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Page 1: The Vegan Spring 1987
Page 2: The Vegan Spring 1987

Information Editor: Colin Howlett Advertising and Distribution Manager: Barry Kew Design by Three's Company, Oxford Illustrations by Juliet Breese Typeset by Goode Typesetting Service, Oxford Printed by L.J. Print Services Ltd., London SE8 3DX The Vegan is published quarterly by The Vegan Society Ltd Publication date: Late February, May, August, November Copy date: 1st of month of publication ISSN 0307-4811 © The Vegan Society Ltd "Vegan' is a trademark of The Vegan Society Ltd

The Vegan Society The Vegan Society Ltd Registered Charity No. 279228 33-35 George Street Oxford OX1 2AY Tel: 0865 722166 President: Serena Coles Deputy President: Chris Langley Vice-Presidents: Eva Batt Freya Dinshah Jay Dinshah Grace Smith Council: Paul Appleby Serena Coles Vincent FitzGerald Colin Howlett Lis Howlett Chris Langley (Chair) Hon. Treasurer: Vincent FitzGerald Secretary: Barry Kew Office Manager: Susan Kew Information Officer: Philip Brown

For the benefit of new readers some general information is provided below:

Veganism may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the animal kingdom for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms, it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, (non-human) animal milks, and their derivatives. The status of honey in a vegan diet has varied over the years; whilst remaining contentious, its use is currently left to individual conscience.

The Vegan Ethic challenges all who preach compassion yet acquiesce in institutionalized animal abuse, especially the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming. Abhorrence of these practices is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are also drawn to it for health, ecological, spiritual and other reasons. For those in doubt, the words 'vegan' and 'veganism' are pronounced 'VEEgan' and "VEEganism' with a hard 'g', as in 'gorilla'. The Vegan Society was formed in England in November 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had recognized and come to reject the ethical compromises implicit in lacto-vegetarianism and consequently decided to renounce the use of all animal products. Since those early days it has grown considerably in both size and influence, reflecting the increasingly wide recognition of veganism's ethical, health, ecological and other advantages. The Society now has the status of an educational charity, whose aims include encouraging the development and use of alternatives to all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals.

If you would like more information about its work

please send a large SAE to the Society at 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. If you are already a vegan or vegan sympathizer please support the Society and help increase its influence by joining. Increased membership means more resources to educate and inform. The current membership fee is £6.50 for an individual (£4 if unwaged) and £8.50 for a family (£6 if unwaged). Full membership is restricted to practising vegans, as defined above, but sympathizers are very welcome as associates of the Society. Both members and associates receive The Vegan free of charge. Applications for membership/associate status should be sent to the Oxford office, with the envelope marked 'Membership Secretary'.

Vegan Society Publications The Society publishes a wide range of free leaflets and low-priced books and booklets of interest to the newcomer. See the section in the magazine entitled Publications & Promotional Goods. This section also lists a number of works which although produced independently of the Society and not necessarily vegan in viewpoint are nevertheless felt to be useful and informative. Vegan Magazines In addition to The Vegan - the official organ of the Society - the following independent publications may be of interest: Vegan Views 6 Hayes Avenue, Bournemouth BH7 7AD. An informal quarterly with articles, interviews, news, reviews, letters, cartoon strip. Subscription rate for four issues: £2.40 (Europe and surface mail overseas: £2.80). Vegan Times 25 Tabley Road, London N7 0NA. Veganism, spiritual growth, healing, ecology, etc. 50p in stamps for a sample copy. Y Figan Cymreig (The Welsh Vegan) 9 Mawddwy Cottages,

Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth SY20 9LW, Wales. 35p in stamps for a sample copy. The Vegan Families Contact List provides a link between parents throughout the UK seeking to raise their children in accordance with vegan principles. To receive a copy of the list and have your name added to a future edition, please send an SAE to the compiler - Eve Gilmour - c/o the Oxford office, giving your name, address and names and dates of birth of children.

The Vegan Self-Sufficiency Network, an organization independent of the Vegan Society, was established to provide a focus for all those interested in, working towards or practising self-sufficient lifestyles based on vegan principles. The Network produces a quarterly newsletter in which members can share ideas and experience and discuss subjects related to the many aspects of vegan self-sufficiency. There are sections devoted to vegan gardening, and to crafts and self-sufficiency skills. If you would like further informationVSSN please write to:

A subscription to the newsletter costs £2 a year (overseas, surface mail £2.50) - cheques payable to 'The Vegan Self-Sufficiency Network'.

Veganism Abroad There are active vegan societies in Australia, Sweden and the USA, as well as contacts in Belgium. Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and New Zealand.

The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or of the Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed as Vegan Society policy unless so stated. The Society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisemens does not imply endorsement. Contributions intended for

Eublication are welcomed, ut unsolicited materials will

not be returned unless accompanied by an SAE.

2 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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LIVING WITHOUT CRUELTY We are now well into the new year; the time for resolutions is past. Now is the time to get a grip on the year, see a pattern of activity emerging - a scheme of work, a programme of events - and wonder what action can be taken in the months ahead to forward our particular cause. Will the nation move more rapidly to adopt a healthier and more humane lifestyle, will agricultural policies favour a saner system of growing food, will government funds be allocated to non-animal-based research projects, will barbaric practices - such as hunting and fishing - come any closer to being outlawed? And what part can the Vegan Society and its individual members play in all this?

With this issue members* will be receiving a special insert detailing practical ways in which they as individuals can contribute to the Society's growth and its success in getting its message across in 1987 - which we have decided

to proclaim a year of Action For All.

If each individual member could fulfil even a part of our Action For All programme, an enormous amount of good would be done. And in future issues we'll give further details of ways in which individuals and local groups can build on a good start to the year. But what of the Society itself? After a period of reorganization we now feel ready to 'come out'! And the event that we are setting our sights on is the Living Without Cruelty Exhibition in Kensington in June (See p23 for further details). The organizers of this major event, Animal Aid, are - like ourselves - a relatively young Society still to enjoy the sustained legacy income that backs up the work of longer-established and wealthier pro-animal charities; and again like ourselves, its staff and Council are driven on by the strength of their convictions

and their dedication. We look forward to co-operating to the fullest possible extent with this dynamic sister organization in this and future events.

There are, of course, many organizations at work in the field of animal rights. Their emphases may differ, but all of their work is complementary. Each has its part to play and each needs all the assistance it can get in playing it. It is sad then that parochialism, 'tunnel vision' - call it what you will -should so often blind 'the powers that be' in these organizations to the good that can come from greater co-operation. We in the Vegan Society are pledged to doing all in our power to pulling down all such artificial barriers to achieving the maximum impact in the common and urgent task of turning the phrase 'Living Without Cruelty' from a sonorous slogan into a living reality.

•If you are not yet a member of the Society and would like to know more about its work, take a look at the Information section on the page opposite. Having done so, move to the form on page 23. Should you fill it in, you'll be contacted promptly. And if you're a little faint-hearted, feeling that you are with us in spirit but that the flesh is weak, don't let that stop you - all who share our aims are welcome as associates of the Society.


• News 4 • Healthwise 7

Boning up on calcium

• Have Guide, Will Travel. . . 8 A n d r e w Sanger surveys the vegan holiday scene

• Spotlight 10 . . . on An ima l Aid

• The Silent Scream - Part I 13 Fish and pain -the cold facts

• In the Vegan Kitchen 14 Recipes f r o m Jane t H u n t , t e m p e h cookbook review

• Shoparound 17 • Reviews 18 • Family Matters 20

Vegan kids - in a class of their own

c T v»

• Postbag 21 • Noticeboard 22 • Publications & 24

Promotional Goods

• Classifieds 26

3 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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News Burgergate A major scandal has erupted within the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom (VSUK) Ltd following revelations that a member of its Council of Management -Roger Turner of Tollerton, North Yorkshire - has been openly selling beefburgers and other meat products from his privately-owned business premises.

"Business is business . . . you've got to give the public what it wants . . . I am not ashamed of anything I've done" . Turner informed The Vegan on 11 February. On being challenged to reconcile his position as a trustee of the Vegetarian Society with the promotion of meat products, he retorted that the Society's existing rules allow a butcher or even a slaughterman to serve on Council.

Shortly af ter a stormy VSUK Council meeting on 14 February, during which it is reported that a number of Council members failed to support calls for his resignation, a group of six outraged Council members [Approximately half of the entire Council - Ed.] requested that the following statement be made public:

" W e utterly deplore the fact that a fellow member of the Council of the VSUK has been directly engaged in the promotion and retail of meat products, and wish to dissociate ourselves publicly from his conduct. Such conduct is, in our opinion, a betrayal of the finest traditions of our 140-year-old Society.

We appeal to members of the VSUK to demonstrate support for our stand on a

matter of fundamental principle by writing to: II Cat heart Place (2F3), Edinburgh EH11 2HD. Further details will be supplied on receipt of an S A E . " Charles Everett Royce Mitchell Chris Murphy Chris Payne Julie Tomlinson Richard Walters

Bus Tour Success Animal Aid's innovative Living Without Cruelty Christmas Bus Tour, which was opened in York by the Lord Mayor on 24 November, proved a great attraction as it made its way across the country, packed with cruelty-free toiletries and cosmetics, food, Christmas cards, recipes and books. By the close of the Tour , in London's Covent Garden on 29 November, a total of 17 towns had been visited and extensive TV and press coverage obtained.

Cruelty-Free March

Beki Barthelmie reports: The Cruelty-Free Christmas March and Rally organized by East Anglian Animal Rights and held in Norwich -the centre of the UK turkey trade - on Saturday, 6 December attracted around 130 participants and much public attention, including a number of local radio interviews and a three-minute TV spot. Speakers at the Rally held after the march included Peter Cox, author of the best-selling Why You Don't Need Meat, and Chris Aston of the Campaign Against Farm Animal Abuse.

Astounding Ronnie Lee, co-founder and leading light of the Animal Liberation Front, received an astounding 10-year jail sentence at Sheffield Crown Court on 5 February for allegedly masterminding a year-long ALF campaign during which £300,000 worth of damage was inflicted on the premises of animal abusers. Nine other participants in the ALF's "campaign of terror' were sentenced to a total of more than 27 years in jail. In the course of the campaign, the Court was told, ALF members had planted incendiary devices in top stores selling furs.

In response to press reports describing these devices as •firebombs', ALF spokesperson Chris Oakley informs The Vegan that the devices - described by a Ministry of Defence expert at the trial as "unique and very well made" - were designed to trigger the stores' sprinkler systems and thus inflict

water, rather than fire damage.

Within hours of the announcement of the sentence 20 members of the ALF broke into Bibby Research Station near Wilston on the Wirral and liberated 52 broiler hens and four piglets. The piglets are now reported to be in the care of a sympathetic vet.

[Editor's Note: Reader's attention is drawn to the review of Against All Odds: Animal Liberation 1972-1986 on page 18].

Prime Time

On 6 February clips from the new RSPCA schools video

VEGE BURGER Two natural products free of artificial additives and animal ingredients.

A N D N O W -

Vege Banger THE NATURAL CHOICE • Wholesome and delicious • More protein — Less Fat • High quality — Low cost WHERE HEALTHIER FOODS ARE SOLD

For more information contact

The Realeat Company (Dept v S ) 2 Trevelyan Gardens, London. NW10 3JY

4 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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Food For Protest (reviewed in the last issue of The Vegan) appeared on prime-time television - BBC l 's Six O'Clock News - amidst strong protests and claims of bias and misrepresentation from the National Farmer's Union to Education Minister Kenneth Baker. The video, which included scenes in which factory farming methods were likened to the Nazis* treatment of Jews in World War II concentration camps, was vigorously defended by RSPCA Head of Education, Cindy Milburn. Copies (VHS, Betamax and 16mm) are available on free loan from: Education Dept., RSPCA, Causeway, Horsham. West Sussex RH12 1HG.

Bullfight Campaign On 7 March Animal Aid is to launch a three-pronged Bullfight Campaign aimed at persuading British tourists in Spain to boycott bullfights, encouraging tour operators

to delete bullfights from the list of optional tours on offer, and putting pressure on Euro-MPs to get fellow EEC member Spain to abolish the practice. Full details and campaign materials available from: Animal Aid, 7 Castle Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BH. Tel: (0732) 364546.

Major Role Kim Stallwood, BUAV Campaigns Officer for the past six years, has left for America to take up a new post with leading U.S. animal rights organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), based in Washington DC. As a member of Council from 1983 to 1985 (Chairman 1983-4), Kim played a major role in re-structuring the Vegan Society and we wish him all success.

RSPCA Catalogue The RSPCA has produced a comprehensive film and video catalogue, listing all the

titles currently available from the Society. These cover a wide range of animal welfare subjects, including the work of the RSPCA, and may be borrowed without charge, other than the cost of outward and return postage. There is a brief synopsis of each item in the catalogue to assist in determining the suitability for the intended audience. The catalogue is available free, on receipt of an SAE, from: The Supplies Dept.. RSPCA, Causeway, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1HG

Soya Database Looking for information on soya foods? Ask SOYA - a bibliographic database on soya bean utilization, processing, technology, marketing, history, nutrition and production containing listings for over 17,500 publications worldwide from 1100 B.C. to the 1980s. Developed over a period of ten years by the California-based Soyfoods Center, the SOYA database is updated weekly to keep abreast of the latest news; it lists 403 publications on soya from the year 1986 alone. For more


Decisions, Decisions... Highlights of recent Vegan Society Council discussions

Compensation The Society has received a compensatory payment from shoe manufacturers G.B. Britton for having made unauthorized use of the word 'vegan' in one of their Tuf range of men's shoes. This company's use of the word will now end and contracts for companies' authorized use of our name and logo are

currently being drafted in consultation with experts on copyright law.

Unanimous By a unanimous vote of fellow Council members, Chris Langley has been elected to the Chair and Vincent FitzGerald re-appointed as Hon. Treasurer for the 1986-7 Council session.

