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Page 1: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Re: Indexes to Regulations and Revised Regulations

This Issue contains Alphabetical Indexes to Regulations and Revised Regulations which were published

in Parts II and Ill of the Gazette during the year 1991.

Detach Indexes and file for future reference.



Volume 88 REGINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1992



ACTS PROCLAIMED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

APPOINTMENTS ............................................... 38

ORDERS IN COUNCIL ........................................... 38

The Union Hospital Act ........................................... 38

The Provincial Court Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

BOARD ORDERS ................................................ 41

The Assessment Management Agency Act ............................ 41

MINISTER'S ORDERS ........................................... 41

The Education Act ............................................... 41

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

MINISTER'S APPROVALS ....................................... 46

The Planning and Development Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ............................ 47

The Cooperatives Act, 1989 ........................................ 47

The Business Corporations Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

The Names of Homes Act .......................................... 52

The Business Names Registration Act ............................... 53

Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

PUBLIC NOTICES ............................................... 63

The Change of Name Act .......................................... 63

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

The Pre-Judgement Interest Act .................................... 64

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

The Urban Municipality Act, 1984 .................................. 64

Winding-up Act (Canada) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


OF SASKATCHEWAN .......................................... 65

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ...................................... 65


The Crown Employment Contracts Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The Milk Control Amendment Regulations, 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


No. 3

Page 2: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police



The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992:

The Police Act, 1990, c.P-15.01, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective January 1, 1992.

* A proclamation appearing in this list forthe first time is indicated in bold print.



Termination of Appointment of Honorary Aide­de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor of Saskat­chewan - effective October 11, 1991:

Captain V. C. Cade.


Presiding Justices of the Peace:

Richard Buettner, Oungre; Jack Fennuk, Foam Lake; Erin Galenzoski, Regina; Janice Garden, Waskesiu; W illiam Law, Indian Head; Howard Parks, Davidson; Ron Redpath, Moose Jaw; Phyllis Silzer, Yorkton; Robert Swenson, Midale; Cecil Keast, Coronach; John Kessler, Assiniboia; Kenneth McLellan, Balcarres; M. D. Stern, Moose Jaw; Roger Fournier, Ferland; Glen Mcintyre, Carrot River; Eugene Michayluk, Hafford; Patrick Panter, Big River; Kenneth Parker, Lanigan; Kenneth Roth, La Loche; Arthur Scott, Oxbow; Larry Ladubec, Pelly.

Non-Presiding Justices of the Peace:

Patricia Henry, Whitewood; D. G. Lindskog, Regina; Clara Anderson, Regina; Charles Bigknife, Balcarres; Reg Brooman, Prince Albert; J. Campbell, Stony Rapids; Douglas Deschryver, Buffalo Narrows; Napoleon Dmytrowich, Canora; Bernard Godin, Smeaton; Donald Harris, Radis­son; D. C. Heins, Swift Current; Brian Hrynkiw, Spiritwood; Steve Kadachuk, Cumberland House; Hazel Mitten, Redvers; Orvil Mything, Climax; Isadore Osecap, Cochin; Elizabeth Pearce, Regina; David Phillips, Cumberland House; Donald Ramsay, Humboldt; John Ridgway, Avon­lea; A. L. Rybchinski, Outlook; Otto Samuelson, Leader; Jenny Spyglass, Cando; Wesley Stubbs, Prince Albert.

Neil J. MacLean, Supervising Justice of the Peace.


The Union Hospital Act

(O.C. 1042/91) 17 December 1991



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Section 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act pro­vides that:

7 (1) Where a portion of a union hospital district becomes organized as a municipality or becomes a part of a newly organized municipality or of any other municipality after the issue of the order defining the hospital district, the Lieutenant Gov­ernor in Council may amend the order by redefin­ing the district and providing for such other matters as are deemed to be necessary or expedi­ent to take cognizance of such change.

2 By Your Honour's Order 151/89, dated March 7, 1989, the Balcarres Union Hospital Dis­trict was defined.

3 In your Honour's Order 151/89, dated March 7, 1989, Township 20, Range 10, in the Rural Municipality of Abernethy No. 186 and Township 23, Range 12, in the Rural Municipality of Tullymet No. 216 were omitted and the Resort Village of Katepwa Beach was incorrectly identi­fied as the Village of Katepwa Beach.

4 It is desirable and in the public interest to redefine the Balcarres Union Hospital District to include Township 20, Range 10, in the Rural Municipality of Abernethy No. 186 and Township 23, Range 12, in the Rural Municipality of Tully­met No. 216 and to correctly identify the Resort Village of Katepwa Beach.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue, pursuant to section 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act:

1) amending Your Honour's Order 151189, dated March 7, 1989, to redefine the Balcarres Union Hospital District by including Town­ship 20, Range 10, in the Rural Municipality of Abernethy No. 186 and Township 23, Range 12, in the Rural Municipality of Tullymet No. 216 and to correctly identify the Resort Village of Katepwa Beach.

2) confirming that as a consequence of the above, the following municipalities and areas are included in the Balcarres Union Hospital Dis­trict:

In the Rural Municipality of McLeod No. 185:

Township 19, Range 9, Sections 19 to 36 inclu-sive;

Township 20, Range 9;

Township 21, Rr :,ge 9;

All West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Abernethy No. 186:

Township 19, Range 10, Sections 19 to 36 inclu­sive;

Township 21, Range 10, Sections 1 to 30 inclu-sive and Section 36;

Township 18, Range 11, fractional Section 36;

Township 19A, Range 11;

Township 19, Range 11;

Township 20, Ranges 10 and 11;

Township 21, Range 11, excluding those por-tions in the Indian Reserve;

Township 19, Range 12;

Township 20, Range 12;

Township 21, Range 12;

All West of the Second Meridian.






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JANUARY 17, 1992 39

In the Rural Municipality of North Qu'Appelle No.187:

Township 20, Range 13, those portions of Sec­tions 35 and 36 lying north of the Qu'Appelle River;

Township 21, Range 13, those portions lying north of the Qu' Appelle River;

Township 21, Range 14, those portions lying north of the Qu'Appelle River;

Township 21, Range 15, those portions lying north of the Qu' Appelle River;

All West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality ofTullymet No. 216:

Township 22, Range 11, excluding those por­tions in the Indian Reserve;

Township 22, Range 12;

Township 23, Range 10, Sections 1 to 30 inclu­sive;

Township 23, Range 11, Sections 1 to 30 inclu­sive, excluding those portions in the Indian Reserve;

Township 23, Range 12;

All West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Lipton No. 217:

Township 22, Ranges 13 and 14;

Township 23, Range 13;

Township 24, Range 13;

Township 23, Range 14, Sections 1 to 4 inclu­sive, Sections 9 to 16 inclusive, Sections 21 to 28 inclusive and Sections 33 to 36 inclusive;

Township 24, Range 14, Sections 1 to 4 inclu-sive, Sections 9 to 16 inclusive, Sections 21 to 28 inclusive and Sections 33 to 36 inclusive;

All West of the Second Meridian.

Village of Abernethy;

Village of Lebret;

Village of Lipton;

Village of Sandy Beach;

Resort Village of Fort San;

Resort Village of Katepwa Beach;

Town of Balcarres and

Town of Lem berg.

RECOMMENDED BY: L. Simard, Minister of Health.

APPROVED BY: R. Romanow,President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: S. Fedoruk,Lieutenant Governor.

Regina, Saskatchewan.

(O.C. 1043/91) 17 December 1991



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Section 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act pro­vides that:

7 (1) W here a portion of a union hospital district becomes organized as a municipality or becomes a part of a newly organized municipality or of any other municipality after the issue of the order defining the hospital district, the Lieutenant Gov­ernor in Council may amend the order by redefin­ing the district and providing for such other matters as are deemed to be necessary or expedi­ent to take cognizance of such change.

2 By Your Honour's Order 90/0879, dated Octo­ber 3, 1990, the Riverside Memorial Union Hospi­tal District was defined.

3 The Resort Village of Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay was omitted from the description.

4 It is desirable and in the public interest to redefine the Riverside Memorial Union Hospital District to include the Resort Village ofKivimaa­Moonlight Bay.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue, pursuant to section 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act:

1) amending Your Honour's Order 90/0879, dated October 3, 1990, to redefine the Riverside Memorial Union Hospital District to include the Resort Village ofKivimaa-Moonlight Bay.

2) confirming that as a consequence of theabove, the following municipalities and areas are included in the Riverside Memorial Union Hospi­tal District:

In the Rural Municipality of Parkdale No. 498:

Township 52, Ranges 17 and 18;

Township 53, Range 17;

Townships 53 and 54, Range 18, those portions lying east of the westerly bank of T urtle Lake;

All West of the Third Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Frenchman Butte No. 501:

Township 50, Range 22, that portion lying north of the Saskatchewan River;

Townships 51 and 52, Range 22;

All West of the Third Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Mervin No. 499:

Township 50, Ranges 19, 20 and 21;

Township 51, Ranges 19, 20 and 21;

Township 52, Ranges 19, 20 and 21;

Township 53, Range 18, south-east 1/4 of Sec­tion 31 and south-west 1/4 of Section 32;

Township 53, Range 19;

Township 53, Range 20, Sections 1 to 9 inclu­sive, Sections 17 to 20 inclusive, Sections 23 to 26 inclusive, Sections 29 and 30 and Sections 35 and 36;

Township 53, Range 21;

Township 54, Range 18, Sections 6 and 7, Sec­tions 17 to 21 inclusive and Sections 21 to 35 inclusive;

All West of the Third Meridian.

Resort Village of Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay;

Village of Mervin;

Village of Spruce Lake and

Town of Turtleford.

Page 4: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


RECOMMENDED BY: L. Simard,Minister of Health.

APPROVED BY: R. Romanow,President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: S. Fedoruk,Lieutenant Governor.

Regina, Saskatchewan.

(O.C. 1044/91) 17 December 1991



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Section 7 (1) of The Union Hospital Act pro­vides that:

7 (1) Where a portion of a union hospital district becomes organized as a municipality or becomes a part of a newly organized municipality or of any other municipality after the issue of the order defining the hospital district, the Lieutenant Gov­ernor in Council may amend the order by redefin­ing the district and providing for such other matters as are deemed to be necessary or expedi­ent to take cognizance of such change.

2 By Your Honour's Order 743/86, dated July 31, 1986, the Rosthern Union Hospital Dis­trict was defined.

3 The Minister of Community Services ordered the incorporation of the Town of Hague, effective November 1, 1991.

4 It is desirable and in the public interest to redefine the Rosthern Union Hospital District to recognize the change in status of the Village of Hague and its incorporation as the Town of Hague.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue, pursuant to section 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act:

1) amending Your Honour's Order 743/86,dated July 31, 1986, to redefine the Rosthern Union Hospital District by striking out the words "Village of Hague" and replacing them with "Town of Hague" wherever they appear;

2) confirming that as a consequence of theabove, the following municipalities and areas are included in the Rosthern Union Hospital District:

In the Rural Municipality of Fish Creeh No. 402:

Township 42, Range 1, Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, part of Sections 20 and 21, Sections 22 to 27 inclusive, part of Sections 34, 35 and 36, Riverlots 9 to 20 inclusive and Riverlots 23 to 46 inclusive;

Township 42A, Range 2, Sections 1 to 4 inclu­sive, south half of Sections 5 and 6, Sections 9 to 17 inclusive, part of Section 18 and Riverlots 1 to 12 inclusive;

Township 42A, Range 2;

All West of the Third Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Duch Lahe No. 463:

Township 43, Range 1, those portions lying west of the South Saskatchewan River;

Township 43, Range 2

Township 44, Range 1, those portions lying west of the South Saskatchewan River;

Township 44, Range 2;

Township 44, Range 3;

Township 44, Range 4, Riverlots 1 to 7 inclusive and in the Hudson's Bay Company's Reserve Lots 1 to 8 inclusive;

Township 45, Range 1, Sections 1 to 31 inclusive and Sections 33, 35 and 36, those portions lying north and west of the South Saskatchewan River;

Township 45, Range 2;

Township 45, Range 3;

Township 45, Range 4, that portion lying south and east of the North Saskatchewan River includ­ing Riverlots and the Hudson's Bay Company's Reserve;

Township 46, Range 2;

Township 46, Range 3, lying east of the North Saskatchewan River;

Township 47, Range 3, those portions lying south and east of the North Saskatchewan River;

All West of the Third Meridian.

