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1833 01402 5164


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A complete record of the Ziegler Family from our

ancestor, Philip Ziegler, born in Bern, Switz-

erland, in 1734, down to the seventh andeighth generations; including also thof^e

who are directly descended from the

family as far as data could

be obtained.






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Copyright, 1906,



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In the following record we have given such in-

'^ formation as could be obtained in the different lines

of our widely scattered family. We have done con-

siderable traveling to gather data and have spent

^ much time in correspondence. Many have manifest-

^^ ed quite an interest and answered our inquiries

promptly, while others were either indifferent or

handi-capped in one way or another, so that we some-

^^ times had to write frequently to the same party for

^ the desired information. Sometimes when the in-

formation did come we had to return it to have dis-

crepancis filled out, corrections made, or have it alto-

gether recast.

After all this had been accomplished and the

material was before us, it was necessary to decide

upon a plan to arrange the same in a way so that all

might easily and readily trace their family connec-

tion and their line of descent. In order to do this wefinally decided to take each generation by itself andnumber consecutively each individual in that genera-

tion and when we came to describe the family of one

in the following generations we simply referred to

number and generation where the name had occurred

before. This plan we followed until we came to the

seventh generation when we simply gave the family

description right in connection with their parents

and so we did not number the members of the seventh

generation. Take for example my father, Daniel

Ziegler, No. 67, Gen. IV ; he is given as the oldest

son of Jacob Ziegler, No. 13, Gen. Ill ; if you refer

back to Gen. Ill, No. 13, you will find that Jacob was

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the third child of Phihp Ziegler who again was the

fifth child of the first .Philip. Now coming downfrom my father No. 67, Gen. IV, you will find his

children from No. 233 to 250 in Gen. V, and his grandchildren from No. 459 to 537 in Gen. VI, and his great

grand children are given right in connection with the

names of the grand children.

You will notice that in some hues of the family

especially there is great deficiency of dates. Evi-

dently some of our correspondents thought it either

unnecessary or found it impossible to supply them.

In the'main we have spared neither time nor space to

include all the information that was supplied us.

I acknowledge much valuable assistance first

from my father who traveled considerably and suc-

ceeded in tracing out several clues to members of our

family which had lost sight of each other and could

never have been traced back if it had not been for

his wide acquaintance and his good memory. lamalso indebted to Adam Miimich, of Trotwood, Ohio,

for information concerning the branch of the family

ir Ohio, John Wesley Ziegler and Mary M. Miller of

South Bend, Ind., Jacob Heagy, of Annville, Pa.,

and a number of others who have gathered data or

imparted information; of these we spaak in recogni-

tion as we meet their names in the genealogy.

You will notice that I invariably omitted the

date of birth of those who were married into the

family. I did this for the sake of simplicity, first; also

I really did not think it necessarily belonged to the

family geuealogy. Many such records even omit the

name.We have refrained from giving an extended

history of the different members of the family for

several reasons :

l3t. Of some of the most prominent mem-

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bers of the family we did not have sufficient informa-

tion at hand to give a biography so that those whomI knew best would very naturally have come in for

the fullest sketch. This would not only not be fair

treatment but might have partaken of vanity, as na-

turally those most intimately known were those of

nearest kin to me.

2nd. It would have also made this volumemuch larger than was desired and,

3rd. To write up biograpbical sketches wouldhave taken much labor and time which we did not

have at our command.Altogether our family is one of which we need

not be ashamed. The thought might indeed occur to

us whether our life is such that the fair record be

not marred by us.


Mar. 26, 1906.

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"^ ZicQlcv—jfamil^ IRccorb.

Our Ancester, Philip Ziegler, was born in

Bern, Switzerland, in 1734, and at the age of twelve,

or in 1746, he emigrated to America. This agrees

with the record found in an old Bible still in the pos-

session of the family of Eli Ziegler near Rehersburg,

Berks Co., Pa. These dates also agree with Rupp's"Thirty Thousand Names."

Brumbaugh in his History of the Brethren

differs from this, for he places the year of his emigra-

tion as 1734. Noticing that this date agrees with the

year of his birth in the above record, the mistake

may have occurred in that way.

He married Rsgina Reguel, anativeof Wurtemburg, Germany, and settled on a farm near Rehers-

burg, Berks Co., but which was at that time Lancaster

Co. This farm has been in the Ziegler name ever

since. Emanuel Ziegler, a member of the fifth gen-

eration, now lives upon this pleasant old homestead.

Upon this farm was built the Ziegler Meeting House,

a small brick structure which was replaced by a

commodious frame building in 1875.

In the orchard on this old homestead is a small

grave yard containing the unmarked grave of our


It is evident that sometime during his lifetime

he also purchased another farm adjoining the formerand extending back to the Swatara. This also has

been in the family to the present.

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Philip also secured the passage of his motherand his sister to this country. This sister marriedGossert and from this family are descended most of

the families by this name in Berks and LebanonCounties. They settled on the homestead on the

Swatara just west of the Ziegler farms.

It is altogether likely that our ancestors be-

longed to the Mennoaite Church in the Old Country,

but probably for the reason that there were none of

that persuasion convenient, Philip joined the Re-formed Church.

Morgan Edwards in his account of the mem-bers of the early congregations in the year 1770 men-tions Philip Ziegler and wife as members of the

Little Swatara Congregation of the German Baptist

Brethren, and a large majority of the succeeding

generations belonged to this denomination.

There have been exceptions to this, however,and ministers and church workers of other persua-

sions are also among the respected and honoredmembers of th'S family.

Taking a general survey of the family whoserecord here lolLjws, we notice that while it has not

been a royal lineage there hava been some of its

members that have occupied prominent positions in

the affairs of county and state.

Habits of fru'^a^ity and industry, a simple,

honest, un.>stentatiou3 life and the inspiration of aninvigorating and healthful rural home life have had a

most salutory effect in developing people who have in

many inst mces, in the later generations, becomeleaders in their respective cillings.

As we f 3II0W out the different branches of the

family we notice in the ranks ministers of the gospel,

bishops in the Church, doctors, lawyers, college

professors, members of Legislature, county officers,

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school teachers, prominent business men and someof the most prominent and successful farmers that

till the soil.

Generation II.

The date of the marriage of the first Phihp is

not upon record. To him and his wife ReginaReguelZiegler were born eight children as follows :

1. Joha Ziegler, born Sept. 15. 1758.

2. Anna Barbara Ziegler, born Oct. 29, 1759.

3. Jacob Ziegler, born Mar. 26, 1760.

4. Regina Ziegler, born Jan. 6, 1762.

5. Philip Ziegler, born Jan 25, 1764.

6. Paul Ziegler, born May 28, 1765.

7. Eva Ziegler, born Sept. 29, 1766.

8. Leonhardt Ziegler, born Mar. 5, 1768.

This closes generation II. Following is genera-tion III.

Generation III.

These were all born on the old homestead near

Rehersburg, Pa.

Their families follow: John Ziegler No. 1. Gen.II, married Stohler. They had three sons.

1. John Ziegler, went to Va.

2. Leonard Ziegler, lived near Lititz, Lan, Co.

3. Philip Ziegler.

Anna Barbara Ziegler, No. 2. Gen. II, marriedChristian Frantz.

Christian Frantz was oae of John Prantz's

family at the Swatara which was sorely visited bythe Indians in one of their raids, killing the

mother when the father was away aud carrying all

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the children captive, except the least one whom theydid not find. John, Christian and a sister, whowere taken captive, were held until the close of the

French and Indian War when the father, learning of

the whereabouts of his children, went and recover-

ed Christian and his sister. Their stories of hard-

ships aud adventure were quite thrilling.

Christian was received into the BrethrenChurch at quiie an advanced age. His brother-in-

law, Eld. Philip Ziegler, administered the ordinance

of baptism.

Had three children, one son and two daugh-ters.

4. John Prantz married Walborn.

5. One daughter married Geo. Fabcr.

6. One daughter married Gaudy.

Jacob Ziegler, No. 3, Gen. II, married Kinsey,

lived and died at Suedberg, Schuylkill Co.

He had one of the famous Sower Bibles whichthe English had used to bed their horses when they

tried to destroy the Sower Pubhshing House. Theindomitable Sower however again gaihered up the

scattered leaves and bound them, and this particular

Bible bore unmistakable evidence of having been in

such use.

To this family were born three children.

7. Philip Ziegler, known as Lykens Valley


8. David Ziegler, lived at* Carlisle Pa., andafterward in Ohio.

9. One daughter, married to Geo. Botz.

Regina Ziegler No. 4. Gen. II, married to JohnThomas. They had one son.

10. John Thomas.

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Philip Ziegler No. 5. Gen. II. Married Eliza-

beth Smith. They lived on the old homestead and he

served in the capacity of Minister and afterv^ard as

Bishop of the Little Swatara Congregation. Theyhad seven children.

11. Mary Ziegler, born Oct. 19, 1794.

12. John Ziegler, born Nov. 13, 1796.

13. Jacob Ziegler, born Jan. 4, 1799.

14. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Jan 27, 1801.

15. Philip Ziegler, born July 25, 1804.

16. Daniel Ziegler, born Oct. 29, 1807.

17. Hanaah Ziegler. born Sept. 20, 1814.

Paul Ziegler, No. 6. Gen. II, married Sarah.

They lived in Botetourt Co., Va., waere their chil-

dren were born, seven in number.

18. John Ziegler, born Apr. 17, 1791.

19. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Aug. 8, 1792.

20. PhiHp Ziegler, born Mar. 7, 1795.

21. Michael Ziegler, born Jan. 2, 1798.

22. Samuel Ziegler, born Jan. 1. 1800.

23. Susan Ziegler, born Sept. 27, 1804.

24. Jacob Ziegler, born Jan. 8, 1808.

This v^hole family seems to have emigrated to

Ohio and Indiana where their descendants still live.

Eva Ziegler No. 7. Gen. II, married AbrahamLentz. Children follow.

25. Barbara Lentz, wife of Joseph Long.

26. Betzy Lentz, wife of Abraham Moyer.

27. Polly Lentz, wife of Michael Wolf.

28. Eva Lentz, wife of David Long.

Leonhardt Ziegler No. 8. Geu. II, born Mar.

5, 1768, married to Catherine Redig who was born

Nov. 16, 1772. They were married Dec. 10, 1790.

Moved to Adams Co., Pa. To them were born 6

children as follows :

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29. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Aug. 10, 1791.

30. John Ziegler, born Dec. 31, 1793.

31. Catherine Ziegler, born Dec. 31, 1795.

32. Eva Ziegler, born July 16, 1800.

33. Regina Ziegler, born Oct. 27, 1802.

34. Mary Ziegler, born Aug. 28, 1805.

This closes the third, generation.

Generation IV.

The fourth generation follows :

John Ziegler, son of John Ziegler, son of Philip

No. 1. Gen. Ill, was married to Elizabeth Kline.

They moved from Lebanon Co., Pa. to RockinghamCo., Va. in 1812.

To them were born thirteen children, sevensons and six daughters.

1. John Ziegler.

2. Jacob Ziegler.

3. Geo. Ziegler.

4. Samuel Ziegler.

5. David Ziegler.

6. Philip Ziegler, and 7. Mary Ziegler , twins.

8. Anna Ziegler, and 9. Elizabeth Ziegler,


10. Sallie Ziegler.

11. Catherine Ziegler.

12. Lydia Ziegler.

13. Daniel Ziegler.

Leonard Ziegler No. 2. Gen. Ill, son of John,

son of Philip, lived and died near Lititz, Lancaster

Co., Pa., married a Miss Boyer, and had three sons.

14. Manuel Ziegler, Lingelstowa.

15. David Ziegler, near Lititz.

16. John Ziegler, Lititz, born Apr. 1, 1816;

still living, Oct. 1903

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Philip Ziegler No. 3, Gen. Ill, was married to

Miss Rifine and they had three children.

17. John Ziegler, living near Cornwall.

18. Philip Ziegler, Bethel Twp., Berks Co.

19. Kate Ziegler, married to John Fisher.

John Prantz No. 4. Gen. Ill, son of BarbaraZiegler. Prantz lived in Berks Co., Pa. Married a

Miss Walborn. To them were born four children.

20. Eli Pranzt, born June 16, 1820, married to

Lavina Edris.

21. William Prantz.

22. Eliza Prantz, married Richard Krick.

23. Priscilla Prantz, never married.

Philip Ziegler No. 7, Gen III, son of Jacob,

son of Philip. Married to Kate Kline. He lived in

the Lykens Valley, Dauphin Co., Pa., and hence

was known among the relations as Lykens Valley

Philip. Had two sons and one daughter.

24. Joseph Ziegler, married Catherine Lentz.

25. Daniel Ziegler, born Apr. 22, 1822.

25a. Elizabeth Ziegler, born May 10, 1819.

David Ziegler, No. 8, Gen. Ill, brother of

Elizabeth Ziegler, lived at Carlisle, Pa., and after-

wards moved to Ohio. Was born in Lancaster Co.

Aug. 7, 1790. His first wife was Marie Ehninger, bornNov. 25, 1791. They were married in 1812. To this

union were born eight children. Some time between1830 and 1834 he no doubt with his entire family

emigrated to Ohio and settled in Logan Co., where onApril 1, 1834 he was married for his second time to

Lydia Prantz who was born in Botetourt Co., Va.,

Sept. 27, 1805. To this union were born twelve chil-

dren, making twenty children as follows :

26. Joseph Ziegler, born Jan. 4, 1813.

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27. John Ziegler, born June 1, 1815.

28. Anna Ziegler, bora June 27, 1817.

29. David Ziegler, born Nov. 16, 1818.

30. Philip Zieger, born Sept. 13, 1823.

31. Jacob Ziegler, born Sept. 29, 1826.

32. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Jan. 11, 1828.

33. Henry Ziegler, born Jan. 15, 1830.

Second wife.

34. Micheal Ziegler, died at the age of 3 years.

35 Susanna Ziegler, born Mar. 13, 1836.

36. Lydia Ziegler, born Apr. 16, 1837.

37. Sabina Ziegler, born Apr. 3, 1838.

38. Catherine Ziegler, born Aug. 3, 1839; died

Mar. 24, 1859.

39. Noah Ziegler, born Oct. 28. 1840; died

Feb. 3, 1848.

40. Christian Ziegler, born Sept. 24, 1842;

died same year.

41. Moses tZiegler, born Apr. 20, 1844; diedJune 11, 1864.

42. Ehas Ziegler, born Dec. 5, 1835, Pike

Township, Clark Co., Ohio.

43. Abraham Ziegler. born Apr. 16, 1847.

44. Sarah Ziegler, born Apr. 18, 1849; died

July 27, 1871.

45. Abigail Ziegler, born Jan. 11, 1853 ; died

Dec. 20, 1860.

The first eight children were born in Cumber-land Co., Pa. The next seven in Logan Co., Ohio, and

the other five in Clark Co., Ohio.

The one daughter of Jacob Ziegler, father of

the above No. 9, Gen. Ill, was married to Geo. Botz

and lived in Lykens, Dauphin Co., Pa.

46. Moses Botz of Sunbury is a son.

John Thomas No. 10, Gen. Ill, son of Regina

Ziegler, daughter of Philip, as nearly as we can as-

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certain (although it must be admitted that this

branch of the family history is not so well authenti-

cated) was married to Susannah Miller, and lived in


They had six children as follows :

47. Daniel Thomas48. Sarah Thomas, died young.

49. Jacob Thomas, born Mar. 10, 1823.

50. John Thomas51. Susan Thomas52. Ehzabeth Thomas

Mary Ziegler, No. 11, Gen. Ill, oldest daugh-

ter of Elder Philip Ziegler, was born Oct. 18, 1794.

Her husband John Balsbaugh was born Nov. 4, 1788.

They were married Mar. 27, 1814. They lived andraised their family of eleven children on a farm near

High spire, Dauphin Co., Pa. The mother died May28, 1857. Father died Jan. 18, 1879.

Children's names and ages follow :

53. Hannah Ba'sbau ^h born Apr. 25, 1815,

died Oct. 1, 1821.

54. Geo. Balsbaugh, born Dec. 13,-1817.

55. Jacob Balsbaugh born Dec. 19, 1819, died

May 9, 1826.

56. Valentine Balsbaugh, born Sep. 21, 1821.

57. John Balsbaugh, born June 7, 1824.

58. Ehzabeth Balsbaugh, born May 31, 1826.

59. Elijah Bilsbaugh, born Sept. 20, 1828.

60. Henry Balsbaugh, born Jan. 29, 1831.

61. Mary Balsbaugh, born Nov. 12, 1833.

62. Annie Balsbaugh, born Seo. 7, 1836.

63. Solomon Balsbaugh, born Oct. 1, 1838.

John Ziegler, No. 12, Gen. Ill, was married to

Margareta Pieffer, and commenced housekeeping on

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the old homestead in 1824. They had three cLildren.

He was born Nov. 13, 1796; died Apr. 3. 1831. Moth-

er was born Sept. 13, 1800; died June 1, 1866.

Children's names as follow :

64. William Ziegler, born Jan. 1, 1825.

65. Hannah Ziegler,

66. Ehzabetti Ziegler, born Sept. 7, 1829.

Jacob Ziegler, No 13, Gen. Ill, \^•as married to

Magdalene Peiffer, May 26, 1822, and lived on the

farm adjoining the old Ziegler homestead. Motherdied May, 1877. Father died June 29, 1872.

Children's names as follows :

67. Daniel Ziegler, born Mar. 14. 1823.

68. John Ziegler, born Oct. 2, 1824.

69. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Sept. 30. 1826.

70. Rebecca Ziegler, born Feb. 1, 1829.

71. Jacob Ziegler, born Nov. 17, 1832.

72. Elias Ziegler, born May 18, 1835.

Jacob died Aug. 16, 1833, and John died Nov.

20, 1846.

Elizabeth Ziegler. No. 14, Gen. Ill, was mar-

ried to Jacob Doner, Jan. 16, 1821.

Three children :

73. Jacob Doner, Easton, Ohio

74. Mary Doner75. Lizzie DonerRefer for correction of this to close of this


Philip Ziegler, No, 15, Gen. Ill, was married

to Katie Merkey, Mar. 18, 1826. They settled in

Lancaster Co., where he was elected to the ministry

and afterwards ordained to the eldership and had

charge for some time of the Chiques Congregaiion of

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the Brethren Church. He died June 22, 1874. His

wife died Ma--. 13, 1877.

Five children


76. Mary Ziegler, born Sept. 22, 1828.

77. Joseph Ziegler, born Jan. 10, 1832.

78. Phihp Ziegler, born Jan. 11, 1834.

79. Catherine Ziegler, born Oct. 31, 1835.

80. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Sep. 7, 1837.

Joseph died Aug. 7, 1833.

Haonah Ziegler, No. 17, Gen. Ill, was mar-

ried to Isaac Kobel. He died Jan. 20 1875. She

died Aug. 13. 1894.

Five children.

81. Jacob Kobel

82. John Kobel

83. Elizabeth Kobel, born June 20, 1833.

84. Rebeccah Kobe!

85. Polly Kobel

It is supposed that John Ziegler, No. 18, Gen.

Ill, was left in Virginia and his family cannot be


Elizabeth Ziegler, No, 19, Gen. Ill, was married

to Lewis Ray, near Springfield, Ohio.

Five children


86. John Ray87. Lewis Ray88. Michael Ray89. Samuel Ray90. Daughter's name not known.

Phihp Ziegler, No. 20, Gen. Ill, with Michael

and Samuel his two brothers and their families mov-

ed from Botetourt Co., Va., in 1833 to South Bend,

Ind., where they all died.

Philip was married to S u-ah Stover.

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Six children :

91. Sarah Ann Ziegler

92. Lafayette Ziegler

93. Catherine Ziegler

94. William Ziegler

95. Elizabeth Ziegler

96. Matilda Ziegler

Michael Ziegler, No. 21, Gen. Ill, was married

to EUzabeth Littrell, Oct 16, 1823. Died Mar. 16,

1848. His wife also died on same date.

Nine children :

97. James L. Ziegler, born Aug. 21, 1824;

died Mar. 5, 1848.

