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Page 1: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

Thematic units: whole school focusTheme: God is Creator

Related themes: Loving Provider, Pure and Holy, Order, Designer







5-6 years

Myself/my body

God is a Loving Creator

Psalm 139 - Wonderfully madeMatthew 10:29-30 – God sees the sparrowJohn 10 – The Good ShepherdLuke 15:1-7 – The lost sheepLuke 19:1-9 -Zacchaeus

Psalm 139:1Matthew 10:30Genesis 1:27Psalm 23Luke 12:6-7Matthew 6:261 Tim 4:4

Care for self God created me and loves me.

Building Blocks: Loving Provider 2, p. 22: Me

Themes for Christian Studies 1: Love



God is Creator and Provider

Genesis 1-3 -The CreationLuke 17:11-19 -The man who said ‘thank you’Ruth 1-4 - God provided grainMatthew 6:25-34 -

Matthew 6:25Matthew 6:28Genesis 1:29Philippians 4:19Psalm 104:14

Thankfulness and appreciation

God provides the things I need.

Building Blocks: Powerful Creator 3c, p. 11: plants

Themes for Christian Studies 3: Creator & Provider


Page 2: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

Do not worry about food.

7-8 years


God is the giver of life

Genesis 1 – The CreationGenesis 6-8 - Noah’s ArkMark 11: 1-10 - Jesus rode an untamed donkey

Genesis 1:24Psalm 150:6Psalm 148:9

Care for the environment

God gives life to people and animals, but people are His most special creation.

Building Blocks: Powerful Creator 5 & 6, p. 14 – 17: birds, fish, land animals

Themes for Christian Studies 1: Life

8-9 years

MinibeastsGod is a wise creator

Proverbs 6:6; Proverbs 30:24-25 - The wisdom of the ant1 Corinthians 3:9 - We are workers together for GodRomans 12:4-6 - One body, many members

Proverbs 10:4; Proverbs 12:27; Proverbs 21:5 - Diligence

Team work – learning from the principles of insect communities

Minibeasts have been designed by God to carry out special jobs.

Building Blocks: Powerful Creator 6a, p. 17: minibeastsWisdom and truth 4, p. 61: antsPatient and kind 8, p. 52: creators and buildersThemes for Christian Studies 5: Wise


Earth – our special planet

God is a powerful Protector

Psalm 91 - Angels protect us2 Kings 6 - Elisha and God's army of angels

Psalm 4:8 - God makes us dwell in safetyIsaiah 31:5 - The Lord protects Jerusalem.The earth is the Lords

Feeling security; Trust in God

God is in control of our planet.

Building Blocks: Powerful Protector 8, p. 102: Our Special Planet

Themes for Christian Studies 5: Protector


Page 3: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God


Ecosystems – water creatures and land animalsGod is a God of order

Genesis 1: 20-21 God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures…”Psalm 148 The Creation praises God.Luke 5:1-11 - The great catch. (Shows Jesus' power over creation)

Genesis 1:24 – God said “Let the earth be filled with animals”.Psalm 150:6 – Praise the Lord, all living creatures.Psalm 148:9 – Praise Him…all animals, tame and wild, reptiles and birds.

Environmental responsibility

God has created living things to live together in balance. People can upset the balance.

Building Blocks: Powerful Creator 5b, 6a, 6b, p. 15-17: birds, land animals

Themes for Christian Studies 6: Creator


Human bodyGod is a marvelous designer

Genesis 1 - 3 The creation and fall.Psalm 139 We are wonderfully made.Matthew 10:29-30 God knows the number of hairs on our head.Matthew 25:14 – The parable of the talents

Acts 17:28 (a) For in Him we live and move and have our being.1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.Mark 10:6 God made them male and female.

Care for self I am wonderfully made and of great worth.

