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    The Wests Crumbling PowerThe Beginning of Sorrows: Part 2by Chief Apostle Dr. Eric vonAnderseck

    Leviticus 26Transcription of TeachingDate of Teaching: November 7, 2008

    []: Editors insertion for flow of reading.To Listen to the Teaching: www.apostleeric.com/the-wests-crumbling-power.php

    The Judgments of God IntensifyTo whom Much is Given Much is required

    God continually smites the nations regarding their indifference to Him; their smiting is equal to

    that which they have received.

    Those who receive much, much is required. We see the smiting of the children of Israel in

    regarding His judgments in the book of Revelation as we see also Jerusalem divided up into

    thirds and the nations of the world collapsing. All the monuments of mans aspirations and his

    Gods message to the world: The door of

    salvation through Jesus Christ is fast

    closing and the time of Gods wrath is

    fast approaching.

    Now is the time to come into covenant

    with God.

    The Beginning of Sorrows is also a

    wakeup call to the church for God has

    said that judgment begins at the house of

    the Lord. This is the hour of temptation

    for the church for God is challenging

    believers to come into covenant with







    The Judgments of God Intensify

    To whom Much is Given Much isrequired God Holds Out His Hand For


    Man Moves Further Away From God! God Raises up Sheaves of Wheat to

    Stand Against the Tares

    Cain Bears the Yoke of Sin

    Man has not Changed!

    God Speaks Through His Prophets

    Who is Willing to Hear His Voice?

    Is Your Name in the Book of Life? Have You Been Believing a Lie?

    God Reforms Mans Thinking

    Gods Fury!

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    3 2008 Chief Apostle Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, IDCCST

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    pride; the sky scrapers even the fishing industry, everything that Adam is tethered to for his

    survival of the imagination is dissolved by the power of God.

    Leviticus 26 - The temperatures of the judgments are set at its lowest: that has to do with

    sicknesses and struggles. This is just the beginning; sorrow of heart, consuming of the eyes,aliments which are treatable at this point, so those struck at this first level of aliments and

    diseases, and sickness, think that at this point, if they are able to resolve these small things then;

    they will be able to handle any big plague that comes against them; as people do today think:

    regarding having inoculations prepared for any kind of dirty bomb or any kind of anthrax or

    any kind of disease that hits (mad-cow disease or other things).

    God Holds Out His Hand For Repentance Revelation 9:21

    Man Moves Further Away From God!

    Revelation 9:21- In each smiting of Gods wrath there is also held out a hand for repentance.

    Yet repented they not! At the beginning of the smiting they hid themselves in the dens and

    caves of the earth and they cried out, Hide us from the wrath of the lamb. The word hide was

    not a word of knowledge for repentance, but rather for resolve that we [the people] may

    continue our lifestyle [uninterrupted for we do not want this God bothering us] as we like it and

    enjoy it as we know about it: that we may go out and play 9 holes of golf; that our turfs out

    there will be nice and green and life will continue to flow with our pleasures, that we may enjoy

    our weekends and have our parties, to continue to exploit other people and we can exercise our

    passions as we see and as we desire.

    Revelation 6:16- We see that this is what they really wanted; they didnt take it as Oh Lord we

    repent of our sins, [and so] the intensity of their ignorance continued as they saw themselves

    get further and further away from the Lord.

    Leviticus 26:17, I will set My face against you. The distance will increase and you shall be slain

    before your enemies; as we see even today the exchanging of coffins from one people to another

    people. Why are Adamites destroying themselves?

    Why do Adamites physically and philosophically fight against each other? Making widows and

    orphans and increase the labor of the funeral homes. They that hate you shall rule over you.

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    4 2008 Chief Apostle Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, IDCCST

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    They are going to make the rules and so Moses, warning the children of Israel; your enemies, the

    Gentiles, are actually going to make rules for you. We can see this beginning to happen in the

    times of Samson, that the Philistines were ruling over them and the judges or the rulers of the

    people say, Dont you know Samson that the Philistines are our rulers that we have to obey

    their laws?

    God Raises up Sheaves of Wheat

    To Stand Against the Tares

    But God rose up a Sheaf of wheat amongst these thorns that stood against the lies of the

    Philistines and also the religion of Dagon. The same thing today: God is raising up sheaves to

    stand against the tares; that there is a division; there is contrast; that there is truth in the earth;

    to those who embrace the covenant.

    Cain Bears the Yoke of Sin Children of Cain:

    o Those who Worship Themselveso Those who use Passion for Justification

    Leviticus 26:18 If you will not yet, for all this hearken unto Me: In verse 18 the thermostat is

    being turned up from one degree to seven degrees higher: Then I will punish you seven times

    more for your sin. The same thing was spoken unto Cain: Now I will smite Cain with seven

    plagues. Cain lived to be nine hundred years old and in each century, God would put one more

    plague upon Cain that he would bear the yoke of his sin against his brother Abel.