Co-option By a unanimous decision of a meeting of the Council of 31 January 1987 Ms Amy Austin has been co-opted onto the Council of the Vegan Society.

Publications Thrust The Council has agreed to make the production of a comprehensive range of new booklets the main thrust of the Society's publishing effort in 1987. Work is already underway on implementing an ambitious Booklets Publication Programme, in which emphasis is placed on the exploitation of computer-aided publishing methods.

Veal Boycott Haringey Council has agreed to stop the sale of veal in its canteens as a result of a campaign by local animal rights campaigners. On 18 November the Council's Personnel Sub-Committee accepted an Anti-Veal Petition presented by Haringey Animal Rights and bearing over 2,100 signatures. A ballot of workers in Haringey's Civic Centre revealed overwhelming support for such a ban (53 for, 6 against).

Veal Crate 'Ban'

Plans to phase out the use of


s^Rcchard Instant Marinating Paste


A n authent ic and uniquely instant m a r i n a t i n g paste O n l y one or two teaspoonsful i n s t a n t l y mar i na tes al l types of food ~S

5 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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white veal crates were announced by the Ministry of Agriculture in late November. Mandatory legislation is to be drawn up early this year to replace existing, and widely ignored, voluntary codes of practice. Although hailed in some animal welfare quarters as a major breakthrough, details released since the original announcement reveal a number of serious shortcomings in the proposals: albeit in larger crates, individual crating will still be allowed; veal imports will still be allowed from countries where veal crates remain common; and there is to be no ban on the live export of British calves for veal rearing on the Continent.

Vivisection Horror Acting on information supplied by a local resident, on Sunday, 23 November 1986 members of the Central Animal Liberation League (C.A.L.L . ) entered the

premises of Animal Suppliers (London) Ltd, Roebuck Farm, Welling, Hertfordshire - to uncover damning evidence relating to the evil trade in the supply of animals for vivisection.

Decaying monkey heads and the remains of a fruit bat were discovered in a disused refrigerator. Vast quantities of documentation were also seized - including letters from scientists complaining of the poor condition of animals sent to them and veterinary reports expressing concern over inadequate care of animals and overuse of antibiotics. This documentation is now in the hands of solicitors.

Roebuck Farm is only one of many sites used by ASL, whose headquarters are located at 56 Torrington Park, North Finchley, London N12.

C.A.L.L. appeals to readers for financial support in continuing its fight to end all animal abuse. Donations to: C.A.L.L. P.O. Box 45, Birmingham 1.

New Face Hello and welcome to the newest addition to the list of regular contributors to The Vegan - Janet Hunt, leading vegetarian and vegan cookery writer, who has taken over the 'In the Vegan Kitchen' column. Janet is also working on a new cookbook for the Society, which it is hoped to publish later this year.

Cookery Courses The Society's Autumn Series of Day Courses in Vegan Cookery - held at The Vegetarian Centre, Marloes Road, Kensington - was well attended and much enjoyed by both demonstrators and participants. 'Vegan Macrobiotic Cookery' featured Daphne Watson, of the Community Health Foundation and Kushi Institute and 'Vegan Christmas Cookery' featured Roselyne Masselin, Principal Tutor at the London

Vegetarian Centre. In response to popular

demand, a new series of courses is planned for the Summer. See the next issue for details.

Vegan Label The Cranks vegetarian restaurant chain has taken a significant step forward in catering for vegans. In response to customer demand its vegan range is being enlarged and vegan dishes now carry a small identifying flagpole. A Cranks representative was also in attendance at one of our Autumn Day Courses in Vegan Cookery.

Price Rise As a result of increased production costs and other factors, with effect from this issue the cover price of The Vegan has been increased to 75p. The magazine remains, of course, free to members and associates of the Society.


? e t i m i £ RANGE PROVIDES VEGAN NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS with the essential CALCIUM and, VITAMINS B2, B12 and D2. Born of a vision when this vegan company pioneered the first British-made soya milk in 1965.



Page 7: The Vegan Spring 1987

Healthwise Drs Chris and Gill Langley take a vegan view of current medical writing on diet and health


CALCIUM Calcium is important in

the development and maintenance of healthy

bones and teeth. The official British recommendation is that we should eat 500mg of calcium each day (600-700mg for children, l,200mg for pregnant or breast-feeding women), but the Americans set a higher recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 800mg a day. (It is worth noting in passing that these differing views on what rep-resent optimum intakes reflect the extent to which the whole question of RDAs is a mine-field.) It is particularly important that infants and children - and hence pregnant and lactating women - get enough calcium as their bones and teeth are developing rapidly, but all women should ensure an adequate intake because hormonal changes after menopause can lead to osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones).

Early studies Early studies of calcium in-take among British vegans1, in which various techniques of measurement were used, showed that levels were 1,000, 800 or 500mg a day, which is adequate according to the British RDA. A more recent, small study of the health of vegans compared to that of other dietary groups was car-

ried out at the University of Surrey and published in 19852-3. Whereas the lacto-vegetarians studied were taking in more than double the RDA for calcium, the ten vegan volunteers obtained on average 98%, although their individual intakes varied con-siderably - ranging from 30% to 164% of the official re-quirement. Two breast-feeding vegan mothers were shown to have had intakes of only 41% and 30% of the RDA.

Absorption An adequate intake of cal-cium does not necessarily mean that your body is ab-sorbing enough calcium, however. A significant amount of calcium in plant foods is in the form of calcium oxalate and calcium phytate -two chemical forms of the mineral which are not readily absorbed by the body.

Vegans tend to eat less protein than omnivores, which is no bad thing as this may help ensure adequate calcium levels. Human studies have shown that the body makes better use of available calcium in food when protein is relatively low, and that as protein intake increases more calcium is lost from the body by excretion. Moreover, by virtue of its elimination of meat (which is high in phos-phorus), the balance of cal-

cium and phosphorus in a vegan diet is also conducive to calcium absorption. Useful amounts of calcium - on average 15% of the RDA -can also be obtained from drinking water.

Vitamin D Adequate vitamin D is essen-tial to enable the body to absorb calcium from the gut. There are no plant sources of the vitamin, but few people require a dietary source of vitamin D as it is made by the skin in response to daylight, especially direct sunlight. Children and pregnant or breast-feeding women, whose RDAs are higher than aver-age, should therefore make the most of any opportunity to soak up the sunshine.

A number of proprietary foodstuffs - such as fortified soya milks, margarines and some breakfast cereals - are supplemented with vitamin D; many of these are accept-able to vegans (see The Vegan Shopper's Guide).

Other things which affect calcium balance in the body include exercise - which strengthens bones - and cof-fee, alcohol and smoking -which tend to impair calcium balance.

No different Some vegans' calcium intake may fall short of the RDA, but have vegans as a group been found to suffer from cal-cium deficiency? Few studies have been made, but in 1970 it was reported that X-ray examination of the bones of vegans showed them to be no different in strength and thickness from the bones of omnivores of the same age and sex. A 1972 study5 showed that vegetarian volunteers had denser bones and less risk of osteoporosis than omnivores. Some reports6 suggest that vegan children may have a low dietary intake of calcium: In America, one study re-vealed that children from a vegan community whose diet is more restricted than that of typical British vegans were taking in less than half the RDA at ages 2 to 5 years old. Another showed that vegan macrobiotic children also had

low levels of calcium in their food. The macrobiotic diet can, however, impose re-strictions on diet not common to the average vegan diet. A 1981 study of British vegan children of pre-school age revealed that although the average calcium intake was only half the RDA there were no clinical signs of calcium deficiency.

Good sources Good vegan sources of cal-cium include molasses, miso, carob, soya and other beans, sesame and sunflower seeds, almonds and other nuts, dried figs, parsley, seaweeds, green leafy vegetables, tofu, Plamil soya milk and drinking water (in hard water areas). Whole nuts, seeds and beans may not be suitable for young infants because of the risk of choking, but can be given as nut and seed spreads (either bought or made at home with a grinder) and as cooked, pureed beans.

Calcium deficiency may, according to some estimates, be quite widespread in the general population, but there is no evidence to suggest that adult vegans are particularly affected. Care should be taken to ensure that vegan children receive enough cal-cium, but there have been no reports of children on a sound vegan diet suffering from cal-cium deficiency.

References 1. D.S. Miller and P. Mum-

ford, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2:201, 1972

2. A.H. Lockie and others, Journal of the Royal Col-lege of General Prac-titioners, 35:333, 1985

3. E. Carlson and others. Journal of Plant Foods, 6:89, 1985

4. F.R. Ellis and V.M.E. Montegriffo, American Journal of Clinical Nu-trition, 23:249, 1970

5. F.R. Ellis and others, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 25:555, 1972

6. D.D. Truesdell and P.B. Acosta, Journal of the American Dietetic Associ-ation, 85:837, 1985

7 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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Have Guide, Will Travel. Andrew Sanger surveys the vegan holiday scene at home and abroad

Although currently residing in London, the author has travelled very widely and lived in many

countries including India, the United States, Tunisia, Greece and France. In addition to contributing to the travel pages of both quality and popular national newspapers and to various guidebooks, he writes occasional travel features for the BBC. His forthcoming book The Vegetarian Traveller (Thor-sons, publication date: May I4th) is a guide to how to manage as a vegetarian in Europe and around the Mediterran-ean and includes sections on airlines, ferries and package holidays.

G e o r g e Be rna rd Shaw, that much-travel led f ru i tar ian with a leaning to sticky deser ts , used to send a pr in ted list in advance to all hotels , in Bri tain or a b r o a d , where he would be staying. It told t hem exactly what he would and wou ldn ' t ea t , and woe bet ide any ho-telier w h o didn ' t give that irascible playwright exactly what he wanted! If you ' r e as rich and f amous as he was, you can probably do the same.

Disappointment But most vegans in search of a holiday do not find it qui te so easy. For o n e thing, it 's point less to simply leaf th rough the glossy pages of this year ' s c rop of package- tour brochures and book a for tnight away. W h e t h e r it 's full b o a r d , half b o a r d , or just B & B , hotel meal - t imes are almost certain to prove a ser ious d i sappoin tment , and may ruin the holiday altogether. Sadly, most big hotels at popula r resor ts have no idea what to give a vegan. Even a f t e r it 's all been spelled ou t , they'l l still serve not just an endless succession of salads but vegetable soups in mea t s tock, egg dishes, o r even , it h a p p e n e d to m e once — " they ' r e almost veg-e t ab l e s " , said the wai ter - snails!

Self-cater ing is an obvious answer .

It is perfectly possible to enjoy sun, sea,

sand and sights without ever touching

animal products in Italy, Greece, Israel and,

for the long-haul traveller, India.

but will not invariably solve the prob-lem. You' l l probably have to pack a few bags of emergency supplies, for in most countr ies brown rice, wholemeal flour and b read , muesli, sunflower margar ine , soy sauce, wholewheat pasta and all the o ther cornerstones of the animal-free diet are little-known oddities. Some countries offer almost nothing to eat at all - most of Eastern E u r o p e , for example , appears to sur-vive on mea t and potatoes livened up with sour cream.

Yet all is not lost. There are many countr ies which vegans can enjoy visiting. These fall into two basic cat-egories: those where the local cuisine is fairly adaptable to animal-free re-qui rements ; and those with lots of vegans and vegetarians, and therefore plenty of establishments catering for them.

Sun, sea, sand and sights To take the first group, it is perfectly possible to enjoy sun, sea, sand and sights without ever touching animal products in Italy, Greece , Israel and, for the long-haul traveller, India.

In Italy al though pasta is normally served as a s tar ter , it is not actually against the law to ask for it as a main course - and very delicious it is too, with a mult i tude of possible sauces, many consisting only of tomatoes and o ther vegetables. The big problem will be stopping the waiter from covering everything with parmesan cheese.

In Greece taverna-style eating is more about a tmosphere than food, which usually falls far short of the gour-met level, even for carnivores. For

vegans there is a limited - but surviv-able - choice of fried vegetables (auber-gines, potatoes, green beans) served in a tasty oily, tomato-y sauce. Olive oil is the only frying medium used. Sometimes tomatoes or peppers stuffed with rice make an appearance; if you've become a regular, you can order them specially for the following evening. It always pays to explain what you can and can't eat , to ensure that no meat finds its way into things. The great standby in Greece is the marvellous horiatiki, or 'Greek salad' - just a simple bowl of sliced giant tomatoes, green peppers , and onions, sprinkled with olives and feta cheese, dressed with olive oil and pepper , and served with lovely Greek bread. Ask for it horis tyri, without cheese, for an excel-lent lunch or snack.

Israelis, a people visibly brimming with health and energy, eat vast quan-tities of salad. But you'll have to make a serious effort to avoid milk products - yogurt, cheese and sour cream -which they also love. They start the day with (is there anyone else in the world who eats a breakfast like this?) huge quantities of crisp, fresh, filling salads and bread. O n e of the most popular light meals, available every-where at any time of day, is a plate of falafel (balls of fr ied, spicy chickpeas), and tahini (sesame-seed paste), with a mass of finely chopped salad and pitta bread; a meal like this costs little more than £1. Israel can also offer quite a few vegetarian guest-houses, plus at least a couple of vegetarian hotels (the one at Ashkelon is virtually vegan), and even a whole vegetarian moshav (communal village) consisting of 63 families. It 's called Amir im, which means t reetops, and is a beautiful , peaceful place up in the green hills of Galilee. Half the families take paying guests on a full-board or half-board basis. They vary in what they eat , and many are vegan.

8 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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Further afield, in India three-quarters of the population are veg-etarian (they do eat milk products, especially yogurt, but not eggs), and it's meat-eaters who are at a disadvan-tage, not vegans.

Package deals A holiday company catering specifi-cally for vegans and vegetarians, with a selection of package deals to several European destinations and Israel (in-cluding Amirim) is The House of Fischer's Better Life Holidays', Chan-cery House, 1 Effingham Street, Ramsgate CT11 9AT (Tel: 0843 589 855). Call them for a brochure.

