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Page 1: The Royals
Page 2: The Royals

2 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 3

Anna Światłoń

Page 3: The Royals

George VI was crowned as king of the United King-

dom in 1937. He was born in the 34th anniversary of the death of his great-

grandfather prince Albert. Queen Victoria wrote that she wanted to see a child

born this day, very dear to her heart.

Things about King George VI which you should know:

1. He supported Winston Churchill completely and was an

important symbolic leader for the British people during

World War II, even visiting armies on the battle fronts.

2. He was a sickly child, shy and with

a complex, having tendency to cry. He had

to wear uncomfortable rails.

3. He had difficulty with writing. His

diary was full of orthographic errors.

4. One day students pricked him, be-

cause they wanted to see whether he

had blue blood.

5. He took part in the Fist World War.

He was a pilot that time.

6. In 1939 he said to the Nation: be calm,

steadfast and united. He and his wife left

the country. The Queen said: Children can’t go without me, I can’t leave the

king and the king will never leave the country.

George was the last British monarch born outside Great Britain: he

was born and brought up in Germany. He studied genealogy, mili-

tary history and battle tactics. He spoke in English, but he had

a terrible German accent.

2 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 3

Anna Światłoń

Page 4: The Royals

Queen Elizabeth II

was crowned head of

state, when she was just

25 years old - after the death of her father, George VI,

in 1952. She is now the second longest serving British

monarch. Elizabeth was educated at home, along with

her sister Princess Margaret.

12 facts about Elizabeth II

which you should


1 She doesn’t have

a passport. She has visited

116 countries.

2 She drove

a truck during World

War II and she was

a mechanic.

3 Queen Eliza-

beth II and Prince

Philip are third cousins

— both are great-great-

grandchildren of Queen

Victoria and Prince Albert.

4 The pair first met when

Elizabeth was 13 and Philip was 18,

and it was love at first sight for the

young royal.

5 Elizabeth's parents did not

approve of Philip, because he was without a kingdom — he had

no financial standing, and he was considered a foreigner.

6 Before the wedding, Philip renounced

his Greek and Danish titles and converted from

Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism. He also quit

smoking cigarettes for Elizabeth.

7 Grandsons Prince William and Prince

Harry don't call the Queen "Your Maj-

esty." To them, she's just "Granny."

8 The Queen speaks

fluent French.

9 Queen has

30 godsons.

10 She reigns

in 15 countries, for ex-

ample: Jamaica, Can-

ada, Australia and

New Zealand.

11 The Queen

is patron of more than 620

charities and organizations.

12 The most interest-

ing moment in the life of

Queen Elizabeth II - ac-

cording to the British -

was a parachute jump

with James Bond.

However, instead of

the Queen did it a stuntman but the British considered

this event as exceptional.

Elizabeth and Philip

Elizabeth as a mechanic

4 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 5

From George to Elizabeth Anna Światłoń Anna Światłoń From George to Elizabeth

Page 5: The Royals

Queen Elizabeth II

was crowned head of

state, when she was just

25 years old - after the death of her father, George VI,

in 1952. She is now the second longest serving British

monarch. Elizabeth was educated at home, along with

her sister Princess Margaret.

12 facts about Elizabeth II

which you should


1 She doesn’t have

a passport. She has visited

116 countries.

2 She drove

a truck during World

War II and she was

a mechanic.

3 Queen Eliza-

beth II and Prince

Philip are third cousins

— both are great-great-

grandchildren of Queen

Victoria and Prince Albert.

4 The pair first met when

Elizabeth was 13 and Philip was 18,

and it was love at first sight for the

young royal.

5 Elizabeth's parents did not

approve of Philip, because he was without a kingdom — he had

no financial standing, and he was considered a foreigner.

6 Before the wedding, Philip renounced

his Greek and Danish titles and converted from

Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism. He also quit

smoking cigarettes for Elizabeth.

7 Grandsons Prince William and Prince

Harry don't call the Queen "Your Maj-

esty." To them, she's just "Granny."

8 The Queen speaks

fluent French.

9 Queen has

30 godsons.