Building Blocks: Powerful Creator 6d, p. 19 The human body New Start Program:Part 20: Body systems 1Part 22: .Body systems 2

Themes for Christian Studies 4 & 5: Creator


Page 4: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God is ProviderRelated themes: Creator, Protector, Wise, Faithful






5-6 years Healthy Food; my body

God is a Wise Provider

Daniel 2 & 5 - God gave wisdom

to Daniel. Matthew 7:24-27 -

The wise and foolish builders Matthew 6:26 -.

Look at the birds. God cares for

them. He will care for me.

Psalm 139:13 – Lord, you created every part of me. Phil 4:19 - God shall supply all

your needs. Psalm 136:1 - Give thanks to the

Lord. His love lasts forever

Luke 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom

and stature

Wisdom in making caring for

our bodies

God made my body as a wonderful

machine. I need to look after my


New Start Program:Part 1: Choosing the best foods 1Part 2: See how we grow Part 3: My marvelous machine.Themes for Christian Studies 2: Wise

6-7 years Shopping

God is a faithful provider

1 Kings 17 - Elijah – oil and flour2 Kings 4 - Elisha and the Schunamite womanGenesis 37-47 -

Matt 6:25 - Do not worry food or clothesMatt 6:26 - Look at the birds. Your Heavenly Father feeds them.Matt 6:26 - You

Healthy food choices

God provides good food to keep me healthy.

New Start Program:Part 4: Where does food come from?Part 5: What’s good for you? Part 6: Shopping


Page 5: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God provided for Joseph and family during the drought

are more valuable than many sparrows.

for healthy foodThemes for Christian Studies: Levels 1& 2, God is Provider

7-8 years Food around the world

God is a loving provider

Matthew 9:9-12 - Jesus calls the disciples.Matthew 29:19 - Go and make disciples of all nations. Acts 9 - Jesus called Saul (Paul) to go into the world and share the Good News.

Psalm 67:4 - May the nations be glad and sing for joy. (GNB)Psalm 96:10 - Say to all the nations the Lord is King! (GNB)1 John 3:1 - See how much the Father has loved us…

Appreciation of different cultural


God has provided food for the whole world. We can help people who do not have enough to eat by supporting child sponsorship programs.

New Start Program: Part 7: Food around the world Part 8: Feasts around the world Part 9: Safety in the kitchen

Themes for Christian Studies 2: Life

8-9 years Crops and farming

God provides food for our bodies and food for our spirit.

Mark 6:30-44 - The loaves and the fishesJohn 6:47-58 - Jesus the bread of lifeMatthew 4:4 - Man shall not live by bread alone. (Jesus goes into the desert).

1 Peter 2:2 - As new-born babies need milk, we need God’s word as our spiritual food.Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.John 6:35 - Jesus

Responsibility with resources

To stay alive and grow I need food,

water and air.To have spiritual life I must get to

know Jesus better.

New Start Program:Part 10.Planning a healthy meal Part 11. The taste of foodPart 12: Let’s get fitThemes for Christian Studies 3:Life


Page 6: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

said, “I am the bread of life.

9-10 years Plants and seeds

God provides the things we need

Genesis 1-3 - The Creation and Fall.Ruth 1-4 - God provided grain for Ruth and Naomi.Matthew 6:25-34 - Do not worry about food or clothes.Mark 4:1-8 - Parable of the sower

Genesis 1:29-30 “I give you every seed-bearing plant…for food”2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Learning to value fresh plant foods

God provides plants and seeds to

keep me strong and healthy

New Start Program:Part 13: Amazing plant foods Part 14: Classifying food plants Part 15: The miracle of seedsThemes for Christian Studies 3: Provider

10-11 years Kitchen chemistry; Persuasion of advertising; Healthy foods of traditional cultures

God is wisdom and truth

Leviticus 11 - Health laws that God gave to the Israelites.2 Kings 5 - Naaman was healed by obeying instructions.Matthew 7:15-21 – Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Ephesians 4:1 – Live a life that measures up to the standard God set when he called you (GNB)Exodus 15:26 - If you pay attention to my commandments, I will put none of these diseases upon you. I am the Lord who heals you.

Making good choices

To remain fit and healthy to serve the Lord I must make healthy food choices.

