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Issue 98 online magazine

(driven by the voice driven by the voice of its readersof its readers)

March 31, 2015

The Voice of the Malteseonline magazine

The start of Spring on March21 in Malta heralded an im-

portant day for the Church asMgr Charles J Scicluna was for-

mally installed as the Archbishopof the island in a ceremony at the

Cathedral in Mdina.The highlight was reached with

the reading of the Papal decree -dated February 27 - appointingMgr Scicluna (left) to head the

Church in Malta. It was the first installation sincethat of Archbishop Joseph Mer-

cieca in 1976, who, like Mgr Sci-cluna, was already bishop when

he was appointed to head theMaltese Church.

Mercieca’s successor, Mgr PaulCremona was ordained bishop

after he was nominated, at an or-dination ceremony at St John's


The recipients of certificates at the Mal-tese Welfare (NSW) Quiet Achievers –

Night of Recognition 2015 during SeniorsWeekend photographed with specialguests and MW committee members at theAnnunciation Hall, St Dominic’s Black-town. Those honoured for their distin-guished voluntary work are in the first tworows holding their certificates. Front row (from left): Sister Giorgina Sul-

tana, Joe Vella, Catherine Vella, CharlesScicluna, Christine Sapienza, Doris Meilak. Second row: Charles Zarb, Lycia Manche’,

Josephine Grima, Antonia Fenech,Emanuel Debono, Ronnie Borg, Frank andMarlene Baldacchino, Marie Louis Muscat.Third row: Clr Greg Cummings, Clr Lisa

Lane, John Robertson MP, Martin Todor-ovitch, and Lawrence Dimech. Back: ProfStephen Gatt, Andrew Rohan MP andEmanuel Camilleri.

(See full report on page 4)

The Quiet Achievers 2015Night of Recognition

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2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

The fourth annual HarmonyDinner at the Grand PavillionRosehill Gardens attended by

some 1,300 invited guests bringingtogether people from different cul-tures, faiths and linguistic back-grounds, was again an eventshowcasing the cultural diversityand unity of the State of NSW. The highlight of the evening was

the presentation of the Premier’sAwards, amongst the many an addi-tion to the NSW Multicultural Hon-our Roll that is a permanent publicrecord of the significant and exem-plary contribution by people of ourmulticultural society. This posthu-mous inscription marks the legacyof those people who have made alasting contribution to the commu-nity in New South Wales that ex-tends beyond their passing.

Mary Dimech - 1951 - 2009

Mary came to Australia with herfamily as a one-year-old baby andgrew up in a Maltese home environ-ment at Queenstown (Tasmania)and Wentworthville (NSW) with allthe difficulties new arrivals faced intheir initial settlement.

Mary started her tertiary studies atthe Sydney Conservatorium ofMusic but felt a desire for a changeof career to social work obtaining adegree as a social worker from theUniversity of NSW. This line of work fitted her per-

fectly. It reflected her innermost per-sonality - gentle soul, firm in herconvictions, meticulous in her tasksand infinitely generous. She alsospent some time working in Lon-don.The Maltese community of NSW

owes Mary a lasting gratitude, asshe was the one who laid the foun-dations for the infrastructural devel-opment in Maltese welfare in the

seventies. She was acommitted mentor inevery aspect of herhelping profession,particularly on theworkings of beauroc-racy and how tosteer the communityin the right directionto obtain much-needed funding. It was through her

support that for thevery first time, theMaltese communitybenefitted from the employment oftwo Maltese-speaking health-careinterpreters and a full-time health-care worker.

Mary was instrumental in the birthand growth of the Maltese WelfareGroup in 1977 and kept guiding ituntil 1980. Her guidance was al-ways professional and worth itsweight in gold. However, her talentswere needed elsewhere and so shemoved on to working with main-stream service providers.

Mary was active in numerous rolesincluding being the first Chairper-son of the Ethnic Childcare Cooper-ative, working for the EthnicCommunities Council of NSW andalso being the Director of the RaceDiscrimination Unit and the HumanRights and Equal Opportunity Com-mission.

Another of her key achievementsincluded working as the NationalProgrammes Manager for Multicul-tural Arts at the Australia Councilwhere she initiated the Council’sfirst multicultural arts policy.

She was a passionate and dedi-cated advocate for ethnic communi-ties, minority groups and women.Her commitment to marginalisedcommunities is an inspiration.Mary Dimech died on November 3,

2009 after a protracted illness at theaged of 58 years.The dinner under the chairmanship

of the Premier of NSW, the HonMike Baird was also attended by anumber of other Ministers, Consul-Generals and community leaders. The Maltese community was repre-

sented by the president of the Mal-tese Community Council of NSW,Lawrence Dimech and Mrs Dimech,the v/president, Emanuel Camilleriand his wife, the Treasurer GeorgeBartolo and the principal of the Mal-tese Language School of NSW, MaryPace-Feraud and her husband Tony.

Harmony in action

*NSW is one of the most culturallyand linguistically diverse states inthe world.*Our multicultural society is nolonger a small segment, it is a vitalpiece of our collective NSW identity.

The people of NSW

245 ancestries, 215 languages, 125 re-ligious beliefs.45% of the people in NSW were ei-ther born overseas or have at leastone parent born overseas.23% of the people in NSW speak alanguage other than English athome.

New South Wales (NSW) is one of theStates in Australia. The others are,

Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania,Western Australia and Queensland.

Mary Dimech:Honoured forher significantand exemplarycontribution

Maltese community of NSW owesMary Dimech a lasting gratitude

Mary Dimech

Page 3: The voice 98

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 3

Asearch in Australian newspa-pers, available online throughthe National Library of Aus-

tralia, records a man by the name ofGiuseppe Grima obtaining a generalpublican licence. This detail isrecorded in the South Australian Regis-ter dated April 2 1842.

That year marks the end of the con-vict era in Australia and one would as-sume that Giuseppe Grima wouldhave arrived in Australia before thisyear to be in position to apply and ob-tain a publican licence.

Ten years later in 1852, GiuseppeGrima applied for a hackney carriageproprietors and driver’s licence towork as a coachman.

One year later, the South AustralianRegister of August 22, 1853, records anunclaimed letter that could be pickedup at the Post Office, listed under thesection Foreign Letters, in the name ofGiuseppe Grima.Year 1855 must have been a hard one

for Giuseppe, whose occupation isstated as labourer, who was declaredan insolvent, while the last entry onGiuseppe Grima, in the SA Register, ison the April 26, 1864 where it is statedthat:GRIMA. On the 24th March 1864, at the

residence of D. Gol-lan Esq. Burnside,Strathalbyn, diedfrom apoplexy, Jos-eph Grima, aged 75years. The deceasedwas a Maltese, andwas highly respectedby Mr. and Mrs.Gollan, with whomhe had lived for sometime as coachman.

The above deathnotice clearly stat-es that Joseph Gri-ma, then aged 75,was Maltese. Hewas identified byhis friends as aMaltese and wasknown to havebeen born inMalta. He diedfrom apoplexy (astroke or a brainhemorrhage) andis buried in theIron Knob ceme-tery.

Iron Knob is aworkplace where,many years later,a number of Mal-tese found employment in the SteelWorks of this mining town in South

Australia.What I found of

interest is a notein the names onthe headstonesof the Whyallacemetery that is,that on July 1,1923, sixty yearsafter his death.Joseph Grimahad a headstoneerected byfriends. He musthave had nofamily in South

Australia but was remembered by hisfriends.It is hoped that his name will also be

remembered by the Maltese commu-nity of SA as one of its first (if not thefirst) pioneer in this State. It would be appreciated if a photo of

the headstone of Giuseppe Grima atthe Whyalla cemetery could be takento be deposited in the Migration Mu-seum, Adelaide and the Fred FenechMaltese Resource Centre in NSW.

By Mark Caruana

Giuseppe Grima: Was he the first Maltese in South Australia?

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The Whyalla cemetery, where Giu-seppe Grima is buried, as it is today

You can have full access The Voice of theMaltese online anytime by logging to:http://www.maltesewelfare.com.au

and click on The Voice sign

Page 4: The voice 98

4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

Issir kull sena, iΩda l-organizzaturi dejjemisibu mod kif dan l-

avveniment ji©ippreΩentat b’mod pro-fessjonali u differenti.Quddiem sala ppakk-jata bin-nies, il-MalteseWelfare (NSW) ip-preΩentaw il-15-il ediz-zjoni tal-Quiet Achievers –Night of Recognition. Did-darba 13-il persuna ta’nisel Malti ©ew onoratig˙ax-xog˙ol li wettqufil-qasam tal-voluntarjatfl-isferi differenti tal-ko-munita` generali.Dan huwa wie˙ed

mill-avveniment li jsiruwaqt NSW Seniors’Week li dis-sena kellha b˙ala tema,“Be Inspired”. Çertament li dawk lirçevew iç-çertifikat tal-g˙arfieng˙ax-xog˙ol u l-eΩempju tag˙homjispiraw lil dawk ta’ madwarhom.Kif qal il-president tal-Maltese Wel-

fare (NSW), Lawrence Dimech “is-sodisfazzjon ta’ min jag˙mel xog˙olvoluntarju ma ji©ix mill-flus jewmis-suççessi persunali, iΩda mill-fattli dawn qeg˙din jikkontribwixxubiex titjieb il-kwalita` tal-˙ajja tan-nies. Dan hu l-akbar valur tax-xog˙ol voluntarju”.Dawk onorati din id-darba kienu:

Frank u Marlene Baldacchino minnPemulwuy, Ronnie Borg minn OldToongabbie, Emanuel Debono minn

Gwandalan, Antonia Fenech minnUmina Beach, Josephine Grimaminn Horsley Park, Lycia Manche`minn Fairfield Heig˙ts, Doris Meilakminn Greystanes, ChristineSapienza minn Moorbank, CharlesScicluna minn Gorokan, CatherineVella minn Russell Lea, Joe Vellaminn Blacktown u Charles Zarbminn Greystanes. (ara ritratt fl-ewwelfaççata)Il-proçedura biex ji©u mag˙Ωula l-

a˙˙ar tnax tibda minn Jannar warali membri tal-komunita` jibag˙tu n-nominazzjonijiet tag˙hom lill-ku-mitat fejn jispjegaw bid-dettalix-xog˙ol li jkun wettqu fil-qasamtal-volontarjat tul hajjithom.

Dan ifisser li dan l-avveniment huuniku g˙ax jinvolvi fih lill-komu-nita’ Maltija kollha tal-iStat fuqbaΩi ©enerali u mhux biss minn xig˙aqda wa˙da. G˙al din il-lejla li saret fl-Annunci-

ation Hall tad-Dar tal-Anzjani SanDuminku fi Blacktown attendew,minbarra r-residenti tad-dar, SisterGiorgina Sultana u s-sorijiet l-o˙ra,iç-çerman tal-bord tad-diretturi, l-Assoc. Profs Stephen Gatt, is--CEO l-gdid Martin Todorovitch kif ukollil-membri tal-Parlament Statali,John Robertson (Blacktown) u An-drew Rohan (Smithfield).Kien hemm ukoll is-Sindku ta’ Hol-

royd Greg Cummings u s-sinjuratieg˙u, il-kunsilliera LisaLake u Marie Louis Mus-cat mill-Fiducian Finan-cial Services li sponsorjawdin il-lejla, flimkien ma’Ωew©ha Frank.It-taqsima muΩikali ©iet

fdata f’idejn il-popolariJoe Apap li tassew ferra˙u nissel nostal©ija bl-g˙aΩliet muΩikali tieg˙u. Il-preΩentazzjoni taç-

çertifikati saret minnJohn Robertson MP u An-drew Rohan MP waqt lidan tal-a˙˙ar g˙amelukoll id-diskors tal-g˙eluq. Frances Montesin u

Doris Grima kienu l-qar-reja waqt li Nathalie Gattg˙amlitha tal-MC,b’Lawrence Gatt ikun il-koordinatur tal-lejla. Il-Maltese Welfare

˙aqqhom prosit ta’preΩentazzjoni o˙ra lig˙amlet unur lill-komu-nita` Maltija.

Mog˙tija g˙arfien annwali fil-qasam tal-volontarjat

Il-kumitat tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW) 2015 li kellu x-xog˙ol li jag˙mel l-g˙aΩla finali. Wara(mix-xellug): Charles Micallef, Lino Vella, Lawrence Gatt, Mark Caruana u Emanuel Camil-leri. Quddiem (mix-xellug): Frances Montesin, Rita Kassas, Marlene u Lawrence Dimech, DorisGrima, Nathalie Gatt u Maria DeCarlo.

Sezzjoni mill-mistednin li atten-dew g˙all-funzjoni li ilha ssirg˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar 15-il sena.

