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 The Starter Generator!



• http://www.teachit.co.uk/custom_content/newsletters/newsletter_oct06.asp

• http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/teachers/starters.html• http://www.geographypages.co.uk/start.htm • http://news.reonline.org.uk/rem_art10.php • www.independentthinking.com • http://www.bristol-cyps.org.uk/teaching/secondary/science/pdf/el_starters.pdf • www.teachingthinking.net • http://www.geointeractie.co.uk/contribution/wordfiles/starters!"0list.doc •http://www.lth#.k1".il.us/rhampton/mi/$esson%lan&deas.htm • www.teachinglinks.co.uk/ Lesson%20 Starters%20and%20Plenaries.doc 

• 'dward (e )ono * +ow to +ae ,reatie &deas ermilion ,hatham "00• 2y head• 3ther people4s heads

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 _oct06.asp and go to the bit by +arry

(odds for a good piece about

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)dd )ne )ut *ist –)+Mania Show me the answer! ,hat&s The -uestion  Thunks

,hat&s This -uestions /olitical /ower ,ho am I ,hat&s your oinion Inter'iew

/ress 0onference 1e2nition Match ,hat is 0itizenshi ,ord 3ill Slogans*ist 1e2nition /ictionary 3reeze 3rame 4ingo Sheets 5angman

1ingbats6Say what you see 5omework /eer 7ssessment /uil as Teacher 8% -uestions 7 – 9

,hat&s being said )r ,hat&s being thought :ame that tune! Instructions;idiculous 7rguments

,hat if 7rt and life  Tell me three things... Scenario Get 0reati'e

<town To ;anking =mathy+builder  Taboo 0omare and 0ontrast ;ecie Time

5a'e I Got :ews 3or >ou Mystery 4ag  True or 3alse 3act or )inion,hat&s the toic

1escribe and 1raw  ?ust a Minute ,hat do you know Inside the )ctagon ;andom 1ebate7nimal Madness ,hat would win 1ierent Shoes ,hat&s the Story 3low 0hart

0ontinuum /icture in time In the sotlight 0onnections 5ome Imro'ement

5a'e I seen you somewhere before Get In 0haracter 1esign a starter 4lockbusters

/air It < My ,ord! Statement =(loration Strongest 7rgument 0oncet Ma

,hat&s >our ;ely 1raw me the answer Millionaire 7nalogies Sculture

/lay 1oh 3ind the de2nition Genre  Tree+mendous Stimulus

/ro+tastic :oun /lay Solutions <nco'er <nco'er Aariation

;edesign Silent Instructions  Translate <ses /ass the /arcel

 Time6/lace *ase Mystery Guest 1issonance 1etecti'es :ew In'entions

1ominoes Smile Mood 0reati'e ,riting 7bstract Thinking

,hat if oetry /erformance 4ig /icture Summary Sentences

7rrangement Simon says /ost it 0elebrationBey *etters

0reate+a+title C% words Aenn 1iagram :oises  Think – /air – Share 

Goal Setting Multi+Tracking Song+,riter ?igsaw )dd )ne )ut – /ictures

-uestions you would like to ask

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)dd )ne )ut

e.g.  ,hich is the odd one outD Tourist#

I1/# ;efugee# 7sylum Seeker

Eclue – there may be more than oneF

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*ist –)+Mania


*ist as many...

rights6resonsibilities6olicyareas6ta(es6items you threw away in

the last 8 hours etc...

as you can.

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Show me the answer!

<sing mini+whiteboards# true6falsecards# hand signals# dierentcoloured cards etc. uils must showyou the answer to a series ofuestions


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,hat&s The -uestion

e.g. If this is the answer# then what&s theuestion

7" Mr T

E-" ,ho is da& manF

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,hat does the wind smell like

1o trees ha'e feelings

If I borrow a million ounds# am I amillionaire

www.thunks.co.uk )ack 5o


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,hat&s This

e.g. ,hat do you think this is

:ilin# ,est 4ank" 7 /alestinian demonstrator uses a slingshot to hurlstones at Israeli border olice during a rotest against IsraelHs searation



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e.g. 7 series of uestions

CF ,hat does consumer mean8F 7re you a consumer

F ,hy

F ,hat rights do consumers ha'eJF ,ho rotects them

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/olitical /ower

=mire Surgeon /oker Scallo

+ >ou must use these words to increase the

olitical ower of a arty.+ >ou could turn them into olicies or slogans

+ =(lain why your suggestions might work

3rom =dward 1e 4ono&s $5ow to 5a'e 0reati'e Ideas&. See www.edwarddebono.com  

+ >ou can make random word tables or /ower/oints or use a book to get dierentrandom words.

