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Page 1: The Writings of William C. Sturtevant - Arenetarenet.org/Merrill_Pubs/2002_WCS Writings.pdfThe Writings of William C. Sturtevant Compiled by William L. Merrill NOTE.—The authors

The Writings of William C. Sturtevant

Compiled by William L. Merrill

NOTE.—The authors of jointly prepared publications are in­serted, in the original order of appearance, within square brack­ets following the dates of publication.

1952. Review oi Florida's Seminole Indians, by W.T. Neill. Florida An­thropologist, 5(3-4):65-67.

1953. [Harold C. Conklin and William C. Sturtevant] Seneca Indian Sing­ing Tools at Coldspring Longhouse: Musical Instruments of the Modem Iroquois. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Soci­ety, 97(3): 262-290.

1953. Chakaika and the "Spanish Indians": Documentary Sources Com­pared with Seminole Tradition. Tequesta, 13:35-73.

1953. [George W. Grace and William C. Sturtevant] Linguistic Question­naire. 13 pages. New Haven: Tri-Institutional Pacific Program.

1954. The Medicine Bundles and Busks of the Florida Seminole. Florida Anthropologist, 7(2):31-70. [Reprinted, 1987, in William C. Sturte­vant, editor, A Seminole Sourcebook, item 14, New York: Garland Publishing.]

1954. Statement of William C. Sturtevant Regarding S. 2747 and H.R. 7321. In U.S. Congress, Joint Hearing before the Subcommittees of the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs, Congress of the United States, Eighty-third Congress, Second Session, on S. 2747 and H.R. 7321. ...Part 8. Seminole Indians, Florida, March 1 and 2, 1954, pages 1136-1137. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Print­ing Office.

1954. The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices. 538 pages. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Yale University. [Reproduced as No. 67-11,355 by Bell and Howell Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, Michigan.]

1954. Review oi Journey into Wilderness, by J.R. Motte; edited by J.F. Sunderman. Florida Historical Quarterly, 32(4):300-304.

1954. Unsigned review of The Southern Indians: The Story of the Civilized Tribes before Removal, by R.S. Cotterill. United States Quarterly Book Review, 10(2): 173.

1954. Unsigned review of The Iroquois Eagle Dance: An Offshoot of the Calumet Dance, with An Analysis of the Iroquois Eagle Dance and Songs, by Gertrude Prokosch Kurath, by W.N. Fenton. United States Quarterly Book Review, 10(2):205-206.

1955. Notes on Modern Seminole Traditions of Osceola. Florida Histori­cal Quarterly, 33(3-t):206-217.

1955. A Selected Bibliography of Material Culture. 69 pages. New Haven, Connecticut: Peabody Museum.

1955. The Tri-Institutional Pacific Program and Its Linguistic Aspects. [Abstract.] Bulletin of the Philadelphia Anthropological Society, 8(3):5-7.

1955. [Harold C. Conklin and William C Sturtevant] [Summary ofj After­noon Session [on Ethnology.] In Proceedings of the Ninth Confer-

William L. Merrill, Department of Anthropology, National Museum of

Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560-

0112, USA.

ence on Iroquois Research, pages 9-12. Albany: New York State Museum and Science Service.

1955. Unsigned review of The Piltdown Forgery, by J.S. Weiner. Yale Re­view, 45(l):xii-xiv.

1955. Unsigned review of The Micmac Indians of Eastern Canada, by W.D. Wallis and R.S. Wallis. United States Quarterly Book Review, 11(2):230.

1956. Billy Bowlegs, Not Marcy's Scout Bushman. Chronicles of Okla­homa, 33(4):547-548.

1956. Osceola's Coats? Florida Historical Quarterly, 34(4):315-328. 1956. R.H. Pratt's Report on the Seminole in 1879. Florida Anthropolo­

gist, 9(1): 1-24. 1956. A Seminole Personal Document. Tequesta, 16:55-75. [Reprinted,

1987, In William C Sturtevant, editor, A Seminole Source Book, item 17, New York: Garland Publishing.]

1956. Unsigned review of On the Track of Prehistoric Man, by H. Kuhn. Yale Review, 45(3):x-xiv.

1956. Review oi Benjamin Hawkins—Indian Agent, by M.B. Pound. Amer­ican Anthropologist, 58(6): 1164-1165.

1957. [William C. Sturtevant and Margaret C. Blaker] [Proceedings of the] Tenth Conference on Iroquois Research, Red House, New York, Oc­tober 26-28, 1956. 4 pages. [Albany: New York State Museum and Science Service.]

1957. Selected References on the Seminole Indians. Smithsonian Informa­tion Leaflet, 98: 3 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution. [Revised, 1961, under the title "An Annotated List of References on the Seminole Indians."]

1957. Anthropology as a Career. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 100: 18 pages. Washington, D .C: Smithsonian Institution. [Revised and somewhat expanded, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1963, for reprinting by the Smithsonian Institution as Smithsonian Institution Publication, 4343. Reprinted, 1959, without the bibliography, in Morton H. Fried, editor, Readings in Anthropology, volume 1, Physical Anthro­pology, Linguistics, Archaeology, pages 6-14, and volume 2, Cul­tural Anthropology, pages 581-587, New York: Crowell; second edition of the same work published in 1968.]

1957. Bibliography on Indian Languages and Language Families. Smith­sonian Information Leaflet, 133: 6 pages. Washington, D C : Smith­sonian Institution. [Revised, 1961, by William C. Sturtevant and Wallace L. Chafe.]

1957. American Indian Languages. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 134: 2 pages. Washington, D .C: Smithsonian Institution. [Reprinted, I960.]

1957. The Cherokee Language. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 137: 2 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1958. Accomplishments and Opportunities in Florida Indian Ethnology. In Charles H. Fairbanks, editor, Florida Anthropology, pages 15-55. Tallahassee: Florida Anthropological Society and Florida State Uni­versity, Department of Anthropology. [Florida Anthropological So­ciety Publication, 5 ("4"), and Florida State University, Department of Anthropology, Notes in Anthropology, 2.]

1958. Siouan Languages in the East. American Anthropologist, 60(4): 738-743.


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1958. Review of Sun Circles and Human Hands, by E.L. Fundaburk and M.D.F. Foreman. George Washington University Alumni Review, 23(2):9.