Page 5: The voice 98

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 5

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In recognition and appreciation of his outstanding serviceto the Community, at Peppertree Reserve the local StateMember for Mulgoa, Tania Davies presented Bill Borg,

Secretary of St Clair Junior Rugby League Club, with theNSW Government Community Service Award. Members of Parliament are allowed to nominate only two

people per year to receive this award and Bill, born in StLawrence Gozo, Malta, is one of them for 2015. He arrivedin Australia with his family 50 years ago. He is the secondeldest of nine to George (deceased) and Rita Borg ofGreystanes NSW.During the presentation, Member of Parliament for Mul-

goa Tania Davies said. “Today I am proud to honour a trueblue, gentleman and humble man, Bill Borg, for his tirelesswork as a volunteer on the committee of the St ClairComets Junior Rugby League Club as Secretary since 1990.He has dedicated a large portion of his personal life encour-aging children to be active participants in team sports”.

The Gozitan has been instrumental in the club’s growthand plays a vital role in the day-to-day operations of one ofthe largest Rugby League clubs in the Penrith district withan annual playing roster of almost 700 players. He hasplayed a leading role in many major improvements to theplaying field amenities.

In 2010, Penrith City Council approved the naming of the

mini field used by the Club in Bill Borg’s honour (see photo-graph) in appreciation of his many years of service to thecommunity. It is the first time this honour has been be-stowed on a person still living.Bill Borg’s other accolades throughout his voluntary serv-

ice in the community include:2001 - Made life member of St Clair Junior Rugby LeagueClub.

2007 - Made life member of the Penrith District JuniorRugby League Club, becoming the only non-Penrith JuniorRugby League Committee member to achieve this honour.

2008 - Centenary of Rugby League Medal.

2008 - Penrith City Council Australia Day Sports Achieve-ment Award.

2010 - Naming of the Mini Field at Peppertree Reserve toThe Bill Borg Mini Field.

2011 - Penrith Valley Sports Foundation Sports Administra-tion Award.He has also received an ‘ING Volunteer of the year’ award.

*St Clair is a suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales,Australia. It is 39 kilometres west of the Sydney central business

district, in the local government area of the City of Penrith and ispart of the Greater Western Sydney region. St Clair is within view

of the Blue Mountains.

For Outstanding Service to Rugby League

For Outstanding Service to Rugby League

A happy Bill Borg with his latest award pre-sented to him by Mulgoa MP Tania Davis

Page 6: The voice 98

Moomba is celebration time inMelbourne that takes place everyyear in March. It’s a festival of

many days similar to Malta’s “Carnival”,which reaches its peak on the Mondaywith the Moomba Festival Parade that thisyear attracted around 70,000 people.

On the Sunday and Monday water skiingcompetitions are held, attracting perform-ers from all over the word. On the sameday there’s also the Birdman Rally, wherecontestants try to fly in their makeshift fly-ing gadgets from a platform onto the YarraRiver. Thewinner willbe the theone that “fli-es” the long-est distance.Some “fly”several me-tres; othersfall straightinto the riveras soon asthey leavethe platform.In all my 50

years in Aus-tralia, thiswas the first time I managed tomake it to see the Moomba Festi-val Parade… and I loved it.

Since its establishment in 1955,the Moomba festival has becomesomething of an institution, un-folding in the city’s parks, along itsstreets and on the waters of itsYarra River. The festival is as fa-miliar to post-war Melbourne asthe AFL and the Melbourne Cuphave been for more than a century.

Moomba has touched the lives ofmillions; it has had hundreds of ad-ministrators, tens of thousands ofperformers and legions of specta-tors. This is the event that helps thestreets to come alive with colourand fanfare while the fireworks that

light up the night sky. Moomba providessomething for everyone and has at timeshad up to 200 different events spread over11 days; most of them free.From waterskiing to parades of decorated

trams, and from street theatre to world-class opera, Moomba has sought to re-spond to the times and to engage a diverseaudience in a popular community festival.

It is of lit-tle surpri-se that ithas beensubject tocr i t ic ismfor its pop-ulism.

But Mo-o m b a ’ ss u c c e s scan bestbe meas-ured by

the great numbers of supporters who cometo the city annually to participate in the en-tertainment. Moomba is marked by bothcontinuity and change. It has reinvented it-self through the years to remain relevantand vibrant to festival-goers, who, sincethe mid-1980s at least, have had no short-age of events to choose from.

With its changing festival directors, ad-ministration and funding; its backdrop ofshifting social, cultural and political envi-ronments; and the inevitable criticisms towhich such populist events are subject,Moomba necessarily has a rich and com-plex history. The story of Moomba is in ef-fect a composite of many stories. But thereis some continuity that forms a core to thepast of this outdoor festival. These relateprimarily to place and the nature of theevents that have occurred, and still do, inthose places.

For many, the most memorable experi-ence is the grand parade down SwanstonStreet, which has served historically as thedefining event of Moomba

Continued on page ??

Melbourne’s Moomba Festivalby Paul Vella

(Photos by Caesar Vella)

6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

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Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 7

Wara waqfien ta’ kwaΩi sena PaulVella re©a beda jxandar programmi

bil-Malti fuq ir-Radju Komunitarju f’Mel-bourne 3ZZZ 92.3 FM. B˙alissa qed jip-preΩenta l-programm ta’ nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a,fil-5 pm u ie˙or is-Sibt, fl-10 am, darbafix-xahar.

Matul il-waqfien tieg˙u mill-programmi,˙afna semmieg˙a, fosthom g˙add ta’ anz-jani, g˙amlu kuntatt mieg˙u ˙alli jer©a’jibda jxandar g˙ax ˙assew in-nuqqas ta’siltiet mill-programmi tal-Ìimg˙a li jin-kludu l-qari u t-tifsir tal-Evan©elju tal-Óadd.

Fil-programmi tieg˙u, Paul jipprovajda˙˙al laqtiet differenti li jog˙©bu lis-sem-mieg˙a, fosthom marçi minn baned Maltin,muΩika u g˙ana Malti. Barraminhekk, min-˙abba li hu mda˙˙al sew fil-Grupp Letter-atura Maltija ta’ Victoria, jinkludi wkollqari ta’ proΩa u poeΩiji Maltin min˙abba li

b˙a l l -o˙ra jnfil-grupp, jem-men fil-˙tie©ali wie˙ed jie-˙u ˙sieb l-Ils-ien Malti u l-Kultura Maltija.

Kemm ilu li re©a’ jxandar Paul rçevag˙add ta’ telefonati u emails ta’ mer˙ba, uanke messa©©i ta’ nkora©©iment.B˙ala ˙arsa ©enerali lejn ir-Radju Komu-

nitarju 3ZZZ f’Melbourne, ta’ min jg˙id lidan ixandar programmi b’aktar minn 60lingwa differenti. Il-Maltin t’hemmhekkg˙andhom g˙alihom tlett programmi ta’sieg˙a fil-©img˙a - it-Tnejn u l-Ìimg˙afil-5 pm, s-Sibt fl-10 am. G˙andhom ukollprogramm ie˙or kull l-a˙˙ar Erbg˙a tax-xahar fis-1 pm.

Ix-xandara l-o˙ra li wkoll jag˙mlu l-˙idma tag˙hom b’dedikazzjoni, huma,Lewis Stafrace (Convenor), Mario Sam-

mut, Paul Vella u Emmanuel Brincat. Fostdawn, Mario Sammut, li joqg˙od Mor-well, jag˙mel vja©© ta’ sag˙tejn bil-fer-rovija lejn Melbourne u lura, kull nhar ta’Sibt biex jippreΩenta l-programm li ilu jip-produçi g˙al aktar minn 25 sena, ˙afnadrabi aspejjeΩ g˙alih.

It-3ZZZ huwa l-ikbar stazzjon komuni-tarju f’Melbourne b’xandara voluntieri uprogrammi li jistg˙u jinstemg˙u ma’ Vic-toria kollha. Barra dan jistg˙u jinstemg˙uukoll mad-dinja fuq l-internet, dirett jewon demand - sieg˙a wara li jixxandar ujibqa’ hemm g˙al ©img˙a s˙i˙a sakemmjid˙ol programm ©did.

Biex wie˙ed jisma’ l-programmi ta’3ZZZ, g˙andu jmur fuq dan is-sit tal-in-ternet, http://www.3zzz.com.au. Fuq ix-xellug hemm kaxxa "listen to a show".Minnha, minn fost il-lingwi ag˙Ωel"Maltese" u l-programm Malti li trid.Ag˙fas fuqu u wara ag˙fas ukoll "lis-ten". Fl-a˙˙ar "OK". Hekk jibda l-pro-gramm.

Wie˙ed jin˙tie© li jkollu s-software"Real Player" jew "Real One". Jekk majkollux jista’ jniΩΩlu b'xejn minn fuq l-internet. Il-programm ta’ nhar t’Erbg˙ahu mniΩΩel ta˙t il-lingwa “Armenian”min˙abba li dan hu ˙in tal-istazzjon umhux tal-Maltin.

Fil-programmi wie˙ed isib, l-a˙bari-jiet, marçi ta’ baned Maltin, reli©jon,kanzunetti Maltin, letteratura, umor-iΩmu, sports u affarijiet o˙ra.

Continue from page ??

Nowadays the Moom-ba Parade takes place inSt. Kilda Road. At itsheight, from the 1950suntil the 1970s, it drewhundreds of thousandsof people to centralMelbourne. In the early years these

pageants embodied theglitz and high times ofthe 1950s, livening upwhat was a lifeless citycentre.

Horse and tractor-drawn floats - someti-mes swan-shaped or festooned in flowers created an incongruousprocession against the grey, Victorian façades of SwanstonStreet.

Sadly, the number of floats (karrijiet) has declined over theyears, but the marching girls, brass bands, children from differ-ent sports, children from different dancing schools, childrenfrom talent schools and participants from a large number of na-tionalities, such as Italians, Greeks, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, andothers, are all, still there.

Disappointingly, no Maltese Community was represented thisyear at the festival. Years back the Maltese Community used totake part with floats, some of them very artistitically made, mostoften with the initiative of Freddie Asciak, his friends andhelpers from the Maltese Community Council of Victoria.

One would at least expect that the Maltese Community wouldbe represented by at least one of the three Maltese Bands in Vic-toria on such occasions.

But apart from that, this year Moomba was yet another suc-cessful festival.

Melbourne’s Moomba Festival

Paul Vellalura fuq

Radju 3ZZZ

Korrispondent Speçjali

Paul Vella waqtwie˙ed mill-pro-

grammi tieg˙ufuq 3ZZZ

Page 8: The voice 98

nhar ta’ Óamis sat-8 pm u s-Sibt biexjaqdu lin-nies u anki jitilg˙u lejn in-na˙at tal-Western Suburbs, g˙alhekkdonnu jidher li morna lura. G˙ax

ng˙iduha, biex tistenna tlett xhurg˙al appuntament mhix çajta.

Ma nafx g˙aliex jistennew il-menti b˙al dawn biex jit-

tie˙du passi. Tajjeb liissa g˙andna çittadi-nanza doppja iΩdajekk se jkun hemmintoppi biex inkununistg˙u napplikaw

ifisser nuqqas serju lig˙andu ji©i rran©atminnufih.

Expensive exercise

J. Sciberras minn Parramatta NSW jik-teb:

Ir-reazzjoni tieg˙i meta qrajt l-ittra“Dewmien esa©erat” (˙ar©a Nru 97)

kienet, kif jista’ jkun li xi ˙addi˙alli tinholoq sitwazzjonib˙al din?Niftakar meta l-Konsu-

lati kienu anke jift˙u


Il-Ministeru g˙all-Affarijiet Bar-ranin jirreferi g˙all-allegazzjoni-

jiet li qed isiru dwar dewmien ta’˙ru© ta’ passaporti u jixtieq jinformali min˙abba g˙add sostanzjali ta’ ap-plikazzjonijiet g˙all-passaporti, l-ap-puntamenti fil-Konsulat Ìenerali ta’Sydney qed jie˙du aktar tul mis-soltu. Il-Ministeru st˙arre© is-sitwaz-zjoni u qed jie˙u passi immedjati biexjinqata’ x-xog˙ol b’lura li hemm.Il-Konsulat Ìenerali ta’ Sydney nta-

lab biex iΩid l-appuntmenti kuljum˙alli jinqata` x-xog˙ol b’lura u l-ist-ess talba saret ukoll lill-KonsulatÌenerali ta’ Melbourne.

Nota editorjali: Dak li qed nippubb-likaw m’humiex allegazzjonijiet iΩda il-menti mill-qarrejja tag˙na.

Marisa Previtera from NSW writes:

Ijust want to let you know how muchyour E-newsletter is appreciated by the

Maltese seniors in Sydney. I am alwaysletting people I meet know that it is a greatread and full of interesting informationabout the local Maltese community andwhat is happening in Malta; great picturesand stories. I especially enjoyed readingthe article about the MAYC Fete that washeld recently at La Valette Social Centre. Keep up the great work.

Paul Pisani from Perth,WA writes:

Iam very honoured to be re-ceiving such a professional

service as The Voice of the Maltese onlinemagazine, and I want to comment on a letterthat was published in Issue No. 97. It was inMaltese, but I could only get a small grip onit, regarding Maltese Passport Applications. I understand that to get a renewal, one has

to make an application for an appointmentto the Maltese Embassy in Canberra. If youreside in any other part of Australia, it be-comes an expensive exercise to get to Can-berra for a Passport renewal.

