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The Scholar November 2012 Edition

1 The University of Tennessee at Martin‘s University Scholars Organization

Table of Contents

Important Dates ................................................................................................................................................ 2

Move In Day -Morgan Goddard ................................................................................................................... 4

Weston Smith’s Crossing the Line: An Insider’s Story -Alli McClure ............................................... 4

Little Sib, Big Sib Program -Cara Cantrell ............................................................................................... 5

Reaper’s Road - Garrett Ellison ................................................................................................................... 6

Simplicity -Jordan Jensen ............................................................................................................................... 8

The Puzzle -Madilyn Peay .............................................................................................................................. 9

Junior/Senior Projects

Katie Pigg ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Hannah Sexton ................................................................................................................................ 11

Trey Drinkard .................................................................................................................................. 12

Katie Mangrum................................................................................................................................ 12

Elizabeth DeVlieger ....................................................................................................................... 13

Danielle Cavender .......................................................................................................................... 13

Halloween Night –Laura Miller ................................................................................................................ 14

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions herein

expressed are not representative of the University Scholars

Organization as a whole

Senior Editors: Photographers:

Payton Mink Katrina Moeller

Charles Busby Laura Miller

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Important Dates

Scholar Events— Fall Semester

All-Nighter: October 19th

Talon Falls, and Patty’s: October 28th

Halloween Party: October 30th

Scholar Trivia Bowl: November 5th-6th

Patty’s & Mammoth Cave: November 10th

Thanksgiving Party: November 15th

Christmas Party: December 3rd

All-Nighter: December 7th

Academic Calendar— Fall Semester

October 19 Last Day to Drop Classes

October 13-16 Fall Break

November 12-20 Advising & Early


November 21-25 Holiday

December 7 Classes end

December 8-14 Final Exams

December 15 Commencement 11 a.m.

For more information, visit:



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4 The University of Tennessee at Martin‘s University Scholars Organization

Move In Weekend

Morgan Goddard

Moving into college for the first time can be scary; you are

meeting new people and finding yourself in a place almost foreign to

you. This year, USO mentorship chair Eric Staggs put together a won-

derful two day social event for the freshman scholars. The event

started on August 22 -- two days before the university‘s freshman

class would officially move in.

This early move in was beneficial to the freshman scholars

for three reasons. First, it allowed the freshman scholars to be able to

move in without any hassle. We did not have to deal with a full park-

ing lot or any of the

other minute details

of a crowded move-in

day. Secondly, the

freshman scholars

were able to get to

know each other and

the rest of the upper-

classmen. Finally, we

were able to become

more acquainted to

the campus and Mar-

tin through activities

organized by Eric. Becoming more acquainted allowed us to feel as if

we owned the campus. The campus became a second home, a place in

which we were comfortable.

The first night, after moving in and getting settled, the group

went out to eat at La Cabana. After eating, we participated in our first

official half-nighter as scholars. We played games and got to know

each other. The next night, however, would be the real test. The next

night, we were introduced to our first all-nighter. The goal for this

night was to make it to Huddle House at 2 in the morning. It wasn‘t

very difficult to stay awake because we had lots to do. We played a

game of zombie, and Eric put together a scavenger hunt that took us

all around Martin. While there were only a select few of us that made

it to Huddle House, the night was a total success.

Moving in two days early was such a blessing. It was very

helpful and eliminated a majority of the freshman move in jitters that

we were all experiencing. We felt not only fully integrated into the

scholars program, but the UTM community as well.

Next year, it will be our turn as sophomores to help integrate

a new group of scholars and I hope that we can make them feel as

welcomed and prepared as the upperclassmen did for us.

Weston Smith’s Crossing the Line:

An Insider’s Story

Alli McClure

This year‘s academic speaker series started out

strong with Weston Smith‘s ―Crossing the Line: An

Insider‘s Story.‖ Smith‘s surprising account is one of failure

and triumph. As CFO of the Fortune 500 company

Healthsouth Corporation, he crossed the consequential line of

right and wrong. Although Healthsouth seemed to be

thriving on the outside, Weston helped cover up a multiyear

multibillion dollar financial fraud report for the company.

Smith suffered miserably

underneath the power of a

money-hungry, egotistical

CEO. When it came time

to sign the Sarbanes-Oxley

Act, a bill enacted to

prevent corporate and

accounting scandals,

Weston refused to agree to

the fraud; however, the

CEO persuasively forced

him to sign the critical

statement. In order to

cover up the scandal, the

CEO decided to split


As Wall Street took notice of Healthsouth‘s unusual

decision, Weston decided he could no longer participate in

the felony. He secretly met with lawyers and federal agents;

although they did not promise him a deal, Weston was finally

free from the chains of his mistakes. Many months later,

Smith was found guilty of fraud and was sentenced to twenty

-seven months in jail. In an unfortunate turn of events, the

“What’s Happening?” Freshmen News Reports

―We are all failures- at least the

best of us are” - J.M. Barrie

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―It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the

negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.‖ - Ram Dass

Little Sib, Big Sib Program

Cara Cantrell

The Little Sib, Big Sib Program is one of my favorite aspects of the Scholars

Program. I have never been so openly welcomed into a group and given the opportunity to

have a ―sibling‖ to help me my first year. To know that I always have someone I can relate to,

talk to, and go to for advice or help has helped with my transition into college.

My big sib is Laura Miller. She plays the mellophone in marching band and is super

sweet and amazing. Being the little sib to someone in music has been a big help for me. We

have a connection through music that makes it easier to ask questions and get answers and

advice, given that she‘s gone through similar situations as I am currently going through. It‘s

comforting to know that I always have someone that I can go to when needed.

Not only are the big sibs always there for little sibs, but the big sibs also get small gifts for their little sibs each

Wednesday. The gifts mean a lot to me, not because it‘s a gift of something I like, but because my big sib took the time to get

me something and give me a card with supportive thoughts and advice. The gifting, however, is not a one way track. The little

sibs can also get stuff for their big sibs. It is the small things that show the care, love, and support from the older scholars to

the new scholars and vice versa.

The Scholars Program is truly amazing and so much fun so far, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to be in the

program. The Big Sib, Little Sib Program adds to all that has been done to welcome all of the new scholars into the Scholars


CEO was found innocent of all charges. After going through this terrible tribulation, Smith decided to make the best of his

fault. Throughout his presentation, Weston focused on the importance of ethics and integrity, specifically in leadership

positions. He stressed that leaders are not always ethical, but the leaders who choose to lead with integrity foster the most

success among their peers and coworkers. ―As leaders, we are responsible for creating environments conducive for other

leaders to reach their potential,‖ Smith stated, describing ethnical leadership. When asked what his overall goal was, Weston

replied that he simply wanted something positive to come out of his past mistakes. His story can be very inspirational for

those who have made mistakes and for those who encounter the same predicament.

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“Creative Outlet” Sophomore Creative Pieces

Reaper’s Road

Dedicated to master storyteller and screenwriter Rod Sterling

Garrett Ellison

During the turn of middle of the last century, rock and roll was beginning its rise to power, and along with it

came many young musicians who thought they could make it into the growing industry. Seeking fame and fortune,

many left their homes and small towns and moved to the city in an effort to be discovered. We begin our story with

one such musician who believed that he too had the talent, so he packed up, said goodbye to his family, and headed

west to California. However in a time before the great highways of today, he will have to take the small country roads

to his destination. However, what he does not know is that somewhere along this road he will take a detour that few

take, a detour that will lead him straight through the heart of the Twilight Zone.


