) Works by Schumann ─ Allegro in B minor and Chopin ─ Scherzo No 2 in B flat minor St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Ayda Aktan-Aslantepe (piano) St Dunstan in the West Thursday 23 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series Women in Song 1: From longing to fulfilment St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Organ Recital: James Johnstone St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Siret Lust (double bass) with piano accompaniment St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series: Earline Moulder from Drury University USA St Margaret Lothbury 1830 'Wee Sing in the City' An opportunity to sing your favourite songs from the world church and from the Iona Community All Hallows by the Tower Friday 24 May 1230 Organ Recital: Stephen Disley (Southwark Cathedral) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Concert: The Guildhall Medieval Ensemble directed by William Lyons perform 'A Medieval Miscellany' Works from the 12th to the 15th Century for voices, harps, flutes, recorders, sackbuts, vielle and gittern St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital by the Suzuki Violin Ensemble from München, Germany directed by Hannelore Dörrie St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Helen Neeves (soprano), Samantha Carrasco (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 Closing of the exhibition of paintings by Paul Brown '20 years at St Mary le Bow Church' St Mary le Bow


Page 20: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 28 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series When Smoking was Allowed Jenevieve Moore (soprano), Justin Snyder (piano) Tickets £10 (£5 concessions) St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1300 Recital: Kristina Rokasevits (piano) from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com

or telelephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 29 May 1305 Recital: Thomas Abela (solo guitar) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Guildhall School Harps St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: This will be the first of two recitals in which Martin Knizia will play Bach's Clavierübung Part III. The programme includes all works from Prelude in E flat major to 'Wir glauben all' St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital: The Albany Piano Trio — Gemma Sharples (violin), Verity Evanson (cello), Pippa Harrison (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Trio and quartet St Dunstan in the West Thursday 30 May 1305 Recital: The Heidelburg Duo Isla Mundell-Perkins (violin), Tom Motz (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Chihiro Ono (violin), Evgenia Startseva (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents "Bach and Buxtehude" St Margaret Lothbury Friday 31 May 1230 Organ Recital: Matthew O'Malley (St Alfege, Greenwich) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Organ Recital: This will be the second of two recitals in which Martin Knizia will play Bach's Clavierübung Part III. The programme includes all works from 'Wir glauben all' (manualiter) to Duetti and Fugue in E flat major ('St Anne') St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Organ Recital: Edward McCall St Bride Fleet Street 1930 'KCLSO Summer Concert 2013' Concert by the Kings College London Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Jonathan Lo, with leader Eun-Joo Yoon The programme will be: Weber – Overture ‘Der Freischütz, Dvořák – ‘Symphony from the New World’ and Szymanowski’s violin concerto with soloist Olivia Jarvis Tickets: £10 for adults, £5 concessions and students Available at: www.kclso.org and on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate

St Mary le Bow

13 to 24 May 2013

An exhibition of paintings by Paul Brown '20 Years at St Mary le Bow Church'

Opening times: 11.00am ─ 3.00pm Monday to Friday

The exhibition will reflect Paul Brown's long association

with St Mary le Bow and his regular exhibitions there

For more information please refer to Paul Brown's website:


'Circle the City'

A charity walk to be held under the auspices of Christian Aid on

Sunday 19 May 2013

Join hundreds of walkers for this family-friendly sponsored walk around the historic churches of the City of London

Arrive and register from 1245 at one of the two starting points

St Mary le Bow or All Hallows by the Tower

At both churches there will be a short pre-walk service at 1.00pm to send you on your way. The walk starts at 1.15pm

For more information and to register online please email:

[email protected] or call the London team on 020 7523 2321

St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace

The centre is moving into a significant new phase with the asppointment of additional members of the team at the

Centre and the development of a very solid range of programmes for 2013 and 2014.

These include the Centre's reconciliation work with the

Sudanese diaspora, a new programme called 'Reclaiming the Sacred'

and a multi-faith exploration of conflict within faith communities

Details of forthcoming events and courses at the Centre

can be found on the website:



Page 21: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk

It will be a well-known fact that there are four ecumenical feasts celebrated by the Christian Church. These are the Passion, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. The first two were fully and properly celebrated in churches throughout the land and, of course, in the City churches, in March. In this edition of City Events for May will be found listings for the third and fourth of the feasts listed above, namely the Feast of the Ascension and Pentecost. The Feast of the Ascension or Ascension Day marks the end of the Easter season and is customarily celebrated on a Thursday 40 days after Easter. Thus, this year Ascension Day will be on Thursday, 9th May. We are told in the New Testament that Jesus Christ met several times with his disciples during the 40 days after his resurrection to instruct them on how to carry out his teachings. It is believed that on the 40th day he took them to the Mount of Olives and there his disciples watched as he ascended to heaven. In the listings below will be found the customary concise information concerning services being held in certain of the City churches to mark this important event in the liturgical calendar. Apart from the actual services held on Ascension Day there are a number of traditions observed in churches around the world, such as "the blessing of the first fruits" in which grapes and beans are blessed. The Paschal candle, lit at Easter, will be extinguished and triumphal processions may be held with torches and banners displayed outside the churches to commemorate the entry of Christ into heaven. Some churches carry out a special ceremony on, or near Ascension Day and that is the "beating of the bounds". Members of the particular church parish walk round the parish boundary marking boundary stones (for example by writing on them in chalk) and, curiously, hitting them with sticks. The ceremony had a particular use at one time in that knowledge of the parish boundaries was important bearing in mind the duties that the particular church might have towards their own parishioners. An example of such a duty would be the care of children born out of wedlock in the parish. Before the days of social services the responsibility of such care fell upon the parish and clearly the parish authorities would not want to be held responsible for more such unfortunate children than was necessary. The ceremony of beating the bounds will be observed by at least two of the City churches and these are listed in the following pages. St Bride Fleet Street will beat their bounds on Tuesday 7th May while All Hallows by the Tower will beat theirs on Ascension Day itself, Thursday 9th May. The actual beating will be carried out by pupils of St Dunstan's College. The College has a strong connection with All Hallows by the Tower in that one of the churches absorbed into the parish after World War 2 was that of St Dunstan in the East which was severely damaged in the Blitz of 1941. All that remains of the church now is the tower built by Wren after the Great Fire of 1666 and the north and south walls of the 19th century rebuilding of the post-Great Fire church. The particular connection of the College with St Dunstan in the East is marked by a very distinctive large circular commemorative plaque fixed to the inside of the north wall of the remains of the church. The plaque can be seen when one stands in the beautiful garden laid out within the shell of the church. The plaque was unveiled in 1983 and it commemorates the founding in 1466 of a 'school attached to the church of St Dunstan in the East', the said school being one of the five recognized grammar schools in the City of London. The inscription on the plaque continues by commemorating the re-founding of the College in 1888 on its present site in Catford, South East London. At 3.00pm on Ascension Day at All Hallows by the Tower a procession will form consisting of the clergy and officials of that church, the Headmistress of the College and some of her colleagues, and, most importantly, a select group of pupils from the College armed with bamboo canes ready to beat the bounds of the parish. They will make their way round the parish boundary which is marked at various spots by plaques fixed to the walls of nearby buildings. At certain of these points prayers will be said and a verse of a hymn will be sung and then the pupils will energetically beat the paving stones at these spots. One of the most important places where this will be done is near the west door of the tower of St Dunstan in the East in Idol Lane. At this point the ceremony will be particularly poignant for it is believed that the College was founded in 1466, as described earlier, in a building (long since disappeared!) in Idol Lane. After further "beatings" the procession will return to All Hallows by the Tower where at 5.30pm Festal Evensong will take place with the College Choir providing the choral foundation of the service. Finally, Pentecost, the second of the two ecumenical feasts to be celebrated in May, will be marked by services on Sunday, 19th May. Pentecost, (or Whit Sunday) which is held fifty days after Easter, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Twelve Apostles and other followers of Jesus as described in Chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles. For this reason Pentecost is sometimes described by some Christians as the "Birthday of the Church".        

      Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6DN,  tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 22: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Botolph Aldersgate 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate

1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street


Every Wednesday - continued 1730 Evening Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1200 Holy Communion St Clement Eastcheap 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk


Page 23: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 1 May — St Philip & St James 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 2 May 1310 Choral Mattins ─ English Saints and Martyrs St Margaret Pattens 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Saturday 4 May to Tuesday 7 May Romanian Orthodox Easter Services St Dunstan in the West Thursday 9 May ─ Ascension Day 1305 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Margaret Pattens 1305 High Mass for Ascension Day Preacher: The Revd Deborah Frazer, St Mary, Bow Music includes the Coronation Mass by Mozart St Mary le Bow 1310 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Botolph Bishopsgate 1730 Festal Evensong following the Ceremony of Beating the Bounds (See Events) All Hallows by the Tower 1745 Choral Evensong for Ascension Day with the City churches St Dunstan in the West and St Bride Fleet Street A special welcome for members of the Edmund Plowden Trust followed by drinks in the Round or the Master’s Garden (Suggested donation for drinks £5) Temple Church 1800 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day St Anne & St Agnes Sunday 12 May 1800 Evening Guest Service: What if …… God cared about your

suffering? St Helen Bishopsgate

Thursday 16 May 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Common Worship Communion for Pentecost St Margaret Pattens

Saturday 18 May 1130 Patronal Festival ─ Pontifical High Mass Celebrant and preacher – The Guild Vicar St Dunstan in the West Sunday 19 May ─ Pentecost 1100 Choral Eucharist for the Day of Pentecost St Anne & St Agnes 1300 'Circle the City' Pre-walk Service All Hallows by the Tower 1300 'Circle the City' Pre-walk Service St Mary le Bow 1600 Afternoon Guest Service: What if …. God isn’t hiding?

St Helen Bishopsgate Wednesday 22 May 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate

Thursday 23 May 1310 Common Worship Communion St Margaret Pattens Sunday 26 May 1030 Festal Mattins for Trinity Sunday. This is the Patronal

Festival for the former City Church of Holy Trinity the Less, a parish incorporated with St James Garlickhythe many years ago and the first anniversary of the Royal Jubilee Bells. This service will be followed by Potluck Picnic Lunch. Bring some food and drink to share. St James Garlickhythe

Tuesday 28 May 1745 Sung Evening Prayer to celebrate Lanfranc Day. Our church is believed to have been founded by

Archbishop Lanfranc. St Mary le Bow Thursday 30 May ─ Corpus Christi 1305 Festal Choral Eucharist (BCP) St Margaret Pattens 1305 High Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi St Mary le Bow Wednesday 1 May 1305 Recital: Mie Ito (baroque harp) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Jill Kemp (recorder) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: PerKelt — a Celtic-Medieval Speed Folk ensemble St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Donna Macfadyen (soprano) St Dunstan in the West 1930 Concert given by the Constanza Chorus The programme will consist of the Fauré Requiem and Duruflé Motets Tickets £15 Booking at: www.constanzachorus.co.uk St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 2 May 1305 Recital: Russell Woo (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Johan de Cock (piano) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Julian Jacobson (piano), Mariko Brown (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents Part 5 in the series "'The Glorious Baroque" St Margaret Lothbury Friday 3 May 1230 Organ Recital: Georgina Sheriff (Royal College of Music) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Sergei Podobedov (piano) Chopin: Etudes, Nocturnes and Waltzes St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com

or telephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street



Page 24: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 7 May 1300 Recital: Young Pyo Lee (violin) St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com

or telelephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1800 Beating of the Bounds of the Parish St Bride Fleet Street 1800 A One Hour Recital — Opera Arias & Duets by Mozart,

Bizet, Handel and Monteverdi Eve Strasburger (soprano), Karah Hible (mezzo soprano)

Free with retiring collection St Sepulchre without Newgate

Wednesday 8 May 1305 Recital: Rachael Chesney and colleagues (woodwind trio) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Lisa Cassidy (soprano), William Fergusson (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Maria Oguren (violin) from St Petersburg, with piano

accompaniment St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 9 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series Women in Song 1: Mother and Child St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Organ Recital: Paul Rosoman (Wellington, New Zealand) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Hamish Dustagheer (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series: Bo Ingelberg from Vastervik (Sweden) St Margaret Lothbury 1515 Ceremony of Beating the Bounds of the parish by pupils of St Dunstan's College. The procession will set off from the church at 1445. The ceremony will be followed by Festal Evensong at 1730 All Hallows by the Tower Friday 10 May 1230 Organ Recital: Joseph Sentance (St Stephen Walbrook) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital by the Trio Lavolta: Joyce Fraser (violin), Felix Buser (violincello), Sally Mays (piano) Works by Panufnik and Beethoven St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Mitra Alice Tham (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Concert given by the City Chamber Choir Tickets £10 & £15

For details see: http://www.citychamber.org.uk St Lawrence Jewry Sunday 12 May Advanced Choral Conducting Course organized by the

Association of British Choral Conductors See www.abcd.org.uk for details St Sepulchre without Newgate

Monday 13 May 1100 Opening of '20 years at St Mary le Bow Church' ─ an exhibition of paintings by Paul Brown. For more details please refer to the 'box' display below on the last page. St Mary le Bow 1300 Organ Recital in the A to Z of Organ Music series Jonathan Rennert – letters G to H St Michael Cornhill 1310 Concert by the Sweelinck Ensemble: Emily Atkinson and Jenni Harper (sopranos), Benjamin Sansom and Philip Yeeles (violins) Peter McCarthy (violone), Martin Knizia (organ) Works by Schütz, Monteverdi and Bruhns St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Eleanor Janes (soprano), Carol Simmonds (piano)

Works by Poulenc, Brahms, Schubert and Copland St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 14 May 1300 Concert given the Handel Collection directed by Edward Adams Handel Organ Concertos Opus 7 Nos 3 & 4 with Mark Williams (organ) and “Phaedra” by Britten,

with Carris Jones (mezzo soprano) St Stephen Walbrook

1315 Recital: Lesley Cox (soprano), Curtis Dabek (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1915 for 1930 Guest Event with dinner What if …..God can’t love

you without his son’s death? More details at: [email protected] St Helen Bishopsgate

Wednesday 15 May 1305 Recital: Adelia Myslov (solo violin) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Fenella Humphreys (violin) continues her unaccompanied Bach series – Recital 3 St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Juwon Ogungbe (baritone) with Wai Yin Lee (piano) Theme — ‘From the streets to the saloons’ St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Legal Harmony Choir St Dunstan in the West 1805 City Talk: 'Professional Philanthropy' with Will Crouch, President of '80,000 Hours' the Oxford-based careers advice service for people who want to use their careers to have a positive impact in the world St Mary le Bow 1900 for 1930 Guest Event – Wine Tasting Evening with a short

talk on the Christian Faith More details at: [email protected] St Helen Bishopsgate

1930 Concert: The Cellar Singers — Spring Concert in aid of the Alzheimers Society. A programme of cappella music from

Lotti to Cyndi Lauper Tickets £5 available on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate

Thursday 16 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series Women in Song 1: Wives St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: Patrick Rutland (viola) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Harry Cameron-Penny (clarinet), Jonathan Musgrave (piano) St Olave Hart Street


Page 25: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Thursday 16 May ─ continued 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays Mendelssohn and Brahms St Margaret Lothbury 1915 for 1930 Guest Event with dinner What if …..God has given

proof of life after death? More details at: [email protected]

St Helen Bishopsgate 1930 Recital and Talk by Vinyl Closet, a gay music group – sponsored by the 3F Group (LGCM London Fellowship) St Botolph Aldgate 1930 Concert to be given by “The French Collection”

Works by Ravel, Poulenc, Saint-Saëns Tickets: £17/£14 Available on the door or at: www.wegottickets.com/ St Sepulchre without Newgate

Friday 17 May 1230 Organ Recital: Jonathan Bunney (St Giles in the Fields) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Recital: Jenny Thomas (flute), Martin Knizia (harpsichord) "Father, Son and Godfather" Works by J.S. and C.P.E. Bach and Telemann St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital: Ed Bonner (tenor) with Ryoko Izutsu (piano) sings ‘Dichterliebe’, ‘The Poet’s Love’ by Robert Schumann St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com or telephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 18 May 1445 to 1800 Whitehall Orchestra Workshop on Verdi’s Requiem Tickets: £15 for players, £20 for singers Players tickets from: [email protected] Singers' tickets from: www.whitehallchoir.org.uk/comeandsing2013.htm St Sepulchre without Newgate Sunday 19 May 1630 London Mandolin Festival — ‘Fun with Flutes’ Tickets: £10, £8 concessions, £5 students, Under 5s FREE from: www.londonmandolinfestival.org.uk/TicketsAndVenue.aspx St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 20 May 1300 Organ Recital in the A to Z of Organ Music series Paul Griffiths – letters E to F St Michael Cornhill 1310 Recital: The New Camerata Ensemble ─ David Richmond (violin), Gruffydd Owen (viola), Sheena McKenzie (violincello), Andrew Vickers (double bass), Anna Lightbown (piano) play Schubert, Quintet for Piano & Strings in A major D.667 ─ 'Trout' St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Recital: Francesco Scelzo (guitar), Catherine Lee (cello) Works by Schubert (arranged), Zenamon and Piazzolla

St Martin Ludgate

Tuesday 21 May 1300 Concert given the Handel Collection directed by Edward Adams Symphony No 14 by Shostakovitch with Shuna Scott Sendall (soprano), Ross McInroy (bass)

St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Benjamin Williamson (counter tenor) with piano accompaniment St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 22 May 1305 Recital: Olivia Scheepers and colleagues (string trio) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Joana Gil (soprano) with piano accompaniment St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Makiko Sada (piano) Works by Schumann ─ Allegro in B minor and Chopin ─ Scherzo No 2 in B flat minor St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Ayda Aktan-Aslantepe (piano) St Dunstan in the West Thursday 23 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series Women in Song 1: From longing to fulfilment St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Organ Recital: James Johnstone St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Siret Lust (double bass) with piano accompaniment St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series: Earline Moulder from Drury University USA St Margaret Lothbury 1830 'Wee Sing in the City' An opportunity to sing your favourite songs from the world church and from the Iona Community All Hallows by the Tower Friday 24 May 1230 Organ Recital: Stephen Disley (Southwark Cathedral) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Concert: The Guildhall Medieval Ensemble directed by William Lyons perform 'A Medieval Miscellany' Works from the 12th to the 15th Century for voices, harps, flutes, recorders, sackbuts, vielle and gittern St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital by the Suzuki Violin Ensemble from München, Germany directed by Hannelore Dörrie St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Helen Neeves (soprano), Samantha Carrasco (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 Closing of the exhibition of paintings by Paul Brown '20 years at St Mary le Bow Church' St Mary le Bow


Page 26: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 28 May 1300 Song Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series When Smoking was Allowed Jenevieve Moore (soprano), Justin Snyder (piano) Tickets £10 (£5 concessions) St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1300 Recital: Kristina Rokasevits (piano) from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: tbc For further information see www.stbrides.com

or telelephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 29 May 1305 Recital: Thomas Abela (solo guitar) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Guildhall School Harps St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: This will be the first of two recitals in which Martin Knizia will play Bach's Clavierübung Part III. The programme includes all works from Prelude in E flat major to 'Wir glauben all' St Anne & St Agnes 1310 Recital: The Albany Piano Trio — Gemma Sharples (violin), Verity Evanson (cello), Pippa Harrison (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Trio and quartet St Dunstan in the West Thursday 30 May 1305 Recital: The Heidelburg Duo Isla Mundell-Perkins (violin), Tom Motz (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Chihiro Ono (violin), Evgenia Startseva (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents "Bach and Buxtehude" St Margaret Lothbury Friday 31 May 1230 Organ Recital: Matthew O'Malley (St Alfege, Greenwich) St Stephen Walbrook 1310 Organ Recital: This will be the second of two recitals in which Martin Knizia will play Bach's Clavierübung Part III. The programme includes all works from 'Wir glauben all' (manualiter) to Duetti and Fugue in E flat major ('St Anne') St Anne & St Agnes 1315 Organ Recital: Edward McCall St Bride Fleet Street 1930 'KCLSO Summer Concert 2013' Concert by the Kings College London Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Jonathan Lo, with leader Eun-Joo Yoon The programme will be: Weber – Overture ‘Der Freischütz, Dvořák – ‘Symphony from the New World’ and Szymanowski’s violin concerto with soloist Olivia Jarvis Tickets: £10 for adults, £5 concessions and students Available at: www.kclso.org and on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate

St Mary le Bow

13 to 24 May 2013

An exhibition of paintings by Paul Brown '20 Years at St Mary le Bow Church'

Opening times: 11.00am ─ 3.00pm Monday to Friday

The exhibition will reflect Paul Brown's long association

with St Mary le Bow and his regular exhibitions there

For more information please refer to Paul Brown's website:


'Circle the City'

A charity walk to be held under the auspices of Christian Aid on

Sunday 19 May 2013

Join hundreds of walkers for this family-friendly sponsored walk around the historic churches of the City of London

Arrive and register from 1245 at one of the two starting points

St Mary le Bow or All Hallows by the Tower

At both churches there will be a short pre-walk service at 1.00pm to send you on your way. The walk starts at 1.15pm

For more information and to register online please email:

[email protected] or call the London team on 020 7523 2321

St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace

The centre is moving into a significant new phase with the asppointment of additional members of the team at the

Centre and the development of a very solid range of programmes for 2013 and 2014.

These include the Centre's reconciliation work with the

Sudanese diaspora, a new programme called 'Reclaiming the Sacred'

and a multi-faith exploration of conflict within faith communities

Details of forthcoming events and courses at the Centre

can be found on the website:



Page 27: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk


Moved and moving …….  

