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Page 1: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

Welcome to generation four, part seven of the Wrongway Legacy!

Last time, we saw Lee spike Hex's morning coffee with elixir, Robin and Austin talked with Hex about Robin not being able to get pregnant. Turns out, Austin might possibly be the problem...Maddie had her first martial arts grading, while Hex and Lavender tried to work out Lavender's relationship problems with Mark. Unfortunately, it ended with a kiss, which Lee walked in on it. He wasn't impressed. Lavender and Hex agreed not to continue things, but who knows how that will turn out...Lee, meanwhile, had to calm himself down. Maddie's teenage birthday took place, and Mark wrote and released a song for her. Maddie went to Lee and expressed her anger at her father with martial arts. When she left, she was ready to turn over a new leaf with her father.

If it doesn't sound familiar, I recommend taking a look back! :)

Page 2: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

Orlando walked into the twin's bedroom on the night before they started school, planning to wish them goodnight, only to find that both of them were up and pillow fighting instead of reading in their pyjamas like they promised.

“You two, it's getting late. There will be no stories if you don't get ready for bed soon,” Orlando warned them, with a smile, “now, I'm going to send Maddie up here in five minutes, and if you're not ready, she won't tell you any stories tonight.”

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As Orlando left the room, Leda shot Lance a look of panic, “What if he means it? What if we don't get a story?”

“Then I'll tell one! My stories are amazing!” Lance grinned, “Are you giving up the pillow war?”

“Lance! I want a Maddie story!”

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“Okay, okay. Jeez. Calm down,” Lance told her, with a smile, “why aren't my stories good enough for you?”

“Yours are all about ghosts,” Leda replied, simply, “I don't like ghost stories.”

“Fine. Then Maddie can tell the story tonight, if you want.”

“Yay! Thanks Lance!”

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Fifteen minutes later, and all three of the Wrongway children were in their pyjamas, sitting on the wooden floor of the twin's room.

“Is the candle safe?” Lance asked, watching the flame flicker and dance.

“Quit worrying about it, squirt. Leda's not scared of it.” Maddie said, sticking her tongue out at her brother.

“Yeah, the flame's kind of pretty.” Leda agreed.

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Lance's gaze didn't leave the flame. He knew fire was a bad thing, but apparently, candles were okay – even if the wax was dripping onto the floorboards.

“Maybe we should tell ghost stories.” He suggested, knowing it would distract him from the candle.

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“You said no ghost stories,” Leda reminded him, “besides, you'll make Teddy scared.”

Both Maddie and Lance watched her for a moment.

“What?” She asked, “Teddy's easily scared.”

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“That's code for 'Leda will get scared', isn't it?” Maddie smiled, “it's alright, Leda, it's just a story. But seeing as Lance promised no ghosts, I can't tell a ghost story.”

“Please, Maddie?” Lance begged.

Maddie moved her hair out of her eyes, “How about a scary story? They're kind of the same thing, just no ghosts.”

Leda looked doubtful as Lance nodded enthusiastically, making the decision for them both.

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“This story is about a bad man, a killer, named Ralph,” Maddie began, “he once murdered our Grandpa, and didn't care at all.”

“Wait, Maddie, Grandpa is still alive.” Lance pointed out.

“Not important,” Maddie told him, quickly, “the point is, Ralph is the most terrifying man ever. If you ever meet him, your life will never be the same again.”

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“I think Leda's getting scared, maybe we should stop.” Lance said, in a small voice.

“I'm fine,” Leda replied, “I wanna know more!”

“Yeah,” Lance agreed, weakly, “more.”

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“Ralph lived in a dark stone house, with no one for company other than his mental witch-wife, Ariel. Apparently, she betrayed all of her friends just for Ralph's friendship,” Maddie continued, dramatically,

“One night soon, Ralph is going to make his return, another attempt at revenge against our family...and who knows who will be next? Who knows when he'll come smashing through our door...”

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“I don't wanna hear any more,” Leda admitted, in a squeaky voice, “Teddy is frightened.”

Lance didn't say anything, but he nodded in agreement. Both Lance and Leda looked at Maddie with worried expressions.

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“Guys, it's just a story! Nothing to worry about!” Maddie said, boldly, “Right, bedtime. You guys have a big day tomorrow.”

Maddie reached forwards and extinguished the candle, casting the room into darkness.

* * *

Page 14: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

A few hours later, Lavender and Mark were woken up by the sound of the twins entering their room.

“Mummy, Mummy, we had nightmares!” Leda announced, upset.

“About the scary story!” Lance nodded, running in and joining his twin.

“Can we sleep in your bed?” Leda asked, “It will make Teddy feel better.”

Lavender nodded, and the twins clambered onto the bed, hurriedly settling down.