The sign next to the road had read ―Last Chance for Gas‖, and I thought that it was better to heed its warning

before crossing the desert. As I pulled up, I noticed a diner across the street and decided to get some coffee while I

was there. The sun was setting, and it looked like I was in for a long night of driving. The coffee tasted burnt, but it

was better than nothing, so I didn‘t complain.

I relaxed for a moment in my seat and listened to the radio the cook had playing in on the counter. I fell into a

sort of trance and let my fingers repeat the guitar chords to the song. Suddenly, the music was interrupted.

"We interrupt this program to bring you this breaking story," said a man on the radio.

"Hey, Martha!" said the cook who had stopped cleaning his dishes, "Ole' Chuck actually found something he

thought was important enough to stop the music for."

"Oh, hush, Phil," said the old waitress who had been my server, "what has he said?"

"He hasn't said it yet," said Phil.

"Well then be quiet and listen," she commanded.

"Late this afternoon," continued who I figured was Ole' Chuck, "a gunfight erupted in West Spring. The

crossfire was between the police and Lawrence Stevenson, a man staying at the West Spring Motel. During the

shootout Mr. Stevenson was fatally wounded. Police say that Mr. Stevenson was the prime suspect in a series of

murders in Phoenix, and when investigating his apartment police discovered all the materials that would point to Mr.

Stevenson being a gun for hire. Police are currently sweeping the apartment in the hopes of finding leads to any of Mr.

Stevenson's," a pause, "clients. We'll bring you more news as we receive it. This has been Charles Thomson, and I

wish you all a goodnight."

"Well if that don't beat all, and just down the road too," said Phil.

"Lord have mercy, and Chuck still thought it alright to say goodnight so calmly," said Martha, who was a

little pale.

"It is a goodnight when a man like that is no longer in this world," said Phil rather bluntly.

"Phil!" said Martha.

"Well it's true," he replied, "To tell the truth, the moment one starts to exchange money for lives is the exact

moment you have handed your soul to the devil himself."

"That's horrible," she said.

"Personally, I agree," I said, standing from my seat, "It takes a special kind of monster to do that." I walked

up to the waitress and handed her a tip.

"Thank you," she said, "You leaving, hon?"

"Afraid so, I've got a night of driving if I want to make it to the city by morning."

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Phil looked at me, "I wouldn't recommend driving through the desert at night, young man. Fall asleep at

the wheel and you up could end up who knows where. However, considering the state the motel's in right now, I

can't really offer you a place to stay."

"That's alright," I said, "the coffee will hopefully do its work."

"Alright then," he said, "But don't say I didn't warn you. The desert can play tricks on your mind at night."

"Bye, hon," said Martha as I closed the door and waved goodbye. My car started with a pop, and rumbled

out back on to the road. The car was a fourteen year old ‗46 Dodge Sedan and had plenty of life still left in it even

if its ignition could be a little temperamental. As I progressed farther away from the diner, the sun quickly began to

disappear from view. I couldn't help but briefly marvel at the spectacular desert sunset, however it was quickly

followed by what I can only describe as the most life consuming darkness one could imagine.

After about two hours all I could see was the road. There was no moon, and the stars did nothing to

relieve me of the illusion that I was driving through a sea of oil. It was almost suffocating, and for a while I

wondered if the coffee had only served to rattle my nerves instead of help me stay awake. Unfortunately, I found

that thought was wrong because around midnight I caught my head drooping forward every few minutes.

I tried making myself excited about what I was going to do if I got signed on by a record company. I

imagined myself playing in front of packed crowds, selling out shows, and making millions. Not surprisingly, my

daydreaming had turned into actual dreaming, but I was thankfully woken up when my head fell onto the horn. I

quickly jolted up and got back onto the right side of the road as I had drifted into the left. I was lucky that no had

been coming.

"Yeah like there's any other idiot out here besides me," I said

to myself. Just as I said this, my eyes casually drifted up to my

rearview mirror. That's when I saw them, headlights. However, these

headlights didn't look right. The only light from them that I could see

was only just from the lights themselves, so it looked like two orbs

floating just off the ground. That was not what bothered me though,

because instead of being regular white lights, these were bloodiest red

color I had ever seen.

My breath caught in my throat as I saw whoever this was

that was behind me, but what I saw next made my blood instantly

turn ice cold. When I looked up from the lights, I saw where the

driver would sit, and in that spot I saw two points of light that were,

unbelievably, a darker red the lights of the car. Red eyes, the driver

had glowing red eyes.

Those eyes stared into my very being, and I knew that he

had seen me look at him. As if to confirm this, I saw fire spring from the sides of car, and I could hear its engine

roar as it sped towards me. Instincts kicked in and I dropped the car into high gear, grinding the gears doing so.

Fear gripped every part of me as my car began to accelerate. I had to run, but where would I go? The road was

straight and stayed that way for miles, and there were no forks in it. All I could do was outrun him, and for how

long could I even do that?

Nature decided to answer that. For the first time since I had entered the desert something different decided

to appear in front of me. An armadillo, a stupid armadillo was all it took. I swerved to avoid the creature, my car

lost its grip on the road and spun. Miraculously, it stayed on the road, but the engine got jostled and died. My

headlights went out and I was left in darkness. The only lights I saw were the headlights and eyes of my pursuer as

his car slowed to a stop in front of mine. I trembled in my seat, fear had left me a discombobulated husk.

I could barely make out the door of the other car opening, and the driver stepping out, all the while

keeping his eyes on me. Then he started to approach. I kept my hand gripped vice-like on the wheel and stared

forward. I couldn't look directly at him, terror wouldn‘t let me. While there was no sound, I was nearly deafened by

my heart beating in my ears.

He came closer and closer, and I held my breath. He came up to my door and... passed it. He walked right

by me, but I still stayed frozen in my position. That is until I heard the screech of metal being bent and my car

shook as my trunk was wrenched open by the other driver. I then heard a man scream and something falling to the

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ground. The trunk was slammed shut. I heard something being dragged beside my car, and someone screaming the

whole time. The driver passed my window again, and he walked back to his car.

I finally worked up the nerve to look at him, but I regretted it. He had no form. He was simply a black,

opaque cloud vaguely shaped like a man. His face had no features, save for two perfectly round red eyes, no nose,

no mouth, and no ears. Then I saw something else at his feet which turned out to be the source of the screams.

Being dragged by the formless man was a man, but it was a dried up wisp of a man. His skin was a sickly gray, his

eyes were covered in a milky film, and his white hair resembled a mass of cobwebs spread wildly about his head.

The man screamed in an almost inhuman way as he was dragged to the car. It's driver opened a door and threw the

man in, and thankfully his screams were silenced as the door was slammed shut.

Then the driver turned, and began to walk back towards me. I stiffened thinking I was about to be the next

one dragged wherever this driver was headed. Which is why it dumbfounded me when it got to the side of the car I

heard a tap on the window. It wanted me to roll down the window. With a mixture of confusion and terror, I slowly

lowered the window. That was when the driver spoke. It's voice was as smooth and cold as ice, but strangely I did

not fear it. I suppose I simply couldn't have been anymore afraid then I already was.

"I'm sorry for the scare, young soul," he said, "But these shades can sometimes be difficult, and

sometimes they have trouble accepting their fate. Mr. Stevenson was especially difficult, and I'm sorry that I didn't

get to his shade before it found your car. It was a good thing I caught it when I did, though. Any more time and that

putrid thing might have tainted you. You have nothing to worry about though, and tell you what, when your name

comes up I may let it slide for a couple of more decades. How's that?" My nerves were far too shot to speak, so I

stupidly nodded.

