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Thesis Submitted To



As a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by


Under the supervision of

Prof. Dr. P. SAMUDRAM, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.



CHENNAI – 600 003


JANUARY - 2008


My Ph.D. thesis is in the process of being bound. While I have not yet faced the

examiners, just completing such an ambitious project is a joy unto itself.

“The joy, satisfaction and euphoria that comes along with the successful

completion of any work would be incomplete unless we mention the names of the people

who made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement served as a beam of

light and crowned our efforts.”

First and foremost I would like to thank THE DIVINE for his grace which

fetched the strength and understanding to surmount the difficulties during the tenure of

my project work and enabled me to complete this herculean task during this journey.

I owe to my father Mr.A.M.Rajashekaran, my mother Mrs. R.Jayalakshmi, who

have stood as pillars of support in all my endeavors, whose love and care is always there

with me during all my difficult times. They are the source of my inspiration always

wishing the best for me from the core of their heart.

It is a great privilege for me to have worked under the guidance of

Dr. P. Samudram, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., for his constant encouragement, suggestions

and unflinching guidance. His knowledge and wide experience has been a motivating

force in moulding this research work.

My sincere thanks to Dr. T. P. Kalanithi, M.D., Dean, Madras Medical College

for giving me an Opportunity to carry out this research work.

My deepest and sincere thanks to Dr. A. Geetha, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Co-

guide, Asst. Prof. Department of Biochemistry, Bharathi Women’s College, for her

continous support and invaluable guidance.

My heartfelt thanks to Dr. Pregna Dolia, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Institute of

Biochemistry for her great support and encouragement.

I wish to express my respect and gratitude to Prof. Dr. V. Ravichandiran, M.

Pharm., Ph.D., Principal, Vel’s college of pharmacy, for his valuable support and

encouragement. and for lending me all the facilities required to proceed my research work.

“Friendship is neither a formality nor a mode; it is rather a life”.

At this juncture, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my beloved

friend Mrs. Rajeshwari Hari for her unforgettable help and encouragement.

I am very much thankful to my friend Mrs.Chanrapraba Rajesh for givn me

immense support throughout my research work

I am indebted to all my friends in Vel’s college of Pharmacy for their help.

I am thankful for the support rendered by Mr.gunasekaran, Mr.Hari and

Mr.Roosevelt,Department of Pharmaceutical analysis

I would like to Give special thanks to my friends Mrs.Vijey aanandhi M,

Dr.Shanmugasundaram P and Mr. Haribaskar, Department of pharmaceutical chemistry

for their moral support and guidance

It’s a pleasure in thanking Mr.Baskar K, Mrs.Umadevi SK, Department of

Pharmaceutics for their timely suggestions and encouragement.

I express my deep gratitude to Dr. V. Suba, Mr. J.Anbu, Dr.Nazir, Department

of Pharmacology, for their invaluable support.

I thank Mrs. Jeyakumari J,Mrs.Malarkodi V,Department of Pharmacognosy for

their support.

I express my hearty thanks to my better half Mr.P.Ramesh kumar for his

invaluable help and inspiration.

I owe my loving thanks to my cute little darlings , R.Yashika and R.Karan

kumar. Without their encouragement and understanding it would have been impossible

for me to finish this work.

Early in the process of completing this project, it became quite clear to me that a

researcher cannot complete a Ph.D. thesis alone. Although the list of individuals I wish

to thank extends beyond the limits of this format, I would like to thank all my friends for

their dedication, prayers, and support.






CHAPTER 1 - 40

CHAPTER 2 - 93





I hereby declare that the thesis, entitled “BIO-CHEMICAL


ALBA AND PIPER LONGUM” is submitted to The Tamilnadu

Dr. M.G.R. Medical University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the award of degree of doctor of philosophy is the record of original research

work done by me under the supervision and guidance of

Prof. Dr. P. Samudram, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry,

Tagore Dental College & Hospital (Formerly Institute of Biochemistry

Madras Medical college) and the thesis has not formed the basis for the

award of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or other similar




CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis, entitled “BIO-CHEMICAL


ALBA AND PIPER LONGUM” is submitted to The Tamilnadu

Dr. M.G.R. Medical University in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of degree of doctor of philosophy is the record of

original research work done by Mrs. R. VASUKI, under my supervision

and guidance and the thesis has not formed the basis for the award of any

Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or other similar title.

Prof. Dr. P. SAMUDRAM, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Supervisor and Guide, Professor and Head

Department of Biochemistry Tagore Dental College & Hospital

Ratinamangalam, Chennai Tamil Nadu, India.


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis, entitled “BIO-CHEMICAL


ALBA AND PIPER LONGUM” is submitted to The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R.

Medical University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

degree of doctor of philosophy is the record of original research

work done by Mrs. R. VASUKI, under my supervision and co- guidance

and the thesis has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree, Diploma,

Associateship, Fellowship or other similar title.

DR. A. GEETHA, M.SC., M.PHIL., PH.D., Co-guide, Asst. Prof. Department of biochemistry, Bharathi women’s college, Chennai



ACE - Acetyl choline esterase

ACP - Acid phosphatase

ATP - Adenosine triphosphate

ALP - Alkaline phosphatase

ALT - Alanine amino transferase

ANSA - Aminonaphthol salicylic acid

AST - Alanine amino transferase

α - Alpha

β - Beta

BHT - Butylated hydroxyl toluene

CAT - Catalase

CCl4 - Carbon tetra choloride

CD - Conjucated diene

CDNB - 1-chloro, 2,4 dinitrobenzene

CHO - Cholesterol

dl - Decilitre

DNA - Deoxy ribonucleic acid oC - Degree celsius

DPPH - 2,4 dinitro Diphenyl hydrazine

DTNB - 5,5’ –Di thiobis (2nitro benzene)

EDTA - Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid

g - Gram

GPX - Glutothione peroxidase

GR - Glutathione reductase

GSH - Reduced glutathione

GSSG - Oxidized glutathine

GST - Glutathione –s- transferase

HPLC - High performance liquid chromatography

hr - Hour

ICD - Iso citrate dehydrogenase

KG - Kilogram

L - Litre

LD50 - Lethal dose to kill 50% of animal

LDH - low density lipoprotein

LDL - Low- density lipoprotein

LOOH - Lipid hydro peroxide

LPO - Lipid peroxidation

M - Molarity

MDA - Malondialdehyde

µ - Microgram

µg - Microgram

µl - Microlitre mg - Milligram

min - Minute

ml - Milliliter

Mm - Millimole

N - Normality

NADP - Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

nm - nano moles

No - Nitric oxide

NOS - Nitric oxide species

OECD - Organization of Economic Co-operation and


p.o - per oral

K+ - Potassium

ROS - Reactive oxygen species

SDS - Sodium Dodecyl sulphate

Se - Selenium

SEM - Standard Error Mean

SOD - Superoxide dismutase

TBA - Thiobarbituric acid

TBARS - Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances

TCA - Trichloro acetic acid

TG - Triglyceride

V/V - Volume / Volume

VLDL - Very low density lipoprotein

W/V - Weight / Volume

W/W - Weight / Weight



The liver is the second largest and one of the most essential organs

which is located within the lower part of the rib-cage on the right hand side of

the body. It has a huge variety of functions in the body and is the only organ

that can repair and re-grow itself after damage. It is a seat of metabolism

which is responsible for performing many functions in the body. Bile juice

produced by liver gets secreted in the intestines which is required for the fat

digestion body. It also works as a guard by keeping check on the cholesterol

levels in the blood stream. It also produces certain proteins that are very much

required for performing ware and tear function in the body. It also works as

an energy store of the body thus providing energy when required in

emergency conditions


The liver is a fairly large organ that consistently lies in the right upper

part of the abdomen. From front it has a roughly triangular shape. It stretches

from the right upper abdomen across the mid line to halfway across the left

upper abdomen (left lobe) and from the right upper abdomen to halfway down

the flank on the right (right lobe). Above the liver sits the right diaphragm and

the right lung, and below the liver is the intestines. The gall bladder nestles

directly below the liver and is attached to it. The gall bladder stores bile from

the liver to be squirted into the first part of the small bowel (duodenum) when

fat enters the intestine, to help emulsify the fat for absorption.


Figure 1. Liver

Blood Flow

A large portion of the output of the heart (about one-third) flows to the

digestive system. This blood returns, rich with nutrients and digestive

impurities, to the liver through the veins of the portal circulatory system. The

liver vascular system is expandable and compressible, and can store large

quantities of blood. It normally contains about one-tenth of the blood volume

in the body, but can, under certain diseased conditions, expand to hold up to a

fourth of the body’s blood. Under conditions of stress, on the other hand, its


veins can contract so it holds only a thirtieth of the body’s’ blood. Thus the

liver blood volume can potentially vary by a factor of more than seven. About

three-fourths of the blood coming into the liver comes from venous

circulation; only about a fourth comes directly from the heart through the

arteries. Arterial blood is moved under force, being pumped by the heart,

normally under pressure ten to fifteen times that of the blood in the portal

veins. Thus most of the blood in the liver is not moved through it by arterial

pressure and has a natural tendency to stagnate.

The liver is also extremely permeable to fluids, such that they flow

freely into its lymphatic system; the lymph derived from the liver accounts for

from one-half to two-thirds of the total lymph in the body. Finally, the liver

secretes bile into the small intestine, after storage in the gall bladder. Bile

helps to digest fat and is a key player in the symphonic action of the enzymes

and hormones that coordinate digestion. Thus the liver is an expandable and

contractible reservoir of blood, lymph, and bile. Because it has only weak

arterial circulation, these fluids have a tendency to become stagnant and the

liver to become congested.


The liver has multiple functions. The liver processes all the blood

leaving the stomach and intestines. It breaks down the nutrients and drugs in

the blood into forms that are easier for the rest of the body to use or excrete.

Amongst other important functions, the liver is responsible for eliminating

and detoxifying the poisons that enter our blood stream.


The liver is also very important in the digestion of food and produces

bile which is essential in the breakdown of fats, thereby preventing obesity -

one of the biggest contributors to bad health. It also regulates blood sugar and

stores any excess sugar in a useful ‘quick-release’ form for when it is needed.

The liver clears the blood of old red blood cells, bacteria and other infectious

organisms as well as ingested toxins including alcohol. It is responsible for

producing a large number of different proteins including hormones and blood

clotting factors and is the organ which stores Vitamin A,D, E and K.

The functioning of liver does not really decrease with age so, in the

absence of disease, the liver should work optimally right into very old age -

helping to keep all body systems functioning normally and supporting overall

vitality and protection from illness. The maintenance of optimal liver

functioning is therefore of vital importance in the quest for holistic health In

traditional Chinese medicine, for example, a healthy liver is seen as the most

critical element in the body's ability to fight disease and function optimally.


Environmental pollution, fast foods, drugs, alcohol and sedentary

lifestyles all contribute to sluggish and diseased livers. The result of a

diseased liver are depressed immune systems, constant fatigue, obesity,

sluggish digestive systems, allergies, respiratory ailments, and unhealthy skin

among many other health problems. Alcohol and many pharmaceutical drugs

can affect the metabolism of the liver, and if this continues for long periods of


time, health will be endangered. A common sign of a damaged liver is

jaundice, a yellowness of the eyes and skin.

There are many diseases that may affect the liver and they include:

• Liver cancer

• Fatty liver

• Wilson’s disease

• Hepatitis

• Hemochromatosis

• Cirrhosis

Like other parts of our body, cancer can affect the liver. Cancer of the

liver (primary hepatocellular carcinoma or cholangiocarcinoma and metastatic

cancers, usually from other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fatty liver is termed if lipids account for more than 5 percent of its

weight. The mechanisms for the development of fatty liver are varied. A

reduction in the hepatic oxidation of fatty acids as a result of mitochondrial

dysfunction can lead to micro vesicular steatosis. Another mechanism is

related to an imbalance between fat uptake and secretion, with high insulin-to-

glucagon ratio status leading to macro vesicular steatosis.

Wilson's disease, a hereditary disease which causes the body to retain



Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, caused mainly by various viruses

like hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C but also by some poisons,

autoimmunity or hereditary conditions.

Hepatitis A or infectious jaundice is caused by a picornavirus

transmitted by the fecal-oral route.It causes an acute form of hepatitis and

does not have a chronic stage. Worldwide, hepatitis B is another major cause

of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Many patients with hepatitis B

virus infection fail standard therapy. Hepatitis C virus infection is the leading

cause of chronic liver disease and the reason for 30 to 35 percent of liver

transplantations (Knolle et al., 1998; Zein et al., 1996).

Haemochromatosis, a hereditary disease causing the accumulation of

iron in the body, eventually leading to liver damage.

Cirrhosis is the formation of fibrous tissue in the liver, replacing dead

liver cells. The death of the liver cells can for example be caused by viral

hepatitis, alcoholism or contact with other liver-toxic chemicals.

In some liver diseases, such as primary biliary cirrhosis, treatment can

slow but not stop the progression of liver injury (Poupon et al., 1991).

Although each form of liver disease has a distinct natural history, most forms

progress slowly from hepatitis to cirrhosis, often over 20 to 40 years (Propst

et al., 1995).


Symptoms of a diseased liver

The external signs include a coated tongue, bad breath, skin rashes,

itchy skin, excessive sweating, offensive body odour, dark circles under the

eyes, red swollen and itchy eyes, acne rosacea, brownish spots and blemishes

on the skin, flushed facial appearance or excessive facial blood vessels. Other

symptoms include jaundice, dark urine, pale stool, bone loss, easy bleeding,

itching, small, spider-like blood vessels visible in the skin, enlarged spleen,

and fluid in the abdominal cavity, chills, pain from the biliary tract or

pancreas, and an enlarged gallbladder. The symptoms related to liver

dysfunction include both physical signs and a variety of symptoms related to

digestive problems, blood sugar problems, immune disorders, abnormal

absorption of fats, and metabolism problems.


Most ingested substances are metabolized and chemically altered as

they pass through the liver. The liver is vulnerable to injury from some

medications, vitamins and herbal remedies (Speeg and Bay, 1995).

Prescription and over-the-counter arthritis and pain medications are widely

used. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are taken to

alleviate headache and a variety of pain symptoms, can cause idiosyncratic

liver toxicity. Fatalities associated with NSAID use have been reported

(Carson and Willett, 1993). In one study, the use of ibuprofen was associated

with a more than 20-fold increase in liver function values in three patients

with hepatitis C virus infection (Riley and Smith, 1998). Acetaminophen has


predictable hepatotoxicity and affects the liver in a dose dependent manner.

However, acetaminophen hepatotoxicity has been reported with dosages of

less than 4 g per day, usually in association with starvation or alcohol

ingestion (Zimmerman and Maddrey, 1995).


Herbal drugs have become increasingly popular and their use is


Ayurveda is accepted to be the oldest treatise on medical system,

which came into existence in about 900 BC. The word Ayurveda derived

from ‘Ayur’ meaning life and ‘veda’ meaning science.

Herbal medicines are prepared from a variety of plant materials-

leaves, stems, roots, bark and so on. They usually contain many biologically

active ingredients and are used primarily for treating mild or chronic ailments.

Naturopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine

all differ in how diseases are diagnosed and which herbal remedies are

prescribed. Out of these, the Chinese herbal medicine or the Traditional

Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a potential usage similar to the Indian system of


‘Ethanopharmacology’ have been recently defined as “the

interdisciplinary scientific exploration of biologically active agents

traditionally employed or observed by man”. The objectives of

ehanopharmacology are to rescue and document an important cultural heritage


before it is lost, and to investigate and evaluate the agents employed. Thus, it

plays an immense role in evaluation of natural products and more particularly

the herbal drugs from traditional and folklore resources. The random

screening of plants for food and medicine by our prehistoric ancestors is

probably the basis of the botanical pharmacopoeia that exists in virtually all

cultures. What of the future for plant based agents? There are many

possibilities for research, but priority should be given to tropical infectious

and chronic diseases for which current mediations have severe drawbacks,

and to the scientific appraisal of plant-based remedies that might be safer,

cheaper, and less toxic for self- medication than existing prescription

medicines. Man and perhaps some of his closer relatives, has always made

use of plants to treat illness, and many of these remedies have real beneficial

effects. Licensing regulations and pharmacovigilance regarding herbal

products are still incomplete and clear cut proof of their efficacy in liver

diseases is sparse.

There is clearly a need for greater education of patients and doctors

about herbal therapy, for legislation to control the quality of herbal

preparations, and in particular for further randomized controlled trials to

establish the value and safety of such preparations in Hepatic disorders.


Carbon tetrachloride- induced hepatotoxicity

Animal studies have revealed that carbon tetra chloride is metabolized

in the liver by cytochrome P-450 (Sipes et al., 1977). One of the resulting


products of the metabolic activity is believed to be a trichloromethyl radical

that leads to the formation of chloroform, hexachloroethane, carbon

monoxide, trichloromethanol, phosgene and carbon dioxide. The radical is

thought to induce lipid peroxidation resulting in membrane destruction and

the loss of organelle and cell function (Rao and Recknagel, 1968).

Free radicals and hepatotoxocity

The cytochrome p-450 system is encased in phospholipids membrane

rich in polyenoic fatty acid. Hence these polyenoic fatty acids are the most

likely immediate target for the initial lipid per oxidative attack to occur. The

organic fatty acid radical rearranges, yielding organic peroxy and hydroxyl

peroxy radicals. The radical destroy the cytochrome p-450 hemoprotein, thus

compromising the mixed - function oxygenase activity. The rapid

decomposition of the endoplasmic reticulum and its function is a direct result

of this lipid peroxidative process (Zangar et al., 2000).

Trichloromethyl free radicals can react with sulfhydryl groups, such as

glutathione (GSH) and protein thiols, and the covalent binding of the

trichloromethyl free radicals to the cell proteins is considered to be the initial

step in a chain of events that eventually lead to membrane lipid peroxidation

and finally to cell necrosis (Recknagel et al., 1991). Several mechanisms have

been proposed for CCl4 induced fatty liver and necrosis. Important

mechanisms include damage to endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria

lysosomes, disturbances in hepatocellular calcium homeostasis, and lipid

peroxidation. All are mediated by free radicals. Lipid peroxidation may be


looked upon as occurring in two steps. Some toxic event initiates lipid

peroxidation and organic free radical generated by the initiation process serve

to propagate the reaction.


The steps involved in lipid peroxidation are described below and

shown schematically (Anjali et al., 2001).


H2O----------►HO• , H•, e-aq, O2

•–, H2O2

LH+•OH-------►L• + H2O


L• + O2 --------------► LOO•

LOO• + LH -----------►LOOH+ L•


L• +L.------------------►L─L

LOO• +LOO.--------------- ►LOOH+O2

LOO• +L• -----------------►LOOL

Malondialdehyde is the major reactive aldehyde resulting from the

peroxidation of biological membrane polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA).

Thus MDA is used as an indicator of tissue damage and reacts with

thiobarbituric acid and produce red colored products.


Mechanism of lipid peroxidation

Hepatotoxicity following acute exposure to CCl4 is manifested as

necrosis and inflammation mainly in the centrilobular areas of the rodent liver

(Germano et al., 2001).


The covalent binding of the radical to cell components initiates the

inhibition of lipoprotein secretion and thus steatosis, whereas reaction with

oxygen, to form •CCl3 initiates lipid peroxidation. The latter process results in

loss of calcium homeostasis and, ultimately, apoptosis and cell death. The

massive production of reactive species may lead to depletion of protective

physiological moieties (glutathione and α-tocopherol, etc.), ensuing

widespread propagation of the alkylation as well as peroxidation, causing

damage to the macromolecules in vital biomembranes (Aldridge, 1981). The

reactive species mediated hepatotoxicity can be effectively managed upon

administration of such agents possessing anti-oxidants (Attri et al., 2000), free

radical scavengers (Sadanobu et al., 1999) and anti-lipid peroxidation (Lim

et al., 2000).

Based on a pharmacokinetic model developed by (Paustenbach

et al., 1988) about 4% of the carbon tetrachloride that is metabolized is

converted to and excreted as carbon dioxide. The remaining metabolic

products may bind to proteins, lipids and DNA. The liver and kidney are

target organs for carbon tetrachloride toxicity. The severity of the effects on

the liver depends on a number of factors such as species susceptibility, route

and mode of exposure, diet or co-exposure to other compounds, in particular

ethanol. Furthermore, it appears that pretreatment with various compounds,

such as phenobarbital and vitamin A, enhances hepatotoxicity, while other

compounds, such as vitamin E, reduce the hepatotoxic action of carbon





Silimarin is widely used as a standard hepatoprotective drug in many

liver disorders. The main effects of silymarin are the membrane stabilising

and antioxidant effects, it is able to help the liver cell regeneration, it can

decrease the inflammatory reaction, inhibit the fibro genesis in the liver and

the long administration of silymarin significantly increased the survival time

of patients with alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis (Fehér and Lengyel, 2008;)

Müzes et al., 1990) reported the antioxidant, antiperoxidative effects might be

important factors in the mechanism of hepatoprotective action of silymarin.

Silymarin prevents to a considerable degree the increase of the serum

enzymes (GOT, GPT, MDH, SDH, ICDH, AP) activity caused by a

D-galactosamine injury, enhances the metabolic conversion of the UDP-

hexosamine into UDP-acetylhexosamine in the liver and hastens the

normalizing of the UDP-glucuronic acid content in the liver of rats

(Tyutyulkova et al., 1981). Silymarin corrected the altered immunoreactions

and the decreased superoxide-dismutase (SOD) activity of erythrocytes and

lymphocytes in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhoses. The scavenger effect of

silymarin was demonstrated in the sub cellular fractions of liver cells in

animal experiments (Feher et al., 1989).


Eclipta alba Hassk. (Bhringaraja and Fam: Compositae) is a perennial

shrub, has a short, flat or round stem, deep brown in color which grows


widely in moist tropical countries. Different uses have been reported for this

shrub. It is used as alterative, anthelmintic, expectorant, antipyretic,

antiasthmatic, tonic, deobstruent in hepatic and spleen enlargement, in skin

diseases and as a substitute for Taraxacum (a popular liver tonic). It is good

for the diseases of spleen, stomatitis, toothache, hemicrania, fever, pain in

liver and cures vertigo (Yunani). Its juice in combination with honey is

administered for Catarrh and Jaundice (Chopra et al., 1996). Eclipta alba is

an indigenous medicinal plant, has a folk (Siddha and Ayurvedha) reputation

popularly used for the inflammation, anthelmintic, astringent, deobstruent and

hepatoprotective effect (Bhattachary et al., 1997).


• Eclipta erecta

• Eclipta prostrata

• Verbesina alba

• Verbesina prostrata


Figure 2. Eclipta alba

Kingdom : Plantae

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Order : Asterales

Family : Asteraceae

Genus : Eclipta

Species : Eclipta alba

Vernacular names

Latin : Eclipta alba

Sanskrit : Bhringaraja

English : Traling Eclipta


Hindi : Balari,Bhangra,Bhringraj,Bhengra,Mochkand.

Gujarati : Bhangro,Dadhal,Kalobhangro

Canarase : Ajagara,Garagadasoppu,Kadigga-garaga

Marathi : Bhangra, Maka

Pharmacognostic characteristics

Trailing Eclipta is a small, erect or prostate many branched and a

coarsely haired annual herb. It grows upto 20cm in height. It has a round,

feeble stem, simple ecliptis hairy leaves, variable in shape, bright green in

color with very small flowers, called florets. The leaf epidermis is composed

of single layer of parenchymal cells with characteristic non-glandular

trichomes, on both surfaces. In transaction, the stem is circular in out line with

a ring of collateral endarch vascular bundles of varying sizes and central

parenchymatous pith. The root has a diarch structure with normal and

secondary growth.

The plant grows all over India, especially, in moist places, upto an

elevation of about 800 meters. An erect annual grows 10-15 cm in height,

with flat or round, blackish-chocolaty, much branched, pubescent stems. The

leaves are opposite, serrate, 3-5 cm long and blackish-green in color. The

flowers are small penny-sized, white, on a long stalk. The fruits are many

seeded and the seeds are black, resemble cumin seeds. The plant flowers in

September and fruits in November. Ayurvedic texts describe three varieties of

bhringaraja according to colors of flowers viz. white, yellow and blue. The

white variety is commonly used.


Phyto Chemical constituents of Eclipta alba

It contains a large amount of resin and an alkaloid principle ecliptine.

The presence of reducing sugar and steroids in the seeds has been observed.

A number of compounds had been isolated from the plant. Wedelolactone,

chemically described as 7-methoxy-5,11,12-trihydroxy-coumestan (Zhang

and Guo, 2001) is basically a furanocoumarin,previously reported as

responsible for the hepatoprotective activity.Literature survey revealed that

HPLC and UV spectrophotometry (Das et al., 1990) methods had been

reported for the estimation of wedelolactone in a methanol extract of Eclipta

alba. Wedelolactone consist of heterocyclic fused ring, which is responsible

for fluorescent behavior. Wedelolactone possesses a wide range of biological

activities and is used for the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis (Wagner et

al., 1986).

Figure 3. Major chemical constituents of Eclipta alba


Medicinal properties and uses

Juice of the leaves is a hepato tonic and deobstruent. Root is a tonic.

The herb is used in hepatic and spleen enlargements and in skin diseases.

Fresh juice obtained from leaves is given in fever, liver disorders and

rheumatism. A paste of the herb mixed with sesame oil is used over glandular

swellings, elephantiasis and skin diseases. In Gujarat district and Punjab, it is

used externally for ulcers and as an antiseptic for wounds in cattle. Recently

Chandra et al. (1987 have observed a significant anti-inflammatory activity of

the powder in rats. It has been reported to be useful in liver ailments (Handa

et al., 1986) and has been shown to possess hepatoprotective activity against

carbon-tetrachloride induced liver cell damage in animals. The plant is an

active ingredient of many herbal formulations prescribed for liver ailments

and shows effect on liver cell generation. There are also reports of clinical

improvement in the treatment of infective hepatitis (Dixit and Achar, 1979).

Eclipta alba leaves showed antihyperglycemic activity (Ananthi et al., 2003).

The roots of Eclipta alba were found effective in wound healing (Patil et al.,

2004). In vivo hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic extract (Saxena et al.,

1993; Singh et al., 2001) and analgesic study of total alkaloids of Eclipta alba

were also reported (Sawant et al., 2004).

Ayurvedic Properties

Bhringaraja is bitter in taste, pungent in the post digestive effect and

has hot potency (virya). It alleviates kapha and vata dosas. It possesses light

(laghu) and dry (roksa) attributes. It is a rejuvenator, tonic and beneficial to

eyes, hair and the skin (Kaiyadeva Nighantu)


Piper longum

Piper species are widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical

regions of the world and have multiple applications in different folk

medicines. In traditional Chinese medicine, many species are used to treat

inflammatory diseases. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia contains three

monographs: Piper nigrum (“Hujiao”), Piper longum (“Bibo”) and Piper

kadsura (“Haifengteng”). In addition, several other Piper species are

commonly found in China. Piper longum fruits are ovoid, yellowish orange,

minute, and drupe and are sunk in the fleshy spike. The spikes are red when

ripe. Odour is aromatic and the taste is pungent.

Botanical Name : Piper longum

Common Name : Long Pepper, Pipli

Part Used : Fruit, Root, Stem

Habitat : Most deciduas to evergreen forests

Product offered : Seeds, Roots, Fruit, Stem

Kingdom : Plantae

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Order : Piperales

Family : Piperaceae

Genus : Piper

Species : P. longum


Figure 4. Piper longum

Vernacular names

Hindi , Punjabi : Pipul, Pipli, Piplamul

Bengali : Pipli, Piplamore (root)

Gujarati : Pipli

Kannada : Hippali, Hippalibali, Kuna

Malayalam : Tippali, Pippali

Marathi : Pimpli

Oriya : Pippoli

Sanskrit : Pippali

Sindhi : Pippli

Tamil : Thippali

Telugu : Tippili, Pippallu

Urdu : Pipul, Pipli.


Pharmacognostic characteristics

Pepper long is the dried fruit of Piper longum, which is a slender,

aromatic plant with creeping jointed stems and perennial woody roots. Leaves

numerous, lower one broadly ovate, very cordate with broad rounded lobes at

base, upper one oblong–oval, cordate at the base, all sub acute, entire glabours

thin, bullate with reticulate venation.

Phytochemical constituents

The fruits contain 1% volatile oil, resin, alkaloids piperine and

piperlonguminine, isobutyldeca-trans-2-trans-4-dienamide and a terpenoid

substance. Roots contain piperine, piperiongumine. Dihydrostigmasterol has

been isolated. It contains aromatic oil an alkaloid and pipalartine. Besides

this it contains sesamin and piplasterol. The root contains pipperin,

pippalartin, pipperleguminin, sterols and glycosides.

Medicinal properties and uses

Aromatic, stimulant, carminative, good for constipation, for gonorrhea,

paralysis of the tongue, advised in diarrhea, cholera, scarlatina, Chronic

Malaria and Viral hepatitis. Piper Longum is most commonly used to treat

respiratory infections such as stomach ache, bronchitis, diseases of the spleen,

cough, tumors, and asthma. When applied topically, it soothes and relieves

muscular pains and inflammation. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is said to be a

good rejuvenator. Piper longum helps to stimulate the appetite and it dispels

gas from the intestines. An infusion of Piper longum root is used after birth to


induce the expulsion of the placenta. It is used as sedative in insomnia and

epilepsy. Also as cholagogue in obstruction of bile duct and gall bladder.

Activity-guided fractionation of a methylene chloride soluble extract

led to the isolation of three known piperine-related compounds,

methylpiperate (1), guineensine (2), and piperlonguminine (3) of these,

methylpiperate (1) and guineensine (2) showed significant MAO inhibitory

activities (Lee et al., 2008).

Examination on the effects of several extracts of Piper longum L. on

rabbit platelet function showed Thromboxane A(2) receptor agonist U46619

caused rabbit platelet aggregation, which was potently inhibited by the

ethanol or butanol extract of Piper longum L. These results suggest that

Piper longum L. contains a constituent(s) that inhibits platelet aggregation as

a non-competitive thromboxane A(2) receptor antagonist (Iwashita et al.,

2007). Amides of known structures that contain four subtypes of amides were

rapidly determined, and novel amides were also identified for Piper longum.

Forty-two amides were rapidly identified, of which 22 were found in this

plant for the first time and 9 were new compounds (Sun et al., 2007).

Pullela et al. (2006) employed a systematic bioassay guided

fractionation method and isolated pipataline, pellitorine, sesamin,

brachystamide B and guineensine as active principles. A reversed-phase high-

performance liquid chromatography method was developed to quantify these

active principles in the plant material, which can serve as an effective quality

control tool. The extract of P. longum at non-toxic concentrations


(10 microg/ml, 5 microg/ml, 1 microg/ml) inhibited the VEGF-induced vessel

sprouting in rat aortic ring assay. Moreover, P. longum was able to inhibit the

VEGF-induced proliferation, cell migration and capillary-like tube formation

of primary cultured human endothelial cells. Hence, the observed

antiangiogenic activity of the plant P. longum is related to the regulation of

these cytokines and growth factors in angiogenesis-induced animals

(Sunila and Kuttan, 2006).

Piperine has been shown to enhance the bio-availability of structurally

and therapeutically diverse drugs, possibly by modulating membrane

dynamics, due to its easy partitioning and increasing permeability. Piperine

was evaluated and found to exert significant protection against tertiary butyl

hydroperoxide and carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity, by reducing

both in vitro and in vivo lipid peroxidation. Methyl piperine significantly

inhibited the elevation of total serum cholesterol, and the total cholesterol to

HDL-cholesterol ratio, in rats fed with a high cholesterol diet. Piper longum

Linn, an important medicinal plant belonging to the family piperaceae has

been used in traditional medicine by people in Asia and Pacific islands

especially in Indian medicine (Guido and David, 1998).

Piper longum is a component of medicines reported as good remedy

for treating gonorrhea, menstrual pain, tuberculosis, sleeping problems,

respiratory tract infections, chronic gut related pain and arthritic conditions

(Singh et al., 1992).


Piper longum possessed a demonstrable immunostimulatory activity,

both specific and nonspecific, as evident from the standard test parameters

such as haemagglutination titre (HA), plaque forming cell (PFC) counts,

macrophage migration index (MMI) and phagocytic index (Tripathi

et al., 1999). Three isolates of black pepper were active against Gram-positive

bacteria and moderately active against Gram-negative bacteria. Each isolate

was highly active against at least one particular species of bacteria; Piper

longuminine (1) against Bacillus subtilis, piperine (2) against Staphylococcus

aureus and pellitorine (3) against Bacillus sphaericus (Srinivasa Reddy et al.,





The present investigation was aimed to determine the hepatoprotective

effect of the Biherbal extract (BHE), made up of equal proportions of

Melia azedarach leaves and Piper longum seeds in experimental animals with

CCl4 as hepatotoxic model. The hepatoprotective effect of the Biherbal extract

(BHE) was also compared with biological efficacy of individual plant



The study was carried out in the following stages:

1. Preparation of the bi herbal ethanolic extract (BHE) of the leaves

of Melia azedarach and seeds of Piper longum and their

individual ethanolic extracts.

2. To assess the acute and chronic toxicity of BHE.

3. To determine the effective dose of the test drug which gives

optimum therapeutic effect.

4. To compare the hepatoprotective effect of BHE with the standard

drug silymarin.

5. To evaluate a tentative mechanism of action of the drug.


The objective also includes the

1. The determination of the major phytochemicals in the test extract

and HPTLC finger printing.

2. Quantitative analysis of macronutrients and minerals including

protein pattern by SDS-PAGE.

3. In vitro antioxidant studies of plant extracts.

4. In vitro DNA fragmentation study.



Research programs in India and china are active in the investigation of

their local medicinal plants, but little ethanopharmacological research has

been carried out for the ethnic groups who live in areas of maximum

biodiversity, where many plants of interest are likely to occur. Medicinal

herbs are significant source of pharmaceutical drugs. Latest trends have

shown increasing demand of phytodrugs and some medicinal herbs. The most

important classes of herbs for functional liver disease are cholagogues

(increase bile flow), choleretics (increasing bile production) and carminatives

(expelling gas and antispasmodic). Cholagogue plants usually have a bitter

flavor, and all bitter plants are cholagogic to some degree. Some important

traditional cholagogues are dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis), greater

celandine (Chelidonium majus), and wormwood (Artemesia absinthum). The

most commonly used herbs for liver problems include Phyllanthus, Milk

Thistle, Sho-saiko-to, Dandelion Root, Licorice Root, and Chicory root.

