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Page 1: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low

Matthew 4:10

For it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God,

and him only shalt thou serve.

Darkness vs Light

Romans 13:12

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,

and let us put on the armour of light.

Scripture Memorisation



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013 Call to Worship Dn Lok Kwok Wah

Hymn 21: O God, Our Help in Ages Past*

Invocation & Gloria Patri*

Scripture Reading in Unison* Psalm 23

Hymn 120: Now I Belong to Jesus Collection of Offerings Doxology & Prayer*

Hymn 344: The Lord is My Shepherd

Children’s Sermon & Scripture Memorisation Pastoral Prayer Sermon Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy

“His Provision: Past, Present & Future” Haggai 2:1–12

Hymn 316: Jesus Never Fails* Benediction & Threefold Amen*

* Congregation Standing

Order of WorshipThe Word on Worship

Page 2: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low


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Today, 15 December Next Lord’s Day, 22 december9.00 – 10.00 am CHURCH CHOIR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHURCH CHOIR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR


10.30 amCH





Worship Leader: Pr Kelvin LimPreacher: Pr Kelvin LimMusician: Carmen WongFlowers: Roscelle LimRefreshments: Ivy SeahUshers: Cayson Chok, Chan Tuck Whye

Worship Leader: Eld Alan ChoyPreacher: Pr Daniel LimMusician: Sarah YapFlowers: Lee Kim LeiRefreshments: Roscelle LimUshers: John Peh, Jerry Chan






Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok WahPreacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas KoshyMusicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn LowUshers: Low Chip Hung, Linus Kok, David Ng, Cornelius Koshy, David Tan, Theodore WangGreeter: Lee Kim LeiAV Ministry: Crew No. 1Flowers: Judy ChayRefreshments: Diana Chan, Misty, Violet QuekJunior Worship: Choy Luan Kheng (Fidelia Mah), Stefanie Wong (Chu Seong Yeng), Low Boon Siang

Worship Leader: Dn Francis LeePreacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas KoshyMusicians: Sarah Lee, Dorcas KoshyUshers: Stephen Yap, Max Selvakumar, Andy Lee, Chan Tuck Whye, Maverick Pang, Jerah TanGreeter: Winnie YapAV Ministry: Crew No. 2Flowers: Choy Luan KhengRefreshments: Karen Quek, Esther Quek, Lim Hua SeeJunior Worship: Pr Jeremiah Sim (Eunice Choy), Pr Kelvin Lim (Cornelius Koshy), Andrew Koh

1.30 pm





ICE Worship Leader: Pr Dennis Kabingue

Preacher: Pr Dennis KabingueMusician: Chu Seong YengUsher: Randy LaurencioRefreshments: Joy Del Rosario

Worship Leader: Pr Dennis KabinguePreacher: Pr Dennis KabingueMusician: Chu Seong YengUsher: Julius Del RosarioRefreshments: All sisters


Song Leader: Lee Kim LeiNursery-P2: Melissa MahP3-P6: Dn Lok Kwok Wah

Cancelled in view of evangelism

3.30 pm




ME Venue: 487 Bedok South Ave 2

English Speaker: Pr Jeremiah SimDialect Speaker: Pr Kelvin Lim

Venue: 41 Toa Payoh Rise English Speaker: Eld Mah Chin KwangDialect Speaker: Pr Jeremiah Sim

Page 3: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low





15 December 2013

Pangasinan Mission ReportDonald dela Cruz

“Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.” — Psalm 90:16-17

The above verses from Psalm 90:16-17 summarise my earnest desire and prayer during my recent mission trip to Pangasinan. Every church work is God’s work. The Lord establishes the work of the hands of His servants upon them. He prepares and orders all things, and reveals His work before His servants. Truly, if the work is of the Lord, all things will fall into their proper places.

I went to Pangasinan for a period of ten days (Nov 18-29, 2013) to renew our fellowship with some of our contacts there and also to look for a suitable place for the new mission work that Gethsemane

BPC is planning to establish. Our church and, particularly, our brethren in the Gethsemane Filipino Fellowship have been praying for a mission outreach in Pangasinan for almost five years. Some worshippers in our church, who are from the northern regions of the Philippines, have been praying for the Gospel to reach their family members. It is our prayer that the Lord will use us to evangelize Pangasinan and her neighbouring towns.

God has enabled me to meet with our contacts and conduct Bible Study for them. 7 adults and 6 children attended Bible Study sessions held at Sister Cecille’s residence. Another Bible Study was held at the home of Sister Liza who attends True Life B-P Church; and it was attended by 5 adults and 3 children. During the Gospel Rally, 42 adults and 12 children heard the Gospel preaching. 24 of them were college students. God willing, in my

Page 4: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low






future ministry in this place, I plan to evangelize the family of Sis Lolita, the helper of Sis Priscilla Kim. Her home is a 30-minute ride from the place and we hope to start the mission work.

