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Page 1: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

The standard model of �nance

Merton-Black-Scholes model for option pricing

Peter Denteneer

Instituut{Lorentz voor Theoretische Natuurkunde, LION, Universiteit Leiden

22 oktober 2009

With inspiration from:J. Tinbergen, T.C. Koopmans, E. Majorana, F.L.J. Vos

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 2: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?


I. Introduction: heat conduction and di�usionII. Brownian motions and stochastic calculusIII. The standard model of �nancea. Preliminaries; portfolio dynamics and arbitrageb. Merton-Black-Scholes model for option pricingc. The Black-Scholes formulasIV. (Implied) volatility; universality?

R.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics:

Correlations and Complexity in Finance (2000, 2007)

J.-P. Bouchaud and M. Potters, Theory of Financial Risk and Derivative

Pricing: From Statistical Physics to Risk Management (1997, 2009)

J. Voit, The Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets (2000, 2005)

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 3: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Introduction: heat conduction and di�usion

Physical di�usion vs. stochastic di�usion

Fourier 1807 heat equation T (t; x ; y ; z)Laplace 1809 stochastic di�usion equation P(x ; n)Einstein 1905 synthesis via Brownian motion (! estimate ofAvogadro's number)


@t= Ds


@x2hx2i = 2Dst

Bachelier 1900 (!) Th�eorie de la sp�eculation n! timeMandelbrot 1963 cotton prices

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 4: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Brownian motion

Random walk: every time interval �t take step ` left or right;what is position x = n` after time t = N�t?

Brownian motion: stochastic process resulting from taking therandom walk to the continuous limit. Solution:

P(x ; t) =1p




hx2i = �2t linear in t; Ds � 12�


dX = �dW where dW = O�p

dt�(Wiener process)

Brownian motion with drift:

dX = �dt + �dW

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 5: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Geometric Brownian motion:

dS = �Sdt + �SdW

Using the Ito formula from stochastic calculus:

Z = lnS �! dZ = (�� 12�

2)dt + �dW

Log-normal distribution: (initial value S(t0) = S0, � = t � t0)

P(S ; t; S0; t0) =1







�� (�� 1




Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 6: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Stochastic calculus

Underlying process: W (t)Primary process: X (t) dX = a(X ; t)dt + b(X ; t)dWDerived process: Z (t) = F (t;X (t))Ito formula:

dF =


@t+ a(X ; t)


@x+ 1

2b2(X ; t)



�dt + b(X ; t)



uctuating part of the primary process X (t) contributes to thedrift of the derived process Z (t)!

( X � S ; a � �S ; b � �S ; F � lnS )

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 7: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?


(Partly in) Lecture I: Financial markets

A. Changes in stock prices are log-normally distributed�! geometric Brownian motion

B. For a forward contract the enforced arbitrage price is:F = S0 e

rT (= forward payment written in contract;S0: price at time of contract, r : interest rate, T : maturity)Independent of distribution of stock prices (�; �),i.e. independent of uctuations of underlying stock !

A forward contract is a contract between two parties on thedelivery of an asset at a certain time T in the future at acertain price. The contract is binding to both parties.

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 8: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?


A. Changes in stock prices are log-normally distributed�! geometric Brownian motion

B. For a forward contract the enforced arbitrage price is:F = S0 e

rT (= forward payment written in contract;S0: price at time of contract, r : interest rate, T : maturity)Independent of distribution of stock prices (�; �) !

C. European call option: a contract that gives the holder theright (but not the obligation) to buy the underlying asset forthe (strike) price K at (maturity) time T (K ;T speci�ed inthe contract).

D. No-arbitrage principle: In a market free of arbitrage, any

riskless portfolio must yield the risk-free interest rate r .

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 9: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Portfolio dynamics and arbitrage

Value of portfolio:

Vx = x � S = x0B + x1S

Self-�nancing portfolio:

dVx = x � dS (t � 0)

An arbitrage is a portfolio for whose value holds:

(i) V (0) = 0 start with nothing

(ii) V (t) � 0 with probability 1 for all t > 0 cannot loose money

(iii) V (T ) > 0 with positive probability for some T > 0chance of pro�t

Chance of a riskless pro�t out of nothing!

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 10: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Merton-Black-Scholes model for option pricing

Two main assumptions:

(i) I dB = rBdt (interest upon interest; r : constant)I dS = �Sdt + �SdW (geometric Brownian motion)

(ii) The market is free of arbitrage

? (many) additional practical/technical assumptions

F. Black and M. Scholes, J. Polit. Econ. 81, 637 (1973)R. C. Merton, Bell J. Econ. Manag. Sci. 4, 141 (1973)

Merton and Scholes, Nobel Prize in Economics 1997

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 11: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Additional assumptions in MBS model

(i) trading of assets is continuous

(ii) selling of assets is possible at any time

(iii) there are no transaction costs

(iv) all market participants can lend and borrow money at thesame, constant interest rate r

(v) there are no dividend payments between t = 0 and t = T .

