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Sep. 3, 2017األحد الثالث عشر بعد العنصرة والثالث عشر من متى

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost andthe Thirteenth of Matthew

FOR NON-ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS We welcome all people across all religions to pray with us. However, it is an unfortunate consequence that there are divisions in Christianity, and therefore, we cannot extend to you a general invitation to receive the Eucharist (Holy Communion). Orthodox Christians believe that the Eucharist is an action of the celebrating community, signifying a oneness in faith, life, and worship. Reception of the Eucharist by Christians not fully united with the Orthodox Church would imply a oneness, which does not yet exist, and for which we must all pray. We invite you to receive the blessed and holy bread that is given out to all at the end of the service, and are very pleased that you are with us this morning.

THE SYNAXARION On September 3 in the Holy Orthodox Church, we commemorate the holy Hieromartyr Anthimos of Nicomedia. Anthimos governed as Bishop during the cruel and violent persecution of Christians under the villainous Emperors Diocletian and Maximian. He retreated to the village of Semana to continue encouraging his flock in the feat of martyrdom, so that no one would fall away out of fear. Maximian eventually dispatched twenty soldiers to find Anthimos and bring him to court. When they found him, Anthimos welcomed them into his home. The soldiers encouraged him to run for his life, saying they would lie to the emperor to cover him. However, Anthimos would not transgress God’s commandment against falsehood to save his life, and he went with the soldiers, whom he baptized on the journey back to the emperor. Anthimos was beheaded and returned to the Lord in the fourth century. On this day, we also commemorate our righteous father Theoktistos, fellow ascetic with Euthymios the Great.  The pursuit of the same ideal and communal labors united their hearts in a very strong friendship in the Pharan Lavra just outside of Jerusalem. Their souls were blended in such a great spiritual affection that each was, so to speak, in the soul of the other. Considerable crowds would come to Euthymios for spiritual nourishment. The great anchorite shared the care of all who came to him with the blessed Theoktistos, who never having known disobedience, gave himself at once to the assistance of his master and disposed of everything material. Both holy monks served the flocks of Christ in the fifth century. On this day, we also commemorate the Martyr Chariton; New-martyr Polydoros of Cyprus; Phoebe the deaconess of Cenchreae; Righteous Basilissa of Nicomedia; and Ioanikios I, patriarch of Serbia. By their intercessions, O Christ God, have mercy upon us. Amen.

2“The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11: 26)

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August 29, 2017 Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner Beloved in Christ: Greetings to you and your families as we prepare for the beginning of a new Church year. We have all witnessed with a heavy heart the catastrophic destruction and massive flooding in Southeast Texas (and now Western Louisiana) as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Some of the scenes of suffering have been beyond words. I have been in constant contact with our clergy and the parishes of the area and am waiting for an assessment from them in order to help in any way we can. Although things are still unfolding, we want to be proactive in our appeal to all of you so we can respond as quickly as possible. As people of God and the Church of Christ, we feel compelled to help our brothers and sisters in need. Therefore, I am asking every parish and mission of the archdiocese to appeal to their faithful and hold special collections throughout the month of September so that we can alleviate a little of the pain and suffering the good people of that area are enduring. Immediately after the last Sunday of September, please send your offerings to the archdiocese and put in the memo of the check “Hurricane Harvey Appeal”. Once we have assessed the needs of our parishes and their faithful who have suffered losses, we will distribute your offerings to them on your behalf. If there are funds remaining after our distributions to our parishes in need, we will forward them to IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) to help with their work in that area as they are already on the ground helping all Texans on behalf of the Orthodox Church. Please be as generous as possible so that we are able to help those in need as much as we can. Wishing you all a blessed beginning of the new ecclesiastical year and praying that God’s healing hand will touch the people who have suffered as a result of this destructive hurricane, I remain, Your Father in Christ,

+JOSEPH Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America


His Eminence The Most Reverend

Metropolitan JOSEPH

Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of

All North America

Troparion of the Resurrection (Tone 4) Having learned the joyful message of the Resurrection from the angel the women disciples of the Lord cast from them their parental condemnation. And proudly broke the news to the Disciples, saying: Death hath been spoiled; Christ God is risen, granting the world Great Mercy.