In the second group - countries with plenty of vegan and vegetarian facilities - must be numbered Holland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. In all of these, facilities tend to be con-centrated in a few towns only, so it would be wise to plan ahead, checking phone numbers and addresses and making advance bookings.

However, the world leader in this group of countries is . . . Great Britain. After all, Britain has a vegetarian tradition dating back at least to the early 19th Century - and many early vegetarians were in fact vegans. Admittedly, in some parts of the country even today vegetarians are hardly more common than Martians -and regarded as no less strange. Yet most British towns can offer a health food shop, maybe a vegetarian res-taurant too, and dotted around the country there are boarding-houses and small, pleasant family-run hotels aiming specifically at the vegetarian market. No other country in Europe is quite so well served with vegan and vegetarian holiday facilities as Great Britain.

The International Vegetarian Hand-book (Thorsons/VSUK Ltd., £3.95 + 60p p&p) has invaluable listings of holiday accommodation at home and abroad - but note that, as its editors

The best and most up-to-date source of

information for British holidays is The Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide.

— T h e V e g a n — Holiday and Restaurant

— G u i d e —

themselves admit, keeping the thing up to date is virtually impossible, so always check by phone or letter that places are still in existence before rushing off for a fortnight.

Up to date Although a much slimmer volume than the Handbook above, the best and most up-to-date source of information for British holidays is The Vegan Holi-day & Restaurant Guide* (The Vegan Society, £1.50 + 25p p&p). This lists all sorts of accommodation - from farms and hostels to fully-fledged hotels - as well as restaurants and cafes. In all there are over 400 entries, many of them in Britain's best-known beauty spots - and some in places which are just as beautiful but less well known.

No fewer than 38 counties in the United Kingdom have entries, perhaps the most intriguing of which is an 8-acre lakeside croft on the Isle of Skye: the croft happens to be called

Vegancroft and the lake is Loch Dunvegan! The Lake District has several enticing listings, as does the New Forest; the Isle of Wight also makes an appearance, and there are masses of places in the West Country. Ireland, unlike Britain, has no veg-etarian tradition at all, but is neverthe-less a wonderful, rustic, gentle place for a holiday. Nowhere more so, surely, than somewhere like Gaelic-speaking Achill Island, off County Mayo's wild Atlantic shore, where there is vegan guest-house accommodation from June to August.

Activity holidays Activity holiday options, detailed in a separate section of the Guide, include walking holidays with several different companies, some camping en route, others using hotel and guest-house accommodation. Most are in Wales, and with all of them a van takes luggage ahead for you. Something about the Welsh hills clearly appeals to veg-etarians and vegans - another little organisation based there is Bicycle Beano, who organise cycling excursions with either hotel or camp-site accom-modation; children are welcome, again a van carries all luggage, and 'scrumptious wholefood/vegetarian cuisine' is assured. Wild Wales Walks offer walking, cycling and special-interest holidays with full board in a comfortable guest-house. There are many more possibilities to choose from: try your hand at sailing, for example (no experience necessary) or painting holidays on the Isle of Arran, or dance and drama courses in Sussex. All details in the Holiday & Restaurant Guide.

* Editor's note: Readers who purchased the Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide before December 1986 are reminded that a Supplement, containing more than 100 further entries, is avail-able from the Society free of charge on receipt of a 9" x 6" SAE.

Hindhead Country House Hotel & Licensed Restaurant

196 Llannwst Road, Upper Colwyn Bay, Clwyd LL28 5YS, Wales

OPEN ALL YEAR (Closed all day Tuesdays)

Come and spend a memorable holiday with us in peaceful and beautiful surroundings - or simply enjoy a delicious

meal in our restaurant. One of the finest views in North Wales.

For details and a colour brochure send to: Joyce and Graham

J T O i r d l m r d

Welcomes Vegans For 25 years the STRICTLY VEGETARIAN guest house in the Lake District has enjoyed delicious international

vegetarian cuisine. Orchard House, known for its comfort and serene atmosphere, enjoys a quiet inviting garden,

is close to mountains, streams and lakes. For those who seek the peace and beauty of the Lake District, Orchard

House is for you. OPEN ALL YEAR! Stamp appreciated for brochure to: e

Borrowdale Road Keswick, Cumbria CA12 5DE Tel: (0596) 72830

9 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 10: The Vegan Spring 1987

Spotlight on. . . ANIMAL AID The first in an occasional series on the history and activities of kindred organisations

Beginnings " There are many national societies campaigning against specific areas of animal abuse but few engaged in the important work of promoting the concept of animal rights in general . . . Animal Aid is now taking on this role and our Xmas campaign is the first of many to come which will aim to persuade both the public and the politicians that the wholesale oppression of the animal kingdom by human beings is intolerable and must not be allowed to continue" (Animal Aid ' s Outrage magazine No.29. Nov /De c 1983).

An ima l Aid has always been quick to spot the gaps in the market ; indeed in these were its beginnings. Founded in 1977 by Jean Pink af ter a reading of Pe t e r Singer 's Animal Liberation had changed the direction of her life, its then newsheet stated that:

"Animal Aid was born out of a feeling of intense frustration at the ineffectiveness of the established societies . . . it seemed to us that these societies spent their time preaching to the converted . . . we felt the most urgent need was to inform those who had little or no idea of what was going on, with the aim of drawing new people into the campaign" (Animal Aid News No.2 , Jan 1979). Initially commit ted to the total

aboli t ion of vivisection and factory fa rming , Animal Aid ' s aims have been well ref lected in its changing slogans. By summer '79 the anti- factory farming e lement had been dropped in order that resources might be concentrated on fighting vivisection and it wasn't until May/June '82 that Outrage (only so titled f rom March/April '80) changed its b a n n e r to the wider 'For those commi t t ed to the abolition of Animal Abuse ' . Regardless of these shifts of emphas i s Animal Aid has remained t rue to its origins and for many (or even most ) people now engaged in the struggle fo r animal rights it was this Society 's demonstra t ions , marches, campaigns , materials, leafletting

(3 million leaflets in 1982 alone), con-ferences and use of celebrities which first opened their hearts, minds and eyes to institutionalised and systematic cruelty to animals.

Early growth was spectacular. In 1979 Animal Aid moved f rom Jean Pink's home to proper offices, and in 1983 had to move again to larger ones. The first 15 months brought in 2,900 members and by 1982 the figure had soared to 10,400 with Outrage listing 144 local contacts. Junior Animal Aid was introduced in the Spring of 1979 and re-launched as Youth for Animal Rights ( Y F A R ) by Animal Aid and Compassion in World Fanning (CIWF)

in October '82. By June '83 this off-shoot could boast 1,000 members. When Y F A R later folded through lack of funds its expanded member-ship (1,500) was absorbed by Animal Aid - to become the Animal Aid Youth Group.

Animal Aid's current Director, Mark Gold, came from CIWF in October 1983 as his factory farming expose Assault & Battery was pub-lished, and on 30 January 1984 the Society became a private limited company, with the founder choosing the first committee members - Bill Bingham, John Bryant, Penny Goater, Wanda Oberman, Eileen Ryan, Joe Shuman and herself - before bowing

out in December that year. Despite a number of major setbacks - the Boots injunction of 1982, and the advertise-ment withdrawal by the Advertising Standards Authority, the need to hold a Booster Appeal and the office break-in (all in 1984) - Animal Aid has kept on pushing on.

Marches The first march - held in Cambridge on 5 May 1979, when Hans Ruesch (author of Slaughter of the Innocent and The Naked Empress) addressed the rally at the Student's Union - was to trigger the series of revelations which hit the national headlines through into 1980. A member of the staff at the Babraham Institute of Animal Physi-ology witnessed the 500-strong pro-cession and was moved to write to Animal Aid, giving details of the hor-rific experiments on goats, cows, sheep, pigs and cats being conducted there. A subsequent raid by the North-ern and Eastern Animal Liberation Leagues secured further information and photographic evidence for national television and press, which renamed Babraham 'Frankenstein Farm'.

Other major anti-vivisection marches and rallies were to follow - Oxford (October 1979), Porton Down (May 1980), Sheffield (October 1980), Birmingham (May 1981), Bristol (October 1982), and London (the Mobilisation for Animal Laboratory Animals in May 1984 and the Living Without Cruelty march in November 1985).

Campaigns and Events The style of the animal rights move-ment over the last ten years or so owes much to the lead given by Animal Aid's local and national campaigns and events, by its strong support of local group initiative, and by its con-tinual courting of media coverage.

The Campaigns against the Draize Test and the LD50 Test, fought in co-alition with other groups, saw cam-paigners out on the streets in November 1980 (Remember the Revlon Rabbits Day, on which half a million leaflets

10 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 11: The Vegan Spring 1987

were distributed?), January/February '81 (Avon), November '81 (Bristol Myers/Clairol), and March '82 (Elida Gibbs). As a result donations given by these companies to alternative research methods totalled $1,145,000. Putting this in perspective, the $750,000 given by Revlon was less than half of the company President 's salary.

Christmas 1981 brought Animal

The Badger Campaign and the Day of Action against Psychology Exper-iments came in the Spring of 1985 and in May of the same year the anti-factory farming Profits from Misery Campaign was launched.

The Living Without Cruelty Cam-paign, with its innovative link-up with commercial companies - Realeat , Plamil, Weleda, and Pure Plant Prod-

1983 saw the launch of the Animal Rights? audio-visual p rogramme -comprising 190 slides, 2 x 15min. cassettes, and a 20-page bookle t ; this was followed in 1984 by the film No Treats for Animals, for children aged 8-13, and in 1985 by the ground-breaking Vegetarianism package -comprising 4 p rogrammes each of 12 slides and a 15min. audio-tape.


Aid's first major initiative against farm animal abuse, joining C I W F for a Cruelty-Free Christmas Campaign which has continued in subsequent years.

In July 1982 the long-running Cam-paign for Healthy Food (CAM-HEALTH) was launched, and then came the Campaign Against Boots (November '82), the Campaign for the Promotion of Respect for Animals in Schools (July '83), and the Mobilisation for Laboratory Animals Against Government Proposals (opposing the Government ' s plans to 'update ' the 1876 Cruelty to Animals Act). In coalition with other major anti-vivisection organisations, Animal Aid co-ordinated a week of action which began on 5 May 1984 and ended with a national demonstrat ion in London on the following Saturday. The Mobil-isation Campaign climaxed with a mass lobby of Parliament on 27 February 1986.

In February 1984 Animal Aid launched its first-ever Campaign of Coordinated, Peaceful Civil Dis-obedience aimed at revealing the con-ditions in which poultry are transported and slaughtered.

A Vegetarian Campaign was launched in September 1984, an el-ement of which was a National Day of Action against the Slaughter Industry held on the 25th of the month.

Living Without Cruelty is the message of the

future in the search for a world where

animals do not suffer in order to protect the

profits, selfishness and greed of humans. It

is also a celebration of a lifestyle that is good

for humans Mark Gold

ucts, began in September 1985. Special issues of Outrage - including one carrying an article entitled 'What ' s Wrong with Milk?' - announced special events under the umbrella title, as well as the availability of introduc-tory packs of cruelty-free goods.

In February-March 1986 Animal Aid ran a Week of Action Against the Poultry Industry and, to come right up to date , launched its latest campaign -the Bullfight Campaign - on 7 March.

Materials Each of Animal Aid 's campaigns has been accompanied by its own leaflets, the most recent being Boycott the Bull-fight. A range of posters, books, pam-phlets and merchandise is always available, along with the goods featured in the Living Without Cruelty Catalogue (through which almost 2,000 copies of The Vegan Shopper's Guide alone have been sold).

Animal Aid also publishes a List of

Visual Aids on the Subject of Animals. With an all-vegan staff and using

Outrage to full effect , Animal Aid continues to p romote vegetarianism and veganism and al ternat ive/preven-tive medicine in fur therance of its non-violent forms of protest against vivi-section, factory farming and all o ther forms of animal abuse. Its ef for ts to increase public awareness of animal abuse extend now through the Living Without Cruelty Campaign's bus tour of late '86 to the unique and ambit ious Living Without Cruelty Exhibit ion to be held in June this year (Ed. See page 23 for details) and to which only organ-isations directly involved in fighting exploitation and waste, or commercial companies promoting ethical goods are being invited (the Vegan Society is taking a double s tand) . According to Campaign Director Mark Gold , "Living Without Cruelty is the message of the future in the search for a world where animals do not suffer in o rde r to protect the profits, selfishness and greed of humans. It is also a celebration of a lifestyle that is good for h u m a n s " . It can ' t be clearer than that .

Membership of Animal Aid costs just £5 (£3 unwaged) . For fur ther details of all aspects of the Society's work contact: 7 Castle Street, Ton-bridge, Kent TN9 1BH. Tel: (0732) 364546. Barry Kew

11 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 12: The Vegan Spring 1987

1 m - i

no-] :

' JM

i i i i

Granose soya-milk looks and tastes like a milk-shake.

But, quite simply, it's more healthy. It s lower in fat and sugar. It's completely

free of artificial flavourings and preservatives. And it's suitable for people with an allergy to cow's milk.

Granose soya-milk comes in five exciting flavours - plus three equally delicious soya-desserts.

All of which makes one thing certain. If you're not already shaking with;

anticipation, you soon will be. f " ,H


- j T S L Natural Sugar Free Strawberrv Coconut Chocolate

Page 13: The Vegan Spring 1987

THE SILENT SCREAM-Partl Richard Farhall of the Campaign for the Abolition of Angling (CA A) looks at scientific evidence of the capacity of fish to feel pain, as

well as at specific varieties of fish abuse i The human species considers fish

to be cold-blooded, unfeeling | 'things' - more akin to plants

than animals. Such a notion is en-couraged by anglers seeking to justify their 'sport' and is rein-forced by the existence of A that indefensible animal -the fish-eating 'vegetarian'.