Rural Municipality of Rosthern No. 403;

Village of Laird;

Town of Duck Lake;

Town of Rosthern and

Town of Hague.

RECOMMENDED BY: L. Simard, Minister of Health.

APPROVED BY: R. Romanow,President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: S. Fedoruk, Lieutenant Governor.

Regina, Saskatchewan.

The Provincial Court Act

(O.C. 1049/91) 17 December 1991



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Section 6 of The Provincial Court Act pro­vides, in part, that:

6 (3) Subject to subsection (8), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may cause a list to be com­piled of persons who:

(a) are:

(i) judges who have attained the age of retirement mentioned in subsection (1) or (2);

(ii) judges who have resigned in accordance with this Act;




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JANUARY 17, 1992 41

(iii) judges who have resigned or retiredfrom any other court in Saskatchewan; or

(iv) retired or non-practicing barristers and solicitors;

(b) consent to be on the list; and

(c) meet the requirements prescribed in sub­section 5 (2).

(4) When:

(a) a judge is or expects to be absent from hisduties pursuant to this Act; or

(b) in the opinion of the chief judge, addi­tional judges are urgently required to meet the business of the court and if the chief judge has received the prior consent of the minister;

the chief judge may appoint a person from the list compiled pursuant to subsection (3) to act in the place and exercise the powers of the judge who is or expects to be absent during the period of that judge's absence or to act as and exercise the powers of a judge to meet the business of the court, as the case may be.

2 It is desirable and in the public interest to add the name Alistair Muir to the list of persons who may act in the place and exercise the powers of Provincial Court judges, and Mr. Muir has con­sented to be on the list.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue pursuant to section 6 of The Provincial Court Act designating Alistair Muir as a person who may be appointed by the Chief Judge of the Provincial Court to act in the place and exercise the powers of a Provincial Court judge.

RECOMMENDED BY: R. Mitchell,Minister of Justice and Attorney General.

APPROVED BY: R. Romanow, President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: S. Fedoruk,Lieutenant Governor.

Regina, Saskatchewan.


The Assessment Management Agency Act


Pursuant to section 12 of The Assessment Man­agement Agency Act and section 273 of The Urban Municipality Act, 1984, the assessments of the following urban municipalities were confirmed on January 10, 1992:

City of Moose Jaw, City of Swift Current, Town of Biggar, Town of Canora, Town of Central Butte, Town of Humboldt, Town of Regina Beach, Town of Wilkie, Village of Bladworth, Village of Neville, Resort Village of South Lake, Village of St. Brieux, Village of Woodrow.


Pursuant to section 12 of The Assessment Man­agement Agency Act and section 327 of The Rural Municipality Act, 1989, the assessments of the following rural municipalities were confirmed on January 10, 1992:

R.M. of Moose Creek No. 33, R.M. of CarmichaelNo. 109, R.M. of Lajord No. 128, R.M. of Elcapo No. 154, R.M. of South Qu'Appelle No. 157, R.M. of Cana No. 214, R.M. of Lacadena No. 228, R.M. of MonetNo. 257, R.M. of Vanscoy No. 345, R.M. of Lake Lenore No. 399, R.M. of Leask No. 464, R.M. of Meota No. 468, R.M. of Moose Range No. 486.


Pursuant to section 12 of The Assessment Man­agement Agency Act and section 224 of The North­ern Municipalities Act, the assessments of the following northern municipalities were con­firmed on January 10, 1992:

Northern Village ofLa Loche, Northern Village of Sandy Bay.

Kenneth G. Love, Chairman. Bryan Hebb, Board Secretary.

Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency.


The Education Act

M.O. 194/91. Pursuant to the power vested inme by subsection 27 (1) of The Education Act, and in compliance with section 360 of the said Act, I hereby order that the boundaries of the following school divisions be altered, effective January 1, 1992, in the manner set forth herein.

Humboldt Rural School Division No. 47 of Saskatchewan

Sub-division No. 5:

adding thereto:

in Township 41, in Range 19, West of the Second Meridian: the north-west quarter of Section 31.

Sub-division No. 3:

taking therefrom:

in Township 41, in Range 20, West of the Second Meridian: the south-east quarter of Section 12.

Tiger Lily School Division No. 54 of Saskatchewan

Sub-division No. I:

adding thereto:

in Township 41, in Range 20, West of the Second Meridian: the south-east quarter of Section 12.

Sub-division No. 2:

taking therefrom:

in Township 41, in Range 19: West of the Second Meridian: the north-west quarter of Section 31.

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I further order, pursuant to subsection 118(1) of The Eduction Act, that tax arrears; if any, on the aforementioned land shall be payable to the school divisions from which the land was with­drawn.

Dated at Regina, December 24, 1991.

M.O. 195/91. Pursuant to the power vested in me by subsection 27 (1) of The Education Act, I hereby order that the boundaries of the sub­divisions in the Nipawin School Division No. 61 of Saskatchewan be altered, effective the date of this Order, in such a manner as to result in the sub­divisions consisting of areas as follows:

Sub-division No. 1:

in Township 48, in Range 11: the east half of Section 31 and that portion of the west half of Section 31 lying north of the Carrot River, those portions of Sections 32 and 33 lying north of the said River, the east half of Section 34 and that portion of the west half of Section 34 lying north of the said River and Section 35;

in Township 48, in Range 12: that portion of Section 36 lying north of the Carrot River;

in Township 49, in Range 5: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 6: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 7: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 8: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 9: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 10: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 11: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 12: Sections 1 and 7 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 5: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 6: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 7: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 8: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 9: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 10: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 11: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 12: Sections 1 to 17 inclusive, the south half of Section 18, Sections 20 to 29 and 32 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 5: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 6: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 excepting those Sections or portions thereof included within the boundaries of the Red Earth Indian Reserve No. 29;

in Township 51, in Range 7: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 8: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 9: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 10: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 11: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 12: Sections 1 to 3 inclusive, the east halves of Sections 4 and 9, Sections 10 to 15 inclusive, the east halves of Sections 16 and 21, Sections 22 to 27 inclusive, the east half of Section 28, the south-east quarter of Section 33, the south half of Section 34, the south half and north-east quarter of Section 35 and Section 36;

in Township 52, in Range 5: surveyed and unsurveyed Sections 1 to 36 inclusive, excepting those Sections or portions thereof included with the boundaries of the Shoal Lake Indian Reserve No. 28A;

in Township 52, in Range 6: surveyed and unsurveyed Sections 1 to 36 inclusive, excepting those Sections or portions thereof included within the boundaries of the Red Earth Indian Reserve No. 29 and the Carrot River Indian Reserve No. 29A;

in Township 52, in Range 7: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive, excepting those Sections or portions thereof included within the boundaries of the Carrot River Indian Reserve No. 29A;

in Township 52, in Range 8: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 52, in Range 9: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 52, in Range 10: Sections 1 to 29 and 33 to 36, all inclusive and those portions of Sections 30 to 32 inclusive, lying south and east of Tobin Lake;

in Township 52, in Range 11: Sections 1 to 20 inclusive and those portions of Sections 21 to 25 inclusive, lying south of Tobin Lake;

in Township 52, in Range 12: Sections 1, 12, 13 and 24 and the east halves of Sections 2, 11, 14 and 23;

in Township 53, in Range 5: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 6: surveyed and unsurveyed Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 7: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 8: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 9: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 10: Sections 1 to 4 inclusive, those portions of Sections 5 and 9 lying east of Tobin Lake, Sections 10 to 14 inclusive, those portions of Sections 15 and 22 lying east of the said Lake, Sections 23 to 26 inclusive, those portions of Sections 27 and 34 lying east of the said Lake and Sections 35 and 36;

in Township 54, in Range 5: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;





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in Township 54, in Range 6: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 7: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 8: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 9: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 29 inclusive, unsurveyed Sections 33, 35 and 36 and those portions of unsurveyed Sections 30, 32 and 34 lying south of the Saskatchewan River;

in Township 54, in Range 10: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 3 inclusive, those portions ofunsurveyed Sections 4 and 10 lying east of Tobin Lake and the Saskatchewan River, unsurveyed Sections 11 to 14 inclusive, those portions of unsurveyed Sec­tions 15 and 22 lying east and south of the said River, unsurveyed Sections 23 and 24 and those portions ofunsurveyed Sections 25 to 27 inclusive, lying south of the said River;

in Township 55, in Range 8: that portion of the Township lying south of the Saskatchewan River and the boundary of the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District;

in Township 55, in Range 9: that portion of the Township lying south of the Saskatchewan River and the boundary of the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District;

all West of the Second Meridian.

Sub-division No. 2:

in Township 48, in Range 14: the east half of Section 8 and Sections 15 to 17, 20 to 22, 27 to 29 and 31 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 48, in Range 15: Section 36;

in Township 49, in Range 13: Sections 19, 20 and 29 to 32 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 14: Sections 3 to 10 and 15 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 15: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 16: Sections 1 to 4, 9 to 16 and 19 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 17: the north half and south-east quarter of Section 23, Sections 24 to 27 inclusive, those portions of Sections 28, 29, 33 and 34 lying south of the Saskatchewan River and Sections 35 and 36.

in Township 50, in Range 13: Sections 5 and 6;

in Township 50, in Range 14: Sections 1 to 10 inclusive, the west half of Section 11, the south­west quarter of Section 14, Sections 15 to 17 inclusive, those portions of Section 18 and the south half ofSection 19 lying south and east of the Saskatchewan River and the south-west quarter of Section 20;

in Township 50, in Range 15: Sections 1 to 6 inclusive and those portions of Sections 7 to 16 inclusive, lying south of the Saskatchewan River;

in Township 50, in Range 16: Sections 1, 2 and 6 and those portions of Sections 3 to 5 inclusive, 7, 11 and 12 lying south of the Saskatchewan River;

in Township 50, in Range 17: those portions of Sections 1 to 3 inclusive and Section 12 all lying south of the Saskatchewan River;

all West of the Second Meridian.

Sub-division No. 3:

in Township 48, in Range 19: that portion of Section 31 lying west of the Saskatchewan River;

in Township 48, in Range 20: those portions of Sections 25 and 26 lying north of the Saskatche­wan River, those portions of Sections 27 to 29 inclusive, not included within the boundaries of the James Smith Indian Reserve No. 100, that portion of Section 30 lying north of the said River and not included within the boundaries of the said Reserve, Sections 31 to 35 inclusive and that portion of Section 36 lying north and west of the said River;

in Township 48, in Range 21: that portion of Section 36 lying north and east of the Saskatche­wan River;

in Township 49, in Range 19: Sections 16 to 36 inclusive, those portions of Sections 6 to 9 inclu­sive, 11 and 13 to 15 inclusive, all lying north of the Saskatchewan River;

in Township 49, in Range 20: that portion of Section 1 lying west of the Saskatchewan River and Sections 2 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 21: those portions of Sections 1 and 12 to 14 inclusive, all lying north and east of the Saskatchewan River, that portion of Section 15 lying north, east and west of the said River, those portions of Sections 19 to 23 inclu­sive, lying north of the said River, Sections 24 to 29 inclusive, that portion of Section 30 lying north of the said River and Sections 31 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 22: those portions of Sections 21 to 28 inclusive, lying north of the North Saskatchewan River and Sections 33 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 19: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 20: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 21: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 22: Sections 1 to 4 and 9 to 16, all inclusive, the south halfand north-east quarter of Section 21, Sections 22 to 27 and 34 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 18: the west halves of Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31;

in Township 51, in Range 19: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 20: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 21: Sections 1 to 30 inclusive, the south halves of Sections 31 and 32 and Sections 33 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 22: Sections 1 to 3 inclusive, Section 10, the south half of Section 11 and the south-west quarter of Section 12;

in Township 52, in Range 18: the west halves of Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31;

in Township 52, in Range 19: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 52, in Range 20: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

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in Township 52, in Range 21: Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27 and 34 to 36, all inclusive and the east halves of Sections 4, 9, 16 and 21;

in Township 53, in Range 18: the west halves of Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31;

in Township 53, in Range 19: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 20: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 21: Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27, 34 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 19: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 20: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 21: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27 and 34 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 19: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 20: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 21: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1, 2, 11 to 14 and 23 to 26, all inclusive and unsurveyed Sections 35 and 36;

all West of the Second Meridian.