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,ho am I

e.g. 0ould be a icture

)r art of a icture

)r clues – I am an imortant*ondonerI am a oliticianI am noted for freuent buoonery

0ould do $guess what& instead for laces etc.

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-uestions you would like toask


 Today we will begin studying local

go'ernment. ,rite down theuestions you would like answered.

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,hat&s your oinion

7sk students to write6seak in airs a shorte(lanation of their oinion about the toicyou are starting to study. This can then be

re'isited at the end of the lesson6unit.

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1e2nition Match

e.g. Match the word to the de2nition

*abour /olitical arty who say they are the


0onser'ati'es /olitical arty who say they arethe future

*iberal 1emocrats /olitical arty who say theyare the future

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,hat is 0itizenshi

/arliament /uberty 4ullying

 The *aw /olicing ;ights

;elationshis0onKict Ta(

0ountries ,orld ,ar 8 3air Trade

tudents circle which ones they think are citi7enship. ,ould use to check/reinforce sub8ect understanding.

,ould adapt to use for different topics * e.g. 9hat is economics or what is human rights

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,ord 3ill

e.g. 3ill in the missing words Ecan include thewords underneath + in the wrong order ofcourse + for dierentiationF

 The L is a oular rogramme on .

7ll of the contestants are e(tremelyand .

Simon 0owell always says things andmakes the erformers feel aboutthemsel'es.

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*ist 1e2nition


CF*ist all the words you associate withGlobal ,arming.

8F :ow Noin these words together tomake a de2nition for Global ,arming

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e.g. Gi'e studentsconcets6ideas6things to draw whilstothers ha'e to guess what they are

0an di'ide grouinto teams tomake itcometiti'e

7lternati'e – shortlist of concets6ideas

and students ha'eto draw in books or on


and then feedback their

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3reeze 3rame

 >ou are working on a farm in 7frica sulying 0adbury&s withcocoa to make chocolate. The weather is hot# the workhard and you are aid 'ery little. Indi'idually6air6grouroduce a freeze frame showing the scene.

+ 0ould adat to all manner of scenes# or gi'e uils thetoic area and ask them to roduce an aroriate freezeframe that other students must then try and deciher.

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4ingo Sheetse.g. /uils get bingo sheets with key

words6hrases and you read outde2nitions...

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 >ou know what it is!

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1ingbats6Say what you see)ack 5o


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5omework /eer 7ssessment


Students asked to swa homeworkErelies on it ha'ing being doneF andeer assess their neighbour&s on thesuccess criteria you set.

0an also use two stars and a wish.

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/uil as Teacher

e.g. )ne Eor moreF uil is theteacher.

 They ha'e to summarise the lastlessonEsF and uestion the class onwhat was studied.

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8% -uestions

e.g. Teacher or uil icks a rele'anterson6lace and the class ha'e 8% yes6nouestions to disco'er who or what it is.

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7 + 9

e.g. ,rite down a key6related word forour toic area for as many letters ofthe alhabet as you can.








0an also do it 'erbally. 7skstudents6grous to shoutout when you gi'e them a


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,hat&s being said)r ,hat&s being thought

e.g. 0hoose a icture and ask students whatmight be being said or thought. 0ould berele'ant –

)r abstract +

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e.g. 7sk students to writeintricate instructionsfor a seci2c task.


3or e(amle 'oting inan election or staginga rotest march.

=ually# could be anunrelated task Nust toget them thinking.