We reside in Perth WA, and the expenseis a huge amount when you take into ac-count the cost of the air fare as well as thecost of the renewal of the Passport.We cannot justify the extra expense so we

will have to forego Renewals.I hope that the High Commissioner of the

Maltese people will look at this anomaly.

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

onl ine magazineonl ine magaz ine

The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (inEnglish and Maltese) fort-nightly online publication

specifically targeting allMaltese living abroad with emphasis on the

Australian scene. is online magazine is

sent via email by request.Subscription is free.

Editors: Malta: Joseph CutajarAustralia:Lawrence Dimech: MOM,

OAM, JPemail address:

[email protected]

onl ine magazineonl ine magazine

Letters for publication in The Voice ei-ther in Maltese or English should bee-mailed to: [email protected].

Now you can also join uson facebook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoice-ofthemaltese

Dewmien esa©erat

8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015


While visiting Malta Stay at: While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road SliemaThe Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email:Email: [email protected] Tel: (00356) [email protected] Tel: (00356) 23497000

Page 9: The voice 98

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 9

The Maltese Cultural Association (NSW) Choir took part inthe Holroyd Family Festival held in Holroyd Gardens, Mer-

rylands was a great hit with the large crowd made up of youngand old that enjoyed a wonderful family atmosphere.The festival went down well with everybody. It included many

different arts and craft stalls, an amazing selection of food stallsfrom many different countries as well as live entertainment thatincluded “Commando” from The Biggest Loser, Chinese Drag-ons, The Holroyd City Brass Band and Dance Groups, as well asmany rides for the children.

The live entertainment at the festival was greatly appreciatedby the attendees and the performance of the MCA choir on theCommunity Stage later in the evening in particular went down

extremely well. The members of the Choir, dressed in their verycolourful folk costumes drew many compliments from the audi-ence as they sang a selection of Australian/Maltese folk songs.

The choir’s performance even got the audience to join them inthe singing of the popular Australian Folk songs and a few ofthem got up and danced the Waltz to the Maltese tune of Ghanjalil Malta, which is a popular Maltese song, written by AlfredGrech from Malta and made popular by Enzo Guzman. All had a good time and the Maltese community was well rep-

resented by this delightful and very active Choir. The Choir con-tinues to attract new members; it is open to anyone who has alove of singing to join. For information on joining this choir oneshould contact Jim Borg on 96367767.

MCA (NSW) Choir a hit at Holroyd City Fest 2015

Above: the MCA choir intheir colourful costumeat the Holroyd City Fest.They regaled the audi-ence with Australian andMaltese folk songs

Page 10: The voice 98

Dan l-a˙˙ar, inzertajt artiklu fuq l-ABC, imsejja˙ 'L-Istorjatal-IngliΩ Awstraljan: g˙aliex nitkellmu kif nitkellmu'.1 L-artiklu jitkellem fuq pubblikazzjoni tal-awtur Kel

Richards bl-istess isem.Richards jg˙id li biex tifhem kif il-lingwa tinstema f'dan il-pa-

jjiΩ, trid tifhem l-istorja riçenti tal-pajjiΩ, ji©ifieri wara l-waslatal-IngliΩi mitejn sena ilu. Dawn ©ew fuq ˙dax-il bastiment minnpostijiet differenti fl-Ingilterra, u lkoll kellhom id-djaletti IngliΩitag˙hom. Kienu jinstemg˙u differenti, u kellhom kliem differentiwkoll, u biex ikunu jistg˙u jikkomunikaw, biΩ-Ωmien il-varjaz-zjoni fid-djaletti bdew jitnaqqsu xi ftit.

Fl-a˙˙ar tas-seklu dsatax kien hemm tentattiv sabiex ji©i stab-bilit mod standard kif ji©i mitkellem l-IngliΩ fl-Awstralja.Intg˙aΩel id-djalett tal-klassi edukata tan-nofsinhar tal-Ingilterra,fejn hemm l-Universitajiet ta' Oxford u Cambridge, li ©ie kkun-sidrat b˙ala it-'tajjeb'. Il-bqija tad-djaletti, naturalment, kienu '˙Ωiena'. Dan id-djalett'standard' illum jissejja˙ Pronunzja Rçevuta (Received Pronun-ciation - RP).Illum jing˙ad li hemm tliet aççenti prinçipali fl-Awstralja, anke

jekk dawn ma jidhirx li huma bbaΩati fuq re©juni ©eografiçi 2:*Ikkultivat (li ©ej mill-RP), li eΩempju tieg˙u tista' titqies l-at-triçi Cate Blanchett; *Ìenerali, eΩempju tkun l-eks Prim Ministru Awstraljana, JuliaGillard;*Wiesa', eΩempju jkun il-persuna©© Steve Irwin, illum mejjet.

Ìewni Ωew© ˙sibijiet meta kont qed naqra dan kollu.L-ewwel hu li ma kien qed jissemma xejn fuq il-massa kbira ta'

lingwi u djaletti Abori©ini tal-pajjiΩ. Dawn naturalment m'g˙and-homx x'jaqsmu mal-IngliΩ, ˙lief li sellfu lill-IngliΩ il-kliem u l-ismijiet antiki tag˙hom, b˙al billabong g˙al g˙adira, jewParramatta b˙ala post.It-tieni kien li hemm differenzi imma anke xi similaritajiet bejnil-proçess u l-istat tad-djaletti fl-IngliΩ Awstraljan u dawk ta'Malta.

Differenza li tispikka hi li hemm varjazzjoni ikbar f'Malta, kifukoll li d-djaletti ivarjaw ©eografikament. Fl-istess Ωmien li l-In-gliΩi kienu qed 'jiskopru' l-Awstralja, Mikiel Anton Vassalli kiendi©a` semma d-djaletti Maltin,3 u kien qasamhom f'˙ames gruppifuq baΩi ©eografika, u kull grupp ikollu l-varjazzjonijiet tieg˙u:1. Il-Belt Valletta u madwar il-Port il-Kbir;2. Djaletti tal-Lvant3. Djaletti Çentrali4. Djaletti tal-Punent5. l-G˙awdxi

Jien il-familja tieg˙i minn G˙awdex, miΩ-Ωew© na˙at, u metakont Ωg˙ir kont immur spiss sa din il-gΩira. Niftakar sew lill-©en-ituri tieg˙i jisimg˙u lil xi ˙add jit˙addet, u minnufi˙ jirrimarkaw“Eh, dak Ωgur minn Ta' Sannat”, jew “Dik qisha mir-Rabat(t'G˙awdex)”.Peress li huma kienu speçifikament mill-G˙arb, G˙awdex, kul-

tant kont nisma' f'xi triq jew pjazza xi kelma bl-ittra 'g˙' jew 'h'jinstemg˙u qishom '˙', meta illum ikunu mistennija li ma tin-stemg˙ux, b˙all-kelma 'dahru' (his back) tinstema 'da˙ru'.F'dawn is-sentejn li ilni ng˙allem il-lingwa Maltija hawn f’Syd-

ney, bqajt immeraviljat ninnota li d-djaletti Maltin g˙adhom˙ajjin anke hawn fl-Awstralja, u mhux biss fl-immigranti tal-ewwel ©enerazzjoni li ©ew hawn, imma wkoll f'dawk tat-tieni uanke t-tielet ©enerazzjoni, li ma twildux Malta imma fl-Awstralja.G˙alkemm jien naturalment ng˙allem il-lingwa u l-aççent stan-

dard Malti, ikolli nistqarr li nitpaxxa nisma' l-istudenti jitkellmu,min b'djalett mill-iM©arr (ta' Malta), o˙ra b'aççent mill-Mellie˙a,o˙ra titkellem bil-'k' minflok bil-'q'.

Similarità mad-djaletti Awstraljani, hija l-attitudni ta' xi w˙udli d-djaletti huma ta' min iwarrabhom, jew huma tal-misthija. Jienniftakar lil nanna wa˙da tieg˙i, li meta kont inΩurha kienettoqg˙od attenta ˙afna li titkellem 'bil-Malti pulit', kwaΩi pulit(pooleet) iΩΩejjed. Smajt b'kaΩ ie˙or ta' tifel li staqsa lil ommug˙aliex it-tali persuna ra˙lija 'titkellem bil-pastaΩ'.

G˙all-grazzja t'Alla qed ikun hawn qawmien ta' interess fid-djaletti Maltin. Hemm grupp fuq Facebook fejn ji©u diskussi d-djaletti (fittex g˙al 'Djeletti Maltin'). Hemm ukoll pro©ettmir-radju tal-Università ta’ Malta Campus FM biex ji©u mxandrantervisti ma' nies bi djalett minn diversi r˙ula madwar Malta uG˙awdex. Il-programm jismu 'Kollu Malti'4 u hekk hu!

Huwa çar li d-djaletti g˙adhom qawwija anke 'l bog˙od minnxtut missirijietna, u g˙adhom ukoll il bog˙od milli jmutu. Qedjistennew biss biex jer©g˙u ji©u misjuba fis-s˙i˙, u ççelebrati. Il-˙olma tieg˙i hi li nkun parti miç-çelebrazzjoni ta' dan il-wirtqawwi tag˙na l-Maltin.

PerspettivaA version of this series inEnglish may be found inthe author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi.blogspot.com

kitba ta’



10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015


[1]http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015 03 16/the story behind australian english/6315078, re-trieved 24/3/2015[2]http://dialectblog.com/2011/07/10/types of australian accents/, retrieved 24/3/2015[3]Ktŷb yl klŷm Mâlti mfysser byl- Latîn u byt -Taljân; Michaelis Antonii Vassalli;1796; p16[4]http://campusfm.um.edu.mt/pages/webcastspages/kollumalti.htm, retrieved 24/3/2015


Pa©na bit-titlu tal-’lessiku' ta' Mikiel Anton Vassalli

Page 11: The voice 98

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 11

The High Commissionof the Republic ofMalta was one of eight

countries that participatedin the project Diplomacy:Translations in Glass or-ganised by Canberra Glass-works. Basically this is aproject showcases decora-tive glass collections thatwas later viewed by thepublic.

An Australian glass artistwas attached to each par-ticipating Embassy and cre-ated original works inspiredby the country he is at-tached to. In the case ofMalta, renowned artistAndy Baldwin producedfantastic pieces of glass in-spired by Maltese lace. The works of eight famous

glass artists inspired by therespective countries wereexhibited at CanberraGlassworks in an event at the Can-berra Glassworks in February in the

presence of the Ambassadors of theeight participating countries represen-

tatives of the ACT govern-ment, the artists them-selves, the media andpersonalities from the Aus-tralian artistic world.

Malta’s High Commis-sioner to Australia, Mr.Charles Muscat, accompa-nied by his deputy, DrJoseph Pirotta, attendedthe event that put items ofMaltese decorative glass inthe limelight as it was ex-hibited at the entrance ofthe Australian exhibition.The Maltese glass was alsoaccompanied by pieces ofexquisite Maltese lace per-sonally made by Mrs. Vic-toria Muscat, the spouse ofthe HC.

An exhibition of all theMaltese glass, sent overfrom Mdina Glass andGozo Glass, will also beheld later towards the end

of this month at Canberra Glass-works.

Maltese High Commission in Canberra Glass Project

Malta Stand at Canberra Multicultural Festival

Malta also put up a stand at the Canberra Mul-ticultural Festival that was held in the centre of

the Australian capital. This annual event draws im-mense crowds from Canberra itself and interstate asall countries try to give a glimpse of their culture,traditions and also their food.

This year Malta built a stand in the EU Villagealong with other EU Member States. Manned bydiplomats at the High Commission and also bymembers of the committee of the Maltese Aus-tralian Association of Canberra and Queanbeyan,the stand attracted hundreds of visitors. Enquiries were also made, mostly regarding study-

ing in Malta, tourism and possibilities of dual citi-zenship by Australians who have a Malteseparental connection.

Australian political dignitaries, among them theHon. Yvette Berry, ACT Minister for Multicultural Affairswho was introduced by the EU Head of Delegation HE Mr.Sem Fabrizi, also visited the stand. A considerable amountof publicity material and souvenirs were distributed during

the day.High Commissioner HE Charles Muscat and Deputy HC

Dr. Joseph Pirotta coordinated the organsation of theMalta stand.

Kull qalb trid o˙ra

Biex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara kollox hufrott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif

lill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x bissxog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ.

Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibusponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjedminnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr.

Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejjabiex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawkli qed jirreklamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.

One good turn deserves another

Dedication we have lots of; when it comes to time, we find it aswhen dedicatiing oneself to a cause, it’s there. A third ingredi-

ent needed to produce an online magazine such as The Voice of theMaltese is financial. To offset that, of late, the production team hasbeen seeking sponsors to help us share that burden with us.

Some have responded positively by advertising the services theyoffer to their clients on our publication. There is need for more, butat least it’s a start. We call upon others to follow them.

One good turn deserves another; therefore in return, our readerstoo have a part to play. They are therefore urged to use the servicesand buy products of those sponsoring The Voice of the Maltese.