98. Mary Jane Ziegler, born May 31. 1827.

99 L'^wis H. Ziegler, born May 20, 1829; died

Aug. 19 1884. Family lived in Rosebud, Oregon.

100. John Wesley Ziegler, born June 27, 1831.

101. Geo. Paul Ziegler, born May 22, 1833.

Married Emma Shedrich, Jan. 12,' 1861.

102. Sarah Martha Ziegler, born Oct. 24, 1835.

Married, Oct. 28, 1858, to Hiram BurUngame.103. Charles Michael Ziegler, born April 30,

1838. Married, Feb. 7, 1861, to Elizabeth Stuckey.

104. Samuel Philip Ziegler, born Feb. 6, 1842.

Died young.

105. William Marion Ziegler, born Feb. 9.

1845. Lives at Rollicg Prairie, Ind. Farmer.

Samuel Ziegler, No. 22, Gen. Ill, v>as married

to Margaret Garwood, Nov. 2, 1826.

Ten children :

106. Joseph Ziegler, born Aug. 17, 1827.

107. William R. Ziegler, born May 13, 1829.

108. Martha Ziegler, born Feb. 21, 1831.

109. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Mar. 16, 1833.

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110. Mary Ziegler, born July 14, 1835.

111. Hiram Ziegler, born Aug. 6, 1837.

112. James P. Ziegler, born Apr. 8, 1839.

113. Sarah J. Ziegler, born Mar. 25, 1843.

114. Walter M. Ziegler, born June 4, 1844.

115. John Zeigler, born May 28, 1846.

Susan Ziegler, No. 23, Gen. Ill, was marriedto John Garst.

Seven children :

116. Sarah Garst, married to Mr. Long.

117. Mary Garst, married to Mr. Ferris.

118. Daughter's name unknown.119. Catharine Garst

120. Henry Garst

121. Lucinda Garst, and 122. Clorinda Garst,


Barbara Lentz, No. 25, Gen. Ill, was married

to Joseph Long. She was born Nov. 29, 1794. DiedFeb. 14, 1875.

Three children :

123. Mary Long, born Oct. 4, 1813.

124. Elizabeth Long, born Mar. 11, 1815.

Died July 18, 1830.

125. Lydia Long, born July 27, 1821.

Elizabeth Lentz, No 26, Gen. Ill, was married

to Abraham Moyer.

Five children :

126. Jonathan Moyer127. John L. Moyer128. Abraham Moyer129. Susan Moyer130. Ehzabeth Moyer

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Polly Lentz. No. 27, Gen. Ill, was married to

Seven children :

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husbmd who at the presant time is still living at

Mumasburg, Adams, Co., Pa. Nothing further

known of their family.

Correction of "Record of Jacob and Elizabeth

Doner No. 14, Gen. Ill, who bad nine children, three

of whose names were given ; the others are :

153. Isaac Doner154. John Doner155. One died ia infancy.

156. Henry Dohner157. Eliza Dobner158. Caroline Dobner, died single.

159. Hannah Dohner, died single.

As far as we have been able to trace up the

family, this is the extent of the fourth generation.

Most of those whose record has appeared so far are

not now living but now as we come to their families

in the next or fifth generation we record the names

of many who are only now in the prime of life and

who no doubt will take much interest in this family


Generation V.

John Ziegler, No. 1, Gen. IV, was born July

21, 1809. Died Aug. 30, 1898. Buried in Linnville

Creek Cemetery, Va. He was married to Catherine


Nine children :

1 Joseph Ziegler

2. Rebecca Ziegler.

3. Sarah Ziegler, born July 15, 1837.

4. George Ziegler, died iu Louisana during

the Civil War.5. John Ziegler. Drowned at the age of 5 years.

6. Name not given.

7. Michael Ziegler, born Sept. 14, 1843.

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8. Catharine Ziegler, born Nov. 25, 1844.

9. Isaac Ziegler, born Apr. 20, 1846.

John Ziegler 's second wife, Mary Miller.

Two Children:

10. Benjamin Ziegler.

11. Annie Ziegler.

Jacob Ziegler, No. 2 Gen. IV, was born Oct. 16,

1811. He was married to Christena Garber, and

died July 31, 1896 in Augusta Co., Va.

Ten children, only three of whom are given

as living:

12. Annie Ziegler.

13. David Ziegler.

14. John Ziegler.

Geo. Ziegler, No. 3 Gen. IV, was born at Timber-

ville, Va., Jan. 31, 1814. Drowned Jan. 18, 1819.

Samuel Ziegler, No. 4 Gen. IV, was born Oct. 11,

1816. Died Nov. 30, 1901. Was married to AnnieMiller. They had 11 children, 7 sons and 4 daugh-

ters, 31 grand children and 10 great grand children.

These are the names of children given :

15. John P. Ziegler, born Jan. 10, 1845.

16. David H. Ziegler, born Dec. 26, 1857.

17. Salhe F. Ziegler.

18. MoUie Ziegler, born Apr. 12, 1754.

19. Jacob Ziegler, born July 9, 1852.

David Ziegler, No. 5, Gen. IV, was born Mar. 1,

1820. Died Jan. 21, 1892. Lived and died atTimber-

ville, Va.

Philip Ziegler, No. 6 Gen. IV, was born Mar. 12,

1822. Died Aug. 15, 1841.

Mary Ziegler, No. 7 Gen. IV, was born Mar 12,

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1822. Died Dec. 21, 1889. She was married to David


Five children :

20. Lizzie Hoover.

21. Dr. Geo. Hoover.

22. John Hoover.

23. Jacob Hoover.

24. Samuel L. Hoover.

Anna Ziegler. No. 8 Gen. IV, was born Jan. 18,

1825. Died Jan. 22, 1874. Married to Noah Bowman.Four children:

25. Paul C. Bowman.26. David E. Bowman.27. Minnie Bowman.28. Lizzie Bowman.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 9 Gen. IV, was born Jan.

18, 1825. Married to E!d. John Wine. Nine chil-

dren :

29. Mary Wine.

30. LydiaWine.31. Benjamin Wine.

32. Lizzie Wine.

33. Jacob Wine.

34. John Wine.

Sallie Ziegler, No. 10 Gen. IV. was born June 30,

1827. Died Aug. 19, 1884. Married to Geo. M. Bow-man. Eleven children, three living :

35. Alpheus M. Bowman, Salem, Va.

35a. Rufus Calvin Bowman.36. Homer Bowman. Lives in N. Carolina.

37. Martha Bowman.

Catharine Ziegler, No 11 Gen. IV, was born July1st, 1829. Died Feb. 24, 1886. Buried m Linnville

Creek Cemetery, Va.

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Lydia Zieg!er, No. 12 Gen. IV, born Apr. 26

1831. Died Apr. 9, 1890. Married to Joseph Wam-pler. Ten children, five of whom are given :

38. John C. Wampler.39. Eliza Wampler.40. Rebeccah Wampler.41. J. WilUam Wampler.42. Samuel Wampler.

Daniel Ziegler. No. 13 Gen. IV, born July 26,

1833. Married Hanna Rebeccah Young. Threechildren :

43. David Franklin Ziegler.

44. Elizabeth Ziegler, born No\. 25, 1862. Diedsame day.

45. John Abraham Ziegler.

Manuel Ziegler, No. 14 Gen IV, married NancyEshelmao. Six children :

46. Daniel Zieglf r.

47. John Ziegler, died small.

48. Infaiit'iaOD.

49. Elizabetli Ziegler.

49A. Annie Ziegler.

50. MaryZiegler.

His second wife was Mary SoUenberger. Threechildren


51. Leah Ziegler.

52. Sarah Ziegler.

53. Kathryne Ziegler.

David Ziegler, No. 15 Gen. IV, born Jan. 14,

1829. Married to Lizzie Kurtz. Two children :

54. Amanda K. Ziegler.

55. Levi Ziegler.

John Ziegler, No. 16 Gen. IV. Born Apr. 1,

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1816. Married Rebeccah Weidman. Lives at Lititz,

Lancaster Co., Pa. Three children:

56. Sarah i^iegler,

57. Harriet Ziegler.

58. Annie Ziegler.

John Ziegler, No. 17 Gen. IV. Born Apr. 16,

1830 Married to Elizabeth Hartman. Living near

Cornwall, Lebanon Co., Pa. Eight children :

59. Joseph Ziegler.

60. Catharine Ziegler.

61. John Ziegler.

62. Jacob Ziegler.

63. Sarah Ziegler.

64. Elizabeth Ziegler.

65. Ida Ziegler, born Jan. 20, 1866. Dead.

66. Monroe Ziegler, born Mar. 2, 1867. Dead.

Philip Ziegler, No. 18 Gen. IV. Married Miss

Crunrad. Lived near Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. Twochildren :

67 Geo. Ziegler, Fredericksburg, Pa.

68. Mrs. Miller.

Kate Zii: gler, No. 19 Gen. IV. Married John

Fisher, Mt. Atena, Berks Co., Pa. No children.

Wm. Frantz, No. 21, Gen. IV. Married MaryStamm. Lived near Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. Six

children :

69. Loreno Fraatz, born Oct. 9, 1849.

70. Mary C. Frantz, born Jan. 3, 1852, Died


71. Henry A. Frantz, born Jau. 16, 1854.

72. John N. Fractz, born Dec. 13, 1856.

73. Thomas B. Frantz, born Aug. 20, 1858.

74. Morris Frantz, born Apr. 8, 1862.

Eliza Frantz, No. 22 Gen. IV. Married Richard

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Krick. Lived near Mt. Aetna, Berks Co., Pa. Onechild:

75. Mrs. Absalom Deck. Dead. No issue.

Joseph Ziegler, No. 24 Gen. IV. Married Catha-

rine Lentz. Lived in Fowl's ValJey. Eight children:

76. Sarah Ziegler. Died in infancy.

77. John Ziegler. Died at age of 18 years.

78. Joseph Ziegler.

79. Susan Ziegler.

80. Isaac Ziegler.

81. Abraham Ziegler.

82. Catharine Ziegler.

83. Jacob Ziegler.

Daniel Ziegler, No. 25 Gen. IV, son of Lyken&Valley Philip, married Sarah Jane Gardner, Dec. 10,

1843, by Rev. M. Eanes. They lived at Hahfax. Pa.

Widow now lives with her son, William Lodge Ziegler

at Steelton, Pa. They had eight children, 3 of whomstill live:

84. Mary Jane Ziegler, born Oct. 5, 1844. Died

Sept. 21, 1845.

85. James McGinnis Ziegler, born Nov. 1, 1845.

86. John Gardner Zie.iier, born Nov. 1 1847.

87. Catharine Rebecca Ziegler, born Mar. 13,


88. Anna Mary Ziegler, born Dec. 2, 1852. Died

Aug. 22, 1854.

89. William Lodge Ziegler, born Feb. 18, 1855.

90. Albert Curtin Ziegler, born Aug. 29, 1860,

Died Jan. 17, 1871.

91. Sarah Jane Ziegler, born Mar. 22, 1866. Died

June 2, 1866.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 25a. Gen. IV. married Geo,

Knerr, Feb. 6, 1838. Had 11 children.

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1. Isaiah Knerr, born Nov. 28, 1838, married

Feb. 11, 1860. Had five children ; four are living;

one dead.

2. Josiah K. Knerr, born Dec. 10, 1840, married

Feb. 26, 1865. Had five children; two living ; three


3 Lavina Knerr, born Sept. 30, 1842, married

Nov. 8, 1862. Had six children: four living ; twodead.

4. Racheal Knerr, born Oct. 1, 1844, married

Aug. 7, 1865. Had six children; five living ; one dead.

5. William H. Knerr, born Dec. 11, 1846. Nevermarried.

6. Henry A. Knerr, born July 5, 1848. Never


7. Emma Knerr, born Sep^ 3, 1852, married

Nov. 10, 1874. One child still hving.

8. Alice C. Knerr, born Mar. 1, 1857. Married.

One child living,

9. Jane R. Knerr, born Oct. 17, 1859. Nevermarried.

10. Charles B. Knerr, born Oct. 5, 1863. Mar-ried May 28, 1885. Had three children living.

Geo. Knerr, the father of this family, his twosons, Isaiah E., and Josiah K., and George, grandson, a son of Isaiah E , became ministers of the

Evangelical Association and the United Evangelical

Church, thus rendering active and local services in

the ministry for some one hundred and forty years.

They occupied prominent positions in these church-


Isaiah Knerr is dead.

Josiah K. Knerr lives at Lebanon, Pa.

Lavina Knerr lives at Elkhart, Ind.

Rachael Knerr lives at Weissport, Carbon Co.,


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Emma C. Knerr lives at Weissport, Carbon Co.,


William H. Knerr. Dead.

Henry A. Knerr. Dead.

Alice Knerr. Dead.

Jane R. Knerr. Dead.

Charles B. Knerr lives at Bethlehem, Pa.

For data of this family we are indebted to Rev.

Josiah K. Knerr of Lebanon, Pa.

Joseph Ziegler, No. 26, Gen. IV, married Seba

Kinsey. Lived in Logan Co., Ohio. Was a minister

in the Brethren Church.

Six childr-n :

92. Levi Ziegler. Died single.

93. Catharine Ziegler.

94. Jesse Ziegler.

95. Daniel Ziegler.

96. David Ziegler.

97. Jonas Ziegler.

John Ziegler, No. 27, Gen. IV, married AnnaMay Horner. Jan. 28, 1836. Lived in Ohio

Five children :

98. Catharine Ziegler, born Jan. 16, 1837.

99. Elizabeth Ziegler, born July 31, 1838.

100. Mary Ann Ziegler, born Mar. 4, 1840.

101. John Ziegler, born Nov. 20, 1841.

102. David Ziegler.

David Ziegler, No. 29, Gen. IV, married Eliza-

beth Johnson.

Three children :

103. Mary Ziegler.

104. Elijah Ziegler.

105. Isaiah Ziegler.

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Philip Ziegler, No. 30, Gen. IV, was a minister

in the Christian Church. Married first wife SusanHall. Second wife Elizabeth Miles.

By first wife one daughter :

106. OHve Ziegler.

By second wife five children :

107. Sanford Ziegler.

108. Marjorie Ziegler.

109. Arba Ziegler.

110. Sarah Ziegler.

111. Harvey Ziegler.

By third wife Sarah Raymond :

112. One daughter, Louisa Ziegler.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 32, Gen. IV, married Jos-

eph Cook.

Three children :

113. Letitia Cook.

114. Granville Cook.

115. Silas Cook.

Susanna Ziegler, No. 35, Gen. IV, married Mich-

ael Hartman, Mar. 20, 1853, Clark Co., Ohio.

Eight children :

115. David Hartman, born Dec. 24, 1853 ; died

at the age of two years.

116. Etta Hartman, born Sept. 24, 1855.

117. Wm. H. Hartman, born Sept. 5, 1857.

118. Sarah Ann Hartman, born Jan. 10, 1861.

119. Samuel N. Hartman, born Dec. 6, 1862.

120. Joseph H. Hartman, born Jan. 6, 1865

121. Emma Hartman, born Apr. 5, 1868.

122. Fannie Hartman, born Aug. 29, 1871.

Lydia Ziegler, No. 36, Gen. IV, married JohnOtewalt, June 18, 1854. Lived in Logan Co., Ohio.

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Seven children :

123. One son, born Mar. 21, 1855 ; died the

same day.

124. Mary E. Orewalt, born 1856.

125. Cordelia Ote wait, born Feb. 1, 1858.

126. Pheobe Otewalt, born DcC. 16, 1859.

127. Emory E. Otewalt, born Sept. 16, 1868.

128. Orris G. Otewalt, born Apr. 15, 1875.

129. HolUs Otewalt, born Jan. 18, 1881.

Sabina Ziegler, No. 37, Gen. IV, married Feb.

10, 1859, to John Grisso.

Eleven children :

130. Oscar Grisso, born Feb. 10. 1860.

131. Ira D. Grisso, born Nov. 27, 1861.

132. Wm. Clark Grisso, born Aug. 8, 1863.

133. George Grisso, born Feb. 6, 1865 ; died the

same year.

134. Samuel Grisso, born Oct. 27, 1866.

135. Elias Z. Grisso, born Sept. 15, 1868.

136. Joseph Grisso, born Feb. 9, 1871.

137. Daniel Grisso, born June 12, 1875.

138. Olive Grisso, born Oct. 15, 1877.

139. Noah Webster Grisso, born Mar. 21, 1880.

140. C. Clarence Grisso, born Feb. 28, 1882.

Elias Ziegler, No. 42, Gea. IV, married Melinda

Miller, Nov. 2, 1873.

Two children :

141. Olive Ziegler, born Sept. 27, 1875.

142. Lawrence E. Ziegler, born Oct. 3, 1880.

Richfield twp., Lancaster Co., O.

Abraham Ziegler, No. 43, Gen. IV, was married

to Carohne Hawke, Feb. 29, 1872.

Five children :

143. Dora Ziegler.

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144. Orva Clyde Ziegler.

145. WiDiam Alva Ziegler.

146. Oran Ziegler.

147. Mary E. Ziegler.

Daniel Thomas, No. 47, Gen. IV, married Eliza-

beth Bowman, Sept. 28, 1843.

Six children :

148. Rebeccah Thomas.149. Susan Thomas.150. Geo. W. Thomas.151. John B. Thomas.152. Benjamin P. Thomas.153. D. Saylor Thomas.

Daniel Thomas was a minister in the BrethrenChurch. He was a man of ability and traveled ex-

tensively ; his death in 1868 was a great loss to the


Jacob Thomas, No. 49, Gen. IV, married Eliza-

beth Swope.

Seven children :

154. Susan C. Thomas, lives at home.

155. Sarah F. Thomas.156. Elizabeth Thomas. Died young.

157. Peter S. Thomas, born Apr. 12, 1857.

158. Abram S. Thomas.159. Mary A. Thomas.160. Joseph W. Thomas. Died at 20 years.

John Thomas, No. 50, Gen. IV, married SusannaSanger, May 20, 1847. Removed to Iowa and lived

in Keokuk Co.

Eight children :

161. Sarah Thomas.162. John Thomas.163. Daniel Thomas.

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189. Mary Balsbaugh.

190. George Balsbaugh.

Valentine Balsbaugh, No. 56, Gen. IV, married

Mary A. Shupe, Dec. 18, 1851, at Harrisburg, by Dr.

Chas. A. Hay. Died at Middletown, where his wid-

ow still lives.

191. Annie C. Balsbaugh. born Aug. 17, 1852.

192. John E. Balsbaugh, born Sept. 27, 1854.

193. Morris H. Balsbaugh, born Apr. 10, 1860.

Died Apr. 7, 1864.

John Balsbaugh, No. 57, Gen. IV. married RhodaTaylor, July 4, 1850, of Kishacoquillas Valley. Hewas a member of the Legislature in 1864 5, and ticket

agent for the Penna. R. R. Co., at Port Royal, from1858 till 1882. Died Mar. 14, 1882.

Eight children :

194. John Henry Balsbaugh, born Aug. 18, 1851.

Died Aug. 7, 1866.

195. Mary Alice Balsbaugh, born July 25, 1853.

196. Geo. Eliot Balsbaugh, born Feb. 17, 1855.

197. Martha Matilda Balsbaugh, born May 31,

1857. Lives at home.

198. Rhoda Jane Balsbaugh, born Mar. 12, 1860.

Died Jan. 7, 1892.

199. Charley Taylor Balsbaugh, born May 6,

1862. Succeeded his father as R. R. agent at Port

Royal. Lives at home.

200. Anna Margaret Balsbaugh, born June 19,

1865. Lives at home.

201. Wm. Frederick Balsbaugh, born Apr. 3,

1869. Editor & proprietor of the Bellwood Bulletin.

Elizabeth Balsbaugb, No. 58, Gen. IV, married

John Snyder of New Cumberland, York Co., Pa.

Six children :

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202. Geo. Snyder.

203. Maggie Snyder.

204. James Snyder.

205. Mary Snyder.

206. Harry Snyder.

207. Catharine Snyder.

Elijah Balsbaugh, No. 59, Gen. IV, married AnnaMachen.

