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Page 1: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK · THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK RECRUITING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS The goal of this guide is to make you a Facebook recruiting ... marketing. If you would
Page 2: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK · THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK RECRUITING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS The goal of this guide is to make you a Facebook recruiting ... marketing. If you would

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK RECRUITING THAT ACTUALLY WORKSThe goal of this guide is to make you a Facebook recruiting ninja, so that you can recruit people into whatever business opportunity you are currently promoting without spamming or risking losing your account.

Too often I see way to many people just mindlessly spamming Facebook groups with links to their business opportunity and it makes me laugh and cringe at the same time (it’s a weird facial expression trust me).

It blows me away to think that people still actually think this strategy works effectively.

I don’t care if you or someone you know have gotten sales doing it, I guarantee you could be spending your time doing other tasks that will bring you much greater results and not ruin your reputation in the long run.

As a network marketer your reputation is everything. Do you really want to be known as that guy or girl who spams XYZ Facebook group everyday?

Here’s a better question... do you really think the leaders in your industry got to where they are by spamming Facebook groups?

Hell no!

The problem is most people don’t think they are spamming when they are leaving messages in Facebook groups because they haven’t had access to a leader who actually knows how to market utilizing social media.

Page 3: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK · THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK RECRUITING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS The goal of this guide is to make you a Facebook recruiting ... marketing. If you would

The only time it is ever okay to throw your business opportunity at someone is if you have engaged in a real conversation with someone and they show an interest in your business opportunity.

Other than that it is considered spam, plain and simple.

To be honest it is even most people’s fault that they are using the wrong methods to promote their business opportunity over social media, they just weren’t shown the right ways to go about marketing.

If you would like to be able to recruit people into your business opportunity without spamming, see way higher conversions with your Facebook recruiting efforts, all without even having to ask people to join you then you are reading the right guide.

Let’s get started shall we?

GETTING OUR HANDS DIRTYThe whole basis of this Facebook recruiting strategy is based around making connections, providing value and being cool. !The rules are simple. You will NEVER share your business opportunity unless you get to a point in the conversation where it makes sense and you will always be the leader in the conversation and provide as much value as possible.!It is a known fact that people will be hypnotically attracted to you if you stand out from the crowd and lead with value. If you come off as an expert or someone authoritative people are going to want to partner with you without you even having to ask them. Following these same rules has allowed many people on my team to recruit hundreds of people into their business opportunity.!So how do you get started with this strategy?

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!First you will need to find people to connect with because the idea is to start making real connections with people.!Your whole goal is to find a group of people worth targeting, initiate a conversation with them and then build a relationship with that person.!FIND A GROUP OF PEOPLE TO TARGET The first thing you will need to do is find a group of people to target. You don’t want to just connect with anyone though, you want to connect with people who will actually want to buy whatever it is that you are trying to sell. !So take a few minutes to actually brainstorm who your perfect lead would be:!1. You first want to clearly identify what it is that you’re selling

(your opportunity and other products and services associated with it). Go beyond face value. !

2. Next decide who is most likely to BUY what you’re selling and get specific. Define sex, age range, experience level, goals etc.!

3. Finally identify what kind of places your perfect avatar would be hanging out in, what kinds of books he/she reads, what kinds of activities he/she enjoys, other leaders he/she follows… again get very specific.!

With all of this said and done next you simply need to utilize Facebook’s Graph Search functionality (https://www.facebook.com/about/graphsearch) to actually find your perfect leads.

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Your leads will be hanging out in 1 of 3 places, or a combination of each of these places. This includes:!1. Groups: People apart of specific groups, either public or

private.!2. Fanpages: People who are fans of products, services, leaders

etc. !3. Followers: People who follow other people’s personal profiles. !You can utilize Graph Search to target people residing in each of these places by tailoring your searches. Some example queries include:!• People who follow <NAME> (e.g. Ryan Blair)!• My friends of friends of people who like <PAGE> (e.g. Think

and Grow Rich)!• People in <GROUP> (e.g. Internet Marketing for Beginners)!• People who like <ACTIVITY> (e.g. Working out)!• People who work at <JOB> (e.g. Self-Employed)!MESSAGING LEADS Let’s pretend you went after people who are a fan of “Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich.” In the graph search type in something like “friends of friends who like Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich” and you will see there are nearly 500,000 people you could potentially target.!