H.E. Charles Muscat and Mrs. VictoriaMuscat (first left), with Glassworks'Guest Curator Ms. Ivana Jirasek

Malta’s stand at the Canberra Multicultural Festival

Page 12: The voice 98

12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

The Maltese Government has signeda €200 million investment agree-ment in Malta’s healthcare infra-

structure with Barts, one of Britain’sleading medical and dental schools, thatwould pave the way for what is by far thebiggest direct foreign investment Gozo hasever seen. Presiding the signing of the agreement in

Gozo, Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscatdescribed the investment as an importantmilestone for Malta and Gozo, “an impor-tant moment in the history of this island”.

Barts, which is ranked 4th in the UK formedicine and 1st in the UK for dentistry,has a reputation for impressive researchacross many disciplines, will be setting upthe Barts Gozo Campus and with 1,600 un-dergraduate and 750 postgraduate students.

Dr Muscat said that this investment“places Gozo on the world map – as an is-land that will become known for produc-ing some of the finest medics in Europe.”The government expects the Campus to

attract a good number of students fromEurope, North America and the MiddleEast as its undergraduate courses are to bemarketed around the globe. It would host300 mostly foreign students with an intakeof 60 students for every academic year. Malta is also eager to benefit from its re-

search mission in fields such as oncology,cardiac, dentistry, inflammation, ge-nomics, neuroscience and primary care,and also from their teaching excellence.

The Prime Minister said this is “a win-win agreement”, thanks to it health care inMalta will become even better, and would

ensure health care to remain free.The Barts’ Medical and Dentistry School

project, standing alone, is already a mas-sive boost to Gozo and the economy, how-ever, this is part of a larger, moreambitious step change in healthcare inMalta; there will be improved facilities,more beds and more professionals. Moreover, the presence of Barts will pro-

vide new opportunities for Maltese med-ical scientists and practitioners as well asfor scientists in Life Sciences generally.As a result of the deal, three other hospi-

tals will be upgraded to be in the Mater Dei

class. They include, the existing Gozo Gen-eral Hospital that will be redeveloped, in-creasing the total capacity from 291 to 450beds, with 125 of them being utilised formedical tourism, while at the same time ex-panding the spaces and services for locals.As part of the investment, St. Luke’s Hos-

pital, that was left to rot for 15 years willcome back into life. It will have a rehabil-itation area, fully equipped labs for CTScans, PET Scans and MRIs and a newdermatology centre servicing about 35,000outpatients yearly, and the Karin Grechpremises will also be renovated to accom-

€200m. investment hailed as importantmilestone for healthcare in Malta, Gozo

The chairman of Malta Enterprise, Dr Mario Vella (left) and Prof Anthony Morris for Bartssigning the agreement in the presence of (from right): Anton Refalo (Minister for Gozo), ChrisCardona (Minister for Economy), the Prime Minister, Louis Grech (Deputy PM), Konrad Mizzi(Minister for Health and Energy) and Chris Fearne (Parliamentary Secretary for Health)

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announcedSaturday that a new private hospital to be

called ‘St John Paul II Hospital’ resultingfrom a €100 million private investment is tobe built at Smart City that should start oper-ating in 2017.

Dr Muscat said that this 200-bed state-of-the-art private hospital that is to be builtthrough a new investment company with

... and a new hospital in Smart City in 2017modate 270 long term geriatric patients.

All this will relieve pressure on MaterDei Hospital that, the PM said, “has beenplagued by endemic problems as a resultof a lack of proper planning primaryhealthcare services. It will enable it to pro-vide top of the range medical care withoutbursting at the seams,” the PM said. At thesame time the government also plans tocontinue expanding capacity at Mater Dei.

The new investment would be creating1,200 new healthcare related jobs in theMaltese islands.

He said that Malta is building a healthcare system that will make it proud,”which is good news for all of Gozo, for allpatients, all health professionals, and foreverybody who is optimistic and believesin a strong, free universal healthcare sys-tem built for the 21st century.

Health Minister Konrad Mizzi said theproject would take place over a period offour years, while Parliamentary SecretaryChris Fearne said that this was a dreamcome true for the medical professionals.

Summer Time in Malta began last Sundaywhen clocks were put forward one hour.

It ends at 2am on October 25. In Australia, Daylight Saving Time that

began on the first Sunday in October, endsnext Sunday when clocks are put back onehour.It is only observed in New South Wales, Vic-

toria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Aus-tralian Capital Territory so the time differencebeween them and Malta will be eight hours.

Maltese and Italian interests, will become a“medical centre of excellence” that will op-erate mainly in the fields of sports medicine,orthopaedics and neurosurgery.

It will include a strategic partnership withJohnsons and Johnsons, one of the largestworldwide companies in the health sector,and would also be collaborating in the provi-sion of materials, research and technology,with Maltese professionals, the university andother training institutions.The hospital will operate mainly in the field

of orthopaedic with surgical and outpatientactivity and employ 500 people. Fifty of its200 rooms will be suites and the hospital willcollaborate with Maltese professionals, theuniversity and other training institutions.The hospital to be run by Synesis Ltd Malta,

together with Italian Society of PersonalisedMedicine will look at the molecular andmetabolic footprint of the individual to comeup with products tailored for individual pa-tients.

Summer Time: 8 hrs difference

Page 13: The voice 98

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 13

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta has become the first Europeancountry to propose a comprehensive

legislation in the creation of the FamilyBusiness Act, that also addresses access tofinance and investing for the future.Announcing the legislation, the Minister forthe Economy, Investment and Small Busi-ness, Chris Cardona said this was a pioneer-ing law and that if it works well it wouldallow businesses to considerably increasetheir chances of survival and to prosper in anever-increasing competitive market.

He emphasised the importance of FamilyBusinesses for the Maltese economy referringto them as ‘its beating heart’, based on thefact that about seventy per cent of Maltesebusinesses are run or controlled by familiesand they employ about forty thousand people.Mr. Marko Curavić, Director General for In-

ternal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and

SMEs for the European Commission de-scribed the Act as a pioneering law, the firstin the EU. Al-though Fam-ily Businessesare highly im-portant for theEU economy,Mr. Curavićsaid that theyare an evenmore impor-tant elementof the Malteseeconomy andthat they needto be alwaysc o n s i d e r e dfor the longterm.

Malta’s new Archbishop, Mgr Charles JScicluna was formally installed during

a ceremony at the Mdina Cathedral on Mar-ch 21. It was the first installation since thatof Archbishop Joseph Mercieca in 1976.

After the reading of the Papal decree con-celebrated Mass was celebrated, but the dayfor him started several hours earlier when hearrived in the parish church of his hometownLija where he was greeted with a fireworkssalute and a small crowd that huddled belowumbrellas on this rainy but important day.

After leading the crowd in prayers, MgrScicluna left the village and escorted by po-lice outriders proceeded to Rabat where hemade his first stop in the Franciscan churchof Our Lady of Good Health.

There he met the sick and volunteers. Af-terwards he visited St Dominic Church alsoin Rabat where, amid more applause hispredecessor Mgr Paul Cremona warmly em-braced him on the altar. The two then prayedtogether in the Grotto of Our Lady beneaththe church.

Before proceeding the the Mdina Cathedralhe also made stops at St Paul’s Church, Ta'Giezu Church and St Mark Church, where hewas greeted by all the parish priests of Malta.They all prayed together before he proceededto Mdina Cathedral in a procession.

The highlight of the cere-mony was reached in thecathedral with the readingof the Papal decree andafter Archbishop Eme-ritusPaul Cremona led prayers,the Papal Nuncio, MgrAldo Cavalli symbolicallyhanded the new responsibil-ities to Mgr Scic- luna byleading him to the cathedraon the side of the altar. Applause broke outas Mgr Cavalli and the dean of the parishpriests congratulated Mgr Scicluna.

The new Archbishop then led the concele-brated Mass. The co-celebrants includedCardinal Prospero Grech, Mgr Cavalli, theBishop of Gozo Mario Grech, ArchbishopEmeritus Paul Cremona, Archbishop PaulGallagher, Secretary for relations with Statesat the Holy See and Archbishop Filippo Ian-none, O.Carm. from the diocese of Rome.Some 160 priests took part. ArchbishopEmeritus Joseph Mercieca was indisposed.President Marie-Louise Coleiro led the con-

gregation in the Cathedral accompanied byPrime Minister Joseph Muscat, Oppositionleader Simon Busuttil, members of the judi-ciary and Mgr Scicluna's parents. In his homily, Archbishop Scicluna said that

to tend the flock of the Lord was now his calland duty and he would seek to achieve it withword and deed as well as love for everyone,while using his staff when faced by the wolf.He also prayed for the Lord’s help that thefaithful might see in him as a source of help,solidarity and encouragement.

March 31 isFreedom Day

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The coming days are quite hectic inMalta. Today (March 31) it is com-

memorating the 36th Anniversary of Free-dom Day (Jum il-Ħelsien). This is theanniversary of the withdrawal of Britishtroops and the Royal Navy from Malta. It is a Maltese national holiday celebrated

annually on this day in 1979 when the lastBritish Forces left Malta.*On April 11 the citizens will be calledto vote at Local Council elections, andalso at a referendum on spring hunting.Voters will be asked to decide whetherthey want this tradition to continue asper a derogation on the EU Birds Direc-tive, which the Maltese Governmenthad negotiated prior to accession to theEuropean Union. This Derogation, per-mits the hunting of turtle doves andquail for a limited time in spring.*Along with the Catholic world, in thefirst week of April, Malta will be celebrat-ing Holy Week, culminating in Good Fri-day (April 3) and Easter Sunday (5th).

Malta’s economy has received yet an-other boost when as promised, at

the end of March, the government cut en-ergy tariffs for businesses by 25%, a de-cision that is bound to help businessesbecome more competitive and help themgrow.

It would also fuel consumer spendingand Malta’s economic growth.

With the reduction of energy tariffs forhouseholds last year and the current cutsthe government estimates it would be di-rectly pumping €70 million in Malta’seconomy

Charles J Scicluna installed Charles J Scicluna installed as Malta’s new Archbishopas Malta’s new Archbishop

The new Archbishop MgrCharles Scicluna (left)greeted by his predeces-sor Mgr Paul Cremona

Malta becomes first European country toenact legislation for family businesses

Promise of 25% Energy tariffs cuts for businesses kept

Page 14: The voice 98

L-Arçisqof til-©did ta’ Malta, MonsCharles Scicluna qal li jirrifjuta li jitla’fuq karru”. Ma kienx qed jg˙id g˙al xi

karru mi©bud miΩ-Ωwiemel, imma g˙al karruie˙or... li f’Malta nippruvaw inrikkbu lilkul˙add, l-aktar jekk dak li jkun ikollu xikariga mportanti. Kien qed jg˙id g˙all-karrupolitiku.

Forsi min˙abba dak li se˙˙ fl-img˙oddi,g˙ad g˙andna dawk li malli ssir xi ˙atramportanti mill-ewwel ideffsu fin-nofs il-poli-tika u jibdew jispekulaw jekk min ikollu çertaresponsabbilta’ u nfluwenza fuq is-soçjetaMaltija, hux se ja©evola, direttament jew in-direttament, lill-˙omor, lill-blu jew lill-˙odor.

Bla dubju li mat-t˙abbira tal-˙atra tal-Arçisqof il-©did kien hemm min beda jis-pekula. Ma nistag˙©ibx jekk kienx hemmukoll min sa wasal g˙al xi konkluΩjoniwkoll.

Kemm dak li qed nikteb hu minnu jidhermill-fatt li fl-ewwel intervista li saritlu waral-ingress tieg˙u fil-Kattidral tal-iMdina, minkien qed jintervistah ˙ass il-˙tie©a istaqsihdwar il-poΩizzzjoni tieg˙u dwar il-politika.

It-twe©iba tal-Arçisqof kienet skjetta.Stqarr b’emfasi qawwija: “Jien m’hinix, u

nirrifjuta li nitla’ fuq karru politiku, u nirritaru˙i meta l-partiti jippruvaw juΩawni. G˙an-di, ippermettuli nghidilkom, allergija kbira.”G˙alkemm kif ikkkonferma fl-istess twe-

©iba Mons Scicluna qal li ma kienx be˙siebujid˙ol fil-politika, fl-istess ˙in qal: “immama jfissirx li se noqg˙od f’rokna wiççi mal-˙ajt u nin˙eba.”

Kif sostna Mons Sciculna, u bir-ra©un, il-Knisja trid titkellem u jekk irridu “knisja rel-evanti bilfors irrid knisja li tirfes il-kallijiet.”Allura jista’ jkun hemm reazzjoni g˙al dan.IΩda sostna l-Arçisqof “..... m’g˙andixnibza’ mir-reazzjoni g˙ax jekk jien nippre-tendi li tkellimt jien u kul˙add qag˙ad kwiet,nibda ninkwieta, g˙ax inkellha g˙adna bl-idea li g˙ax tkellem l-Isqof, kul˙add iridjinΩel g˙arkubjeth u jbaxxi rasu.”

