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Page 1: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

Over 20 years ago, the Southern University Board of Supervisors mandated service learning as a requirement for all undergraduate students to graduate.

Southern University was one of the first public schools in the country to implement the service learning program.

The program was designed to provide an integrated service learning program into the academic curricula of all students.

Over 250 community, governmental, civic agencies and non-profit organizations are a part of the service learning opportunities that students get to choose to serve in.

Kristin Gordon, coordinator and instructor of service learning, stated that she has been a part of the program for over 8 years.

“We try to accommodate all students,” said Gordon, “students with jobs, families, etc. We help them with their schedules and time management.”

With this program implemented into the curricula, it gives students a sense of profession said Lori Hitchens, adjunct service learning instructor

The requirements of the service learning program is to reach a minimum of 60 clock hours of volunteer service before graduation.

Dr. Barbara Carpenter, director of service learning, has been with the program since it’s initiation and has witnessed many students’ success in the

program.According to Carpenter the program

does not only offer service, but also it gives to the community.

“It’s just not good for a degree,” exclaimed Carpenter. “It gives students opportunities.”

According to Carpenter when students are finished with their service hours, if they are offered a job at their agencies, they can happily accept.

Carpenter stated that the service learning program hosts 2 food drives a year and an annual school supplies drive.

“Students must understand there are many more people less fortunate than them,” Carpenter said.

The agencies that have provided for the students range from educational sites, such as schools, health sites, human services and youth development.

Due to the thriving excellence of the Service Learning program at SU, it has been nationally recognized for the President of the United State’s honor roll for more than five years.

With volunteering of the students, the Greater Baton Rouge community has experienced a dynamic economic impact.

According the Center for Service Learning, The economic impact to Baton Rouge is invaluable... Contributing hours in jobs of positions such as assistant teachers, assistant coaches, data entry clerks, tutors, recreational therapists, hospice care, and clerical work.

Service learning led a drive to provide

The Southern University Center For Student Success is looking to assist students this year with their writing and improve their overall English skills by offering a free paper review service.

Both undergraduates and graduates are encouraged to stop by room 107 in Stewart Hall with their papers, where they will be reviewed by English tutors for things such as; clarity, grammatical errors, sentence structure, and thesis statements.

Students should be aware that their paper must be submitted at least 24 hours before it is assigned to be turned in to their instructor.

Jewell L. Ricard, Administrative Assistant in the Center For Student Success said, “We are working in conjunction with the English Department and they will help out in any way they can.”

Ricard mentioned the qualifications that tutors have to read and review essay assignments.

“Our English tutors all have at least a 3.0 and read and write very well,” Ricard said.

The mission of the Center for Student Success is to provide students with the support that will strengthen their academic performance and promote student success and retention.

“This is our first time doing this paper review service but we hope it turns out to be a great success,” Ricard said.

To improve even more of students

writing skills, The Center For Student Success will be hosting English workshops every Friday at 10a.m. beginning on Jan. 27 in Stewart Hall Auditorium.

These workshops will educate students on descriptive, illustration, process, definition, classification, comparison, cause/effect, and argumentation essays as well as a workshop on research papers.

Students currently taking English 110 and 111 will find these workshops the most beneficial as these essays will be covered in their classes.

Students are required to take a writing proficiency examination at the end of 110 and 111 that measures the basic writing skills of students.

Students currently taking English courses gave their thoughts on the free paper review service and whether or not they’d use it.

Mike Phillips, mass communications major said, “I feel this can be very beneficial for anyone in need of improving their writing skills. I would definitely use it.”

Some students are undecided about the review service said that while it sounds like a good idea, there are certain online services that will do the same thing in a more timely fashion.

Taylor Johnson, English major said, “I used a website called www.paperrater.com to check my papers for errors. It was quick, easy, and free.”

While it is unclear how successful this Free Paper Review Service will be, it is comforting to know that Southern students have these resources available to them during their collegiate journey.

An unexpected blackout caught Southern University students off guard last Thursday when the entire campus including the campus living areas at the back of campus lost power.

Rumors circulated whether construction knocked out power or whether inclement weather was in the area that would have caused the outage.

Voice and data lines were lost due to a construction error just days before.

Richard Trollier, Superin-tendent of the Central Plant and Electrical Systems, said that there was an energy breaker that was triggered and that it came from the Swan Street substation.

When asked about if the blackout was done intentionally,

said Trollier, “No. It was a circuit breaker that tripped”.

The timing of the blackout on campus was said to have

occurred between 2:50 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Before it occurred, there were numerous students that were either in their dorm rooms, classes, in the library, or in the union killing some time before their next class.

Students were at awe as to how and why the power just all of a sudden went off.