1958. Review of Sun Circles and Human Hands, by E.L. Fundaburk and M.D.F. Foreman. Science, 128(3314):23-24.

1958. Review of The American Indian in Graduate Studies, by F.J. Docks-tader. American Anthropologist, 60(2):383.

1958. Review of The Seminoles, by E.C McReynolds. American Anthro­pologist, 60(2):386.

1958. Reviews of The American Indian as Hunter and A Brief History of the Indian Hunter, by J. Witthoft. American Anthropologist, 60(3): 621.

1958. Review of The Ethnobotany of the Island Caribs of Dominica, by W.H. Hodge and D. Taylor. American Anthropologist, 60(4):767.

1958. Selected References on the Indians of Southeastern North America. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 174: 16 pages.

1958. Selected References on Present-Day Conditions among United States Indians. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 175: 9 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution. [Revised, 1961, by Wil­liam C. Sturtevant; revised, 1969, by Samuel Stanley and William C. Sturtevant.]

1958. Selected Bibliography of Maps Relating to the American Indian. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 197: 4 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1959. A Suggestion for Field Recordings. Ethnomusicology, 3(2):75-76. 1959. Authorship of the Powell Linguistic Classification. International

Journal of American Linguistics, 25(3): 196-199. 1959. Selected References on the Indians of North Eastern North America.

Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 227: 17 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution. [Revised, 1966.]

1959. Review of The Travels of William Bartram, edited by F. Harper. American Anthropologist, 61(3):548.

1959. Review of The Discoveries of John Lederer, edited by D.L. Rights and W.P. Cumming. Ethnohistory, 6(2): 187-189.

1959. Selected References on American Indian Basketry. Smithsonian In­formation Leaflet, 230: 7 pages. Washington, D .C: Smithsonian Institution.

1959. Selected References on North American Indian Clothing. Smithson­ian Information Leaflet, 234: 4 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithson­ian Institution.

1959. Selected References on North American Indian Songs and Dances. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 79 (revised): 9 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1960. A Technique for Ethnographic Note-Taking. American Anthropolo­gist, 61(4):677-678.

1960. Hayda [Haida]. Encyclopedia Hebraica, 14:55. Jerusalem: Massadah Ltd. [In Hebrew.]

1960. Hrdlicka, Ales. Encyclopedia Hebraica, 15:184. Jerusalem: Mas­sadah Ltd. [In Hebrew.]

1960. A Seminole Medicine Maker. In Joseph B. Casagrande, editor, In the Company of Man: Twenty Portraits by Anthropologists, pages 505-532. New York: Harper and Brothers. [Reprinted, 1964, with same pagination, in paperback edition of volume, retitled In the Company of Man: Twenty Portraits of Anthropological Informants, New York: Harper Torchbooks.]

1960. The Significance of Ethnological Similarities between Southeastern North America and the Antilles. Yale University Publications in An­thropology, 64: 58 pages.

1960. Review of Memoirs or a Quick Glance at My Various Travels and My Sojourn in the Creek Nation, by L. Milfort. American Anthropol­ogist, 62(4):704.

1960. Review oi Southeastern Indians: Life Portraits, by E.L. Fundaburk. American Anthropologist, 62(4):704.

1960. Selected References on Indian Wars and Warfare. Smithsonian In­formation Leaflet, 48 (revised): 18 pages. Washington, D . C :

Smithsonian Institution. 1961. Comment on Gertrude P. Kurath's "Effects of Environment on Cher­

okee-Iroquois Ceremonialism, Music, and Dance." In William N. Fenton and John Gulick, editors, Symposium on Cherokee and Iro­quois Culture. Bulletin, Bureau of American Ethnology, 180: 197-204.

1961. Comment on "The Study of Social and Religious Systems in North American Archaeology," by William H. Sears. Current Anthropol­ogy, 2(3):243-244.

1961. Huronim [Hurons]. Encyclopedia Hebraica, 13:952-953. Jerusa­lem: Massadah Ltd. [In Hebrew.]

1961. Taino Agriculture. In Johannes Wilbert, editor, The Evolution of Horticultural Systems in Native South America: Causes and Conse­quences—A Symposium. Antropologica, supplement, 2:69-82 [Spanish text, pages 120-125]. Caracas: Sociedad de Ciencias Natu-rales La Salle. [Reprinted, 1991, in William F. Keegan, editor, Earli­est Hispanic/Native American Interactions in the Caribbean, pages 241-254, New York: Garland Publishing.]

1961. Review of The American Heritage Book of Indians. New York Her­ald Tribune Books, 29 October:5.

1961. Review of Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations, by R.C Bell. American Anthropologist, 63(6): 1396.

1962. Spanish-Indian Relations in Southeastern North America. Ethnohis­tory, 9(1):41—94. [Reprinted, 1991, in David Hurst Thomas, editor, Ethnology of the Indians of Spanish Florida, pages 307-360, New York: Garland Publishing.]

1962. Grant No. 2771 (1960): North American Indian Material in Euro­pean Museums. American Philosophical Society Yearbook, 1961: 588-591.

1962. [Thomas Gladwin and William C. Sturtevant, editors] Anthropology and Human Behavior, vii+214 pages. Washington, D.C: Anthropo­logical Society of Washington.

1962. A Newly-Discovered 1838 Drawing of a Seminole Dance. Florida Anthropologist, 15(3):73-82.

1962. Bibliography on American Indian Medicine and Health. Smithson­ian Information Leaflet, 99 (revised): 39 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1962. Review oi Essai d'analyse structurale appliquee a la cuisine diola, by L.-V Thomas. International Journal of American Linguistics, 28(1):61.

1962. Review of 77ie Application of Genetics to Cotton Improvement, by J. Hutchinson. American Anthropologist, 64(5): 1131-1132.

1962. Review oi Some Costumes of Highland Burma at the Ethnographi­cal Museum of Gothenberg, by H.H. Hansen. American Anthropolo­gist, 64(5): 1088-1089.

1962. Review oi Indian Art in America, by F.J. Dockstader. American An­thropologist, 64(5): 1113-1114.

1962. Review oi Apologies to the Iroquois, by E. Wilson. American An­thropologist, 64(5): 1116-1117.

1963. Creek. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 6:720. 1963. Seminole Myths of the Origins of Races. Ethnohistory, 10(l):80-86. 1963. Review oi Almost White, by B. Berry. Ethnohistory, 10(3):289-291. 1963. Reviews of The Journal of Christopher Columbus, translated by C.

Jane, and Natural History of the West Indies, by Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, translated and edited by S.A. Stoudemire. Ethnohistory, 10(2): 189-194.