Fish are abused on a massive scale; they are hunted, farmed, im-prisoned and even experi-mented upon, yet avail-able evidence shows that they are capable of ex-periencing pain and suf-fering in much the same way as any other animal.

The Medway Report Unfortunately, little res-earch has been done on the capacity of fish to feel pain. However, in 1976 the RSPCA set up a panel of Enquiry into Shooting and Angling. It com-prised leading scientists and repre-sentatives from shooting and angling organisations. The main finding of the Report (published in 1980) as regards fish is that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that they are capable of suffering to some degree or another.

The Report begins by addressing itself to the tricky problem of defining animal suffering:

'The dilemma of course, is that the incidence of pain can only be verified beyond question in human subjects, because only they are capable of reporting in words the sensations experienced.'

Medway emphasizes that a distinction should not be made between warm-and cold-blooded animals:

'. . . where considerations of welfare are involved, all vertebrate animals

(i.e. mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish) should be

regarded as equally capable of suf-fering.

After examining the problem of animal suffering it concludes:

' There may still be some people who will argue that we cannot prove beyond question that any vertebrate other than man feels

pain. We, however, conclude that if any do, then the evidence suggests that all vertebrates, through the mediation of similar neuropharmacological pro-cesses, experience similar sen-\v sations to a greater or lesser ||ia degree in response to

noxious stimuli.'

To summarize, whilst it may not be possible to prove that fish feel pain, we know that there are close similarities between higher and lower vertebrates in biological make-up and the way the nervous system and sense organs function.

The human species has more in common with the slimy, cold-blooded fish than it would care to admit!

Angling It is a popular belief that fish are in-sensitive to pain because of their primi-tive position in the vertebrate evol-utionary scale, yet the Report notes that among all vertebrate animals there exist patterns of behaviour that appear similar to the non-verbal responses of human subjects known to be suffering pain. In other words, vertebrates react similarly when a strong stimulus such as sharp pressure is applied - they will recoil, shudder, sometimes squeal and try to escape. Therefore, pain teaches vertebrates to avoid what is physically harmful to them and so is an essential sense for survival.

Fish are abused for both recreational and commercial purposes. The major recreational use of fish is the blood-sport of angling. Angling may be de-fined as the taking, or attempting to take fish by rod, line and hook. By far the most popular branch of the 'sport ' is coarse fishing - the others being sea angling and game fishing.

Coarse fishing is the country's largest participant 'sport' and is mainly prac-tised for human amusement. Fresh-water (coarse) fish are largely inedible and usually returned to the water.

The commonest variety of angler is the 'pleasure angler' - popularly regarded as a harmless individual,

who fishes infrequently ' for a bit of relaxation in the countryside'. How-ever, increasing commercialisation and greed have resulted in the evolution of the 'match angler' who participates in organised competition. The object is to catch the greatest aggregate weight of fish in a given t ime, usually with financial inducement.

Another variety is the 'specimen hunter ' , who expends considerable amounts of time, energy and money on the pursuit and capture of a particu-lar species.

Sea Angling is practised from the shore, piers, rocks, sea walls, harbour walls or boats. Competitive fishing occurs on a large scale but fish are delivered for weighing dead. Tra-ditionally it is unusual for sea anglers to return any of their catch alive to the water as most species may be eaten.

Game Fishing - the quarry of the freshwater game fisherman are the salmon, sea trout, rainbow trout and, to a lessser extent, grayling. It is usual to kill game fish for the table. The coup de grace is administered by a blow on the head with a stick, stone or specially designed club known as a 'priest'.

Substantial re-stocking of game fisheries by hatchery-reared trout is standard practice. Some degree of 'vermin control', including the de-struction of predatory fish and fish-eating birds, may also be practised.

Shark fishing is a particularly bar-baric form of game fishing. A fish that is to die is brought exhausted along-side of the boat and a huge sharp hook is stuck into it. A rope is fastened around the tail and it is hauled aboard. It is then beaten on the nose until it dies.

'. . . a shark will vomit up everything in an attempt to get rid of the hook which is causing him pain . . . Blue sharks in particular, come aboard with their entire stomach hanging unpleasantly outside the jaws. . . ' . (Trevor Houseby, shark fisherman.)

In part II we shall look at the cruelty involved in coarse fishing and the cam-paign to ban this neglected bloodsport.

Editor's Note: Copies of the Report of the Panel of Enquiry into Shooting & Angling (1976-1979) can be obtained for £1.00, incl. p&p., from: RSPCA, Causeway, Horsham, Sussex RH12 1HG. The CAA (PO Box 14, Romsey S051 9NN) also produces a range of Information Sheets on angling.

13 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 14: The Vegan Spring 1987


i S t * and welcome also to our new regular cookery writer-J a n e t Hunt,author of The Compassionate Gourmet;

The Very Best of International Vegan Cuisine

So here we are, at the start of the Chinese New Year - the Year of the Rabbi t . Most appropriate,

say my carnivore friends as a lead into the usual and oh-so-boring "Af t e r all, that 's all you lot eat , isn't it? - rabbit f ood !" It 's an expression I've heard more times than I've had hot (yes, hot) dinners. A n d although I don' t mind at all being associated with the gentle, fun-loving rabbit , I do object to this biased and totally wrong attitude to the way I eat .

I admit to having a passion for salads - not the limp lettuce leaf variety but salads made with raw young vegetables, sweetened maybe with some fresh or dried frui t , sprinkled with nuts or seeds or crunchy deep-fried soya

beans. I think salad dressings are sadly neglected; it seems to be considered over-indulgent or unhealthy to have your lettuce any way except naked. In fact, dressings can add nutrients, help you digest your food, and liven up the simplest of ingredients (though they should only be used in small quantities, otherwise you'll drown the taste of the salad instead of enhance it).

But I also very much enjoy cooked food. Nowadays there are a wide variety of ingredients available to vegans. There are recipes and cooking techniques coming to light from all around the world, different ways of serving a meal that make the traditional meat-and-two-veg format as boring as it is abhorrent (to rabbits like me, that

is). If vegans have a reputation for not having the will or the wit to appreciate the pleasures that can be found in food the time is surely right for change. Be adventurous with your cooking. Experi-ment, enjoy. And then invite your carnivore friends to eat with you . . . and watch their faces.

On the assumption that at this time of year no-one wants to be trapped in the kitchen for too long, none of the following dishes are complicated. The first menu is, however, especially quick and easy to prepare. The second might be more suitable for those special occasions - a celebration or a dinner party. Quantities are for 4 average servings.


Beansprout Soup with Ginger Celery and Tofu Stir Fry Coconut Cream Dessert

Beansprout Soup with Ginger

1 Vi pints (850ml) vegetable stock 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated 1 tsp soya sauce, or to taste 1-2 tbs ginger syrup (from preserved ginger 1-2 tbs dry sherry - optional good squeeze of lemon juice 'A small head Chinese leaves, chopped 3 oz (85g) bean sprouts

Heat the stock; add the ginger, soya sauce, ginger syrup, sherry (if used) and lemon juice. Bring to a boil then simmer gently for 5 minutes.

Raise the heat again, toss in the Chinese leaves and bean sprouts, and cook for literally a few more minutes until the lettuce begins to wilt. Serve at once.

14 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 15: The Vegan Spring 1987

Celery and Tofu Stir Fry

Vi medium onion 3 sticks celery 2 small carrots 2 oz (55g) mushrooms Vi green pepper approx. 3 tbs vegetable oil Vi-1 clove garlic, crushed 10 02 (285g) tofu, well drained lots of fresh watercress

Chop the onion. Slice the celery, peeled carrots, the mushrooms and pepper. Heat the oil and add the garlic. Cook briefly. Add the onions, cooking and stirring until they begin to soften. Add the rest of the vegetables, stir, and continue cooking over a medium heat for about 5 minutes. (If you like you can cover the pan or wok and steam them briefly).

Dice the tofu, mix with the other ingredients, and cook just long enough to heat through.

Serve this stir fry topped with sprigs of watercress. Although it is usual to eat with brown rice, try it with bulgur for a change - it's quick to cook and has a delicate flavour.

Coconut Cream Dessert

% pint (425ml) coconut milk 2 oz (55g) raw cane sugar 2 oz (55g) arrowroot kiwi fruit or bananas to decorate

The coconut milk can be made from a block of creamed coconut, or by blend-ing fresh coconut with water and then straining off the milk. Put the milk into a heavy-based saucepan with the sugar and arrowroot.

Cook over a medium heat , stirring continually, until the mixture thickens to a cream. Do not let it boil. Divide the cream between four bowls, cool the mixture and then chill. Just before serving decorate each bowl with thin slices of kiwi fruit or banana (if using banana, brush the fruit with lemon juice to keep it from going brown).


Avocado Kebabs Tagliatelle with Aubergine Sauce

Strawberry Fool

Avocado Kebabs

2 small, firm avocados Vi small cucumber 1 red pepper Vi medium melon 8 cherry tomatoes Dressing of your choice

Carefully peel and cube the avocados. Cut the cucumber into thick chunks (without peeling) and then into halves or quarters, depending on the size. Dice the pepper and the melon flesh.

Thread these ingredients, plus the tomatoes, onto small skewers, alter-nating them so that they look attractive. The kebabs should be served at once, but if this isn't possible, chill them before serving, first brushing the avocado and melon cubes lightly with lemon juice.

Serve sprinkled lightly with vin-aigrette dressing, or a French dressing made with lemon juice and slightly sweetened.

Tagliatelle with Aubergine Sauce

10 oz (285g) wholemeal tagliatelle 1 aubergine (approx. 1 lb/460g in weight) 1 green pepper 1 yellow pepper 1 14 oz (395g) tin tomatoes or fresh equivalent 1 tsp basil

1 tsp oregano 3 tbs tomato puree squeeze of lemon juice % pint (425ml) vegetable stock or water seasoning to taste garlic salt - optional 2 oz (55g) chopped black olives 3 oz (85g) walnut pieces

Weigh out the tagliatelle and set aside. Heat the vegetable oil and add the

peeled, diced aubergine. (To take away any bitterness, salt the aubergine, set aside, then rinse through with cold water and pat dry before using). Cook briefly, stirring frequently.

Stir in the chopped peppers and drained, crushed tomatoes. Add herbs, puree, lemon juice, stock or water and

seasoning. Bring the mixture to the boil, then lower the heat, cover the pan, and simmer for 20-30 minutes until a sauce has formed. Stir in the olives.

When the sauce is nearly done, bring a large pan of water to the boil and cook the pasta for about 10 min-utes, or until just tender. Drain well. Serve the pasta topped with the sauce and sprinkled with the nuts.

A side salad goes well with pasta. A special-occasion combination would be endive, watercress and chicory.

Strawberry Fool

1 lb (455g) fresh or frozen strawberries 2 tbs of your favourite liqueur or con-centrated orange juice raw cane sugar, powdered in a grinder - optional approx. Vs pint (340ml) soya yogurt Crunchy granola cereal or biscuits for topping

Mash or blend the washed strawberries (if fresh) to make a thick puree. If liked you can strain them to remove the seeds. Stir in the liqueur or orange juice. Add sweetening if preferred.

Mix the puree with the yogurt and set aside to chill. Adjust the sweetness.

Serve in individual bowls or glasses topped with a sprinkling of crunchy granola or coarsely crushed biscuits. (The biscuits could also be served whole, of course).

15 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 16: The Vegan Spring 1987

Tempeh Cookery Colleen Pride The Book Publishing Company *$10.95 Pbk

For those who are not yet familiar with tempeh it is a savoury cake' of cooked and split soya beans, treated with a ' s tar ter ' (Rhizos Oligosporos), which is now available in this country via macrobiotic food outlets. This food has been a popular staple of Indonesian cookery for centuries, but has only fairly recently become available in the U K .

As a convinced tempeh lover, I received this book with enthusiasm. It is big (11" x 8'/2"), glossy and full of both recipes - well over 200 - and mouth-water ing full-colour illus-trations. There is also a clear and comprehensive section on how to make your own tempeh at home.

The strong, distinctive flavour of this delicacy has caused it to be likened to various cheeses and meats and it therefore lends itself well to the wide variety of international dishes in this handsome volume - lasagnes, pizzas, stir fries, chillies, stuffed vegetables, etc. The recipes in it are vegan almost throughout (especially now vegan yoghurts are becoming available) but , being an American publication, it

does call for a few unusual items. For those vegans preferring to

obtain vitamin B12 from natural sources, tempeh can provide a sub-stantial contribution. As Ms. Pride points out , it is also rich in other B vitamins, low in calories, and contains a natural anti-oxidant which prevents the fats in soya beans from becoming rancid. It is also thought that it acts to preserve and protect the biologically active vitamin E found in the beans.

Attractive and comprehensive as this volume is, however, I have to admit to liking my tempeh best just steamed (to aid digestibility), then shallow fried or grilled and served with vegetables, salad, or in a sandwich. Hilary Craddock

* Editor's note: Copies of Tempeh Cookery are available for £8.95, inclusive of p&p,from: The Merchan-dise Dept., The Vegan Society, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY. Make cheques payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd.

As tempeh is primarily an Indonesian food, try this slightly edited recipe from Tempeh Cookery, reviewed above. Indonesian Sate Serves 4 Have ready: 8 oz tempeh, steamed 20 minutes, cooled and cut into 3/*" x 2Vi" strips (if tempeh is thick, cut in half through the thickness) Whisk together in a small bowl: 2 tbs natural smooth peanut butter 2 tbs soya sauce 1 tbs vegetable oil 2 tsp corn or barley syrup 1 clove garlic, pressed Vz tsp fresh ginger root, grated Vt tsp ground bay leaf dash cayenne pepper Place tempeh strips in a stainless-steel, glass or enamel pan. Pour liquid mixture over strips. Turn to coat well. Place on an oiled baking tray and cook at 400°F/200°C/Gas Mark 6 for 15 minutes. Serve hot with rice and a vegetable.