Sub-division No. 4:

in Township 49, in Range 17: Sections 31 and 32, those portions of Sections 19, 20, 28 to 30 inclusive and 33 and 34, all lying north and west of the Saskatchewan River;

in Township 49, in Range 18: those portions of Sections 16 to 24 inclusive, lying north of the Saskatchewan River and Sections 25 to 36 inclu­sive;

in Township 50, in Range 16: those portions of Sections 4, 5 and 7 lying north of the Saskatche­wan River and Sections 8, 9, 16 to 21 and 28 to 33, all inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 17: Sections 4 to 11 and 13 to 36, all inclusive, those portions of Sec­tions 1 to 3 inclusive, and 12, lying north of the Saskatchewan River;

in Township 50, in Range 18: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 16: Sections 3 to 10 and 15 to 21, all inclusive, the south half and north-west quarter of Section 22 and that portion of the north-east quarter of Section 22 lying south of the Whitefox River, the west half of Section 27, Sections 28 to 33 inclusive and the west half of Section 34;

in Township 51, in Range 17: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 18: Sections 1 to 5, 8 to 17, 20 to 29 and 32 to 36, all inclusive and the east halves of Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31;

in Township 52, in Range 16: the west half of Section 3, Sections 4 to 9 inclusive, the west halves of Sections 10 and 14, Sections 15 to 22 inclusive, the west halves of Sections 23 and 26, Sections 27 to 34 inclusive and the west half of Section 35;

in Township 52, in Range 17: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 52, in Range 18: Sections 1 to 5, 8 to 17, 20 to 29 and 32 to 36, all inclusive and the east halves of Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31;

in Township 53, in Range 16: Sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22 and 27 to 34, all inclusive, the west halves of Sections 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35;

in Township 53, in Range 17: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 18: Sections 1 to 5, 8 to 17, 20 to 29 and 32 to 36, all inclusive and the east halves of Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31;

in Township 54, in Range 16: Sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22 and 27 to 34, all inclusive and the west halves of Sections 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35;

in Township 54, in Range 17: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 18: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 16: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 17: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 18: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

all West of the Second Meridian.

Sub-division No. 5:

in Township 51, in Range 14: that portion of Section 5 lying west of the Saskatchewan River, that portion of Section 6 lying north and east of the roadway shown on Registered Plan No. CZ 1502 (Old Provincial Highway No. 35), Section 7, those portions of Sections 8, 9, 15 and 16 lying north and west of the said River, Sections 17 and 21, those portions of Sections 22, 23 and 27 lying west of the said River, Sections 28 to 33 inclusive and those portions of Sections 34 to 36 inclusive, lying north and west of the said River;

in Township 51, in Range 15: Sections 12 and 13, the north-east quarter of Section 14, the north­west quarter of Section 19, those portions of Sec­tions 20, 21, 22 and the west half of Section 23 all lying north of the Whitefox River, the east half of Section 23 and Sections 24 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 16: that portion of the north-east quarter of Section 22 lying north of the Whitefox River, Sections 23 to 26 inclusive, the west halves of Sections 27 and 34 and Sections 35 and 36;

in Township 52, in Range 13: those portions of Sections 7, 8 and 16 lying north of Tobin Lake, Sections 17 to 21 inclusive, those portions of Sec­tions 22, 23, 25 and 26 not covered by the waters of the said Lake, Sections 27 to 35 inclusive and that portion of Section 36 lying west of the said Lake;

in Township 52, in Range 14: that portion of Section 1 lying west of the Saskatchewan River, Sections 2 to 11 inclusive, that portion of Section 12 lying north and west of Tobin Lake and Sec­tions 13 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 52, in Range 15: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 52, in Range 16: Sections 1 and 2, the west halves of Sections 3 and 10, Sections 11 and 13 inclusive, the west halves of Sections 14 and 23, Sections 24 and 25, the west halves of Sections 26 and 35 and Section 36;




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JANUARY 17, 1992 45

in Township 53, in Range 12: those portions of Sections 3 to 6 inclusive, not covered by the waters of Tobin Lake, Sections 7 to 9 inclusive, those portions of Sections 10 and 16 not covered by the waters of the said Lake, Sections 17 to 20 inclu­sive, those portions of Sections 21 and 28 not covered by the waters of the said Lake, Sections 29 to 32 inclusive and those portions of Sections 33 and 34 not covered by the waters of the said Lake;

in Township 53, in Range 13: that portion of Section 1 not covered by the waters of Tobin Lake and Sections 2 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 14: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 15: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 53, in Range 16: Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36 and the east halves ofSections 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35;

in Township 54, in Range 12: those portions of unsurveyed Sections 1 and 2 not covered by the waters of Tobin Lake and unsurveyed Sections 3 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 13: unsurveyed and surveyed Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 14: unsurveyed and surveyed Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 15: unsurveyed and surveyed Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 54, in Range 16: Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36 and the east halves of Sections 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35;

in Township 55, in Range 12: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 13: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 14: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 55, in Range 15: unsurveyed Sec­tions 1 to 36 inclusive;

all West of the Second Meridian.

Sub-division No. 6:

in Township 50, in Range 14: that portion of Section 18 lying north and west of the Saskatche­wan River, the north half of Section 19 and that portion of the south half of Section 19 lying west of the said River, Sections 30 and 31 and that portion of Section 32 lying north and west of Provincial Highway No. 35;

in Township 50, in Range 15: those portions of Sections 7 to 9 and 11 to 18, all inclusive and Section 24 lying north of the Saskatchewan River and Sections 19 to 23 and 25 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 16: those portions of Sections 3 and 10 to 12 inclusive, all lying north of the Saskatchewan River and Sections 13 to 15, 22 to 27 and 34 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 14: those portions of Sections 4, 5, 9 and 16 lying between the Saskat­chewan River and Provincial Highway No. 35 and 55 as shown on Highways Plan No. 25183 and Registered Plan No. 71PA03411 and that portion of Section 6 lying south and west of a roadway shown on Registered Plan No. CZ 1502 (old Pro­vincial Highway No. 35);

in Township 51, in Range 15: Sections 1 to 11 inclusive, the south half and north-west quarter of Section 14, Sections 15 to 18 inclusive, the south half and north-east quarter of Section 19 and those portions of Sections 21 to 23 inclusive and the west half of Section 24 all lying south of the Whitefox River;

in Township 51, in Range 16: Sections 1, 2 and 11 to 14 inclusive;

all West of the Second Meridian;

Sub-division No. 7:

in Township 48, in Range 13: the west half of Section 7, the north half and south-west quarter of Section 17 and Sections 18 to 22 and 25 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 48, in Range 14: the north-east quarter of Section 12, Section 13, the north half and south-west quarter of Section 14, Sections 23 to 26 inclusive and Sections 35 and 36;

in Township 49, in Range 13: Sections 1 to 18, 21 to 28 and 33 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 49, in Range 14: Sections 1, 2 and 11 to 14 inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 12: the north half of Section 18 and Sections 19, 30 and 31;

in Township 50, in Range 13: Sections 1 to 4 and 7 to 36, all inclusive;

in Township 50, in Range 14: the east half of Section 11, Sections 12 and 13, the north half and south-east quarter of Section 14, the north half and south-east quarter of Section 20, Sections 21 to 29 inclusive, that portion of Section 32 lying south and east of Provincial Highway No. 35 and Sections 33 to 36 inclusive;

all West of the Second Meridian.

Sub-division No. 8:

in Township 51, in Range 12: the west half of Section 4, Sections 5 to 8 inclusive, the west halves of Sections 9 and 16, Sections 17 to 20 inclusive, the west halves of Sections 21 and 28, Sections 29 to 32 inclusive, the north half and south-west quarter of Section 33, the north halfof Section 34 and the north-west quarter of Section 35;

in Township 51, in Range 13: Sections 1 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 51, in Range 14: Sections 1 to 3 inclusive, those portions of Sections 4 and 9 lying east of Provincial Highway No. 35 and No. 55 as shown on Highway Plan No. 25183 and Regis­tered Plan No. 71PA03411, Sections 10 to 13 inclusive, those portions of Sections 14 and 15 lying south and east of the Saskatchewan River, that portion of Section 16 lying between the said Highway and the said River, that portion of Sec­tion 23 lying east of the said River, Sections 24 and 25 and those portions of Sections 26, 35 and 36 lying east of the said River;

in Township 52, in Range 11: Sections 29 to 32 inclusive and those portions of Sections 28 and 33 not covered by the waters of Tobin Lake;

in Township 52, in Range 12: the west half of Section 2, Sections 3 to 10 inclusive, the west halves of Sections 11 and 14, Sections 15 to 18 inclusive, that portion of Section 19 lying south of Tobin Lake, Sections 20 to 22 inclusive, the west

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half of Section 23, Sections 25 and 26 those por­tions of Sections 27 to 29 inclusive and Section 35 lying south of the said Lake and Section 36;

in Township 52, in Range 13: Sections 1 and 2, those portions of Sections 3 to 5 inclusive, lying south of Tobin Lake, Section 6, those portions of Sections 10 and 11 not covered by the waters of the said lake, Sections 12 and 13 and that portion of Section 14 not covered by the waters of the said Lake;

in Township 52, in Range 14: those portions of Sections 1 and 12 lying east and south of the Saskatchewan River and its expansion into Tobin Lake;

in Township 53, in Range 11: that portion of Section 5 lying west of Tobin Lake, Sections 6 and 7, those portions of Sections 8, 16 and 17 not covered by the waters of the said Lake, Sections 18 to 20 inclusive, those portions of Sections 21, 27 and 28 not covered by the waters of the said lake, Sections 29 and 30 and those portions of Sections 31 to 33 inclusive lying south of the said Lake;

in Township 53, in Range 12: Sections 1, 12, 13 and 24 and those portions of Sections 2, 11, 14, 23, 25 and 26 not covered by the waters of Tobin Lake;

all West of the Second Meridian.

All Registered Plans of Record referred to are in the Land Titles Office for the Prince Albert Land Registration District.

Dated at Regina, December 24, 1991.

E. Rourke,Deputy Minister of Education.

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act


MRO 1/92. The application submitted by W illis­ton Wildcatters Corporation to conduct a horizon­tal well project in the Manor South Alida Beds Pool is approved pmsuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and complete one well with a proposed horizontal sec­tion of 337 m in the Alida Beds underlying the west half of Section 7, in Township 7, in Range 1, West of the Second Meridian, in accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 112 and subject to the following provision:

1 The horizontal well shall be produced accord­ing to Good Production Practice.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 6, 1992.


MRO 2/92 A 1. Tri Link Resources Ltd. has submitted an application to drill an off-target well because of geological reasons. Tri Link Resources Ltd. has also requested waiver of the off-target penalty. No objections were received after Public Notice. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, permission is granted to drill an off-target well, with waiver of the off-target

penalty, to be located in legal subdivision 9 of Section 31, in Township 11, in Range 5, West of the Second Meridian.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 6, 1992.

MRO 3/92 A 2. Tri Link Resources Ltd. has submitted an application to drill an off-target well because of geological reasons. Tri Link Resources Ltd. has also requested waiver of the off-target penalty. No objections were received after Public Notice. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, permission is granted to drill an off-target well, with waiver of the off-target penalty, to be located in legal subdivision 8 of Section 33, in Township 11, in Range 6, West of the Second Meridian.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 6, 1992.