Two important moves involving City Churches are taking place.  The first move involves the Friends of the City Churches  and by  association  this publication.     We have  vacated our premises  at  St Magnus  the Martyr and are moving to the City Church of St Mary Abchurch.  The new address of the Friends can be found at  the  foot of  this page.   The other  important  contact  items,  telephone and email,  remain  the same.  It would be appropriate to put on record the appreciation of the Friends for the help we have had from everyone at St Magnus the Martyr for the past eight years since we moved from rather cramped quarters at St Margaret Pattens.   This support has always been very much appreciated and our stay  in the lower regions of St Magnus has been a very happy one.  We look forward to our new association with another historic Wren church, this time at ground level, and one in which we watch.  

The other  important move  involves  the Lutheran Church of St Anne and St Agnes.   From Saturday 1st June 2013 the activities of the Lutheran Church will take place in the City Church of St Mary at Hill.  The Lutheran Church will be sharing the building with the current Anglican Church there so that all services and musical events associated with each Church will  take place at St Mary at Hill.   Full details of  the services  and musical  events  to  be  held  under  the  auspices  of  each Church will  be  published  in  a  bi‐monthly brochure distributed  to all  the City  churches.    In City Events  they will all be  listed under  the name St Mary at Hill.   Essentially the current regular weekly Anglican Communion service held there on Wednesdays at 1.00pm will continue.   With  the move of  the Lutheran Church  there will be additional services on Sundays, commencing on Sunday, 2nd June with Lutheran Choral Eucharist at 11.00pm.  Full details of all the services  can be found on www.stmary‐at‐hill.org.  The Sunday services will also be listed on the website of City Events.  Services held on weekdays and services for special occasions, will continue to be listed in City Events itself.  

All concerts and recitals will also be  listed  in the brochure and the website referred to above and they will also be listed in City Events, the venue always to be St Mary at Hill.  The pattern will be a recital at 1.05pm on Thursdays and a recital or concert at 1.05pm on Fridays.  Occasionally there will be  additional recitals or concerts, for example on Friday, 14th June when Bach’s “Welltempered Clavier Book I” will be played in two concerts at 1.05pm and 3.00pm.  The St Annes’s Music Society (‘SAMS’) events will also be listed in City Events under ‘St Mary at Hill’.  

Thus there is to be a new and exciting era for the City Church of St Mary at Hill and the Lutheran Church at  St Mary  at Hill  and  City  Events  extends  fraternal  good wishes  for  a  successful  future  to  everyone associated with the two named Churches within the one historic building.  

    Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BA  tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information,

or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 28: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Contemplative Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 to 1340 Bible Talk, following lunch at 1300 St Botolph Aldersgate 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate / continued

Every Wednesday - continued 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens (Not 20th June – see

Special Servies On 6th June begins at 1305) 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk


Page 29: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 5 June 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 6 June 1305 Choral Eucharist with the St Margaret Pattens Choir,

directed by Rupert Perkins St Margaret Pattens 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Sunday 9 June 1115 Choral Mattins, followed by drinks reception in the Round in

the church or in the Master’s Garden (Suggested donation for drinks £5) To book please contact Catherine de Satgé on 020 7353 8559 or [email protected] Temple Church

Monday 10 June 1310 Holy Communion St Botolph Aldersgate Wednesday 12 June 1305 Sung Eucharist Music includes Fauré’s Messe Basse

with the choir of Buckenham Hall Preparatory School St Mary le Bow

1745 Choral Evensong: In celebration of the Inns’ Amity and In Honour of Magna Carta Speaker: The Rt Hon Lord Judge of Draycote Temple Church

Thursday 13 June 1210 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate 1300 Holy Communion, including a commemoration of those who

died in the sinking of the troopship HMS Lancastria in 1940 St Katharine Cree

Wednesday 19 June 1310 Choral Patronal Festival Service Preacher: the Bishop of

Wakefield (the Rt Revd Stephen Platten) St Botolph Bishopsgate

Thursday 20 June 1310 Midday prayers with hymns St Margaret Pattens Monday 24 June - The Birth of St John the Baptist 1745 Choral Evensong followed by drinks in the Round in the

church or in the Master’s Garden (Suggested donation for drinks £5) Temple Church

Sunday 30 June 1830 Bach Vespers (Lutheran Church) with Bach Cantata

BWV 93 “Wer nur den Lieben Gott lässt walten” and Harpshichord Concerto in F minor (Sweelinck Ensemble, directed by Martin Knizia) St Mary at Hill

Monday 3 June 1300 Recital: Tessa Uys (piano) performs works by Beethoven

and Schubert St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital in the A-Z of Organ Music series:

Jonathan Rennert – letters G and H St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Rebecca Knight (cello) and Annabelle Lawson

(piano) Works by Janáček, Roslavets and Poulenc St Martin Ludgate

Monday 3 June - continued 1800-1930 Book Launch: Islam and English Law, edited by the

Revd Robin Griffith-Jones (Cambridge University Press), based on the series of public lectures and discussions launched by Archbishop Rowan Williams’ lecture in 2008 Including a panel discussion on the book and its themes with Rowan Williams (now Lord Willams of Oystermouth), Professor Maleiha Malik (King’s College London) and others, followed by refreshments If you wish to come please let Catherine de Satgé know on 020 7353 8559 or [email protected] Temple Church

Tuesday 4 June 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital in the John Hill/HSBC series: Peter Stevens

performs works by Vivaldi, Buxtehude, Fricker, Franck, Tailleferre and Widor St Lawrence Jewry

1300 Recital: Sofia Obregon (soprano), Alexia Pingaud (mezzo- soprano) and Marta Lopez (piano) St Stephen Walbrook

1315 Recital: Quartetto Tau St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6

St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Song Recital in the Song in the City series: The House of

Life and Love Dawn Padula (mezzo-soprano) and Soo-Jeung Joo (piano) Tickets £10 (concessions £5)

St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall Wednesday 5 June 1305 Recital: Janvier Garcia Aranda (violin) St Botolph Aldgate 1310 Recital: An Ting Chang (piano) Including works by Chopin

and Schubert St Sepulchre Newgate 1315 Recital: Mie Ito (baroque harp) St Dunstan in the West 1805 JustShare Lecture on Social and Political Thought:

The art of shared spaces: where is the social value? Professor Ben Quash (Professor of Christianity and the Arts, King’s College London) All welcome Refreshments afterwards St Mary le Bow

1830-2030 Taster session (in partnership with The Retreat Association) for those considering training as a spiritual director For tickets (£15) and details visit http://centreforspirituality.eventbrite.co.uk/ London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King and Martyr

Thursday 6 June 1300 Song Recital in the Song in the City series: Britten & Poulenc:

Childish Pursuits St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Organ Recital: James Johnstone (Guildhall School of Music

and Drama) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Alan Wilson with Suzanne Wilson (soprano)

St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Kamilla Dunstan (mezzo-soprano) and Justin

Snyder (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Recital in the Commuter Coffee & Cake Concerts series:

Thomas Abela (classical guitar) Free tea, coffee and home baking – you are invited to bring your own lunch

St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1310 Organ Recital in the International Celebrity series:

Diego Cannizzaro (Palermo) St Margaret Lothbury 1930 Concert: Ad Libitum Chamber Choir Visions of Eternity –

works by Rheinberger, Brahms, Taverner, Wood, Stainer and Whiteacre Tickets £10 from [email protected] or 01732 353487 or on the door St Mary le Bow



Page 30: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Friday 7 June 1230 Organ Recital: Paul Dewhurst (Pontefract Parish Church)

St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Catherine Leonard (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Traditional Italian music and dance from Salento, the “heel”

of Italy, performed by the Amaraterra pizzica ensemble Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door For advance tickets and details visit www.stethelburgas.org

St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate Saturday 8 June 1000 to 1700 Letting go of the Past A workshop (in collaboration

with The Forgiveness Project) using narrative-based techniques to explore self-forgiveness and to transform personal stories of mistakes and failure. Standard fee £35 For details and to register visit www.stethelburgas.org

St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 1930 Concert: the Renatus Orchestra Including Beethoven and

new compositions by Edward Zanders and Simon Speare In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support Tickets £12 on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate

Sunday 9 June 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate Monday 10 June 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1300 Recital: Tessa Uys (piano) performs works by Mozart and

Schubert St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital in the A-Z of Organ Music series:

Roger Sayer (Rochester Cathedral) – letters I, J and K St Michael Cornhill

1305 Recital: Sara Gourlay (mezzo-soprano) and Richard Shaw (piano) Including songs and arias by Saint-Saëns, Handel, Fauré and Brahms, and Britten folk song arrangements St Martin Ludgate

Tuesday 11 June 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Tim Byram-Wigfield (St George’s Chapel,

Windsor) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: The Handel Collection, directed by Edward Adams

Including Mozart’s Bassoon concerto with Andrew Watson (bassoon) and Handel’s Dettingen Anthem “The King shall rejoice” with the Rodolfus Choir St Stephen Walbroook

1315 Recital: Adam Brown (guitar) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6

St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 12 June 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1305 Recital: Bruno Francisco Ferrari-Melo (piano)

St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Sara Burns (soprano) and Tarek Al-Shubbak (piano)

St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: ”From Spain…” by Javier Vazquez Grela (piano)

Including music by Mompou St Sepulchre Newgate 1315 Organ Recital: Tak Chow St Dunstan in the West 1500-1800 Faith-based conflict resilience Explores the

experience of conflict between different faith communities and developing faith-based tools and approaches to improve our conflict resilience Aimed at faith leaders but open to all Visit www.stethelburgas.org for details and to register an interest St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate

Wednesday 12 June - continued 1830-2030 Exploring Spiritual Direction A taster session (n

partnership with The Retreat Association) for those wishing to find out more about spiritual direction/ accompaniment Visit http://centreforspirituality.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details and tickets (£15) London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King and Martyr

Thursday 13 June 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1300 Song Recital in the Song in the City series: Britten &

Poulenc: Travelling & Abroad St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall

1305 Recital: Nina Leo (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Nicholas King (St John, Boxmoor)

St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Litsa Tunnah (violin) and Jean Beers (piano)

St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling

All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Recital in the Commuter Coffee & Cake Concerts series:

Sam Rapley Jazz Quartet Free tea, coffee and home baking – you are invited to bring your own lunch

St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents the sixth recital

in the series "'The Glorious Baroque" St Margaret Lothbury

1930 Concert: Cries of London The Orlando Chamber Choir performs songs from London‘s streets, churches and taverns by Purcell, Ravenscroft, Weelkes and other composers of their time Tickets £14 (concessions £10), to include picnic/ buffet, from www.stmarylebow.co.uk or 07971 174508 St Mary le Bow

Friday 14 June 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1230 Organ Recital: Daniel Clark (Marienkirche, Berlin)

St Stephen Walbrook 1305 and 1500 Recitals: Daniel-Ben Pienaar (piano) plays the

whole of Bach’s Welltempered Clavier Part I in two recitals, the first at 1305 and the second at 1500 St Mary at Hill

1310 Recital: Shinko Hanaoka (cello) with Yuki Negishi (piano) St Sepulchre Newgate

1315 Recital: David Dean (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 Recital: Daniel-Ben Pianaar concludes his performance of

Bach’s Welltempered Clavier Part I (See recital at 1305 above) St Mary at Hill

1830-2030 An evening of Art, Poetry and Haut-Chocolat with Emma Stace Darling, whose work flows from a centre of faith and spirituality Tickets £10 including red wine and haut-chocolat For tickets and further information visit http://centreforspirituality.eventbrite.co.uk/ London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King and Martyr

1930 Concert by the Karama band, led by Moroccan oud player Soufian Saihi, blending Gnawa, North African and Arabic music Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door For advance tickets and details visit www stetheburgas.org

St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 1930 Concert: “Summertime” by the Vasari Singers Chamber

Choir A mix of old and new, sacred and secular Visit www.vasarisingers.org/summertime-concert/ for details

and tickets (£10) St Sepulchre without Newgate


Page 31: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Saturday 15 June 1000-1700 Workshop: Lassus – Masses, Motets and a Chanson

For singers and instrumentalists - organised by Thames Valley Early Music Forum Tickets £12 (members), £14 (non-members) Visit ww.tvemf.org/events/allies2013.pdf for details & application form St Sepulchre without Newgate

1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate Sunday 16 June 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate Monday 17 June 1045 The Knollys Rose Ceremony All welcome to watch the

cutting of the rose, and then to follow the procession from the church to the Mansion House with the Worshipful Company of Watermen and Lightermen for payment of the rose “rent” to the Lord Mayor (The Mansion House presentation ceremony is restricted to invited guests only) All Hallows by the Tower

1300 Recital: Tessa Uys (piano) performs works by Mozart and Janáček St Lawrence Jewry

1300 Organ Recital in the A-Z of Organ Music series: Richard Moore (Organ Scholar, St Paul’s Cathedral) – letters L and M St Michael Cornhill

1305 Recital: Charlotte Richardson (soprano) and Yau Cheng (piano) Songs by Liszt, Schumann and Strauss

St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 18 June 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis performs music by Franck

St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Matthew Pochin (tenor) and Ben Lewis Smith

(piano) perform songs by Britten St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Mitra Alice Tham (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6

St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 19 June 1305 Recital: Abigail Hyde-Smith (cello) and Louisa Lam (piano)

Works by Schumann and Franck St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Fenella Humphreys (violin) plays the fourth in a

series of recitals exploring J S Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin and other solo works St Olave Hart Street

1310 Recital: Susana Gilardoni (soprano) with Clive Pollard (piano) St Sepulchre Newgate

1315 Recital: Ferio Saxophone Quartet St Dunstan in the West 1830 Music for a Summer’s Evening For details e-mail

[email protected] St Helen Bishopsgate

Thursday 20 June 1300 Song Recital in the Song in the City series: Britten & Poulenc:

Reflections St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: Francesco Scelzo (guitar) and Catherine Lee (cello)

St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Miho Hakamata (violin) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Matthew Drinkwater (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital in the International Celebrity series:

Massimo Nosetti (Turin) St Margaret Lothbury

Thursday 20 June - continued 1930 Talk by Ron Eagle about “Weather Shelter”: the work of

Camden churches in setting up overnight shelter for homeless people Sponsored by the 3F Group Refreshments from 1900 St Botolph Aldgate

Friday 21 June 1230 Organ Recital: Stuart Whatton St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Ivana Ćetović (violin) and James Adutt (piano)

Works by Bach, Schubert and Brahms St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Jenna Sherry (violin) with piano accompaniment

St Olave Hart Street 1315 Recital: Nina Leo (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Concert by Senegalese singer and kora player Kadialy

Kouyate and his band, performing original music inspired by the West African griot repertoire Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door For advance tickets and details visit www.stethelburgas.org

St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 1930 Concert: the Johannes Ensemble performs works by

Brahms, Weber and Wagner Tickets £8 (concessions £5) available on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate

Saturday 22 June 1900 Concert: Music for Voices, Brass and Organ by the

London Orpheus Choir, Chameleon Brass and Christopher Harris (organ), conducted by Richard Jenkinson Including works by Haydn, Monteverdi, Schubert, Gabrieli, Parry, Purcell and Rutter Tickets £15 (under 16s £5) from www.wegottickets.com/event/221889 or on the door

St Giles Cripplegate 1930 Concert: the Amati Orchestra performs works by

Mahler and Mendelssohn Tickets (£8.50 - concessions £6) from www.brownpapertickets.com/

St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 24 June 1200-1230 Bell-ringing to mark the opening of the

City of London Festival Free event St Mary le Bow 1300 Recital: Tessa Uys (piano) performs works by Beethoven

and Schubert St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital in the A-Z of Organ Music series:

Gregory Drott – letters N, O and P St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: “Alles jauchzet, Alles lacht” The Concentus VII

ensemble - Emily Atkinson (soprano), Belinda Paul (oboe), Poppy Walshaw (cello) and Martin Knizia (harpsichord) - perform arias and sonatas by Handel and Bach

St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: The Darwin Piano Trio - Helen Twomey (violin),

Daniel Burrowes (cello) and Eleanor Tagart (piano)) -perform Beethoven’s “Archduke” Piano Trio, Op 97

St Martin Ludgate 1315 City of London Festival Event Organ Recital by James

Vivian Works by Mendelssohn, Handel and Karg-Elert Free admission Temple Church

1800 City of London Festival Event Concert by Clare Hammond (piano) including works by Bach, Sibelius and Harty and the world première of Robert Saxton’s Piano Cycle Hortus Musicae Tickets £10 (see box on final page for contact information) St Mary le Bow


Page 32: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 25 June 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis performs works by Tunder,

Bach, Kerll, D’Aquin, Messiaen, Mendelssohn and Gigout St Lawrence Jewry

1300 Recital: the American Tapestry Choir, with Joseph Martin (piano) and Sue Martin (vocalist), present “A Journey of Faith” of hymns and sacred music St Stephen Walbrook

1305 City of London Festival Event Recital by the Stenhjem and Silk Street Quartets, performing works by Britten and Shostakovitch Free admission St Botolph Bishopsgate

Wednesday 26 June 1305 City of London Festival Event Recital by the Guildhall

Singers, director Gordon Stewart, performing “off stage” vocal works by Wagner and Verdi in their bicentenary years, alongside works by Mozart, Beethoven, Gounoud, Strauss, Massenet and others Free admission St Andrew Holborn

1305 Recital: Thao le Thanh (piano) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Aubert Trio - Ross Newton (clarinet), Kalina Dimitrova

(cello), Warwick Hewson (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Mee Hyun Oh (violin) St Sepulchre Newgate 1315 Recital: Duo Stellae (violin & piano) St Dunstan in the West 1845 Concert: The Holst Singers, directed by Stephen Layton

Including Fauré’s Requiem For details and tickets (£20, £15, £10) contact Alex Madgwick on 020 74 27 5641 or visit www.templemusic.org Temple Church

1900 Concert: EC4 Music, conducted by Tim Crosley, with Claire Seaton (soprano), Sam Evans (bass) Nili Newman (harp) and Rivka Gottlieb (harp), perform works by Schubert and Mozart and George Lloyd’s A Litany (Concert repeated 27 June) In aid of the St Bride’s Inspire Appeal For tickets (£15, £10) visit www.ec4rmusic.co.uk St Bride Fleet Street

1930 Concert: Three Traditions The Joyful Company of Singers performs Romantic period choral music from the Catholic, Orthodox & Lutheran traditions Details at www.jcos.co.uk Tickets from www,wegottickets.com and on the door (£17 – concessions £14) St Sepulchre without Newgate

Thursday 27 June 1300 Song Recital in the Song in the City series: Women in Song 2

– Nadia Boulanger St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: River City Saxes (saxophone quartet) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Stephanie Legg (saxophone) St Olave Hart Street 1305 City of London Festival Event Recital by the Trio Isimsiz

and Jenavieve Moore (soprano), Frazer Scott (baritone), Rick Zwart (baritone) and Matthew Sandy (tenor) Works by Beethoven and Shostakovich Free admission

St Sepulchre without Newgate 1310 Organ Recital: Michael Bell (St Nicholas, Chislehurst)

All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Summer Concert by the Hill House Choral Scholars

St Margaret Lothbury 1800 City of London Festival Event Concert by the BBC Singers

with Stephen Disley (organ), conducted by David Hill Works by Ramsey, Ireland, Jannequin, Neil Cox and Kodály Tickets £10 (see box at end of page) St Giles Cripplegate

1900 Concert: EC4 Music Repeat performance of the concert on June 26 – see entry above St Bride Fleet Street

Friday 28 June 1230 Organ Recital: Hannah Parry-Ridout (St Mary, Putney)

St Stephen Walbrook 1305 City of London Festival Event Recital by Richard Uttley

(piano) Works by Lindberg, Adès and Berio and the UK première of Lulu Fantasy, Marvin Wolfthal’s paraphrase of Berg’s opera Lulu Free admission St Giles Cripplegate

1305 Recital: Anete Graudina (violin) and Florian Mitrea (piano) Works by Strauss and Tchaikovsky St Mary at Hill

1310 Recital: Azure Duo (Nao Maebayashi and Eamonn Ramsay: four hands piano duo) St Sepulchre Newgate

1315 Organ Recital: Mervyn Hogg St Bride Fleet Street 1800 City of London Festival Event Jazz Concert by the

Rob Brockway Trio, including Rob Brockway’s own compositions and improvisations Tickets £10 (see box below) St Sepulchre without Newgate

1830-2030 Meet the Author: an evening with Veronica Zundel, author of Everything I Know About God, I've Learned From Being A Parent For tickets (£15 including refreshments) visit http://centreforspirituality.eventbrite.co.uk London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King and Martyr

Saturday 29 June 1930 Concert: the English National Opera Community Choir and

the Longmont Chorale from the USA perform works from Haydn and Copland to Lady Gaga! Free admission – retiring collection St Andrew Holborn

1930 Concert: the Melange Collective perform music blending popular North African rai and chaabi songs, Gnawa music from the Moroccan desert and exotic Middle Eastern and Turkish melodies Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door For advance tickets and details visit www.stethelburgas.org

St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 19.30 Concert: the Arioso Orchestra performs works by Dvořák,

Rossini, Smetana and Brahms Tickets available in advance from www.brownpapertickets.com (£8.50 - concessions £6) or on the door (£10) St Sepulchre without Newgate

Sunday 30 June 1900 Concert: the London Gay Symphony Orchestra performs

works by Villa-Lobos, Shostakovich and Berlioz Advance tickets from www.wegottickets.com/event/187530 (£10 – concessions £8) Tickets on the door £12 -concessions £10 St Sepulchre without Newgate

CITY OF LONDON FESTIVAL 23rd June – 26th July 2013

Including concerts and events in the City Churches,

some of them (particularly those at lunch time) with free admission

For concise details please see individual daily listings

For full listings, information on all the events, ticket prices

and booking please visit www.colf.org


Page 33: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ July & August 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk



The Friends of the City Churches have moved their offices from St Magnus the Martyr to St Mary Abchurch, one of the most original of the surviving Wren churches. The church is first mentioned in the 12th century, but the present building of 1681-86 is the work of Wren, his mason being Christopher Kempster, who came from Burford in Oxfordshire. It survived unscathed, apart from a few Victorian alterations, until the 20th century. During the Second World War, St Mary Abchurch was damaged by bombs on several occasions which fell on nearby buildings but, fortunately, there was no direct hit on the church and the building was restored in the 1950s by Godfrey Allen.