Five children :

208. Emma Balsbaugh. Died young.

209. Alice Balsbaugh. Single, at Oberlin, Pa.

210. Annie Balsbaugh.

211. Edward Balsbaugh.

212. Carrie Balsbaugh.

Henry Balsbaugh, No. 60, Gen. IV, married

Mary Ulrich. Lives at Harrisburg, R. F. D. No. 1.

Six children :

213. Amelia Balsbaugh.

214. Emma Balsbaugh.

215. Frank Balsbaugh.

216-218. Samuel, John, and Harry, died young.

Mary Balsbaugh, No. 61, Gen. IV, marreid Cor-

nelius Shope, Jan. 2, 1868. Her husband died Mar.

23, 1898. Widow is still living at Oberha, Pa. Shehas the family records and has furnished many of

the data pertaining to the Balsbaugh family.

Solomon Balsbaugh, No. 63, Gen. IVj married

Elizabeth Ulrich, Jan. 17, 1860.

Eight children


219. Wilmot L. Balsbaugh, born Mar. 15, 1861.

Died Nov. 25, 1870.

220. Elmer E. Balsbaugh, born Aug. 22, 1864.

221. Carrie A. Balsbaugh, born May 8, 1867.

Died Oct. 16, 1870.

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222. Harvey U. Balsbaugh, born Aug. 12, 1868.

Died Dec. 17, 1870.

223. John E. Balsbaugh, born Jan. 14, 1872.

224. Samuel U. Balsbaugh, born Mar. 28, 1874.

Died July 10, 1897.

225. Milton W. Balsbaugh, born Mar. 25, 1877.

226. Naomi M. Balsbaugh, born Jan. 7. 1879.

These two are still at home.

Wm. Ziegler, No. 64, Gen. IV, married Esther

Kline, Sept. 21, 1845. He Jived and died on the old

homestead. Living so close to the Ziegler MeetingHouse, his home was a home for the Brethren.

Four children :

227. John Ziegler, born Oct. 24, 1S48.

228. Philip Ziegler, born Oct. 18, 1850.

229. Emanuel Ziegler, born May 21, 1854.

230. Mary Ziegler, born June 4, 1858.

Hannah Ziegler, No. 65, Gen. IV, married Samu-el Gettel, Sept. 13, 1846. Commenced housekeeping

near Wolf's Meeting House, Lebanon Co., Pa. Sam-uel Gettel died Aug. 17, 1874. He was a minister in

the Brethren Church. The widow still lives near

Rehrersburg, Pa.

Two children


231. Samuel Gettel, born Mar. 28, 1848.

232. Jacob Gettel, born Mar. 20, 1858.

Daniel Ziegler, No. 67, Gen. IV, married MaryKline, Oct. 5, 1844, for his first wife.

Four children


233. Elizabeth Ziegler, born July 5, 1845.

234. Jacob Ziegler, born Feb. 12, 1848.

235. Lydia Ziegler, born Dec. 22, 1849.

236. Israel Ziegler, born Aug. 18, 1851.

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He was mariied to his second wife, Mary Con-

ner, July 29, 1854.

Fourteen children :

237. Magdalene Ziegler, born June 15, I8p5.

Died small.

238. Jesse Ziegler, born July 18, 1856.

239. Joseph Ziegler, born Oct. 23, 1857. Died

when 15 years old.

240. Susan Ziegler, born Mar. 10. 1859.

241 Rebeccah Ziegler, born Feb. 25, 1861.

242. Samuel Ziegler, born June 26, 1862.

243. Daniel Ziegler, borntNov. 2, 1863.

244. Levi Ziegler, born Sept. 2, 1865.

245. John Ziegler, born Apr. 11, 1867.

246. Isaac Ziegler, born July 22, 1868. Died

May 31, 1891.

247. Amos Ziegler, born Aug. 29, 1869.

248. Mary Ziegler, born June 15, 1871.

249. Kate Ziegler, born July 25, 1873

250. Jane Ziegler, born Aug. 2, 1876.

The father of this faaaily being now nearly

eighty-three years old, blessed with a retentive mem-ory and widely acquainted with nearly all the branch-

es of the family, has done more than any one else in

making possible this family record. He has giv^en

much valuable assistance in gathering the dati. for

this work. He is a minister in the Brethren Church,

and has manifested a deep interest in its mission

work. He lived for over fifty years near Mt. Aetna,

Berks Co., Pa., and now lives near Royersford, Mont-gomery Co., Pa.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 69, Gen. IV, marriedAmos Mcrkey. They lived near Rehrersburg, Pa.

Ten children :

251. Rebecca Merkey, born Apr. 21, 1848.

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252. Jacob Merkey, bora Apr. 13, 1850.

253. James Merkey, born Mar. 13, 1853.

254. Emma Merkey, bora Sept. 5, 1855.

255. Levi Merkey, born Jan. 4, 1857.

256. Lizzie Merkey, bora Oct. 18, 1859.

257. Mary Merkey, born Jan. 22, 1861.

258. David Merkey.259. Peter Merkey.260. Sabilla Merkey.

Rebecca Ziegler, No. 70, Gen. IV, was marriedto William Keeny and lived near Rehersburg until

her death, Nov. 1, 1885.

Two children :

261. Henry Keeny, born Sept. 4, 1851.

262. Philip Keeny, bornjAug. 27, 1853.

Elias Ziegler, No. 72, Gen. IV, married SusannaConner from Mont. Co., Mar. 27, 1857. Died Oct. 9,

1882. He lived and died upon the old place where his

father lived near the Swatara. He was a deacon in

the Brethren Church and took a deep interest andactive part in church work.

Nine children :

263. Jacob Ziegler, born Aug. 14, 1859.

264. Sarah Ziegler, born Oct. 13, 1860. DiedApr. 3, 1863.

265. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Dec. 25, 1861.

266. Rabecca Ziegler, born May 3, 1863.

267. Hannah Ziegler, born May 2, 1865.

268. Magdalene Ziegler, born Aug. 3, 1866.

^-269. Abraham Ziegler, born Nov. 19, 1868.

270. Henry Ziegler, born Jan. 3, 1871.

271. Emma Ziegler, born Apr. 3, 1873.

Jacob Dohner, No. 73, Gen. IV, married Rebec-

ca Lee. He lives at Easton, Ohio.

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Nine children


272. William Dohner.

273. Henry Dohner.

274. Sarah Alvernia Dohner.

275. Ellen Jane Dohner.

376. Harvey Byron Dohner.

277. Amanda Cornelia Dohner.

278. Charley Jacob Dohner.

279. Ada Ahce Dohner.

280. Mary Elizabeth Dohner.

281. Clara Emma Dohner.

Mary Dohner, No. 74, Gen. IV, married HenryStouffer.

Three children :

282. Mary Etta Stouffer.

283. Sarah Stouffer.

284. Lizzie Stouffer.

Lizzie Dohner, No. 75, Gen. IV, married Peter

Dressier, Ohio.

Three children :

285. Edgar Dressier.

286. Frankie Dressier.

287. Emma Dressier.

Isaac Dohner, No. 153, Gen. IV, married Brut-


One child


288. Clara Dohner.

Second wife, Rachel Johnson. Seven children :

289. Will Dohner.

290. Charhe Dohner.

291. John Dohner.

292. May Dohner.

293. Etta Dohner.

294. Ella Dohner.

295. Mary Dohner.

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John Dohner, No. 154, Gen. IV, married Sarah


Four children :

296. Charlie Dohner.

297. Orve Dohner.

298. Adron Dohner. Dead.

299. Owen Dohner. Dead.

Ehza Dohner, No. 157, Gen. IV, married to AteSpitzer.

No children.

Henry Dohner, No. 156, Gen. IV, family not


Mary Ziegler, No. 76, Gen. IV, married Isaac

Zug, June 10, 1850, (?) Lived near Mastersonville,

Lancaster Co., Pa.

Three children :

300. Amos Zug, born May 7, 1852. Died Oct. 20,


301. Elizabeth Zug, born April 22, 1856.

302. Catharine Zug, born Oct 10, 1860.

Philip Ziegler, No. 78, Gen. IV, married Sarah

McFarland, July 13, 1871. A graduate of the Penn-

sylvania Medical College, he started to practice

medicine at EHzabethtown, Lan. Co., in 1859. WasAssist. Surgeon in the Civil War acd in 1864 started

in the druggist business in Reading, Pa. Herethrough the growth of the city and by his sturdy

business methods and his untiring energy he has es-

tablished a large and remunerative patrimony.

Though now past the "three score and ten," Dr.

Ziegler is still active in business and also a great

Sunday school and church worker. His Wife wasborn Dec. 20, 1839, of Scotch Irish parents,—both

father and mother coming from nothern Ireland.

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They have two children :

303. Phihp Howard Ziegler, born Apr. 6, 1872.

304. Stella M. Ziegler, born Apr. 1876.

Catharine Ziegler, No. 79, Gen. IV, marriedIsaac Geib at her father's old homestead by Eld.

Christian Long. Here they are still living with their

son Clinton.

Five children :

305. A son, born Sept. 1, 1853. Died same day.

306. Philip Clinton Geib. born Oct. 29, 1855.

307. Mary Anna Geib, born Oct. 31, 1856. DiedDec. 26, 1856.

308. Barbara Emma Geib, born Feb. 21, 1858.

309. Uri:ih Geib. born Nov. 22, 1859.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 80, Gen. IV, married

Jacob Shearer. Lived near Lingelstown, DauphinCo.

Eight children :

310. Phihp A. Shearer.

311. Mary S, Shearer.

312. Abraham L. Shearer.

313. Jacob A. Shearer.

314. Isaac J. Shearer.

315. Aggie K. Shearer.

316. Lizzie A. Shearer.

317. Howard E Shearer.

Jacob Koble, No. 81, Gen. IV, married a Miss

Schlasman and had one daughter (318 , who lives in

Reading, Pa.

John C. Koble, No. 82, Gen. IV. Born Dec. 20,

1841. Married Harriet Black at Wooster. Ohio, May30, 1865. Moved to Pottsville, Pa., but returned

again Sept. 20, 1866.

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Five children


319. Charles Albert Koble, born Dec. 15, 1868.

320. John Everett Koble, born Sept. 13, 1873.

Died Mar. 29, 1894.

321. Mabel Pearl Koble, born Oct. 21, 1874.

322. Emma Grace Koble, born Jan 9, 1884.

323. Elmer Blaine Koble, born Aug. 18, 1888.

Elizabeth Coble, No. 83, Gen. IV, married JohnKrick. She died Apr. 4, 1901. No children.

Polly Koble, No. 85, Gen. IV, was born Aug.

18, 1839. Married Charles Miller, May 27, 1869.

Lived in Clinton, Iowa, nearly 25 years when they

moved to Reading, Pa., where they still live.

No children,

Sarah Ann Ziegler, No. 91, Gen. IV, married

Thomas Robbins, a veteran in the Civil War. Hadone son (324) Harrison, who lives near South Bend,


Lafayette Ziegler, No. 92, Gen. IV, had four chil-

dren (325-328) who with his widov? live in South Bend,

one in Chicago.

Mary Jane Ziegler, No. 98, Gen. IV, married to

John M. Miller, Nov. 18, 1847.

Lewis H. Ziegler, No. 99, Gen. IV, had a family

in Rosebud, Oregon.

Geo. Paul Ziegler, No. 101, Gen. IV, married to

Emma Shedrick, Jan. 12, 1861.

John -Wesley Ziegler, No. 100, Gen. IV, married

to Mary Anna Reynolds, Mar. 31, 1857.

Four children :

329. Carrie Elizabeth .Ziegler, born Sept. 12,


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330. Mary Rebecca Ziegler, born Aug. 22, 1862.

331. Charles Lewis Ziegler, born Feb. 5, 1866.

332. Ada May Ziegler, born Sept. 26, 1872.

John W. Ziegler, the father of the above family,

became noted in the affairs of his county and won the

confidence and esteem of his community so much sothat he was elected to the office of County Treasurerof St. Joseph Co., ]nd.

Sarah Martha Ziegler, No. 102, Gen. IV, marriedHiram Burlingame, Oct. 28, 1858. He was a soldier

in the Civil War.

Two children :

333. Samuel Burlingame. Died small.

334. William Burlingame.

Charles Michael Ziegler, No. 103, Gen. IV, mar-ried Ehzabeth Stuckey, Feb. 7, 1861.

For the families of Samuel Ziegler 's children see

No's. 106 to 115. There is no record except that

Mary, No. 110, was married to Mr. Miller, and is the

person through whom principally the information

concerning this branch of the family was obtained.

We desire to acknowledge assistance also from JohnWesley Ziegler from' South Bend.

Mary Long, No. 123, Gen. IV, was married to

Jacob Krieder.

They had fourteen children :

335. Ehzabeth Kreider, born Dec. 7, 1833. Diedsmall.

336. Joseph L. Kreider, Cleona, Pa.

337. Henry L. Kreider, Lebanon, Pa.

338. Jacob Kreider, born Oct. 21, 1836. Diedan infant.

339. William L Kreider, Palmyra, Pa.

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Jonathan Moyer, No. 126, Gen. IV, married

Mary Wenger.Four children :

361. Daniel Moyer. Died Single.

362. Elizabeth Moyer.362 a. Lydia Moyer.362 b. Sarah Moyer.

Susan Moyer, No. 129, Gen. IV, married Levi

Wenger.Two children :

363. Eld. E. M. Wenger.364. Elizabeth Wenger.

John L. Moyer, No. 127, Gen. IV, married KateGibble, Lived near Greenvillle, Lebanon Co., Pa.

Was a prominent man in the community.No children.

Elizabeth Moyer. No. 130, Gen. IV, married

Jacob WengerSix children


365. Ezra Wenger.366. John Wenger.367. Jacob Wenger.368. Lydia Wenger.369. Susie Wenger. Lives at Myerstown.


370. Lizzie Wenger. Died single.

Abraham Moyer, No. 128, Gen. IV, married

Elizabeth Pfoutz.

Four children


371. Jonas Moyer.

372. Albert Moyer. Married. Has one child.

373. Annie Moyer.374. Lizzie Moyer.374 a. Abraham Moyer, married to Wenger.

One child.

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Jacob Wolf, No. 131, Gen. IV, married Polly

Houtz. Children follow


375. Elmira Wolf.

376. Malinda Wolf.

377. Verona Wolf.

378. Mary Wolf, married Gallacher. No chil-


379. Gideon Wolf.

380. Fiana Wolf, married Umbehower. Onechild.

381. Katie Wolf.

382. Amanda Wolf. Married. Has one child.

Levi Wolf, No. 132, Gen. IV, married Harriet

Keach. Children follow :

383. Joanna Wolf. Married Cyrus Snoke.

Four children.

384. Penrose Wolf. Married Dianna Klick.

Two children : Levi and Earl.

385. Richard Wolf. Married Batdorf. Twochildren : Nora and Alice.

386. Adam Wolf. Married Lizzie Moyer, Twochildren.

387. Mary Wolf. Married A. Lasch. Onechild.

Edward Wolf, No. 133, Gen. TV, married MarieMiller. Children follow


388. Elizabeth Wolf. Dead.

389. Micheal Wolf. Dead.

390. Monroe Wolf.

391. Cora Wolf.

Nancy Wolf, No. 184, Gen. IV, married SimonBlough.

Three children :

392. Levi Blough.

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393. Savilla Blough.

394. Elizabeth Blough.

Susan Wolf, No. 135, Gen. IV, married Isaac


Seven children :

395. Elizabeth Peiffer. Single.

396. Edward Peiffer.

397. Henry Peiffer.

398. Cornelius Peiffer.

399. Mary Peiffer.

399 a. Hannah Peiffer. Married Loose. Ninechildren.

399 b. WiUiam Peiffer. Dead.

Elizabeth Wolf, No. 136, Gen. IV, married Elias


Three children :

399 c. Clara Edris.

399 d. Edward Edris.

399 e. Elias Edris.

Mary Wolf, No. 137, Gen. IV, married EdwardHefflefinger.

Pour children :

399 f. Levi Hefflefinger. Married Emma. Kline.

399 g. Alice Hefflefinger. Single.

399 h. Emma Hefflefinger. Married Milton

Brightbill. Five children.

399 i. Clara Hefflefinger. Married Will Holder-

man. Seven children.

The following fam.ily lived near Annviile, Pa.

Lucy Ann Long, No. 139, Gen. IV, was married

to Moses Heagy. They had four children :

400. Mary Ann Heagy, born Feb. 6, 1863. Died

an infant.

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401. Jacob Heagy.

402. David Heagy.

403. Moses Heagy.

Effiah Long, No. 140, Gen. IV, married Hen^-^

Heagy. Had two children :

404. Jacob Heagy.

405. Lizzie Heagy Died in infancy.

David Long, No. 141, Gen. IV, married Lydia Eus-

minger. Had three children :

406. Elizabeth Long. Died in infancy.

407. Catharine Long.

408. David Long.

Jacob Long, No. 142, Gen. IV, married MarieSmith.

Nine children :

411. Jacob Long.

412. David Long.

413. Joseph Long, born Jan. 6, 1857. Died


414. Elizabeth Long.

415. Monroe Long, born Nov. 15, 1860. Died


416. Mary Long.

417. Eva Long.

418. Barbara Long, born Nov. 13, 1862. Died


419. Lydia Long.

Henry Long, No. 143, Gen. IV, married MaryGingrich.

Six children :

420. John Long.

421. Abraham Long,

422. Alice Long.

423. Elizabeth Lonsr.

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424. Sadie Long, born Mar. 4, 1878. Died May29, 1881.

425. Mary Long, born July 4, 1881.

Amos Long, No. 146, Gen. IV, married Eliza


Five children :

426. Ezra Long.

427. Edwin Long, born Feb. 28, 1862. Died Jan.

22, 1863.

428. Lizzie Long.

429. Eva Long.

430. Barbara Long.

Elizabeth Long, No. 147, Gen. IV, married to Al-

fred Clark.

We have now come with our Record to the Sixth

Generation and for simplicity we shall give in con-

nection also the Seventh Gen. wherever the line runs

down that far. We believe that in connection with

members of the Sixih Generation to give their

children and perchance grand children will not so

complicate the Record that it can not easily be follow-

ed out. Many would probably think that this plan

would have worked all right through the Record but

after much investigation and comparison with other

genealogical records we decided on present plan.

We will still number members of Gen. VI.

Sarah Ziegler, daughter of John and Catharine

Ziegler, No. 3, Gen. V, married David B. Rhodes,

Dec. 23, 1855, by Eld. John Kline. Went to Ray Co.,

Missouri, in 1869. Had 8 children, 39 grand children

and 2 great grand children. Were members of the

Brethren Church, Bro. Rhodes being Elder of Rock-

ingham Church at the time of his death, 1902. Fol-

lowing are the children :

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1 Mary C. Rhodes, born Sept. 27, 1857.

2. Emily F, Rhodes, born Oct. 31, 1858.

3. Laura A. Rhodes, born July 21, 1860.

4. John M. Rhodes, born Apr. 14, 1862.

5. Lizzie A. Rhodes, born D.c. 26. 1863.

6. Sidney A. Rhodes, born Dec. 31, 1866.

7. Jacob S. RLodes, born June 23, 1871.

8. Iva May Rhodes, born Sept. 12, 1878.

Mary C. Rhodes, daughter of D. B and Sarah

Rhodes, was married to Samuel Sandy, Dec. 22, 1874.

They had ten children :

Charles E. Sandy, born Dec 10, 1875.

David W. Sandy, born Jan. 9, 1878.

Susan V. Sandy, born Sept. 8, 1879.

Sarah E. Sandy, born Apr. 23, 1881.

Cora A. Sandy, born Mar. 2, 1883.

Mittie P. Sandy, born Jan. 1, 1885.

Kate M. Sandy, born May 22, 1889.

Rawley S. Sandy, born Mar. 1, 1893.

Grace May Sandy, born Oct. 3, 1896.

Lois M. Sandy, born Oct. 1, 1898.

Parents and six oldest children are members of

the Brethren Church.

Susan V. Sandy was married to M. M. Brunk,

Feb. 13, 1901. One child.

Nina Bernice Brunk, born Sept. 1902.