MRO 4/92. The application submitted by Ran­chmen's Resources Ltd. to conduct a horizontal well project in the Willmar Frobisher-Alida Beds Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and complete two wells with proposed horizontal sec­tions of 285 m in the Frobisher-Alida Beds under­lying the south-west quarter of Section 34, in Township 5, in Range 3, West of the Second Merid­ian, in accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 113 and subject to the follow­ing provision:

1 The maximum allowable rate of production for each horizontal well shall be determined according to the provisions of MRO 260/91.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 8, 1992.

R. Clayton, for Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister,

Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.


The Planning and Development Act, 1983

Pmsuant to subsection 48(2) of The Planning and Development Act, 1983, public notice is hereby given that the Minister of Rural Develop­ment has approved the following Basic Planning Statement bylaw:

R.M. of Benson No. 35:

The pmpose of the Basic Planning Statement is to enable Council of the R.M. of Benson No. 35 to establish development planning objectives and policies to better manage development within the municipality.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 6, 1992.

Bill Reader, Deputy Minister,

Saskatchewan Rural Development.





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JANUARY 17, 1992 4 7



Pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 1983, notice is hereby given of the Ministerial Approval of Bylaw No. 562 of the Town of David­son. The Bylaw redesignates Lots A and B, Block 9, Registered Plan No. 61MJ09586 from Residen­tial to Highway Commercial.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 8, 1992.



Pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 1983, notice is given of the Ministerial Approval of Bylaw Nos. 7243, 7244 , 7245 , 7246 and 7247 which amend the City of Saskatoon's Development Plan.

The amendments follow the Core Neighbourhood Study Review (1990) and bring the Land Use Policy Plan Map No. 1 of the Devel­opment Plan in conformance with the land use maps contained in the study.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 8, 1992 .

D. M. Innes, Deputy Minister of

Community Services.


The Co-operatives Act, 1989


Name: Buchanan Development Loans Co-operative Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 17, 1991

Registered Office: Buchanan, Sask.

Main Type of Business or Activity: small­business loan association

Name: Leoville Business Development Co-operative Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 23, 1991

Registered Office: Leoville, Sask.

Main Type of Business or Activity: small­business loan association

Name: Regina Soccer Federation Co-operative Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 24, 1991

Registered Office: 5532 Kartusch Pl., Regina, Sask.

Main Type of Business or Activity: To promote soccer in Regina and district


Name: Coast to Coast Stores, Inc.

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Head Office: 5 01 S. Cherry St., Denver CO

Main Type of Business: purchasing co-operative for retail hardware dealers


Name of Amalgamated Credit Union: La Caisse Populaire Fransaskoise

Names of Amalgamating Credit Unions: La Caisse Populaire Francaise de Regina Limitee, Caisse Populaire La Regina

Effective Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992

Registered Office: Saskatoon, Sask.

Main Type of Business: financial institution

Name of Amalgamated Credit Union: White Fox Savings and Credit Union Limited

Names of Amalgamating Credit Unions: White Fox Savings and Credit Union Limited, Choiceland Credit Union Limited

Effective Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992

Registered Office: White Fox, Sask.

Main Type of Business: financial institution


Name: Date: Jurisdiction:

Association Cooperative du Prescolaire Fransakoise Jan. 6 Sask.

Burs tall Woodworking Co-operative Ltd. Jan. 2 Sask.

The Pelican Narrows Fishermen's Co-operative Limited Jan. 2 Sask.

Prince Albert Aboriginal Youth Development Co-operative Jan.6 Sask.

Range Riders Light Horse Club Co-operative Limited Jan.6 Sask.

Rocanville Economic Development Co-operative Ltd. Jan. 2 Sask.

The Saskatchewan Filmpool Co-operative Jan.6 Sask.

The Sedley

Community Co-operative Memorial Rink Jan.6 Sask.

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Wahpeton Small Business Loan Co-operative

Date: Jurisdiction:

Jan. 6 Sask.

P. J. Flory, Deputy Registrar.

The Business Corporations Act


Name: AB. Kevtar Consulting Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 393, W hite City

Main Type of Business: consultant - inspection service

Name: Advantage Holdings Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 6970 Maple Brook Cres., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Bruce C Borden Holdings Inc.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 132 Hayes Dr., Swift Current

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Coolnaherin Farm Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Drawer 20, Lloydminster

Main Type of Business: farming

Name: Coulter Oilfield Consulting Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 38, Langenburg

Main Type of Business: oilfield consulting

Name: Creative Graphics Inc.

Date oflncorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 218C Ave. B, S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: screen printing

Name: Daryl Kuchinka - Insurance Services Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 1133 4th St., Estevan

Main Type of Business: insurance sales, tax consulting and preparation, accounting

Name: Environe Development Corp.

Date oflncorporation: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 1403-730 Spadina Cres. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: development for building

Name: Express Submarine (1991) Inc.

Date of Incorporation: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 300-2445 13th Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: fast food (Submarine sandwiches, salads)

Name: Lai Merchant Corporation

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: toy shop

Name: Lehmann Enterprises Inc.

Date oflncorporation: December 27, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 968, Rosthern

Main Type of Business: retail pharmacy store

Name: McGrath & Sons Holdings Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 30, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 180, Dodsland

Main Type of Business: farming

Name: Normal Business Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: January 1, 1992

Mailing Address: Box 760, Tisdale

Main Type of Business: retail clothing

Name: Notuheu View Farms Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 59, Bateman

Main Type of Business: farming

Name: Regina RV Centre Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 1143 Lakewood Crt N., Regina

Main Type of Business: RV centre

Name: Rose Street Gifts Corporation

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 1791 Rose St., Regina

Main Type of Business: gift ware

Name: Schiazza Homes Construction Limited

Date of Incorporation: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 300-533 Victoria Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: construction of residential homes

Name: Shaken Contracting Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 1234 Brown St., Moose Jaw

Main Type of Business: contracting




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JANUARY 17, 1992 49

Name: Shalcor Investments Inc.

Date of Incorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 2398 Scarth St., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: Speak Easy Enterprises Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 700-1867 Hamilton St., Regina

Main Type of Business: communications company

Name: The Stonehouse Investment Corporation

Date of Incorporation: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 127, Macoun

Main Type of Business: investment company

Name: Sun Water Systems Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 31, 1991

Mailing Address: 300-133 3rd Ave. N., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: sale of well equipment

Name: Van Chi Ngo Holdings Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 160, Moose Jaw

Main Type of Business: restaurant

Name: Wojcik Holdings Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 200-1870 Albert St., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599246 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 940, North Battleford

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599247 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 940, North Battleford

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599248 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 600-410 22nd St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599249 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 600-410 22nd St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599250 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 600-410 22nd St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599267 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 520, Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599268 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 1114 22nd St. W., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599269 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 730, Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599270 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 1500-410 22nd St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599271 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date oflncorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 4047, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599272 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 4047, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599273 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 600, Unity

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599274 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 600, Unity

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: 599275 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Incorporation: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 600, Unity

Main Type of Business: holding company


Name: Gerta Pro Painters Ltd.

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

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Head or Registered Office: 104-1635 Lawrence Ave. W., North York, Ont.

Main Type of Business: franchising of painting and decorating businesses

Name: Corlac Resources Ltd.

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Head or Registered Office: 9677 45th Ave.,

Edmonton, Alta. Main Type of Business: oil and gas company -


Name: GMF World Travel Protection Inc.

Date of Registration: December 18, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont. Head or Registered Office: 4760 Canada Trust

Tower, 161 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Main Type of Business: sale of travel insurance/

insurance brokerage

Name: Kaverit Steel And Crane Ltd.

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Head or Registered Office: 2900-10180 101 St.,

Edmonton, Alta. Main Type of Business: overhead crane service

Name: MacLean Cattleliner Service Ltd.

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Head or Registered Office: Box 249, Bowlsland,

Alta. Main Type of Business: transport livestock

Name: Majestic Forest Products Corporation

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Head or Registered Office: 2900-10180 101 St.,

Edmonton, Alta. Main Type of Business: producting pine shakes

as roofing material

Name: Premier Refractories Canada, Ltd. Premier Refractaires Du Canada, Ltee

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont. Head or Registered Office: 600, Scotia Plaza, 40

King St. W., 'lbronto, Ont. Main Type of Business: manufacturer of


Name: Sanofi Canada, Inc.

Date of Registration: December 31, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Que. Head or Registered Office: 55 Rue St. Jacques,

Montreal, Que.

Main Type of Business: manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing pharmaceutical products

Name: Taurus Oilfield Services Ltd.

Date of Registration: January 3, 1992 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Head or Registered Office: 5105 59th St.,

Lloydminster, Alta. Main Type of Business: oilfield servicing

Name: Trego Energy Inc.

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Head or Registered Office: 1800-800 5th Ave.

S.W., Calgary, Alta. Main Type of Business: oil and gas exploration

and development

Name: 2363594 Manitoba Ltd.

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man. Head or Registered Office: 100 Otter St., Box

1740, W innipeg, Man. Main Type of Business: property holding and

rental business


Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Action Drugs Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Madg Drugs Ltd., Action Drugs Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991 Registered Office: 850-410 22nd St. E.,

Saskatoon Main Type of Business: drug store

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Alfour Ventures Inc.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: 597858 Saskatchewan Ltd., Alfour Ventures Inc.

Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992 Registered Office: 3638 Balfour Crt., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: holding and

management company

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Alko Holdings Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: 581943 Saskatchewan Ltd., Alko Holdings Ltd., Klombies Limited, Double R Holdings Corp.

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991 Registered Office: 301 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: real estate and







Page 15: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


JANUARY 17, 1992 51

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Alliance Properties (1991) Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Alliance Plumbing & Heating Ltd., Alliance Properties Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992

Registered Office: 1043 8th St. E., Saskatoon, 1991

Registered Office: holding company

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: B & MRanches Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: B & FCattle Company Inc., B & A Ranches Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991

Registered Office: 1138 3rd St., Estevan

Main Type of Business: buy, sell, breed and raise li vestock

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Beaucorp Ventures Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Thee Trailer Town Distributors Ltd., Beaucorp Ventures Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991

Registered Office: 1920 McAra St., Regina

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: ISM Information Stystems Management Corporation

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: ISM Information Systems Management Corporation, STM Systems Corp.

Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992

Registered Office: 300-2114 11th Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: computer systems

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Kilborn Western Inc.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Kilborn Industrial Maintenance Ltd., Kilborn Engineering (Saskatchewan) Ltd., Kilborn Manitoba Limited

Date of Amalgamation: December 28, 1991

Registered Office: 357 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: engineering

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Landmark Holdings Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Landmark Holdings Ltd., A.B.S. Investments Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: December 30, 1991

Registered Office: 213 Melville St., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: deal in properties

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Les Jones Farms Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Les Jones Farms Ltd., Jones Auto & Fann Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991

Registered Office: 200 Bodeman Ave., Hanley

Main Type of Business: auto sales and service

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Loraas Disposal Services Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: LDS Properties Inc., Loraas Disposal Services Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991

Registered Office: 3rd Fl., 374 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: commercial and industrial garbage removal

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: MPS Foods Inc.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Fiesta Foods Ltd., MPS Foods Inc., 585548 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992

Registered Office: 206 Roborecki Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: restaurant

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: O.A.R.

Holdings Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Borden's Bread Ltd., 0. A. R. Holdings Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992

Registered Office: 700-1867 Hamilton St., Regina

Main Type of Business: wholesale/retail baker

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: P.R. Developments Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Saskatoon Oilfield Venture Capital Corp., P.R. Developments Ltd., Donut Hut Inc.

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991

Registered Office: 801 57th St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: land development

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Corporation

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Corporation, 598255 Saskatchewan Limited, 598453 Saskatchewan Limited

Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991

Registered Office: 1777 Victoria Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: oil and gas company

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Stanmar Holdings Co. Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Stanmar Holdings Co. Ltd., S. G. Ward Ente1prises Ltd.

Page 16: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Date of Amalgamation: December 31, 1991

Registered Office: 100-48 12th St. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: holding company

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: 563774 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Name of Amalgamating Corporations: 563774 Saskatchewan Ltd., Progressive Well Servicing Ltd.

Date of Amalgamation: January 1, 1992

Registered Office: 5009 47th St., Lloydminster

Main Type of Business: holding company


Name: 0.A.R. Holdings Ltd.