1964. [Translation, headnote, and footnotes] A Jesuit Missionary in South Carolina, 1569-70. In Wilcomb E. Washburn, editor, The Indian and the White Man, pages 167-175. Garden City, New York: Dou­bleday and Co.

1964. [John M. Goggin and William C Sturtevant] The Calusa: A Strati­fied, Nonagricultural Society (with Notes on Sibling Marriage). In Ward H. Goodenough, editor, Explorations in Cultural Anthropol­ogy: Essays in Honor of George Peter Murdock, pages 179-219. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.

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1964. Studies in Ethnoscience. In A. Kimball Romney and Roy G. D'An­drade, editors, Transcultural Studies in Cognition. American Anthro­pologist, 66(3) part 2 (special publication):99-131. [Reprinted, 1968, in R.A. Manners and D. Kaplan, editors, Theory in Anthropol­ogy: A Sourcebook, pages 475-500, Chicago: Aldine. Reprinted, 1972, in James P. Spradley, editor, Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans, pages 129-167, San Francisco: Chandler. Re­printed in part, 1974, in J.W. Berry and P.R. Dasen, editors, Culture and Cognition: Readings in Cross-Cultural Psychology, pages 39-59, London: Methuen.]

[Charles H. Fairbanks, Irving Rouse, and William C. Sturtevant, ed­itors] Indian and Spanish: Selected Writings by John M. Goggin. 329 pages. Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami Press. [Stanley Diamond, William C. Sturtevant, and William N. Fenton] Memorandum. In U.S. House of Representatives, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Eighty-eighth Con­gress. First Session, on H.R. 1794. H.R. 3343 and H.R. 7354. ...May 18, July 15, 16, August 8, 9. 12, 19 and 20, October 31, No­vember 1, December 9 and 10, 1963, Salamanca, NY, and Wash­ington, D.C, pages 504-505. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office. [This memorandum also appeared, under the same title, in U.S. Senate, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eighty-eighth Congress, Second Session, on S. 1836 and H.R. 1794. ...March 2, 1964, pages 109-111. Washington, D.C: U.S. Goverment Printing Office. It was reprinted, 1964, un­der the title: "Memorandum Submitted to Subcommittees on Indian Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives," American An­thropologist, 66(3):631-633.]

1964. John Mann Goggin, 1916-1963. American Anthropologist, 66(2): 385-394.

1964. John White's Contribution to Ethnology [and catalog commentaries on the North American Indian entries]. In Paul Hulton and David Beers Quinn, The American Drawings of John White, 1577-1590, with Drawings of European and Oriental Subjects, 1:37-43, 85-113, 138-139, 140. London: The Trustees of the British Mu­seum, and Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.

1964. Five Civilized Tribes. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9:396-397. 1964. Seminole. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 20:313H. 1965. Mutilations and Deformations. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 6:

1106-1107. 1965. Tattooing. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 21:834. 1965. Preliminary Annotated Bibliography on Eastern North American In­

dian Agriculture. Bulletin, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 3:1-24.

1965. Historic Carolina Algonkian Cultivation of Chenopodium or Ama­ranthus. Bulletin, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 3: 64-65.

1965. Report of the Book Review Editor. American Anthropologist, 67(3): 768-771.

1965. Ethnographic Details in the American Drawings of John White, 1577-1590. Ethnohistory, 12(l):54-63.

1965. Couvade: Toward the Resurrection of Father Schmidt's Stillbirth. American Anthropologist, 67(5): 1287.

1966. Ethnological Collections and Curatorial Records. Museum News,

44(7): 16-19. 1966. Duration of Graduate Study for the PhD. Fellow Newsletter, Ameri­

can Anthropological Association, 7(6):3-4. 1966. [Richard H. Manville and William C. Sturtevant] Early Specimens

of the Eastern Wolf, Canis lupus lycaon. Chesapeake Science, 7(4): 218-220.

1966. Selected References on the Indians of Northeastern North America. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 227 (revised): 25 pages. Wash­ington, D . C : Smithsonian Institution. [Three sections were re­printed without authorization, 1969, under the title "Iroquois

Tribes," in The Indian Historian, 2(2):42.] 1967 ("1965"). Catalog of Early Illustrations of Northeastern Indians. Eth­

nohistory, 12(3):272—273. [Date on title page is 1965; actually pub­lished in 1967.]

1967. Early Indian Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks. In Na­tional Atlas of the United States of America, 2 maps, unpaginated. Washington, D.C: Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Sur­vey. [Reprinted, 1970, in The National Atlas of the United Stales of America, pages 130-132, Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of the Interior, [U.S.] Geological Survey.]

1967. Scalping. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 19:1135. 1967. Seminole Men's Clothing. In June Helm, editor, Essays on the Ver­

bal and Visual Arts, pages 160-174. Seattle: University of Washing­ton Press. [Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society Annual Spring Meeting, 1966. Reprinted, 1987, in William C. Stur­tevant, editor, A Seminole Sourcebook, item 16, New York: Garland Publishing.]

1967. Urgent Anthropology: 1. Smithsonian-Wenner-Gren Conference. Current Anthropology, 8(4):355-359, 361.

1967. Guide to Field Collecting of Ethnographic Specimens. Smithsonian Information Leaflet, 503: 41 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution. [Second edition, revised, 1977.]

1967. "Plains Indian Religion," review of O-kee-pa, by George Catlin, centennial edition, edited by J.C. Ewers. Nature, 216(5118):886.

1967 ("1966"). Anthropology, History, and Ethnohistory. Ethnohistory, 13(1-2): 1-51. [Date on title page is 1966; actually published in 1967. Reprinted, 1968, in James A. Clifton, editor, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: Essays in the Scope and Methods of the Sci­ence of Man, pages 451—475, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.]

1968. Lafitau's Hoes. American Antiquity, 33(l):93-95. 1968. Categories, Percussion, and Physiology. Man, new series, 3(1):

133-134. 1968. [William C. Sturtevant and Samuel Stanley] Indian Communities in

the Eastern States. The Indian Historian, 1(3): 15-19. 1968. Review of Lukas Vischer (1780-1840), Kunstler, Reisender, Sam-

mler, by F. Anders, M. Pfister-Burkhalter, and CF. Feest. American Anthropologist, 70(6): 1220-1221.

1968. Review of The Creek Frontier, 1540-1783, by D.H. Corkran. Man, new series, 3(1): 154.

1968. Review of The Bureau of American Ethnology: A Partial History, by N.M. Judd. American Anthropologist, 70(4)774—775.