Kliem li juri kura©© u fl-istess ˙in bidlamill-passat fejn ftit li xejn, min kien imexxikien jistenna li kul˙add ibaxxi rasu u miskinhu min jipprova jikkritika jew ikollu fehmadifferenti.

“Jiena minix komdu f’dak l-ambjent ankeg˙aliex mhux l-ambjent tal-lum.” Bla dubju li din il-bidla fil-mentalita’, mhixmarbuta biss mall-fatt li d-dinja nbidlet, iΩda

wkoll g˙ax Mons Scicluna kellu esperjenzatwila barra minn Malta.

Kif stqarr hu stess: “...gej minn esperjenzatal-kurja rumana fejn l-ewwel ˙a©a li tg˙al-limt hi li mhux se nitkellem bil-Malti, ˙liefnhar ta’ Óadd meta konna niltaqg˙u s-saçer-doti Maltin u kienet g˙alija oasi, g˙ax kontnista’ nitkellem bil-Malti’ il-bqija trid tit-kellem bil-lingwi kollha ma©©uri u trid tit-g˙allem ukoll li hemm mod u mod kiftesprimi ru˙ek”.

G˙amilha çara wkoll, li filwaqt li wie˙edma jistax jinsa’ r-rwol importanti li kellha l-Knisja fit-tiswir tal-identita’ tal-pajjiΩ, fl-ist-ess ˙in irid ikun hemm çerta bidla fir-rwoltal-Knisja:“A˙na rridu nammettu li l-Knisja Kattolika,

u din hija storja, u ma nistg˙ux ninsewha jewin˙assruha, kellha sehem importanti mill-binja tal-identita’ kulturali u anke nazzjonalita’ pajjiΩna, imm’issa wasal iΩ-Ωmien li dakl-irwol mhux ninsewh, imma jinbidel.

“L-Istat Malti m’g˙andux jiddependi iΩjedfuq l-Awtorita’ morali tal-Knisja biex jid-definixxi lilu nnifsu. G˙andna l-Kostituz-zjoni tar-Reppublika li tiggarantixxi l-liber-ta’ reli©juza u l-libertajiet essenzjali u drit-tijiet fundamentali lil kul˙add, hu min hu, udik hija garanzija tal-liberta` ta’ kul˙add,inkluz tal-Knisja.

“Issa l-knisja m’g˙andiex tibΩa li metatitkellem, se jkollha l-messa©© tag˙ha jekkhu g˙all-©id komuni, jekk jekk fuq il-faqar,jekk problema soçjali jkollu nfluss politiku,imma mhux qed nag˙mlu politika partigg-jana jew politika ta’ partit.”

G˙amilha çara li meta jitkellem dwar˙wejje© b˙al dawn ma jkunx jag˙mel hekkb’xi g˙an poltiku. Spjega li “....il-problemamhux f’dak li ng˙id, imma hija kwestjoni ta’kultura,” g˙alhekk “hemm bΩonn li a˙na fil-politika nimmaturaw iΩjed u nilqg˙u wkollil-fatt li biex tipprogredixxi trid tisma’ vera-ment anke ideat kontra tieg˙ek.

“Mhux l-idea li kull ma jg˙id bilfors iridikun ˙aΩin g˙ax qed jg˙idu min qed jg˙idu.Imma din hija xi ˙a©a li ti©i maΩ-Ωmien.”

14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

“Nirrifjuta li nitla’ fuq karru...” l-Arçisqof

Minkejja li Malta hi wa˙da mill-iΩg˙ar imsie˙ba tal-Unjoni Ewropea, qed ta’ sikwit tkun fl-a˙barijiet

fejn tid˙ol din l-UE. Li jag˙tina pjaçir u sodisfazzjon huli Malta qed tissemma’ b’mod poΩittiv.

Propju g˙ad kif ˙ar©et l-a˙bar li Malta kienet l-unikupajjiΩ fl-UE li g˙adda mit-test mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Energy Ef-ficiency Directive li jitkellem dwar kif g˙andhomjo˙or©u l-kuntratti u dwar energy audits fost l-o˙rajn.Malta kienet l-uniku pajjiΩ li segwa d-deadline biex jim-plimenta din id-direttiva, sa Ìunju 2014.Min˙abba f’hekk l-UE qed tie˙u passi kontra is-27 pajjiΩ

l-ie˙or li ma g˙addewx mit-test. Min˙abba f’hekk dawnil-pajjiΩi qed jiffaçjaw il-˙las ta’ multi kbar ta’ kuljumsakemm jimplimentaw dak li tg˙id din id-direttiva.

Malta biss L-Arçisqof CharlesScicluna fi triqtubiex ji©i ordnat

Li xi add i©ib Ωew© kunjomijiet, ji©ifieri lihawn li min isej˙ilhom ‘double barrel’,mhux xi ˙a©a ©dida. Sa minn Ωmien Ωe-mΩem kien hemm ©enituri li jiddeçiedu lima jag˙tux lil uliedhom kunjom il-missierbiss, iΩda wkoll dak tal-omm. Kultant danisir anke g˙ax kunjom l-omm ikun wie˙edminn dawk il-kunjomijiet li bil-mod il-modikun qed jisparixxi.

Jidher li fil-li©i mhemm xejn li jirregoladin is-sitwazzjoni, iΩd’issa se jibda ji©idiskuss abbozz ta’ li©i li se jkun jag˙ti drittlil ulied li, jekk iridu, jag˙mlu talba formalibiex flimkien mal-kunjom tal-missier iΩiduwkoll dak ta’ xbubiet l-omm.

Dan jfisser li jekk l-ulied ikunu jg˙ixu

mal-omm, irrespettivament jekk il-©eniturihumiex separati, divorzjati jew miΩΩew©injistg˙u jag˙mlu talba formali lir-re©istrupubbliku biex ikunu rre©istrati b’Ωew© kun-jomijiet. Il-missier ji©i nnotifikat dwar it-talba u jing˙ata ˙ames t’ijiem biex jekkjemmen li dan mhux fl-a˙jar interess tal-Dan se jkun japplika wkoll g˙al tfal litwieldu barra Ω-Ωwie©. G˙al dawk l-ulied li jitwieldu fuq il-ba˙ar,

bejn sema u ilma - u llum g˙andna numrumhux ˙aΩin b˙al dawn min˙abba l-immi-granti llegali li ji©u Malta bil-ba˙ar - sararran©ament biex dawn ji©u rre©istrati f’-Malta, iΩda ma jing˙atawx iç-çittadinanzaMaltija.

Ikunu jistg˙u jie˙du kunjom l-omm ukoll

Page 15: The voice 98

Kumpanija privata se tag˙ti ˙ajja©dida lill-bini tas-Suq tal-Belt, kif

˙afna jafuh u li fl-a˙˙ar snin safa abban-dunat. Il- grupp Arkadia ˙abbar li se jin-vesti €7miljuni fil-pro©ett li mistennijitlesta sa Diçemrbu 2016. Se jinbidelf’suq modern li b˙alhom wie˙ed isibbarra minn MaltaT˙abbar li l-grupp ing˙ata l-inkarigu

li jattwa l-pro©ett u jmexxih minn fostkompetizzjoni minn g˙add ta’ in-traprendituri o˙ra. Huwa ng˙ata çensta' 65 sena.

Direttur tal-Arkadia Group, AntoinePortelli qal li meta l-pro©ett jitlesta, is-Suq se jkun imqassam fi tlett livelli;wie˙ed ta˙t l-art fejn jinbieg˙u prodottifriski b˙al la˙am, frott, frott tal-ba˙ar,˙ut u axix; il-livell tat-triq g˙all-ikel lijissajjar dak il-˙in u li jinbieg˙ biex ji©iççelebrat il-wirt gastronomiku tal-kçinaMaltija; u t-terrazzin ta' fuq ikun bispazju miftu˙ g˙al min jixtieq jirrilassa,fejn ikun hemm muΩika u attivitajiet lijikkumplimentaw il-kalendarju kultur-

ali Malti.Il-kumpanija li se tinvesti fis-Suq se

t˙allas ukoll €450,000 fis-sena b˙alakera. Dan is-suq ©ie mibni fl-1858, meta l-

Gvernatur Le Merchant ˙adem biexisebba˙ il-Belt Valletta. Ìie jiswa3,934lira, (illum se jintefqu fuqu€7miljun.

Kien l-ewwel binja f’-Malta mag˙mula g˙al kol-lox mill-˙adid. B’kolloxkellu 153 posta (stalls) u 65kantina (cellars).

MaΩ-Ωmien saru diversitibdiliet, fosthom bini ta’˙itan tal-©ebel, tibdiliet fis-saqaf eçç. Fortunatament,il-parti l-kbira ta’ ©ewwabaqg˙et dik ori©inali.

T˙abbru wkoll dettaljidwar it-tieni faΩi tal-pro©ettta' Strada Stretta, u se jkunhemm ukoll titjib fis-sis-tema tad-dawl tat-triq.

L-g˙add ta’ single parents (fejn fil-familjahemm il-missier jew l-omm biss) kulma

ma jmur t dan l-a˙˙ar fil-Parlament intqal lill-Ministeru tas-Sigurta’ Soçjali qed jo˙ro©g˙ajnuna finanzjarja lil 10,547 familja.

Sintendi dan ma jirrflettix l-g˙add attwali ta’ familji b’©eni-tur wie˙ed, g˙ax xi ©enituri, li

g˙andhom çertu d˙ul, g˙alhekk ma jikkwal-ifikawx g˙all-g˙ajnuna finanzjarja.

Ftit wie˙ed jista’ jg˙id kemm fir-realta’hemm familji b’©enitur wie˙ed, g˙ax kif

isostnu xi w˙ud, u jien g˙andi na˙sebb˙alhom, fost dawk li jirre©istraw b˙alasingle parents, hemm min jag˙mel danbiex jikseb il-benefiççji li jag˙ti l-Gvern,g˙ax fil-fatt jg˙ixu ma ra©el jew mara.

Jidher li l-Gvern jaf b’dan u qed jie˙ul-passi biex kemm jista’ jkun jaqta’ ab-buΩi minn dawn il-familji.

Ftit ilu ktibt dwar kemm wie˙ed iridjoqg˙od attent x’jikteb dwar il-qag˙da

fil-Libja, g˙ax nistg˙u b’kitbitna ngerrxu t-turisti. Kemm f’˙akka t’g˙ajn pajjiΩ jista’jie˙u daqqa l-isfel fl-ekonomija fejn tid˙ol l-industrija tat-turiΩmu deher minn dan l-a˙˙arfit-TuneΩija, wara f’dan il-pajjiΩ ©ar sar at-takk fuq xi turisti, li w˙ud minnhom inqatlu.

Mill-ewwel ©iet ir-reazzzjoni min-na˙atal-organizaturi tal-vja©©i bil-ba˙ar liwaqqfu jibag˙tu aktar il-vapuri lussuΩitag˙hom fil-portijiet tat-TuneΩija.

Veru li parti minn dak li tilfet it-TuneΩija,reb˙ietu Malta, billi w˙ud mill-vapuri, issa,jibdew ji©u f’pajjiΩna, imma xorta jibqa’ l-fatt li rridu noqog˙du b’g˙ajnejna miftu˙ag˙ax it-turiΩmu f’Malta huwa wie˙ed mill-pilastri tal-ekonomija tag˙na

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 15

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2







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Single parentsMin jitlef u min jirba˙

L-istazzjoni tat-televiΩjoni AmerikanCNN qed i˙e©©e© lit-telespettaturi

jΩura M©arr ix-Xini f’G˙awdex b˙alawie˙ed minn 10 postijiet fid-dinja, li skont hu qeghdin fil-periklu li ma jibqg˙ux kif inhuma llum.

Jidher li l-fama ta’ din il-bajja waslet sew fl-Istati Unitiwara li fiha n˙adem il-film By the Sea b’Angelina Jolie uBrad Pitt b˙ala protogonisti.

Qed ikun imbassar li wara l-wiri tal-film, din il-bajja sessir aktar popolari mat-turisti. G˙alhekk hemm il-perikluli t-trankwilita’, jekk mhux ukoll l-ambjent tal-bajja jin-bidel. G˙alhekk is-CNN qed j˙ajjar lit-telespettaturi jΩurul-post qabel jinbidel.Attwalment, xi snin ilu l-bajja wkoll ing˙atat prominenzafil-midja internazzjonali billi l-eks-President FrançiΩ Nico-las Sarkozy, qabel kien ˙a l-˙atra kien qatta’ btala fuq jottli kien ankrat f’din il-bajja.

Ûuru M©arr ix-Xini

Investiment privat ta’ €7m. fil-pro©ett tas-Suq tal-Belt

Is-Suq tal-Belt, kif kiensa qabel ©ie abbandunat


Page 16: The voice 98

A quick glimpse at AustraliaA quick glimpse at Australia

16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

Former PM MalcolmFraser dies aged 84

Liberals/Nationals retains govt. back despite large swing to Labor

Former Liberal Prime MinisterMalcolm Fraser (pictured left)has been remembered as “a

giant of Australian politics” and a“great moral compass” followinghis death at the age of 84. Mr. Fraserwho was Australia's 22nd Premierdied after a brief illness. Fraser, born into a wealthy pastoral

family in 1930 first entered Parliament in1955 as its youngest MP. He spent nearly20 years as a backbencher and in the min-istry until in 1975 he became oppositionleader facing off against Gough Whitlam.