Cora A. Sandy, married E. E. Brunk, Aug. 6,

1902. One child :

Margaret Brunk, born Aug. 26, 1903.

Sarah E. Sandy, married S. G. Newbam, Sept.

10, 1903.

Emily F. Rhodes, daughter of D. B. and Sarah

Rhodes, married John C. Van Trump, Dec. 25, 1879.

Both belong to Brethren Church.

Laura A. Rhodes, daughter of D. B. and Sarah

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Rhodes, was married to Samuel R. Rhodes, Apr. 15,


Four children :

Walter Emma Rhodes, born Mar. 10, 1878. Died

July 2, 1879.

Noah S. Rhodes, born Feb. 14, 1880. MarriedOcie V. Clemmens, Dec. 24, 1902.

Lizzie F. Rhodes, born Apr. 3, 1882. MarriedDavid M. Hawkins, Sept. 12, 1901.

Berth V. Rhodes, born Aug. 29, 1884. MarriedJesse M. Hawkins, Oct. 1, 1903.

Parents and three youngest children belong to

the Brethren Church.

John M. Rhodes, son of D. B. and Sarah Rhodes,

married Ida J. Leyda, 1886. Settled on farm in RayCo., Mo. Was a carpenter.

Six children :

Ralph L. Rhodes, born July 17, 1887.

Ollie F. Rhodes, born Jan. 9, 1889.

W. Allen Rhodes, born Apr. 25, 1891.

Golman M. Rhodes, born Sept. 8, 1897.

Leyda A. Rhodes, born Jan. 27, 1899.

Lesta Lynn Rhodes, born June 8, 1902.

Lizzie A. Rhodes, daughter of D. B. and SarahRhodes, married Sam. E. Hogan, March 17, 1881.

Six children :

Ona May Hogan, born Nov. 29, 1883,

Wilhe G. Hogan, born June 23, 1887.

Sydney L. Hogan, born Sept. 24, 1889.

John C. Hogan, born Aug. 28, 1893.

Howard D. Hogan. born May 23, 1897.

S. Emmert Hogan, born Aug. 26, 1900.

Parents and oldest daughter belong to the Breth-

ren Church.

Sydney A. Rhodes, Son of D. B. and Sarah

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Rhodes, married Annie M, Garber, Dec. 10, 1891.

Lives near Wampa, Idaho.

Seven children :

Ollie G. Rhodes, born Nov. 7, 1892.

Ray M. Rhodes, born Apr. 5, 1894.

Ruth S. Rhodes, born Aug. 28, 1895.

Paul D. Rhodes, born July 30, 1897.

Joe E. Rhodes, born Feb. 4, 1899.

Fred A. Rhodes, born Oct. 9, 1900.

Luther Rhodes, born May 22, 1903.

Jacob S. Rhodes, sou of D. B. and Sarah Rhodes,

married Rosa M. Sell, Oct. 9, 1895. Lives in Wampa,Idaho.

Four children :

Cecil J. Rhodes, born July 2, 1896.

Harry E. Rhodes, born Aug. 4, 1899. Died Feb.

15, 1900.

Sarah E. Rhodes, born Apr. 11, 1901.

David B. Rhodes, born May 25, 1902.

Iva May Rhodes, daughter of D. B. and SarahRhodes, married Luther I. Miller, Jan. 30, 1898.

Three children :

Irl J. Miller, born born Jan. 12, 1899.

Irene E. Miller, born Feb. 5, 1901.

S. Edith Miller, born Dec. 5, 1902.

Michael Ziegler, son of John and Cath. Ziegler,

No. 7, Gen. V, married Mary Knupp.

Seven children :

9. Elizabeth C. Ziegler, born Nov. 16, 1868.

10. Edgar A. Ziegler, born May 26, 1870.

11. Benjamin C. Ziegler, born Sept. 18, 1872.

12. John A. Ziegler, born Aug. 15, 1874.

13. Sarah E. Ziegler, born Nov. 6, 1882.

14. M. Robert Ziegler, born Nov. 9, 1891.

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15. Mary Ruth Ziegler, born July 9, 1894.

Died Oct. 26. 1897.

Catharine Ziegier, daughter of John and Cathar-

ine Ziegler, No. 8, Gen. V, married Samuel B. Shir-

ky, Oct. 10, 1865. Moved to Rockingham, Ray Co.,

Mo., in 1869, where they have engaged in stock rais-

ing. Bro. Shirky has been an Elder in the BrethrenChurch for eighteen ye irs. Was a member of the

10th. Va. Cavalry under Gen. Steward during ihe

Civil War.Ten children :

16. David E. Shirky, born 1866. Died Oct. 7,


17. John H. Shirky, born Apr. 8, 1868.

18. Annie C. Shirky, born Mar. 3, 1870.

19. Gideou E. Shirky, born Oct. 6, 1872.

20. Joseph B. Shirky, born Feb. 28, 1875.

21. Sarah Virginia Shirky, [born Dec. 26, 1876.

22. Mary E. Shirky, born Nov. 3, 1878. Died

Aug. 25, 1879.

23. Emily P. Shirky, born Sept. 13, 1880.

24. S. Mohler Shirky, born Apr. 17, 1883.

25. Howard M. Shirky, born Mar. 4, 1886.

Sarah Virginia Shirky, daughter of Catharine

and S. B. Shirky, married Virgil Miles, May 6, 1903,

Hardin, MoJoseph B Shirky, son of Catharine and S. B.

Shirky, married Aug 28, 1898 to Florence Butler at

McPherson, Kansas. Address, Scottville, Mich.

Engaged in teaching.

One child :

Opal Shirky, born Oct. 14, 1902.

John H. Shirky, son of Catharine and S. B.

Shirky, married Fannie E. Evans, Aug. 31, 1890.

Seven children


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Willie Lee Shirky, born July 12, 1891.

Joseph B. Shirky, born Aug 31, 1892.

H. Clay Shirky, born Jan. 6, 1894.

Leo. Virgil Shirky, born July 5, 1898.

Robert Lee Shirky, born June 4, 1900.

Francis V. Shirky, born Jan 8, 1902.

John H. Shirky, father of the above family, is a

breeder of Hereford cattle and a member of the firm

of J. H Shirky & Bro.

Annie Catharine Shirky, daughter of Catharine

and S. B. Shirky, married Louis Macey an Elder in

the German Baptist Brethren Church, at Fox, Mo.Five children :

J. Samuel Macey, born Aug. 12, 1893.

Geo. Edward Macey, born Jan. 2, 1896.

Katie Frances Macey, born Nov, 7, 1898.

Frederick W. Macey, born Mar. 7, 1900.

Oscar Allen Macey, born June 12, 1902.

G. E Shirky, son of Catharine and S. B. Shirky,

married Fannie Grace Lauver, May. 27, 1897. Mem-ber of the firm J. H. Shirky & Bro. breeder of

Hereford cattle, Rockingham, Mo.

Four children :

Catharine Shirky, born Mar. 21, 1898.

J. H. Shirky, born June 1, 1899.

Floy Virginia Shirky, born Jan. 31, 1901.

Helen E. Shirky, born Sept. 4, 1902.

Annie Ziegler, No. 11, Gen. V, youngest daugh-

ter of John and Catharine Ziegler, born Nov. 20, 1849,

married Joseph Bowman, Nov. 8, 1866.

Five children :

26. Sidney L. Bowman, born Nov. 18, 1867.

27. John S. Bowman, born Mar. 3, 1870.

28. M. Bettie Bowman, born May 1, 1872.

29. Emma C. Bowman, born Dec. 20, 1876.

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30. Sallie L. Bowman, born Jan. 15, 1883.

Sidney L. Bowman, married Edna Myers,April 2, 1889. One child :

Bessie Bowman, born Feb. 1895.

John S. Bowman, married Alelia Newham, Dec.

24, 1895. Children :

Edmond Bowman, born Mar. 10, 1898.

Samuel Bowman, born Mar. 10, 1898. Died May23, 1903.

Mother died Sept. 5, 1900.

John S. Bowman, married Kittie Kiem, Mar. 5,


John P. Ziegler, No. 15, Gen. V, son of Samueland Annie Ziegler, is an Elder in the Brethren

Church and is widely known as a counsellor and

Church worker. For his first wife he married Sarah

J. Driver, Oct. 20, 1868, and the second wife wasSarah E. Andes, married Nov. 2, 1890.

Children as follows :

31. Joseph Ziegler, born Jan. 14, 1870. Died

Jan. 14. 1889.

32. Frances Ziegler, born Apr. 2, 1871.

33. Samuel D. Ziegler, born May 25, 1873.

34. Isaac N. Ziegler, born May 20. 1875.

35. Catharine B. Ziegler, born June 3, 1877.

36. Anna Ziegler, born Apr. 18, 1879.

37. Mary Ziegler, born Sept. 1, 1891.

38. Michael J. Ziegler, born Nov. 6, 1892.

39. Elizabeth Ziegler, born Mar. 29, 1894.

40. Esther Ziegler, born July 12, 1896.

41. Naomil Ziegler, born July 7, 1899.

Frances'Ziegler, daughter of J. P. Ziegler, is

married to Wm. Roller and has three children as fol-

lows :

John Roller, born Sept. 27, 1897.

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Mark Roller, born Jan. 12, 1899.

Paul Roller, born July 25, 1902.

Samuel D. Ziegler, son of J. P. Ziegler, was mar-

ried to Lizzie Myers, May 30, 1900.

Two children :

John D. Ziegler, born June 30, 1901.

Earl Myers 'Ziegler, born Jan. 12, 1903.

Anna Ziegler, daughter of J. P. Ziegler, married

J. D. Huffman, Aug. 20, 1902.

Catharine E. Ziegler, daughter of J. P. Ziegler,

married Eleaner E. Hiilyard, Oct. 22, 1902.

David H. Ziegler, No. 16, Gen. V, son of Samueland Annie Ziegler, is an Elder in the BrethrenChurch, widely- and favorably known as an evangelist.

Has also been prominently connected with the Old

Folks Home and the Bridgewater College. , especially

with the financial part of these institutions. Mar-ried Sarah E. Shank.

Following are their children :

42. Mollie E. Ziegler, born Jan. 22, 1887.

43. Annie C. Ziegler, born Dec. 28, 1889.

44. Emma P. Ziegler, born Oct. 23, 1891.

45. Howard S. Ziegler, born Jan. 21. 1898.

46. Ames D. Ziegler, born Nov. 30, 1899.

47. Walter J. Ziegler, born Oct. 21, 1901.

Sallie Ziegler, No. 17, Gen.V, daughter of Samu-el and Annie Ziegler, married Rapheal Myers. Three

children :

48. Chas. S. Myers. Lives in N. Dak.

49. Jacob M. Myers, married to daughter of

Eld. J. G. Royer, also in N. Dak.

50. Annie C. Myers. Married. Lives in.Mary-


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Mollie Ziegler, No. 18, Gen. V, daughter of Sam-

uel and Annie Ziegler, married Charles Spitzer.

Seven children :

51. D. Harry Spitzer, born Aug. 22, 1885.

52. Maud E. Spitzer, born May 4, 1887.

53. Nettie May Spitzer, born Nov. 20, 1888.

54. Samuel C. Spitzer, born Mar. 6, 1892.

.55. Charles Robert Spitzer, born Sept. 20, 1893.

56. Amos Ziegler Spitzer, born Mar. 2, 1896.

57. Daniel Miller Spitzer, born May 25, 1897.

Jacob Ziegler, No. 19, Gen. V, son of Samuel

and Annie Ziegler, married Leah V. Holsiuger,

Three children


58. Edna Elsie Ziegler, born Sept. 7, 1878.

59. Annie Mary Ziegler, born Nov. 8, 1879.

60. Charles Hubert Ziegler, born Mar. 18,

Of the family of Mary and David Hoover only

Samuel Hoover, No. 24, Gen. V, is known to have

married Minnie Berry. One child :

61. Berry Hoover, at Winchester, Va.

Of Annie and Noah Bowman's family there is no

further record.

Mary Wine, No 29, Gen. V, daughter of Ehza-

beth and Eld. John Wine, married Leonard Wagner.

Names of children not given. Second husband,


Lydia Wine, No. 30, Gen. V, daughter of Eld.

John Wine, married Mr. Snyder in California.

Benj. Wine, No. 31, Gen. V, son of Eld. John

Wine, married Saray Dougherty. Two children in


Lizzie Wine, No. 32, Gen. V, daughter of Eld.

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John Wine, married Frank Huffard. Lives near

Indianapolis, Ind. Five children.

Jacob Wine, No. 33, Gen. V, son Eld. John Wine,

married Julia»Shively. Lives near^Laplace, 111. Hadfour children.

John C. Wine, No. 34, Gen. V, son of Eld. John

Wine, married Ehzabeth Wampler. Lives in Missouri

City, Texas.

Alpheus M. Bowman, No. 35, Gen. V, son of Sal-

lie and Geo. Bowman, born Jan. 11, 1847, lives at Sa-

lem, Va. President of the Diamond Orchard Co.,

one of the largest fruit growing plants in the South.

Is also a stock breeder of Jersey cattle. Member of

the Virginia Legislature. Trustee of the Roanoke

College and on the Committee of the Southern Luth-

eran Orphans' Home at Salem, Va. Married Mary E.

Kihian, daughter of Rev. Jacob Killian. Children are :

76. Vance K. Bowman, born Aug. 1870. She is

a teacher.

77. Geo. Sheldon Bowman, born Feb. 11, 1872.

Attorney at Law.

78. Mary Eula Bowman, born Aug. 1877.

79. Mabel Killian Bowman, born Oct. 1880.

80. Alpheus M. Bowman, born Sept. 1884.

81. Jacob Kihian Bowman, born Apr. 19, 1886.

82. Luther Rice Bowman, born Aug. 13, 1873.

Died Jan. 9, 1890.

83. Clara Virginia Bowman, born Sept. 30, 1875.

Died in infancy.

Rufus Calvin Bowman, M. D., No. 35a, GenTViborn Aug. 14, 1849, married Rabecca McClain. Heattended the first case of yellow fever in the epidem-

ic in 1888, and was carried away with the fever him-

self in that year. One child :

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84. Rufus'Calvin Bowman, born Feb. 12, 1889.

Geo. Homer Bowman, No. 36, Gen. V, lives in.

Mitchell Co., N. Carolina. Two children :

85. Geo. M. Bowman.86. Talmadge Bowman.

Martha S. Bowman, No. 37, Gen. V, daughter of

Sallie and Geo. M. Bowman, married Theophilus J.

Shickel, President of the Bank of Salem, in Nov.


John C. Wampler, No. 38, Gen. V, son of LydiaZiegler and Joseph Wampler, born Oct. 18, 1857.

Married Mary E. Minnich, Dec. 23, 1880. Moved to

Piatt Co , III, 1894. Pour children :

87. Edi-ar A. Wampler, born May 21, 1883.

88. Arthur S. Wampler, born Mar. 14, 1885.

89. Emma S. Wampler, born Feb. 14, 1887.

90. Lewis P. Wampler, born Mar. 17, 1889.

Eliza C. Wampler, No. 39, Geo. V, daughter of

Joseph Wampler, married J. C. Wine. Lives at

Missouri City, Texas.

Rebecca S. Wampler, No. 40, Gen. V, daughter

of Joseph Wampler, married J. F. Holsinger, Broad-

way, Va. One sou :

91. Earl C. Holsinger, born Apr. 16, 1897.

J. W. Wampler, No. 41, Gen. V, son of JosephWampler, lives at Grand Junction, Iowa. Married

Viletta Ikenberry. Three children. Names not giv-


G. S. Wampler, No. 42, Gen. V, Son of JosephWampler. Graduate of Dental CoUegiate University

Indianapolis, May 2, 1903.

David Frankhn Ziegler, No. 43, Gen. V, son of

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Daniel Ziegler, was born Aug. 21, 1869. Married Ef-

fie Gertrude Flook. Much of the information con-

cerning the Virginia branch of this family, which is

large, was furnished by David F. Ziegler and his


John Abraham Ziegler, No. 45, Gen. V, son of

Daniel Ziegler, was born Feb. 23, 1866. Married Lydia

May Flook. No children.

This closes tha Record of the Virginia line of

the family.

The following line is from Dauphin Co., near


Daniel Ziegler, No. 46, Gen. V, son of ManuelZiegler, married Leah Meckley.

95. One daughter. Died in infancy.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 49, Gen. V, daughter of

Manuel Ziegler, married Keener.

Eight children :

96. Philip Keener.

97. Emanuel Keener.

98. Sam. Keener.

99. Mary Keener.

100. Daniel Keener.

101. Geo. Keener.

102. Cora Keener.

103. Ella Keener.

Annie Ziegler, No. 49, Gen. V, daughter of Man-uel Ziegler, married Samuel Grubb.

Seven children :

104. Mary Grubb.

105. Amanda Grubb.106. Sadie Grubb.107. Emanuel Grubb.

108. Lizzie Grubb.

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109. Daniel Grubb.

110. Saaauel Grubb.

Leah Ziegler, No. 51, Gen. 5, daughter of ManuelZiegler by second wife. Married to Stucky. Onechild :

111. Ada Stucky.

Following is the line of David Ziegler near Lititz,

Lan. Co., Pa.

Amanda K. Ziegler, No. 54, Gen. V, daughter of

David Ziegler, born July 30, 1856. Married John F.


Eour children :

112. Levi F. Seibert, born Nov. 18, 1887.

113. Edward K. Seibert, born Oct. 2, 1889.

114. John Z. Seibert, born Mar. 11, 1894.

115. Aice Z. Seibert, born Aug. 31, 1896.

Levi Ziegler, No. 55, Gen. V, son of David Zieg-

ler, lives near Lititz.

Annie Foltz Ziegler, No 58, Gen. V, daughter of

John Zipgler, born Aug. 10, 1841. Married Samuel

Foltz. One child :

116. Harry Foltz, bora Aug. 9, 1869

Joseph Ziegler, son of John Ziegler, near Corn-

wall, Lebanon Go. , No. 59, Gen. V, married Sarah

Border. Children


117. Kate Ziegler.

118. John Henry Ziegler.

119. Charles Ziegler.

120. Isaac Ziegler.

121. Geo. W. Ziegler.

122. Robert Ziegler.

123. Sallie Ziegler.

124. Minnie Ziegler.

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125. Frank Ziegler.

126. Harry Ziegler.

127. Elizabeth Ziegler.

128. Milford Ziegler.

129. Gertie E. Ziegler.

130. Harry W. Ziegler.

131. Bertba M. Ziegler.

132. Lester Ziegler.

133. Clarence Ziegler.

Catharine Ziegler, No. 60, Gen. V, daughter of

John Ziegler, born Jan. 3, 1856, married Isaac Seg-


Three children :

134. Lizzie Segrist.

135. Adam Segrist.

136. Virgie Segrist.

John Ziegler, No. 61, Gen. V, son of John Ziegler,

born Sept. 10, 1857, married Mary Smith.

Two children :

137. Harry Ziegler, born Jan. 20, 1892.

138. Ida Ziegler, born Oct. 28, 1893.

Jacob Ziegler, No. 62, Gen. V, son of John Zieg-

ler, born June 15, 1860. Married Maggie E. Weaver.

Four children :

139. Gertie Ziegler.

140. John Ziegler.

Sarah Ziegler, No. 63, Gen. V, daughter of JohnZiegler, born Jan. 3, 1862. Dead.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 64, Gen. V, daughter of

John Ziegler, born Mar. 10, 1864. Married Charles

Marterness. One child :

141. Sallie Marterness.

Philip Ziegler, who lived near Bethel, Berks Co.,

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Pa., had several children of whom little is known ex-

cept that there is a grand son, Frank Ziegler, at

Fredericksburg, Lebanon Co., Pa.

Loreno Frantz, No. 69, Gen. V, daughter of Will-

iam Prantz, married William Etchberger.

Eight children :

141a. William Etchberger.

