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Page 1: The U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution

Well Worth the Fight!

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To Understand the Constitution…

You Have to Understand the Options!

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Monarchy: One man has the power over life

and death. He makes the laws. He chooses when and how to enforce them.

He Declares War and Levies Taxes. He alone decides what is right and

what is wrong. What is good for him is good for the


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The Problem Is: You disagree…You die! He takes your stuff without asking! He is Judge, Jury, and Executioner! He might be Insane, Cruel, or just

plain Stupid. He might be greedy, petty and


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How About Pure Democracy? The people vote on everything.

(We mean everything!) Majority Rules. Minority Loses. Every decision is made by the


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The Problem is… Some Demigogue comes in and

uses some outside or inside threat to take away all your freedoms and you end up with a Dictator that kills your democracy!

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How About Plato’s “Republic”? Ruled by Philosophers and

Scientists. They decide what you will be your

whole life at birth. They make the laws and run the


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The Problem is….

Its still a Dictatorship.

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Roman Republic Anyone? Senate…composed of wealthy

Aristocrats. Supported Roman Tradition! Senate controlled the money.

Plebian (Popular or People’s) Assembly made the laws.

Two Consuls led the military and could “veto” each other’s decisions.

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The Problem is… Some “Military Genius” uses the

army to declare himself “Imperator” (Emperor) and takes over the government.

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The Beauty of the Constitution

Is that no man can claim “ultimate power”.

Power is divided into 3 branches of Government.

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The Legislative Branch Includes the House of

Representatives and the Senate.

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The House of Representatives. Was initially meant to represent

the general population in the United States.

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The Senate… Was Initially designed to represent

the State that they were elected from.

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This was Designed to Protect. The interests of the average U.S.

citizen and the interest of each state that makes up the United States.

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The Problem is You Can’t Serve Two Masters: Our People Their Money

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Laws That Benefit Us: U.S. Citizens International Socialists

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Laws That Make Them Happy The Federal Reserve Act. The War Powers Act. The U.S. Patriot Act. Loose Immigration Laws. Lax Drug Enforcement Laws That dismantle our National


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Laws That make Us Happy. Protect our Borders. Protect our Civil Rights. Protect our Standard of Living. Protect our National Industries. Protect our Republic from

International Socialism. Protect our Bill of Rights.

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We Want to Make Our Own Laws.

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They Want One World Religion…

The Mayatraya Project The World Council of Churches The National Council of Churches CARE International

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They Want to Destroy Our God.

Jesus Christ Healthy Families Dignity Freedom Respect Christianity

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And Replace it With Theirs… Greed Lust Child Pornography Homosexuality Luciferianism Dictatorship

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They are Building the Camps… For those that disagree…

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They are preparing Their Mark For Their “New World Order.”

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They own our Politicians… Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove

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Our Money…

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Our Media…

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Only One Thing Stands in Their Way…

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So They Invent a War…

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To Take It All Away…

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And Give Us….

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A Coward Dies a Thousand Times… A Brave Man Only Once.

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We Can Defeat the Enemy… We don’t need Terrorism or Fear. We Need Prayer, God, Bravery,

Courage, and a refusal to keep our mouths shut.

We need to spread the word.

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Pass This On. Its time to wake up the sheep.

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