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The Six Steps to Building an Online Sales Machine

Presented By Clint Macklin

&Matt Dombrow

Founded in 2002

Ranked in the "Top 10 Web Firms" by the Denver Business Journal in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Numerous awards from IAVA to W3.

Community involvement:Alliance for Choice in EducationCourt Appointed Special Advocates for Neglected KidsSBDC Mentor Walk as a mentor for 2 years now

• Founded in 2007

• Paid Online Advertising Experts

• Advertising + Conversion = Max ROI

• Matt named a Top 40 Digital Marketing Strategist in US by the Online Marketing Institute

1. Information Gathering

2. Content

3. Design

4. Functionality

5. 3 Laws Of Online Marketing

6. How To Convert Clicks to Customers

Agenda For Building A Sales Machine

Information Gathering

When Do I need to do a redesign?

The Disappearing Sales Processhttp://www.forbes.com/

Competitive Research

• What is the purpose of the site? • Do you want to provide information,

promote a service, lead generation etc.? • What are your goals for this new site?• What do you hope to accomplish by

building this web site?• Is there a specific group or demographic of

people that you are targeting? • What kind of information will the target

audience be looking for on your site?

Other Questions to ask your self:

Developing Content

Site Map / Navigation




Call to Actions


89 million people in the United States are going to watch 1.2 billion online videos today. (ComScore)

Consumers give up on an online video if it doesn’t load in two seconds. (University of Massachusetts Amherst and Akamai Technologies)

52 percent of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions. (Invodo)

Mobile and tablet shoppers are three times as likely to view a video as laptop or desktop users. (NPD)

Mobile video ads that include social media buttons drive 36 percent higher engagement. (Rhythm NewMedia).

76 percent of marketers plan to add video to their sites, making it a higher priority than Facebook, Twitter and blog integration. (Social Media Examiner)

92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others. (Invodo)

Video Stats

Social Integration


Mobile Traffic


Don’t Forget!


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How do you persuade people to pick you?

The Three Laws of Online Marketing

Version A Version B

Version A generated 37.2% more leads

Which Image Enticed 37.2% More Prospects to Submit a Lead Generation Form:

The Product Itself or The Product Benefit?

Fundamental Laws vs. Rules of Thumb





The Formula for 100% Conversion

I Will Give You That <If You Do This = Conversion


This for That

The Formula for 100% Conversion

The Four Options for Action

1. Take action on your website

2. Take action with a competitor

3. Take an alternative action

4. Take no action

Simple Formula for Conversion - Remix

Your visitors will convert on your website when the perceived value of taking action exceeds the perceived value of

1. taking action with a competitor;

2. taking an alternative action; or

3. taking no action.

Assumes visitors can take action



The First Law

People take action based on how options occur to them.

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Options Can Occur in Multiple Ways

Which Option Occurs as the Best?

Products for Killing Mice

Home Products About Contact

View Powerful Killing Products

View Child Safe Products

Your Visitor’s Perception is Decisive and Subjective

The Second Law

How an option occurs arises in language.

We Evaluate Options Using Language

• This website has a cheaper price.

• I like this color better.

• This video looks interesting (or not).

• This Google result seems most relevant.

• This facebook page is awesome (or lame).

What do we mean by language?

Color Communicates

Shape Communicates

Standard Practices Communicate

View Pricing

View Pricing

What Do We Mean by Language?


What Are You Saying? • Words• Size• Color• Contrast• Layout• Pictures• Videos• Price• Shape• Movement• Tone• Sound

The Third Law

Value based language transforms how options occur to people.

Value Based Language Example

Opportunity for Action How it Occurs

• Why?• Its going to show up on my

timeline, does it reflect positively on me?

Value Based Language Example

Opportunity for Action How it Occurs

• I like discounts.• What kind of discounts?• What's the catch?• Still not sure I want it on my

timeline.And Receive Discounts

Value Based Language Example

Opportunity for Action How it Occurs

• I pay $75 bucks a month.• That’s awesome. • Hell yeah I’ll like that page.

And Receive 1 Month of Yoga Classes for Free – No Catch

Where Do Your Eyes Go?

Fundamental Law

Highest Contrast Element Wins Attention

Law Hierarchy

Step 6

Iterative Testing to Maximize Conversion


Clixo’s Conversion Framework

Motivation Traffic Source


Hiding the fine print makes me skeptical.

Match Motivation

Auto enrollment in monthly program for $45.00

User Tests = No Auto Enrollment

16 in High SchoolLow Energy Bad Acne

What is the nature and intensity of your visitor’s motivation?

Customer Buying Process1. Awareness

2. Research

3. Decision

4. Purchase

5. Post Purchase Assessment


Unique Relevant

I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Unique | Specific | Relevant

I have been a top surgeon in Austin for many years.