- the latest, biggest-ever edition of this unique and best-selling checklist of cruelty-free commodities. Five easy-to-consult sections - Food & Drink, Toiletries & Cosmetics, Remedies & Supplements, Footwear, and Miscellaneous - plus useful appendices on the criteria for inclusion in the Guide, additives, alcoholic beverages and mail-order companies.

£1.50, plus 25p p&p, from: The Merchandise Dept, The Vegan Society, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY

Cheques/POs payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd.


—The Vegan— Shoppers Guide

16 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 17: The Vegan Spring 1987

Shoparound Lis Howlett surveys the latest vegan products

Easy to Spot Until fairly recently vegan shoppers were easy to spot - they were the only ones reading the labels. Nowadays almost everybody is doing it, although not always for the same reason. Health-food enthusiasts are trying to avoid all additives and artificial flavourings and colourings; allergy sufferers are looking for products free from egg, gluten, cow's milk, and other known allergens; and many casualties of orthodox 'wis-dom' on diet are under doctor's orders to avoid animal fats. So, thanks to the emergence of a general trend towards greater concern for one's health, the vegan is no longer the lone label reader.

What's more, food products are now more clearly labelled than ever before. Manufacturers have even taken to spelling out undesirable ingredients that their products do not contain. Have you noticed, for example, just how often phrases like 'Free from artificial additives,' 'Free from artificial colouring' and - of more obvious interest to vegans -'Dairy-free' have been cropping up on labels lately?

Welcome Development Many readers will have observed another, related trend - the tendency for some of the products in larger supermarket chains and multiples to be labelled as 'suitable for vegetarians' and, albeit less of ten, as 'suitable for vegans'. The Vegetarian Society's seedling emblem is also increasingly in evidence as an at-a-glance indication of acceptability to vegetarians*. While this is a most welcome development, it is as yet of little help to vegans, as most of the products so marked are more lacto- than veggie, and even those which may be acceptable include such vaguely-defined ingredients as 'veg-etable margarine'. Nevertheless, this is all progress in the right direction.

Although, as I've indicated the general trends are very encouraging, things are rather quiet on the new product front at the moment - or maybe it just seems so after the recent torrent of new products. One reason for this apparent lull is doubtless that manufacturers are saving most of their surprises for the trade fairs later in the year.

New Out There are, however, some new items that are definitely worth looking out

for. Real Foods - the Edinburgh-based wholesalers - have launched two new margarines: Vegetable Margarine and Sunflower Margarine. Marketed under the brand name 'Hawthorn Vale', they are soft margarines, very tasty, competitively priced and clearly labelled as 'suitable for vegans'. Some readers - especially caterers - will also be interested to hear that Granose's Vegetable Margarine is now available from wholesalers in a 2kg pack. The same company has just added a Coconut-Flavoured Soya Milk to its expanding range of flavoured soya milks; this is particularly refreshing when drunk really cold, but I 'm sure enterprising cooks will also find many interesting culinary applications.

An ingredient increasingly appearing in recipes for vegan deserts is maple syrup. Much as I love the stuff, I've always regarded it as simply too ex-pensive for non-gourmet use. Meridian Foods have come to the rescue, how-ever, with a more reasonably priced jar selling at £2.25 for 250ml. So, go on - treat yourself! But keep it under lock and key for use in cooking only. By way of exception, if you want to make a spread that is both delicious and highly nutritious, try mixing three parts of tahini with one part of maple syrup. Just the topping for fresh whole-meal bread.

Does the name Lotus Foods ring a bell? They used to supply by mail order a range of high-quality, un-favoured TVP products and veg-etable rennets produced by Dorothy Forster. The company had to cease trading for a while after severe flooding on its premises, but the full range is now available once more and new products are in the pipeline. Hastell Wholefoods of Leatherhead and Life & Health Foods of Bury St Edmunds are the main distributors.

Easter Treats On a more seasonal note, by popular demand (mine included) Earthlore has produced a dairy-free carob Easter egg this year. Itona Products Ltd has also introduced Granny Ann Chunky Eggs; these are solid eggs, containing only natural ingredients - including soya beanmilk, raw sugar and cocoa, and sell in packs of three for £1.08. And Holme Valley Wholefoods have also announced that they are to prod-uce a carob Easter bunny. As you may already have seen in the previous section, this really is the Year of the Rabbit!

In the last issue I mentioned a sugar-free almond paste mix called 'Marzi ' made by Kite Wholefoods and distrib-uted by Infinity and Whole Ear th . I feel it deserves a further mention since it is a really useful product for those wishing to avoid heavily sweetened marzipan and marzipan is an ingredient in a number of traditional Easter delicacies, such as simnel cake. 'Marzi' uses dried apricots for natural sweet-ness and simply requires mixing with apple juice concentrate.

Good and Bad Talking of sweetmeats, look out later in March for a new treat f rom Plamil Foods. They are launching carob-coated fruit & nut bars in three flavours - Apple, Pear, and Apricot. That 's the good news. The bad is that their present Carob Fruit & Nut Bar - a family favourite - will be discontinued, so stock up while you can!

Snippets Some non-food news: Beauty Without Cruelty Ltd. has launched a new beauty soap scented with its popular Yolanda perfume. Although rather expensive at £1.25 a bar, it lasts really well and would make an excellent gift. Weleda has added to its range a new tooth-paste based on Calendula, the herb famed for its healing and antiseptic properties. And last but not least -Janco's Liquid Concentrate, a product very popular with vegans, may soon become more widely available. Re-tailers are being encouraged to stock this highly-concentrated liquid soap, which comes in 5-litre containers. It is extremely economical and is ideal for all cleaning jobs in the home, from washing up and floor cleaning to hair washing and bubble baths.

* Editor's Note: In response to enquiries from a number of manufacturers the licensed use of a Vegan Society logo to identify a product as 100% animal-free is currently under active consideration.

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Reviews Against All Odds: Animal Liberation 1972-1986 (Editor) J.J. Roberts Arc Print £1.95* Pbk

" What experience and history teach is this - that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it." Hegel.

Concerned equally with the physical act (plus the consequences) and the theory of animal liberation, this book traces the growth of the movement, detailing the major court cases - I CI, the Royal College of Surgeons, Wickham, Unilever - arising out of the 1984 campaign of mass raids by regional animal liberation leagues (NALL, SEALL, CALL, EALL etal) on animal laboratories. What way forward now, it asks, for a movement that has lost face with the public and is confronted with the police, State and media pitted against animal rights 'terrorists'?

From its first beginnings to the present day, these 117 pages provide an excellent examination, diagnosis and prognosis of an ailing movement which, it is claimed, can return to strength on a regime of economic sabotage. Despite its unpretentious appearance and poor proofreading this booklet is a solid work of perceptive analysis and constructive criticism which

will upset many people, sober up others and inspire the rest to re-create the movement in the image of its past's best - a development of the broad-based campaign strategy, with "an ideology and clear sense of direction, not just in our actions but also in our support structures" which was at the heart of NALL's initial success. Heeding the philosopher, the government's response to the recent past has been to resurrect archaic laws, and to introduce the Public Order Act and a range of other pre-emptive measures - in the face of which "the attempt to substitute the militancy of a few in place of the actions of many (as happened after the Unilever raid) is a recipe for disaster, and history has shown this many times. . . . Local groups must adopt a principled position of opposition to all animal abuse and attempt to destroy the myth that commercial forms of animal abuse have remained legal because of an oversight by successive governments. . . . It is very naive to believe that if public opinion favoured an end to commercial forms of animal abuse then that is what would happen".

The booklet ends with a seven-point plan - a guide for action - and, after the reading, an invitation to play a part in a new beginning. A must. Barry Kew * Available for cover price + 30p postage from: 265 Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, London N4.

The Meat Machine Jan Walsh Columbus Books £9.95 Hbk "The Meat Machine is not intended to put anyone off eating meat" the blurb on the dust-jacket soothingly announces, presumably in an attempt to avoid hurting the

finely-tuned sensitivities of the average book-buying flesh-feeder. However, I doubt whether this crude ruse will tempt many carnivores into purchasing the book, which is a pity, because some of the stomach-churning information it contains might take the edge off their cravings, for a while at least.

A stroll through the blood-spattered (and guilt-ridden) pages takes us over some familiar ground - hormones and antibiotics, food colourings, nitrites and other harmful additives, the fat issue, adulteration with water and other non-meat materials,the use of mechanically recovered meat (MRM), and the poor standards of labelling. Most of these sections contain some basic but important information, although the absence of an index makes the book a poor reference tool. The short chapter on enzyme injections (large volumes of fluid forcibly injected into condemned animals about 15 minutes before slaughter in order to 'tenderize' their flesh) is well worth reading, and contains some new and disturbing information about the widespread use of this disgusting procedure.

Paradoxically, author Jan Walsh remains a committed carnivore - which must count as one of modern history's more illogical minor triumphs of blind optimism over experience. Indeed, she is certainly no friend to those who don't share her lust for animal flesh. For example, she accuses the Vegetarian Society of 'fanning the flames' and 'delighting in the sight of the meat industry squirming'. In siding so firmly with what she perceives to be "the majority of meat-eaters", it is doubtful whether she actually spoke (or listened) t(< any independent c.itics of the flesh-food trade. This lack of questioning and investigative reporting makes her easy prey for the anodyne statements put out by the meat industry's P.R. merchants. For example, after cataloguing some of the many horrors of the slaughterhouse, she consoles

herself by reflecting: "The only encouraging thought is that at least our systems are improving. Each time a new slaughterhouse is built, or an old plant invests in some new machinery, the lot of our food animals improves." Rubbish, Ms. Walsh - as most critics of the industry would have told you, the precise opposite is the case. In fact, it's not too difficult to find people within the industry (talking off-the-record, of course) who could have told you that bigger slaughterhouses = higher kill-rate = less attention to each animal.

This is a depressing book to read, not so much because of the grim picture it paints, but because of the author's consistent refusal to face up to the implications of the facts she presents. In Ms. Walsh's view, all the evils of modern meat production - the cruelty, the moral and ethical issues, the health problems, and so on - could all be solved in the twinkling of a butcher's knife if we consumers were to demand something she calls 'Real Meat'. This stuff will presumably be sold in nice clean butcher shops, by nice honest butchers, using nice healthy ingredients, made from nice carefree animals leading natural lives, that have been painlessly put to sleep by nice caring men in nice happy slaughterhouses. Sounds pork-pie in the sky to me. Peter Cox, author of Why You Don't Need Meat

Food: Need, Greed & Myopia Geoffrey Yates Earthright Publications £3.95 Pbk

FOOD: NEED, GREED & MYOPIA Exploitation and Starvation in a World of Plenty

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This second edition of Geoffrey Yates' book, first published in 1980, has been updated and much fresh material has been added to it.

In the book, Yates examines the World Food Problem from the vegetarian/ vegan viewpoint, and the vegetarian case against animal farming with its waste of food and resources is a common theme throughout; veganism is even mentioned favourably. However, Yates looks beyond the somewhat simplistic vegetarian analysis and looks more widely at the problem, covering important political, economical and historical factors.

There is more than enough food for all the world's people, even with animal farming, yet many starve in regions where there is a plentiful supply. Yates suggests that the immediate cause of starvation is poverty. This arises from or is aggravated by population growth; a very inequable wealth distribution; human exploitation, of people, animals and the environment, and false ideas, notions and mental outlooks. He deals with these factors in detail, challenging many common assumptions and showing how the richer nations are implicated in the tragedy.

I found the book welcomely easy to read, with tables, diagrams and quotations to back up his clearly presented arguments and break up the text. It would make an excellent 'starter' for anyone wishing to tackle Third World issues.

The only criticism I would make is that there did not appear to be many suggestons for what individuals could do to help, apart from dietary change, althought there was a list of organizations worth joining, along with lists of references, sources of useful information and relevant literature for further reading.

For anyone even remotely concerned about world hunger this is a thoroughly worthwhile book to read. Look out for it in your local bookshop, or better still - get your local library to stock it. Graham Hooper

Kitty Campion's Vegetarian Encyclopaedia Century £10.95 Hbk

Set out in an easy to follow A-Z format (Y for Yogurt is actually the last listing) this 266-page book is an excellent, if rather expensive, buy.

Descriptions of ingredients are detailed and informative, many of them accompanied by recipe ideas that sound mouth-wateringly good (even if cottage cheese does seem to crop up on almost every other page!). It also makes entertaining reading: I enjoyed learning, for example, that asparagus is thought to calm people under stress, that there are over 7000 varieties of rice, and that hardly anyone in Brazil eats Brazil nuts!

I wasn't too happy about being told - yet again - that avocados should be avoided by anyone wanting to lose weight, and that lemon juice will help the pounds drop off. And when, following this cliched train of thought, I flicked through to find Ms Campion's comments on grapefruit, I discovered another failing -no fresh fruit, except the humble apple, has been considered worth including. A strange omission for a book that claims to tell you all you need to know about fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds.

Nevertheless, most of what is written in this book makes good sense, and will no doubt be of help to the enquirer. Where it falls down is on its omissions - not just fruit, but the whole range of soya-based vegan alternatives that are becoming increasingly popular these days. Though just about mentioned, no details are given on soya milks, soya yogurt, soya TVP, and my own personal mainstay and favourite -tofu. It seems a shame that Ms Campion managed to find space for such non-foods as coffee, tea, vinegar, sugar and bran, yet presumably felt soya, in any form but the bean, to be unworthy of our consideration. Janet Hunt

The Zinc Solution Derek Bryce-Smith & Liz Hodgkinson Centurv Arrow £3.50 Pbk

All tissues of the human body contain various zinc-protein complexes which are involved in a very wide variety of functions. It has been known since 1961 that zinc is essential to human growth. The requirement for zinc is an established fact, but it is not at all clear just how this occurs. As long ago as 1934 Todd and colleagues showed that zinc deficiency leads to severe anorexia - a general wasting of the body with loss of muscle, together with a marked drop in body weight. The authors of this thought-provoking book suggest that many of the 'modern diseases' might be related in some way to low zinc levels in the diet. This is a clear and easily testable hypothesis. Obvious examples of the link between zinc levels and disease are anorexia nervosa, acne and faulty fertility. Other examples are more questionably linked to zinc, for instance AIDS, hyperactivity and gluten intolerance.