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Now all you do is shoot people you want to connect with (ideally those with less than 10 mutual friends with a personal picture as their profile) a message.

“Hey I saw you were a fan of Think And Grow Rich, so am I. What did you take away from the book?

For me personally what really stood out was how we attract what we feed our subconscious mind.

I would love to connect with a fellow entrepreneur, shoot me over a friend request if you want.”

It seriously can be something as simple as that.

One thing to note is NEVER send friend requests yourself. This is a surefire way to get your account locked or even banned. Always let the other person shoot you over a friend request, and if it never happens move on.

Let’s do one more example.

This time we will target fans of an inspirational speaker like Tony Robbins. Type something like “People who follow Ryan Blair” into the graph search.

You now have access to however many people follow Ryan Blair, and just like before you will now start messaging them saying something like:

“What’s going on?

I stumbled across your profile while browsing through Anthony Robbin’s Facebook page. I am currently trying to connect with other like-minded entrepreneurial people and you seemed like a leader.

How has Anthony Robbin’s changed your life? He is a pretty badass fellow eh?”

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Once again, it’s not hard, you could rinse and repeat this message for the next people you message as well.

Just be yourself and don’t think about your business opportunity, talk to the people you are trying to connect with as you would a friend.

Note: Don’t worry if you get prompt that your messages will go to the person’s other folder. Most of the times people check the other folder and it is still worth trying to connect with the person.

CARRYING A CONVERSATION You are going to find that if you are consistent with this strategy and connect with 10 - 20 people every hour (ideally 40+ people per day) you will get a TON of people replying back to your messages.

Your goal is now simple you are going to have a conversation with them.

I can’t tell you how to do this, if you don’t know how to have a conversation then... I don’t know what to say... get out more?


But seriously just be cool, get to know them. If you see they have a problem try to solve it, always think value, give and you will get.

Here is a rough example of how you can tailor your conversations if you’re struggling.

1. Get to know the person, their goals, how they’re marketing, what their results have been like etc.

2. Try to find out some challenges they’re experiencing and/or what it is they want in life.

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3. Reverse Engineer their pain/desire and if it aligns with your business opportunity explain how your product/service can solve his/her pain or bring about his/her desired outcome.

If you ever get asked specifically what you do for a living this is your time to shine!

In as few words as possible describe what you do, but leave a curiosity element to it. Don’t leave them an essay, a paragraph max, I usually try to keep it 1 - 2 sentences.

In my case I say something like “I teach other Network Marketers how to get leads online without doing tedious cold calling or hosting home parties.”

If they seem interested close with something like “Well I have to run into a conference call, but if you would like to learn more check out this video and get back to me.”

Then the next day check back in with the person and go from there. If they aren’t interested that’s not a problem, move on. Chances are they are still connected to you because you both are now friends on Facebook and if you are posting valuable content to your Facebook profile daily they will connect with you again later down the road.

You can take a look at some example conversations that have resulted in a sale below.

EXAMPLE SALE CONVERSATION #1 ME: Hey xxx,!How’s it going mate?I’m looking to connect with other young entrepreneurs and I came across your profile from the Empower Network page (a

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badass company I might add). Had a quick look and you seemed like someone who would be worth getting to know!What is your story? If you don’t mind sharing, send me a friend request :)PROSPECT: HeyME: Hey xxx thanks for connecting.Hope the week is off to a strong start! So what's your story if you don't mind sharing a bit? How long ago did you get started online?PROSPECT: Not long but I haven't seen any resultsME: Sweet, it's always exciting just getting started.Sorry to hear about the lack of results. What kind of things have you been doing to promote yourself?PROSPECT: Not much, I just don't really know how to startME: Well if you would like xxx I can bring you on-board my private mastermind group so you can experience what it's like to be a part of a community that cares about your success in life and business.I can also show you an extremely easy way to leverage Facebook to see impressive results. It's the same thing I am doing to bring in dozens of people per month into my private mastermind group. For all the training, the community and mentorship from myself it’s only $37/month.