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;idiculous 7rguments

  Teach the language of argument by gettingstudents to Nustify the ridiculous# such asH3i'e year olds should be allowed to dri'e acarH


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,hat if

,hat if no one was resonsible

,hat if there were no laws

,hat if e'eryone stoed aying ta(es,hat if all Nournalists were anonymous

,hat if citizenshi didn&t e(ist

,hat if school only oened at night,hat if you were in'isible for a day

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7rt and life

<se a rele'ant oem# iece of art#sculture etc. to get studentsthinking6emathising about the toic.0an then draw out lesson themes...

Guernica + /icasso

5olocaust Memorial +



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 Tell me three things...

about the toic we are studying.

you learnt in the last lessons.

that hel e(lain inKation.refugees might feel.

camaigning has changed in 4ritain.

you think are most imortant tocitizenshi.

you would like to change in the world.

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• Set students a scenario Eerhas co'eringsimilar ground to the lessonF and ask them to

resond in some way...

e.g. 5uman rights ha'e been susended by the4ritish Go'ernment. /oliticians ha'e gi'en

arty members license to Nudge what is rightand what is wrong.

5ow would this make you feel

,hat would you do ESimilar tothought

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Get 0reati'e

0loak SledTourist Machine 3use

+ Show how each of these random wordsmight inKuence the other words in someway.

+ =(lain the inKuence

3rom =dward 1e 4ono&s $5ow to 5a'e 0reati'e Ideas&. Seewww.edwarddebono.com 

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<town To ;anking

+ 3amily

+ *ife

+ Safety

+ Mo'ement

+ ;eligion

;ank these human rights in order ofimortance. 4e reared to Nustify youranswer. E7datable to all sortsF

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$Ta(es for the rich will be scraedtomorrow and relaced with 'oluntaryhilanthroy&

+ 5ow might a millionaire feel about this

+ 7 erson on a'erage income

+ Someone recei'ing income suort

E0an adat to loads of dierent situations. =mhasis remains on de'eloing emathyF

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Students ha'e to describe a key wordwithout using that word Eit is taboo!F.

Ecould do it in teams# airs# whole+classF

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0omare and 0ontrast

,hat dierences and similarities do you notice

imbabwe 3ct "00

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;ecie Time

• 7ccess to information

• Secret 4allot

• Indeendent counters• :eutral Nudiciary

,hat is this the recie for

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(eelop by asking students to write their own recipes could start

by writing a recipe of the learning in the last lesson

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/ound $buying less than a &.

:o for TA Strictly 'oters.

  thrown at 4ush on Ira tri.

 + 7ll from www.bbc.co.uk C6C86%O

7nswers P =uro# refunds and shoes

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Mystery 4ag

 Take a bag into the classroom that

contains an obNect which has a

connection to the lesson./ass it around and let the students

feel the obNect inside the bag.

 The 2rst erson to guess

what it is could be rewardedwith a merit.

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)dd )ne )ut – /ictures)nly!


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,hat&s the toic

,hat toic might we be studying

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 ?ust a Minute

)ne uil starts to seak about atoic. 7t the 2rst reetition# ause ormistake another takes o'er + and so

on until the minute is u.

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,hat do you know

ariation * ideas must be pictures instead of words

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Inside the )ctagon

O way thinking comes from 5oward Gardner&s multileintelligences. The simli2ed octet is –

CF :umbers 5ow many...8F ,ords ,here does the word come from..F /eole ,ho...

F 3eelings ,hat emotions...JF :ature 5ow does the en'ironment aect...QF 7ctions ,hat do eole do...RF Sounds ,hat songs ha'e been written about it...OF Sights ,hat images reresent...

Efrom htt"66www.indeendentthinking.co.uk60oolStu6O,ayThinking6default.as(F

 Two ideas – iF 7sk students to come u with uestions arounda toic6key word from each $angle&.iiF <se the octet to frame your own starter uestions.

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7nimal Madness

+  Think of 2'e ways you could make a duck6horse6cow Noyful

+ If zebras6Kies6otters ruled the world what would wesee

+ =(lain 2'e dierences between a cat6dog6o( and akettle6desk6Numer

+ 7nd 2'e similarities

+ ,hat animal would make the bestolitician6Nudge6olice ocer ,hy

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,hat would win

0hoose any two items...

7 fence and a tree

7 dolhin and a snake

5arry /otter and ;ichard 4ranson

 Then...ask why!

