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The Vessel’s Serenade

A novel by Aimee Hinaut

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Ghost (g st)n.

The spirit of a dead person, especially one believed to appear in bodily likeness to living persons or to haunt former habitats.

The center of spiritual life; the soul. A demon or spirit. A returning or haunting memory or image.

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‘Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting

contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars

forever and ever.’

-Daniel 12:2-3

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April 1600.

Nottingham, England.

Prince Ariel staggers at the weight of his grandfather’s weak body as he carries he’s grandfather towards the end of the hallway. He was just about to reach out for the exit when he felt the dark suddenly crowded.

“No” a chilling voice rang out in the darkness. Ariel froze. He turns to face where the voice was

“What do you want from us?” Ariel’s grandfather asked with clear fear in his eyes

“The prince, the last descendant” The voice said

“What do you want from me?” Ariel asked

“Your death. My mission is to eliminate you and that mission shall be fulfilled tonight” the chilling voice said with excitement

“Your mission shall never be fulfilled. Even if death whispers at this very moment, I shall continue to pass on the bow. And that I will, as the prince of the Hood clan” Ariel vowed.

“You can never pass on the bow. I shall always be there to destroy it. Now, it’s time to end this cat and mouse chase”

“No, no, NO, Ariel, run!” Ariel’s grandfather’s voice rang out

“Silence old man!” with that, Ariel could hear the sword being plunged into his grandfather’s body.

“No!!!” Ariel yelled.

“Now it’s your turn” the chilling voice said. Then in a split second, Ariel could feel the blade stab into his stomach

“Die in a painful death my lord. Your death shall come slow, so take your time” the voice said.

Then when Ariel felt surroundings empty, he slumped beside his grandfather. His grandfather was looking at him with great will power.

“Ariel,” his grandfather’s voice cracked, “you must pass the bow to someone destined to be the new guardian. That is your obligation. Pass on the bow or the truth shall stay hidden forever. Take care of the bow and that shall be even in your death bed!” the grandfather gasped. He took Ariel’s hand, “G-O…ugh…”

“GRANDFATHER, NO! GRANDPA!!” Ariel screamed as he looked straight at his grandfather’s dead face. Sadness wrapped all over Zoran, ‘he’s gone, and I’m about to die as well. I can never do his last commandment . . .’ Then a new feeling came up. ‘No, I shall do as he says. As the former king’s wish, I shall do so as commanded’ With that, Ariel stood up and staggers towards the door.

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1. Greetings


“As much as I want to help you, this problem is just too . . . difficult” a voice of a boy reasoned on my phone.

“I know it is, I’m very aware of it. There has just got to be a solution for this problem. Every problem has a solution. We just have to find one for this” I complained miserably on the phone. “I mean, who in the world would cheat—or even attempt to cheat at someone stupid like Dahlia? Sure she’s the Queen Bee but with brains like her . . . can’t they even blame me for something reasonable for once?”

“Look on the bright side,” he said optimistically. “You just became one of the regulars of the Archery Varsity Team. They’ve finally seen your expertise in archery”

“They have seen it since the time I stepped into their clubrooms” I said promptly. “I didn’t even sign up to be one of the regulars until last week”

“Well, looking at you Vanilla, if I were one of the regulars, I would have invited you to be one of the regulars instead of letting you sign up. I mean, who could miss the fact that you have a steady arm and a very sharp eye although excluding your problems on staying calm during a match; above all, you’re attractive”

“They did invite me to be one of them twice” I said. “And twice I turned them down”

“And yet you didn’t even bother telling me about this” I heard the fall of his tone.

“Oh bother” I muttered. “This really isn’t the time to start worrying about things I didn’t tell you. And what use would it do anyway? You’d say still talk me into accepting it only to get the answer of my stubborn no”

“True” he answered. “But you could‘ve had the kindness to tell me about it”

“I just told you didn’t I?”

He sighed. “Alright then, going back to the matter at hand, you still have this Cheating Dahlia issue which you can’t squeeze your way out of it.”

“Isn’t that the reason why I called? I need help in finding the solution of this problem before my parents would know about this”

“Vanilla, I’m really willing to help but this issue is pretty much beyond the line”

“Chris Logan . . . if I can’t solve this problem, my parents will know and they would ground me FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!” I cried. I turned to make sure my door was closed.

I heard a huge bonk in the other line followed by a hiss and a curse. “Ow!”

“Sorry” I grinned. “Where are you by the way?”

“In the attic; searching for dad’s old golf equipment. What the bloody hell was that about?”

“Sorry,” my grin turned to a beam. “It made me feel better to exaggerate more”

“It didn’t to me” he muttered. “But ok just chillax. I’ll figure something out” He was saying this as if he was still shaking his ear from the cry I gave.

“Sorry ,” I apologized again “I’d better get to sleep. Don’t wanna attract Dad to my room” I said before hanging up. I thought I heard footsteps so I quickly put away my phone and went back to my bed.

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I woke up the next morning in a cranky mood. It took me 45 minutes to freshen up for the day; not my usual time. While blow drying my hair, I look at myself in the mirror. A slender 16 year old girl with long muddy brown hair, fair skin tone and bright blue-violet eyes, stuck in a problem that became the most talked issue after one day. I sighed ‘So much for being the honor roll student’

After freshening up, I went down to eat breakfast. I found my dad and brother in the table. Dad was drinking coffee and reading the day’s newspaper, my brother was eating pancakes while mom’s probably in the kitchen flipping my pancake to the plate. I sat down and observed my family like I always do every breakfast.

My 45 year old dad was able to keep the air of a young man. As a neurologist, he’s strict with the way he looks in the public eye. He’s 6 ft tall, has strong built body, muddy brown hair with streaks of gray to be found, and clean shaved face with the scent of an aftershave. He’s eyes are colored violet which is really cool since it’s rare to see people with violet eyes these days.

As for my 15 year old brother, he’s 5’ 8 ft. tall, 2 inches taller than me. He nearly resembles me except for the fact that his eyes are colored blue-green. Somehow in the sunlight his eyes would turn into glossy green while in the dark it would turn glossy blue. Freaky isn’t it?

“Here’s your pancake darling” my mother’s voice broke out in my thoughts.

I turned to observe her next. My mom, like dad, still has the aura of a young lady which retained my mom’s slender body and blond hair, but currently, I’ve been seeing some gray streaks in her hair—probably from stress of her daily work as a curator of a large museum. Mom has blue eyes which probably explain the mixture of my colored eyes.

“Thanks,” I smiled as I took the plate off her hands. Dad looked at me over his paper as if he finally noticed me. I looked down and ate in silence. Dad sighed and folded his paper neatly on the table.

“Vanilla, what have you done?” dad asked in his usual calm tone. I took a glimpse in his eyes. They were currently dark which means I’m in a lot of trouble. I looked away and sighed.

“I didn’t cheat” I said in a straight voice. There’s one rule in this house that we must bid at all times. NEVER LIE. Dad gave me his usual observation look before sighing.

“Then why didn’t you tell us? We had to receive it from the principal himself”

“It just happened the day before yesterday” I reasoned. “I couldn’t tell you since I was busy with clubs and some assessment tasks”

“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”

I looked straight into his eyes. “Couldn’t”

The atmosphere would have been so heavy if it weren’t for the Kevin’s loud munches, gulps and comments. “Blimey, you could see daggers shooting back and forth”

“Kevin” mom snapped softly.

After a few deep breath intakes from dad, he asked: “I believe you, but tell me how this did happen?”

“Well, I was doing my usual test in Chemistry when Dahlia Meyer tipped off my pen. I gave her a glare then picked up my pen. When I finally went back to my test, she cried to the teacher that I cheated on her even if I didn’t. The teacher verifies our papers and it turns out that we had the same answers. So the teacher took me and Dahlia to the coordinators who referred us to the principal who was away at that time. The meeting which now includes parents was postponed to today, but Dahlia’s parents were on a business trip so it’s pretty much only you who would be there” I explained in a calm voice. One way to keep the environment calm when these matters come up is to be calm yourself.

Dad frowned and then scolded me. “Well, if you just hadn’t been seatmates with that Dahlia-girl, you wouldn’t be in this situation”

“Blame the teacher; he was the one who arranged the seating plan” I muttered. My brother sniggered.

“Kevin, stop sniggering. Finish your meal” mom scolded softly. She’s such a master in keeping her patience.

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Dad took a deep breath and exhales it; his usual way to keep calm “Alright, I’ll talk to the principal today. At the very least, he might keep you and transfer you to another seat” dad said. Just when my brother and I finished brushing our teeth, the horn of the Chris’s Imatis sounded. We both hurried, kissed mom and dad good bye.

“Why do have to talk about that first thing in the morning? So much for being in the good mood . . . what a kill-joy” my brother muttered as he boards the back seat of Chris’s car.

I stopped. Kevin would never say those words. All he does is mock me when I get into trouble. But this day is seriously different.

“Van?” a familiar voice broke into my thoughts. It belonged to a fair skinned boy with flaming blond hair and chocolate brown eyes seated at the driver seat.

“Chris . . .” I muttered. I’ve never been so happy to be his friend. I settled beside Chris and Chris drove off

“Are you okay?” Chris asked. His voice was toned down but it really doesn’t matter since Kevin had his ears plugged with his earbuds as he listens to his own iPod.

“Yeah, they didn’t really fuss about it. Just asked me about what happened then settled to the only solution possible” I said.

“What is it?”

“Try to keep me in the school and transfer me to another seat” I said. Chris harrumphed.

“Well, at least their solution makes sense. I had nothing. I wracked my brains all night but I couldn’t find anything.” Chris explains.

“That’s alright, don’t worry” I reassured him.

“So are you still up for the excursion?” he asks.

“Yeah, where is it again?” I asked.

“It’s in our very own Nottingham Castle”

The renowned St. Peter’s Academy, my school was like any other private schools in Nottingham, England. The drive to city from my school was only 20 minutes away. There were uniforms, bags with the school’s logo in it, cars and motorbikes filling up the parking lot, cheerleaders trying to impress some jocks, students trying to fit in and outcasts.

Well, I never belonged to any of those groups. Chris and I were neither outcast nor trying-to-fit-in nor cheerleaders/jocks. We were more of simple yet appreciated students in school. But then again, since the gossip has spread already, they all treated me as an outcast. They had to include Chris since he hangs out with me. They just pass us like I wasn’t there. I was an outcast in their eyes. Chris was starting to worry when out of nowhere, Dahlia comes in with her usual smug look in her face.

“Well, well, look at what we have here? The cheater who cheated at my answers two days ago; guess you’re no longer the Miss Perfect huh?” Dahlia sniggers with her friends. Everyone looks at our direction. Chris tries to pull off a comment but I stopped him.

“Chris, she’s not worth it” I warned “Let’s go” I was just about to leave when Dahlia’s hand stopped me.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Dahlia demanded.

“Leaving” I countered. “I don’t have time for bitches”

Dahlia gave this shock-open-mouth expression before turning her expression to a smirk. “Look who’s talking”

“Yeah, I’m looking at one now” I said as I gave a wicked grin. When she didn’t give a reply, I continued: “Not so smug now are you?”

Dahlia smirks. “Oh talk back as long as you like, but you’d probably change in your next school, a Disciplinary School”

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Chris tries to talk back when I stopped him again. I saw how Dahlia’s eyes flicker at Chris so I thought about what a good comeback I should say. I picked up a paper and crumple it.

“What? You’re mad now? Is it because I told the truth?” Dahlia laughs with her friends. I glared at them and pushed the paper inside Dahlia’s mouth.

“Gosh, Dahlia I can’t believe you’re this serious on owning Chris” I said coolly “Don’t worry, he’d still dump you even if I’m away” I meant it to be a joke but after watching their reactions, it turns out to be huge gossip. I left them with their jaws hanging open.

“You’re not serious are you?” Chris asked once when we’re out of earshot.

“About what?” I asked pretending to be innocent.

“About having Dahlia’s eyes on me” the way Chris said it was as if it’s the end of his life.

“Well, it was actually a joke but it turns out to be true, so yeah” I said. Chris looks at me as if I was completely nuts then burst out laughing. I laughed with him.

“Good one” Chris complimented. I laughed at his compliment.

“I know” I grinned wickedly.

“Thought to be born during the year 1160, Robin Longstride or Robin Hood appeared in histories and myths. Some people believe that Robin Hood is true, other people thinks he’s a mere legend,” Mr. Jeff, our history class teacher said. We were standing in the hallway, just a few feet away from another doorway. “During Robin’s time, the monarchs had been tyrant and cruel. They have high taxes which poor people had trouble paying. When not paid, they would take the owner’s land and burn down their houses. Robin Hood and his Merry Men has been the poor’s savior. They steal goods and sometimes jewelry for the poor people. Sherwood Forest has always been their home since it was hard to find them in the midst. The forest had also become the poor’s shelter. No one was poor or rich and the nature had always been kind to them. There was always food and water in the forest. Now in this museum, the legendary bow of Robin Hood is displayed”

We entered a room called The Long Gallery. The room or gallery, brightly lit by the sunlight, showed the cool color dark green of the walls. And in every space on the wall, paintings and portraits were being hanged up. There were sitting stools in nearly every 10 feet. We approach a stall in the far corner of the hall, a bow, made out of wood was neatly placed on the wall secured by glass. “This is the legendary longbow of Robin Hood. This bow was being donated by a rich lord in the year 1800. Ever since then, this bow has stayed here and became one of the most valuable pieces in this museum. Now as you can see in the bow’s upper limb, a minute signature is placed. This signature proves that this bow is Robin’s. Now, this bow would have withered or destroyed by parasites like termites. But thanks to the . . .”

I analyzed the bow closely. If seen from a far, you would mistake the bow to look like any other longbow. But when up close, a minute signature was displayed, barely seen. Inscribed horizontally in the upper limb of bow was the name:

Robin Hood

Mr. Jeff was already proceeding to the next room, so I took a picture of the bow from my camera and left the stall to join the group. Just then a cold breeze swept across the nape of my neck. I quickly place my hand at the nape of my neck and turn around. No one was insight.

“Who’s there?” I asked trying to hide the tremble in my voice.

“Vanilla,” Chris voice sounded behind my back. I turned to look at him. I sighed in relief.

“Yeah, I’m coming” I answered.

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“Well hurry up. This is place is huge, we might get lost” Chris said. I look once more at the room before hurrying up to where Chris was.

“Mr. Robinson, Dahlia is the victim. She was answering—“

“No, it does not prove that Dahlia is the victim. You’ve heard the words from my daughter, Dahlia tipped off the pen not Vanilla. And anyways, you know Vanilla would never do that. It’s unlikely for her to do that” dad argued in my defense. I just arrived from the excursion when they called my name in the PA system to come immediately to the principal’s office.

“Exactly! Since she’s an honor student, no one would suspect someone like her” the principal argued back. I’m betting they’re in the verge of screaming at each other.

“Do you have any proof?” dad asked. Even if he’s an expert on keeping himself calm, there are times when he can’t stand being calm anymore. Mr. Shelley, our school principal rummaged through his stacks of papers in his desk and took out two papers that are likely to be mine and Dahlia’s.

“Here” Mr. Shelley said as he hands us the papers.

One was mine and the other was Dahlia. And what a shock it was. Everything was the same! The answers, the solutions, and even the font on how our name was written were the same. No wonder they thought I cheated. They couldn’t figure who the real culprit is. I gasped loudly.

“But sire, she tipped off my pen. She then shouted that I cheated at her! It wasn’t me! It was her! She even copied the way I write my name!” I stood defending myself.

“Ms. Robinson, please settle down” Mr. Shelley said calmly “do you have any evidence that Dahlia was the one cheating?” Hmm, good point. Wait, wait, what was I thinking that? I was silent for about a minute when a voice came out of nowhere.

‘The way she writes . . .’ the young male voice suggested. What the—!

‘The way she writes . . .’ the male voice continued to suggest. I shrugged and tried it.

“The way she writes?” I tried. It took them a minute to let my words sink in. instantaneously, Mr. Shelley calls his secretary.

“Bring Ms. Dahlia Meyer in” Mr. Shelley said on the phone. A few minutes later, the door opened revealing Dahlia and the secretary. The secretary ushered Dahlia in and closed the door behind her. Dahlia looked stressful but it was obvious she enjoyed witnessing me in the accused state.


“I want you both to write your names” interrupted Mr. Shelley.

He handed us both a piece of paper and a pen. We both wrote our name on the paper and handed it to Mr. Shelley. He eagerly accepted the papers and took the two evidences from dad. He compares the papers and arrived to a conclusion in less than a minute.

“Ms. Meyer, it shows that you had bare false witness and cheated at Ms. Robinson. And for that, you’re punishment will go for 1 week. I shall speak to your parents on the phone. As for you Ms. Robinson, we are very sorry to have accused you” Mr. Shelley concluded.

“How come?” Dahlia asked with a clear fear in her voice.

“Your handwriting on the paper and on your Chemistry test is completely different. You should have known better than to hide you real handwriting” Mr. Shelley explained. I grinned in satisfaction. Dahlia started to cry.

“You may go Ms. Robinson, Mr. Robinson. Please remain Ms. Meyer” Mr. Shelley said as he strode towards the door and opened it. I smiled happily and went out.

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“Good work Vanilla, good work” dad said as we were out of the principal’s office. “Well, I’d better go. I still have patients to attend to” I grinned at him and said goodbye. The bell rang and all the students started to flood the hallway so I went straight to my locker.

“Vanilla,” Chris looks at me worriedly, “So you’re leaving huh?”