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I think it would really give you some direction and re-light that fire to be extremely motivated to keep progressing towards a lifestyle of abundance, success and freedom!Let me know how that sounds.PROSPECT: That's sounds good, I mean I just feel so lost with all of it and I want to make it work, I want this so much but I just don't know what to do, if I can succeed, this will give me the opportunity to still go to school and get out of all my sept!EXAMPLE SALE CONVERSATION #2 ME: What’s going on xxx?!I see that you’re rocking Vemma right now, wicked company, so I thought I would shoot you a message to connect.!You can never have enough like-minded people in your close circle and after looking through your profile I thought you would be someone worth connecting with.!I have been online for many years, and have had my fair share of successes and failure with my biggest being earning just over $500,000 from blogging. Would love to hear your story if you don’t mind sharing, send me a friend request !PROSPECT: That's cool:)!ME: Hey xxxx, yeah buddy, glad to connect.!So what's your story if you don't mind sharing a bit? How long ago did you get started in network marketing?!

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PROSPECT: I started about a almost a year ago. It was awesome at first all hype but eventually it wore off, I went to trainings and meetings but nothing. Now I'm stuck at the same rank and its my fault I didn't bother to open the notes but now I want to really start I'm just sick and tired of not doing anything.!ME: I hear you xxxx. At first once you join anything it is hype that drives you for the first little while, then that hype slowly dies down and it has to be replaced with your drive to succeed. !How have you primarily marketed your business in the past? Maybe I can give you some advice if you're open to it !PROSPECT: When it was all hype I called friends and told them to hang out then I'd present them the opportunity and also just using the product and people asking me what it was then once the hype left I was lost.!ME: Gotcha that's one of the problems with traditional offline marketing you are really limited with the scope of your reach. That's why I transitioned to marketing online. !Right now I am leveraging Facebook, for example, to bring in dozens of people into my private mastermind group monthly. !Have you ever looked into marketing online?!PROSPECT: No I haven't, sounds interesting!ME: Well brotha if you would like I can bring you on-board my private mastermind group so you can experience what kind of training and mentorship I have to offer. !We have training on attraction marketing, blogging which is taught by myself (I have made over $500,000 blogging) and I can

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also show you an extremely easy way to leverage Facebook to see impressive results. It's the same thing I am doing to bring in dozens of people per month into my business.!For all the training, the community and mentorship from myself it’s only $37/month.!Let me know how that sounds xxx. Hope you are off to a productive start to the week!!PROSPECT: Sounds great!!!!!!!!!!!!

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UNLOCK THE FULL COURSE Despite the fact that this supplemental guide goes into a great deal of this Ninja Facebook sponsoring strategy, it does leave out some key elements that include:

1. Profile Setup and Fanpage setup so that you can increase the amount of people that connect with you and then go on to buy from you.

2. EXACTLY what you should be posting to your timeline in order to get people to ask you for your join link.

3. And a bunch of other sneaky tips/tricks that will make or break your success with this strategy.

You are probably thinking to yourself… oh great now I have to buy the full version of this course right?


Right now you can get the full version of the course along with all the other training that can be found within the Aestrepreneur Academy free for 7-days.

After those 7-days are up if you decide you like the training, mentorship and community (which I know you will) it is only $37/month.

Just go to http://workwithjaden.com to register and then enter the coupon code Secret7 (capital S) in the promo code area. I will see you on the other side!

Page 14: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK · THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK RECRUITING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS The goal of this guide is to make you a Facebook recruiting ... marketing. If you would

!!!THE KEYS TO YOUR SUCCESSHave A Clear Intention And Goal

I am going to find 5 new friends... I am going to help serve yesterday’s new friends with an invitation to my team’s new training tonight... I’m going to invite my buddies to join me in our cause so I can help them achieve their goals and better results in their business... BE CLEAR. You’re NOT going into facebook to “wing it” and waste time.

More importantly set a goal of what you want to accomplish each and every day of how many new people you want to connect with. I will touch more on this in the Time Management tip.

Have Relevant Value To Offer

If all you have to offer is “abc product mlm” you’ll need to meet a LOT MORE people than usual to make real connections and make sales.