New Start Program: Part 16: The problem with processed foodPart 17: The great temptationPart 18: Food and cultureThemes for Christian Studies 6: Truth; 7 Wise


Page 7: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

1 Corinthians 10:23 - All things are lawful but not all things are expedient.

11-12 years Human body (continued)Healthy FoodGod is a miraculous provider

1 Kings 17:2-6 - Elijah fed by ravens1 Kings 17:10-16 - Provision of oil for a widow .2 Kings 4:1-7 - God uses Elisha to provide for another widow.2 Kings 4:42-44 - Elisha multiplies breadMark 6:30-44 – The loaves and the fishes

3 John 2 - I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you.Exodus 15:26 - For I am the Lord that heals you.Revelation 22:2 - healing for the nations

Care for our bodies;


I must take responsibility for my own health, and at the same

time trust God for health and healing.

New Start Program: Part 21: Body Systems 2Part 19: A Balanced Meal

Themes for Christian Studies 6: Provider


Page 8: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

Theme: God is LoveRelated themes: Protector, Shepherd, Provider, Kind, Forgiving, Friend, Father







5-6 years

FamiliesGod cares for families and provides protection

Luke 15: 11-32 – The prodigal sonLuke 2: 41-52 - Jesus obeyed His Heavenly FatherMatthew 2 -Protection of baby JesusExodus 1-2 -Protection of baby Moses

2 Cor 6:81 John 3:1Ephesians 6:1Joshua 24:15

Care and compassion

God keeps me safe through my family.God gives me a family to love and care for me.

Building Blocks: Loving Provider 1, p. 20: My Family

Themes for Christian Studies 1:Protector

6-7 years

Cultural studiesJesus is a friend to all the children of the world

Mark 10:13-16 -Jesus, friend of childrenJohn 1:43 – Jesus knows our namesLuke 10:25-38 - The good Samaritan; Love your neighbour

Joshua 1:5Hebrews 13:5John 15:12-14Luke 10:27

Acceptance and appreciation of cultural differences; inclusion of people from different cultures

Jesus loves all the children of the world

Building Blocks: Patient and Kind 2, p. 41 Multicultural studies

Themes for Christian Studies 3 & 4: Love

7-8 years

Communication/ disabled

Luke 10:38 - Mary and Martha1 Kings 19 – The

Ps. 85:8John 10:14-15Mark 4:9

Patience in listening to others

God loves me and wants me to communicate with

Building Blocks: Patient and Kind 9, p. 53:


Page 9: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

Communication with God; communication with others

still small voice1 Samuel 3 – The boy Samuel listened to God.

Confidence in communicatingSpecial regard for disabled – deaf, blind

Him. God wants to communicate with me, so I must learn to listen to His voice.

Communication Themes for Christian Studies 2: Love, 3: Patient

8-9 years

My country

God is a loving provider

Romans 3:19-26; Acts 10: 34-35 -Salvation for the nations.Acts 16:6-10 - Taking the gospel to the nationsJohn 3:16 - For God so loved the worldJohn 15:13 - The greatest love

1 John 4:16 – God is love.Psalm 136 – Give thanks to the Lord, His love endures forever.Psalm 33:12 – Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

Thankfulness for God’s provision

God has provided generously for my country

Building Blocks: Patient and Kind 3, p. 42: Multicultural studies

Themes for Christian Studies 6: Love

9-10 years


God is a faithful and caring provider

Genesis 1:30; 2:5;3:23 - instruction to cultivate the soil.Matthew 13:31 - The mustard seed. Matthew 26 - Do not worry.Exodus 15:22-27; Exodus 17 - God provided for the Israelites.Job 36:26-31 – God is faithful in

Psalm 104:14 - God provides grass for the cattle and vegetables for man.Psalm 119:86a - God's words can be trusted.Psalm 56:3 - I put my trust in you.Psalm 20:7 We trust in the power of the Lord our God.

Thankfulness for God’s provision;Trust in God for provision.