“Well,” I looked at him in the eye “Hey, what’s up with the sad face? I won alright so wipe that sad face of yours” Chris smiled widely after hearing the news.

“I knew you could do it! Now I’ll never be alone in this school!” he said as he hugs me happily. I was shocked by the sudden affection but allowed. I smiled. I dig up for my phone in my bag and called mom.

“Mom…yeah, well, dad probably told you already…yeah…that’s good! ...yeah umm, Chris is coming over so…yeah…are you sure you don’t need help? I mean you have to take care of everything. There’s the food and then the drinks...oh ok…love you…bye” I hang up then turn to look at Chris. “You are coming over right?” I asked.

“Of course I am!” Chris said.

“That’s an impressive conscience you got there” Chris compliments after hearing the whole story.

He reaches out and takes his 2nd cupcake from the table. We (everyone including my parents) were having a party in the balcony of our house. The balcony was overlooking our backyard and the city. It was always a wonderful sight every evening. Stars and city lights were always to be witnessed every night when the skies are clear.

“I know right?” I agreed.

“Cool,” my brother said as he drank from his soda.

“Yes, but the thing is I’m not entirely sure it’s my conscience” I said as I massage my head.

“Why is that?” Mom asked.

“Well, for one thing, it was a male voice” I said. They all raised an eyebrow.

“Impossible! If that were to happen, then you would be possessed” Chris said.

“Possessed by what exactly?” I asked.

“A spirit perhaps” Dad suggested.

“Of all the possibilities, you suggested of me being possessed! Well, do I look like being possessed?” I asked looking at Father.

“A little bit” Kevin replied. I glared at him.

‘You are’

“Excuse me?!” I replied angrily as I turned to look at Chris.

“What?” Chris asked in a confused tone. He seems to be innocent but I wouldn’t be played by his baby face again.

“You just said that I’m being possessed!” I answered hotly.

“I did not” Chris looked alarmed.

“Did too”

“Did not”

“Did too”

“Did not . . . x10” he answered hotly.

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My parents sighed. “Teenagers” they said in unison.

“Hey guys, isn’t it me and sis who are fighting?” Kevin asked as he took the last cupcake from the plate.

“STAY OUT OF THIS!” Chris and I chorused.

“I didn’t say you were possessed, in fact I never said a word about you being possessed!” Chris said angrily.

“You did! You just said, ‘you are’” I imitated the voice.

“You’re impossible!” Chris said sullenly. Then the atmosphere changed. The temperature dropped, the wind howled and a gentle voice sounded.

“It wasn’t him . . .”

My parents literally fell off their chairs as they witness their—probably—most bizarre scene in their entire life, a floating boy in mid-air.

“Greetings” he greeted as he waved his hand.

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2. Ariel Longstride

WHO ARE YOU?” Chris asked. I quit fighting Chris for 2 reasons: first, this out-of-nowhere floating boy

appeared in thin air. Second, this “thing” told us told us to quit fighting which is really surprising since I never listen to anyone unless necessary.

“Chris!” dad snapped, “Be polite! I apologize for his manner my lord. Nevertheless, we didn’t expect you to arrive tonight. We thought you’d arrive next week” Mom and Dad folded their right hands to their left chest then bowed in front of him. Chris, Kevin and I looked at each other flabbergasted.

“Well, it seems I arrived earlier than expected” the ‘lord’ said.

“My lord?!” Chris, Kevin and I exclaimed in disbelief.

“Kids, be respectful! This is the Prince of the Longstride clan. Now bow before him” mom scolded us. In spite of our shock expressions, we couldn’t do anything but do as they say. We three bow before the “Prince of the Longstride clan”. And where have I heard of the name ‘Longstride’?

“There’s certainly no need to snap at your children. It seems you haven’t told them of my existence” ‘my lord’ said as he floated towards us and settles to one of the chairs.

This boy is a ghost or a spirit, or whatever you call something translucent. He was so translucent that you could barely make out his figure and his head. You could even immediately see what’s behind of him. And what’s most, he shimmers like a star. But, you can still identify his face. He made a shook of his hand indicating us to stop bowing.

“We didn’t think it was the right time yet, my lord” mom explained. The ‘lord’ raises an eyebrow.

“Not the right time? Every day is a right time. Your daughter is of age and yet she does not even believe on paranormals” the ‘lord’ said. My parents bowed again.

“We apologize for this matter my lord” my parents apologized. I frowned.

“Hold on a minute,” I interrupted “what’s going on? And what’s with the “my lord” courtesy?”

“Yeah what’s going on?” Kevin asked. Mom stepped forward towards us.

“I’ll explain later. For now, welcome the prince” mom whispered. Kevin frowned this time.


“I’ll explain it to them. Why don’t you both get them some of these and something to drink?” the ‘lord’ ordered as he picks up a cupcake. “I’m sure they would want some after hearing the story”

My parents bowed, “yes my lord, at once” we look at them as they scurry off like servants.

“Alright then,” the lord said as we turned our attention back at him.

Ever felt like your breath being taking away at a sight of marvel? Well, I did. I just saw the most magnificent man in all my life. The ‘lord’ had changed into the form of a human and had shown us his true appearance. He was dressed in a formal suit; a white vest, black dress shirt, red tie, white pair of pants, white jacket, and white pair of shoes. His suit is customized with the black lining design, gold buttons and cuff links.

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But that’s not what caught my breath, it was his features. He had such stunning beauty, like an angel. He had vivid emerald eyes that obviously show his wittiness, lips were lustrous pink and he has messy golden brown hair that just completes his look of a wild-yet-gentlemanly look of his. His beauty was so captivating that all I could do was stare. He was also seated like what a ‘lord’ would do.

Ugh, I think I’m getting cheesy.

“My name is Ariel Longstride. I’m the last direct descendant of the Longstride clan, once live in a village closest to Sherwood Forest, was born at the year 1583 and died at the year 1600. Before I died, Grandfather gave me the task to keep the bow safe” explains the ‘lord’ Ariel. He didn’t even use the medieval accent and words.

Then the thought of the name ‘Longstride’ came into my mind. I exclaimed: “Ah! You’re a direct descendant of Robin Longstride!”

Chris raised an eyebrow. “Robin Hood? Seriously? I never thought he exists”

“We like to keep the existence of this clan a secret” ‘Lord’ Ariel said proudly.

I but in. “We, you mean—“

“Everyone, except you three since your parents haven’t told you anything yet” Lord said shrugging

Apparently he still believes this is all a dream. “Umm, still sinking everything . . . you’re Ariel—lord Ariel, 17, lived in this town, direct descendant of Robin Hood . . . yeah, I think that’s pretty much it. But what’s with the Sherwood Forest? The bow safe? What is all the meaning of this?” Chris asked. ‘Lord’ Ariel turned to him.

“Those are my characteristics and goals in life” ‘Lord’ Ariel said. “But I didn’t expect you to believe in any of these. After all, you’re just an outsider” This time, Chris frowned.

“What he means is if you could explain more of these since we don’t understand any of these” Kevin says.

“Alright, I’m the last direct descendant for the throne or head or whatever you call it” ‘Lord’ Ariel explains. I raised an eyebrow. “Your family comes from the wombs of my cousin who inherited the throne after losing the only direct heir which is me. The Sherwood Forest is where our line of power is most serviceable. Our family owns it since it’s the territory of our ancestor Robin Longstride or Robin Hood if you want to call it. And with the bow, the bow is—“

“—in the museum” I finished for ‘Lord’ Ariel. ‘Lord’ Ariel looks at me with clear gleam in his eyes.

“Yes, that is correct” he agreed with a smile.

“If your ‘bow’ is in the museum, wouldn’t it be more dangerous? I mean, museums with more valuable artifacts are most likely to be robbed” Chris said.

“Yes, you’re right. That’s why the bow in the museum is fraud” ‘Lord’ Ariel compliments. “Wow, for an outsider, you’re pretty fast to comprehend”

“But what do you mean by wombs of your cousin?” I asked.

“Think of it figuratively Vanilla. It means we’re from the branch family, not the main family” Kevin said. I sighed, all these things is making me nuts; too many information to store.

“This is the reason why you should have told them earlier” ‘Lord Ariel said as he turns to look at the doorway of the balcony. My parents appeared with the cupcakes and the drinks and bowed.

“We are truly sorry for that matter.” Dad apologized. “We were being less responsible of the duties as the family for the next vessel for your form my lord”

“Who’s the vessel?” I asked. They all looked at me as if I’m really that dense. It took quite some time to take the words in.

“Wait, I’m the vessel?!” I exclaimed as I look at Ariel (don’t bother the courtesy) now wearing a boyish smile that reminds me so much of David Tennant who played as Doctor in the series Doctor Who.

“Yes, you are” Ariel said grinning. I shook my head in irritation then blacked out.

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It was already morning when I opened my eyes. The first thing I notice is the light in my room. Noticing this, I bolt upright which causes pain to shoot in my head.

“Ow!” I and a voice yelped. I turned around to look where the voice came from.

“Oh hey, you’re awake!” Chris said as he appeared in the doorway with a tray of food.

“My breakfast?” I asked.


“Oh goody, I’m hungry” I straighten my blanket so that Chris could place the tray of food properly. Ariel shimmered in front of us in a ghost form. Chris bowed before him before approaching my bed with the tray of food. Well, dang the courtesy! I’m still not doing them.

“So you were the voice” I realized.

“Of course it’s me! I’m inside you remember?” Ariel said. I rolled my eyes in irritation.

“Did you hurt yourself again?” Chris asked.

“Did I hurt myself?”

“Yes you did. You fell off your chair and hit your head on the ground” Chris said.

“Hmm, that must explain the pain in my head” I said as I massage my head.

“Eat up, you’re gonna need your energy for this day” Ariel said.

“What day is it?” I asked as I took a bite from my toast.

“Nope” both chorused as they both looks at each other. Ariel takes a sit at the cushion bench attached to a wall with a window in it while Chris approaches the door and yells “SHE’S NOT COMING!”

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“You’re not coming to school” Ariel said.

“Why not?” I frowned.

“Because you haven’t healed yet”

“I’m perfectly fine! I’m capable of walking and arriving at school in good shape” I insisted.

“He didn’t mean physically, he meant mentally. You’re still having concussions, well, the side effects” Chris said as he closed the door behind him and took a sit at a chair beside my bed.

“Huh. Well, I’m perfectly fine and I’m on my right mind so there’s nothing to worry about” I said chuckling. They both look at each other.

“Vanilla,” Chris said “You practically fell off your chair and hit the ground hard. Your head was bleeding so it was a good thing your father was there”

“So what?” I countered. “I’m able to think for myself and answer your questions which means, I’m fine” I place the tray of food on the bedside desk, threw the covers away and attempted to run to the bathroom but the pain got there first. I gave a cry before falling onto my knees.

“Vanilla” Chris came to my rescue and helped me up.

“I told you so” Ariel said. I turned to give him a glare only to find him massaging his own temples.

“So get to feel my pain too” I realized. “Wicked!”

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He rolled his eyes. “You really hate me that much do you?”

“Realizing that you are being possessed by self-confident ghost,” I paused. “Yeah”

Ariel gave an exasperated sigh. “There’s certainly no need for you to exaggerate your intent with a long pause”

“It makes me feel good” I said while shrugging. Chris shook his head and helped me walk towards my bed. When settled, I went back to eating. When I was halfway through my pancake, Kevin came with a ringing phone in hand.

“Phone Chris” he said as he gave it to Chris. Chris nodded, took the phone and went outside. Kevin gave a bow at Ariel before turning towards me.

“So why are you here?” I asked Kevin.

“Who was screamed?” Kevin countered.

“Don’t evade the question! Why weren’t you at school?” I asked persisted.

“Because I don’t want to. Now, who screamed?” Kevin asks as he sits at the seat Chris just recently vacated.

“I did”

“I know. Why were you screaming?” Kevin asked.

“She was being too stubborn to stay in her bed and rest. Instead she attempted to go to the bathroom only to stop midway since her head ached” Ariel explained.

“Hmm” Kevin shrugged. “Typical” We heard voices from outside the door then a laugh and an opening of my door.

“Yeah sure, bye mom” Chris said then hang up. We all looked at him with raised eyebrows.

“Mom,” Chris answered our silent questions. “she’s said that she’d be picking me up to visit London when the school year ends” We nodded in understanding then turned to Kevin who was just about to say something when Chris’s phone rang again.

“Is it your mom again?” Kevin asked.

“No,” Chris said as he frowned “It’s an unknown number . . . hello?” Chris listens then frowns.

“Who is this?” Chris asks. He listens then gapes.

“Who is it?” I mouthed.

Chris places a hand at his phone then mouths, “Dahlia”. Kevin, Ariel and I gaped. It seems Ariel has known Dahlia already . . . oh right, he was with me during meeting at the principal’s office.

“Loudspeaker” Kevin mouths. Chris places the phone in the middle of the bed and clicked loudspeaker.

“Hey Dahlia” Chris said loudly.

“Ah—hey Chris” Dahlia’s voice answered. There were a few giggles from the other line which means it isn’t only us who were in loudspeaker.

“So what makes you call?” Chris said as he smiles widely. He’s obviously very amused at his joke.

“Umm . . . I was just wondering if you were alright since you weren’t here in school” Dahlia asked.

“Yeah I’m alright, I’m just getting late” Chris answered. Kevin, Ariel and I were silently laughing our heads off.

“Oh . . . ok” A few giggles were heard again but this time there was a hiss.

“Is that it?” Chris asks.

“Ah yeah . . .” Dahlia said slowly. There were whispers to be heard at the other line until Dahlia herself screamed.

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“WHAT?! BUT THAT’S INSANE? WHO SPREAD ALL THESE STORIES? I WANT THAT PERSON RIGHT NOW!!! I’m sorry Chris, I gotta go” Then Dahlia hanged up.

“Wow” said Chris in shock.

“That was some outburst” Ariel commented.

“Yeah, but what happen?” I asked. Kevin phone beeped.

“I think it’s because of this” Kevin said as he reads his text message. “Try opening your mobile phones. I think you’ve just receive a message saying about Dahlia’s punishment after cheating during Vanilla’s Chemistry test” Chris and I’s phone beeped. I took my phone from my bedside desk I opened it to read the message.

“Flash news, Queen Bee just got punished for baring false witness and cheating at our very own Vanilla Robinson. She had to stay every after school to clean all of the apparatus of every science lab in every building in school” Chris read.

“And look, there was even a photo taken” I said. Ariel walks—well more like floated towards me and settled on the bedside.

“Let me take a look” he said. I tried giving my phone but he shook his head.

“Unless you want your phone to drop unto the floor and destroy its screen, I suggest you hold it” Ariel said. I shrugged and did as he says. I showed it to him while reads it.

“I gotta go. I still have a school to attend” Kevin said as he rose up from the seat.

“I thought you didn’t want to go to school” I said.

“Well, it seems I have to since I have basketball training this afternoon” Kevin said as he approaches the door.

“Or, you just tried to ditch your 1st and 2nd period” I said. Kevin stopped.

“That too” Kevin said then left the room.

“I’m coming with you” Chris said to Kevin “I have tennis practice today”

“Looks like we’re the only one left here” Ariel said. I shrugged at the thought.

“Are you alright? Or are you still having concussion?” Ariel said in a tone of concern.

“Are you kidding? After hearing the newest gossip at school, it seems it cleared my mind” I said smirking.

“You’re nosy”

“I’m gonna ignore that”

“I mean,” Ariel continued “do you ‘teens’ do this all the time?”

“When bored yes”

“You people must be bored all the time”

“Look,” I turned to look at him “What are you doing?”

“Physically seating on a bench talking to you,” when he saw my look he gave a rueful grin “alright, I just thought that it seems offensive to pry on other people’s business. Especially spreading them”

I raised an eyebrow. “Gossiping is ancient. It goes all the way back even before your time”

“Really? Why didn’t I notice it?”

“You were probably too busy to even notice” I said sarcastically “And besides, it wasn’t me who spread the news”

“I know but those people in your school wouldn’t think that way. Especially Dahlia”

I feel my eyes narrowed. “Why? What’s up with Dahlia?”15 | P a g e

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“They’re gonna think you did it. You were—“

“What but—“

“The only one who was with her during your meeting with the principal” he said, cutting me off as I did with him. “And since she thinks it that way, she just blames you for her miserable life”

“No she won’t. She knew I’m too soft to do it. Or at least she thinks it that way.” I tilted my head to take in more of his looks. “How do you know all this stuff in first place?”

He shrugged. “It’s what you humans think. This generation is getting too predictable. Maybe the next you know, people would be possessed one by one by ghosts and spirits since its getting way easier to read your weaknesses”

“This talk is getting creepier. This spirit-vessel bonding time is over”

“Are we having one? I didn’t notice” his eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Look, could you stop answering questions with questions?”

“But I’m not. I’m just doing it now”

I gave a frustrated cry. “Stop it!”

“Stop what?”

“Stop with all those comebacks! It’s messing with my brain!”

“I’m not” he said as he gave a wicked smile. “But since we’re having this spirit-vessel bonding, why don’t we make the best of it?”

“I’m trying not to” I muttered to myself. I turned to analyze him more clearly before saying: “Alright then, since we’re having this spirit-vessel bonding, why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”

“Umm . . . that I’m a very big fan of anime and manga”

I laughed. “Seriously? Those are so childish”

“No they’re not. They sometimes give facts about paranormals like me. And anyways, I always love their plots” he said. He then pointed to the tux he was wearing. “You see this one? This tux is inspired from the Japanese anime called Vampire Knight. I love their school uniforms so I took one”

“Ok,” I said slowly. “You know, for a 400 year old ghost, I expected you to be more . . . what’s the word?”

