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The Work of WHOin the South-East Asia Region

The Work of

WHOin the South-East Asia Region

Biennial Report of the Regional Director1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009

The Work of

WHOin the South-East Asia Region

Collaborative work continued to address many health problems prevalent in the Region

South-East Asia

Communicable Diseases

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

The pandemic and other natural calamities severely challenged health systems

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

Antiviral drugs and vaccine were rapidly deployed


TB prevalence rates declined by nearly 50 per cent


3.5 million people with HIV

Half are coinfected with TB


Only 40% of people living with HIV/AIDS receive antiretroviral treatment


Resistance to artemisinin has emerged as a big challengeEnvironmental management needs further attention


Number of dengue cases increased

Number of deaths declined


The number of polio-affected districts was reduced by a third


Leprosy control activities 2006-2010 adapted and implemented in all endemic countries globally


Kala-azar elimination programme expanded in Bangladesh, India, and NepalElimination of lymphatic filariasis and kala-azar targeted for 2015


Yaws eliminated in India

Diarrhoea and Pneumonia

Regional Strategic Framework to combat diarrhoea and respiratory infections developed


75% of new human pathogens can be traced to animals

Regional Strategic Framework for Zoonoses developed

Antimicrobial resistance

Regional strategy for antimicrobial resistance developedAntimicrobial resistance will be the theme of World Health Day 2011

Noncommunicable diseases

Noncommunicable diseases

Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic lung diseases and diabetes account for 54% of all deaths

Tobacco control

Global Adult Tobacco Surveys data released in Bangladesh and Thailand

Injury prevention

Member States are taking initiatives in injury prevention and road safety


Health Promotion

Regional Strategy for Health Promotion developed

Health-related MDGs

Task Force established to monitor progress on health- related MDGs

Regional framework for implementing the WHO-recommended Reproductive Health Strategy

Member States adopted a strategic framework to strengthen response to the health needs of adolescents

Regional strategy on early childhood development was developed and shared with Member States


Regional strategic framework for improving and sustaining immunization coverage draftedTen Member States established national advisory committees for immunization practices

Technical assistance to respond to the impact of climate change on food production and consumption provided to six Member States

Healthy ageing

Regional consultation on developing a strategic framework for active and healthy ageing

Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments

Climate change

Generic research protocols developed to assess the impact of climate change on several diseases

Occupational health

Capacity to implement the Global Strategy for Occupational Health for All and the Global Plan of Action for Workers’ Health assessed

Natural disasters

Support provided through the South-East Asia Regional Health Emergency FundSouth-East Asia Disaster Health Information Network established

Essential drugs and medicines

Regional meetings organized on medicine pricing, the patent pool and pharmacovigilance

Country Cooperation Strategies finalized for Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand and Timor-Leste

In addition to US$ 322 million from voluntary contributions US$ 3.7 billion were received by Member States from the Global Fund

WHO in South-East Asia

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