Arm yourself with generic solutions that will serve your prospect's goals. Leverage your own blog, videos or your teams training to provide value you to your prospects. For example I sent you this PDF, you could do something similar, or lead them to your own training video etc.

HAVE GOOD STUFF IN YOUR TOOL BOX! Trust me, if you help someone else out they will be naturally curious in what you do and will be more interested in joining you in your business opportunity.

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Consistency Is Key

Let time be your best friend and make you a master of this ONE skill and you will NEVER need ANYTHING else to get daily leads and sales for your online business. A bonus byproduct from this is that you'll learn that this works in MANY other platforms away from facebook... use the KNOWLEDGE anywhere.

Time Management

Set aside a time block to do this daily. Pick 30 minutes, 60 minutes or longer and just do nothing but this. Don't multi task with doing this method. Focus 100% on networking with people, prospecting building relationships...

Just keep going till you hit your goal for the day.

Go until you hit your “daily connections” goal or income goal. If you have to walk someone through reviewing and buying your product/opportunity on a screen share with “join.me” or fb video call or skype or on the phone so be it!

Just do it!

CONVERSATIONAL TIPSThe whole foundation of this method is made possible by focusing on the immensely powerful and proven (but very simple) Human Relations Principles taught by Dale Carnegie as follows:

"These {THREE MAGICALLY HYPNOTIC PRINCIPLES} will help you make money daily on facebook while holding people spellbound by you and having them, without fail, “fall in trust” with you... fast."

PRINCIPLE #1: Don’t criticize, condemn or complain.

(...because if you do, it’s like shooting your business in the FACE!)

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PRINCIPLE #2: Give honest and sincere appreciation. Recognition is HYPNOTIC!

(Recognition: Babies cry for it... grown adults DIE FOR IT.)

PRINCIPLE #3: Arouse in the other person an eager want. OBSERVE their facebook profile and content they post & ASK QUESTIONS!

(...but focus on questions that lead to an eager want of your PROSPECT, not manipulative questions that lead to your ego or your pitch. Be sincere.)

“The person who is asking the questions is the INFLUENCE SOURCE."

It’s ok to go back and forth with questions... DO NOT BULLY the conversation... but ask better questions based on THEM, not you and you will plant the seed of influence deep inside your prospect’s brain EVERY time without seeming pushy. THIS is the magic of connection.)

EXAMPLE CHAT SCRIPTSBelow is some chat scripts that myself and other people on my team use on a daily basis. It is more tailored to our business opportunity, but you can modify them to fit yours.


Hi (xyz) how are you? I just noticed you here on fb and really like what you wrote on your (profile, post, comment etc)... sounds like we might be like-minded. Would love to connect and network with you more in the future... How’s 2013 so far for you?


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Tip: Notice something about their profile and connect on that point (e.g. a Picture, comment, car, travel, freedom, kids).


Hey there Joe, I just saw that comment you made on the post about (XYZ) and just wanted to send you a quick "shout out"... you NAILED it. We should connect some time... I love networking with like minded people... are you still in (their home state)?

Hi Joe, just wanted to thank you for saying what you said... it really resonated with me... have a fantastic day!

Hi Joe, hey listen just wanted to give you a quick "fyi"... I'm a network marketers too and going through your profile I noticed (XYZ PROBLEM)... you might already know about it... but if not... you can fix that and get better results by (XYZ SOLUTION IDEA)... just looking out for my peers man... see you out there... hey we should connect some time...

Hey there Joe, I noticed your promo post about your (XYZ Company), how you doing over there??? I've seen other people posting about it too... just curious how long you've been in it?

You working on any new business ventures?

Noticed you're building XYZ company, how long have you been promoting it? How’s that going?

How long have you been doing it?

What do you like best about it?

Are you building it primarily online?

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How are you doing with generating leads?

Are you using free traffic methods or paid advertising to build your list?

What are you doing for list building?

Where did you learn your copywriting skills?Are you using twitter together with facebook to build faster? What tools are you using to build your online funnels?


Tip: Keep the conversation going with them by asking questions and the second they start asking you about your business like “What do you do?” or any other questions that show interest you say something like:


Well I gotta run, but if you would like I can share with you the system we are using to build (xyz company) that has some cool facebook and traffic training to get some leads if you would like. Doesn't cost anything...