    This is what God is doing today on the children of Cain; those who worship themselves and their

    passions using it for justification. They say, Well I feel this is right, I dont feel youre right, I

    am feeling that I am right, which is their passion speaking and not truth speaking. The truths of

    their own passions are speaking based on their experiences, saying My experiences in life

    dictate to me this perspective; therefore, I must be right. And because of this the Lord says I

    will punish you; not Satan, I am going to do this.

    They Which Sat in Darkness Saw Great Light! - Matthew 4:15

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    5 2008 Chief Apostle Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, IDCCST

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    Then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. we can see that when Jesus came on the

    scene (The Emmanuel, God with us) when Jesus came on the scene with His ministry, they that

    sat in darkness saw great light. The conditions of Israel at this time was at its peak of ignorance.

    It will be the same thing again; when they kill the two witnesses Enoch and Elijah, theyre goingto actually think that they have removed the offence and they will actually mark it as a global

    holiday in regarding this time: Lets celebrate the death of these two men, who so tormented us

    and always told us we were bad people and always told us we need to come in covenant when

    our traditions speak for us. We were working for world peace, global unity, religious

    ecumenicalism; we were looking for this and these men always stood against our endeavors;

    they were our enemies, they made me feel bad. Thats the same thing that Ahab said to Micah,

    This prophet over here never speaks good concerning me; he always tells me I am a bad person

    that I need to come into covenant, when we are keeping the traditions.

    Ahab would point to the hill and say, See this hill over in Samaria, we have a shrine up there in

    the honor of our fathers and you [Micah] are calling me a bad person, and look at the shrines

    over here and the images of Jeroboam the son of Nabat. After all, the images that he makes is

    inscribed in the faces of the cherubim; we believe in the same God that you do!

    Again that was Satans perception; false justifications. We can see the mindset of people in

    ancient times is the mindset that the people have today.

    Man has not CHANGED! God Breaks the Pride of Mans Power!

    The Adamites are no different than they were thousands of years ago. Every city itself will

    become nothing more than a mound and a dung hill for every honor of man. And if you will not

    yet hearken unto MeI will punish you seven times more for your sins. And I will break the

    pride of your power; I am going to set mischief upon your honor; your heritage; your boasting;

    and your education system. You see that today; God did the same thing; everything that man

    exalts requires the blood of their aspiration, and I will make your heaven as iron, and your

    earth as brass.

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    Your labors will be difficult and your strengthens will be spent in vain. Youre going to work long

    hours for little wage; For your land shall not yield her increase, even that which it does bring

    forth is going to be diminished, Neither shall the trees yield their fruits.

    Gods Judgments are in Portions Man is Contrary to Gods Covenant!

    This again is the sign that the sinners need to hearken to; isnt this the case today? That the

    fields of the farms that you have labored [for from] one generation to the next generation are not

    bringing forth fruit (the harvests, as you determined). If God was to execute His wrath in its

    fullness we would all be consumed. But God executes His judgments in portions; a portion here

    and a portion there; a little famine here and a little famine there.

    If you were to take out a map of the world and put it on your wall and every time the news comes

    on, mark on that when there is an earthquake in China, there is an earthquake in the UnitedStates. When there is an earthquake in Columbia or Venezuela or in Asia or Middle East. As one

    portion so is another portion; a loss here and a loss there; a little here and a little there.

    Leviticus 26:21 If you walk contrary. When you see the word COVENANT highlight that and

    hear the word CONTRARY [highlight that also]. As we see the word contrary here, we going to

    see also the word CONTRARY in the verse 24, You walkcontrary to Me I am going to walk

    contrary to you. You dont honor Me, and I am not going to honor you.

    God is not robbing you of pleasure; what He is saying right here When you come in covenant Iwill see to it that you are pleased; that you have the pleasures of the flesh as I created you, but

    when you replace my covenant with the pleasures of the flesh then I am going to judge you for

    those things because now you are putting yourself above Me.

    God Speaks Through His Prophets! Who is willing to hear His Voice?

    Leviticus 26:21 If ye walk contrary to Me, and will not hearken unto Me, the word hearken

    which means: I am going to speak to you by the words of My selected vessels; Prophets, when I

    speak by those people, which I send to you (as God has done in every millennium and every

    WEEK, as we see in the book of Judges and in the book of Revelation; the 144,000 are going to

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    7 2008 Chief Apostle Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, IDCCST

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    be the voices of the Lord during the tribulation the first three and half years and they will be


    Do you think people are going to run and say Hey are you one of the 144,000 in the book of

    Revelation? and they say, Yeah I am, and they will say, Yeah I really dont believe so because

    I dont see anything different in you that is not of myself.