According to Trollier, there

are three circuits that control the power in the whole campus.

“Circuit one feeds the central plant. Circuit two feeds the main

campus, and circuit three feeds areas north of the ravine, mainly the dormitory area,” Trollier said.

He explained that the plant had no control over Entergy and that they are responsible once the power on the campus goes out.

Senior history major Darryl Waker said that he was in his

world literature class at the time of the blackout.

“While we were in our class, the power went out and the

classroom got dark. We were forced to evacuate from the building the minute after,” Waker said.

Senior History major Henry Maiden said that once the power went out that he took it upon himself to look for his teacher and once he found her, they officially cancelled class and he headed out to his next class. He

described the incident as a “mass confusion” for students.

Even though the power went out on the entire campus, the power in the dorms and apartments didn’t go off immediately after the front campus power went out. Sophomore History major Imani Robinson said that she wasn’t aware of the power outage on campus at first because the power where she was didn’t go off until later.

“Soon as we got word of the outage, we went over to the sub-station north of T.T. Allain and found that there was no power,” said Trollier.

“We contacted Entergy to reset the breaker and the power came back one. Once the power was back on, we made sure that the breakers at the substation didn’t go off.”

See Service page 3

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ThurSday, January 26, 2012 www.southerndigest.com

Obama challenges Republicanssee State & Nation, Page 4

SU hoops continue winning wayssee Sports, Page 5

Pilots, action high points for ‘Red Tails’see Culture, page 8

volume 58, iSSue 1

James TeagueThe Southern Digest

marcus greenThe Southern Digest

“Soon as we got word of the outage, we went over the substation north of T.T. Allain and found that there was no power.”

Richard TrollierSupt. of Central Plant and Electrical Systems

Official: Tripped breaker caused blackout

CSS to offer students free paper review service

Service Learning helps students get foot in the door

chrisTie carralThe Southern Digest

Page 2: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

SUBR ConStRUCtionConstruction is still underway

at SU. Check the Digest and www.southerndigest.com for more information. If you have any safety questions or concerns contact Chris Spurlock at 225.771.7286 or Robert Nissen at 225.771.3101.

MLK CathoLiC StUdent CenteRThe St. Joseph Chapel/ MLK

Catholic Student Center offers Sunday mass service at 11 a.m. and daily mass at 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday. Confessions are by appointment.

SoUtheRn UniveRSity WeSLey FoUndation

The Southern University Wesley Foundation is accepting donations of non-perishable and canned foods for their food drive. They will be accepting donations until April. Worship services are on Wednesdays at noon.

Union FUn FRidaySLaCumba’s Playpen, Union

Bowling Alley and Burger King will be open Fridays. LaCumba’s Playpen and the bowling alley will offer half price Fridays.

WaLgReenS inFoRMationaL SeSSion

COB will host a Walgreens Informational Session today at 11 am in room 222 of T.T. Allain. All College of Business students with a 2.5 or higher GPA with an interest in Supply Chain are encouraged to attend. For more information contact Dr. Ashe at 225.771.6248, Ms. Jackson at 225.771.5883, or Ms. Rey at 225.771.2829.

FoRd BLaCK CoLLege QUiz ShoW (BCQ)

The latest jeopardy style game show features students from 12 HBCUs. The show is hosted by GregAlan Williams from “The Game” and “Necessary Roughness”. For more details visit www.blackcollegequiz.com.

gRadUate SChooL CRitiCaL dateSOrientation is today at 5 p.m.

in the Pinchback High Tech Room, The deadline to receive applications for summer 2012 graduation is Feb. 7. A list of critical dates is in the graduate school office.

CenteR FoR StUdent SUCCeSSThe SU CSS offers a free

paper service. You can have your paper reviewed for clarity, grammatical errors, sentence structure, etc. CSS will also be offering English workshops every Friday at 10 a.m. starting Jan. 27. CSS will be offering seminars to assist students with topics such as discovering their learning styles, study skills, to stress management. Contact CSS for more information on any of these programs and for tutoring questions at 225.771.4312 or stop by 107 in Stewart Hall.

BLaCK CitizenShip aWaRd honoReeS at SULC

Dr. Rachel Emanuel and A.P Tureaud, Jr. will receive NAACP’s A.P. Tureaud Black Citizenship award medal in a ceremony on Jan. 28 at 1 p.m. in the SU Law Center.

eaRned inCoMe tax CRedit dayThe Southern University Law

Center will be hosting at Earned income tax credit awareness day in the Law center auditorium Jan. 28. The awareness event will last from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

CoB SpRing 2012 oRientationThe College of Business

Leadership council invites all students pursuing a business degree to attend. Come learn about the faculty, advisement, scholarship and intern opportunities, and how to succeed in business programs Jan. 31 at 11 am in room 313 of T.T. Allain. An organizational fair will follow orientation on

the 2nd floor of T.T. Allain. For more information contact the College of Business.