142. May Etchberger.

143. Laura Etchberger.

144. Peter Etchberger.

145. Mary Etchberger.

146. AnBa Etchberger.

147. Mable Etchberger.

148. Raymond Etchberger.

Henry A. Frantz, No. 71, Gen. V, son of William

Frantz, married Sarah Dieffenbach. One son :

149. Harvey Frantz.

John N. Frantz, No. 72, Gen. V, son of William

Frantz, married Elmira Swope,

150. Guta Millie Frantz.

151. William Frantz.

152. Robert Frantz.

153. Ella Frantz.

154. Harvey Frantz.

155. Clayton Frantz.

Thomas Frantz, No. 73. Gen. V, son of William

Frantz, married to Emma Moyer. Four children.

All dead.

Morris Frantz, No. 74, Gen. V, son of William

Frantz, married Mary Walborn. One child. Dead.

Following is the Jine of the Lykens Valley,

Philip—first of his son Joseph.

Joseph Ziegler, No. 78, Gen. V, son of Joseph

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Ziegler, married Rebecca KnoufE. Three children :

156. Mary E. Ziegler. No children.

157. Laura Rabecca Ziegler.

158. Ellen May Ziegler.

Laura Rebecca Ziegler, married Dan. Bissinger.

Three children :

Charles Dan. Bissinger.

Clifford Clarence Bissinger.

Ellen May Bissinger.

Ellen May Ziegler, married Francis Wolfgang.

Two children :

Melvin Francis and Ray Joseph Wolfgang.

Susan Ziegler, No. 79, Gen. V, daughter of Jos-

eph Ziegler, married John Fry. One son. Dead.

Second husband, John Moyer. Four children :

159. Rudolph Moyer. Address : Wilhamstown160. Mamie Moyer.

161. Emma Moyer.

162. Seth Moyer.

Rudolph Moyer, married Sarah Lower. Twochildren. No names.

Mamie Moyer, married WiUiam Williams.

Four children :

163. John WiUiams.

164. Edith.WilUams.

165. Emma Williams.

166. Baby.

Isaac Ziegler, No. 80, Gen. V, son of Joseph

Ziegler had four children,—two sons and two daugh-

ters. Abram married Ellen Riddle. One daughter,


Catharine Ziegler, No. 82, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Ziegler, married first Jacob Miller, Mar. 22,

1860. Two daughters, dead.

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Second husband, Joseph Witman, Apr. 21, 1875.

One son.

167. Charles Witman, married Bertha Shoop.

One daughter. Lives at Halifax, Pa.

James McGinnis Ziegler, No. 85, Gen. V, son of

Daniel and Jane Gardner Ziegler, married Sarah A.

King. Two cliildren :

168. Edward Ziegler, married. Had one daugh-


169. Bessie Ziegler.

John Gardner Ziegler, No. 86, Gen. V, brother to

James McGinnis Ziegler. He lives at Clark's Perry,

Benbenue P. O., where he holds the office of Justice

of the Peace. He was for two years partner in the

drug store at Steelton when William took it alone.

Married Mary Ann McGinnis. Two children :

170. Walter E. Ziegler, born Dec. 25, 1875.

171. Edna Ziegler, born Aug. 3, 1893. Died

Oct. 1, 1896.

William Lodge Ziegler, No. 91, Gen. V, married

Ara C. Laudermilch, Sept. 1, 1878, at Halifax. In 1881

he graduated from the College of Physicians and

Surgeons, Baltimore, He is also a registered

Pharmacist and started in business in his line at

Steelton, in 1888, where he has since then done a

prosperous business.

He w^as appointed Pension Examiner under the

Cleveland Administration in Nov. 1894 and served

until Aug. 1899. In local affairs he has also taken an

active part, having served on School Board and in

Town Council. Children follow^


172. Wilham Lodge Ziegler, born Oct. 25, 1880.

173. Bayard Dickson Ziegler, born Feb. 14,

1884. Died June 2, 1887.

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174. John Henry Ziegler, born Feb. 16, 1887.

Died Jan. 2, 1894.

175. Frank Loomis Ziegler, born Jan. 1, 1889.

176. Helen Arabella Ziegler, born Nov. 1, 1890.

177. Paul Fleager Ziegler, born Feb. 25, 1894.

We give now the line of David Ziegler, who emi-

grated to Ohio, 100 years ago. Following are the

families of his grand children of whom we have 55

on record :

Catharine Ziegler, No. 93, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Ziegler, married Benj. Burkett. Six chil-

dren :

177. Isaiah Burkett.

178. Seba Burkett.

179. Jesse Burkett. Dead.

180. Noah Burkett.

181. Lucinda Burkett.

182. Lydia Burkett.

Jesse Ziegler, No. 94, Gen. V, son of Joseph

Ziegler, married Ehzabeth Huff. Seven children :

183. Amos Ziegler.

184. Letitia Ziegler. Dead.

185. Delia Ziegler.

186. Rena Ziegler.

187. Dora Ziegler. Dead.

188. Adam Ziegler. Dead.

189. Etta Ziegler.

Daniel Ziegler. No. 95, Gen. V, son of Joseph

Ziegler, married Hulda Geiger. Five children :

190. Ira Ziegler.

191. Joseph Ziegler.

192. Pearl Ziegler.

193. Daisy Ziegler.

194. Willie Ziegler.

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Jonas Ziegler, No. 97, Gen. V, son of JosephZiegler, married Maria Royer. Eight children :

195. Viola R. Ziegler.*^

196. Minnie Ziegler.

197. John Ziegler.

198. Jesse Ziegler.

199. Anna Royer Ziegler.

200. Clarence Ziegler.

201. Almeda Ziegler.

202. Dollie Ziegler.

Catharine Ziegler, No. 98, Gen. V, daughter of

John Ziegler, married Adam Minnich, Nov. 20, 1856.

Five sons :

203. Granville Webster Minuicb, born Aug. 9,


204. Solomon E. Minnich, born Apr. 5, 1859.

205. Harvey C. Minnich, born Mar. 10, 1861.

206. Jesse Minnich, born Oct. 20, 1862. DiedDec. 2, 1862.

207. Ira Calvin Minnich, born Dec. 23, 1363.

Granville Webster Minnich, son of Adim Min-nich, (irarried MaliadaHershey. Second wife, MarthaAlbaugh. Third wife, Sarah Neher. Children fol-

low :

Earl xMinnich, born July 23, 1880 MarriedAmanda Warner, Feb. 16, 1901.

Jesse Minnich, born Oct. 15. 1882.

Ohmer Minnich, born Mar. 6. 1885.

Bertha Minnich, born Feb. 24, 1887.

Leroy Minnich, born Jan. 12, 1890.

Nora Minnich, born Mar. 19, 1892.

Virgie Minnich, born Aor. 10, 1894. Died Aug.

2, 1895.

Mahnda Minulch. Died Feb. 3, 1896.

Chester Orvin Minnich. born Feb. 24, 1899.

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Second wife died Mar. 4, 1899.

Solomon Minnich, son of Adam Minnich, mar-ried Ellen Sigerfoos, Nov. 10, 1881. Four children :

Daisy Minnich, born Jan. 15, 1884.

Mamie Minnich, born Jan. 3, 1886.

Catharine Minnich, born Sept. 29, 1888.

Nancy Minnich. born Sept. 29, 1888.

Catharine and Nancy were twins.

Harvey C. Minnich, son of Adam Minnich, mar-ried Bertha Minnich. Two children :

Dwight Minnich, born Jan. 28, 1890.

Helen Margereutte Minnich, born Feb. 6, 1896.

Ira C. Minnich, son of Adam Minnich, marriedAmanda Wenger, Apr. 11, 1885. One daughter. Died

in infancy.

First wife died Sept. 27, 1894.

Married for his second wife, Delia Brandon,Mar. 5, 1896. One son :

Walter Minnich, born Dec. 24, 1896.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 99, Gen. V, daughter of

John Ziegler, married Emanuel Locke, Oct. 1855.

Six children :

208. Mary Catharine Locke, born Sept. 27, 1856.

209. L. Victoria Locke, born Dec. 16, 1858.

210. Martha Susanna Locke, born Aug. 15,


211. Martin Luther Locke, born Jan. 26, 1864.

Died June 2. 1865.

212. Ira Calvin Locke, born Feb. 16, 1866. Died

Sept. 5, 1890.

213. Lilly May Locke, born Dec. 2, 1865.

Mary Catharine Locke married Sylvester Hul-

burt, July 20, 1680. Two children :

Clara Belle Hulburt, born July 17, 1884.

Henrietta Hulburt, born Nov. 24, 1890.

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Lucetta Victoria Locke, married Webster Pitt-

man, June 7, 1877. Three children :

Mabel Agnes Pittman, born Mar. 14, 1878.

Lee S. Pittman, born Mar. 14, 1882. Died Apr.

22, 1894.

Hazel Ovila Pittman, born Sept. 10, 1885. Lives

at Logansport, Ind.

Martha Susanna Locke married Samuel J.

Berry, Mar. 4, 1880. Three children :

Blanche Lulu Berry, born Oct. 19, 1881.

Rebecca Jane Berry, born Nov. 7, 1883. Died

Sept. 5, 1890.

Frederick H. Berry, born June 23, 1898.

Most of the Locke family live in Preble Co., Ohio,

Mary Ann Ziegler, No. 100, Gen. V, daughter of

John Ziegler, married Benj. Miller, Aug. 27, 1860.

Nine children


214. VerlandoZ. Miller, married Alice Hess,

Nov. 22, 1884. Three children : Heber, Herbert andHalem Miller.

215. William H. Miller, married Essie Trump,June 7, 1893. One child : LiUian Trump Miller.

216. Edward W. Miller.

217. Emma C. Miller, married Daniel Younce,Feb. 25, 1886.

218. Harvey W. Miller, married Bina C. Heid-

inger, May 12, 1889.

219. Chnton B. Miller, married Effie Stover,

Apr. 13, 1893. Two children : Cleon and Harold Mill-


220. Ira B. Miller, married Edith Baker, June7, 1900.

221. Orion Miller.

222. Clarence Miller. Still single.

John Ziegler, No. 101, Gen. V, son of John Zieg-

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ler, born Nov. 20, 1841. Married Mary Shellenbarg-

er, Nov. 20, 1862. Two children :

223. Elizabeth Ziegler, married Joseph Woods.Two children : Mary Woods and Edgar Woods.

224. Amanda C. Ziegler, born July 12, 1865,

married James M. Jacobs. Two children : Walter

Jacobs and Love Jacobs.

Marjorie Ziegler, No. 108, Gen. V, daughter of

Philip Ziegler, married William Marsden. Threechildren. Two died small.

225. Alva Marsden. Still living.

Arba Ziegler, No. 109, Gen. V, son of Philip

Ziegler, married Mary Stuart. Five children :

226. Noma Ziegler.

227. Clarence Ziegler.

228. Glen Ziegler.

229. Fred Ziegler.

230. One infant son. Dead.

Sarah Ziegler, No. 110, Gen. V, daughter of Phil-

ip Ziegler, married Crittenden Wyland.

231. One daughter : Verna Wyland.

Harvey Ziegler, No. 111. Gen. V, son of Philip,

married Sarah Brumbaugh. Three children :

232. Mabel Ziegler.

283. Ethel Ziegler.

234. Hazel Ziegler.

Letitia Cook, No. 113, Geo. V, daughter of Eliza-

beth Ziegler, married Edmund Ohlwine. Two chil-

dren :

235. Maude Ohlwine, married Michael Kennedy.236. Charles Ohlwine. StiU home.

Granville Cook, No. 114, Gen. V, sou of Elizabeth

Ziegler, married Etta Smith.

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Silas Cook, No. 115, Gen. V, son of Elizabeth.

Ziegler, married Emma Garber. Three dhildren :

237. Elsie Cook.

238. Mildred Cook.

239. Elizabeth Cook.

Etta Z. Hartman, No. 116, Gen. V, daughter of

Susanna Ziegler, married William R. Stephenson,

Nov. 18, 1875. Three children :

240. Leroy Stephenson, born Oct. 1876. Died

Feb. 20, 1877.

241. Clyde Stephenson, born Jan. 25, 1878,

married Edna Bailor, Dec. 18, 1901.

242. Blanche Stephenson, born Feb. 18, 1881.

William': H. Hartman, No. 117, Gen. V, son of

Susanna Ziegler, married Mary Freeze. One child :

248. Olive Pern Hartman, born Mar. 31, 1882.

William Hartman, died Mar. 17, 1891.

Samuel M. Hartman, No. 119, Gen. V, son of

Susanna Ziegler, married Sallie M. Stephenson.

Three children :

244. Bessie Hartman, born Apr. 24, 1884.

245. Nellie Hartman, born Nov. 9, 1886.

446. Roily D. Hartman, born Mar. 30, 1889.

Joseph H. Hartman, No. 120, Gen. V, son of Su-

sanna Ziegler, married Emma Minnich, Nov. 26, 1890.

No children.

Emma Hartman, • No. 121,. Gen. V, daughter of

Susanna Ziegler, married Ellwood Cassel, June 7,

1889. Two children :

247. Alma Cassel, born Jan. 1, 1890.

248. Lela Cassel, born Jan. 21, 1896.

Fannie Hartman, No. 122, Gen. V, daughter of

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Susanna Ziegler, married Jacob Trout, Aug. 15, '1897.

One child :

249. Reva Trout, born Apr. 24, 1898.

Mary E. Otewalt, No. 124. Gen. V, daughter of

Lydia Ziegler, married Ephraim Christ, Oct. 1, 1874.

Three children


250. One daughter. Died Sept. 1876.

251. Jesse Christ, born Sept. 24, 1877.

252. Mary E. Christ, born Feb. 23, 1880.

Cordelia Otewalt, No. 125, Gen. V, daughter of

Lydia Ziegler, married Geo. Mayne, Nov. 29, 1888.

Phebe Otewalt, No. 126, Gen. V, daughter of

Lydia Ziegler, married Wesley Friermood. Twochildren : 253. One born in 1899. 254. One born in


Emery Otewalt, No. 127, Gen. V, son of Lydia

Ziegler, married Susie Fite, Feb. 1, 1901.

255. One daughter.

Orris G. Otewalt, No. 128, Gen. V, son of Lydia

Ziegler, married Minnie Hicks, May 29, 1900.

256. One daughter.

HoUis Otewalt, No. 129, Gen. V, son of Lydia

Ziegler, married Mary Hepuer, Apr. 25, 1899.

Oscar Grisso, No 130, Gen. V, son of Sabina Zieg-

ler, married Jennie Morning, Oct. 1885.

Ira Grisso, No. 131. Gen. V, son of Sabina Zieg-

ler, married Emma Haneyman, Mar. 1887.

Elias Grisso, No. 135, Gen. V, son of Sabina

Ziegler, married Etta Frantz, Nov. 25, 1895. Onedaughter died same year.

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Joseph Grisso, No. 136, Gen. V, son of Sabina

Ziegler, married Nora Brown, Dec. 25, 1895. Four



258. Leroy Grisso, born Oct. 1896.

259. Virgie Grisso, born Mar. 1898.

260. Nellie Mary Grisso, born Mar. 1900.

261. D. William Grisso, born Feb. 1902.

Daniel Grisso, No. 137, Gen. V, son of Sabina

Ziegler, married Dorothy Pittenger, Dec. 25, 1899.

Olive Ziegler, No. 141, Gen. V, daughter of Elias

Ziegler, married Isaac Smith, Dec. 30. 1897. Hedied Apr. 30, 1898. Married second husband, John

Bailey, Dec. 25, 1900. One child :

262. Floyd Eugene Baily, born Mar. 22, 1902.

Dora Ziegler, No. 143, Gen V, daughter of Abra-

ham Ziegler, married Oron H. Yonker, Dec. 20, 1900.

This completes our Record of the Ohio line with

some 59 great grand children of David and no doubt

many not recorded.

Rebecca and Susan Thomas, Nos. 148—149, Gen.

V, married S. F. Sanger, now of South Bend, Ind.

Rebecca died a few years after marriage and Susan,

his second wife, is also dead. No further record.

Geo. W. Thomas, No. 150, Gen. V, married Bar-

bara Click, and lives at Bridgewater, Va.

John B. Thomas, married Denglinger near Day-

ton, Ohio. Dead now.

Benj. F. Thomas. No. 152, Gen. V, was a youngman of great eloquence and power, partaking of the

gifts of his father, but lost his life in a saw mill acci-

dent while a young man.

Sarah F. Thomas, No. 155, Gen. V, daughter of

Jacob Thomas, married Christian Click.

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Children follow


263. Jacob T. Click.

264. Isaac W. Click.

265. Elizabeth Click.

266. John S. Click.

All married, but no record of their families.

Peter Swope Thomas, No, 157, Gen. V, son of

Jacob Thomas, married Lizzie E. McLaughlin. It is

to him that I am under obligations for the data of the

Thomas family. Address : Harrisonburg, VaFollowing children are given :

267. Nina E. Thomas.268. Charles H. Thomas.269.

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Sarah Thomas, No. 161, Gen. V, daughter of JohnThomas, married Samuel Berger.

No record of the rest of these children as to their

marriage or families.

Elizabeth Click, No. 169, Gen. V, daughter of

Susan Thomas, married Eld. P. S. Miller of Roanoke,


Of the families of the rest of this family and of

that of Elizabeth Hall nee Thomas we have no record.

We nowcome to the Balsbaugh line who settled

near Harrisburg. Many are still at Highspire,

Middletown, and vicinity.

Ephraim Balsbaugh, No. 187, Gen. V, son of Geo.

Balsbaugh, married and is in Stanford University,

Calif. One daughter.

285. Mary Balsbaugh.

Mary Balsbaugh, No. 189, Gen. V, daughter of

Geo. Balsbaugh, married Edward Stauffer, living in

Highspire. One child


286. Geo. Walter Stouffer. Nine years old now.

Geo. Balsbaugh, No. 190, Gen. V, son of Geo.

Balsbaugh, born July 31, 1866, married Agnes Cor


rello Snavely, Feb. 13, 1889. Lives in Chicago, 111.

Children as follows :

287. Infant son. born Feb. 3, 1890.

288. Clarence Bagley Balsbaugh, born July 31,

1891. Died Dec. 11, 1891. Buried in Harrisburg, Pa.

289. Walter Snavely Balsbaugh, born Oct. 29,

1892, at -Harrisburg, Pa.

290. Percy Trevick Balsbaugh, born Aug. 1,

1895, at Harrisburg, Pa.

291. Grace Gertrude Balsbaugh, born Nov. 1,

1896, at Harrisburg, Pa.

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292. Evanoelioe C. Balsbaugh, born Apr. 22,

1898, atHarrisbarg, Pa.

293. Catharine Archer Balsbaugh, born June 2,

1902. Died, Dec. 26, 1902. Baried at GreenwoodCemetery, Chicago. Rev. Smith offi3iated.

Annie C. Balsbaugh, No. 191, Gen. V, daughter

of Valentine Balsbaugh, married John C. Beachler.

Eight children :

294. Charles Beachler, born Feb. 23, 1871.

295. John E. Beachler, born Apr. 26, 1873.

296. Clarence Beachler, born Nov. 10, 1875. Died

Nov. 7, 1898.

297. Valentine Beachler, born Sept. 22, 1878.

298. Hiram Beachler, born Nov. 1880.

299. Mary Beachler, Mar. 1883.

300. William Beachler, born Feb. 16, 1887.

301. Robert Ray Beachler, born Oct. 7, 1889.

Charles Beachler, married Ella Deckard. Lives

on Spring St., Middletown.

Valentine Beachler, married Ada Books. Onedaughter : Cath. V. Beachler, born May 5. 1902.

John E. Balsbaugh, No. 192, Gen. V, son of Val-

entine Balsbugh, married Georgie Smith.

Mary Alice Balsbaugh, No. 195, Gen. V, daugh-

ter of John Balsbaugh of Port Royal, Pa., married

Fred J. Greene. Feb. 9, 1882. Died Mar. 23, 1886.

No children.

Geo. Eliot Balsbaugh, No. 196, Gen. V, son of

John Balsbaugh, married Anna Kauffman, Aug. 6,

1893. Died Apr. 6, 1894. No children.

WiUiam Frederick Balsbaugh, No. 201, Gen. V,

son of John Balsbaugh, married Anna Louisa Frazier.