"Good," he said, "have a pleasant evening." It returned back to its car and drove off. I watched it go until

it vanished in the distance. When it was gone, I passed out.

I awoke with my car on the side of the road. Morning had come, and I shook my head allowing myself to

think that last night had all been a nightmare. I eventually made it to the city, and, although I tried, I never got into

the music industry. I did decide to stay in California, however, and eventually moved to San Francisco. My father

was a policeman so I decided to follow in his footsteps and joined the SFPD. I grew up, and the memory of that

night in the desert began to fade. I got married, had several wonderful kids, and moved up in the ranks at the police


Then about a month ago, that night came back to me. I had passed on several promotions so that I could

remain an active member of the SFPD homicide, and not two weeks from retiring, believe it or not, I was involved

in a shooting. When I came to in the hospital, I was told that the bullet that had hit me should have been the end of

me. Now the logical part of me says that I was just lucky, but I don't know. Another part of me thinks that an old

acquaintance may have just repaid a favor. Who really knows.


In the long road of life we sometimes experience events that cannot be explained. Was this man's

particular experience nothing more than addled mind's flight of fancy, or did somewhere along his road did he find

a door that led to where none knowingly dare travel? For this place has many doors, and one can never know

exactly when they enter into the realm of the strange. For this is the nature of the Twilight Zone.


Jordan Jensen

The most wonderfully pleasant sensation comes from simply fully enjoying and relishing the most simple and

mundane things in one‘s daily activities. Things like the warmth of an otherwise unremarkable cup of coffee, or to the

clarity of a moment of happiness, become peculiarly wonderful if allowed to consume one‘s thoughts. Daily occupa-

tions become marvellous when pondered. Many may scoff at this notion, but as long as they do, the satisfaction and

wonder that come from the seemingly mundane will forever elude them.

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Perhaps if one ponders the magnificence of the smallest of details a realization will dawn upon them. Per-

haps the world is not nearly as bad as we are made to believe. Truly, there is an unbelievable wealth of beauty, both

human and natural that is not hidden if you have a mind to look. It is neither elusive nor insignificant, although it is

scarce to the closed minded. The simple and pure beauty and joy can be found in the sincere smile of another or in

scenery or in simple human actions that transcend custom, language, and religion. Further, there are the pursuits of

appreciating music as the outpouring of soul to the simple musing at the activities of children in their acts of innocent

imitation. There truly is such immense beauty that presents itself to the mind and the soul that are open to receive it.

The Puzzle

Madilyn Peay

Everyone loves puzzles. Who doesn‘t love sorting things so they fit perfectly together? What‘s better than neatly

matched edges creating a picture?

Absolutely nothing, of course. That was why she bought a puzzle.

She searched for the most complicated one in the toy aisle. 1000 pieces was child‘s play. 2000 was a joke. Certainly

nothing short of 5000 was enough. Her friends were visiting, after all. How else could they spend the weekend if not

completing a puzzle together?

―Hey, look what I brought—‖

―Good, there you are.‖ She was cut off before the door had time to snap shut behind her. The box

of jigsaw pieces was still wrapped tightly in super-store plastic. ―Get ready so we can go out.‖

―Out where?‖

―You know, out. It doesn‘t matter where. Just out.‖


―Because, how else are we ever going to have any fun? Duh.‖

―I brought a puzzle…‖ She gestured to the bag clenched in her hand.

―We didn‘t come all the way out here to play a silly kid‘s game. We want to have fun.‖

―But puzzles are fun…Think about what happens when all the pieces come together. And just wait until you see the

picture I chose. It‘s amaz—―

―Right, we‘ll just do it later. Go and get ready. We‘re already running late. We‘ll miss everything if you don‘t hurry.‖

Pleading. Why was there always pleading?

―You go ahead. Have fun.‖

―Are you sure? You won‘t be mad?‖

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“Independent Studies” Katie Pigg

Mentor: Dr. Kate Stumpo

Every honors student is required to take the honors core curriculum, which

includes an Honors 200 seminar class. My Honors 200 class last year was titled

"History of Chemisty." At the same time that I was enrolled in this class, I was also

taking the Project Management course for University Scholars, in which I was given

the opportunity to explore options for my scholar project, choose a topic, and begin

planning my project.

Some people enter the University Scholar Program knowing the exact topics

they would like to use for their projects. On the other hand, I had no idea, even in the

late stages of our Project Management class, what I wanted to do. I began to look to the

other classes I was taking at the time for inspiration and for any topics that would spark

my interest. In the book for the Honors 200 class, one of the chapters talked about the

chemistry of cosmetics, and the professor, Dr. Kate Stumpo, asked questions that

interested me, such as, "Why did ancient people originally adorn themselves?" Soon

after our study of cosmetics, I asked Dr. Stumpo to be my project mentor, still not

knowing what direction my project would take.

I decided to focus on the history of cosmetics, studying specific civilizations

who put emphasis on beauty and researching how beauty as an industry has changed over time. To bring a more

modern twist to the project, I also want to conduct a survey of young women to see if they are aware of the

negative effects of tanning, cosmetics, plastic surgery, and other ways to enhance beauty in this age. I want to see

if the dangers are even assessed or if women of today will go to basically any means to be beautiful, disregarding

the health risks. The entire Fall 2012 semester is going to be spent in research, collecting valuable resources and

reading them. I am currently reading Beauty Imagined: A History of The Global Beauty Industry by Geoffrey

Jones, and it is proving to be an interesting and useful source. I am currently still looking for a second reader for

the project. I cannot wait to see where the project goes from here!

―Why would I possibly be mad? I have a puzzle to solve.‖

―Really? You‘re the greatest!‖

Rushed hugs. A furious race to get Out. Wherever Out was.

―And don‘t you forget it.‖ The heavy wooden door was already closed.

Everyone loves puzzles. How could anyone not love puzzles? Was there anything better?

Of course not. That was why she solved the puzzle.

Sitting for hours in a jumbled array of cardboard, she watched the picture come into focus. Every piece was a victory,

each jigsaw a step closer to the big picture. The confusion and mismatches only made the solutions more satisfying.

She didn‘t need the box to know what she was creating. It was amazing. It was everything.

―I did it!‖ She thrust her hands into the air after snapping the last piece into place.

The lone cry of triumph echoed in the silence.

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Hannah Sexton

Mentor: Dr. Nancy Sonleitner

The Association Women‘s Body Image has on Political Orientation and Acceptance of Gender Inequality

For my project, I will study literature regarding women‘s body image, factors contributing to political orientation,

and gender inequality. I will survey female and male college students to determine the association of body image with po-

litical orientation and acceptance of gender inequality. I have included a review of ―How to Not Feel Good Naked? The

Effects of Television Programs that use ―Real Women‖ on Female Viewers‘ Body Image and Mood,‖ which looks at

women‘s body image.

Swami and Smith (2012) studied the connection between media images and women‘s body images. This study

incorporated television programs that used average-sized women to study the actual effect of these types of programs have

on women‘s body images. The hypothesis for this study predicted that a more positive body image would result from pro-

grams that promote positive body image in comparison to a program that focuses more on thinness as the ideal body image.

Methods for this study included 120 female participants, who were undergraduate students in metropolitan Eng-

land. These participants were all students enrolled in humanities and languages courses and were of British, white descent.

The ages for the participants in this study ranged from 18 to 40 years old. Body mass index (BMI), which was self-reported

by the participants, ranged from 17.04 kg/m2 to 31.64 kg/m2.