Mr. Whitlam's dismissal later that yearled to persistent debate about the new gov-ernment's legitimacy and Mr. Fraser's role.But he went on to win the next three elec-tions.His contribution to multiculturalism was

significant and the implementation of the1977 Galbally Report paved the way forthe end of the white Australian policy and

united Australia. He launched the SBS in1980, and welcomed the first Vietnameserefugees including the first “boat people”.He championed Aboriginal land rights, ledthe Commonwealth push to end apartheidin South Africa and argued for an inde-pendent Zimbabwe.The nation's finances were managed with

traditional conservatism and cutbacks atfirst but later the political pressure grewand the purse strings loosened. However,in 1982 the country was facing recession,drought and social unrest. After suffering a back problem and being

treated in hospital, Mr. Fraser called a snapelection on the same day Bob Hawke be-came opposition leader. But the strategybackfired and Mr. Fraser was defeated.Life after the Lodge remained busy for Mr.Fraser; he became a key figure in human-itarian and diplomatic circles. But the former PM always kept an eye on

the political arena and became a staunchcritic of the Liberals under the next Coali-tion PM, John Howard, speaking out par-ticularly on indigenous issues, refugeesand antiterrorism laws.

Just this February Mr. Fraser launched ascathing attack on Tony Abbott over theGovernment's treatment of the HumanRights Commission and, in particular, itspresident Gillian Triggs following TheForgotten Children report.Eventually he quit the Liberals citing his

belief that the party he had been a memberof for more than six decades had tilted toofar to the right. “The party is unrecognis-able as Liberal,” Mr. Fraser said. His po-litical life has been dogged by his oldthrow away-line “life wasn’t meant to beeasy.”

Ninety-five days after gunman ManHaron Monis terrorised Sydney, the

Lindt Café in Martin Place Sydney againopened for business. Crowds queued along-side the flagship store hoping to be the firstcustomers to brave the return for coffee ora box of chocolate. It was December 16 when the gunman held

18 people hostage and killed two of thecafé’s customers. Sydney responded by lay-ing thousands of bouquets in Martin Place.

The State of NSW buckedthe trend of ditching firstterm governments opting tostay with the Liberal/Na-tional coalition led by MikeBaird as the LNP cruised toa comfortable victory altho-ugh recording a 10% swingagainst them and losing 14seats (12 to Labor and 2 tothe Greens)

The coalition withstood astrong highly negative Lab-or scare campaign warningof foreign ownership of thestate’s electricity if polesand wires are sold off.

As we went to press, thestate of the parties was: Lib-eral/National Coalition 52,Labor 33, Green 4, and un-decided 4.

Before the March 28 elec-tion the state of the partieswas: Liberals/Nationals 67,ALP 23, Independent 2 and1 Green: total 93 MPs.

Luke Foley, Labor leaderfor only 88 days said thatLabor is now a credible op-position and headed for awin in 2019. Labor needed

a uniform swing of 17 per-cent to win majority Gov-ernment. There were5,040,662 voters enrolled asof March 7. There were 540 candidates

in the Legislative Assem-bly, 393 in the LegislativeCouncil, 19 registered par-ties, 2808 polling places and184 pre-polling stations.The final results of the Leg-islative Council (the UpperHouse) will not be knownfor many days yet.

Back at Martin Place

MikeBaird atCoalitionHQ in theSydneyafter win

NSW election 2015

Page 17: The voice 98

We will have to wait a little longer for the full result of theMarch 28 NSW election to access what proportion of womenwould be elected. However, since Queensland boosted its

representation of women in Parliament to 28.1 per cent, after the lastelection that put Annastacia Palaszcuk as Premier, NSW has replacedQueensland as the state with the lowest proportion of women in Par-liament, at 24.4 per cent.

Ms Palaszcuk and her deputy, Jackie Trad, head a new cabinet witheight female and six male ministers, including the state’s first Indige-

nous female MP.The Australian territories have the high-

est proportion of women in Parliament,the Northern Territory with 44 per centand ACT with 41.2 per cent. The proportion of women in Federal Par-

liament is 30.5 per cent; in Victoria and inTasmania, it is 37.5 per cent.Up till July 2014, across Australia wom-

en were significantly under-represented inparliament and executive government,and internationally, Australia’s ranking forwomen in national government had con-tinued to decline when compared withother countries.

While a UN-led meeting has been dis-cussing Vanuatu's long term recovery

from Cyclone Pam, it has emerged that Aus-tralia is Vanuatu’s biggest aid donor providingmore than $10 million to non-government or-ganisations. Total number of Australian per-sonnel helping in Vanuatu is nearly 600.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop vowed Aus-tralia would remain in Vanuatu for “as long as

it takes” to recover from the devastation. Prime Minister Joe Natuman thanked Aus-

tralia for its help in the wake of the severeTropical Cyclone Pam, a maximum categoryfive storm that destroyed homes and crops andcontaminated water supplies in Vanuatu, in-creasing the risk of the spread of infectious andwater-borne diseases.The cyclone also severally damaged the econ-

omy that is dependent heavily on tourism. MsBishop (above right) visited Vanuatu with theChief of Defence Forces, Air Chief MarshalMark Binskin.Data shows that some specialists were

charging more than 10 times more theMedicare fee for procedures includingplastic and reconstructive surgery. Gov-ernment is being urged to define what con-stitutes unreasonably high fees, and makedebts on these unenforceable.

Terry Barnes a policy consultant saidwhile the bulk of specialists behave rea-sonably, “a few bad apples” charge exces-sively. He presented Australian Bureau ofStatistics data that showed the cost wasmore often a barrier to specialist care thanit was for GP visits.

Almost 8 percent of patients said theywere deterred from seeing a specialist bycost, compared with about 5 per cent whoreported being deterred from seeing a GPdue to coast.

Between 2007 and 2013 out-of pocketcosts for operations increased by morethan 25 per cent in real terms, more thanany other category covered by Medicare.

The Prime Minister got into hot water again when he de-scribed Labor Leader Bill Shorten as Dry Goebbels of

economic policy. The German was the infamous Nazi pro-pagandist and anti-Semite under the regime of Adolf Hitler.He served as minister of propaganda for the Nazi Germangovernment of the Third Reich, and is generally held re-sponsible for presenting a favourable image of the Naziregime to the Germans. The comment provoked outrage and again sparked discus-

sion over Abbott’s judgement and aggressive style in poli-tics. Two Jewish MP marched out of the room as Mr. Abbottswiftly withdrew the comment.

Some weeks ago the PM came out with a similar contro-versy when he accused the Labor Party when in Govern-ment of having caused a “holocaust” of job losses. He alsoapologised for that remark.

A quick glimpse at AustraliaA quick glimpse at Australia

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 17



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Helping Vanuatu’s recovery from Cyclone Pam

Charging too much?

Women in Parliament

Rememberingthose Nazis

Women Parliamentarians (from left): Eleni Petinos (Lib candidate for Mi-randa), Jodi McKay (ALP candidate for Strathfield), Verity Firth (ALPcandidate for Balmain), Jo Haylen (ALP candidate for Summer Hill), Bron-nie Taylor (Nationals upper house candidate), Jessica Price-Purnell (Na-tionals candidate for Cessnock), Jenny Leong (Greens candidate Newtown)

Page 18: The voice 98

The George Cross Falcons Centre atCringila NSW now has a new Men’s

Shed, a workshop funded by the communitybuilding partnership NSW.

The Men’s Shed was inaugurated by StateMember of Parliament, Noreen Hay DuringSeniors Week 2015. For this occasion theCentre was packed by its members. This new

initiative that will provide amongst otherthings toys and other woodwork for personswith disability.

As they do every year during Seniors'Week, two groups from the Greenacre Dis-ability Service attended and shared lunchand the best of Maltese food. The Maltese Nuns from the nearby convent

also attended. Club president Louis Parnis told The Voice

of the Maltese that the George Cross FalconsClub Inc is doing great and receiving thesupport of the local community.

The club is at 25-27 Lake Ave, CringilaNSW 2505. It can be reached by phone on(02) 4273 0906.

New addition to the GFC at Cringila

On left: State Member of Parliament, Noreen Hay inaugurates the Shed in the presence of Mr Louis Parnis. Right They are joined by other members

18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

On a very nice autumn and sunny afternoon in Mel-bourne the Hobsons Bay Association led by their

President Chev Joe Attard and his hard-working com-mittee, association members, and the Maltese commu-nity filling the great Heritage Listed and HistoricalParish Church of St Mary Star of the Sea, in West Mel-bourne, took part in the feast of Jesus the Redeemer.For the occasion, that was also attended by the Consul

General for Malta in Victoria, Mr. Victor Grech and hiswife Mrs. Patricia Grech as guests of honour, MissMiriam Belli, superior of the ladies section of the Society ofChristian Doctrine (MUSEUM) prayed the Holy Rosary, whileFr Karm Borg celebrated mass assisted by the Parish Priest of StMary’s Fr Anthony Bernal and Fr Denis Carabott MSSP. FrBorg also delivered the homily.The Choir of Victoria with Mrs Lydia Gusman as leader was in

the hands of Mro. CharlesSchembri, while Consul

General Mr. Victor Grech and Mrs. Miriam Vella were the read-ers. Prayers of the faithful where read by Emmanuel Brincat, thewife of the Consul General, Mrs. Patricia Grech, the seniorv/president of the Association Mrs. Carmen Gauci and otherladies of the committee presented the gifts. Trumpeter for the oc-casion was Mr. Steve Azzopardi. Sacristan Frank did a marvel-lous job as master of ceremonies.

A great number of Associations were represented for the occa-sion with their standardsthat were then placed on theside of the main alter duringthe Church service, andlater they taken out in theprocession. In the end, the president of

the Maltese Hobsons BayAssociation read his “thankyou” speech and after Be-nediction a procession withthe statue of Jesus the Re-deemer was held outside thechurch grounds amidst con-tinuous prayers.

Report and photos byEmm. Brincat

Chev Joe Attard, presdient ofthe Hobsons Bay Associationreading his “thank you” speech

The celebrants (from left): FrDenis Carabott MSSP, Fr KarmBorg and Fr Anthony Bernal

Feast of Jesus the RedeemerFeast of Jesus the Redeemerin Melbourne by MHBAin Melbourne by MHBA

The procession withthe statue of Jesus theRedeemer outside theChurch grounds

Page 19: The voice 98

Taf xi jfissru dawn?

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 19

ÌuΩe` Muscat Azzopardi (ÌMA) twieled Óal Qormi fl-1 ta’ Set-tembru 1853. Studja s-Seminarju tal-iMdina u fl-Universitàta’ Malta fejn ˙a d-diploma ta’ prokuratur legali fl-1875.

Huwa ΩΩewwe© lil Tonina Fenech u kellu tlett itfal: Ivo (kittieb),Ìino (kittieb) u Anton (kompoΩitur). Peress li Muscat Azzopardi kien avukat li jispikka la˙aq Presi-

dent tal-Kamra tal-Prokuraturi Legali u kien membru tal-GiuntaTeatrale tal-Gvern. B’˙erqa kbira kien jippromwovi d-dramaMaltija u kien l-editur ta’ diversi perjodiçi fosthom In-Na˙laMaltija (1878) u Il-Óabib (1911), u kkontribbwixxa wkoll f’publikaz-zjonijiet o˙ra b˙al Id-Dawl (1892) u Il-Óabbar Malti.

Kien hu li, flimkien ma’ Mons. Pawl Galea ˙ajjar lil Dun Karmjibda jikteb bil-Malti fl-1912. ÌMA kien membru fil-Kunsill tal-Gvern u waqqaf l-G˙aqda Kit-

tieba tal-Malti (li aktar tard saret l-Akkademja tal-Malti). Fl-1920©ie elett b˙ala l-ewwel president tag˙ha, kariga li baqa’ jΩomm samewtu. Fl-1924 sar l-ewwel editur ta’ Il-Malti, il-˙ar©a perjodikali tal-

g˙aqda. G˙all-kitbiet u l-attivitajiet reli©juΩi tieg˙u, ©ie onoratdarbtejn mill-Papa Piju X. L-ewwel kitba tal-proΩa tieg˙u kienetIl-Óajja ta’ San Ìor© (1874), li kienet traduzzjoni mit-Taljan. Hu kien involut b’mod attiv fil-˙ajja soçjo-kulturali, tant li fl-

1875, fl-età Ωag˙Ωug˙a ta’ 22 sena nsibuh imniΩΩel b˙ala segre-tarju tas-Soçjetà Filarmonika Pinto ta’ Óal Qormi. Óames snin

wara, fl-1880, huwa kiteb il-versital-ewwel innu f’©ie˙ San Ìor©,il-Qaddis patrun tar-ra˙al. Kienukoll president tal-istess Soçjetàmill-1906 sa l-1917.