The exterior of St Mary Abchurch today gives little idea of the treasures that lie within. The steeple is interesting, but not one of Wren’s greatest, and the walls are of simple red brick. The interior of the church, however, is a veritable treasure-trove of 17th century craftsmanship. Although very small, (just 63ft by 61 ft in dimensions), Wren creates a sense of space by floating a dome across the nave, a dome that was elegantly painted in 1708 by a parishioner, William Snow.

The church is most famous for its woodcarvings, which are among the finest in any City church. The reredos is the work of the great Grinling Gibbons, one of only two authenticated pieces of his work in a City church. The pulpit and tester, built by William Grey, also feature some superb woodcarving and the turned balusters on the pulpit steps are very elegant.

Most of the other woodcarvings are by William Emmett. These include the Royal Arms of James II, the lion and unicorn on the front pews, the superb doorcases on the north and south doors and the font cover, which features carvings of the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The font itself is by William Kempster. There are also two surviving poor boxes, complete with original gilt lettering (“Remember the Poor”) and a Beadle’s seat. On the front pews are two sword-rests, bearing the coats of arms of two early 19th century Lord Mayors. One of the finest monuments in the church is to the south of the altar and is a memorial to Sir Patience Ward, (1629-1696) Lord Mayor of London in 1681. In the tower is a belfry with a single bell and above this is the little square dome, which gives a fine view across the City.

Beneath the church, accessible via steps in the south aisle, is a small, rib-vaulted crypt and, down a steep ladder below the baptistery, is a boiler-house where one can see a magnificent marble slab bearing the words “The Entrance to the Vault belonging to Mr Westbrooke’s Family”. Below this legend is the single word “Resurgemus” – we will rise again.

The Friends of the City Churches have left St Magnus the Martyr – we have risen again in St Mary Abchurch!

Tony Tucker, author of 'The Visitors Guide to the City of London Churches' St Mary Abchurch is still very much a functioning City Church. Holy Communion (BCP) is celebrated each Wednesday at 12.30pm and an organ recital is given each Tuesday, also at 12.30pm. A warm welcome awaits all visitors on those two days as well as other weekdays, through the presence of volunteer watchers from the Friends of the City Churches.     Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BA  

tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 34: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Contemplative Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 to 1340 Bible Talk, following lunch at 1300 St Botolph Aldersgate 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate / continued

Every Wednesday - continued 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk


Page 35: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Monday 1 July 1800 The Annual Service of Rededication ─ to be attended by the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress. Refreshments will be served in the church after the service St Lawrence Jewry Wednesday 3 July ─ St Thomas the Apostle 1300 Anglican Holy Communion for the Feast of St Thomas St Mary at Hill 1310 Choral Eucharist for the Feast of St Thomas St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 4 July 1245 Organ Mass to commemorate the Visitation Dvořák in D The Choir of St Stephen Walbrook, Joseph Sentance (organ) St Stephen Walbrook 1300 American Independence Day Service St Margaret Pattens 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Sunday 7 July 1115 City of London Festival Choral Mattins Benjamin Britten's Te Deum and Jubilate in C and 'Greater love hath no man' by John Ireland will be sung Temple Church Wednesday 10 July 1800 Holy Eucharist We continue the ancient tradition of Christian worship with monthly services of Holy Communion using a beautiful liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate Wednesday 17 July ─ St Swithun 1300 Anglican Holy Communion St Mary at Hill Wednesday 24 July 1300 Anglican Eucharist to commemorate St James the Apostle with arias from Bach's Schemelli Gesangbuch forming part of St Anne's Bach Festival St Mary at Hill Thursday 25 July ─ St James the Apostle 1310 Festal Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens Sunday 28 July 1030 Patronal Festival Holy Communion: Preacher: The Very Reverend Dr David Ison, Dean of St Paul's Cathedral The Service will be followed by Parish Lunch. Please contact the Church Wardens to purchase tickets for the meal. Church contacts: [email protected] or 020 7329 3632 St James Garlickhythe 1115 Baptism, Confirmation and Choral Communion The last Service of the Legal Year President and Preacher: The Bishop of London followed by a family barbecue in the Church Court Temple Church 1830 Bach Festival Mass on the day of Bach's death Under the auspices of the Lutheran Church at St Mary at Hill there will be a performance of Cantata BWV 168 'Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort' by the Sweelinck Ensemble directed by Martin Knizia St Mary at Hill Wednesday 31 July ─ Lammas Tide 1300 Anglican Holy Communion St Mary at Hill

Tuesday 6 August – The Transfiguration of Our Lord 1305 Eucharist with organ music St Mary le Bow Wednesday 7 August 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 8 August 1210 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion – Commemoration of Preachers, Martyrs

and Mothers St Margaret Pattens Wednesday 14 August 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 15 August – The Blessed Virgin Mary 1310 Lunchtime Prayers with hymns St Margaret Pattens 1805 Eucharist St Mary le Bow Thursday 29 August 1310 Holy Communion – Commemoration of John Bunyan

St Margaret Pattens 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion St Martin Ludgate Monday 1 July 1300 Organ Recital: Richard Moore will play letters Q to R in the A to Z of Organ Music St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Chiu-ling Chiu (cello), Irina Lyakhovskaya (piano) coupled with Jesse Tse (soprano) & Yau Cheng (piano) Works by Brahms, Mozart, Wolf and William Bolcom St Martin Ludgate 1315 Organ Recital: A City Of London Festival Event Stephen Cleobury (Director of Music, King's College, Cambridge) The programme will be: Bach - Fantasia in C minor; Reubke – Sonata on Psalm 94 Admission Free Temple Church 1900 Wren Talk by Ken Shuttleworth Tickets £15 from www.stbrides.com/shop/tickets/wren-talk-2013,html All proceeds will go to the Inspire! Appeal St Bride Fleet Street Tuesday 2 July 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Recital: St Paul's Quartet Works by Mozart and Mendelssohn St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: A City Of London Festival Event Guildhall School Oboe Quartet & Hieronymus Quartet Works by Britten and Schubert (Death and the Maiden) Admission Free Temple Church 1315 ‘Cast in Bronze’ Handbell Choir - Free admission St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Onyx Brass& BBC Singers Concert presented by JAM

A City of London Festival Event For full information regarding the programme and the performers please see the 'box' display below Tickets £15, £10. from www.jamconcert.org/season Student ticket on the door £5 St Bride Fleet Street



Page 36: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 3 July 1300 Concert: A City of London Festival Event The Guildhall Singers ─ Students from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama perform 'Songs for Voice, Harp and Guitar' by Benjamin Britten Admission Free St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Katherine Waller (violin), Mark Austin (piano) Sonata in D minor by Franck St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Katarzyna Ziminska (violin), Emily Hester (viola), Alice Purton (cello), Abigail Sin (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Alison D’Souza (viola) with Sian Maddock (piano) Works by Brahms & Bowen St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital by the ‘Cast in Bronze’ Youth Handbell Choir from the

Friendship United Methodist Church, Cincinnatti, USA on their UK Summer Tour. Free admission – retiring collection St Dunstan in the West

1830 Julienne McLean - Book Launch and Exhibition St Paul's Press reprint of 'Towards Mystical Union' and exhibition of Julienne McLean's glass icons. The exhibition will open at 1700. Join us for an engaging evening of ideas and insights. Light refreshments will be served. Entry is free or by donation. For more information please go to: www.spiritualitycentre.org

London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King and Martyr

Thursday 4 July 1300 Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series: Women in Song 2: Royal Women St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1305 Recital: A City Of London Festival Event Walid El-Yafi (piano) will perform works by Verdi/Liszt, Liszt, and Beethoven's 'Appassionata' sonata Admission Free St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Adam Brown (guitar) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Martin Kasparek from St Imier, Switzerland St Margaret Lothbury 1800 Concert: A City of London Festival Event The Benyounes Quartet will play works by Britten, Schubert and Ian Wilson Tickets £10 For more information: [email protected] or 020 7583 7394 St Andrew Holborn 1830 Christopher Chapman – author of 'Seeing in the Dark: Perspectives on Suffering from the Christian Spiritual Tradition' will be discussing his important book with Derek Collins, Editorial Consultant at the Centre. Join us for an engaging evening of ideas and insights. Light refreshments will be served. Entry is free or by donation. For more information please go to: www.spiritualitycentre.org

London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King and Martyr

Friday 5 July 1230 Organ Recital: Joseph Sentance St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Daniela Braun (viola d'amore) Sonatas from the 17th and 18th centuries St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: A City of London Festival Event The Guildhall Singers, directed by Sarah Loveys in a programme of contemporary vocal music including new work by Guildhall School of Music composers Admission Free St Olave Hart Street 1315 Recital: Nina Leo (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 City Chorus Summer Concert Tickets: £10 available from www.londoncitychorus/#/tickets-membership/4549111229 St Sepulchre without Newgate

Saturday 6 July 1800 'Gala for Wallee' A special evening with a dozen of our favourite musicians to celebrate Wallee's amazing achievement with 'Listen to the World' For more details please visit: www.stethelburgas.org/events St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate 1930 English Baroque Choir Concert Music for Double Choir –

including the Frank Martin Mass Tickets £10 on the door or from: www.wegottickets.com/event/221446 St Sepulchre without Newgate

Sunday 7 July ABCD Advanced Conducting Course Observer places available at £45 (£35 for members). For more information please go to: www.abcd.org.uk St Sepulchre without Newgate

Monday 8 July 1300 Recital: Elena Vorotko (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Norman Harper will play letter S in the A to Z of Organ Music St Michael Cornhill 1315 Recital: Belen Isabel Barnaus Mendez (soprano), Adam O'Shea (tenor), Dionysios Kyropoulos (bass), James Bramley (theorbo, baroque guitar), Mie Ito (baroque harp) perform 'Lamenta della Ninfa' ─ Monteverdi madrigals St Martin Ludgate 1315 Organ Recital: A City Of London Festival Event Greg Morris (Temple Church) Works by Alain, Messiaen and Duruflé Admission Free Temple Church 1500 'Bridging Extreme Differences' To mark the anniversary of the 2005 London bombings, an important event exploring the need for dialogue in confronting extremism For more details please visit: www.stethelburgas.org/events St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate 1800 Recital: A City of London Festival Event Louis Schwizgebel (piano) Works by Couperin, Ravel and Heinz Holliger Tickets: £10 For more information and booking please visit www.colf.org St Mary le Bow 1930 A Concert to celebrate the Jubilee of the Queen’s Coronation will be given by the Bart’s Academic Festival Choir and

Orchestra, Leader: Margaret Banwell Conductor: John Lumley Symphony No 38 (Prague) – Mozart Coronation Anthem – ‘The King Shall Rejoice’ – Handel Mass in C (Coronation) – Mozart Tickets: £10 Concessions £5 Proceeds to Barts Cancer Unit The Great Hall of St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Tuesday 9 July 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Richard Brasier (Cologne), Nicholas Danby Scholar 2011-2013 St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: 'Baroque and Bouzouki' Chris Christodoulou (bouzouki), Caroline Tyler (piano) Works by Vivaldi, Albinoni and Blavet St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: A City of London Festival Event Evgeni Genchev (piano) Works by Scriabin & Wagner/Liszt Admission Free St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1315 Recital: Oboe Quartet Michael Rogalski St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6, including parts not normally open to the public St Bride Fleet Street 1800 Recital: A City of London Festival Event 'War of the Romantics' Katie Bray (mezzo-soprano), William Vann (piano) Works by Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Brahms, Beethoven, Liszt and Wagner Tickets: £10 For more information and booking please visit www.colf.org St Andrew by the Wardrobe


Page 37: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 9 July ─ continued 1830 Recital in the ‘Song in the City’ series: The Land without Music?

Ben McAteer (baritone), Gavin Roberts (piano) Tickets: £10 (Concessions £5)

St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall 1845 Concert: 'Transports of Delight' featuring The Templars directed by Tom Williams presenting a musical and light- hearted voyage around transport and places from Manhattan to Scarborough, in the company of Flanders and Swann, Thomas Weelkes, Lennon and McCartney and many more. Tickets: £20, £15, £10 For further information and to book please contact Alex Madgwick, 020 7427 5641 or www.templemusic.org Temple Church Wednesday 10 July 1305 Recital: Catherine Lee (cello solo) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: A City of London Festival Event 'Quartet for the End of Time' by Olivier Messiaen Yolanda Bruno (violin), Claire-Lise Demettre (cello), Christopher Potts (clarinet), James Kreiling (piano) Admission Free St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Recital: 'Baroque & Bouzouki' Chris Christodoulou (bouzouki), Caroline Tyler (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Manny Vass (piano) – “From Bach to Bond” St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Concert by the PerKelt Celtic-Medieval Speed Folk Ensemble

Free admission – retiring collection St Dunstan in the West 1800 Concert: A City of London Festival Event Max Baillie (viola), Leafcutter John (electronics) Electronics and the natural world intertwine in this special City of London Festival première in a concert not quite like any other ….. Tickets £10 For more information and booking please visit www.colf.org St Lawrence Jewry 1830 Making time for peace: The St Ethelburga's Community Gathering An invitation to all of our Centre users to come together. A time for reflection, sharing, nourishing relationships, eating together, sharing news and strengthening our community of peacemakers. This month the theme is our relationship with time. For more details please visit: www.stethelburgas.org/events St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate 1930 Recital: A City of London Festival Event 'The Return of the Flight of the Earls' Quercus Piano Trio: Ben McAteer (baritone), Hugo O’Neill (speaker) Tickets: £15 For more information and booking please visit www.colf.org St Botolph Bishopsgate Church Hall Thursday 11 July 1305 Recital: Matthew Drinkwater (piano) For programme details please visit: www.stmary-at-hill.org St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Sophie Kochanowska (soprano), Dagma Zeromska (mezzo soprano) Songs by Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms and Wolf St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Olga Stezhko (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Clive Tuck All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Alessandro Bianchi from Como, Italy St Margaret Lothbury

Thursday 11 July ─ continued 1930 JAM presents a Concert in aid of the Inspire! Appeal

The Mousai Singers, Stephen Disley (organ), Katarzyna Ziminska (violin), Emily Hester (viola), Alice Purton (cello), Alexander Rider (harp) conducted by Daniel Cook will perform ‘Requiem’ by Gabriel Fauré, together with works by Bax, Neil Cox, Leighton, Mathias and Danny Saleeb Tickets: £15, £5 students - on the door from: www.jamconcert.org/season Under 18s free St Bride Fleet Street

1930 City Chamber Choir 25th Anniversary Concert Tickets: £15 (£10 Concessions) available on the door

or through: [email protected] St Sepulchre without Newgate

1930 Concert: London Concord Singers Conductor: Malcolm Cottle The programme includes Aaron Copland's 'In the Beginning' and works by Byrd, Poulenc, Bernard Hughes, and motets by Lassus and Victoria Gabrieli Tickets £12 (under 25s £5, other concessions £10) Tickets available on the door; in advance from Islington Music, telephone: 020 7354 3195. Online booking via the website: www.londonconcordsingers.org.uk St Stephen Walbrook Friday 12 July 1230 Organ Recital: Christopher Harris St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Mary Pells (viola da gamba) accompanied by Martin Knizia (harpsichord) Sonatas by Schenck, Kühnel and others St Mary at Hill 1310 Recital: Nicola Meecham (piano) The programme will include

works by Robert Schumann, Medtner and Prokofiev St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Michael Solomon-Williams (tenor) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 'Kuri – Japan' Katso and Miho are two very talented multi-instrumentalists with traditional sounds from Japan infused with music from different cultures they passed through on their travels. For more details please visit: www.stethelburgas.org/events St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate 1930 Londinium Concert: “Beyond the Horizon”

The programme includes works by Weelkes, Brahms, Musgrave, Toch, Martland, Whitacre and Richard Rodney Bennett Tickets will be available on the door (from 1830,) £15 (Concessions £10) or £12 in advance from www.londinium-voices.org.uk/events/upcoming-events.html St Sepulchre without Newgate

Saturday 13 July 1930 London Welsh Chorale Concert Brahms – Requiem and Schubert – Deutsche Messe Tickets: £15 from: [email protected] St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 15 July 1300 Recital: Holly Cullen (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Alessandro Bianchi will play letter T in the A to Z of Organ Music St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Sarah Gabriel (soprano), Yshani Perinpanayagam (piano) Works by Mendelssohn, Webern, Korngold and Weill The theme is "Forbidden Song" ─ composers outlawed by the Nazi regime St Martin Ludgate 1305 Concert: The Estonian Radio Children's Choir Conductor - Kaie Tanner, Organ - Petra Soltész St Olave Hart Street 1530 Redeeming the Past Leading South African peace-maker Michael Lapsley in conversation with Rowan Williams For more details please visit: www.stethelburga's.org/events St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate


Page 38: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 16 July 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Konstantin Volovstnov (Russia) St Lawrence Jewry 1310 The City Singers Summer Recital:

‘The King Shall Rejoice’ – Coronation Anthem by Handel ‘Gloria’ by Vivaldi – Countertenor soloist – James Bowman Directed by John Ewington OBE, Organist Christopher Moore St Katharine Cree

1315 Recital: Rika Zaysau (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6, including parts not

normally open to the public St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Regents Opera present: ‘Carmen’ by Bizet Tickets: £36.50, £22.50, £16.00 from 020 7724 2696 or: www.ticketssource.co.uk/regentsopera St Sepulchre without Newgate

Wednesday 17 July 1305 Recital: Mark Gibbs (viola solo) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Fenella Humphreys (violin) continues her Bach Series of recitals. This recital will be the fourth in that series. St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Gisela Meyer (piano) Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’

arranged by George Gershwin for piano solo St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Piano and Voice Recital by Olivier Fouqueray and Florence

Free admission – retiring collection St Dunstan in the West 1900 Britten at Bride’s Concert ─ in aid of the Inspire! Appeal Tickets £15 More information and booking from: www.stbrides.com/news/ St Bride Fleet Street 1900 The Lascelles Memorial Concert held in memory of Major-General Anthony Lascelles (1912-2000), a great supporter of the musical life of St Olave's. Charlotte Denny (soprano), Loo Tze Tan (piano) The programme will include works by Mozart, Sibelius, Rachmaninov and Poulenc The concert is unticketed but donations are invited St Olave Hart Street

Thursday 18 July 1305 The 18th St Anne's Bach Festival at St Mary at Hill Recital: Anne-Isabel Meyer (cello), Peter Crose (piano) Sonatas by Bach and Brahms Free Admission – retiring collection St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Zoe Lethbridge (soprano) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Blaze Ensemble will play chamber works by Beethoven and Gordon Jacob, with Chris Hopkins (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1700 The St Bride's 10th Anniversary Summer Party 'IT'S A SWING THING' at the Press House Wine Bar, 1 St Bride's Passage BBQ, Theme Drinks, Live band & DJ This event supports the Inspire! Appeal More information at: www.stbrides.com St Bride Fleet Street 1830 Lloyds Choir Summer Concert: Lotti – Crucifixus in 8 parts; Durante – Magnificat; Vivaldi – Gloria; Madrigals by Monteverdi

Tickets £10 (concessions £7) including refreshments from Deirdre Earp at [email protected] or 07766 654 657 or at the door on the night

St Katharine Cree 1800 Concert by the Freshfields Choir Free admission – retiring collection St Dunstan in the West

Thursday 18 July ─ continued 1930 'Musical Harmony' ─ The vocal a capella trio Voice perform works from their new album including 'Hildegard of Bingen' and commissions by composers Stevie Wishart & Marcus Davidson For more details please visit: www.stethelburga's.org/events St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate Friday 19 July 1230 Organ Recital: Edmund Aldhouse (Ripon Cathedral) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 The 18th St Anne's Bach Festival at St Mary at Hill Recital: The Sweelinck Ensemble Bach's Organ Trio Sonatas arranged for various instruments Part 1 of two recitals Free Admission – retiring collection St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Jelena Makarova (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 Concert by the CMS Chorale: The programme will feature a

medley of items ranging from opera arias to songs from the shows. Admission by donation – All welcome

All Hallows by the Tower Monday 22 July 1300 Recital: Catherine Cheung (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Adrian Bawtree will play letters U to V in the A to Z of Organ Music St Michael Cornhill 1305 The 18th St Anne's Bach Festival at St Mary at Hill Recital: The Sweelinck Ensemble Bach's Organ Trio Sonatas arranged for various instruments Part 2 of two recitals Free Admission – retiring collection St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Althea Talbot-Howard (oboe & cor anglais) and Gabriella dall'Olio play "Music for a Summer's Day" by Benjamin Britten, William Alwyn, Derek Bell and Chevalier de St George St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 23 July 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1305 The 18th St Anne's Bach Festival at St Mary at Hill Recital: Lecosaldi Ensemble Director: Peter Lea-Cox 'Hausmusik ─ at home with Bach' Free Admission – retiring collection St Mary at Hill 1315 Concert by the Ottawa Cathedral Choir St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church for £6, including parts not normally open to the public St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 24 July 1310 Recital: Ayda Aktan-Aslantepe (piano) from Turkey

Works by Ulvi Cernal Erkin, Ali Darma and Granados St Sepulchre without Newgate

1305 Recital: To be arranged St Olave Hart Street 1315 Lute and Song Recital Free admission – retiring collection St Dunstan in the West Thursday 25 July 1305 The 18th St Anne's Bach Festival at St Mary at Hill Organ Recital: Robert Smith Bach – Prelude & Fugue in E flat major Free Admission – retiring collection St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Beorg Duo Anna Tam (cello) and Jonathan Musgrave (piano) Works by Mendelssohn and Chopin St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: David Hughes (baritone), Clare Jones (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower


Page 39: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Friday 26 July 1230 Organ Recital: Anthony Gritten (Royal Academy of Music) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 The 18th St Anne's Bach Festival at St Mary at Hill Capella Vitalis Berlin Corelli 300th Anniversary Concert Albert Schlicker & Ulrike Wildenhof (violins) Jochen Schneider (bassoon), Martin Knizia (harpsichord) Free Admission – retiring collection St Mary at Hill 1315 Organ Recital: Lawrence Caldecote St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 27 July 1030 ‘Londinium: The Roman City’ As part of the Festival of

Archaeology, All Hallows is pleased to offer this guided walk around the Roman city of Londinium. The walk costs £7 per person and lasts about 2½ hours. No need to book, just come to All Hallows on the day.