I was brought to a two-storey bungalow available for rental. It is situated within the vicinity of the city; and is suitable for our mission activities. There are sufficient rooms for church service and children’s classes. Its living room can comfortably accommodate 50 people for worship. If the Lord is pleased to bring more souls, we can use the dining hall as an extension of the worship place and 20 more seats can be added. The house can accommodate fellowship meetings and other church ministries, such as the children’s ministry. We can hold the children’s ministry in the open space located on the second level. It can hold 40-50 children. The house has enough room for parsonage and church office as well.

If the Lord permits, we can also start a Gospel outreach to students of the Maritime College,

which is adjacent to the house. It has more than one thousand enrollees. Interestingly, the owner of the college and the house is the same person. The house even has an access way from behind leading to the college. The school authorities are not against our Gospel preaching and the owner has given us the permission to minister God’s Word to the students. They will even allow us to use one of the classrooms for our Gospel Rally, free of charge. Thank God for moving their hearts.

Gethsemane’s ministry is heard even before we start the ministry. When I went to one Christian bookshop in Pangasinan, I asked the shop manager whether I could leave our Bible Witness magazines and Web Radio cards for people to freely take. He readily permitted me to do so. Later, when I delivered some Bible Witness magazines, an evangelical pastor who was there browsed through the magazines and found them helpful in his ministry. He requested for them for his church’s use.

Page 5: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low





Praise God for this year-end church camp in which I was greatly thankful for the sweet fellowship with church brethren who extended their warmth and love so unreservedly. I thank the Lord for the hard work of the camp organising committee and do appreciate especially the various morning devotion preachers as well as the camp speakers, Pastor Koshy and Rev Paul Cheng, who laboured hard for these sobering messages. I am very blessed to be able to have had time this December to attend the church camp, to be awakened

to my spiritual lethargy through the messages. And in such, I praise the Lord for the timeliness of the camp as well which has prepared my heart and spirit for the advent of the next year whereby a new job posting will most certainly present new trials and difficulties. May the Lord help me not to lean upon my own understanding, to deem myself self-reliant and self-sufficient, to think mistakenly that fighting my own battles is a worthy act of strength and boldness acceptable unto God. Instead, that is most foolish – stubborn

disobedience and human hubris manifest in direct defiance of God’s command for us to lean upon Him in all times of difficulty so that we may grow in grace, faith, wisdom and spiritual maturity. Christ is and must be the master of my heart. I pray that the Holy Spirit will constantly keep my heart obedient to the constraining power of the Saviour’s love and thus from being a worthless counterfeit. The Lord is our refuge and strength. All thanks, praise and honour be unto God.

Davina Lim

Thanksgiving for Church Camp 2013: Providence of Grace in Times of Trial

The Lord also providentially arranged for me to have a chat with the security guard of the college. When we invited him and his buddy for dinner, he revealed to me that he was a backsliding Christian. I encouraged him to rededicate his life and follow the Lord and also encouraged him to come and worship with us when we start our mission work.

Brethren, the Lord has led me all through this recce mission trip, which I have made in view of starting a Gospel work soon in Pangasinan. Let us pray for God’s further blessing upon our effort to start this new work for the salvation of souls. Pray also for the preservation of young believers in Pangasinan. All glory to our Almighty God.

Page 6: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low








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“A nd Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.

And the angel departed from her.” — Luke 1:38

According to the context of the above-mentioned verse, God sent the angel Gabriel to tell Mary certain things. Let us see what Mary had been told

and how she responded to God’s Word.

Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that she was highly favoured and blessed among women, for the Lord was with

her. She was troubled by those words. While she was pondering over them, Gabriel

allayed her fear and reiterated the fact that she had found favour with God (Luke 1:28-30).

Next, Mary was told that she would conceive a child and give birth to a son, and she should call his name Jesus (Luke 1:31). These words surely came as a shock to her. It was impossible! She had not been together with any man though she was espoused to Joseph then. Thus, she asked the angel, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” (Luke 1:34).

In answer to Mary’s question, she was told of how she would conceive: “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). God would empower her to be pregnant and ensure that she gave birth to a son!

Lastly, Mary was told that her cousin Elisabeth, who was called barren, was in her sixth month of pregnancy. “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:36-37).

My young readers, Mary was full of conviction concerning all the words that God had spoken to her through the angel Gabriel. She believed wholeheartedly that every thing said (of God) would surely come to pass! Thus, she was able to respond, “…be it unto me according to thy word.” Likewise, we must also receive God’s Word. Today, God speaks to us through the Bible. May the Holy Spirit move our hearts to believe all the words we read and to receive them wholeheartedly like Mary did.

Mary Received God’s Word Accordingly Kelvin Lim

Page 7: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low

gethsemane youth fellowship

Topic: Book Study on 1 JohnSpeaker: Pastor Koshy

Chairperson: Cornelius KoshyDate: Sat, 21 Dec 2013

Time: 3.00 – 4.15 pm (Choir practice) 4.15 – 5.30 pm (Bible study)

Venue: Simsville Condo Function Room

Day RetreatTopic: “David in His Youth”

Speaker: Pastor KoshyDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2013

Venue: Function Room 2 of Compass Heights Condominium

Time: 9.30 am – 6.00 pmMeeting Time & Place:

9.00 am outside “Japan House”, near Exit B of Sengkang MRT station

Please sign up at the reception desk. Invites for your friends are also available!

calendar 2014Not many left! Please get yours

while stocks last!