He is editor and proprietor of the '• Bellwcod Bulle-

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tin," Bel] wood, Pa. Has two children :

302. Rhoda Cathlene Balsbaugh, born May 29,


303. John Frederick Balsbaugh, born Sept. 8,

1893. Died Nov. 26, 1894.

James Snyder, No. 204, Gen. V, son of Elizabeth

BalsbaugG, married Catharine Prowel. Steeltoii, Pa.

Five children :

304. John Snyder.

305. Franklin Snyder.

306. James Snyder.

307. Mary Snyder.

308. Hazel Snyder.

H--irry Snyder, No. 206, Gen. V, son of Elizabeth

Balsbaugh, married Eila Bear, New Cumberland, Pa.

Five children :

309. George Snyder.

310. Ruth Snyder.

311. Mary Snyder.

312. Esther Snyder.

313. Catharine Snyder.

Mary Snyder, No. 205, Gen. V, daughter of

Elizabeth Balsbaugh, married Samuel Briuton, NewCumberland. Three children :

314. Walter Brinton.

315 Iva Brinto-i.

316. John Brinton.

Annie Balsbaugh, No. 210, Gen. V, daughter of

Elijah Balsbaugh, married Samuel Alwine, Hummels-town, Pa. Five children :

317. Iva Alwine.

318. Bessie Alwine.

319. Emma Alwi'je

320. Beulah Alwine.

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Edward Balsbaugh, No. 211, Gen. V, son of Elijah

Balsbaugh, married Emma Lane, Harrisburg. Nochildren.

Carrie Balsbaugh, No. 212, Gen. V, daughter of

Elijah Balsbaugh, married Geo. Balsbaugh. Onechild :

320. Edward Balsbaugh, 2 years old.

Amelia Balsbaugh, No. 213, Gen. V, daughter of

Henry Balsbaugh, married Harry Stouffer, Oberlin,

Pa. Five children :

321. Jennie Stouffer.

322. Sarah. Stouffer.

323. Mary Stouffer.

324. Harry Stouffer.

325. Esther Stouffer.

Jennie Stouffer, Married Warren Nissley. Three

children : Harold, Mar:in and Warren Nissley.

Emma Balsbaugh, No. 214, Gen. V. daughter of

Henry Balsbaugh, married Cornelius Horstick, Otto-

wa, Kansas. Three children :

326. Eva Horstick.

327. Lucy, Horstick.

328. Harry Horstick.

Frank Balsbaugh. No. 215. Gen. V. son of HenryBalsbaugh,! married Jennie Ebersole, R. F. D. No. 1.

Harrisburg. Four children :

329. Theva Balsbaugh.

330. Russell Balsbaugh.

331. Anna Balsbaugh.

332. Franklin Balsbaugh.

Elmer E. Balsbaugh, No. 220, Gen. V, son of

Sol. Balsbaugh, married Minnie Felix, "Aug. 12, 1885.

Four children :

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332a. Ethel Balsbaugh, boru Oct. 18, 1886. Died

Oct. 23, 1886.

333. Eugene M. Balsbaugb, born Mar. 7, 1887.

334. Homer E. Balsbaugh, born Jan. 1, 1888.

Died Mar. 20, 1889.

335.. Elmer E. Balsbaugh, born Mar. 12, 1894.

John E. Balsbaugh, No. 223, Gen. V, son of Sol.

Balsbaugh, married Mary Bordner, Mar. 5, 1892.

Two children :

336. Alva E. Balsbaugh, born Aug. 12, 1893.

337. Annie E. Balsbaugh, born Sept. 10, 1899.

We next come to the family of William Ziegler

which has especial interest because they were raised

upon the old Ziegler homestead where now the Sixth

Generation of Zieglers lives.

John Ziegler, No. 227, Gen. V, son of William

Ziegler, married Katherine Kline, Dec. 29, 1867. Died

July 21, 1892. Four children :

338. Emma Ziegler, born Aug. 13, 1869.

339. Ella Ziegler, born Dec. 26, 1873.

340. Harvey Ziegler, born Nov. 11, 1886.

341. Carrie Ziegler, born June 3, 1892.

Emma Ziegler, married Fred. W. Yake. Lives at

Annville, Pa. Two children :

Elmer Ellsworth Yake, born Aug. 22, 1885.

Edna May Yake, born May 3, 1902.

Ella Ziegler married Elias Kreider, June 1, 1887.

Children as follows :

Anson Z. Kreider, born May 15, 1890.

Mabel Ella Kreider, born Dec. 2, 1891.

Emma May Kreider, born May 7, 1901.

Harvey and Carrie Ziegler are sti 1 at home with

their mother at Annville, Pa.

Phihp Ziegler. No. 228, Gen. V, son' of William

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Ziegler, married Emroa Etter. One son :

342. William E. Ziegler, born May 14, 1877.

Philip married second wife Katherine Frantz. Nochildren. Lives at Cross Kill Mills, Pa.

William E. Ziegler married Amelia Berger, Oct14, 1899. Two children :

Emma Ziegler, born July 5, 1900.

Philip Ziegler, born Jan. 27, 1908.

Emanuel Ziegler, No. 229, Gen. V, sonof Wilham,married Mary Becker, May 25, 1878. Lives on the

old homestead at the Ziegler Meeting House, near

Rehrersburg, Pa. Two sons :

343. Samuel Ziegler, born Mar. 6, 1881.

344. Howard Ziegler, born Sept. 30, 1887.

Samuel Ziegler, married Cora Keeney, Sept. 29,

1900. Lives at home.

Mary Ziegler, No. 230, Gen. V, daughter ol

William Ziegler, married Daniel Balsbaugh, May 12,

1877, by John Hertzler. Children :

345. Lizzie Balsbaugh, born Sept. 12, 1878.

346. Emanuel Balsbaugh, born Aug. 16, 1880.

347. Samuel Balsbaugh, born June 29, 1882.

348. Emma Balsbaugh, born July 29, 1884.

349. Esther Balsbaugh, born July 24, 1886.

350. William Balsbaugh, bormFeb. 15, 1889.

351. Mary Balsbaugh, born Jan. 25, 1892.

352. Stella Balsbaugh, born July 23, 1895.

353. Hannah Balsbaugh, born Feb. 11, 1898.

354. Mabel Balsbaugh, born May 23, 1900.

355. Ada Balsbaugh, born July 14, 1902.

Lizzie Balsbaugh married Geo. Ebling, Sept. 22,

1900. Two sons :

Thomas Ebling and Howard Ebling.

Emanuel Balsbaugh married Mary Bright, Dec.

16, 1899. One daughter :

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Edna Balsbaugh.

Samuel Balsbaugh, married Leah P. Bubble,

Aug. 30, 1902. One child :

Amos Joel Bubble, born Aug. 8, 1903.;

Samuel Gettle, No. 231, Gea. V, son of HannahZiegler, married Rebecca Royer, Nov. 9, 1867, byChrist Bucher. Lives near the old homestead.

Three children :

356. Baniel Gettle, born June 17, 1871.

357. William Gettle, born Sept. 17, 1872.

358. Samuel Gettle, born Feb. 4, 1877.

Baniel Gettle married Martha Frutz, 1889. Onechild :

Beulah Gettle, born May 7, 1893.

William Gettle married Annie Kline. Children

follow :

Eugene Gettle, born Bee. 3,1894. Bied Mar. 3, '05.

Anson N. Gettle, born Nov. 25, 1896.

Clarence C. Gettle, born Sept. 9, 1899.

Annie Marie Gettle, born Aug. 29, 1901.

Samuel Gettle married Lizzie Keeney, Nov. 16,

1895. Two children :

Amy Gettle, born May 30, 1897.

Samuel Gettle, born May 30, 1902.

We come now to the family of B. P. Ziegler. Ashort account appears in the preceding Gen.

Elizabeth Ziegler Miller, No. 233. Gen. V, daugh-

ter of Baniel Ziegler, married Edward Miller, June

19, 1865. Bied Jan. 17, 1878. Children :

359. Willie Miller. Bied young.

360. Harry Miller, born Sept. 20, 1868.

361. John Miller, born Mar. 1, 1870.

362. Charles Francis Miller, born Nov. 10, 1871.

Bied small.

363. George Miller, born Feb. 1. 1873.

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364. Charles Fred Miller, born July 8, 1874.

365. Franklin Miller, born May 29, 1876. Died


366. Maggie Miller, born June 19, 1877. Died

Feb. 1878.

Charles Miller died at the age of 18 years.

Harry Miller married Elizabeth Grouse, May 16,

1891. Lives near Cross Kill Mills on the old Grousehome. Five children :

Lydia Miller, born Mar. 19, 1892.

Mary G. Miller, born Mar. 31, 1894.

Sally C. Miller, born Apr. 13, 1896.

Harry G. Miller, born Apr 23, 1898.

Ada C. Miller, born Aug. 13, 1900.

Ira G. Miller, born Nov. 6, 1902.

John Miller married Gertha Hunsberger, Nov.

21, 1900. Lives at Limerick, Pa. Two children.

Leroy Miller, born Nov. 28, 1901.

No record of second child.

George Miller married Jane Royer, Aug. 27, 1892.

Lives near Greble, Leb. Co., Pa.

Charles Miller, born Aug. 10, 1893. Died Mar.

9, 1899.

Lizzie R. Miller, born Jan. 11, 1895.

Jonas Miller, born Oct. 31, 1896.

Daniel Miller, born Jan. 30, 1898.

Jesse Miller, born Jan. 31, 1900.

Stella Miller, born Jan. 7, 1902.

Esta Miller, born May 1904.

Geo Miller, married second wife, Maggie Hibsh-

man, Nov. 1904

Jacob Ziegler, No. 234, Gen. V, son of Daniel

Ziegle", married Maria Klopp, Nov. 4, 1873. Lives

near Mt. Aetra, Berks Co., Pa. Two children :

367. Frank J. Zieeler, born Oct. 26, 1876.

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368. Har\ey C. Ziegler, born Apr. 7, 1887.

Frank Ziegler married Cora Krick, May 24, 1902.

Lydia Ziegler, No. 235, Gen. V, daughter of

Daniel Ziegler, married John Weaver, Oct. 16, 1869

by C. Bucher. Children :

369. Ida Weaver, born Apr. 14, 1871.

370. "Levi Weaver, born June 22, 1873.

371. Milton Weaver, born July 26. 1875.

372. Mary Weaver, born Feb. 7, 1878.

373. Emma Weaver, born June 6, 1880.

374. Charles Weaver, born Jan. 14, 1884,

375. Edith Weaver, bo>'n Aug. 21, 1891.

Ida Weaver married Isaac Stamm, 1892. Address

Mt. Aetna, Pa. ChiJdren f(.>llow :

Kate Stamm, born Dec. 19, 1892. Died July 26,


Charles Stamm, born Apr. 20, 1894.

Walter Stamm, born Nov. 4, 1895.

Bertha Stamm, born Oct. 4. 1898.

Mary Stamm born Apr. 3, 1900.

Mable Stamm, born Mar. 8, 1903.

Elmer Stamm, born Apr. 20, 1905.

Levi Weaver married Amanda Bechtel, 1894.

Children follow :

Clinton Weaver, born Feb. 14, 1895. Died May30, 1898.

George Weaver, born Jan. 30, 1897.

Lillie Weaver, born May 24. 1899.

Homer Weaver, born May 15, 1900. Died Mar.

26, 1901.

Bessie Weaver, born Feb. 18, 1904,

Milton Weaver married Cora May Geib. Twochildren :

Harry G. Weaver, born Jan. 20, 1903. Died Aug.

10, 1903.

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Paul G. Weaver, born Dec. 10, 1904.

Emma Weaver married Isaac Hefflefinger. Onechild. Dead.

Charlie Weaver married Mary Clay. Childrenfollow :

Guy S. Weaver, born Nov. 8, 1900. Died June19, 1904.

Edith Weaver, born Aug. 21, 1902.

Israel Ziegler, No. 236, Gen. V, son of Daniel

Ziegler, married Carolina Eeno, Nov. 28, 1874, byJohn Hertzler. Children :

376. Anna Ziegler, born Apr. 19, 1877. DiedFeb. 26, 1880.

377. Israel Ziegler, born Oct, 19, 1881.

378. Aaron Ziegler, born Sept. 8, 1883.

379. Mary Ziegler, born May 16, 1886. DiedMar. 16, 1892.

The father died Feb 22, 1887.

Jesse Ziegler, No. 238, Gen. V, son of Daniel

Ziegler, married Hannah Horning, Apr. 6, 1879.

Livedin Whiteside Co. Ill, till 1886. [Now lives at

Royersford, Pa. The writer of this family history,

and an Elder in the Brethren Church. Six children :

380. Samuel Ziegler, born Jan. 11, 1880.

381. Harry Ziegler, born Dec. 14, 1880.

382. Warren Ziegler, born June 15, 1882.

383. Howard J. Ziegler, born Feb. 8, 1889.

384. Paul A. Ziegler, born Jan 28, 1891. Died

June 19, 1891.

385. Robert J. Ziegler, born Mar. 2, 1896.

Samuel Ziegler, married Sadie Florence Brown-miller, June 8, 1904. Teaching in Abington Town-

ship High School.

Harry Ziegler, married Mary Hunsberger, Dec.

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21, 1901. Lives near Royersford, Pa., on his father's

farm. Two children :

Edward K. Ziegler, born Jan. 3. 1903.

Esther May Ziegler, born May 23, 19©4.

Susan Ziegler, No. 210, Gen. V, daughter of

Daniel Ziegler, married James Stoudt. Lives near

Rehrersburg, Pa., Children :

386. Mary Stoudt, born Aug. 28, 1878. Died

Jan. 19, 1879.

387. FranMin Stoudt, born Oct. 21, 1879.

390. Isaac Stoudt, born May 22, 1885.

391. Nora Stoudt, born June 4, 1889.

392. Charles Stoudt, born Aug. 9, 1894.

393. Jane Stoudt, born Dec. 1, 1899.

Franklin Stoudt, married Mary Sheffy, July 2,

1898. Children


Earl J. Stoudt, born Feb. 8, 1899.

Eva M. Stoudt, born Mar. 7, 1901.

Edna Stoudt, born Mar. 30, 1903.

Rebecca Ziegler, No. 241, Gen. V, daughter of

D. P. Ziegler, married Austin Baker, Aug. 31, 1884.

Went to S. Dak. in 1886 where they still live. Leola,

McPherson Co., S. Dak.

394. Lizzie E. Baker, born Aug. 24, 1885.

395. Elmer E. Baker, born Apr. 17, 1887.

296. Laura J. Baker, born Mar. 20, 1889.

397. Delilah J. Baker, born Dec. 15, 1890.

398. Floyd T. Baker, born Feb. 5, 1892.

399. Martha Baker, born Nov. 18, 1895.

Lizzie commenced teaching school at the age

of 16.

Samuel Ziegler, No. 242, Gen. V, son of D. P.

Ziegler, married Anna M. Behmler who was born

near Berlin, Germany, Apr. 12, 1868. Married in

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Spokane, Wash. Jan. 19, 1890. Now Jives at. WhiteSalmon, Wash., where they are engaged in fruit

growing quite successfully. Children :

400. Frank Garfield Ziegler, born Jan 29, 1891.

Died July 12, 1891.

401. Elmer Earl Ziegler, born June 21, 1892.

Died July 25, 1893.

402. Earl Clinton Ziegler, born Dec. 16, 1893.

403. Helen Mary Ziegler, born Nov. 29, 1896.

404. Laura Lizzie Ziegler, born Mar. 22, 1899.

405. Harry F. Ziegler, born May 12, 1901. DiedSepi. 8, 1901.

406. Herbert M. Ziegler, born May 12, 1901.

407. Mary Annetta Ziegler, born July 16, 1903.

409. Monroe Allen Ziegler, born July 17, 1903.

Daniel Ziegler, No. 243, Gen. V, son of D. P.

Ziegler, married Kate Elizabeth King, Oct. 29, 1887.

Moved to Eastern Shore, Md., where they now live

near Denton. Children :

409. Levi Ziegler, born Oct. 2, 1888.

410. Mary Ziegler, born July 21, 1891.

411. Sallie Ziegler, born Mar. 20, 1894.

412. Emma Ziegler, born July 7, 1895.

413. Lavina Ziegler, born Apr. 30, 1898.

414. Lizzie Ziegler, born July 6, 1900.

415. Helen Ziegler, born June 8, 1902.

Levi Ziegler, No. 244, Gen. V, son of D. P. Zieg-

ler, married Sarah Hoffman, Jan. 2, 1886. Lives ona farm near Royersford. He is a Minister in the

Brethren Churcb. Children :

416. Homer Ziegler, born Nov. 13, 1886.

417. Charles Ziegler, .born Sept. 17, 1888.

418. Minnie L. Ziegler, born Oct. 21, 1889.

419. Monroe Ziegler, born Apr. 18, 1891.

420. Paul Ziegler, born July 2, 1892.

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421. Gabriel Ziegler, born Feb. 7, 1894. Died

Jan. 23, 1895.

422. Mary Susan Ziegler, born Mar. 29, 1895.

423. Jesse Ziegler, born June 12, 1896.

424. Hannah Jane Ziegler, born Sept. 3, 1898.

425. Naomi Ruth Ziegler, born Apr. 16, 1900.

426. Levi Ziegler, born Sept. 23, 1901.

This is the seventh son of the seventh son.

427. Abram Zie^u^ler, born Jan. 12, 1903.

428. Samuel Ziegler, born July, 1904.

John Ziegler, No. 245, Gen. V, son of D. P.

Ziegler, married Sarah Ann Brown, July 30, 1887.

Lives near Bethel, Berks Co. upon the Reno Home-stead. ( Seventh grandfather.)

He is a Deacon in the Brethren Church. Children:

429. Elmer Ziegler. born Oct. 7, 1888.

430. Phares Ziegler, born Jan. 29, 1892.

431. Wilmer Ziegler, born Sept. 23, 1894.

482. Jesse Ziegler, born Jan. 27, 1897. Died Feb.

23, 1897.

433. Dora Molly Ziegler, born Sept 16, 1898.

434. Amos Ziegler, born July 26, 1901.

Amos Ziegler, No. 247, Gen. V, son of D. P.

Ziegler, married Rebecca Frantz. Was a Deacon in

the Brethren Church. Three children :

435. Laura Ziegler, born Apr. 27, 1891.

436. Maggie Ziegler, born Jan. 26, 1893.

437. Henry Ziegler, born Dec. 15, 1895.

Amos died Feb. 1897.

Mary Ziegler, No. 248, and Kate Ziegler No". 249,

are still single.

Jane Ziegler, No. 250, Gen. V, married Horace

Geisiuger, Oct. 7, 1905.

Rebecca Merkey, No. 251, Gen. V, daughter of

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Elizabeth Ziegler, married Geo Brown, May 31, 1870.

George died Jan. 5, 1893, Children foUow :

438. John Brown, born Feb. 27, 1872.

439. Levi Brown, born Apr. 1, 1873. Died Sept.

1, 1873.

440. Adam Brown, born Apr. 14, 1874.

441. Mary Brown, born June 2, 1875.

442. Amos Brown, born May 3, 1877.

443. Emma Brown, born Sept, 29, 1878.

444. Elnora BrowD, born Apr. 12, 1880. Died

July 15, 1880.

445. Sarah Ann Brown, born Mar. 30, 1883.

446. Elizabeth Brown, born Oct. 3, 1886.

447. George Brown, born Aug. 24, 1888.

448. Rebecca Brown, born Sept. 16, 1891. Died

Oct. 3, 1892.

John Brown married Lizzie Wood. Children :

Raymond Brown, born Feb. 28, 1893.

Pierce Brown, born May 15, 1894, Died Sept.

24, 1894.

Allen Brown, born Apr. 24, 1895.

Mary Brown, born Feb. 2, 1896.

Harry Brown, born Mar. 25, 1897.

Florence Brown, born Feb. 13, 1901.

John died Mar. 1, 1903.

Amos Brown married Emma Hunsicker. Chil-

dren follow :

Wilhs H. Brown, born Dec. 20, 1895.

Harry H. Brown, born Feb. 18, 1897. Died July

12, 1897.