“Impressive?” I snorted at his suggestion.


“Yeah right” I said, rolling my eyes.


“Mature! That’s it” I gave a sad sigh. “But it turns out you’re not”

“Awe c’mon, give me some credit!”

“Nah, sorry its reserve for someone else” When I saw his look, it was my turn to give a wicked smile.

“You know,” Ariel said as he grin a wicked one too. “You’re the only person who ever told me that”

“Really? Do everybody love you?”

“Yup” Ariel said as he gave a rueful grin. “They all say that I’m too good-looking to be bad. You’re the only one who ever treat me like this”

I laughed. “Too bad. Score one for Vanilla. Alright, so you’re a ghost—Dang, Do I have to use courtesy?”

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“You don’t really have to use courtesy to me. It’s one freedom I gave to my vessels”


“Yeah, I’m a ghost remember, I have to possess one living being to become more real”

I chuckled. “Real huh? Ok, so you’re a ghost, you love anime and manga, you’re 17, and you’re my ancestor. Do you ghosts have any abilities? Like could you conjure fire out of nowhere or control water?”

“We do but we can’t conjure or summon” Ariel explains. “Normal ghosts have abilities like telekinesis to catch the living human’s attention. They get to play with electrical appliances, knockings, voices, touching, sudden drops in temperature, moving objects and etc. Special ghosts like me, still has the abilities of the normal ones but only to be added by the abilities of telepathy, and even make illusions. And an example of an illusion is my human form”

“That was an illusion?” I asked stunned. It seems too real for such an illusion.

He gave a chuckle. “I know it’s unbelievable, but that’s what makes us unique and dangerous”

“And my family belongs under you . . . that’s really freaky” I said in a disgusted-fear tone. Ariel shrugs. “What about those ghosts called poltergeists?”

“Poltergeists,” he explained “Are typically believed to be from physical manifestations of mental trauma called the ‘psycho kinesis’”

“Ok, whatever” I said, processing his explanation slowly. “So you’re special since you were only brought back to this world by the will of your grandfather”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it” Ariel said while nodding. I chuckled.

“You lost your medieval accent” I said. He gave a crook smile.

“Staying too much in modern world gives its effects” he answered.

“You did mention telepathy…” I shifted uncertainly then thought: ‘What do I feel now?’

‘Uncertain.’ Ariel’s voice rang in my thoughts.

I gasped. ‘This job is seriously freaky. Since you could do telepathy, are there any advantages and disadvantages that I should know of?’

‘Advantages, umm, to you, you get to control what you’re thinking and either allow me to read or not but that is only if I’m not inside you.’

I nodded. At least Ariel’s telepathy has its own limits.

“If I’m inside you,” Ariel said thoughtfully “I can—unfortunately for you—read your mind and feeling”. I whirled to look at him.

“What?! But you’re invading my privacy!” I exclaimed angrily.

“Yes and no” he said calmly. “Yes because I could know what you’re thinking at that current time and no because I can’t read your past or memories. So even if you have embarrassing moments you don’t want me to know, relax, I wouldn’t know about it” That would have relieved me a little but still; we can’t act calm around strangers.

Then a question clicked in my mind.

“This bow, is it for real, or mere mind?” I asked.

His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Is the bow real? Like is it made out of wood or is it a codename for some other thing?” I ventured nervously without looking his eyes. But even without looking at his eyes, the gasp made it clear that I just hit a bad spot.

“What makes you doubt the existence of it?” he asks.

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I gave a sigh. “Well, when you asked me to show you the text message, you didn’t want to hold it since it would slip from your fingers but what if it’s the same with the bow . . . if the bow was real, how can you bring it to places? Wouldn’t it slip through your fingers if it were real?”

Ariel smiled. “They chose well. I didn’t expect this generation’s vessel to be sharp”

I rolled my eyes “Jeez, thanks for the compliment. That really helps. Whose ‘they’?”

“‘They’ are the Council,” Ariel explained. “They compose of your all the head in the family; your granny is what you call the ‘Elder’. The Council gets to choose who the next vessel is. The only time they have meetings is when, I arrive or when crisis comes. Your father just had his very first meeting yesterday”

“You mean, after the meeting with the principal?”

“Yep,” Ariel nodded. “They were too slow so I chose myself. Your father noticed something different in you during the meeting so he called for a meeting and came to the same conclusion as I have: You are the next vessel. They had a talk with your granny and she agreed that you would be the next vessel”

I shivered. “Creepy”

“I know. So, your granny talks to me and she gave the news to the Council that I would arrive soon. They misinterpret it into thinking I would arrive next week which is very unfortunate for them since I was suppose to arrive that very night”

“Was I the only contender in your ‘search for a vessel’ job?”

“No, you have your cousin, James and your other cousin Gail”

“Gail?” I sat upright. “Isn’t she 19 already? Isn’t that too old for you?”

“That’s why I didn’t choose her”

“Huh” I relaxed. “But still. Anywhoo, going back to my first question, is the bow real or not?”

He sighed. “No, the bow isn’t real. Its knowledge, Robin’s knowledge”

“So what do you do? Be my mentor and teach me Robin’s tricks?”

“No, well sort of. But your role as the vessel is not only to contain my form but also to try and contain the bow itself. It’s kind of hard to explain right now since you haven’t been trained yet”

“Training . . . you mean I have to go to a boot camp or something?” I asked, incredulous at the idea of what I’d be in the future. Probably a muscle built lady or a once in a lifetime opportunity to be one of the Twelve Men who assisted Robin Hood in his foolish escapades. Not that I’m looking forward to it.

“No, but like I said, it’s hard to explain. You have to experience it firsthand”

“And when I do finish your so-called ‘training’, what happens next?”

Ariel shifted, he was obviously trying to hide something. I bet 10 quid if this ‘something’ is dangerous and would clearly take a life. “I can’t tell you . . . at least, not yet. But you’ll see” Scratch that, I’m betting 20.

“Is that now? Still not helping explaining everything but I’ll try to understand why. As for now, could you tell me who your previous vessels are?”

“Your aunties, grannies, and before them”

“I mean, specifically”

“Oh well, before you is your grand aunt, then her grand pa, and so on. It skips one lifetime”

I bit my lower lip, as if I was trying not to blow something up. Again. “Were they able to keep the bow safe?”

“Yes, they were able to” Ariel said as he looks at me with mixture of emotions. Pity and worry were the most obvious ones.

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His left eyebrow gave a small quiver; one that you could hardly see. “Yes”

“Oh,” I said cheerfully “if that’s the case, then there’s nothing to worry”

Ariel smiled a mysterious one. “Hopefully there’s none”

3. Siblings


Since it was cold, I hated to go to school but Ariel woke me up by splashing cold water in my face. He controlled my body into sleepwalking to the bathroom and splashes my face with cold water.

“Alright, alright, I’m awake” I insisted. Ariel gave a chuckle and left my body to its privacy.

Lucky enough, I didn’t catch cold despite the splash of coldwater and weather. I came down feeling quite glum. My mother insisted on keeping me home but I convinced her that I have an essay to pass so she let go.

“Chris’s here sis” Kevin called from the door. I bid my parents goodbye and rush off towards the door.

“Hiya” Chris greeted as soon as I reached him at the doorway. He had an umbrella with him but it didn’t seem to hold two people. I fumbled through the umbrella stand to look for my umbrella only to find it in Kevin’s hand.

“Give me that!” I snapped as I snatched the umbrella from his hands. Kevin seemed shocked at the sudden snatch but he shrugged as if he just knew it wasn’t his umbrella.

“Jeez, you’re too cross today” Kevin commented.

I frowned. “In case you haven’t notice, this isn’t my day”

Kevin shrugs. “Whatever, my umbrella is still with Gran so I’ll have to borrow someone else’s”

I peered through the umbrella stand for an extra but found nothing.’ Don’t be too quiet! Help me find an umbrella for my brother’ I called to Ariel.

I heard him sigh and responded: ‘Look behind the door’ I peered and found a gray raincoat.

‘I thought I said umbrella’ I thought.

‘Hey it’s the only thing you got’ I took the raincoat from the hook and gave it to Kevin.

“Gratitude accepted, now let’s go. I have a roll to attend” I said as I rushed Kevin out the door.

School didn’t help at all. Everywhere I go I always hear gossips and greetings like “Thanks for doing me a favor, Vanilla!” or “Good job Vanilla!”

I groaned as I closed my umbrella before placing it inside my locker. “Ugh. I swear this school is making my day worse. And the rain…”

“Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day…” Chris teased. I laughed. “Well, that sure cheers you up”

Not for long. Ariel said mentally.

“Vanilla, you bitch, HOW DARE YOU!” Dahlia’s voice rang through the hallway. I gave an exasperated sigh before turning to look at her.

“What is it now?” My voice slurred. I think I’m getting a cold.

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“How dare you spread all this?” Dahlia hissed as she waved her phone at me. In the screen displayed the gossip I received from yesterday.

‘I told you so’ Ariel said.

‘Give me a break. I’m not feeling well’

‘No, you just feel weak since the day is cold, I’m cold, and I splashed cold water to your face’

“Look, I didn’t do this ok” I explained weakly. “How could I? I was away yesterday. And after the meeting, I went to the mall with Chris, right Chris?”

Chris gave me an incredulous look but nodded. Ariel said: ‘Good lie, but not good enough’

Dahlia gave me a suspicious look. “Liar. Why should I believe you?”

“Fine” I shrugged. “Don’t believe me. No one’s forcing you to”

“You are so . . . impossible” she pointed at me, gave an exasperated cry before turning back onto her heels.

“I know,” I muttered “I hear that a lot” I turned back to my locker and took out my books for my first 2 classes this morning.

“Are you alright?” Chris asked worriedly.

I nodded weakly. “Yeah, I’m just not feeling well”

“Vanilla” a voice called.

‘What now?’

‘Hey’ Ariel complained. ‘Don’t take it out on me’

I turned around to look at where the voice came from. It came from a 16 year old boy with spiky light-brown hair and dark green eyes. “The captain wants to see you in the clubroom by 4 this afternoon”

“Who are you? And what captain are you talking about?” I asked skeptical.

“Seth, name’s Seth Steele” Seth beamed as he offered his hand and I shook it. “And the captain I’m talking about is Karl, captain of the archery varsity team”

Well, at least something good happened. “But I forgot my bow”

“That’s alright, we always have spare ones”

I nodded, mentally jumping in glee, “Ok 4:00. I’ll be there”

“Good” Seth said cheerfully.

Captain Karl Bruno wasn’t like any other captain of a team. He has been a varsity since his freshman year and became the team captain when he entered his junior year. Age 18, senior, and has an aura of a lion—strategic, fierce, and huge. He could probably destroy a target with one shot. After switching my usual uniform to the varsity’s blue collared t-shirt, he immediately welcomes me and introduces me to the club members.

“Meet the newest member of the archery club and varsity team, Vanilla Robinson” Karl introduced.

The club is composed of 16 members; 8 varsity members and 8 club members. In the varsity team, there are 6 boys and 2 girls (including me). The main field isn’t big like an Olympic archery field but big enough for the club. It’s divided into 2 fields, 4 varsity members and 4 club members per field.

“Jessica,” Karl called “I want you to tour Vanilla around. Let her familiarize every varsity member. I’ll be in the office if you need me”

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A 15 year old girl with red hair pulled into a ponytail and clear gray eyes step forward and said, “Oh cut some slack! She’s just a new girl. No need to be too professional” then she turned to me and greeted, “Hi my name’s Jessica Allen, the only girl in the team until you came. Feel free here, no one will bully you, well if they do, they’ll be hearing from me” she winked.

I chuckled. “Don’t worry, I ‘m capable of handling them”

She laughed showing her dimples. “Good, good, I like that” Then she tours me around club. While she was telling me about their new benches and changing rooms, I noticed how the large the gap between the varsity and club members is.

The varsity members are wearing their blue collared t-shirts while the club members are on green. The varsity members are more composed and professional in playing while the club members are more on playing for the sake of fun and hanging out with their friends. And the largest difference that set the varsity members from the club members is their looks. They all were strikingly good looking. ‘Looks that could kill’ The ways they play were very professional, very skillful. They all probably have very strategic minds. I wonder how they could stay in one team despite the fact that all of them are way too good to be just members in this club’s varsity team.

I agree. Ariel nodded quietly in agreement.

Jessica called to the three boys sitting on a bench. “Hey guys meet Vanilla! Vanilla those are Mike Lutsoff, Jason Stockelly and—“

“Seth Steele” I interrupted “I met him already”

“Hiya” the three greeted. Mike Lutsoff is a 17 year old kid with blond hair and intelligent bluish-silver eyes. Betting on how he plays in field, he’s probably like a computer, calculating how many percent he gets to hit the X ring (bull’s eye). Jason Stockelly, 16 year old kid, has spiky light brown hair and bright hazel eyes. He’s arms and body fit for someone so lithe. If he were to stand beside with Seth, you would think they were twins with their hair and personality. Despite those, he easily became one of my favorites in all 6 boys for such out-going and trustworthy personality; the same goes for Seth. Trust them both to make joke in the destruction of life.

“So this is the infamous Vanilla Robinson who manages to embarrass our dear Queen Bee” Mike said while Jason and Seth scrutinize me from head to toe.

“Is that so?” Jason said “Andy had a great job choosing our eighth member. Look at her arms . . .”

“And her eyes,” Seth said as he took a closer look at my face. “It’s like a kaleidoscope. So . . . mysterious and sharp . . .”

“Hey” I snapped mockingly. “My arms aren’t muscular”

“That’s not what I’m talking about” Jason said. “Any archer could distinguish you as a professional since your arms are so . . .”

“Unusual?” I suggested.

“No . . . it just looks so steady. You should stay in our field”

Mike nodded in agreement. “Yeah, hope you could stay on our field”

“Can we keep her?” Seth asked Jessica. He sounded like he was trying to own their favorite dog in a pet shop.

Jessica shrugged. “I don’t know, you’d better ask Karl”

“Awe,” Seth whimpered. “Too bad, she should be in this field. But at least there’s another girl. That way you wouldn’t be lonely” Jessica gave him a smack in his shoulder.

“Hey, I’m just saying” Seth said as he massages the shoulder Jessica just smacked. Jessica rolled her eyes and pulled me to the other field.

“The ‘infamous Vanilla Robinson’ must seriously stop” I said to Jessica “I hate it when people do that. It’s annoying”

“Must be. Ever since I came to school yesterday, all the talk was about you and Queen B” Jessica said.

“But I didn’t spread the ‘talk’. I didn’t even bother to tell anyone much less the whole school” I said.

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Jessica shrugged. “That’s school. Everywhere you go, there’s always a gossip” I sighed in defeat. No matter how I explain it, it still doesn’t changes the fact that the gossip is already passed around school.

“Those two” Jessica said as she points at two members who seems to be teaching a girl on how to shoot “are our most professional archers in team—excluding Karl of course”

I nodded in understanding as Jessica called them over. I recognized one of them. The guy with flaming black hair and bright green eyes was Andy Hall. He was the senior who chose me during the Medieval Day last term.

“Hey Jessica, hey Vanilla” Andy greeted at Jessica and I.

“Hey” I greeted.

“Oh yeah, you’ve met” Jessica realized. Andy chuckled. “So how’s it going? It seems like you two are having a trouble with that member over there”

“Nah, one of them just had difficulty in shooting an arrow. The girl’s a beginner” Andy explained.

“Hmm, ok. Oh Vanilla, Andy’s the assistant captain so if ever you need anything, you can ask him” Jessica said. I nodded.

“Nathan, leave the girl and come over here” Andy called. A guy—who must be 17—came over. He had messy mahogany brown hair and glacial blue eyes. He appears to be in a bad mood. “Nathan, Va—“

“—nilla I know” Nathan grumbled.

“Tsk, tsk, lighten up. It’s not every day you get to be asked to teach a member” Andy said.

“Yeah well, Karl just gave me the densest girl in the world. She can’t even hold the arrow properly” Nathan complained. I look over his shoulder to see the girl in the verge of crying. Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation in my mind, and then before I knew it, Ariel took over my mind and body.


‘What are you doing?!’ Vanilla’s cries sounded in my thoughts.

‘I can’t help but take over your body. I was curious at the girl’ I reasoned.

‘You and your curiosity are just so annoying! Why can’t you at least ask for my permission?’

‘Sorry, I forgot about that’ I said sheepishly.

‘Oh God, why did you ever let me stuck with him?’ Vanilla complained. ‘Fine. But make sure to make your time worth. I’m not giving you any chances like this again.’

‘Ok’ I agreed happily. I left my group and went over to the girl.

“Hey” I greeted. The girl merely gave a nod as she wipes the ends of her eyes. “Are you a newbie?”

“Like you, yeah” the girl replied. I stared at her bow then to her.

“How do you shoot?” I asked.

The girl shrugged. “I don’t know. Andy and Nathan both taught me how but they both have different ways of shooting”

“But you do know how to shoot right?” I asked. The girl nodded. “Can you show me?” the girl takes her bow and an arrow then positions. She pulls back the arrow with the bowstring then shoot. It didn’t hit anywhere the target area.

“Do it again, this time, don’t shoot” I instructed. “. . . Ok, now, don’t be too straight, relax, ankles flat, and heads up. Focus all your attention to the direction of the arrow…ok, now release”

The arrow sailed through the field and hits the X ring. The girl beamed and hugs me in gratitude. Jessica, Andy and Nathan claps at my successful teaching. I could see Jason, Seth, Mike and Karl coming over.