10 She reigns

in 15 countries, for ex-

ample: Jamaica, Can-

ada, Australia and

New Zealand.

11 The Queen

is patron of more than 620

charities and organizations.

12 The most interest-

ing moment in the life of

Queen Elizabeth II - ac-

cording to the British -

was a parachute jump

with James Bond.

However, instead of

the Queen did it a stuntman but the British considered

this event as exceptional.

Mark Sutton dressed as James Bond be-

fore the memorable parachute jump

alongside fellow stuntman Gary Connery

dressed as Queen Elizabeth.

Elizabeth with her husband and children:

Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward

Elizabeth II in charity work.

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From George to Elizabeth Anna Światłoń Anna Światłoń From George to Elizabeth

Page 6: The Royals

Birth: 28 June 1491, Greenwich, London, England

Succeeded to the throne of England: 21 April 1509

Reigned: 1509 - 1547

Marriages: six times Died: 28 January 1547

Family connections: Son of Henry VII and Elizabeth York

Religion: In his early life he was a devout

Catholic given the title 'Defender of the Faith' by the Pope. Fol-

lowing his liaison with Anne Bo-leyn he then changed to the Protes-

tant religion, dissolved all the monasteries in Britain and estab-

lished the Church of England

Character of King Henry VIII: As a teenager he was flamboyant, studious

but fun loving. In his later life he was cruel, ar-rogant and a hypocrite

As a young man Henry was the second son and was prepared for a life in the church. The

death of his elder brother Arthur changed the fate of Henry. In his early life he enjoyed physical

activities including hunting, hawking (kind of hunting without killing animals), horseback rid-

ing, jousting (in this game two riders try throw enemy off a horse using lances), tennis, archery

and wrestling. He was also well-educated, very intelligent and enjoyed writing and composing

music. Henry VIII loved dancing, too. He had a serious accident while riding. A leg injury re-

duced his physical abilities in his later life.He gave in to excess in eating and drinking and became

a huge, bloated figure. He had more than 1,5m in waist!

The father of Henry was the first king in the Tudor family. His mother was an inspiration

of arts gueen in English cards. Henry VIII had four sisters and three brother. Henry was married

to: Cathrine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Cathrine Howard

and Cathrine Parr.

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Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Time of Henry VIII

Page 7: The Royals

Catherine of Aragon, who was a Catholic Princess

from Spain, became a wife of Henry when she was

23. First she planned to marry his brother Artur, but

unfourtanely he died. She gave birth to 2 children.

The boy died after 52 days, and the daughter

called Mary Tudor survived. Henry was very dis-

appointed and decided to divorce Catherine,

because they hadn`t son yet. Moreover, he fell

in love with Anne Boyelyn.

Anne Boleyn first refused to be the wife of the king.

They married because she got pregnant. She gave

birth to a girl called Elizabeth and the king was disap-

pointed again.

She was very proud, arrogant, willful, had big temper

and was over confident. When she became preg-

nant it was a chance for her, but she miscarried

the baby, so Henry called her witchcraft and

she was behaded.

She was completely different from Anna – meek, shy

and obedient. She became pregnant the same time as

Anne Boleyn, but there was

a difference: She gave to Henry a longed-waited son

– King Edward VI. In that time both daughters: Mary

and Elizabeth were declared illegimate.

Jane died after 12 days from fever. Henry was

devastated. But after two years mourning he

started to think about taking another wife...

6 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 7

Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Time of Henry VIII

Page 8: The Royals

Marriage with Anne of Cleves, Protestant German

Princess, was only a political arrangement. Anne of Cleves

travelled to England and Henry met her for the first time as

a bride. He was very surprised. He told all and sundry:

“I like her not” and didn’t want to get married, but

it wasn’t possible. The marriage was not consum-

mated. Despite the fact that Anne couldn’t speak

English, was a clever woman. She agreed to divorce.

She got money, estates and deference.

