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The Secrets of Sales Management: How to Motivate your “A” Players &

Eliminate your “C’s”


Proprietary and Confidential ©2013 OpenView Investments, LLC. All Rights Reserved


• Inspiring a Sales Culture

• A’s, B’s, and C’s

• Auditing your team

• Motivation Behaviors

• Pipeline Review Techniques

• Coaching Framework


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•  People are different, and require different coaching styles. •  “A” Goal: 10% lift and retention.

•  “B” Goal: Move them 1/3 to the right.

•  ‘C” Goal: Quarantine and remove.

•  People are different than you. •  Coaching Requires tremendous commitment, but has immediate

impact •  Develop a specific coaching plan for each rep •  Imagine your reps are sales prospects •  Apply during pipeline reviews, phone calls, meetings, listening in,

etc. •  Focus on modeling to communicate expectations


Inspiring a Sales Culture

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Ask yourself…


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Ask yourself…

What kind of sales culture

do you have right now?


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Evaluate your team




B + B -

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Sales Rep inspection: •  List each sales rep •  List 2 things they excel with •  List 2 things they struggle with •  Rate each rep A, B, C


Evaluate your team

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Focus on the behavior you want to affect •  Apply relevant coaching strategies to each rep •  Commit to 15 minutes of coaching every day •  Apply the “Pigeon Principle” •  Coaching must be initiated by you


Evaluate yourself

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• Money • Recognition • Status

• Competition • Career advancement •  Increased responsibility • Safety • Belonging

• Team/Company success

A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C

A, B A, B, C A, B B, C B, C

A #CoachingABC

Motivating your A’s, B’s, and C’s

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Money •  Cash, tickets, prize choice, “lost”


Recognition/Status •  Family spiffs, executive emails

Competition •  Team award, activity boards

Career advancement •  Sales executive meeting,

competency spiff, presentations to other regions

Increased responsibility • Mentor/captain

Safety/Belonging • “Rent-a-manager,” family events

Company success • Executive exposure


Motivating your A’s, B’s, and C’s

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Roles Reward

•  Catch them doing something right

•  Speak deliberately •  Tell them that you are

recognizing their behavior •  Tell them what they did right •  Tell them why it was right •  Stop and be quiet •  Thank them and tell them to

continue the behavior •  Anchor with physical contact

Roles Reprimand

•  Speak to them immediately and privately

•  Speak deliberately •  Tell them that you are

recognizing their behavior •  Tell them what they did wrong •  Tell them how that makes you

feel •  Stop and be quiet •  Tell them that you still value

them, just not the behavior •  Anchor with physical contact


Motivating your A’s, B’s, and C’s

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•  Goal is to transfer ownership •  Insure that you have a common language •  Constantly refer to their territory plans •  Stay focused •  Do not offer solutions •  Drill 3x deep — “don’t know response” •  Start at the back of the pipeline •  Value and reward forecasting •  Inspect the commitments/goals •  Pre-determine the length of the meeting #CoachingABC

Pipeline Review

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Frame the POSITIVE

A The same

B The same

C The same

Select a GOAL

A Share goal

B Choice

C Withhold goal

Determine ACTIVITY

A Long term

B Choice of long or short

C Short term

Establish & capture RESULTS

A The same

B The same

C The same


A The same

B The same

C The same #CoachingABC

Coaching Framework

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•  Know who is an A, B, C on your team to manage and motivate appropriately:

•  “A” Goal: 10% lift and retention.

•  “B” Goal: Move them 1/3 to the right.

•  ‘C” Goal: Quarantine and remove.

•  Identify the type of sales culture you want to inspire

•  Establish ownership in pipeline reviews

•  Coach goals not outcomes



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QUESTIONS? Ask away…


Proprietary and Confidential ©2013 OpenView Investments, LLC. All Rights Reserved

THANK YOU Connect with Jeff:


@mjhoffman & @YourSalesMBA

Our next webinar with Jeff will take place Wednesday June 6th, 2014 @ 12 pm EST

Screening, Recruiting, & Hiring Top Sales Talent

Thanks for joining us today!

Happy Coaching! #CoachingABC

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