“Wow Van! That was great! You were able to let a newbie hit the X ring in a matter of minutes” Andy complimented.

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“Thanks” I grinned.

“How about you give a couple of shots?” Jessica said. I happily did what she asked and landed most of them in the X ring. All of them seemed pleased on having a new team mate expert in field and in teaching.

“You should be one of the main players” Nathan suggested.

‘Don’t you dare agree to that offer’ Vanilla’s voice rang in my thoughts again.

‘Why not?’ I asked

‘Because I don’t want to. As much as I love archery I never wanted to be one of the main players. Being a sub would be fine.’

‘But—alright . . . you’ll seriously gonna regret this.’

‘I won’t. Now deny that offer.’

I sighed and denied the offer. So much for showing off her skills . . .

“Awe, you were good” Jason coaxed.

“Sorry” I gave a sheepish grin.

“Ok, if that’s what you want” Karl said followed by groans of Jason, Seth and Mike “By the way you’re in Andy’s field”

After that, the entire hour went well. I met other members in the club and befriended some. But I got closer to Jessica just for the sake of Vanilla. When the hour finished, I went out of the clubrooms and gave the mind and body back to Vanilla.


“Don’t you ever do that again” I hissed angrily as Ariel shrugged in response. He was back to talking like a conscience.

Hm . . . well at least I befriended someone for you and I didn’t join the offense team too Ariel said. I gave him a cross look.

“I know that, but it still doesn’t changes the fact that you did something I don’t want you to” I said stubbornly. Chris came over with his usual refreshing look and his tennis bag then shook my arm.

“Umm, in case you haven’t noticed, we’re still in school and yet you’re talking to Ariel as if you’re at home. Do you have any idea at how many students are staring at you as if you’re insane?” Chris warned. I looked around to find he was right. Few people were still staring at me. I looked down, flushed in red.

“C’mon, Kevin said he has some assessment to finish here in school so we have to go on ahead” Chris said as he pulled me with him towards his Imatis.

I stayed mad at Ariel until evening. And to respect my emotion, Ariel didn’t come to me for the whole afternoon and early evening. Everything was just fine, no noise, and no mind wracking quotes from Ariel, no anything! Then the call came.

“Hey Van, have you done it?” Chris asked as soon as I answered my phone.

“Done what?” I frowned.

“The English essay” Chris said.

Dang! “Do we have one?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes we do! It was like, last week! Mr. Jeff gave us one week to do it! Tsk tsk tsk, so much for being a good student”

“Oh, shut up. No sorry, I totally forgot about it” I answered disheartened.

“Well, you better do it now”

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“I am, well about to. Have you done it?” I asked

“Yep” Chris said confidently.

“You’re sounding confident”

“That’s because I am. So I’ll see ya”

“Yeah, I’ll see ya” I answered before hanging up. I frowned, just what I need to perfect the evening. I went to my laptop and start typing.

“Why didn’t Queen Elizabeth I marry?” I muttered as I type up the words.

“She never wanted to relinquish control of her life to a husband. No will to do things for herself; No power for herself.” a voice came from behind. I groaned as I recognize the voice.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” I whined turning to face at the golden brown haired boy with his usual boyish smile

“Hey, I’m trying to help you” Ariel said as he made himself comfortable at the chair across my desk. I frowned.

“Help? What do you--- oh!” I exclaimed. Of course, how could I be so stupid! To know the exact incident, you just have to ask the right person who lived and witness the incident at that time! Ariel gave me an I-told-you-so look.

“Ok fine, tell me all about it” I said.

“I will, in one condition” Ariel said.

“Oh I hate your conditions” I rolled my eyes.

“You will forgive me” Ariel said.

“And if I won’t?”

“Then no A+ essay,” Ariel gave me crooked smile. Sometimes I hate it when he says something so logical! “So deal?”

“Fine,” I sighed in defeat, “you got yourself a deal. Now tell me what happen”

KRINNNGGGG!!! The alarm clock went on. I started to reach for it when it went off all of a sudden. I sat up.

“What the hell?” I muttered. Then I turned to look at the hand on the alarm clock.

“Didn’t want to let you bother” Ariel gave a smile. I shrugged in return.

“Nah, it’s alright. I’m awake anyway” I answered. Then another alarm clock sounded; probably Kevin’s.

“You heard it! Up you go” Kevin yelled as he bangs his hand on the wall separating our rooms.

“I am up you idiot!” I yelled back.

“You’d better go to the bathroom” Ariel said.

“Yeah” I said as I started for the bathroom. When I came inside my bathroom, I notice there was no towel on the towel pole. Since it was such a hassle to go out and get the towel, I asked for Ariel.

“Hey Ariel,” I called from the bathroom doorway. Don’t get the wrong idea; I’m still on my clothes.


“Could you hand me the towel from the cushion?” I asked. Without waiting for an answer, I closed the door. I didn’t even realize that I was starting to strip my t-shirt, when the door opened.

“Here’s your—“ Ariel stopped. I turned around to look at him. It took 5 seconds before I notice why he stopped.

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“Oh,” I looked at the clothes I’m wearing: bra and pajama bottom “you can place the towel on the towel rack. And please close the door on your way out”

Ariel shrugged. “Ok” he said as he follows my instructions and left my bathroom.

“He wasn’t even the least bit bothered with the situation” I muttered as I strip the remaining clothes and went inside the shower. After doing my usual routine every morning, Dad called from the doorway saying that Chris is in the doorway waiting for us.

“Yeah, I’m coming” I called. I bid my parents good bye and raced my brother to Chris’s car. Chris said that he’d allow me to drive since he wasn’t in the mood to drive his car.

In the car, Kevin and Chris fell asleep in their seats. While driving, I listened to my iPod touch, happy to drown the snores of my brother and Chris.

‘Hey’ Ariel greeted.

‘Hey’ I greeted back.

‘You forgot your bow again’ Ariel reminded.

I swore. ‘I hope there’s no archery practice today’

Ariel shrugged. ‘Maybe not’

I switched the subject to another. ‘Ariel, why weren’t you the least bit bothered about the situation awhile ago?’

‘Why should I? You yourself were not the least bit decent to shield your chest when I came in’ Ariel said in reproachable tone.

‘Well, you could have just turned your back and not look at me’ I suggested.

Ariel shrugged his shoulders. ‘There was nothing to look’

The traffic light turned to red and I screeched the car to a stop. ‘What?!’ I exclaimed angrily. Chris and Kevin would have fallen off their seats if it weren’t for their seat belts.

Kevin swore while Chris said: “Watch it!”

I ignored them. ‘How could you say that?’ I said hotly.

‘Well there was nothing to look’ Ariel said. ‘You were in a brassier and pajama bottom so what are there to look? It’s not like you were naked that I would completely freak out and bow before you just to apologize. And besides, if you were decent enough, you would cover your chest’

‘Many people have seen me in my bikini so there’s nothing to freak out’ I said frowning as he shrugged in response. When I arrived at school, Ariel’s presence in my mind faltered so he probably went for an errand. I shrug the thought out.

“Did you finish the essay?” Chris asked.

“Of course I did” I answered while taking the ear buds out of my ears.

“I hadn’t slept because of that stupid essay,” Chris muttered.

“I thought you’ve finished it already” I said.

“I did but Sally’s stupid dog came to my room and start thrashing my stuff; including my essay. And since Mr. Jeff doesn’t believe at such reasons, I had to do it again” Chris explained.

“Didn’t you save it on your pc?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, no; it wasn’t me who made the essay, I asked my cousin to do it.” He said. I grinned. Chris frowned then widens his eyes, “No way”

“Yes way” I gave a crooked smile.

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“You didn’t do it?” Chris asked incredulously—well more like stated.

“What? No . . . I asked Ariel to do the essay” I answered with a laugh.

“Really? Does he know how to use a pen?” Chris asked stupidly.

“Of course he does! He’s not illiterate! And besides, I was using a laptop not a pen. So, he told me the whole story” I replied.

“Oh . . . you should have called me so that I wouldn’t sleep this late!”

“You never mention you need my help” I said. “But if you would have called me, I could’ve helped you”

“What am I gonna do with you?” Chris shook his head but grinned back anyway.

At the end of the day, everything went alright. There was no archery practice during that afternoon but Seth came around during the last period saying that there would be archery meeting tomorrow, Saturday at 11 am in the clubroom. Anyways, I went home happy until I found Ariel sleeping on a couch in my room. He was in his human form when sleeping. He looks so much like a kid sleeping soundly. Kevin was having a basketball practice and would be back by 6 so I was alone in the house for the mean time—with Zoran.

I looked at him thinking how everything happened like this. I mean, for starters, I did not volunteer to be his vessel. Some girls might be happy for having such hot male ghost in them, but not me. But then since he’s my ghost, I have to take care of him don’t I? So I place my bag on the usual spot (on the far side corner of my room) before laying a blanket on him. Once finished I went down to the kitchen to find something to eat.

In the kitchen, I haven’t found anything much to eat so I took a jar full of almonds and ate. When I ate one almond, I heard crashing upstairs.

“What the hell . . .” I muttered. I stride towards the stairs where I met Ariel pale white, hands on his neck; struggling like he was some choked on something, “What’s wrong with you?” I asked as I took another almond.

“S-s-s-t-o…” he struggled to speak.

“What?” he pointed at the jar I was holding. I raised an eye brow. Unable to stand much longer, he crippled to the ground.

“What the hell . . .!” I exclaimed. I carried him to the couch and let him rest. I went back to the kitchen and took a bowl, filled it with cold water, took a towel and went back to the fainted Ariel. I dip the hanky to the cold water, took some excess water then press it on Ariel’s forehead. Slowly, his usual color went back. After a minute or two, he opened his eyes. I sighed in relief.

“Finally, the sleeping beauty is awake” I said in sarcasm. He rolled his eyes—his awake alright.

“What the…how long was I out?” He asked.

“2 minutes”

“You keep track huh?” He grin his usual boyish smile. This time, I rolled my eyes.

“Why did you faint?” I asked straightly.

“What were you eating?” he asked back.

“What are you talking about?” I frowned.

“I was sleeping soundly and peacefully when you woke me up” Ariel said.

“I woke you up?! How could I wake you up? I was in the kitchen!” I exclaimed.

“I don’t know, but suddenly I felt choked. It must be something that you were eating. What were you eating?” He asked.

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“This” I said as I picked up the jar of almonds that lay on the ground and ate one. Then, Ariel turns pale.

“Don’t you dare eat another almond” Ariel paled.

“Why?” I asked as I took another.

“I’m . . . oh just don’t eat another almond” Ariel persisted.

“Unless you tell me why” I said as I took another. Even in pale color, he still shows some pink color.

“Oh my, you’re allergic to this, aren’t you?” I asked incredulously.

“What, no . . . I just don’t like almonds. It makes my stomach tingle. I don’t like it” Ariel said as he flushed pink. How cute!

“Then why were you holding your throat like you’re choked?” I asked.

“You see, since I’m your ghost, I get to feel what you’re doing—well not all the time. Then just awhile ago, when you ate an almond, it felt like something was preventing me from breathing—well, if ever I was still alive” he explained. I raised an eyebrow before burst out laughing. He turned bright red as if he was embarrassed about my knowing his physical weakness.

“How mean” he muttered.

“So you are allergic to this!” I chuckled.

“I guess” he said shrugging. I picked up the bowl of cold water and towel and went to the kitchen. After cleaning up the bowl, I went to the living room to watch TV when I found Ariel staring above, with blank emerald eyes.

“Ariel, what’s wrong?” I asked, unsure if I should interrupt.

“She’s coming” he said in such a solemn voice.


Then outside, the clouds turn to grey revealing a patch of light open only in a specific area (which is my house). It was as if all the clouds gather to welcome the thing that caused that patch of light. Then a light shimmered beside Ariel so bright that it nearly blinded me. I shielded my eyes with my arm to prevent from being blinded. Then after a few seconds, the clouds cleared and the bright light vanished leaving a pearly girl, about the same age as Kevin standing beside Ariel.

She was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my entire life. She had nearly all of Ariel except for her hair and eyes. Her hair was a lot lighter than Ariel—near blond, and her eyes were crystal blue; so clear . . . She was in a very white dress. She looks so much like a pearl, so fragile.

“Sister, welcome” Ariel smiled so warm to the girl that it took my breath away. The girl smiled warmly back at him and hugged him. And of course as a response, Ariel hugged her back.

“You’ve been well brother” the girl replied back. Her voice was like tinkling bells of Christmas.

“I am. I believe you’ve come for me?” he asked.

“No, I came for Vanilla” she said as she turned to look at me. I took a step back.

“No, no, please don’t be scared. I won’t bite” she gave a smile.

“How do you know me?” I asked in a shaky voice. As much as I tried to look and sound calm, I just appear shaky.

“Don’t worry; she probably just came here to tell you something” Ariel reassured me.

“Oh, but no; perhaps I have to stay as well my brother” She turned to look at him.

“What? Why?” Ariel asked.

“I don’t know,” she shrugs, “I just want to meet Vanilla” she said. I turned red. As if sensing my discomfort, Ariel replied.

“Yes, but how long will you be staying?”

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“As long as I’m needed” she answered. I was taken aback.

“Ok” Ariel shrugged.

“What? But I didn’t even get to have a say!” I said mentally at him.

“Trust me, you want her around” Ariel answered at my mental message. The girl was already exploring the living room.

“Who is she?” I asked.

“She’s my sister. Her name is Cassandra, which means ‘one who helps mankind’” Ariel explained.

“Are you a Catholic?”

“No, I’m a Protestant”

“Oh, what could she do?” I asked

“She has the ability to see the future” Ariel confirmed. Cassandra jerked to a stop. Then she turned to look at me.

“Your brother” she muttered.

“Why, what’s up with my brother?” I asked as I turned toward her.

“He’s injured; you might want to get the first aid ready. He’s covered with blood all over. And he’s not on the mood” Cassandra explained.

“Ok” I nodded. I turned to the kitchen to look for the first aid. When I came back, the door burst open; Kevin appeared with blood all over his face, arms and knees.

“Oh my God, what happened to you?” I asked frantically as I assisted him on the doorway and letting him sit on the couch.

“I tried to save a girl from nearly being raped in Xavier St. Big guys were about to—ouch!” he cried out as I placed his legs in the table.

“Sorry” I slowly straightened one of his legs on the table. I opened the first aid kit and tend to his injuries.

“So I saved this girl, but in return, I was bashed by the guys” he said.

“You should have gone to the hospital” I scolded him.

“Hey, I just got from the fight and you’re already scolding me. And anyways, I don’t wanna go there. Needles and x-rays freak me out” He said.

“This is gonna sting so you better brace yourself” I said. When I applied the hydrogen peroxide, he winced. After tending to his injuries, Kevin was covered with bandage nearly everywhere.

“Mom and Dad would be back soon, you should go to your room. I’ll prepare for dinner. I’ll call you when I’m finished” I said. He nodded and walk unsteadily towards his room. I just finished cooking and was preparing the table when Mom and Dad arrived. I called for Kevin to come down. Mom and Dad were shock and frantic as soon as they saw the state Kevin was in. Well, I can’t blame them. Even I was frantic as soon as I first saw Kevin.

“Oh my boy, are you ok?”

“What happened?”

“Why haven’t you ringed the hospital?”

“Vanilla, you should have brought him to the hospital!” I raised my hands when my name was called.

“Hey, I already advised that but he doesn’t want to go” I said. Although accepting my response, that still didn’t satisfy them.

“Oh my baby . . .” Mom muttered as she gave Kevin hugs and kisses.

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“Mom, I’m not your baby anymore. I’m 14” Kevin winced at all the hugs and kisses.

“Even so, you’re still our youngest child in the family” Mom said. Kevin rolled his eyes.

“Just tell us what happen” Dad said. So Kevin told them everything.

“You did the right thing” Dad nodded after Kevin explained everything.

“You’re such a big boy” Mom said as she pressed on his cheeks. I laughed at his face. During dinner time, I told them about Cassandra’s sudden drop. They bowed before her and offered to let her stay at home any time. After dinner, I went to my bedroom. Mom volunteered to do the dishes since Kevin couldn’t do the dishes and I still have school stuff to do. When I arrived at my room, I found Ariel reading a book on a couch. Cassandra was nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Cassandra?” I asked.

“Calling her Cass would be fine and she’s with Kevin” Ariel answered without looking up from his book. I turned to him in disbelief.

“Don’t worry,” Ariel said after seeing my expression, “She’s his own guardian angel” I raised an eyebrow. Ariel laughed.

“Not necessarily ‘guardian angel’. She just tends follows him around. I teased her as his new ‘guardian angel’” Ariel explained.

“So um, what is she?”

“What do you mean?” Ariel frowned.

“Oh, it’s not what you’re thinking,” I said hurriedly “I mean, if you’re a restless ghost, what kind is she? Is she like you?”

“Oh no, she’s gone to the afterlife of course. She’s not a restless ghost. She’s in the likeness of an illusion. She’s the type of what your movies call ‘the-soul-that-comes-back-to-deliver-the-last-message’” Ariel explained.

“So she’s like a ghost-zombie”

“If you put it that way”

Oh, so she has some similarities as you”

“If you’re talking about—“

“Not appearance; I mean spiritually” I interrupted. He raised an eyebrow.

“For a person like you, I never thought you could be spiritual” Ariel said.

“Oh come’ on, give me some credits. It’s not like I’m atheist! I’m catholic; I just don’t attend church often. So anyways, you’ve been to the afterlife right?” I asked. Ariel gave a sad smile.