Participants were shown 3 video clips, which were each 30 minutes in length. The first clip consisted of one epi-

sode of How to Look Good Naked, which focuses on promoting positive body images. The second clip consisted of one

episode of Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model, which

is a competition among young models. The third clip

consisted of an episode of Natural World, which focused

on birds and contained no human figures.

Physical Appearance State and Trait Anxiety

Scale (PASTAS) was used to measure participants‘ body

-focused anxiety. Body weight dissatisfaction was meas-

ured using a visual analog scale (VAS). The 9-Item In-

ternalization –General subscale of the Sociocultural At-

titudes Towards Appearance Quesstionnare-3 (SATAQ-

3) was used to measure the participants‘ internalization

of the thin ideal. Mood was measured also using a VAS.

Body-focused anxiety, body weight dissatisfaction, in-

ternalization of the thin ideal, and mood were measured

before and after the video clips were viewed. Partici-

pants ranked the video clips: interesting, boring, bad,

and nice, using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Also using a

5-point Likert-type scale, participants rated how much they liked each clip. Participants were also given 10 true-false ques-

tions after each video clip, particular to each clip and used to assess each participant‘s recall and understanding of the clip,

and one question asking participants the purpose of the study. Finally, participants provided demographics consisting of:

ethnicity, age, height, weight, and course enrollment. BMI was calculated using the ratios that participants provided.

Results for the body-focused anxiety portion of this study showed that there was not a difference of significance

between post-test and pre-test conditions. In participants who watched How to Look Good Naked and Britain and Ireland’s

Next Top Model, there was a significant increase in body-focused anxiety. No significant change was found in body dissatis-

faction among participants who watched Natural World. After watching How to Look Good Naked and Britain and Ire-

land’s Next Top Model, participants showed a significant increase in body weight dissatisfaction. After watching Natural

World, participants showed an increase in happiness over time. There was no significant change in happiness over time

among participants who watched the other two video clips.

The overall results of this study indicate that there is not a positive impact on body image due to programs using

real women as opposed to programs supporting the thin ideal. This may mean that body image is so engrained into women

that one simple program incorporating a positive image may not be enough to relieve the overall impression of media on

body image. This study helps to prove that, as far as body image is concerned, the media has a long way to go if trying to

improve it.

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Katie Mangrum

Mentor: Dr. Richard Robinson

Second Reader: Dr. Robert Nanney

Swing and a Miss: Observing a Perceived East Coast Bias in ESPN‘s

Baseball Programming

This past year has proved to be a difficult one with regards to

my project. Continuous miscommunications plagued my progress,

and in July I was informed by my mentor that he was leaving for

another university. Left to pick up the pieces, I found myself in Dr.

Richard Robinson‘s office. Dr. Robinson is an assistant professor in

the Department of Communications. Luckily, after I pleaded my case

and discussed potential research ideas and my intended direction, Dr.

Robinson generously agreed to be my mentor. With another stroke of

luck, Dr. Robert Nanney, chair of the Communications Department

offered to be my second reader. With this newfound support, I quickly

went to work on my project.

After much thought, I decided that I was interested in

exploring the agenda-setting theory and its possible use in popular sports culture. There is often a debate

among sports fans that ESPN over-televises East Coast teams primarily in its coverage of Major League

Baseball and College Basketball. My goal is to research the power and influence ESPN has in sports culture

and attempt to gather quantitative evidence that agenda-setting may or may not be occurring by the

overexposure of East Coast baseball clubs such as the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. My

research method will include searching archives to count the number of ESPN televised broadcast

appearances each team appeared in over the past two to three seasons. Hopefully with that information, I will

be able to spot a trend to prove my hypothesis that there is in fact an East Coast bias in ESPN‘s baseball

programming. Proving the existence of agenda-setting by ESPN is not viable; however, it is possible to prove

Trey Drinkard

Mentor: Dr. Darroch

The Use of Garlic as a Novel Anthelmintic and its Effects on Parasite

Load and Goat Kid Health

My project idea is to use garlic as a novel anthelmintic in

pregnant does. The use of commercial dewormers have led to a grow-

ing resistance problem in barber pole worm and coccidian. Therefore I

want to look at the efficacy of using garlic as an alternate dewormer.

We plan on looking into the differences between the parasite load dur-

ing parturition, the effects on the doe‘s milk production, kid birth

weight, and overall kid health. There are also plans to use an alternate

group during the summer months to test and look at the differences of

feeding the garlic as a feed supplement and drenching the garlic in a

concentrated form. There is also a smaller trial test to look at the palat-

ability of varying levels of supplemented garlic, but that is just to help

determine the viable levels of garlic we can add to the feed before the

goats find it distasteful. Overall, this project will look at the effectiveness of the supplied garlic in the eradication

or reduction of nematode and coccidian parasites.

So far, much of my work has been completing several literature reviews. I found that after discussing the

project with my mentor Dr. Darroch, the basic idea has changed drastically over our few meetings, thus calling for

another set of research to be completed. I‘ve also learned new statistical methods of calculating the needed popula-

tion of test subjects and simple analysis for numerical based results. We are also working with Ms. Woods to pro-

cure the use of the UTM‘s goat herd and are currently in the final steps of finishing the rough experimental plan

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Elizabeth DeVlieger

Mentor: Dr. Kate Stumpo

The goal of my Scholar project is to characterize the N-linked glycans, sugars, attached to pollen proteins,

specifically those that cause allergic responses in humans. I will be extracting the glycans from the protein and

characterizing them using mass spectrometry, a technique that will give me the structure and mass of my glycans. I

started this project by using ovalbumin, a standard protein, in an attempt to develop an appropriate method. I am

working on method development of a micro-technique because the samples that I will be working with are very

small. Therefore, standard procedures are not entirely accurate for what I want to accomplish.

After developing the appropriate technique, I moved on to

an unknown pollen protein, Kentucky Blue grass. I was able to

obtain a profile for the glycans, and I have begun working on

fragmentation for the glycans to try to predit the composition. I

have also moved on to Rye grass, where I have begun with a profile

for this glycan. I expect to find certain things that have been already

found in allergen glycans such as β(1,2)-xylose and α(1,3) – fucose

linkages. However, I am hoping to find some other commonalities

between the structures in hopes to get a better understanding of

what exactly causes the immunogenic responses in humans.

I have run into a few minor, inevitable difficulties with my

research; however, the project is going very well overall. I have

presented my work at several different research conferences in the

past year, and my next conference will be the Regional American Chemical Society meeting in Baton Rouge in


with evidence that if agenda-setting were to occur it would be plausible under given circumstances.

Given that I was forced to start over with a new project, I have a lot of work ahead of me. I am confident

however, that I will put forth a solid project that I will enjoy and will be very proud of. I have a great mentor and

second reader in Dr. Robinson and Dr. Nanney. They have already proven to be very helpful. It is important to also

be aware of biases in the media; because of this I think my research will prove to be very helpful in other scholarly

research. In the world of the agenda-setting theory I have yet to find any articles discussing the practice in popular

culture or entertainment. Much of the discussion of the theory is based around television news and political

Danielle Cavender

Mentor: Dr. Michael Gibson

Second Reader: Dr. Stan Dunagan

Reanalysis of the Geologic Age of the Wells Creek Structure using Paleogeographic and Geochemical Evidence

As a geology major intent on graduate school, I wanted to focus my project on something exciting and with

scientific value. As some of you may or may not know, Tennessee is home to a few impact craters, the largest of

which is located on the Houston and Stewart County border in Cumberland City. This crater, known as the Wells

Creek Structure, is universally known to anyone studying impact craters, and it provides some of the best samples

of shatter cones in the world. In fact, the Smithsonian Museum displays specimens retrieved directly from the cen-

ter of the crater. However, other than a few obscure references, the crater has been left unstudied since the

1960s. Many uncertainties still remain about the crater. For one, it has a geologic date of 200 million years plus or

minus 100 million years. This is an extremely huge error range—one of the largest in the Earth Impact Database—

and provides little certainty about the impact date or environment.