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When the twins had fallen asleep again, Mark chuckled, “Should I take the couch?”

“Why are they so frightened?” Lavender wondered, aloud, before smiling at Mark, “I'll take the couch. You stay here with the twins.”

“There's enough room for two on the couch,” Mark replied, casually, “Teddy seems to be taking up all of the room in our bed, afterall.”

Lavender smiled, and the couple carefully got up, tiptoeing towards the living room.

* * *

Page 16: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

“Are you sure you've got everything?” Forrest asked, again. Ophelia nodded, enthusiastically.

“I can't wait, Daddy! It's going to be so much fun!”

“Try not to get into too much trouble on your first day.” Betria advised.

“Yeah,” Forrest agreed, “save your best tricks until later on in the school year.”

Ophelia nodded.

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“I'll be good for a day or two, Daddy. Like you told me to.” Ophelia promised, excitedly.

Behind them, the bus pulled up, and Ophelia shot one last grin at her parents before turning round and heading towards it.

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“Do you think she'll be okay?” Betria questioned, once Ophelia was out of earshot.

“Are you kidding? She's going to be great,” Forrest answered, with a proud smile, “Lance and Leda will be there as well. Cousins stick together.”

Betria and Forrest both turned their attention to Ophelia getting on the bus, smiling the entire time.

* * *

Page 19: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

Maddie wandered the corridor to the lunch room in a bad mood. Her temper was about to be pushed again as one of her classmates grinned when they saw her.

“Is it too late, Madeline, baby, to tell you how much I miss your smile?” He called, an arm around his girlfriend.

Maddie knew he meant it to be funny. She knew he wasn't trying to get on her nerves intentionally. But the number of students who thought it was hilarious to sing her Dad's song had seriously taken its toll.

The classmate and his girlfriend received a half-hearted smile before Maddie disappeared into the lunch room.

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“Whoa, Maddie looks seriously annoyed.” Ophelia declared, as she sat with her cousins during their lunch hour.

Both Lance and Leda turned round, instantly fascinated.

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“Maybe she's annoyed because she got in trouble for telling us that story.” Lance suggested, watching his older sister. Leda smiled a little.

“Are we going to get in trouble for telling it to our class?”

“Nah,” Lance decided, “we're too awesome to get into trouble.”

Leda laughed, before looking back at Maddie, “I wonder why she's so annoyed.”

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I swear, if one more person sings “Madeline” at me down the corridor, I am going to punch them in the nose, Maddie thought to herself, furiously.

Maybe I should go to the extra session at martial arts tonight, Maddie sighed, mentally, work out some of the anger. Or something.

Maddie took her seat at the table her friends always claimed, without a word or a smile.

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“Hey, Maddie, where've you been?” Gabriella asked.

“My own personal hell,” Maddie muttered, before speaking up, “I got caught up in the corridor.”

“Are you alright?” Tina questioned, concerned, “You look a little...fed up?”

Maddie closed her eyes, “I'm tired, that's all.”

“Ah, okay,” Gabriella turned her attention back to Tina, “So it's obviously going to be a lot of fun choosing outfits.”

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“Are you guys going to the extra class tonight?” Maddie questioned, ignoring Gabriella's mention of clothes – since they had become teenagers, Gabriella had not stopped talking about clothes, make-up and boys.

“Maddie, the party's tonight,” Tina said, raising an eyebrow, “you guys are coming over to choose outfits, like we planned?”

In her head, Maddie swore, “Oh yes. How could I forget.”

“Chill out, Maddie,” Gabriella replied, nudging Maddie with her elbow, “it's going to be fun!”

* * *

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By the time the Fighting Four were back at Tina's house, Maddie was wishing she had gone to the extra class instead. Somehow, she just wasn't in the mood for the night she had planned.

“Come on, Maddie! Lighten up! You're usually way more fun than this!” Gabriella cried, smoothing down her skirt, “I like this skirt...it's unique.”

Maddie raised her eyebrows, but pushed herself off the bed, and decided to join in.

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“Okay, who thought it would be a good idea to dress up as bohemians or island folk?” Maddie asked, calmly. Sharla began to dance in an attempt to imitate the island folk.

“Don't you want to dress to match?” Tina asked, grinning.

“I think we look great!” Gabriella decided, “but maybe we shouldn't match our outfits...”

“You think?” Maddie murmured, as her friends started pulling out more clothes.

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The afternoon became a ritual of trying on clothes and passing a few comments. To Maddie's surprise, the entire thing started to be fun.

“I like the style...but I'm not sure about the cut.”

“I hate the colour. Hate it, hate it, hate it.”

“It's not very me, is it?”

“Guys, do I rock this look or what?”

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“I'm not sure about this eyeliner.”

