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Page 1: The Squashed Bananabethkadimabbg.weebly.com/uploads/4/0/5/6/40569041/...bananas, he had chosen one bundle almost completely green, and the other perfectly yellow. The old man limped

The Squashed Banana--Back to School Edition--

Fall Term 2014 Board:

N’siah: Aviva Yonah Collazo Braier

S’ganit: Samantha Jill Agranov

MIT Mom: Danielle Nicole Tobb

M’keshert: Leetal Pinko

Sh’licha: Maya Leah Frenkel Fontheim

Katvanit: Danielle Franchesca Katz

Gizborit: Arielle Devorah Ben-Yosef

Mazkirot: Elana Tobb and Rachel Fran Schmuckler

Sunshine Girl: Madison Nicole Wakefield

In This Issue:

Home Ec (How-To’s and Recipes)- Pages 2-3

Child Development (Beth Kadima Compliments)- Page 4

Creative Writing (Poems, Stories, and Lists)- Pages 5-6

Geomety (Reflections on School)- Page 7

Art (Activities)- Page 8-9

Page 2: The Squashed Bananabethkadimabbg.weebly.com/uploads/4/0/5/6/40569041/...bananas, he had chosen one bundle almost completely green, and the other perfectly yellow. The old man limped

Home Ec(How To’s and


Nutella Goes on Anything!Ingredients and Materials:1 Tortilla 1 Knife1 PlateNutella 1 Banana Step 1- Warm up tortilla in the microwave for 10 seconds. Step 2- Open Nutella and apply as much as you want to the tortilla using the knife.Step 3- Peel banana and slice into small pieces. Step 4- Place the banana on to the Nutella and roll it up.Step 5- ENJOY

By Amanda Miller

~Nutella Fact~All of the Nutella sold in a year could be spread

over more than 1000 soccer fields!

Page 3: The Squashed Bananabethkadimabbg.weebly.com/uploads/4/0/5/6/40569041/...bananas, he had chosen one bundle almost completely green, and the other perfectly yellow. The old man limped

How To Puffy PaintIf you’re a BBG, listen up! There is one task that every single

one of you girls should know how to complete. If you can accomplish this task, you can wrestle a million bulls, you can tie the cow down and jump over the moon yourself. You can even look at your eyebrows without the need of a mirror! This one task is puffy painting, the art of puffy painting (Cue James Bond music). To master the art of puffy painting, will forever remain a mystery, but to those who are in Beth Kadima, mystery is history! Our middle name is Puffy Paint, that’s enough evidence to know it’s true! “But Madison, what do I even puffy paint, and how?!” Awesome question, quotation! You can puffy paint nearly anything! T-shirts, candles, bandanas, candles, bananas, candles, socks, candles, sweatpants, candles, your pet goldfish, candles, your old boyfriend from the 7th grade, and most importantly, CANDLES!!!! Everyone loves getting candles and the only way to make them pretty enough to walk the runway, is by puffy painting them! How do I puffy paint, you ask? Simple get some funk-a-licouspuffy paints, and dance the night away! You can design candles with a BBG’s name, with the reason of giving the design, or just go crazy with patterns! Either way, you’re now able to walk the walk and paint the- er- puffy painting?

This has been Madison Wakefield, Back to you Katz!

Thanks so much Madi! Hey all you bananas, it’s your Katvanit here! One of the past meetings of the term, I asked everybody to anonymously write something nice about the girl next to them, enjoy as I put them together as…..

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Child Development-Beth Kadima BBG Compliments

Amanda- you’re

so nice to

everyone, and


enthusiastic and

gorgeous! ♥

Page 5: The Squashed Bananabethkadimabbg.weebly.com/uploads/4/0/5/6/40569041/...bananas, he had chosen one bundle almost completely green, and the other perfectly yellow. The old man limped

Creative Writing-Stories, Poems, and Lists

The Story of Two BananasAn old man hobbled into a grocery store. His mind a road, with so many trails and intersections, he was lost, heading down a

road he knew not of. He headed towards the fruit, and picked himself up two bundles of bananas. For he didn't notice the ripeness of the bananas, he had chosen one bundle almost completely green, and the other perfectly yellow. The old man limped off to collect the rest of his groceries, and then paid.

The old man entered his kitchen, and laid the two banana bundles into a ripped and smelly straw basket. He wandered off, forgetting to put the rest of the groceries away.

A day passed, and the two banana bundles still laid in the basket. But there was something different about the yellow bundle, near the bottom of one of the individual bananas, there was a small spot of brown. On the green bundle, an individual banana had a large yellow spot.

The green/ yellow banana noticed this, and asked the banana with the brown spot, "What happened to your perfect yellow? Your yellow color was perfect."

