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Page 1: The Storyteller | The Power of Your Narrative: Building Your Marketplace Community with Social Media & Storytelling

THE STORYTELLERThe Power of Your Narrative:

Building Your Marketplace Community with Social Media &


Jodie [email protected]: JodiepattersonTwitter: Jodie_GeorgiaNY

Page 2: The Storyteller | The Power of Your Narrative: Building Your Marketplace Community with Social Media & Storytelling

THE PROCESS: FINDING YOUR STORY / DETERMINING CONTENT*Identify top 5 most talked about topics in your industry(trade magazines, social media, hashtags, key people, comments)

*Identify 5 taboo topics that your industry shy’s away from (go deep, think unconventionally)

*Identify 5 things your audience is asking for / thinking about

*Envision what your audience doesn’t yet know they need & cant live without (a new thing, idea or an emotion)

*Identify a personal connection you have to each taboo topic & new idea

*Tell a personal story around those taboo topics (go off script)

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STORYTELLINGEmotional vs Rational approach

*Tapping into emotion and using it as a means of communication, bypasses the skepticism that can exist.

*Through an emotional process, we’re stripped of our rational considerations, and what’s left is compassion, empathy and connectedness.

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STORYTELLINGPull vs Push approach

*Use a well constructed narrative that’s authentic and exciting, and the experiences that are transmitted are rich, real and universal

*A picture should a) reveal something personal, intimate or unknown about the person, b) connect us with a specific emotion that mobilizes, c) take us on an imaginary journey that’s transformative

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STORYTELLINGSharing vs Selling approach

*Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (it’s a philosophy and a great marketing book)

*Most of what we talk about should be storytelling (the jab)

*Less of what we talk about should be direct selling (the right hook)

*Create an atmosphere with your jabs (Strength, individuality, beauty) *Connects us with a specific emotion that may or may not be rational (Courage, transformation, triumph)

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STORYTELLINGPeople vs Product

*People don’t buy products, but rather the stories that these products represent. Nor do they buy brands, but rather the myths and archetypes that these brands symbolize

*If you’re uncomfortable telling a story about yourself, find customers or other people who reflect the values of your brand and share their stories

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With your picture, videos & speeches…

*Reveal something personal, intimate, or unknown about the person or brand (otherwise it’s boring)

*Connect people by using a specific emotion: fear, desire, anger or happiness (otherwise it won’t mobilize people into action)

*Take people on an imaginary, narrative journey where it allows them to experience a transformation from the beginning, the knot, and the outcome.


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*Tell us about you the founder & the origins of your brand. Share your history

*Tell real stories about real people (from your company or your larger community)

*Be clever, honest, unique, human

*Include values in your content; what you care about (women, the planet, water, animals, the environment, etc)

*Integrate content generated by the audience, so they can also tell their story


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*We are people connecting with other people. Show your brand’s human side

*Sharing your personal story can have a positive & far reaching impact on your business

*Being curious. Reading outside your scope, talking outside your scope and going off script can create community

*We can’t push our message across, we need to pull the customer in. Inspire.

*Don’t be scared to identify the conflict. Stand for change.

*Well constructed stories and authentic characters can move people to action 


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*Work narrative into your updates

*Challenge convention & pique interest

*Use the appropriate language for each platform (Twitter, IG, FB…)


*Have a consistent thread that runs through your posts & tweets

*Incorporate hashtags that are frequently searched


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*To find your voice

*To matter

*To engage people and inspire change

*To up your business


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