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Page 1: The VOX - Dec. 2014
Page 2: The VOX - Dec. 2014

To the unbeknownst reader,

Congratulations! You have made the best decision of your day in picking up this magazine, whether it was a conscious, unconscious, subconscious or ego decision.,QVLGH� \RX� ZLOO� ºQG� WKH� EHVW�progressive reading created by WTUL’s own family of DJs describing, mocking and celebrating life (woah) and the PXVLF�WKDW�ºOOV�WKH�VSDFH�EHWZHHQ�(oh, alright cool)!

For decades The VOX Humana has been THE place for your updates on the ever-changing music scene. Whether you are a fellow trend-setting, funky-fresh Tulanian, a seen-it-all, cool-cat Nawlins music lover, or a stage-diving, rock star, THIS is your shit!

WTUL is proud to be bringing The VOX back to full strength this year as in recent years, we’ve failed to deliver our message to you. It is time for us to get

back on track to being the best college radio station in the whole world, and this zine is our RҬLFLDO�NLFNRҬ�

This past semester we have begun many changes at WTUL to beat the changing times of internet radio, ipods in cars, and Nicki Minaj. Beginning with some structural reorganization, we have beefed up RXU�VWDҬ�DQG�GHGLFDWHG�RXUVHOYHV�to getting the most out of every opportunity to highlight the best and brightest in the music scene. We have co-promoted over a dozen shows around the city, began new fundraisers at some of our favorite spots, and already in the works of planning the most kick-ass 2015 Annual Rock On Survival Marathon that y’all have seen in years!

Our media team has been changing our game by uploading every interview, in and out of the station, onto soundcloud and youtube, running a new monthly

newsletter showing our continuous progress, and of course, rejuvenating this magazine!We have new shows covering the best, worst and inbetweens of the collegiate and professsional sports world, and we are tapping into the brightest of Tulane’s professors with weekly interviews to spread as much knowledge as possible!

Finally, we look forward to our next class of apprentices taking over the late night scene, as ZHOO�DV�ºQLVKLQJ�VRPH�KXXXJH��EXW�secret (shhh!) projects you can only learn about by following our moves in the monthly newsletter.

Thank you for reading and for being the greatest listeners a station could have! We look forward to rocking out with you ‘til the end of time!

Ben SamuelsGeneral Manager

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Neil: Houston was a very interesting show because if you haven’t heard, there’s a lot of controversy about people stage diving at their shows, and hurting a lot of people. So at Tampa a kid stage dove at their show and Barry, who’s the singer for Joyce Manor, got him backstage and was like “Hey man just don’t do that.” It made a big fuss on the Internet. The Internet really blew it up; people started to overreact about the whole situation. When we we’re in New Orleans we were just kind of talking about, but we go to Houston and mid set there is a guy tweeting “I’m gonna mess with Joyce Manor.”

DJ: “My parents came to America to give me to opportunity to stage dive.”Neil: Something dumb. Just one of those types of fools, you know. So he did, and then Barry went kind of ballistic and then the crowd went ballistic. Meanwhile, we showed up to the show really nervous. %RWK�VKRZV�ZHUH�VROG�RXW��7KH�ºUVW�QLJKW�ZDV�OLNH�����SHRSOH�LQ�Houston and that’s way more than we’ve done even here probably. So we’re freaking out.

Neil: Yeah dude. Everyone started to talk about it. We were driving to Austin, just looking through our phones, just like “this is all anyone’s talking about right now, and we’re just stuck in the middle of it.” It didn’t make any sense to us.We go to Austin and we show up for sound check, and I start to talk to Chase from Joyce Manor to ask how he’s holding up and he’s like “Well we got death threats today.”

Neil: The Internet can be crazy, and I think the big problem to me. With the Internet, and the hype of

certain scenes and grouping together bands and labels

DQG�DOO�7KDW�VWXҬ�VKRXOG�QRW�matter at all. The media blows it up to the point where it’s because it causes a lot of

WUDҬLF�WR�WKHLU�VLWH�DQG�PDNHV�it easier for people to attach to the band, and it can be

really good for the band. But when people take it so far,

it just becomes not about the music anymore. And that’s the biggest problem. It’s just

like, why do you even listen to music if you’re going to

act that way?

“People make up what

people are like in

their heads without

even meeting them. It’s

nuts.” - Neil Berthier

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This weekend I met this guy. He was in New Orleans for Voodoo )HVW��ZKLFK��LQ�P\�RSLQLRQ��KDG�D�SUHWW\�ODFNOXVWHU�OLQHXS��:H�JRW�FR̆HH�DQG�he said he was excited to see Foo Fighters. Ok, not cool.