The book is clearly written and deals, in layperson's language, with problems which the orthodox medical profession seems unable or unwilling to tackle. Most psychiatrists, despite evidence on the role of zinc and other micro-nutrients, persist in treating anorexia and bulimia nervosa as solely psychiatric disturbances.

Other, apparently intractable, problems could be amenable to zinc supplementation - once a

'zinc taste test' is administered in order to assess whether or not the subject is zinc deficient. The book describes the help provided by one of the authors (Bryce-Smith), for instance, to parents who have received no assistance from the medical profession for their hyperactive children.

Although the book is both timely and easy to read I have a number of quibbles: Firstly, it is not clear from the text how well-constructed the studies were that are cited to support the authors' contention about the role of zinc in alleviating various diseases. Secondly, it appears that the authors do not have a very good grasp of the vegetarian diet, despite one of them being a vegetarian (Hodgkinson). We learn that caution should be exercised about sufficient zinc levels in the vegetarian diet but very little emphasis is given to the zinc-rich foods (see pages 14, 38-41 and 44) consumed by vegetarians. Studies have shown that vegans take in as much or more zinc than omnivores in their food, nuts and seeds being good sources as well as wheatgerm, which is mentioned in the book.

Thirdly, readers should be aware that the whole question of recommended dietary allowances (RDA) is a mine-field. There are no well-researched and unequivocal studies of the optimum human requirements of vitamins and trace elements.

Fourthly, the authors say that high fibre diets result in a poor availability of zinc and other trace elements. The evidence that fibre in the diet reduces the uptake of zinc, calcium and magnesium is to say the least conflicting.

Fifthly, the proof reading is poor - my copy had two sets of pages 1 to 16 and numerous spelling mistakes.

In summary this is a very useful book which will help many, especially those who have received little assistance from the medical profession. But as the authors themselves point out, zinc supplementation alone is not the cure-all for our modern ills. Dr. C.K. Langley

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Family Matters Lis Howlett contimies her regular column on vegan child-care and parenting




What's it like to be a vegan youngster? The answers are many and

various, as I found out recently when I started to research this article. Although it's not always easy as an adult to put up with the taunts of relatives, friends and colleagues, im-agine how much worse it must be for a child, who is far more sensitive to criticism and to peer pressure. How well I remember how when I was at school over 20 years ago my best friend always had 'cold dinner' with what to me and her other classmates looked like extraordinary bread with weird spreads and hunks of raw vegetables. She was teased unmercifully, but had the strength of character to stand up to it and defend her healthier lifestyle. Her mother was obviously way ahead when it came to sound nu-trition, and I now realise that we were the ones who were missing out.

Things have changed some-what in schools since then, with many more children taking packed lunches and the appearance of self-service canteens, many of which re-flect a greater awareness of NACNE-guided nutritional principles. However, vegan schoolchildren can still en-counter difficulties, as when a school does not allow packed lunches and a child lives too far away to go home for lunch. In such cases surely a child should enjoy the same rights that are accorded to prisoners to be given food that is morally acceptable to them and to their parents or guardians? The rights of children, vegan or otherwise, are still a sadly neglected area however.

Making the Connection Other than at lunch-time, veganism does not seem to be an issue for children of primary school age. Hopefully though, vegan parents offer their chil-dren as much support, infor-

mation and advice on this subject as they would on any other about which they hold definite views. As long as the manner in which information is presented takes careful account of their age, I feel that children deserve to be treated as thinking and dis-criminating people and will appreciate clear explanations. Honest answers and straight talking will pay rich dividends at a later age. Children who are not fed an assortment of half-truths or deliberate mis-information by their parents (and others) will have little difficulty in making the con-nection between live animals and the food on their plate.

Help on hand It is while in the secondary school age-group that conflict is more likely to occur. Vegan youngsters 'in the firing line' need to be able to stand up for themselves and to defend their own rights, as well as those of animals. And in doing so there is now more help on hand than ever before; today's generation of vegan young-sters can draw on a wide range of sources for both moral and practical support. Some of the national animal rights organizations have their own youth sections and there are a number of independent local youth groups.

Animal Aid (Ed. See Spot-light' feature on pages 10-11) has its own Youth Section, headed by Helen Cruddas -one-time Group Co-ordinator of the now defunct Youth For Animal Rights organization. On joining, young people get a free badge, as well as their own newsletter providing a forum for members' news and views and a means of provid-ing moral support for those whose morale may be flagging or who feel isolated. There is also a Youth Group Page in Animal Aid's bi-monthly magazine Outrage. This active and enterprising organisation will also shortly have a new leaflet aimed specifically at young people. It should prove very useful for finding fellow-thinkers both inside and outside of school.

Fox Cubs is the name of an offshoot of the Hunt Sab-oteurs Association for children

aged 7-14. It aims not only to educate children on the issues involved in hunting, but also to teach generally about wild-life and the countryside. It publishes a newsletter three times a year which carries articles, quizzes and ideas for projects.

The National Anti-Vivi-section Society (NAVS) is well to the fore in supporting young people, and its 'Viol-ence-Free Science' campaign is gaining ground in schools, colleges and universities. Leaflets, petitions and badges are available and NAVS members receive regular updates in the Society's bi-monthly magazine. The Campaigner.

The RSPCA produces a booklet entitled, and listing. Alternatives to Dissection which can be used to inform classroom discussion of this same issue. It also has a young people's section - called Animal Defenders. Members receive a badge and a maga-zine entitled Animal World. If youngsters would like to try and bring hbme to their school-mates the grim reality of factory farming, they could suggest that their teacher hires (for free) a copy of Food For Protest. (Ed. See News section, 'Prime Time') from the RSPCA's Education Depart-ment. It should certainly spark off a lively debate.

So things are definitely looking up for vegan young-sters. There is a wealth of practical support that they can draw on out there, in the forefront of the fight for a more humane world. They should take heart from the number of prominent people from all walks of life who, whether hesitantly or confi-dently, are taking the same path. Even "Pigeon Street' now has its own. vegetarian cafe, and should they so wish they can accompany their friends to a Wimpy Bar and enjoy a Beanburger (without the cheese, please!). That's progress.

Contact addresses: Animal Aid-1 Castle Street, Ton-bridge, Kent TN9 1BH; Fox Cubs - HSA, P.O. Box 87, Exeter EX4 3TX; NAVS-51 Harley Street, London WIN 1DD; RSPCA - The Causeway, Horsham, Sussex.

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Postbag Contributions to Postbag are welcomed, but accepted on the understanding that they may be edited in the interests of brevity or clarity. Send your letters to: The Editor, THE VEGAN, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX12AY.

Put Off With mock self-depreciation Father Francis pre-emptively attributed hostile responses to his article ('How To Put People Off!', The Vegan, Winter 1986) to a misunderstanding of its badly phrased content. It was, however, readily comprehensible and angered me.

It is a tactical necessity that animal rights campaigners should 'target' specific forms of animal abuse, abuses to which a greater number of a still largely meat-eating general public is also (if only vaguely) opposed. It is a question of the need to establish priorities - to choose which 'dominoes' to attempt to knock over. The same principle applies to 'prioritising' fur over leather and wool, and hunting over shooting and angling.

The good father's snide and repeated summoning forth of 'socialists, feminists and students' startlingly reveals his own range of perverse prejudices and anti-intellectualism. His is a glaring failure to acknowledge the view that animal abuse does not take place in isolation from human affairs but exists in the context of a human society based on power, class and greed; that animal liberation might be actively opposed on political and 'economic' grounds, by such as the

Conservatives, is implicitly discounted by him. His plea for 'apolitical' animal activists is ironic, given that one charge sometimes levelled against us is that we do not care about 'human' issues at all. Tim Wilson, Hastings * * * *

Does Father Francis think I should stop being a 'feminist' because it puts people off veganism, or stop being a vegan because it puts people off feminism?

Not an easy choice to make as both are equally important to my personal philosophy, and completely intertwined. I also fail to see why I should pander to other people's prejudices - they should listen to my arguments, not try to label me; then they can decide for themselves. Many do.

Oh yes, and why does he put the word 'feminist' in inverted commas? H. Gipson. Mildenhall

Bone of contention Re the article 'Pets and Vegans' in the winter issue of The Vegan magazine, to say I was disgusted would be putting it too mildly. I was deeply shocked that the magazine should publish such an article. In my opinion, Mr. Burnett needs to get out into the world and open up his shallow little mind. This article has left me wondering

deeply whether I will renew my membership. A. Head. Kew Southport

* * * *

I feel I must reply to Brian Burnett. Yes, his points about cruel imports and badly over-bred pet animals are certainly valid. However, cats and dogs have been with us for millenia, contributing to civilisation. I have three cats sharing my l :fe. They are all rescues, all duly neutered; the problem of feeding is the one aspect I don't like. But those magic moments when a true friendship awakens and cuts across the species barrier makes me still more determined to work for a compassionate world. Liz Lippeatt. Sheffield

* * * *

If you think that other species have rights which embrace not being experimented upon, and not being bred and imprisoned for life to be slaughtered as food, and not being hunted, and so on, then why not extend the rights to include the most fundamental right - that of being free to decide where, and how, or even whether, to live?

There are philosophical objections regarding the nature of free will which need not affect this argument; but if we believe that we are free to decide our daily fate, then we ought to look at the minority of species who are exploited by us to perform certain roles.

Once enslaved, we provide ample retrospective justification - but we ought to question the very ethos of animal enslavement. David Bennett-Hughes, Stourbridge

* * * *

I should like to thank Brian Burnett for his well-written article on Pets and Vegans'. I feel exactly the same way about keeping animals as pets - only the stray that comes knocking at your door on a dark night can be justifiably kept. To buy animals is to support a horrific trade.

May I also take this opportunity of thanking you for a very interesting magazine - keep up the good work!

Self-defeating Although I can see Mick Perryment's argument ('Postbag', Winter 1986 issue) against allowing Allied-Lyons to advertise their frozen dessert in The Vegan, I think that it is self-defeating.

There are very few companies who are not exploitative in one way or another; even if they are not directly responsible for animal slaughter they are likely to pay slave wages or exploit the environment. Also, if we take Mick's argument to its logical conclusion, we should have to boycott all shops and supermarkets which sell meat, dairy produce or other cruelly-derived foods.

A boycott of a Bernard Matthews or Wimpy veggie burger would only force these companies still more firmly into the arms of the meat trade. But if they made profits from such an item they would expand the range. Consumer demand could even push Wimpy into being a veggie burger chain one day! It won't happen overnight, it's true - but it won't happen at all if we boycott them. Alex Neilson, Edinburgh

Sharp Shock I read with interest Mandy Lowman's letter in the Autumn 1986 issue of The Vegan. She felt that humour was the way to change people's thoughts to veganism. Quite frankly, I totally disagree. I feel that the only way is to give the public a sharp shock on how meat actually ends up on a plate.

I personally would be delighted to see some stronger merchandise, such as T-shirts with the picture from the Society's 'Slaughter of the Innocent' leaflet showing a cow's head with a bleeding wound. Chris Martin Robinson, Chester-le-Street

Ed. We would be interested to hear more readers' views on this subject - in the pursuit of its aims should the Vegan Society attempt to shock or cajole, or both?

21 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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Noticeboard Diary Dates 14/15 March Parkdale", Dunham Road, Altrincham. Cheshire. Teacher's Conference organized bv the VSUK. To include a combined presentation of teaching aids by the RSPCA and Compassion in World Farming. Applications to:

18 March 6.30pm. The Nature Cure Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place, London W1M 3AL (Tel: 01-935 6213). 'Homeopathic Pharmacy - Its Place in Environmental Health' - a talk by John Ainsworth, M.P.S., M.I.Pharm.M. Tickets: £1.50 (80p if unwaged). 21 March 7.00pm-11.30pm. London. Slide-show of Squirrel holidays (approx. 1 hour) followed by vegan buffet prepared by cookery author and demonstrator Leon Lewis. Cost: £5.50. Details from (please enclose SAE if

26 March 6.30pm. Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London. 1987 Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture: 'The Environmental Debate -Organic Agriculture', by Nigel Dudley, author of The Death of Trees. Admission free. 2 April 8.00pm. New Imperial Hotel, Temple Street, Birmingham City Centre. "The Truth about the Meat Industry' - a talk by Peter Cox, author of Why You Don't Need Meat. Admisson free. For further details ring 021 440 2445. 25 April Oxford. March to mark World Day for Laboratory Animals, organized by Animal Aid. Further details (please enclose SAE if enquiring by post) from: 7 Castle Street,

Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BH. Tel: (0732) 364546.

Early Warning 10th October Westminster Conference Centre, Victoria, London. The 1987 Annual General Meeting of the Vegan Society Ltd.

Youth Camp The 6th International Vegetarian Youth Camp will be held in Haut-Bellain, Luxemburg, from 18 July-1 August 1987. An invitation to attend and take part in a full programme of events is warmly extended to readers of The Vegan between the ages of 16 and 35 by the Belgian organizers. Full details and registration forms available from:

Natural Medicines The newly-formed Natural Medicines Society seeks new members, funds and practical support in its efforts to promote understanding and awareness of the proper role of natural medicines in modern health care, and to achieve its immediate goal of ensuring the preservation of those licensed natural

medicines presently threatened by Government and EEC policies. Further information about the Socief

Talking Vegan Do you have friends or acquaintances who are prevented from reading The Vegan because of visual handicap or some other disability? Starting with the Winter 1986 issue, the

contents of the magazine can now be heard on two 90-minute audio-cassettes. A year's supply of The Vegan, plus a year's supply of The Vegetarian, costs just £5. Further enquiries/ subscriptions to: The Talking Newspaper Association (TNAUK), 68a High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8JB (Tel: 04352-6102).

