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Page 1: The Second Sunday of Lent - d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · 3/1/2015  · promised that whoever attends Mass and receives Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays will receive

The Second Sunday of Lent

T H E I N T R O D U C T O R Y R I T E S ENTRANCE The Glory of These Forty Days

PENITENTIAL ACT V. Have mercy on us, O Lord. R. For we have sinned against you. V. Show us, O Lord, your love. R. And grant us your salvation.

KYRIE chant, Mass XVI 1. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. 2. Christe eleison. Christe eleison. 3. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison.


FIRST READING Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 116 I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.

SECOND READING Romans 8:31b-34 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory.

Page 2: The Second Sunday of Lent - d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · 3/1/2015  · promised that whoever attends Mass and receives Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays will receive

GOSPEL Mark 9:2-10 HOMILY CREED (text is on p. 86 of Today’s Missal)


T H E L I T U R G Y O F T H E E U C H A R I S T MUSIC FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS God So Loved the World (11:00 A.M.) John Stainer (1840-1901)

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

(All other masses) My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

SANCTUS Jubilate Deo of Pope Paul VI

V. Sanctus… Sanctus, Mass XVIII

R. Sanctus, sanctus Dóminus Deus Sábaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis. Benedíctus qui venit in nómine Dómini. Hosánna in excélsis.

Page 3: The Second Sunday of Lent - d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · 3/1/2015  · promised that whoever attends Mass and receives Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays will receive


1. & 2. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: miserére nobis. 3. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: dona nobis pacem.

COMMUNION PROCESSION My Shepherd is the Lord

Cantor, then All: Gelineau

The Second Collection at the Cathedral helps to fund our outreach programs to people who are homeless, poor, or unemployed SECOND COLLECTION & HYMN Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days

BLESSING & DISMISSAL Acknowledgements: Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal, © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. “My Shepherd is the Lord” music by Joseph Gelineau, SJ, © 1963, 1986 The Grail / G.I.A. Publications, Inc., Chicago IL. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A721549. All rights reserved.

Page 4: The Second Sunday of Lent - d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · 3/1/2015  · promised that whoever attends Mass and receives Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays will receive

This is now the fourth week in which we have offered complementary parking in the garage for those who attend the 4 p.m. (vigil), 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday Masses. Last week a total of 39 cars used the garage between the three Masses. Although this number is a little light I am hopeful it will grow over time.

I am asking that you help to spread the word about this parking option. The more parishioners we can get to use the Parking West garage, the more spaces on the street and in our lot will be available to visitors and potential parishioners. I realize this may mean a slight inconvenience, but for our Cathedral Parish to continue to grow we need to accommodate parking. There are 100 parking spaces available for each of the three Masses. 300 parking spaces over the three Masses should be more than enough to accommodate our needs. If you need a parking pass, simply stop by the Cathedral Office or call and we will mail one to you. If possible, please plan on passing up street parking and choose the parking garage option. Your sacrifice will make it easier to welcome new people to the parish as well as those who have disability issues. On another matter, I want to thank all of you who have made your pledge to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. As we begin week three of the ACA, our parish has pledged nearly 50% of our $118,000 goal. That is a strong and timely response. If you have not yet had the opportunity to pledge, please use one of the envelopes in the pews or donate online through our Cathedral website: ww.SpokaneCathedral.com. I am grateful for all the ways you make the Mother Church of our Diocese such a wonderful community in which to belong. Asking for the prayers of Our Lady of Lourdes, I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Darrin Connall Rector


Sunday 7:00 am - Intentions for Carl & Pam Roesch 9:00 am - Cathedral Parishioners 11:00 am - Repose of the soul of Maria Esther & Harvey B. Luce

5:30 pm - For the 4,000 babies aborted each day in the United States, for those poor babies’ souls, let us pray Monday 12:00 pm - Repose of the soul of Larry Dyer Tuesday 6:30 am - Intentions for Rev. Armand Nigro 12:00 pm - Repose of the soul of Torrey Deatherage Wednesday 6:30 am - Repose of the soul of Rev. Msgr. James M. Ribble, Ph.D 12:00 pm - Repose of the soul of Dennis Keough Thursday 6:30 am - Repose of the soul of Rev. Msgr. James M. Ribble, Ph.D 12:00 pm - Birthday Blessings for Sheila Macdonald Friday 6:30 am - In memory of Frank P., Anna, Madeline & Lucille Leib 12:00 pm - Intentions for Linda Abel Saturday 7:00 am - In Thanksgiving for all Priests, Deacons, & Religious serving the Diocese & FAFB 4:00 pm - Repose of the soul of Don Kelly

6:30 pm RCIA

5:15 pm Stations of the Cross 5:45-6:45 pm Soup Supper & Presentation

Food Collection for Cathedral Plaza

Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:00 am & 11:00 am Masses

No Coffee & Donuts Today 10:10 am Sacramental Prep 6:00 pm Youth Group

6:00 pm Social Justice & Solidar ity Committee Meeting


9:00 am RCIA in O’Connor Hall





Food Collection for Women’s Hearth

KOC 2nd Sunday Breakfast No Coffee & Donuts Today 6:00 pm Youth Group


Page 5: The Second Sunday of Lent - d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · 3/1/2015  · promised that whoever attends Mass and receives Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays will receive


Lenten Education Series Rev. Patrick Baraza is continuing his five part presentation on Islam, with the second installment occurring Friday, March 6th. After Stations of the Cross, please make your way down to the dining room for a bowl of soup as you attend his talk entitled: “Understanding Islam: Muslims Are Our Neighbors”.

Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. St.

Paul reminds us that God Himself “did not spare His own

Son.” Are my gifts to the Lord—of my resources, of my

time, of myself—also sacrificial?

Please join the members of the Knights of Columbus and their families on Sunday, March 8th at 8:30 a.m. in the Cathedral as we honor our Blessed Mother by praying the Rosary.

E:6 Family, Community, Truth, History, Evangelization

This is our Catholic Faith

Check out the Grotto Youth Group for ages 12-17 and our C Team ages 18-21 Join us Sunday evenings 6-8pm in O'Connor Hall.

For more information contact Rich or Delia Breedlove [email protected] or call (509) 847-9193.

CRS Rice Bowl Reflection: Nicaragua

This week CRS Rice Bowl takes us to the coffee highlands of Nicaragua, where we’re called to protect both the goodness of creation and the livelihoods of struggling families. How will this week’s fast remind us of the

sacredness of God’s creation and our duty to protect it?

Knights of Columbus 2nd Sunday Breakfast

On Sunday, March 8th, breakfast will be served after all morning Masses. Enjoy pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, sausage, coffee & juice! Thank you, Parish, for all the support you give the Knights of Columbus, Council 14922!

Altar Society St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

Only 2 weeks left to buy tickets for the Cathedral Altar Society's annual Saint Patrick's Day Party! Join us for an evening of Irish frivolity and prizes. Purchase tickets and save

the date, March 14th at 5:00 pm in the lower level auditorium. The American favorite, corned beef dinner, will be served. Tickets are available after the Saturday Vigil Mass and all Sunday morning Masses at all church doors. Tickets prices are: Adults $8.00, ages 5 - 12 $6.00, and 4 and under free! Please call Kellie Marie Plumlee at 990-9110 or Madeline Durkin at 747-1365 if you are unable to buy tickets after Mass. Tickets are going fast so don't wait!

New Bulletin Format You may notice that the bulletin is a little smaller this week. For the past few years, we have had a relatively large number of pages which means we have needed a large number of advertisers in order to publish the bulletin at no cost to the parish. We simply do not have enough business sponsors for such a large bulletin and so we have had to cut the number of pages we offer. Please patronize the advertisers on the back and thank them for their support. If you know of another business that would like to advertise, please call 1-800-616-4138 and speak with Sheila Miller.

First Friday

This coming Friday, March 6th, is First

Friday and a day to honor the Sacred

Heart of Jesus. In an appearance to St.

Margaret Mary Alacoque, Our Lord

promised that whoever attends Mass

and receives Holy Communion on nine

consecutive First Fridays will receive specific blessings.

Among these blessings are the gift of final perseverance

and the promise to receive the last Sacraments before

death. Plan on joining your fellow parishioners this

Friday at either the 6:30 a.m or the Noon Mass.

Our parishioner Tom Hedemark

recently passed away. Please pray for

the repose of his soul.

Due to the generosity of our advertisers, this bulletin is

printed free by the Catholic Printery. Please patronize

them and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin!

Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services


Total gifts/pledges received to date: $1,201,929.65

Total collected to date: $966,326.13 Remaining pledges to be fulfilled: $235,603.52

Page 6: The Second Sunday of Lent - d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · 3/1/2015  · promised that whoever attends Mass and receives Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays will receive

Scriptural Reflection March 1, 2015 – Second Sunday of Lent

Gn 22: 1-2, 9A, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116: 10, 15-19; Rom 8: 31B-34; Mk 9: 2-10

Most of us have heard many times the story of how God tested Abraham, as reported in our first reading from Genesis. Often there may be various emotional reactions to the situation as it unfolds. However, there are two important aspects of the narrative that we sometimes miss.

Yes, Abraham was tested, but so was his son Isaac. It would seem that Isaac was a willing participant in the ordeal. Isaac clearly did not protest nor resist lying on the altar in preparation for what would occur. Isaac offers an example of one of the basic tenets of stewardship: he trusted completely in God (and in his father, as well). That kind of total trust is

difficult, but if we do not trust in the Lord, it is hard for us to make the kind of commitment to stewardship and discipleship the Lord wants from us.

The other feature of this story we sometimes miss is the parallel between Abraham and his son, and what would occur between God and His only son, Jesus Christ. Everything from the mountain to hauling the wood up the mountain to the father sacrificing his son to deliverance from death is reminiscent of Christ’s sacrifice for us, and God’s willingness to offer “His only begotten Son, that those who believe in him may not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)


Immaculate Heart Retreat Center

Alzheimers & Dementia Caregivers’ Day of Reflection

“Understanding & Normalizing Dementia Caregiving”

March 4, 2015 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

P.J. Christo, RN, MS, Alzheimer’s Association & Oscar Haupt, LCSW, Manager, Providence Adult Day Health will describe the basics of memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and will assist participants to learn how to nurture them themselves through the journey.

Cost $15.00 per person (includes lunch)

2015 Year of Consecrated Life

Religious life ought to promote growth in the church by way of attraction. The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!...It is this witness that I expect of you. Religious should be men and women who are able to wake the world up. . -Pope Francis, meeting with the Union of Superiors General, Nov. 29, 2013

Stewardship Report

for the month of February

Budget for February Collected last


Envelope Collection $ 29,755 $ 26,209

2nd Collection / Poor Fund Collection $ 8,848 $ 9,503

YTD Budget

$ 245,925

$ 77,505

YTD Collected

$ 273,911

$ 86,283

Plate Collection $ 14,102 $ 17,534 $ 125,576 $ 128,399

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