Heading into a call in a bit, but if you want, I can send you some info and some tips you can check out to generate more leads and get your message in front of more people... you want me to send that to you?

I actually "do me"... a system and a couple tools help me build a responsive list of leads, then I plug them into my training and help them get more traffic, leads and sales... I can send you some info you can check out, you want it?

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...been using a couple pretty deadly methods to generate leads daily. I'll share some info with you that can help you get more leads online faster... you cool with that?

I actually work with a system that can help you build (xyz company) with some pretty cool facebook & copy and paste marketing. It's free and very easy to use. Would you be open to trying it out and seeing how it works with your business? I'm interested to see your results...

I'm actually building my list daily on facebook for free... it's a couple strategies we train our team on, I can shoot you over some info... it's easy... you open to it?

Hey I gotta run, but would you be open to connecting with you personally... I have a couple things you can use asap to get free leads on facebook and youtube... free stuff... you have time to connect later?

I help people make money with copy and paste advertising strategies. I'll shoot you some info you can check out that can help you, okay?


Try not to explain any details too much, let your company’s website do the selling for you! Or use that as an opportunity to connect with them personally later on on phone, skype etc... be busy. Do not be desperate. Be patient. Schedule a time to connect with them later and book your calendar...

When you send them over info or schedule to connect with them later, you can then send a "Thank You Message" appreciating their time and giving them a gift of free information they can review before your meeting... and that can be a value based post on your blog, an intro video on your youtube channels... etc.

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Once they get to that piece of content, human nature (being nosy) takes over and they will set and sometimes check out all kinds of stuff... getting to know you better before your meeting.

The answer to “what is it” is always an invitation to your website video or the next live event, or you book a time to "really connect for 5 minutes" and set a skype call or phone apt... - not a sales pitch.

The answer to “any other question” is always an invitation to your website video or the next live team training event - not a sales pitch.


Next up is some examples of follow up scripts if someone was to attend a live event or webinar.

Hi (xyz),

Thank you!

I noticed you showed up to our webinar tonight about (subject).

How did you like it?

Just wanted to shoot you a "thank you" note and let you know I really appreciate that you hung out with us! If you have any questions, let me know... I'm here to serve.

(Your Name) (Phone if you want)

PS: Here is some more info about what we talked about on the webinar. (Your Link)

Now let’s get to some example scripts for those people who blatantly pitch you something you didn’t ask for in email or facebook. Reply to their email or fb spam message or spam

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post with these messages. (Instead of complaining about spam here is your chance to make money from it!)

Hey (xyz), Thanks for your email/message.

To be honest, since I didn't ask for any info from you, it's a bit spammy and I want to help you stop shooting your business in the face like this... lol... just fyi and trying to help you out...

Usually people will hate on you or block youfast if you keep spamming their walls or groups...

A lot of new people are (wrongly) taught to do this to pitch all kinds of stuff... but it kills your business.

I have some free training and information I want to send you, with your permission.

This free training and the coaching I share in it will show you how to LEGITIMATELY generate daily leads on facebook, twitter and youtube that actually like you and expect you to send them your information.

That's a LOT more effective than spamming them...

It's something you can implement today and get leads, just let me know if you want it and I can send it over...

Let me know if you want it ok? Good luck.

Any questions, let me know...


Hey (xyz), thanks for your email but you know what?

The way you're doing this might be shooting your business in the face! It's spammy brotha! lol

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Listen, fyi... I can send you a free strategy thatcan show you how to use facebook to get daily leads...

But leads that truly want your info and that already kind of like you and know what you're all about...

I can send it to you now and you can use it todayto start getting real leads on facebook. Do you want it?

Just let me know...


!EXAMPLE QUESTIONSGeneral prospect

What do you do?What does that entail?How long have you done it?How are you being affected by what’s happening with the economy?

How do you like what you’re doing? What do you like best about it?

What's some of you main goals? Getting traffic, list building, converting sales? What are you focused on for this quarter with your marketing?

What did you do before?

Have you ever thought about systemizing the way to gettraffic and leads from facebook and converting sales with fb traffic?

How's the training and masterminding, are you learning how to market online? Are you familiar with online list building?