طروبارية القيامة (باللحن الثالث)

إن تــــــــلميذات الـــــــرب تـــــــعلمن مــــــــن املــــــالك الـــــــكرز ، بـــــالـــــقيامــــــة الـــــبهج، وطـــــرحــــــــن الـــــقضاء الجــــــــديوخـــــاطــــنب الـــــرســـــــــل مفتخـــــــرات وقـــــائـــــالت: ســـــــــبي املـوت وقــام املـسيح اإللــه، ومــنح الــعالــم الــرحـــــمة

العظمى.Entrance Hymn

Come let us worship and fall down before

Christ. Save us, O Son of God, Who wast transfigured on Mount Tabor, who sing to Thee. Alleluia.


هــــلموا لنسجــــد ونــــركــــع لــــلمسيح مــــلكنا وإلــــهنا. خــــــــلصنا يــــــــا ابــــــــن اهلل يــــــــا مــــــــن قــــــــام مــــــــــن بــــــــني

األموات. إذ نرتل لك هللويا.Troparion of the Resurrection (Tone 4)

Having learned the joyful message of the Resurrection from the angel the women disciples of the Lord cast from them their parental condemnation. And proudly broke the news to the Disciples, saying: Death hath been spoiled; Christ God is risen, granting the world Great Mercy.

طروبارية القيامة (باللحن الثالث)

إن تلميذات الرب تعلمن من املالك الكرز بالقيامة ، وخـاطـنب الـرســــــل الـبهج، وطـرحــــن الـقضاء الجــــديمفتخــــــــرات وقــــــائــــــالت: ســــــــــبي املـــــوت وقــــــام املـــــسيح

اإلله، ومنح العالم الرحمة العظمى.

Apolytikion for Saint Anthimos (Tone 1) O godly-minded Anthimos, as a staunch defender * of thy flock, thou eagerly sheddest thy blood for its protection. * Unbending and wholly unafraid * of all thine adversaries' fearful threats, * thou rejoicest now in Heaven, standing before * the throne of the Three-Sun Godhead. * Glory to Christ Who hath given thee strength. * Glory to thy manly bravery. * Glory to thy patient endurance in martyrdom.

طروبارية القديس انثيمس (باللحن األول)

ــــه ـــها املــــتألـ ـــا صــــــــــــرت مـــــناضــــــــــــال ثــــابـــــتا عـــــن رعــــــيتك أيـ ملـالــــعزم أنــــثيموس، أهـــــرقــــت دمــــك بــــإقــــدام مـــــن أجــــــلها. ــــك لـــــم تجــــــــزع مــــــن تهــــــديـــــدات األعــــــداء، تـــــبتهج وإذ أنـماوات، مـــــاثــــــال لـــــدى عــــــرش الـــــالهـــــوت اآلن فـــــي الـــــسياء. فـاملجــــد لـلمسيح الـذي شــــــددك، املجــــد املثلث الـض

هادة. لكرامة نفسك، املجد لجالدتك في الش


Today’s Liturgy Inserts تغييرات في القداس

Troparion St. Theoktistos (Tone Eight) The barren wilderness thou didst make fertile with the streams of thy tears; and by thy deep sighing thou hast given fruit through thy struggles a hundredfold. Accordingly, thou hast become a star for the universe, sparkling with miracles. Therefore, O r i gh teous Fa the r Theok t i s to s , intercede with Christ God to save our souls.

طروبارية القديس ثاوكتيستس (باللحن الثامن)

ة غـير املثمرة بــمجاري دمـوعـــك أمــرعـت، يـ لـلبرـــــــــدات الـــــــــتي مــــــــــن األعــــــــــماق أثـــــــــمرت وبـــــــــالتنهـبـــــأتــــعابـــــك إلــــى مــــــئة ضــــــــــــعف. فــــصرت كــــــوكــــبا لــلمسكونــة مـــتأللــئا بــالــعجائـــب يــا أبــانــا الــبار ثـــاوكتيســـــــتس. فـــتشفع إلـــى املــسيح اإللـــه أن

يخلص نفوسنا.

Troparion of St. George the Great Martyr (Tone 4)

As deliverer of captives, and defender of the poor, healer of the infirm, champion of kings: Victorious Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ our God for our souls’ salvation.