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The aim of my research is to improve the constraining age of

the impact. You may wonder why no one has tried this before. The

problem with dating the Wells Creek Crater is where it im-

pacted. The impact occurred in sedimentary rock, which is a poor

source for radiometric isotopes used in dating. Some isotopic sys-

tems may be present but they are nowhere near as precise or reliable

as the systems usually found in igneous or metamorphic rocks. As a

result, the original researchers of the crater used stratigraphic methods

to determine the age. The issue with this is that the stratigraphy of

the impact site has a huge gap in its geologic record. For about 200

million years, Tennessee was above sea level and during such terres-

trial intervals erosion carried away sediment instead of depositing it

to make more sedimentary rocks. In such a case, geologists have

little clues about the environment.

So that is the issue of dating Wells Creek. Thankfully, since the 1960s, geologists better understand how

craters form in different environments and what microscopic clues can help to determine a crater's age. My search

for scientific literature continues, as should be the case with any well researched paper. However, I have turned

my attention to more lab work. After collecting several samples in the field, I‘ve sliced them into small sections to

be scanned for geochemical traces of Br, Cl, Ir, U, Pb, and other helpful elements for determining Wells Creek‘s

impact of environment and age. The results should be complete soon. If the samples contain datable elements I

can continue on with radiometric dating—something very exciting if possible. I‘ve begun writing my paper and

hopefully I‘ll have finished most of my project by December. If I meet this deadline, I can submit an abstract to

the Southeast GSA meeting and travel to Puerto Rico in the spring.

As for personal development, the project is a true learning experience. I've learned how to use department

equipment we never use in class, and I've gotten a head start on how to apply my knowledge in the field. The tech-

niques you learn and the mistakes you learn from are probably the most important things a scholar can take from

the research experience. Even if all fails, and you have to change your direction or in the worst case, your entire

project, there's always something that can be taken from the experience that will be very helpful in graduate school

or the workforce.

“Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own.”

- Michelle Obama

Halloween Night

By Laura Miller

―Halloween night,‖ Vanessa sighed. ―I wonder what boring things will be thought up this year!‖

―Aww, come on, Halloween can be fun. We should get dressed up and go into the Olc forest. It‘s said to be

haunted.‖ Bella cooed.

―Maybe. Rose, what do you think?‖ Vanessa asked.

―Sounds like fun,‖ Rose said absentmindedly as she stared out the window. Then she suddenly turned towards

the other girls, her eyes bright with excitement. ―We could even invite some guys to come with us. For protection, you

know.‖ She added quickly as she turned away. Bella and Vanessa exchanged a dubious look then turned back to Rose.

―The only reason you want guys to come along is so you can invite Jake, and then make kissy faces at him all night!‖

Vanessa chimed mockingly.

―Is not!‖ Rose said defiantly as she turned around to glare at them.

―Ok, that settles it then. We‘ll meet tonight at seven, just outside the Olc forest.‖ Bella said.

―Ok!‖ they all said in unison as they split up.

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―Where are we going?‖ Jake asked.

―Somewhere. Don‘t you trust me?‖ Rose replied.

―Hey Jake,‖ Vanessa said enthusiastically.

―Oh, hello Vanessa, Bella how are you guys tonight?‖

―We‘re good,‖ they said in unison.

―Ok, let‘s get going!‖ Rose put in.

The group headed for the path that led into the forest. The moon was bright in its harvest splendor but the thick

canopy of the trees blocked almost all of the light from filtering through. After about a minute of walking, Rose whipped

her head to the right.

―Did you guys hear that?‖

―Rose,‖ Bella said impatiently, ―We have been walking for less than a minute, turn around and you can still see

the tree line. I highly doubt anything scary is going to happen.‖

―The rule is at least ten minutes in,‖ Vanessa added. ―Haven‘t you seen any scary movies?‖

Rose rolled her eyes and started forward, only to stop abruptly. She slowly turned, eyes darting from side to side.

―Where is Jake?‖


Rose jumped, screaming in shock while Vanessa, Bella, and Jake laughed.

―Oh, that was too easy!‖ Vanessa said between fits of laughter.

―Ha, ha, very funny,‖ Rose replied sarcastically. Then her eyes went wide as she looked past the three laughing

friends. They quickly turned around, fear seeping into their merry features.

―Roar!‖ the sound ripped through the laughter as a large shadow descended on the company. Three screams

pierced the night as more shadows came from the surrounding trees.

―What took you guys so long?‖ Rose inquired.

The shadows withdrew their hoods, revealing four people. The girl giggled, while the three boys stood gloating

at the frightened company.

The girl spoke first, ―We were biding our time, waiting for the best possible moment when…‖

Suddenly there was a crash and two more people jumped out of the trees. This time, everyone present jumped and the

screams echoed through the forest.

After her heart quit trying to run home, Rose turned to the group now compiled. ―Well, I guess we are all here


The two new comers chuckled and bowed mockingly.

―So we total ten now?‖ Bella said breathlessly. She then turned to one of the previously hooded boys. ―Why did-

n‘t you tell me you were going to be coming? You are supposed to protect me not scare me, Nathan!‖

―Sorry, Baby, but it was John‘s idea.‖

John smiled sheepishly as Vanessa strode over to him and punched him on the arm. ―Some boyfriend you are,‖

she murmured.

The two remaining robed people held hands and smiled at each other. The girl turned to group. ―It was Daniel‘s

idea to wear the robes. I thought of inviting Taylor and Scott.‖ She said as she nodded to the two who came last.

―I have to say, Ally, it was a good idea!‖ Taylor said smirking at the original group.

Each couple joined hands and they filed in behind Rose and Jake, staying in two rows, following the leaders. A

silence fell over the group as they made their way farther into the forest. The scenery became darker and soon the tree line

was out of sight. Rose shivered. The forest felt oppressive and haunting.

Suddenly there was a break in the trees and the group came upon a clearing. The trees surrounding the clearing

were clustered close together and their tops loomed over the clearing. Off toward the opposite side of the clearing was a

large stone table. Despite the full moon, the clearing was dimly lit and as the company moved toward the table, they no-

ticed something on the stone.

―It looks like blood,‖ Ally whispered.

―It‘s probably some prank,‖ Nathan scoffed.

Rose silently walked over to the table. She reached out her hand, and then quickly withdrew it. She leaned into

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Jake, trembling. Jake looked over to the rest of the group, eyes sad and scared. Rose looked down at her hand; it

was wet. The blood was fresh.

Vanessa let out a scream, pointing to the tree overhanging the table. Scott hung limp from the branch, a

noose around his neck. His eyes were wide in terror and his entire torso was bloody. The blood was trickling down

to slowly drip off his bare feet.

―How?‖ Bella whispered as she stared in horror. ―He was just behind,‖ she started before she quickly

turned around, searching. ―Taylor?‖

Everyone looked around, but she was nowhere to be seen.