God will provide and care for me. He has provided through His creation.

Building Blocks: Loving Provider 4,& 6 p. 26 & 30Fibres & fabrics, soil, crop farming

Themes for Christian Studies 4 & 5: Provider


Page 10: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

providing through the creation.Matthew 13:3 The Sower.

10-11 years


God provides through His creation

Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision.Genesis 37-46 - God gave Joseph wisdom and he was able to provide food for his family.Psalm 92:12 - Trees of the Bible.Genesis 2: 8-9 - Trees in the Garden of Eden.

Psalm 104:10-18 - God provides for His creation.Psalm 147:7-9 - God gives food to every living creature.Psalm 50:10 - He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.Genesis 1:11 - The land produced vegetation.

Responsibility with resources

God has provided resources for us to use wisely.

Building Blocks Loving Provider 5, p. 27: forests

Themes for Christian Studies 5: Provider; 7: Life

11-12 years

Cultural studies

God loves all people and wants us to share with those in need

John 6:1-14 - The boy who shared his lunch with Jesus.Matthew 25:35-40 - I was hungry and you gave me food….Mark 12:41-44 – The widow's gift.Luke 7:36-50 - The woman with the jar of perfume.

Matthew 10:8 .2 Corinthians 9:7-9 2 Corinthians 8:7 - Mark 16:15-18 - 1 John 4:16 - Luke Luke 4:8Luke 6:38 - Give and it shall be given.

Generosity God wants me to share what I have to help those in need.

Building Blocks Loving Provider 8, p. 33: nations of the world

Themes for Christian Studies 7: Provider & Love


Page 11: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God is Wisdom and TruthRelated themes: Creator, Powerful, Just, Teacher






5-6 years Laws and Customs;Safety

It is wise to obey God

Mark 12:30-31 – The greatest commandmentExodus 20 – The ten commandmentsJonah – The consequences of disobedience.Colossians 3:20 – Children obey your parents.1 Peter 1:14 – Be obedient to GodDeut 11:22 – Obey faithfully all the laws I have given you.

1 Cor 3:9 – We are workers together for God.Romans 12:4-8 – One body, many members.Proverbs 3:5-7 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart…obey the Lord and refuse to do wrong (GNB)Colossians 3:20 – Children obey your parents.1 Peter 1:14 – Be obedient to God

Respect for laws God has given us laws for safety and right living. He wants me to obey His laws.

Building Blocks: Wisdom and truth 1 & 2, p. 56-57: laws & customs; health & safetyPowerful Protector 9, p. 104: Rules for safety

Themes for Christian Studies 1: Wise

6-7 years Fact or fantasy; real or substitute; the senses

The only true God

Matthew 7:13-14 - The broad and narrow way. Matthew 16:13-17 - Jesus asks, "Who am I?"

John 14:6 - Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.Acts 4:12 - There is no other name

Discerning the truth; telling the truth

Jesus will show me the truth as I read His word and listen to His voice.

Building Blocks: Wisdom and Truth 10, p. 70: Real or substitute; fact & fantasy


Page 12: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

John 10:1-8 - The Good Shepherd. The sheep recognise His voice.Matthew 7:15-21 - Wolves in sheep's clothing.Acts 17:16-34 - The unknown god.1 Kings 18 – God of Israel, God of Baal?

by which we are saved.Exodus 20:3-4; Isaiah 42:8 & 17 - No other gods.

Themes for Christian Studies 1 & 3: Truth

7-8 years Change – comparing past and present; Changes through growth;Changes in technology

As we grow older we grow in wisdom.

Galatians 5:19-24 Fruits of the Spirit we change to become more like Jesus. Job - Job grew in His faith through difficulties in life.John 2:1-12 Jesus changed water to wine.Acts 9:1-23 Saul changed to Paul

Luke 2:40 - Jesus grew in stature and in wisdom.Malachi 3:6 – “I the Lord do not change.”1 Peter 2:2 - As new-born babies need milk, we need God's word as our spiritual food.

Flexibility and patience. (Human growth and change takes time.)