2012 Unity CeLeBRationThe 2012 Unity Celebration

“Diverse Dialogues” will be at Baton Rouge Community College on Feb. 1 at 6 p.m. in The Magnolia Performing Arts Pavilion. The program will be a panel discussion moderated by John Quinones.

Union aCtivity BoaRdThe Union Activity Board

presents Mid Day movies in February at noon. Movies will be shown Feb. 1, 15 and 28. Upcoming Market Days in the Union will be Feb. 1, 2, 14, 15, 28 and 29. There will be a Super Bowl Party from 5-10 p.m. on Feb. 5 and Apollo Night/Year of Lovers will be on Feb. 13 from 6-9 p.m.

MaRy FRanCeS BeRRy at SULCMary Frances Berry will be

speaking in the Law Center Speaker Series about making a difference where you are the value and challenges of local change agents. The lecture will be Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. in Room 130 A.A. Lenoir Hall.

intRaMURaL SpoRtS BaSKetBaLL LeagUe

Registration for Intramural Basketball league for men and women is underway in F.G. Clark weight room and in Smith Brown Memorial Union. SU men, women, and faculty are encouraged to join. League play starts on Feb. 3. All games will played on Fridays in Seymour Gym. Contact Coach Robinson at 225.771.3212.

pRe-LaW daySouthern University Law

Center will host their annual pre-law day on Feb. 3 from 9 am- 2p.m.. Contact Andrea Love, Director of Recruitment via e-mail at [email protected].

january 27

Page 2 - ThurSday, January 26, 2012

camPuS lifeThe SenTinel of an enlighTened STudenT Body Since 1926

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ISSN: 1540-7276. Copyright 2008 by The Southern University Office of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is written, edited and published by members of the student body at Southern University and A&M College.

All articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Southern DIGEST and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the written permission from the Editor in Chief and Director of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is published twice-weekly (Tuesday & Friday) with a run count of 5,000 copies per issue during the Southern University - Baton Rouge campus fall, spring semesters.

The paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public every Tuesday & Friday morning on the SUBR campus. The Southern DIGEST student offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. The offices are located on the first floor of T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1064.

The Southern DIGEST is the official student newspaper of Southern University and A&M College located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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Southern University and A&M College at Baton Rouge is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, Website: www.sacscoc.org.

MISSIOn STaTEMEnTThe mission of Southern University and A&M College, an Historically Black, 1890 land-grant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that Southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens. Website: www.subr.edu.


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Daytime Phone: ( )


who’s speaking out?

“I thought it would be rough at first, but it gives me more time to study so I’m adjusting well.”

“It was not easy for me at first, but it has become more convienent to me. It is going to be a challenge to manage deeper into the semester.”

“Overall, I like the new schedule. However, my Monday and Wednesday classes are ridiculous.”

“It has maximized students’ performance by condensing schedules allowing for additional rest and permits working students to shift work hours to days off.”

JouBerT SimS











Joy K.sims



How are you adjusting to the four-day week?

campus briefsTODay

FEBruary 1

january 31

FEBruary 3

january 28FEBruary 2

Page 3: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

MOGADISHU, Somalia — The same U.S. Navy SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden parachuted into Somalia under cover of darkness early Wednesday and crept up to an outdoor camp where an American woman and Danish man were being held hostage. Soon, nine kidnappers were dead and both hostages were freed.

President Barack Obama authorized the mission by SEAL Team Six two days earlier, and minutes after he gave his State of the Union address to Congress he was on the phone with the American’s father to tell him his daughter was safe.

The Danish Refugee Council confirmed the two aid workers, American Jessica Buchanan and Dane Poul Hagen Thisted, were “on their way to be reunited with their families.”

Buchanan, 32, and Thisted, 60, were working with a de-mining unit of the Danish Refugee Council when gunmen kidnapped the two in October.

The raiders came in quickly, catching the guards as they were sleeping after having chewed the narcotic leaf qat for much of the evening, a pirate who gave his name as Bile Hussein told The Associated Press by phone. Hussein said he was not present at the site but had spoken with other pirates who were, and that they told him nine pirates had been killed in the raid and three were “taken away.”

A U.S. official confirmed media reports that the SEALs parachuted into the area before moving on foot to the target. The official said SEAL Team Six carried out the mission, the same team that killed al-Qaida

leader bin Laden in Pakistan last May. The raid happened near the Somali town of Adado.