―There‘s no trace of her from the path,‖ Jake panted as he rejoined the group in the clearing. ―And no

trace of her further along,‖ John added.


Ally turned her head toward the forest, listening. ―Do you guys hear that?‖ she whispered as if to herself. She

started walking forward, eyes fixed on something beyond the tree line.


―We need to stick together. We have to find Taylor, and then we are leaving. I have a bad feeling.‖ Rose

told the group solemnly. Vanessa let out a short humorless laugh, ―You have a bad feeling? Scott is dead and Tay-

lor is missing, I‘d say we all have a bad feeling!‖

―Vanessa,‖ John started.

―Ally?‖ Daniel yelled, turning wildly. ―Ally! Where are you?‖

A scream split the oppressive night air. ―Ally!‖ Daniel yelled as he ran toward the forest; toward her scream.

―Daniel stop!‖ Bella yelled as he sprinted off. The party followed, but he was soon lost among the trees.

Panting, the group, now four people down, stopped. ―Where are we?‖ Rose asked as she turned, looking

for the clearing they just ran from. Everyone looked around but they were only surrounded by trees and silence.

Nathan sat down, staring at his hands.

―The moon will be high and red in the sky. He will come seeking his bride, wishing to have her at his side. Five

girls come at their risk; two will die from His kiss. Two He will take, their virgin blood spilt in His wake. And fi-

nally the one, she will free Him when the night is done. A vow will bind her to His side, and even the sun will

hide. He will reign again….all will die.‖

Nathan sighed and looked up at his friends. ―There is a legend passed down among my ancestors. It tells

of a great evil that plagued the land, before the people of the land were able to contain it. That was just a line from

the lore, a prophecy to come.‖

―Nathan, you‘re Irish.‖ John stated bluntly.

Nathan fixed John with a level stare, ―What language do you think ―Olc‖ came from? It means evil in


―What does the rest of the prophecy say?‖ Rose asked quietly.

―Most of it has been lost, we just know that a hero can arise and stop the evil. Who the hero will be and

how to stop the evil is unknown. We do know that the wedding ceremony can‘t occur. If it does, we‘re all


―These woods aren‘t really haunted.‖ Vanessa scoffed. ―I don‘t believe in evil spirits and this is stupid.

This is all just some big prank!‖ Vanessa turned around and stalked off.

Nathan stood up. ―We need to leave, now.‖

―We can‘t leave the others,‖ Jake replied. ―This could just be a joke, like Vanessa said, or not, but either

way, we need to find the others. We‘re not leaving until then. Vanessa! Wait up!‖ he said as everyone turned to-

ward her.

“It is an honor you decided to stay in my forest. Not that I was going to let you go, though.”

The group looked around trying to find the source of the malevolent voice, but it seemed as if it came

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from everywhere at once.

“No,” the voice chuckled, “You can’t see me, not yet. Don’t worry my pretty girls, I will have you soon


The wind blew with violent force, then suddenly quit as quickly as it had started. The night stood deadly silent,

the voice gone and so was Vanessa.


―Are we sure this is a good idea?‖ Bella asked.

―We know he‘s coming for you two next,‖ Nathan explained.

―And they already have the others,‖ John growled.

―And we intend to do something about it!‖ Jake added.

―So we‘re using Rose as bait? That doesn‘t seem like such a good idea.‖ Bella frowned.

―Do you think I like it?‖ Jake snapped. ―We need to find the others. When this thing comes, we will

follow it back to wherever it is holding up. Then we can get everyone out of this stupid forest.‖

―I still don‘t,‖ Bella began.

―Shut up!‖ Rose yelled. ―You guys are supposed to be hiding in the bushes, a lot good that does if I can

hear you out here! It was my idea, so deal with it!‖

Rose strode farther away from their hiding spot and stood next to a tall oak.

―Umm creepy voice guy, I‘m here! Come and get me!‖ Rose said hesitantly toward the sky.

“So you sacrificed yourself for the group?” a voice whispered in her ear, causing Rose to jump. “That

is why you will make a wonderful bride. Once your mine, all of that devotion will be toward me.”

―I will never be yours,‖ Rose replied defiantly, turning to face the voice. She faced a tall dark haired

and fair skinned youth, slightly older than herself. He was muscular and very handsome but his blue eyes were

stone cold. ―They have no mercy, those dead eyes of his‖ Rose thought staring at the stranger in front of her.

“Shall we be going now?” the man asked with a mock bow and grin.


Jake watched the clearing with the others, his eyes glued to Rose. She stood with a straight back, a sign of confi-

dence, but he knew she was just putting on a brave face. ―I shouldn‘t have let her do this,‖ Jake thought, and right as he

was about to stand up, He appeared. He appeared out of thin air, suddenly behind Rose, whispering in her ear. She

jumped, and then turned to face the mysterious man. She defiantly looked at the stranger, her posture tense and ready to

spring. ―She‘s going to try and take him!‖ Jake thought, and for the second time he was about to stand up. Then Rose‘s

posture became lax and she fainted. ―Rose!‖ Jake yelled as he ran out of the bushes, stumbling to get clear of the bram-

bles. Yet as he ran, Jake could see the stranger catch her and cradle her in his arms. The man turned to face Jake, a grin on

his face.

“She is mine now.”

Then he disappeared. Jake whirled, trying to find where they had gone.

―Jake!‖ Nathan yelled running out of the bushes with John hot on his heels. ―Bella‘s gone! She was behind me and then…

Rose?‖ he breathed staring at Jake‘s face.

―We are going to find this bastard. Now.‖ Jake growled, turning toward the deep forest.


Rose woke up in a bed that she quickly realized was not her own. The bed spread, along with the surrounding

room was a pale pink color with flower patterns sporadically placed. An older woman stood over her, holding a white

towel in her hands. The woman smiled down at Rose and gestured for her to get up. ―This has to be a dream.‖ Rose

thought as she slid off the bed and followed the woman the bathroom. The woman waved toward the filled bath tub. Rose

gave the woman a skeptical look, ―I‘m not getting in there!‖ The woman merely stood there waiting. Rose shook her head

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then walked back into in the bed room. The door was on the opposite side of the room, and crossing it quickly, she

tried the door. ―Locked,‖ Rose sighed. ―What was I expecting?‖ Rose sat on the bed, thinking. ―How did I get

here?‖ Suddenly the door opened and a man walked in with two girls trailing behind him. All three of them looked

about her age, and she sensed something familiar about all of them, something she couldn‘t quite put her finger on.

―Finally awake I see,‖ the man said joyfully, a smile splitting his face. Rose caught her breath, the man was good

looking, no doubt, but when he smiled her heart seemed to skip a beat. Rose found herself smiling up at this tall

handsome man, and she stood and took the hand he graciously held for her. ―You have to get ready, my dear. The

ceremony will be soon, and it wouldn‘t be good for you to be late to your own wedding!‖ he added with a laugh.

Rose frowned slightly at his words. ―Wedding,‖ she thought, ―I don‘t remember anything about a wedding.‖ The

man smiled down at her, however, and she forgot all of her worries. ―I need you to be a good little girl and get

cleaned up for the ceremony; these two will help you get ready.‖ Rose looked toward the two new comers.

―Something seems so familiar about them,‖ she thought as they led her to the bathroom where the old lady was still

waiting, towel in hand. Rose turned around to see the man again, but he had vanished.


