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Page 1: The Work of the Educational Psychologist


The Work of the Educational Psychologist

Lucy Harding

Educational Psychologist Brighton & Hove City Council

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• What is an Educational Psychologist?• What do we do?• Areas we cover• How do we do it?• A Typical Week• Training Route• Pay and Conditions• Benefits and Challenges

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What is an Educational Psychologist?

Educational psychology is concerned with children and young people in educational and

early years settings.

Educational psychologists tackle challenges such as learning difficulties, social and

emotional problems, issues around disability as well as more complex developmental



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Common areas of focus


Academic / Cognitive needs – specific learning difficulties (literacy; numeracy; language; memory), learning difficulties/disabilities, access to appropriate educational provision.

Emotional needs – attachment, anxiety, motivation, school refusal.

Social needs – social communication disorders, social interaction, bullying

Physical/Medical needs – physical disability, epilepsy, autism, deaf, blind

These are not mutually exclusive.

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What EPs do

Assessment children & young people (3-25 years)




Staff support and wellbeing

Educational policy and strategy

SEN systems

Multiagency working


Critical incident support

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(Social interaction; Attention; engagement in learning; level of and response to support)

Pupil Views

Standardised assessmnets

Surveys / Questionnaires

Staff and parental perspective

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Consultation with:*Parent

*Teacher or other member of staff

*Child or Young Person

Other professionals

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Interventions With Children & Young People

Anger Management

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy groups

Solution focused therapy

Family work (e.g. school refusal)

Video interaction guidance

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Behaviour management

Emotional literacy

Conditions: Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia,

Loss and bereavement

Anxiety and Stress

School refusal

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Where do EPs work?

Local education authorities employ the majority of educational psychologists. They

work in schools, colleges, nurseries and special units, primarily with teachers and parents. They regularly liaise with other

professionals in education, health and social services. A growing number work as independent or private consultants.


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Training Routes

• Undergraduate Degree in Psychology

• 3 year Doctorate

Highly competitive!


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A Typical Week.....It’s never the same!

AM PMMonday Observing a child at Infant

School with autism and meeting the teacher and parent.

Writing report and liaising with other professionals.

Tuesday Planning training session. Running training for school support staff on emotional literacy.

Wednesday Running a focus group with pupils at risk of exclusion for a piece action research.

1:1 session with Yr 5 teacher on supporting children with attachment difficulties

Thursday Meeting with a social worker and foster carer of a Child in Care


Friday Attending a Team around the Child meeting for a child with complex epilepsy.

Home visit for a family with a child with ASC, whom I have been working with for the past two years.

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The Important bit!The pay for an EP is in accordance with the Soulbury pay Scale (approx):

• 1 £33,934• 2 £35,656• 3 £37,378• 4 £39,100• 5 £40,822• 6 £42,544• 7 £44,165• 8 £45,786• 9 ** £47,305• 10 ** £48,825• 11 ** £50,243

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Too many schoolsMultiple agendasPerspective/ paradigm conflictsTo label or not?Equal opportunitiesResource issues

Some challenges

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Varied and flexible

Naturalistic settings

High levels of autonomy

Use a range of perspectives

Well regarded

Power to influence

Potentially very creativeWhat’s Good About The Job

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