New intelligence emerged last week that Buchanan’s health was “deteriorating rapidly,” so Obama directed his security team to develop a rescue plan, according to a senior administration official who was not authorized to speak publicly.

“As Commander-in-Chief, I could not be prouder of the troops who carried out this mission, and the dedicated professionals who supported their efforts,” Obama said in a statement released by the White House. “The United States will not tolerate the abduction of our people, and will spare no effort to secure the safety of our citizens and to bring their captors to justice.”

A Western official said the rescuers and the freed hostages flew by helicopter to a U.S. military base called Camp Lemonnier in the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information had not been released publicly. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Camp Lemonnier just over a month ago. A key U.S. ally in this region, Djibouti has the only U.S. base in sub-Saharan Africa. It hosts the military’s Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa.

Buchanan lived in neighboring Kenya before Somalia, and worked at a school in Nairobi called the Rosslyn Academy from 2007-09, said Rob Beyer, the dean of students. He described the American as easy to laugh and adventurous.

“There have been tears on and around the campus today,” Beyer said. “She was well-loved by all her students.”

The timing of the raid may have been made more urgent by Buchanan’s medical

condition. The Danish Refugee Council had been trying to work with Somali elders to win the hostages’ freedom but had found little success.

“One of the hostages has a disease that was very serious and that had to be solved,” Danish Foreign Minister Villy Soevndal told Denmark’s TV2 channel. Soevndal did not provide any more details. oevndal congratulated the Americans for the raid.

The Danish Refugee Council said both freed hostages are unharmed “and at a safe location.” The group said in a separate statement that the two “are on their way to be reunited with their families.”

Ann Mary Olsen, head of the Danish Refugee Council’s international department, informed Hagen Thisted’ family of of the successful military operation and said “they were very happy and incredibly relieved that it is over.”

The two aid workers appear to have been kidnapped by criminals — sometimes referred to as pirates — and not by Somalia’s al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab. As large ships at sea have increased their defenses against pirate attacks, gangs have looked for other money making opportunities like land-based kidnappings.

The Danish Refugee Council had earlier enlisted traditional Somali elders and members of civil society to seek the release of the two hostages.

“We are really happy with the successful release of the innocents kidnapped by evildoers,” said Mohamud Sahal, an elder in Galkayo town, by phone. “They were guests who were treated brutally. That was against Islam and our culture ... These men (pirates) have spoiled our good customs and culture, so Somalis should fight back.”

newSThurSday, January 26, 2012 - Page 3


The SenTinel of an enlighTened STudenT Body Since 1926

abdi guled,dan gelsTon &Tim dahlberg

The Associated Press

Service from page 1

clothes and personal items to the people that were affected by the earthquake in Haiti in 2011.

The service learning program has been expanded to international initiatives where students can not only provide service locally, state-wide, and globally but also internationally.

Carpenter stated that the program has agencies available in different countries. “We have places in Belize, China, Senegal and Mexico.”

Students can complete hours in the study abroad program by studying languages or cultural diversity while providing opportunities for students to serve the local communities through tutoring English, math and physical education in area schools.

Morneal Mark, a senior Fine Arts major, from New Orleans said that he was enrolled in service learning in the summer of 2011. The agency he assigned to was Southern University Laboratory School’s Summer Camp, working with the elementary age students.

“It was definetly a good experience because I plan to teach after I graduate,” said Mark. “I think it’s important for all students to have to take this course.”

If you would like more information about the Center for Service Learning stop by their office in T.H. Harris Hall or call their office at 225.771.2613.

US military raid in Somalia frees pair

Page 4: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

NEW ORLEANS — A day after President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech, petroleum industry representatives called Wednesday for a more-aggressive energy development policy, saying the United States could take care of more of its petroleum needs while cutting dependence on unstable foreign oil supplies.

During the annual meeting of the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, industry officials said the formula should include shale oil production, offshore drilling in more areas and the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline that would bring oil from Canada to Texas.

“The game changer is the oil sands of Canada and the shale plays,” said LMOGA head Chris John. “It has the potential to make us energy independent. Every barrel we bring in from Canada is one less barrel we have to buy from Hugo Chavez.”

On Tuesday night, the president directed his administration to develop a plan for safe extraction of natural gas from shale deposits, which the White House said would support more than 600,000 jobs. Obama said the administration is moving forward with rules to ensure that safe drilling practices are followed and the types of chemicals in the fracking method are disclosed for operations on public lands.

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, involves the high-pressure injection of millions of gallons of water, along with sand and chemical additives, deep underground

to extract natural gas trapped in shale rock. The technique is being expanded rapidly to produce oil from shale.