All Hallows by the Tower 1930 London Euphonia Orchestra Works by Rossini and Bizet For information and tickets please contact: info@londoneuphonia,com St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 29 July 1300 Recital: Primavera Shima (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Richard Moore will play letters W, X, Y & Z in the A to Z of Organ Music St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Johan de Cock (piano) ─ "A Feast of Chopin" St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 30 July 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: TBC St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute tour of the church for £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 31 July 1310 Recital: Sayaka Nakajima (violin) with Mutian Xu (piano)

A programme of violin and piano solos and piano/violin duo with Japanese Folk Tunes St Sepulchre without Newgate

1315 Recital: Free admission – retiring collection St Dunstan in the West

Thursday 1 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Sarah-Jane Lewis (soprano) and

Gavin Roberts (organ) Includes Strauss’s Four Last Songs (Free recital, followed by ticket-only reception for the Friends of St Lawrence Jewry - contact [email protected] for details) St Lawrence Jewry

Friday 2 August 1230 Organ Recital: Jonathan Hope (Organ Scholar, Winchester

Cathedral) St Stephen Walbrook 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Julia Kogan (soprano), Daniel

Turner (tenor) and Marc Verter (piano) Schubert Lieder and Britten’s Les Illuminations St Lawrence Jewry

1930 Concert: Adriano Adewale and the Umpatacum band play contemporary and traditional music inspired by Afro-Brazilian traditions Tickets £10 in advance from www.stethelburgas.org; £12 on the door St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate

Monday 5 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Tessa Uys (piano) Includes

Britten’s Holiday Diary suite St Lawrence Jewry Tuesday 6 August 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Neil Jenkins (tenor) and Timothy Nail (piano) present a programme of words and song

depicting Haydn’s visits to London St Lawrence Jewry 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church, including parts not

normally open to the public Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street

Wednesday 7 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Sholto Kynock (piano), Kaija

Lukas (violin) and Brian O’Kane (cello) Includes Schubert’s Piano Trio in E flat St Lawrence Jewry

1310 Recital: Dhayoung Yoon (piano) t Sepulchre without Newgate

CITY OF LONDON FESTIVAL Sunday 23rd June – Friday 26th July 2013

Including concerts and events in the City Churches,

some of them (particularly those at lunch time) with free admission

For concise details please see individual daily listings

For full listings, information on all the events,

ticket prices and booking please visit www.colf.org

St Bride Fleet Street

JAM – The John Armitage Memorial Concert

Tuesday 2nd July 2013 at 7.30pm

The concert will feature the first performance of 'The Farthest Shore' by Paul Mealor, together with 'Rejoice in the Lamb' by Benjamin Britten 'Cantos Sagrados' by James MacMillan

Onyx Brass BBC Singers St David's Cathedral Choir Cumnor House School Choir St Leonard's Church junior choristers David Cook – organ, Claire Seaton – soprano Giles Underwood – bass Conductor – Nicholas Cleobury

A City of London Festival Event



Page 40: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Thursday 8 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Sarah Baillie (soprano) and

Chad Vindin (piano) Britten’s A Charm of Lullabies and works by Schubert, Debussy and Walton St Lawrence Jewry

Friday 9 August 1230 Organ Recital: Thomas Allery (Magdalen College, Oxford)

St Stephen Walbrook 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Orfea - Mea Wade, oboe and

Olivia Jageurs, harp - playing Britten’s Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe and Suite for Harp, and arrangements of Schubert songs St Lawrence Jewry

Monday 12 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Alasdair Macaskill (piano)

Works by Beethoven and Chopin and Stevenson’s Peter Grimes Fantasy St Lawrence Jewry

Tuesday 13 August 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Victor Stenjhem (violin) and

Walid El-Yafi (piano) Includes Britten’s Suite for Violin and Piano St Lawrence Jewry

1500 90 minute guided tour of the church, including parts not normally open to the public Admission £6

St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 14 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Helen Brackenbury (mezzo-

soprano) and Sachika Taniyama (piano) perform Schubert Lieder and a Homage to Shakespeare in words and music

St Lawrence Jewry Thursday 15 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: the Alma Mater vocal ensemble

perform Schubert’s Coronach and Psalm 23 and works by Schumann, Mendelssohn & Michael Head St Lawrence Jewry

Friday 16 August 1230 Organ Recital: Emma Gibbins (St George, Belfast))

St Stephen Walbrook 1300 August Music Festival Recital: the Orsino Quartet perform

Britten’s Phantasy Quartet and Mozart’s Oboe Quartet in F major St Lawrence Jewry

Sunday 18 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate

Monday 19 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Kangmin Justin Kim (countertenor) and Sachika Taniyama (piano) The programme will include

Britten’s whimsical 'Tit for Tat' St Lawrence Jewry Tuesday 20 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Edward Liddall (piano) Haydn’s Sonata in A and Schubert’s Four Impromptus D935

St Lawrence Jewry 1500 90 minute guided tour of the church, including parts not

normally open to the public Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 21 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Holly Marie Bingham (soprano),

Eduard Mas Bacardit (tenor) and Gavin Roberts (piano) perform a Britten song cycle and Schubert Lieder St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: Rowan McGirr (violin) St Dunstan in the West

Thursday 22 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Aurum Nactum – Diccon Cooper (double bass), Callum Armstong (recorders)

and Richard Jones (piano) Includes works by Handel, Purcell & Britten St Lawrence Jewry Friday 23 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1230 Organ Recital: Joseph Sentance St Stephen Walbrook 1300 August Music Festival Recital: the Silk Street String Quartet

Includes Britten’s String Quartet in F major St Lawrence Jewry

Saturday 24 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate

Sunday 25 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate

Monday 26 August 1100-1600 Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate

Tuesday 27 August 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Hannah Watson (piano) plays

Schubert’s “Fantasy” Sonata in G major and music by Bartók St Lawrence Jewry

1500 90 minute guided tour of the church, including parts not normally open to the public Admission £6

St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 28 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: George Barton and Craig Apps

(percussion) Includes Britten’s Timpani Piece for Jimmy St Lawrence Jewry

Thursday 29 August 1300 August Music Festival Recital: Njabulo Madlala (baritone) and

William Vann (piano) Schubert Lieder, songs by Britten and music from South Africa St Lawrence Jewry

Friday 30 August 1230 Organ Recital: Gary Desmond (Bath Abbey)

St Stephen Walbrook 1300 August Music Festival Recital: the EKA Quartet and Peteris

Sokolovskis (cello) perform Schubert’s String Quintet in C St Lawrence Jewry


Thursday 1st ─ Friday 30th August

Free Recitals from 1.00pm to 1.45pm each weekday in August (other than August Bank Holiday)

featuring a variety of instrumentalists and singers

SPECIAL THEMES FOR 2013 Celebrating Schubert

and Celebrating Benjamin Brittten in his centenary year

For concise details please see individual daily listings


Page 41: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk


St Mary at Hill   In the  June edition of City Events there was a description of the move that was taking place of the Lutheran Church of St Anne and St Agnes to the City church of St Mary at Hill.  It can be reported that the move was very successful and the activities of the Lutheran Church are now well established at St Mary at Hill.   Thus  it has been thought appropriate to offer some words concerning this most delightful of the City churches.  First, it occupies such a perfect site, hidden away up the hill among some of the ancient lanes and alleyways of the City.  The first challenge for many visitors is actually to find it!  There is also the fascination of a church that is arguably somewhat plain outside, but which offers such beauty within.  From Lovat Lane, all one sees is the tower, perhaps not one of Wren’s greatest creations because he was able to re‐use much of the existing medieval structure, but, in any case, re‐built by George Gwilt in the 1780s.  

Approached from the other side, via St Mary at Hill (the road), we find one of the few examples of Wren lavishing time and effort on the exterior of an east end, something he only rarely did  (for example at St Lawrence Jewry or St Peter Cornhill, where  the building was highly visible  in a prominent  location).   Then we enter  the church  through a hidden churchyard, with church walls which contain substantial fabric from the pre‐Fire building.  

Once inside the church, the full extent of Wren’s genius is apparent.  This is one of his small, centrally‐planned churches – a Greek cross  in a square, with four short, barrel‐vaulted arms meeting  in a the centre at a shallow, coffered saucer dome.  This plan (echoed at St Anne and St Agnes and St Martin Ludgate, but without the dome) is known in Byzantine architecture as “quincunx”, or “five‐pointed” (the name originating from a Roman coin which featured such a pattern).  

St Mary at Hill was one of only four Wren churches to escape completely unscathed from the Second World War, but, alas,  it was badly damaged by a fire  in 1988.   Since that time, the woodwork,  including reredos, pulpit and pews, has been kept in storage and its intended restoration into the church is still the subject of debate.  In the meantime, there is still  some  fine  woodcarving  to  admire  in  the  west  gallery,  screen  and  organ  case,  the  work  of  a  great  Victorian woodcarver named William Gibbs Rogers, who also carved the pew‐ends in St Michael Cornhill.  

The organ is one of the finest in the City.  Originally built by Father Smith (it is thought), it has been rebuilt several times, most notably by William Hill in 1848 (at a cost of £600) and, most recently in 2002, by Noel Mander, who retained the Hill organ case, which was built in original 17th century style.  

Whilst  the absence of  the  furnishings  is  to be  regretted,  this does create a  liberating sense of spaciousness, which  is enhanced  by  the  amount  of  light  thrown  on  to  the  interior  through  the  very  large  plain  glass windows  and which enables the visitor to walk around the classical columns and under the dome and to admire Wren’s unrivalled sense of proportion.   The website of the church:     www.stmary‐at‐hill.org/      is well worth a visit, and, needless to say, so  is the church itself.  

 Tony Tucker, author of 'The Visitors Guide to the City of London Churches'      Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BA  

tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 42: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Contemplative Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 to 1340 Bible Talk, following lunch at 1300 St Botolph Aldersgate 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate / continued

Every Wednesday - continued 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens (Not 19 September – see

Special Serivces On 5 September begins at 1305) 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk


Page 43: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 3 September 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Wednesday 4 September 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 5 September 1305 Choral Eucharist St Margaret Pattens Tuesday 10 September 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 12 September 1210 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion, commemorating St John Chrysostom

St Margaret Pattens Sunday 15 September 1030 Family Service St Sepulchre without Newgate 1100 High Mass celebrating the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St Magnus the Martyr Tuesday 17 September 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Wednesday 18 September 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 19 September 1310 Lunchtime Prayers with Hymns St Margaret Pattens Sunday 22 September 1030 Family Service St Sepulchre without Newgate Tuesday 24 September 1830 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 26 September 1830 Michaelmas Choral Evensong St Margaret Pattens Sunday 29 September – St Michael and All Angels 1100 High Mass for St Michael’s Day St Magnus the Martyr 1500 Welsh Harvest Festival Service St Benet Paul’s Wharf 1500 Costermongers’ Harvest Festival Service (following parade of Pearly Kings

and Queens from Guildhall from 1300) All Welcome St Mary le Bow Monday 30 September 1045 Lord Mayor’s Election Day Service St Lawrence Jewry Monday 2 September 1300 Recital: Gamal Khamis (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: David Aprahamian Liddle (St Barnabas Pimlico), including

world première of his Mnemonic Suite Op 21 St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Alexandra Roupakia (piano) St Martin Ludgate 1830-2030 Spiritual Practices in World Faiths (1) Christianity Led by Derek

Collins First of a series of Monday evening talks/discussions/workshops in September/ October Free event but donation requested For further details & booking for one or more sessions visit www.spiritualitycentre.org London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr

Tuesday 3 September 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: Veronica Henderson (cello) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 4 September 1305 Recital: Francis Gallagher (viola) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Nika Shirocorad (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Yukiko Shinohara (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 5 September 1305 Recital: Gerard Cousins (classical guitar) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Kirsty Michele Anderson (soprano), Josh von Bohlen (violin),

Charles Economou (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents the sixth recital in the series

“The Glorious Baroque” St Margaret Lothbury Friday 6 September 1230 Organ Recital: Geoffrey Tuson (Garrison Church, Aldershot)

St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital (St Anne’s Music Society) For up to date information see

www.stmary-at-hill.org St Mary at Hill

Friday 6 September - continued 1310 Recital: Alice Bishop (soprano), Ryoko Izitsu (piano) “Morning, Noon and

Night” St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Stella Di Virgilio (violin) St Bride Fleet Street Monday 9 September 1300 Recital: Maria Razumovskaya (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Angelo Castaldo (Naples) St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Julia Weatherley (soprano), Panaretos Kyriatzidis (piano)

St Martin Ludgate 1830 Spiritual Practices in World Faiths (2) Sikhism Led by Param Singh See

2 September London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr Tuesday 10 September 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Angelo Castaldo (Naples) St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: Albert Lin (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 11 September 1305 Recital: Cassandra Mathews (classical guitar) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Trio Sol (Christiane Eidsten Dahl (violin), David Horwich (horn),

Chad Vindin (piano)) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Guray Basol (piano) Including works by Scarlatti, Liszt and

Rachmaninov St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Donna Macfadyen (soprano) St Dunstan in the West 1830 Public dialogue: Re-imagining the sacred (1) Defining the Sacred with

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg and Paul Kingsnorth Fee £10 The first of a series of seven debates running until March 2013 An action learning group who wish to explore the subject in greater depth will also meet in between the debates – total cost £195 For booking and further details

go to www.stethelburgas.org St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 1830 Van Mildert Lecture Two presentatons on the life of Bishop William Van

Mildert, former rector of St Mary le Bow, by Elizabeth Varley (author of his biography) and the Rt Revd Robert Paterson (Bishop of Sodor & Man) followed by reception. Admission £5 For booking and further information visit www.dur.ac.uk/vanmildert.trust/events/bishopvanmildert St Mary le Bow

Thursday 12 September 1305 Recital: Matthew Drinkwater (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Felicity Vincent (cello), playing Bach solo cello suites Nos 1 & 6

St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital in the International Celebrity Series: Angelo Castlado

(Naples) St Margaret Lothbury 1900 “Adrift” exhibition (see bottom of final page) Meet the artist - Hew Locke

will talk about his inspiration for the artwork Admission free – all welcome All Hallows by the Tower 1930 Concert: Regents Opera perform Verdi’s La Traviata Tickets £32, £20,

£15 See www.regentsopera.com for booking & further details St Sepulchre without Newgate

Friday 13 September 1230 Organ Recital: Tom James St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital (St Anne’s Music Society) For up to date information see

www.stmary-at-hill.org St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Jessie Tse (soprano) St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 14 September 1000-1700 “Ride & Stride” sponsored walk and cycle ride between participating

London places of worship Proceeds go to chosen churches & Heritage of London Trust Further details from www.heritageoflondon.com Monday 16 September 1300 Recital: Mikhail Shilyaev (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: début recital by Jemima Stephenson as the church’s

2013 -14 Sir George Thalben-Ball Memorial Organ Scholar and Assistant Director of Music St Michael Cornhill

1305 Recital: Susana Gilardoni (soprano) St Martin Ludgate 1830 Spiritual Practices in World Faiths (3) Buddhism - Led by Lauri Bower See

2 September London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr Tuesday 17 September 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: D’Cruz Piano Trio St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Stephanie Legg (saxophone) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 18 September 1305 Recital: Oliver Cave (violin) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Consort Audite Nova (recorder quartet) St Olave Hart Street




Page 44: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 18 September - continued 1310 Recital: Shinko Hanaoka (cello), Yuki Negishi (piano)

St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: John Crockatt (violin) St Dunstan in the West Thursday 19 September 1305 Organ Recital in the Celebrity Organ Recital Series for the Harvest in the

Sea Festival: Robert Smith and Martin Knizia St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Fenella Humphreys (violin) Last of 6 recitals exploring Bach’s

Sonatas and Partitas and other solo repertoire St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays works by César Franck, Guilmant,

Dubois and Salomé St Margaret Lothbury 1830 An Evening with Kevin Scully – priest, playwright, writer, broadcaster, actor

Free event For further details & booking see www.spiritualitycentre.org London Centre for Spirituality (St Edmund King & Martyr)

1830 Harvest of the Sea Festival Reception, with the launch of a photography exhibition by Laura Lean (see box below) and poetry by Stella Davis For further information call 020 7626 4184 St Mary at Hill

Friday 20 September 0845-1200 Workshop: Improve your Faith Community’s Conflict Resilience

Fee £10 For details and booking go to www.stethelburgas.org St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate

1100-1600 Workshop: The Theology of Welcome Speaker Pádraig Ó Tuama (Belfast) Cost £30 For details & booking go to www.spiritualitycentre.org London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr

1230 Organ Recital: Richard Hobson (Grosvenor Chapel) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital (St Anne’s Music Society) For up to date information see

www.stmary-at-hill.org St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Marie Vassilio (soprano), Nico de Villiers (piano)

St Bride Fleet Street

Saturday 21 September – London Open House Weekend (see box below) 1000-1200 & 1400 -1600 Demonstrations of bellringing and belfry tours

St Botolph Aldgate 1030-1600 “Church Crawl” of 4 churches led by the London Gallery Quire, with

participants singing from “Your Voices Raise” at each church: 1030 St Mary Woolnoth 1145 St Margaret Lothbury 1415 St Vedast alias Foster 1530 St Mary le Bow Cost of “Your Voices Raise” book £8 on the day, £10 in advance

including p&p For further information and to book, visit www.lgq.org.uk 1100-1600 A Celebration of Spiritual Direction, led by Mark Godson and Julie

Dunstan Free event Go to www.spiritualitycentre.org for details and booking London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr

1100 & 1200 Guided Tours St Mary le Bow Sunday 22 September – London Open House Weekend (see box below) 1100, 1230, 1400 & 1530 Guided Tours St Mary le Bow Monday 23 September 1300 Recital: Gisela Meyer (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Jonathan Rennert St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: John Crockatt (violin) St Martin Ludgate 1830 Spiritual Practices in World Faiths (4) Hinduism - Led by Madhoosoodan See

2 September London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr 1830 Talk: A Fresh Start by RicoTice (co-author of Christianity Explored)

Includes dinner To book a place e-mail [email protected] St Helen Bishopsgate

Tuesday 24 September 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis plays works by Mendelssohn and English

composers from Byrd to Howells St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Alan Dorn (piano) St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Gil Jetley (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 25 September 1305 Recital: Primavera Saxophone Quartet St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Joseph Fleetwood (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital (tbc) NB please check at: www.st-sepulchre.org

St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 26 September 1305 Organ Recital in the Celebrity Organ Recital Series for the Harvest in the

Sea Festival: Philip Scriven (Cranleigh School) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Margaret Morrell (soprano), Gillian Spragg (piano)

St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital See www.sanctuaryinthecity.net/concerts for up to date details

St Olave Hart Street

Thursday 26 September - continued 1310 Albert Schweitzer Memorial Organ Recital by Jonathan Melling

Commemorating the centenary of the foundation of Dr Schweitzer’s leper hospital in Lambaréné, Gabon, and celebrating his recordings of the music of J S Bach on the All Hallows organ in the 1930s

All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital in the International Celebrity Series: Marc Baumann

(Strasbourg) St Margaret Lothbury Friday 27 September 0930 Macmillan Coffee Morning (wth recital at 1315 – see below)

St Bride Fleet Street 1230 Organ Recital: Nicholas King (St John Boxmoor) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital (St Anne’s Music Society) For up to date information see

www.stmary-at-hill.org St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Claire Seaton (soprano), Robert Hunter (piano)

St Bride Fleet Street 1930 “Tongues of Fire” – the life of Richard Francis Burton - explorer, writer &

Arabist - related in the style of the Arabian Nights by Giles Abbott, with songs by Kurdish Iraqi singer Newroz Admission £12 Suitable for adults and children aged 14+ For further details and booking go to www.stethelburgas.org St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate

Saturday 28 September 1100-1600 Workshop: Seeing the Good in Unfamiliar Spiritualities Speaker Gethin Abraham-Williams Cost £30 For further details and booking go to www.spiritualitycentre.org

London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr Monday 30 September 1300 Recital: Matthew McCombie (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Emanuele Cardi (Battipaglia, Italy), playing works by

Pietro Alessandro Yon (1866-1943) St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Honey Rouhani & Grace Carter (sopranos) St Martin Ludgate 1305 Recital (St Anne’s Music Society) (tbc) NB please check at

www.stmary-at-hill.org St Mary at Hill 1830 Spiritual Practices in World Faiths (5) Wicca – Led by Magnus Randall

See 2 September London Centre for Spirituality - St Edmund King & Martyr

Exhibitions in City Churches


“Adrift” exhibition (Part of the Thames Festival) Daily from 24 August to 29 September

The artwork, by Hew Locke, consists of a 12 ft richly decorated boat, calling to mind those who have lost their lives on the river and at sea 12 September at 1900 – Meet the artist and hear about his inspiration


Summer Mosaics Exhibition to 22 September

Includes mosaics on religious themes, and also works by Southbank Mosaics, an artistic community project including young offenders


Exhibition of photography by Laura Lean from 19 September

Photographs of the Stepping Stones street orphanage in Malaysia and its children. To be launched at the

St Mary at Hill Harvest of the Sea Reception on 19 September at 1830

Admission Free

London Open House Weekend –

Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 September

In addition to the individual listings above, a number of the City Churches, including some not normally open to visitors at these times, will be open

on one or both of the above dates in some cases with guided tours

For further details see www.londonopenhouse.org

Page 45: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ October 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk

          A Transport of Delight Miscellany

Apologies are due on account of the use of the above title, part of which has been used on this front page on a previous occasion. The title is particularly apt on this occasion since, quite literally, you will be taken on what might be called a spotter’s journey, courtesy of Tfl, from a point in the eastern area of the City to a point furthest west. Our journey will be made on the top deck of a number 15 bus, starting at the bus stop on the south side of Tower Hill by the Tower of London. From the vantage point on the top deck of a bus so much more can be seen that relates to City churches. After leaving the bus stop our bus will fork right through its dedicated rising barrier into Great Tower Street. Shortly, on the left, will be seen a narrow street – St Dunstan’s Hill which leads to the remains of the Wren church of St Dunstan in the East with its delightful garden, well worth a future visit. Then on the right will be seen another Wren church, St Margaret Pattens, almost unaltered since it was completed in 1687. It is best then to look quickly to the left down Lovat Lane where you will catch a glimpse of the tower and west front of Wren’s St Mary at Hill. By now we are in Eastcheap and farther along on the south side(our left) near the bus stop just before Fish Street Hill look out for the plaque set in the wall above the shop front indicating the site of St Leonard Eastcheap destroyed in the Great Fire of London of 1666. The City abounds with these commemorative plaques. Perhaps more might be written about them on another occasion. Down Fish Street Hill can be seen the clock and tower of Wren’s St Magnus the Martyr. Our bus will now move on into Cannon Street and very soon on the left is Martin Lane down which can be seen a church-like tower, built on the site of the church of St Martin Orgar in 1853. The church features in the nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons. Shortly on the right will be seen Abchurch Lane up which is the Wren church of St Mary Abchurch, in which is housed the office of the Friends of the City Churches. By now part of the south side and the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral should be visible ahead, but more of that later. The very next lane on the right is that of St Swithin leading to a delightful little garden on the site of Wren’s St Swithin London Stone. The church, dedicated to the harbinger of a possible period of extended rainfall, was destroyed in the Blitz of 1941. After this comes the gentle incline past Cannon Street Station on the left, down to the level of Walbrook under which flows the River Walbrook. Up this street a glimpse can be caught of Wren’s St Stephen Walbrook where Samaritans was founded in 1953. Because of the extensive rebuilding on the west side of Walbrook you will be treated to a good view of the tower of St Mary Aldermary, Wren’s architectural excursion into Gothic. By now St Paul’s Cathedral is the dominant view, overshadowing a tower outside the east end of the Cathedral, the only remaining feature of Wren’s St Augustine Watling Street (blitzed in 1941) cleverly incorporated into the Cathedral Choir School built in the 1960s. Now we have a striking view of Wren’s masterpiece, the Cathedral itself. In this short account, which, it will be remembered is a miscellany, only one feature will be highlighted and that is the excellent view one has out of the right-hand windows of the top deck of our bus of the carving over the South Portico depicting a phoenix with the single word RESURGAM carved under it, both features definitively appropriate to the magnificent structure housing them, finally completed in 1710 after 35 years in construction, to replace the old St Paul's destroyed by the Great Fire in 1666. As we travel along the curve of St Paul’s Churchyard leading into Ludgate Hill we see the statue of Queen Anne standing before the west front of the Cathedral, frequently mis-identified as that of Queen Victoria. Now we commence the incline down Ludgate Hill to Ludgate Circus passing on the right the distinctive structure of Wren’s St Martin without Ludgate, squeezed between commercial buildings. Look ahead and to the left and one can see the noteworthy spire of St Bride Fleet Street, another Wren masterpiece. The distinctive wedding-cake structure is currently shrouded in scaffolding as it undergoes comprehensive repair and restoration. We now commence the gentle ascent of Fleet Street. Start looking at the building numbers on the right - the north side. Number 143 is the aim. Look above the shop frontage and sandwiched between the pairs of windows you will see an excellent-looking statue of Mary Queen of Scots. You are asked to note this because further up Fleet Street on the north side, beyond Fetter Lane is the church of St Dunstan in the West. This church was completed in 1833, thus making it the youngest of the City churches in relation to its construction. On the south face is the statue of Queen Elizabeth the First, carved in 1586 during her reign. These two statues remind us of the sad historical connection between the two Queens ending in the execution of Mary in 1587. At this point we must end our journey as our number 15 bus passes Temple Bar with the isolated tall pedestal in the centre of the road, surmounted by a dragon facing east, marking the boundary of the City of London. We hope this miscellany has whetted appetites for a much closer examination of the route from the Tower to Temple Bar, perhaps this time on foot.   Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BA  

tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

Page 46: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Holy Communion St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Contemplative Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 to 1340 Bible Talk, following lunch at 1300 St Botolph Aldersgate 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate / continued

Every Wednesday - continued 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens (Not 19 September – see

Special Serivces On 5 September begins at 1305) 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


Prayer Services are broadcast daily on demand on the Internet Site of the Internet Church for London. To watch these services, which change

on a daily basis, log on to: www.londoninternetchurch.org.uk


Page 47: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 2 October 1300 Celebrating the Feast of St Michael and All Angels Anglican Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1300 Business Harvest Festival with the choir of St Stephen's ─ Te Deum in F by Ireland, 'The Heavens are telling' by Haydn The service will be followed by a reception St Stephen Walbrook 1900 City Harvest at St Andrew Holborn Sung Eucharist Preacher: The Rt Revd Bishop Stephen Oliver "The Garden in the City" St Andrew Holborn Thursday 3 October 1300 City Harvest at St Andrew Holborn Choral Eucharist ─ Service of Healing Preacher: The Revd Hugh Valentine St Andrew Holborn 1300 ‘Souper Harvest Service’ – A Harvest for the Homeless

After the service you are invited to share in some soup to raise money for the ‘Broadway’ project which helps the homeless in the City. St Margaret Pattens

Friday 4 October 1230 City Harvest at St Andrew Holborn Requiem Mass for the Departed St Andrew Holborn

Tuesday 8 October 1800 "Harvest in the City" ─ a time of celebration and thanksgiving for the commodities brought to this country through the often invisible fruits of the work of the City business environment. The Revd Fiona Stewart-Darling will speak on the theme "Called to Work". There will be music by the choir of St Dunstan's College. All welcome. All Hallows by the Tower Wednesday 9 October 1300 Anglican Holy Communion Commemorating Thomas Traherne (1636? – 1674), poet, clergyman, and theologian St Mary at Hill

Thursday 10 October 1200 Maritime Foundation Memorial Book Service ─ The annual service of remembrance for those lost at sea and for whom there is no known grave. All Hallows by the Tower Sunday 13 October 1100 Fish Harvest Festival Service St Mary at Hill 1315 Harvest Sunday Celebration ─ Choral Eucharist St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 16 October 1300 Fish Harvest Festival Eucharist Anglican Holy Communion St Mary at Hill Sunday 20 October 1315 Trafalgar Day Choral Eucharist St Bride Fleet Street Sunday 27 October ─ Reformation Sunday 1100 Lutheran Choral Eucharist St Mary at Hill

Tuesday 1 October 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Tom Bell (Organist and Choirmaster, St Michael, Chester Square, London) Works by Williamson, Alain, Matthew Sergeant (five visions from the Book of Enoch) and J S Bach St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Maria Zachariadou (cello), Richard Birchall (cello) Works by Boccherini, Britten and two premières of works by Richard Birchall and Bushra El-Turk respectively St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Sussex Camerata St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 2 October 1305 Recital: The Satler Quartet performs Mozart ─ 'Prussian Quartet' K575 St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Lloyd's Choir Autumn Concert will include Monteverdi madrigals and works by Rachmaninov , Lotti and Gabrieli Admission Free St Katharine Cree 1305 Recital: For further information please visit: www.sanctuaryinthecity.net St Olave Hart Street 1310 City Harvest at St Andrew Holborn Organ Recital: Gergely Kaposi Works by Bernard Bach, Handel, Telemann, Franck, Paul Ayres, Liszt and Widor Admission Free St Andrew Holborn 1310 Recital: Sergei Podobedov (piano) St Sepulchre Newgate 1900 Recital by 'Endymion' Chamber Ensemble Works by Strauss, Barber and Wagner Tickets £25, £20, £15 from: www.templemusic.org or the box office on 020 7427 5641 Temple Church Thursday 3 October 1305 Organ Recital: James Norrey (Assistant Director of Music at Norwich Cathedral) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Catherine Leonard (piano) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Felicity Smith (mezzo-soprano), Claire Harris (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Gordon Phillips Memorial Recital to be given by Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 City Harvest at St Andrew Holborn Recital: "An Anthology of Flowers" to be given by Charlotte de Rothschild (soprano) Admission Free St Andrew Holborn 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series – Emanuelle Cardi (Battipaglia, Salerno, Italy) St Margaret Lothbury Friday 4 October 1100 to 1600 A series of sessions bookable individually, on the

theme “Support in Spiritual Direction – Developing Direction” 1. Anne Colman on ‘Abiding and Abounding’ – exploring the formation of ordinands through the lens of spiritual direction The fee for each session is £40. For more information and booking please visit:

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr 1230 Organ Recital: Toril Briese (Royal College of Music) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: SYRINX I 'A Hollow Reed' Ann Allen & Belinda Paul (shawms, dulcians & baroque oboes) Sally Hilman (dulcian & bassoon), Martin Knizia (organ & harpsichord) Works by Landini, de Selma, Frescobaldi, Boismortier and Vivaldi St Mary at Hill


Page 48: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Friday 4 October ─ continued 1310 City Harvest at St Andrew Holborn Friday Forum ─ Free public lecture: "Human Cities" to be given by Dae Wha Kang St Andrew Holborn 1315 Recital: Luca Luciano (clarinet) St Bride Fleet Street 1930 ‘In search of the Paramatma’ – a performance of Punjabi and

Bengali spiritual music and dance. Tickets £12 For more details and registration contact 020 7496 1616 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate Saturday 5 October 1000 ‘Beyond Honest to God’ A day conference to examine trends

in Christian thinking and practice which have emerged in the 50 years since the publication of John Robinson’s ground-breaking book Fee £25, concessions £15 For more information and booking please contact 020 7496 1610

St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate Monday 7 October 1305 Recital: Jim Wills (baritone) and Celia Vince (piano) "English Song" ─ Works by Ireland, Finzi, Britten, Warlock, Gurney, Butterworth, Quilter & Somervell St Martin Ludgate 1800 to 2000 The first session in a series of ten on the theme

‘Exploring Life: Spirituality 101 — find yourself: find your direction: find your place' This will be a series of group sessions led by Annette Kaye and

Julian Maddock meeting on Mondays over ten weeks. For more details and booking contact 020 7621 1391 or http://centreforspirituality.eventbrite.co.uk or email: [email protected]

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr 1830 to 2030 Spiritual Practices in World Faiths (6) Judaism Facilitator Rabbi Janet Burden Sixth of a series of Monday

evening talks/discussions/workshops. Free event but a donation is requested For further details & booking please contact 020 7621 1391 or go to: www.eventbrite.co.uk/org/3655596295 or email: [email protected]

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr

Tuesday 8 October 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Charles Andrews (Associate Director of Music, All Saints Margaret Street, London) Works by Franck, Dupré, Heiller and J S Bach St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Greg Tassell (tenor), Chris Bundhan (guitar) will perform the song cycle 'Songs from the Chinese' for high voice and guitar (opus 58) by Benjamin Britten St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: David Braid (guitar), Sergio Podobedov (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1900 Silent Film: 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' with David Briggs (organ) Watch John Barrymore starring in the renowned silent film of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic about a Victorian scientist who turns himself into a murderous abomination. Tickets £25, £15, £10 from: www.templemusic.org or the box office on 020 7427 5641 Temple Church

Wednesday 9 October 1305 Organ Recital: Andrew Wilson St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Music in Offices winner's recital Che Frye (piano), Phil Cambridge (trombone) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Deborah Aloba (mezzo-soprano), Juwon Ogungbe (baritone), Ryoko Izitsu (piano) 'Magnificent voices sing from Mozart to Gershwin' St Sepulchre Newgate 1805 JustShare City Talk with Michaela Alfred-Kamara: 'Slavery still on London's doorstep: What can the City do?' St Mary le Bow 1830 for 1900 QuizAid A fundraising evening for Christian Aid "Put your brain to the Test" Minimum donation £5 per person Bring you own drink, nibbles provided Please contact Claire on: [email protected] to register your interest St Bride Fleet Street 1830 ‘Re-imagining the Sacred: Food’ Faith traditions have often

linked food with ritual, celebration and community. How is this relationship between food and the sacred experienced today?

For details and registration please contact 020 7496 1610 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate Thursday 10 October 1305 Organ Recital: Masato Suzuki (Bach Collegium Japan) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Chris Christodoulou (bouzouki) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: For further information please visit: www.sanctuaryinthecity.net St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays Toccatas and Variations (1) St Margaret Lothbury Friday 11 October 1145 ‘City Forum’ A conversation exploring the possibility of setting

up a forum for dialogue within the City. For details and registration please contact 07989 545 958 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 1230 Organ Recital: David Phillips St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Daniel-Ben Pienaar (piano) will play ─ Bach: Well-Tempered Clavier Book II Preludes and Fugues Nos 1-12 St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Cathy Bell (mezzo-soprano) St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 12 October 1100 to 1600 One-day Workshop: Debbie Thrower will speak on 'Spirituality and Ageing' . Cost £30 For further details & booking please contact 020 7621 1391 or go to: http://spiritualityandageing.eventbrite.co.uk/ or email: [email protected] London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr 1300 ‘Entering Divine Life’ A Retreat on the Naming of God. The Retreat will be led by Claire Henderson Davis For details and registration please contact 020 7496 1610 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate Sunday 13 October 1300 The Ethelburga Walk A 9-mile walk from Barking to

Bishopsgate – a great day out for a great cause More details and registration from 020 7496 1610 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate


Page 49: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Monday 14 October 1000 ‘Conflict coaching’ A certificated three day course in conflict

coaching for anyone dealing with workplace or personal conflict. More details and registration: 07989 545 958

St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 1305 Recital: Laura Monaghan (soprano) & David Jones (baritone) St Martin Ludgate 1305 Recital: SYRINX II 'La Chasse' Ann Allen & Belinda Paul (baroque oboe), Sally Holman (baroque bassoon), Anneke Scott & N. N. (baroque horns) A glimpse into a lost tradition of 18th century wind music with suites, overtures and dances by Telemann and Handel for oboes and horns St Mary at Hill 1400 to 1645 Exploring Christian Spirituality An introduction to the

great traditions of Christian spirituality. It is intended to be experiential rather than academic to complement personal joueneys in spiritual development. The course lasts for 19 weeks and is led by John-Francis Friendship and Antonia Lynn Cost £300 For more details and booking please contact 020 7621 1391 or go to: http://explchristianspir2013-14.eventbrite.co.uk/ or email: [email protected] London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr

1800 to 2000 The second session in a series of ten on the theme ‘Exploring Life: Spirituality 101’. For more details please refer to the entry for Monday 7 October.

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr Tuesday 15 October 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Greg Morris (Associate Organist, Temple Church, London) Works by de Grigny, Vierne, Franck and J S Bach St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: To be arranged St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: John Crockatt (violin) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1900 Recital by the Sacconi String Quartet Works by Purcell, Britten, Puccini and Verdi Tickets £20, £15, £10 from: www.templemusic.org or the box office on 020 7427 5641 Temple Church Wednesday 16 October 1305 Recital; Eliza McCarthy (piano) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: James Kirby (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Crispin Lewis (baritone), Raymond Lewis (piano) A selection from Schubert's 'Winterreise' St Sepulchre Newgate 1900 RNLI Chamber Concert: City Chamber Ensemble Jill Kemp (recorder), Michael Gammie (conductor) For programme information please visit: www.sanctuaryinthecity.net This will be a fund-raising concert of popular classics. Champagne reception. Tickets £30 from Hannah Ashton at the RNLI on: 0300 300 9903 St Olave Hart Street

Thursday 17 October 1305 Organ Recital: Michael Bawtree (Concert Organist Glasgow) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Timothy Roberts St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Daniel Beskow St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays Toccatas and Variations (2) St Margaret Lothbury 2000 ‘Singing with a difference’ The St Ethelburga’s Choir sing

songs from around the world. A free event with donations. For more details and registration — 020 7496 1610 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate Friday 18 October 1230 Organ Recital: Oliver Macfarlane St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Daniel-Ben Pienaar (piano) will play ─ Bach: Well-Tempered Clavier Book II Preludes and Fugues Nos 13-24 St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Timothy Roberts St Mary le Bow 1315 Recital: David Dean (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1900 ‘Melting the ice of the heart’ An elder from Greenland shares

indigenous spiritual wisdom and ritual. Fee £9; students/unemployed £6

More details and registration from: 07989 545 958 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate

Saturday 19 October 1000 ‘Exploring collective story’ An experiential workshop on how

collective stories shape our lives and identities with Debbie Warrener. Fee £50, concessions £30

More details and registration from 07989 545 958 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate 1100 to 1600 One-day Workshop: 'Musiking the Mystery'

June Boyce-Tillman will speak on Music and Spirituality and their connection in various cultures both sacred and secular with the particular history of European Christianity.