طروبارية القديس جاورجيوس الالبس الظفر (باللحن الرابع)

ـــــك لــــــلمأســــــــــوريــــــن محــــــــرر ومــــــعتق، ولــــــلفقراء بــــــما أنـواملــــساكـــــني عـــــاضـــــــــــــد ونـــــاصـــــــــــــر ولـــــلمرضـــــــــــــى طـــــبيب وشـــــــــــاف وعـــــــن املـــــــؤمــــــــنني مـــــــكافـــــــح ومـــــــحارب أيـــــــها الـعظيم فـي الشهـداء جـاورجـيوس الـآلبــس الـظفر

تشفع إلى املسيح اإلله في خالص نفوسنا

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (Tone Four)

By thy holy nativity, O pure one, Joachim and Anna were delivered from the reproach of barrenness; and Adam and Eve were delivered from the corruption of death; thy people do celebrate it, having been saved from the stain of iniquity, crying unto thee: The barren doth give birth to the Theotokos, who nourisheth our life.

القنداق لعيد ميالد السيدة (باللحن الرابع) إن يـــــواكـــــــيم وحــــــــنـة مـــــــن عـــــــار الـــــعقر أطـــــلقا، وآدم

وحـــــــــواء مــــــــن فــــــساد املــــــوت، بـــــــمولــــــدك املــــــقدس يــــــا

طـاهـــرة أعـــتقا. فــله يــعيد شـــــــعبك، وقــد تخـــلص مـــن

وصـــــــــــــمة الـــــزالت صـــــــــــــارخــــــا نـــــحوك: "ألـــعاقـــر تـــلد

والدة اإلله املغذية حياتنا".  


For “Our Lady of Cicero” - Only at St George in Cicero (Tone 8) To thee the champion leader, I thy city ascribe thank-offerings of victory.  For thou hast delivered me from terrors O Theotokos. But as thou hast that power which is invincible.  From all dangers set me free that I may cry out unto thee:   Hail, O Bride without Bridegroom.

لوالدة اإلله  - فقط في كنيسة سيسرو (باللحن الثامن)

إنــي أنــا عــبدك يــا والــدة اإللــه* اكــتب لــك رايــات الــغلبة* يــا ــــــدائــد* ـة مـــحامــية* وأقــدم لــك الــشكر كــــمنقذة مــن الشـ جــنديـلـــــــكن بـــــــما أن لـــــــك الـــــــعزة الـــــــتي ال تـــــــحارب* اعـــــــتقيني مـــــــن صـــــــــنوف الشـدائـد* حـتى أصـرخ إلـيك إفـرحـي يـا عـروسـا ال

عروس لها

Epistle for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

الرسالة لألحد الحادي عشر بعد العنصرة

O Lord, how marvelous are Thy works. In wisdom hast Thou made them all. Bless the Lord, O my soul! The Reading from the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. (16:13-24) Brethren, be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, and be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. Now, brethren, you know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints; I urge you to be subject to such men and to every fellow worker and laborer. I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus, because they have made up for your absence; for they refreshed my spirit as well as yours. Give recognition to such men. The churches of Asia send greetings. Aquila and Prisca, together with the church in their house, send you hearty greetings in the Lord. All the brethren send greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss. I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed.   Our Lord, come! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

ما أعظم أعمالك يارب كلها بحكمة صنعت باركي يا نفسي الرب

فــــصل مــــن رســــالــــة الــــقديــــس بــــولــــس الــــرســــول األولى إلى أهل كورنثوس (16: 24-13)