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1ierent Shoes

7sk students to change their shoes...

$If 4rad /itt was ut in charge of the school#what would change&

$If 1awn 3rench was doing your coursework#what would she focus on&

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,hat&s the Story

• Gi'e uils cards with words orictures on and ask them toseuence this to tell a story Eor could

ut words6ictures on boardF.

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3low 0hart

%rime 2inister 



;ill in the gaps<

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Make a continuum in the room with stronglyfor and strongly against at either end. 7s

students come in tell them theroosition and that they must Nustify theosition on the continuum they choose.

E'ariation – uils line u randomly. They discuss with their neighbour only and then mo'e accordingly. 0ontinuesuntil the continuum is fully drawnF

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5a'e I seen you somewhere

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5a'e I seen you somewherebefore

Gi'e students key word card sort andask them to lace in iles of –

CFI know you

8FI think I&'e seen you somewherebefore

F,e&'e ne'er met!

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/icture in time

9hat might hae happened before the photo was taken=

9hat might be happening now=

9hat may happen after=

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In the sotlight

 7 'olunteer is asked 2'e uestions.

 The rest of the class mark down

whether they agree or disagree

with the answers so that the wholeclass is tested. 0ould use whiteboards

or 'oting cards.

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7sk a student to suggest a word. >ou say a word thatis related.

E=.G. if the word is $football& you might say $goal&. F

 The ne(t student says a word connected with the

re'ious word.E=.G. $goal&# $net& and so on.F

/layers take turns.

 They are allowed thinking time# but can be challengedby any other layer to e(lain the connectionbetween their word and the re'ious word.

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5ome Imro'ement

5ow can be imro'ed

,hy would your changes be animro'ement

,ho for

5ow long would they last

E0an relate to re'ious learning in the toic. Suitable for wide range i.e. 4ritish oliticalsystem# laws on terror# local go'ernment# school council etc.F

)ack 5o


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Get In 0haracter

Set a few uestions ready on the board.7s students come in# hand them character

cardsEcould be generic e.g. 4usinessman# teacher# student

seci2c e.g. Gordon 4rown# George 4ush# 4oris ?ohnson

emotional e.g. 7n angry# imatient# hay erson

)r whate'er you want!F

and ask them to answer the uestions in


)ack 5o


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1esign a starter

• 7sk students to design a starteracti'ity to use ne(t lesson. Set

success criteria.

)ack 5o



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4lockbustersSet u a 4lockbusters

style grid using


key terms6names6laces

etc. to lay

,an & hae a

>%4 please )ob


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/air It <

5and out a set of cards that students

ha'e to sort into matching airs.

e.g. Tye of olitical system Bey e(amle

1emocracy 4ritain under 5enry AIII

Monarchy Stalin&s ;ussia

  Totalitarian State 3rance in8%%O

 Theocracy 9imbabwe in 8%%O

7utocracy 7ncient =gyt)ack 5o


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My ,ord!Students are gi'en Eor chooseF a wordrelated to the toic. They must stand uand oint to someone in the class who

must then gi'e the meaning. That ersonthen chooses the ne(t erson to ose a



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Statement =(loration

U='erybody has rights yet they cannotbe seen and belong to nobodyV

In airs e(lore this statement.

,hat does it mean

0an you e(lain itto someone else



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,hich of the following arguments is the best iece of e'idence that ta(es aresent eecti'ely

7F  The :ational 7udit )ce checks all go'ernment income and e(enditure.

4F Aoters can throw out go'ernments they think send money ineciently.

0F Most eole get along )B in 4ritain# so the money must be being used

eecti'ely.1F  Ta(es aren&t as high as in =uroe yet we still ha'e 'ery good ublic


Ere'eal" 1o you think ta(es are sent eecti'elyF )ack 5o


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0oncet Ma

Gi'e students a list of words related toyour chosen concet. This can either be

on cards or on the board. They mustthen turn these into a $ma&# where each

connection can be e(lained and Nusti2ed.

e.g. 1emocracy Aoting

Safety 3reedom

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,hat&s >our ;ely

<se a contro'ersial statement and askstudents in airs to come u with arely.