Thama May Brown, born May 12, 1898.

Stella Brown, born Dec. 30, 1899.

Mabel Brown, Jborn Jan. 28, 1902.

Emma Brown, married L. M. Wenger. Children

follow :

Stella Wenger, born July 24, 1899.

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Mary Wenger, born Sept. 14, 1900.

Edward Wenger, born Dec. 1, 1901.

Myers Wenger, born Feb. 20, 1903.

Jacob Merkey, No. 252, Gen. V, son of Elizabeth

Ziegler, married Susan Gettle, Jan. 16, 1875. Lives

near Rehrersburg. Children


449. SalHe N. Merkey, born Dec. 17, 1877.

450. Annie L. Merkey, born Apr. 18, 1880.

451. Jacob P. Merkey, born July 26, 1883.

Address : Bethel, Berks Co., Pa.

Annie L. Merkey, Married Henry M, Frantz,

Nov. 4, 1899, who is a music teacher and harness

maker at Cross Kill Mills. One child :

Laura S. Frantz, born May 20, 1901.

James Merkey, No. 253, Gen. V, son of Elizabeth

Ziegler, married Catherine Weidman, Feb. 6, 1875.

Children follow :

452. Franklin Merkey, born Dec. 22, 1875.


453. William Merkey, born Feb. 26, 1777. Died

Oct. 24, 1879.

454. Amos Merkey, born Apr. 14, 1878.

455. Milton Merkey, born Nov. 25, 1879. Died

Dec. 1, 1881.

456. Magdalene Merkey, born May 15, 1881.

457. Catherine Merkey, born Feb. 22, 1883.

458. John Merkey, born Dec. 4, 1884.

The mother died May 7, 1886.

Married second wife, Anna Belleman, Mar. 17,

1888. Two children :

459. 460. Geo. and Harry Merkey, born Nov.

25, 1889.

Married third wife, Kate Gibble, Dec. 24, 1898.

One son


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461. Samuel Merkey, born Mar. 30, 1901.

Address : Rehersburg, Pa.

Levi Merkey, No. 255, Gen. V, son of Elizabeth

Ziegler, married Lydia Ellen Houtz of Bluffton,

Ind. Children follow :

462. William A. Merkey, born May 21, 1882.

463. Ida R. Merkey, born Apr. 11, 1884.

464. Charles Sam. Merkey, born Oct. 6, 1885.

465. Clara M. Merkey, born June 29, 1890.

466. Ethel Edna Merkey, born July 27, 1894.

487. Jonathan Merkey, born Feb. 24, 1897.

Address : Bluffton, Ind.

Mary Merkey, No. 257, Gen. V, daughter of

Elizabeth Ziegler, married Ephraim Hertzler, Dec.

6, 1894. One child :

468. Ephraim Hertzler, born Apr. 30, 1896.

Father died Apr. 27, 1896. Address : Myerstown,


Lizzie Merkey, No. 256, Gen. V, daughter of

Elizabeth Ziegler, married C. B. Hunsicker, Dec. 28,

1889. Address : Greble, Leb. Co., Pa.

David Merkey, No. 258, Gen. V, son of Elizabeth

Ziegler, married Sarah A. Bicksler, June 19, 1886.

One daughter :

469. Mary Ada Merkey, born Oct. 4, 1888.

Address : Hamlin, Pa.

Henry Keeney, No. 261, Gen. V, son of RebeccaZiegler, married Amanda Etter, Sept. 24, 1874, byJohn Hertzler. Children follow :

470. WiUiam Keeney, born Nov. 23, 1875.

471. Lizzie Keeney, born Sept. 7, 1877.

472. George Keeney, born Apr. 29, 1880.

473. Henry Keeney, born Nov. 21, 1881.

474. Cora Keeney, born May 1, 1883.


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475. Minnie Keeney, born June 23, 1888.

476. Charles Keeney, born Oct. 9, 1890.

477. Laura Keeney, born Mar. 8, 1893.

William Keeney, married Marietta Wenger, Aug.

28, 1897. Children follow :

William Keeney, born May 29, 1899.

Emily Keeney, born Mar. 2, 1901.

Geo. Keeney married Clara Frantz, Aug. 30,

1898. Children follow :

Maggie Keeney, born Oct. 1900.

Henry Keeney, born Oct. 1902.

Henry Keeney, Jr., married Clara Light, Sept.

26, 1899. Two children :

Annie Keeney, born Aug. 5, 1900.

Lizzie Keeney, born Mar. 2, 1902.

Lizzie Keeney, married Samuel Gettle. ( Already

given under that name.)

Cora Keeney, married Samuel Ziegler. ( Also

given under that head.)

Philip Keeney, No. 262, Gen. V, son of Rebecca

Ziegler, married Emma Royer, Jan. 25, 1873. Myers-

town, Pa. Three children :

478. Elnora Keeney, born July 6, 1874.

479. Rebecca Keeney, born June 10, 1877.

480. Magdalene Keeney, born Aug. 31, 1879.

Elnora is still at home.

Magdalene Keeney, married Harry G. Weist,

June 30, 1899. One child :

Carlos H. Weist, born Feb. 4, 1901.

Jacob Ziegler, No. 263, Gen. V, son of Elias Zieg-

ler, married Ellen E. Wanner, June 25, 1889. Started

housekeeping in Philadelphia where both their boys

were born. Moved to Reading, Pa., in 1901, where

they are engaged in the milk business. Children

follow :

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481. Willard Ziegler, born Feb. 19, 1891.

482. Philip Wanner Ziegler, born Nov. 5, 1893.

Elizabeth Ziegler, No. 265, Gen. V, daughter of

Elias Ziegler, married Benjamin F. Hughes, Nov. 15,

1879. Lives near Manassas, Va. Children follow :

483. Harry Howard Hughes, born June 22, 1881.

Was in the U, S. Marine Service and died of typhoid

fever at Agana Guam, Philippine Islands, Dec. 15,

1899. Remains are interred in Manassas Cemetery,Va.

484. Estella Ehzabeth Hughes, born July 15,


485. Wilham Henry Hughes, born Oct. 10, 1885.

Died July 23, 1895.

486. Susie Anna Hughes, born Jan. 24, 1887.

487. Magdalene Hughes, born June 4, 1889.

488. Samuel Franklin Hughes, born Oct. 18,


489. Jesse Benj. Hughes, born Nov. 11, 1894.

490. Paul Elias Hughes, born Sept. 4, 1897. Died

Dec. 18, 1897.

491. Geo. Herman Hughes, born Dec. 11, 1899.

All born at Manassas, Va.

Rebecca Ziegler, No. 266, Gen. V, daughter of

Elias Ziegler, married Irwin Scholl. Lives at

Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Following are the children:

491a. Clark Scholl, born Nov. 26, 1885.

491b. Minuie Scholl, born Dec. 5, 1836.

491c. Ettie Scholl, born Jan. 30, 1888.

491d. Stella Scholl, born Dec. 1, 1890.

491e. Lizzie Scholl, born Oct. 1, 1889.

491f. Harold Scholl, born Jan. 1, 1894.

491g. Jesse Scholl, born Mar. 31, 1897.

491h. Willis Scholl, born Sept. 19, 1899.

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Hannah Ziegler, No. 267, Gen. V, daughter of

Ehas Ziegler, married Calvin Kurr, June 13, 1889.

Lives at Avon, Pa , since 1891. One son :

500. Paul W. Kurr, born Mar. 6, 1890.

Abraham Ziegler, No. 269, Gen. V, son of

Elias Ziegler, married Miss Kline. One child :

501. Abrahiim is dead.

Henry Ziegler, No. 270, Gen. V, son of Eiias

Ziegler, married Martha King, Nov. 29, 1894. Lives

on his father's and grandfather's farm, near

Rehrersburg. Children follow :

502. Reuben Ziegler, born Jan. 9, 1896.

503. Jesse Ziegler, born Dec. 27, 1896.

504. Margaret Ziegler, born Aug. 23, 1898.

505. Ammon Ziegler, born Aug. 22, 1899.

506. Rudolph Ziegler, born Feb. 9, 1901.

507. Henry Ziegler, born Sept. 30, 1902. Died

July 10, 1903.

Emma Ziegler, No. 271, Gen. V. daughter of

Elias Ziegler, married Charles A. Culver, Aug. 18,

1902, by Paul Mansfield Spencer. Lives at Walton,

N. Y. Is a contractor. One daughter :

508. Esther Sue Culver, born Aug. 25, 1903.

Magdalens Ziegler, No. 267, Gen. V, is still


Of the Doner Family, which would come in here,

"we gave all that w^e have in last Gen., where see.

Elizabeth Zug, No. 301, Gen. V, daughter of MaryZiegler Zug. married Jeremiah Hackman. BornNov. 30, 1855. Married Sept. 8. 1878 by Eld. S. R.

Zug at his parent's home at Mastersonville, Lancaster

Co., Pa. Here they live and are conducting a mercan-

tile business. Children follow :

509. Mary Z. Hackman, born July 25, 1879.

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510. Isaac Willis Hackman, born Mar. 5, 1885.

Mary Z. Hackman, married Charles Griffith,

May 24, 1900.

Katharine Zug, No. 302, Gen. V, daughter of

Mary Ziegler Zug, married Jacob Hackman, Oct. 7,

1883. LivGS with her people at Mastersonville, Pa.

Four children :

511. Ehzabeth Hackman, born Oct. 16, 1885.

512. Jacob Hackman, born Nov. 22, 1887.

513. Susie May Hackman, born Sept. 18, 1890.

Died Nov. 1, 1890.

514. Edna Naomi Hackman, born Mar. 15, 1892.

Elizabeth Hackman, married Elmer H. Witmer,

Aug. 9, 1903.

Philip Howard Ziegler, No. 303, Gen. V, son of

Dr. P. M. Ziegler, is associated with his father in

the drug business in Reading, Pa. He married

Bertha Endicott Morrison of Washington, D. C, on

June 30, 1904.

Stella M. Ziegler, No. 304, Gen. V, daughter of

P. M. Ziegler, married William Worman Livingood,

M. D. They hve in Reading where he practices


Phihp Clinton Geib, No. 306, Gen. V, son of

Katharine Ziegler Geib, married Amanda Earhart,

Oct. 5, 1876 by Eld. S. R. Zug. Lives on the old

grandfather Ziegler 's place, near Mastersonville,

Lan. Co. Pa. Children follow :

515. Herman E. Geib, born Dec. 13, 1877.

516. Emma E. Geib, born Sept. 5, 1880.

517. Isaac Geib, born Mar. 11, 1885.

518. Amos E. Gieb, born Feb. 28, 1887.

519. Anna Mary Geib, born May 21, 1890.

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Emma G-eib married David H. Kreider by S. R.

Zug at his home. Children :

Herman Kreider, born Jan. 24, 1901.

Henry Kreider, born Apr, 7, 1902.

Ivan Kreider, born Apr. IS, 1903,

Herman Geib, married Lizzie Sanders, by Rev.

Henry Zug, at his home.

Emma B. Geib, No. 308, Gen. V, daughter of

Catherine Ziegler Geib, married Isaac Minnich, Sept.

28, 1876, by S. R. Zug. Two children :

520. Katie G. Minnich, born Feb. 5, 1878.

521. Amelia Minnich, born June 7, 1892.

Katie Minnich, married W. W. Moyer, Nov. 24,

1898. Near Manheim, Lan. Co., Pa.

Uriah Geib, No. 309, Gen. V, son of Catherine

ZiegleriGeib, married Sarah Troub. Children follow:

522. Irene Geib, born Feb. 15, 1888.

523. Ohver Geib, born Aug. 30, 1890.

524. Amelia Geib, born Nov. 9, 1882.

525. Raymond Geib, born Dec. 6, 1894.

526. lasac Le Roy Geib, born Feb. 1, 1900.

Near Mastersonville, Lancaster Co., Pa.

Philip A. Shearer, No. 310, Gen. V, son of EHza-

beth Ziegler Shearer, married Sarah Gibble. Fourchildren :

527. Stella Shearer.

528. Lena Shearer.

529. Aggie Shearer.

530. Chnton Shearer.

Mary E. Shearer, No. 311, Gen. V, daughter of

Elizabeth Ziegler Shearer, m.arried Rev. John ALandis who is a prominent Minister in the Brethren

Church at Manada Hill, Dauphin Co., Pa. Three

daughters :

531. Adella Landis.

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Ada May Ziegler, No. 332, Gen. V, daughter of

John Wesley Ziegler, married Richard M. Lander in

1896. Is a cigar merchant, Chicago, 111. One son :

543. John Ziegler Lander.

Joseph Kreider, No. 336, Gen. V, son of JacobKreider, born Dec. 20, 1834, married Leah Moyer.

Seven children :

544. Anna Mary Kreider.

545. Amanda Kreider.

546. Lydia Kreider.

547. Elizabeth Kreider.

548. Ellen Kreider.

549. Emma Kreider.

550. Joseph Kreider.

Anna Mary, born July 3, 1859, married Milton

Light. Pour children :—AUce, Kate, Harvey and Jo-


Amanda Kreider, born Sept. 4, 1861, marriedFrank Bachman. Two children :

Harry Bachman, born 1883. Died June 3, 1885.

Leah Bachman, born Sept. 10, 1889.

Lydie Kreider, born Oct. 17, 1886, marriadDaniel Bomberger. Four children :—Mary, Ahce,

Ida and Mandie.

Elizabeth Kreider, born Feb. 11, 1864, marriedPenrose Hoffer. Six children :—Annie, Harry,

Sallie, Violet, George and Christiana.

Ellen Kreider, born Sept. 17, 1866, marriedReuben Bachman. One child :—Homer.

Emma Kreider, born Jan. 8, 1871, married Mar-tin Gingrich. Died May 22, 1900.

Joseph Kreider, born Jan. 19, 1878, marriedFannie Wise. Two children :—Rosie and Wise.

Henry Kreider, No. 337, Gen. V, son of Jacob

Kreider, married Mary Shenk. Eight children :

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551. Alice Kreider.

552. Elizabeth Kreider.

553 John Henry Kreider.

554. Sailie Kreider.

555. Monroe Kreider.

556. Clara Kreider.

557. Irvin Kreider.

558. Harry Kreider.

Alice Kreider, born Aug. 27, 1861, marritid Rev.

Morris Spayd. Two children ;—Harry and Lolo.

Eliz.abeth Kreider, born Nov. 4, 1862. Died Dec.

1, 1889.

John Henry Kreider, born July 23, 1864, married

Tara Rosen berger. Two children -.— Mary andHarvey.

Sailie Kreider, born June 21, 1866. Died Oct. 17,


Monroe Kreider, born Nov. 23, 1867.

Clara Kreider, born June 26, 1869.

Harry Kreider, born Apr. 20, 1871. Died May 6,


Irvin Kreider, born Oct, 13, 1876 Died June 14,


William L. Kreider, No. 339, Gen. V. son of Jacob

Kreider, married Kate Wilhelm. Seven children :

558. David Kreider.

559. Williaoj Kreider.

560. Mary Kreider, born Feb. 3, 1873. Died

Oct. 21, 1881.

561. Harry Kreider.

562. Katie Kreider.

563. 564. Edwin and Francis Kreider, twins,

born Sept. 16. 1883. Edwin died Jan 11, 1888.

Francis died Jan. 2, 1887.

David Kreider, born July 15, 1856, married

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Minnie Erb. Eight children :—David, Violet, Minnie,

Paul, Irvin, Harry, Ruth and Raymond.William Kreider, born Dec. 22, 1869, married

Susie Landis. Three children :—Elizabeth, Edwinand Catherine.

Harry Kreider, born Sept. 1, 1875, married

Annie Erb. One child : Erb.

Katie Kreider, born Apr. 17, 1878, married

Eugene Bowman. Two children : William and Simon.

Abraham Kreider, No. 341, Gen. V, son of Jacob

Kreider, born Dec. 16, 1841, married Rebecca Light.

Three children :

565. Emma Kreider.

566. Mary Kreider. Died in infancy.

567. Jacob Kreider.

Benjamin Kreider, No. 347, Gen. V, son of Jacob

Kreider, born Apr. 16, 1854, married Sallie Kauff-

man. One child:

568 Died in infancy.

Sarah Kreider, No. 348, Gen. V, daughter of

Jacob Kreider, bora Nov. 16, 1860, married AdamMoyer. One child :

569. Eugene Moyer, born Aug 24. 1880. Died

Sept. 10. 1889.

Elizabeth Kreidej', No. 350, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Kreider, born July 2, 1840, married Joel

Light. Eleven children :

570. Alice Light.

571. Mary Light.

572. Grant Light.

573. Morris Light.

574. Sallie L'ght, born May 12, 1866.

575. Mason Light.

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576. Lydia Light.

577. Lizzie Light.

578. Miles Light.

579. Fannie Light.

580. Mark Light.

Ahce Light, born Feb. 13, 1862, married Samuel

Galbach. Nine children : Lillian, William, Lizzie,

Sallie, Joel, Fannie, Mary, Eva, and Florence.

Mary Light, born Apr. 28, 1863, married Samuel

B. Wenger. One child : Sarah.

Grant Light, born Oct. 10, 1864. Died Aug. 25,


Morris Light, born Feb. 20, 1865, married Fannie

Light. .One child : Charlotte Light.

Mason Light, born Oct. 20, 1867, married Ellen

Longenecker. Three children : Elva, Joel and Annie.

Lydia Light, born Dec. 19, 1868, married William

Hopple. Three children : Mark, Lizzie and Kate.

Lizzie Light, born Apr. 21, 1869, married William

Ricker. Four children : Myra, Sarah, Elizabeth and


Miles Light, born Aug. 28, 1874. Died Jan. 28,


Fannie Light, born Sept. 10, 1876, married

Harry Gingrich. Two children : Joel and Russel.

Mark Light, born Dec. 29, 1878. Died Jan. 28,


Mary Kreider, No. 351, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Kreider, born Sept. 9, 1841, married John

Henry Detwiler. Thirteen children :

581. Harvey Detwiler, born May 22, 1863. Died

Aug. 18, 1863.

582. Onesimus Detwiler, born July 1, 1864.

583. Aaron Detwiler, born Dec. 9, 1865. Died

May 11, 1870.

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584. John Henry DetwiJer.

585. Joseph Detwiler.

586. Lydia Detwiler.

587. Sadie Detwiler, born Apr. 28, 1871. Died

May 18, 1878.

588. William Detwiler, born Feb. 2, 1873. Died

June 6, 1874.

589. Walter Detwiler.

590. Mary Detwiler.

591. Wilson Detwiler.

592. Clayton Detwiler, born June 6, 1881.

593. Adam Detwiler, born May 1, 188—. Died

same day.

Onesimus Detwiler married Emma Lentz. Three

children : Lindis, dead ; Warren and Earl.

John Henry Detwiler, born May 9, 1867, married

Alice Porry. Three children : Emma, dead ; Iva and


Joseph Detwiler, born Oct. 9, 1868, married

Sallie Heisey. Five children : LilKe, Ellen, Mary,

Minnie and Joseph.

Lydie Detwiler, born Feb. 8, 1870, married

Harry Miller. Four children : Mable, Harry, dead ;

Clayton and Mary.

Waiter Detwilej-, born Feb. 10, 1872, married

Kate Heisey. Two children : Emma, dead ; and

Maud.Mary Detwiler, born Oct. 12, 1876, married

William Blouch. Four children : Norman, Violet,

Charlotte and Eva.

Wilson Detwiler, born Jan. 18, 1879, married Ida

Uhler. One child : Eva.

Fannie Kreider, No. 352, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Kreider, born Dec. 22, 1842, married Jacob

Detwiler. Six children :

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594. Clinton Defcwiler, born Aug. 19, 1864. DiedMay 3, 1869.

595. Lizzie Detwiler, born Jan. 1, 1866. DiedSept. 23, 1873.

596. Samuel Detwiler.

597. George Detwiler, born Jan. 6, 1869. DiedAug. 24, 1873.

598. Kate Detwiler, born Jan. 27, 1871. DiedAug. 17, 1873.

599. Jacob Detwiler.

Samuel Detwiler, born May 22, 1867, marriedKate Donmoyer. One child : Miles.