Fee £30 For further details & booking please visit www.spiritualitycentre.org

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr 1100 to 1645 Come and Sing with John Rutter A warm welcome is extended to acclaimed composer and director John Rutter for another of his ever-popular 'Come and Sing' days. The choir rehearses throughout the day, firstly in the glorious acoustic of Middle Temple Hall and then, later in the afternoon, in the atmospheric Temple Church. All abilities accepted for this fun Saturday of music-making. Tickets £25 including sandwich lunch from www.templemusic.org or the box office on 020 7427 5641 Temple Church

Monday 21 October 1305 Recital: Lysianne Chen & Minni Ho (four hands piano duo) Works by Schubert and Poulenc with Jazz numbers St Martin Ludgate 1400 to 1645 Exploring Christian Spirituality The second session of this course. Please refer to the entry on Monday 14 October for the outline of the course and contact details

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr 1800 to 2000 The third session in a series of ten on the theme

‘Exploring Life: Spirituality 101’. For more details please refer to the entry for Monday 7 October. The series will continue on Mondays in November and December. (N.B. There is no meeting on Monday 28 October)

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr


Page 50: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Tuesday 22 October 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Tom Winpenny (Assistant Master of the Music, St Alban's Cathedral) Works by Buxtehude, Frescobaldi, Saint-Saëns, Bingham, Jongen and J S Bach St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Matthew Pochin (tenor), Benedict Lewis Smith (piano) A recital of English Song featuring works by Finzi, Parry, Elgar and Quilter St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Patrizia Salvini (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 23 October 1305 Recital: Richard Lea (baritone) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Dina Duisen (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Mee Hyun Oh (violin), Lydia Kwon (cello) Works by Bach, Beethoven and Halvosen St Sepulchre Newgate 1805 JustShare Panel Discussion: National Ethical Investment Week: Eiris and ShareAction: 'Principles & Profits: Investing to protect people, the planet and your savings' St Mary le Bow Thursday 24 October 1305 Organ Recital: Scott Farrell (Director of Musicat Rochester Cathedral) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Catherine Lee (cello), Nadav Hertzka (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Matthew Blaiden All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series ─ Per Thunarf (from Stockholm, Sweden) St Margaret Lothbury 1830 'Wee Sing in the City' An opportunity to sing your heart out with songs from the world church and the Iona Community All welcome, refreshments from 1800 All Hallows by the Tower 1930 Concert: The Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers presents

the Cantate Choir in a concert of sacred music. The programme includes Sacrae Cantiones by Gesualdo,

Pari Intervallo by Pärt and Prayers for Mankind by Levine Tickets £15 in advance or on the door. For advance bookings please email: [email protected]

St Margaret Pattens Friday 25 October 1230 Organ Recital: Patrick Hopper St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Sara Cluderay (soprano), Mayda Narvey (cello), Selah Perez Villar (piano) Works by Barber, Copland, Bernstein, Nadia and Lili Boulanger St Mary at Hill 1310 Recital: Stephanie Legg (saxophone) with Julia Hart (violin) An entertaining programme including light music St Sepulchre Newgate 1315 Organ Recital: James Paget St Bride Fleet Street

Saturday 26 October 1100 ‘Re-Invigorating Music in Christian Worship’

A come-and-sing workshop exploring music from other faith traditions, led by Rosie Parker Fee £15

More details and registration from 020 7496 1610 St Ethelburga’s Centre Bishopsgate Monday 28 October 1305 Recital: Elizabeth Pink (contralto) and David O'Shea (piano) "Dreams and Memories" ─ Songs by Quilter, Chaminade, Wagner and Schumann St Martin Ludgate 1305 Recital: Anete Graudina (violin), Florian Mitrea (piano) Beethoven: Sonata No 3 in E flat major, Romanze in G major St Mary at Hill 1400 to 1645 Exploring Christian Spirituality The third of ten

sessions of this course. Please refer to the entry on Monday 14 October for the outline of the course and contact details. The course continues in November, December, January, February and March London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr

Tuesday 29 October 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 A concert to be given by students from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Anna Basaldua (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 30 October 1305 Recital: Melicus Duo ─ Marie Vassiliou (soprano), Nico de Villiers (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Ayako Yamazaki (violin) with Katya Lazareva (viola) Classical strings from Japan and Belarus St Sepulchre Newgate Thursday 31 October 1305 Organ Recital: Marcus Wibberley (Director of Music at Hexham Abbeyl) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Alan Wilson St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Richard Allum (piano), Paul Bentley (tenor), Paul du Plessis-Smith (counter tenor) St Olave Hart Street

St Bride Fleet Street


Tuesday 5th November at 7.00pm

The Annual Olsen Lecture

This year we are delighted to welcome as our lecturer

Margaret Hodge, Labour Member of Parliament for Barking and Chair of the Public Accounts Committee

Tickets £15 at the door, £10 in advance, NUS £8

To book and for further details please email:

[email protected]


Page 51: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2013 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk

    All Hallows by the Tower The theme of our front page last month was the interesting miscellany of mostly visual references to City churches to be seen from the top deck on, and just off, the route of the Tfl number 15 bus as it wends its way westward from the bus stop by the Tower of London through the City to Temple Bar. Unfortunately your traveller was so engrossed in ascending the stairs of the bus as it moved off towards Great Tower Street that he failed to see a most distinguished City church on the left just after the bus stop referred to above, namely the church of All Hallows by the Tower. This unfortunate omission was pointed out to us and we are truly sorry for it and to make amends our front page will be devoted entirely to that church. We are indebted to Tony Tucker, the author of The Visitor's Guide to the City of London Churches for much of the following account.. All Hallows by the Tower is also known as All Hallows Barking, a reference to the nuns of Barking Abbey, who founded the church in 675 AD. It has claims to being the oldest church in the City and was still a medieval building until the bombing of the Second World War, which reduced its interior to rubble. The walls of the old church survived, along with the 17th century tower, famous as the vantage point from which Samuel Pepys and Admiral Penn (father of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, who was baptised in the church and educated in the old schoolroom) watched as the Great Fire destroyed the majority of the City in September 1666. Lord Mottistone rebuilt the church after World War II with a concrete ceiling and limestone piers in the interior and an elaborate steeple of green Zambian copper. The church was rededicated in 1957. The bombing exposed a Saxon arch in the south-west corner of the church, the only standing Saxon fabric in any London church, as well as an extensive undercroft, in which can be seen Roman tessellated pavements, several remains of Saxon crosses, a fine collection of the church’s silver and an interesting model of Roman Londinium. The undercroft also houses several small chapels, the main one featuring an altar made from stones brought from the Templars’ church in the Crusader Castle at Athlit, below Mount Carmel. Two other tiny medieval chapels are dedicated to St Francis and St Clare. In the undercroft can also be seen the Marriage Register recording the marriage in All Hallows in 1797 of John Quincy Adams, sixth President of the USA. The location of the church by the Tower of London meant that it cared for numerous beheaded bodies brought for temporary burial following their executions on Tower Hill, including those of Thomas More, Bishop John Fisher and Archbishop Laud. All Hallows houses many exceptional historic treasures, including the Tate panel, a rare late-15th century Flemish painted altar-piece in the Lady Chapel in the north-east corner of the church. In this chapel the Toc H lamp of maintenance is perpetually lit and there is a monument nearby bearing the effigy of the former Rector for 40 years, the Reverend Philip Thomas Byard Clayton (known as 'Tubby' Clayton), who founded the Toc H movement to keep alive the spirit of Christian fellowship he had experienced in Flanders in the First World War. In the baptistery, surrounded by Keith New’s post-war stained glass windows, is one of the finest examples of the work of Grinling Gibbons, greatest of the 17th century woodcarvers. His font cover consists of over 100 pieces depicting cherubs supporting flowers, leaves, fir-cones and wheat-ears, topped by a dove. There is more fine woodcarving to admire in the pulpit, which comes from Wren’s St Swithin London Stone, a church destroyed in the Blitz during World War II. Above it, the modern tester represents three sea-shells, symbols of St James of Compostela. There are 16th century wooden figures of St James, St Roche and St Anthony of Egypt in the nave and north aisle. In the south-east corner of the church is the Mariners’ Chapel, which celebrates the church’s connections with the Port of London Authority and many shipping companies. The cross above the altar is made from the wood of the Cutty Sark and the ivory figure of Christ is said to have come from the captain’s cabin on the flagship of the Spanish Armada. Other notable features are the three elaborate sword-rests and a total of 17 memorial brasses, the finest collection in any of the City churches. The organ has an interesting history dating from the first by Anthony Duddyngton in 1521. Over the years there have been a number of rebuilds and the Harrison and Harrison organ of 1928 is noteworthy for having been played by Albert Schweitzer in 1934 and 1935 when he made several recordings of Bach's music. The current organ was installed by Harrison and Harrison in 1957, the previous instrument having been destroyed in the Blitz of 1940. It is in constant use for services and for the recitals which take place on most Thursdays at lunchtime. The City church of All Hallows by the Tower bears testimony to 2000 years of City history, from Roman and Saxon remains, through medieval and Wren-period furnishings to reminders of many events of the 20th century and that testimony is continued through its very active ministry today.   Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BA  

tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

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The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Eucharist St Dunstan in the West 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Contemplative Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1300-1400 (any time) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 to 1340 Bible Talk, following lunch at 1300 St Botolph Aldersgate 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0730 Eucharist followed by breakfast in the Vestry St Dunstan in the West This service will be held in November only 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre /continued

Every Wednesday - continued 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate

1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Eucharist followed by Book Group beginning a discussion of a new book by Andrew Davison "Whu Sacraments? Refreshments will be provided St Dunstan in the West This service will be held in November only 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


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Saturday 2 November ─ All Souls' Day 1100 Sung Requiem Mass for All Souls' Day Celebrant – the Right Reverend Jonathan Baker The music will be Fauré's setting of the Requiem Those wishing to attend this service are asked to inform the administrator at: [email protected] or on 020 7405 1929 St Dunstan in the West Sunday 3 November 1030 Contemporary Worship Service St Sepulchre without Newgate 1600 All Souls Service St Giles Cripplegate Tuesday 5 November 1300 to 1400 (anytime) Contemporary Worship Service St Sepulchre without Newgate 1745 Sung Evening Prayer for All Saints' Tide St Mary le Bow 1840 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 7 November 1310 Choral Requiem of All Souls Day St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Service to mark Remembrance Day St Margaret Pattens Sunday 10 November ─ Remembrance Sunday 1050 Service for Remembrance Sunday The Service will include movements of Fauré's setting of the Requiem performed by the choir and orchestra of St Bride's using the composer's original orchestration St Bride Fleet Street 1055 Choral Mattins for Remembrance Sunday The Last Post will be sounded and the Silence kept at 1100 The Guest Speaker will be: Field Marshal The Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank GCB LVO OBE The Temple Church 1120 Service for Remembrance Sunday St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 11 November ─ Armistice Day 1100 The Last Post and Reveille in Church Court The Temple Church Tuesday 12 November 1300 to 1400 (anytime) Contemporary Worship Service St Sepulchre without Newgate 1840 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Sunday 17 November 1030 Contemporary Worship Service St Sepulchre without Newgate Tuesday 19 November 1300 to 1400 (anytime) Contemporary Worship Service St Sepulchre without Newgate 1840 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 21 November 1305 Patronal Festival St Katharine Cree Sunday 24 November 1030 Contemporary Worship Service St Sepulchre without Newgate Tuesday 26 November 1300 to 1400 (anytime) Contemporary Worship Service St Sepulchre without Newgate 1840 Choral Evensong St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 28 November 1310 Holy Communion to mark St Andrew's Day St Margaret Pattens 1399-1330 Monthly Prayer and Reflection St Giles Cripplegate

Friday 1 November 1230 Organ Recital: Liam Cartwright St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Miguel Clavijo (guitar) St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 2 November 1700 'The Glories of English and European Renaissance Polyphony' A Concert of Renaissance Music to be given by the University of St Andrews Renaissance Group (1970s) Works by Byrd, Tallis, Weelkes, Taverner, Clemens, de Wert, Palestrina and Victoria Admission free St Lawrence Jewry 1930 Concert to be given the Holst Singers conducted by Stephen Layton The programme will include Requiem by Herbert Howells and works by Tavener, Rachmaninov, Pärt, Lauridsen, Kalinnikov, Gretchaninoff, Poulenc and Percy Grainger Tickets £15, concessions £10 available from: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/479760 St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 4 November 1305 Recital: Julian Hellaby (piano) Works by Bach, Ravel, Ramskill (first performance), Liszt and Liapunov St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 5 November 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Recital: Jane Gilbert (flute) and Neil Wright (organ) St Stephen Walbrook 1315 Recital: Zoe Freedman (soprano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1830 for 1900 The Annual Olsen Lecture to be given by Margaret Hodge MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee For full details, including a special offer, please see the 'box' display at the end of the listings on the last page Guests arriving at 6:30pm can join us for a drink before the lecture, courtesy of Kaizo St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 6 November 1045 to 1500 Barts Christmas Fair The Fair will be opened by the Lady Mayoress Stalls will be selling stocking fillers, home-made crafts, jewellery, books, Christmas cards and home-made cakes. Entry to the Fair is free. All proceeds go to the charities that support St Bartholomew’s Hospital. These include Barts Guild and the Macmillan Cancer Information Centre and the Hospital Radio Barts Great Hall 1305 Recital: Ben Clark (tenor) ─ accompanied by

Edward Picton-Turbervill (organ) The programme will include Britten’s ‘Winter Words’ St Botolph Aldgate

1310 Recital: Jung Yoon Cho (violin), Emeline Archambault (piano) The programme will include Sonata for violin and piano No 1 in G major by Brahms St Sepulchre without Newgate 1830 'A Night to Remember' Words and Music for Remembrance A special event in aid of the Parachute Regiment Afghanistan Trust for Wounded Paratroopers For further information and tickets at £15 please go to www.glenart.co.uk or call 07980 631 110 St Dunstan in the West Thursday 7 November 1300 Song Recital in the 'Song in the City' Series 'Verdi and Wagner – Spirits of an Age' Wagner and Verdi as both like-minded and opposing forces of the Romantic era St Botolph Bishopsgate Hall 1305 Recital: Hannah Woolmer (violin), Daniel Roberts (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Organ Recital: Susan Heath-Downey St Mary le Bow 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series – Michael Funke from Bayreuth, Germany St Margaret Lothbury


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Thursday 7 November ─ continued 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Juecheng Chen (counter tenor),

Ching Man Ho (harp) — French songs by Voice and Harp (Poem of Paul Verlaine) Composers – Fauré, Debussy and

Hahn St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1315 Recital: Angus and Alexandra McPhee (baritone & soprano) 'Le Papillon et la Fleur' Songs and arias by Bach, Schumann, Bellini, Fauré and Britten St Dunstan in the West 1900 Mozart's 'The Magic Flute' performed by Opera Project The opera will be sung in English with a chamber orchestra. Tickets £50 in aid of St Lawrence Jewry Ticket enquiries: [email protected] or; [email protected] St Lawrence Jewry 1900 Recital: Raphael Wallfisch (cello), John York (piano) Works by Verdi/Buxton Orr, Britten, Wagner/Liszt and Bridge Tickets: £20, £15, £10 from www.templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 The Temple Church Friday 8 November 1100 to 1600 A series of sessions bookable individually, on the

theme “Support in Spiritual Direction – Developing Direction” 2. Stephen Cherry on ‘Real Forgiveness: Stories, Myths and Struggles’ – God's forgiveness and human forgiveness – enigmatic and open-ended. The fee for each session is £40. For more information and booking please visit:

London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr 1230 Organ Recital: Domenico Gioffre (Royal College of Music) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital by the Sweelinck Ensemble – Almut Schlicker and Phillip Yeeles (violins), Martin Knizia (organ and harpsichord) Works by Schmelzer and Bertoli St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Marie de Bry & Je I Bung (violas) St Bride Fleet Street Saturday 9 November 0930 to 1300 The Ancient Society of College Youths will mark the 50th anniversary of the first peal on these bells This will be a Peal Attempt St Mary le Bow 1000 to 1500 The Lord Mayor's Show Coffee and tea will be available at St Bride Fleet Street 1930 'Flamenco Fiesta' with Ramon Ruiz and Anita La Maltesa Tickets £12 For more information and booking please contact [email protected] or 07814 665 483 St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate Sunday 10 November 1030 onwards The Ancient Society of College Youths will attempt to ring 10,000 changes St Mary le Bow 1430 Brent Interfaith Pilgrimage Join us for a walk and sharing of faith, tradition and personal reflections. Start at the London Interfaith Centre, St Anne and St Andrew, 126 Salusbury Road, NW6 6PB Further details from: [email protected] or 07725 954 005 Monday 11 November 1305 Recital: Eleanor Janes and Zoe Freedman (sopranos) with Claire Simmonds and Guilio Potenza (piano accompanists) Songs and arias by Brahms, Schubert, Britten, Argento, Bellini, Richard Strauss and Poulenc St Martin Ludgate 1930 Concert: 'Ceremony and Devotion – Music for the Tudors' to be given by The Sixteen - conductor Harry Christopher Works by Byrd, Tallis, Sheppard Tickets: £40, £30, £20 from www.templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 The Temple Church

Tuesday 12 November 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1315 Recital: Chris Christodoulou (bouzouki) accompanied by Anne Marshal (piano) will play transcriptions of works by Vivaldi and Blavet St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 13 November 1305 Recital: Lysianne Chen (piano) St Botolph Aldgate 1310 Recital: Wake Hasagawa (piano) The programme will include 'Forest Scenes' Opus 66 by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 14 November 1300 Song Recital in the 'Song in the City' Series 'Verdi and Wagner ─ National Revolutionaries' The role of national identity in the world of these two operatic giants St Botolph Bishopsgate Hall 1300 Gresham Lecture ─ Christopher Hogwood's 'Music in Context Series' ─ Haydn's Symphony No 104 commonly known as the 'London' Symphony illustrated with live musical extracts of the piece. Music will be performed by the Baroque Ensemble from the Royal Academy of Music Admission is free and the event will be run on a "first come, first served" basis. Please feel free to arrive a little early to ensure that you can get a seat. Doors will be opened half an hour before the start of the event. St Sepulchre without Newgate 1305 Organ Recital: Richard Moore St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Charles Macdougall (tenor) accompanied by Robert Smith (organ & piano) St Mary at Hill 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays J S Bach St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Rosanna Young (piano) and

Dominic Walsh (tenor) Works by Finzi and fellow English song composers, to include ‘A Young Man’s Exhortation’ by Finzi St Andrew by the Wardrobe

1315 Recital: Ann Hooley (violin), Lizzi Turnbull (viola) St Dunstan in the West 1930 Concert: Requiem Aeternam to be given by Ad Libitum Chamber Choir directed by Julian Collings with Colin Spinks Organist The programme will include John Rutter's Requiem, Nunc Dimittis by Arvo Pärt, and works by John Tavener, William Byrd and Maurice Green Tickets £10 available on the door or from [email protected] or 01732 353 487 St Mary le Bow 1930 Recital: 'Temple Song 2013' to be given by Roderick Williams (baritone), Julius Drake (piano) Programme: Brahms – 'Die Schöne Magelone' Tickets: £45, £35, £25, £15, £10, £5 from www.templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 The Temple Church 2000 Benjamin Britten's 'Curlew River' First performance of three For more information and how to book please go to: www.barbican.org.uk/music/event-detail.asp?ID=14410 Alternatively use the box office: 020 7638 8891 The performances will take place at St Giles Cripplegate Friday 15 November 1100, 1230, 1400 & 1430 Curlew River Echo Curlew River Echo is a reverberation of the performance: an audio-visual installation playing in the atmospheric environment of this ancient church, inviting people to experience an echo of the opera in a mysterious, evanescent and thought-provoking way. The installation will loop continuously through the day, starting at the times given above and finishing at approximately 1645. For more details please visit:: barbican.org.uk/britten Free to the public. St Giles Cripplegate 1230 Organ Recital: Jonathan Hope St Stephen Walbrook


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Friday 15 November ─ continued 1305 Recital: Dinah Pounds (flute), Adam Pounds (guitar), Works for flute and guitar St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Caroline Wharton (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 2000 Benjamin Britten's 'Curlew River'

Second performance of three Please see the entry under Thursday above for more details St Giles Cripplegate

Saturday 16 November 1000 The Corrymeela GB Conference 2013 'Confronting Terror and Violence' ─ Stories of Conscience, Conviction and Courage from Northern Ireland Conference fee £25, concessions £15 Further details from: [email protected] or 020 7496 1616 St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate 1100, 1230, 1400 & 1430 Curlew River Echo For details please refer to the entry above at 15 November St Giles Cripplegate 1930 Concert: The London Euphonia Orchestra Conductor: Dario Peluso The programme will include works by Fauré and Khachaturian Tickets: £10 Concessions £8 More information and tickets are available from: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/244223 Doors will open at 1900 St Sepulchre without Newgate 2000 Britten's 'Curlew River' Third and final performance of three Please see the entry under Thursday above for more details St Giles Cripplegate Monday 18 November 1000 Opening of 'Inspire' – an exhibition of Contemporary Christian Art. The exhibition will be open from 1000 to 1800 each weekday until Friday 29 November St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: "Baroque & Bouzouki" Chris Christodoulou (bouzouki) and Anne Marshal (piano) will play transcriptions of works by Vivaldi, Albinoni and Blavet St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 19 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1200 Recital to be given by the Ligeti Quartet The programme will feature the World Premiere of 'Quartet' by Matthew Butt St Stephen Walbrook 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1315 Recital: Mignonette Aarons (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1830 'Re-imagining the Sacred: Economics' Money is often seen as the antithesis of what is sacred, and Western capitalism is often associated with greed. How might an understanding of the sacred change the way we relate to this fundamental aspect of life? With Charles Eisenstein (author of Sacred Economics) and Mark Boyle (the 'Moneyless Man') Event fee £12, concessions £6 (please bring ID) For more information and booking please contact: [email protected] or 07968 440 684 St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate Wednesday 20 November 1000 to 1800 Christian Art Exhibition – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Francina Moll Salord (violin), Nathan Tucker (piano) St Botolph Aldgate 1310 Recital: Mee Hyun Oh (violin), Sooyin Kim (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate

Wednesday 20 November ─ continued 1800 Cheapside Debate in Prisons Week in association with the Sheriff's & Recorder's Fund 'Justice For All? Are the Government's current reforms of Law and Order right and workable?' Speakers: Jonathan Aitken (former Conservative Cabinet Minister) and Andy Slaughter (Shadow Minister for Justice) Chair: His Honour Judge Peter Rook QC At this important debate audience participation and questions are always welcome. The debate will be followed by a wine reception. Entry is free, but any donation would be most welcome. St Mary le Bow 1900 Britten's St Nicholas Cantata The Aurora Orchestra with Nicholas Daniel (oboe) Tickets: £20, £15, £10 from www.templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 The Temple Church Thursday 21 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1300 Song Recital in the 'Song in the City' Series A Britten Birthday Concert On the eve of Benjamin Britten's 100th Birthday, some of his greatest songs St Botolph Bishopsgate Hall 1305 Recital: Masachi Nishiyama (piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Jelena Makarova (piano) St Mary le Bow 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays J S Bach St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Thomas Abela (classical guitar)

St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1900 for 1930 Meeting of 3F The Revd Dwayne Morgan of the Metropolitan Community Church will be talking about his work St Botolph Aldgate 1900 Concert: Handel's 'Messiah' As in previous performances, all the soloists are drawn from within the twelve-voice choir of the church. The orchestral accompaniment is provided by the Saraband Consort playing original instruments Tickets £25 on the door £20 in advance Students £15 Free for Under 16+ To book go to: www.stbrides.com and follow the link to 'Handel's Messiah' or telephone 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street 1900 'Cathars and the New Humanism' Meet the Cathars – representatives of the New Cathar movement in Spain talk about the revival of the tradition crushed by the Inquisition For more information contact: [email protected] or 07814 665 483 St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate Friday 22 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1130 Recital: Salvatore Vaccarella (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1230 Organ Recital: Peter Wright (Southwark Cathedral) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: For details please contact: [email protected] St Mary at Hill Saturday 23 November 1930 Concert given by the Tcha Limberger Trio The legendary Roma violinist comes to St Ethelburga's from Hungary Tickets £12 For more information and booking contact [email protected] or 020 7496 1616 St Ethelburga's Centre Bishopsgate 1930 Concert: The English Baroque Choir

'Britten Connected' ─ Music by Britten and his contemporaries and those whose music influenced his own

Tickets: Please visit: www.ebc.org.uk/ St Sepulchre without Newgate


Page 56: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Monday 25 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Nicole Crespo O'Donoghue (violin) accompanied by Jocelyn Freeman (piano) Works by Beethoven, Arvo Pärt and Falla St Martin Ludgate 1305 Recital: William Summers (flute) Works for flute, pedal harp and violincello St Mary at Hill Tuesday 26 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1130 Recital: Eloisa Fleur Thom (piano) St Bride Fleet Street 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Concert given by students from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama St Stephen Walbrook 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street 1930 SAVE Lecture ─ to be given by Matthew Rice on 'Magic, Beauty and Mystery: Exploring the glories of the great pottery churches' There will be drinks afterwards For further details and how to purchase tickets please see the 'box' display at the foot of this page St Mary Abchurch Wednesday 27 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Nicholas Mogg (baritone), Harry Ogg (piano) St Botolph Aldgate 1310 Recital: Rosie Middleton (soprano), Ada Kan (piano) The programme will include works by Bizet and Mompou St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 28 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: INVERSION ─ the acclaimed Flute and Organ Duo Ruth Stockdale and Robert Smith St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: David Harvey (guitar) St Mary le Bow 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series – Dick Klomp from Amsterdam, The Netherlands St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Musicians from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1800 for 1900 A Gateway to Advent — Space, silence, music and words. Here is a chance to step out of the routines of your life or a moment; to breathe deeply before the onrush of the following weeks. The church will be open from 1800 for mulled wine and non-alcoholic spiced drinks. Please bring seasonal nibbles to share and a cushion to sit on.