The industry has long contended that fracking is safe, but environmentalists and some residents who live near drilling sites say it has poisoned groundwater. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has started a study of the issue.

Obama also called again for an end to drilling tax breaks for the oil and natural gas industry — a proposal that Congress has largely ignored, even when Democrats controlled both chambers.

John said eliminating those breaks would merely drive oil exploration overseas.

“These drilling operators are very mobile and they can move easily,” he said.

Randall Luthi, head of the National Ocean Industries Association, repeated a longstanding industry call to open up more of the coastal United States to offshore drilling. Obama made a move in that direction shortly before the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, but quickly backed off.

During his speech Obama said he was directing his administration “to open more than 75 percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources.” At the meeting, federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management director Tommy Beaudreau said the president was referring to the current proposed five-year offshore lease plan that includes 12 lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico, plus potential sales in the Chuckchi and Beaufort seas off Alaska and the Cook Inlet in Alaska.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama delivered an election-year broadside to Republicans: Game on.

The GOP, from Congress to the campaign trail, signaled it’s ready for the fight.

In his third State of the Union address, Obama issued a populist call for income equality that echoed the Occupy Wall Street movement. He challenged GOP lawmakers to work with him or move aside so he could use the power of the presidency to produce results for an electorate uncertain whether he deserves another term.

Facing a deeply divided Congress, Obama appealed to lawmakers to send him legislation on immigration, clean energy and housing, knowing full well the election-year prospects are bleak but aware that polls show that the independent voters who lifted him to the presidency crave bipartisanship.

“I intend to fight obstruction with action,” Obama told a packed chamber and tens of millions of

Americans watching in prime time. House Republicans greeted his words with stony silence.

The Democratic president’s vision of an activist government broke sharply with Republican demands for less government intervention to allow free enterprise. The stark differences will be evident in the White House’s dealings with Congress and in the presidential campaign over the next 10 months.

In the Republican response to the president’s address, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who once considered a White House bid, railed against the “extremism” of an administration that stifles economic growth.

“No feature of the Obama presidency has been sadder than its constant effort to divide us, to curry favor with some Americans by castigating others,” Daniels said, speaking from Indianapolis. “As in previous moments of national danger, we Americans are all in the same boat.”

Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday the protracted policy fight with Republicans is “not about bad guys and good guys,” but centers on how best to keep the

middle class growing in America.The administration has

worked hard to strike deals with congressional Republicans on a wide array of issues, he said, including steps to rein in the mounting federal deficit. But Biden added that time after time in talks he held with congressional figures in both parties, he was told little could be accomplished

because of the wall of opposition from 86 conservative House Republicans.

“It’s like the tail is wagging the dog,” the vice president said.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., called the differences between the parties “stark” and said he thought little could be accomplished on the federal debt until the two

sides come to grips with the skyrocketing costs of health care and the Medicare program.

“I don’t think anyone wants to pay higher taxes,” Cantor said. And he said Washington needs to “get out of the mindset” that the country’s problems can be solved with new programs and accept that small business “is the backbone” of the economy.

president Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington Tuesday.photo By SaUL LoeB/ap photo

Page 4 - ThurSday, January 26, 2012

STaTe & naTionThe SenTinel of an enlighTened STudenT Body Since 1926


alan sayreThe Associated Press

Obama challenges Republicans

donna cassaTaThe Associated Press

La. oil officials dissatisfied with Obama speech

Page 5: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

The Southern women’s basketball team flexed its defensive muscle defeating Alabama State 71-51 Monday at the F.G. Clark Activity Center.

The Jaguars (7-8, 6-2 South-western Athletic Conference) held the Lady Hornets to shoot 30 percent from the field.

Kendra Coleman led the Jaguars in the scoring category with 23 points and played 33 minutes.

“We moved Coleman to the point guard to free up our offense. We wanted to get her hands on the basketball so that she would have more opportunities to create,” said women’s head coach Sandy Pugh.

Jamie Floyd led the team in rebounds with grabbing 10, also scoring 12 points.

Alabama State (6-10, 3-4 SWAC) played without starting point guard Temara Wadlington who suffered a knee injury in their loss to Alcorn State.

ASU’s Quentori Alford led

her team scoring 12 points and also blocking three shots.

The Jaguars shook off a 34 percent shooting performance in the first half, knocking down 46 percent of their shots in the second half.

“We have a tremendous task before us and must continue to improve,” Pugh added.

With this win the Jags improve their home record to 4-2 and will return to action Saturday to face Alcorn State at 2 p.m. at the F.G. Clark Activity Center.

The F.G. Clark Activity Center rocked Monday night as Southern’s fast-paced transition offense ran past Alabama State, defeating the Hornets 68-56.