Date of Amendment: January 2, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Borden's Bread Ltd.

Name: 307937 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: December 19, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Wynyard Bakery (1984) Ltd.

Name: 598628 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: December 17, 1991

Nature of Amendment: changed name to· Affiliated Properties Inc.


Names: Enerchem International Inc. and United Enerchem Ltd.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta.

Nature of Amendment: amalgamated into Enerchem International Inc.

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: December 1, 1991

Name: Medigas Inc.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

Nature of Amendment: changed jurisdiction to Ont.

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: November 1, 1991

Name: Medigas Inc. and Trillium Respiratory Care and Services Inc.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont.

Nature of Amendment: amalgamated into Medigas Inc.

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: December 1, 1991

Name: Prospero Canadian Property Fund (Saskatchewan) Ltd.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Pacific Canada Investment Fund (PCIF) II Ltd.

Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: December 6, 1991


Name: WC. Dick Oilfield Enterprises Ltd.

Date of Continuance in New Jurisdiction: December 9, 1991

New Jurisdiction: Alta.


Name: Woodcrest Motors Inc.

Date of Dissolution: December 31, 1991


Incorp. Date of Name: Juris.: Restoral:

Adults Only Video Ltd. Sask. December 23

Design Group Mid-West Ltd. Sask. December 30

International Potter Distilling Corporation Canada December 17

Somerville Homes (1988) Ltd. Sask. December 18

307937 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. December 18



Incorporating Name: Date: Jurisdiction:

Best-Quote Life-Annuity Services Ltd. Dec. 24 Canada

Gold Lake Resources Ltd. Dec. 20

Kencor Holdings Ltd. Dec. 20

Texoro Resources Ltd. Dec. 23




P. J. Flory, Director.

The Names of Homes Act


No. 1068. This is to certify that John H. and Sandra Moulton of the R.M. of Star City No. 428, Saskatchewan, have been granted the exclusive




Page 17: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police



- J

JANUARY 17, 1992

use of the name Tree Tops Farm as the name oftheir home situate on the north-east quarter of Section 32, in Township 45, in Range 18, West of the Second Meridian, pursuant to the provisions of The Names of Homes Act.

Given under my hand and seal at Regina, Janu-ary 1, 1992.

P. J. Flory, Registrar.

The Business Names &gistration Act


Expiry Name: Jurisdiction: Date: 100 Fun & Games Saskatoon Nov. 3

A D Auto Glass Saskatoon Nov. 21

A Shade Better Windows Fashions By Arlene Regina Nov. 5

A-1 Music Saskatoon Nov.4

A-A-A BatterySpecialists Winnipeg Nov. 30

A-Lectric Regina Nov. 1

A-N Dress Shop Maple Creek Nov. 2

A-One Auto Cleaners Prince Albert Nov. 4

A. I. T Equipment Tisdale Nov. 17

AAAABBA Dancersand Escorts Regina Nov. 21

Abele's Machining Creighton Nov. 2

Accents Hair & Body Boutique Saskatoon Nov. 17

Accentuate With Debra Saskatoon Nov. 30

Advance Appliance Service Humboldt Nov. 28

Advanced Framing Regina Nov. 9

Adventure Sports Saskatoon Saskatoon Nov. 22

Agritex Information Service Regina Nov. 2

Agritex Videotex Service Regina Nov. 2

Al's Two- Way Radio Moose Jaw Nov. 23

Albert Park Medical And Dental Management Partnership Regina Nov. 4

All-Type Secretarial Services Regina Nov. 21

Allen D. Pickering Transport Saskatoon Nov. 22

Alto{ Envio-Tech Caron Nov. 29

Alve Ceramics Shaunavon Nov. 20

Ames Construction Dunblane Nov. 17

Anchor Dental Group Swift Current Nov. 28

Anchor Financial Services Saskatoon Nov. 17

Antique Stained Glass Studio Regina Nov. 22

Name: Jurisdiction: Applicon Canada Regina

Associated Fidelity Investigators Regina

Atlantic Wholesale Regina

Auto Commander Saski:ltoon

B & B Auto Sales Estevan

B & D Waste Oil R.M. of PenseNo. 160

I B & L Sand & Gravel Kerrobert

B & M Texaco Melfort

B. Allin Enterprises Wey burn

B. Triffo's Dining &Pizza Earl Grey

B.H. Concrete Products Prince Albert

B.L. Delivery Minton

Band City Courier Moose Jaw

Band City Glass Moose Jaw

Banner WellContracting Lloydminster

Barrier Valley Distributing McKague

Barter Sales Fillmore

Bean Cake House Saskatoon

Bear Consulting and Training Saskatoon

Bendel Management Services Saskatoon

Benko Bros. Trucking R.M. of Cu parNo. 218

Bernie's Automotive Rebuilding R.M. of

MorrisNo. 312

Best Way Janitorial Services Regina

Big-N -Small Veterinery Services Aberdeen

Biggar Shop Rite Biggar

BJ's Custom Motor Cycles Lake of the


Blue Ridge Farm R.M. of Mount Hope

No. 279

Boc's Distributing Regina

Bank's Work Shop Moosomin

Border Steaming Lloydminster

Bordertown Carpentry &Renovations Estevan

Borderview Trucking R.M. of LakeAlma No. 8

Bow Trucking Prince Albert

Bray's Carpentry Lloydminster

Broadway Pianos &Organs Saskatoon

Bud Enterprises Kenaston

Buff And Shine Auto Cleaning Regina


Expiry Date: Nov. 13

Nov. 16

Nov. 17



Nov. 28

Nov. 15

Nov. 28

Nov. 21

Nov. 17

Nov. 21

Nov. 3

Nov. 17

Nov. 2

Nov. 28

Nov. 25

Nov. 12

Nov. 19

Nov. 28

Nov. 30

Nov. 5

Nov. 18

Nov. 17

Nov. 4

Nov. 26

Nov. 12

Nov. 14

Nov. 22

Nov. 2

Nov. 14

Nov. 27

Nov. 27

Nov. 6

Nov. 12

Nov. 27



Page 18: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Expiry Expiry

Name: Jurisdiction: Date: Name: Jurisdiction: Date:

Buffalo Lake Seeds R.M. of Creations By Cal R.M. of Duck Morris Lake No. 463 Nov. 22 No. 312 Nov. 15 Cressman Farms Saskatoon Nov. 16

Bunny's Palace Crown Appraisals Regina Nov. 12 Escorts Saskatoon Nov. 13

Burant Cabinets Regina Nov. 24 Cupar Agencies Cu par Nov. 2

C & C Roofing Regina Nov. 3 Custom Carpet

Cleaners Dundurn Nov. 27 C. J Wagen Werks Regina Nov. 6 Cutarm Livestock Gerald Nov. 7 C.M.N. Skate Shop Creighton Nov. 20 Cutann Red Angus Gerald Nov. 7 Cain Video Rentals Holbein Nov. 1

Cypress Masonry Maple Creek Nov. 25 Canada Concrete Regina Nov. 30

D & M Handyman Moose Jaw Nov. 17 Canwood Hotel Canwood Nov. 19

D. Holmes FurnaceCapital Home Cleaning Swift Current Nov. 9

Security Services Regina Nov. 4 D.E.A.R. Developing

Captain Hook's Fish Early Awareness & Chips Regina Nov. 1 Resources Young Nov. 17

Cardinal Automotive Regina Nov. 24 D.P Merchandising R.M. ofCarlton Electrolysis Britannia

And Skin Care No. 502 Nov. 7 Clinic Lanigan Nov. 7 Dabble Investment's Saskatoon Nov. 6

Carmax Trucking Boyle Nov. 12 DACA Holdings -Cathy's Fabric Shop Coronach Nov. 6 Male Service Saskatoon Nov. 5

Celka Loe Enterprises Saskatoon Nov.1 Danbury Sales

Centre Pointe Plaza Regina Nov. 29 Liquidators Calgary Nov. 18

Century Builders Saskatoon Nov. 27 Dave Kelly Design Saskatoon Nov. 14

Centwy I Billiards & David Vass Trucking R.M. of

JArcade Moosomin Nov. 9 Kelross

Century Seed Farms R.M. ofNo. 247 Nov. 10

McLeod No. Davy's Custom

185 Nov. 15 Insulators Maple Creek Nov. 30

JChanging Shapes Dawn's Delightful

Toning Centre Regina Nov. 17 Escorts Regina Nov. 23

Charlie's Bobcat & Day "N" Night

Concrete Services Warman Nov. 28 Answering Service Saskatoon Nov. 23

Chubb Fire Security Regina Nov. 14 Dee's Flower Basket Meadow Lake Nov. 28

ICircle Drive Mohawk Saskatoon Nov. 21 Del Haven Lodge Saskatoon Nov. 27

City Submarine Prince Albert Nov. 26 Delicious Garden Regina Nov. 7

Clara's Drapery Delorme Bros. Sewing Saskatoon Nov. 4 Electrical &

Clarence Walter Plumbing Service Broadv iew Nov. 3

A.I. C.B. Financial Dendale Carpent,y Planning Services Saskatoon Nov. 30 Contractors R.M. of

Clark's Plumbing Stanley

and Heating 1988 Outlook Nov. 2 No. 215 Nov. 7

Club 19 Kenosee Lake Nov. 8 Denise's Body Toning Wey burn Nov. 21

Colour and Lace By Denise's Diner Kincaid Nov. 9

Marianne Humboldt Nov. 8 Deshwar General

Comfort Zone Action Contractors Regina Nov. 7

Wear Saskatoon Nov. 3 Design One Interior Regina Nov. 3

Compupac Regina Nov. 3 Di-Namic Nails Swift Current Nov. 10

Confidential Process Diamond Hair Services Saskatoon Nov. 7 Designs Saskatoon Nov. 2

Copyrite Business Dick Seed Farm R.M. ofSystems Saskatoon Nov. 5 Usborne

Counterparts by No. 310 Nov. 25

Gailia Saskatoon Nov. 24 Digger's Jeans Saskatoon Nov. 12

Country Lane Motors Raymore Nov. 28 Dirty Work Cleaners Saskatoon Nov. 14

Country Oven R.M. of Key Distinction West No. 70 Nov. 23 Advertising Lloydminster Nov. 20

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JANUARY 17, 1992 55

Name: Jurisdiction: Expiry Expiry Date: Name: Jurisdiction: Date:

Dot Nixey Image G. Gordon, Arts &Consultant Saskatoon Nov. 7 Communication

Double E Consulting Planning

Services Regina Nov. 24 Consultants Regina Nov.1

Doucette's Furniture G. R. Undseth &

Care Company Saskatoon Nov. 5 Associates R.M. of

Drought Busters Herbert Nov.1 RiversideNo. 168 Nov. 29

Duerr's Plastering Saskatoon Nov. 25 G. T. 0. Express Langham Nov.12 Dufault's Marine