I can grow to be more like Jesus as I learn about Him and obey His word.

Building Blocks: Patient and Kind 6 & 7, p. 47-50: One hundred years ago; growth & change

Themes for Christian Studies: 3 & 5 Patient; 5 Powerful

8-9 years Understanding Aboriginal culture

Luke 10:25-38- The Good Samaritan

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world

Understanding, tolerance and inclusion

We must seek the truth in finding out about

Building Blocks: Patient and Kind



Page 13: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

Reconciliation requires God’s wisdom

Luke 10:27; Matthew 22:39 - Love the Lord with all your heart…and your neighbour as yourself.Acts 10:34 - God treats everyone on the same basis.James 2:1-9 - Warning against prejudice.

Ephesians 4:32 - forgive one another.1 John 3:11-18 - Love one another in word and deed.. 1 Corinthians 13:14 - Love is patient and kind.John 13:34 - A new commandment.

Australia’s past. God wants us to show understanding towards those whose families have been mistreated, and to show love and acceptance.

Themes for Christian Studies 5:Love 7:Patient7:Creator

9-10 years Creation/evolutionDinosaurs

God’s word is truth

Genesis 1 - God created living things after their own kind.John 14:6 - Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life.Mark 4:1-8 - The sower - shows need for a solid foundation.Luke 24:13-35 - The two on the road to Emmaus failed to recognize the truth because of unbelief.

Proverbs 30:5-6 - The word of God is truth.Psalm 119:105 - God's word is a lamp to our feet.Ephesians 6:17 - God's word is a sword.John 5:46-47 - "If you do not believe what Moses wrote, (Genesis), how can you believe what I say?"

Investigating and discerning the truth

If I am to believe in God’s miraculous power then I must believe that God is powerful enough to create the world in six 24-hour days.

Building Blocks: Wisdom and Truth 8, p. 66: Creation & evolutionPowerful Creator 6c, p. 18: dinosaurs

Themes for Christian Studies 6 & 7: Creator;4: Truth7: Truth


Page 14: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

10-11 years Balance, gravity, pendulums, scientific method

Jesus, the way, the truth and the life

Matthew 7:15-21 - Wolves in sheep's clothing.John 10:1-8 - The Good Shepherd. The sheep hear His voice.Matthew 7:13-14 - The broad and narrow way.Exodus 20:3-4; Isaiah 42:8 & 17 - No other gods.2 Peter 2 - False teachers.2 Corinthians 11:13-14 - False apostles, and Satan as an angel of light.Luke 4 - Jesus knew how to deal with Satan.

Proverbs 11:1 - The Lord hates dishonest scales, but He is pleased with correct weights.John 18:38 - Everyone that is of the truth hears my voice.John 14:6-7 - I am the way, the truth and the life.1 Peter 5:8 - Satan is a roaring lion.

Investigation and discerning the truth

I must weigh up everything against the word of God

Building Blocks: Wisdom and Truth 9 & 11, p. 68 & 71: Scientists; pendulums; gravity; balance

Themes for Christian Studies 6: Truth

11-12 years Natural disasters; Discovering truth through archeology

Seek the truth and

Great Flood - the greatest natural disaster so far in history.James 1:5 - Ask God for wisdom.Matthew 25:1-13 -

John 1:17 - Truth came through Jesus Christ.John 16:13 - When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you

Planning ahead Just as Noah obeyed God and was saved from the Flood, we too must believe God’s word and prepare for eternal

Building Blocks: Wisdom and Truth 5 & 7, p. 62 & 65: Natural disasters; discovering truth through


Page 15: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

wisdom; Prepare for the future

The ten girls and their lamps.Matthew 7:24-28 - The wise and foolish builders.Luke 11:9-10 - Ask, seek, knock. Seek for the truth..Matthew 13:44-45 - The pearl of great price.John 20:24-29 - Thomas

into all truth.Matthew 6:33 - Seek first God's kingdomMatthew 7:24 - Build your life on truth.