يـــا إخـــوة إسهـــــروا، أثـــبتوا عــــلى اإليـــمان، كـــــونـــوا رجــــــاال، تشــــــددوا.* ولــتكن أمــوركـــم كـــلها بــاملـحبة.* وأطــلب إلــيكم ــــــها اإلخــــــــوة: تـــــــعرفـــــــون أن إســـــــتفانـــــــاس وفـــــــرتـــــــناتـــــــس أيـصوا أنـــفسهم وأكـــائـــكس هــــم بـــاكــــورة أخـــائـــية وقـــد خــــصلخـــدمـــة الـــقديســــــني. فـــعليكم * أن تـــخضعوا أنـــتم أيـــضا ملثل هـؤالء ولـكل مــن يـعاون ويـتعب.* إنـي فـرح بــحضور إسـتفانـأس وفـرتـانـوس وأخـــائــكوس  فـقد قـامــوا مــقامــكم فــــــي غــــــــيابـــــــكم،* فــــــأراحـــــــــوا روحـــــــــي وأرواحـــــــــكم. فــــــقدروا أمـثالـهم.* تسـلم عـليكم كــنائــس آســــية. يســـــلم عــليكم فــي الـرب كــثيرا أكــيال وبـرســــكلة والـكنيسة الـتي فـي بـيتهما* يســـــلم عــليكم جــــميع اإلخــوة. ســـــلموا بـعضكم عــلى بـعض بـقبلة مـقدســـــة.* الســـــالم بـيدي أنـا بـولـس.* إن كــان أحــــد ال يحب ربنا يسوع املسيح فليكن مفروزا. ماران أثا.* ــنا يـــسوع املــسيح مــــعكم* مــــحبتي لـــكم جــــــميعا نــــعمة ربـ

في املسيح يسوع، آمني


Gospel for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

األنجيل لألحد الحادي عشر بعد العنصرة

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. (21:33-42) The Lord spoke this parable: “There was a householder who planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a wine press in it, and built a tower, and let it out to tenants, and went into another country.  When the season of fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to get his fruit; and the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another.  Again he sent other servants, more than the first; and they did the same to them.  Afterward he sent his son to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’   But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir; come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.’   And they took him and cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him.  When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”  They said to him, “He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.”  Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?’”

فـصل شـريـف مـن بـشارة الـقديـس مـتى اإلنـجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر (42-21:33)

قـال الـرب هـذا املـثل. إنـسان رب بـيت غـرس كـــرمـا وحــــــوطـــه بـــسياج وحــــــفر فـــيه مــــعصرة وبـــنى بـــرجـــا وســــــلمه إلــى عـــملة وســافــر* فــلما قــرب أوان الــثمر أرســــــــل عـــبيده إلـــى الـــعملة لـــيأخــــذوا ثـــمره* فـــأخــــذ الــــــــــعملة عــــــــــبيده وجــــــــــــلدوا بــــــــــعضا وقــــــــــتلوا بــــــــــعضا ورجـــــموا بــعضا* فــأرســــــل عــبيدا آخـــريــن أكــثر مــن األولـــني فـــصنعوا بـــهم كـــذلـــك* وفـــي اآلخـــــر أرســـــــل إلــــــيهم ابــــــنه قــــــائــــــال ســــــيهابــــــون ابــــــني* فــــــلما رأى الـــعملة االبـــن قـــالـــوا فـــيما بـــينهم هـــذا هـــو الـــوارث. هــــــــلم نــــــقتله ونســــــتولــــــي عــــــلى مــــــيراثـــــــه* فــــــأخــــــذوه وأخــــرجــــوه خــــارج الــــكرم وقـــــتلوه* فــــمتى جــــاء رب الــكرم فــماذا يــفعل بــأولــئك الــعملة* فــقالـــوا لــه إنــه يهـلك أولـئك األرديـاء اردأ هــالك ويســـــلم الـكرم إلـى عـــــملة آخـــــريــــن يــــؤدون لــــه الــــثمر فــــي أوانــــه* فــــقال لـــهم يــسوع أمـــا قـــرأتــم قـــط فــي الــكتب إن الحجـــــر الــذي رذلــه الــبناءون هــو صــار رأســا لــلزاويــة. مـــن

قبل الرب كان ذلك وهو عجيب في أعيننا.

Holy Bread القرابني املقدسة

Today: Hani Rihani and family اليوم: هاني ريحاني والعائلة


Sep. 10: - Mazen & Souzan Rihani and family - Zeyad & Yanal Haddad and family

10 إيلول:

مازن وسوزان ريحاني والعائلة -زياد وينال حداد والعائلة-

Coffee Host القهوة

Today: Hani Rihani and Family اليوم: هاني ريحاني والعائلةSep. 10:

- Mazen & Souzan Rihani and family - Zeyad & Yanal Haddad and family

10 إيلول: مازن وسوزان ريحاني والعائلة -زياد وينال حداد والعائلة-

Baptisms معموديات

Today:  Baptism for Julieana, daughter of Anthony and Nancy Mashani الـــيوم: عـــــماد جـــــولـــــيانـــــا ابـــــنة انـــــثونـــــي ونـــــانـــــسي


Engagements & Weddings خطوبات وزواج

Sept. 9: Wedding of George, son of Jamal & Hanan Sous and Majd Hijazin

9 إيــــــلول: زواج جــــــــــورج ابــــــــــن جــــــــــمال وحــــــــــنان صوص على اآلنسة مجد حجازين.