1969. History and Ethnography of Some West Indian Starches. In Peter J. Ucko and G.W. Dimbleby, editors, The Domestication and Exploita­tion of Plants and Animals, pages 177-199. London: Gerald Duck­worth and Co.

1969. Anthropological Archives. [Letter to the editor.] Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association, 10(3):4.

1969. Does Anthropology Need Museums? In Daniel M. Cohen and Roger F. Cressey, editors, Papers Presented at a Symposium on Nat­ural History Collections, Past, Present, Future. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 82:619-649.

1970. Agriculture on Artificial Islands in Burma and Elsewhere. Proceed­ings of the Eighth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1968, Tokyo and Kyoto, 3:11-13. Tokyo: Science Council of Japan. [Original title, "Agriculture on Artificial Islands in Burma, Kashmir, and Elsewhere."]

1971. Anthropology Today. 565 pages. Del Mar, California: CRM Books. [William C. Sturtevant served as one of 34 contributing consultants to the volume and prepared the draft for the section on pages 346-350; no editor is listed.]

1971. Traditional Crafts and Art of Northwest Coast Indians. In [Program of the] 1971 Festival of American Folklife July 1-5 [pages 18-21]. [Washington, D.C:] Division of Performing Arts, Smithsonian In­stitution.

1971. A Short History of the Strange Custom of Tattooing. In C H . Fel-

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1971. 1971.







1973 (
















1977. 1977.

1977. 1977.

lowes, The Tattoo Book, pages 1-10. Princeton, New Jersey: The

Pyne Press. Notes on the Creek Hothouse. Southern Indian Studies, 20:3-5. Creek into Seminole. In Eleanor B. Leacock and Nancy 0 . Lurie, 1975. editors, North American Indians in Historical Perspective, pages 92-128. New York: Random House. [Volume reprinted, 1988, by 1976. Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Illinois; chapter reprinted, 1987, in William C. Sturtevant, editor, A Seminole Sourcebook, item 1, New York: Garland Publishing.] Review of Before Columbus, by CH. Gordon. Smithsonian, 2(5): 62-63. Smithsonian Plans New Native American Handbook. The Indian His­torian, 4(4):5-8. [Reprinted, 1979, under the title "The New Smith­sonian Handbook of North American Indians," Washington, D.C: Handbook of North American Indians, Smithsonian Institution.] American Indian Religions. The American Way 5(2):28-34. [Re­printed, 1972, slightly revised, in Robert L. Iacopi, Bernard L. Fon-tana, and Charles Jones, editors, Look to the Mountain Top, pages 45-51, San Jose, California: Gousha Publications.] [Principal consultant] Indians of North America. National Geo­graphic, 142(6):739A [map supplement]. Review oi Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, by Thomas L. McKen­ney. Smithsonian, 3(8): 108-110. [Wilcomb E. Washburn and William C. Sturtevant] Reviews of En­graved America, by L. Glaser, and Prints in and of America to 1850, edited by J.D. Morse. American Historical Review, 77(2):479-482.

'1972"). [Jerald T. Milanich and William C. Sturtevant, editors, Emilio F. Moran, translator] Francisco Pareja's 1613 Confession-ario: A Documentary Source for Timucuan Ethnography. 121 pages. Tallahassee: Division of Archives, History, and Records Manage­ment, Florida Department of State. [Date on title page is 1972; actu­ally published in 1973.] [William C. Sturtevant and Samuel Stanley] Linguistics in the Smith­sonian. In Eric P. Hamp, editor, Themes in Linguistics: The 1970s. 1977. Janua Linguarum, Series Minor, 172:14-18. The Hague: Mouton. Museums as Anthropological Data Banks. In Alden Redfield, editor, Anthropology Beyond the University. Southern Anthropological So- 1977. ciety Proceedings, 7:40-55. Caveat Emptor—and Editor. [Letter to the editor.] Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association, 14(9):2. 1977. Domestic Noble Savages. [Review of 10 books on North American Indians.] New York Times Book Review, 18 March:36-38. [Editor] Boxes and Bowls: Decorated Containers by Nineteenth- 1977. century Haida, Tlingit, Bella Bella, and Tsimshian Indian Artists. 93 pages. Washington, D C : Smithsonian Institution Press for the Ren-wick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts. "Man" as an Unmarked Term. [Letter to the editor.] Newsletter of 1978 ( the American Anthropological Association, 15(6):20. Woodsmen and Villagers of the East. In Jules B. Billard, editor, The World of the American Indian, pages 101-149. Washington, D.C: National Geographic Society. [Volume reprinted, 1979 and 1989.] [Principal consultant for the volume as a whole and for the accompa­nying tribal map] The World of the American Indian. Jules B. Billard, 1978. editor, 399 pages. Washington, D.C: National Geographic Society. [Volume reprinted, 1979 and 1989, with map revised each time.] Huns, Free-thinking Americans, and the AAA. History of Anthro- 1978. pology Newsletter, 2(l):4—6. Commentary [on papers by TePaske and Tanner]. In Samuel Proc­tor, editor, Eighteenth-Century Florida and Its Borderlands, pages 1978. 40-47. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida. Some Publications of the Last Decade on the History of Museum 1978. Anthropology. History of Anthropology Newsletter, 2(2): 11-13. Two 1761 Wigwams at Niantic, Connecticut. American Antiquity, 1978. 40(4):437^t44. Cuban Miami: 1743; Rediscovered: Santa Maria de Loreto. In Joan

E. Gill and Beth R. Read, editors, Born of the Sun: The Official

Florida Bicentennial Commemorative Book, page 28. Hollywood, Florida: Florida Bicentennial Commemorative Journal, Inc. Review of God is Red, by Vine Deloria, Jr. Journal of Ethnic Stud­

ies, 3(1): 104-105. [William C. Sturtevant and Wilcomb E. Washburn] The First Amer­icans. In Peter C. Marzio, editor, A Nation of Nations: The People Who Came to America as Seen through Objects and Documents Ex­hibited at the Smithsonian Institution, pages 4 -23 . New York: Harper and Row. [Extracts reprinted, 1981, with added pictures and captions by William C. Sturtevant, under the title "The First Ameri­cans," in American Fabrics and Fashions, 123:60-64.] First Visual Images of Native America. In Fredi Chiappelli, editor, First Images of America: The Impact of the New World on the Old, pages 417-454. Berkeley: University of California Press. Perfect Likenesses as Anthropological Evidence [and six catalog en­tries]. In Peter C. Marzio, Perfect Likenesses: Portraits for History of the Indian Tribes of North America (1837-44), page 13 [and notes on pages 18, 20, 21, 22, 24]. Washington, D.C: National Mu­seum of History and Technology, Smithsonian Institution. [Letter to the editor] Anthropology Newsletter, 18(5):2, 27. Testimony...before the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Anthro­pology Newsletter, 18(6): 11.