Phyllantus amarus in chronic hepatitis B, glycyrrhizin to treat chronic viral

hepatitis, and a number of herbal combinations from China and Japan that

deserve testing in appropriate studies.

Liver is often abused by environmental toxins, poor eating habits,

alcohol and over-the-counter drug use, that damage and weaken the liver

leading to important public health problems like hepatitis, cirrhosis and

alcoholic liver diseases (Treadway, 1998). These toxins generally lead to

pathologically distinct liver diseases in clinical practice, any or all of the three


conditions can occur together at the same time, in the same patient. These

three conditions are fatty liver, hepatitis, and Cirrhosis.Paracetamol and CCl4-

induced hepatic injuries are commonly used models for hepatoprotective drug

screening (Plaa Hewitt, 1982).

Abstinence from Alcohol

Alcohol consumption has been associated with alcoholic hepatitis, fatty

infiltration of the liver, accelerated progression of liver disease, a higher

frequency of cirrhosis, a higher incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma, and

death. The daily consumption of more than four drinks of alcohol increases

the risk of cirrhosis, as well as death from other causes (Thun et al., 1997;

Scheig, 1970). Investigators in one study (Corrao and Arico, 1998) found that

the effect of alcohol in patients with hepatitis C virus infection is not merely

additive but synergistic. The mechanism for the synergistic effect of alcohol

and hepatitis C virus is not fully understood, but it has been attributed to the

effects of alcohol on viral replication and the immune system, hepatic iron

content and hepatic regeneration.

Influence of Iron

As many as 30 percent of patients with liver disease have high serum

iron levels, and 10 percent have excessive amounts of iron in their liver tissue

(Riggio et al., 1997; Di Bisceglie et al., 1992). The most likely mechanisms

of liver injury from excess iron are increased generation of free radicals and

increased peroxidation of lipids, which, in turn, lead to mitochondrial

dysfunction, lysosomal fragility and cell death. Iron has recently been shown


to influence the natural history of hepatitis C virus infection and the response

of chronic hepatitis C to treatment (Olynyk et al., 1995; Van Thiel et al.,

1994). To date, no evidence suggest that dietary iron is harmful.

Diet and Exercise

One controlled study (Ueno et al., 199) demonstrated that a weight

reduction program (combined diet and exercise) can improve liver function

test results and liver histology in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

With a weight loss of 4.5 to 6.8 kg (10 to 15 lb), liver transaminase levels

often return to normal. Investigators in another study (Deems et al., 199)

found a correlation between high fat and oil consumption and elevated liver

transaminase levels. The findings of these studies suggest that a low-fat diet

and exercise could minimize hepatic steatosis.

Liver protecting Herbs

Ayurveda remains one of the most ancient and yet living traditions

practiced widely in India, Sri Lanka and other countries and has a sound

philosophical and traditional basis (Chopra and Doiphode, 2002).

Atharvaveda (around 1200 BC), Charak Samhita and Sushrut Samhita.

(1000–500 BC) are the main classics that give detailed descriptions of over

700 herbs. Polyherbal formulations reputed to have hepatoprotective activity

that are available on the Indian market comprise about one hundred Indian

medicinal plants (Handa and Sharma, 1986).


Andrographis paniculata

For centuries Andrographis has been an important herb in the Asian

healing systems of Ayurveda, Unani and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Traditionally this herb has been used to potentiate immune system response to

inflammation and infections, and as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (lowers

fevers) and a hepatoprotective (liver protector Andrographolide, the active

constituent isolated from the plant Andrographis paniculata showed a

significant dose dependent protective activity against paracetamol-induced

toxicity on ex vivo preparation of isolated rat hepatocytes (Visen et al., 1993).

Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava)

An alcoholic extract of whole plant Boerhavia diffusa given orally

exhibited hepatoprotective activity against experimentally induced carbon

tetrachloride hepatotoxicity in rats and mice (Ansari et al., 1991).

Terminalia belerica (Baheda)

Compound I isolated from fraction TB5 of Terminalia belerica and

finally identified as 3,4,5-trihydroxy benzoic acid (gallic acid) was evaluated

for its hepatoprotective activity against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) - induced

physiological and biochemical alterations in the liver. Administration of

compound I led to significant reversal of majority of the altered parameters

confirming the presence of hepatoprotective activity in Compound I

(Anand et al., 1997).


Picrorhiza kuroa (Katuki)

Picrorrhiza kurroa is one of the herbs they recommend to support the

liver not only in everyday situations, but in cases where severe viral infections

attack. Pre-treatment with picroliv prevented the hepatotoxic effects of

paracetamol and galactosamine as evidenced by various biochemical and

histopathological observations. Maximum hepatoprotective effect was

observed with daily oral doses of 6 and 12 mg/kg for 7 or 8 days. The

antihepatotoxic action of picroliv seems likely due to an alteration in the

biotransformation of the toxic substances resulting in decreased formation of

reactive metabolites (Ansari et al., 1991).

Taraxacum officinale

Traditionally Taraxacum officinale has been used as a remedy for

jaundice and other disorders of the liver and gallbladder, and as a remedy for

counteracting water retention. Generally, the roots of the plant have the most

activity regarding the liver and gallbladder. Oral administration of extracts

from the roots of Taraxacum officinale has been shown to act as a

cholagogue, increasing the flow of bile (Vogel, 1977). Bitter constituents like

taraxecerin and taraxcin are active constituents of the medicinal herb

(Cordatos, 1992).

Solanum nigrum

In Ayurveda, the drug is known as kakamachi. Aromatic water

extracted from the drug is widely prescribed by herbal vendors for liver


disorders. Although clinical documentation is scare as far as hepatoprotective

activity is concerned, but some traditional practitioners have reported

favorable results with powdered extract of the plant.

Wilkstroemia indica

W. indica is a Chinese herb and has been evaluated in patients

suffering from hepatitis B. A dicoumarin, daphnoretin is the active constituent

of the herb. The drug has shown to suppress HbsAG in Hep3B cells. It is said

to activator of protein kinase C (Chen et al., 1996).

Curcuma longa

Like silymarin, turmeric has been found to protect animal livers from a

variety of hepatotoxic substances, including carbon tetrachloride (Srinivas

and Shalini, 1991), galactosamine, pentobarbitol, 1-chloro-2, 4-

dinitrobenzene, 7 4-hydroxy-nonenal (Selvam et al., 1995) and paracetamol.

Diarylhepatonoids including Curcumin is the active constituent of the plant.

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)

The best studied herb for hepatitis and has been shown to help protect

and regenerate liver cells. There is no evidence of toxicity related to the pure

form of milk thistle, and there is weak evidence of a hepatocyte plasma cell

membrane protective effect. For these reasons, it is reasonable not to

discourage the use of milk thistle (Flora et al., 1998).


Piper longum

The isolated constituents and n- hexane extracts of Piper longum were

found to show varying degree of antibacterial activity against all the tested

bacteria (Lokhande et al., 2007). Administration of alcoholic extract of Piper

longum (10 mg/dose/animal) as well as piperine (1.14 mg/dose/animal) could

inhibit the solid tumor development in mice induced with DLA cells and

increase the life span of mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma tumor to 37.3

and 58.8%, respectively. Administration of Piper longum extract and piperine

increased the total WBC count to 142.8 and 138.9%, respectively, in Balb/c

mice (Sunila and Kuttan, 2004). Ethanol extract of Piper longum fruits and

five crude fractions, petroleum ether (40-60), solvent ether, ethyl acetate,

butanol and butanone were subjected to preliminary qualitative chemical

investigations. The ethanolic extract and all other fractions were screened

orally for hepatoprotective activity in adult Wistar rats. The ethanolic extract

and butanol fraction have shown significant activity, lowering the serum

enzymes glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic

transaminase in rats treated with carbon tetrachloride when compared to

control and Liv-52-treated rats (Jalalpure et al., 2003)

Eclipta alba

The drug is traditionally used against Jaundice (Mehra and Handa,

1968). As a reputed herbal medicine in the Ayurvedic and Unani system of

medicine, it is incorporated as a major ingredient in a number of Indian

antihepatotoxic phytopharmaceutical formulations. The herb of E. alba


contains coumestans, i.e. wedelolactone (W) and demethylwedelolactone

(DMW) possessing potent antihepatotoxic activity and is recommended for

the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis. It cure insomnia (Kulkarni, 1990). The

drug also showed antiviral activity in mice experimentally infected with

Semliki forest encephalitis virus (Singh, 1983). The drug also has been found

to be quite beneficial for treatment of jaundice when tested clinically in

children (Dixit and Achar, 1981).



One of the vital organs of the human body, the liver performs essential

functions including detoxification and maintenance of normal immunity by

generating protective antibodies. Liver is susceptible to be encountered with

abnormal metabolites and toxins which are of endogenous and exogenous in

origin. Environmental pollution, drugs, chronic alcohol consumption,

pathogens and hereditary factors can be accounted for susceptibility of liver to

various diseases and results in functional deficiency.

Many liver protecting agents are consumed by people either to prevent

or to cure liver associated disorders. Allopathic medicines are being used to

save those patients by relieving them from the hazardous symptoms. But the

contraindication and limitations for their use also keep increasing due to age

and sex related side effects.

Since the time of its invention various medicinal plants have been

traditionally practised to cure liver diseases or to strengthen the vitality of the

organ. Many plants such as Silybum marianum (milk thistle), Picrorhiza

kurroa (kutkin), Curcuma longa (turmeric), Camellia sinensis (green tea) and

Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) have been clinically proved and patented.

India is one of the holistic countries, which believes in traditional

system of folklore medicines made up of medicinal plants. Both single plant

and formulation consisting of more than one plant are used in ayurvedic

system of medicine. Though many medicinal plants are widely used for liver


complaints the ever increasing problem of pollution and alcohol consumption

and thereby liver toxicity demands the screening and identification of new

plants which can be superior to allopathic medicines due to their less toxic

and cost effective nature.

Eclipta alba commonly known as False Daisy and bhringraj, is a plant

belonging to the family Asteraceae. Bhrngaraja is equally useful in many

diseases both, internally as well as externally. It is one of the best blood

purifiers, stimulates the liver and alleviates the general oedema all over the

body. Eclipta alba also has traditional external uses, like athlete foot, eczema

and dermatitis, on the scalp to address hair loss and the leaves have been used

in the treatment of scorpion stings. It is used as anti-venom against snakebite

in China and Brazil.

Piper longum an important medicinal plant belonging to the family of

Piperaceae also known as “Thippali” and used in traditional medicine by

many people in Asia and Pacific islands especially in Indian system of

medicine. Piper longum is a component of medicines reported as good

remedy for treating gonorrhea, menstrual pain, tuberculosis, sleeping

problems, respiratory tract infections, chronic gut related pain, and arthritic


Traditional system of medicine, which is the only accessible health

care system for most of the population in rural areas, should be scientifically

evaluated so as to improve the clinical efficacy and safety.


Both E. alba and P. longum have immense therapeutic properties

especially for the treatment of liver related disorders. But the practice is only

at the traditional level because of the lack of experimental proof to standardise

the optimum dosage, efficacy and toxic effects.

The aim of the present study is to provide experimental proof for the

hepatoprotective efficacy of the ethanolic extracts of E. alba, P. longum and

the combined biherbal formulation made up of equal concentrations of E.alba

and P. longum. Polyherbal formulations are considered more effective than

the single drug and hence the biherbal formulation has been used in the study

and compared with the individual plants E. alba and P. longum.

The present investigation has been divided into two parts

The plants have been processed and screened for the

phytochemicals and tested for free radical scavenging

activities by using standard models in vitro.

The evaluation of non toxic dosage of test drugs by acute and

chronic toxicity in albino Wistar strain rat models according to

OECD guidelines. After assessing the dosage by acute and

chronic toxicity studies efficacy of the single and the biherbal

drugs have been ascertained by using CCl4 induced

hepatotoxicity model in rats. The hepatoprotective nature of

the drugs has been assessed by various biochemical

estimations and histological observations. Rats treated with


standard drug silymarin have also been utilised in this study to

compare the hepatoprotective efficacy of the test drugs.

The results of this study will throw more light on the mechanism of

action of the test drugs, which is hidden so far due to the lack of experimental

proof. It is sure that the out come of this study will result in the identification

of a new biherbal formulation, which can be used to treat liver disorders in



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Plants are considered to be medicinal if they possess pharmacological

activities of possible therapeutic use. These activities are often known as a

result of millennia of trial and error, but they have to be carefully investigated

if we wish to develop new drugs that meet the criteria of modern treatment.

Compared with the experience of most modern drugs, the human use and

approval of most herbal remedies is awesome.

The requirement by the medical and scientific establishment for

research to prove that herbs are effective is not found among the population at

large. It is apparent that most ordinary people are content to rely on their

impressions of the world to get by it. Judging by the substantial markets for

herbal products in the developed world, let alone the vast use in traditional

cultures, a great many people have already found herbal medicines useful.

The relationship between man and plants has been very close throughout the

development of human cultures. It can be recalled that herbal therapy aims to

support vital functions of human body.

The role of compounds such as flavonoids and others with activities

such as antioxidation and free radical scavenging is largely unknown but

could be important in the prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases and

cancer (Kinghorn, 1993).


The need to document plant usage and to attempt to confirm their

efficacy remains urgent and must be undertaken with same rigour, as would

any other scientific study.

Considering the above facts, the present research work has been carried

out to evaluate the hepatoprotecive action of the combined ethanolic extract of

leaves of Eclipta alba and the seed of Piper longum (BHE)

In Ayurveda the plant Eclipta alba is considered a rasayana for

longevity and rejuvenation. Recent studies have shown that it has a profound

antihepatotoxic activity

Piper longum Linn, an important medicinal plant belonging to the

family piperaceae has been used in traditional medicine by people in Asia and

Pacific islands especially in Indian medicine

Plant Collection and Authentication

The leaves of Eclipta alba and seeds of Piper longum were collected

from the IMPCOPS (Indian Medical practioners co-operative society),

Thiruvanmiyur Chennai, India and were authenticated by

Dr.P.T.Kalaichelvan, Professor, Advanced Studies in Botany, University of

Madras, Chennai, India. The voucher specimen is available in the herbarium

file of the Indian Medical practitioners co-operative society, Thiruvanmiyur,

Chennai, India.



Preparation of Eclipta alba extract (EAE)

The leaves of Eclipta alba (1 kg) were shade-dried and pulverized to a

coarse powder. The powder was passed through 40-mesh sieve and

exhaustively extracted with ethyl acetate in soxhlet apparatus at 60oC. The

residue left after ethanol extraction was dried and extracted successively with

chloroform and ethanol. The extracts were evaporated under reduced pressure

using rota flash evaporator till all the solvent had been removed and extract

was stored in refrigerator for further use. All these extracts were subjected to

HPTLC finger printing analysis. The ethanolic extract alone was used for

phytochemical and pharmacological studies. The ethanolic extract was

administered to the animals by dissolving each time with 2% v/v aqueous

Tween 80.

Preparation of Piper longum extracts (PLE)

The seeds of Piper longum (1 kg)) were shade-dried and pulverized to

a coarse powder. The powder was passed through 40-mesh sieve and

exhaustively extracted with 90% (v/v) ethanol in soxhlet apparatus at 60oC.

The residue left after ethanol extraction was dried and extracted successively

with ethyl acetate and chloroform (90 %v/v). The extracts were evaporated

under reduced pressure using rota flash evaporator till all the solvent had been

removed and extract was stored in refrigerator for further use. All these

extracts were subjected to HPTLC finger printing analysis. The ethanolic

extract alone was used for phytochemical and pharmacological studies. The


ethanolic extract was administered to the animals by dissolving each time

with 2% v/v aqueous Tween 80.

Preparation of Biherbal extract (BHE)

The leaves of Eclipta alba (1Kg) and seeds of Piper longum (1Kg)

were shade-dried and pulverized to a coarse powder. Equal quantities of the

powder were passed through 40-mesh sieve and exhaustively extracted with

90% (v/v) ethanol in soxhlet apparatus at 60oC. The extract was were

evaporated under reduced pressure using rota flash evaporator till all the

solvent had been removed, the extract was lyophilised and stored in

refrigerator for phytochemical and pharmacological studies. The lyophilised

material was administered to the animals by dissolving each time with 2% v/v

aqueous Tween 80.

Drugs and Chemicals

Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid

(EDTA), Trichloro acetic acid (TCA), Thiobarbituric acid (TBA), Sodium

nitroprusside, Sulphanilamide, Phosphoric acid, Naphtyl ethylene diamine

dihydrochloride were obtained from Sd Fine Chemicals Ltd.). 1,1-Diphenyl,

2-picryl hydrazyl DPPH), Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), Bovine Serum

Albumin (BSA), Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, 5,5-dithio bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)

(DTNB), 2,2′-bipyridyl were obtained from Sigma Chemicals Company

St. Louis, USA. All other chemicals and reagent used were of analytical



Preliminary Phytochemical Screening

The ethanolic extracts of the EAE, PLE, and BHE were subjected to

preliminary phytochemical screening for identification of its active

constituents by the method of Kokate et al. (1997).

Test for Alkaloids

A small portion of the solvent free extracts were stirred separately with

a few drops of dil. Hydrochloric acid and filtered. The filtrate may be

carefully tested with various alkaloidal reagents.

(a) Mayer’s reagent - Cream precipitate

(b) Dragondroff reagent - Orange brown precipitate

(c) Hager’s reagent - Yellow precipitate

(d) Wagner’s reagent - Reddish brown precipitate

Test for Carbohydrates

(a) Molisch’s Test

The extracts were treated with 2-3 drops of 1% alcoholic alpha napthol

and 2 ml of conc. Sulphuric acid was added along the sides of the test tube

carefully. Formation of violet color ring at the junction of two liquids

indicates the presence of carbohydrates.


(b) Fehling’s Test

The extracts were treated with Fehling’s solution A and B and heated.

Appearance of reddish brown color precipitate indicates the presence of

reducing sugars.

(c) Benedict’s Test

The extracts were treated with Benedict’s reagent and heated.

Appearance of reddish orange colour precipitate indicates the presence of

reducing sugars.

Test for Proteins

(a) Biuret Test

The extracts were treated with copper sulphate solution, followed by

the addition of sodium hydroxide solution appearance of violet colour

indicates the presence of proteins.

(b) Millon’s Test

When the extracts were treated with Millon’s reagent, appearance of

pink colour indicates the presence of proteins

Test for Phytosteroids

(a) Libermann Bucharad Test


When the extracts were treated with con. Sulphuric acid, few drops of

glacial acetic acid, followed by the acetic anhydride, there is a formation of

violet ring between the two layers, and the appearance of green colour in the

aqueous upper layer indicates the presence of steroids.

Test for Phenols

(a) The different extracts were treated with neutral ferric chloride

solution. The appearance of violet color indicates the presence

of phenols.

(b) The different extracts were treated with 10% sodium chloride

solution. The appearance of cream color indicates the presence

of phenols.

Test for Tannins

(a) When the extracts were treated with 10% lead acetate solution,

appearance of white precipitate indicates the presence of tannins

(b) When the extracts were treated with aqueous bromine solution,

appearance of white precipitate indicates the presence of tannins


Test for Flavonoids

(a) 5ml of the each extract solution was hydrolyzed with 10% v/v

sulphuric acid and cooled. Then it was extracted with diethyl

ether and divided into three portions in three separate test tubes.

1ml of diluted sodium carbonate, 1ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide

and 1ml of strong ammonia solution were added to the first,

second and third test tubes respectively. In each test tube,

development of yellow color demonstrated the presence of


(b) Shinoda’s Test The extracts were dissolved in alcohol, to that

one piece of magnesium followed by conc. Hydrochloric acid

were added drop wise and heated. Appearance of magenta color

shows the presence of flavonoids.

Tests for Gums and Mucilage

(a) About 10ml of various extracts were added separately to 25ml

of absolute alcohol with constant stirring and filtered. The

precipitate was dried in air and examined for its swelling



Test for Saponins

(a) Foam Test

1ml of the different extracts were diluted with distilled water and

shaken well in the test tube. The formation of foam in the upper part of the

test tube indicates the presence of saponins.

Test for Glycosides

A pinch of the extracts were dissolved in the glacial acetic acid and a

few drops of ferric chloride solution was added, followed by the addition of

con. Sulphuric acid, formation of red ring at the junction of two liquids

indicates the presence of glycosides.

Tests for fixed oils and fats

(a) Small quantity of the various extracts were separately pressed between

two filter papers. Appearance of oil stain on the paper indicates the

presence of fixed oil.

(b) Few drops of 0.5N alcoholic potassium hydroxide were added to small

quantity of various extracts along with a drop of phenolphthalein. The

mixture was heated on a water bath for 1-2 hours. Formation of soap or

partial neutralization of alkali indicates the presence of fixed oils and



Test for Terpenes

When the extracts were treated with tin and thionyl chloride,

appearance of pink colour indicates the presence of terpenes.

Test for Lignin

When the extracts were treated with alcoholic solution of

phloroglucinol and con. Hydrochloric acid appearance of red colour shows

presence of lignin.

High Performance Thin Layer Liquid Chromatography (HPTLC) finger


HPTLC finger printing was performed on CAMAG TLC scanner – 3

instrument, equipped with Linomat IV applicator and CATS 3. 2 software.

Precoated aluminium silica gel 60 F254 (E. Merck) plates, layer thickness of

0.2 mm were used. Fingerprints were obtained by development in CAMAG

twin chamber and were scanned at 254 nm.


Estimation of Total soluble sugars

The estimation of total soluble sugars present in the leaves of

Eclipta alba and seeds of Piper longum were estimated by using anthrone



Extraction of sugars

For extracting the sugars 1gm of finely powdered sample was

suspended in 40 ml of distilled water and heated in the boiling water bath for

30 min. It was centrifuged for 20 min at 3000rpm. The supernatant was

collected and the pellet was suspended in 20 ml of water. The extraction steps

were repeated 6 –8 times till the supernatant was free of sugars.


1. Anthrone reagent: Dissolved 2 gms of anthrone in 1 litre of

con. Sulphuric acid. The reagent was prepared freshly.

2. Stock standard glucose solution: 100mgs of glucose was

dissolved in 100ml of distilled water.

3. Working standard glucose solution: Stock solution was

diluted 1 in 10 times.


From the supernatant 1ml of the solution was taken. To that 4 ml of

anthrone reagent was added. Placed the tubes in the boiling water bath for

10 min. Aliquots of standard glucose was also treated in the same way. A

blank was set up with 1ml of water. The test tubes were taken out, cooled and

the absorbance of the solution was measured at 625 nm using the colorimeter.

From the standard graph the amount of carbohydrate present in the sample


was calculated. The sugar contents of the plant were expressed as

mgs/100gms of powder.

Estimation of Total Proteins

The estimation of total proteins present in the leaves of Eclipta alba

and seeds of Piper longum were estimated by using Lowry et al., (1951)


Extraction of the protein sample


1. Ethanol - (80%)

2. Ethanol : Ether mixture (3: 1)

3. Trichloro acetic acid (TCA) -5%


The fresh leaves of the Eclipta alba and seeds of piper longum were

extracted in hot 80% ethanol by macerating in a motor and pestle. The

homogenate was transferred in a centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 2000rpm

for 20 min. The supernatant was discarded. The pellet was suspended in a

suitable volume of 5% TCA in an ice bath for 15 min. It was centrifuged and

the supernatant was discarded. This process was repeated for twice. The pellet

was reextracted once with hot absolute ethanol and twice with ethanol: ether

mixture, every time discarding the supernatants after centrifugation. This

pellet contains the proteins and nucleic acids.


Estimation of the protein sample (Lowry’s method)


1. Alkaline copper reagent:50ml of reagent A( 2% Sodium carbonate in

0.1N Sodium hydroxide) was mixed with 1.0ml of reagent B (0.5%

copper sulphate in 1% sodium potassium tartarate).

2. Folin’s phenol reagent: This was prepared according to the method of

Folin and Ciocalteu’s. The following were mixed together and refluxed

for 10hrs.

Sodium tungstate - 100mg

Sodium molybdate - 25g

Water - 700ml

Phosphoric acid 85% - 15ml

Con HCl - 100ml

After refluxing, 150g of Lithium sulphate and 50ml of water were

added along with a few drops of bromine. The mixture was boiled for 15min

to remove excess of bromine. The contents were cooled, diluted to 1 litre and

filtered. This reagent was diluted 1:2 with water before use.

3. Standard protein solution: 10mg of bovine serum albumin dissolved in

100ml of distilled water.



Aliquots of the extract were made up to a final volume of 1.0ml with

water. A set of standards and blank containing only water were also set up

5.0ml of alkaline copper reagent was added to all the test tubes, mixed and

allowed to stand at room temperature for 10mts. Then 0.5ml of Folin’s phenol

reagent was added and shaken well. The blue color developed was read at

640nm after 20mts, in the photoelectric colorimeter. The protein contents of

the tissues were expressed as mgs/100gms of powder.

Estimation of Total lipid

The estimation of Total lipids present in the leaves of Eclipta alba and

seeds of Piper longum were estimated by using chloroform methanol mixture

by the method of Folsch et al. (1957).


1. Anhydrous sodium sulphate

2. chloroform : Methanol mixture ( 2:1)

3. sodium chloride - 1%


To 1gm of each of the leaves Eclipta alba and seeds of Piper longum,

5gms of anhydrous sodium sulphate was added and macerated in the motor

and pestle. A small amount of acid washed sand was added as an abrasive

since the seed material is tough. To this 20ml of chloroform : methanol


mixture was added and transferred to a tight glass stoppered iodometric flask.

The contents of the flask were shaken in a mechanical shaker and filtered

through the sintered glass funnel. The extraction was repeated twice and the

filtrates were pooled. The solvent present in the residue was removed under

vacuum. Since the residue left after drying contain crude lipids it was

extracted once again with 10ml of chloroform: methanol mixture containing

1ml of 1% sodium chloride. The pooled sample was transferred to a

separating funnel which were shaken thoroughly and allowed to stand for 5

min. The lipids were recovered from the lower layer. The lower layer was

drained out and the process was repeated with chloroform: methanol mixture

again 3-4 times to extract any residual lipid from it. The lipid containing

fractions were collected in a pre weighed beaker. The solvent was evaporated

by keeping it in a warm water bath at 50° C. The weight of the beaker with

the extract was recorded, and the amount of the crude lipids in the sample was

determined by subtracting the weight of the empty beaker. The lipid contents

of the tissues were expressed as gms/100gms of fresh tissue

Estimation of Minerals

Preparation of sample for mineral analysis by ashing method


1. Desiccator containing fused calcium chloride at the bottom

2. Dilute HCl: Prepared diluting 1ml of HCl with 4ml of water



About 5 – 10gms of oven-dried samples were taken in a silica crucible

and heated first in the bunsen burner on a low flame till it gets charred. The

silica crucible was transferred to a muffle furnace and heated at dull red heat

(500-550°C) till it was completely converted into white ash. The ash was kept

in the desiccator containing fused calcium chloride at the bottom, till it gets

cooled down. The ash was moistened with small amount of distilled water and

5ml of dilute HCl was added to it. The solution was evaporated to dryness on

a boiling water bath and this process was repeated twice. To the extract 4ml

of dil .HCl was added and warmed in the boiling water bath. The extract was

filtered through whatmann filter paper and made up to 100ml in the

volumetric flask. It was transferred to preacid washed bottles and stored for

mineral analysis.

Estimation of Minerals by Atomic Absorption

The minerals present in the dried powdered plants were analysed

quantitatively using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. (AAS400-HGA

900-Perkin Elmer) and expressed as ppm of plant powder.


A SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins was performed with the aqueous

extracts of the seeds of Piper longum and with the leaves of Eclipta alba and

the molecular weight of the different proteins present in the plants were

identified by comparing with the marker proteins.



Stock solutions

1. Acrylamide stock solution: 30% Acryl amide and 0.8% N, N’,

methylene bis acrylamide was dissolved in 50ml of distilled


2. Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)- 10%

3. Ammonium per sulphate (APS)- 10%

4. Tetra ethyl methylene ethylene diamine (TEMED)

5. Tris – HCl buffer: Two bufferts

(a) for separating gel- 0.375 M pH 8.8

(b) for stalking gel -0.125 M pH 6.8

1. Preparation of separating gel (6ml)

2. Tris – HCl buffer pH 8.8 - 1.5ml

3. Acrylamide - 2.0 ml

4. Sodium dodecyl sulphate 10% - 0.06 ml

5. Ammonium per sulphate (APS) 10% - 0.02 ml

6. TEMED - 0.01 ml

7. Water - 2.41 ml

Preparation of stalking gel (3ml)

1. Tris – HCl buffer pH 6.8 - 0.75ml

2. Acrylamide - 0.5 ml

3. Sodium dodecyl sulphate10% - 0.03 ml

4. Ammonium per sulphate (APS) 10% 0.015 ml


5. TEMED - 0.005 ml

6. Water - 1.7 ml

Preparation of sample buffer

1. 0.025M Tris PH 6.8 - 0.25

2. 2 mercaptoethanol - 0.1ml

3. SDS - 0.04ml

4. Glycerol - 0.2ml

5. Bromophenol Blue - 0.001%

6. Water - to make up to 1ml

Preparation of tank buffer PH 8.3

1. Tris 0.025M - 1.5g

2. Glycine 0.192M - 7.2g

3. SDS 0.1% - 0.5g

4. Water - 500ml

Protein sample preparation

The protein isolated from the plants as above mentioned procedure was

taken and mixed with equal volume of sample buffer in sterilized microfuge

tubes and boiled for 3 min in a boiling water bath. It was cooled at room

temperature and then used for loading.


Protein Staining Solutions

0.1 gms of coomassie brilliant blue (CBB R 250) was weighed,

dissolved completely in 40 ml of methanol, 10 ml of acetic acid was added

and made-up to 50 ml using water.


1. The polyacrylamide slab was prepared between the two glass

plates, a notched upper plate and a lower plate that were separated

by the spacers. The sides of the gel plates were sealed using 5%

agar solution. The plates were checked for leaks before pouring

the separating gel solution.

2. The separating gel was poured in between the plates without any

air bubble. 100µl of water was laid over the separating gel to get a

uniform layer. The separating gel was allowed to get solidify.

After the gel gets solidifies the water layer was removed.

3. The stalking gel was added on the top of the separating gel. The

comb was introduced on the top without air bubble, and allowed

to get solidify.

4. After solidification of the stalking gel the comb was removed ,

the spacers kept in between the plates were also removed.

5. The plates with the gel were clamped in the electrophoretic

apparatus. The top electrolyte compartment was filled with the


running buffer and checked for leaks. If it was perfect the bottom

compartment was also filled with the same.

6. About 25µl of the processed protein sample was applied on the

wells by using the micropipette.

7. Known molecular weight protein markers were also loaded onto

the wells.

8. After loading the samples and the markers on to the wells the

power pack was “switched on” and a voltage of 15 mA was

applied which gives good resolution and avoid heating effects.

9. Once the tracking dye reaches the bottom of the gel the current

was “switched off” and the plates were removed and the gel

present in between the plates were taken out for staining


10. The gel was stained for an hour in the freshly prepared staining

solution and destained in the destaining solutions till the bands of

required intensity was obtained.

11. The proteins present in the sample were studied using the marker


Molecular weight determination

SDS-PAGE is frequently used to determine the molecular weight of a

protein. Since the protein migration is generally proportional to the mass of

the protein, a standard curve is generated with proteins of known molecular


weight and the molecular weight of unknown protein can be calculated by

extrapolating the graph.


1,1-Diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity

DPPH radical scavenging activity was assessed according to the

method of Shimada et al. (1992).


1. Acetate buffer , pH 5.5 - 0.1 M

2. DPPH in ethanol - 0.5 mM

3. L- Ascorbic acid - 10mg/100ml water


One ml of crude extracts of EAE, PLE, and BHE at variable

concentrations ranging from 100 to 1000 µg in ethanol were mixed in 1 ml of

freshly prepared DPPH solution and 2 ml of 0.1 M acetate buffer at pH 5.5.

The resulting solutions were then incubated at 37 ºC for 30 min and measured

spectophotometrically at 517nm. Standard antioxidants like L-Ascorbic acid

was used as positive control under the same assay conditions. Negative

control was without any inhibitor or extract. Lower absorbance at 517 nm

represents higher DPPH scavenging activity. DPPH radical scavenging

activity of the extracts was calculated accordingly from the decrease in

absorbance at 517 nm in comparison with the negative control.


Super oxide scavenging activity

Super oxide anion scavenging activity was measured based on the

described method by Robak and Gryglewski (1988).


1. Sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 - 100 mM

2. Nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) - 150 mM

3. NADH - 468mM

4. Phenazine methosulphate (PMS) - 60 mM

5. L-Ascorbic acid - 10mg/100ml water


Superoxide radicals were generated in nicotinenamide adenine

dinucleotide, phenazine methosulphate (PMS–NADH) system by the

oxidation of NADH and assayed by the reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium

(NBT). In this experiment, the super oxide radical was generated in 3 ml of

sodium phosphate buffer containing 1ml of NBT solution, 1 ml of NADH

solution, and different concentrations of the EAE, PLE, and BHE (100 to

1000µg) in water. The reaction was started by adding 1 ml of PMS solution to

the mixture. The reaction mixture was incubated at 25 ºC for 5 min and the

absorbance was measured against the corresponding blank solution.

L-Ascorbic acid was used as the positive control. The decrease of NBT

reduction measured by the absorbance of the reaction mixture correlates with


the super oxide radical scavenging activity of the BHE. The superoxide

radical scavenging activity was calculated using the following formula:

Superoxide radical scavenging activity (%) = [(A0 –A1/A0) x100],

where A0 is the absorbance of the control and A1 is the absorbance of plant

extract or the standard sample.

Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity

The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was determined according to

the method of Halliwell et al. (1987).