The atmosphere in the Minidome was electric, with a season-high attendance of 1,477 fans.

The Human Jukebox entertained well throughout the game along with the “thunder sticks” that were given to the fans, the Jaguar Nation represented well as the sixth man.

Southern (10-11, 6-2 South-western Athletic Conference) controlled the game from start to finish, shooting 54 percent from the field and allowing the Hornets to take the lead only twice in the entire game.

The Jaguars had three players to score in double digits with Derick Beltran and Quinton Doggett leading the team with 17 points each.

Jameel Grace added 16 points to the score and led the team in assists with five.

“We try to do our job on the

court and play hard so the fans can respect how we play and even on a bad night if we lose they still see that we are working hard to please them,” SU men’s head coach Roman Banks said after the game.

Doggett, who played a key roll in the Jaguars victory lead the team with eight rebounds and six blocks.

Beltran and Grace both pulled in six rebounds.

Alabama State (7-12, 4-3 SWAC) shot 33 percent from the field and Ivory White was the only player to reach double digits scoring 12 points and also getting 11 rebounds giving him a double-double.

The win moves the Jaguars to into second place in the SWAC standings behind conference frontrunner Mississippi Valley State (8-11, 7-0) heading into this weekend. Southern finishes the first round of SWAC play at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at home against Alcorn State (4-15, 2-6), and a win over the Braves would give the Jaguars a .500 record for the second time this season.

Prior to this season, Southern’s last time with a .500 record came after splitting games between SMU and Paul

Quinn at the start of the 2007-08 season.

Doggett earns second SWAC POTW honor

Southern forward Quinton Doggett earned his second SWAC Player of the Week honor Wednesday for his performance in games played Jan. 21 and Jan. 23.

Southern (10-11, 6-2) is off to its best start in SWAC play since 2006 when the Jaguar captured their first regular season title in 16 years.

The 6-foot-7 Richmond, Va., native, averaged 19 points and 8.5 rebounds while shooting nearly 65 percent from the field as the Jaguars swept Alabama A&M and Alabama State.

In the Jaguars 68-56 win over Alabama State, Doggett posted a solid with a 17-point performance and adding eight rebounds and six blocks.

Southern hosts Alcorn State Saturday on “Remember Bobby Phills” night in the F.G. Clark Activity Center. Phills, a former SU standout and NBA star with the Cleveland Cavaliers and Charlotte Hornets, passed away tragically after an automobile accident in Charlotte, N.C. in 2000.

Saturday’s game will be broadcasted live on Cox Sports (Cable Ch. 37, HD-1037)

beginning with women’s action at 2 p.m. Tipoff for the men’s game is scheduled for 4:30 p.m.

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - Page 5The senTinel Of an enlighTened sTudenT BOdy since 1926


Southern guard Derick Beltran goes for a layup against Alabama State during Monday’s SWAC contest. Beltran’s 17 points helped the Jaguars defeat the Hornets 68-56.

PHOTO By TreVOr James/DiGesT

aristiDe PhilliPsThe Southern Digest

Southern’s Jamie Floyd (5) and forward Anyssa Hoyle double Alabama State’s Jasmine Quinn as the Jaguars forced 23 turnovers en route to a 71-51 win over the Lady Hornets at the F.G. CLark Activity Center.

PHOTO By TreVOr James/DiGesT

Jaguars power past HornetsaristiDe PhilliPsThe Southern Digest

Jags clamp down on Alabama St.

Page 6: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

Page 6 - Thursday, January 26, 2012 The senTinel Of an enlighTened sTudenT BOdy since 1926

Page 7: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

For some, Barack Obama’s State of the Union address was the best speech ever and for others it was motivation to vote for Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich or even Ron Paul.

No matter your political affiliation or favor of one candidate over another everyone is working towards a new version of themselves, new ambitions, new aspirations, and turning over a new leaf.

New Year’s resolutions are common promises made to yourself or close cohorts to change something in the new year in comparison to something that happened in the previous year.

Deciding what that resolution may be is up to you; it may be personal, professional, spiritual, or even social but, it transforms you into a element of change.

President Barack Obama in 2008 ran his campaign on the foundation of hope and change. Creating a vision in voters and constituents of the endless possibilities and opportunities ahead.

The State of the Union was

no different; he discussed his implementation of change, plans for more change, and hope for establishing a stronger union in pursuit of making ‘The American Dream’ accessible to everyone.

Traditionally change is social execution, it is frowned upon, and does not recognize intent of founders of traditions.

But, it takes vision to implement change whether it is on the grass roots level or the international level.