Everyone I know luuuuuuvs Nirvana. It’s like that band all the kids NLQGD�NQRZV�JURZLQJ�XS�EXW�RQO\�VRPH�RI�WKHP�DFWXDOO\�OLVWHQ�WR��VHH��7KH�*UDWHIXO�'HDG��7KH�0LV¿WV��EDVLFDOO\�anything with a large breadth of music). So you’ve got all of these girls wearing pink Nirvana sweatshirts from DELIA*s and wearing Teen Spirit, listening to that one song. Then you’ve got kids who actually listen to Nirvana, and totallyyyyy worship Kurt Cobain. And then there are people, like me, who think Nirvana is cool, but they are kind of overrated. Sorry y’all.

All I can say positively about Nirvana is that they revolutionized grunge music and that Dave Grohl is a really cool drummer. But, Foo Fighters are lame and are played a lot on those psuedo-alternative music radio stations (I’m looking at you, Radio 104.1 in Connecticut).

But whatever, the point of this is that Dave Grohl is haunting me because I don’t like Nirvana or Foo )LJKWHUV��,W¶V�OLNH�HYHU\RQH�LV�REVHVVHG�ZLWK�WKH�VXSHULRU�TXDOLW\�RI�KLV�PXVLF��EXW�,�FDQ¶W�¿QG�DQ\WKLQJ�LQ�P\�heart to salvage it. Everywhere I turn, there’s someone new talking about Dave Grohl.

� %X]]IHHG�DUWLFOH��³���WKLQJV�WKDW�VFLHQWL¿FDOO\�SURYH�'DYH�*URKO�LV�WKH�FRROHVW�GXGH�LQ�PXVLF´��VRPH�JLUO�talking about how ‘hot’ he is, and kind of this whole aura of him surrounding music in Chuck-Norris phenomena fashion. Someone called me at TUL and requested that I play Foo Fighters. Ugh. This can’t just be his popularity ÀRXULVKLQJ��+H¶V�WRUPHQWLQJ�PH�ZLWK�WKH�SRZHU�KH�KDV�RYHU�HYHU\RQH�HOVH��

� ,�GRQ¶W�NQRZ�KRZ�WR�UHFRQFLOH�P\�GL̆HUHQFHV�ZLWK�'DYH��DQG�,�ZLVK�VRPHRQH�FRXOG�WHOO�PH��,�UHDOO\�FDQ¶W�bring myself to buy a Foo Fighters record. I don’t want to listen to his music. Should I call ghost busters? This is a plea.

Please leave me alone, Dave Grohl.

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Christmas is obviously one of the largest holidays in the United States, if not the biggest. Over time, the once purely Christian holiday (ignoring its pagan origins) became more of a pan-religious celebration that emphasizes SRVW�LQGXVWULDO�EHQHºWV�RI�PDVV�PDUNHWLQJ�and cheap labor the modern world provides us. However, while many non-Christians joined in celebrating this event, we Jews for the most part stick to our own traditions. No, not just Hanukah. This holiday is the wonderment of Jewish Christmas. What is Jewish Christmas you ask? Jewish Christmas is like no other event, and is celebrated so as it highlights what is so unique of the Jewish culture. For my family, Jewish Christmas entails a GD\�IXOO�RI�HYHQWV��:H�VWDUW�RҬ�WKH�GD\�E\�sleeping as late as we damn well please. We GRQ±W�ZRUU\�DERXW�SUHVHQWV�RU�NLGV�ºJKWLQJ�over them, so why the hell get up? When we eventually get up, we decide to see what is open that day. With Jewish Christmas and Christmas unfortunately occupying the same day, most places are closed, so we usually end up seeing a movie. Whoever decided movie theater employees do not JHW� -HZLVK� &KULVWPDV� RҬ� VKRXOG� EXUQ� LQ�Jewish Hell, but it works out for the rest of us so whatever. When the movie is over, of course we are hungry. Many restaurants are closed in observance of either Christmas or Jewish Christmas, so usually only Chinese restaurants are open. As per tradition, we ignore Kosher so we do not have to cook for ourselves. It is Jewish Christmas after all.

I asked other people who observe Jewish Christmas they’re favorite parts about the holiday. Their

responses are as follows:

“We go to our Christian relatives’ KRXVH� DQG� PRRFK� RҬ� WKHLU� KDUG�

worked meal.”

“I watch movies. Not Christian Christmas ones though!”

“The best part of Jewish Christmas is the Doctor Who Christmas


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new(ish) albums!!

new(ish) albums!!

new(ish) albums!!

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by Jacqueline


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what happens when a bunch of hipster DJs can’t play theirbeloved TY SEGALL because we all play it too much?

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