1. Phosphate buffer pH 7.4 - 20 mM

2. Deoxyribose - 8 mM

3. Ferric chloride - 0.1 mM

4. Ascorbic Acid - 0.1mM

5. EDTA - 0.1 mM

6. H2O2 - 1 mM

7. Thiobarbituric acid - 1%

8. Trichloroacetic acid - 2%

9. Standard Mannitol - 10mg/100ml water



Briefly for the non site-specific hydroxyl radical system, the reaction

mixture containing 0.1 ml deoxyribose, 0.1 ml FeCl3, 0.1 ml ascorbic acid,

0.1 ml EDTA, and 0.1 ml H2O2 were mixed with or without various

concentrations of the three extracts in 1ml of final volume made with

KH2PO4–KOH buffer pH 7.4 and was incubated in a water bath at 37 ºC for

1 hr. The extent of deoxyribose degradation was measured by thiobarbituric

acid (TBA) method. 1ml of TBA and 1 ml trichloroacetic acid were added to

the mixture and heated at 100 ºC for 20 min. After cooling to room

temperature the absorbance was measured at 532 nm. Mannitol, a classical

hydroxyl radical scavenger was used as positive control. The hydroxyl radical

scavenging activity was calculated using the following formula:

Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity (%) = [(A0 –A1/A0) x100],

where A0 is the absorbance of the control and A1 is the absorbance of plant

extract or the standard sample.

Nitric oxide scavenging activity

Nitric oxide generated from sodium nitro prusside was measured by

the Griess reagent by the method of Marcocci et al. (1994).


1. Sodium nitroprusside - 5 mM

2. Phosphate buffered saline


3. Griess reagent: 1% sulpha-nilamide, 2% o-phosphoric acid, and

0.1% naphthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride were mixed


4. Rutin -10mg/100 ml


Various concentrations of the three different extracts were mixed with

sodiumnitroprusside in PBS and a final volume of 3 ml was incubated at

25 ºC for 150min. After incubation, 0.5ml of sample was removed and diluted

with 0.5 ml of Griess reagent. The absorbance of the chromophore formed

was read at 546 nm. The inhibition of nitric oxide generation was estimated

by comparing the absorbance value of control. Rutin was used as positive

control under the same assay conditions.

Nitric oxide scavenging activity (%) = [(A0 –A1/A0) x100],

where A0 is the absorbance of the control and A1 is the absorbance of plant

extract or the standard sample.

Reducing power assay

The reducing power of the prepared EAE, PLE and BHE was

determined according to method of Oyaizu (1986).


1. Phosphate buffer pH 6.6 - 0.2 M


2. Potassium ferricyanide solution - 1%

3. TCA - 10%

4. Ferric chloride solution - 0.1%

5. Butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT)-10mg/100ml water

Briefly, various concentrations of the extracts and the standard

compound (BHT) in 1 ml of distilled water were mixed with 2.5 ml of

phosphate buffer and 2.5 ml of a potassium ferricyanide solution. The mixture

was incubated in a water bath at 50 ºC for 20 min. Then 2.5 ml of a 10% TCA

solution was added and the mixture was then centrifuged at 3000g for10 min.

2.5 ml aliquot of the upper layer was mixed with 2.5 ml of distilled water and

0.5 ml of a ferric chloride solution, the absorbance was measured at 700 nm.

Increased absorbance of the reaction mixture correlates with greater reducing


Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity

The ability of samples to quench H2O2 was determined by Ruch et al.



1. Phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4 - 0.1 M

2. H2O2 - 2 mM

3. Vitamin E - 10mg/100ml



The samples were dissolved in 3.4 ml of phosphate buffered saline

(PBS) and mixed with 0.6 ml of 2 mM solution of H2O2. Absorbance of H2O2

at 230 nm was determined 10 min later in a spectrophotometer. For each

concentration, a separated blank sample was used for background subtraction.

Vitamin E was used as the standard conditions. The inhibition of H2O2

production was calculated as follows: Hydrogen peroxide radical scavenging

activity (%) = [(A0 –A1/A0) x100],

where A0 is the absorbance of the control, and A1 is the absorbance of BHE or

the standard sample.

Test for Ferric ion reducing capacity (Fe3+ to Fe2+)

The Ferric ion reducing capacity was determined according to the

method of Wang et al. (2003) with minor modifications.


1. Phosphate buffer, pH 6.5 - 20mM

2. Ferric chloride - 2mM

3. Potassium thiocyanate - 4mM

4. EDTA - 100µg/ml



Here different concentrations of the three extracts (20 µl to 100µl) was

mixed with 200µl of 20mM phosphate buffer pH 6.5 and100µl of ferric

chloride (2mM). The mixture was incubated for 30 min. At the end of the

incubation 1ml of potassium thiocyanate (4mM) was added and absorbance of

ferric-thiocynate complex (reddish brown complex) was measured at 460nm

using spectrophotometer. The results were compared with standard EDTA

which were treated similarly.

Test for ferrous ion chelating activity (binds Fe2+)

Metal chelating property for ferrous ion (Fe2+) was estimated according

to the method of Tripathi et al. (2001).


1. Ferrous sulphate - 10µg.

2. 2,2′–bipyridyl - 1mM

5. EDTA - 100µg/ml


Different concentrations of the EAE, PLE, and BHE (10 µl to 100µl)

were mixed with a fixed concentration of ferrous sulphate (10µg). The

mixture was incubated for 30 min. At the end of the incubation, 2ml of 2,2′–

bipyridyl (1mM) was added and absorbance of ferrous–bipyridyl complex


(pink colored complex) was measured at 525nm. The results were compared

with EDTA which were treated similarly.

Total antioxidant activity

The total antioxidant activity of the extracts were measured by use of a

linoleic acid system by the method of Mitsuda et al. (1996).


1. Linoleic acid - 0.2804 g

2. Tween - 20

3. phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 - 0.2 M

4. Ethanol

5. Ammonium thiocyanate - 30%

6. Ferrous chloride. - 20 mM in 3.5% HCl

7. Butylated hydroxytoluene - 10mg/100ml


The linoleic acid emulsion was prepared by mixing 0.2804 g of linoleic

acid in Tween 20 and 50 ml of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The mixture was

then homogenized. A 0.5 ml of different concentration of the extract and

standard sample (in ethanol) was mixed with 2.5 ml of linoleic acid emulsion

and 2 ml phosphate buffer. The reaction mixture was incubated at 370C in the

dark to accelerate the peroxidation process. The levels of peroxidation were

determined according to the thiocyanate method by sequentially adding 5ml


of 75% ethanol, 0.1 ml of ammonium thiocyanate, 0.1 ml sample solution and

0.1 ml ferrous chloride. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) was used as positive

control which was treated similarly. After mixing for 3 min, the peroxide

values were determined by reading the absorbance at 500 nm.

Determination of Total Phenolic Content

Total phenolic content in the lyophilized extract was determined with

the Folin–Ciocalteu’s reagent (FCR) according to a published method of

Slinkard and Singleton (1977).


1. Folin–Ciocalteu’s reagent: Prepared as previously mentioned.

2. Sodium carbonate solution -7.5%,

3. Gallic acid - 100mg dissolved in 100ml of water.


100mg of the sample was dissolved in 0.5ml 0f water, mixed with

2.5 ml Folin–Ciocalteu’s reagent (diluted 1:10, v/v) followed by 2 ml of

sodium carbonate solution. The absorbance was then measured at 765 nm

after incubation at 30oC for 90 min. Results were expressed as gallic acid

equivalents (mg gallic acid/g dried extract).


Determination of Total Flavonoid Content

The total flavonoid content of the extracts were determined by a

colorimetric method as described in the literature of Zhishen et al. (1999).


1. Sodium nitrite - 15%

2. Aluminium chloride - 10%

3. Sodium hydroxide - 4%

4. Catechin - 100mg dissolved in 100ml of water.


An aliquots of sample containing 100mg of test drugs (0.5 ml) was

mixed with 2 ml of distilled water and subsequently with 0.15 ml of sodium

nitrite solution was added. After 6 min, 0.15 ml of aluminium chloride

solution was added and allowed to stand for 6 min, then 2 ml of NaOH

solution (4%) was added to the mixture. Immediately, water was added to

bring the final volume to 5 ml and the mixture was thoroughly mixed and

allowed to stand for another 15 min. Absorbance of the mixture was then

determined at 510 nm versus prepared water blank. . Results were expressed

as catechin equivalents (mg catechin/g dried extract).

Assay of Protein Oxidation

The effects of the plant extracts on protein oxidation were carried out

according to the slightly modified method of Wang et al. (2006).



1. Potassium phosphate buffer , pH 7.4- 20 mM

2. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) - 4 mg/ml

3. Ferric chloride - 50mM

4. Hydrogen peroxide - 1 mM

5. Ascorbic acid. - 100 mM

6. 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH)- 10 mM in 2 M HCl

7. TCA - 10%,

8. Ethanol

9. Ethyl acetate

10. Guanidine Hydrocholoride, pH 2.3 - 6 M


Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was oxidized by a Fenton-type reaction.

The reaction mixture (1.2 ml), containing sample extract (100–1000 µg/ml),

potassium phosphate buffer, BSA, Ferric chloride hydrogen peroxide and

ascorbic acid was incubated for 30 min at 370C. For determination of protein

carbonyl content in the samples, 1 ml of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH)

was added to the reaction mixture. Samples were incubated for 30 min at

room temperature. Then, 1 ml of ice cold TCA was added to the mixture and

centrifuged at 3000g for 10 min. The protein pellet was washed three times

with 2 ml of ethanol/ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v) and dissolved in 1 ml of guanidine

hydrochloride. The absorbance of the sample was read at 370 nm. The data

were expressed in terms of percentage inhibition, calculated from a control


measurement of the reaction mixture without the test sample. Vitamin E under

same assay condition was used us standard.

In vitro assay of DNA fragmentation study

The DNA was subjected to oxidation by the Fenton’s reactants and

subjected to fragmentation. The protection offered by the plant extract against

the DNA fragmentation was studied according to the method of Sultan et al.

(1995), with minor modifications

Isolation of DNA from Hepatocytes


1. Isotonic buffer

(a) 0.15mM sodium chloride - 3.0ml

(b) 0.1 M Tris–HCl pH 7.5 - 1.0ml

(c) 1.5mM Magnesium chloride - 0.15ml

Made up to 100ml with water.

2. Cell lysis buffer

(a) 320mM sucrose - 109.6g

(b) 1% Triton X-100 - 20ml f 50% Triton X-100

(c) 5mM MgCl2 - 5ml of 1M Mgcl2

(d) 10mM Tris–HCl pH 7.5 - 10ml of 1M Tris- HCl

(e) Distilled water - to a final volume of 1 liter

3. EDTA-NaCl ( 100ml)

(a) 25mM EDTA PH 8.0 - 5ml of 0.5M EDTA

(b) 75mM NaCl - 1.5ml 0.5M NaCl


(c) Distilled water - 93.5ml

4. Proteinase K (10mg/ml)

(a) Proteinase K - 10 mg

(b) Distilled water - 1ml

Stored in -20°C

5. 5M sodium acetate (100ml)

About 68.5 g of sodium acetate was dissolved in 70 ml of water,

pH was adjusted to 5.2 by adding acetic acid. Volume was made

up to 100ml with distilled water.

6. Phenol- chloroform – Isoamyl alcohol ( 50 ml)

(a) phenol - 25 ml

(b) chloroform - 24ml

(c) isoamyl alcohol - 1ml

7. Tris EDTA Buffer

(a) 10 mM Tris HCl pH 8.0 - 1ml from 1M Tris HCl

pH 8.0

(b) 1mM EDTA pH 8.0 - 0.5ml from 0.5 ml

EDTA pH 8.0

(c) Distilled water - 98.5ml

8. 20 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4

9. 150mM sodium chloride

10. Fenton reaction mixture

(a) 100mM ascorbate

(b) 100mM FeCl2

(c) 1mM H2O2


(d) 104 mM EDTA

The above contents were mixed in 20 mM potassium

phosphate buffer, pH 7.4

10. Tris acetate EDTA buffer pH 8

(a) 40 mM Tris

(b) 20mM sodium acetate,

(c) 2mM EDTA,

(d) 18 mM NaCl, pH 8


1. About 0.2 gm of liver tissue was homogenised in 2ml of isotonic


2. The animal cells were collected by centrifugation at 2000rpm for

10 min at 4°C.

3. The cell pellet was resuspended in cold cell lysis buffer.

4. The cells were homogenised in a glass homogeniser with a loose

fitting pestle.

5. The above treated homogenate was centrifuged at 4000rpm for 20

min at 4°C to pellet the nuclei.

6. Resuspended the pellet in 8ml of EDTA-NaCl and added 0.8 ml

of 10% cell lysis buffer. It was mixed using the vortex mixture.

7. To this mixture 50µl of the proteinase K was added and incubated

at 37°C for 3- 5 hrs.


8. Then 0.5ml of sodium acetate buffer and 8 ml of Phenol-

chloroform – Isoamyl alcohol were added. The contents were

mixed by inverting the tube for one hr.

9. The above treated solution was centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 10

min at 4°C.

10. The upper aqueous layer was collected. Equal volume of Phenol-

chloroform – Isoamyl alcohol was added . It was mixed gently by

inverting the tube for 1 min.

11. Once again the solution was centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 10 min

at 4°C.The upper aqueous layer was collected.

12. About 2 volumes of 100% ethanol was added to the above

collected solution to precipitate the DNA.

13. Centrifuged at 5000rpm for 5 min at 4°C.The DNA pellet was

washed in 70 % ethanol.

14. The precipitated DNA was dissolved in 20µl of TE buffer.

Assay of DNA fragmentation

1. 1 mg of the extracted DNA was mixed well with in 20 mM

potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. To this 1 ml of 150mM

sodium chloride was added and left at 4°C for 24 hrs for complete



2. 100 µg of the above DNA was treated with 1ml of potassium

phosphate buffer, the reaction mixture containing FeCl3

(100 µM), EDTA (104 µM), H2O2 (1 mM).

3. To the above mixture two concentrations of BHE (20 and 40 µg)

were added. A standard antioxidant BHT was also treated in the

same way. A negative control without the fenton reactants were

also used in the assay. A positive control without the extract or

standard was also taken.

4. All these reaction mixtures were incubated for 37°C for 30 min,

and placed on the ice bath for 10 min to stop the reaction.

5. These were then mixed with the loading buffer (0.5%

bromophenol blue and 50% glycerol)

6. Agarose gel electrophoresis was carried out by mixing 1%

agarose with ethidium bromide (1 µg/ml)

7. About 10 µl of the treated samples were placed in the wells in the

following order. Control, positive control, BHE treated sample

(20 and 40µg), standard BHT.

8. The electrophoresis was conducted in TAE buffer, pH 8 at

60 V for 6hr

9. DNA was visualized under a UV transilluminator (Bio-Rad,

Sydney, Australia).



Table I shows the preliminary phytochemical analysis of the various

extracts. In the present investigation preliminary phytochemical screening of

the EAE, PLE and BHE shows the presence of constituents like alkaloid,

carbohydrates, phytosterol, tannins , phenol, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenes,

saponins and lignin. In all these extracts proteins, gums and muciliage were

found to be absent

Figure I to III shows the present chromatographic pattern of ethyl

acetate, chloroform and ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba. Ethyl Acetate

extract showed 14 peaks at Rf values 0.07, 0.14, 0.18, 0.30, 0.41, 0.49, 0.58,

0.63, 0.72, 0.80 and 0.95. Chloroform extract of Eclipta alba showed

11peaks at Rf values 0.07, 0.14, 0.18, 0.30, 0.41, 0.49, 0.58, 0.63, 0.72, 0.80

and 0.95. The ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba showed 12 peaks at Rf values

0.12, 0.19, 0.31, 0.43, 0.51, 0.60, 0.65, 0.73, 0.81, 0.86 and 0.90 at 254nm.

Figure IV toVI shows the HPTLC finger printing of the different

extracts of Piper longum. The ethyl acetate extract of Piper longum showed

11 peaks at Rf values 0.03,0.08,0.13, 0.23,0.30,0.40,0.51,0.61, 0.76,0.88 and

0.94 where as the Chloroform extract showed 10 peaks at Rf values 0.09,

0.16,0.24,0.32,0.53,0.63,0.77,0.86 and 0.94. The ethanolic extract of the same

plant showed 12 peaks at Rf values 0.03,0.06,0.11,0.19,0.27, 0.37,0.47,0.59,

0.69,0.80,0.86 and 0.92 at 254nm.

Figure VII shows the SDS-PAGE electrophoresis results of

aqueous extract of Eclipta alba. The presence of protein bands with


molecular weight of ranging 7.50 – 123 kDa were seen. The Piper longum

seeds showed only two protein bands in the molecular weight of 30 kDa and

60 kDa.

The values of the macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and

lipids present in the leaves of Eclipta alba and seeds of the Piper longum

were shown in the Table II. The carbohydrate content present in the seeds of

the Piper longum was 15.56mgs / 100gms, where as the leaves of Eclipta

alba contains 27.78mgs/ 100 gms. The protein content was also found to be

high in case of leaves of Eclipta alba when compared with the seeds of Piper

longum. The same was applicable to the lipid content also, in which the leaves

of Eclipta alba contained 24.94mgs/ 100 gms and Piper longum contained

3.89mgs/ 100gms respectively.

Table III shows the concentration of different minerals like Ca,

K, Na, Mg, Zn, Si, Fe, Al, Va, Mb, Cu, Ni, Hg, Pb, Ba, Mn, Cr, Co, and Se

expressed in ppm. The concentration of these minerals in Eclipta alba leaves

was found to be in the following order, Ca> Na > K > Mg > Al > Si > Zn >

Fe > Va>Cu >Ni >Ba>Mg > Cr > Mb> Co>Hg >Pb > and Se.From the

values it was clear that the leaves of Eclipta alba has got a high calcium

content and has a low content of selenium. At the same time the concentration

of these minerals in the seeds of Piper longum was found to be in the

following order, Ca > Na > K> Mg > Zn > Fe > Al > Va > Si > Mb > Cu >

Ba > Hg> Ni > Cr > Mn > Co > Pb > Se showing that the Piper longum

seeds also contained highest content of calcium and lowest content of



The hydrogen donating activity was measured by using DPPH

test.The DPPH radical scavenging activity of EAE, PLE, BHE and the

positive control ascorbic acid were shown in the Figure VIII . These extracts

quenched the DPPH radicals in a concentration dependent manner. The BHE

has got a maximum DPPH scavenging activity when compared with its

individual preparations, EAE and PLE. The BHE contained 252mg ascorbic

acid equivalents/g extract of activity, with EC50 value 139µg/ml. The EC50

value of the standard ascorbic acid was found to be 188µg/ml.

Table IV depicts Super oxide scavenging activity of different plant

extracts. The extracts like EAE, PLE, BHE and the positive control ascorbic

acid demonstrated a concentration-dependent scavenging activity of super

oxide radicals. The inhibitory activity was minimum in low concentration of

plant extract and increases with increase in the concentration. The BHE

demonstrated a maximum scavenging activity by neutralizing superoxide

radicals with EC50 value of 165µg/ml. The EC50 value of the standard ascorbic

acid was found to be 182µg/ml.

The plant extracts reduced the hydroxyl radical induced deoxyribose

cleavage in a concentration dependent manner. The hydroxyl radical

scavenging activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and standard mannitol were shown in

the Table V. The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was more for the BHE

when comparable with EAE and PLE. The EC50 value of BHE was found to

be 288µg/ml. With this assay, the BHE was found to contain 696 mg

mannitol equivalent/g extract in non site-specific model of hydroxyl radical


scavenging The EC50 value of the standard mannitol was found to be


Incubation of solution of sodium nitroprusside in phosphate buffered

saline at 25.8 ºC for 150 min resulted in generation of nitric oxide. Figure IX

shows the Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and the

positive control Rutin. The BHE effectively reduced the generation of nitric

oxide radicals, when compared to its individual preparations EAE and PLE.

The scavenging of Nitric oxide by BHE was concentration dependent and the

EC50 value was found to be 431µg /ml .The BHE was found to contain 415.22

mg/gm equivalent of Rutin. The EC50 value of the standard Rutin was found

to be 616 µg/ml.

Table VI depicts the reducing capability of BHE (measured at 700

nm) relative to BHT, a well-known antioxidant. The reducing potential of the

extracts increased in a dose-dependent manner. The absorbance values of the

extract at different concentrations were found to be less than that of the

reference compound.

In the present investigation the BHE effectively scavenged the

H2O2 radicals by 78 .00 % and 82.03% in the concentration of 100 and 200

micrograms where as the vitamin E inhibited only 65.89±0.89 % and

75.96±0.56% at the same concentration which was shown in the Table VII.

The scavenging potential of EAE was 55.56% and 58.90% at the

concentration of 100 and 200 micrograms per ml where as PLE exhibited

63.00% and 64.00 % respectively.


Table VIII shows the chelating ability of the BHE for metal

transition ions (Fe2+, Fe3+) that increases in a dose dependent manner when

compared with control. The metal chelating activities of BHE on Fe2+, Fe 3+

was 56.08% and 55.19% respectively at 100µg concentration respectively

EDTA exhibited 78.64% chelation for Fe2+ and 85.42% for Fe3+ respectively.

The phenolic compound may contribute directly to antioxidative action.

Based on these results, it might be concluded that BHE is an electron donor

capable of neutralizing free radicals.

Table IX shows the changes in the absorbance under the influence of

different concentrations of the extract (100-1000µgm/ml) at 37 °C compared

to BHT as a positive control. The total antioxidant activities of the plant

extract were measured using ferric thiocyanate test, which determines the

amount of peroxide produced at the initial stage of lipid peroxidation

According to this the extent of inhibition of lipid oxidation is moderate at low

(100 µg/ml) doses of BHE.However, at higher concentrations (800 and 1000

µg/ml), BHE suppressed lipid oxidation to a considerable extent when

comparable with its individual preparation EAE and PLE. Lower absorbance

indicates a higher level of antioxidant activity

The protein oxidation was determined in terms of inhibition protein

carbonyl formation (PCO). As shown in Table X, BHE dose-dependently

exhibited inhibitory effects of PCO formation. At the same time the individual

preparation EAE and PLE exhibited lower inhibitory effects of PCO

formation at the same concentration. The oxidative protein damages,

provoked by free radicals, have been demonstrated to play a significant role in

aging and several pathological events. Radical mediated damages to proteins


might be initiated by electron leakage, Major molecular mechanisms, leading

to structural changes in proteins are free-radical mediated protein oxidation

characterized by carbonyl formation (PCO).

The antioxidant activity of BHE is probably due to its phenolic

contents. Flavonoids are a class of secondary plant phenolics with powerful

antioxidant properties. Therefore, it would be valuable to determine the total

phenolic and flavonoid content of the plant extracts. The extracts were

investigated regarding their composition by different colorimetric techniques,

such as the content of total phenolic compounds by the Folin– Ciocalteu’s

assay and flavonoids by AlCl3 reagent. The total phenolic and flavonoid

contents of the plant extracts, were expressed in terms of gallic acid and

catechin equivalents. Total phenolic and Flavonoid contents of each gram of

dried BHE were estimated to be equivalent to 73.4 mg gallic acid and 55.4 mg

catechin which was shown in Table XI. The antioxidant activity of BHE is

probably due to its phenolic content and the secondary plant phenolics the


The inhibitory action of the BHE on DNA fragmentation of the

isolated hepatocytes were shown in the Figure X. In the CCl4 intoxicated

group II animals the extent of DNA damage was detected by the increased

mobility of the DNA molecule due to the decrease in the molecular weight

which was shown in the lane 2. On the other hand in the BHE at the

concentration of 20µg/ml and40µg/ml protected the DNA from damage which

was shown in the lane 3 and 4. This was evidenced by the decreased mobility

of the DNA molecule in the agarose gel electrophoresis. The protective effect

of BHT the standard antioxidant was shown in lane 5.



Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free transition metal ions cause

extensive oxidative damage to cellular biomolecules such as DNA, proteins

and lipids. Consequently, they contribute to the pathogenesis of oxidative

stress-related diseases (Droge 2002; Hippeli and Elstner, 1999). Although

synthetic antioxidants seem to be promising, their toxicity and unwanted side

effects rules out their extensive prescription. Hence, there is great interest in

the use of naturally occurring antioxidants for treatment or prophylaxis of

various oxidative stress-related diseases (Maxwell, 1995). The administration

of an antioxidant source comprising of multiple components could offer

protection against cancer (Black et al., 1995) and combat oxidative stress-

induced physiological malfunctions.

ROS include free radicals such as superoxide •O, hydroxyl radical

(•OH) as well as non radical species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

(Cerutti, 1991). In vivo, some of these ROS play a positive role as energy

production, phagocytosis, regulation of cell growth and intracellular signaling

(Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1999). On the other hand, ROS are also capable of

damaging a wide range of essential biomolecules such as proteins, DNA and

lipids (Farber, 1994). ROS are not only strongly associated with lipid

peroxidation resulting in deterioration of food materials, but also are involved

in development of a variety of diseases including aging, carcinogenesis,

coronary heart disease, diabetes and neuro degeneration (Harman, 1980;

Moskovitz et al., 2002) Cells have several antioxidant defense mechanisms

that help to prevent the destructive effects of ROS. These defense


mechanisms include antioxidative enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase,

catalase, and glutathione peroxidase and of small molecules such as

glutathione, vitamins C and E (Fridovich, 1999). The efficiency of the

antioxidant defense system is altered under pathological conditions and,

therefore, the ineffective scavenging and/or overproduction of free radicals

may play a crucial role in determining tissue damages (Aruoma, 1994).

Substances termed antioxidants can influence the oxidation process

through simple or complex mechanisms including prevention of chain

initiation, binding of transitional metal ion catalysts, decomposition of

peroxides, prevention of continued hydrogen abstraction, and radical

scavenging (Shahidi and Wanasundara, 1992). Antioxidants are believed to

play an important role in preventing or alleviating chronic diseases by

reducing the oxidative damage to cellular components caused by ROS

(Ceriello, 2003). There is growing interest in natural phenolic antioxidants,

present in medicinal and dietary plants, that might help attenuate oxidative

damage (Silva et al., 2005). These natural antioxidants not only protect food

lipids from oxidation, but may also provide health benefits associated with

preventing damages due to biological degeneration.

High consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with low

risk for these diseases, which is attributed to the antioxidant vitamins and

other phytochemicals. Polyphenols are especially important antioxidants,

because of their high redox potentials, which allow them to act as reducing

agents, hydrogen donors and singlet oxygen quenchers (Kahkonen et al.,

1999). In addition, they have metal chelating potentials (Rice et al., 1995).


The antioxidant activity of the dietary polyphenolics is considered to be much

greater than that of the essential vitamins, therefore contributing significantly

to the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. The phytochemical screening

of these plant extracts were carried out because compounds in their natural

formulations are more active than their isolated preparations.

The phytochemical screening showed, that the leaves of Eclipta

alba and seeds of P. longum were rich in alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins,

steroids, terpenoids, glycosides and lignins. The medicinal value of these

plants lies in some chemical substances that produce a definite physiological

action on the human body. The most important of these bioactive constituents

of plants are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds They

were known to show medicinal activity as well as exhibiting physiological

activity (Sofowara, 1993). The in vivo hepatoprotective activity was mainly

due to the presence of these phytochemicals. The medicinal values of plants

and vegetables are indictated by their phytochemical and other chemical

constituents (Fallah et al., 2005)

Micronutrients consist of vitamins and minerals required by the

body in small quantities. They function as essential cofactors in the numerous

enzyme catalyzed reactions and their absence can result in impairment of

metabolic functions which can lead to serious diseased conditions. Sodium

together with potassium assists in the maintenance of the body's electrolyte

and water balance. In addition, potassium and sodium plays an important role

in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and the transport of substances

across membranes. Supplementation of BHE to CCl4 rats significantly


maintained acid-base balance by increasing the absorption of electrolytes and

minerals from intestine and inhibited electrolytes elimination through urine

(Damodara Reddy et al ., 2007).

The presence of selenium an important mineral in the BHE is

responsible for its antioxidant activity. The main function of selenium is as an

antioxidant in the enzyme selenium-glutatlione peroxidase. The antioxidant

properties of selenoproteins help prevent cellular damage from free radicals,

regulate thyroid function and play a role in immune system (Mckenzie et al.,

1998; Levander, 1997). Selenium and vitamin E work together synergistically

in that they carry out antioxidant and immuno stimulating function better

together than individually (Haas, 2001).

Zinc is widely recognized as an essential micronutrient with a

catalytic role in over 100 specific metabolic enzymes in human metabolism

which plays multiple roles in the perpetuation of genetic materials including

transcription of DNA, translation of RNA, and ultimately in cellular division.

So supplementation of zinc in the form of plant drug would be helpful in

maintaining the normal metabolism of the cells.

Ca salts provide rigidity to the skeleton and calcium ion plays an

important role in many metabolic processes. Many neuromuscular and other

cellular functions depend on the maintenance of the ionized calcium

concentration in the extracellular fluid. Calcium fluxes are important

mediators of hormonal effects on target organs through several intracellular

signaling pathways (FAO/WHO, 1998) Phosphorous is also important in bone


formation and many essential metabolic activities in the body such as

phosphorylation reactions. Mg plays an important role in the metabolism of

calcium (Al-Ghamdi et al., 1994). Soft tissue magnesium functions as a

cofactor of many enzymes involved in energy metabolism, protein synthesis,

RNA and DNA synthesis, and maintenance of the electrical potential of

nervous tissue and cell membranes. The presence of these minerals in the

plant extract might be responsible for the overall free radical scavenging

properties. The important minerals and vitamins found in the plant might also

be major contributors to the medicinal value of the plant. Mineral elements

may have more roles to play, than presently acknowledged, in the synergy of

phytochemicals for the health benefit of man.

In future any one of the protein present in the plants under

investigation may be targeted for the production of vaccine against liver

diseases, since the leaves of Eclipta alba and seeds of P. longum showed the

presence of many proteins Plants have been actively targeted for the

production of medically important proteins, including vaccine antigens and

monoclonal antibodies especially against Hepatitis viruses

(Mason et al., 1998 ).

In traditional medicine these two plants are regularly used for the

treatment of liver diseases. To clarify the mechanism of action of particularly

with respect to its anti-hepatotoxic effects, the antioxidative and free radical

scavenging capabilities of the extract were evaluated.


The DPPH radical is a stable organic free radical with absorption of

maximum band around 515–528 nm and thus it is a useful reagent for

evaluating antioxidant activity of compounds (Sanchez-Moreno, 2002). The

BHE demonstrated a concentration dependent scavenging activity by

quenching DPPH radicals It has been documented that cysteine, glutathione,

ascorbic acid, tocopherol, polyhydroxy aromatic compounds (e.g.,

hydroquinone, pyrogallol, gallic acid), reduce and decolorize 1,1-diphenyl-2-

picrylhydrazine by their hydrogen donating capabilities (Blois, 1958). The

plant is reported to contain the phytoconstituents eclalbatin, alpha-amyrin,

ursolic acid,oleanolic acid (Upadhyay et al., 2001) might be responsible for

DPPH scavenging activity of the BHE.

Super oxide anions are the most common free radicals in vivo and

are generated in a variety of biological systems and the concentration of super

oxide anions increases under conditions of oxidative stress (Lee et al., 2002).

In the NBT the BHE demonstrated a concentration-dependent

scavenging activity by neutralizing super oxide radicals. More over BHE was

found to contain 252mg ascorbic acid equivalents/g extract The earlier

photochemical studies indicate the presence of various long-chain esters and

amides, alkaloids, lignans, neolignans, amides, terpenes, steroids, chalcones,

flavones and flavanones in P. longum extract (Parmar et al., 1999; Stohr

et al., 2001) could account for the quenching of super oxide radicals.

BHE neutralized hydroxyl radical induced deoxyribose cleavage in

a concentration dependent manner. Hydroxyl radicals are extremely reactive


oxygen species capable of modifying almost every molecule in the living cells

and also has the capacity to cause strand damages in DNA leading to

carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and cytotoxicity. These are capable of quickly

initiating the lipid peroxidation process as by abstracting hydrogen atoms

from unsaturated fatty acids (Aruoma, 1998). These results clearly

demonstrated the capacity of BHE to quench hydroxyl radicals and also to

chelate the iron metal ions. Several unsaturated amides, aristolactams,

lignans,long and short chain esters, terpenes,steroids and alkaloids were

already been reported in the plants which were used for the preparation of

BHE may be responsible for the hydroxyl radical scavenging activity.

In addition to reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide is also implicated

in inflammation, cancer and other pathological conditions (Moncada et al.,

1991). A potential mechanism of oxidative damage is the nitration of tyrosine

residues of proteins, peroxidation of lipids, degradation of DNA and

oligonucleosomal fragments (Hemnani and Parihar, 1998). Nitric oxide or

reactive nitrogen species, formed during its reaction with oxygen or with

super oxide, such as NO2, N2O4, N3O4, nitrate and nitrite are very reactive.

These compounds alter the structure and function of many cellular

components. The BHE was effective in reducing the generation of nitric oxide

radicals in our study. Any compound, natural or synthetic, with antioxidant

properties might contribute towards the partial or total alleviation of this

damage (Lin et al., 1995).

The reducing potential of BHE increased in a dose-dependent

manner. The reducing capacity of compound may serve as a significant


indicator of its potential antioxidant activity (Meir et al., 1995). The

absorbance values of the extract at different concentrations were found to be

less than that of the reference compound. The phenolic compounds may

contribute directly to antioxidative action. Based on these results, it might be

concluded that BHE is an electron donor capable of neutralizing free radicals.

This would have the effect of converting free radicals to more stable products

and thus terminating free radical initiated chain reactions. Yahara et al.,1997

reported the presence of phytoconstituents such as triterpene glycoside,

saponins like eclalbasaponin, 3β, 2Oβ, 16β -trihydroxytaraxastane; 3 β,20

β,28-trihydroxytaraxastane and sulphated saponins in the leaves of E.alba.

These phytochemicals might be account for the reduction reactions exhibited

by BHE.

Hydrogen peroxide is formed by two-electron reduction of O3 which

is not a free radical, but an oxidizing agent. In the present investigation the

BHE effectively scavenged the H2O2 radicals. Inhibition of free radical

induced damage by supplementation of antioxidants has become an attractive

therapeutic strategy for reducing the risk of diseases (Brash and Harve, 2002).

H2O2 can easily cross the cell membrane and exerts an injurious effect on

tissues through a number of different mechanisms such as, perturbing

intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, increasing intracellular ATP, inducing DNA

damage, and cell apoptosis (Mallakckakron et al., 2004). The compounds

piperlonguminine, piperine, apigenin, dimethyl ether and β sitosterol were

reported by Parmar et al., in the P. longum species which was used in the

preparation of BHE could be responsible for its H2O2 scavenging activity.


