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The Secret to Asking Your Users the Right Questions at the Right Time

Lars LofgrenMarketing Analyst - March 2013


We’ll cover...

How to know where to start1

The scripts and tools2


How do we know what our customers want?

Weak questions get weak answers...

Different customers need different things...

Use the customer lifecycle

The Stages of Your Customer


Prospect (visits your site)2

Free Trial3

Using Your Product4

Paying Customer5


The 3-step process to understand customers

Find the roadblock using a funnel1

Go to your script and tool list2

Use one and start getting feedback3

Here’s your funnel:

Keep an eye on churn and cancellations.

A monthly churn rate of over 5% is a major problem. Your goal is 1-2%.

Stage 1 - Strangers


Your Options

Target market interviews1


Understand the problem you’re trying to solve.

This email got me 10 meetings in 1.5 hours

The second half of the email...

Use surveys to judge current behavior

Stage 2 - Prospects


Your Options

Targeted questions on your site1

Live chat2


Use Qualaroo to ask targeted questions

Does this page make you want to use our product?


What’s keeping you from wanting to try our product?


Use Olark for live chat.

Easy way to figure out what people use: heatmaps

Stage 3 - Free Trials


Your Options

“Need Help?” boxes1

Autoresponder asking for replies2

Usability tests3

Make it easy to reach your support team.

Ask people what their biggest challenge is.

Run usability tests on signups and features.

Stage 4 - Using Your Product


Your Options

Customer interviews on value received1

The P/M Question2

Survey to those that didn’t upgrade3

How much value do users get from your product?

Set up interviews with people that have been using your product.

At least 40% should say “very disappointed”

Survey for people that didn’t upgrade.

Stage 5 - Customers


Your Options

Feedback box in product1

Customer interviews for new features2

Put feedback boxes in your product.

The email we get for each piece of feedback.

Planning a feature revamp? Interview customers.

Have them show you exactly how they use the feature. What’s essential? What’s missing?

Stage 6 - Cancelled


Your Options

Email and survey1

Feedback box during cancellation2

Start with a survey.

Ask people why they’re canceling.

Can also build it into your product.

Action Steps

Measure your funnel1

Find your roadblock2

Pick an option from the list above3

KISSmetrics tracks each stage of your users

Quickly build any funnel you want1

Tracks real people2

Also track cancellations and churn3

VIP KISSmetrics Demo


Q&A Time!

For more info on KISSmetrics contactRossi Khoung

[email protected](415) 800-4156

Lars [email protected]


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