• Performed over 300 successful brain surgeries

• Named #1 brain surgeon in the US by Time Magazine.

Anyone know a good brain surgeon?

Two Levels of ValueCompany Products / Services


Easy to Use Intuitive


Clarity Incentive

Stock Tips

Which Incentive is More Valuable?

Every Element Communicates

Every Element Helps or Hurts


Anxiety Credibility

Reduce Anxiety

Free Trial Details (No Fine Print or Gimmicks)

• You get an entire box of 10 PepPods for FREE

• Shipping is only $2.95

• Your free box comes with a PepPod membership. Members receive a convenient 30 day supply of zero sugar PepPod (30 servings @ $1.49 per serving) with FREE SHIPPING each month.

• If you don’t want to maintain your membership, don’t worry. Canceling your

membership is SUPER SIMPLE. Your confirmation email will have a link to our membership cancellation page. One click and you will never be charged. Get your free trial now.

Display Advertising – Case Study

Match image to traffic source

No connection to Athlinks brand.

Video good or bad?

Highlight Form

Highlight Risk Free

Where is the product?

Background makes page pop.

Move Product Above the Fold

Co-Branding for Consistency & Trust

Reduce Anxiety

Highlight Benefits

Clean form with eye-catching button

Pulled out the gem from the video.

120% Lift in Conversions in Head to Head A/B Test

Paid Search – Case Study

40% 48%

Email Marketing – Case Study

First element on page increases anxiety

Two simple options is good. Main point of page is generate a clickthrough to features. Everything else is a distraction.

It is not clear what “system” means. Is that the phones? What about service? The info is there, but it is not clear.

Two simple options is good. The main point of this page is to generate a click-through to the features page. Everything else is a distraction.

The main conversion action for this page is hidden.

All we are trying to do is sell the idea of calling. We don’t need to provide every bit of information about the phones at this point.

This page is repetitive when compared to the first page. We are unnecessarily adding an extra layer to the conversion funnel.

Inconsistent navigation, along with an increased number of choices raises anxiety and negatively impacts the usability of the site.

Neither the name or the image accurately depicts what this box is. Also, this is not the proper point in the buying process to encourage someone to download user guides.

The user tests indicated that people like these boxes. However, the entire page can be a bit overwhelming. Simplification and focus should increase usability and reduce anxiety.

We need to lead them to the next step in the conversion funnel within the body area.

Pricing matrix is confusing. Must be dramatically simplified.

Outlining too many options and showing additional pricing raises massive anxiety about being charged for every little thing. It destroys trust that your savings claims are real.

We must do a better job of selling the value of making the call. What will happen?

Pricing page may be the last stop for many visitors before exiting or making the call. We need to reinforce our USP’s and back them up with testimonials.

Horizontal scroll bar = less user friendly

Simple Design = Low Exit Rates

175% Lift in Call Volume in a Head to Head A/B Test

Same Advertising Cost, 175% Increase in Results.

Pick an Action

Develop a Hypothesis

Test It

Analyze Results


www.clixosearch.com | 720.213.6509 | [email protected]

A Treasure Map

Step #1 – Focus on the Action

Focus on a specific opportunity for action

What is the specific action I want to persuade people to take? What am I really requesting and what am I offering in return?

Watch a video = spend time Sign up for eNewsletter = provide private information and reading time Buy a product = give me money and private information

Research how the opportunity is occurring for your visitors

User testing, surveys, online feedback pop-ups, etc. Review analytics (bounce rates, conversion rates, operating system, etc.) Use event tracking for videos and other advanced actions Compare to your competitors

Do a search for your keyword and look at the other ads How do your competitors talk about their options for action?

Step #2 – Shift to a Conversation Mindset

Evaluate the “language” you are using

What are the colors and design of my site saying? Is the opportunity for action featured appropriately? Are there too many opportunities? What language tools could I add or subtract to call attention to the opportunity for action?

Examples: Size, shape, movement, color, copy, video, images, sound, etc.

Outline the conversation for conversion

What questions do people have about this opportunity for action? What do your sales people say that works? Which paid search ad copy has the best click through rates? What gets the most likes on your facebook posts? What are people thinking in their head and in what order? KEY POINT: Remember that the conversation about this specific opportunity for action is part of

the larger conversation about your company AND industry. It does not live in a vacuum.

Step #3 – Have a Valuable Conversation

What do my visitors truly value? How can I make the value more specific? How can I make the value more relevant? How can I make the value more clear? How can I make the value more unique? How can I make the value more authoritative? How can I reduce perceived risk? What additional value can I offer? How can I make it easier? How can make it more exciting?




Contact Us!

Clint [email protected]

Matt [email protected]

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