U7ll teachers should be allowed toteach whate'er they wantV


)ack 5o


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1raw me the answer

• *ike $show me the answer&...e(cetwith drawing only!


7F Show me what democracy looks like

4F 1raw fairness0F ,hat does change look like


,ho ,ants To 4e 7

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;ight is to :eedas

1esire is to ,ant

Gi'e students two lists that they must form intoanalogies

e.g. ?udge Aoters

M/s ?ury/rime Minister Go'erners

5eadteacher 0abinet)ack 5o


Sculture )ack 5o

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ScultureI ha'e a coule of bags in my room into which I throw any

material that may be used to make scultures Ei.e.cardboard#

coat+hangers# string etc.F. Start the lesson by handing outsome

materials to grous and asking them to scult a concet#


lesson obNecti'e from earlier.

1e'elo by setting a seci2c design Ei.e. a bridge or 5enry

AIIIwith success criteria – can be esoteric as well as literal.F


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/lay 1oh

5and out ots of /lay 1oh and ask students to make a concet#

idea# e'ent etc.

0ould de'elo by handing out the concets secretly. Students

work in grous and ha'e a limited amount of time. They must

then go around the room and try to work out what each grou&sconcet is.

)r# introduce the lesson toic and then ask students to turn the/lay 1oh into what they would like to ha'e learnt by the end ofthe lesson Eor how they would like to ha'e changed through the



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3ind the de2nition

*i'en u de2nitions of key words by rinting them o and

sticking them u round the room for students to 2nd andcoy


Eti – rint the de2nition in a large font and the key word

underneath in a tiny font so they ha'e to mo'e around.7lso#

can sulement it with the key words on the board sothey

know how many they ha'e to getF


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5and out material related to the toic and asksstudents to re+

write or re+act it in a gi'en genre.

Egood for enli'ening re'iew and recall in articularF


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Gse the outline of a tree * gien or drawn by pupils * to order information or learning and prooke Huestions.

;or eBample the tree on the right could hae basic concepts of the topic at the bottom then more specific

information along the trunk and branches followed by Huestions students now want answering in the leaes.

5ree on the left could be split in half * what we hae learnt so far about the topic and what we want to find out.


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 Taking a lead from /hilosohy 3or 0hildren Ehtt"66www.saere.org.uk6F

begin the lesson by lacing stimulus material around the room for

students toinsect. This could take any form you like – oems# articles# e(eriment

results etc.

3ollow u by + instigating a /0 lesson

+ using the stimulus as a means to initiate thinking aboutthe toic

+ asking students to come u with a list of uestions they

want to be able to answer by the end of the lesson6unit)ack 5o


i)ack 5o


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<se ros by –

+ 1ressing u Eor ha'e a student dress uF as a character

somehow related to the lesson – the rest of the class

must try and guess who it is and what the link is.

+ 5a'ing a bag of ros relating to a character. Studentstake one ro out at a time and ha'e to try and guesswho it is and what the link is.

Ealternati'ely ros could relate to a country# concet#te(t etc.F


: /l

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:oun /lay

  is like EaF becauseW.

3irst blank is for the toic# concet etc.

Second blank is for the random noun.

e.g. /hotosynthesis is like a roadbecauseW )ack 5o


S l ti

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Set students a roblem. This could be nonsensical#hilosohical#

scienti2c etc. and ask them to think of solutions. =ncourage

them to reason through the full imlications of theirsolutions.

1e'elo by + snowballing

+ taking student solutions and using the lesson to

e(lore whether these are or are not feasibleEe.g. if the uestion was $5ow can we sto global


+ 7sking students to set roblems for other class

members to sol'e.)ack 5o


<)ack 5o

t t

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,an you

guess what

its is yet=

,an you

guess what

its is yet=

,an youguess what

its is yet=

,an you

guess what

its is yet=


< A i ti)ack 5o


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<nco'er Aariation

'nough for

lots of


and lots of

students to

hae a

chance toremoe a

sHuare and



easier with

an &9) butcan be

done with


by deleting

an ob8ect

when it is



for a





; d i

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e.g. 5ow would you redesign the 5ouses of


1e'elo by + Setting arameters i.e. how could you redesign this tomake

it more eecti'e6easier to use6more aecting

Gi'ing a hysical obNect and some materials for redesign

Gi'ing more abstract briefs – how would you redesigndemocracy6the horror genre6multilication)ack 5o


Silent Instructions )ack 5o


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Silent Instructions

Students are in airs. )ne recei'es an instruction

and mustcon'ey this to their artner without seaking Eor


1e'elo by + allowing students to say C or 8words only Eyou

could secify or they could chooseF.

