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Page 1: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

The Terror of Genocide• genocide v. Holocaust Greek word ‘genos’ (race) with the Latin word ‘cide’ (killing)

• Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50)49-78,000,000

• Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39)23,000,000 (the purges plus Ukraine’s famine)

• Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945)12,000,000 (concentration camps and civilians WWII)

• Leopold II of Belgium (Congo, 1886-1908) 8, 000,0000

• Hideki Tojo (Japan, 1941-44) 5,000,000 (civilians in WWII)

• Ismail Enver (Turkey, 1915-20)1,200,000 Armenians (1915) + 350,000 Greek Pontians and 480,000 Anatolian Greeks (1916-22) + 500,000 Assyrians (1915-20)

• Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79)1,700,000

• Kim Il Sung (North Korea, 1948-94)1.6 million (purges and concentration camps)

• Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78)1,500,000

• Yakubu Gowon (Biafra, 1967-1970)1,000,000

• Leonid Brezhnev (Afghanistan, 1979-1982)900,000

• Jean Kambanda (Rwanda, 1994)850,000

• Suharto (East Timor, West Papua, Communists, 1966-98)800,000

• Saddam Hussein (Iran 1980-1990 and Kurdistan 1987-88)600,000

• Tito (Yugoslavia, 1945-1987) 570,000

• Fumimaro Konoe (Japan, 1937-39) 500,000? (Chinese civilians)

• Jonas Savimbi (Angola, 1975-2002)400,000

• Mullah Omar - Taliban (Afghanistan, 1986-2001)400,000

• Idi Amin (Uganda, 1969-1979)300,000

Page 2: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Anti -SemitismThis is the term given to

political, social and economic agitation against

Jews. In simple terms it means ‘Hatred of Jews’.

Page 3: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”


Page 4: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Problems: Usury Laws

1.) Conversion

2.) Expulsion & Separation

3.) Extermination

For hundreds of years Christian Europe had regarded the Jews as the Christ -killers. At one time or another Jews had been driven out of almost every European country. The way they were treated in England in the thirteenth century is a typical example. In 1275 they were made to wear a yellow badge. In 1287 269 Jews were hanged in the Tower of London.

Jews were a SCAPEGOAT

A.) 100-500

Under Rome a.) 100-500


Christendom: 500-1500 Tactics for dealing with the Jews

Page 5: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

19th and 20th Century Anti-Semitism

French Revolution promotes a change toward JewsIntegration versus Zionism Theodor Hertzl -2 Philosophies

-Integration -Zionism

World Zionist OrganizationJewish State in Palestine -Uganda/Balfour

"If you will it, it is no dream"

In 1542 Martin Luther

In 1648-1649 invited to Poland

19th Century : Liberalism

Page 6: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

20th CenturyRacism and Reform

✴ Dreyfus Affair✴ Eugenics✴ Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning

“to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.” Often incited by authorities, though some happened spontaneously, often supported by the Tsarist Russian secret police. The pogroms of the 1880s caused a worldwide outcry and, along with harsh laws, propelled mass Jewish emigration. Two million Jews fled the Russian Empire between 1880 and 1914. (SEE MAP)


This deep prejudice against Jews was still strong in the twentieth century, especially in Germany, Poland and Eastern Europe, where the Jewish population was very large.

Germany: After the First World War: Stab in the back

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Page 7: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Anti Semitism in Russia• Czar Cathrine II (“The Great”)

established the Pale of Settlement in 1791 as a territory for Russian Jews to live. Created under pressure to rid Moscow of Jewish business competition and "evil" influence on the Russian masses, the Pale of Settlement included the territory of present-day Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belorussia. More than 90% of Russian Jews were forced to live in the poor conditions of the Pale, which made up only 4% of imperial Russia. Still, the Jewish population in Russia grew from 1.6 million in 1820 to 5.6 million in 1910. Even within the Pale, Jews were discriminated against; they paid double taxes, were forbidden to lease land, run taverns or receive higher education.


Page 8: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Stage one: Hitler’s Steps After coming to Power


Education and PropagandaBook Burning:

Children would be brought to the front of the class to see if they could be classified as Jews or not. If they were, then they would be humiliated

A.) Racial Classification 1.) Aryans = Übermenschlich

2.) Franks

3.) Slavs

4.) “Other Races” = (Untermensch) He is only a rough copy of a human being, with human-like facial traits but nonetheless morally and mentally lower than any animal.

But where is the evidence?

Page 9: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Hitler’s Philosophy Jews were Untermenschen, or "sub-humans."

Aryan RaceThe perfect race. These were people with full German blood, blonde hair and blue eyes.

Where is the proof?Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Page 10: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

In 1935, the Nazi Party passed what was called the Nuremberg Laws

Read Packet and discuss.

These laws were designed to •To stop Jews and Germans from marrying. •To stop Jews and Germans from having sexual relations•To make sure that German blood was not tainted by mixing with other races

•Pictures produced warning people about what could happen. People worth degraded.

Stage Two:

Page 11: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Stage Two: Hitler’s Steps After He is Established

Nuremberg Laws 1935:

1936 Events quiet down due to world stage on Germany but there is still an unintentional focus on race

Present Germany as an open-minded and peaceful nation -- but he also wanted to prove that the "Aryan race" was superior to all other "races" in all aspects of life, including sports.