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What experience did you have?Why do you think you weren’t successful?

What challenges do you think caused you to not succeed in your last company?

I have some information that can help you organize and simplify the way you get traffic, leads and sales from facebook... I can send it to you, would you go through and review it I don't like to send good info and tips to people who ignore the training... would you like me to send it to you?

Other Network Marketers

Are you still active in your company?Are you building a business or just using the products?

Are you doing the business full time or part time? How long have you been in it?How many daily sales are you making?Where are your sales coming from?

Are you allowed to use internet marketing to get leads and make sales? What was it that attracted you to the company?Is this your first experience in network marketing?If not, what was your first networking experience?

How many other companies did you try? Are you building any other income streams?

How are you doing?

Are you happy with the money you’re making?

Why do you think you couldn’t make money in the business?

Would you be open to looking at another company that didn’t have those obstacles?

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Affiliate Marketers or System Sellers

What system are you promoting here that is helping you generate income?

What's the conversion rate from leads to sales in your best offer? What are you using at the back end of your funnel?

Do you have to create the back end funnel yourself or do you have some automation built in?

Are you doing this business full time or part time?

(If part time) What is your full time job?

What network marketing company are you building with this system?

Why aren’t you building a network marketing business too?

How many other network marketing companies have you tried?

How long have you been doing this?

How much did it cost you to get this system and what does it cost you monthly?

What do you make when someone buys the system through you?

Is that just affiliate "one time" commissions or do you generate monthly residuals from the sale sales each month?

Does your funnel include a big ticket offer or just little commissions? Are you happy with the money you’re making?

Why do you think you couldn’t make money in your network marketing business?

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Would you be open to looking at another company that didn’t have those obstacles?

Would you be open to checking out something that kicks more ass?

Would you be interested in looking at something you can plug into your offers that makes more money, faster, with less people and converts hyper well?

PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER The key here is taking action. The more people you start up a chat with and follow the step by step recipe the more money you make!


This method gets people HYPNOTICALLY ATTRACTED TO CHECKING YOU OUT... they'll come to your wall, and your profile and they will SPY ON YOU...

So you don't need to PITCH THEM or hustle them fast like desperate people do.

Just be sure that you're posting your invites to live trainings on your profile and other valuable information.

Post your own testimonials about your products and why you like them so much...

Did you just attend a KICK ASS training webinar or hangout??? POST about it and why you loved it...

Let people know on your wall when you're getting ready to attend a cool hangout or webinar or call...

Page 26: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK · THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK RECRUITING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS The goal of this guide is to make you a Facebook recruiting ... marketing. If you would

As long as you COMMUNICATE what you have going on and all the training and resources and LOVE that you have with your business, your team, your training etc...

THEY WILL SEE THAT as they spy on you.

This is where FOCUS and CONSISTENCY come into play!!!

STAY CONSISTENT and your life (and this method) will draw them into you... plus then you have more info to share with them as you private chat and email and meet with them.

Isn't this stuff badass???


You now have the skill and a resource you can tap into WHENEVER YOU WANT to generate fresh, targeted, "they already like you" leads for your business ON DEMAND! Just add your awesomeness!

Jaden Easton-Ellett, signing out!

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Page 27: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK · THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK RECRUITING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS The goal of this guide is to make you a Facebook recruiting ... marketing. If you would

UNLOCK THE FULL COURSE Despite the fact that this supplemental guide goes into a great deal of this Ninja Facebook sponsoring strategy, it does leave out some key elements that include:

1. Profile Setup and Fanpage setup so that you can increase the amount of people that connect with you and then go on to buy from you.

2. EXACTLY what you should be posting to your timeline in order to get people to ask you for your join link.

3. And a bunch of other sneaky tips/tricks that will make or break your success with this strategy.

You are probably thinking to yourself… oh great now I have to buy the full version of this course right?


Right now you can get the full version of the course along with all the other training that can be found within the Aestrepreneur Academy free for 7-days.

After those 7-days are up if you decide you like the training, mentorship and community (which I know you will) it is only $37/month.

Just go to http://workwithjaden.com to register and then enter the coupon code Secret7 (capital S) in the promo code area. I will see you on the other side!

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