[Letter to the editor.] Anthropology Newsletter, 18(7):2. The Ethnological Evaluation of the Le Moyne-De Bry Illustrations. In Paul Hulton, editor, The Work of Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, a Huguenot Artist in France, Florida and England, 1:69-74 [plus ethnological annotations in catalog entries on pages 163-164, 185, 204-214], foreword, catalog, and introductory studies by Paul Hul­ton. [London:] Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Publications Ltd. in association with the Huguenot Society of London. Review oi Pelts, Plumes and Hides: White Traders Among the Sem­inole Indians, 1870-1930, by H.A. Kersey, Jr. American Anthropol­ogist, 79(3)740. Review of The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest, by Francis Jennings. William and Mary Quar­terly, 34(2)312-314. Culture Out of Context: Anthropologist Views Exhibition of North American Indian Art. Council for Museum Anthropology Newsletter, 1(2): 18-20. The Hole-and-Slot Heddle. In Irene Emery and Patricia Fiske, edi­tors, Ethnographic Textiles of the Western Hemisphere: Irene Em­ery Roundtable on Museum Textiles, 1976 Proceedings, pages 325-355. Washington, D.C: The Textile Museum.

'1977"). The Sources of Lafitau's American Illustrations. In Joseph Francois Lafitau, Customs of the American Indians Compared with Customs of Primitive Times, 2:271-303, edited and translated by William N. Fenton and Elizabeth L. Moore. Toronto: The Cham-plain Society. [Date on title page is 1977; actually published in 1978. Series: Publications of the Champlain Society, 49.] [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 8, Robert F. Heizer, editor, California, xv+800 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

[General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 15, Bruce G. Trigger, editor, Northeast, xvi+924 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

Foreword. In Collections Policies. Indian Notes, I2(l):2-3. New York: Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. English and American. [Letter to the editor.] The Observer (Lon­don), Sunday, 23 July:6.

[Margot Liberty and William C. Sturtevant] Appendix: Prospectus for a Collection of Studies on Anthropology by North American In­dians. In Margot Liberty, editor, American Indian Intellectuals. Pro-

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ceedings of the American Ethnological Society, 1976:241 -248. St. 1980. Paul, Minnesota: West Publishing Co.

1978. [William C. Sturtevant, Warwick Bray, and Jonathan King] The 1980.

Americas on the Eve of European Conquest. [Maps.] In Geoffrey Barraclough, editor, The Times Atlas of World History, pages 1980. 148-149. London: Times Books.

1978. The Last of the South Florida Aborigines. In Jerald Milanich and 1981.

Samuel Proctor, editors, Tacachale: Essays on the Indians of Florida and Southeastern Georgia during the Historic Period. Ripley P.

Bullen Monographs in Anthropology and History, 1:141-162. 1981. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida.

1978. Sale of Harvard Peabody Museum Collections. Council for Museum 1981. Anthropology Newsletter, 3(1): 16-20.

1978. Oklahoma Seneca-Cayuga. In William C. Sturtevant, general editor, 1981. Handbook of North American Indians, volume 15, Bruce G. Trigger, editor, Northeast, pages 537-543. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian 1981. Institution.

1978. Review of Drawn from Life: California Indians in Pen and Brush,

by T. Kroeber, A.B. Elsasser, and R.F. Heizer. Journal of California 1981. Anthropology, 5(1): 143-144.

1978. Review of Using Historical Sources in Anthropology and Sociology, by D.C. Pitt. American Anthropologist, 80(2):398. 1981.

1979 ("1978"). Louis-Philippe on Cherokee Architecture and Clothing in 1797. Journal of Cherokee Studies, 3(4): 198-205. [Date on title page is 1978; actually published in 1979.]

1979. The Cherokee Frontiers, the French Revolution, and William Au­gustus Bowles. In Duane H. King, editor, The Cherokee Indian Na- 1981. tion: A Troubled History, pages 61-91. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

1979. Preface. In Elisabeth Tooker, editor, Native North American Spiritu- 1981. ality of the Eastern Woodlands, pages xi-xvii. New York: Paulist Press. 1981.

1979. Southeastern Indian Formulas. In Elisabeth Tooker, editor, Native North American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands, pages 282-293. New York: Paulist Press.

1979. Black Drink and Other Caffeine-Containing Beverages among Non- 1981. Indians. In Charles M. Hudson, editor, Black Drink: A Native Amer­ican Tea, pages 150-165. Athens: University of Georgia Press. 1982 ('

1979. [Contribution to] Used Magazines. CoEvolution Quarterly, 21: 113-114.

1979. President Sturtevant's Report, 1978-79. Council for Museum An­thropology Newsletter, 4( 1 ):4-5. 1982.

1979. Review oi Africans and Seminoles: From Removal to Emancipation, by D.F. Littlefield, Jr. American Anthropologist, 81 (4):916-917. 1982.

1980. [James Axtell and William C. Sturtevant] The Unkindest Cut, or Who Invented Scalping? William and Mary Quarterly, series 3, 1982. 37(3):451-472. [Pages 452-468 reprinted, 1981, in James Axtell, The European and the Indian, pages 17-35, Oxford: Oxford Univer- 1982. sity Press; reprinted, 1986, without the footnotes, in Roger L. Nichols, editor, The American Indian, Past and Present, third edi­tion, pages 47-60, New York: Knopf]

1980 ("1979"). [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Vol­ume 9, Alfonso Ortiz, editor, Southwest, xvi+701 pages. Washing­ton, D . C : Smithsonian Institution. [Date on title page is 1979; 1983 (' actually published in 1980.]

Cannibals. [Letter to the editor.] Times Literary Supplement, no. 4015, 7March:266. [Translations from the German on pages 45-50, plus passim identi- 1983. fications and translations of Creek and Yuchi words.] In Kristian Hvidt, editor, with the assistance of Joseph Ewan, George F. Jones, and William C Sturtevant, Von Reek's Voyage: Drawings and Jour- 1983.

nal of Philip Georg Friedrich von Reck. Savannah, Georgia: The Beehive Press.