Change is defined as making

different in a particular, to make radically different, to replace with another, or to undergo modification. Each of these has a dimension no, President comes in and says I want to make this country different now, and doesn’t recognize what has worked and failed.

No authoritarian decides to rule without trying to utilize former policies or make minor adjustments to established policy. No one wants to re-invent the wheel.

Decide what you will do for yourself and your community this year.

Whether it’s a goal to get healthy, educate kids, volunteer, or commit to spiritual well being no goal is too great with motivation and dedication.

After all, in the words of Biggie Smalls (Notorious B.I.G.) “We can’t change the world if we don’t change ourselves.”

The same applies to Southern University, if we don’t change the building blocks for the better the house of cards will collapse in one swift motion.

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EDITORIAL POLICYStaff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.

PUBLICATION ASSOCIATIONSThe Southern DIGEST is a member of the Black College Communications Association (BCCA), National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), University - Wire Network (U-Wire), Associated Collegiate Press (ACP), College Media Advisers Association (CMA), Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Full member of the Associated Press (AP) and the Louisiana Press Association (LPA).

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Thursday, January 26, 2012 - Page 7

cOmmenTaryThe senTinel Of an enlighTened sTudenT BOdy since 1926


evan TaylOr

New year, new inspiration

Page 8: The Southern Digest Jan. 26 2012

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — American master Martin Scorsese journeyed to France, putting Hollywood’s newest technology to work for his dazzling 3-D re-creation of 1930s Paris in “Hugo.” French filmmaker Michel Hazanavicius came to America, reviving old-time Hollywood with his charming resurrection of early cinema in the silent film “The Artist.”

The two films now head a 21st century Academy Awards show whose top nominees offer loving looks back to the infancy of moviemaking, when flicks really flickered and cutting-edge visual effects amounted to actors jumping out of the frame while the camera was stopped so they would seem to magically disappear.

Scorsese’s Paris adventure “Hugo” led contenders Tuesday with 11 nominations, among them best-picture and the latest directing honor for the Oscar-winning filmmaker.

Hazanavicius’ “The Artist” ran second with 10 nominations, including honors for the director and Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo, the stars of the film that could become the first silent movie to win the best-picture prize since year one at

the Oscars.Also nominated for best picture:

Alexander Payne’s family drama “The Descendants”; Stephen Daldry’s Sept. 11 tale “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”; Tate Taylor’s Deep South drama “The Help”; Woody Allen’s romantic fantasy “Midnight in Paris”; Bennett Miller’s sports tale “Moneyball”; Terrence Malick’s family chronicle “The Tree of Life”; and Steven Spielberg’s World War I epic “War Horse.”

Arguably the world’s most passionate moviemaker for preserving old films and the heritage of cinema, Scorsese tried his hand at 3-D filmmaking for the first time on “Hugo” and crafted a look with such depth that the images are almost tactile.

“Hugo” follows the adventures of a boy and girl caught up in a mystery surrounding French silent film pioneer George Melies (Ben Kingsley), who stretched the boundaries of cinema with fantastical short movies in the early 1900s.

Today’s digital technology made it possible for Scorsese to create his elaborate illusion of long-gone Paris. But the process he describes sounds as experimental and innovative as the work Melies did a century ago.

“It was harder to do because every time we put the camera in a position I wanted,

we discovered new ways to do things or wrong ways to do things. We were, in a sense, constantly breaking new ground,” Scorsese said. “We had to rediscover how to make movies every day, every setup.”

Among the nominations for “Hugo” are adapted screenplay, cinematography, musical score and visual effects.

“The Artist” is a throwback to black-and-white silent days as a superstar of the pre-sound era (best-actor nominee Dujardin) falls on hard times when talking pictures arrive, while a rising star (supporting-actress nominee Bejo) becomes guardian angel for the former screen idol.

“Who knows? It might be possible that he’s set off a chain reaction, and we’re off for 100 years of silent movies,” Dujardin said. “I would love it. It’s really fun for an actor. It’s very playful, and it’s pure emotion. In the end, you only see what is essential. You take away the intellect, and what’s left is life.”

Along with his directing honor, Hazanavicius was nominated for original screenplay on “The Artist.” The film’s other nominations include musical score, cinematography and costume design.

While “Hugo” and “The Artist” are testaments to early filmmaking, another key nomination is a tribute to the big-screen’s most famous sex

symbol, Marilyn Monroe, a superstar who was never nominated for an Oscar. Michelle Williams earned a best-actress nomination as Monroe in “My Week with Marilyn.”

During the commercial breaks of last year’s Bayou Classic, the sponsor screens displayed a black screen over and over again with the words “Red Tails” glowing in red.

The font of the letters made it look like a horror movie promo, but it wasn’t until I saw the trailer during halftime that I finally said “I gotta see it.”