“No my dear, no” he said dishearteningly.

“I’m sorry” I apologized.

“What are you apologizing for?” Ariel asked.

“For opening a painful subject; you’ve always wanted to go there but just can’t because you have to finish this mission first” I said. He stared at me in disbelief. I gave him a sheepish grin.

“My dear, if ever I have one regret, it is that I would have missed all this fun if I wouldn’t have done this mission” He smiled gratefully. I grinned in response. I fell to my bed then stretch. I sighed in relax, ‘such a long day’ I thought.

“Yeah it is” he nodded in reply.

“So tell me more about your sister” I said. Ariel put down the book neatly on the desk.

“Well, as I told you, her name means ‘the one who helps mankind’ which means she’s a princess and a seer” Ariel said.

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“And what are you?” I asked.

“A warrior and a prince” Ariel said proudly.

“Is that what your name means?” I asked.

“No, my name means Lion of God” he smiled.

“Huh. So how did you find out that she’s—”

“I’m coming to that. But first I would have to tell you about my clan. Our clan was one of the longest and most secretive clans in history. Father, of course was the head of the clan. Her Majesty and other monarchs never knew that the Hood clan existed. They thought that it was all folklore. We name ourselves as Moore family; an average high merchant clan. Mother died of childbirth fever after a few hours of laboring Cass. Father was greatly devastated by the loss of mom. I was still 3 years old during that time so I wouldn’t much get how he felt. As time passed by, Cass grows into the likeness of Mother which made my father more devastated. But he loved her. I did too. Her appearance, her every act, it resembles so much like Mother that we started to think Mother is being reincarnated in her body, but that of course it is impossible.

‘It was just when Cass turned 5 when she starts babbling about a peasant being knighted for his brave act of saving Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. At first we thought they were gibberish. But after 3 days, it actually happened. We waited for the next words she would babble but nothing would come out. It was only after 2 weeks when she came to me; her eyes filled with tears. She told me that Father would experience a pain that would prevent him from waking up ever again. I told her that it was not possible for Father was healthy. She believed me but I started to doubt my words when Father came home one night coughing badly. He said that he wouldn’t go to work since he does not want to and would play with us for the rest of his time. After 2 nights, he didn’t wake up. Grandfather came and took us in. He said that Father died of influenza. From that day on, grandfather became more like our father. He was always with us.

‘No one knew about Cass’s ability to see the future except me, Father and Grandfather. Everything was well until one day; Grandfather offended one of the aristocrats. That aristocrat wanted revenge for the humiliation and the spread of the scandal about his wife committing adultery to his very own elder son which was true. He did everything he could to get revenge but still didn’t manage to hit very much. Through those days, I could sometimes find Cass in tears or sulking in a corner. When I asked her about it, she just gives me her usual quiet smile like she always does when she finds out certain story that would end in a tragedy. After a few days, we just heard that Cass was accused of witchcraft. Somehow the aristocrat found out that Cass could see the future and sought out the Her Majesty of having a witch in the kingdom. Of course Her Majesty was outraged. She immediately sent for a knight to fetch Cass and take her to custody. I was in the market when this happened. When I came home, they had her already. She gave me one of her quiet smiles and kissed me on both cheeks telling me to take care of Grandfather. 3 days later, she was beheaded. She was 15 at that time…So young…” Ariel explained. It was such a long and sad story that it nearly made me cry.

“You forgot one thing,” a clear sweet voice said. Cass shimmered beside Ariel while looking at me with those clear eyes, “it was the aristocrat’s youngest son who told him. He fell in love with me and tried to win me but I knew that he wasn’t the one for me so I turned him down. Being such a determined boy, he sought for something that might win my heart thus, it turned to blackmail. One day, he saw me with blank eyes. He followed me to grandfather’s study room. He heard me saying the next event that would happen. At first he thought they were gibberish as well but when it happened, he knew I was telling the truth. He may have looked and sounded stupid but he was quick enough to know that I was seeing the future. He blackmailed me into marrying him if I wanted him to keep it a secret but I knew what my answer as well. I wanted so much to say yes but I couldn’t change my destiny, future. So I turned him down. He got mad and told his father. That’s how the aristocrat knows about me” Cass clarified.

Then she turned to look at her brother and smiled. “What a rare thing to do! You forgot about it brother. And to think Grandfather praises you for your precise memory thinking” Cass teased. Ariel smiled. They do love each other. It took 2 minutes for this moment to be damaged. And can you guess who did it? That’s right; it’s Kevin. He damaged it by barging into my room.

“Hey sis, could I borrow—how did you get here?” Kevin cried as he stared at Cass.

“Shush Kevin, Mom and Dad might think you’re going crazy” I hissed.

“But how did she get in here?” Kevin asked as he strode towards her.

“Why? Does it matter? It’s none of your business!” I snapped.

“It is my business because she’s the girl that I saved awhile ago!” Kevin exclaim. I stared in disbelief, while Ariel stood up from the couch in disbelief.

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As if having the same thoughts, Ariel and I exclaimed in chorus “WHAT?!”

4. Explanations

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I demanded at Kevin.

“It’s true! She is the exact girl I saved awhile ago!” Kevin insisted.

“But how could that be?” Ariel asked “She was here with me the whole time”

“But it’s true!” Kevin insisted.

“I believe,” Cass interrupted, “you will recognize me by looking like this” Cass shimmered and changed to different girl. Well, she still has the same looks but she doesn’t shine like a pearl or have the clear crystal blue eyes. She looks so…human. She was in jeans, blue ‘I-love-London’ t-shirt and sneakers. Her near-blond hair was pulled up in a ponytail showing her face neat and clean. She’s still pretty—nothing changes that.

“Wow” Kevin and I complimented.

“Thanks” Cass replied with a sweet smile. And she didn’t have that medieval accent!

“It is you!” Kevin cried.

“Uhuh; I’m sorry if those guys bashed you” Cass apologizes.

“Nah no worries” Kevin said putting up a brave face. Hehe, I bet Kevin likes her now! Ariel gave a chuckle after reading my mood. I winked at him.

“But Cass,” I asked “What happened?” Cass leaned on the couch.

“Well, I was following your brother,” Vana explained. Kevin turned around to hide his blush. I gave a low chuckle at that but Kevin gave me a glare, “and yes Ariel, I was more like Kevin’s guardian angel” Vana said as she gave Ariel a look “so then, it was at that time that I had to come down and meet Vanilla so I split myself into two. Once I come down, I become an illusion so I could be either a human or a ghost but since I’m meeting Vanilla in ghost form, I had to be in the form of human while following Kevin around. And then these three drunken guys who smell so much like sewers came to me. They pushed me into an alley and started grabbing me from everywhere. I screamed and Kevin came to my aid” I nodded as an answer. It seems right for Kevin to do that. I turned to look at Ariel with a smile but I found him wearing a frown. I raised an eyebrow in question but he just shook his head in answer.

Kevin went back to his room and stayed there. He no longer bothered us. Mom just went to check on him and said that he wouldn’t be going to the school until his wounds would be healed. I went back to my bed and laid there. Ariel went back to his reading while Cass vanished again—probably went to Kevin’s room. Anyways after an hour, I finally asked Ariel why he frowned after Cass finished her story.

Ariel sighed. “Because I think everything’s impossible” He said.

“How come?” I asked frowning.

“She could’ve stayed ghost if she wanted to follow Kevin around” he said.

“But didn’t she say that it was impossible since she took the form of ghost while appearing in front of us?” I asked.

“Yes she did, but that doesn’t make her do the option 2. She still has the ability to be in the form of a ghost while following him around” Ariel explained. I opened my mouth to contradict but he interrupted me, “Not only that, she could’ve foreseen what was happening. And why was she following Kevin? Why not just go straight here where her priority is you not Kevin” Ariel stated. I shut my mouth in that statement. He’s right. It would have been impossible.

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“She probably saw that Kevin would be bashed and might be left dying there. She was helping and in doing that, she had to be a human”

“Yes, I’ve thought of that but why not just scare them? Why does she have to be human? I’m sure if she would’ve scared them; rumors would start and would keep those drunken men from coming back in Xavier St. And anyways, it was a very dangerous thing to do. They could have both ended up victims. Kevin would have been bashed to death and Cass would have been raped.”

“Yes, but we can’t just demand to her the right answer. We should wait” I said quietly without looking at him.

“Yeah,” he agreed “we should”

Saturday, No classes . . . YES!!!

“Oh don’t get yourself too excited” Ariel said as he rolled his eyes “you still have archery meeting today”

Its 10.55 am and we were currently walking towards school; me: bringing my bow at last and Ariel walking beside me. He still translucent which means no one could see him except me. I was planning to go with Chris but he said he had to visit his grandmother in the hospital so he couldn’t come.

“Yeah, but still, it is after all, Saturday!” I said. Ariel laughed.

“You should hear yourself! You started to sound like me!” Ariel teased. I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughs harder. When we arrived at the school gates, it was unfortunately close.

“What the—I thought its open!” I complained.

“Vanilla, you have to pass through the back gate” a voice from my behind replied. I recognize the voice as Andy Hall’s.

“Andy!” I cried.

“Come, it’s this way” He said as we turned around the school.

“Is everyone here?” I asked.

“They should be here already” Andy said as he opened the back gate. “Here you go.” We went inside and went directly to the clubroom. When we arrived at the clubroom, it turns out only the varsity members were there.

“Vanilla,” Jessica exclaimed.

“Hi Jessica” I greeted her as she gave me a hug. “Where’s everyone?” I asked as I went to the storage room to take one bow and a bag of arrows.

“It’s only us; didn’t Seth mention that?” Jessica asked. I gave Seth a glare; Seth replied with a sheepish grin.

“Everyone gather” Karl called. All of us gather in front of him.

“Guys, I got news” a pretty lady with brunette hair pulled up in ponytail stepped beside Karl with papers in hand. She must be around her twenties since she looks so young “we’re playing indoor target archery and our first opponent is the St. Mary’s High school archery team” the team cheered.

“Ha,” Jason mocked “I can’t believe the game directors chose them to fight us. They’re just so . . .”

“Easy” Seth finished. All of them laughed.

“Still, its way better than fighting against Silverdale Academy” Mike said.

“Guys, guys,” the pretty girl called them back to her attention “even so, let’s respect them. Let’s see what they have up their sleeves”

“Oh they have nothing” Jason cried. They all laughed. I raised an eyebrow but went along to practice after being dismissed by the pretty girl. Everyone started for their target areas so I turned to Nathan who was close to my target area and asked about her.

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“Oh she’s Coach Kelly. She’s been coaching this school’s archery team ever since I remember” Nathan said.

“She’s so young and pretty” I said as I looked at her from across the room. Nathan chuckled.

“Trust me; she’s more than what you see. If you think Karl is a lion, then Coach Kelly is way fiercer than him” Nathan said as his string up an arrow to his bow and shoot.

I chuckled. “Yeah, I mean, she can’t just stay as coach if she isn’t expert in the field” I went off his target area and went to my target area to play.

I strung arrows on my bow and shoot. After shooting 5 arrows consecutively, I tried 3 arrows at once. Then somehow, in the back corner of my mind, there was this technique that asks me to do it. There was nothing wrong with the idea so I tried it. I shot an arrow then another arrow in a gap of half a second. The second arrow slightly hit the fletch (feather of the arrow) of the first arrow causing the first arrow to change direction. The second hit the original target while the first hit the target next to it. And to make matters better, both arrows hit bull’s eye.

“Wow” I muttered. ‘How did I do that?’ I thought.

‘Miss me?’ Ariel’s voice sounded in my head.

‘Was it you?’ I asked mentally.

‘Yep, it’s a trick I learned from my grandfather’ Ariel replied.

‘But how did I do that? I mean, I can’t maneuver that easily’

‘You can’t that’s why I helped you maneuver it’ Ariel said.

“Wow” a lady’s voice broke into my thoughts. I turned around to look at who it was.

“Coach Kelly” I greeted.

“So you’re the new varsity member who insisted on becoming a sub” Coach Kelly said “You’re really good. Even I couldn’t do that”

I gave a grin “Nah, it’s just a trick”

“Hm,” Coach Kelly nodded “why did you insist on becoming a sub? You would’ve done better if you’re one of the main players”

‘I told you so’ Ariel muttered.

‘Shut up!’

“I just don’t like to be a main player. I just started so I still need to learn from my seniors” I said. She raised an eyebrow as if I was kidding about learning something from my seniors after exposing that technique in the field

“You’re humble and really good . . . I like that. I’ll keep an eye on you” Coach Kelly said as she strode back to the other boys. ‘Oh my God, what was that?’ I thought as I exhaled.

‘Were you inhaling all the time?’ Ariel asked. I strung another arrow on the bow and shoot.

‘Hm, why didn’t I notice?’ I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

‘Do you want to know another trick?’ he asked excitedly.

‘No thank you that was pretty much enough’ I said in my thoughts. He groaned in response. I smiled trying to keep my laugh inside.

‘Haha, laugh all you want’ Ariel mocked as I shoot 5 more arrows before I heard a commotion—well, more like noise.

“Oh shut up!” Nathan’s angry voice said.

“It’s true isn’t it?” Jason asked mockingly. Seth and all the others laughed. Coach Kelly and Andy were nowhere to be found though. Coach Kelly was probably in her office.

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“What’s wrong?” I asked at the laughing Mike.

“Nathan used to like a girl from the archery team of St. Mary’s High school. Now, Jason and Seth are mocking him into why he didn’t ask her out” Mike said after managing to catch his breath.

“What did Jason said?” I asked grinning already.

“That he didn’t ask her out because we think he started to like Jessica” Mike said as he started to laugh. I widen my eyes and started to laugh.

“Hey guys, what’s with the commotion?” Jessica asked as she appeared beside me. Nathan widens his eyes then frowns.

“They think that Nathan didn’t ask the archery girl from St Mary’s out because he likes you” I explained.

“What, as if!” Jessica said as she laughs. Everyone laughs at her reaction.

“Ouch, hahaha, that was some response!” Mike said as he barely contained himself from laughing. Nathan rolls his eyes.

“Oh come’ on guys, be more mature, back to work” Karl said after containing his laugh.

“Lunch time guys!” Andy cried as he entered the clubroom with 4 boxes of pizza and 2 bags full of drinks. The boys set up a table and Andy places everything on the table. When everything was finished, everyone digs in.

“Wow, thanks Andy” Mike said.

“No problem” Andy responded. Jessica takes 2 slices and 1 coke then brought it to the office. After a minute or so, Jessica and coach came out.

“Hey guys” Coach Kelly called. We gather around her, “there has been a change of plans; the game directors said that we would be fighting against Silverdale Academy’s Archery Team”

“Are you kidding?!” Mike exclaimed, clearly surprised.

“They’re like way worse than St. Mary’s!” Jason exclaimed.

“Hey, hey, the St. Mary’s insisted on going against Nottingham High School’s Archery team. They said they have a match to settle” Coach Kelly said. They all nodded and went back to eating while Jessica went back inside the office with Coach Kelly. After a minute or so, she came out of the office beaming.

“Yes coach, of course, thank you” Jessica said as she exited the office. The boys cheered. I gave a questionable look.


“Seriously Vanilla, you’ve gotta keep up. We’re all going to the city after practice” Jessica said after laughing at my look.


“To party of course” Jessica said wickedly.

“So this is your idea of party huh?” I said to Jessica. She gave a crooked smile at me as if I was just a stupid oaf believing on whatever she says.

It was by 4.00 when we were released from the meeting. We invited Coach Kelly to come with us but she said she still have other businesses to attend so she couldn’t come. And so, only the archery varsity team and Jessica came. We went to the city and came into this bar called ILW-I LOVE WEEKENDS bar. There were karaoke’s and disco in the bar. The song Take it off by Ke$ha was being played throughout the bar. The song had a taste of remix which draws you to dance in the dance floor.

‘Wow,’ Ariel said in my mind.

‘Never experience this kind of party huh?’ I gave a smirk.

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‘Nope. This is…what word could I describe this?’

‘Cool’ I tried.

‘Cool? Why would I call this place cool? It isn’t even cold’ Ariel asked taking aback.

‘You are so old fashioned’ I said mentally shaking my head ‘Cool has loads of definition. If you describe these kinds of places, you call it cool. It’s a word used to describe other than the word fashionable, stylish or awesome’

‘Oh. Hey, it isn’t my fault that I’m old fashioned’ Ariel snapped. I sighed. The Karl approaches the bartender and showed him a key. The bartender nodded and pressed a button from under a stool. Karl nodded thanks and went inside a door found just beside the stool. When we went inside, there were rooms concealed in a one way see through glass. We came upon a door numbered 12 and come in. Inside was a karaoke.

“I’ll go get the drinks” Nathan volunteered.

“Wait,” I stopped Nathan “Are you guys gonna drink booze?” The boys laughed, even Jessica manages to give a giggle.

“Of course we do dummy” Mike chuckled as he lightly smacks my shoulder.

“But how? They can’t just give us the booze. We’re all underage remember? Well, except for Andy and Karl” I said.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Nathan said before leaving t he room “I’ve got tricks up my sleeve”

“How’s he gonna do that?” I asked incredulously.

“Vanilla,” Jessica said as she rolled her eyes “If you’ve seen Nathan before you’ve met him, he could pass as an adult. And anyways, we ladies wouldn’t drink the boys drink. Nathan respects us so I think he would at least bring raspberry vodkas or cocktails. That way, the bartender wouldn’t suspect him of getting all those booze for his own”

“True” I agreed. And since the matter was settled, we placed our bags with the bows inside in a corner and started the night with Jason singing a song he chose from the karaoke. After a few minutes, Nathan came back with beers, colas, chips, pizzas and some Doritos with dips. Man, this is awesome!