Sponsored Walk In September 1986 Mike Huskisson, distinguished animal rights activist and author of Outfoxed - a powerful expose of bloodsports in contemporary Britain, began an 18-month prison sentence arising from his presence as photographer during a raid on Royal College of Surgery premises in 1984. In the course of that raid evidence was gathered which led to the successful prosecution of the RCS for causing unnecessary suffering

to a 10-year old female macaque monkey. A 10-mile sponsored walk on behalf of The Mike Huskisson Appeal will take place around Tonbridge on Sunday, 15 March, and sponsors are sought for Mike's 5-month-old son, Grahame, who will be participating in his own sponsored piggy back on the day. Sponsorship ms


ARC Print Appeal The London-based Arc Print appeals for funds to consolidate its work as printers and publishers for the animal rights movement (See Against All Odds - Animal Liberation 1972-86, £1.95, 1986). Donations are urgently sought from individuals and animal rights groups to make possible the purchase of a £250 daisy wheel printer to complement a recently-obtained microcomputer. Contact: Arc Print, 265 Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, London N4.

Research Do you drink decaffeinated coffee? If so read on. . . Joan Poad of Sheffield City Polytechnic is currently writing a final-year dissertation on the subject of decaffeinated coffee as part of her degree course in Food Marketing Science. She would therefore be most interested to hear from readers why they drink decaffeinated coffee, which brands they prefer, and how many cups they drink daily. Please write to Joan c/o: Dept. ofHCHE, Sheffield City Polytechnic, Pond Street, Sheffield SI 1WB.

Travel Guide Vegan foreign travellers are invited to supply details of their experiences to reader Chris Stephens, who is interested in compiling a vegan foreign travel guide. Letters to: 25 Turnpike Lane, London N8 OEP.

Vital Income Members and associates of the Society are reminded that annual subscriptions - the Society's principal source of income - fall due on 1 January of each year. Given the very heavy demands currently placed on the Society's cash reserves, the prompt receipt of subscription renewals is of vital import-ance. Those who have still to renew their subscrip-tions for 1987, and thus reaffirm their support for the Society's work at a time of great expansion and challenge, are therefore urged to do so without delay. For the convenience of readers in this category, a tear-off sub-renewal form is incorporated in the insert enclosed with members' and associates' copies of this issue of The Vegan. For reasons of economy, the names of members and associates failing to renew their subscriptions will be removed from future mailing lists.

22 The Vegan, Spring 1987

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June 19th-21st 1987 Friday 12 noon - 9pm Saturday 1 lam - 9pm Sunday 11am - 7pm IVINOv ITHOUTF Kensington Town Hall, TUELW Homton Street, London W8.

^.IVINGv WITHOUT LUELTY Just 5 min. walk from Kensington High Street Underground Station

A unique and major event designed to draw together all those organizations which oppose violence to humans, animals and the environment in a celebration of cruelty-free living. Attractions will include full lecture, film, demonstration and theatrical programme and a buffet bar serving vegetarian/vegan food.

Bookings/further details: LWC Exhibition, Animal Aid, 7 Castle Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN91BH. Tel: (0732) 364546. Special discount rate available to teachers interested in bringing school parties.

THINKING AHEAD? There must be many of our readers w h o would like to sup-port the Vegan Society in its work but have limited means at present. There is, however, an easy way of giving valued financial support regardless of present circumstances - by including a legacy to the Society in your will. Great or small, such legacies can make a real and lasting contribu-tion to the promotion of vegan ideals. What better way can there be to help the Society without loss of income? For those w h o would like to remember the Society in their will the following form of bequest is suggested:

"I bequeath to the Vegan Society Ltd, Registered Charity no. 279228, presently at 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY, the sum of £ and 1 declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer of the said Society shall be good and sufficient discharge of such legacy."

Property left to the Society is another valuable contribu-tion to our cause. If you wish to will land or property to the Society please write for details to the Treasurer, at the re-gistered office.

Why not? ... give your support to those working positively towards an end to all animal abuse and the widespread adoption of a more compassionate and eco-logical way of life. Simply fill in the form below and send it to: The Membership Sec-retary The Vegan Society, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX12AY Please tick as appropriate: • I wish to become a FULL MEMBER of the Vegan Society Ltd and undertake to abide by its rules as set out in the Society's Memorandum and Articles of Association. I declare that I am a practising vegan as currently defined by the Council of the Vegan Society Ltd (see Information, p2) • I wish to become an ASSOCIATE MEMBER of the Vegan Soci-ety. Although not a practising vegan, I agree with the Society's aims and would like to support its work. I enclose payment as follows (please tick): • £6.50 Individual • £4.00 Unwaged individual • £8.50 Family • £6.00 Unwaged family • £100.00 Life Membership • I wish to SPONSOR your work, for which purpose I enclose a

donation of: • £5.00 • £10.00 • £25.00 • £50.00 • £ Please make cheques payable to The Vegan Society Ltd Name




23 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 24: The Vegan Spring 1987

Publications & Promotional Goods All prices include VAT where applicable but are exclusive of postage and packing (see Order Form)


Vegan Shopper 's Guide

Best-selling checklist of products free of animal ingredients and testing. Five easy-to-consult sections cover foods, toiletries, cosmetics, remedies, etc. Plus useful appendices £1.50

Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide

Lists hotels, guest-houses, b/b accommodation, restaurants, cafes. More than 400 entries. £1.50

An Introduction to Practical Veganism

A beginner's guide 75p

Vegan Mothers and Children

Ten mothers of this and the last generation describe the rearing of vegan children. Includes reports of recent research by T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr) 75p

Vegan Nutrition F. Ellis, MD FRC(Path) and T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr). A scientific assessment of the vegan diet, incorporating easy-to-follow tables enabling recommended intake of essential nutrients to be met from plant products only £1.00

Veganism - Scientific Aspects T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr) 50p

Plant Foods for Human Health Professor J. Dickerson 50p

The Role of Plants in Feeding Mankind Professor A. Bender 50p

AFUTURE The Complete Case for Vegetarianism

Jon Wynne-Tyson

Food for a Future Jon Wynne-Tyson A classic work, powerfully arguing all aspects of the vegan case - moral, economic, ecological, physiological and nutritional. Packed with information, statistics, quotations, nutritional and dietary data £2.50

The Extended Circle: A Dictionary of Humane Thought (Ed.) Jon Wynne-Tyson A unique anthology of quotations concerning our treatment of non-human species. An indispensable source-book £4.95

Compassion: The Ultimate Ethic Victoria Moran An examination of the history and philosophy of the vegan movement £4.95

H i * GARDENING The AtamatHe System tor Hoattw* Crops


SSS n Kaiwipi M M t W M

Veganic Gardening Kenneth Dalziel O'Brien A comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow guide to the subject by the system's greatest living exponent £6.99

Companion Planting Gertrud Franck A comprehensive guide to the organic cultivation of fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs £4.95

Cookery Books:

Vegan Cookery Eva Batt Revised and expanded edition of the classic What's Cooking? Brim-full of recipes, nutritional information and practical advice £2.95

What Else is Cooking? Eva Batt 300 vegan recipes, together with practical hints. Wipe-clean cover, spiral-bound £2.95

Tofu Cookery Louise Hagler Superby presented collection of more than 200 recipes, from appetizers to main course dishes and desserts. 'A gem of a book' - Leah Leneman £7.95



The Vegan Diet: True Vegetarian Cookery David Scott & Claire Golding A 'gourmet' vegan cookbook containing over 250 recipes -from soups and starters to desserts and children's favourites £5.95

Vegan Cooking Leah Leneman Includes The Vegan Dairy,

—The Vegan— Shoppert Guide

—The Vegan— Holiday and Restaurant


24 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 25: The Vegan Spring 1987

Tofu - The Wonder Food and recipes using proprietary health foods £1.95

Healthy Eating for the New Age Joyce D'Silva A vegan cookbook packed full of excellent and varied recipes which follow health-food, as well as vegan principles £3.95

Cooking with Sea Vegetables Peter & Montse Bradford A vegan macrobiotic guide to the culinary use of the 'harvest of the oceans' £3.95

Promotional Goods:

The International Tofu Cookery Book Leah Leneman Recipes garnered from the cuisines of America, Britain, the Caribbean, the Far East, India, the Mediterranean, Mexico £4.95

Envelope Re-use Labels

100% recycled paper, non-animal gum. Two designs: 'Globe' - black and green on white; 'Bottle' - black and red on white £1.25 per 100 (of one design)


Multi-colour design on white cotton Sizes: Child-22", 26", 28", £2.75


GOURMET TW >Vy iWv of Inwmtfiend V«go« CULM*

J one' Hunt—

Button Badges ( 1 W )

The Compassionate Gourmet Janet Hunt Exotic dishes from all over the globe for those who love animals - and food! £4.99

Order Form

The Vegan Cookbook Alan Wakeman and Gordon Baskerville 200-plus graded recipes demonstrating that a vegan diet can be rich and varied and reach the highest culinary standards £4.95

Order now (block capitals throughout please) from: The Merchandise Department, The Vegan Society, 33-35 George Street Oxford OX1 2AY.

Item Quantity Cost

POSTAGE RATES (inland only) TOTAL up to 50p - add 15p postage 50p to £ 1.99 - add 25p postage £2 to £4.99 - add 60p postage £5 to £10 - add £1 postage over £10- add £2 postage

FINAL TOTAL I enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd. for Name (PLEASE PRINT) Address

Postcode . Eire & Overseas: Payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an English bank or an international money order. Overseas: Add 10% to cover additional postal expenses.


Two colours. Please specify design(s) required using letter code 25p each, four for 90p Multi-purpose Stickers (l'A") Same designs and colour schemes as button badges, in sheets of 12 of same. Please specify design(s) required using badge letter code 20p per sheet, five sheets for 90p

100% cotton. Two designs: 'Bottle' - red and white on navy blue; 'Blood Foods' - red and black on white. Sizes: S/M/L/XL £3.50

Car/Window Sticker

Printed red and black on white self-cling plastic. 11" x 2W 50p



Printed on high-quality, 100% recycled card. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Set of four different designs, with recipes on reverse. 45p

Printed on high-quality, 100% recycled paper. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Pack of twelve, with four different seasonal designs £1.25


Red and black casing, with slogan 'Ban Blood Foods' printed in white on clip. Refillable 35p

25 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 26: The Vegan Spring 1987

When replying to these advertisements please mention The Vegan.




C Y C L I N G HOLIDAYS, beautiful mid-Wales: Bicycle Beano (VN). Builth Wells. Powys. E A R T H W A L K . Guided , unladen countryside walking and pampered camping, with acclaimed vegan/vegetarian cuisine. Illustrated brochure: Earthwalk. Newton . Mid Wales SY16 4AB. Tel. 0686 28282. ATSITSA, a holistic health and fitness holiday community on the beautiful Greek island of Skyros. Activities: f rom windsurfing, dance , art and aerobics to yoga, medi ta t ion, massage and T a i Chi. Details: 1 Fawley Road (Ve) . London N W 6 1SL. Tel . 01-431 0867.


H O M E WANTED for ex-Greenham cat ( female) at the moment in London. If interested contact Jane . Violet Gate , W o m e n ' s Peace Camp. Newbury. Berks. In writing. EVERY SIX SECONDS AN A N I M A L D I E S IN A B R I T I S H L A B O R A T O R Y . If you would like to join our campaign against all animal exper iments write or phone British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection. 16a Crane Grove . London N7 SLB. 01-700 4888.

M O B I L E VEGAN CATERING BUS wants to a t tend rallies, demos, shows, festivals etc. Countrywide . Ring 0758 720039

SALE VEGAN ORGANIC WINE. Bordeaux Superieur - Chateau de Prade £53.40 per case. Made without animal products. For details and list, phone Vintage Roots (0734) 662569 - at 88 Radstock Road . Reading R G 1 3PR. WOODBURNING STOVES Cheap and ecological heating for workshops. greenhouses or living rooms. For f ree

rochure: Cromlech Woodstoves, 42 Glover R o a d . Lowfield. Sheffied 8. 50% P A R T N E R S H I P of vegetarian wholefood res taurant for sale. Turnover in excess of £50.000 (first year). Freehold. £35.000. South Devon. Tel. 0803/862605.

GUEST-HOUSE & SEPARATE RESTAURANT. Eas tbourne . For sale together or separately. Both cater exclusively for vegetarians/vegans. Gues thouse - 11 guests - 50 yards seafront . Freehold £70.000 offers . Restaurant -Leasehold - central . £15,000 offers . Together £82.000. Tel . 0323 35781.


For comprehensive list see Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide (£1.50 + 25p p&p).

IBIZA Vegan Fayre. Stay with English owners in their private finca (hostess vegan). Double room, shower. Also bunks. F/B, collection airport, £16 p .p . per night inclusive. Children half price. included. Quiet rural setting.

BEXHILL-on-SEA. Vegan/vegetarian B&B £7 night, £35 weekly. 10 Deerswood Lane, Bexhill TN39 4LT. Tel. 042 43 5153.



Licensed restaurant with Accommodation

W e list twelve vegan dishes on our current but ever-changing menu. Own garden or fresh local produce used whenever possible. Exceedingly comfortable bedrooms.