The evening will be led by Simon Parke — writer, priest, therapist and Angela Reith — musician, music therapist London Centre for Spirituality ─ St Edmund King & Martyr

1930 Concert: The Northern Lights Symphony Orchestra 'Britons Discovered' ─ Britten, Delius, Milford and Alwyn Tickets: £20 concessions £15 available from: www.wegottickets.com ─ search 'NLSO' or telephone: 020 8348 1216 St Sepulchre without Newgate

Friday 29 November 1000 to 1800 Exhibition of Christian Art – 'Inspire' St Stephen Walbrook 1230 Organ Recital: Julian Bewig (Germany) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Anete Graudina (violin), Martin Knizia (organ) Works by Rheinberger, Vitali and Svendsen St Mary at Hill 1315 Organ Recital: Graham Davies St Bride Fleet Street

Saturday 30 November 1100 to 1600 Nearly New Book Fair St Giles Cripplegate 1930 Concert: The Medici Choir The programme will include Fauré's 'Requiem' and works by Gabrielli, Purcell and Bruckner Tickets: £12, concessions £10 available on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate 1930 Concert: St Charlemagne and the Play of Antichrist The cantors, choir and instrumentalists of the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge with Bristol University Schola Cantorum Tickets £12 in advance or on the door For tickets in advance please send a cheque to – 'Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge', 124 Cambridge Road, Cambridge CB23 7AR The Temple Church

St Bride Fleet Street

Tuesday 5th November at 6.30 for 7.00pm

The Annual Olsen Lecture

We welcome as our lecturer

Margaret Hodge MP Chair of the Public Accounts Committee

Tickets £15 at the door, £10 in advance, NUS £8

To book please go to www.stbrides.com

or telephone 020 7427 0133

There will be a special offer for the first ten readers of this display to email:

[email protected]

St Mary Abchurch

Tuesday 26th November at 7.30pm

'Magic, Beauty and Mystery: Exploring the glories of the great pottery


A SAVE Lecture

to be given by Matthew Rice

painter, author and architectural enthusiast Author of Rice's Church Primer,

Rice's Architectural Primer, Building Norfolk, Lost City of Stoke

All money raised will go towards funding for

SAVE Britain's Heritage

Tickets £15 by sending a cheque to SAVE Britain's Heritage

70 Cowcross Street London EC1M 6EJ

or via paypal from www.savebritainsheritage.org

The lecture lasts one hour

and will be followed by drinks


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____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ December 2013 & January 2014 Published by the FCC in conjunction with the Archdeaconry of London www.cityevents.co.uk


The Ways of Christmas There are two ways of looking at Christmas, one with the eyes of faith, the other with total scepticism. One sees God, the other sees a joke. One way brings us to our knees; the other reduces us to laughter. There are two ways of looking at Christmas, God’s way or man’s way. God’s way begins in a manger through the eyes of a baby, looking up. The way of man is to look down and laugh. You cannot have it both ways. Joseph and Mary end a journey in a city, David’s City, Bethlehem. They were insignificant, they had not made plans for accommodation and unexpectedly Mary’s time for birth arrives. But here the insignificance ends. For the privacy of the Holy Family is shattered, first by shepherds, then by mumblings from the sky, then by weird foreigners carrying terrifying gifts. And as if that is not enough they are warned that if they stay where they are the lunatic local king will kill the child. The facts of the first Christmas are terrifying; they depend upon the unmentionables ─ sex, politics and religion. A one parent family, an escape into a foreign country: the murder of young children and the disbelief of a nation. There are two ways of looking at Christmas, the Holy Family's way or Herod’s way. The shepherds' way or the inn keeper's way. The Wise Men’s way or the soldiers of the massacre of the innocent’s way. You can’t have it both ways. The shepherds in the fields with sheep were suddenly shattered by noise, they were filled with fear, but they listened, “All right lads, there is something more important than sheep. Get up, look for a new baby lying in a manger”. They said “Yes.” Joseph had to believe in his wife and listen to her story and he said “Yes”. And the strange Astrologer Kings follow a star and risk laughter in seeking a child. When they find the child and his mother they offer their gifts, signs of the mystery of God! They leave when they feel danger. But they said “Yes.” The Churches in the City of London are each in their own way a “Yes” to God; by their witness they attest to the fact of the incarnation - the birth of Jesus Christ and by their very existence at the heart of our commercial city they speak of God’s love. Within a short distance from each working community there is a City church, its presence marks out a territory for God. By entering into the mystery which each building stands for the City community are able to find their own “Yes” to God possible. May the variety of events and services offered in this ‘City Events’ through the City churches become a part of your “Yes” to God this Christmastime. The Venerable Peter Delaney Archdeacon Emeritus of London Rector of St Stephen Walbrook   Friends of the City Churches, Church of St Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BA  

tel. 020 7626 1555 (answerphone) e-mail: [email protected]

Why not visit our websites www.cityevents.org.uk for all the latest information, or www.london-city-churches.org.uk for downloadable maps and links to all the churches in the city?

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The services below are the normal pattern for City Churches. They are subject to change during and immediately after major festivals and during holidays. You are advised to telephone churches to check the details. See also our website at www.cityevents.co.uk which includes weekend services. Every Monday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1305 Holy Communion (1662) St Mary Aldermary 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Tuesday 0730 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0745 Eucharist in the Crypt Chapel followed by breakfast St Mary le Bow 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 1230 Eucharist St Dunstan in the West [N.B. up to and including 17 December, re-starting 7 January 2014] 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Woolnoth 1230 Said Holy Communion St Olave Hart Street 1300 Contemplative Prayer St Edmund King and Martyr 1300 Bible Talk, with lunch at 1330 St Helen Bishopsgate 1300-1400 (any time) St Sepulchre without Newgate 1305 Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Meditation Group in the Crypt Chapel – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 to 1340 Bible Talk, following lunch at 1300 St Botolph Aldersgate 1310 Holy Communion (BCP) St Margaret Lothbury 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow Every Wednesday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Holy Communion (CW Order II) St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1205 Mass St Joseph Bunhill Row 1215 Holy Communion St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary Abchurch 1245 Communion Service Wesley's Chapel 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Margaret Lothbury 1300 Holy Communion St Mary at Hill 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Sung Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate [N.B. Not 25 December

or 1 January] /continued

Every Wednesday – continued 1310 Pause for Reflection St Ethelburga’s Centre 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by Question Time at

1340, at The Cuban Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street under the auspices of St Helen Bishopsgate

1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1800 Taizé Service All Hallows by the Tower 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1900 Sung Mass St Andrew Holborn Every Thursday 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0820 Morning Prayer St Andrew by the Wardrobe 0830 Holy Communion St Bartholomew the Great 0830 Eucharist All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Morning Prayer St Giles Cripplegate 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1200 to 1500 Listening Service St Andrew Holborn 1210 Holy Communion St Botolph Bishopsgate [N.B. Not 26 December] 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 RC Mass St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1230 RC Mass St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1245 Lunchtime Service Wesley’s Chapel 1245 Sung Eucharist St Stephen Walbrook 1250 Informal Worship & Teaching St Mary Woolnoth 1300 Sung Holy Communion St Katharine Cree 1305 Mass St Mary Aldermary 1305 Said Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1310 Bible Talk, preceded by lunch at 1300, followed by

Question Time at 1340 St Helen Bishopsgate 1310 Holy Communion St Margaret Pattens 1315 Holy Communion (BCP) St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion on the last Thursday of the month. Please see the church website: www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin within Ludgate 1315 Holy Communion Temple Church 1715 Evening Prayer (BCP) St James Garlickhythe 1745 Evening Prayer in the church St Mary le Bow 1805 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1830 Evening Eucharist St Andrew Holborn Every Friday 0645 to 0845 'Prayer for the City' St Margaret Lothbury 0800 Mass St Alban the Martyr 0800 Eucharist St Mary Woolnoth 0805 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 0815 Morning Prayer in the Crypt Chapel St Mary le Bow 0830 Morning Prayer All Hallows by the Tower 0830 Holy Communion in the Crypt St Bride Fleet Street 0830 Morning Prayer St Lawrence Jewry 1215 Mass St Vedast alias Foster 1230 Eucharist St Bartholomew the Less 1230 Mass St Andrew Holborn 1230 Pause for Prayer - a reflective prayer service using a liturgy from the Iona Community St Ethelburga Bishopsgate 1230 Low Mass (usually with Benediction) St Magnus the Martyr 1230 Confessions in the Sacrament Chapel Please apply at the vestry St Mary le Bow 1305 Eucharist in the church St Mary le Bow 1305 RC Mass St Mary Moorfields 1310 Mass St Alban the Martyr 1310 Holy Communion (1662 said) St Michael Cornhill 1315 Holy Communion (CW Order 1) St Lawrence Jewry 1345 Benediction St Magnus the Martyr 1800 Stations of the Cross St Alban the Martyr 1830 Mass St Alban the Martyr


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Sunday 1 December 1600 Christingle Service St Giles Cripplegate 1830 Advent Carols St Bride Fleet Street Monday 2 December 1200 The Bank Churches’ Advent Carol Service St Vedast alias Foster 1300 Bible Study, Prayer and Praise with Bishop Michael Marshall and the Revd Soon-Han Choi St Stephen Walbrook 1900 Ringers' Carol Service St Giles Cripplegate Wednesday 4 December 1310 Choral Advent Carol Service St Botolph Bishopsgate 1330 Advent Cantata St Mary le Bow Thursday 5 December 1305 Readings and Carols for Advent St Margaret Pattens Sunday 8 December 1800 Advent Carol Service St Dunstan in the West 1800 Carol Service, primarily for University students (under & post- grad) Mince pies and refreshments will be served after the service St Helen Bishopsgate 1830 Lutheran Bach Vespers with Advent Cantata BWV 132 St Mary at Hill Monday 9 December 1300 Bible Study, Prayer and Praise with Bishop Michael Marshall and the Revd Soon-Han Choi St Stephen Walbrook 1830 Feast of the Immaculate Conception (transferred) Solemn Vespers Wine will be served following the Vespers St Magnus the Martyr Tuesday 10 December 1300 Christmas Carol Service – The Britain-Australia Society St Mary le Bow 1830 Parish Carol Service with Castle Baynard Ward Club Mulled wine & mince pies afterwards St Andrew by the Wardrobe Wednesday 11 December 1310 Solemn Sung Eucharist of the Advent St Botolph Bishopsgate 1900 Carols by Candlelight in aid of Anthony Nolan The singing will be led by the choir of Eton College This will be a ticketed event and for tickets please go to: www.anthonynolan.org/christmascarols St Botolph Bishopsgate Thursday 12 December 1830 Midweek Evening Carol Service St Helen Bishopsgate Sunday 15 December 1030 All Age Carol Service Mince pies and refreshments afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1030 Parish Carol & Toy Service with local Ward Clubs St James Garlickhythe 1430 Mandarin-speaking Carol Service Mince pies and refreshments afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1500 Afternoon Carols St Benet Paul’s Wharf 1500 Crib Service St Bride Fleet Street 1600 Afternoon Carol Service Mince pies and refreshments afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1800 Evening Carol Service Mince pies and refreshments afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1830 Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten St Bride Fleet Street Monday 16 December 1300 Annual Festival of Lessons and Carols St Michael Cornhill 1800 Service de Noël en Français All Hallows by the Tower

Tuesday 17 December 1300 Christmas Carol Service A traditional celebration of Christmas with themed carols and readings – followed by mince pies and mulled wine St Andrew Holborn 1300 City Lunchtime Carol Service Mince pies and refreshments afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1800 Billingsgate Ward Carol Service Carol Service All Welcome St Mary at Hill Wednesday 18 December 1310 Solemn Sung Eucharist of the Advent St Botolph Bishopsgate 1310 Carol Service All welcome, followed by mince pies and mulled wine St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Parish Carol Service with wine afterwards St Dunstan in the West 1800 Parish Carol Service – All Welcome St Mary at Hill 1800 Carols by Candlelight St Stephen Walbrook 1830 Festival of Lessons and Carols in English and Dutch Meet (new) friends over a complimentary glass of wine afterwards All very welcome The Dutch Church 1900 Evening Carols St Benet Paul’s Wharf Thursday 19 December 1245 Lunchtime Carol Service . Mulled wine and mince pies afterwards St Margaret Pattens 1300 City Lunchtime Carol Service Mince pies and refreshments afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1305 Carol Service — Carols for all, followed by mulled wine and mince pies St Martin Ludgate 1305 The Parish Christmas Carol Service – All welcome St Mary le Bow 1310 Parish Carol Service with the Choir and Band of Coopers' Company and Coborn School followed by refreshments St Botolph Bishopsgate 1330 Bite-size Carols A half-hour celebration of carols and short readings St Andrew Holborn 1800 Traditional Carols by candlelight All Hallows by the Tower Friday 20 December 1200 Fleet Street Carols I All are welcome to join us for this celebration of Christmas Early arrival is advised St Bride Fleet Street 1700 Fleet Street Carols II All are welcome to join us for this second session of our

celebration of Christmas Early arrival is advised St Bride Fleet Street

Sunday 22 December 1600 Festival of Lessons and Carols All Hallows by the Tower 1600 All Age Carol Service Mince pies and refreshments afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1830 Nine Lessons and Carols St Bride Fleet Street Monday 23 December 1730 Lord Mayor’s Carol Service Wine and mince pies afterwards St Lawrence Jewry Tuesday 24 December ─ Christmas Eve 1100 Family Christmas Eucharist and Blessing of the Crib St Botolph Bishopsgate 1600 Christmas Eve Crib Service St Giles Cripplegate 1600 Lutheran Nine Lessons and Carols St Mary at Hill 1800 High Mass St Magnus the Martyr 2100 Sung Eucharist St Giles Cripplegate 2330 Midnight Mass by Candlelight with Music and Carol Singing from 2300 All Hallows by the Tower 2330 Midnight Mass St Botolph Aldgate 2330 Midnight Mass St Bride Fleet Street 2330 Midnight Communion St Sepulchre without Newgate 2330 The Midnight Mass of Christmas and the Blessing of the Crib with music – Messe de Minuit by Charpentier St Stephen Walbrook


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Wednesday 25 December ─ Christmas Day 1000 Family Parish Service St Giles Cripplegate 1030 Christmas Day Eucharist St Botolph Aldgate 1030 All Age Christmas Day Service Mince pies and refreshments will be served afterwards St Helen Bishopsgate 1030 Choral Holy Communion St James Garlickhythe 1100 Christmas Day Eucharist with Carols All Hallows by the Tower 1100 Family Eucharist St Bride Fleet Street 1100 Low Mass St Magnus the Martyr 1100 Lutheran Choral Eucharist in English St Mary at Hill 1100 Christmas Day Service with music by Mozart — Credo-Messe K257

and Bach — Ehre sei Gott St Michael Cornhill Monday 2 December 1300 Recital: Amit Yahav (piano) Works by J S Bach and Chopin St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Tak Man Chow Works by Reger, Muffat, Buxtehude and Vierne (three movements from Symphonie No 1 including 'Final') St Michael Cornhill 1305 Organ Recital: Andrew Salyer performs works by English 17th & 18th century composers on the renowned Renatus Harris organ St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Alexandra Reid will play Partita No 2 in D minor (BWV 1004) for solo violin by J S Bach St Martin Ludgate 1310 Recital: Rachel Grimes (violin), Sabrina Curpanen (piano) Works by Beethoven and César Franck St Sepulchre without Newgate 1900 'Nocturne' ─ The Romantic Life of Frederic Chopin. A programme of words and music scripted and adapted from letters by Lucy Parham who will perform some of Chopin's works on the piano The narrators will be Juliet Stephenson and Samuel West For further information and tickets please go to: templemusic.org or phone the box office on: 020 7427 5641 Temple Church Tuesday 3 December 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Ann-Caroline Prénat (Switzerland) Works by J S Bach, César Franck, Alain & Guilmant St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Auden Breen (trombone), Alison Proctor (piano) St Stephen Walbrook 1800 & 2000 Constanza Chorus Concert ─ Handel's 'Messiah' – Part 1 and Christmas Favourites Tickets £10 for the 1800 performance; Tickets £12 at the 2000 performance – include post-concert wine & nibbles For more information and tickets please go to: http://www.constanzachorus.co.uk/ and follow the link St Sepulchre without Newgate 1830 Coram Carol Concert Music, mince pies and mulled wine Tickets £15 for adults – Free for children 16 and under Join this festive celebration of the wonderful work of Coram for vulnerable children, young people and families To book visit: coramchristmascelebration2013.eventbrite.co.uk/ St Andrew Holborn 1830 St Mungo's ─ one of Britain's largest charities supporting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Join us for our annual Carol Concert. There are also a limited number of tickets for our drinks reception in the crypt afterwards. To attend the concert only the suggested donation is £30. To attend both the concert and the reception the suggested donation is £60. For more information and tickets please email [email protected] or call 020 8762 5567 St Bride Fleet Street continued …….

Tuesday 3 December ─ continued 1830 Four Girls, Four Harps An evening of Christmas Carols as you've never heard them before performed by the world's leading harp quartet For tickets go to: templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 Temple Church Wednesday 4 December 1305 Recital: Sarah Smith (clarinet), Luke Tucker (bassoon) perform works by Beethoven and Poulenc St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Laura Piras (flute), Julia Kuhn (violin), Clifton Harrison (viola), Jonathan Rees (cello) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Melanie Young (flute), Michiko Shimanaki (piano) The programme will include 'Carmen Fantasy' by Borne St Sepulchre without Newgate 1805 JustShare Lecture The Revd Chris Beales introduces his new book 'Practising Jesus' All welcome ─ refreshments afterwards St Mary le Bow 1830 The Cure Parkinson's Trust ─ 'A Celebration of Christmas' Join us for a wonderful evening of Christmas music featuring soloists from the Royal College of Music and the Parkinson's Choir 'Sing Joy for Bloomsbury'. The programme for the evening has been created by British conductor Jeremy Silver and highly acclaimed soprano Sally Silver. Tickets £10 ─ includes a glass of wine and mince pies. For tickets please go to: www.cureparkinsons.org.uk/Eventsd/a-celebration-of-christmas St Botolph Aldgate 1830 Re-imagining the Sacred: Education ─ How can an understanding of the sacred be included in how we educate our young people? For more details and registration please contact: [email protected] or 07968 440 684 St Ethelburga's Centre 1930 "Rejoice and be Merry" A Festive Offering from The Joyful Company of Singers Tickets £14/£10 available from http://www.wegottickets.com/event/243989 St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 5 December 1300 The 3rd session of our Advent-Tide Study Course Tea, coffee, and Bibles available — do bring you own sandwiches St Botolph Bishopsgate 1305 Recital: 'Christmas Seasonal Music to Warm the Soul ' Charles Macdougall (tenor), Robert Smith (organ/piano) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Susana Gilardoni (soprano), Nick Fletcher(piano) St Mary le Bow 1305 Recital: Boris Bizjak (flute), Yoko Misumi (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital in the International Celebrity Series Anne-Caroline Prénat (Lutry, Switzerland) St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Gennie Joy (bass clarinet) Works by Alain Craens, Paul Harvey, Helmut Lachenmann and Hindemith No admission fee but donations welcome. Bring your lunch and help yourself to free coffee and tea St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1830 AMREF (African Medical & Research Foundation) "Krismasi Njema!" A Christmas Celebration combining some favourite European Carols and some traditional African Christmas songs with Christmas readings to reflect on, featuring the London African Gospel Choir ─ all to support the work of AMREF Tickets: £25 for adults; £7 for children. The ticket includes a glass of wine and nibbles afterwards. For tickets call Katharine on: 020 7269 5520 or email: [email protected] . St Dunstan in the West 1830 'Singing Works' Christmas Concert Free admission St Sepulchre without Newgate 1845 Adfam Carol Concert. Adfam's mission is to improve the quality of life for families affected by drug use and alcohol use. The Carol Concert is always a wonderful evening featuring carols and festive readings. This year's readers include TV presenter Michael Buerk, actress Gina McKee and Adfam's patron broadcaster Eddie Mair. Tickets are £15 or £30. Please email [email protected] for further information. St Bride Fleet Street continued ……..