The other banana responded, "As time passes, I will turn brown, and soon you will turn a perfect yellow as I was."The green/yellow banana then dreamed of when it will turn a perfect yellow, forgetting the banana turning brown.Time passed on, with the green banana almost a beautiful yellow and the yellow banana almost completely brown, as the

yellow/brown banana said.The almost yellow banana then asked, "What will happen when you are completely brown?""I will become rotten, as other bananas I've seen do," the almost brown banana said. "Then the old man will either eat me, or

throw me away"The almost yellow banana was horrified. "But you are a kind banana! You shouldn't be wasted!

"There's nothing we can do," replied the almost brown. "I just hope the old man decides to eat me, so I'm not completely wasted."

But the almost yellow banana did do something. The banana wished and prayed for it's banana friend not to wasted. The banana’s wish came true. The old man hobbled into the kitchen, and pulled the almost brown banana out of the straw basket. The old man left the kitchen, peeling the brown banana.The yellow banana knew it would never see the kind banana again, and dearly missed its friend.

As time passed, the yellow banana was completely yellow, and then soon turned completely brown. But the banana was never eaten by the old man, as the old man took all the other bananas but that one. So, the banana was left rotting away in the old straw basket, doing nothing else but leaving a foul odor.

By Arielle Ben-Yosef

Did You Know?Bananas float in water, as do apples and watermelons.

Page 6: The Squashed Bananabethkadimabbg.weebly.com/uploads/4/0/5/6/40569041/...bananas, he had chosen one bundle almost completely green, and the other perfectly yellow. The old man limped

Always do your homework,Come to programs,Eat more chicken

LizardsVery loveGUAc and JimmyMy babiesThey hate meVery sad :(

LizardHow beautifulGUAcJimmyJimmyGUAc

Reasons to Love Fall•Pumpkins •Scented candles•Leaves•Farms•Sweaters•Riding boots

By Leetal Pinko

Reasons to got to CLTC 10) You make 90 new friends that you know at the end that you can contact when you are having a bad day

-At first at the airport it is awkward because nobody knows anybody, but by the end of the first week you will know everybody’s name and will be friends too!

9) The activities are so much fun but you also come out of the activity learning something

8) You are able to get the experience of being on board or on a committee and getting pumped for running for board in you very own Beth Kadima BBG!

7) BETHANY AND BEBER BOOTY-When people say that there are hills, they are not rolling hills, these hills are big hills that are sometimes hard to climb after you have been exercising but it is worth it because you know what to do with that big fat butt!

6) You are able to get the experience of planning your own program!5) You will become besties with your coordinator and can go to them with any

problem you have!4) You get to form a mock chapter from scrap and are able to choose a name,

mascot, colors, etc. -my mock chapter was named Shemesh BBG #1786 meaning sunshine, our mascot was a sunflower, and our colors were yellow and green

3) You get to meet people from all over the country!2) You are inducted into the international order!

-This is where I received my first pin and a red book!1) IT IS THE BEST 12 DAYS OF YOUR LIFE!!!!

~Poetry submitted by Elana Tobb

•Pumpkin spice lattes•SH/HT•Cold weather•New term•Meeting new people•Holidays

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Geometry-(Reflections on School)

My First Impression of High


My first impression of

High School was fun but though.

I love having lunch outside, but I

have had so much homework and

tests, already. Geometry is gonna

be the death of me! I don’t LOVE

all my teachers but I never do.

They have to grow on me like

bananas in a bunch! I have made

so many new friends already but

have already had so much drama

between my best friends and I.

High school is different than

middle school in many ways, but

it’s up to you to decide if those

ways are positive or negative.

By Sarah Bratton

School sucks. I

have no classes with any

of my Beth Cadets. The

best parts of the day

include seeing

underclassmen bananas in

the halls and watching

Maya go to some science


By Morgyn Alter

BBG Geometry:

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First girl to complete this gets an awesome prize!!!!

Page 9: The Squashed Bananabethkadimabbg.weebly.com/uploads/4/0/5/6/40569041/...bananas, he had chosen one bundle almost completely green, and the other perfectly yellow. The old man limped

BK Madlibs:Here’s some info about BK! Our chapter was founded in _______(number) by _______(name of a BK alum). We have so much chapter _____ (noun) and cheer our hearts out at ________(convention)! Our colors are _______(color) and _______(color). We love our mascot, it’s a _____ (noun). One of my favorite cheers is “ _______(plural noun) of the world, UNITE!” I love meetings because there is always ______(adjective) food.Programs are awesome because our program planners work so hard and make every Saturday night _____(adjective). After programs, we like to go t the ______(adjective) diner and meet uwith our council _______(plural noun). I love teaching _______ (plural acronym) all about our chapter! I love Beth Kadima BBG #_____(number)!

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