Muscat Azzopardi spikka wkollb˙ala rumanzier. Fost ir-rumanzistoriçi tieg˙u nsibu Toni Bajjada(1878), Mattew Callus (1878),Vicu Mason (1881), Susanna(1883), Çejlu Tonna (1886),Çensu Barbara (1893) u NazjuEllul (1909). Fir-rumanzi l-istorjassir indikazzjoni tal-©ejjieni u r-rumanzier i˙allat valuri nazzjon-alistii mal-istorja vvintata.

ÌMA kien ukoll poeta mirqum.Óafna mill-poeΩiji tieg˙u jinstabuf’Ìabra ta’ PoeΩiji bit-Taljan ubil-Malti (1876), Óamsin poeΩijabil-Malti (1890) u Ìabra s˙i˙a ta’Sunetti bi Studju fuqhom tal-Kit-tieb Innifsu (1956). ÌMA miet fl-4 t’Awissu 1927, il-Belt Valletta.

ÌUÛE` MUSCAT AZZOPARDI, poeta u rumanzier (1853-1927)

(Tag˙rif me˙ud minn le˙˙ il-Malti tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti fi ˙dan il-Kulle©© San Injazju, Malta)

G˙andek tikteb timlieh. F’kaΩi b˙al dawng˙andna g˙aqda bejn Verb u Pronom

MehmuΩ. Issa l-verb mela huwa verb nieqes (jewl-a˙˙ar konsonanti tal-G˙erq tieg˙u hija dg˙ajfa:1-2-J) u l-verbi neqsin fl-Imperfett (PreΩent)

jispiççaw u˙ud bil-vokali –a u w˙ud b’-i. Jekk g˙al mument tifredil-Pronom minn mal-Verb, mill-ewwel tinduna jekk il-verb jispiççaxbil-vokali –a jew b’-i, u minn hemm tkun taf kif g˙andek tikteb.

Jekk il-verb (mifrud mill-pronom) jispiçça bil-vokali –a, din issir –ie-. Jekk il-verb (mifrud mill-pronom) jispiçça bil-vokali –i, din tibqa’ –i-.

G˙alhekk issa nifred il-verb mill-pronom mehmuΩ (= timla +lilu), ninnota biex jispiçça l-verb (= -a) u la, skont ir-regola, –a ssir–ie-, nikteb timlieh.

Xi eΩempji o˙ra: iksihom (g˙ax iksi lilhom) // insieha (g˙axinsa lilha) Ilbiera˙ ippretendieh (g˙ax ippretenda lilu) // illum nip-pretendih (g˙ax nippretendi lilu).

Biex tikteb Malti tajjebX’nikteb timlih jew timlieh?

Tg˙allem ikteb:henahekkhedahinnsehem





BALDAKKIN Tinda mag˙mula mid-damask li tintrefa’ minnerba’ jew sitt ir©iel. TintuΩa waqt il-festi tal-Ewkaristija, b˙al Corpus, meta s-SagramentjinΩamm ta˙tu. Fl-img˙oddi kien jintuΩa wkollmill-g˙arajjes fil-festa tat-tie© (ta˙t)

BEKBIEKA Reçipjent g˙all-inbid li ftit ’l isfel mill-g˙onqikollu g˙atu tal-fu.˙˙ r mimli bit-toqob. Óadetisimha min˙abba li meta jo˙ro© l-inbid-minnha, jo˙ro© bil-mod mit-toqob u jag˙mel ˙oss ta’ bekk, bekk, bekk.

HLIEFAIl-qoxra ta’ ©ewwa tal-qam˙, il-ful tal-miΩwed,il-karawett u xi frott b˙all-g˙eneb. G˙andna l-espressjoni ‘˙a l-qam. u ˙alla l-.˙iefa’, li tfisser˙a l-a˙jar u l-ag˙ar ˙allieh g˙al ˙addie˙or.


Page 20: The voice 98

Community NewsCommunity News

MCC Oral history project - Maltese PersonalitiesIn order to pre-

serve our Mal-tese-Austral ianheritage for poster-ity, the MCC ofNSW has em-barked on video-

recording the settlement experiencesof Maltese personalities.

The oral history interviews are con-

ducted in English on Wednesdaysmornings. The time taken variesfrom 60-90 minutes and are done byMark Caruana, who has been doingsuch interviews since 1982.At the end of the interview, the per-

son interviewed is asked to do anynecessary editing and to furnish fourphotos to be included in the DVDcover.

The MCC will produce seven DVDs,five of which go to the family, one tothe MCC Archives and one to the Na-tional Library in Canberra. A dona-tion of $50 to cover costs would beappreciated.Anybody wishing to have his settle-

ment history recorded, is requested tocontact Emanuel Camilleri on 98220228.

Lejla M©arrijaIl-Horsley Park Community Social Group, Horsley Park

se jorganizzata din il-leja

g˙all-iM©arrin u l-Óbieb Nhar is-Sibt 25 ta’ April f’Mandavilla Events Centre

Horsley Drive, Horsley ParkDivertiment ipprovdut minn Charlie

Muscat u Joe XuerebMistednin speçjali: Natasha Vella u

Martin Vella$65.00 kull persuna li tinkludi Antipasto

Malti, ikla ta’ tlett korsi, birra, inbid, softdrinks te` u kafe`.

Ikun hemm: “Lucky Door Prize”, “Raffle”, wirja ta’ ritratti u ˙afna iktar.

Biex tibbukkja çempel lil: Theresa Quattromani 0402-178-781, jew Josephine Borg 0402-040-954

Il-qlieg˙ kollu jmur g˙all-Cancer Council


20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

The Voice is not just a news portal;


Bla HsiebSunday April 19 at 2.00 p.m.at

Wentworth Leagues Club

The Cittadini....Present:

Special guest, direct from Melbourne:

George Spiteri

For tickets: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414

859386; Doris: 9636 2295Donation of $12. Kids: ¢6.00

Iç-Çittadini sponsored by: MALTA TRAVEL


. .

We comment,..... We get your message across...We fight for your rights......We believe in freedom of expression...and we are read in the right places.


Sunday July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett ; Sunday October 18: Spring FieraSunday December 6: Feast of St Nicholas

For further information call Bill Schembri: 0416 261 415.

Important dates for the remainder of 2015


Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley S A 5009Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868.

AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327

Invites you to attend the Easter Monday Luncheon to be held on MONDAY APRIL 6, at the

Maltese Cultural Centre 6 Jeanes Street Beverley

Lunch Menu: potatateos with meat (Patata l-Forn bil la˙am) and afterwards desert.


ADMISSION: Members -$7.00Non-Members -$10.00Children - $5.00

After lunch we will be playing Bingo and other games

TO BOOK: See or phone: President JOSEPH BRIFFA on 8254 6988, or anytime on Mob. 0421 791;

MARY CRAUS on 8281 2329; RITA BORNHOEFTor see anyone from the committee


Email: [email protected] Website: www.malteseguild.webs.com

Page 21: The voice 98

Community NewsCommunity News

Meetings of Day CareMaltese Groups in NSW

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Tuesday of the Monthfrom10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr

of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fair-field Heights.

Daceyville Maltese SeniorsMeets on the last Wednesday of the

month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus TripsCome and join us and make new friends..

On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue DigitalTuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2To tune into digital radio you need receiveror device with a DAB+ chip.Tuning in is by station name not fre-

quency. Digital radio can also be heardon digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Chan-nel 38 and SBS.Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is

the present FMwavelength. Digital radiocan also be accessed by a smart phoneand/or by going online at HYPERLINK:http://www.sbs.com.au, www.sbs.com.auMaltese Programmes on TV and Web

The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW on TVS is broadcast in Sydney

Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tues-days 7.30 amWatch direct via HYPERLINK:http://ww.tvs.org.au; http://ww.tvs.org.au

Maltese Radio ProgrammesMELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or onwww.3zzz.com.au. Mondays 5pm, Fridays5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesdayeach month at 1pm.

MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM,each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Em-manuel Brincat.MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930):97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thurs-day (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordi-nator – Ray AnastasiIn SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio pro-gramme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, oron demand: www.893fm.com.auIn BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Pro-gram on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am;Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pmUNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune into link: www.unclesamdj.com

The SBS MALTESE NEWS L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please con-tact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC officesare at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)

Merrylands Social Maltese SeniorsMeets every second Friday of the

month; Miller Room, Memorial AvenueMerrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandillo Maltese SeniorsMeets on the first Wednesday of the

month at the Llandilo Community Hall,Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.

Greystanes Maltese SeniorsMeets on the second Monday of the

month n the George Preca Centre of

OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St GeorgeMaltese Group

Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesdayof the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm

Our Meetings/Get Togethers are inter-esting, informative & entertaining.

Come Join us and make new FriendsFor more information contact our Coor-dinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02)9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298

VIVA MALTAVIVA MALTA on Central CoastRadio: on April 9th and 23rd - from 6 pm-7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 CommunityRadio in Gosford NSW. Presenter:Nathalie Gatt.

Web streaming on: www.coastfm.org.au.

The Maltese Language Schoolof NSW invites applications for

Maltese language classes atthe Alfred Fenech Maltese Re-

source Centre located at 59b Franklin Street (corner

with Young Street) Mays Hill(next to Parramatta West

Public School).

Both young and adult students may apply.

For more information contactMary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189

or email:[email protected]

The Maltese Language School of NSW

Maltese Community Council of NSWwould like to announce that the currentcourse for seniors in Computer skills isveing held every Friday from 10am to 12

noon at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Re-source Centre (AFMRC).

Phone Emanuel Camilleri on 0409744376 or 98220 228. Places are limited

so you must book.

Maltese Community Council NSWAlfred Fenech

Maltese ResourceCentre, 59b

Franklin Street (crwith Young Street)Mays Hill NSW.

Phone: 02 98220228

Group Meetings for Maltese livingat the Central Coast: are held

every second Monday of each monthfrom 10 am to 12 at Wyong RSL, cnr

Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong

For more information Tel: 02439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazineevery fortnight and also join us on our facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 21

Isma’ l-programm tar-radjubil-Malti mill-Kunsill Maltita’ NSW minn fuq l-istaz-

zjon 2GLF 89.3FM.Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On De-

mand minn fuq l-Internetwww.893fm.com.au

(On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am)Fi programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd

fil-11.00 ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijietminn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura,

avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin

Tune In to Radio and Television

Page 22: The voice 98

Se ttella’ il Via Sagra bil Maltixog˙ol ta’ Frank Zammit, nhar it Tli-eta 31 Marzu fis-7pm fil-Knisja ta’

Our Lady Queen of Peace, Old Prospect Road,Greystanes. Iç-Çelebrant ewlieni se jkun Fr NoelBianco.

Il Via Sagra se tkun animata mill-Kor tal G˙aqdaKulturali Maltija. Wara kul˙add mistieden g˙at-tejew kafe fil-sala ta San George Preca. Ghal aktartag˙rif cemplu lil Jim Borg: 9636 7767.



18 Day Fly – Cruise – Stay – TourCommencing September 19, 2015

Visiting Perth – Bali – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore.Fantastic Tour – Great value – All inclusive from $3650 p/p

Proceeds to be donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta.

For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767.Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza can now be made

in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSWBSB: 062 416 A/C No. 10199448

This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued.

Proudly supported by:

22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799

St Helena Maltese/Aust. SC

MOTHER’S DAY DINNER DANCEIL-klabb se jorganizza Dinner Dance g˙al Jum l-Omm nhar

is-Sibt 9 ta’ Mejju fis- 7.00pm fil-klabb stess, f’100 Jackson St.Marsden Park.

--------------------------------------------------------Se jkun hemm 3-course meal b˙al ta’ New Year’s Eve bil-©elat

b˙ala deserta. Xorb ie˙or inkluΩ alcohol jista’ jinxtara mill-bar.--------------------------------------------------------

Id-divertiment se ji©i pprovdut nill-Brandy Rock ‘n Roll Band----------------------------------------------

Prezz: Kbar $45; Tfal ta˙t it-12-il sena $20 G˙al tag˙rif u biljetti: Mary Said: 0421 285 698, jew George Zahra:

0407 424 651

ÓAMRUN ASSOCIATION LTD 100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park, NSW 2765 Ph: 02 9838 1111 Email: [email protected]: George Zahra 0407434651 Secretary: Robin McGarrigle 0407701004

La Valette Social Centre Programm ta-G˙id

Óamis Ix-xirka 2a ta`April: 7.00pm: Quddies ul-˙asil tar-ri©lejn. Wara jsiru s-seba’ visti u l-addo-razjoni.Il-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira 3 ta April: fit-3.00pm tibdal-funzjoni fil-KappellaSibt il-G˙id 4 ta’ April: fil-4.30.p.m. Iç-çentrujifta˙ g˙all-ikel; 7.p.m.: Il funzjoni tal-G˙id. Warassir il-bingo. Ma ssirx quddies f’dan i-jum.Óadd il-G˙id 5 ta’ April: fl-10 am: Festa ta L-irxoxt bl-statwa, il quddiesa u wara l-purçissjonibil-marçi G˙al tag rif çemplu: Iç-Çentru 9622 5847; Il- Kappella 9622 5850

Il-kumitat jixtieq l-G˙id it-tajjeb lil kul˙add

Community NewsCommunity News

Full Programme for 2015

APRIL 18 (Saturday): Function at AlbionMAY 2 (Saturday): Mother’s Day function at Melrose MAY 16 (Saturday): Function at AlbioMAY 24: (Sunday): Half yearly meet t Parkville JUNE 20: (Saturday): Function at Albion JULY 18: (Saturday): Function at Albion AUGUST 21: (Friday): Feast Mass at ArdeerAUGUST 22: (Saturday): Feast dinner dance at Melrose AUGUST 23: (Sunday): 35th Anniversary feast at Ardeer SEPTEMBER 19: (Saturday): Functioin at AlbionOCTOBER 24: (Saturday): Function at Parkville OCTOBER 25: (Sunday): AGM meet at Parkville NOVEMBER 14: (Saturday): Function at Holy Eucharist DECEMBER 19: (Saturday): Xmas function at Melrose.