Special terms. Weekend breaks Ring owners for

more details. Te l . 0823 89801

NORFOLK COUNTRYSIDE, peace, quietness, healthy eating, homemade bread, log fires, near Wildlife sanctuaries & stately homes. Burton, Bacton-on-Sea Vicarage. Tel. 0692 650375. ISLE O F WIGHT. Small private hotel, quietly situated, in an area of natural beauty. Comfortable accommodation with central heating. Excellent home cooking by vegetarian proprietor. Wholefoods, vegetarian or vegan. Open Easter until

LINCOLNSHIRE. Vegan DB&B. Old house. CH. Quiet village. Children welcome. Guidedogs only. No smoking, alcohol. Lapwings, Apley, Lincoln LN3 5JQ. Tel. 0673 858101.

ESCAPE to a country period Guest House, with tranquillity, peace and friendship, log fires, large garden. Ideal touring base, open all year to vegetarians and vegans only. Sae Holway Mill, Sandford Orcas, Sherborne, Dorset . Tel . 096322 380. PENZANCE. Self-catering accommodation for 3-4. Two miles f rom Penzance with large garden, sea and country views. Occasional vegan meals available. Tel. 0736 62242. EASTBOURNE. Friendly guesthouse catering exclusively for vegetarians and vegans. Quiet road 50 yds from sea. Delicious home cooking. From £70.50p per week. Reductions for children. Sae for leaflet. 5 Rylstone Rd, Eastbourne. E . Sussex. Tel. (0323) 35781. TORQUAY. B R O O K E S B Y H A L L H O T E L . Glorious sea views. Quie t . 300 yds beach. Exclusively vegetarian/vegan. Vegan proprietress. Hesketh Rd. Tel. 0803 22194.

TORQUAY. Hazelmere ' . Strictly vegetarian, vegan. Comfortable accommodation. C H . Tea-making in all rooms, also washbasins. Near beaches/town/ coastal walks. B&

per week.

DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK, Country house, beautiful peaceful position, own woodlands, natural spring water , memorable meals. Vegans/vegetarians only. Ullacombe House, Kavtor Road . Bovey Tracey, Devon. Tel. Kaytor (03646) 242.

BOSWEDNACK MANOR. Zennor. St. Ives. Cornwall. Country guesthouse, sea and moorland views, vegetarian proprietors, vegans welcome. Bird watching and painting holidays too. COTSWOLDS. Enjoyable food, vegan or any diet. Splendid situation; magnificent views. Spacious, comfortable accommodation. Friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Pets welcome. Tel. Brimscombe 882342. PENMARRIC LODGE. Penare Terrace. Penzance. Cornwall. Tel. 0736 62068. Ideal holiday centre for wholefood vegetarians/ vegans. Near trains/coaches, beaches, all amenities. Also massage workshops & 5-day courses. EASTER IN TORQUAY. Plan your break now, enjoy our beautiful coastline and countryside. Ideal for touring or as a base without transport. Families welcome. Exclusivly vegan/vegetarian. Tel. 0803 313139 for brochure. B&B £8.50. EM £5.00 (four course).

HASTINGS ~ 1066 COUNTRY. Delicious vegetarian/vegan wholefood cooking. H/C, television, tea/coffee facility in all rooms. Comfortable Victorian house overlooking private gardens, one mile eal

SQUIRREL Boating Holidays. No experience necessary. Modern 6-berth motor-sailer. Singles, couples or families. Vegan skipper. Western Scotland's sheltered sea-lochs, islands, abundant wildlife, beautiful scenery. £100-180 per week, full board. My 10th season. NB. SQUIRREL SOCIALS for past crews and anyone interested in future cruises. London. 21st March. e s

BEXHILL-ON-SEA. Vegan bed and breakfast. Tel. 042 43 5153. LAKE DISTRICT, vegan/vegetarian B&B. Excellent country house accommodation. Situated in Beatrix Potter's picturesque village of Near Sawrey, 2 miles Hawkshead, 7 miles Ambleside. Delightful views over Esthwaite Water. Beautiful scenery, tarns, fells, Grizedale Forest, etc. Ideal for exploring the Lake District. 'Beechmount ' , Near Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 0LB. Tel. Hawkshead 356.

ISLE OF SKYE We are a vegan guesthouse situated on an 8 acre croft overlooking Loch Dunvegan with panoramic views of the Cuillins and outer isles. We offer good, plentiful vegan home cooking, tea-making facilities, all day access, TV lounge, bicycle hire. Home from home. Children welcome. All rooms have H&C and heating. Open all year.

For more details contact:

Vegancroft, 11 Husabost By Dunvegan

Tel. Glendale (047-081) 303

MID WALES - Stredders vegetarian and vegan guesthouse. Run by lifelong vegetarian. Open all year. Park Crescent, Llandrindod Wells. Tel. 0597 2186. " A H I M S A " B&B or half board, vegans welcome. Beautiful Antrim coast and hills. 243, Whitepark Rd, Bushmiles. N.I. Bushmiles 31383. ROYAL FOREST OF DEAN, Wye Valley. Wonderful walking. Period House. Four-poster bed. Non-smoking. Licensed. Vegan/ vegetarian. B&B/EM (optional). Tel. 0594

NORTHWEST SCOTLAND. Our organic croft offers peaceful accommodation to country-lovers seeking vegetarian or vegan food. B. Pursey. 'Avalon . Elphin. Sutherland IU27 4HH. NORTH YORKSHIRE. Amadeus Hotel. Exclusively vegetarian/vegan home cooking in elegantly refurbished Victorian house. Some rooms en suite. All non-smokin

NEAR SALISBURY and the New Forest. Homely vegan B&B. EM. available. Contact for brochure, Harestock Cottage, Southampton Road, Whiteparish, Salisbury, Wilts. Tel. 07948 370.

YORK. The Dairy Wholefood Guesthouse is a lovely Victorian town h

CUMBRIA. Vegans always welcome. Homely accommodation and wholesome food in peaceful village. Greystones Guest House, Ashleigh Road, Arnside. LA5 OHE. Tel. 0524 761619. CASTLE ACRE, Norfolk. Converted pub. historic village, mid-point Peddars Way. Exclusively veg./wholefood. Sleeps 20. Self-catering unit. Conference venue. SOLWAY SHORE southwest Scotland. B&B, evening meal. Ordinary, vegetarian, gluten-free or vegan me Proprietor vegetarian.

SUFFOLK. B&B £7, dinner £4. Excellent vegan cooking. Children, animals welcome. Coast, Hinsmere Bird Reserve, only 14 miles. Old Schoolhouse, Saxtead, near Framlingham. Tel. 0728 723887.

.ORDER LIQUID CONCENTRATE is the biodegradable liquid soap derived from coconut oil, whicn is free from animal products and animal testing. SAE for details: Dept EV, Janco Sales, 11 Seymour Road, Hampton Hill, Middlesex TW12 1DD.

NEW AGE MUSIC. Cassettes for peaceful living. Catalogue from: DAWN A W A K E N I N G , P.O. Box 15, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6XE.


26 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 27: The Vegan Spring 1987

PUBLICATIONS AHIMSA. Quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Society. Veganism, Natural Living, Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription $8. Address: 501 Old Harding. Highway, Malaga. NJ 08328, USA.

FUTURE MIND (formerly Western Buddhist) is a new magazine seeking the healthiest state of mind and way of life for people today. With articles/news of social action and mental training courses. Send £1.20 for issue 1 or write for details to: Future Mind (Dept C). 30 Hollingbourne Gardens. Ealing, London W13 8EN.


MEDITATION Two informative and

practical booklets. Send £2.50 to Buddhist

Publishing (V), PO Box 136, Leicester LE2 4TZ.


FREE TRANSLATING Ger/Fr/Dutch/ltal - Eng. AH texts.

V. Smith, 2. Bumside Close. Twickenham, Middlesex. Traders - if 200

W+. then £1 to Vegan Society SVP.


AU PAIR English single-parent father with 15-year daughter seeks au pair in Geneva for light duties: • to be present while the father is away on

business trips • evening meals • light housework Candidates must be vegetarian/vegan, responsible, easy-going, have a mature outlook, speak reasonable English and be adaptable to a foreign environment. The household is informal and reasonable standards are expected.

Interviews in England or Switzerland. Reply to Box No 107.



VEGETARIAN MATCHMAKERS is for vegans too. Discreet postal introduction service for unattached adults of all ages throughout the UK. Write to as many people on the lists as you wish. Fee is only £24 per

year. Special discount for over 60's. Apply VMM. 14A Woodlands Road, Isleworth, Middx. TW7 6NX. HANDYMAN - Vegan brushes unavailable in Australia. Any advice on non-animal brushes for wal idths.

will refund with postage stamps any that reply. This is fairly urgent as I'm still making my living off the back of the hog.

CONTACT CENTRE CONTACT CENTRE is a friendship agency, quite different from all others. It enables you to choose your friend(s) from detailed advertisements or to write an advertisement yourself without disclosing your name and address. CONTACT CENTRE gives you full scope; you don't even have to complete a form. CONTACT CENTRE operates among other things a British Vegan Service, a British Vegetarian/Vegan Service and the International Vegetarian/Vegan Pen-friend Service without hidden charges and with many offers for a nominal fee, or even free. As we cannot tell all in this advertisement, please find out how you too can benefit by requesting free details from Contact Centre, BCM Cuddle, London WC1V 6XX. Full translational services from or into German, French and Dutch.


for Pure Juices that store for Drinks and Country Winemaking

and for Wholesome Steamed Meals Stainless steel £49.95/Aluminium £34.45 Order/Leaflet from MEHU-MAIJA (V) PO Box 3 Diss Norfolk IP22 3HH Tel Diss (0379) 52302 Access/Visa


All prices inclusive of VAT.

Personal: £3.50 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 17p each. Commercial: £4.75 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 25p each. Box No: £2.00 extra Semi-display: £5.00 per single column centimetre Series discount (4 consecutive insertions): 10%

PAYMENT By cheque or postal order, made payable to The Vegan Society Ltd and sent to: The Advertising Manager, The Vegan, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2A Y.

Eire and Overseas: payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an English bank or by international money order.

PUBLICATION DATES Late February, May, August, November

COPY DATES First of month of publication


advertisement is deemed to warrant that the advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament nor is it in any other way illegal or defamatory or an infringement of any other party's rights or an infringement of the British Code of Advertising Practice.

The Vegan Society reserves

the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement without explanation.

Although every care is taken, the Vegan Society cannot accept liability for any loss or inconvenience incurred as a result of errors in the wording, or the late or non-appearance of an advertisement.


Introducing easier shopping. All free from animal ingredients and animal testing.

^Toiletries ^Cosmetics *0ral Hygiene •Health ^Household

Many well known manufacturers in one catalogue. Send for your free copy to:

NEW AGE PRODUCTS. PO Box No. 22 E. Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey KT24 6SX Tel: (04865) 5115 24 hour service

NATURAL HEALTH EQUIPMENT & BOOKS Over 250 Excellent Books A Products

J U I C E R S - Pure concen t ra ted nu t r i t i on . W A T E R P U R I F I E R S - A v o i d water po l l u t i on A I R I O N I Z E R S - A d d ene rgy t o the air e n d t o you . W e s l ock the I S m o s t popular m o d e l s at L O W P R I C E S , o n 6 0 4 * y trial F R E E I O N I Z E R I N F O R M A T I O N . B O U N C E R S - H igh ly e f f ic ient exerc ise . E N E M A K I T S - For Inner c l ean l i ness P U L S O R S - Subt le ene rgy ba lanc ing a n d protect ion f r o m e lec t romagne t i c po l l u t i on . N A T U R A L F E R T I L I T Y A W A R E N E S S - Cont racept ion or p regnancy w i t h n o s ide

ef fects . T I P - U U P s - G rav i t y Inversion beck exerc ise rs

P L U S : G R A I N M I L L S , F O O T R O L L E R S , H U M A N E M O U S E T R A P S , H E R B S , M A G N E T I C F O I L ( l o r pa ins A sp ra ins ) . B O O K S ft M U C H M O R E .

CONCERNED ABOUT POLLUTION? - SO ARE WE! A HARMONY OF SCIENCE A NA TVRE - Ways of Staying Healthy In a Modem World, is a new 72 pp. book describing many of the problems and suggesting some practical and easy ways of avoiding pollution and keeping healthy under modern living circumstances. It also contains much background Information on all our products Greatly superior to a glossy catalogue. CI.SO from ourselves. C3.95 from bookshops

For very full product details, Including this unique. 72 page illustrated book, please send nine first class stamps or CI. SO to:


Dept VE. Bright Haven. Robin a Lane. Lotworth, Cambridge CB3 8HH Telephone: Craft 's Hill (0954) 81074

27 The Vegan, Spring 1987

Page 28: The Vegan Spring 1987


_ _ I n t e r n a t i o n a l __

VEGETARIAN Handbook fe&aureuts-Acaxrwnxlation Travel-Addttrves-Cnsmetics

mutm m

An indispensable guide to vegetarian living

The new edition of our regular Handbook is better than ever, with improved layout and symbols for quick reference. It's packed full of information about vegetarian restaurants, hotels, guest-houses, holidays, caterers and much more. There's a section on overseas societies and facilities, another on foods and additives and an essential introduction for new vegetarians - all in a new, handy pocket-size format.

It's a great bargain at £3.95 + 60p post & packing.

Send your order direct to: The Merchandise Dept (Dept W), The Vegetarian Society (UK) Ltd, Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4QG.

Cheques/POs payable to: The Vegetarian Society (UK) Ltd. or telephone 061 928 0793 to order by Access.

DON'T GO WITHOUT IT! — the latest edition of the now standard guide for cruelty-free eaters wanting to banish the guess-work from holidaymaking and eating out in the UK. More than 400 detailed entries covering cafes, restaurants, and a wide range of accommodation (incl. farms, hostels, guest-houses and hotels) in many of Britain's best-loved beauty spots - from the Isle of Skye to the Isle of Wight. Includes a section on activity and special-interest holidays. A must!

£1.50, plus 25p p&p, from: The Merchandise Dept, The Vegan Society, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY

Cheques/POs payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd.

—The Vegan-Holiday and Restaurant


the wgetarion society m the united Km^im i

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