Propeller Service R.M. ofGala Theatre Langenburg Nov. 7

Spalding Garry Franks

No. 368 Nov. 10 Trucking R.M. of Eldon

Dundee Management Saskatoon Nov. 17 No. 471 Nov.10

Dylan Carpentry Regina Nov. 21 Gemeny by Lydia

Dagg Regina Nov. 25 E & L North Star

Service Porcupine Gladstone Inn Yorkton Nov.1

Plain Nov. 08 Gofor Courier &

Eagle Electronics Tulsa Nov. 15 Delivery Service Saskatoon Nov. 8

Earl's Road Service Big River Nov. 27 Golden Shears Hair

Design Craven Nov. 14 Eco no-Vac Furnace

Cleaners North Grandma's Pantry Regina Nov. 20

Battleford Nov. 17 Gregg's Tire Service Holdfast Nov. 27

Ed Garvey 's Tire Wapella Nov. 24 Grime Busters R.M. of Eldon

Ed's Moving and No. 471 Nov. 10

Delivery Regina Nov. 7 H.D. Enterprise R.M. of

Ed's Radio & TV Corman Park

Repair York ton Nov. 10 No. 344 Nov.4

Elemeno Teknika H.D. T. Leasing Saskatoon Nov.8

Company Saskatoon Nov. 23 Haas Bros. Farms R.M. of

Estevan Home Saltcoats

Marlieting No. 213 Nov. 26

) Consultants Estevan Nov. 21 Hallberg Quality

Estevan Home Strip Canoes Biggar Nov. 30

Marketing Services Estevan Nov. 21 Hand-D Crafts &

Eston Farm and Auto Gifts Waldheim Nov. 14

Supply Es ton Nov. 21 Handy's

European Painting Confectionery Saskatoon Nov. 24

and Decorating Saskatoon Nov. 25 Hanwood Woodworks Wilkie Nov. 28

Evanrae Enterprizes Nov. 2 Harold Mattern

Excalibur Trucking Lumsden Nov. 14

Amusements Kindersley Nov. 26 Harry's House Watch Regina Nov. 27

Exoticar Yorkton Nov. 14 Harvest Moon

Expert Carpet Productions Regina Nov. 10

Cleaning Services Regina Nov. 3 Harvey's Lucky

Fairley Farms Baldwinton Nov. 24 Dollar Blaine Lake Nov.19

Fast Leif Films Regina Nov. 19 HDL Learning

Systems Regina Nov. 22 Faster Facsimile

Directory Saskatoon Nov. 30 Henry Bueckert

Trucking Warman Nov. 24 Fern Holdings Prince Albert Nov. 24 Highlander Technical Regina Nov. 24 Fisher Fire Chek Regina Nov. 10 Highway Cafe Humboldt Nov. 28 Flying Carrot

Nursery R.M. ofHill's Meats and

Corman ParkFreezer Service Imperial Nov. 9

No. 344 Nov. 14 Home All Building

Forest Hall Green Center (Regina) Regina Nov. 16

House & Garden Hong Kong Toy and

Center R.M. of North Gift Shop Melville Nov. 14

Battleford Hospitality Industry No. 437 Nov. 3 Consulting Martensv ille Nov. 24

Fyhn Mechanical Regina Beach Nov. 28 Hysteppin Dog Styles Battleford Nov. 20

Page 20: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Name: Jurisdiction: Expiry Expiry Date: Name: Jurisdiction: Date:

Image Auto Kim Ngoc Jewellers Saskatoon Nov. 5 Appearance Prince Albert Nov. 18 Kindersley Crop

Inaborihi Wines R.M. of Service Kindersley Nov. 6 Qu'Appelle Kipling Citizen Kipling Nov. 27 No. 157 Nov. 3

Independent Vehicle Klassic Kleaning Saskatoon Nov. 14

Valuator Regina Nov. 2 Kleerout Bargain Bin Regina Nov. 28

Indian Head Towing Indian Head Nov. 24 Kleerout Super Save

Industrial Spring &Wholesale Regina Nov. 28

Suspension of Kline Holdings Regina Nov. 26

Sashatoon Saskatoon Nov. 17 KML Industries W hite City Nov. 7

Info-Media Marheting Knox Apiaries R.M. of

& Advertising Nipawin

Services Regina Nov. 13 No. 487 Nov. 7

lngy Enterprizes Regina Nov. 14 Korol Building and

Instabox Saskatoon Nov. 25 Farm Supply R.M. of

J & R Trenching R.M. of ColonsayNo. 342 Nov. 21

OrkneyNo. 244 Nov. 27

Kuality Merchandise

JB.'s Odd Job Centre Regina Nov. 28

Services York ton Nov. 22 L & E Trenching R.M. of Webb

No. 138 Nov. 25 JR.'s Used Cars Swift Current Nov. 14

Jach Hadley Trailer J:Moda Clothing Prince Albert Nov. 14

lSales Prince Albert Nov. 9 L. L. Technologies Watrous Nov. 5

Jach's Janitorial L. C. Perret

Service Regina Nov. 14 Enterprises Duck Lake Nov. 15

Janfor Enterprise Melfort Nov. 30 L.H. Mobile Welding Saskatoon Nov. 21

IJay's Flooring Saskatoon Nov. 10 Labatt's Electrical &

Jeannette's Kitchen Paddock wood Nov. 6 Electronics Regina Nov. 25

Jedi Trnching North Laheshore Inn Regina Beach Nov. 15

Battleford Nov. 10 Laheview Beauty

Jet Enterprises Saskatoon Salon Regina Nov. l

J Nov. 4

Joe's Sales and Landmarh Homes Regina Nov. 28

Service Tuffnell Nov. 14 Larry's Auto Body

Southey Southey Nov. 9 Johnny's Insulation

Services Macklin Nov. 16 Lash Enterprises Saskatoon Nov. 25

Johnson Salvage R.M. of Last Mountain

W heatlandTheatre Lanigan Nov. 3

No. 163 Nov. 25 Latigo Design

Jar-Van Distributors Regina Nov. 26 Enterprises Regina Nov. 24

Jordan's Excavating Perdue Nov. 2 LB Welding Outlook Nov. 4

JR Wall Systems Regina Nov. 10 Leader Shop-Rite Leader Nov. 26

Jubilee Renovators Saskatoon Nov. 13 Leo's Shoe Repair Regina Nov. 24

June's Word Leoville Cafe Leoville Nov. 21

Processing Service R.M. of Reno Lifesource Health and

No. 51 Nov. 27 Fitness Moose Jaw Nov. 4

[( 9 Security Regina Nov. 16 Lillian's Attic Moosomin Nov. 21

K's Photo Retouching Saskatoon Nov. 6 Lily Plain Pet Care R.M. of Duck Lake No. 463 Nov. 24

K. D.'s Beauty Salon Prince Albert Nov. 17

Kamingo LawnLinda's Magic Nails Grenfell Nov. 8

Ornaments Regina Nov. 25 Little Pipestone

Kane Holdings Nov. 2 Aggregate Company Wawota Nov. 18

Kateco Ente1prises Belle Plaine Nov. 4 Lorenz Bros. Farms R.M. of

Prairie Kelvington Hotel Cafe Kelvington Nov. 8 No. 408 Nov. 25

Kerrobert Service Lorne Huber (1983) Kerrobert Nov. 7 Plumbing&

Kevin's Snach Bar R.M. of Heating Lipton Nov. 9

Emerald M & C Oilfield No. 277 Nov. 2 Service & Rentals Oxbow Nov. 14


Page 21: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police

JANUARY 17, 1992 57

Expiry Expiry Name: Jurisdiction: Date: Name: Jurisdiction: Date:

M & R Enterprises Nipawin Nov. 7 Natural Water

M & S Cleaning Marketing Meadow Lake Nov. 28

Services Estevan Nov. 20 Neighbours Windsor

M& S Framing Regina Nov. 12 Park Petro Canada Regina Nov. 16

M.C.M. Trucking Kindersley Nov. 21 Nifty Thrifty Clothing Christopher

M.J. Service R.M. of FoamLake Nov. 24

Lake No. 276 Nov. 16 Nightowl Computing

MacDonald &Services Regina Nov. 29

Company Dispute Norcanair Saskatoon Nov. 28

Resolution Rad ville Nov. 3 Northern Lights Magrath Bit Service Estevan Nov. 24 Heating & Cooling Saskatoon Nov.1

Maid Day Services Northwest and Chemical Distributors R.M.ofSupplies Prince Albert Nov. 21 Pleasantdale

Main Street Mini No. 398 Nov. 7

Mart Abernethy Nov. 30 Nu Way Carpet &

Majestic Cleaners Regina Nov. 16 Upholstery Cleaners

Mallard Industries Wadena Nov. 21 Churchbridge Church bridge Nov. 21

Mansen Nu-Pro Window

Developments Saskatoon Nov. 7 Systems R.M. of

MartenMarcia Knelsen Mail No. 122 Nov. 28

Services Swift Current Nov. 27 Nu-Vu Enterprises Estevan Nov. 21

Margo's Bassinettes Regina Nov. 24

Martin's Electronics Regina Nov. 19 Office Option Saskatoon Nov. 5

Okla Air Wood Martyn Hill Agencies Regina Nov. 4 Service - Nov.4

r Mason's Insurance Canwood Nov. 17 Old Country Fish &McDonald Reid Chips Saskatoon Nov. 3

Enterprises Regina Nov. 16 Old Fashioned McFabrics and More Kerrobert Nov. 10 Contracting La Ronge Nov. 25

McFarlen Creek Farm Omega - 3 Foods Saskatoon Nov. 10 Supply R.M. of

Only 4 U Escorts Regina Nov. 23 Prince AlbertNo. 461 Nov. 8 Onofriechuck

Mel Gimas Auction Construction Ester hazy Nov. 26

Service Weekes Nov. 23 P & B Agencies -

Mel-Lin Ente1prises Regina Nov. 30 Boutique & Crafts Saskatoon Nov. 28

Melfort Waterworhs Melfort Nov. 15 PA. Piano Sales Prince Albert Nov. 3

Memories of Gold PE. Septic Services R.M. of

Distributors Big River Nov. 26 Lacadena

Merv's Cleaning No. 228 Nov. 7

Service Saskatoon Nov. 24 PG.R. Consulting

Midale Red & White Services Saskatoon Nov. 21

Store Mi dale Nov. 25 Paddockwood Lucky

Minute Man Oil &Dollar Paddockwood Nov. 25

Lube Lloydminster Nov. 21 Paintmasters

Minute Muffler Swift Current Nov. 14 Auto body Saskatoon Nov. 21

MJL Holdings Lake Lenore Nov. 24 Panda Stitchcraft Regina Nov. 12

Modeles Mystik Saskatoon Nov. 3 Passport Saslwtoon Saskatoon Nov. 15

Modern Carpet Pattern Concrete Saskatoon Nov. 1

Cleaners North PC Solutions Regina Nov. 2 Battleford Nov. 7 PCO Saskatoon Nov.1

Mom's Bakery & Penrose Farm R.M. ofPizza Maidstone Nov.4 Glenside

Mom's Coffee Shop Stockholm Nov. 3 No. 377 Nov. 12

Morning Star Books Regina Nov. 25 Peppler's Garage MacNutt Nov. 16

Motopak Regina Nov. 23 Peterson Bros. Mueller's Investment Regina Nov. 24 Holdings Midale Nov. 7

Muench Trucking Luseland Nov. 5 PGW Ente1prises Saskatoon Nov. 22

Nadler Enterprises Regina Nov. 17 Phil's Home Repair Regina Nov. 6

Page 22: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Expiry Expiry Name: Jurisdiction: Date: Name: Jurisdiction: Date:

Pick A Part Auto RKX Craftwood Wrecking R.M. of Services R.M. of

Corman Park Prince AlbertNo. 344 Nov. 23 No. 461 Nov. 10

Pineside Auto Rob's Gem Lab Tugaske Nov. 7 Wreching R.M. of Robbie's Food Bar Mankota Nov. 10

Canwood Robert's Bicycle

No. 494 Nov. 28

Pogo's Funwear Saskatoon Nov. 16 Repair & Sales R.M. of

PorcupinePoint Protection No. 395 Nov. 17

Products Saskatoon Nov. 18 Robinson Hypnosis Polly's Hairhut Wey burn Nov. 14 Centre Saskatoon Nov. 8

Portfolio Fashions Kamsack Nov. 4 Rocky Road Trucking Regina Nov. 9

Prairie Fire Log Rogers Courier Services Regina Nov. 4 Service Biggar Nov. 30

Prince Albert Car Rogers Electrical Wash- Petro Services R.M. of

Canada Prince Albert Nov. 16 Wawken

lPrince Albert No. 93 Nov. 16

Decorators R.M. of Rose Motors Pennant Nov. 25 Paddock wood Rose's Hair Fashions Saskatoon Nov. 16 No. 520 Nov. 30 S & T Construction

Professional Enterprises Regina Nov. 3 Bookbinding S. Der Sign Regina Nov. 18 Systems Humboldt Nov. 25