I’m pretty sure others of African descent said the same thing, since the movie was based on the stories of Tuskegee Airmen. Making the decision to see the movie felt similar to making an obligation by going to support the movie out of respect due to the Tuskegee syphilis experiments of 1942-1972, and Booker T. Washington’s establishment of Tuskegee University in 1881.

History shows us that Tuskegee is very important when it comes to the African American experience so, of course, Red Tails was well overdue for a film.

With Terrance Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr., a few familiar faces from “The Help” and “The Great Debaters,” and the funding put forth by George Lucas, Red Tails was and still is considered a must see.

In the beginning of the movie, a statement made by the U.S. military stated that blacks were unsuitable for the military because they believed blacks had a severe lack of “courage”

and “intelligence.” Due to the Tuskegee Airmen being only an experiment for military purposes, their duties only involved them attacking German trains, leaving them completely out of the World War II front-line action.

The Tuskegee Airmen received their wish to fight in a small mission after Colonel A.J. Bullard, played by Howard, vouched for his men to get a shot at the Germans, who were often referred to as “Jerrys”. Even though their planes were considered “hand-me downs,” the unit went on to fight.

It was 1944, when the Tuskegee Airmen proved their combat ability by killing 13 “Jerrys,” demolishing about 65 German aircrafts, and by wrecking havoc on an entire German airbase. Once the rapture was over, a

German pilot was shocked and startled because the American pilot was an “African.” In return for their victory, the unit received top of the line P-51 Mustang warplanes. They were also given the opportunity to escort U.S. bombers during the war. The bombers weren’t accepting of the idea initially but after their first run in with the Germans, the Red Tails held their ground and kept the bombers safe.

What’s interesting is the nickname that was given to the Tuskegee Airmen, Red Tails. This nickname created after they proved themselves worthy to escort and combat in the sky. Cliff “Sticks” Smith, played by Method Man, made a thought-provoking statement while painting the tails of the new planes red, “What’s more distinguishing than a plane with

red tails and black pilots?”The cast was filled with up-

and-coming African American actors and, to be quite honest, all of them outshined veterans Gooding and Howard. However, one actor in particular stood out above all, and his name David Oyelowo, who played Joe ‘Lightning’ Little. The character of Lightning portrayed the confidence and strength of a black man. He was basically the wild card and throughout the film. Lightning was a man who beat his own drum and followed his own tune.

For example, whenever his commander, Marty ‘Easy’ Julian played by Nate Parker, would give a command Lightning would quickly argue with him and do his own thing. Whenever this happened, he went over and beyond by ignoring the danger

that was put before him. This exciting adrenaline rush cycle all comes to an end when Lightning is squared off with a “Jerry” in order to save his commander and good friend Marty. Lightning eventually killed the “Jerry” but afterwards he realizes his own war wounds and dies in the cockpit while the plane crashed, leaving Marty to witness the entire tragedy.

Many critics agree that the combat scenes were the main focus for this film yet the characters are one-dimensional. The combat scenes are intense because I remember leaving the theater with a pilot’s point of view. I drove my car like I was in a plane cockpit by peeling out the parking lot and doing 100 mph on I-10 heading home while screaming out the window, “This is for RedTails!”

When it comes to the critiquing the characters being one-dimensional, I agree, but in a good way. Of course, there were more men enlisted in the Tuskegee Airmen Unit besides the eight characters depicted in the film. However, the one-dimensional characters, in my view, rather portrayed the personalities of the entire 332nd Fighter Group.

For example, the names of the characters (i.e., Joker, Easy, Joker, Winky, Lightning) were associated with a certain personality. It was those personalities that brought the valorous story of the Tuskegee Airmen to life.

In this image released by 20th Century Fox, from left, David Oyelowo, Elijah Kelley, Leslie Odom Jr., Michael B. Jordan, Nate Parker and Kevin Phillips are shown in a scene from the film, “Red Tails.”

PHOTO By 20TH cenTury fOx/aP PHOTO

Page 8 - Thursday, January 26, 2012

culTureThe senTinel Of an enlighTened sTudenT BOdy since 1926


Pilots, action high points for ‘Red Tails’Billy WashingtonThe Southern Digest

Asa Butterfield portrays Hugo Cabret in a scene from “Hugo.” The film was nominated Tuesday for an Oscar for best film. The Oscars will be presented Feb. 26 at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, hosted by Billy Crystal and broadcast live on ABC.

PHOTO By ParamOunT PicTures/aP PHOTO

‘Hugo,’ ‘Artist’ inject cinema nostalgia to OscarsChristy lemire &

DaviD germainThe Associated Press

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