Scaold by showing a cli of scuba di'erscommunicating.


 Translate )ack 5o


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Students are in airs. )ne student recei'es a key word# uestion

or toic related to the lesson and a sheet with the Morse code or 4S* alhabet

on it. Their artner also recei'es this Ebut ob'iously not the key word!F The 2rststudent communicates and the second translates.

(eelop by

- +anding out a second key

word for " to communicate to


- Dsk students to come up

with their own related


- %airs ask and answer

Huestions using the code


<)ack 5o


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*ist as many uses as ossible for a gi'en obNect


/ th / l)ack 5o


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 Time6/lace *ase

Students close their eyes whilst you guide them througha short

narrati'e transorting them to a dierent time or lace. This

$lase& then becomes a means to think about a toic#

idea etc.and the role it lays in our Ee'erydayF li'es. =nsure you


the fact that the time or lace you ha'e been

transorted todoes not ha'e whate'er it is you want the students to

think about.

)ack 5o


M t G t)ack 5o


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 Try to encourage students to e(erience dissonance in theirthinking

e.g. Imagine a suare eggD ,hy doesn&t school not e(istD

7ddition# Subtraction# Multilication and 1i'ision – why isn&tthere another one

 This could be used to disrut or uestion habitual ways of

thinking. It can also challenge reasoning or encouragestudents

to reason more deely and carefully.

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5he inspection should

lead to a series of Huestions

they want answered

5he whole class comes

together to try and

answer each others4 Huestions

Iie groups a resource

which they must eBamine

)ack 5o


:ew In'entions)ack 5o


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+      a    r    r    i      e    


+      a    r    m    

 a    n    

'       H    

 u     a    l     i      t       y    

(emocracy oting      ;    r    a    n    c      h      i    s    e

      6    u

      b    w    a    y

(eelop by making huge dominoes to lay out on the floor 

)ack 5o


Smile )ack 5o


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S eImagine a time when something good haened to

you#It could be a big thing like winning a rize or cu# or


simle like laughing with friends. 5old that image

and thinkabout how it felt. Imagine you ha'e that same

feeling now and

smile. ,hat a lo'ely way to start the lesson.


Mood)ack 5o


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1ecide on a articular mood you would likestudents to begin

your lesson with – calm# attenti'e# enthusiastic etc.

7sk them to role+lay this moodD take them through

a series of

dierent scenarios in which they must maintain it. Then sli into

the lesson itself and return to the role+lay if and

when reuired.


0reati'e ,riting

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0reati'e ,riting

Bunsen Burner Oxygenation Gauze

Eou hae ten minutes to write creatiely. 9hat you write must include these three

key terms from last lesson.

)ack 5o


7bstract Thinking)ack 5o


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7bstract Thinking

Get students to Not down resonses to suchuestions as"

,hat shae is grief

,hat is the colour of emtiness

,hat is the te(ture of a rainbow

=(tend $,hat ifW& ,hat ift

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,hat if bridges had families

,hat if trees had rights

,hat if colours were numbers

So that initial resonses must be turned into aoem with the

uestion as the title.



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/erform a oem# art of a lay# mo'ie scene# e(tractfrom a

book# seech and ask the class to resond.

1e'elo by getting class members to do theerformance or by getting someone else –




)ack 5o



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7sk students to reKect on what the bigger icture is – inrelation

to education# the articular subNect# the current toic or

whate'er. This can lead to a clearer understanding of thedetails#

a re+energising of the classroom or a more meaningful

e(erience for teacher and student.E0ould use resources to stimulate thinking about the bigger


Summary)ack 5o


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7sk students to ro'ide a summary of what theylearnt last

lesson or across the unit. 1e'elo by asking fordierent styles#

i.e. a newsaer reort# Q%+second news+Kash#mime


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0ut u a sentence Eor twoF related to the toic andhand out the

arts to students. They then ha'e to arrangethemsel'es so as to

sell out the sentence correctly.