(vi) : : : (taxes, short selling, : : : )

Idealized �nancial markets

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 12: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

European call option: C (S ; t;K ;T )

dC =


@t+ �S


@S+ 1




�dt + �S



Delta-hedging portfolio: �(t) = C (S ; t)��S

d� =


@t+ �S


@S+ 1



@S2� ��S





Eliminate the risk (i.e. the stochastic term): � = @C@S !!

The No-arbitrage principle, i.e. d� = r�dt, now leads to theBlack-Scholes di�erential equation:


@t+ 1



@S2+ rS


@S� rC = 0

Boundary condition: C (S ;T ) = max(S � K ; 0)

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 13: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Solution to BS equations: change of variables: t; S ! �; x

� =T � t

(2=�2)x = ln



u(x ; �) = e�x+�2� C (S ; t)


With appropriate choice of � and �: � = 12

“2r�2� 1

”� = 1


“2r�2+ 1




@x2heat=di�usion equation!

Terminal condition at t = T becomes initial condition at � = 0:

u(x ; � = 0) =

�0 for x < 0e�x � e�x for x � 0

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 14: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Using the Green function G (x ; x 0; �) of the heat equation:

G (x ; x 0; �) =1p4��

e�(x�x0)2=4� ;

u(x ; �) =



G (x ; x 0; �) u(x 0; � = 0) dx 0 = I (�)� I (�)

with I (a) = ea2�+ax N

�x + 2a�p


�and N(x) � 1p





Going back to original variables S and t leads to the Black-Scholesformulas:

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 15: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

The Black-Scholes formulas

C (S ; t) = S N(d1)� K e�r(T�t)N(d2)

d1 =ln�S


�+�r + �2=2

�(T � t)

�pT � t

d2 =ln�S


�+�r��2=2� (T � t)

�pT � t

stock price S strike price K N(x) � 1p2�


�1 e�s2=2ds

risk free interest rate r maturity T

volatility � !!

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 16: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?


Main idea of MBS: Riskless portfolio, consisting of option andunderlying asset, is possible. The stochastic process (i.e. the risk)can be eliminated since both stock and option depend on the samesource of uncertainty!

Important achievement of MBS:

1. In idealized markets, the risk associated with an option can behedged away completely ( �-hedging ).

2. The writer (seller) of an option does not need to ask for a riskpremium (because �, the average rate of return of the stock,has dropped out of the equations).

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 17: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?


The Black-Scholes di�erential equation is similar to theFokker-Planck and Schr�odinger equations of Physics and theKolmogorov equation of Mathematics (but with importantdi�erences!).

The Merton-Black-Scholes theory contains important aspects ofboth Probability Theory/Statistics (probability distributions,stochastic processes) and Game Theory (arbitrage, strategy,decisions). The model allows for an exact, non-trivial solution.This may be compared to e.g. the Ising model in two dimensionsfor magnetism in (statistical) physics.

Less appropriate would be to compare with the Standard Model of

Elementary Particle Physics

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 18: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Implied volatility: �imp

Cmarket(S ; t; r ; �;K ;T ; : : :) � CBS(S ; t; r ; �imp;K ;T )

Figure: Implied volatility of options on the same underlying asset andexpiring on the same day as a function of strike prices.ITM: in-the-money; ATM: at-the-money; OTM: out-of-the-money

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 19: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

VAEX-index: Volatility index voor opties op aandelen genoteerd inde AEX, voor de periode van 21 augustus 2008 tot en met 20augustus 2009.

VIX-index: Volatility index voor opties aan de CBOE (ChicagoBoard Options Exchange), gebaseerd op aandelen in de S&P500(Standard & Poor's 500).

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 20: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?

Figure: Volatility indices VAEX (options on AEX stocks) and VIX(options on S&P500 stocks), August 2008 - August 2009.

A case of universality?

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

Page 21: The standard model of nance - Universiteit Leidenpjhdent/introefcollegeII.pdfR.N. Mantegna and H.E. Stanley, An introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance

IntroductionBrownian motions and stochastic calculus

The standard model of �nance(Implied) volatility; universality?


J. Tinbergen (1903-1994) Ph.D. 1929 Physics, Leiden; Ehrenfest

(1st) Nobel Prize Economics 1969

T.C. Koopmans (1910-1985) Ph.D. 1936 Physics, Leiden; Kramers

Koopmans' theorem (QM) 1934; Nobel Prize Economics 1975

E. Majorana (1906-\1938") child prodigy of Italian physics

paper 1936/1942: Il valore leggi statistiche nella �sica e nelle scienze sociali

The Great Depression (US: 1929 - 1933/1941; NL: 1929 - 1936)

Peter Denteneer Introductie Econofysica

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