Catherine was the cousin of Anne Boleyn. King Henry be-

came obsessed with Catherine. It was described as

a „pathetic infatuation” . He regarded her as his „Rose

without a thorn” – young, virginal, pretty woman, very

sweet and so natural. Catherine fell in love, but of

course in Henry’s health and influences. Short after

marriage Catherine started a sexual relationship

with Thomas Culpepper. When King discovered

that fact he didn’t want to see Catherine any-

more – she was arrested. Tragic Catherine How-

ard was executed by beheading at the Tower

of London - she was just 21 years old.

The HBO television produced the serial called

‘The Tudors’ which focuses the life of King Henry

VIII. The series takes a look at the politican relation-

ship, struggle with the Pope over first divorce, creation

of the church of England and of course all of the mar-

riages. The biography of king has never been so good.

7 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 9

Time of Henry VIII Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Time of Henry VIII

Page 9: The Royals

Catherine Parr was a respectable and well

educated widow. As a queen she made a mistake

of taking the side of heretics (including Anne Askew).

When she was to be arrested, she wisely apologised

to the King Henry. Catherine was forgiven. Through-

out the period of marriage she looked after

Henry VIII, but it didn’t prevent the death of the

King, who died in 1547. Catherine Parr be-

came a widow again.

There is a famous rhyme describing the vari-

ous ends of the wives of King Henry VIII:

He died 28 January 1547. The body of King Henry VIII was in-terred on St George’s Chapel (Windsor Castle) with his third wife, Jane Seymour,

the beloved mother of his son.

7 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 9

Time of Henry VIII Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Anna Gibas, Rafał Pochopień Time of Henry VIII

Page 10: The Royals

The Elizabethan era was the time associated with

Queen Elizabeth I reign (1558–1603) and is often considered to

be the Golden Age in the English history.

It was the bloom of the English Renaissance along-

side with the English poetry, music and literature.

This was also the time during which Elizabethan

theatre flourished, and William Shakespeare and

many others composed plays that broke free

of England's past style of theatre. It was

the age of exploration and expansion

abroad, while back at home, the Protes-

tant Reformation became more acceptable

to people, most certainly after the Spanish

Armada was repulsed. It was also the end

of the period when England was a separate

realm before its royal union with Scotland.

Queen Elizabeth is one of the

most famous queens of England. She was

born in 1533 as a daughter of Henry VIII

a n d w a s c r o w n e d i n 1 5 5 8 .

She was devoted to Anglicanism and established it

as a national religion of England by fighting with

C a t h o l i c s i n E n g l a n d .

Elizabeth wasn't married because as she said she had mar-

ried England. She had never married anyone. To many ad-

visers she always re-

fused to marry . That's why she is called the

"Virgin Queen".

The most important achieve-

ments of Queen Elizabeth

The Queen Elizabeth I was famous for

leading England through war with Spain –

a war when England beat Spanish Armada,

her engagement in culture of England, and

the her dedication to religion established by

her father Henry VIII - Anglicanism. She made out of it a "real national religion of England".

10 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 11

Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Elizabethan Era

Page 11: The Royals

The most important achievements

of Queen Elizabeth are: leading En-

gland through war with Spain - war

when England beat Spanish Ar-

mada, her engagement in cul-

ture of England, and the her

dedication to religion esta-

blished by her father Henry

VIII - Anglicanism.She

made out of it a "real

national religion of

England". Reasons for

begining war with Spain:

There are thousands of

opinions about that but

two of them are the most

trustworthy. First is that

England had begun to

rob Spanish ships and was

an important enemy in colo-

nizing and discovering a

"New World"; Second is that England helped

the Netherlands in fighting with Spain while

they were in conflict by, for example, sending

to the Netherlands few thousands of English

soldiers. War between Spain and England was

short so I'll tell you only about the final battle

fought in 1588. Both fleets fought for nine ho-

urs and eventually The Great Armada was de-

feated for the first time. There are also many

opinions about reasons for deafeating Armada

but I chose two that are probably true. First is

bad weather - Armada was a huge fleet with

huge ships and it was much harder to commu-

nicate between them during storm than betwe-

en small English ships. Historians say that En-

glish fleet had had much better strategy than

Armada and it let them to win the battle. The

war between England and Spain opened a new

chapter in colonialism - England started to

conquere more and more lands but Armada

still was the most powerfull fleet. To sum up

Elizabethian Era was filled with revolutionary

moments like vicotry in war with Spain and

the begining of colonizing lands beyond Euro-

pe and also English innovation in theatre, lite-

rature etc. that are noticeable even in present


Reasons for beginning war with Spain

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Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Elizabethan Era

Page 12: The Royals

Globe Theatre.