“What about these sleeves? Too last season?”

“So much clashing!”

“Too boring, seriously!”

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“I like the length...but the pattern?”

“I look HOT!”

“Don't you think this is too fancy?”

“I can't believe you made me try this on.”

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“This is so much better.” Maddie commented, grinning at herself. Sharla smoothed back her hair.

“I couldn't agree more,” she replied, “I get to wear trousers this way.”

Tina grinned at her reflection in the mirror on her cupboard door, while Gabriella struck a pose.

“Girls,” Gabriella said, grinning, “We look awesome.”

* * *

Page 31: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

Night fell and the teenagers were already in the party spirit. Most of them were dancing carelessly in the living room, catching up in shouts over the loud music, and disappearing into the kitchen for punch.

Everyone there seemed to be having a good time.

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Well, almost everyone was having a good time. Maddie had made an effort at the beginning of the night, but now she was fed up.

Maybe it was the fact that Madeline had already been played three times. Her Dad's song had made it to number one in the city, and the kids at the party kept requesting it.

There was only so many times that Maddie could listen to that song without screaming.

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The only solution was to go out for some air. No one noticed her leave the living room and wander out.

Absolutely everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves as the opening lines of Madeline played from the next room, the song being played for the fourth time.

No one else seemed tired of it.

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“I'm not going back inside.” Maddie told herself, quietly, taking a seat on a bench in Tina's garden as it began to rain.

“Hey, need some company?” Someone asked.

Maddie looked up.

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“No.” Maddie told the boy, firmly. The boy didn't even blink at her reaction, but continued to stand there.

“Come on, you're obviously fed up about something,” the guy paused, “You're Madeline, right?”

“Maddie,” she corrected, “Look, you have the bench, I'll find somewhere else to sit.”

“We can share it.” the boy insisted as Maddie got to her feet. She narrowed her eyes at him.

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Maddie sighed, “Look, I'm not interested. Leave me alone, okay?”

“Pretty young ladies shouldn't be left alone,” the guy said, “Bad things happen.”

“I can take care of myself,” Maddie replied, attempting to step around him.

“Don't go,” the boy demanded, and he went to place a hand on Maddie's hip.

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* * *

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“What the hell is your problem?” The boy demanded, sitting in the desert dust.

“You don't EVER put a hand on someone you don't know, got it?” Maddie answered, furious, “Especially not someone who knows how to deal with people like you.”

“You're crazy!” The boy accused, “I was being nice to you.”

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Maddie ignored him, “Don't come near me again, okay? I want nothing to do with you.”

With that, Maddie turned on her heel and stalked down the side of the house, before leaving the party and charging down the street, her back turned on her friends and their fun.

* * *

Page 40: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

“You never know, Robin, tonight might be the night,” Austin laughed, as he carried Robin to bed.

“You can keep hoping,” Robin told him, smiling, “I'm not convinced.”

“If you don't have hope, you have nothing,” Austin replied.

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On the other side of town, another couple were spending time together.

“So you've probably noticed I've made more of an effort lately,” Mark said, “But the thing is, I think I'm too late, Lavender. I cause more problems than I solve...”


“No...I've decided I'm going to go, Lavender. I'll always be your friend, and I'll always be available if the kids need me...but this is goodbye.”

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“You're just giving up?” Lavender asked, “You can't fix things straight away so you no longer want to know?”

“I've thought about this a lot,” Mark sighed, “We've got different goals. I'm going on tour with the band, and I don't want to leave you waiting on me. I think this is for the best.”

Lavender swallowed, “I think it might be for the best, actually. Promise me we'll be friends, though.”

Mark smiled, “We'll always be friends.”

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* * *

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“I'm going to miss you,” Mark confessed, “But I feel like I'm finally doing the right thing.”

Both of them were crying as they hugged, the decision already made.

“It does feel right,” Lavender agreed, as she pulled away, “Good luck with your band.”

“Good luck with your legacy.” Mark smiled, warmly.

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“And now we wait, my lady,” Austin grinned, “But trust me, this might be it. You never know.”

Robin laughed, “I'm so glad you're the man for me.”

* * *

Page 46: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

Hex was tired. The piece of paper in front of him had been blank for most of the evening, all of his goals set for the evening ignored.

“If I was getting older, would I know it?” he wondered, “can you feel yourself aging, or do you notice it suddenly? It's been so long since I last aged...”

Something shifted inside of Hex – it was a feeling and a movement he couldn't describe.

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“Something's changed,” he murmured, waking up a little. Forgetting all of his notes, or the lack of them, Hex rose to his feet, determined to figure out what was going on.

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In the living room, Lee was meeting his twin's new boyfriend, Gary Fratster.