‘No beers’ Ariel warned. I laughed.

‘Hey, its ladies drink. It can’t make me drunk’ Ariel agreed at the thought. Poor Ariel, no will to drink some of this stuff...

‘Do you want me come and pay a visit?’ Ariel said as he grinned maliciously at the thought.

‘NO WAY’ I exclaimed mentally. He laughed at my reaction.

‘Be good,’ Ariel warned as if acting the likes of a parent, ‘Or I’ll pay a visit myself’ I nodded in agreement; delightful that it was settled. Hours passed, it was already 11.30 pm when everyone was already famished. Jason, Seth and Mike were already drunk. Andy and Karl were half drunk but were laughing boisterously after hearing a joke or two from Jason. Jessica, and I were also having fun but not to the point where we were drunk. Nathan drank two beer cans but was not drunk—well, he looks like he’s not drunk.

“This is so fun” I exclaimed to Jessica from the noise created by Seth and Mike singing another song.

“Yeah, we do this every after meetings or when there’s nothing to do. Usually Coach Kelly comes with us but it seems this business of her is so important that she can’t come with us” Jessica explained over the noise.

“Oh,” I answered as I turned back to the noise, unaware that Nathan was in deep conversation with Jessica.

‘There they are again’ Ariel said as he looked at Jessica and Nathan. I looked at them as well.

‘Fighting I bet,’ I said. He chuckled.

‘By the way, did you talk to Cass about her abilities?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, but she merely shrugged it. She said that there might be some glitch at her abilities. I frowned at that but she said to relax and probably her powers would come back’ Ariel explained.

‘There probably is. But still, we can’t be sure’ I said.

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‘Yeah,’ Ariel nodded, ‘We can’t be too sure’

“Hey guys,” I called from the noise. Karl and Andy looked at me but Seth, Jason and Mike were still on the mike screaming at the top of their lungs. I called once again but they weren’t listening. I frowned and approach the stage. I snatched the mike from them and pauses the song.

“Now are you listening?” I said. They nodded.

“So since its 11.30, I better get going. I don’t wanna stay so late at night” I said.

“Is it 11.30? Aw man, I was supposed to be back by 11.00” Mike cried.

“That’s it guys, it looks like we have to go already. We don’t wanna stay here so late” Karl said. We took our bags and were already set on going home when Andy noticed something.

“Hey, where are Nathan and Jessica?” Andy asked. Seth snickered.

“Oh they’re probably—“

“How dare you!” Jessica shouted with full on rage. They were already standing instead of sitting at the couch I occupied awhile ago. “I could shoot by myself. I don’t need your support! Why do you think I came into this team for anyways?!”

“Well, coach probably got pity in you after what happen to your uncle” Nathan muttered. Everyone gave a gasp as Jessica gave a full on slap at Nathan’s face.

“Jessica!” I exclaimed as I came to her and got hold of her arm.

“Don’t talk to me about that, don’t come near me, don’t talk to me, don’t you even dare look at me, you bastard, you pathetic, arrogant, self-centered bastard” Jessica said coldly as she shrugs off my hand and wipes a tear from her face. She took her bag and left the room.

“Jessica” I said as I attempted to approach her, only to be stopped by Ariel.

‘Don’t. She needs space’ Ariel said. I nodded mentally before looking at Nathan. Nathan was already sitting back at the couch. A frown was shown in his face. Andy came to Nathan and took a good look at him.

“Tsk tsk tsk, bad hit, it looks like it would turn into a bruise. That’s what you get for cracking up an archer” Andy said.

“Why did you do it Nate?” Karl asked.

“He’s probably drunk” Jason said. Mike raised an eyebrow.

“Drinking two beer cans can’t make you drunk” Mike said. I approached the table and took one of the beer cans Nathan was drinking.

“Unless you’re drinking whiskey” I said.

“Yes, unless you’re drinking whiskey” Mike agreed. Everyone looks at me as I pick up two empty bottles of whiskey hidden behind the couch.

“You’ve done it Nate, you’ve seriously done it” Andy said.

“Well, we can’t stay here and babble about this. I need to be home already” Seth said. We all agreed; we left the karaoke room and check out of the bar. Andy was living 2 streets after my street so we went home together. Karl volunteered to take Nathan home while the Jason and Seth decided to sleep over at Mike’s house.

“What happened to Jessica’s uncle?” I asked Andy.

“Long story, but to shorten it, a year ago Jessica’s uncle was the coach of St. Mary’s archery team. He got shot by a player from the Nottingham High School archery team in the chest. The St. Mary’s sued, Nottingham High school got disqualified and the player got expelled. The uncle recovered but can no longer coach the St. Mary’s archery team” Andy explained. I nodded in understanding.

“No wonder Jessica got mad at Nathan’s words. It’s offensive” I said.

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“Of course its offensive! Have you ever tried to be told that way, it hurts” Andy said. I look at him and notice how red his face was. He’s drunk alright . . .

I came home feeling so exhausted. Mom and Dad weren’t fussing about it since I told them where I was every 30 minutes which was kind of a hassle. Kevin was already in his room, probably busy with his Xbox 3.

“Hey Ariel,” I called when I arrived at my room.

“Yes?” Ariel answered after appearing seated on my couch.

“Oh, you were too quiet so I had to call you. Where were you by the way?” I asked.

“I was talking to my sister” He said as he stood up and started looking at my desks and shelves; probably looking for the manga he was reading: DN Angel. Lately he’s been reading books about angels. I even saw him reading a Japanese manga called Ah! My Goddess.

“It’s on the second drawer on the right side of the desk” I said answering his unasked question.

“Thanks” he nodded as he strode towards the desk he inspected awhile ago. I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

“So what happen?” I called from the bathroom.

“Still no clue; she said it herself, she doesn’t have any clue as to why that happened” Ariel said. I finished getting ready and went for my bed. As I was about to lie down, Cass appeared; eyes white as a blank sheet of paper.

“He’s coming,” Cass warned then fell to her knees. Ariel and I went to her.

“Cass, what’s wrong?” I asked as I helped her up. Cass shook her head as if trying to ward something nasty from her mind. Ariel was already wearing the ‘I’m-busy-don’t-disturb’ look.

“He’s coming. This is really bad” she said.

“Show me Cass, what did you see?” Ariel asked.

Cass gave him a look but nodded and reached a finger to him. “This,” I was about to ask what was happening when Ariel gave a grip at my hand. I gasped.

And that’s when it happened. At first it was all white light then we appeared above a building in Xavier St. We were transparent, like ghosts…‘this is the street my brother was bashed’ I thought, horrified at the sudden realization. Ariel nodded but then switched his attention at the sudden gather of clouds in the sky.

It was all grey clouds, the very same clouds that appeared above my house when Cass descended, only that they look fiercer and meaner, ‘storm clouds’ I thought. Then a light shone in the middle, pointed at an alley just 2 blocks away from us. A large and bulky figure in grey cloak came down from the clouds. When the bulky figure landed, the clouds dispersed revealing a clear night sky. I gave a puzzled look at Ariel but his face shown a dark look.

Then out of nowhere, the bulky figure appeared at a building just across to ours. It seems to know we were there because it gave us a look that had me gasped. It had the bloodiest eyes ever, all red that you could barely hint the amber iris in his eyes. It came for us but Ariel didn’t give any effort to move. The figure barely touched me when we were transported back to my room. I would have been happy to be transported back again but within the close gap that the bulky figure made, I had seen the worst vision I’ve ever seen. A vision so worse that it made me scream for help.

“Vanilla,” Ariel’s voice barely sounded then everything went blank.

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5. I told you so

ACCEPTING THE IDEA of being possessed by a ghost is pretty understandable. But surviving the idea is another


The strange appearances and occurrences of a ghost were still freaking me out especially when that ghost has a sibling who has some ability to see the future. So when Ariel told me that another ghost—namely Marcus; obviously an evil one as I’ve heard—have arrived, I was pretty shaken up.

“This is outrageous!” I exclaimed one Sunday morning. Ariel and I were in my room pretending to do some homework when we were actually discussing last week’s turn of events.

“Oh?” Ariel said as he looks up from his manga “Do tell”

“Bloodshot eyed ghosts are appearing out of nowhere and yet you’re seating there as if nothing is happening” I pointed out. “Aren’t you gonna do anything? This ghost is obviously a threat to your mission and to me, your next guardian of that bow”

Ariel closed his book and looks weary at me. “First of all, there’s only one bloodshot eyed ghost and he’s the last one to arrive. Secondly, I can’t do anything to him since I’m not a police who are always there to capture crooks like him. And thirdly, he is a threat but you have nothing to worry about anything since he can’t even lay a finger at you while I’m around. Consider me as your personal guardian angel”

I raised an eyebrow at the last statement. “Considering you as my guardian angel isn’t gonna solve anything when this crook is gonna take up a vessel. If he does—which he might’ve probably found one by now—he gets an advantage over your security. And I’m talking huge advantages here.”

Ariel shook his head. “He won’t. I’d know immediately if that ever happens. And besides, Cass would see who he’s taken up by now”

“You’re dangerously relying too much on Cass. She can’t protect Kevin while keeping watch at things going on in our world. She’s not a machine who could multi-task” I said.

“Our world huh?” he said as he gave a crooked smile. “I never expected you to sink in on everything that’s been happening. And yes, Cass’s not a machine, but she could try”

“Oh stop evading situation! We are not bothering Cass anymore. If you’re relying too much on her abilities, it might falter a little which could cost us to lose our dearest bow”

“Trust me, she never falters on anything”

“Not when you’re pressing too much stress on her. We can’t keep up with this. We have to take actions to our own hands” I said worriedly. I know it’s ironic for me to be all worried of a ghost but I can’t help it. Cass has been so much like a sister to me during her first week on Earth. Ariel stood up and looked at me. His eyes were showing clear amusement as if my worry was just so comical to him.

“My worry is not comical if you must know so don’t you dare grin or I swear I’ll wipe that out for you” I retorted. He laughed at my snap.

“We already have taken it to our hands. Well, I have; I’ve done more than what you know. Seriously Vanilla, this debate and your worry is pointless and ridiculous. Trust us Hoods in this”

I sighed, weary of the fact that my anger had faltered when he joked around my retorts and concerns for us and his family. How can you be so calm?

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It keeps me optimistic. So if you would do me the favor of wiping that weary look of yours, I would be more than glad to sit down and go back to my reading without worrying over such pointless debates.

I rolled my eyes at his answer. You are aware that you’re back to being so medieval and ancient. Probably the next time I have conversation with you, you might be using Shakespearean words.

He laughs at that. There’s nothing wrong with Shakespeare’s words. And besides, I wasn’t being medieval; I was being Edwardian. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson’s usage style of words.

Whatever. It still doesn’t change the fact that you’re being ancient. This time, he rolled his eyes.

Then just as easy as how we smooth things over, a strange incident destroyed it all. It happened when I was just about to leave the room. I suddenly felt someone watching us so I hurried to the window—causing to shove Ariel a little—and immediately scan the surroundings outside. As I landed my eyes to survey a street corner, I saw Marcus. Just standing in the shadows, surprised by how fast I’d suddenly spotted him. He was still the same as I last saw him but this time he was wearing something shiny. And just as fast as I’d spotted him, he vanished into thin air. I swore.

“Good job” Ariel praised me.

“Ariel, this isn’t really the time to praise my work. I just saw Marcus standing in the corner watching us” I said.

“Hmm, not to accurate but still . . .” Ariel muttered.

“Hel-lo! Red Alert! Threat in sight”

“He was not a threat. He was—“

“So,” Cass interrupted as she appeared out of nowhere. “How did it go?”

I gave a puzzled look I’m really starting to get the hold of appearances. “What go?”

“She wasn’t accurate enough to guess who it really was. But still, she manages to spot Marcus in seconds. She’s good for a beginner” Ariel said as he reiterated what happened awhile ago.

“Yeah, she is good” Cass agreed.

“I swear I’m gonna throw you both out unless you tell what’s going on” I threatened. They both raised their eyebrows.

“Great job in threatening too” Ariel said. I gave an exasperated sigh.

“What he was trying to say was that you had great job in spotting Marcus in seconds” Cass explained.

“Yes, I gathered that awhile ago. But why are you both just standing there as if nothing is happening? Marcus was there and yet you both didn’t regard him as a threat” I said frustrated.

“He was not a threat because that was not Marcus. That was just me posing as Marcus” Cass clarified. I regarded her incredulously

“Great job in posing as Marcus” I congratulated.


“Which means, this was all a test” Ariel said.

“Why are you giving me a test? Is it to test if I’m worthy to be a guardian?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s one and the other is to prepare you” Cass said.

“Prepare me for what? I thought we’d already discuss your security” I frowned.

“Just like you pointed awhile ago, Marcus has huge advantages when taking up a vessel. So we decided to test your capabilities in protecting your own self” Ariel explained.

“Well, if you guys think that was some protect-yourself test, then you both failed. Sensing danger isn’t really trying to protect you. It’s just . . . sensing” I responded.

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“Exactly! When sensing danger, it gives you an advantage to either run away or prepare yourself. It’s not a big one, but at least you get one” Cass said.

“But when sensing these dangers, you have to be accurate. You can’t just go screaming that a man was stalking you when it was actually a woman. That may also affect your playing in an event or tournament. You have to be accurate so that you could hit the X ring” Ariel added.

“Am I attending a class here?” I looked at them disbelievingly.

“Well, if you want to protect yourself from Marcus, then yes. You are attending a class” Ariel confirmed.

“So much for a lovely Sunday morning” I muttered.

“It’s better to spend it in class then sulking at home with nothing to do” Cass reasoned.

“True” I agreed.

“And one more thing, we’re not teaching any martial arts. What we’re about to teach you are just first options when in danger and how to be prepared” Ariel said.

“Alright, but before we start the self-protection class, could anyone tell me who Marcus really is? I mean, I understand that he’s dangerous since he’s clearly a crook but why?”

“Marcus is an assassin” Cass explained after a long pause “He’s impassive, dangerous and very devoted to his work. He doesn’t rest until he eliminates his target or in this case, destroy the only thing that allows him to stay, the bow”

“But he never knew that the bow is mere knowledge” Ariel added. “He expected it to be a real bow. And since he’s just woken up from his 65 year slumber, he may be of some difficulty”

“65 year slumber,” I asked “You mean like, he was hibernating that long?”

“That’s one way to put it”

“So all he has to do is look for a bow that does not exist. So it’s a good thing since he doesn’t have to hunt me down and kill me for taking up Ariel’s form” I said. I notice they both nodded hesitantly but I ignored it. “Ok. Let’s start this class”

“Call Casper” Ariel said. Cass nodded and disappeared again.

“Casper? Are you serious?” I look at him incredulously.

“Yes, Casper. Do you know him?”

“Do I know him?” I said in disbelief. “He’s in every TV when I was like 9. He has a comic of his own and a movie with Hilary Duff. He’s even called ‘Casper the friendly ghost’”

Ariel laughed. “Why am I not surprise?”

Then the air shimmered revealing Cass and a spiky blue haired guy with wide blue eyes in a blue shirt. He didn’t even have any legs!

“Casper” Ariel greeted.

“Ariel, long time no see! How’s it going?” Casper greeted with thick Russian accent. He then turned to look at me. “And this must be your new vessel. Pretty hot too . . .”

“Casper,” Ariel whirled Casper to look at him. “You’re here for business, not for flirtations”

“Oh right!” Casper said as if he finally remembered why he was brought here.

“Blue man’s my teacher?” I looked at Cass and Ariel who were now wearing amused smiles in their faces.

“Oh, come now girl, I may look like this, but I’m a very, very good teacher” Casper said as he winked at me.

I shook my head. “My name is Vanilla, not girl and yet I still can’t see why”

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Casper gave an exasperated sigh. “I spent half the century being chased by ghost busters so I pretty much know how to trick them or lose them or protect myself”

“Half the century?” I whistled in awe. “So there are still ghost busters until today?”

“Of course there is! But they could never catch me. I think they’re still pissed about my fame during the last decade”

“Oh, Casper the friendly ghost” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah” Casper said cheerfully. “Do you watch it?”

“Not anymore but I used to when I was still a kid” I said. “You don’t look the least bit like Casper in TV”

“I know, I let them modify my picture”

“Alright that’s enough” Ariel interrupted. “Business Casper, business”

“Always business” Casper said as he sighed. “No wonder you never get to make a move with Alice”

“Casper!” Ariel snapped.

I raised an eyebrow. “Alice?”

Casper waved a hand as if to dismiss the idea. “Alright, alright, let’s get on with it”

And that’s how we spent the whole Sunday morning. Casper turned out to be a very good teacher. He taught me on how to lose a tail; either by disguise or by simple run around. By noon time, Mom called us down for lunch.

“I’m coming!” I called back. Cass already vanished during class so it was Ariel and Casper who were in a deep conversation when I left them. During lunch time, Kevin said he would be meeting up with a friend this afternoon. I went back to my bedroom only to find Ariel in his usual seat reading. No Casper or Cass around.

“Where are they?” I asked.

“Who? Cass and Casper? They left. Cass had to do an errand for Casper while Casper left since his business here is finished. Your next class would be next Sunday” Ariel said. I shrugged in response.

“Care to explain who Casper really is?” I said as I sat in my bed. Ariel closed his book and looked at me.