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Thursday 5 December ─ continued 1900 Afasic Christmas Carol Concert to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the work of Afasic in helping and supporting parents, children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). This will be a concert for the whole family with wine and mince pies on arrival with carols and music from the Brighton Youth Orchestra and Brighton Chamber Choir accompanied by the Signing Choir from St Mary's School, Bexhill. Doors open at 1800. Tickets: £15, concessions £7.50 For tickets please contact Nicola Page on 020 7490 9410 or at: [email protected] For more information please visit: www.afasic.org.uk St Andrew Holborn 1900 Recital in the 'Song in the City' series – 'A Christmas Schubertiade' St Botolph Bishopsgate Friday 6 December 1230 Organ Recital: Georgina Sherriff (Royal College of Music) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: ‘A yellow hair’d laddie in Paris’ The Windsor Box & Fir Co Jenny Thomas & Eva Caballero (flutes), Katharine May (harpsichord), Mary Pells (viola da gamba) Works by Telemann, Hotteterre,

de Fesch and Couperin St Mary at Hill 1830 Recital: Reinis Zariņš (piano) The programme will include works by Bach-Busoni, Bach-Reger, Messiaen, Georgs Pelēcis, Busoni and the Tchaikovsky-Plenev 'Nutcracker' Suite. Tickets £10, concessions £5 all on the door St Mary le Bow 1845 (Doors 1815) Liz Earle MBE hosts the 'Live Twice' Christmas Concert 'Live Twice' offers opportunity, practical skills training and personal support to disadvantaged people regardless of race or religion, putting the compassionate principles of 'love your neighbour' into everyday practice. Adrian Bawtree, Programme Director at 'Sing For Your Life', presents a lively, interactive carol repertoire with leading brass and organ performances to enjoy. Tickets: £12 for Adults; tickets for children under 16 also available Ticket includes complimentary refreshments at the reception afterwards For tickets please go to: http://livetwice.org/product-category/christmas/ St Andrew Holborn 1930 City Chorus Christmas Concert ─ 'Rejoice and Sing' Carols and music by Bach, Berlioz and Britten Tickets £10 on the door or in advance from: http://www.londoncitychorus.com St Sepulchre without Newgate Saturday 7 December 1100-1600 'Myers-Briggs for Those Working in Spiritual Guidance' A one-day workshop led by Sue Wilson This is a ticketed event. For more information please go to: http://centreforspirituality.event.co.uk/ London Centre for Spirituality at St Edmund King and Martyr Sunday 8 December 1500 London Gay Symphonic Winds Christmas Concert Tickets £8 in advance, £10 on the door, children free Tickets from: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/246331 St Sepulchre without Newgate 1830 Christmas Concert: City of London Chamber Choir Conductor Christopher Field 'Carols for the 21st Century' St Bartholomew the Less continued …….

Sunday 8 December ─ continued 1830 Come and Sing Britten St Nicholas Concert As a tribute to the memory of Benjamin Britten singers are invited to attend a workshop of the chorus sections of his 'St Nicholas' cantata in the morning. They will then be joined by members of the St Bride's Choir and orchestral players for a full afternoon rehearsal and performance. Tickets £25 Workshop (includes hire of scores),

£10 for the Concert only For more information please go to: www.stbrides.com/news/2013/12/come-sing-britten-st-nicholas.html or call the office on 020 7427 0133 St Bride Fleet Street Monday 9 December 1300 Conflict Resilience Tools for Religious Communities A deeper practical workshop exploring tools and resources that can be used to tackle difficult issues in a faith community setting For more information and registration please contact: [email protected] or 07973 446 846 St Ethelburga's Centre 1300 Recital: Carolyn Wharton (piano) Works by Beethoven, Schubert and Chopin St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Jemima Stephenson (Sir George Thalben-Ball Organ Scholar) anticipates Christmas with a complete performance of Messiaen's masterpiece La Nativité. The nine movements will be introduced from the pulpit by the composer's texts – spoken in French and English St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Sarah Gabriel (soprano), Yshani Perinpanayagam (piano) Works by Richard Strauss and Ravel. The recital will include "Seasonal Greetings" ─ a selection of seasonal songs and carols St Martin Ludgate 1930 A Concert of sacred and secular music will be performed by the choir

of St Magnus the Martyr to launch their newly recorded CD Admission is free. The concert will be followed by a reception. You will be most welcome to come for all or part of the evening. St Magnus the Martyr Tuesday 10 December 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis plays Advent and Christmas Music Works by Reger, J S Bach, Louis-Claude Daquin and Marcel Dupré St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Recital: Sian Phillips (violin) St Stephen Walbrook Wednesday 11 December 1305 Recital: Kesan Pundarika (viola) performs Bowen's Viola Sonata No 1 St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Caroline MacPhie (soprano), Joseph Middleton (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Emiko Miura (piano) St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 12 December 1300 The 4th and final session of our Advent-Tide Study Course Tea, coffee, and Bibles available — do bring you own sandwiches St Botolph Bishopsgate 1300 Gresham Lecture given by Professor Christopher Hogwood CBE 'Music in Context: In the Teaching Studio' with Florian Mitrea (piano) Free admission St Sepulchre without Newgate 1305 Recital: Mie Ito (baroque harp) St Mary at Hill 1305 Recital: Olivia Jageurs (harp), Mea Wade (oboe), Alex Knox (actor) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Handel’s ‘Messiah’ Christmas Music with soloists and the Choral

Scholars of Hill House Chelsea and the Lothbury Strings Director: Richard Townend St Margaret Lothbury

1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Lin Lin (flute), Gen Li (piano) will give a 20th Century programme to include works by Jindřich Field, Richard Rodney Bennett and Philippe Gaubert No admission fee but donations welcome. Bring your lunch and help yourself to free coffee and tea St Andrew by the Wardrobe


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Thursday 12 December ─ continued 1830 The London Phoenix Orchestra Christmas Concert Levon Parikian – Conductor; Fenella Humphreys – Guest Leader and solo violin. A fun-filled musical trip around Europe Programme to include works by Verdi, Dvořák, Saint-Saëns, Balakirev, Humperdinck, Kodály and Vaughan Williams Tickets information and booking at: www.phoenixorchestra.org St Andrew Holborn 1830 Lloyds Choir Christmas Concert ─ a programme of new items and original favourites, with Meridian Brass Complimentary refreshments Tickets £10, concessions £7 at the door or from: www.lloydschoir.com St Katharine Cree 1845 Old Ben Carol Concert in aid of NewstrAid ─ An evening of Carols and seasonal readings with the St Bride's choir This will be a ticketed event and for more information please go to: http://www.newstraid.org.uk/ and follow the links St Bride Fleet Street 1900 A Festival of Carols at Christmas – in aid of the Eve Appeal given by the Choir of St Botolph Bishopsgate This will be a ticketed event and for more information please go to: www.eveappeal.org.uk/get-involved/events/festival-of-carols/ St Botolph Bishopsgate 1900 Handel’s “Messiah” Part 1 including the Hallelujah Chorus and the Amen Chorus. Director: Robert Smith Tickets £15

St Mary at Hill Friday 13 December 1230 Organ Recital: Jonathan Bunney (St Giles in the Fields) St Stephen Walbrook 1300 London Ripieno Singers Christmas Concert St Sepulchre without Newgate 1305 Recital: The Lauriston Trio - Caroline Tait (violin), Anthea Fry (piano), Babette Lichtenstein (cello) Smetana: Piano Trio in G minor Op 15 St Mary at Hill 1700 A Pupils' Concert featuring violin and piano solo performances Free admission with retiring collection St Margaret Pattens 1930 Londinium Concert ─ 'Magnificat!' Music by Chilcott, Praetorius, Pärt, Rachmaninov, Swayne, Tavener, Britten and Eccard Tickets £12 in advance, £10 concessions, £15 on the door Tickets at: http://londinium-voices.org.uk/ and follow the links St Sepulchre without Newgate Saturday 14 December 1930 Recital: Mohammed Antar ─ Master Ney player from Egypt For more information please contact: [email protected] or 020 7496 1616 St Ethelburga's Centre 1930 London Welsh Chorale will perform Handel's "Messiah" Tickets £15 in advance from: [email protected] or on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate Sunday 15 December 1900 London Gay Symphony Orchestra – Britten Centenary Celebration Tickets: £12, £10 concessions all on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate Monday 16 December 1300 Recital: Yoon-Seok Shin (piano) Works by Federico Mompou, Clementi and Beethoven (7 Variations on ‘God Save the King’) St Lawrence Jewry 1305 Lunchtime Carols St Botolph Aldgate 1830 Carols by Candlelight St Giles Cripplegate 1930 Opening Event in the Temple Winter Festival: Mark Simpson (clarinet) with the Heath Quartet Works by Arensky, Stravinsky, Suk and Mozart For tickets go to : templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 Temple Church continued …….

Monday 16 December ─ continued 1930 A Christmas Concert to be given by the Barts Festival Choir and Orchestra ─ Conductor John Lumley The programme will include Mozart's Bassoon Concerto, Schubert's 3rd Symphony, 'The Spirit of England' by Elgar, Five Spirituals from 'A Child of Our Time' by Tippett and there will be Christmas Carols for the audience to sing Tickets: £10; Concessions £5 at the door All proceeds will go to the Barts Cancer Unit The Great Hall of St Bartholomew's Hospital Tuesday 17 December 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Carols for Choir and Audience

A Christmas miscellany of words and music, led by the Vicar, Canon David Parrott, with the choir of St Lawrence Jewry and organist Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry

1310 The City Singers Christmas Music for choir and congregation followed by a Festive Buffet Lunch St Katharine Cree 1830 Carols by Candlelight — In aid of Operation Smile The choirs for this event will be the IDMC Gospel Choir and the Overtones This will be a ticketed event and for tickets please go to: www.operationsmile.org.uk/carols St Botolph Bishopsgate 1900 Mildmay 25th Anniversary Concert A Festive Evening of Carols, Readings and Hymns to mark 25 years of HIV services and care. The occasion promises to be a wonderful festive evening – hosted by Canon Roger Royle from BBC Radio 2 'Pause for Thought' with special guests – Martine McCutcheon, Richard Wilson, Robert Powell and Jasmyn Banks from 'Eastenders' There will be performances by the renowned Choir 'Diversity' and soprano Sally Harrison. Tickets are for a suggested donation of £10 and proceeds will go towards the UK Mildmay's Hospital Appeal. Tickets from 020 7613 6311 Go to www.mildmay.org to find out more about Mildmay's work St Botolph Aldgate 1930 The Temple Winter Festival: The Tallis Scholars will perform works by Lassus, Hassler, Schütz, Pärt, and Praetorius For tickets go to : templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 Temple Church Wednesday 18 December 1305 Recital: Blaze Ensemble (Wind Quintet) The programme will include an arrangement of 'Peter and the Wolf' by Prokovief St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Margaret Dizekonski (violin) and An-Ting Chang (piano) present 'A Musical Present for Christmas' The programme will include Violin Sonata No 1 in G major, Op 78 by Brahms St Sepulchre without Newgate 1900 EC4 Concert Christmas music in aid of 'Save the Rhino' Tickets from: [email protected] or on the door St Sepulchre without Newgate 1930 The Temple Winter Festival: James Gilchrist (tenor), Anna Tilbrook (piano) will perform Schubert's 'Winterreise' For tickets please go to : templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 Temple Church Thursday 19 December 1310 Festive Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling & Daniel Cook All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays music for Christmas St Margaret Lothbury 1830 City Chamber Choir Christmas Concert Tickets £12, Concessions £9 For more information please go to: www.citychamberchoir.org St Lawrence Jewry 1900 Mediaeval Baebes UK Christmas Carol Tour Tickets £20 from: www.mediaevalbaebes.com/ St Sepulchre without Newgate


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Thursday 19 December ─ continued 1930 The trumpets shall sound! Esterhazy Singers Christmas Concert with CityBrass ─ A magical concert of carols accompanied by traditional sounds of Christmas with readings by Margaret Jowett. The audience will be invited to join in the singing of traditional carols Tickets: £12.50 in advance, £15 on the door, students and children £7.50. Book by calling: 07958 688 422 or email [email protected] More information at: www.esterhazysingers.com St Andrew Holborn 1930 Music for Advent and Christmas ─ The London Concord Singers Works by Britten, Poulenc, J S Bach, de Wert, de Morales, Hassler and Soderini For more information on the programme please go to: www.londonconcordsingers.org.uk Tickets price £12 (under 25s £5, other concessions £10) Tickets include a glass of wine. Tickets are available in advance from Islington Music ─ Telephone 020 7354 3195 St Botolph Bishopsgate 1930 The Temple Winter Festival: The Temple Church Choir and the Temple Players directed by Roger Sayer, organist Greg Morris Works by Bach, Weelkes, Gibbons, Byrd and Vivaldi For tickets go to : templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 Temple Church Friday 20 December 1230 Organ Recital: Joseph Sentance (St Stephen Walbrook) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Organ Recital: ‘A German Christmas’ – Music for Advent and

Christmas by Bach, Buxtehude, Bruhns and Reger, played by Martin Knizia. The recital will be followed by

Glühwein and Lebkuchen. All welcome. St Mary at Hill 1930 The Temple Winter Festival: Handel's "Messiah" performed by the BBC Singers with St James's Baroque Conductor David Hill For tickets go to : templemusic.org or 020 7427 5641 Temple Church

Monday 6 January – The Epiphany 1200 Plow Monday Service St Lawrence Jewry 1305 High Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany with music for choir & organ

St Mary le Bow Wednesday 8 January 1310 Festal Choral Eucharist of the Epiphany St Botolph Bishopsgate 1900 Sung Mass for the Feast of the Epiphany St Andrew Holborn Thursday 9 January 1210 Holy Communion (BCP) St Botolph Bishopsgate Sunday 12 January 1100 High Mass followed by the Blessing of the River Thames from

London Bridge St Magnus the Martyr

Tuesday 14 January 1830 Evening Service with the Bishop of London, The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Richard Chartres St Sepulchre without Newgate Thursday 16 January 1310 Epiphany Choral Eucharist with the St Margaret Pattens Choir

St Margaret Pattens

Wednesday 22 January 1310 Choral Eucharist St Botolph Bishopsgate Monday 27 January 1130 Annual Admiral Arthur Phillip Commemoration St Mary le Bow Thursday 30 January 1305 Choral Eucharist and Service in Memory of Charles, King & Martyr

with the St Margaret Pattens Choir St Margaret Pattens 1315 Healing Service with Holy Communion St Martin Ludgate Saturday 4 January 2000 Concert: The Asyla Ensemble, directed by Oliver Till Works by Ives

and Tchaikovsky Tickets £10/£5 (under 16s free) For further details see www.st-sepulchre.org.uk/concerts.html or tel 020 7236 1145

St Sepulchre without Newgate

Monday 6 January 1300 Organ Recital: Anthony Gritten (Royal Academy of Music)

celebrates the Epiphany St Michael Cornhill

Tuesday 7 January 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: Susie Self (guitar) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 8 January 1305 Recital: tba For latest information please go to

http://sanctuaryinthecity.net/concerts St Olave Hart Street 1315 Recital: David Richard (piano) St Dunstan in the West Thursday 9 January 1305 Recital: Jenna Sherry (violin) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents “The Glorious Baroque” (1)

St Margaret Lothbury

Friday 10 January 1230 Organ Recital: David Moore (Assistant Organist, Hampstead Parish

Church) St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: Yat-Soon Yeo (harpsichord) Works by Couperin, Froberger and Purcell St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Hannah Woolmer (violin), Daniel Roberts (piano)

St Bride Fleet Street Monday 13 January 1300 Recital: Rika Zayasu (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Jonathan Rennert Including works by Bach, Franck and Hollins St Michael Cornhill 1305 Organ Recital: Matthew Dunn Works by Bach and Buxtehude

St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: tba - for latest information please go to

www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin Ludgate Tuesday 14 January 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Richard Townend (St Margaret Lothbury) St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: Laura Piras (harpsichord) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street




Page 64: The Roman Influence on Wren’s City Churches

Wednesday 15 January 1300 Gresham Lecture: Professor Christopher Hogwood’s “Music in Context” series – “In Advertising – Ravel and Saint Saëns”,

illustrated by live performances by a Royal Academy of Music ensemble Free admission on a "first come, first served" basis –

doors open 1230. For further information see: www.gresham.ac.uk St Sepulchre without Newgate 1305 Recital: Michael Poll (classical guitar) St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Ross Knight (tuba), Rebecca Taylor (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1315 Organ Recital: Charles Barland (Professor of Music, University of Dubuque, Iowa, USA) St Dunstan in the West 1315 Organ Recital: for further details see: www.templemusic.org Temple Church 1805 JustShare Lecture: Eve Poole of Ashridge Business School

All welcome - followed by refreshments (NB This lecture may take place on 29th January - for latest information see www.justshare.org.uk) St Mary Le Bow

Thursday 16 January 1305 Recital: Chihiro Ono (violin) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend presents “The Glorious Baroque” (2)

St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: The Northgate Saxophone Quartet Works by Torke, Clerisse, Piazzolla, Singelée and Wiberny St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1900 Alpha Course Start of 11 week Alpha Course For further information

see: www.stsepulchres.org St Sepulchre without Newgate Friday 17 January 1230 Organ Recital: John Belcher (Godalming Parish Church)

St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: tbc For latest information see www.musicathill.org.uk

St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Rachael Chesney (clarinet) St Bride Fleet Street

Monday 20 January 1300 Recital: Michael Broadway (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Paul Ayres plays his own transcriptions for organ of popular music of the past 50 years St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: tba - for latest information please go to

www.stmartin-within-ludgate.org.uk St Martin Ludgate

Tuesday 21 January 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: Verity Thirkettle Duo St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street Wednesday 22 January 1305 Recital: tbc – for latest information see www.stbotolphs.org.uk

St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Grace Mo (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: PerKelt ensemble – period folk and traditional music St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Donna MacFadyen (soprano) St Dunstan in the West 1315 Organ Recital: for further details see www.templemusic.org

Temple Church 1800 The Boyle Lecture: The Revd Dr Alister McGrath “New Atheism – new apologetics: the use of science in recent

Christian apologetic writings” All welcome, but seating limited – free on a "first come, first served" basis - doors open 1730. For further information: www.gresham.ac.uk St Mary le Bow

Thursday 23 January 1305 Recital: Agiaia Tarantino (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: International Celebrity Series Daniel Chappuis

(Vevey, Switzerland) St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Henry Ngan (tenor) and Jessie Tse (soprano)

St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1900 Alpha Course Session 2 of 11 For further information see:

www.stsepulchres.org St Sepulchre without Newgate

Friday 24 January 1230 Organ Recital: Michael Nicholas (St Mary le Tower, Ipswich)

St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: William Summers (flute) Baroque Sonatas St Mary at Hill 1315 Recital: Maite Aguirre (piano) St Bride Fleet Street

Monday 27 January 1300 Recital: Samson Tsoy (piano) St Lawrence Jewry 1300 Organ Recital: Jemima Stephenson Includes works by Bach,

Saint-Saëns, Mendelssohn and Locklair St Michael Cornhill 1305 Recital: Florence Petit (cello) with Lysianne Chen (piano)

St Martin Ludgate 1305 Recital: tbc For latest information see www.musicathill.org.uk

St Mary at Hill

Tuesday 28 January 1230 Organ Recital: Ian Shaw St Mary Abchurch 1300 Organ Recital: Catherine Ennis St Lawrence Jewry 1315 Recital: Emily Kyte (mezzo soprano) St Bride Fleet Street 1500 90 minute guided tour Admission £6 St Bride Fleet Street

Wednesday 29 January 1305 Recital: Oak Woodwind Trio St Botolph Aldgate 1305 Recital: Rebecca Omordia (piano) St Olave Hart Street 1310 Recital: Kae Tanimura (violin) with Philip Howard (piano St Sepulchre without Newgate 1315 Recital: Arisu Nakao (piano) St Dunstan in the West 1315 Organ Recital: for further details see www.templemusic.org

Temple Church 1805 JustShare Lecture – possible date for lecture by Eve Poole of

Ashridge Business School Please see entry under 15th January St Mary le Bow Thursday 30 January 1305 Recital: tba For latest information please go to

http://sanctuaryinthecity.net/concerts St Olave Hart Street 1310 Organ Recital: Jonathan Melling All Hallows by the Tower 1310 Organ Recital: Richard Townend plays J S Bach

St Margaret Lothbury 1315 Cosy Coffee Concert: Students from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire

St Andrew by the Wardrobe 1900 Alpha Course Session 3 of 11 For further information see:

www.stsepulchres.org St Sepulchre without Newgate

Friday 31 January 1230 Organ Recital: Charles Andrews (All Saints, Margaret Street )

St Stephen Walbrook 1305 Recital: tbc For latest information see www.musicathill.org.uk

St Mary at Hill 1315 Organ Recital: Will Mason (Organ Scholar, Royal Holloway College,

University of London) St Bride Fleet Street


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