A significant result were obtained from BHE on the metal chelating

activities of Fe2+ and Fe3+. The phenolic compound may contribute directly

to antioxidative action. Based on these results, it might be concluded that

BHE is an electron donor capable of neutralizing free radicals. The extracts of

spices and herbs may well act as electron donors and they can react with free

radicals to convert them into more stable products and terminate radical chain

reactions. Phenolic compounds in plants act as antioxidants by chelating

metal ions, preventing radical formation, and improving the antioxidant

endogenous system (Tanaka et al., 1998). The antioxidant activity of BHE is

probably due to its phenolic contents. Polyphenolics is a highly inclusive term

that covers many different subgroups of phenolic acids and flavonoids. More

than 5000 polyphenolics, including over 2000 flavonoids have been

identified, and the number is still growing (Harborne, 1996). BHE contained

considerable amount of the flavonoid and phenolic compounds. The phenolic

compounds exhibit considerable free radical scavenging activities, through

their reactivity as hydrogen- or electron-donating agents, and metal ion

chelating properties (Rice et al., 1996). According to Pietta, 2000 flavonoids

are a class of secondary plant phenolics with powerful antioxidant properties.

So the presence of considerable amount of these compounds could be

accounted for the free radical scavenging activities.

The total antioxidant activity of BHE was measured using ferric

thiocyanate test which determines the amount of peroxide produced at the

initial stage of lipid peroxidation. Lower absorbance indicates a higher level

of antioxidant activity. Flavonoids exert a protective effect against lipid per


oxidation in vitro as free radical scavengers and metal-chelating agents

(Afanasev et al., 1989). They generally occur as O-glycosides in which one or

more of the hydroxyl groups are bound to sugars. This glycosylation renders

flavonoids more water soluble, making them store readily in the cell vacuole

where they are commonly found (Robards and Antolovvich, 1997). The

above-mentioned effects might be expected for the BHE in reducing the lipid


The oxidative protein damages, provoked by free radicals, have

been demonstrated to play a significant role in ageing and several

pathological events (Stadtman and Levin, 2000). Major molecular

mechanisms, leading to structural changes in proteins are free-radical

mediated protein oxidation characterized by carbonyl formation (PCO). The

test drug BHE was effective in reducing the PCO formation. This might be

due to the cumulative effect of the phytochemicals present in it.

Oxidative DNA damage has been implicated to be involved in

various degenerative diseases (Jenner, 1991) including Alzheimer's disease,

Parkinson's disease, Hodgkin's disease and Bloom's syndrome (Imlay and

Linn, 1988). The decrease in the Fenton's reaction-mediated degradation of

DNA by the presence of BHE suggested that these extracts have compounds

which may combat against free radical-mediated degradation to the

deoxyribose sugar moiety of DNA.


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Early tests for pharmacological activity were done with animal models,

but numerous methods have not been introduced for testing of biological

activity. A related area of interest is the scientific study of “Nutraceuticals”

i.e.., plants used for food but also taken regularly as a preventive measure

against disease.

Worldwide several people are suffering from hepatic damage induced

by alcohol and drug abuse. The liver plays a major role in the digestion,

metabolism and storage of nutrients. Today an increasing impact of liver

disease and liver injury is being recognized. Especially liver injury due to

pharmacological treatment plays a significant role. (Gerbes et al., 2006)

reported that during recent years new insights have been brought into the

pathomechanisms of liver injury. In certain cases this provides the basis for

novel therapeutic strategies.

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is a toxic substance that is used to induce

liver damage in rats, and according to (Ohta et al., 1998). CCl4 by itself does

not have cytotoxic effects on the liver but its metabolic products are

responsible for the toxicity. CCl4 can damage a number of tissues particularly

the liver and kidney of many species (Drill, 1952). Administration of CCl4

can cause cirrhosis (Cameron and Karunaratne, 1936) and ultimately lead to

hepatic carcinoma (Reuber and Glover, 1970).


It has been reported that CCl4 intoxication results in the peroxidation of

lipids and lipid membranes of rats. Ohta et al. (1997) observed an increase in

lipid peroxidation (LPO) as a result of CCl4 treatment. Therefore CCl4, a

hepatotoxin for evaluating hepatoprotective agents, is commonly used to

induce liver damage by producing free radical intermediates.

Studies on hepatotoxicity induced by CCl4 indicated that hepatic

damage can probably be prevented by some herbal extracts. Herbs are also

known to play a vital role in the management of various hepatic disorders

Venkateswaran et al., 1998).

Hepatoprotective studies by Mitra et al. (1998) showed that plants have

active ingredients that are capable of free radical scavenging in living

systems. The dependence of humankind on plants is as ancient as

evolutionary history. Plants play a significant role in maintaining human

health and improving the quality of human life. Many synthetic antioxidants,

such as Butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene,

t-butylhydroquinone and propyl gallate, are used to retard lipid peroxidation

(Wanita and Lorenz, 1996). However, the use of synthetic antioxidants is

under strict regulation due to the potential health hazards caused by such

compound (Park et al., 2001).

It was therefore decided to investigate the in vivo, hepatoprotective

efficacy of the ethanolic extracts of E. alba and P. longum and the combined

biherbal formulation made up of equal concentrations of E. alba and

P. longum a traditional Indian medicinal plant, on CCl4-induced


hepatotoxicity and to elucidate the mechanism underlying these protective

effects in rats.

It was also found important to determine the acute toxicity value

(LD50) of the Biherbal extract in mice and to determine histologically the

chronic toxicity effects of Biherbal extract on the internal organs of rats.


Adult albino male rats of Wister strain (150-175g) and mice (27-35g)

obtained from animal house in Madras Medical College, Chennai, India were

used in the pharmacological and toxicological studies. The animals were

maintained in well - ventilated room temperature with natural 12±1 hr day-

night cycle in the propylene cages. They were fed with balanced rodent pellet

diet from Poultry Research Station, Nandanam, Chennai, India and tap water

ad libitum was provided throughout the experimental period. The animals

were sheltered for one week prior to the experiment for getting acclimatized

to laboratory temperature. The protocol has got the ethical committee

clearance from IAEC (Institute Animal Ethical Committee) of CPCSEA

(Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on



Ammonium thiocyanate, Ferric chloride, Ferrous sulphate (FeSO4),

Potassium ferricyanide [K3 Fe(CN)6], Potassium thiocyanate, Sodium

carbonate, Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid


(EDTA), Trichloro acetic acid (TCA), Thiobarbituric acid (TAB), Sodium

nitroprusside, Sulphanilamide, Phosphoric acid, Naphtyl ethylene diamine

dihydrochloride, Reduced Glutathione (GSH), 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene

(CDNB), Glutathione oxidised (GSSG), Epinephrine, Nicotinamide Adenine

Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) were obtained from Sd Fine Chemicals

Ltd., India. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, 5,5-

dithio bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), 2,2′-bipyridyl] were obtained from

Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, USA. All other chemicals and reagent

used were of analytical grade.

Acute toxicity

Biherbal extract (100mg/ml), will be used as a stock solution in the

entire study. A stock solution will be prepared by dissolving 100mg in 10 ml

of 2% Tween 80 as a vehicle (Adjuvant). Either sex of albino mice, weighing

27 – 35 g will be used in both acute toxicity experiments.

An initial test will be carried out to determine the approximate lethal and non-lethal

doses of the Biherbal extract according to R. A. Turner (1965)

1. Acute toxicity test was performed according to the World

Health Organization (WHO) guideline (WHO, 2000) and the Organization of

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guideline for testing of

chemicals (OECD, 2001). An initial test will be carried out to determine the

approximate lethal and non-lethal doses of the Biherbal extract according to

Turner, 1965.


2. Eight groups of eight mice each will be used in the experiments.

The Biherbal extract, in doses of 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 5.0g/kg

body weight respectively will be administered orally, using intragastric tubes,

to the animals as a single dose. The control group will be given an equal

volume of 2% Tween 80. All the animals will be observed at the first, second,

fourth and sixth hours and thereafter once daily over 14 days for (Rhodes,

1999), clinical signs of toxicity such as respiratory pattern, colour of body

surfaces, frequency and nature of movement, marked involuntary contraction

or seizures of contraction of voluntary muscle, and loss of reflex etc, and the

number of dead mice will be recorded and used in the calculation of the acute

toxicity value (LD50). The mice will also be observed for other signs of

toxicity, such as, excitation, tremors, twitches, motor coordination, righting

reflex and respiratory changes. Twenty-four hours after the oral dosing the

animals were lightly anaesthetized with ether and blood was withdrawn from

the orbital plexus. They were then killed by cervical dislocation and vital

organs were dissected out. Organ to body weight ratio, various

haematological and biochemical variables were studied. Tissues of vital

organs viz., lung, liver, kidney, spleen, heart and testis or ovaries were fixed

in 10% buffered formalin for microscopic examination. Standard procedures

were used for the analysis of haematological, biochemical and histological


Chronic toxicity study

Male and female Wistar rats were kept in polypropylene cages with

maximum of four animals per cage at constant conditions. Temperature was


set to 23 ± 2º C, relative humidity to 60 [+ or -] 10%. The animals were kept

under artificial illumination with a photoperiod of 12 h. Water was available

ad libitum. Each cage was labelled with the allocation of the animals to the

respective trial group, and the diet to be used. Whenever more than one

animal was kept in a cage, the animals obtained colour markings for

differentiation. The cages were tended at regular intervals. The care and

treatment of the rats were in accordance with the institutional ethical

committee guidelines. All the animal experimentation was carried out with

the prior approval from CPCSEA. Basic diet was dry pellet feed (Sai Meera

Foods, Bangalore).

Thirty six weanling rats (18 female, 18 male) with an average initial

body weight of 100 (female rats) and 110g (male rats) were allocated to three

groups. Each group consisted of six male and female randomly allocated

animals. The first group served as control and obtained standard diet. The

second group obtained diet with Biherbal extract 25mg/kg, the third group

obtained diet with Biherbal extract 50mg/kg. After 3 months, four male and

four female animals of each group were sacrificed for toxicity testing. The

remaining two male and female animals were set to standard diet and

observed for additional 4 weeks in order to detect deviations in spontaneous

behaviour or growth parameters prior to sacrificing and submission to the

same toxicological examination.

Twenty-four hours before the animals were sacrificed, blood samples

were taken for the examination of haematological and biochemical

parameters. Laboratory parameters such as blood glucose, total blood protein,


ALT, AST and total cholesterol, red and white blood cell count and

differential leucocyte count were carried out according to standard

procedures. The animals were killed by cervical decapitation under ether

anaesthesia. The major organs (liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, testis and ovaries)

were removed and macroscopically examined for physiological abnormalities.

The organs were then submitted to histological examination.


Experimental protocol

The rats were divided into seven groups of six animals each and were

given dose schedule as given below:

Group 1 : Animals were given a single administration of 0.5 ml

vehicle 2% v/v aqueous Tween-80 p.o daily for

14 days. This group served as normal control.

Group 2 : Animals were given a single dose of 2ml/kg, p.o CCl4

in 2% v/v aqueous Tween-80 daily for 7 days.

Group 3 : Animals were pre-treated with 50 mg/kg, p.o of BHE

in 2% v/v aqueous Tween-80 for 14 days intoxicated

with CCl4 on days 7 to 14.

Group 4 : Animals were pre-treated with 50 mg/kg, p.o of MAE

in 2% v/v aqueous Tween-80 for 14 days intoxicated

with CCl4 on days 7 to 14.


Group 5 : Animals were pre-treated with 50 mg/kg, p.o of PLE

in 2% v/v aqueous Tween-80 for 14 days intoxicated

with CCl4 on days 7 to 14.

Group 6 : Animals received 50 mg/kg, p.o Silymarin in 2% v/v

aqueous Tween-80 daily for 14 days and administered

with CCl4 on days 7 to 14. This group served as

positive control.

Group 7 : Animals received only 50 mg/kg, p.o of BHE in 2%

v/v aqueous Tween-80 daily for 14 days.

On the 15th day after the experimental period the body weight of the

animals were recorded. The animals were sacrificed after 12 hrs fasting under

mild pentobarbitone anaesthesia. Blood was collected and the serum was

separated by centrifuging at 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The serum was used for

analysing various biochemical parameters. A portion of blood was used for

certain biochemical estimation. Liver was excised from the animals, washed

in ice-cold saline, and dried gently on the filter paper. The weight of the liver

was taken. A 10% liver homogenate was prepared in Tris HCl buffer [0.1M

pH 7.4]. The homogenate was centrifuged and the supernatant was used for

the assay of various parameters.

Biochemical analysis - Blood and Serum

Estimation of Glucose

The blood glucose was estimated by Orthotoluidine method by

Hyvarimen and Nikkila (1962).



1. 10% TCA

2. Orthotoluidine reagent: 12.5gms of thiourea and 12.0 gms of

boric acid were dissolved in 50ml of distilled water by heating.

75ml of Orthotoluidine (redistilled) and 375 ml of glacial acetic

acid were mixed separately. These two solutions were mixed

and the total volume was made up to 500ml with distilled water.

The reagent was left overnight in the refrigerator and filtered.

3. Glucose standard: 100mg of pure glucose was dissolved in

100ml-distilled water containing 0.01% benzoic acid.


To 0.1ml whole blood 1.0 ml of 10% TCA was added. The above

mixture was centrifuged to precipitate the proteins. To 1ml of the above

supernatant 4.0 ml of orthotoluidine reagent was added. Aliquots of standard

containing different concentrations of glucose were made up to 1.0ml with

water and 4.0 ml of orthotoluidine reagent was also added. Mixed well and

kept in boiling water bath for 8mts. Cooled and read at 610nm against the

blank which contained 1ml of water and 4.0 ml of orthotoluidine reagent. The

values were expressed as mg/dl blood.

Estimation of Urea

Blood urea was determined by the method of Bousquet et al. (1971).



1. 10% Sodium tungstate

2. 2/3 N Sulphuric acid

3. DAM-TSC (Diacetyl monoxime –Thiosemicarbazide) reagent:

36mM Diacetyl monoxime and 61.7mM thiosemicarbazide

were dissolved in100 ml of 2% glacial acetic acid.

4. Acid ferric reagent: 3.6ml sulphuric acid, 0.12mg of ferric

chloride and 38.6ml Orthophosphoric acid were mixed and

made upto 100ml with distilled water.

5. Standard Urea: 10mg of urea was dissolved in 100ml of distilled



In a test tube 0.1ml of blood was taken. To that 3.3 ml of water, 0.3ml

of 10% sodium tungstate and 0.3ml of 2/3N sulphuric acid were added to

precipitate the proteins. The mixture was centrifuged and to 1ml of the

supernatant fluid 1 ml of water, 0.4 ml of DAM reagent and 1.6ml of acid

ferric reagent were added and placed in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes.

Aliquots of the standard urea and blank containing 2.0ml of water were also

treated in the similar manner. After cooling the colour developed was read at

520nm using spectrophotometer.

The values were expressed as mg/dl.


Estimation of Bilirubin

Serum bilirubin was estimated by the method of Malloy and Evelyn



1. Absolute methanol

2. 1.5% HCl

3. Diazo reagent

Solution A: Dissolve 1gm of sulphanilic acid in 15ml conc. HCl

and made up to 1 litre with distilled water.

Solution B: 0.5gm of sodium nitrite dissolved in 100ml distilled


Solution C: Mixed 10ml of solution A and 0.3ml of solution B.

4. Stock Standard: 10 mg of bilirubin was dissolved in 100ml of


5. Working standard: Stock solution was diluted 1 in 5 times.


In a test tube 0.2 ml of serum was taken, and 1.8ml of distilled water

was added. A blank was set up by adding 0.2ml of 1.5% hydrochloric acid. To

all the test tubes 1.0 ml of diazo reagent was added. Finally to all the test

tubes 2.5 ml of methanol, was added and allowed to stand at room

temperature for 30 mts in dark and read at 540nm. For the standard curve,

pipetted out various concentrations of bilirubin in to a series of test tubes,

made up the volume in all the tubes with 2.5ml of methanol and added 1ml of

diazo reagent was added and read colorimetrically.


Estimation of Total Protein

Estimation of total protein was carried out by the method of Gornall



1. Biuret reagent. Weighed 1.50 gm of cupric sulphate and 6.0 gm

of sodium potassium tartrate transferred to a dry 1 litre

volumetric flask, and dissolved it in about 500 ml of water with

constant swirling. Added 300 ml of 10 per cent sodium

hydroxide. Finally the volume was made up to 1 litre with

water, mixed, and stored in a cool dry place.

2. 22.6% sodium sulphate.

3. Std Protein solution: 400mgs of BSA was dissolved in 100 ml

of distilled water.


In to the test tube marked as “B” pipetted 2.0 ml of sodium sulphate

solution. In to the “t” test tube, 0.5 ml. of serum and 9.5 ml of sodium

sulphate were taken. Stoppered the tube and mixed thoroughly by inversion.

From that mixture 2 ml was transferred to another test tube. Standard protein

solution was also treated in the same way. Now into each of the three test

tubes pipetted 8.0 ml of biuret reagent and mix thoroughly. Allowed these to

stand for 30 minutes at room temperature. Using a photoelectric colorimeter,

or spectrophotometer, the colour intensity was measured at 540 nm.

The amount of serum protein was expressed as g / dl.


Estimation of Albumin

The albumin present in the serum was estimated by the method of

Reinhold (1953).


1. Biuret reagent – Prepared as mentioned earlier

2. Ether

3. Sulphate – Sulphite Reagent: About 20.8g of sodium sulphate

and 7.0g of sodium sulphite were dissolved in about 90ml

water, with constant stirring. Then 0.02ml of conc. H2SO4 was

added and made up to 100ml with distilled water.


To 0.4ml of serum, 5.6ml of sodium sulphate-sulphite reagent and

3ml ether was added, the test tubes were stoppered and shaken well. Care

should be taken not to shake more vigorously, otherwise the albumin may

denature. The tubes were capped and centrifuged for 5mts. The pipette was

inserted into the clear solution carefully below the globulin layer, and 3ml of

solution was taken, 5ml of biuret reagent was added and incubated for 30 min

at room temperature. The violet color was read at 540nm.

The amount of serum albumin was expressed as g/dl.


Estimation of Globulin

Albumin was subtracted from the total protein to obtain the amount of

globulin. The amount of serum globulin was expressed as g/dl.

Estimation of Cholesterol

Estimation of serum cholesterol was carried out by the method of

Wybenga et al. (1970).


1. Cholesterol reagent. Dissolved 520 mg of Ferric per chlorate in

600 ml ethyl acetate, contained in a 1-liter Erlenmeyer flask.

Placed the flask in an ice bath and cooled the contents to 4°C

added gradually 400 ml of cold concentrated sulphuric acid. in

small portions, mixed after each portion is added, and not

allowed the temperature to exceed 45°C.

2. Cholesterol standard: 200 mgs of cholesterol per 100 ml of

glacial acetic acid.


Added 50 µl of cholesterol standard and 50µl of serum was taken to

the vials marked “Standard” and “Test,” respectively, and added 5 ml of

cholesterol reagent mixed the contents of each vial thoroughly for at least

10 seconds. Cooled and the absorbance is read in the spectrophotometer at


560 nm against the blank, which contained 50 µl of glacial acetic acid and

5 ml of cholesterol reagent.

Cholesterol concentration was expressed as mg/ dl of serum.

Estimation of Triglycerides (TGL)

The triglycerides were estimated by the method of based on the

method of Rice and Vanhandle (1970).


1. Chloroform: methanol mixture 2:1 (v/v)

2. Saturated sodium chloride

3. Activated silicic acid: Silicic acid was washed with 4N HCl and

then distilled water until the pH was neutral. After drying, ether

was added in sufficient amount, stirred well and the supernatant

was decanted. Silicic acid was then dried at 60ºC and activated

at 100ºC over night prior to use.

4. 0.4% potassium hydroxide in ethanol.

5. Sodium meta periodate 0.1 M: 2.149 g of sodium meta

periodate was dissolved in 100 ml of water.

6. Sodium meta arsenate 0.5M: 6.496 g sodium meta arsenate was

dissolved in 100 ml of water.


7. Chromotropic acid : 1.14 g of chromotropic acid was dissolved

in 100 ml of dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water and stored as

a stock solution in a brown bottle. Before use this solution was

mixed with 45ml of sulphuric acid – water mixture in the ratio

of 2:1.

8. 0.2N sulphuric acid

9. Tripalmitin standard : 100 mg of Tripalmitin was dissolved in

100 ml of chloroform in a standard flask. The stock solution

was diluted to 1 in 10 times with chloroform.


About 0.2ml of serum was mixed with 9.8 ml of Chloroform:

methanol mixture and left for 30 min. It was centrifuged and 4ml of the lipid

extract was added to the tubes containing 8ml of saturated sodium chloride

and shaken vigorously. The contents were allowed to settle for an hour and

centrifuged. The supernatant containing saline – methanol phase was

discarded. The washed chloroform phase was filtered in to a dry tube. 200mg

of silicic acid was added to chloroform phase shaken vigorously and allowed

to stand for 30 min. It was centrifuged. 0.5 ml of supernatant was taken, to

which 0.5 ml of potassium hydroxide solution was added and the mixture was

saponified in a water bath at 60ºC for 20 min, to the above mixture, 0.5ml of

0.2 N sulphuric acid was added and kept in a boiling water bath for 10 min.

After cooling the tubes 0.1ml of sodium meta periodate was added and

allowed to stand for 10 min. The excess sodium meta periodate was reduced


by the addition of 0.1ml sodium meta arsenate, finally 0.5 ml of

Chromotropic acid reagent was added, mixed thoroughly and kept in a boiling

water bath for 30 min. The colour developed was estimated at 540nm.

Triglycerides concentration was expressed as mg/ dl of serum.

Estimation of Phospholipids (PL)

The phospholipids content in serum was determined by the method of

Zilversmith and Davis (1950).


1. Ethanol- ether 3:1(V/V mixture)

2. 3% Ammonium molybdate

3. 3% Ascorbic acid

4. 70% Perchloric acid

5. Standard Phosphate: 35.1 mg of potassium dihydrogen

phosphate was dissolved in 100ml of water to give a

concentration of 80 µg/ml.

6. Working Standard solution: A concentration of 8 µg/ml was

prepared by diluting the stock solution in the ratio of 1: 10 with

distilled water.



To 1.0 ml of serum, 3.0 ml of the ethanol- ether mixture was added

and mixed well. The protein precipitate was separated by centrifugation and

the supernatant solvent was transferred to another tube.0.1ml of the lipid

extract was dissolved in 1ml of perchloric acid and digested on a sand bath till

the solution becomes colourless. After cooling the solution was made up to

5.0ml with double distilled water. In the standard 1ml of working standard

solution was taken. Blank contained 1ml of water. To all the tubes 0.5ml of

ammonium molybdate and ascorbic acid were added and the mixture was kept

in a boiling water bath for 6 mts. The blue color developed was read at

710 nm using a spectrophotometer. The values were expressed as mg/dl of

serum after multiplication by factor 25.

Serum Lipoproteins

Fractional precipitation of lipoproteins

Lipoproteins were fractionated by a dual precipitation technique of

Wilson and Spiger (1973).

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)


1. Heparin –manganese chloride reagent: 3.167 g of manganese

chloride was added to 1ml solution of heparin containing 20,000

units. This mixture was made up to 8ml with distilled water.



About 2ml serum was added to 0.18ml heparin- manganese chloride

reagent and mixed well. The solution was allowed to stand at 4ºC for

30minutes and then centrifuged at 2000 rpm and maintained at 10ºC for

30 minutes. The supernatant contained the HDL fraction. 1ml of this was used

for the estimation of cholesterol by the method of Wybenga as described


HDL- Cholesterol concentration was expressed as mg/ dl of serum.

Low- density lipoprotein (LDL)


1. Sodium- dodecyl sulphate (SDS): 10% solution of SDS was

prepared in 0.15 M sodium chloride and the pH was adjusted to

9 with sodium hydroxide.


To 2ml of serum was added to 0.15ml of sodium-dodecyl sulphate.

The contents were mixed well and incubated at 37oC for 2 hrs. The contents

were centrifuged in a refrigerated centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for

15 mts. The VLDL aggregated as pelleted. The supernatant contained the

HDL and LDL fractions. 1ml of this was used for the estimation of

cholesterol by the method of Wybenga as described previously.

LDL-Cholesterol concentration was expressed as mg/ dl of serum.


Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

The pelleted portion contains the VLDL cholesterol. 1ml of this was

used for the estimation of cholesterol by the method of Wybenga as described


VLDL- cholesterol was expressed as mg/ dl.

Assay of serum Aspartate amino transferase (AST) (Glutamate

oxaloacetate transaminase, E.C.

Assay of serum aspartate amino transferase was carried out by the

method of Reitman and Frankel (1957).


a. Phosphate buffer - 0.1M, pH 7.4.

b. Substrate: 2.66 gms of DL aspartate and 38 mg of α-keto

glutartate were dissolved in 20.5ml of 0.1N NaOH with gentle

heating. This was made up to 100 ml with buffer.

c. 2,4-Dinitrophenyl hydrazine reagent (DNPH): 1.0mM DNPH in

2.0 N HCl.

d. 0.4 N NaOH

e. Standard Pyruvate: 11 mg of sodium pyruvate was dissolved in

100ml of phosphate buffer. This contained 1 µmole




In different tubes 1.0 ml of the buffered substrate was added. To one

tube 0.1ml of serum was added and incubated at 37° C for 1 hr. Then 1ml of

DNPH reagent was added to arrest the reaction. To the ‘Blank ‘tube 0.1ml of

serum was added only after the addition of DNPH reagent. The tubes were

kept aside for 15 minutes, and then 0.4 N NaOH was added and read at

520 using the spectrophotometer. Aliquots of standard were also treated in the

same manner.

Enzyme activity was expressed as U / Litre.

Assay of serum Alanine amino transferase (ALT) (Glutamate pyruvate

transaminase, E.C.

The reagents and method used were same as those used for the assay

of aspartate amino transferase except for the substrate solution and incubation

time was reduced for 30 minutes.


1. Substrate: 1.78 gms of DL alanine, 38 mg of α-ketoglutarate

were dissolved in phosphate buffer, and 0.5ml of 0.1 N NaOH

was added and the volume was made up to 100ml with buffer.

Enzyme activity was expressed as U / Liter.


Estimation of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (ortho-phosphoric monoester

phosphohydrolase, E.C.

The serum alkaline phosphatase was assayed by the method of Kind

and King (1954).


1. Carbonate – bicarbonate buffer 0.1M, pH 10.0: 6.36gm of

sodium carbonate and 3.36gm of sodium bicarbonate were

dissolved in 1000 ml of distilled water.

2. Substrate 0.01M: 254mg of disodium phenyl phosphate was

dissolved in 100 ml of water.

3. 0.5 N Sodium bicarbonate

4. 0.5N NaOH

5. 4-Amino-antipyrine (0.6%): 0.6 g was dissolved in water and

made to 100 ml.

6. Potassium Ferricyanide (2.4%): 2.4 g was dissolved in water

and made to 100 ml.

7. Stock Phenol Standard (1 mg/ ml): Pure crystalline phenol, 1 g

was dissolved in and made to 1 liter with 0.1 N HCl.

8. Working Phenol Standards (0.01 mg/ml) 1 ml, stock standard

was diluted to 100 ml with 0.1 N HCl.



For the enzyme estimation four test tubes were taken and they were

marked as “B” (Blank), “T” (Test), “C” (Control) and “S” (Standard). In the

“T” test tube, 1 ml. buffer were added to 1 ml of substrate and warmed at

37°C for three min. Then 0.1 ml of serum were added and mixed. The

solution was incubated at 37° C for 15 min. To the incubated solution 0.8 ml

of Sodium hydroxide and 1.2 ml of sodium bicarbonate were added. Then

1 ml 0.6% 4-Amino-antipyrine was added and mixed. Finally 1 ml Potassium

Ferricyanide was added and mixed. The Control was treated same as test,

except that serum was added after the NaOH addition. Aliquots of standard

was also treated in the similar manner. Blank was set up same as standard, but

water is substituted for phenol. The colour developed was measured at

620 nm using the colorimeter.

The enzyme activity was expressed as IU/litre.

Estimation of Acid Phosphatase (ACP) (ortho-phosphoric monoester

hydrolase, E.C.

The serum acid phosphatase was assayed by the method of Kind and

King (1954).


1. Citrate Buffer 0.1M, pH 4.8.


2. Substrate 0.01M: 254mg of disodium phenyl phosphate was

dissolved in 100 ml of water.

3. 0.5 N Sodium bicarbonate

4. 0.5N NaOH

5. 4-Amino-antipyrine (0.6%): 0.6 g was dissolved in water and

made to 100 ml.

6. Potassium Ferricyanide (2.4%): 2.4 g was dissolved in water

and made to 100 ml.

7. Stock Phenol Standard (1 mg/ ml): Pure crystalline phenol, 1 g

was dissolved in and made to 1 liter with 0.1 N HCl

8. Working Phenol Standards (0.01 mg/ml): 1 ml, stock standard,

diluted to 100 ml with 0.1 N HCl.


Four test tubes were taken and they were marked as “B” (Blank), “T”

(test), “C” (Control) and “S” (Standard). In the “T” test tube, 1 ml of buffer

was added to 1 ml of substrate warmed at 37° C for three min. Then 0.1 ml of

serum was added and mixed. The solution was incubated at 37°C for one

hour. To the incubated solution 1.0 ml of Sodium hydroxide and 1.0 ml of

sodium bicarbonate, 1 ml 0.6% 4-Amino-antipyrine was added and mixed.

Finally 1 ml Potassium Ferricyanide was added and mixed. The Control was

treated same as test, except that serum was added after the NaOH. Aliquots of

standard were made up of 1.1 ml in alkaline buffer and treated similarly.


Blank was set up same as standard, but water was substituted for phenol. The

colour developed was measured at 620 nm using the colorimeter.

The enzyme activity was expressed as K.A units.

Estimation of Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (L-lactate:NAD oxido-

reductase, E.C.

The Lactate dehydrogenase present in the serum was assayed by the

method of King (1965).


1. Glycine buffer 0.1M, pH 8.5: 750.5mg of glycine and 585mg of

NaCl were dissolved in 100ml of distilled water.

2. Buffered Substrate: 125ml of glycine buffer, 75ml of 0.1N

NaOH and 4.0g of lithium lactate were added, mixed well and

kept in cold room.

3. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+): 10mg of NAD+

was dissolved in 2.0ml of water.

4. 2, 4- Dinitrophenyl hydrazine (DNPH) 0.02%: 20mg of DNPH

was dissolved in 100ml of 1N HCl.

5. 0.4N NaOH

6. Standard: 11mg of sodium pyruvate was dissolved in 100ml of

buffer. This contained 1 µ mole of pyruvate/ ml.



Pipetted out 1.0ml of the buffered substrate and 0.1ml of serum into

two tubes and 0.2ml of distilled water was added to the blank, to the test,

0.2ml of NAD+ solution was added and shaken well. The tubes were

incubated at 37ºC for 15mts. Exactly after that time the reaction was stopped

by adding 1.0ml of DNPH solution. NAD+ was added to the control tubes. It

was left at 37ºC for another 15mts. About 5.0ml of 0.4N NaOH was added

and the color developed was read at 420nm within 5mts. A set of standards

were also treated in a similar manner.

The enzyme activity was expressed as U/L.

Estimation of Acetyl cholineesterase (ACE) (Acetylcholine

acetylhydrolase, E.C.

Determination of Acetylcholine esterase was carried out by the

method of Biggs et al. (1958).


1. Stock buffer; Dissolved 12.37 gms of Sodium barbitone,

1.361 gms of Potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 175.35 gms

of sodium chloride in water and made to a litre

2. Stock–buffer indicator solution: Dissolve 100mg of

bromothymol blue in 2 ml of 2 N NaOH and washed in to the

1 litre flask with 150 ml of stock buffer and diluted to 950 ml


with water. Adjust the p H to 8.0 by adding 16 ml of HCl and

then diluted to 1 litre with water.

3. Working–buffer indicator solution: Diluted 476.2ml of the

Stock–buffer indicator solution to 1 litre with water.

4. Standard acetyl choline bromide solution: (15 %) 15 gms acetyl

choline bromide dissolved in 100ml of water.

5. Acetic acid, 0.15 N: Diluted 1 in 10 for use.


Measured 4.2 ml of Working –buffer indicator solution in to a

suitable tube and added 0.1 ml of serum and 0.2 ml of substrate. Mixed

thoroughly and read the absorbance at 620 nm. Incubated at 37° C for

30 minutes and read again. Units of enzyme activity were expressed as

micromoles of acetic acid liberated from acetylcholine by 1 ml of serum in

30 minutes. To obtain the calibration curve a series of dilutions of acetic acid

to water was prepared which corresponds to 0 –150 units of enzyme activity

in steps of 10 units. A series of these tubes containing 2ml of stock –buffer

indicator solution, 1.4ml of water, 0.1ml of normal serum and 1ml of above

series of diluted acetic acid was added and treated as the same way as test.

A standard curve was plotted from which units of activity was calculated.

Enzyme activity expressed as U/l.


Estimation of Gamma glutamyl transferase (γ GT) (5 Glutamyl peptide

amino acid 5 glutamyl transferase, E.C.

The assay of γ-Glutamyl transferase was carried out by the method of

Szasz (1969).


1. Substrate; 30.4 mg of L-γ glutamyl-p-nitro anilide was added to

10 ml of water, heated to dissolve at 50- 60° C.

2. Tris-HCl buffer : 0.1M , pH 8.5.

3. Glycyl-glycine; 13.2 mg was dissolved in 10 ml of water

4. Standard: 13. 8 mg of p-nitro anilide was dissolved in 100ml of

distilled water.

5. 10 % acetic acid


Into three test tubes marked as “B”, “C” and “T” 1.0 ml of buffer and

2.2 ml of glycyl glycine was added. 0.5ml of substrate solution was added in

the “B” and “T” test tubes. About 0.2ml of enzyme was added to “C” and “T”

test tubes. Incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes and 1.0 ml of 10% acetic acid

was added to all the test tubes. 0.5ml of substrate solution was added in to the

“C” tube and the absorbance was measured at 410 nm.

Enzyme activity was expressed as U/Liter.


Estimation of 5′-Nucleotidase (5′-NT) (5′-Ribonucleotide

phosphohydrolase, E.C.

The 5′-Nucleotidase was assayed by the method of Luly et al. (1972),

with slight modification.