“It's nice to meet you,” Gary shook Lee's hand, firmly, “Aphrodite's told me so much about you.”

“Really?” Lee looked briefly at his twin, “Well, I don't know anything about you.”

“Not much to tell,” Gary replied, “I dropped out of college to travel the world, met your sister, fell in love, and returned home to live with her.”

“Well...it's certainly...romantic.”

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When Gary disappeared to use the bathroom, Aphrodite turned to Lee, grinning, “So, what do you think?”

“He seems nice,” Lee said, with a hint of a smile, “He certainly knows a lot about faraway lands.”

“It's where I met him,” Aphrodite replied, “I was at Three Lakes for a quick break, and he just wandered into my life. It was meant to be, Lee. Honestly.”

“If he knows what's good for him, he'll treat you right,” Lee told her, “Come on, I'll make some tea.”

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When they were in the kitchen, Hex wandered in, a combination of worry, nerves and excitement.

“Did you feel it?” He asked. When met with blank looks, he elaborated, “The power shift, the change? Something happened concerning the legacy...”

“That's not necessarily a good thing.” Lee added. His comment was followed by an uneasy silence, which was only broken by the phone ringing, “I'll get that.”

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“Maddie? What's up?”

“I'm in Sim City and I need a ride home. Mum's not answering her phone.”

“How did you end up in Sim City? Are you okay?”

“Calm down. I just left a party in the suburbs of the City early, and I can't get home. That's all.”

Lee was unconvinced it was that simple, “I'll come and get you. Where are you?”

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When Maddie was done giving descriptions and directions, Lee spoke again, “Right, stay there, don't talk to strangers, and don't go for a wander. I'll be there soon.”

“I'm not four, Lee.”

“See you soon,” Lee said, ignoring her statement. He hung up the phone, “I'm never going to have a night off.”

Even so, he was smiling as he grabbed his car keys.

* * *

Page 53: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

Lance had overheard his parents talking, and then went and made the mistake of telling Leda what he had heard.

“Please stop crying,” he whispered, If only Maddie was home...

“B-b-but Mum and Dad!” Leda sobbed. Lance was running out of ideas. What do you say to someone who is crying?

“How about I go and get Teddy? Would he help?” Lance asked. Leda managed a nod, so Lance let his twin go while he went and searched for her bear.

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Lance sighed when he found Teddy, propped up against a wall down an empty hallway.

“I don't know what you do for Leda,” Lance said, “But it better work tonight.”

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Outside on the path leading up to the front door, Hex was worrying.

“Maybe it's too late to be dropping by,” Hex said to himself, “But if there has been a change...”

With a sigh, Hex rang the doorbell.

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Lavender came to the door in tears, and carefully shut it behind her. When she realised it was Hex, her tears fell faster.

“He's gone, Hex,” Lavender said, between sobs, “And this time, he's not coming back.”

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Hex knew what that felt like, and he knew there was no cure. Carefully, he put his arms around Lavender.

“I can't make things different,” Hex told her, softly, “All I can do is be here for you.”

Lavender continued to cry, though she was grateful for the company she had.

* * *

Page 58: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.7

“You know, your mother would kill you if she knew you'd been wandering round Sim City on your own. At night, too, I might add.”

Maddie shrugged, “She didn't pick up the phone, so I'm assuming it doesn't matter.”

“There's been an event of some kind with the family,” Lee explained, “though no one is sure what.”

“Yeah, because that makes sense,” Maddie laughed, “I'm sure it's all fine. No one needs to know I wandered round the city, anyway.”

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A brief moment of silence took place, while Maddie looked out her window and Lee concentrated on driving.

“Hey, what's that?” Maddie asked. Lee slowed the car and looked out of the window.

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“That's an old radio station,” Lee told her, before adding, thoughtfully, “And it looks like it closed down years ago.”

Maddie frowned, “I wish it hadn't. Working at a radio station would be pretty cool.”

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“We could probably start a radio station,” Lee murmured, looking away from the one outside the window, “But it would be difficult...and expensive...”

“Not if we don't pay.”

“Maddie, that's illegal. You'd have a pirate radio station, then.”

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“If we don't get caught, we'll be fine!” Maddie smiled, “Come on, how amazing would it be to have a radio station?”

Lee bit his lip, before agreeing, “It would be amazing...I'll consider it. Though I really don't want to get into trouble with the law.”

“That, Lee, is all part of the fun.” Maddie decided, as Lee sped up, and they left the radio station behind.

* * *

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That's where I'll leave you this time!

“Why have the last three chapters been so short?!”

Honestly, I have no idea. Though I have a feeling the next few chapters are going to get longer, because of the plot coming up.

Join me and the Wrongways next time for fresh starts, a trip to the Wronglands, and more of generation five!

Thanks for reading!

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