Professional S.F Nesdoly Agency Irvine Nov. 17

Communicators Saskatoon Nov. 3 Sailor Investments Saskatoon Nov. 9

Provincial Sealcoat Regina Nov. 15 Sangamo Canada Regina Nov. 13

1Purr-Form Products Regina Nov. 20 Santo Auto Cheh

Quality Electronics Regina Nov. 26 Service Centre Regina Nov. 19

Saskatoon Chemicals Saskatoon Nov. 3 Quality Marketing Saskatoon Nov. 27

Sashatoon Mobile

JQ uiltessentials Saskatoon Nov. 28 Homes R.M. ofR. M. M. Realty Regina Nov. 22 Corman Park

R.L. Taylor Trucking Moosomin Nov. 12 No. 344 Nov. 19

Rainbow Window Saskatoon Reggae

Fashions Saskatoon Nov. 20 Cove Saskatoon Nov. 18

Ray Johnston Saskatoon Sharp

Trucking Regina Nov. 20 Shop Saskatoon Nov. 24

RDS Painting & Saskreport

Interior Decorating York ton Nov. 26 News magazine Saskatoon Nov. 13

Regal Towers Wakaw Nov. 3 Saturday Night

Regina Bodycentre Regina Nov. 3 Music Services Kindersley Nov. 6

Schnell's Guitar Regina Rental School Moose Jaw Nov. 2

Inspection Services Regina Nov. 19 SCM Contracting Kindersley Nov. 24

Reliable Refrigeration and Appliance Search And Supply

Service Swift Current Nov. 24 Assistance Service

Rent-A-Comp Services Pilot Butte Nov. 17 SSAS Regina Nov. 14

Richard Moffatt Second Shin Hosiery Simpson Nov. 25

Construction Wey burn Nov. 10 Sensations Escort

Rick's Sack & Snack Waldheim Nov. 18 Service Regina Nov. 7

Rita's Bahe &Sew What - Unique

Creations Moosomin Nov. 17 Embroidery Battleford Nov. 21

Rite Wey Fencing Carlyle Nov. 2 Shamrock Carpet

Cleaning Regina Nov. 8 River Country Slides Saskatoon Nov. 23 Shananagin's Hair River Slides Saskatoon Nov. 23 Studio Alameda Nov. 14

River Slides Resort Saskatoon Nov. 23 Shannon Consulting Regina Nov. 27

Riverside Imports Regina Nov. 24 Sharis Enterprises Saskatoon Nov.4

Riverside Transport Cabri Nov. 24 Sharon's Esthetics Regina Nov. 8

Page 23: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police

JANUARY 17, 1992 59

Name: Jurisdiction: Expiry Expiry Date: Name: Jurisdiction: Date:

Short and Sassy Tessier Trucking R.M . of Salon Rockglen Nov. 18 Surprise

Sikorski Construction Saskatoon Nov. 14 Valley No . 9 Nov. 25

Silique Hair Designs Cando Nov. 19 The Balfour

Silver Park Trailer Condominium

Sales R .M . of Association Regina Nov. 12

Pleasantdale The Blue Danube

No . 398 Nov. 2 Restaurant Regina Nov. 18

Slurry Controls Saskatoon Nov. 5 The Color Watcher

Smart Nurse Photos Kindersley Nov. 16

Uniforms Saskatoon Nov. 30 The Couponworks of

Smith's Remodel &Regina Regina Nov. 10

Repair R.M . of Leask The Great Wall

No . 464 Nov. 17 Construction

Sno-Fun R. V &Company Regina Nov. 5

Automotive Repair Unity Nov. 24 The Hockey Locker

Sozmdman Video Sporting Goods Balcarres Nov. 3

Sonics Caron port Nov. 8 The Hostess Frito-Lay

South Country Tack Company!Frvr Toronto Nov. 25

Shop Moose Jaw Nov. 17 The K. Family

South Hill Medical Restaurant Regina Nov. 22

Pharmacy Prince Albert Nov. 25 The Know-Whole-

South-Sask. Electric Rad ville Nov. 18 Bard Features Syndicate Regina Nov. 25

Spearhead Holdings Little Pine The Little Cheeper I.R. Nov. 27 Auto Wreckers Martensville Nov. 27

Speed 'O' Lite Enterprises Saskatoon Nov. 18

The National Sports Photographic

Stack Enterprises Craven Nov. 20 Service Saskatoon Nov. 7

Statement Designs Regina Nov. 16 The Pet Menagerie -

Steve Frandsen Aquarium Leasing

Graphic Design Prince Albert Nov. 28 and Maintenance Saskatoon Nov. 30

Stitches For You Maidstone Nov. 9 The Real Superstore Saskatoon Nov. 7

Street-Runners Home The Sock Man

Comfort Deliveries Saskatoon Nov. 26 Saskatoon Saskatoon Nov.10

Sunalta Insurance The Spindle Factory Saskatoon Nov. 21

Inspection Services Saskatoon Nov. 20 The Wine Guild

Sunrise Food Mart Prince Albert Nov. 21 Company Regina Nov. 30

Sunset Arabians Pense Nov. 6 Thelma's Designer

Sunshine And Sand Saskatoon Nov. 30 Fashions Saskatoon Nov. 10

Superior Sports Thennapack

(Martensville) Martensville Nov. 18 Enterprises Saskatoon Nov.1

Svedahl Trucking Regina Nov. 5 Three Star Tire

Services Eatonia Nov. 17 Sweet Baby James

Catering/Restaurants Saskatoon Nov. 27 Thunder Creek Home

Security Systems Moose Jaw Nov. 14 Swift Current

Drafting& Tiffany & Company

Blueprinting Swift Current Nov. 3 Funfilled Escorts Saskatoon Nov. 25

T -Shirts Unlimited Tin Pan Alley Regina Nov. 13

(1979) Saskatoon Nov. 5 Torinio's Pizza Saskatoon Nov. 14

T.G. Sales Regina Nov. 17 Town & Country

T.L.C. Home Hardware Beechy Nov. 2

Improvement Trades Information

Services Regina Nov. 18 Services Regina Nov. 28

Tall Spruce Tran Cleaning

Ente,prises R .M . of Company Regina Nov. 21

Lakeview Tri Star Marketing Regina Nov. 20 No. 337 Nov. 21 Triaxon Development

Target Electric Moose Jaw Nov. 30 Company Regina Nov. 7

Tazin Lake Outfitters Glendon Nov. 7 Triple H Enterprises Biggar Nov. 30


Page 24: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Expiry Expi,y Name: Jurisdiction: Date: Name: Jurisdiction: Date:

Tumbleweed Yorktowne Properties R.M. of Enterprises Regina Nov. 8 Wallace

Turner Residential No. 243 Nov. 5

Appraisals Saskatoon Nov. 2

Tway Hotel 1986 Tway Nov. 13 REGISTRATIONS

Twentieth Century Sound Saskatoon Nov. 14 Name: A-1 Sports Resale & Exchange

Twilight Drive In R.M. of Keys Date of Registration: December 23, 1991 No. 303 Nov. 26 Mailing Address: 1017 22nd St., Saskatoon

Twilight Services Martensville Nov. 15 Main Type of Business: retail sporting goods Unican Products Co. Regina Nov. 19

Unitek Computer Name: Action Sportswear Service Regina Nov. 21

1Upholstery Express Saskatoon Nov. 3 Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

V.A. C. Distributors Regina Nov. 18 Mailing Address: Hwy. 39 W., Box 1141, Estevan

Venture Graphics Swift Current Nov. 18 Main Type of Business: athletic clothing

Vern's Welding & supplier

Back/we Service R.M. of Surprise Name: Advanced Pest Control Valley No. 9 Nov. 3

Date of Registration: January 6, 1992 Video Village Moose Jaw Nov. 25

Mailing Address: 26 Robinson Cres., Saskatoon Viking Enterprises Kindersley Nov. 16

Main Type of Business: pest control Vinde-Bolt

Contractors Regina Nov. 3

Vinyl Improvement Name: Affiliated Carpet Care Products Company Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Jof Regina Regina Nov. 21

Mailing Address: Box 148, W hite City Visions Photography Saskatoon Nov. 30

Main Type of Business: carpet care Vogelgesang

Construction Saskatoon Nov. 7

Voyageurs Dance Name: Agri-Pest Research

J Company Prince Albert Nov. 20 Date of Registration: December 23, 1991 Waco Trucking Saskatoon Nov. 25 Mailing Address: 314 Lansdowne Ave.,

Walter's Suspension Saskatoon & Exhaust (1988) Saskatoon Nov. 15 Main Type of Business: researcher, monitoring

Warren's Welding Balgonie Nov. 18 agricultural pests (zoological/botanical)

Wayne Industries Saskatoon Nov. 26

Webb Surveys Saskatoon Nov. 21 Name: Gale Beaman's Bookkeeping Services Webster Distributors Mi dale Nov. 10 Date of Registration: December 20, 1991 West Harvest Inn Saskatoon Nov. 28 Mailing Address: 9128 Walker Dr., Westcan Insurance North Battleford

Brokerage Regina Nov. 14 Main Type of Business: bookkeeping

Western Kats Kindersley Nov. 9

Western Patrol Regina Nov. 16 Name: Bear Bellies Collectibles

Western Technical Date of Registration: December 23, 1991 Services Co. Bethune Nov. 8

Wholesale Mailing Address: 118 Ball Crt., Saskatoon

Transmission & Main Type of Business: cottage industry -

Differential Melville Nov. 24 crafts

Willie's Wood Works Saskatoon Nov. 21

Wilson Distributors Assiniboia Nov. 27 Name: C.S.F Computing Services Winslow Consulting Regina Nov. 21 Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Woodlander Hotel Kamsack Nov. 10 Mailing Address: Box 591, La Ronge

World Wide Diners Main Type of Business: computer bookkeeping, Club Saskatoon Nov. 15 software developing, and selling, tax preparing

Wrap-Me Apron Shoppe R.M. of

Name: Cardinal Automotive WolverineNo. 340 Nov. 27 Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Page 25: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police

' I



JANUARY 17, 1992 61

Mailing Address: 828 Dewdney Ave., Regina

Main Type of Business: automotive repair

Name: Count,y Pac Foods

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 44, Okla

Main Type of Business: retail grocer

Name: Dei Gratias Mail Order

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 240-919C Albert St., Regina

Main Type of Business: mail order operation

Name: Equinox West Enterprises

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 143 Perreault Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: marketing representatives

Name: Ernie's Trailer Service

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 863B 60th St. E., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: trailer repair

Name: Flair For Engraving

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 550, Watrous

Main Type of Business: engraving

Name: Frames For Success Consulting

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 101-20 Sangster Blvd., Regina

Main Type of Business: private consultations, seminars on personal development

Name: Frontline Environmental Products

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 1561 Devonshire Dr., Regina

Main Type of Business: sale of environmental educational products

Name: G. & E. Consulting

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 1604 Shannon Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: risk consulting

Name: Gany's Delive,y

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 264, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: delivery service

Name: Golden's Fire Extinguisher Sales and Service

Date of Registration: December 18, 1991

Mailing Address: 580 11th St. E., Prince Albert

Main Type of Business: selling and servicing fire extinguishers

Name: Grower Direct Fresh Cut Flowers (Victoria)

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 215 Victoria Ave. E., Regina

Main Type of Business: flower shop

Name: Guardian Investigations (Regina)

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 201-1324 Wallace St., Regina

Main Type of Business: security guard and investigation services

Name: Hwy #21 Peak Performance Sports Massage

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 166, Pierceland

Main Type of Business: sports massage therapists and instructors

Name: Jack Klein Realty

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: c/o 3043 Carnegie Pl., Regina

Main Type of Business: real estate sales

Name: Mandarin Restaurant

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 245 20th St. W., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: restaurant

Name: Mansen Developments

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1971, Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: commercial improvements, contracting supervisors

Name: Marchand's Service

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 314, Elrose

Main Type of Business: service station

Name: Matt's Car Wash

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 2005 Mayfair Bay, Estevan

Main Type of Business: car wash

Name: Meadow Lark Vending

Date of Registration: December�. 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1851, Swift Current

Main Type of Business: vending machine operator

Page 26: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Name: Micromouse Productions