1. Tris HCl buffer: 184 mM pH 7.5

2. Magnesium sulphate : 50mM

3. Potassium chloride: 650mM

4. EDTA :1mM

5. 2.5% Ammonium molybdate

6. 5’ Adenosine monophosphate (5’AMP) 40mM

7. ANSA - 500mg of Amino napthol Sulphonic acid was dissolved

in 195ml of 15% sodium meta bisulphate and 5ml of 20%

sodium sulphite was added to it. The solution was stored in the

brown bottle.

8. Stock Standard Phosphorous: 35.1 mg potassium dihydrogen

phosphate in 100ml of water.

9. Working Standard Phosphorous: Dilute the stock standard 1 in

10 times which contain 8mcg/1ml.



The assay medium contained 1.0ml Tris HCl buffer, 0.1ml of

Magnesium sulphate, 0.1ml potassium chloride, 0.1ml of EDTA and 0.1ml of

5′AMP. The reaction was initiated by addition of 0.2ml of enzyme

preparation and incubated at 37.C for 15mts. The reaction was terminated by

the addition of 2.0 ml of 10% TCA. After centrifugation the phosphorus in the

supernatant was estimated as discussed earlier in the phospholipids.

Enzyme activity was expressed in U/ litre.

Assay of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (ICD) (Isocitrate NADP+

oxidoreductase, E.C.

Assay of Iso citrate dehydrogenase was carried out by the method of

Belljoice and Baron (1960).


1. 0.15 M Sodium chloride

2. Tris-HCl buffer 0.1 M in 0.15 M Sodium chloride pH 7.5.

3. Buffered substrate: Dissolved 1.845 g of trisodium isocitrate in

100 ml of Tris buffer.

4. NADP - 10 mg /ml in 0.15 M Sodium chloride

5. Reduced NADP - 10 mg /ml in 0.15 M Sodium chloride

6. Manganous chloride - 0.03 M in 0.15 M Sodium chloride


7. Standard α-oxoglutaric acid - Stock containing 70 mg/ 100ml

water. Diluted this 1 in 10 for use.

8. EDTA-Dissolved 5.6 gms in 100ml of water by adjusting the

pH 8.0 using NaOH pellets.

9. 2,4-Dinitrophenyl hydrazine - Dissolved 19.8 mg 2,4-

Dinitrophenyl hydrazine in 1 N HCl and made upto 100ml with


10. 0.4 N NaOH.


The assay medium contained 0.5ml α-oxoglutaric acid, 0.1ml of

MnCl2 solution and 0.1ml of NADP to all the three test tubes marked as “B”,

“C” and “ T”. To the control tube 0.033ml of NADPH2 was added. About

0.3ml of 0.15 M NaCl2 was added to all the tubes. The reaction was initiated

by addition of 0.2ml of enzyme preparation and incubated at 37oC for 1hr. At

the end of incubation period added 1.0 ml of EDTA to the blank and standard

test tubes and 1ml of DNPH to all the test tubes immediately. Allowed to

stand for 20 minutes, and then added 10 ml of 0.4n sodium hydroxide. Stood

for 15 minutes and read against the reagent blank at 390nm.

Enzyme activity was expressed as IU / L.


Biochemical analysis - Liver tissues

Estimation of Total lipid

Total lipids were extracted from the liver tissue according to the

method of Folch et al. (1957).


The tissues were washed with saline and dried with a filter paper. A

weighed amount of tissue (500mg) was homogenized with 7.0 ml of

chloroform: methanol (1:2) mixture in a potter Elvehjem homogeniser and

filtered through a whatman No 1 filter paper into a conical flask. The residue

after filtration was scrapped and homogenized with 10ml chloroform-

methanol mixture 2:1 v/v and the resulting filtrate was evaporated to dryness.

The weight of the flask with and without the dried lipid was recorded and the

differences in weight gave the total lipid content of the tissues.

The total lipids were expressed as mg/ gm of wet tissue.

“Folch” wash


1. 0.1N potassium chloride

2. Folch’s reagent: 0.1N HCl: Methanol: Chloroform (10:10:1)

The lipid extract from above procedure was redissolved in 2ml of

Folch’s reagent and 1.0ml of 0.1N potassium chloride was added and the


contents were shaken well. The upper aqueous phase containing ganglioside

and other water soluble compounds were separated. The lower phase

containing neutral and phospholipids in chloroform was again washed

3 times with 2.0ml of Folch’s reagent and the upper aqueous phase was

aspirated. The lower chloroform phase was made up to known volume.

Aliquots were taken for analysis of cholesterol, triglycerides and


Estimation of Cholesterol

The total cholesterol present in the tissue homogenate after Folch’s

wash was estimated by the method of Wybenga et al. (1970), as mentioned


The total cholesterol was expressed as mg/ gm of wet tissue.

Estimation of Triglycerides (TGL)

The triglycerides present in the tissue homogenate after Folch’s wash

was estimated by the method of Rice and Vanhandle (1970) as mentioned


The triglycerides was expressed as mg/ gm of wet tissue.

Estimation of Phospholipids

The tissue phospholipids were estimated by the method of Rouser

et al. (1970).



1. 3% Ammonium molybdate

2. 3% Ascorbic acid

3. 70% Perchloric acid

4. Standard Phosphate: 35.1 mg of potassium dihydrogen

phosphate was dissolved in 100ml of water to give a

concentration of 80 µg/ml

5. Working Standard solution: A concentration of 8 µg/ml was

prepared by diluting the stock solution from 1 to 10ml-distilled



0.1ml of the lipid extract was dissolved in 1ml of perchloric acid and

digested on a sand bath till the solution becomes colorless. After cooling the

solution was made up to 5.0ml with double distilled water. In the standard

1ml of working standard solution was taken. Blank contained 1ml of water.

To all the tubes 0.5ml of ammonium molybdate and ascorbic acid were added

and the mixture was kept in a boiling water bath for 6 mts. The blue color

developed was read at 710 using a photochem colorimeter. Expressed as

mg/gm of wet tissue after multiplication by factor 25.


Estimation of Glycogen

The liver tissue glycogen was extracted and estimated by the method

of Morales et al. (1973).


1. 30% potassium hydroxide solution

2. Absolute alcohol

3. Anthrone reagent: 0.2% anthrone in con. Sulphuric acid was

prepared just before use.

4. 1.0M Ammonium acetate solution

5. Saturated ammonium chloride

6. Glucose standard: 100mg of pure glucose was dissolved in

100ml-distilled water containing 0.01% benzoic acid.


The alkali extract of the tissue was prepared by digesting 50mg of

fresh tissue with 3.0 ml of 30% potassium hydroxide solution in boiling water

bath for 15 min. The tubes were cooled and mixed with 5.0ml of absolute

alcohol and a drop of 1.0M ammonium acetate to precipitate glycogen and

left in the freezer overnight for complete precipitation. Glycogen was

collected by centrifugation at 2000g for 20 mts. The precipitate was dissolved

in water with the aid of heating in a boiling water bath for 5 mts. Aliquots of

glycogen solution were taken up after suitable dilution and 4.0ml of anthrone


reagent was added heated in the boiling water bath cooled the tubes in an ice

bath. The tubes were shaken well, covered with marble caps and heated in a

boiling water bath for 20mts. After cooling the absorbance was read at 640nm

in spectrophotometer against a water blank treated in a similar manner.

Standard glucose solutions were also treated similarly.

The glycogen content was calculated from the amount of glucose

present in the sample and was expressed as mg/g fresh tissue.

Estimation of Protein

The liver tissue protein was estimated by the method Lowry et al.

(1951) as mentioned earlier in Chapter I.

The protein contents of the tissues were expressed as mg/g of fresh


Estimation of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) Glutamate oxaloacetate

transaminase, E.C.

The Aspartate Aminotransferase in the tissue homogenate was

estimated by the method of Reitman and Frankel (1957) as mentioned earlier.

The enzyme activity is expressed as µ moles of pyruvate

liberated/min/mg protein.


Estimation of Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Glutamate pyruvate

transaminase, E.C.

The alanine aminotransferase in the tissue homogenate was estimated

was estimated by the method of Reitman and Frankel (1957) as mentioned


The enzyme activity is expressed as µ moles pyruvate

liberated/min/mg protein.

Estimation of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) ortho-phosphoric monoester

phosphohydrolase, E.C.

The Alkaline Phosphatase present in the tissue homogenate was

estimated by the method of Kind and King (1954) as mentioned earlier.

The results were expressed as µ- moles of phenol liberated /min/ mg


Estimation of Acid Phosphatase (ACP) (ortho-phosphoric monoester

hydrolase, E.C.

The Acid Phosphatase present in the tissue homogenate was

estimated by the method of Kind and King (1954) as mentioned earlier.

The results were expressed as µ- moles of phenol liberated /min/ mg



Estimation of Lactate Dehydrogenase (L-lactate: NAD oxido-reductase


The liver tissue Lactate dehydrogenase was estimated by the method

of King (1965) as mentioned earlier.

The enzyme activity is expressed as µ moles of pyruvate liberated

/min/ mg protein.

Estimation of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase(5 Glutamyl peptide

aminoacid 5 glutamyl transferase, E.C.

The Gamma Glutamyl transferase in the liver tissue was assayed by

the method of Szaz (1969) as mentioned earlier.

One unit of enzyme activity was defined as the amount of enzyme

required to release 1 micro* mole of p- nitroanilide/minute under incubation


Estimation of 5′-Nucleotidase (5′-Ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase,


The 5′-Nucleotidase present in the tissue homogenate was estimated

by the method of Luly et al. (1972) as mentioned earlier.

The results were expressed as µ moles of phosphorous

liberated/minute mg of protein.


Estimation of Xanthine Oxidase (xanthine:NAD+ oxidoreductase,

E.C. 1.17.32)

Estimation of Xanthine oxidase was carried out by the method of

Fried and Fried (1957).


1. Phosphate buffer- 0.1 M, pH 8.2

2. EDTA - 10 mM

3. Gelatin -1 %

4. Phenazine metho sulphate ( PMS): The solution of PMS in the

phosphate buffer at the concentration of 0.2 mg / ml was

prepared at the time of the assay and was protected from light

5. Nitroblue tetrazolium salt (NBT):NBT solution containing

5 mg/ ml was prepared in phosphate buffer just before use and

was protected from light

6. 1mM Xanthine solution: prepared in phosphate buffer just

before use.


To 0.6ml of buffer , 0.4ml of EDTA , 0.4 ml of gelatin , 0.1ml of

PMS and 0.3ml of NBT were added in a test tube . To this 0.2ml of enzyme

was added and incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes. Then 0.5ml of


buffer and 0.5ml of substrate were added and the increase in the optical

density was measured in 532 nm at 2 minutes interval for 10 minutes.

The activity of enzyme was expressed as Unit / mg of protein. One

unit corresponds to the amount of the enzyme required to bring about change

in optical density 0.01/ min.

Estimation of Lipid peroxidation


Lipid peroxidation in the liver homogenate was assayed by the

method of Ohkawa and Yagi (1979).


1. 8.1% Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)

2. 0.8% Thiobarbituric acid (TBA)

3. 20% Acetic acid

4. 15:1 v/v n- Butanol: Pyridine mixture


The reaction mixture contained 0.2 ml of liver homogenate, 1.5 ml of

TBA, 0.2ml SDS, 1.5ml of acetic acid and 0.8ml of distilled water. The above

solution was kept in the boiling water bath at 90°C for 1 hr and cooled in tap

water. After cooling 1ml of distilled water and 5ml of mixture of n-butanol:

pyridine (15:1 v/v) were added and shaken vigorously. After centrifugation at


4000 rpm for 10 min, the organic layer was taken and its absorbance was read

at 532 nm.

The lipid peroxide concentration was expressed as nano moles of

MDA liberated / min / mg of liver homogenate.

Hydrogen Peroxide induced Lipid peroxidation

Hydrogen Peroxide induced Lipid peroxidation was assayed by the

method of Devasagayam and Tarachand (1987).


1. 0.15M Tris–HCl buffer , pH 7.4

2. 10mM KH2 PO4

3. 10% Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

4. 10mM Hydrogen peroxide

5. 1% Thiobarbituric acid (TBA)


The peroxidation system consists of 1.4 ml of Tris buffer, 0.2ml of

H2O2, 0.2ml of KH2 PO4 and 0.2ml of homogenate. The tubes were incubated

at 37°C with constant shaking for 20 minutes. The reaction was stopped by

the addition of 1.0 ml of 10 % TCA. Then 1.5ml of TBA reagent was added

and heated in the boiling water bath for 20 minutes. The tubes were

centrifuged and the colour developed in the supernatant was read at 532 nm

using spectrophotometer.


The MDA content of the sample after peroxide stress was expressed

as nano moles of MDA liberated / min / mg of liver homogenate.

Ascorbate induced Lipid peroxidation

Ascorbate induced Lipid peroxidation was assayed by the method of

Devasagayam and Tarachand (1987).


1. 0. 15M Tris-HCl Buffer, pH 7.4

2. 10 mM KH2 PO4

3. 10% Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

4. 1mM Ascorbic acid

5. 1% Thiobarbituric acid (TBA)


The peroxidation system consisted of 1.4 ml of Tris buffer, 0.2ml of

ascorbate 0.2ml of KH2 PO4 and 0.2ml of homogenate. The tubes were

incubated at 37 ° C with constant shaking for 20 minutes. The reaction was

arrested by the addition of 1.0 ml of 10 % TCA. Then 1.5ml of TBA reagent

was added and heated in the boiling water bath for 20 minutes. The tubes

were centrifuged and the colour developed in the supernatant was read at

532 nm using spectrophotometer.

The MDA content of the sample after peroxide stress was expressed

as nano moles of MDA liberated / min / mg of liver homogenate.


FeSO4 induced Lipid peroxidation

FeSO4 induced Lipid peroxidation was assayed by the method of

Devasagayam and Tarachand (1987).


1. 0. 15M Tris-HCl Buffer, pH 7.4

2. 10 mM KH2 PO4

3. 10% Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

4. 10mM ferrous sulphate

5. 1% Thiobarbituric acid (TBA)


The peroxidation system consists of 1.4 ml of Tris buffer, 0.2ml of

FeSO4 0.2ml of KH2 PO4 and 0.2ml of homogenate. The tubes were incubated

at 37°C with constant shaking for 20 minutes. The reaction was arrested by

the addition of 1.0 ml of 10 % TCA. Then 1.5ml of TBA reagent was added

and heated in the boiling water bath for 20 minutes. The tubes were

centrifuged and the colour developed in the supernatant was read at 532 nm

using spectrophotometer.

The MDA content of the sample after peroxide stress was expressed

as nano moles of MDA liberated / min / mg of liver homogenate.


Lipid peroxidation products

Estimation of Conjucated dienes (CD)

Dienes conjugates were estimated by the method of Klein and Klein


Extraction of Lipids

Lipids were extracted from the liver homogenate with

chloroform/methanol (2:1) according to the method described by Folch et al.

(1957) with the modification.


The lipid in chloroform was isolated and driedAliquots of lipid

extracts were evaporated to dryness. The lipid residue was suspended in

methanol and the absorbance at 213 nm and 233nm were measured against

the blank. The extent of peroxidation is determined by the measurement of

conjugated diene content which is arrived by computing the ratio of

absorbance at wave lengths 233 nm and 213mn.

Units expressed as ∆233/mg of protein.

Estimation of Lipid hydro peroxide (LOOH)

Lipid hydro peroxide (LOOH) assay was performed essentially as

described by Nourooz-Zadeh et al. (1996) with minor modifications.



1. Triphenylphosphine (10mMol/L)

2. 90% Methanol

3. FOX2-reagent: FOX2-reagent was prepared by dissolving

38 mg Xylenol Orange 440 mg of Butylated hydroxy toluene in

450 ml HPLC-grade methanol with stirring. 49 mg Ammonium

ferrous sulphate dissolved in 50 ml of 250-mmol/l of sulphuric

acid was added to the methanol solution.


Aliquots of sample were incubated for 30 minutes, at 20-25°C in

10 µL of triphenylphosphine to remove hydroperoxides and to generate a

blank, and 90 µL of tissue samples were incubated in 10 µl methanol to

generate a test sample. Both the blank and the test sample were mixed with

900 µL FOX2 reagent and incubated for 30 minutes, at 20-25°C. After

centrifugation at 12000 rpm for 10 min, the absorbance of the supernatants

was monitored at 560 nm The hydroperoxide concentration of each sample

was calculated from the difference between the absorbance of the blank and

test samples.

The LOOH content of the sample was expressed as µ moles of LOOH

liberated / min / mg of Protein.


Assay of Nitric oxide end products (NO)

Nitric oxide end products like Nitrite and Nitrate determination was

carried out by the method of Miranda et al. (2001).


1. 10 % TCA

2. Griess reagent: 1% sulfanilamide in 1N HCl, 15% N-1-

naphtylethylenediamine dichloride

3. 50 mM Potassium phosphate buffer

4. Vanadium (III) chloride (8 mg/ml)


Approximately 4.0 ml of tissue homogenate was treated with 2.5 ml

of 10% TCA solution, and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 30 min. After

centrifugation at room temperature, 100µl of supernatant was applied to a

clean tube, 100 µL vanadium (III) chloride was added to each tube (for

reduction of nitrate to nitrite) and this was followed by addition of 450µl of

Griess reagent. After mixing well, all tubes were left in a dark place for

30 minutes at room temperature. At the end of the reaction time, the

absorbance was measured on a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 550nm.

A blank was prepared in the same way but 150µl potassium phosphate buffer

(50mM) was used instead of supernatant. Aliquots of sodium nitrite were also

treated in a similarly for standard calibration.

Nitric oxides of the sample were expressed as nmol/mg of protein.


Determination of Enzymic antioxidant systems

Assay of Catalase (CAT) (H2O2 Oxidoreductase, E.C. 1.11.16)

The antioxidant enzyme Catalase was assayed by the method of Sinha



1. 0.01M Phosphate buffer, pH 7.00

2. Dichromate acetic acid reagent: This reagent was prepared by

mixing 5% solution of potassium dichromate with glacial acetic

acid in the ratio of 1:3.

3. 0.2M Hydrogen peroxide


To 0.1ml of the homogenate was added to 1.0ml of phosphate buffer.

To this 0.5ml of hydrogen peroxide was added. The reaction was

stopped at “0”, “30” and “60” seconds by the addition of 2.0 ml of the

dichromate acetic acid reagent. The tubes were boiled for 10 minutes,

cooled and read at 620nm . For standards different amounts of

hydrogen peroxide, ranging from 20-100 µmoles were taken and

processed as above.

Enzyme activity were expressed as n moles of H2O2 decomposed/

min/mg protein.


Estimation of Superoxide dismutase (SOD) (Superoxidase dismutase;

Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase, E.C. No.

The Super oxide dismutase was estimated according to the method of

Misra and Fridovich (1972).


1. 0.1 M Carbonate – bicarbonate buffer, pH 10.2 containing

5.7 mg EDTA / 100ml

2. 3mM Epinephrine

3. Absolute ethanol

4. Chloroform


In the test tube labelled as “Test” 0.5ml of liver homogenate was

taken and to this 0.25 ml of cold ethanol and 0.15 ml of chloroform

was added and kept for 15 minutes in a shaker and centrifuged. To

0.5ml of the supernatant 2.0 ml, of the buffer was added. The reaction

was initiated by the addition of 0.4ml of epinephrine and change in the

optical density per min was measured at 480 nm. 100% auto oxidation

of epinephrine to adrenochrome was performed in a control tube

without the enzyme.

The enzyme unit was defined as the enzyme required to give 50 %

inhibition of epinephrine auto oxidation.


Assay of Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST) (RX: Glutathione

R-transferase, E.C.

The enzyme Glutathione-S-Transferase was estimated by Habig et al.



1. 0.5 M Phosphate buffer pH 6.5

2. 25 mM 1-Chloro 2,4 dinitrobenzene ( CDNB)

3. 30 mM Reduced Glutathione


To 1.0 ml of phosphate buffer, 0.1ml of 1-Chloro 2,4 dinitrobenzene,

1.7 ml of water and 0.1ml of liver homogenate were added. After 5 minutes of

incubation at 37°C, 0.1 ml of reduced glutathione was added and the change

in the optical density was measured for 3 minutes for 30 secs interval.

Complete assay mixture without enzyme was used as control. Optical density

was measured at 340nm.

Enzyme activity was expressed as n moles of CDNB conjugate

formed/ min/ mg of protein.

Assay of Glutathione Reductase (GR) (Glutathione: NADP+

oxidoreductase, E.C.

The enzyme Glutathione reductase activity was carried out by the

method of Dobler (1981).



1. 0.3 M Phosphate buffer, pH 6.8

2. 25 mM EDTA

3. 12.5mM Glutathione oxidised (GSSG)

4. 3mM Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)


The reaction mixture containing 1.5 ml of buffer, 0.5ml of EDTA,

and 0.2 ml of GSSG was incubated at 37°C for 10 minutes. To the incubated

mixture 0.1ml of the homogenate and 0.1 ml of NADPH solution was added.

The change in the optical density was monitored at 340 nm at 37°C for

3 minutes at 30 secs interval.

The enzyme activity was expressed as n moles of GSSG utilized /

min/ mg protein of liver homogenate.

Assay of Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) (Glutathione: hydrogen-peroxide

oxidoreductase, E.C.

Glutathione Peroxidase was estimated by the method of Necheles

et al. (1968).


1. 0.4 M Phosphate buffer, pH 7.0

2. 10.mM Sodium azide


3. 4 .0 mM Reduced glutathione

4. 2.5 mM Hydrogen peroxide

5. 10% TCA

6. 0.3 M Phosphate solution

7. 0.4 mM EDTA

8. 1.0 mM 5,5′-Dithio-bis-2 Nitro benzoic acid


The incubation mixture consisted of 0.2ml of liver homogenate,

0.4 ml of buffer, 0.1ml of sodium azide, 0.2ml of reduced glutathione, and

0.2ml of EDTA, mixed well. To this mixture 0.1ml of hydrogen peroxide was

added and incubated at “0”, “1.5” and “3.0” minutes. Then 1.0 ml of TCA

was added to arrest the reaction. It was centrifuged and to 1.0 ml of the

supernatant 4.0ml of phosphate solution and 0.5ml of DTNB were added and

the residual glutathione was measured at 412 nm .Non enzymic oxidation of

glutathione was measured in the blank containing all the reagents with buffer

substituted for the enzyme source.

The activity of glutathione peroxidase was expressed as n moles of

GSH oxidised / min/ mg protein liver homogenate.

Determination of non Enzymic antioxidant systems

Estimation of liver ascorbic acid

Estimation of liver ascorbic acid was carried out according to the

method of Omaye et al. (1971).



1. 10% TCA

2. Dinitrophenyl- Thiourea- copper sulphate reagent: 3 gms of

2,4-Dinitrophenyl hydrazine, 0.4gms of thiourea and 0.05 gms

of copper sulphate were dissolved in 100ml of 9N H2SO4

3. 3. 65% H2 SO4


To 0.5ml of the homogenate, 0.5 ml of water , 1ml of TCA, are

added, mixed and centrifuged. To 1ml of the supernatant, 0.2ml of DTC

reagent was added and incubated at 37° C for 3hrs. Then 1.5 ml of ice cold

H2SO4, was added, mixed well and the solution was allowed to stand at room

temperature for another 30 minutes. The colour developed was read at

520 nm. Standards of ascorbic acid were treated similarly.

The level of ascorbic acid was expressed as mg/g wet tissue.

Estimation of Vitamin E

Estimation of Vitamin E was carried out according to the method of

Desai (1984).


1. Ethanol

2. Petroleum ether


3. Batho phenanthroline reagent: 0.2% 4.6 diphenyl 1,10-

phenanthroline in ethanol.

4. 0.001 M ferric chloride in ethanol

5. 0.001M O-Phosphoric acid in ethanol.


To 1ml of the tissue homogenate, 1ml of ethanol was added and

thoroughly mixed. Then 3ml of petroleum ether was added, shaken rapidly

and centrifuged. 2ml of the supernatant was taken and evaporated to dryness.

To this 0.2 ml of diphenyl 1,10-phenanthroline was added. The assay mixture

was protected from light and 0.2ml of ferric chloride was added followed by

0.2ml of O- phosphoric acid. Total volume was made upto 3ml with ethanol.

The colour developed was read at 530 nm. Standards were treated similarly.

The level of Vitamin E was expressed as mg/g wet tissue.

Estimation of Vitamin A

Estimation of Vitamin A was carried out by the method of Kaser and

Stekol (1943).


1. Absolute ethanol

2. Light petroleum ether

3. Chloroform

4. Acetic anhydride


5. Carr-price reagent: This contains 25% solution of antimony

trichloride in chloroform. Kept it in the room temperature in a

tightly stoppered brown bottle.


To 3ml of homogenate in a stoppered flask added 3ml of ethanol,

slowly drop by drop with shaking, to precipitate the protein. Added 6ml of

light petroleum and shake vigorously for ten minutes. Poured the emulsion

into a centrifuge tube, cork and spin at low speed for about one minute. The

petroleum layer gets separated. To 4ml of the petroleum layer taken in the

colorimeter tube evaporate off the solvent by placing in a water bath at 40-

60°C. Dissolve the residue in 0.5ml of chloroform and added a drop of acetic

anhydride to remove the water present. With colorimeter adjusted with the

chloroform blank added quickly 3ml of Carr-price reagent and read the colour

developed at 620 nm.

The level of serum Vitamin A was expressed as mg/g of wet tissue.

Determination of Ceruloplasmin activity

Ceruloplasmin activity was determined according to the method of

Raven (1961).


1. p-Phenylene diamine hydrochloride: 0.5% for purification of

Phenylene diamine hydr0chloride was dissolved in minimum

volume of hot distilled water, decolourised with charcoal ,


filtered hot and allowed to crystallize. The crystals were stored

over calcium chloride.

2. 0.04M Acetate buffer: pH 5.3

3. 0.5% Sodium azide


0.1ml of fresh serum was taken into 15ml test tube. 1.0 ml of 0.5%

sodium azide was added to the control. Then 8.0 ml of acetate buffer was

added to each tube, followed by 1.0ml of the p-phenylene diamine

hydrochloride. The solution was mixed and placed in the water bath at 37°C

for one hour. After incubation, the tubes were removed and added 1.0 ml of

sodium azide to each of the tubes. The contents were mixed and cooled at

4-10°C for 30 minutes. The colour intensity was measured at 530 nm against

reagent blank.

The level of serum Ceruloplasmin was expressed as mg / dl.

Determination of serum Uric acid

Determination of serum uric acid was carried out according to the

method of Caraway (1963).


1. Colouring reagent: 50 gms of sodium tungstate was dissolved in

400 ml of distilled water, to that 40 ml of phosphoric acid was

added and refluxed for 2hrs. A drop of bromine was added,

cooled and diluted to 500ml with water.


2. 20% sodium carbonate

3. Standard Uric acid: 100mgms of uric acid was dissolved in

150 ml of water containing 60 mg of lithium carbonate by

heating at 60 ° C, the solution was cooled at room temperature

and added 2ml of formaldehyde diluted to about 500ml.

4. Working standard: 1.0 ml of the stock standard and 2.0 ml of

300 mg/ 1ml BSA were diluted to 10 ml with water. The

working standard was prepared fresh. Albumin was added to

account for the positive error induced by co precipitation of uric

acid and proteins.


To 0.6ml of serum 5.4 ml of diluted tungstic acid was added and

centrifuged. Into three test tubes 3ml of each supernatant, standard, and water

were taken and labelled as “T”, “S” and “B”. 0.6ml of sodium carbonate and

0.6ml of phospho tungstic acid reagent were added, mixed and placed in a

water bath at 25°C for 10 minutes. The blue colour developed was read at

700 nm.

The level of serum Uric acid was expressed as mg / dl.

Assay of liver Glutathione

Assay of liver Glutathione was carried out by the method of Ellman




1. 0.3M Disodium hydrogen phosphate

2. 5,5′-Dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid reagent (DTNB): 40 mg of

DTNB was dissolved in100ml of 1% sodium citrate.


To the test tube marked as “T” 1.0 ml of the homogenate was

taken and 1 ml of water is added. To that 1ml of 10 % TCA was added. The

blank test tube contained 1ml of TCA. Both the test tubes were centrifuged.

To 1ml of the supernatant 4.0ml of phosphate reagent and 0.5ml of DTNB

solution was added and the color developed was read at 412 nm.

Liver glutathione was expressed as micromole GSH/ mg of protein.

Assay of Total thiols

Assay of total thiols was carried out by the modified method of

Sedlak and Lindsay (1968).


1. 0.2M Tris-HCl buffer in EDTA, pH 8.2

2. 0.01M 5,5′-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid, reagent (DTNB)

3. Methanol

4. 0.02 M EDTA



100 mg of tissue was homogenized in 4ml of 0.02M EDTA. To 1ml

of the homogenate 1.5 ml of 0.2 M Tris buffer and 0.1 of 0.01 M DTNB (5,5′-

dithiobis- 2-nitrobenzoic acid) were added the mixture was brought to 6.5 ml

with methanol. The test tubes were capped and left to stand for 20 min, then

centrifuged at 3000 rpm/min at room temperature for 10 min. The absorbance

of the clear supernatant was read at 412 nm.

Liver total thiols were expressed as µmoles of GSH mg/g of protein.

Estimation of Iron in liver tissue

Estimation of Iron in the liver tissue was carried out by the method of

Ramsay (1957).


1. Stock ferric chloride solution : 145 mg of ferric chloride in

100ml of 0.5N HCl

2. Working ferric chloride solution : Dilute 1 in 100 of the stock

ferric chloride solution

3. Sodium sulphite: 2.25 gms of anhydrous sodium sulphite in

100 ml of water.

4. 0.2% 2-2 Dipyridyl in 3% glacial acetic acid


5. Stock standard 100µgm/ ml: Dissolve 0.48 gms of ferrous

sulphate in water and 1ml of conc H2SO4 and made up to 1 litre

in water.

6. Working standard 5µgm/ ml: 5 ml of the stock diluted to 100ml

with distilled water.

7. Chloroform


About 1.0 ml of the tissue homogenate was taken and 0.5ml of

bipyridyl solution and 0.5ml of sodium sulphite were added blank contained

1.0 ml of distilled water. Mixed well and kept in boiling water bath for

5 minutes cooled and then added chloroform. Mixed well and centrifuge and

read supernatant at 520 nm in spectrophotometer against blank. Aliquots of

standard were also treated in the similar manner.

Iron in the liver tissue was expressed as mg/ g wet tissue.

Determination of membrane bound enzymes

Liver membrane was prepared by the method of Song et al. (1969).

Frozen rat liver samples of about 2 g were homogenized in 2 volumes

each of ice-cold 1 mM sodium carbonate, pH 7.50, using 20 strokes of a

loose-fitting homogeniser. The homogenates were diluted and filtered through

3 layers of surgical gauze. After centrifugation at 1500 g for 10 min, the

pellets were resuspended in buffer and 5.5 volumes of 70.7% sucrose were


added, mixed, and then distributed into centrifuge tubes. 8 ml of 48.2% and

4 ml of 42.5% sucrose were layered over this suspension. After centrifuging

for 60 min at 12,000 rpm, the material which accumulated around the

interface of 42.5% and 48.2% sucrose was collected, diluted, and washed. The

final pellet was resuspended in 0.25 M sucrose, 30 mM histidine, 1 mM

EDTA (pH 6.8), and stored at –80◦C.

Estimation of Total Adenosine tri phosphatase (ATP Phosphohydrolase

E.C. No.

Total adenosine tri phosphatase activity was estimated by the method

of Evan (1969).


1. 0.1M Tris-HCl buffer pH 7.0

2. 0.1M Magnesium chloride

3. 0.1M Potassium chloride

4. 0.1M Sodium chloride

5. 0.1M calcium chloride ATP

6. 0.01M ATP

7. 10% TCA

8. Ammonium molybdate - 2.5 gm of ammonium molybdate was

dissolved in 100ml of 5 N Sulphuric acid

9. ANSA - 500mg of Amino napthol Sulphonic acid was dissolved

in 195ml of 15% sodium meta bisulphate and 5ml of 20%

sodium sulphite was added to it. The solution was stored in the

brown bottle.



The incubation mixture contained 1ml of Tris-HCl buffer, 0.2ml each

of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium

chloride, ATP and homogenate. The mixture was incubated at 37oC for

15 minutes the reaction was arrested by the addition of 1ml of 10% TCA,

mixed well and centrifuged. The phosphorous content of the supernatant was


The enzyme activity is expressed as µ moles of phosphorous

liberated/ min/ mg of protein.

Estimation of Na+/ K+ ATPase (Adenosine tri phosphatase EC

Estimation of Na+, K+ ATPase was estimated by the method of

Bonting (1970).


1. 0.09M Tris-HCl buffer - pH 7.5

2. Sodium chloride - 0.60M

3. EDTA - 0.001M

4. ATP - 0.04M

5. 10% TCA

6. Ammonium molybdate - 2.5 gm of ammonium molybdate was

dissolved in 100ml of 3 N Sulphuric acid.


7. ANSA - 500mg of amino napthol Sulphonic acid was dissolved

in 195ml of 15% sodium bisulphate and 5ml of 20% sodium

sulphite was added to it. The solution was stored in the brown



The incubation mixture contained 1ml of Tris-HCl buffer, 0.2ml each

of potassium chloride, sodium chloride, EDTA, ATP and homogenate. The

mixture was incubated at 37oC for 15 minutes. The reaction was arrested by

the addition of 1ml of 10% TCA, mixed well and centrifuged. The

phosphorous content of the supernatant was estimated.

The enzyme activity is expressed as µ moles of phosphorous

liberated/ min/ mg of protein.

Estimation of Ca+-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase EC

The activity of Ca+ - ATP ase was assayed according to the method of

Hjerten and Pan (1983).


1. Tris-HCl buffer – 125mM, pH 8.0

2. Calcium chloride - 50mM

3. ATP - 10mM

4. 10% TCA


5. Ammonium molybdate – 2.5 gm of ammonium molybdate was

dissolved in 100ml of 3 N Sulphuric acid

6. ANSA - 500mg of amino napthol Sulphonic acid was dissolved

in 195ml of 15% sodium bisulphate and 5ml of 20% sodium

sulphite was added to it. The solution was stored in the brown



The incubation mixture contained 0.1ml 0f each of Tris- HCl buffer,

calcium chloride, ATP and enzyme preparation. After incubation at 37◦C for

15 minutes the reaction was arrested by the addition of 1ml of 10% TCA,

mixed well and centrifuged. The phosphorous content of the supernatant was


The enzyme activity is expressed as µ moles of phosphorous

liberated/ min/ mg of protein. Estimation of Mg2+-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase EC

The activity of Mg2+-ATPase was assayed by the method of Ohnishi

et al. (1982).