1980. The First Inuit Depiction by Europeans. Etudes Inuit; Inuit Studies, 4( I -2 ) :47^9 .



National Dress and Citizen Dress: What Indian Delegates Wore to Washington. American Fabrics and Fashions, 120:14-15. Review of Les Peaux-rouges aujourd'hui, by J. Raspail. American Anthropologist, 82(4):960.

Review of Southeastern Indians Since the Removal Era, edited by W.L. Williams. American Ethnolgist, 7(3):593-594. [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 6, June Helm, editor, Subarctic, xvi + 837 pages. Washington, D .C: Smithsonian Institution.

Royal Incest: A Bibliographic Note. American Ethnologist, 8(1): 186. [William C. Sturtevant and Peter Macnair] Kwakiutl Indian Potlatch and Museum Opening. American Fabrics and Fashions, 122:80-82. Living with Art. In Living with Art in the Hyatt Regency Woodfield, pages [3-5]. New York: Doric Publishing Co. [Testimony on the human rights of the Yanomami, delivered 30 June 1981 before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.] Anthropology Newsletter, 22(6):23.

John Ridge on Cherokee Civilization in 1826. Journal of Cherokee Studies, 6(2):79—91. [Corrected reprint and page headed "Some Comments on John Ridge's Essay" sent to subscribers in 1982.] R.F. Heizer and the Handbook of North American Indians. In Will­iam S. Simmons and Polly McW. Bickel, editors, Contributions of Robert F. Heizer to California Ethnohistory, pages 1-5. Berkeley: Archaeological Research Facility, Department of Anthropology, University of California. Animals and Disease in Indian Belief. In Shepard Krech III, editor, Indians, Animals, and the Fur Trade: A Critique of Keepers of the Game, pages 177-188. Athens: University of Georgia Press. Quelques representations de canots et de pirogues, a partir du XVII siecle. Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec, 11(4):297—310. The Ethnographical Illustrations. In Helen Wallis, editor, The Maps and Text of the Boke of Urography Presented by Jean Rotz to Henry VIII, Now in the British Library, pages 67-72. Oxford: Printed for Presentation to the Members of The Roxburghe Club. Review of Native Religious Traditions, by E.H. Waugh and K.D. Prithipaul. American Ethnologist, 8(4):818-819.

'1980"). Patagonian Giants and Baroness Hyde de Neuville's Iro­quois Drawings. Ethnohistory, 27(4)331-348 [Date on title page is 1980; actually published in 1982; errata published in 1982 (1981 on title page), in Ethnohistory. 28(1 ):99.] [Sheila Hicks and William C Sturtevant] Junius Bird: An Apprecia­tion. American Fabrics and Fashions, 126:11. History of Anthropology in the Handbook of North American Indi­ans. History of Anthropology Newsletter, 9(2): 13—15. Review oi Indian Clothing Before Cortes, by P.R. Anawalt. Ameri­can Fabrics and Fashions, 124—125:19. Reviews of Micmac Quillwork: Micmac Indian Techniques of Por­cupine Quill Decoration, by R.H. Whitehead, and Soft Gold: The Fur Trade and Cultural Exchange on the Northwest Coast of America, historical introduction and annotation by T. Vaughan; ethnographic annotation by Bill Holm. American Fabrics and Fashions, 127:50.

1982"). Review of "Relacion acerca de las antiguedades de los in­dios': el primer tratado escrito en America, by Ramon Pane; trans­lated and edited by Jose Juan Arrom. Ethnohistory, 29(3):234-235. [Date on title page is 1982; actually published in 1983.] [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 10, Alfonso Ortiz, editor, Southwest, xvi+868 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

Tribe and State in the Sixteenth and Twentieth Centuries. In Elisa­beth Tooker, editor, The Development of Political Organization in Native North America. Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society, 1979:3-16. Washington, D.C: American Ethnological So­ciety.

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1983. Seneca Masks. In N. Ross Crumrine and Marjorie Halpin, editors, The Power of Symbols: Masks and Masquerade in the America, pages 39-47. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

1983. [David J. Meltzer and William C. Sturtevant] The Holly Oak Shell Game: An Historic Archaeological Fraud. In Robert C Dunnell and Donald K. Grayson, editors, Lulu Linear Punctated: Essays in Honor of George Irving Quimby. Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, 72:325-352.

1983. Review of My Work among the Florida Seminoles, by J.H. Glenn. Florida Historical Quarterly 61(3)335-336.

1983. Review of Icon and Conquest: A Structural Analysis of the Illustra­tions of de Bry's Great Voyages, by B. Bucher. American Ethnolo­gist, 10(3):609-610.

1983. Indian-Eskimo Exhibition in Cologne: Multiple Stereotypes. Ameri­can Indian Workshop Newsletter (Vienna), 14:1-2.

1984. [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 5, David Damas, editor, Arctic, xvi + 829 pages. Washington, D .C: Smithsonian Institution.

1984. A Structural Sketch of Iroquois Ritual. In Michael K. Foster, Jack Campisi, and Marianne Mithun, editors, Extending the Rafters: In­terdisciplinary Approaches to Iroquoian Studies, pages 133-152. Albany: State University of New York Press.

1984. Selection from the Wellington Collection at the Met. Council for Museum Anthropology Newsletter, 8(l):49-50.

1984. Review of Their Number Become Thinned: Native American Popu­lation Dynamics in Eastern North America, by H.F. Dobyns. Ameri­can Historical Review, 89(5): 1380-1381.

1985. First Renderings. Wilderness, 49( 171): 17. 1985. [William C. Sturtevant and David J. Meltzer] The Holly Oak Pen­

dant. Science, 227(4684):242, 244. 1985. Foreword. In John R. Swanton, Final Report of the United States

De Soto Expedition Commission, pages v-ix. Washington, D .C : Smithsonian Institution Press.

1985. Views of a New World. American Heritage, 36(5):82. 1985. America from Drake's Quarterdeck: Sixteenth-Century Drawings

from Sir Francis Drake's Voyages Recorded Important Intelligence for England on Spanish America. American Heritage, 36(5):85-92.

1986 ("1985"). Review of The Sapir-Kroeber Correspondence, edited by V. Golla. Ethnohistory. 32(4)398-399. [Date on title page is 1985; actually published in 1986.]