Page 12: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Stage Three: Hitler’s Steps After He is Established

1938-1939: http://www.gendercide.org/case_jews.html

Kristallnacht - 1938, November 1938

– Herschel Grynszpan

– -100killed, 30,000 arrested

– Kristallnacht: A major marker on the road to the holocaust against the Jews was the Kristallnacht ("Night of Broken Glass") on November 9-10, 1938, when Hitler's thugs targeted Jewish citizens and property for largescale violence and destruction. According to Yehuda Bauer, the Kristallnacht was accompanied by a gender-selective mass roundup: the Nazis "arrested and sent to concentration camps some 30,000 Jewish men at least."

As of 1938 the decision was to “get rid of the Jews.” Until 1942, however, there was as of yet no decision on when or how.

As a campaign of full-blown mass execution, the gendercide against Jewish males (1933-1941) marked an important, if temporary, "onset phase" of the holocaust in Germanyand the occupied eastern territories (including, after August 1941, the Balkans).

Page 13: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

From 1939 onwards, Jews were rounded up. They were forced to move out of their homes. To start off with they were sent to areas in cities designed only for them. These were ghettos.

Jewish people had:

•Their property confiscated

• They were forced to move to new areas

• Feb 1938: Could be fired just for being Jewish

•Aug 1938: Add Sara or Israel to name.

•Dec 1938 Jewish shops closed

Page 14: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Sterilization and Euthansia• Action T4: Euthanasia Program, in Nazi Germany spanning October 1939

until August 1941, during which physicians killed 70,273 people

Mentally IllTerminalDisabled

Hitler:Hard in peacefine during war

Page 15: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

1941-1942Changes in “Jewish Policy”• June 22, Invasion of the Soviet Union: Eisengruppen:

Report stating efficiency of Gas vans; "97,000 have been processed in the three vehicles in operation without any malfunctions in the

vehicles." ext• September All Jews forced to wear the Star of David• October 23 Jewish emigration from Germany prohibited• December 7 Night and Fog Decree The Führer is of the

opinion that in such cases penal servitude or even a hard labor sentence for life will be regarded as a sign of weakness. An effective and lasting deterrent can be achieved only by the death penalty.

15Sept 1941

Page 16: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Jewish women, some holding infants, are forced to wait in a line before their execution by Germans and Ukrainian collaborators.

Page 17: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Stage Four: The Final Solution1942: Wannsee Conference

On January 20, 1942, Fourteen high-ranking Nazi party and German government leaders gathered for an important meeting. They met in a wealthy section of Berlin at a villa by a lake known as Wannsee. Reinhard Heydrich, who was SS chief Heinrich Himmler's head deputy, held the meeting for the purpose of discussing the "final solution to the Jewish question in Europe" with key non-SS government leaders, including the secretaries of the Foreign Ministry and Justice, whose cooperation was needed.

The "final solution" was the Nazis' code name for the deliberate, carefully planned destruction, or genocide, of all European Jews.

Page 18: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Location of Jews in 1939 and Concentration Camps

1942: Wannsee Conference

Page 19: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Part of a stockpile of Zyklon-B poison gas pellets found at Majdanek death camp.

Before poison gas was used , Jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. Carbon monoxide gas from the engine’s exhaust was fed into the sealed rear compartment. Victims were dead by the time they reached the burial site.

Page 20: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”
Page 21: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Between 1939 and 1945 six million Jews were murdered, along with hundreds of thousands of others, such as Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, disabled, and the mentally ill.

Page 22: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Death Camps: Auschwitz


Page 23: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Soviet POWs at forced labor in 1943 exhuming bodies in the ravine at Babi Yar, where the Nazis had murdered over 33,000 Jews in September of 1941.

In 1943, when the number of murdered Jews exceeded 1 million. Nazis ordered the bodies of those buried to be dug up and burned to destroy all traces.

Page 24: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Could the Allies have done more?

24Without the extermination facilities, the SS undoubtedly would have been forced to slow or altogether halt the deportations (which in the spring/summer of 1944 amounted to 70-80,000 Hungarian Jews a week) while they resorted to other, less efficient means of killing and body disposal

Problems:•Bombing accuracy•Diversion of resources•Knowledge - exaggeration

Immigration?•British White Paper 1939 - A limit of 75,000 Jewish immigrants was set for the five-year period 1940-1944•Bermuda Conference 1943•War Refugee Board (WRB) - Jan 1944

Page 25: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

After liberation, an Allied soldier displays a stash of gold wedding rings taken

from victims at Buchenwald.

Bales of hair shaven from women at Auschwitz, used to make felt-yarn.

Page 26: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”










60%LATVIA 84%






YUGOSLAVIA 81%A Total of 6,000,000 Jews

Percentage of Jews killed in each country

Page 27: The Terror of Genocide genocide v. Holocaust · 20th Century Racism and Reform Dreyfus Affair Eugenics Pogroms: is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”

Holocaust Deniers

Holocaust Perpetuators

Never AgainThe Supreme Court of Canada found in 1992 that the book "misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities."

Ernst Zündel

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