The Globe Theatre was originally built in 1599,

by brothers Cuthbert and Richard Bur-

baqe, after their lease from the previous site

of "The Theatre" ran out in 1599. Located in

Backside (a district of Southwark stretching

for about half a mile west of London Bridge

on the south bank of the River Thames), the

Globe Theatre was built from the timbers of

"The Theatre", which were carried down to

Backside from the site of "The Theatre". The

Globe provided a place for Shakespeare

to write and perform his plays, but misfortunes

were to follow this success. In 1613 during the

performance of Henry VIII, the Globe was acci-

dentally burned down when one of the cannons fired

to mark the King's entrance lit the thatches and the thea-

tre collapsed within an hour. Later on in 1642, 26 years fol-

lowing Shakespeare's death, the Puritans closed the Globe down and demolished it two years later

to build tenements. The foundations were buried. In 1989, the foundations of the original Globe

Theatre were found, and with this scholars and architects were able to reconstruct the original

structure of the Globe Theatre, and the foundations of the new Globe Theatre were laid. In 1989,

the foundations of the original Globe Theatre were found, and with this scholars and architects

were able to reconstruct the original structure of the Globe Theatre.

Wiliam Shakespeare He was baptised on 26 April 1564. We don't know the exact

date of his birth but in the 16th century it was normal for ba-

bies to be baptised within a few days of their birth (because

so many died). In 1557 John Shakespeare married a woman

from nearby Wilmcote called Mary Arden. The Shake-

speare’s had 8 children. William Shakespeare probably

went to Stratford Grammar School. However, we do not

know what he did for a living when he was a young man

but in about 1587 he went to London. He became an actor

and a playwright.

The theatres in London were closed from 1592 to 1594

because of plague but Shakespeare wrote two poems dur-

ing that time, Venus and Adonis 1593 and Lucerce in

1594. William Shakespeare prospered and in 1597 he

bought a house and gardens in Stratford for Ł60. William

Shakespeare made his will on 25 March 1616 shortly before

his death. He died on 23 April 1616 and was buried in

the parish church. Anne Shakespeare died in 1623.

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Elizabethan Era Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Elizabethan Era

Page 13: The Royals

He was an English actor, theatre impresario, joiner, and

theatre builder in the English Renaissance Theatre. He

built The Theatre, the first permanent dedicated theatre

built in England since Roman times.

James Burbage was born about 1531, probably in

Bromley, Kent. He was apprenticed in London to the

trade of joiner, and must have persevered through his

apprenticeship and taken up his freedom, as in

1559 he was referred to as a joiner twice in the

St Stephen's register. Burbage took up act-

ing and was the leader of Leicester's Men

by 1572. Burbage married Ellen

Brayne, the daughter of Thomas

Brayne, a London tailor and sister of

his later business partner John

Brayne, on 23 April 1559. They were

settled in St. Leonard's parish in

Shoreditch by 1576, with residence in

Halliwell Street or Holywell Lane. Bur-

bage's son Richard Burbage became one of

the most celebrated actors of his era. Cuthbert

Burbage, Richard's elder brother, followed in his fa-

ther's footsteps as a theatre manager.

James Burbage was buried in Shoreditch on February 2, 1597. He died intestate. Having

previously given his Blackfriars property to his son Richard and his personal property to

his son Cuthbert, his widow presented an inventory valued at only £37.

James Burbage was born in 1531. He was the father of Richard and Cuthbert. He worked as an

actor. He died in The Theatre on February 2nd 1597

aged 65 or 66 years old.