(For bookings or more information phone Victor: 0412 99 13 25)

175, Walter Road Blacktown NSW

L-G˙aqda Kulturali Maltija ta’ NSW

Our Lady of Victories Parish, Horsley Park

Good Friday ActivitiesPreparations for the Good Friday Procession in HorsleyPark, NSW are well underway and the Organising Groupwishes to advise readers of upcoming important activity.

Friday April 3: Good Friday:Help is greatly needed early inthe morning to install outdoor

equipment necessary for the pro-cession such as PA systems,

lights and barricades.

The Church service begins at2.30pm. The Church can only

hold a certain amount of people,so come early. At 4.00pm, theMaltese Cultural Association

NSW Choir begins performingtraditional dirges and hymns, al-ternating with Our Lady Queen of

Peace Maltese Band which willplay funeral marches.

The procession begins at5.00pm. All participants shouldbe present by 4.00pm to changeand prepare for the procession

(come rain, hail or shine).

There’s a possibility that cos-tumes would be available to

wear, particularly for adults. Formore information about cos-

tumes, or anything concerningthe activity, one should phone:Fred Cauchi on 0407 914 051.

Page 23: The voice 98

Community NewsCommunity NewsGEORGE CROSS GEORGE CROSS

FALCONS CLUB Inc.FALCONS CLUB Inc.(25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) 4273 0906 [email protected])

Seniors’ Day Every Monday

Home-made cooked two-course meal, tea and coffee

Bingo and dancing lessons, computers available for usage.

Cost only $5.00. Sponsored by MCCI Illawarra.

Phone 42 746121 and leave message

Tuesday March 31, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 23

Id-direzzjoni ta’ TheVoice t˙e©-©e© lill-qarrejja li j˙ossu lijew g˙andhom tal-ent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti,imma mhux biss, in-kella li ja˙sbu li bi ftit g˙ajnunajistg˙u jrabbu l-kun- fidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk iridu, jew jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna, inkella jistg˙u jibag˙tux-xog˙ol tag˙hom lil: The Voice ofthe Maltese. Email address:[email protected]

Lesti nippublikaw i-kitbiet tag˙-kom f’dan il-magazine.

Fuq Radju Malta (www.pbs.com.mt) kull nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a fis-2.30 p.m. TippreΩenta Josephine Zammit Cordina Tinteressak il-kitba?

As part of the 100th Anniversary of the Anzac’s Commemoration, the Sutherland & St.GeorgeMaltese Group will be visiting the Australian War Museum & Memorial in Canberra onWednesday April 8. It will be an official guided tour, but those who decline to participate inthe guided tour are free to do so.

This War Museum is the Fifth largest of its kind in the World, therefore it would be a veryinteresting and informative visit. The Museum also has a small section dedicated to Malta.

We will be travelling in a modern and luxurious 5 Star Coach that will leave from Mirandaat 8:00am sharp. Another pickup is from OLQP Church in Old Prospect Rd at 8.30am. Thenwe travel to Canberra stopping on the way for morning tea, etc, at Goulburn. We will thenhave Lunch and visit the Museum. We plan to leave Canberra to return home at approximately 4:00pm, again stopping at Goul-

burn for Afternoon Tea or a meal. We expect to get back to Liverpool at around 7:30pm, andMiranda by 8:00pm. We aim to stick to these times as much as is possible. However, some variances may occur.The Coach is equipped with a toilet and a TV monitor, allowing us to watch a feature film

on the return trip. In order to ensure that passengers enjoy maximum comfort, we are re-stricting the number of passengers to 48.

The total cost for the coach trip is $42 per person.

Anybody interested is advised to contact Charles Mifsud on his mobile: 0421 662 298 A.S.A.P.

Coach trip to Australian War Museum & Memorial in Canberra

UTS Sydney - Free English classesAs part of its Teachers Training for 2015, the University of Technology (UTS)Sydney - Insearch is offering free English classes designed to improve one’sspeaking and listening skills. Following is the programme for this year:

Up till May 28 (6.00pm-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening)July 6 - July 31 (1.30pm to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday)August 11 - October 15 (6.00p.m-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening)October 20 -December 23 (6.00pm-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening)

If interested call 92188646, fax 92114334 or email: [email protected]

Student Centre, Ground Floor, 187 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 (corner Quay & Thomas Street Chinatown).

Students must be at least 16 years old

Malta Society of New Zealand

We now have a Facebook pagethat former members are in-

vited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland:



It is open to all who have an interestin the Maltese culture.

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, il-qarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lufil-website: www.tvm.com.mt u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornatal-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u.

Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak lijkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Maltafuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiettal-jum ta' qabel.

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)





Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in theMaltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in

language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language,the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189

Or email: [email protected]

Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme.Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of

Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCCof NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

Maltese language teacherswanted: paid positions

Page 24: The voice 98

Malta lost its Euro2016 qualifier inBaku against Az-

erbaijan by 2-0, a defeatthat pushes them down tobottom spot in the Group Hstanding as Saturday’s vic-tors leapfrogged over themin penultimate position.

The disappointing resultleaves the Maltese withjust one point from five

matches, still searching fortheir first victory after fiveoutings, and the only teamfrom the six in the groupstill without a win.

Azerbaijan, looking fortheir first victory made theperfect start with a goal in-side three minutes and thensealed victory with a sec-ond two minutes into ad-ded time.

The hostswent ahe-ad from aJavid Hus-eynov he-ader whenhe caughtthe Maltad e f e n c eu n a w a r efollowinga right wincross.

Malta re-acted withan Effiong

effort that was saved by thehome goalkeeper.

But from then on it wasthe Azerbaijanis who dic-tated play and it was onlyin the final third of thegame that Malta showedany semblance of confi-dence tey coud salvagesomething. Which was mu-ch too late, particularly asthey conceded for a secondtime, a goal scored byDmitri Nazarov.*Three days earlier Malta

conceded two goals in thefinal seven minutes in afriendly international at theMeskhi Stadium againstGeorgia to lose 2-0. Maltaconceded the first goal on83 minutes in controversialcircumstances when LabaKankava used his arm todeviate the ball past Haber,and then substitute ValeriKazaishvili hit a low drivepast Haber.

After such a good start to their IDivision campaign when they

won away at Marconi, ParramattaFC (Melita Eagles) lost their nexttwo matches, 4-0 at the Melita Sta-dium against Sydney Olympicwhen they had no answer to avastly superior opponents whowere already two goals inside thefirst 10 minutes, and on 3-1 againstBlacktown City on Saturday at theLilys Football Centre.

The Eagles took the leadthrough F. Marty on 10 minutesbut City responded with goals byMacura 2, and Antelmi.

Parramatta, who deserved adraw, play their next game athome at Melita Stadium on Satur-day April 4 at 7.30pm againstSutherland Sharks FC.

With the Malta national football teamengaged in international commit-

ments, only one round was played in thePremier League, and as a result of a surpris-ing 2-2 draw against relegation-hauntedNaxxar, Hiber- nians’ lead at the top hasbeen reduced to eight points. But they stillmanaged to extend their unbeaten run to 27ma-tches.

Nearest challengers, Birkirka-ra and Val-letta both won to reduced the gap with thetable- toppers to eight and nine points re-spectievely.

Balzan Youths and Sliema Wandererswon five-goal thrillers with Balzan stren-thening their hold on fourth position bybeating bottom-place Tarxien 3-2, andSliema defeating Ûebbu© by a similarscore. Floriana dropped a place after fail-ing to go beyond a scoreless draw againstQormi.

Malta’s World cham-pion powerboats driv-er Aaron Ciantar (onright) and his trottle-man, Italian Domeni-que Martini are pict-ured after receivingtheir trophies at theUIM Gala Awards cere-mony in Monaco, afterwinning the OffshoreClass 1 category in theUIM Championships

Spor tsSpor ts

Malta Premier League FootballHibernians v Naxxar L. Rodolfo Soares, Edison L. dos Santos(H) Birkirkara v Pietà H.Zach Muscat, Maurisio Mazzetti (B);Leonardo F.dos Santos (P)Valletta v MostaIkenna P. Hilary, Llywelyn Cremona,Hamza Barry (V); Gary Roberts (M)Balzan v Tarxien R. Dylan Grima, Bojan Kaljevic (B); JustinGrioli og, Mohamed Soly (T)Floriana v QormiSliema W. v Ûebbu© R Bocar Djumo 2, Mark Scerri (S);Yessous Camilleri, Rashid Yussuff (Û)

Results Round 27

24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 31, 2015

Hibernians BirkirkaraVallettaBalzanFlorianaSliema W

Naxxar L.MostaQormiPieta H.Ûebbu© R.Tarxien R.

27 23 4 0 43 27 17 5 5 3527 18 2 7 34 27 12 8 7 27 27 10 10 7 26 27 9 7 11 21

27 7 8 12 1827 8 5 14 1727 5 7 15 13 27 5 7 15 12 27 5 6 16 1227 4 9 14 11

Standings P W D L Pts

Darryl Hill, an18-year-old represent-ing Isle of Man claimed the U-21

European Snooker title at the end of theChampionships that attracted 87 playersand was hosted in Malta during lastweek. Hill defeated England’s LouisHeathcote by 6 frames to 3 in the final atthe Dolmen Hotel, Qawra where 258matches and a total 1,026 frames (731frames in group phase, round-robinstage) were played.

The losing finalist had earlier endedBrian Cini, Malta’s best player’s dreamby beating him 5-0 with a superb per-formance in the last eight stage.

Cini managed to compile the highestbreak in the tournament, an impressiverun of 133 that sealed a comfortable 3-1victory against Michal Kotiuk, of Polandin the last 64 stage.Cini then teamed up with Tony Drago in

the European Team Championships thatfollowed the U/21 event at the samevenue. Alex Borg and Duncan Bezzinawere defending the title they won last yearin Bucharest, Romania. Malta started withsix teams in the men’s open. Duncan Bezzina/Alex Borg (Grp C) and

Tony Drago/Brian Cini (Grp F) defeatedSwitzerland and Norway respectivelywith identical 5-0 scores. Bezzina/Borgthen lost 2-3 to Scotland 2, but alongwith Drago/Cini and Busuttil/PeplowMalta 4-Grp E are all still with a chanceto progress.

The Grand Finals are scheduled forWednesday April 1.

The women’s tournament is also beingstaged.

Malta hosts Euro SnookerChampionships

Australia A-League

Round 23

Results Round 3Blacktown C v Parramatta FCBlacktown S v Sydney UMarconi S v Apia LTSutherland S. v South Cst W.Sydney O. v Brownrigg WE Manly U v Rockdale CS

Wellington Ph. v Sydney FCMelbourne Vic. v Central CoastPerth Glory v Western Syd.Newcastle Jets v Adelaide U. Melbourne City v Brisbane Roar


Good news is that theirsupporters are being revived.For more information gotheir facebook page.


Football: PS4 NPL 1 NSWSecond loss on the trot for Parramatta

Round 2Parramatta FC v Sydney O. Blacktown S v Rockdale CS Brownrigg WE v Marconi SSydney Utd v Sutherland S.South CW. v BlacktownApia LT v Manly U

The title race continues to bethrown wide open with only

two points separating the topfive teams, particularly afterSydney’s 3-0 away victory over

table-toppers Wellington. The next four teams all won

their games with Melbourne V,Sydney and Perth now all lockedjust a point behind the leaders.

Round 22Brisbane Roar v Wellington PhAdelaide U v Melbourne VictorySydney FC v Melbourne CityCentral Coast v Perth GloryWestern Syd. v Newcastle Jets







extend unbeaten run Hibs drop points but

Title race thrown wide open

PS4 NPL 2 NSW Mounties W. v Northern T. 0-2---U/20: Parramatta v Sydney O.2-0U/18: Parramatta v Sydney O.2-4



Goals each side of interval down Malta

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