life. archeology

Themes for Christian Studies 5: Wise7: Truth


Page 16: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God is Pure and HolyRelated themes: Wise, Powerful, Creator, Just, Judge, Light






5-6 years Hygiene; Cleaning in the home

God can forgive me and make me clean

Matthew 23:13-27 - Jesus said that we must be clean on the inside, not just the outside.Mark 7:1-16 - The ceremonial cleansing by the Pharisees did not really make them clean.Luke 19:1-19 - Zacchaeus was forgiven and he changed his ways.John 21:15 - Jesus forgives Peter.1 Peter 1 & 1 John 3 - We are made pure through Jesus.

Psalm 51:7 - Take away my sin and I will be clean. Matt. 6:9 – Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.Psalm 51: 10 – Create in me a clean heart O God.

Admitting we have done wrong

When I do wrong I must ask God to forgive me.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 3, p. 77: cleaning inside & outside the home

Themes for Christian Studies 1: Pure


Page 17: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

6-7 years Relationships; fruit of the Spirit; Community responsibility

Walk in the light

Mark 12:30-31 - Love your neighbour as yourself.Acts 3 - The lame man healed and leapt for joy.Matthew 6:26 - Do not worry. (Have peace)The Good Samaritan showed kindness.Ephesians 5:8-11 - Show goodness, by living as children of the light

Galatians 5:22-23 - The fruits of the SpiritMark 12:30-31 - Love your neighbour as yourself.1 John 1:7 Walk in the light as He is in the light.1 Cor 3:4 – Love is patient and kind

Right relationships with others – friends and family

Doing the right thing

I will be happy in my relationships with friends and family when I have the fruits of the Spirit in my life.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 1, p. 73: The fruits of the Spirit

Themes for Christian Studies 3 & 4: PureBeacon Media unit of study: The family

7-8 years Light and colour

God is light

Genesis 1 - God's lightGalatians 5:22 - Goodness is a fruit of the Spirit.Matthew 5:13-16 - Christians as salt and light.John 8:12 - Jesus, the light of the

Ephesians 5:8-11 - Live as children of the light.Deuteronomy 6:18 - Do that which is right and good.Romans 13:12 - Put on the armour of light.1 John 2:28-29 -

Right living Live as God wants us to live.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 5, p. 81: Light & colour Themes for Christian Studies 4 & 5: Pure


Page 18: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

world.Matthew 6:22-23 - If your eye is clear your whole body will be full of light.Genesis 9 - The sign of the rainbow

Everyone who does what is right is of God.1 John 1:5-7 - Walk in the light as He is in the light.

8-9 years Water

God is pure because He is without sin

Genesis 6-8: The world was purified by a flood.Psalm 51:1-7 - Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.1 Peter 1:19; Hebrews 9:14 - Jesus was without sin.Matthew 9:1-7 - Jesus healed and forgave sin.John 18 - 19 - Because Jesus was without sin He was able to die for us.

1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sin God will forgive us.Psalm 145:17 - The Lord is righteous in everything He does.Isaiah 43:25 - I am the God who forgives your sins.Isaiah 1:18 - I will wash you as clean as the snow.

Repentance God wants me to say sorry for the things do wrong.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 8, p. 87: water

Themes for Christian Studies 2: Pure


Page 19: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

9-10 years Geology (salt, crystals, gem stones)

You are the salt of the earth

Job 6:6 - Salt for preserving food.Ezekiel 16:4 - Salt as an antiseptic.Luke 14:34-35; Mark 9:49-50 - SaltExodus 25 - Materials for building the Ark: Metals including pure gold; gemstones; only the best for the most holy God.Hebrews 9 & 10 - Revelation 21 & 22 - The purity of Heaven; a holy city made of pure gold, with gates of pearls and foundations of precious jewels.