Rose stood on a pedestal gazing at herself in the mirror. ―This dress is beautiful!‖ she exclaimed to the

two girls helping her get ready. They simply smiled up at her and kept working. The old woman had disappeared

after she had bathed, and these two girls were just as silent. Rose smiled at the dress in the mirror and then caught

something moving in the corner of the mirror. She turned, hoping to see the beautiful man again, but instead she

found two guards standing at the door. Rose frowned and looked at the girls to her side. Both of them tensed as the

guards came toward her, fear causing their hands to shake. Rose looked back toward the guards as they gestured

for her to come. ―Something‘s wrong,‖ Rose thought as the girls beside her held on to her dress, keeping her from

following the guards. ―Why wouldn‘t they want me to go with them? Surely the handsome man sent them to fetch

me for the ceremony. But why would he need guards?‖ Rose thought as she looked into the eyes of the girl to her

right. All of the sudden, the fearful eyes of this girl gave her a realization. ―Taylor?‖ Rose whispered, still staring

at the girl. Taylor nodded her head. Rose spun around to face the other girl, recognizing her too. ―Ally!‖

Rose was hit by the sudden flooding of memories and would have fallen off the pedestal but for Taylor

and Ally catching her hands, steadying her. ―Do you know where the others are?‖ she whispered quickly. The

guards behind them cleared their throats and before either girl could answer, they bobbed a curtsy to her and fled

out the door. Rose turned to face the guards who still stood by the door. ―Excuse me gentlemen, but there are still

some last minute things I have to take care of, if you don‘t mind.‖ Rose said as she gestured to the door, smiling

sweetly. The two guards nodded curtly and bowing slightly, exited the door. As soon as they were gone, Rose

turned, thoughts whirling.


―Which way do we go?‖ Nathan whispered to Jake, looking at the split hallway.

―Right, I think that‘s where the guards went.‖ Jake said, nodding toward the dark hallway. Jake looked around then

ran out of the alcove he was hiding in, quietly making his way down the hallway. He ran from shadow to shadow,

trying not to make noise and to be as inconspicuous as possible. Nathan and John silently followed him, eyes

searching. Quickly, all three ducked into an alcove as a group of guards escorting two girls walked by. ―Ally and

Taylor!‖ John let out before clamping his hands over his mouth. The three held their breath as the guards passed by

them. ―We need to find out where they are going. I‘m going to follow them.‖ John said as he slid out of his hiding

place. ―I‘m coming also.‖ Nathan said following John. Jake nodded and continued down the hall alone.

A door up ahead opened and a guard stepped out, looking around before coming down the hall. Jake

waited for the guard, ready to spring. As the guard came close, Jake leapt out of the alcove. The guard dodged

Jake‘s lunge and elbowed him, sending him spiraling to the ground. Jake swept the feet out from under the guard

and scrambled on top of him. Jake pinned the guard‘s arms and was about to punch him when he noticed some-

thing. ―You‘re a girl!‖ Jake exclaimed in surprise looking down at guard. The guard‘s hat was pulled over most of

her face but she shook her head, sending the hat flying and stared up at him defiantly. ―Rose,‖ Jake breathed as he

released her arms and stared down at her. Rose smiled up at him, relief flooding her features. ―Jake! What are you

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doing here?‖ she asked as he helped her up and hugged her. ―Jake, I can‘t breathe,‖ she complained despite hugging him

back just as hard. Rose finally pulled away, ―We need to find the others. I saw Ally and Taylor, but I haven‘t seen anyone

else besides you.‖ Jake kissed Rose and then took her hand, ―We need to get out of the open, where did you just come

from?‖ Rose led him down the hall and back into the bedroom. ―Wow, what did you do to these two?‖ Jake chuckled.

Rose blushed and mumbled, ―I needed a disguise.‖

―So you took out two fully grown men?‖

―In their defense, I don‘t think they expected it.‖

―I‘d say!‖ Jake laughed as he put on the remaining guard‘s uniform. ―How do I look?‖

―Very strapping,‖ Rose giggled as they walked out of the room.

―Nathan and John are following Taylor and Ally. A group of guards were escorting them somewhere.‖

―Probably to where the ceremony is going to be, ―Rose mused.

―Ceremony? What ceremony?‖ Jake asked.

―Oh, honey, didn‘t I tell you? I‘m getting married!‖ Rose joked.

Jake grimaced as they continued down the hall.

Jake stopped, putting his arm out to halt Rose also. Jake looked around the corner and there stood the guards

escorting Ally and Taylor. In the next alcove, Jake could see John and Nathan with Bella and Vanessa, waiting for their

next move. They had stopped in front of large ornate double doors. John and Nathan tensed, ready to spring. ―They are

about to attack, are you ready?‖ Jake whispered. ―Yes.‖ The shadow behind him answered. As John and Nathan leaped

from their hiding spot, Jake sprang forward, grabbing both Ally and Taylor away from the guards. He stood facing the

commotion, with the two girls behind him against the wall. John, Nathan, Bella, and Vanessa had taken down their

guards, but something caught Jake‘s eye. To his right, the hallway he had just come from, a whole squad of guards stood.

At the head of the column was Rose, held by the man that had taken her in the woods.

―Jake! Run! Take them and run!‖ Rose yelled as she fought the man restraining her. Jake stepped forward, reach-

ing for Rose but someone behind him was pulling him back. ―We have to go! Jake, run!‖ Jake stared into Rose‘s eyes.

She was scared but her stubbornness set her mouth as she pleaded him to leave. ―Run, dammit! Run!‖ Rose screamed as

she spun on her captor and landed her punch squarely on his jaw before the rest of the guard set into motion.

Rose fought all of the guards within her reach desperately keeping them back so the others could run. ―STOP!‖

the word filled the hall, stopping the guards and making Rose turn sharply. The beautiful man stood with his hand caress-

ing his injured jaw. He strode quickly and quietly to Rose. Staring intently down at her, he raised his hand and slapped

her, sending her flying to the ground. ―Fighting spirit is amiable, but it should not be given free reign.‖ The man calmly

explained as the guards picked Rose up and held her between them. The fury on his face flashed for a second but was

quickly replaced. With a small little smirk, he gazed at Rose. ―What am I to do now? A rebellious wife plus my little sac-

rifices have run off.‖ The man sighed, that small smile still mocking. ―You can rot in hell,‖ Rose said as she spat at him.

The man chuckled, wiping the spit from his face. ―You cannot deny me, my little Rose. Just because you woke out of the

initial spell does not speak for anything. You can feel it as strongly as I can, that need. You are drawn to me just as

strongly as I am drawn to you. Do you think your appearance here, on this specific night, was just a coincidence? No, you

were drawn here. We are meant to be together.‖

―Master! We have apprehended the runaways.‖

Rose looked past the guard reporting, and there all of them stood. Ally and Taylor looked as if they had fainted.

Bella and Vanessa glared at the guards holding them, while the three boys hung their heads. Jake looked up, his face

swollen, tears glistening on his marred face.

―So soon? I would have hoped for a better chase.‖ The man sighed, and then turned back toward Rose. ―See, fate

is on our side, my dear.‖ He leaned in close, tilted Rose‘s head and kissed her. ―We were meant to be together,‖ he whis-

pered in her ear before turning back to the hostages. Jake‘s stare showed his anger and with a quick kick, he broke from

the guard restraining him. He started for the man but Rose walked forward to stop him. Somehow she had broken free

from the guards. ―Jake, do not worry, this is fate,‖ she said as she took the man‘s hand and smiled up at him. ―No!‖ Jake

yelled, but the man simply laughed as the guards restrained him again. ―Yes, my dear, we will be wed at once.‖ The man

said as he scooped Rose up and gave her to one of the guards behind him. ―Make sure the preparations are taken care of,

without any mistakes this time.‖ He added as he shot a glance toward Jake.

