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The Second War for Independence



Embargo Act of 1807 Lots of tension existed between the United States and European

countries [England and France] especially in trading goods using ships across the Atlantic Ocean.

To avoid retaliating against England and France by using military force, the United States decided to halt commerce [stop buying and selling goods] with European countries [especially England].

This got Europe’s attention but it hurt American businesses such as farmers because they had fewer customers to sell to.

Both before and during the War of 1812 British warships were in serious need of personnel to man their ships.

Whenever British warships captured foreign sea vessels the captives [especially Americans] were impressed.

The purpose of impressment was to both embarrass the captives and staff the British warships so they were able to carry out their missions. This was considered a huge factor that led to the War of 1812?

The War Hawks

During the early 1800s England was very aggressive with its ships and was seizing U.S. ships.

The Embargo Act was making European countries upset. Jefferson had Congress pass an even stricter law called the Non-Intercourse Act that forbade American trade with Europe.

The War Hawks wanted the U.S. to declare war on England to make it clear it was capable of protecting itself.

The Burning of Washington and the Star Spangled Banner

In the midst of the war between the U.S. and England battles in Maryland and the Capital at D.C. led to the Burning of Washington, D.C.

Significant damage to the White House and the Capital building. This was a tremendous embarrassment to the U.S. and motivated them to reorganize and eventually defeat the British.

During the attacks on Washington and Baltimore, Francis Scott Key wrote a version of an old British pub song called the Star Spangled Banner that became a rallying cry for Americans during the War of 1812.

The Battle of New Orleans• This was the last and most decisive of the major battle of the

War of 1812.

• General Andrew Jackson was the leader of U.S. Forces.

• The U.S. was able to prevent the British from taking over the land obtained by the Louisiana Purchase [this was huge morale boost for the United States Army].

Treaty of Ghent At the end of the War of 1812 England and the United

States signed the Treaty of Ghent.

America was considered a world power after 1812 because it had defeated another great world power (again).

Assignment: Letter of Opinion• Base the response in your letter on all of the

information you have learned from PPT slide show about the War of 1812.

• Write a letter containing at least 10 convincing and persuasive sentences explaining why the U.S. should or should not have fought in the War of 1812.

• You can be anyone you want to be (i.e. the President, an ordinary U.S. citizen, one of the War Hawks, etc.) but whoever you are you must make a case for or against the War of 1812 using specific examples from the PPT.

• You must have an opening and closing salutation (i.e. Dear and Sincerely).

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