1986. [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 11, Warren L. d'Azevedo, editor, Great Basin, xvi + 852 pages. Wash­ington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1986. The Meanings of Native American Art. In Edwin L. Wade, editor, The Arts of the North American Indian: Native Traditions in Evolu­tion, pages 23-44. New York: Hudson Hills Press, and Tulsa, Okla­homa: Philbrook Art Center.

1986. [William C. Sturtevant, editor, Annemarie Shimony and William C Sturtevant, translators] The Origin of the Mask Complex in the Eastern Woodlands of North America, by Rolf Krusche. Man in the Northeast, 31:1-47.

1986. Contemporary North American Indian Crafts. In Thomas Vennum, Jr., editor, 1986 Festival of American Folklife, Smithsonian Institu­tion and National Park Service [program book], pages 79-82. [Washington, D.C:] Smithsonian Institution.

1987. [Editor] A Creek Source Book. 400 pages. New York: Garland Pub­lishing.

1987. [Editor] A Seminole Source Book. 315 pages. New York: Garland Publishing.

1987. [William C. Sturtevant and David Beers Quinn] This New Prey: Es­kimos in Europe in 1567, 1576, and 1577. In Christian F. Feest, edi­tor, Indians and Europe: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Essays, pages 61-140. Aachen: Edition Herodot, Rader Verlag. [Series: Fo­rum (Edition Herodot), 11.]

1988 Statement of William Sturtevant, Curator of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, and General Editor, Handbook of North American Indians, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, and Testimony of William C Sturtevant before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate, August 12, 1988. In U.S. Senate, Hear­

ing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States

Senate, One Hundredth Congress, Second Session, on S. 2672, To

Provide Federal Recognition of the Lumbee Tribe of North Caro­

lina, August 12, 1988, Washington, DC, pages 22-24, 85-88. Wash­ington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office.

1988. La Tupinambisation des Indiens d'Amerique du Nord. In Gilles Therien, editor, Les figures de l'lndien. Les Cahiers du Departement

d'Etudes Litteraires, 9:293-303. Universite du Quebec a Montreal. 1988. [James B. Griffin, David J. Meltzer, Bruce D. Smith, and William C.

Sturtevant] A Mammoth Fraud in Science. American Antiquity,

53(3):578-582. 1989 ("1988"). [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians.

Volume 4, Wilcomb E. Washburn, editor, History of Indian-White

Relations, xiii + 838 pages. Washington, D .C : Smithsonian Institu­tion. [Date on title page is 1988; actually published in 1989.]

1989 ("1988"). Bowles, William Augustus. In William C. Sturtevant, gen­eral editor, Handbook of North American Indians, volume 4, Wil­comb E. Washburn, editor, History of Indian-White Relations, page 624. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution. [Date on title page is 1988; actually published in 1989.]

1989 ("1988"). [William C. Sturtevant and John Witthoft] Speck, Frank G. In William C. Sturtevant, general editor, Handbook of North Ameri­

can Indians, volume 4, Wilcomb E. Washburn, editor, History of In­

dian-White Relations, pages 6 8 6 - 6 8 7 . Washington, D . C . Smithsonian Institution. [Date on title page is 1988; actually pub­lished in 1989.]

1989. Statement of William C. Sturtevant, Anthropologist, Curator of North American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC and Testimony to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, May 5, 1989, regarding S. 611, A Bill to Establish Adminis­trative Procedures to Determine the Status of Certain Indian Groups. In U.S. Senate, Hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Af­

fairs, United States Senate. One Hundred First Congress, First Ses­

sion, on S. 611, To Establish Administrative Procedures to

Determine the Status of Certain Indian Groups. May 5, 1989, Wash­

ington, DC, pages 82-85, 183-185. Washington, D .C : U.S. Gov­ernment Printing Office.

1990. [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 7, Wayne Suttles, editor, Northwest Coast, xv+777 pages. Washing­ton, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1990. What Does the Plains Indian War Bonnet Communicate? In Dan Eban, editor, with Erik Cohen and Brenda Danet, Art as a Means of

Communication in Pre-Literate Societies: The Proceedings of the

Wright International Symposium on Primitive and Precolumbian Art,

Jerusalem, 1985, pages 355-374. Jerusalem: The Israel Museum. 1990. Review of The Tunica-Biloxi: Southeast [sic], by J.D. Brain. Ameri­

can Indian Culture and Research Journal, 14(4): 102-104. 1991. Collecting and the Development of Anthropology. In Kirk R.

Johnson, Leo J. Hickey, and Cynthia A. Hoover, editors, Crossroads

of Continents: The Material Culture of Siberia and Alaska, pages 38-40. Washington, D . C , and New Haven, Connecticut: Yale-Smithsonian Seminar on Materia] Culture.

1991. New National Museum of the American Indian Collection Policy Statement: A Critical Analysis. Museum Anthropology, 15(2): 29-30.

1991. [Colin F. Taylor, editorial consultant, and William C. Sturtevant,

technical consultant] The Native Americans: The Indigenous People

of North America. 256 pages. London: Salamander Books, Ltd., and

New York: Smithmark. [Reprinted, 1996; reprinted, 1999,'by Thun-

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der Bay Press, San Diego, California. Danish, French, Italian, and Spanish translations appeared in 1992, and a Hungarian translation appeared in 1993.]

1991. The Southeast. In Colin F. Taylor, editorial consultant, and William C. Sturtevant, technical consultant, The Native Americans: The In­digenous People of North America, pages 12-35. London: Sala­mander Books, Ltd., and New York: Smithmark. [Reprinted, 1996; reprinted, 1999, by Thunder Bay Press, San Diego, California. Dan­ish, French, Italian, and Spanish translations appeared in 1992, and a Hungarian translation appeared in 1993.]

Comments on Part I [three papers on "Collecting in the North"]. Arctic Anthropology, 28(l):53-56. [Editorial advisor] The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia. Sylvio A. Bedini, editor, 2 volumes, xxii + 787 pages. New York: Simon and Schuster. [Reprinted, 1998, by Da Capo Press, New York, under the title Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration: An En­cyclopedia.]