“Well for one thing Casper is his second first name” Ariel said. “Russian law allows children to change their first names when they reach maturity. His real name is Timofei Dmitrievich Chekov. He used to be the son of a rich aristocrat in Russia and a bodyguard of their king Nikolai III. He pretty much got a normal life with the women and money except when he got shot during the massacre of their Highness and his family.”

“This royal family, do they have a daughter called Anastasia?” I asked.

“Yes” Ariel gave me a questionable look. “How do you know so much about his life?”

“Hey, Anastasia has her own Disney movie too. It’s really good, you should watch it” I said.

Ariel shook his head. “Anyways, that’s the life of Casper”

I nodded dropped the subject after that. It seems offensive to talk about someone’s death. It would have been boring all through out that afternoon if it weren’t for a visitor that came by. By 4:00 that afternoon, 2 girls appeared in the doorway; and one of them was a girl I knew so much. Jessica.

“Jessica?” I cried in disbelief

“Vanilla?” she did too.

“What are you doing here?” we both exclaimed in unison.

“You guys know each other?” Kevin asked startled.

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“Of course we do! She’s one of the archery team” I replied before turning back to Jessica to ask the same question. “What are you doing here?”

“My sister, Diana, is meeting up with Kevin. I was just accompanying her and probably meeting her boyfriend” Jessica said. Her sister gave her a glare. Now that I notice, the Diana is her sister. Her sister had the same blond hair and hazel eyes but her face are more angular and had no dimples to show. “What about you?”

I gave a rueful grin. “I’m his—“

“You’re the other girl he’s been seeing aren’t you?” Diana said drastically.

“What?!” Kevin and I exclaimed in unison, clearly shocked at her sudden proclamation.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you’d do this to me! You out of all people!” Diana cried at Kevin.

“What? You got it all wrong!” I exclaimed.

“He’s my brother!” I said the same second Kevin said “She’s my sister!”

“We’re siblings!” Kevin and I said in unison.

“You both are?” Jessica said in disbelief. Diana flushed in embarrassment.

“I’m so sorry!” Diana apologized. “I never did realize. You both were so . . .”

“Close? I doubt it” I chuckled without humor. “I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend. He rarely tells me anything”

“Oh” Diana flushed. A long pause followed then Jessica and I burst out laughing.

“Sis!” they both flushed down in red.

“Alright, I’m glad you’ve chosen someone worth going out with” Jessica said to her sister. Diana shrugged response then went out with Kevin.

“C’mon in” I said as I ushered her in “My parents won’t mind”

“This is a big house you got here” Jessica complimented. “Where are your parents by the way?”

“Dad was called for an emergency in the hospital while Mom had to do groceries” I said as she nodded in response.

‘I have a visitor’ I directed mentally at Ariel ‘we’re gonna be staying at my room so . . .’

‘I got it’ Ariel said mentally. I felt his presence falter so when Jessica and I reaches my room, I found him nowhere in sight.

“Yeah, well, unfortunately, my room isn’t as big as you’d think” I said. She gave a low chuckle as she settles to Ariel’s usual seat, the cushion bench on the wall with a window in it.

“Your room is so . . .”

“Blue? I know” I suggested. “How are you?”

“I’m fine”

“Good. So, your week’s been fine, no stress, no problems to worry about, no people to try and understand . . .”

“Where are you going with this?” Jessica said with a weary tone. I sat down in my bedside and turned towards her.

“Nothing, I’m just . . . umm . . . concern about what’s been happening with you. You’ve been quiet during archery practice; you’ve also been dodging concerns from our members. Is there something you want to talk about? I mean, I understand that the whole Nathan-thing is a delicate subject, but, is there something more? You haven’t been talking to us, your teammates. Have we done anything wrong?” I asked.

“Vanilla, there’s nothing more than the Nathan-thing. I’m just tired” she responded.

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“Oh alright,” I nodded in understanding. I stood up and strode towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Jessica asked.

“To get some snacks. Do you want some?”


When I arrived in the kitchen, I called for Ariel. ‘Could you help me—‘

‘Look into Jessica’s thoughts and tell you what’s actually wrong with her?’ Ariel answered.

‘Umm no. I was actually asking for you to help me reach for the cookies in pastry but since you think that way, then I suppose you could do it’ I said.

‘Oh, ok’ Ariel appeared in front of me and floated to the pastry to get the cookies.

“There’s something wrong with her” I said with concern. “I wish she would tell me so I could help her”

“Well, you could just tell her that you’re worried and you would really want to help her if only she would tell you her problem” Ariel said as he settled the jar of cookies in the kitchen table.

“I just said that to her” I said.

“You hinted it, not said it” Ariel said as helped me with the cookies onto the plate. “Just go straight to the point”

I sighed. “Ok, but if this goes wrong, I’m cutting Casper’s self-protection class” I left him there chuckling to himself while I brought the tray of food to my room. I found Jessica in the same seat as always.

“Jessica” I said. She looked at me with blank expression. “I brought some—“

“If I’ll tell you my problem will you explain to me how a guy shimmered in front of you and floated to your pastry?” Jessica asked flatly. I gasped. “I saw you with that guy in the kitchen. I went down to ask you where your bathroom was but then I heard you talking to someone. So I took a peak and saw you talking with a floating guy in a white tux” she gave a rueful smile. “Sorry about eavesdropping”

‘Damn, I should have known’ Ariel swore.

‘What should we do? Explain it to her?’

‘You might as well do. There’s no point lying when she’s as sharp as you are. Just avoid explaining about the bow being a knowledge and Marcus appearing here’


“Nah, it’s alright” I gave a sigh. “I suppose I have some explaining to do” I settled to a chair and turned towards her. “If I say that I’m being possessed by a ghost, would you believe me?”

She raised an eyebrow. “Ghost? Are they even real?”

“Trust me they are.” So I explained everything but excluded explaining about the bow being a knowledge and Marcus appearing here, just like what Ariel said. All through the explaining, Jessica never interrupted. Her expressions, although, have made me more nervous.

“You have every right to think that I’m a freak” I said after explaining.

“Freak?” she said in amazement. “It’s amazing! To have a real ghost in you means storing a hundred year old knowledge!”

‘Wow, not the kind of expression I expected’ I said mentally.

‘Yeah’ Ariel replied. ‘She’s right though, I am storage for knowledge. Four hundred year old knowledge to be exact’

‘Sorry, you don’t strike me as one’ I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

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‘Apology accepted’

‘So does that mean I’m a—‘

‘Walking time capsule? Yeah, pretty much’

“Hold on, did you say Ariel Longstride?” Jessica asked bringing me back to reality. I nodded nervously. “Can I see him?”

“Oh, sure! Ariel, Jessica wants to see you” I called. Ariel shimmered in front of us, like how Cass does every time she appeared in front of me.

“Wow” Jessica said in awe.

‘What’s up with the big entrance?’ I asked as I rolled my eyes.

‘Hey, I’m trying to impress here’ he said.

“You must be Ariel, I’m Jessica” She said as she offered her hand.

“I know” Ariel said as he shook Jessica’s hand.

“Umm . . . I hope you wouldn’t mind but I want to ask you a question” Jessica said.


“Do you happen to know who Alicia Roche is?” Jessica asked. If Ariel were ever affected by the name, he hid it well.

“Is she called Alice?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s what her friends used to call her that” Jessica said “I take it that you know her?” Ariel gave a sad smile.

“Let’s take that as a yes” I whispered to Jessica.

“Yes I do” Ariel replied.

“Oh goody” Jessica said cheerfully clearly undisturbed with the sudden change of air around Ariel. “What is she like? I hear a lot from my mom”

“She’s amazing,” Ariel agreed in a normal tone but it was clear in his eyes that this was a very delicate subject. “She’s the most magnificent woman I’ve ever met in my entire human life. And she was my childhood friend”

Jessica gasped in delight. “I knew it. My mom told me how great she was with almost everything! Music, Archery, even in eloquence! Oh how I wish get to meet her”

“I’m sure she’ll be really glad to have met you too” Ariel said. There was a slight false with his tone, like he was trying to keep himself cheerful. But Jessica never even the slightest hinted that tone. She just beamed at him.

“Ok” I interrupted, helping Ariel by switching the subject to another “Ariel, you have some errand to do right? Protecting the bow and that stuff . . .”

Ariel, who immediately hinted my tone smiled widely. “Yes, I’m sorry to leave you both but I have to go”

“Oh sure,” Jessica said as she stood up “Sorry to have bothered you”

“No problem” Ariel said. He shimmered, and then disappeared into nothing. He was back in talking mentally.

‘Thank you’ Ariel said in full gratitude.

‘No problem’ I replied ‘Just pull yourself back together ok? Go take a walk or float or whatever outside. I can take care of myself’

He flashed me smile mentally ‘Sure, thank you again’

“—truly the best” Jessica said. I snapped back to reality.

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“Yeah, I’m sure she is” I guessed. Jessica then turned towards me and gave a smile. “How did you know Alice? Is she your ancestor?”

“Yeah, sort of” Jessica shrugged “She’s the ancestor of my mother”

“Cool. And you get to meet her childhood friend which is Ariel” I said.

“I know” Jessica said with full of wonder “My mom always told me how Ariel was such a good friend to Alice. And it seems like luck was at my side now since I get to meet him”


“You do know I keep my bargain”

I gave a rueful grin as I pointed at the plate full of cookies. “There are cookies”

She laughed then switched to being serious. “Alright I’ll tell you . . . I just needed space after the whole Nathan-offended-me thing. The day after the incident, I got a call from Mom saying that uncle was brought to hospital since he got a heart attack again. When I arrived there, Uncle was in a ward. Mom said that his injury from the archery was affecting his heart badly. He nearly died the last time he got a heart attack” Her lip quivered.

“Oh Jessica” I said softly “you were going through this alone. It must be so hard” I reach out and hugged her as she cried on my shoulder.

“It’s always so hard Vanilla” she said in between her sobs “You always have this feeling that he might disappear”

“It’s ok” I reassured her. “You can get through this. I know you can. You’re a strong girl”

She gave a humorless laugh. “Thanks. I always thought I was a coward since all I do is sit and cry and not do anything”

“You are never a coward” I said fiercely. “Coach Kelly wouldn’t accept you if you are. You’re always strong and clever and you always know what to do so don’t feel sorry for yourself. It’s ridiculous”

She chuckled. “Well thanks for the reassurance. That really helps me”

“Glad to help.”

That night, Ariel’s presence was still faltered so I asked Cass where he was.

“He’s with Casper. Why?”

“Nothing, I’m just wondering since I need him for my English essay” I said.

“Oh,” Cass said as if doubting what I just said “ok”

“Umm, wait. Ariel seems so sensitive with the ‘Alice’ subject. Who is she?” I asked.

“Oh, don’t you know?” Cass said. “She’s his fiancée”

I froze. She did not just say that. “Excuse me? Could you repeat that?”

“I said Alice is his fiancée” Cass repeated.

“Fiancée?” I asked still unsure of what I heard. Cass nodded. “How—?”

“Alice and Ariel had been going out for a year. And during that time, when you turn thirteen, you’re allowed to marry already,” Cass explained.

“So you mean,” I said. “That when Ariel and Alice were going out, they were thirteen?”

“No! Ariel’s too much of a gentleman” Cass said. “They started going out when they were 15. So anyways, after a year, Ariel proposed to her. Alice said yes and everything was perfect. They tried to plan on who to invite, which location and when the wedding is but this business of Ariel’s was always in the way so they never get to plan properly. After my execution, Ariel

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became busier than ever. When a year passed by, Alice was already losing her love; she started to turn to other boys who had always been looking out for her. Then a lord came and asked for Alice’s hand, she agreed and became one of the ladies-in-waiting of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth I. Of course, Ariel was heartbroken but what can he do? He let her wait for a year. They became friends once again but nothing more. Ariel although never did fell in love to anyone else”

I was frozen and stared at her the whole time. Then Ariel appeared in front of us.

“Hey guys” he greeted.

“Hello brother” Cass greeted. “I was just telling Vanilla about your—“

“Talents on the bow” I cut Cass by placing a palm at her mouth to stop her from continuing. “Right Cass?”

My look must have told her the message since she nodded and helped me. “Yeah, so Vanilla, you wouldn’t mind coming with me are you?”

“Umm yeah” We left Ariel scratching his head, wondering what’s actually happening.

“You could have told me that you didn’t want him to know about you asking about Alice” Cass said once we’re out earshot.

“It just feels awful, asking something about his previous life. It’s like barging into something private” I said.

“But even if you feel that way, you still asked about him” Cass said placing both her hands to the sides of her hips.

“Yes, I did” I said guiltily.

Cass gave a sigh before holding my face in between her palms. “Look, I know your curiosity always goes overboard and that’s normal but you could’ve just told me so. Anyways, we can’t undo the past”

“I know”

“Now wipe that long face of yours” Cass said encouragingly. “Also, you better be ready, within two days, you’ll attend your very first preliminary finals so don’t overdo yourself into stressing about what just happened ok?” I nodded.

Two days and yet I still can’t forget about what Cass told me about Alice and Ariel’s tragic love story.

“VANILLA!” Ariel’s mental voice boomed through my head.

“OW! What the bloody hell—“ I cried as I stagger toward a wall while holding my head in place as if it’s going to fall off.

“Vanilla, what’s wrong?” Jessica asked. She was already in her uniform. We were in the change rooms, changing to our usual varsity uniform. She was already back to her usual self and started talking again to the team, except for Nathan of course. As for Nathan, true to his word, he never acknowledges her existence. They were like oil and water; two complete opposite things that just couldn’t stand each other. Currently, the boys were already preparing our equipment for our match against the Silverdale Academy.

“Ariel practically just bellowed mentally through my head” I hissed between my teeth. A head ache was already developing.

“That’s gotta hurt” Jessica commented. “Your head’s probably aching; I’m going to get an aspirin”

“No” I said hastily. “Get me an ice. It’ll help me faster with the head ache” She nodded and left the change rooms.

‘What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!’ I snapped.

‘You haven’t been yourself lately’ Ariel said. ‘You’re mind is always full, there’s probably a little space left for me to occupy’

‘Yeah, and I don’t probably keep spare rooms too’ I said sarcastically.

‘Be serious!’ Ariel snapped. ‘What’s wrong?’

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‘Nothing, its none of your business’

‘It is mine since I can’t let an archer of mine play a match when his focus is losing because of the things that are currently stressing him’

‘Look,’ I reassured him ‘I promise not to let my ordinary life affect me with my playing. And anyways, I’m just a sub which means, I don’t get to play in this match’

‘No, it means, you’d substitute when one of your main players is injured or cannot play. And when that happens, you wouldn’t be ready and that would greatly on your playing’

‘Oh, c’mon, have some faith on me ok? I can do this’


“Vanilla,” Jessica’s voice rang bringing me back to reality. “Hurry up, here’s the ice. We’re leaving in 5 minutes”

“Ok” I answered. I ignored the head ache that was throbbing so bad and change into my varsity uniform. When I finish, I carried my bag with my uniform and bow in it and took the ice pack from Jessica’s hand.

“Are you ok?” Jessica asked worriedly. We went out of the change rooms and joined the boys who were seated in the benches waiting for our bus to come. I use the ice to cool down my head.

“Yeah, don’t worry;” I reassured Jessica “I won’t be playing today since I’m just a sub”

“You will” Jessica said. “If ever someone is injured, or cannot play, you will have to play instead. And when that happens, you wouldn’t be ready. It will—“

“Greatly affect my playing” I cut her. “Please don’t use Ariel’s words with me. Its making my head aches worse”

“Alright” Jessica sighed as she took a seat at one of the empty benches. “Weird, I just said Ariel’s words”

“Yeah, maybe the next time you do that, you would be using his medieval style in using of words” I said sarcastically. “Alas! Egad!”

“Oh shut up” Jessica laughed as she lightly smack my shoulder. I laughed alongside her. The honk of the bus sounded and we all board the bus with the equipment needed. When we were all settled, the bus drove off.

“Can I join your girl talk?” Jason asked as he appeared and sat across our seat. “Who’s Ariel? And what’s with the ice pack? Did you hit your head?”

“One at a time Jason, I’m having a head ache already” I moved the ice pack through my forehead.

Jason raised an eyebrow. “You’re having a head ache and yet you’re using an ice pack. Why didn’t you take some aspirin?”

“I told you so” Jessica muttered. I rolled my eyes.

“So, back to my first question” Jason said calmly “Who’s Ariel?”

“A guy we just met during the weekend” I said with a crooked grin.

“He’s pretty hot you know” Jessica played alongside. “I like the way his messy hair goes along with his eyes. They really show his wild side”

“Oh he’s always wild. Believe me” I said. The head ache was already subsiding.

‘Did you hear that?’ I called to Ariel ‘Jessica just complimented you’

I heard him laugh. ‘She sounded more playful. I think you both are just playing with Jason’ I laughed mentally.

“Are you both taken already?” Jason asked.

“Yep” Jessica said. I chuckled. “Nah, just kidding. We’re just friends”

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“Do I get to meet him?” Jason asked.

“Why would you want to?” I asked.

“We can’t just let some boy to take our precious girls of this team. We need to meet him” Jason said.

“Whose ‘we’?” Jessica asked.

“All of these men here” Jason replied. “If you ask every man here, they would say the same thing as I did”

Jessica and I laughed. “You’re not our Dad” I said barely containing myself from the laughter.

“I hear the precious laughter of the sweet ladies here” Seth said, he exaggerated himself into acting like some proud Edwardian father.

“Dweeb” Jessica said and I doubled the laughter.