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 847 Athol St., Regina

Main Type of Business: development and sale of computer software and animations

Name: New-Life Feeds

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 1900-360 Main St., W innipeg

Main Type of Business: livestock feed manufacturing

Name: P.R. Construction

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 1614 8th Ave. N., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: framing and construction

Name: Pasqua Dairy Queen

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 1276 Albert St., Regina

Main Type of Business: Dairy Queen

Name: Peniuk's Auto Body

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 145, Sturgis

Main Type of Business: auto body

Name: Pioneer Water Services

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 639 Park St., Regina

Main Type of Business: sale of water treatment systems

Name: Proco.re

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 1901 Minnesota Crt., Mississauga

Main Type of Business: sale of extended warranties and service of major home appliances

Name: Radisson Fur Company

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 8, Radisson

Main Type of Business: fur buyer and trapper, retail sales

Name: RE/MAX of Lloydminster

Date of Registration: December 27, 1991

Mailing Address: 1-4517 50th Ave., Lloydminster

Main Type of Business: trading in real estate

Name: Roe's Sports Cards

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 1269, Watrous

Main Type of Business: retail sports cards and collectibles

Name: Rock Miners Productions

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 1810 Toronto St., Regina

Main Type of Business: music promotions/relations

Name: Saskatoon Pet Center

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: 832B Cynthia St., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: pet centre

Name: Short And Sassy Salon

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 129, Rockglen

Main Type of Business: hair dressing and styling

Name: Spectrum Gems

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: 45 McKenzie Cres., Saskatoon

Main Type of Business: wholesale and retail gems

Name: Three Women Consulting

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 417, Indian Head

Main Type of Business: personal consulting

Name: Trim-Line Design Of The Souris Valley

Date of Registration: December 20, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 172, Weyburn

Main Type of Business: automotive graphics and accessories

Name: Trojan Security Services

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 201-1324 Wallace St., Regina

Main Type of Business: security guard and investigation services

Name: Wayne Petroquip

Date of Registration: December 19, 1991

Mailing Address: 189 Leonard St., Regina

Main Type of Business: sale of petroleum equipment



Page 27: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police

JANUARY 17, 1992 63

Name: WRI Waterite Industries

Date of Registration: December 23, 1991

Mailing Address: Box 242, Esterhazy

Main Type of Business: selling water filtration systems and products


P. J. Flory, Registrar.

The Business C01porations Act


That the Name Pheonix Fund Raising Group Ltd. where is appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, December 13, 1991, on page 1942, column 2, line 12, should have read Phoenix Fund Raising Group Ltd.


The Change of Name Act

P. J. Flory, Director.


The following changes of name are hereby regis­tered under the provisions of The Change of Name Act.

Former Name: Margaret Mildred ARCHER

Address: Sceptre, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Margaret Mildred BLEZARD

Dated: January 9, 1992.

Former Name: Kimberley Anne BARTCH

Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Kimberley Anne FOX

Dated: January 7, 1992.

Former Name: Kelley Rudolph DUKES

Address: Swift Current, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Kelly Rudolph MONTGOMERY

Dated: January 9, 1992.

Former Name: Nancy Michelle KOBE

Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Michelle Clara K. ISAAC

Dated: January 8, 1992.

Former Name: Lori Jean MASKER

Address: Regina, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Lori Jean POLLOCK

Dated: January 9, 1992.

Former Name: Joanne Margaret McGOUGH

Address: Regina, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Joanne Margaret LUROSS

Dated: January 9, 1992.

Former Name: Andrew RUSHKEWICH

Address: Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Andrew Robert JONNES

Dated: January 2, 1992.

Former Name: Margaret Ann W YSPIANSKI

Address: Regina, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Margaret Ann DIXON

Dated: January 2, 1992.

Former Name: Sivajini YOAGEESWARAN

Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Sivajini SUBENDRAN

Dated: January 8, 1992.

Given under my hand at Regina, Sask.

Wilmer Berg, Director of Vital Statistics.

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act



The Department of Energy and Mines has received an application from Midale Petroleums Ltd., requesting maximum allowable rates of pro­duction based on an area of 32 hectares for the following lands:

Lands lying West of the First Meridian:

in Township 3, in Range 33: legal subdivisions 13 and 14 of Section 22, the south-west quarter of Section 27, and the south-east quarter of Section 28.

As a result of this application, the Department proposes that the maximum allowable rate of production shall be based on an area of 32 hect­ares for each vertical well after a period of 12 months, which begins with the first day of the month in which the well commences production, for the following lands:

Lands lying West of the First Meridian:

in Township 3, in Range 33: the south-east, north-west and north-east quarters of Section 10, Section 15, the north-west and north-east quarters of Section 16, Sections 21 and 22, the south-east and south-west quarters of Section 27, and the south-east and south-west quarters of Section 28.

Page 28: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


Any objections to or comments in support of the application received in writing in the office of the undersigned on or before February 7, 1992, will be given due consideration before a final decision is reached.

Copies of the application may be obtained from Mr. Mike Lee, Midale Petroleums Ltd., Box 419, Midale, Sask. SOC 180, by persons directly affected.

Dated at Regina, Sask., January 7, 1992.

Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.

The Pre-Judgement Interest Act

The interest rate for the purposes of The Pre­Judgement Interest Act, is, with respect to the following periods of time, determined in accord­ance with section 2 of The Pre-Judgement Interest Regulations, as follows:

January 1, 1986, to March 31, 1986, 9.24% per annum.

April 1, 1986, to June 30, 1986, 10.44% per annum.

July 1, 1986, to September 30, 1986, 8.59% per annum.

October 1, 1986, December 31, 1986, 8.35% per annum.

January 1, 1987, to March 31, 1987, 8.22% per annum.

April 1, 1987, to June 30, 1987, 6.80% per annum.

July 1, 1987, to September 30, 1987, 8.29% per annum.

October 1, 1987, December 31, 1987, 9.23% per annum.

January 1, 1988, to March 31, 1988, 8.41 % per annum.

April 1, 1988, to June 30, 1988, 8.53% per annum.

July 1, 1988, to September 30, 1988, 9.19% per annum.

October 1, 1988, December 31, 1988, 10.33% per annum.

January 1, 1989, to March 31, 1989, 10.94% per annum.

April 1, 1989, to June 30, 1989, 12.15% per annum.

July 1, 1989, to September 30, 1989, 12.08% per annum.

October 1, 1989, December 31, 1989, 12.23% per annum.

January 1, 1990, to March 31, 1990, 12.22% per annum.

April 1, 1990, to June 30, 1990, 13.26 per annum.

July 1, 1990, to September 30, 1990, 13.58% per annum.

October 1, 1990, December 31, 1990, 12.40% per annum.

January 1, 1991, to March 31, 1991, 11.47% per annum.

April 1, 1991, to June 30, 1991, 9.67% per annum.

July 1, 1991, to September 30, 1991, 8.65% per annum.

October 1, 1991, December 31, 1991, 8.33% per annum.

January 1, 1992 to March 31, 1992, 7.422% per annum.

Gary Brandt, Inspector of Legal Offices.

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act


Notice is hereby given that Canadian Trinity Life Insurance Company has become licensed in Saskatchewan as an insurer and will be under­writing insurance in Saskatchewan from Janu­ary 1, 1992.

Dated at Toronto, September 30, 1991.

John Kosiancic, Chief Agent for Canada.


Notice is hereby given that English & American Insurance Company Limited ceased transacting the business of insurance in Saskatchewan from Midnight, December 16, 1991. There are no risks remaining in force in Saskatchewan.

Dated at Toronto, December 23, 1991.

Lorelei Carey-Finnerty, Corporate Secretary,

English & American Insurance Company Limited.

The Urban Municipality Act, 1984

(subsection 249(4))


Village of Leask:

Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Leask for 1992 has been pre­pared and is open to inspection at the office of the Assessor from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Any person who wishes to appeal his/her assess­ment to the Board of Revision is required to file his/her complaint(s) in writing with: the Assessor, Village of Leask, Box 190, Leask, Sask. SOJ lMO, by February 7, 1992.

Dated at Leask, Sask., January 17, 1992. Rick Poole,




Page 29: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police


JANUARY 17, 1992 65

Winding-up Act (Canada)




THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada,

Petitioner, vs

NATIONAL EMPLOYERS' MUTUAL GEN­ERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION LIM­I TED, which chief agency is located at 3007 Barat Rd., Montreal, Que. H3Y 2H4,


Notice to Creditors and Former Policyholders of National Employers' Mutual General Insurance Association Limited

Take notice that National Employers' Mutual General Insurance Association Limited (the "Company") was ordered wound-up pursuant to the provisions of the Winding-up Act (Canada) by Order of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec on February 22, 1991 and the Superin­tendent of Financial Institutions was appointed as Liquidator of the estate and effects of the Com­pany in Canada. He has appointed Deloitte & Touche Inc. his agent for the administration of the liquidation.

Further take notice that the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec has fixed April 1, 1992 as the last day for former policyholders and creditors of the Company to send in their claims.

Failure to give Notice of a Claim by April 1, 1992 may result in distributions being made without regard to that claim.

For further information or a claim form, please contact Mr. Gordon Lee of Deloitte & Touche Inc.

This notice is being given pursuant to the Motion granted by Mr. Justice Cliche on Decem­ber 6, 1991.

Deloitte & Touche Inc., Agent to the Provisional

Liquidator of National Employers' Mutual General

Insurance Association Limited, 2400-390 Bay St., Toronto, Ont.

M5H 2Y2 (416) 365-0665.




The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filing Petitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, on appli­cation to:

Gwenn Ronyk, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

Room 239, Legislative Building, Regina, Sask. 848 OB3


All material for publication in The Sashatche­wan Gazette must be in the Office of the Queen's Printer, Saskatchewan Justice, 8th Floor, 1874 Scarth Street, Regina, Sask. S4P 3V7 Tel. (306) 787-6896, by noon on the Friday previous to the week of publication. If a holiday occurs within theweek of publication, the deadline is set back tonoon of the previous Thursday. At least one fullweek should be allowed for mail delivery.

Each document must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly printed immediately below the writ­ten signatures. Publication of any material will be delayed if received late.

Prepayment is required for ALL advertis­ing placed in The Sashatchewan Gazette by non­government advertisers. Cheques or money orders must be made payable to the Minister of Finance. Please include the GST in addi­tion to regular charges at the rate of 7% each for those items listed below under "GST Pay­able". Any order not including the GST will not be filled.

The minimum charge for publication of notices not specified below shall be $16.00 for each notice, which sum shall accompany the material when forwarded for publication.

The following are minimum rates for advertis­ing in The Saskatchewan Gazette:

GST Payable:

Application for Change of Name in accordance with The Companies Act:

One issue ........................................... .

Notices in accordance with The Companies Winding Up Act:


Two issues ........................................... 32.00

Notices re Withdrawal of Company from Saskatchewan:

Two issues ........................................... 32.00

Notices in accordance with The Sashatchewan Insurance Act:

Two issues ........................................... 32.00

Notices to Creditors in accordance with The Bulh Sales Act:

One issue ............................................ 16.00

Notice oflntention to Apply for a Private Bill:

Two issues . . . ... . . . . . ..................... ... . . . .. .. . 38.50

Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments: One issue ............................................ 16.00

Notices in accordance with The Tax Enforcement Act:

Five parcels or less, for a minimum charge of ................................................ 19.50

Additional parcels are 75Q: each, $3.25 for each metes and bounds description.

Page 30: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police



Notices in accordance with The Garage Keepers Act:

One issue ........................................... .

Notices re Assessment Rolls (Municipal):

One issue ........................................... .



One copy of your submission as it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette is mailed to govern-

ment advertisers who are invoiced. W ith prepay­ment, a copy of your submission is available on request from Office of the Queen's Printer.

Per annum subscription rate to The Saskatche­wan Gazette:

Payable in advance ............................. $123.05

includes 7% ($8.05) GST

Single issues ....................................... 3.21

includes 7% ($0.21) GST




Page 31: The Saskatchewan Gazette€¦ · 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE ACTS PROCLAIMED The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992: The Police









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