Cannibalism. In Silvio A. Bedini, editor, The Christopher Colum­bus Encyclopedia, pages 93-96. New York: Simon and Schuster. [Volume reprinted, 1998, by Da Capo Press, New York, under the title Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration: An Ency­clopedia.} Indian America: First Visual Impressions. In Silvio A. Bedini, edi­tor, The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia, pages 337-345. New York: Simon and Schuster. [Volume reprinted, 1998, by Da Capo Press, New York, under the title Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration: An Encyclopedia.} Testimony of William C. Sturtevant on H.R. 2335 before the Inte­rior and Insular Affairs Committee, House of Representatives, September 26, 1989. In U.S. House of Representatives, Hearing before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, First Session, on H.R. 2335, Lumbee Recognition Act. Hearing Held in Washington, DC, September 26, 1989, pages 70-72. [Transcription of verbal comments by William C. Sturtevant supplementing this testimony appear on pages 68-69.] Washington, D . C : U.S. Government Printing Office.

1992. Archiving Anthropology. History of Anthropology Newsletter, 19(1):11-12.

1992. The Sources for European Imagery of Native Americans. In Rachel Doggett, editor, with Monique Hulvey and Julie Ainsworth, New World of Wonders: European Images of the Americas, 1492-1700, pages 25-33. Washington, D.C: The Folger Shakespeare Library; distributed by the University of Washington Press, Seattle.

1992. [Shepard Krech III and William C. Sturtevant] The Future Uses of the Anthropological Record. In Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Pa­rezo, editors, Preserving the Anthropological Record, pages 119-127. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

1992. Review oi Atlas of World Cultures: A Geographical Guide to Ethno­graphic Literature, by D.H. Price. American Ethnologist, 19(2): 388-389.

1993. [Special consultant] Encyclopedia of the North American Colonies.

Jacob E. Cooke, editor in chief, 3 volumes, xxxv+745, x+787, xi+ 865 pages. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

1993. The First American Discoverers of Europe. European Review of Na­

tive American Studies, 7(2):23-29. 1994. The Misconnection of Guale and Yamasee with Muskogean. Inter­

national Journal of American Linguistics, 60(2):139-148. 1994. Museum Europa, Mongols, Peoples of the World, Ethnographic

Treasure Rooms [in] The Danish Museum, Copenhagen. Museum

Anthropology, 18(2):49-59.

1994. Asians Before Columbus? [Letter to the editor] New York Times

Book Review, 10 July:31.

1995. [Shepard Krech III and William C Sturtevant] The Uses of Ethno­graphic Records. In Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Parezo, editors, Preserving the Anthropological Record, second edition, pages 85-94. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

1995. Review oi Pocahontas [Walt Disney Pictures movie]. AnthroNotes, 17(3)7-9.

1996. [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 17, Ives Goddard, editor, Languages, xiii + 957 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1996. [JoAllyn Archambault and William C. Sturtevant] Museums and Collectors. In Frederick E. Hoxie, editor, Encyclopedia of North American Indians, pages 407—410. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

1996. [JoAllyn Archambault and William C Sturtevant] 150 Years of Na­tive American Research at the Smithsonian. AnthroNotes, 18(3):8-11. [Reprinted, 1998, In Ruth O. Selig and Marilyn R. Lon­don, editors, Anthropology Explored: The Best of Smithsonian An­throNotes, pages 308-314. Washington, D . C : Smithsonian Institution Press.]

1997. Wilcomb E. ("Wid") Washburn. Anthropology Newsletter, 38(4):21. 1998 (" 1997"). Mary R. Haas and Ethnology. Anthropological Linguistics,

39(4):590-593. [Date on title page is 1997; actually published in 1998.]

1998. [General editor] Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 12, Deward E. Walker, Jr., editor, Plateau, xvi+791 pages. Washington, D C : Smithsonian Institution.

1998. Boundaries of the Culture Area. In Deward E. Walker, Jr., Introduc­tion. In William C Sturtevant, general editor, Handbook of North American Indians, volume 12, Deward E. Walker, Jr., editor, Pla­teau, pages 1-3. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

1998. [William C. Sturtevant and Inge Kleivan] Two Early Photographs of an Inughuaq (Polar Eskimo). In J.C.H. King and Henrietta Lidchi, editors, Imaging the Arctic, pages 24-28. [London:] Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by the British Museum Press.

1998. [Harold C. Conklin and William C. Sturtevant] Floyd Glenn Lounsbury. Anthropology Newsletter, 39(6):29.

1998. Tupinamba Chiefdoms? In Elsa M. Redmond, editor, Chieftains and Chieftancy in the Americas, pages 138-149. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

1999. [Thomas Killion, William Sturtevant, Dennis Stanford, and David Hunt] The Facts about Ishi's Brain. Anthropology News, 40(6):9.

1999. Scalping. In Ronald Gottesman, editor, Violence in America: An En­cyclopedia, 3:94-96. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

1999. Foreword. In Shepard Krech III and Barbara A. Hail, editors, Col­lecting Native America, 1870-1960, pages v-vi. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press.

2000. Introduction [including annotated 1880 census and 20 old photo­graphs with captions]. In Clay MacCauley, The Seminole Indians of Florida, pages ix-lii. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

2001. Documenting the Speyer Collection. In Christian F. Feest, editor, Studies in American Indian Art: A Memorial Tribute to Norman Feder. European Review of Native American Studies, monograph 2:162-186. Altenstadt, Germany: ERNAS; distributed by the Uni­versity of Washington Press, Seattle.

2001. [General editor]. Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 13, Raymond J. DeMallie, editor, Plains, 2 parts, xvi and xvi+1360 pages. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.

2001. 16th-Century Algonquian Fishermen. [Letter] Science, 294(5540): 57.

2001. How To Not Exhibit Ethnographic Art. American Anthropologist, 103(3):808-809.

In press. Early Iroquois Realist Painting and Identity Marking. In J.C.H. King, editor, Native Art of the North American Woodlands. London: British Museum Press.

In press. History of Research on the Native Languages of the Southeast.

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In Janine Scancarelli and Heather Hardy, editors, The Native Lan- Janet C. Berlo and Paul D'Ambrosio.] guages of the Southeastern United States. Lincoln, Nebraska: Uni- MS. Iroquois Formal Dress in the Nineteenth Century. [Submitted for versity of Nebraska Press. inclusion in "Across Borders: Beadwork in Iroquois Life," edited

MS. David and Dennis Cusick: Tuscarora Folk Artists. [Submitted for by Moira T. McCaffrey, Jolene Rickard, Trudy Nicks, and Ruth B. inclusion in "Native Art History and Folk Art History," edited by Phillips.]

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S M I T H S O N I A N C O N T R I B U T I O N S TO A N T H R O P O L O G Y • N U M B E R 4 4

Anthropology, History, and American Indians:

Essays in Honor of William Curtis Sturtevant

William L. Merrill and Ives Goddard


Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C.


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