    In other words You look like everybody else. So did Jesus; Jesus looked like the common man

    as concerning His appearance and His needs; He had to eat and He had to sleep; He looked like

    everybody else, and so will the 144,000; they are going to look like anybody else. And the two

    witnesses will look like everybody else; the knowledge of the throne is what they are going to be

    preaching as the stewards and the grace of God to precaution people.

    If you do not come into covenant with God; these things are going to happen to you. And they

    are going to be announcing to the nations of the world in regarding these things and they are

    going to come against the governments saying, You are not representing the interest of these

    people; but the interest of your own endeavor. You are running office just for the purpose of

    putting your name in the books of history. You want to leave a marking of your life as a

    memorial for these people to honor; youre not really interested in faith in God.

    And because of the words of these two witnesses theyre going to be had in abomination in the

    eyes and the ears of the sinner to where the beast that ascends from the abyss thats located in

    Iran, he is going to come and contend with these two witnesses and overcome them by Godswill. Nobody could ever overcome these two witnesses until God gave the beast that ascends out

    of the abyss (the bottomless pit that is located in Iran) to overcome them.

    Is Your Name in the Book of Life?

    Have you Been Believing a Lie?

    After three and half days the Spirit of God entered into these two witnesses and at that point in

    time people will begin to think (whose names are not written in the book of life) have we been

    believing a lie all this time and not realized it? Why did these two men arise from the dead andascend into heaven? Why did a voice come from the sky saying, Come up here? Have we been

    believing a lie? But again their hearts will turn away from God by Satans persuasion; the

    deceiver of the world; the prince of darkness.

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    Leviticus 26:22 I will send wild beast among you, which will rob you of your children. I am

    going to take them and I am going to preserve these animals in the zoo and then I am going to

    release them by an earthquake. These lions, tigers, wolfs, and these bears are going to walk up

    and down these streets of your suburbs and they are going to pounce on your children; drag

    them and crush them. I will send wild beast among you even diseased beasts, which will rob you

    of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number. Take heed! Isnt this

    what is happing today?

    Alligators, crocodiles, wolves, mountain lions, even coyotes, coming into your cities, bears

    walking up and down your streets even killing your pets, which you are fatting to feed these wild

    animals; and these wild animals are being protected by law, which cause your leaders to initiate

    for the purpose of doing these judgments that you will not be able to stand and protect yourself;

    and your highways shall be desolate, not only because of high prices of gasoline but because of

    bandits and gangs.

    GOD REFORMS MANS THINKING!o God is NOT in expansion Programso God is in Christ!

    Leviticus 26:23 And if ye will not be reformed: Highlight the word reform, which means you

    have to change your thinking. Your leaders are keeping you in bondage to yourself by Me

    [because I am putting them in authority to do it because you are not turning to Me] by these

    things; they [ministers] want you to come to church for the purpose of them maintaining

    influence over you so that their coffers, and their money, and expansion programs will continue

    on so they can boast themselves and say, See God is with us!

    No! God isnt with your expansion programs; God is in Christnot in your aspiration. And if

    you will not be reformed by Me by these things: God says, I am putting these judgments on

    you; so dont go cursing the devil cause you think its him, because its not him at all, it is Me; I

    am doing it.

    Your religious leaders always blame the devil so that they can maintain the false justification of

    their covetousness. And if you will not be reformed by Me by these things, by these tools and

    these judgments but will walk contrary to Me, highlight the word contrary because your

    justifications are by spoilers and not by faith; then I will also walk contrary to you. Highlight

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    9 2008 Chief Apostle Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, IDCCST

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    the word contrary again verse 21, 23, 24. He says I am going to punish you and will walk

    contrary to you yet seven times more for your sins.

    There is the word seven again in verse 18, 21, 24, 28 and he brings out also and expounds on this

    in verse 35.

    I Will Walk Contrary To You!

    I Will Not Stand In Your Favor! Neither Shall Your Hope Be Seen!

    Neither will I allow your false justifications to remain prevalent; I will remove your false

    justifications by My truth. Then I will walk contrary to you, and will punish you yet seven times

    more for your sins, And I will bring a sword upon you, I am going to bring war on your gates

    that shall avenge the quarrel of My covenant.

    The Quarrel of My Covenant!o You prefer YOUR tradition over Covenant!o You Prefer YOUR Aspiration over Faith!o You Prefer YOUR Principle over Truth!o You Prefer YOUR Covetousness over Temperance!

    You look at covetousness as a token of one who has great faith. The more that you hoard, the

    more gold that you have, the more finances that you had in the banks; you look at that as the

    blessing of the Lord; that is not MY blessing! That is your deceptiona deceitful lust.


    Your Justification is by Satans Perception!