James Burbage

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Elizabethan Era Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Marcin Gigoń, Jakub Stanik Elizabethan Era

Page 14: The Royals


The royal family can trace its lineage back to 1066 when William the Conqueror conquered England. Since then there have been 42 mon-archs from eight different houses. Most of them were completely nuts. Some notable relatives include hunchbacked Richard III, wife-killing Henry VIII, and sex crazy Queen Victoria. The current Queen has reigned almost 60 years.

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Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Present Royal Family

Page 15: The Royals

Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen calls her family "The Firm," assumedly because they are powerful, secretive,

and want to kill Tom Cruise.

The sane one. Despite her obsession with Corgis, horses, and ridiculous hats, the

Queen doesn't appear to be any more un-

hinged than the aver-age English (German)


The insane one. We'll let him speak for himself:

To the President of Nigeria, who was wearing traditional robes: "You look like you're ready for bed!"

To a Scottish driving instruc-tor: "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them through the test?"

To English students studying abroad in China: "If you stay here much longer, you'll all be slitty-eyed."

Charles - the Prince of Wales

Heir to the throne. Prince Charles has admitted talking to plants and left Princess Diana for Camilla Parker-Bowles after tapes were released of a phone call in which he stated he wanted to be reincarnated as Camilla's tampon. This makes him one of the more normal members of his family.

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Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Present Royal Family

Page 16: The Royals

She failed her O levels twice and often joked about her poor academic record.

For her engagement, Lady Diana selected a large £30,000 (£94,800 in today's terms) by Garrard. The spar-kler consisted of 14 solitaire diamonds elegantly surround-ing a 12-carat oval blue Ceylon sapphire set in 18-carat white gold. It now sits on Kate Mid-dleton's finger, of course.

Her wedding to Prince Charles on July 29, 1981 was broadcast in 74 countries and watched by 750 million peo-ple worldwide. Her funeral 16 years later had 2.5 billion view-ers.

Princess Diana


William Known for drunkenly fal-

ling out of clubs, using up taxpayers' money by flying an army helicopter to a bachelor party, and dating a woman seri-ously out of his league:

16 The Royals The English Week 2014 The English Week 2014 The Royals 17

Present Royal Family Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Present Royal Family

Page 17: The Royals

Kate Middleton

Her hobbies include walk-ing, tennis, swimming, sailing, and painting.

Is six months older than Prince William.

Is distantly related to Prince William - they are 12th cousins once re-moved.

Prince Harry "The Spare." In his short life Harry has been photographed drunkenly feeling up women who aren't his girlfriend, smok-ing weed, and wearing a Nazi uniform to a costume party.

Princess Eugenie The "smartest" of the royals. After graduating high school with pretty average grads she celebrated by run-ning naked through her school with friends. Sadly, there are no photos of this event (That we know of. Give it so-me time.)

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Present Royal Family Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Present Royal Family

Page 18: The Royals


The couple only informed the Queen and the Prince of Wales of their engagement two hours before it was made public.

Before their son was born, people were placing bets on the name. Alexandra, Victoria, Elizabeth and Diana were the bookies' favourite

names for a girl. George, Charles, Philip and James were the favourites for a boy. Kate and William chose George Alexander Louis.

William’s full name is William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten-Windsor, and Kate’s is Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor.

Prince William once attempted to detract attention from himself while in a nightclub, tell-ing strangers his name was “Danny” and he “often gets mistaken for William”.

Kate & William

Prince George

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Present Royal Family Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Present Royal Family

Page 19: The Royals

The young Princess Elizabeth, just two

years old, already bears the burden of royal-

ty and its requisite pomp with solemnity.

A family outing to the the-

ater. With father King

George VI and mother

Queen Elizabeth watching

a performance from a box

at the Coliseum Theatre,

London, 1939

In a meditative mood at Windsor Castle, June 1940.

Reviewing the Grenadier guards on her birthday.

Elizabeth met Philip married on the 20th of November 1947.

The happy couple with Prince Charles and Princess Anne.

Happy times on the balcony of Buckinham Palace for Prin-

ce Charles and Princess Diana after wedding, July 29, 1981.

God Save The Queen! photos

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Present Royal Family Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Michał Marek, Wojciech Popek Present Royal Family

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