An excellent Christmas & New Year gift. Visit the book table today!

next catechism classThose seeking Baptism,

Affirmation of faith, or Transfer of membership at Easter next year,

please take note, the class will begin on the Lord’s Day,

29 Dec 2013, at 9.00 am. Do register with Sis Diana Koh.







LORD’S DAY on 8 DEC 2013Tithes 2,630.00Offerings 5,428.30Building Fund (2015) 500.00;

350.00; 200.00; 50.00; 25.00; RM400; 50.00(Chinese Svc)

Designated Gifts Php Relief Fund 1,100.00 FEBC Student Fund 200.00Sujith Samuel 100.00Kenneth Wong 100.00Daniel Lim 50.00Jasmine Lim 50.00Angeline Wong 50.00

NON-SUNDAY GIFTSBldg Fund (2015) 400.00GBPC (Ethiopia) 250.00Pastor Koshy 250.00

ETHIOPIA VAN FUNDTotal as of 8 Dec 2013 45,222.90

BUILDING FUND (2015)Since July 2013

Total as of 8 Dec 2013 136,192.05; US$75.00; RM400

PHP RELIEF FUNDTotal as of 8 Dec 2013 26,386.00

collections christmas carollingLord’s Day, 22 Dec

Organised by the Gethsemane Encouragers’ Ministry

For all hosts and carollers, there will be a meeting with Elder Mah immediately after

worship service TODAY.

christmas praiseWednesday, 25 Dec

7.00 pm – 9.30pm @ SingPost Level 5

Come and listen to the choirs of the church singing

praises to the Lord at the remembrance of His birth!

Bring your friends!Please sign up to facilitate

the catering of refreshments.special funds

Page 8: The Word on Worship Order of Worship2013/12/15  · ENGLISH SERVICE Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok Wah Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Musicians: Eunice Choy, Jollyn Low Ushers: Low

Time & Place of Worship10.30 am

Level 5 Auditorium Singapore Post Centre

10 Eunos Road 8 Singapore 408600

(next to Paya Lebar MRT station)

Prayer Hotline8138 8139

SMS or Whatsapp your prayer item

Our Office510 Geylang Road, #02-06

Singapore 389466 Tel: 6741 1910 Fax: 6741 1016

Our Websitesgethsemanebpc.com


Our PastorRev Dr Prabhudas Koshy

Mobile: 9001 1119 Email: [email protected]

Our SessionRev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Elder Mah Chin Kwang

Elder Alan Choy Elder Ng Poh Kok

Deacon Arvind Pawa Deacon Daniel Lim

Deacon Lok Kwok Wah Deacon Kelvin Lim Deacon Francis Lee







Tuesday Prayer Gathering8.00 pm @ L5 Auditorium, SingPost Centre

Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study1.15 pm @ Bible Witness Bookroom

Thursday Seniors’ Ministry11.00 am (Please contact Pr Jeremiah Sim)

Friday Morning Prayer6.45 am – 7.30 am @ Church Resource Centre

For more information, please call the church office at 6741 1910.

Please stay back after worship to join us for:

Refreshment & Fellowship12.30 pm – 1.30 pm

Adults’ & Youths’ Bible Study1.30 pm – 3.00 pm

Children’s Bible Study 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm

Post-Worship Activities

Weekday Activities

Bible Witness Magazine

Bible Witness Web Radio

Church Weekly

christmas & baptismal serviceNext Lord’s Day, 22 Dec 2013


Infant BaptismWang Ze Min, Rufus

(s/o Mr & Mrs Wang Chiang Hai, Theodore); Ariel Lim Si En

(d/o Mr & Mrs Francis Lim Poh Chuan) Affirmation of Faith

Denize Duaine Susano KabingueAdult Baptism

Lau Hui Yi, Clara Jesse; Charlotte Claire Buhian Manalad;

Leow Tze Yan, Valerie; Rosario Duenas NunezTransfer of Membership

Kui Yan; Lau Keuk Kiang, David; Fong Yuet Kwan, Nancy; Juvy Lynn Orbase Anaviso;

Lim Lee Meng, Joanna; Samson Hutagalung; Ellyzabeth; Valencia Kristy Hutagalung

gethsemane Ladies’ feLLowshipTopic: “Aversion to Worldliness”

Speaker: Pr Jeremiah SimChairperson: Sis Annie Ho

Date & Time: Sat, 21 Dec @ 3.00 pmVenue: Home of Sis Katherine Peh

Blk 486, Pasir Ris Drive 4 #11-489, Singapore 510486

Please contact Sis Carolyn (8183 5749) if you are taking the transport from Pasir Ris MRT station at 2.45 pm.

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