The hostages were led into the room past the ornate doors, a wedding chapel. The guards holding them tossed

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them in and quickly shut the door behind them. The loud clap of noise resulting from the door echoed off the high

vaulted ceilings. Jake shared glances with John and Nathan and all three quickly started scanning the room for an

exit. Vanessa and Bella tried the ornate door but as they suspected, it was locked. Ally and Taylor drifted from the

door and started down the aisle leading to an altar. There was a single row of pews in front the altar, with the rest

of the chapel being empty. The high ceilings held no windows, and the dark wood seemed to absorb what little

light was given off by the candles on the altar. The altar was a large onyx laid table with candles set on each cor-

ner. Beside the table, two basins sat, dried blood decorating the inside. Finally, behind the altar, at the very back of

the room, two ropes hung, there bottoms tied in what appeared to be nooses. Taylor and Ally sat on the pews and

looked toward the altar, tears stinging their eyes.

―Don‘t worry, we‘ll find a way out.‖ Bella encouraged despite her voice betraying her true feelings. The

rest of the party joined them, all silent. A moment passed and Jake stood up. ―I‘m not just going to sit here wallow-

ing in my fears. We need to find a way out of this, one way or another.‖


Wedding music played, echoing throughout the corridor. Rose smoothed out her gown and took a deep

breath. She looked up, and the guards slowly opened the door. Rose processed in the chapel, scanning the room as

she slowly walked down the aisle. She noticed the guards fall in line behind her and the ones that lined the walls of

the room. Near the pews, she spotted Jake, John, and Nathan, all being restrained by guards. At the end of the aisle,

a black altar stood. On either side there were large basins, with Taylor and Ally kneeling behind each, heads thrust

over the bowls. Behind the altar, Vanessa and Bella stood, hands tied above their heads to rope hanging from the

ceiling. Finally, at the front of the altar he stood. He had a black tuxedo on and a smirk on his face as he watched

Rose walk down the aisle. Rose smiled warmly at the man as she came closer to him. On the altar there were two

long black curved daggers, Rose saw the fear in her Taylor and Ally‘s eyes, and knew what the daggers were for.

Fear seemed to be in everyone‘s eyes, except his. Even the guards had a reverent fear for him. As Rose came to

stand near him, she realized, she didn‘t have any fear. ―By the ancient right, given in the darkest of nights, I give

this ceremony to bind this woman to me.‖ The man began. He turned toward the altar and bowed saying, ―Take

these pure sacrifices, blood poured out as payment.‖ The man slowly reached for the first knife, but Rose beat him

to it. She quickly grabbed the knife and slashed at the man, cutting a long gash down his arm. Rose stepped back

quickly, one hand lifting up her dress, the other holding the knife between her and him. The room soon filled with

noise as the guards started to align, swords ready, in an arc around the altar. Rose noticed a flicker of movement

behind her and soon the guards brought Jake toward her. He knelt, a sword edge on his neck, in front of her. ―I

thought that last kiss might not have done what I expected it to.‖ The man said as he picked up the other knife and

played with it. His gash slowly bled black, dripping off his ripped sleeve. ―It seems you have a decision to make,

my dear.‖ The man started, almost casually. ―With me, you can rule the world. You can have whatever you want.‖

―I want them.‖ Rose replied simply. ―Why would you want such puny mortals?‖ the man laughed. Rose, however,

just stepped closer, the knife, held higher. The man‘s face turned hard in a blink of an eye, and he grabbed Taylor,

putting the knife to her neck. ―You don‘t really have the choice here. I am in charge.‖ Rose‘s eyes widened as the

tears started to fall, but she didn‘t miss a beat. She quickly turned the knife on her own neck and held it there. ―If I

die, how does that mess up you plan?‖ The man reluctantly threw Taylor back to the ground and placed the knife

back on the altar. ―You dying would be unfortunate for us all. It would be sad for me, you, and most of all your

friends, because then I would have to take out my anger on them before I killed them. How about I make you a

deal? Hmm?‖ The man questioned, staring intently at Rose. ―I will let your little boyfriend and his friends go, if

you stay with me.‖

―What about the rest of them?‖ Rose demanded.

―Darling, this is a bargain, you can‘t end up with all of the chips. Take it or leave it.‖

Rose looked at Bella, Vanessa, Ally, and Taylor, each one scared and looking at her. She turned and

looked at John, Nathan, and finally Jake. She could save three of them at least. Slowly lowering the knife, Rose

turned back toward the man. ―Don‘t do it!‖ Jake screamed, rolling out from under the sword, and grabbing another

one from the scabbard of the next guard. John and Nathan also broke free, grabbing swords and fighting their way

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through. Ally and Taylor scurried away from the altar, nursing their wounds. Bella and Vanessa slipped their ropes and

darted toward John and Nathan. Rose turned back to the man to confront him, but he had already picked up the other

knife, sliced Taylor‘s cheek, and in one swift motion turned and gashed Ally‘s also. The blood that dripped into the basins

glowed with a blinding light. Just as smoothly, the man scooped Rose up and set her on the altar. Vanessa and Bella had

made it to the guys and had obtained swords of their own. They fought just as hard, trying to distract the guards. That left

Rose with the man. Standing up on the altar, dagger ready, Rose faced him. He wore an amused smile, and he paced

around the altar dagger at ready. The light from the two basins on either side of the altar grew stronger, until they were

pillars of light coming from the bowls. The man stopped behind the altar, his smile widening. Rose turned to look behind

her, and there Jake stood, eyes locked on him. ―Jake, stay out of this!" Rose yelled as she turned back to the man, ready to

spring. Rose launched herself at the man, dagger slashing. The man turned, grabbed Rose‘s dagger hand and held her

there. He took his other knife and slashed her free palm, quickly joining it with his, which shared a similar cut. ―You‘re

mine now,‖ he whispered as he kissed Rose.

―No!‖ Jake screamed as he climbed over the altar toward Rose. The fighting behind him had ended as the re-

maining people stopped and watched the light evolve from Rose and the man. Shielding their eyes, Jake, John, Nathan,

Vanessa, Bella, Taylor, and Ally, turned away. When the light slowly faded, Rose stood behind the altar. The guards were

gone, and so was the man. Rose turned toward the rest of them, a dagger drenched in blood residing in her hand. Jake

scrambled the rest of the way over the altar and embraced Rose.


The party exited the mansion, to find the sun rising on the horizon, bathing the forest in light. ―How did we es-

cape that?‖ Bella asked.

―When he cut my palm, he let go of my other hand.‖ Rose replied, leaning on Jake as they watched the rising


―So you stabbed him?‖ Vanessa said as she helped support Taylor between her and John.

―Yes, in his heart.‖ Rose murmured.

―How did he just disappear like that?‖ Ally asked.

―I don‘t know. I stabbed him, but it went straight through without resistance. Next the light exploded, and then

Jake was holding me.‖ Rose said, smiling up at Jake. ―And I plan on never letting go,‖ Jake said with a smile.

The party walked out of the woods, only looking back once. ―So Scott is gone, and I guess Daniel, too.‖ Rose

sighed, tears streaking her face.

―We saw Daniel‘s body when we were in the mansion,‖ Vanessa said, sadly looking at Ally.

―What do we do next?‖ Ally questioned, her voice strained. Rose shook her head.

―I guess we tell people what happened, whether they believe us or not. We tell them everything that happened on

Halloween night.‖

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