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Page 1: The Virtual Space weather Applications Network of Tools – ViSpaNeT - A Virtual Observatory for SWE data and model assets P. Beltrami Karlezi etamax space.

The Virtual Space weather Applications Network of Tools

– ViSpaNeT - A Virtual Observatory for SWE data and model assetsP. Beltrami Karlezi etamax space GmbH [email protected] Hake etamax space GmbH [email protected] Gangloff Université Paul Sabatier [email protected] Lazaro ONERA, [email protected] Heynderickx DH Consultancy [email protected] Wintoft IRF [email protected] Bourdarie ONERA [email protected] Christian Jacquey Université Paul Sabatier Christian Jacquey @cesr.frAlain Hilgers ESA/ESTEC [email protected]

ESA/ESTEC contract 22539/09/NL/AT

Page 2: The Virtual Space weather Applications Network of Tools – ViSpaNeT - A Virtual Observatory for SWE data and model assets P. Beltrami Karlezi etamax space.


• Introduction

– Study Objectives

– Project Team

• Initial tasks

– Use Cases

• Design

– Approach

– Architecture

– Possible data and model nodes

• Schedule & Perpectives

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Study Objectives

• Provide user-tailored centralized access to distributed:

– real-time and historical space environment data

– outputs from numerical models of the space environment

– provide a system for chaining these data and models

• Develop a distributed system demonstrator, allowing coupling of these products in order to provide warnings of a sub-set of space weather hazards for space systems

• Develop a prototype environment (ViSpaNeT) with focus on technology demonstration for space weather service provision

• Develop a policy/approach for distributed processing in line with the concept of a virtual observatory

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Study TeamInstitution Role(s) Node(s)

etamax space Project managementSoftware development specialist


CDPP/UPS Virtual Observatory specialist CDPP/AMDA

DHC Space Weather Data and modelling specialist• Interplanetary Energetic Particles • Spacecraft Effects Models

Point of contact COST Action Items, SWWT


DHC Server

DLR-Institute of Space Systems

Coordinator or User Input• Contact to G-SOC Operators


IRF Space Weather Modelling specialist• Near Earth Solar wind and related Spacecraft Effects


ONERA Space Weather data and Modelling specialist• Expert in Radiation Belts • Spacecraft Effects



Solenix Point of contact ESOC mission teams SEIS/SEISOP

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Initial project tasks

• User survey performed including a number of “Premium users”

– The results synthesised into user requirements

• Review of existing data and models

• Review of VO Technologies

• User Requirements where traced to possible data and model nodes

– Identify data and model workflows

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Allianz Insurances

Astrium Satellites


Danish SME

DLR Cologne

DLR Institute of Space SystemsESOC Mission Team


OHB Systems

Swedish Space Corp.- Esrange Space Center

Universidad de Alcala

Universidad de Lull

Verhaert Space

Page 6: The Virtual Space weather Applications Network of Tools – ViSpaNeT - A Virtual Observatory for SWE data and model assets P. Beltrami Karlezi etamax space.

Overall description

• VisPaNeT has three main functions :– Run models remotely on request

with data chosen by the user– Run workflows providing alerts– Search and get space weather

data from remote servers

• 26 use cases established describing user interaction– User input parameters– Data input from external nodes– Model workflow

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UC 12 -- Forecast of geomagnetic storms

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Use Case List

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Use Case Number

Use Case Title

UC1 Post Event Analysis: Total Ionising Dose UC2 Post Event Analysis : Solar Cell Degradation UC3 Post Event Analysis : Single Event Effects UC4 Post Event Analysis : deep electric charging UC5 Forecast of internal charging anomaly at geostationary orbit UC6 Forecast of surface charging anomaly at geostationary orbit UC7 Alerts on deep dielectric charging at geostationary orbit UC8 Post Event Analysis : Surface charging UC9 Real time monitoring of Solar X-ray.

UC10 Real time monitoring of Solar UV UC11 Real time monitoring of Radio flux.UC12 Forecast of Geomagnetic storms UC13 Forecast of solar wind velocity UC14 Forecast of solar wind parameters UC15 Real time monitoring of solar wind parameters UC16 Analysis of solar wind parameters UC17 Nowcast of trapped electron population. UC18 Prediction of solar proton populationUC19 Nowcast of solar proton population.

UC20Prediction of galactic cosmic ray, energy ranging from 0.1 to 1000 GeV.

UC21 Nowcast of solar activity UC22 Nowcast of ionospheric activity UC23 Alerts on Solar X-rayUC24 Alerts on user-defined solar wind parameter thresholdsUC25 Post Event Analysis: Solar wind eventsUC26 CMEs by Galactic Cosmic Ray, CR Wind

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Vispanet Architecture

• A Central Node provides

– The user interface

– User administration

– Data Registry (SPASE Compliant)

– Model Registry

– Automated runs for alert generation

• Remote Nodes must provide a standardised interface for connection with the central node

– Interface according to VO Tables

– Description for data registry compatible with SPASE

– Description for model registry

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Overview of ViSpaNeT Nodes

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Asset / Provider Type

DHC server Model Node SAAPS Model Node RWC-Sweden Model Node ONERA Server Model Node CDPP/AMDA Model Node ODI Data Node SWENET Data Node GMDN Data Node

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Overall Architecture

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Detailed description of every model

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VisPaNet is designed according to VO standards• VisPaNeT architecture is distributed

• Designed according to SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

• Data and models nodes must provide SOAP Web services to access their data and execute their models

• Providers (nodes) must provide a description of their assets

• Description must be compatible with the SPASE Model for data.

• Stored in a Central Registry (Central Node)

• The Central Node exchange data with remote nodes in VOTable format

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• SPASE: Space Physics Archive Search and Extract

– It is a model to describe solar and space physics data

– In ViSpaNet, SPASE is used to provide semantic interoperability in the distributed system

– It was originally created by the Heliophysics scientific community

• VOTable is a format for tabular data

– International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) standard

– Results from data and model nodes will be exchanged using this format

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Outlook & Perspectives

• PDR/CDR concluded in early November 2010– Agreed on use cases to be implemented– Presented architecture design– Discussed node interfaces

• Next Phase: Implementation– Establish model ICDs– Implement central node– Implement Node interfaces

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• ViSpaNeT will provide a demonstrator for a distributed system for accessing data and models

• Use cases were established detailing model and data interaction

• The approach will follow Virtual observatory paradigm using SPASE ontology and VOTable interfaces

• A central node provides the user interface and connects remotely distributed data and models

• Standardised interface specifications allows flexibility for exchanging information between nodes

• The systems provides flexibility in exchanging data or model providers, concentrating on the functionality

• Design has been completed and a prototype will be implemented in the course of 2011

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etamax space GmbH

Frankfurter Straße 3 dD-38122 BraunschweigTel +49 (0)531.866688.0Fax +49 (0)531.866688.99

www.etamax.deEmail [email protected]

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