“What are they laughing about?” Seth asked Jason as he sat beside Jason.

“My reason” Jason answered.

“Yeah, your stupid reason” Jessica added.

Jason sighed. “They met this hot guy during the weekend and they wouldn’t allow us to meet him”

“We will eventually” I said after containing my laughter. “We just wanted to hear your reason”

“What was Jason’s reason?” Seth asked.

“That every boy in this team would want to meet the boy we fancy since we are the only girls in this team and you boys don’t want us to be taken from some other boy” I said.

“Yeah, that is stupid” Seth agreed.

“But don’t you want to meet the boy?” Jason asked.

“Of course I do” Seth said. “But it’s their life. They can go out with any boy”

“Yes, but this is one boy” Jason insisted. “And these are two girls. He had taken the two for himself”

“We’re not their Dad” Seth reasoned. “There is nothing to worry about”

“How the hell did you reach that part?” Jessica asked. “I thought you both just wanted to meet the guy”

“Well, we do” Seth said. “Jason is just making a huge fuss about it”

“I’m not” Jason pouted.

I chuckled at his face. “You look so cute”

“But seriously,” Seth said “We’d like to meet him or just even see his face. A photo would be fine”

‘Send me a photo of you’ I said mentally to Ariel.

‘But all my photos have disappeared’ Ariel said.

‘Not your human photo, your ghost photo. Get a cell phone, take a picture of yourself and send it to me. You do know how to use a phone right?’

‘Of course I do’

‘Get a picture of you that looks natural. Like you’re from a beach or a mountain or anything; a nightclub will do’

‘Like the bar you went last two weeks?’


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Then I felt my phone vibrate. ‘That was fast’

‘You sound so haste so I took a photo of myself immediately’

‘Ok, thanks’

‘No problem’

“I think I have a photo of him here” I said as I fished through my pockets for my phone. “Ah here it is” I opened the multimedia being sent to me by Ariel and looked at the photo. He looks so natural and good looking in it. He wasn’t dressed in a tux; instead, he was in a folded sleeve maroon dress shirt, and black denim pants. He was standing alongside with a girl who had her back at him. He looks so natural with a phone in hand as if he was texting someone only to be paused for taking a photo.

‘How’s that?’ Ariel asked.

‘You look so natural and cool’ I complimented.

‘Thanks’ he beamed.

“Here” I gave my phone to Jason and Seth. They look at his photo then whistled in appreciation.

“He’s hot alright” Seth said while nodding.

“Yeah” Jason agreed. “That’s a big fish you got here”

Jessica laughed. “I told you so” Then she turned towards me. “Where’d you get the photo?”

“I asked Ariel to get one for me” I whispered. Jessica nodded.

“This is bad” I heard Jason mutter.

“What bad?” I asked.

“Nothing” Jason and Seth said in unison. Seth gave back my phone and went to the back.

“Where’s he going?” I asked Jason.

“To Andy” Jason said as he stood up. “And I have to go as well”

“Why?” Jessica asked.

“To spread the gossip” Jason simply said and left the seat.

“Well, it looks like our ‘friend Ariel’ will be interrogated when he gets to meet them” Jessica remarked.

“No I won’t” Ariel’s voice came out of my mouth. I covered my mouth in the same second as Jessica gaped at me.

“Oh my God” Jessica muttered. “Is that you Ariel? Do you possess Vanilla?”

“No he isn’t” I snapped. “What the bloody hell are you doing?”

“I’m just joining your conversation” Ariel voiced out from my mouth. “Since I can’t appear, I’ll just have to use your mouth as means of communication”

“Do you know how freaky this is?” I snapped. “If people can hear us, they’re gonna think that I’m going nuts”

“No it’s alright” Jessica said. “Let him voice out, all we have to do is whisper so that we won’t get caught”

“Alright” I muttered. “What do you want? Is there something you want to talk about that you really have to use my mouth as your ‘means of communication’?”

“Nothing,” Ariel said. “I’m just curious with all the playing stuff”

I sighed. “Well, it stopped since Jason and Seth went to spread the gossip”

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“And see Nathan’s reaction” Ariel said.

“What?” Jessica asked with the slightest hint of shock in her tone.

“They left” Ariel said “since they want to spread the gossip and see if Nathan would react at all”

“Why would they want to do that?” Jessica asked.

“Because they think Nathan still likes you. And since it can’t be proven, they’re thinking of making him jealous with your new ‘friend’”

“Speak of the devil” I muttered as Mike came with a beaming smile across his face.

“Vanilla” Mike asked. “Could I borrow your phone, I want to see the photo of your friend Ariel”

I gave my best smile. “Sure” I gave him my phone and he went back, clutching my phone as if it’s the most valuable thing ever created.

“Well, we could always join them” Jessica said as she stood up. I grab hold of her arm and brought her to sit back to her seat.

“No, They’re gonna stop whatever they’re doing.” I said then gave a crook grin. “We could always use Ariel”

“Why me?” Ariel said. “I’m not a servant. I’m supposed to be the lord who gives all the orders”

“Well, we’re no longer in the 16th century” I reasoned “we’re in the 21st century. This means, everyone has an equal right. And anyways, you’ve got something to do rather than sit there and do nothing in my head”

Ariel sighed. “Alright. But you owe me one”

“Yes yes” Then I felt Ariel’s presence falter.

“Is he gonna eavesdrop?” Jessica asked. I nodded. “Isn’t it bad to eavesdrop?”

“If you don’t want to, I could always call him back”

“No no no” Jessica said hurriedly. “I wanna hear what they’re talking about”

“Especially Nathan’s reaction?”

“What’s with the sudden thought of it?”

“Aren’t you over it yet?”

“Not the slightest!” then she smiled. “Just kidding, I think I’m ready to hear an apology”

I smiled at her. “You’re so kind do you know that?” She laughed at my response.

Later then, we arrived in Silverdale Academy. After our talk, Jessica and I succumbed to silence. She slept while I listened to my iPod touch. All through the journey, Ariel hadn’t come back. Only when we arrived did he told me everything.

“Hey Vanilla,” Mike called. He gave back my phone and said a word of gratitude.

‘Hey’ I called.

‘Yeah’ Ariel’s voice was small.

‘Is there something wrong?’ I asked mentally.

‘Not to me and you’ he said. ‘They were talking about Jessica all through the way’


‘Some were bad, some were good’

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‘Ok then, let’s start with—‘

“Vanilla!” Jessica’s voice brought me to reality. We were in our benches preparing for the match. And just in front of us is the field. As what Coach Kelly said last two weeks, we were playing indoor target archery. The field was not on grass or lawn. Since it’s indoors, the distances from the shooting line to the target is approximately 23 meters. In the shooting line, there are twenty ‘ends’. In one ‘end’ an archer is allowed to shoot three or six arrows, depending on the round played. As of this match, archers are to shoot three arrows in each end. There weren’t enough people to fill the audience seats but still, they were many. From the sight of them, I feel my nerves go up.

“Yeah” I responded.

“Coach Kelly is going to do her pep talk” Jessica said as she pointed at Coach Kelly who was shuffling through the papers she’s holding.

“Today’s the day guys; be ready, I want you to win this in a fair game” Coach Kelly said. Then she eyed Jason and Seth. “And that means no pranks or sabotages”

Jason and Seth groaned. “But it doesn’t make any difference. Even if we don’t do anything, they’d still lose. So it’s better to do something. At least we get to do something instead of just sitting here” Seth whined.

“Since it doesn’t make any difference when you do pranks or not,” Coach Kelly countered. “It’s better to stay put. Your plans might backfire”

“Please” Jason said proudly “We’re professionals. We know what we’re doing”

“No” Coach Kelly said firmly. “You are to stay put and not do anything silly. Understood?” With her tone showing how she meant it, Jason and Seth nodded.

“Three more minutes and the match start. There are no plans. All we have to do is let the offense players do their job and we’re finished” Coach Kelly said.

“Who are the offense players?” I whispered to Jessica.

“They are Mike, Jason, Seth, and me” Jessica explained. “The defense players compose of Karl, Andy, and Nathan. They are our best players in this team so if ever we are losing or the opposing team is catching up, the defense team does their job in overlapping or defeating the opposing team”

“And I get to stay in the side lines” I said happily. “Best job in the world”

Jessica laughed. “Trust me, when you get to play in the match, you’d want to do it all through the match”

“Ho ho” I chortled. “Not me”

“Come on, surely you could agree that Silverdale is not much of an opponent” I heard Mike said.

“Hey, hey, I just had a talk with their coach and he said that their players are new and really good in the field so we to be cautious. You got that?” Coach Kelly warned.

“Roger coach!” we all chorused. Then we heard the commentator’s speech about what a wonderful day it is, and who the schools are competing today.

“Players,” the commentator said through the microphone “You’re probably aware of the rules but let me reiterate again for the audience. All players are to shoot on the target area. The target is divided into 5 colored rings and each ring is divided in half. Every ring has its own score. The largest ring counts as 2 points and the X ring counts as 10 points. The middle rings’ score goes as the number goes higher until it ends with 10. Any arrow that lands outside the target area counts as 2 points. Players are not allowed to shoot beyond the field or you and/or your team is disqualified for this year of competition, although that depends on how heavy your fault is. No foul games as well. You shoot before the signal; you’re out for that round”

“Do we always have to follow those rules?” I asked Jessica.

“We have to” Jessica said. “But in Seth’s and Jason’s place, they rarely do. They usually do pranks to those who annoy them or if they’re just bored. And when they do that, they never get caught. Except for Coach Kelly, she gets to catch them almost every match we ever play.”

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“We’re playing Men’s Individuals first. Players, please make your way to the shooting line” the director of the match instructed. We all cheered for Mike as he headed for the shooting line. When he arrived there, he was going against a guy with brown hair and freckles. When the director of the match finished with coin tossing stuff, Mike goes first. With the flag waved, Mike’s two minute time limit started. His first shot hit a blue ring, his second and third hits the red ring. When the flag waved again as the signal of the time’s up and allowance of retrieving his arrow, Mike lowers his bow and approaches the target. After determining his score, he gave thumbs up to us and we all cheered.

“He’s got a high score as expected” Jessica mumbled. After retrieving his arrows, he approaches his second end. He waited for the freckled guy too finish and started his turn with the second ring. There were times when Mike’s expression change and the way he shoots the arrow but throughout the match, he was so focus that one tiny distraction might lose his focus. The same process happened as he completed all 20 ends. Everyone was silent throughout the match so as not to unnerve or distract the archer’s focus. Since the scoring depends on the sum of rings being hit by Mike and the freckled guy, I bet it was a pretty big score. Then the score was laid for everyone to see. Mike had higher score compared to the freckled guy by one point. We cheered for Mike until he gets back to the bench.

“He was good” Mike said as soon as he settled down in our benches.

“I know” Coach Kelly said. “So Paul was not bluffing when he said they have new archers that were skilled in the field” We all looked at her. “This can’t go on. Mike, who’s going next? Men or women?”

“I don’t know, they never said anything”

Coach Kelly nodded. “I was aware of that. I’m gonna consult the director. All of you stay put, and I mean all of you” she added as she glared at Jason and Seth. They both gave a wicked grin that anyone could guess they were not following her orders.

“All right then,” Seth said as he stood up once Coach Kelly was out of earshot. “We’re up. All of you stay here. We have business to attend to”

They all nodded as if they were used to this business. “Good luck” Andy said. “Make sure not to let your business back fire to any of us” They both nodded and set off.

Jessica stood up and answered my silent question. “Be back in a minute. I’ve got to get my bow ready incase its women’s turn”

I nodded in understanding. After a few seconds, Nathan settled beside me. “Hey” he greeted. I gave a nod at him.

“Are you also not speaking to me?” he asked.

“Of course I am” I answered. “What makes you think so?”

He shrugged in response. “It just seems so. Anyways, how are you?”

I gave him a suspicious look. “I’m good. What’s with the sudden engagement?”

“Am I not allowed to ask how you’re doing?”

“It’s just . . . strange. But, yeah I’m good”

He nodded. “You’d better get ready; it might be women’s turn”

I sighed at the suggestion. I muttered: “Just like oil and water; two opposite things that just couldn’t each other”


I looked at him straight in the eyes. “You forgot; there’s another girl besides me. She’s the main player and she’s the one playing. She just went to prepare her bow”

He gave me a puzzled look; though clearly an act. “Oh, is there one?”

“Your good” I remarked.

“In what?”

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“In acting.”

Unable to conceal his act anymore, he beamed. “Thanks. I never thought I’d last this long”

“And I have to say, you’re also good with the whole ignore-me thing”

“Hmm” he sighed. “At least I was able to keep my word”

“I thought you were too drunk to even remember it” I said.

“Two bottles couldn’t get me that drunk”

“So you’re alcoholic”

He shrugged. “You can say that”

“Since when?”

“Since the day I could remember”

“And what day was it?”

This time, he looked straight in my eyes. “Since the day I turned 11”

I feel my eyes go widen. “And yet, you still told her the words that would clearly destroy her. Why?”

He laughs a hollow one. “That’s the thing, I really don’t know”

“Then why her? Why can’t it be someone else?”

“I don’t know”

“You’re a fool” I said as I looked away. “No, even a fool would be guilty if he would have done this. But you, you seem not to care”

“I know” he said quietly. “I know”

“You could talk to her” I suggested.

“And be ignored again?” he shook his head. “It’s a waste of time”

“Are you that busy that you couldn’t even go talk to her?”

“No, but even if I would, I would still get the silent treatment”

“And how would you know that? Have you tried already?”

“Not yet. But still”

I shook my head. “Gosh, you’re stubborn” After thinking of a way for him to change his mind, I smiled. “You could at least try”

“Yeah, but there’s no point”

I sighed. “Fine, be it your way. You may never get an opportunity like this again”

“This opportunity is available almost every day. I can just talk to her anytime I want”

“Ha” I cried in triumph. “And you said you don’t want to since it’s such a waste of time”

“I meant now”

“It didn’t sound like it awhile ago”

“It does now”

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I chuckled. “If we were in chess, I would have known what your next three moves are. And with that, even if your moves are impossible to dodge or block, I can still find my way out of it. Jessica is somewhat having an afterthought of talking to you so if you don’t want to talk to her now, you might not see an opportunity like this again”

He raised an eyebrow “Couldn’t her afterthoughts wait?”

I looked at him incredulously. “Seriously! I can’t make out what you are! Its either you’re lazy or just shy to talk”

“Pick one”

“I’m guessing that you’re lazy”

“Look, just . . . not now. I can’t do it . . . at least, not yet”

“Fine” I shrugged.

“Vanilla!” I heard Jessica’s voice sound.

“Gotta go” Nathan stood up and left.

“Hey,” I greeted as soon as she sat down beside me. “That wasn’t a minute. That was like 5 minutes”

She grinned. “You made him talk, didn’t you?”

I shrugged. “Yeah but it went nowhere. He’s so stubborn. Somehow he could always find his way out in every question I gave him”

She laughed. “That’s so like him”


“Hell yeah!” she beamed. “The first time we met, it turned to a brawl. We were both asked to teach a club member who was a beginner. We started on how to grip the bow and shoot, but then we both had different ways on gripping and shooting so we argued on whose style to be followed. We both saw each other’s mistake and argued more about it. We were only settled when Coach Kelly gave us different club members to teach. Since then, we argued almost every day. We couldn’t stand each other’s presence but our teammates usually tease on us being acquainted. It was all so ridiculous”

I laughed. “It really is” After that talk, Coach Kelly arrived the same time Jason and Seth arrived.

“So, what have you done this time?” Coach Kelly asked.

“Making water balloons” Seth grinned playfully as he showed a water balloon in his palm.

“Give it here” Seth reluctantly gave the water balloon.

“With the rest of them”

“But we only have one” Jason reasoned. If it was meant to convince Coach Kelly, he was doing worst of it.

Coach Kelly gave them both a glare. “Jason, Seth, I swear if you don’t had them over, I’ll exclude you from playing the next match”

They both whined. “But—“

“No buts, now hand them over.”

They both sighed and reluctantly hand two basin’s full of water balloons. “Two?” Coach Kelly looked at them incredulously. “Have your usual number of pranks reduced to two?”

They both nodded sullenly. “You wouldn’t allow us to make more so we decided to make two of them”

Coach Kelly harrumphed. “Well, that I can understand. Now I want you both to go back to your seats. Jessica, its women’s turn; Are you ready?” Jessica nodded. “Good, c’mere then. I need to show you something.”

As soon as Jessica left with Coach Kelly, Seth sighed. “I thought she’d notice it”

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“Notice what?” Karl asked.

Seth pointed to the top of the 5th end of the shooting line. There was something red dripping. Andy gasped. “You both did not just placed it there”

“We did” Jason grinned wickedly.

“Yeah, I am surprised that Coach Kelly didn’t see that” Karl said.

“It’s so obvious” Andy said.

“We are now playing Women’s Individual” the commentator said. “Players please assemble in the shooting line”

Just as how Mike’s match went everything would have turned out all right if it weren’t for Jason and Seth’s prank. Jessica and her opponent were both on the fifth end when an accident happened. Jason and Seth’s prank were already making a puddle. When Jessica arrived at the fifth end, she slid at the puddle and hit the ground. A rack full of arrows was beside her and if it weren’t for her hand, she would have hit her head. But the bad thing about it was that her hand had twisted around it and was now forming the other way. There was also blood flowing from her hand—or at least it looks like that way. There were cries and screams from the audience and us. A group of medics then arrived and had taken her to the hospital.

I went near Nathan and muttered enough for him to hear. “I told you so”

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