    When you are gathered together within your cities, (the same thing like the ghetto wars) I

    will send the pestilence the angel of pestilence among you, I will even send rodents, plagues of

    the earlier centuries where we can see God did these things: Malaria, AIDS, and incurable

    diseases. God says that I will do this; these things just dont happen just out of nowhere; they

    happen at a point and they happen on a mass scale just like the Lord send rodents in the land of

    the Philistines which marred their crops; God did that; Super Natural.

    GOD BRINGS JUDGMENTS UPON MANKIND!o Man Will Not Prevail by Technologyo Man Will Not Prevail by Science

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    Man will try to find some reason for it under the microscope; we call it MacGyverism, which

    means he tries to find reason through his own logic and through his own science, which lies to

    you because it removes it from the One that is judging you into ones own logic and

    circumstances of life saying, We will prevail by our technologies, and by our physics and by our

    science. And yet God put his judgments upon these things.

    When you are gathered together within your cities, (the same thing like the ghetto wars) I will

    send the pestilence the angel of pestilence among you. Just like the Lord sent the angel of death

    into Egypt by the word of Moses. God does the same thing [today], I will take all your first born;

    by plagues, by incurable diseases or I am going to send them to war; I am going to take the best

    of the best and I am going to use their blood to water the plants; the enemies fields. And ye

    shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy, even Satan.


    Leviticus 26:26 And when I have broken the staff of your bread, I am going to make bare the

    shelves of your grocery stores. Instead of the place where you are gathering together for your

    pleasure it is going to be gathering together for your want. It says here And when I have broken

    the staff of your bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven because of loss; financial

    loss, and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight, same thing in the book of

    Revelation measure wheat for a penny and three measures of barely for a penny.

    As we see in the Apocalyptic opening here of the third beast: And the third seal will be opened

    and he had a pair of balances in his hand, which showed the inequity of a mans heart. And ye

    shall eat, and not be satisfied, as we see in Revelation 6.

    Leviticus 26:27 And ye will not for all this hearken unto Me, and that is the words of My

    Prophets, the stewards which I have sent and here is that word again but walkcontrary unto

    Me, and not do what I expect out of you and come in covenant.

    Many Run to Church

    o But do not Come Into Covenant With God. Many Petition God for Their Sins

    o But do not Come Into Covenant With God.

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    11 2008 Chief Apostle Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, IDCCST

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    They are appointing people to be the leaders; but again the leaders are not stewards God has

    sanctified, until God raises up a judge and we see this in the book of Judges.

    Leviticus 26:28 In verse 28 we see the word contrary again Then I will walk contrary to you,

    I am not going to give you what you desire but I am going to put mischief to what I do give you;

    it is going to choke you.

    Just as He did with the children of Israel after they came out of Egypt; while they were chewing

    they say that while they were chewing (in their mouth) they began to choke on it and a lot of

    people died that day; as they are chewing the quail they died. Imagine that one; that was a

    strange thing and then science today would say what really happened is they had choke-alitis

    and that this happens so many years; that every other generation has choke-alitis and their

    throats closes up on them.

    People today give it some kind of Greek or Latin word and try to resolve it and they justify it by

    trying to identify it by with a Latin or a Greek word when its God judging it; that doesnt justify


    GODS FURYo I gave you a chance to make your petitions known to Me upon My

    altar, and My altar is empty of any sacrifice of faith

    Then I will walkcontrary unto you also in FURY! We see this in the book of Revelation when

    the Lord closes up the doors of His temple and His fury is increased; no man was able to enter

    the temple chapter 15 & 16.

    No man was able to enter the temple of Gods wrath or petition now. I gave you a chance to

    make your petitions known to me upon My altar, and My altar is empty of any sacrifices of faith

    so therefore my wrath shall be intensified against you;

    In MY FURY! When God says in HIS FURY He means in His furyTHE ANGELS WALK



    Take heed of that because you are bringing it upon yourself if you dont come into covenant with

    God. And dont go blaming other people and other philosophies; you have only yourself to blame

    because you have heard the knowledge of the truth.

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    fulfilled.WhenweremainboundtoAltar we are

    within the sanctuary and the Peace of God

    crowns the soul, to act as a buffer against the

    blows of whatever scenario might be played out

    within the . . .

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    growthin revelation, resistance & reward.




    Whilst in prayer I received the

    following words from the Throne

    of Grace which I would like to

    share for your edification,







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    Read more:


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    Breaking the Antichrist Code: The Blueprint of Deception


    "Dr. vonAnderseck can lecture at different levels, which makes him understandable by all. He is a superior educator.

    His research interests in the Antichrist touches on every spiritual question I have ever had. " ~ Florence

    Pure Praise: Restoring the Priesthood of the Believer:




    Learn Gods purpose for the Second Covenant



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