Jacob Detwiler, born Jan. 15, 1873, marriedSallie Snavely. No children.

Priscilla Kreider, No. 353, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Kreider, born Feb. 5, 1845, married Josiah

Moyer. Died July 3, 1883. Eight children :

600. Abram Moyer.601. Sallie Moyer.602 George Moyer.603. Jane Moyer.604. Harry Moyer.605. Irvin Moyer. Dead.

606. Job Moyer. Dead.

607. Lydie Moyer. Dead.

Selesa Kreider, No. 354, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Kreider, born Dec. 8, 1847, married Tobias

Kreider. Nine children :

608. Irvin Clayton Kreider, born Aug. 6, 1866.

Died Oct. 10, 1866.

609. Lydia Ann Kreider, born Sept. 19, 1867.

Died same year.

610. Adam Kreider, born Jan. 23, 1869,

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611. Morris Kreider, born July 13, 1870. Died

same year.

612. Calvin Kreider, born Nov. 4, 1871.

613. Harry Kreider, born Mar. 26, 1874.

614. Clara Kreider, born Dec. 15, 1876. Died

Feb. 7, 1877.

615. Eva May Kreider, born June 5, 1879.

616. Elmer Paul Kreider, born Oct. 25, 1881.

Onesimus Kreider, No. 355, Gen. V, son of Joseph

Kreider, born Aug. 16, 1848, married Alice Hackman.Four (Children :

617. Erma Kreider.

618. Edith Kreider. Dead.

619. Nellie Kreider. Dead.

620. Earl Kreider.

Annie Kreider, No. 356, Gen. V, daughter of

Joseph Kreider, born Feb. 24, 1850, married Jacob

Martin. Two children :

621. Carrie Martin. Dead.

622. Joseph Martin.

Samuel Kreider, No. 357, Gen. V, son of Joseph

Kreider, born Nov. 22, 1853, married Hannah Hoke.

Three children :

623. Harvey Kreider, born Nov. 8, 1880. Dead.

624. Sadie Kreider, born Nov. 21, 1884.

625. Paul Kreider, born Aug. 12, 1839.

Adam Kreider, No. 358, Gen. V, son of Joseph

Kreider, born May 9, 1853, married Mary Light. Twchildren :

626. Frank Kreider.

627. Elon Kreider.

Elizabeth Moyer, No. 362, Gen. V, daughter of

Jonathan Moyer, married Ezra Rover. One child :

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627a. Alice Royer, married Horst.

Lydia Moyer, No. 362a, Geu. V, daughter of

Jonathan Moyer, married Adam Gettle. Two chil-

dren :

628. Annie Gettle.

629. Mary Gettle.

Sarah Moyer, No. 362b, Gen. V, daughter of Jona-

than Moyer, married Nathan Gibble. Five children :

630. John Gibble.

631. Myers Gibble.

632. Mary Gibble.

633. Leah Gibble.

634. Alice Gibble.

Eld. E. M. Wenger, No. 363. Gen. V, born Aug.

28, 1854. married Emma Moyer.

He is an efficient Minister and Elder in the

Brethren Church. Has served as Dsitrict SundaySchool Secretary and has also done much for the

Sunday School of his home church (Little Swatara)

which is also the home church of this family, and

here many of the present members still live. Eld.

Wenger is also a member of the Mission Board and

presides over several churches. He has also given

valuable aid in gathering data for several lines of the

family. Children follow :

635. Levi Wenger, born Dec. 25, 1876.

636. Marietta Wenger, born Sept. 25, 1879.

637-38. Jacob and Samuel Wenger, bora Jan. 7,


639. Annie May Wenger, born May 19, 1883.

640. Lizzie Wenger, born Dec. 28, 1884.

641. Susan Wenger, born Aug. 13, 1888.

642. Edward Wenger, boru Aug. 17, 1890.

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643. Laban Wenger, born Sept. 17, 1892.

644. Ezra Wenger, born Apr. 26, 1895.

645. Henry Wenger, born May 6, 1898.

646. Emma Wenger, born Feb. 15, 1900.

L^v'i Wenger's family is given under EmmaBrown.

Marietta Wenger 's family is given under William


Lizzie Wenger married C. Darkes.

Elizabeth Wenger, No. 364, Gen. V, married

Rich;^rd Hain. Three children :

647. Daniel Hain, married Agnes Bensing. Twochildren ; Stella and Leo.

648. Rebecca Hain, married John Wise. Twochildren : Bertha and Floyd.

649. Clara Hain, married Kirt Click. Several


Ezra Wenger, No. 365, Gen. V, married Kitter-

ing. Children foll( .w :

650. Lizzie Wenger.

651. Samut-l WeDger.

652. Lydia Wenger.

653. Verona Wenger.

654. Cora Wenger.

655. Jacob Wenger.

656. Marie Wenger.

657. Katie Wenger.

658. John Wenger.

659. Myers Wenger.

John Wenger, No. 366, Gen. V. married Mr.

Kittering. One daughter :

660. Leah, married Edward Wolf. Two children.

Jacob Wenger, No. 367, Gen. V, married to

Snyder. Four children.

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Lydia Wenger, No. 368, Gen. V, married SamuelGrouse. Ghildren follow :

666. Alice Grouse, born May 30, 1878. Died

Aug. 23, 1878.

666a. Calvin Grouse, born Apr. 23, 1879 Died

same day.

667. Elizabeth Grouse, born Mar. 2, 1881.

668. Jacob Grouse, born Oct. 30, 1882. Died

Sept. 4, 1883.

669. John Grouse, born May 8, 1884.

670. Elmer Grouse, born Sept. 22, 1885. Died

Apr. 22, 1886.

671. Elva Grouse, born Feb. 7, 1886. Died May20, 1886.

672. Irwin Grouse, born Feb. 22, 1887.

673. Anca Grouse, born Oct. 1, 1888.

674. Nora Grouse, born Mar. 1, 1890.

675. Stella May Grouse, born June 25, 1891.

676. Samuel Grouse, born Sept. 9, 1892.

677. Iram Daniel Grouse, born Jan. 15, 1894.

678. Mary Grouse, born Nov. 5, 1895.

679. David Grouse, born Dec. 26, 1897.

Elizabeth Grouse married Mr. Emerich.

Jonas Moyer, No. 371, Gen. V. Married. Fourchildren, only one of whom is given :

680. Harvey Moyer, married. One child.

Annie moyer, No 373, Gen. V, married J. H.

Bomberger. Six children :

Following is the record, as far as we were able

to obtain it, of the children of Micheal and Polly

Wolf's grandchildren that w^ere not given in Gen. V.

Elmira Wolf, No. 375, Gen. V, married John

Louser. One child :

690. Jacob Louser.

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Malinda Wolf, No. 376, Gen. V, married Isaiah

Merkey. Children follow :

691. Elizabeth Merkey.692. Michael Merkey.693. Emma Merkey,694. Edward Merkey.695. Polly Merkey.696. Adam Merkey.697. Isaiah Merkey.698. Amos Merkey.699. Joseph Merkey.700. Ida Merkey.

Verona "Wolf, No. 377, Gen. V, married Elias

Gerhart. Children follow


701. Jacob Gerhart, married Mary Hoffman.

Five children.

702. EUa Gerhart, married Milton Khne. Sevenchildren:

703. Mary Gerhart.

704. Isaiah Gerhart.

705. Ezra Gerhart.

706. Clara Gerhart, marrried T. Hefflefinger.

Five children.

707. Cora Gerhart.

707a. Carrie Gerhart.

708. George Gerhart.

709. Eva Gerhart.

George and Eva were twins. Both dead.

710. Elias Gerhart, married Bachman.

Gideon Wolf, No. 379, Gen. V, married EmmaBatdorf. Children follow :

711. Laura Wolf, married. One child.

712. Miles Wolf.

713. Jennie Wolf.

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714. Sadie Wolf.

Monroe Woif, No. 390, Gen. V, married EmmaEbling. Children follow :

715. Mable Wolf, married Edris. One child.

716. Bessie Wolf.

717. Herbert Wolf.

718. Elsie Wolf.

719. Emma Wolf.

720. Ada Wolf.

Cora Wolf, No. 391, Gen. V, married SamuelBicksler. One child :

721. Edward Bicksler.

Levi Blough, No. 392, Gen. V, married SarahHunsicker. Children follow :

722. Alice Blough, married Rank. Three chil-


723. Lizzie Blough, married Arnold. Sevenchildren.

724. Anna Blough Dead.

Savilla Blough, No. 393, Gen. V, married M. H.

Lentz. Children follow :

725. Alice Lentz, married Kreider. Two chil-


726. Anna Mary Lentz, married Gardner. Onechild.

Elizabeth Blough, No. 394, Gen. V, married Rev.

William Oberholtzer, of Myerstown, a Minister in

the Brethren Church. Children follow :

727. Lydia Ann Oberholtzer. married Kroll.

Two children.

728. Emma Lizzie Oberholtzer, married Horst,

One child.

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Edward Peiffer, No. 396, Gen. V, married A. My-

ers. Children follow :

729. Jacob Peiffer, married Beiising. Three


730. Martin Peiffer, married Philippy. Twochild ren.

731. Mary Ann Peiffer.

Henry Peiffer, No. 397, Gen. V, married Susanna

Lentz. Children follow :

732. Jonathan Peiffer, married Boltz. One child.

733. Sallie Peiffer, married Spangler. Twochildren.

734. Katie Peiffer, married Ritt^e. Two chil-


Cornelius Peiffer, No. 398, Gen. V, married Zatta-

zahn. Children follow :

735. Isaac Peiffer. Married.

736. Rufus Peiffer.

737. Paul Peiffer.

Mary Peiffer, No. 399, Gen. V, married Rittle.

Four children :

738. WiUie Rittie.

739. Jennie Rittle.

740. Robert Riitle.

Other name not given.

Adam Peiffer, 8th child of Susan and Isaac Peif-

fer, who is not numbered in Gen. V, married

Sarah Hoffer. Children follow :

741. Jennie Peiffer, married David Miller. One


742. Mabel Peiffer, married Will Strauss.

743. Minnie Peiffer. Single.

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Clara Edris, No. 399c, Gen. V, married SolomonMyers. Children follow :

744. Elias Myers, married Stroh.

745. Agnes Myers, married Brightbill. Five


746. Lizzie Myers, married. Three children.

747. Solomon Myers, married Light.

748. Emma Myers, married Bashore. Threechildren.

749. Edward Myers.

750. Jacob Myers.

751. Henry Myers.

752. Maggie Myers.

Edward Edris, No. 399d, Gen. V, married MaryHower. Two children :

753. Peter Edris. Dead.

754. Carrie Edris.

Elias Edris, No. 399e, Gen. V, is a Minister in

the Brethren Church. Married Cordelia Gingrich.

Ten children :

755. Harry Edris, born Sept. 21, 1884. Married

to Blough. One child.

756. Allen Edris, born Jan. 29, 1886. Married

Mabel Wolf. One child.

757. Miles Edris, born July 10, 1887.

758. Samuel Edris, born Apr. 14, 1889.

759. Susan Edris, born Aug. 15, 1890.

760. Pierce'Edris, born Sept. 28, 1892.

761. Peter Edris. born Feb. 21, 1895.

762. Aaron Edris, born June 2, 1897.

763. Lizzie Edris, born Sept. 6, 1899. Died Dec.

2, 1901.

764. Ehas Edris born Mar. 5, 1902.

Following is Eva and David Long's family. Be

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low are given their grand children and their families.

Jacob Heagy, No. 4®1, Gen. V, son of Lucy AnnLong Heagy, born Dec. 19, 1855. Married Lizzie

Gingrich. One child. Annville, Pa.

765. Lizzie Heagy, born May 20, 1886. Died in-


Married second wife, Lizzie Behm. One child.

Died infant.

Jacob Heagy is a Deacon in the Brethren Church,

a Trustee of the Old Polks Home, at Manheim, Pa.,

and has done much in helping to gather the material

for this work, especially for the two Long families.

David Heagy, No. 402, Gen. V, son of Lucy AnnHeagy, born Feb. 26, 1857, married Caroline Moyer.

Two children :

766. Mary Ann Heagy.

767. Moses Heagy.

Mary Ann Heagy, born Mar. 27, 1879, married

John Walborn.

767 a. Carrie May Heagy, born Mar. 22, 1899.

Moses Heagy, son of David, born Dec. 25, 1880.

Moses Heagy, No. 403, Gen V, son of Lucy AnnHeagy, born Jan. 4, 1865, married Fannie Kreider.

Four children :

768. Lizzie Heagy, born Dec. 2, 1888.

769. Mabel Heagy, born Mar. 19, 1890.

770. Jacob Heagy, born Apr. 25, 1895.

771. Lucy Heagy, born Jan. 2, 1897.

Married second wife, Agnes Witters.

Jacob Heagy, No. 404. Gen. V, son of Effiah LongHeagy, born Aug. 11, 1854. Married Martha Forney.

Ten children :

772. Lizzie Heagy.

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773. Katie Heagy.

774. Henry Heagy, born Nov. 4, 1876. Died

Feb. 14, 1877.

775. John Heagy, born Oct. 11, 1879.

776. Jacob Heagy, born Jan. 4, 1883.

777. Lillie Heagy, born Apr. 1, 1884.

778. Oscar Heagy, born Nov. 4, 1886. Died Aug,24, 1887.

779. Forney Heagy, born Sept. 29, 1888.

780. Raymond Heagy, born Apr. 11, 1894.

781. Leroy Heagy, born Dec. 25, 1896.

Lizzie, daughter of Jacob and Martha Heagy,

born July 18, 1875, married Irwin Detweiler. Onechild : Elmer.

Katie, sister to above, born Dec. 3, 1877, married

Geo. Kreider. One child : Homer.

Catherine Long, No. 407, Gen. V, daughter of

David Long, born Aug. 9, 1858, married Aaron Hos-


782. Cora Hostetter.

783. Penrose Hostetter, born Dec. 31, 1882.

784. Rolsaides Hostetter, born Apr. 13, 1890.

Died Feb. 6, 1894.

785. Leroy Hostetter, born Aug. 31, 1895.

786. Grace Hostetter, born Aug. 29, 1898.

Cora Hostetter, born June 12, 1881, married Os-

car Light.

David Long, No. 408, Gen. V, son of David Long,

born Nov. 2, 1869, married Clara Miller. Five chil-

dren :

787. Dora May Long.

788. John Abner Long.

789. David Mason -Long.

790. Abram Miles Long.

791. Lottie Ruth Long.

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Jacob Long, No. 411, Gen. V, son of Jacob Long,

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811. Harry Kline.

812. Beulah Kline.

Lydia Long, No. 419, Gen. V, daughter of Jacob

Long, born Dec. 22, 1863, married Grant L/auder-

milch. Seven children :

813. Monroe Laudermilch.

814. Ada Laudermilch.

815. Elverda Laudermilch.

816. Howard Laudermilch.

817. Marshall Laudermilch. Dead.

818. Lizzie Laudermilch.

819. Ester Laudermilch.

John Long, No. 420, Gen. V, son of Henry Long,

born Mar. 22, 1863, married Fannie Kettering. Sev-

en children :

820. Virgie Long, born Sept. 6, 1890. Died

Sept. 14, 1892.

821. Ada Long, born Oct. 15, 1892.

822. John Long, born Aug. 19, 1894.

823. Mary Long, born June 7, 1896.

824. Harry Long, born Dec. 16. 1897.

825. Larene Long, born May 13, 1899.

826. Ray Long, born Feb. 21, 1901.

Abraham Long, No. 421, Gen. V, son of Henry

Long, born Jan, 20, 1868. Died small.

Alice Long, No. 422, Gen. V, daughter of Henry

Long, born July 24, 1869, married Adam Miller. Five

children :

827. Harvey Miller, bora July 13, 1889.

828. John Miller, born Feb. 6, 1892.

829. Leroy Miller, born Feb. 6. 1896.

830. Joseph Herman Miller, born Feb. 16, 1898.

Died Mar. 10, 1899.

831. Mary Miller, born Apr. 3, 1902.

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Elizabeth Long, No. 423, Gen. V, daughter of

Henry Long, born Nov. 26, 1874, married John Ket-

tering. Three children :

832. May Kettering.

833. Perry Kettering.

834. Edith Kettering.

Ezra Long, No. 426, Gen. V, son of Amos Long,

born Aug. 17, 1860, married Kate Wagner. Threechildren :

835. Lydia Long, born Dec. 19, 1885.

836. Eliza Long, born May 5, 1888.

836 a. Amos Long, born Feb. 27, 1900.

Elizabeth Long, No. 428, Gen. V, daughter of

Amos Long, born June 1, 1865, married BenjaminBarto. Three children :

837. Irwin Barto.

838. Amos Barto.

839. Eva Barto.

Eva Long, No. 429, Gen. V, daughter of AmosLong, born May 12, 1868, married Henry Punk. Onechild :

840. Edwin Funk.

Barbara Long, No. 430, Gen. V, daughter of

Amos Long, born Mar. 19, 1874. Died Aug. 3, 1879.

This ends the family record as far as obtainable

and only up to 1903, mostly so.—that being the time

when most of the information was sent in, or gather-

ed together.

As we know each other better, may the bond of

union become stronger until by a faithful and loving

obedience to the blessed Gospel and an implicit faith

and trust in the blessed Christ, who brought life and

immorality to light, we shall all be permitted to

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join in the happy and glorious and increasing family

re-union "on the happy golden shore" whither manyof our forefathers and mothers have preceded us, and

who could not unite with us in such a gathering here.



In No. 348, page 79, read July 26, instead of July 29, 1884.

On page 80, under Samuel Gettle, read "Lives near theold Zieg-ler homestead." Samuel Gettle is an active Deaconin the Brethren Church.

On pag-e 81, under George Miller, tlie "1" broke off in

the woid " lives,"On page 86, under John Ziegler, read, " Sarah's grand-

father's farm, instead of " Seventh grandfather."In No. 453, read Feb. 25, 1877.

In No. 491, read "All, except Estella, born at Manassaa,Va."

In No. 521, read "June 7, 1882."

For any other typographical errors the proof reader is re-

sponsible, and not the author.


Cleona, Pa.

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Oar Ancester Philip Ziegler, 7-8

Generation II, 9

Generation II!

, 9-12

Generation IV, 12-21

Generation V, 21-48

Generation VI and VII, 48-114

Jolm Ziegler who went to Va., 9

a- His children . 12

b His grand cniildren, 21-24

c Virginia Descendants iti Generation VIand VII, 48-59

" Lykens Valley " Philip Ziegler, 13

a His children and grand children, 23

b Great grand children, . .


63 65

Elizabeth Ziegler Knerr and family, 26 S'8

David Ziegler who went to Ohio, 13

a His children, 14

b His grand children, 28 31

Mary ZiegJer Balsbaugh's faicily, 15

a Grand children, 32 35

b Great grand children, 74-78

Regina Ziegler Thomas' family 14 15

a Grand children, 31-32

b Great grand chiidreji, 72 74

Christian Prantz, 9

a Children, 10

b Grand children, 13

c Great grand children, 25-26

d Great great grand children, 62

Paul Ziegler's family, 11

a Grand children. 17-19

b Great grand children 41 42

c John Wesley Ziegler's family 95-96

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118 INDEX.

Hai'jimh Ziegler Kobel's (amily, . 17

a Grand chUdren, 40-41

Philip Ziegler of Lancaster Co., Fa , 16 17

a Grand cliildren, 39-40

b Great grand cliildren, 92-95

Eva Ziegler Lentz' family, 11

a Grand children, 19 20

b Great grand children 42-48

c Great great grand children, 96-114

The above family takes in the Longs, Kreiders,

Moyers, Wolfs and Wengers.William Ziegler 's family, 35

Grand children, 78 79

Hannah Ziegler Gettle's family, 35

Grand children, 80

Daniel P. Ziegler's family, 35-36

Grand children, 80 86

Elizabeth Ziegler Merkey's family, 36-37

Grand children, 86-89

Rebecca Ziegler Merkey's family, 37

Grand children, 89-90

Elias Ziegler's family, 37

Grand children, 90 92

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HeckmanM D E R Y, I



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