1. Tris-HCl buffer – 375mM, pH 7.6

2. Magnesium chloride- 25mM

3. ATP - 10mM


4. 10% TCA

5. Ammonium molybdate – 2.5 gm of ammonium molybdate was

dissolved in 100ml of 3 N Sulphuric acid

6. ANSA - 500mg of amino napthol Sulphonic acid was dissolved

in 195ml of 15% sodium bisulphate and 5ml of 20% sodium

sulphite was added to it. The solution was stored in the brown



The incubation mixture contained 0.1ml each of Tris-HCl buffer,

Magnesiu chloride, ATP and enzyme preparation. After incubation at 37◦C for

15 minutes the reaction was arrested by the addition of 1ml of 10% TCA,

mixed well and centrifuged. The phosphorous content of the supernatant was


The enzyme activity is expressed as µ moles of phosphorous

liberated/ min/ mg of protein.

Estimation of Glycolytic enzymes

Estimation of Hexokinase (ATP: D-Hexose-6-Phosphotransferase


Hexokinase was analysed by the method of Branstrup (1957).



1. 0.01M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0

2. Substrate 0.005M Glucose

3. ATP – 0.072M

4. 0.05M Magnesium chloride

5. 0.01M Potassium Chloride

6. 0.5M sodium fluoride

7. 0.0125M Potassium hydrogen phosphate

8. 10% TCA

9. Ortho toludine reagent - 940 ml of acetic acid was dissolved in

60 ml of Ortho toludine, to this added 3g of thiourea

10. Glucose standard: 100mg of pure glucose was dissolved in

100ml-distilled water containing 0.01% benzoic acid.


The incubation mixture was taken in two tubes marked as “0” minute

and “30” minute which contained 2.5ml buffer, 1ml substrate, 0.5ml ATP,

0.1ml magnesium chloride, 0.1ml sodium fluoride, 0.4ml potassium hydrogen

phosphate and 0.4ml of potassium chloride were pre incubated at 37◦C for

5 minutes. 0.5ml of enzyme was added in both. To the” 0” minute tube added

1ml of the 10 % TCA immediately to stop the reaction. To the “30” minute

tube 10 % TCA was added after 30 minutes. The two tubes were incubated at

37◦C for 30 minutes. Both the tubes were centrifuged. Taken 1ml of the two

supernatant separately and 1ml of water as blank, 4ml of ortho toluidine


reagent was added in all three tubes kept in boiling water bath for 8 minutes,

cooled and read at 620nm. Standard containing varying concentrations of

glucose and reagents were also similarly treated.

The enzyme activity is expressed as nmoles of Glucose utilized /min

/mg of protein.

Estimation of Phospho gluco isomerase (n-glucose-g-phosphate ketol-

isomerase, EC

The enzyme was assayed by the method of Horrocks et al. (1963).

The assay is based on the estimation of fructose using fructose thiourea



1. 0.1M Borate buffer pH 7.8.

2. Buffered substrate- 3mg disodium glucose-6-phosphate was

dissolved in 1ml buffer. This was prepared fresh before use.

3. 30% HCl

4. Resorcinol – thiourea reagent: 100mg of resorcinol and 250mg

of thiourea were dissolved in 100ml of glacial acetic acid. This

was stored in brown bottle.

5. Colour reagent: 30% HCl, resorcinol- thiourea reagent, and H2O

were mixed in the proportion 7:1:1. The solution was used on

the same day as prepared.


6. Standard solution of fructose: 54 mg of fructose was dissolved

in 100 ml of 0.25% benzoic acid.


In to each of the tubes labelled “test” and “blank”, 1ml of buffered

substrate was added. A suitable amount of the enzyme extract was added in to

the test and the tubes were incubated at 37◦C for 30 minutes. After the period

of incubation enzyme was added to the blank tube, and 9ml of colouring

reagent was immediately added to all tubes. The tubes were heated in the

boiling water bath maintained at 70◦C for 15 minutes. Standards containing

varying concentrations of fructose and a reagent blank were similarly treated.

The tubes were cooled in running water and the colour was read at 410 nm.

The enzyme activity is expressed as n moles of fructose utilized /min

/mg of protein.

Estimation of Aldolase (Ketose-1-phosphate aldehyde lyase E.C.

Aldolase activity was estimated by the method of King (1965).


1. 0.1M Tris-HCl buffer: pH 8.6

2. Fructose 1,6 diphosphate: 8.33 mg dissolved in 5ml of 0.05M in

buffer, prepared just before use.

3. Hydrazine sulphate ; 0.56 N, pH 8.6

4. 0.1% DNPH in 2N HCl


5. 0.75N Sodium hydroxide

6. 10 % TCA

7. Standard DL glyceraldehyde: 123 mg was dissolved in 1.0 litre

of water. This was left at room temperature for 2-4 days to

permit polymerization.


To 2.0 ml of fructose-1,6 diphosphate, 0.25 ml of hydrazine sulphate

and 1.0 ml of the buffer was added to 1ml of enzyme extract and incubated at

37°C for 15 minutes and the reaction was stopped by addition of 1.0 ml of

10% TCA. 0.1ml of enzyme was added to the blank tubes and were

centrifuged. 1.0 ml of the supernatant was transferred to the tubes containing

1.0 ml of the 0.75 N sodium hydroxide and left in the room temperature for

10 minutes . 1ml of the colour reagent was added in the test and the blank

tube and incubated at 37°C for 1 hr. The colour developed by the addition of

0.75 N sodium hydroxide was read at 540 nm in UV spectrophotometer.

The enzyme activity was expressed as n moles of glyceraldehyde

formed /min/ mg protein

Determination of Glyconeogenic enzymes

Estimation of Glucose–6-phosphatase (D-glucose-6-phosphate: NADP+ 1-

oxidoreductase, E.C.

Estimation of Glucose-6-phosphatase was carried out by the method

of King (1965).



1. Citrate buffer- 0.1M, pH 6.5

2. Glucose–6 Phosphate : 0.01M

3. Ammonium molybdate – 2.5 gm of ammonium molybdate was

dissolved in 100ml of 3 N Sulphuric acid

4. ANSA - 500mg of amino napthol Sulphonic acid was dissolved

in 195ml of 15% sodium bisulphate and 5ml of 20% sodium

sulphite was added to it. The solution was stored in the brown


5. 10 % TCA.


The incubation mixture in a total volume of 1.0 ml contained 0.5ml of

substrate and 0.2ml of the enzyme. Incubation was carried out at 37° C for

60 minutes. The reaction was arrested by the addition of 1.0 ml of TCA and

centrifuged. The phosphorous content of the supernatant was estimated.

Enzyme activity was expressed as n moles of phosphorous liberated /

mg of protein / min.

Estimation of Fructose 1,6-diphosphate (D-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-lyase, E.C. No. I. I. I .37)

Estimation of Fructose 1,6-diphosphate was carried out by the

method of Gancedo and Gancedo (1971).



1. Tris-HCl Buffer : 1 M, pH 7.0

2. Fructose 1, 6 diphosphate 0.05 M

3. Magnesium chloride: 0.1 M

4. Potassium chloride: 0.1 M

5. EDTA : 0.001 M

6. TCA 10 %

7. Ammonium molybdate – 2.5 gm of ammonium molybdate was

dissolved in 100ml of 3 N Sulphuric acid

8. ANSA - 500mg of amino napthol Sulphonic acid was dissolved

in 195ml of 15% sodium bisulphate and 5ml of 20% sodium

sulphite was added to it. The solution was stored in the brown



The assay medium in the final volume of 2.0 ml contained 1.2 ml of

buffer, 0.1ml of substrate solution, 0.25 ml of magnesium chloride, 0.1ml of

potassium chloride, 0.25 ml of EDTA and 1ml of enzyme source. The

incubation was carried out at 37°C for 15 minutes. The reaction was

terminated by the addition of 1.0 ml of TCA. The suspension was centrifuged

and phosphorus content was estimated.

The enzyme activity was expressed as n moles of phosphorous

liberated / mg of protein / min.


Protein bound carbohydrate complexes

Isolation of Glycoprotein from liver tissues

About 500mg of the liver tissue was homogenised in 7.0 ml of

methanol, filtered and scarped from the filter paper. To that material 10ml of

the chloroform was added and it was filtered. To the residue 4.0 ml of the

chloroform was added and once again it was filtered. To the residue 7.0 ml of

Chloroform: Methanol (2:1) mixture was added, homogenised and filtered.

The defatted tissue was taken for the estimation of glycoprotein.

Estimation of Hexose

Hexose was estimated by the method of Niebes (1972).


1. Orcinol – Sulphuric acid reagent:

Solution A: 60ml of concentrated sulphuric acid was mixed with

40ml of distilled water.

Solution B: 1.6g of orcinol (recrystallized from benzene) was

dissolved in 100ml of distilled water. 7.4ml of solution A was

mixed with 1ml of solution B just before use.

2. Standard: 50mg of each of galactose and mannose were

dissolved in 100ml of distilled water. This solution is diluted to

a proportion of 1:10 to give concentration of hexose

100micrograms/ ml.



For hydrolysis 25 mg of the defatted tissue was mixed with 2ml of 3N

HCl and hydrolysed at 100ºC for 4 hrs. The hydrolysate was neutralized with

sodium hydroxide. From the hydrolysed sample 0.5ml of the neutralized

solution was made up to1.0 ml with distilled water and 8.5ml of ice-cold

orcinol reagent was added very slowly. The mixture was heated at 80.C for

15mts, cooled and left in the dark for 25mts for color development. Standard

solutions containing 25-100µgms were treated in the similarly. Then the

absorbance was read at 540nm.

The hexose content is expressed as mg/100mg of defatted tissue.

Estimation of Hexosamine

Hexosamine was estimated by the method of Wagner (1979).


1. Acetyl acetone reagent:

Solution A - Trisodium phosphate 0.1M: 4.1g of trisodium

phosphate was dissolved in 25ml of distilled water.

Solution B - Potassium tetraborate 0.5N: 305.5 mg of potassium

tetraborate was dissolved in 2ml of distilled water.

3.5ml of acetyl acetone was added to the mixture of solution A

and solution B in the ratio of 98:2 (v/v).


2. Ehrlich’s reagent: 320mg of p-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde

was dissolved in 21ml of isopropanol and 3ml of concentrated

HCl was added to it.

3. Standard: 100 mgs galactosamine was prepared in 100ml of

water. This solution was diluted to a proportion of 1:10 to give

concentration of hexosamine 100micrograms/ ml in distilled



For hydrolysis 25 mg of the defatted tissue was mixed with 2ml of 3N

HCl and hydrolysed at 100ºC for 4 hrs. The hydrolysate was neutralized with

sodium hydroxide.

0.5ml of the neutralized sample was made up to 1ml with distilled

water.0.6ml of acetyl acetone reagent was added to all the tubes and heated in

a boiling water bath for 30mts. After cooling, 2ml of Ehrlich’s reagent was

added and the contents were shaken well. The pink color developed was

measured at 540nm against the reagent blank. Standard solution containing

10-40 µg of galactosamine were also treated in the similar manner.

The content of hexosamine in tissues is expressed as mg/100ml of

defatted tissue.

Estimation of Sialic acid

Sialic acid was determined by the method of Warren (1959).



1. Periodic acid 0.25 M: 14g of sodium periodate was dissolved in

100ml of 0.1N sulphuric acid.

2. Sodium meta arsenite 4%: 4gm of sodium meta arsenite was

dissolved in 100ml of 0.5N hydrochloric acid.

3. Thiobarbituric acid: 144mg of thiobarbituric acid was dissolved

in 20ml of distilled water. The pH of the solution was adjusted

to 9 with 6 N Sodium hydroxide. This reagent was prepared just

before use.

4. Acidified butanol: 5ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid was

added to 95ml of n- butanol.

5. Standard: 10mg of N-acetyl neuraminic acid was dissolved in

100ml of distilled water.


About 25 mg of defatted tissue was mixed with 0.5ml of 0.1N

Sulphuric acid and hydrolysed at 80ºC for 1hr. 0.5ml of the neutralized

samples were taken along with standards (in the range of 10-50µg). Blank

contained 0.5 ml of 0.1N sulphuric acid, 0.25ml of periodate was added to all

tubes and incubated at 37oC. After 30mts, 0.25ml of arsenite solution was

added to inhibit the reaction. Contents were mixed and 2ml of thiobarbituric

acid was added and the tubes were heated in a boiling water bath for 6mts.

After cooling, pink color developed was extracted into 5ml of acidified

butanol phase, and was measured at 540nm against a reagent blank.


The sialic acid content is expressed in tissues as mg/100mg of

defatted tissue.

Histopathological Investigations

The rats were sacrificed liver, kidney, intestine, and heart were

dissected out and cleaned well with cold physiological saline to remove blood

and adhering tissues. The samples were then fixed in10% formalin- saline and

embedded in paraffin. Serial sections were cut at 5mcm and stained with

haemotoxylin and eosin. The sections were examined under light microscope

and photographs were taken.

Statistical Analysis

Results will be expressed as mean ± standard error of mean (S.E.M.).

Statistical significance is determined by one-way analysis of variance

(ANOVA). The data obtained from toxicity studies will be analyzed using

Dunnet’s ‘t” test P values less than 0.05 will be considered significant.



Acute toxicity

Death was recorded during the treatment period in treated groups given

500mg/kg of Biherbal extract orally. Table I depicts the changes of animals in

general behaviour, other physiological activities like giddiness, sniffing,

aggressiveness, tachypnoea, and convulsion finally at the dose level of

500mg/kg. From Tables II and III, it was observed that there was a significant

difference in the organs like lung, liver (**P<0.01) and heamatological

parameters like Hb (*P<0.05) and W.B.C. (**P<0.01). Table IV shows that

there was a remarkable alterations in biochemical parameters like Glucose,

Sodium, AST and ALP (**P<0.01). Pathological examinations of the tissues

on a gross and macroscopic basis indicated that there were no detectable

abnormalities. Hence, it can be concluded that the BHE is practically toxic or

lethal after an acute exposure at the dose range of 500mg/kg. Thus the test

limit (ED50) from this acute oral toxicity studies was fixed as 50 mg/kg body


Chronic toxicity

There were no significant differences in food consumption and

variation in the body weight was negligible. In the 3 month experiment, no

mortality was observed in any of the treatment group. From Tables V,VI

andVII it was evident that there was no relevant difference in body weight

development, hematological or biochemical parameters and organ weights

for all groups.


For the rats of the Biherbal extract treated group, values of AST, ALT

and cholesterol were slightly elevated as compared to control but not

statistically significant as observed from TableVII. They were, however, still

in the normal range. No macroscopical abnormalities were detected in the

examined organs. Histologically, there were only minor pathological findings

of inflammatory or degenerative origin which is evident from Figures I to X.

Inflammatory processes, especially in the respiratory system, showed the

same frequency and extent in the Biherbal extract treated groups as in control

groups. A harmful effect of the Biherbal extract to the organs could be ruled

out. In particular, no histological changes were found for all groups in hearts,

testis or ovaries. Slight inflammatory infiltrates or signs of bronchopneumonia

with diffuse foci were found in the lungs of single animals of both, control

and treatment groups.

Similarly, slight inflammatory infiltrates in the connective tissue or the

glomeruli of the kidneys were observed in single animals, as well as mild

turbid swellings in the liver lobules. In all cases, the degree of inflammatory

or degenerative processes was only minor, and the phenomena occurred in all

treatment groups with the same frequency. It can therefore be assumed that

the observations were unrelated to the ingestion of Biherbal extract. The

withdrawal of the Biherbal extract ingestion after 3 months did not induce any

detectable change in behavioural patterns, nor were there any differences to

controls for the hematological, biochemical, anatomical or histological



Table VIII depicts the effect of BHE on body weight, liver weight,

blood glucose, urea and serum bilirubin in various experimental rats. A

significant (p > 0.01) reduction in the liver weight was observed in group III

BHE pre-treated animals when compared to that of group II rats intoxicated

with CCl4. BHE supplementation reverted the decreased level of blood

glucose in CCl4 intoxicated rats. A significant increase in the Serum urea (p >

0.01) and bilirubin (p >0.001) levels in CCl4 group II rats were found to be

restored to normal levels on BHE pretreated group III animals.

Figure XI shows the effect of the plant extract on serum total proteins,

albumin and globulin levels. The serum levels of total proteins, albumin and

globulin were significantly decreased (p>0.001) in CCl4 intoxicated group II

animals. There was a prominent increase in the total protein levels of BHE

pretreated CCl4 intoxicated group III animals showing the regeneration of

hepatic cells, when compared with the group IV and V, which received EAE

and PLE respectively.

Table IX depicts the change in serum levels of the liver marker

enzymes like AST, ALT, ALP, ACP, ICD and LDH. The significant increase

in the serum transaminases AST and ALT levels was seen in the group II

CCl4 intoxicated animals. These enzymes were brought back to near normal

levels in BHE pretreated group III animals (P<0.001). Similarly the elevated

ALP, ACP and LDH enzyme levels in group II CCl4 intoxicated animals were

also significantly decreased in the group III BHE pretreated CCl4 intoxicated

animals (p<0.01, P<0.001). Comparison of Group I control rats with that of

group VII which received only BHE showed no significant variation in the


marker enzyme levels suggests that there was no adverse side effects due to

the administration of Tween –80 and BHE alone.

From Figure XII, it was evident that BHE plays a protective role on

the serum enzyme levels of ACE, γGT and 5'-Nucleotidase. The enzymes like

γ-GT (p�0.001) and 5′-Nucleotidase (p<0.05) were significantly increased in

group II CCl4 intoxicated animals. These increased levels were brought back

to near normal levels in BHE treated group III animals. The probable

mechanism by which the BHE extract exerts its protective action against CCl4

induced hepatocellular metabolic alterations could be by the stimulation of

hepatic regeneration. Serum acetyl choline esterase levels in the present study

decreased in CCl4 treated group II animals. BHE treatment reverted

the decreased levels to near normalcy (p<0.001) which was comparable to

that of standard silymarin drug. The BHE was effective in correcting these

marker enzyme levels when compared with its individual preparations like

EAE and PLE extracts. Comparison of group I and VII shows no significant

variation in these enzyme levels indicates no appreciable adverse side effects

due to the administration of Tween–80 and BHE only.

Table X shows the changes in liver tissue levels of ALT, AST, LDH,

ALP and ACP in different groups of experimental animals. All the marker

enzyme levels were significantly (p<0.001) increased in CCl4 intoxicated rats.

Being cytoplasmic in location the marker enzymes AST, ALT, ALP and LDH

are increased when hepatocytes get damaged as in the case of CCl4 damage.

The stabilization of AST, ALT, LDH, and ALP levels by BHE is a clear

indication of the improvement of the functional status of the liver cells.


Comparison of group I and VII shows no significant variation in these

enzyme levels indicates no appreciable adverse side effects due to the

administration of Tween–80 and BHE only.

Table XI shows the changes in liver tissue levels of γGT, 5’

Nucleotidase and Xanthine oxidase in different groups of experimental

animals. All these enzymatic parameters were significantly (p< 0.001)

increased in the group II CCl4 intoxicated animals. In the present study, the

elevated levels of XO, γGT , 5’Nucleotidase activity in the CCl4 administered

group was shown to be effectively counteracted by the administration of


Moreover, the hepatoprotective activity of BHE was much stronger

than that of the reference drug silymarin, administered at the same


The BHE was effective in correcting these marker enzyme levels

when compared with its individual preparations like EAE and PLE extracts.

Comparison group I and VII shows no significant variation in these enzyme

levels indicates no appreciable adverse side effects due to the administration

of Tween –80 and BHE only.

Figure XIII shows the serum lipid profile of the control and the various

experimental animals. There was a significant increase (p � 0.001) in the

levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in CCl4 intoxicated Group II animals.

This showed that a block in the secretion of hepatic triglycerides and

cholesterol into the plasma, a major mechanism underlying the fatty liver


induced by CCl4 and other toxins in the rats. The concentration of

phospholipids was significantly (p�0.001) increased in CCl4 intoxicated

Group II animals. The decreased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and

increased level of phospholipids were brought back to near normal by the

treatment of BHE. This observed restoration of the CCl4 evoked changes in

the serum lipid profile explains the protective nature of BHE.

Table XII depicts the serum lipoprotein profile of the control and the

experimental animals. Increased levels of LDL and VLDL cholesterol

(p<0.01) and decreased level of HDL in CCl4 intoxicated rats were restored

to near normal levels on BHE treatment. The recovery towards normalization

of serum lipoproteins caused by BHE is almost similar to that caused by

silymarin, in the present study which was used as a positive control.

The BHE was effective in correcting these serum lipid and lipoprotein

profile when compared with its individual preparations like EAE and PLE

extracts. Comparison of group I and VII shows no significant variation in

these parameters indicating that no appreciable adverse side effects due to the

administration of Tween –80 and BHE alone.

Table XIII depicts the concentration of total lipids, cholesterol,

phospholipids and triglycerides in liver tissue. Significant enhancement in the

concentrations of total lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids

were observed in the tissues of group II rats which received CCl4 alone. The

increased lipid profile parameters in the liver tissue were significantly

brought towards normalization on treatment with BHE.Moreover it was


observed that the combined preparation of BHE was found to be more

effective, when compared with its individual preparation that was given to the

group IV and group V animals respectively.

Figure XIV shows the values of liver glycogen and protein in different

experimental rats. In the present study a significant (p<0.001) decrease in the

liver protein and glycogen (p<0.001) were observed in CCl4 intoxicated

group II rats. It has been observed that there was a significant hypoglycemia

with a drop in hepatic glycogen content. Acute liver failure due to CCl4

intoxication was characterized by a disturbed protein synthesis. These protein

and glycogen levels were returned to near normal in the BHE treated groups,

which shows the protective nature of the drug against the CCl4 damage.

Comparison of group I and VII shows no significant variation in these

parameters which indicates no appreciable adverse side effects due to the

administration of Tween –80 and BHE only.

From Table XIV was evident that the levels of lipid peroxidation LPO

products malanoldehyde, conjugated dienes, nitric oxide and hydro peroxides

were significantly increased [p<0.01] in the liver tissues of CCl4 intoxicated

group II rats. Increased production of Reactive Oxygen Species [ROS] due to

oxidative stress plays an important role in liver diseases. CCl4 has been

reported to induce lipid peroxidation and alter the antioxidant defence system

through formation of free radicals, which in turn causes damage, and

degeneration of hepatic tissues. These values were returned to normal levels


in BHE treated group III animals showing the protective nature of the drug by

scavenging the free radicals.

Figure XV shows the changes in the in- vitro lipid peroxidation in liver

cells in the presence of ascorbate, FeSo4 and H2O2 induced in different groups

of experimental animals. The hepatic tissue of untreated CCl4 induced rats

showed a 2-fold rise in basal lipid per oxidation levels as well as a 1.3-fold ,

1.8-fold and 1.54 fold increase in MDA in the presence of inducers such as

ascorbate, ferrous sulphate and hydrogen peroxide respectively.

Table XV shows the level of various antioxidant enzymes of liver in

various experimental group of rats. The enzyme activities like SOD, CAT,

GPX, GST, and GR were significantly decreased [p<0.01] in CCl4 intoxicated

group II rats when compared to those of normal control rats. These

antioxidant enzyme levels were brought back to near normal levels on

treatment with BHE group III animals.

Table XVI and Figure XVI shows the levels of non-enzymic

parameters in normal, CCl4 intoxicated and plant drug treated groups of

different experimental animals. The decreased levels of vitamin E, Vitamin A,

total thiols, glutathione, uric acid, and cereloplasmin were observed in CCl4

treated group II rats. These values were restored to near normal levels

significantly (p<0.01) in group III CCl4 intoxicated BHE pretreated group III


Thus the free radical scavenging property of BHE could have

maintained the near normal levels of non –enzymic antioxidants in-group III


animals. Decreased activities of non-enzymic antioxidants in CCl4 treated

group II rats may increase their susceptibility to oxidative injury. Elevated

levels of these non-enzymic antioxidants in BHE treated group III animals

offer protection against the oxidative injury caused by the free radicals.

Table XVII shows the activities of membrane bound ATP ases in the

liver of various experimental animals. The levels of membrane bound

enzymes were significantly decreased in the liver tissues of CCl4 intoxicated

group II rats. The Na+/K+-ATPase, Mg2+- ATP ase and Ca2+- ATP ase are

the membrane bound enzymes which are responsible for the transport of

these ions respectively across the cell membrane at the expense of ATP. The

decreased level of these enzymes in CCl4 intoxicated rats may be due to the

alteration of membrane lipid composition due to the release of free radicals.

The rats which received BHE, EAE, and PLE restored the enzyme levels to

near normal levels which could be due to the ability of plant extracts to

protect the membranes from oxidative damage through inhibition of lipid per


Table XVIII depicts the effect of BHE on the glycolytic enzymes in the

various experimental group animals. A significant decrease in the activities of

glycolytic enzymes, in the liver of CCl4 intoxicated rats were restored to near

normal levels in BHE pretreated group III rats.

Table XIX shows the effect of BHE in the gluconeogenic enzymes in

the various experimental group animals. The activities of gluconeogenic

enzymes like, glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1, 6-diphosphatase in liver


were found to be significantly decreased in CCl4 intoxicated rats. The BHE

restored the normal levels of these enzymes, which shows the protective

nature of the drug on the mitochondria from damage, there by normalizing

these gluconeogenic enzymes and keeping the blood glucose in normal levels.

Figure XVII shows the average values of liver glycoprotein in different

experimental rats. Glycoprotein are linear polymers of amino acids with

branching chain of carbohydrates that may include hexose, hexoseamine and

sialic acid. There was a significant decrease in the levels of Glycoprotein

(p<0.001) was observed in the group II CCl4 treated animals due to the

increased load of the toxic metabolites. The increase in glycoprotein content

of BHE treated group II animals suggested the cytoprotective nature of the


The Figures XVIII to XXI depicts the histopathological changes in

the liver, kidney, heart and intestinal tissues. CCl4 selectively damages the

liver which is shown in Figure XIX(b) by the formation of centrilobular

necrosis. The BHE treated liver cells showed near normal architecture. The

histopathological changes were negligible as far as kidney heart and intestinal

tissues are concerned.



Liver plays a major role in detoxification and excretion of many

endogenous and exogenous compounds, any injury to it or impairment of its

functions may lead to many implications on one’s health. Management of

liver diseases is still a challenge to the modern medicine (Reddy et al., 1993;

Handa, 1991) The modern medicine have little to offer for alleviation of

hepatic ailments, where as most important representatives are of

phytoconstituents (Handa and Kapoor, 1999). Liver is the most important

organ concerned with metabolic activities of the human body. It has

tremendous capacity to detoxify toxic principles and synthesize useful

principles. Therefore damage to the liver inflicted by hepato-toxic agents is of

grave consequences. There is an over increasing need for an agent which

could protect it from such damage. A great deal of research has been carried

out to evaluate scientific basis for the claimed hepatoprotective activity of

herbal agents as a single agent or in formulation.

Liver detoxifies and excretes destructive agents in many toxication

cases. The toxins are converted into the intermediate reactive radicals, prior

to their hepatotoxic effects, followed by degenerative necrotic and atrophic

liver parenchyma cells with interstitial connective tissue (Robins and Kumar,

1987). CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats represents an adequate

experimental model of cirrhosis in man and it is used for the screening of

hepatoprotective drugs (Al-Shabanah et al., 2000) It is well established that

CCl4 induces hepatotoxicity by metabolic activation, therefore it selectively

causes toxicity in liver cells maintaining semi-normal metabolic function.


CCl4 is bio-transformed by the cytochrome P450 system in the endoplasmic

reticulum to produce trichloromethyl free radical (•CCl3). Trichloromethyl

free radical then combines with cellular lipids and proteins in the presence of

oxygen to form a trichloromethyl peroxyl radical, which may attack lipids on

the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum faster than trichloromethyl free

radical. Thus, trichloromethylperoxyl free radical leads to elicit lipid

peroxidation, the destruction of Ca2+ homeostasis, and finally, results in cell

death. A number of investigators have utilized this chemical to produce liver

cirrhosis in experimental animals (Parola et al., 1992).

The ancient traditional medicine - Ayurveda: The origin of Ayurveda

has been lost in prehistoric antiquity, but their characteristic concepts appear

to have been nurtured between 2500 and 500 BC in India (Mukherjee, 2001)

Herbal drugs constitute a major part in all traditional systems of medicine.

Herbal medicine is a triumph of popular therapeutic diversity. Plants above all

other agents have been used for medicine from time immemorial because they

have fitted the immediate personal need, are easily accessible and

inexpensive. There are approximately 1250 Indian medicinal plants, which

are used in formulating therapeutic preparation according to ayurveda and

other traditional system of medicine (Mills and Kerry, 2000).

Therefore we have undertaken this study to evaluate the efficacy of

BHE which was made up of equal quantities of E. alba and P. longum in CCl4

induced hepatotoxic rats. The BHE showed significant protection as assessed

by biochemical, pharmacological and histological parameters. Probably

hepato- protective effect is a combined action of all ingredients.


The hepatoprotective nature of any formulation was evaluated after

fixing the LD50 value by acute toxicity studies. In addition to acute toxicity

studies chronic toxicity effects of the BHE was evaluated according to OECD

(2001) guidelines. In acute toxicity about 50% animal death was recorded

during the treatment period in treated groups given in 500 mg/kg of BHE

orally. Hence it can be concluded that BHE is practically toxic or lethal after

an acute exposure at the dose range of 500 mg/kg. This test limit for acute

oral toxicity is generally considered to be 5.0 g/kg body weight. The LD50

value of BHE was 500 mg/kg body weight, one tenth of the LD50 value was

considered as ED50 value for any pharmacological studies. So for

hepatoprotective efficacy studies 50 mg/kg body weight BHE was used which

was considered as its ED50 value.

Significant difference in the organ weight of lung and liver was

observed in the test animals which received the lethal dose drugs. The

histological parameters such as Hb, WBC and biochemical parameters like

glucose, Na, AST and ALP also showed significant difference. The similar

results were shown by Caisey and King (1980).

There were no significant differences in food consumption and

variation in the body weight was negligible. In the 3 month experiment, no

mortality was observed in any of the treatment group. There was no relevant

difference in body weight development, hematological or biochemical

parameters as mentioned by Carol, 1995 and organ weights for all groups.


For the male rats of the Biherbal extract treated group, values of AST,

ALT and cholesterol were slightly elevated as compared to control but not

statistically significant (Barry, 1995).

The 3 month daily oral application of Biherbal extract to rats yielded

no signs of toxicity. In addition, no behavioural or physiological changes

were observed on discontinuation of Biherbal extract feeding after 3 months

treatment. In rats, the extract tested was proven non-toxic under the

experimental conditions. The dosage range and study duration applied in this

study are relevant for long-term human use, and represent dosage schemes by

far exceeding the normal human application. The results of this study do not

allow the conclusion of any toxicity of Biherbal extract, particularly to the


In the present investigation a significant (p < 0.01) increase in the liver

weight was shown in Group II CCl4 intoxicated animals, when compared to

that of group III BHE pretreated animals . According to Saxena (1979) this is

due to the accumulation of lipids largely the triglycerides in the CCl4 rats.

This was reduced in the BHE treated rats leading to the decreased weight of

the liver. The decrease in glucose level was significant in CCl4 treated

groups. This might be due to the glucose 6 phosphatase deficiency in the

CCl4 administered rats. CCl4 elevated the serum levels of urea and bilirubin

due to its enzymatic activation of •CCl3 free radical, which in turn alters the

structure and function of liver cells. According to Rao (1973) there is a

defective excretion of bile by the liver due to hepatotoxin injury which is

reflected in their increased levels in the serum. Hyperbilirubinaemia is a very


sensitive test to substantiate the functional integrity of the liver and severity of

necrosis, of hepatocytes (Singh et al., 1998). In BHE pretreated group III

amimals these biochemical parameters were decreased (p<0.001),when

compared with the CCl4 intoxicated group II animals. The combinational

preparation (BHE) was found to be effective, when compared with the drugs

given individually to the group IV and group V animals.

Similar to our results Dubey et al. (1994) reported a depression in total

protein level of serum due to the defect in protein biosynthesis. The serum

levels of total proteins, albumin and globulin were significantly decreased in

CCl4 intoxicated rats when compared to control animals. This is due to the

disruption and disassociation of polyribosomes from endoplasmic reticulum

following CCl4 administration according to Clawson (1989). The decrease in

serum albumin might be due to a reduction in hepatic albumin biosynthesis

(Kheir et al.,1992). The total protein levels were increased in BHE pretreated,

CCl4 intoxicated group III animals showing the regeneration of hepatic cells.

This may be due to the promotion of the assembly of ribosome on

endoplasmic reticulum to facilitate uninterrupted protein biosynthesis.

Stabilization of serum bilirubin and urea levels through the administration of

the plant extract is further a clear indication of the improvement of the

functional status of the liver (Anupam Bishayee et al., 1995). The reason for

this improvement might be that P. longum Linn. contains flavonoids, which

might have scavenged the free radical offering hepatoprotection. This increase

in the protein levels are more pronounced in BHE treated group III animals,

when compared with the group IV and V, which received these drugs


individually. Comparison between Group I and VII shows no

significant variation in protein levels indicates no appreciable adverse side

effects due to the administration of Tween - 80 and BHE only. Group

comparison between group III and group VI shows no significant variation in

these parameters indicating that the BHE has got the same effect as that of

silymarin which was considered as the positive control.

The plasma levels of the liver marker enzymes like AST, ALT, ALP,

ACP, γGT, 5'-nucleotidase, ICD and LDH were significantly

(p< 0.001) increased in CCl4 intoxicated group II animals. According to Brent

and Rumack (1993); Fehèr and Prònai (1993) hepatotoxic compounds such as

CCl4 are known to cause remarkable increase in serum transaminases and

induce liver injury through lipid peroxidation by free radical derivatives of the

compound indicating the cellular leakage and loss of the functional integrity

of cell membranes in liver as observed in our results. Acid phosphatases are

frequently employed as the marker enzymes to assess the lysosomal changes

as reported by Tanaka and Iizuka (1968). The rise in serum levels of γGT, 5'-

nucleotidase and ICD has been attributed to the damaged structural integrity

of the liver. Moreover according to Rao (1973) in liver injury due to

hepatotoxin, there is a defective excretion of bile by the liver which is

reflected in their increased levels in serum Oral administration of BHE at a

dose of 50 mg/kg body weight to rats caused a decrease in the activity of the

above enzymes, which may be a consequence of the stabilization of plasma

membrane as well as repair of hepatic tissue damage caused by CCl4. This is

supported by the view by Thabrewet et al. (1987) that serum levels of


transaminases return to normal with the healing of hepatic parenchyma and

regeneration of hepatocytes. The preliminary phytochemical screening

showed the presence of many compounds which could account for the

regeneration of hepacytocytes. According to Khopde et al. (2001) compounds

in their natural formulations are more active than their isolated form. Anupam

Bishayee (1995) reported similar studies using carrot extracts.