1e'elo by using te(ts related to the toic andasking them to

comose a aragrah.

)ack 5o


7rrangement)ack 5o


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7sk the class to arrange themsel'es in order of age#shoe size#

height etc. The rule is that they are not allowed totalk. 7nyone

who does has to lea'e the room for % seconds.

Simon says)ack 5o


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/ost it

/ut u a number of dierent uestions around the roomand

gi'e each student C+8 ost+it notes. They ha'e Jminutes to look

at the uestions and discuss them with others. Theymust then

'ote for which they would like to focus on during thelesson. This

is done by sticking their ost+it note by the uestion. The

uestion with the most ost+its becomes the focus ofthe lesson.

)ack 5o


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/erhas once a term use the start of the lesson to celebratethe

work done with the class u to that oint. Students could 'ote

for awards such as $hardest worker&# $ositi'e inKuence& and

$biggest imro'er&. >ou could show work done at the start and

end of the eriod to show how far the students ha'e come.

Bey *etters)ack 5o


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Bey *etters

 Teacher shouts out a letter and studentEsF mustresond with a

key word related to the current toic that beginswith that

letter. 0ould target seci2c grous of students ormake it

cometiti'e Ewith no writing allowedF.

0reate+a+title)ack 5o


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+J key words on the board which students mustuse as they

$create their own title& for the work they are goingto do.

C% words)ack 5o


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Aenn 1iagram

(eelop by making a life-si7e one using rope and words written on D@

paper for students to hold.

)ack 5o



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/lay a noise and ask students to resond to it orwork out its rele'ance to the lesson6unit.




Think – /air – Share

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 Think /air Share

Gi'e students a roblem or uestion and then allowthink time

in which they can engage with it.

3ollowing this# students turn to their $*earning /artner&and

discuss# clarify# challenge etc.

 The air then share with another air or the whole class

Estudents should share their artner&s ideas as well astheir ownF )ack 5o


Goal Setting

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Goal Setting

If beginning a unit of work# ask students to set theirown goals by

creating a chart showing –

,hat I know about the toic...

,hat I want to know...

,hat I ha'e learnt...

)ack 5o



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Multi Tracking

7sk students to erform a multi+tracking acti'itysuch as atting

their head and rubbing their stomach at the sametime. 1e'elo

4y asking a articular student to lead the starter.

)ack 5o



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Song ,riter

7sk students to write a song e(laining what theyalready know

about a toic# what they ha'e learnt etc.

1e'elo by setting the genre – ra# country# oetc.

)ack 5o



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0ut u a icture or instructions and hand out togrous. They

must ut the Nigsaw back together and then followthe

instructions or resond to the icture.

)ack 5o


;andom 1ebate

)ack 5otarters

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5a'e a roosition on the board as uils are

coming in. Theymust either defend or refute the roosition#

deending on

where they are sitting. >ou could re'eal a slide

showing who iswhat or Nust arbitrarily di'ide the class in two. The

idea is to

/ractice argument – regardless of you ersonal


;or Dgainst


;or ;or  

;or  Dgainst  Dgainst  Dgainst Dgainst

 Dgainst ;or 

1escribe and 1raw

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1escribe and 1raw

/artners sit back to back. )ne has an image# theother a encil

and iece of aer. The student describes theimage to their

artner who must try and draw it as accurately asossible.

)ack 5o



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Students create slogans – for an image# the learningfrom last

lesson# a seci2c art of the toic.

)ack 5o


Inter'iewStudents are in airs )ne recei'es a sheet with

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Students are in airs. )ne recei'es a sheet withinformation

about the toic on. The other must inter'iew themin order to

disco'er what they will be studying or to elicit asmuch of the

information as ossible.

1e'elo by utting conditions on uestions andresonses.

)ack 5o


/ress 0onference

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/ress 0onference

4egin the lesson by calling a ress conference – youha'e an

announcement to make and students must takenotes and then

uestion you on what has been said. 0ould beannouncing what

the lesson is about# or a ro'ocati'e statementrelated to the

content etc.

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