Condolences & Memorials تعازي و جناز

Sept. 24:   One-year memorial Service in memory of Rev. Dn. Bassam Mikhael Alsweis, offrerd by his wife Sana Alsweis and family

24 إيـــــــلول: جـــــــناز الـــــــسنة عـــــــن نـــــــفس املـــــــرحـــــــوم قـــــــدس

الــــشماس بــسام مــيخائــيل الــصويــص مــــقدم مــــن

زوجته سناء صويص وعائلتها

Blessed Newborn خطوبات وزواجCongratu lat ions to Fad i & Jenn i fe r (Haddadin)  Asbanyoli  on the birth of their newborn twins Alexander and Eliana born on July 6, 2017. Also, to their grandparents,  Sam i r ( † ) & A fa f Asbanyo l i & Saqe r and Maysoon Haddadin.

نـــــتقدم بـــــاجـــــمل الـــــتهانـــــي لـــــفادي وجـــــينيفر (حـــــداديـــــن) أســـبنيولـــي عـــلى والدة الـــتوئـــمني املـــولـــوديـــن حـــديـــثا لـــهما أســـــكندر وإلـــــليانـــــا الـــــذيـــــن ولـــــد فـــــي 6 يـــــولـــــيو 2017 . وتـــــــــهانـــــــــينا كـــــــــذلـــــــــك ألجـــــــــدادهـــــــــما، ســـــــــمير (†) وعـــــــــفاف

أسبنيولي  وصقر وميسون حدادين.


Schedule of Events

September 30, 2017 125th Anniversary of Orthodoxy in Chicago

October 7, 2017 IOCC 5K Walk/Run

November 11, 2017 Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by Ladies Guild

December 16, 2017 Sunday School Christmas Party

Nativity of the Theotokos Elevation of the Holy Cross

Celebration of the Feast of the Nat iv i ty of the Theotokos on September 7th with Matins at 6PM and Liturgy at 7PM.

Celebration of the Feast of the Holy Cross of the Theotokos on September 13th with Matins at 6PM and Liturgy at 7PM.


The Ladies’ Guild The St. George Ladies’ Guild is a parish organization serving all ladies within the

parish through a variety of different activities and events.

All ladies are welcomed to join! For more information on the Ladies’

Guild or to join, please email Samar Rihani [email protected]





The Very Reverend Economos Fr. Nicholas Dahdal, Pastor

(630) 606-9542 [email protected]

Subdeacon Mazen Khalifeh (708) 655-0808

[email protected]

Subdeacon David Rayahin (847) 532-8500

[email protected]

CHANTERS Jameel Haddad (Lead Chanter)

Chadi Karam Sara Kurian


HEAD USHER Adel Alfakhouri

WEBMASTER Suhail Qumri

BOOKSTORE Robert Sweiss

PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Adel Alfakhori, Khalil Barbari, Steve Bynum, Maher Eseed, Darlene Haddad, Joseph Homsy, Hania Kahoush, Michael Mufarreh, Munzer Nawas, Suhail Qumri, Hani Rihani

Mina Rantisi, Yousef Selim, Robert Sweiss, Rammy Zanayed HONORARY MEMBERS: Eid Swais, Mansour Rayan


VICE-CHAIR Michael Mufarreh

TREASURER Suhail Qumri

SECRETARY Rammy Zanayed




Lauren Rihani

SOYO Audrey Karam


Karen Nawas

CHURCH OFFICE SECRETARY: Samar Rihani OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday 10 AM – 5 PMTELEPHONE: 708-656-2927; FAX: 708-656-1166; www.stgeorgecicero.org EMAIL: [email protected]: 1220 S. 60th Ct, Cicero, IL, 60804

Contact Information


To advertise your business, contact the Church Office or Charlie Barbari

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