Serum acetyl Choline esterase levels in the present study decreased

abruptly in CCl4 treated group II animals. Zakut et al. (1988) reported that

Pseudocholinesterase is low also in some instances of liver disease, including

decompensated cirrhosis, hepatitis, metastatic carcinoma, chemical toxicity,

and in malnutrition. BHE treatment reverted the decreased levels to near

normalcy (p<0.001) Lipid peroxidation, is accepted to be one of the principal

causes of CCl4 induced liver injury, and is mediated by the production of free

radical derivatives of CCl4. Antioxidant principles from herbal resources are

multifaceted in their effects and provide enormous scope in correcting the

imbalance through regular intake of a proper diet. According to Vitaglione

et al. (2004) natural antioxidants have been proposed and utilized as

therapeutic agents to counteract liver damage. Similar hepatoprotective

activity could be expected by our BHE also.

Hepatic cells participate in a variety of metabolic activities and contain

a host of enzymes. As reported by Wells (1988) liver tissues, contain higher

concentrations of AST and ALT in cytoplasm and AST in particular also

exists in mitochondria. In liver injury, the transport function of the

hepatocytes is disturbed, resulting in the leakage of plasma membrane


(Zimmerman and Seef, 1970). Being cytoplasmic in location the marker

enzymes AST, ALT and LDH are increased when hepatocytes get damaged as

in the case of CCl4 damage. Apart from that, γ GT, 5′Nucleotidase and

xanthine oxidase were also elevated in the CCl4 intoxicated group II animals.

It is well documented by Krauskopf et al. (2005) that XO is an important

prerequisite factor in the process of O2 generation in CCl4 toxicity and this

observation concurred with our finding where a significant rise in XO was

noticed in CCl4 administrated rats followed by a significant increase in O2

generation leading to oxidative stress. According to Kiso et al. (1984)

oxidative stress is considered to play a prominent causative role in many

diseases including liver damage.Cellular γGT has a central role in glutathione

homeostasis by initiating the breakdown of extracellular glutathione (GSH),

the critical antioxidant defence for the cell as reported by Kugelman et al.

(1994). So an increase in the γGT enzyme level indicates the increased

breakdown of glutathione in the CCl4 intoxicated rats and due to the

increased deprivation of glutathione which cannot counter act with the

synthesis of the same altering antioxidant defense mechanism leading to

hepatotoxicity. In this study, the elevated level of XO, γGT, 5′Nucleotidase

activity in the CCl4 administered group was shown to be effectively

counteracted by the administration of BHE. The stabilization of AST, ALT,

ACP, and ALP levels by BHE is a clear indication of the improvement of the

functional status of the liver cells. It has been shown by Yasuda et al. (1980)

that protective agents exert their action against CCl4 induced liver injury by

impairment of CCl4 mediated lipid peroxidation, either through decreased

production of free radical derivatives or due to the antioxidant activity of the


protective agent itself. The preliminary phytochemical screening of these

extracts showed the presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids which

may be effective in protecting the rats from CCl4 injury. The compounds

Pipernonaline, Pellitorine, Piperine, Piperanine and Piperlonguminine are

isolated from Piper longum may be responsible for the protective activity

(Stohr et al., 2001).

The plasma and liver tissue lipid profile of the control and the

experimental animals were discussed below. In the present investigation there

was a accumulation of triglycerides and cholesterol in the hepatic cells which

was paralled by a decrease in the concentration of plasma lipids and

lipoproteins as mentioned in the report of Littleton and John (1979). Several

investigators showed that a block in the secretion of hepatic triglycerides into

the plasma is the major mechanism underlying the fatty liver induced by CCl4

and other toxins in the rats. Torres-Durán et al., 1998; Devarshi et al., 1986

reported that fat from the peripheral adipose tissue is translocated to the liver

and kidney leading to its accumulation during toxicity. Moreover the hepatic

triglycerides is not released as such, but it is combined with lipoprotein . Due

to the interference with the synthesis of protein moiety by CCl4 the synthesis

of lipoprotein also, gets affected leading to the decreased levels of cholesterol

in the serum. Remarkable increase in the concentration of phospholipids was

noticed both in the serum and the liver of group II rats.According to

Weissberger (1940) hepatotoxic treatment produces an increase in the level of

phospholipids in serum which may be due to the decrease in mitochondrial fat

oxidation. The altered biochemical parameters in the liver tissue were


significantly brought towards normalization by co-administration of BHE.The

recovery towards normalization of these lipid profile caused by BHE is

almost similar to that caused by silymarin, in the present study. Similar results

have been reported by Morazzoni and Bombardelli (1995). The presence of

phytoconstituents such as triterpene glycoside, saponins like eclalbasaponin,

3β, 20β, 16β-trihydroxytaraxastane; 3β, 20β, 28-trihydroxytaraxastane and

sulphated saponinsin in the leaves of E.alba might be account for the

hepatoprotective activity exhibited by BHE

In accordance to the present study, it has been observed that there was

a significant hypoglycemia with a drop in hepatic glycogen content. This

might be due to the peripheral uptake and utilization of glucose that is

consequently increased. Acute liver failure due to CCl4 intoxication was

characterized by a disturbed protein synthesis. In the present study also there

is significant p<0.001decrease in the liver protein was observed in CCl4

intoxicated group II rats. This may be due to the ROS generated as a result of

•CCl3 radical which in turn affect the amino acids histidine, methionine and

tyrosine.Oxidation of protein sulphahydryl groups have been significantly

contributed to the damage, depending on the protein affected. These protein

and glycogen level were returned to near normal levels in the BHE treated

groups, which shows the protective nature of the drug against the CCl4

damage. The compounds piperlonguminine, piperine, apigenin, dimethyl

ether and β sitosterol were reported by Parmar et al 1993 in P. longum might

have been accounted for the hepatoprotective activity.


The levels of Lipid peroxidation products, Malanoaldehyde,

Conjugated dienes, Iron, Nitric oxides and Hydroperoxides were significantly

increased in the liver tissues of CCl4 intoxicated group II rats. Serious

attention is now paid to the cytotoxicity of active oxygen: free radicals as the

cause of various pathological conditions. Lipid peroxidation, is accepted to be

one of the principal causes of carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury, and is

mediated by the production of free radical derivatives of carbon tetrachloride.

According to Niki (1995) lipid peroxides produced from unsaturated fatty

acids via radicals, cause histotoxicity and promote the formation of additional

free radicals in a chain reaction-type manner. According to Floyd et al.,

(1984) if the in vivo activity of enzymes or scavengers is not high enough to

inhibit these radicals, various diseases such as arteriosclerosis, liver disease,

diabetes, inflammation, renal failure or accelerated aging may result.

The measurement of lipid peroxidation (LPO) is one of the most

commonly used assays for radical induced damage (Svingen et al., 1979;

Sevanian and Hochstein, 1985). LPO is a chain reaction which can occur by

enzymatic or non-enzymatic reactions, in most cases catalyzed by transition

metals, where active oxidants cause th e breakdown of polyunsaturated fatty

acids in membrane phospholipids.

There are several assays for the determination of LPO, but two of the

more frequent techniques to measure this process are to quantify the presence

of Conjugated dienes (CD) and to determine thiobarbituric acid-reactive

substances (TBARS). Conjugated dienes are formed by the rearrangement of

double bonds of the PUFAs during the peroxidative process, and they are


considered an estimation of “in vivo” LPO, whereas the TBARS assay relies

on the adducts formed between thiobarbituric acid and the carbonyl end

products of lipid peroxidation progression, mainly malondialdehyde.

Non-enzymatic in vitro lipid peroxidation and formation of

lipidperoxides can be initiated by adding ascorbate in the presence of oxygen

and Fe3+ or Fe2+ ions to various tissue preparations. It was reported by Rosa

and Catala, 1998 that Fe2+ and ascorbic acid stimulated lipid peroxidation in

rat liver microsomes and mitochondria. Ascorbic acid is a critical antioxidant

that acts as a free radical scavenger and may regenerate other antioxidants,

including vitamin E (Chan, 1993). However, the reducing capacity of ascorbic

acid can potentially lead to redox cycling of transition metals, which in turn

can generate hydroxyl radicals in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The

addition of ascorbic acid to iron in the form of FeSO4 greatly increases

oxidative damage in vitro. Markers of lipid peroxidation, protein modification

and DNA damage are all enhanced by ascorbic acid. In addition, ascorbic acid

has been suggested to directly produce genotoxic lipid hydroperoxides in the

absence of metals. Thus, metal coordination by polyphenolics may be most

effective in antioxidant action In order to clarify the mechanism of action of

these drugs, in vitro experiments were undertaken. The hepatic tissue of

untreated CCl4 induced rats showed a 2 fold rise in basal lipid peroxidation

levels as well as 1.3, 1.8 and 1.5-fold increase in LPO in the presence of

inducers such as ferrous sulphate, ascorbate and H2O2 respectively. According

to the results obtained, BHE inhibited lipid peroxidation in liver homogenate,

which is shown by the decreased levels of MDA, produced. Recent studies by


Miller et al., (1996) showed that iron-chelating activity of some flavonoids is

closely related to their antioxidant action.

The in vivo oxidants such as CD, LOOH, iron and nitric oxide

metabolites were also found to be increased in CCl4 treated rats (Geller et al.,

1993) suggested that increased NO production and plasma nitrite/nitrate

levels are also found during chronichepatic inflammation, suggesting a role

for NO in the hepatic response to inflammatory stimuli, It has been

demonstrated by Beckman et al., 1990 that nitric oxide (NO) reacts with O2

in pathological states to produce peroxynitrite, a potent oxidizing agent.

Peroxynitrite can initiate intracellular LPO formation and NP-SH oxidation,

resulting in producing an extreme cellular membrane damage. The increase in

the LPO substances in the liver of CCl4 intoxicated rats indicates enhanced

lipid peroxidation leading to tissue injury and failure of defence mechanisms

to prevent the formation of excess free radicals. In the present study, BHE

extract was effective in reducing the production of TBARS indicating the

formation of decreased MDA. Amalaraj and Ignacimuthu (2001) reported that

the hepatoprotective effect is associated with antioxidant rich plant extracts.

The possible action of the BHE in decreasing the LPO reaction may be

correlated with its antioxidant chemicals that affects oxygen radical-

dependent damage in vivo by blocking radical formation, that is, by removing

its precursors, superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and then transition metals.

Quantitative analysis of the BHE showed the presece of considerable amount

of Polyphenols in the form of flavonoids, could account for the prevention of

LPO both in in vivo and in vitro experiments.


The levels of various antioxidant enzymes like SOD, CAT, GPx, GST,

and GR activities were significantly decreased [p<0.01] in CCl4 intoxicated

group II rats when compared to BHE treated rats .This indicates the antilipid

peroxidative nature of the system against CCl4 treatment is enhanced by BHE.

Glutathione [GSH] constitutes the first line of defence against the free radical.

In states of excessive oxidative stress, GSH is converted into GSSG and

depleted leading to lipid peroxidation. According to Reckengel et al., 1991 it

is very important to maintain the level of GSH to prevent lipid peroxidation.

GSSG is reduced to GSH by GR, which is NADPH dependent enzyme. It

plays a role in maintaining adequate amounts of GSH. So, the reduction of

GR results in decreased level of GSH. Reduction in GR and GSH was

observed in CCl4 treated group II rats indicates damage to the liver cells. The

decreased levels of GSH in Group II animals may be due to the increased

utilization or lower expression of GSH.GST is a soluble protein which is

located in cytosol, plays an important role in the detoxification and excretion

of xenobiotics GST catalyzes the conjugation of the thiol functional groups of

glutathione to electrophylic xenobiotics and results in increasing solubility.

Since GST increases solubility of hydrophobic substances, it plays an

important role in excretion of xenobiotics. GPX a selenium-containing enzyme

which is believed to reduce hydrogen peroxide and various hydroperoxides

using glutathione as a reducing agent to form water and corresponding

alcohols, respectively. Cellular hydroperoxides can otherwise serve as

substrates for the metal mediated Fenton reaction to generate the highly

reactive hydroxyl radical. According to Halliwell and Gutteridge (2000) the

unavailability of GSH reduces the activities of GR, GPx and GST.


Reconstitution of the levels of GSH, GPX and GST activity in the rats treated

with BHE confirms the protective and antioxidant efficiency of the BHE.

The enzymes like SOD and CAT plays an important role in the

elimination of ROS derived from the peroxidative process in liver tissues.

SOD removes superoxide by converting it to H2O2, which can be rapidly

converted to water by CAT. As stated by Halliwell et al., (1992) the

antioxidant or free radical generation inhibition is important in protection

against CCl4 induced liver lesions. Potential antioxidant therapy should

therefore include either natural free radical scavenging antioxidant enzymes

or agent, which are capable of augmenting the activity of these enzymes,

which include SOD, CAT and GPx (Bhattacharya et al., 1997). The

components in BHE contain active principles like piperine,and piperidine

which are known for hepato protective and antioxidant activity. It is reported

that piperine and piperidine could reduce the tert-butyl hydroperoxide and

CC14 induced lipid peroxidation both in vitro and in vivo resulting in

significant hepatoprotection in rats (Koul and Kapil, 1993; Khajuria et al.,

1998; Surh, 1999).

The free radical scavenging property of BHE could have maintained

the near normal levels of non - enzymic antioxidants in-group III animals

Several experimental studies investigated the role of antioxidative vitamins,

minerals, drugs and plant-derived compounds in the prevention and therapy of

liver fibrosis. Decreased activities of non-enzymic antioxidants like vitamin

C, vitamin E Vitamin A, thiols, uric acid, and cereloplasmin levels in CCl4

treated group II rats may increase their susceptibility to oxidative injury.


Elevated levels of these non-enzymic antioxidants in BHE treated group III

animals offer protection against the oxidative injury caused by the free

radicals. Parola, 1993 stated that Vitamin E inhibited m-RNA expression of

tumour growth factor-b and α2 procollagen in CCl4-induced animal fibrosis.

Beta-carotene treatment also decreased liver hydroxyproline level during CCl4

administration and reduced liver fibrosis by inhibition of lipid peroxidation in

animal studies as stated by Seifert et al., 1995.

Recently it has been shown by Abul et al., (2002) that uric acid can be

used as a scavenger of peroxynitrate (ONOO), a toxic product of the free

radicals nitric oxide and superoxide. The production of (ONOO) has been

implicated in the pathogenesis of central nervous system inflammatory

diseases, including multiple sclerosis and its animal correlate experimental

autoimmune encephalomyelitis. The mechanism of uric acid action as an

antioxidant may relate to the formation of a urate-free radical after oxidant

exposure. This urate-free radical is being scavenged by ascorbate. Thus it is

suggested that urate and ascorbate interact as plasma antioxidants. According

to Denkop (1979). Cereloplasmin is produced in the liver in response to

tissue injury and released into the circulation. Ceruloplasmin is considered a

preventive plasma antioxidant because it sequesters transition metals, thereby

preventing them from participating in free radical reactions as reported by

Frei et al., 1988.

Plasma total sulfhdryl groups have also been suggested by Sedlak and

Lindsa (1968) to contribute significantly to the antioxidant capacity of

plasma. The Phytoconstituents as reported by Upadhyay et al., (2001) such as


eclalbatin, alpha-amyrin, ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, ecliptasaponin,

daucosterol, stigmasterol-3-O-glucoside and coumestans were also present in

BHE as main active principles for its hepatoprotective activity.

The levels of membrane bound enzymes were significantly decreased

in the liver tissues of CCl4 intoxicated group II rats The Na+, K+ ATPase.,

Mg2+ ATPase and Ca2+ ATP ase are the membrane bound enzymes which

are responsible for the transport of these ions respectively across the cell

membrane at the expense of ATP According to (Stehoven and Bonting

(1981) activated oxygen species which induce lipid peroxidation and damage

various cell functions is known to inactivate many enzymes, both cytosolic

and membrane-bound. Marin et al. (1992) reported that during lipid

peroxidation process the activity of different membrane-bound enzymes are

changed. This ultimately leads to changes in membrane permeability or to the

destruction of cells or whole cell systems. According to Frank and Massaro

(1980); Tirmenstein and Nelson (1990); Vermeulen et al., (1992) have Stated

that the decreased level of these enzymes in CCl4 rats may be due to alteration

in membrane lipid composition and/or content,lipid peroxidation, disturbance

in calcium homeostasis and oxidation and alkylation of thiol groups of

glutathione and proteins. The rats which received BHE, EAE, and PLE

retained the levels of TBA reactive substances and the activities of these

enzymes were also restored to the near normal levels which could be due to

the ability of plant extracts to protect the SH group from oxidative damage

through inhibition of lipid peroxidation, In this work, the effect of CCl4 on

drug oxidizing system may be a significant factor in the alteration of


phospholipid and cholesterol were observed experimentally. The

mitochondrial ATPase requires tyrosine and glutamate residues respectively

for its hydrolytic and proton channel activity. Therefore the possible

hepatoprotective effect of BHE on the chemical-induced liver injuries may be

due to: (1) inhibiting Cytochrome P-450 activity, (2) preventing the process of

lipid peroxidation, (3) stabilizing the hepatocellular membrane and

(4) enhancing protein and glycoprotein biosynthesis.

Liver is the candidate organ involved in glucose homeostasis. It is the

main site for glycolysis, a process where glucose is degraded and

gluconeogenesis, where glucose is synthesized from lactate, amino acids and

glycerol. According to Bhavapriya and Govidasamy (2000) these are the two

important complementary events that balance the glucose load in our body

The acitivity of gluconeogenic enzymes like glucose-6-phosphatase and

fructose-1,6-diphosphatase were found to be significantly decreased in CCl4

intoxicated rats. This might be due to the glucose 6 po4 defciency in CCl4

administered rats. The BHE restored the normal levels of these enzymes

which protects the mitochondria from damage thereby protecting these

gluconeogenic enzymes .

Activity of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase enzymes which are

are ATP dependent are reported to be under regulation by citrate (Goyal

et al., 1990) which is a TCA cycle intermediate.Since in CCl4 damage ATP

depletion of the same was also considered as an important factor in the

decreased activity of these enzymes. According to Arathi and Sachdanandam

(2003) decrease in activity of phosphoglucoisomerase might be expected to


inhibit the proportion of glucose 6-phosphate metabolized via the glycolytic

pathway. Aldolase, another key enzyme in the glycolytic path way, decreases

in liver diseases and this may be due to cell impairment and necrosis.Our

results revealed the decrease in the activities of these microsomal marker

enzyme due to the increased formation of malondialdehyde following CCl4

treatment BHE treatment restored these enzyme levels to near normal

showing the regerating ability of the plant extracts.

Glycoproteins are linear polymers of aminoacids with branching chain

of carbohydrates that may include hexose, hexoseamine and sialic acid.

Elevated glycoprotein may be due to the tissue necrosis, rapidly metabolizing

tumur cell destruction from normal connetive tissue and non specific stimulus

in the process similar to that observed in many infectious diseases. According

to Kishore (1983) the main change observed during the necrotic stage of CCl4

poisoning was a highly significant reduction in the sialyl transferase activity

followed by a considerable decrease in the sialic acid content. The similar

effect was observed in our study also. According to Robinson et al., (1964)

the microsomal portion only is responsible for the glycoprotein synthesis and

the increased load of the toxic metabolites in the system might affect the

microsomes which may further be responsible for the decreased glycoprotein

components in the CCl4 treated rats. The increase in glycoprotein content of

BHE treated group II animals suggested the cytoprotective nature of the


Histopatological examination of the livers provided supportive

evidence for this study. Liver of rats administered with CCl4 showed


centrilobular necrosis with mononuclear infiltration in the portal area, fatty

deposition and loss of cell boundaries. In animals treated with the BHE, there

was much lesser hepatocellular necrosis, mononuclear infiltration and loss of

cell architecture in comparison to livers from control animals.

Histopathological observations showed faster regeneration of the

hepatic cells in rats treated with BHE seems to suggest the possibility of BHE

being able to condition the hepatic cells towards accelerated regeneration.

Similar histopathological observations observed with silymarin seem to

suggest that the ability to cause accelerated regeneration may be a feature

common to certain medicinal plants to protect against liver dysfunction.

The mechanism by which BHE exerts its more protective action

against CCl4 induced alterations might be due to the synergistic activity of the

plants. However, the fact is that BHE when given prior to CCl4 administration

can produce more rapid recovery of the liver when compared with those

exposed to CCl4 only,which indicates that the protective action may be due to

the antioxidant property as in the case of other agents known to oppose the

hepatotoxic effects of CCl4.

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Hepatoprotective efficacy of BHE on CCl4 intoxicated rats was

performed to propose a new insight to the pharmacological action of BHE,

which is a combined biherbal ethanolic extract made up of equal quantities of

leaves of Eclipta alba and the seeds of Piper longum. Since polyherbal

formulations are generally considered to be more effective due to the

synergistic activity than a single herbal drug,the study has been undertaken to

evaluate the protective effect of biherbal extract in comparison with its

individual plants Eclipta alba and Piper longum .

The present investigation has been divided into two parts. In one part

of the investigation the plants have been processed, screened for the

phytochemicals and tested for free radical scavenging activities by using

standard models in vitro.

The phytochemical investigation of the plants revealed the following


In the present investigation, preliminary phytochemical screening of

EAE, PLE and BHE showed the presence of constituents like alkaloid,

carbohydrates, phytosterol, tannins, phenol, flavonoids, glycosides, terpene,

saponins and lignin. In all these extracts proteins, gums and mucilage were

found to be absent.

The presence of phytochemicals was confirmed by HPTLC finger

printing of individual preparations of different extracts of Eclipta alba and


piper longum. The estimation of the macronutrients like carbohydrates,

proteins, lipids and micronutrients present in the leaves of Eclipta alba and

seeds of the piper longum showed the nutritive value of the plants.

The BHE showed a concentration dependent scavenging activities of

the free radicals such as DPPH, super oxide, hydroxyl, nitric oxide, hydrogen

peroxide and acted as an efficient chelator of ferric and ferrous ions. It was

also found to be effective in reducing the formation of protein carbonyl

groups.BHE contained considerable amount of the flavonoid and phenolic

compounds which could be accounted for the free radical scavenging


The inhibitory action of the BHE on DNA fragmentation induced by

fenton reactants in the hepatic tissue was studied. In the CCl4 intoxicated

animals the extent of DNA damage was detected by the increased mobility of

the DNA molecule due to the decrease in the molecular weight. On the other

hand the BHE at the concentration of 20µg/ml and 40µg/ml protected the

DNA from damage was evidenced by the decreased mobility of the DNA

molecule suggested that these extracts have compounds which may combat

against free radical-mediated degradation to the deoxyribose sugar moiety of


The second part of the investigation comprises of the evaluation of

non-toxic dosage by acute and chronic toxicity on mice and albino Wistar

strain rat models according to the guidelines of OECD. After assessing the

dosage by acute and chronic toxicity studies efficacy of the single and the


biherbal drugs have been ascertained by using CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity

model in rats. The hepatoprotective nature of the drugs has been assessed by

various biochemical estimations and histological observations. Rats treated

with standard drug silymarin have also been utilised in this study to compare

the hepatoprotective efficacy of the test drugs.

In the acute toxicity studies death was recorded during the treatment

period in the experimental rats which received 500mg/kg body weight of

Biherbal extract orally. So from this the ED50 dose of 50 mg/kg was selected

for the hepatoprotective efficacy studies.

The three month daily oral application of BHE to rats yielded no signs

of toxicity. The dosage range and study duration applied in this study are

relevant for long-term human use.

Male albino rats were pre-treated with 50 mg/kg of BHE intubation

for 14 days and intoxicated with CCl4 on days 7 to 14. Normal rats were

maintained with the BHE to assess the drug toxicity. Standard drug silymarin

was used as positive control for comparison.

Biochemical analysis of the blood and serum revealed some important

results as follows

In the present investigation a significant reduction in the liver weight,

serum urea and bilirubin levels were seen in the BHE pre-treated animals

when compared to that of rats intoxicated with CCl4. Decreased level of blood


glucose in CCl4 induced rats were found to be normalized on BHE


The total protein and albumin levels in serum were increased in BHE

pretreated, CCl4 insulted animals showing the regeneration of hepatic cells.

This increase in the protein level are more pronounced in BHE treated

animals, when compared with the group IV and V, which received its

individual preparations EAE and PLE.

The serum levels of the liver marker enzymes like AST ALT, ALP,

ACP, γGT 5'-NT, ICD and LDH were significantly increased in CCl4

intoxicated animals. BHE treatment reverted the increased levels of these

enzymes to near normalcy, which was comparable to that of silymarin a

standard drug in the present study.

The parallel decrease in the concentration of serum lipids and

lipoproteins along with the increase of these parameters in liver tissues of

CCl4 insulted rats were normalized on BHE treatment .The increased serum

phospholipids were also brought back to normal levels.

The decrease in liver total protein and glycogen in the rats treated with

CCl4 were normalized on BHE supplementation.

The BHE was effective in reducing the levels of in vivo lipid

peroxidation products like MDA, CD, iron, nitric oxides and LOOH in the

tissues of CCl4 rats. The in vitro nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation induced by


the presence ascorbate, Fe2+/Fe3+ and H2O2 were also significantly reduced

by BHE treatment.

Pretreatment with BHE to CCl4 treated rats increased the activities of

SOD, CAT, GPX, GST and GR indicates the enhanced antilipid peroxidative

nature of the BHE.

Elevated levels of non-enzymic antioxidants such as vitamin C,

vitamin E, Vitamin A, thiols, uric acid, and cereloplasmin in BHE treated

animals offer protection against the oxidative injury caused by the free

radicals produced by CCl4 in the present study.

The decreased level of membrane bound enzymes such Na+/K+-

ATPase,Mg2+- ATP ase and Ca2+- ATP ase in the liver tissues of CCl4

intoxicated rats may be because of the alteration of membrane lipid

composition due to the release of free radicals. The rats which received BHE,

EAE, and PLE restored the enzyme levels to near normal levels, which could

be due to the ability of plant extracts to protect the membranes from oxidative

damage through inhibition of lipid peroxidation

The activity of gluconeogenic enzymes and glycolytic enzymes in liver

were found to be significantly decreased in CCl4 intoxicated rats. These

decreased enzymes levels were restored to normal levels in BHE pretreated

rats indicating that the BHE has got protective action on the mitochondria

from damage enabling them to secreate the enzymes and keeping the blood

glucose in normal levels.


A significant decrease in the levels of Glycoprotein was observed in

CCl4 treated animals due to the increased load of the toxic metabolites. The

increase in glycoprotein content of BHE treated animals suggested the

cytoprotective nature of the formulation.

The histopathological observations which showed a faster

regeneration of the hepatic cells in rats pretreated with BHE seems to suggest

the possibility of BHE being able to condition the hepatic cells towards

accelerated regeneration.



In conclusion, the BHE afforded protection from CCl4 induced liver

damage, significantly when compared to that of the individual preparations.

The beneficial effects of BHE were found comparable to those of silymarin.

By trapping oxygen related free radicals, the extract could hinder their

interaction with polyunsaturated fatty acids and abolish the enhancement of

lipid peroxidative processes. The effect may be due to the presence of

flavonoids and phenolic compounds which are strong antioxidants.

Antioxidant principles from herbal resources are multifaceted in their effects

and provide enormous scope in correcting the imbalance through their

consumption.Thus from the foregoing findins,it was observed that BHE

exhibited protective effect against CCl4 induced liver damage, which may be

due to its antilipid peroxidative and free radical scavenging activities.It has

promising therapeutic application in future to combat the liver related

problems associated with free radical formation.

Table 1: Preliminary phytochemical screening of the test drug

S.No Phytochemicals EAE Extract PLE Extract Bi herbal extract

1. Alkaloid + + +

2. Carbohydrate + + +

3. Protein

_ - _

4. Phytosterol + + +

5. Tannins + - +

6. Phenolic compounds + + +

7. Flavonoids + + +

8. Gums and Mucilage - - -

9. Glycosides + + +

10. Saponins + + +

11. Oils and fats + + +

12. Terpenes + + +

13 lignin + + +

(+ ) Indicates the presence of the chemical

(-) Indicates the absence of the chemical

Figure I: The HPTLC finger print analysis of the Ethyl acetate

extract of Eclipta alba

Figure II: The HPTLC finger print analysis of the Chloroform extract

of Eclipta alba

Figure III: The HPTLC finger print analysis of the Ethanolic extract

of Eclipta alba

Figure IV: The HPTLC finger print analysis of the Ethyl acetate

extract of P. longum

Figure V : The HPTLC finger print analysis of the Chloroform

extract of P. longum

Figure VI: The HPTLC finger print analysis of the ethanolic extract of

P. longum

Figure VII: The SDS-PAGE electrophoresis results of aqueous

extract of E. alba

Lane 1 - Shows the marker protein bands with their molecular weight

ranging 6.50 – 97.4 kDa

Lane 2 - Shows the Eclipta alba leaf protein bands with their molecular

weight of ranging 7.50 –123 kDa

Protein used as markers with their molecular weight expressed in kDa:

Phosphorylase b-97.4; BSA-66; Ovalbumin-43; Carbonic Anhydrase-29;

Soyabean Trypsin Inhibitor-20.1; Lysozyme-14.3; Aprotinin-6.5

Table II: Concentration of Macronutrients

S.NO Macronutrients

Leaves of Eclipta


(Expressed in


Seeds of Piper longum

(Expressed in


1. Total sugars 27.78 15.56

2. Total protein 26.23 8.80

3. Total lipid 24.94 3.89

Table III : Concentration of Minerals present in the plants

S.NO MacronutrientsLeaves of Eclipta

alba (Expressed in ppm)

Seeds of Piper longum(Expressed in ppm)

1. Aluminum 3.9115 1.399

2. Barium 0.3915 0.4200

3. Calcium 560 340

4 Copper 0.7725 0.574

5. Chromium 0.1827 0.149

6 Cobalt 0.0615 0.081

7 Iron 2.0945 2.633

8. Lead 0.0412 0.025

9. Magnesium 21.156 26.115

10 Molybdenum 0.0890 0.745

11. Mercury 0.1311 0.259

12. Manganese 0.710 0.132

13. Nickel 0.3999 0.181

14. Potassium 78 117

15 Sodium 161 138

16 Silicon 3.9115 1.399

17 Selenium 0.0115 0.0094

18 Vanadium 1.6310 2.107

19 Zinc 3.2710 4.130

Figure VIII: Effect of different plant extracts on DPPH radical

scavenging activity












100 200 400 600 800 1000

Cocentration in micrograms/ ml



ry a


ity (%


BHEAscorbic acidEAEPLE

DPPH radical scavenging activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and standard

Ascorbic acid Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3).

The EC50 value of the BHE was found to be 139µg/ml

The EC50 value of the standard ascorbic acid was found to be


Table IV: Super oxide scavenging activity of the different extracts

Concentration in

µgms / ml

Inhibitory activity of


Inhibitory activity of


Inhibitory activity of

BHE (%)

Inhibitory activity of

Ascorbic acid (%)

100 13.97±2.80 12.67±1.7 15.48±1.7a* 17.82±1.82b*

200 27.84 ±1.60 25.84±2.1 30.47±1.84a* 34.76±1.84b*

400 50.50±2.1 51.89±1.4 52.75±1.86a* 58.64±2.23b*

600 63.80±2.4 56.81±1.9 65±82±2.75a* 72.35±2.34b*

800 74.78±1.98 62.54±1.8 78.75±1.44a* 84.45±1.36b*

1000 79.94±1.50 78.88±1.6 84.76±2.35a* 91.34±1.86b* [

Super oxide radical scavenging activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and

standard Ascorbic acid. Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3).

Comparison between

a) BHE vs. EAE, PLE

b) BHE vs. Ascorbic acid

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01

The EC50 value of the BHE was found to be 165µg/ml

The EC50 value of the standard ascorbic acid was found to be


Table V: Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of the different extracts

Concentration in µgms / ml

Inhibitory activity of


Inhibitory activity of


Inhibitory activity of

BHE (%)


activity of Mannitol (%)

200 23.48±1.84 21.64±1.8 25.4±1.72a* 54.20±2.30b**

400 46.56 ±1.54 44.46±1.2 50.86±1.45a* 65.60±2.41b*

600 61.24 ±2.8 62.51±2.0 64.90±1.75a* 72.40±3.82b*

800 72.14±1.78 65.84±1.1 78.7±2.80a* 82.80±1.72b*

1000 79.86±1.64 74.64±1.6 82.82±1.50a* 91.4±2.84b*

Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and standard

Mannitol. Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3).

Comparison between

a - BHE vs. EAE, PLE

b - BHE vs. Mannitol

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01

The EC50 value of the BHE was found to be 288 µg/ml

The EC50 value of the standard Mannitol was found to be 460µg/ml

Figure IX: Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity of the different













100 200 400 600 800 1000

Concentration in micrograms/ml



ry a


ity (%



Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and

standard Rutin. Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3).

Comparison between

a - BHE vs. EAE, PLE

b - BHE vs. Rutin

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01

The EC50 value of the BHE was found to be 431µg/ml

The EC50 value of the standard Rutin was found to be 616 µg/ml

Table VI: Reducing Power Assay Of The Different Plant


Concentration in µgms / ml

Absorbance of EAE


Absorbance of PLE


Absorbance of BHE


Absorbance of BHT


100 0.17±0.03 0.13± 0.02 0.25±0.02a** 0.32±0.0-3b*

200 0.26±0.03 0.23±0.18 0.32±0.01a* 0.37±0.03b*

400 0.38±0.05 0.32±0.87 0.47±0.03a* 0.48±0.02b*

600 0.47±0.04 0.39±0.45 0.54±0.45a* 0.63±0.20b*

800 0.58±0.03 0.53±0.45 0.63±0.03a* 0.76±0.05b*

1000 0.72±0.24 0.69±0.65 0.81±0.34a* 0.92±0.34b*

Reducing capacity of EAE, BHE, PLE and standard BHT.

Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3).

Comparison between

a) BHE vs. EAE, PLE

b) BHE vs. BHT

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01

Table VII: Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity of different plant



in µg /ml

Inhibitory activity of EAE(%)

Inhibitory activity of PLE(%)

Inhibitory activity of BHE(%)

Inhibitory activity of Vitamin


Control 12.19± 0.40 11.34 ±0.69 13.78±0.34a* 14.90±0.67b*

100µg /ml 55.56±0.56 63 .00±0.87 78 .00±0.56a* 65.89±0.89b*

200µg /ml 58.90±0.56 64.00±0.67 82.03±0.67a* 75.96±0.56b*

Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and

standard Vitamin E. Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3).

Comparison between

a) BHE vs. EAE, PLE

b) BHE vs. Vitamin E

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01

Table VIII: Iron chelating activity of Bi herbal Extract

Concentration in

µg/ml O.D at 525nm

Chelation of

Fe2+ (%)

O.D at 460nm

Chelation of Fe3+


Control 0.280 0 1.021 0

BHE(20µg/ml) 0.236 18.26±0.194 0.884 13.44±0.093

BHE(40µg/ml) 0.218 30.69± 0.308 0.793 22.33±0.171

BHE(60µg/ml) 0.202 32.02±0.259 0.716 29.94±0.006

BHE(80µg/ml) 0.185 44.25±0.177 0.697 36.01±0.006

BHE(100µg/ml) 0.167 56.08±0.433 0.654 55.19±0.006

EDTA(100µg/ml) 0.077 78.64±0.204 0.149 85.42±0.006

Metal chelating activity of BHE and EDTA .

Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3)

Table IX: The average total antioxidant activity of different plant


Concentration in µgms

/ ml


(Absorbance at 500 nm)


(Absorbance at 500 nm)


(Absorbance at 500 nm)

BHT (Absorbance at

500 nm)

100 0.88± 0.05 0.95±0.03 0.96±0.04a* 0.82±0.07b*

200 0.78±0.06 0.85±0.45 0.86±0.02a* 0.74±0.02b*

400 0.70±0.05 0.74±0.05 0.72±0.04a* 0.79±0.04b*

600 0.66±0.03 0.67±0.56 0.62±0.02a* 0.66±0.01b*

800 0.57±0.04 0.56±0.45 0.52±0.02a* 0.48±0.02b*

1000 0.44±0.05 0.48±0.45 0.32±0.02a* 0.28±0.04b*

The average total antioxidant activity of EAE, BHE, PLE and

standard BHT. Values are represented by mean ±SEM. (n=3)

Comparison between

a) BHE vs. EAE, PLE

b) BHE vs. BHT

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01

Table X: The Percentage inhibition of protein carbonyl formation by

different plant extracts

Concentration in µgms / ml

Inhibitory activity of

EAE (%)

Inhibitory activity of

PLE (%)

Inhibitory activity of

BHE (%)

Inhibitory activity of

Vitamin E (%)

100 24.89± 0.04 22.56±0.7 24.46±1.8a* 31.15±1.07b*

200 34.98±0.03 34.98±0.02 42.34±1.23a* 53.68±1.24b*

400 46.89±0.03 43.02±0.45 56.42±1.35a* 62.22±1.04b*

600 58.67±0.02 52.23±0.4 68.24±2.17a* 73.18±1.05b*

800 64.34±0.03 63.78±0.23 74.42±1.08a* 81.26±1.1b*

1000 74.98±0.05 73.06±0.45 81.42±1.77a* 90.06±1.05b*

The Percentage inhibition of protein carbonyl formation of EAE,

BHE, PLE and Vitamin E. Values are represented by mean ± SEM. (n=3)

Comparison between

a) BHE vs. EAE, PLE

b) BHE vs. Vitamin E

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01

Table XI : Total Phenolic and flavonoid content of Biherbal

ethanolic extract

Extracts Total phenolic content

(mg/g) Total flavonoid content (mg/g)

EAE 53.67±2.67 47.46±2.89

PLE 53.00±2.37 54.98±2.67

BHE 73.40±2.68 55.4±1.57

Each value represents the mean ±SEM. (n=3) Total phenolic content

was expressed as mg gallic acid equivalents/g dried extract. Total flavonoid

content was expressed as mg catechin equivalent/g dried extract.

Figure-IX: In vitro assay of DNA fragmentation study

Lane 1 – untreated Hepatic DNA

Lane 2 - H2O2 induced DNA damage

Lane 3 – DNA damage protection by BHE at concentration of 20µg/ml

Lane 4 - DNA damage protection by BHE at concentration of 40µg/ml

Lane 5 - DNA damage protection by BHT at concentration of 40µg/ml

Figure XI: Serum levels of Protein, Albumin and Globulin indifferent experimental groups of rats








a*** cNSb**d*














Experimental groups




n in



Total protein Albumin Globulin

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - Group II vs GroupIII and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Figure XII: Serum activity levels of ACE, γGT and 5′ NT in different experimental rats















Experimental groups




ity U



Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant.

Figure XIII: Serum levels of Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Phospholipids in different experimental rats















Experimental groups




n in



CHO TGL Phospolipid

Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant.

Figure XIV: Levels of Liver tissue Glycogen and Protein in different experimental rats













Experimental groups







Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant.

Figure XV: Effect of BHE on Basal, H2O2, Ascorbate and FeSO4induced lipidperoxidation in liver






























Experimental groups

n m






d / m

in /m

g of




Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant.

Figure XVI: Levels of Non Enzymic antioxidants in different experimental rats




















Experimental groups


gm w

et ti



Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant.

Figure XVII: The levels of liver Glycoproteins in different experimental rats

















Experimental groups


gm o

f dry



d liv



Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant.

Table I: Incremental dose finding experiment and its Signs of Toxicity after oral administration of BHE in mice

S. No Treatment Dose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 I 50 + + - + - + - - - - + - _ + - - - - + - 2 II 100 + + - + - + - - - - + - _ + - - - - + - 3 III 250 + + + + - + - - - - + - _ + - - - - + - 4 IV 500 + + + + - + - + - - + + + + - + - - + 3+ 5 V 1000 + + + + - + + + + - + + + + - + + - + 3+ 6 VI 2000 + + + + - + + + + + + + + + - + - - + 5+ 7 VII 4000 + + + + - + + + + + + + + + - + - - + 6+ 8 VIII 5000 + + + + - + + + + + + + + + - + - - + 6+

1. Alertness 2. Aggressiveness 3. Pile erection 4. Grooming 5. Gripping 6. Touch Response 7. Increased Motor Activity 8. Tremors 9. Convulsions 10. Muscle Spasm 11. Catatonia 12. Muscle relaxant 13. Hypnosis 14. Analgesia 15.Lacrimation 16. Exophthalmos 17. Diarrhoea 18. Writhing 19. Respiration 20. Number of Deaths (Mortality)

Table II: Organ to body weight ratio of mice, 24 hr after oral administration BHE

Parameters mg/ g wt

Lung Liver Spleen Kidney Heart

Control 0.75±0.03 3.27±0.22 0.36±0.04 0.68±0.06 0.38±0.03

Group BHE 0.72 ± 0.05** 3.33 ± 0.24 * 0.34 ± 0.03 0.74 ± 0.02 0.36±0.02

Values are mean±SEM (n=6); *P<0.05; (**P<0.01) significantly different from control.

Table III: Haematological variables of mice, 24 h after oral administration BHE

Parameters Hb (g%) RBC


PCV (%












Control 12.7 ± 0.3 4.34 ± 0.12 43.4 ± 1.0 2.84 ± 0.07 9368 ± 388 55.5 ± 1.8 37.1 ± 1.3 0.4±0.2 Group

BHE 11.7 ± 0.3* 4.59 ± 0.10 42.3 ± 0.8 2.88 ± 0.08 9269± 420** 54.5 ± 2.8 35.1 ± 1.4 0.5±0.2

Values are mean±SEM (n=6); *P<0.05; (**P<0.01) significantly different from control

Table IV: Biochemical variables of mice, 24 hr after oral administration of BHE

Group Variable

Control BHE Glucose (mg/dl) 95.54±2.36 85.14±4.21**

Urea (mg/dl) 42.89±2.81 44.66±3.29ns

Cholesterol (mg/dl) 64.33±1.48 63.42±3.68ns

Protein (g/dl) 6.37±0.16 6.22±0.53ns

Phosphorus (mg/dl) 6.42±0.90 5.35±0.61ns

Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.77±0.05 0.73±0.1ns

Sodium (meq/L) 135±8.09 149.6±10.46**

Potassium (meq/L) 3.43±0.34 3.29±0.26ns

AST (IU/L) 35.24±1.8 42.63±2.44**

ALT (IU/L) 32.39±0.47 33.62±0.54ns

ALP ((IU/L) 52.62±1.63 63.4±1.35**

Values are mean ± SEM (n = 6); *P<0.01 significantly different from control.

Table V: Organ weights in (g) of rats in the chronic toxicity study of the BHE

Name of the organs Control Biherbal extract(25mg/kg) Biherbal extract (50mg/kg)

Female Male Female Male Female Male Lung

0.87 ± 0.04 0.77 ± 0.04 0.74 ± 0.04 0.68±0.10 0.63±0.21 0.59±0.30

Heart 0.38 ± 0.01 0.37 ± 0.01 0.38 ± 0.02 0.45 ±0.06 0.44 ± 0.04 0.38 ± 0.02

Stomach 1.05± 0.24 1.15± 0.24 1.44± 0.40 1.55± 0.30 1.44± 0.14 1.53± 0.03

Liver 3.64 ± 0.35 3.54 ± 0.35 3.12 ± 0.24 4.54 ± 0.35 4.12 ± 0.24* 4.64 ± 0.35*

Spleen 0.46 ± 0.06 0.56 ± 0.06 0.55 ± 0.04 0.61 ± 0.03 0.63 ± 0.02 0.62 ± 0.06

Pancreas 0.26± 0.04 0.36± 0.04 0.38± 0.02 0.23± 0.03 0.26± 0.24 0.24± 0.14

Brain 0.39± 0.06 0.38± 0.06 0.44± 0.04 0.40± 0.03 0.46± 0.02 0.48± 0.06

Kidney 0.80 ± 0.04 0.81 ± 0.04 0.65 ± 0.08 0.83 ± 0.05 0.85 ± 0.08 0.82 ± 0.03

Ovary 0.25± 0.24 0.26± 0.24 - 0.29± 0.34 - 0.27± 0.14

Testis 0.35± 0.14 - 0.34± 0.24 -

Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., n = 6. *p<0.05.

Table VI: Haematological values of male rats in the chronic toxicity study of the BHE

Control Biherbal extract (25mg/kg) Biherbal extract (50mg/kg) Parameter

Female Male Female Male Female Male

Hb (g%) 12.72± 0.24 13.57± 0.14 12.65± 0.40 14.10± 0.34 12.85± 0.54 14.23± 0.20

RBC (106/mm3) 4.34± 0.04 4.24± 0.20 4.67± 0.07 4.44± 0.21 4.69± 0.24 4.48± 0.40

PCV (% Volume 49.55± 0.24 43.44± 0.14 44.88± 0.32 42.34± 0.28 46.32± 0.12 44.23± 0.36

Platelets (105/mm3 2.47± 0.34 2.78± 0.31 2.57± 0.12 2.62± 0.06 2.6 4± 0.24 2.72± 0.34

WBC (103/mm3) 5976± 184 6133± 224 6293± 124 6445± 174 6366± 222 6755±178

Polymorphs (%) 46.23± 0.24 48.34± 0.14 49.43± 0.40 48.32± 0.54 47.78± 0.12 46.23± 0.44

Lymphocytes (%) 35.12± 0.41 32.45± 0.23 33.45± 0.27 34.67± 0.34 33.67± 0.26 34.25± 0.24

Esonophils (%) 0.3± 0.2 0.4± 0.1 0.3± 0.4 0.4± 0.2 0.5± 0.3 0.5± 0.2

Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., n = 6. *p<0.05.

Table VII: Clinical blood chemistry values of rats in the chronic toxicity study of the BHE

Control Biherbal extract(25mg/kg) Biherbal extract (50mg/kg) Parameter

Female Male Female Male Female Male

Glucose (mg/dl) 85.54±3.7 83.34±2.3 77.89±1.7 81.89±4.7 86.12±2.7 82.45±4.3

Urea (mg/dl 34.67±3.2 34.34±4.7 36.34±2.7 39.23±5.7 38.78±1.7 33.67±2.7

Protein (g/dl) 6.88±7.7 6.55±2.7 6.73±3.7 6.34±1.7 6.38±5.7 6.89±1.7

Cholesterol (mg/dl) 68.79±6.7 70.11±4.7 75.12±5.7 76.35±2.7 76.24±3.7 74.79±5.4

Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.46±0.2 0.35±0.3 0.44±0.2 0.52±0.7 0.49±0.5 0.58±0.9

Sodium (meq/L) 124±8.4 127±9.8 131±6.7 132±9.7 130±3.7 134±4.7

Potassium (meq/L) 3.32±1.7 3.44±0.8 3.27±0.7 3.71±0.5 3.34±0.6 3.42±0.7

AST (IU/L) 33.23±3.7 32.78±4.7 35.67±2.7 36.34±1.7 39.23±3.7 41.23±5.7

ALT (IU/L) 31.13±1.7 34.48±3.7 37.77±2.7 38.54±6.7 43.13±4.7 42.53±6.7

ALP ((IU/L) 51.89±6.7 46.67±7.7 52.24±3.7 49.98±4.7 53.09±2.7 45.98±1.7

Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., n = 6. Significantly different from control, p<0.05.

Table VIII: Levels of Glucose, Urea, Bilirubin, Body weight and Liver weight in various experimental rats


Group I

Normal Control

Group II



Group III


+CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV



Group V



Group VI

Silymarin (50mg/kg)+CCl4


Group VII

BHE (50mg/kg)

Body Weight (gms)

158.13± 4.85 137.33±4.28 a∗∗ 145.55± 7.77b∗∗ 140.35±4.65 d∗ 138.68 ± 5.52 d∗ 153.68± 3.18 b∗∗ 155.67± 4.58 cNS

Liver weight(mg/g body weight

39.57±0.51 68.45 ±0.63 a∗∗ 55.48± 0.45b∗∗ 56.35± 0.897 d∗ 64.13±1.33 d∗ 34.68±0.82 b∗∗ 50.68±0.98cNS

Glucose (mg/dl) 98.43.33±1.32 84.44±3.40a∗∗ 105.43 ±1.08b∗∗ 106.98±1.77 d∗ 105.62±3.32 d∗ 96.32±3.42 b∗∗ 102.21±3.25cNS

Urea (mg/dl) 18.33±1.40 44.34±2.30a∗∗∗ 31.33±2.27b∗∗ 38.66±1.32 d∗ 37.69±1.79 d∗ 32.33±2.40 b∗∗ 20.20±1.80 cNS

Bilirubin mg/dl) 0.51±0.03 2.44±0.02a∗∗∗ 1.50±0.03b∗∗∗ 1.45±0.58 d∗ 1.53±0.24 d∗ 1.46±0.04 b∗∗ 0.77±0.15 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Table IX: The activity levels of Serum AST, ALT, ALP, ACP, LDH and ICD in different experimental groups of rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg) +CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/kg)+CCl4

( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin

(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)

AST(U/L) 45.16 ± 1.21 142.79 ± 4.55a*** 86.30 ± 3.45b* 88.29±2.17 d* 86.67±2.75 d* 75.92± 3.46 b* 37.75 ±1.46 cNS

ALT (U/L) 45.00 ± 1.03 144.50±1.08a*** 74.65± 0.98b* 91.05±4.87 d* 92.16±1.5 d* 77.16±0.64 b* 45.50 ± 1.76 cNS

ALP (IU/L) 75.65 ± 0.52 171.78±0.63a* ** 120.75±0.72.b* 142.55±2.05 d* 145.37±3.09 d* 120.37±1.07 b* 75.26±0.48 cNS

ACP (K.A Units)

4.16±0.33 13.25±1.08a*** 6.86±0.25b***

8.97±0.42 d* 9.44±0.61 d* 6.85 ±0 .39 b* 3.24 ± 0.17 cNS

ICD (IU/L) 2.54±0.53 6.85±0.16 a*** 4.74±0.58 b*** 5.24±0.45 d * 5.77±0.76 d * 4.84±0.37 b** 2.90±1.43cNS


142.69±2.87 438.34±2.54a*** 255.09 ±2.80.b** 292.76±2.44 d* 314.54±4.75 d* 243.74± 2.98 b* 133.23±2.84 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Table X : Activity levels of Liver tissue, ALT, AST, LDH, ALP and ACP in different experimental rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg) +CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/kg)


( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin

(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)

GOT(AST) 12.42±0.41 42.53±0.59 a*** 24.06±0.82 b***

32.44±0.56 d * 37.78±1.56 d * 18.45 ±0.72 b*** 12.84±1.03 cNS

GPT(ALT ) 5.43±0.30 12.47±0.64 a*** 6.05±0.22 b***

10.06±0.45 d * 9.67±0.72 d * 8.91±0.16 b*** 5.85±0.26 cNS

LDH 11.82±0.02 21.35±0.02 a*** 12.54±0.02 b** 14.45±0.34 d * 15.51±0.67 d * 15.54±0.03 b*** 11.60±0.05 cNS

ALP 13.00±0.57 20.55±1.08 a*** 15.34±0.42 b***

18.30±0.72 d * 16.80±0.62 d * 17.74±0.82 b*** 13.68±0.72 cNS

ACP 3.79±0.28 9.97±0.22 a*** 4.74±0.21 b***

7.94±0.27 d * 6.97±0.52 d * 5.27±0.26 b*** 3.28±0.26 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant Enzyme units AST, ALT and LDH -µ moles of pyruvate liberated/min/mg protein. ACP and ALP-µ- moles of phenol liberated /min/ mg protein

Table XI : Activity levels of Liver tissue γGT, 5’NT and XO in different experimental rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/k


( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg)+CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin

(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)


3.56±0.19 7.34±0.17 a*** 5.42±0.21 b*** 4.97±0.37 d* 5.76±0.74 d* 5.45±0.31 b*** 4.32±0.14 cNS

5’Nucleotidase 1.37±014 3.41±0.10 a*** 2.49±0.20 b** 3.57±0.2 d* 3.50±0.34 d* 2.25±0.18 b*** 1.88±0.14cNS

Xanthine oxidase 4.17±0.13 5.32±0.23a*** 3.99±0.27 b*** 4.45±0.12 d* 4.35±0.45 d* 4.01±0.28 b** 3.34±0.22 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant Enzyme units γGT µ mole of p- nitroanilide/minute/ mg of protein 5′Nucleotidase- µ moles of phosphorous liberated/minute/mg of protein Xanthine oxidase - Unit / mg of protein

Table XII : Serum levels of Lipoprotein Cholesterol in different experimental rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg

) +CCl4


Group IV EAE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin

(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

GroupVII BHE (50mg/kg)

HDL Cholesterol (mg/dl)

51.37±5.53 30.57±2.43 a** 46.64±3.97 b* 41.64±3.97 d * 40.26±3.6 d* 50.38±2.41 b** 47.27±4.12 cNS

LDL Cholesterol (mg/dl)

36.67±4.34 74.08±4.13 a*** 33.06±5.06 b* 37.79±3.45 d * 39.24±4.5 d* 34.68±2.79 b** 45.77±4.53 cNS

VLDL Cholesterol (mg/dl) 24.14±2.64 41.00±3.21 a* 22.52±4.12b** 26.94±2.56 d * 24.85±3.56 d * 226.96± 3.45 b* 27.26±2.98 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Table XIII: Liver tissue values of Total lipid, Triglycerides, Phospholipids and Cholesterol in different experimental rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg) +CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/kg) +CCl4( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin

(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)

Total Lipid (mg/gm wet tissue)

37.06±5.1 83.69±2.97 a*** 47.36±2.29b*** 53.59±3.12 d * 55.66±2.65 d * 42.57±2.14 b*** 36.55±1.67cNS

TGL(mg/gm wet tissue ) 9.36±0.20 12.87±0.46 a*** 10.57±0.25 b**

11.15±0.32 d * 10.85±0.23 d * 10.37±0.71 b** 9.75±0.39 cNS

Phospholipids (mg/gm wet tissue

14.37±0.36 17.05±0.25 a*** 15.54±0.50 b** 16.63±0.52 d * 16.93±0.75 d * 14.15±0.22 b*** 14.17±0.26 cNS

Cholesterol) (mg/gm wet tissue)

6.64±0.30 9.89±0.34 a*** 8.66±0.18 b** 9.16±0.26 d * 8.56±0.36 d * 7.56±0.21 b*** 6.66±0.25 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Table XIV: Levels of Liver tissue lipid per oxidation products in different experimental rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg)+CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/kg)+CCl4

( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin



Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)

Conjugated dienes ∆233/ mg of protein 0.25±0.85 0.68±0.07 a*** 0.46±0.42 b** 0.58±0.73 d* 0.55±0.47 d* 0.45±0.27 b*** 0.24±0.46 cNS

Hydroperoxides millimoles/ mg of protein

154.56±14.78 365.45±16.60 a***

167.74± 15.84 b** 240.55±23.54d* 254.66±27.56 d* 176.67±19.45

b*** 140.55±12.98 cNS

Nitric oxides nmol/mg of protein ) 173.45±16.70 368.45±17.67 a** 185.12±16.87

b** 206.65±20.02 d* 195.76±0.67 d* 175.23±15.45b** 164.65±16.56cNS

MDA nano moles / mg of protein) 0.95 ± 0.02 0.17 ± 0.02 a*** 0.12 ± 0.04 b** 0.13±0.03 d* 0.14±0.01 d* 0.12±0.02 b*** 0.11 ± 0.02. cNS

Iron (mg/gm wet tissue)

141.44±1.17 165.18±1.75a** 150.55±1.35 b** 146.55±1.82 d* 154.33±1.92 d* 145.38±1.25b* 133.55±2.85 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Table XV: Levels of Liver Enzymic antioxidants in different experimental rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg) +CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/kg)+CCl4

( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg)+CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin



Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)

CAT 64.57± 1.23 45.04±1.85a* 54.18±1.35b* 50.63±2.14 d* 47.66±1.63 d* 66..34±1.74b* 63.23±1.22cNS

SOD 13.33±0.29 10.32±0.48 a** 12.44±0.24b* 11.38±0.18 d* 12.16±0.34 d* 14.45±0.93b* 14.36±0.43cNS

GST 0.38±0.02 0.26±0.01 a** 0.34±0.01b* 0.27±0.02 d* 0.33±0.23 d* 0.36±0.19b** 0.41±0.010cNS

GPX 13.60±0.70 10.06±0.39 a** 13.53±0.43b** 12.33±0.42 d* 11.92±0.54 d* 13.45±0.43b** 15.09±0.56cNS

GR 0.64±0.03 0.13±0.07 a** 0.47±0.10b** 0.45±0.03 d* 0.42± 0.21d* 0.45±0.08 b** 0.53±0.09cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant. Enzyme units CAT– n moles of H2O2 decomposed/min/mg protein, SOD–units/mg protein.1 unit of enzyme activity is the amount of enzyme required to inhibit 50% of epinephrine auto-oxidation GST –n moles of CDNB conjugate formed/min/mg protein, GPx - n moles of GSH oxidised /min/mg protein. GR–n moles of GSH formed/min/mg protein.

Table XVI: Levels of Liver Non-Enzymic antioxidants in different experimental rats

Parameters Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg) +CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/kg) +CCl4 ( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin

(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)

Cereloplasmin (mg/dl)

1.63±0.16 0.75±0.098a** 1.16±0.10b* 0.94±0.15 d* 0.82±0.32 d* 0.94±0.13b* 1.22±0.07cNS

Total Thiols (µmoles of GSH mgm of Protein)

9.15±0.17 7.50±0.06a* 6.86±0.06b*

5.67±0.23 d* 8.13±0.43 d* 8.99±0.05b*


Uric acid (mg/dl)

3.57±0.16 1.78±0.14 a** 2.35±0.16b*

1.98±0.35 d* 2.05±0.13 d* 2.64±0.17b** 3.54±0.13cNS

Glutathione (µmoles of GSH/mgm of Protein)


0.37±0.08 a*


0.38±0.04 d*

0.42±0.05 d*

0.46±0.06 b*

0.49±0.12 cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Table XVII: Levels of Liver Membrane bound ATP ases enzymes in different experimental rats

Parametersµmoles of phosphorous

liberated/ min/ mg of protein

Group I Normal Control

Group II CCl4


Group III BHE(50mg/kg) +CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV EAE(50mg/kg)+

CCl4( 2ml/kg)

Group V PLE(50mg/kg) +CCl4(2ml/kg)

Group VI Silymarin

(50mg/kg)+CCl4 (2ml/kg)

Group VII BHE (50mg/kg)

Total-ATPase 4.84±0.25 2.68±0.09 a*** 3.33±0.09 b***

3.28± 0.15 d* 2.95±0.26 d* 3.45±0.07 b*** 4.44±0.16cNS

Na+/K+-ATPase 2.53±0.15 1.65±0.16 a** 2.63±0.19 b** 1.81±0.19d* 2.18±0.37 d* 2.09±0.36b* 3.28±0.17cNS

Mg2+-ATPase 1.76±0.04 0.83±0.09 a** 1.62±0.11 b**

1.52±0.09 d* 1.41±0.10 d* 1.51±0.14 b* 1.54±0.23cNS

Ca2+-ATPase 1.69±0.25 1.78±0.06 a*** 1.15±0.64 b**

2.58±0.52 d* 2.17±0.32 d* 1.13±0.08 b* 1.15±0.06cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Table XVIII: Levels of Liver Glycolytic enzymes in different experimental rats


Group I

Normal Control

Group II



Group III


+CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV

EAE(50mg/kg)+CCl4( 2ml/kg)

Group V



Group VI

Silymarin (50mg/kg)+CCl4


Group VII

BHE (50mg/kg)

Hexokinase 405.47±46.65 80.87± 13.14a*** 375.13± 15.82b*** 206.65±12.43 d* 255.35±11.31 d* 296.05±0.01b* 397.87±10.07cNS

Phospho gluco

isomerase 44.83± 3.79 18.66±1.02a*** 33.83±2.70b** 26.22±2.33 d* 26.58± 1.23d* 25.03±0.93 b* 33.33±0.61cNS

Aldolase 134.11±5.39 89.66±7.57 a*** 117.58±6.39 b** 105.78±4.89 d* 106.54±4.90 d* 103.07±7.31 b*** 123.34±4.75cNS

Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II

b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant. Enzyme units Hexokinase - n moles of Glucose utilized/min /mg of protein Phospho gluco isomerase - n moles of fructose utilized /min /mg of protein Aldolase - n moles of glyceraldehyde formed /min/ mg protein

Table XIX: Levels of Liver Gluconeogenic enzymes in different experimental rats

Parameters n moles of

phosphorous liberated/ mg

of protein / min

Group I

Normal Control

Group II



Group III


+CCl 4 (2ml/kg)

Group IV


( 2ml/kg)

Group V



Group VI

Silymarin (50mg/kg)+CCl4


Group VII



Glucose 6 phosphatase

1.71±0.14 1.14±0.11 a*** 1.51±0.10 b**

1.33±0.15 d* 1.35±0.70 d* 1.49±0.11 b** 1.55±0.11cNS

Fructose 1,6 diphosphatase

1.45±0.13 0.48±0.12 a*** 1.22±0.07 b** 1.20 ±0.08 d* 1.13±0.05 d* 1.07±0.15 b*


Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Figure – XI Levels of Serum Protein, Albumin and Globulin in different

experimental groups of rats



Experimental groups




n in



Total proteinAlbuminGlobulin

















Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between

a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupIIvs GroupIII and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

Figure XII: Serum activity levels of ACE, γGT and 5′ NT in different

experimental rats















Experimental groups




ity U



Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs GroupIII and Group VII c - Group I vs Group VI d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Figure XIII: Levels of Serum Total Cholesterol, TGL and Phospholipids in

different experimental rats















Experimental groups




n in



CHO TGL Phospolipid

Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Figure XIV: Levels of Liver Glycogen and Protein in different experimental








I II III VI V VI VIIExperimental groups



d in


















Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupIIvs GroupIII and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Figure XV: Effect of BHE on Basal, H2O2, Ascorbate and FeSO4induced

lipidperoxidation in livers of different experimental rats















Experimental groups




ity U



Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for

comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Figure XVI: Levels of Liver Non Enzymic antioxidants in different

experimental rats









Experimental groups



d as


gm w

et ti





















Values are mean ± SEM of 6animals in each group Statistical significant test for

comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - Group II vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V *p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant

Figure XVII: Levels of liver Glycoproteins in different experimental rats









Experimental groups



d as


gm o

f dry



d liv








d* d*


d* d*






Values are mean ± SEM of 6 animals in each group Statistical significant test for

comparison was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s ‘t” test

Comparison between a - Group I vs Group II b - GroupII vs Group III and Group VI c - Group I vs Group VII d - Group III vs Group IV and V

*p<0.05, * *p<0.01 , * * *p<0.001, NS–Not Significant



Figure XVIII a - Section of liver from normal control rats shows normal

architecture of hepatocytes.

Figure XVIII b - Section of liver induced with CCl4 intoxicated rats shows

reactive hyperplasic hepatocytes (binucleate cells).

Figure XVIII c - Section of liver from BHE pretreated CCl4 intoxicated

rats shows hepatocytes with focal mild fatty change.

Figure XVIII d - Section of liver from Silymarin pretreated CCl4

intoxicated rats shows almost normal hepatocytes and

occasional binucleate cells.



KIDNEY Figure XIX a - Section of kidney from normal control rats shows

normal renal tissue with glomeruli and tubules. Figure XIX b - Section of kidney induced with CCl4 intoxicated rats

shows renal tissue with tubular damage and tubular cast. Figure XIX c - Section of kidney from BHE pretreated CCl4 intoxicated

rats shows renal tissue with tubular epithelial damage. RBC with in the tubules.

Figure XIXd - Section of kidney from Silymarin pretreated CCl4 intoxicated shows renal tissue with focal tubular damage, interstitial inflammatory collection. Glomeruli shows epithelial proliferation.

Heart Figure XX a - Section of heart from normal control rats shows normal

cardiac muscle bundles. Figure XX b - Section of heart induced with CCl4 intoxicated rats

shows hyperplasic and hypertrophic cardiac muscles. Figure XX c - Section of heart from BHE pretreated CCl4 intoxicated

rats shows congestion and mild inflammatory infiltr. Figure XX d - Section of heart from Silymarin pretreated CCl4

intoxicated shows hypertrophic cardiac muscle bundles. Intestine Figure XXI a - Section of intestine from normal control rats shows

normal architecture. Figure XXI b - Section of intestine induced with CCl4 intoxicated rats

shows mild damaged cells. Figure XXI c - Section of intestine from BHE pretreated CCl4

intoxicated rats shows near normal architecture. Figure XXId - Section of intestine from Silymarin pretreated CCl4

intoxicated shows near normal architecture.

Figure XVIII: Histopathology of Liver tissues of different

experimental animals

Normal CCl 4

[a] [b]

BHE Standard

[c] [d]


Normal [a] CCl 4 [b] BHE [c] Standard [d]

Figure XX: HEART

Normal [a] CCl 4 [b] BHE [c] Standard [d]


Normal [a] CCl 4 [b] BHE [c] Standard [d]


Figure I: The histology of Lung from the control and treated groups (the

10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure II: The histology of Heart from the control and treated

groups(the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure III: The histology of Stomach from the control and treated

groups (the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure IV: The histology of Spleen from the control and treated groups

(the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure V: The histology of Liver from the control and treated groups

(the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure VI: The histology of Pancreas from the control and treated

groups (the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure VII: The histology of Brain from the control and treated groups (the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure VIII: The histology of Kidney from the control and treated groups

(the 10x and 40x magnifications) Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure IX. The histology of Ovaries from the control and treated groups (the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated

Figure X: The histology of testis from the control and treated groups (the 10x and 40x magnifications)

Normal BHE 25mg/kg treated BHE 50 mg/kg treated



LUNG : shows normal alveoli

HEART : shows normal cardiac muscle bundles.

STOMACH : shows normal mucosal glands.

BHE 25mg/Kg treated

LUNG : shows congested alveolar wall with mild thickening and

mild emphysematous changes 400x)

HEART : shows congestion and mild inflammatory infiltration in

between cardiac muscle bundles.

STOMACH : shows near normal mucosal gland with mild exudates

BHE 50mg/Kg treated

LUNG : shows congestion, narrowed alveolar space and

thickened alveolar wall.

HEART : shows hypertrophic cardiac muscle bundles.

STOMACH : shows stomach with superficial erosion and congestion.


SPLEEN : shows normal spleen with lymphoid aggregation.

LIVER : shows normal hepatocytes.

PANCREAS : shows pancreas with acini and normal islets

BHE 25mg/Kg treated

SPLEEN : shows congestion with lymphoid hyperplasia.

LIVER : shows hepatocytes with focal mild fatty change (400x)

PANCREAS : shows pancreas with acini and normal islets.

BHE 50mg/Kg treated

SPLEEN : shows lymphoid hyperplasia

LIVER : shows almost normal hepatocytes and occasional

binucleate cells.

PANCREAS : shows atrophic islet cells.


BRAIN : shows normal brain with nerve fibers and astrocytes

KIDNEY : shows normal renal tissue with glomeruli and tubules.

OVARY : shows ovarian stroma with follicles and corpus leuteum.

TESTIS : shows normal tubules with spermatogenesis.

BHE 25mg/kg treated

BRAIN : shows brain with micro cystic change and astrocytic

proliferation (400x).

KIDNEY : shows renal tissue with focal tubular damage, interstitial


OVARY : shows ovarian stroma with follicles and corpus leuteum

TESTIS : shows normal tubules with spermatogenesis.

BHE 50mg/kg treated

BRAIN : shows brain with edema. Astrocytes show degenerative


KIDNEY : shows renal tissue with tubular epithelial damage. RBC

with in the tubules.

OVARY : shows ovarian follicles and corpus leuteum

TESTIS : shows normal tubules with spermatogenesis



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3. Antioxidant and antihepatotoxic activity of ethanolic biherbal crude

extracts of Eclipta alba and piper longum, in the Journal Biomedicine

Vol. 28, No.1, 2008, Page No. 39-42.

4. Hepatoprotective activity Bi- herbal ethanolic extract onCCL4 induced

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