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The Satirical Spectrum

The Satirical SpectrumReview forms of satireBellringer 10/26: Take out a clean sheet of notebook paper. Scan the forms of satire on pages 174-175. Using Bouchiers satire Lets Hear It For the Cheerleaders on pages 169-171, answer questions 1-3 on page 176. AGENDAFirst, we will analyze a satirical cartoon as a class. Next, you will analyze a satirical cartoon with a partner.The GOAL of this activity is to identify the impact the tone has on how the audience is encouraged to view the subject.

Daily Learning Objective:I can interpret tone in satirical texts.I can recognize different purposes for satire.SATIRICAL CARTOON: Jerry Springer Town Hall Meeting


Determine the authors messageWhat elements of satire are present in the cartoon? Hint: Scan pages 174-175 to view forms of satire!

What is the implied message of the artist?

Is the cartoon effective in presenting the implied message?Horatian and Juvenalian SatireHoratian SatireJuvenalian SatireType of satire which pokes fun at human foibles with a witty even indulgent tone

Tone: lightly humorousType of satire which denounces, sometimes with invective, human vice and error in dignified and solemn tones

Tone: scathingly bitterWhere on the the satirical spectrum would you place the cartoon we just analyzed?HORATIAN JUVENALIAN

123456789 10Independent practiceWork with your partner to analyze the cartoon you have been assigned. Answer the questions on your handout to guide you through your analysis of the cartoon and to determine how satire is used to construct meaning. What elements of satire are present in the cartoon? Hint: Scan pages 174-175 to view forms of satire!What is the implied message of the artist?What do you think the writers attitude or moral view is toward the subject? Choose only one tone word and explain your response in 2-3 sentence.Where is the tone of the piece the most obvious? Justify your response.Is the cartoon effective in presenting the implied message?Discuss with your partner where your cartoon falls on the satirical spectrum. Tape your cartoon in the appropriate place on the spectrum and be prepared to explain your decision to the class.

POLITICAL CARTOON: Scaling Back Healthcare Reformhttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Healthcare-Cartoons/Healthcare-Scaling-Back.0rli.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: GOP Releases Flying Monkeyshttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Healthcare-Cartoons/Releasing-Flying-Monkeys.0gyk.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: U.S. Health Care Costshttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Healthcare-Cartoons/U-S--Health-Care-Costs.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Worstest President in Historyhttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/bushcartoons/ig/Bush-Cartoons/Worst.-jOj.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Healthcare Reform http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Healthcare-Cartoons/Healthcare-Reform.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Obama Downgrade http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/barackobama/ig/Barack-Obama-Cartoons/Obama-Downgrade.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Mixed Nutshttp://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-liberal-cartoons.htm?PS=890%3A11&x=267&y=57

POLITICAL CARTOON: Obamas Two Modeshttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/barackobama/ig/Barack-Obama-Cartoons/Obama-s-Two-Modes.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Depreciation of Sarah Palinhttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/sarahpalin/ig/Sarah-Palin-Cartoons/Depreciation-of-Palin.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Obama Derangement Syndromehttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/barackobama/ig/Barack-Obama-Cartoons/Obamaphobia.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Obamas Economic Teamhttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/barackobama/ig/Barack-Obama-Cartoons/Obama-s-Economic-Team.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Obama Oval Office Makeoverhttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/barackobama/ig/Barack-Obama-Cartoons/The-Economy--Stupid.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Palin Politicshttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/sarahpalin/ig/Sarah-Palin-Cartoons/Palin-Politics.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Comedians for Painhttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/sarahpalin/ig/Sarah-Palin-Cartoons/Comedians-For-Pain.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Bush Decision Pointshttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/bushcartoons/ig/Bush-Cartoons/Bush-Decision-Points.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Bush Withdrawal Support Grouphttp://politicalhumor.about.com/od/bushcartoons/ig/Bush-Cartoons/Bush-Withdrawal.-jOg.htm

POLITICAL CARTOON: Sarah Palinhttp://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-liberal-cartoons.htm?PS=890%3A75&x=441&y=84

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