Matthew 5:13 - You are the salt of the earth.Phil 4:8 - Whatever is true, noble, right and pure - think about such things.John 5:15 You are my friends if you do what I command you.Psalm 23:6 – Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Doing our best for God

God wants me to be pure in my thoughts and actions, so that others will be drawn to Him.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 4, p. 79: geology: salt, crystals, gemstones

Themes for Christian Studies 4 & 5: Pure

10-11 years Pollution and waste management

What happened to God’s perfect

Genesis 1-2 - the perfect creationGenesis 2:15 God’s caretakers.Genesis 2 - the fall

Psalm 18:30 - God's way is perfect.Isaiah 1:18 – Though your sins be as scarlet they

Environmental responsibility

The bad things of the world are not the fault of God, but caused by the sin of mankind.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 2, p. 75: Pollution & waste management


Page 20: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

creation? Romans 5:12 – Sin came into the world through AdamGenesis 4 - The sin of Cain1 Peter 1:19; Hebrews 9:14 - Jesus was without sin.1 John 1:9 - Jesus made a way to God.Romans 8:19-22 The creation groans, waiting to be freed from bondage.

will be as white as snow.Isaiah 43:25 – I will blot out your sins and remember them no more.Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Themes for Christian Studies 7: Pure

11-12 years Landforms; The Great Flood (continued)

God is a just and fair judge

Genesis 6-8 - The Great FloodJeremiah 18 - Jeremiah at the potter's house.Matthew 21:12-13 - Jesus didn't tolerate sin in His Father's house.1 Chronicles Psalm 97 – The creation proclaims

Psalm 7:11 – God is a righteous judgeActs 17:31 – For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice1 Chron. 16:33 -The trees of the forests will sing for joy because He

Right living God wants me to live a pure life.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 6, p. 83: The Great Flood

Themes for Christian Studies 6 & 7: Creator


Page 21: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

His righteousness. comes to judge the earth.

God is a Powerful ProtectorRelated themes: Lord and King, Creator, Healer






5-6 years Weather and Seasons

God is Lord and King of all creation

Genesis 6-8 – Noah and his family survived the flood.Genesis 37-47 – Joseph’s family survived the drought.Mark 4 – Jesus calmed the storm.Mark 4 – Jesus walked on water.Acts 27 – God protected Paul in the storm.

Isaiah 43:5 – Fear not for I am with you.Job 36:22 – God does great things by His power. Psalm 121:7 The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life.

Trust in God for His protection

God is in charge of the whole universe, and he has everything under control.

Building Blocks:Powerful Protector 1, p. 91:Weather and Seasons Themes for Christian Studies 1: Protector

6-7 years How animals protect themselves; endangered species

God protects us

Psalm 91 - Angels protect us Psalm 23 - The Lord is my ShepherdEphesians 6:10-18 - The armour of

Psalm 27 - The Lord is my light, whom shall I fear?Isaiah 41:10 - Fear no for I am with you.Isaiah 43:10 - You

Confidence in, and obedience to those who protect us – parents, teachers, civil law

I can call on God to help me whenever I feel afraid, or whenever I am in trouble.

Building Blocks: Powerful protector 2 & 10, p. 92 & 105: How animals protect themselves; endangered


Page 22: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

from harm and evil

God2 Kings 6 - Elisha and God's army of angelsDaniel 3 - Three men in the fiery furnace.

will walk through the fire and not be burned.Psalm 4:8 - God makes us dwell in safety


Themes for Christian Studies 5: Protector

7-8 years Buildings, castles, structures for strength; armour of God

God is our shelter

Psalm 27:4-14 - Shelter in the house of the Lord.Psalm 4:8 - God will keep us safe.Esther 1-10 - God used Esther to protect His people.Ephesians 6:10-18 - The armour of GodJames 4:7 - Resist the devilProverbs 18:10; Jeremiah 16:19; Psalm 46:1 - God is our refuge.

Psalm 56:3 - Trust in God when you are afraid.Psalm 17:8; Psalm 32:5 - God is a shelter for us.Psalm 18:2; Psalm 61:13 - God is a strong tower; a fortress.Proverbs 30:5 - God is our shieldPsalm 18:30-36; Psalm 61:3 - God is our protector.Psalm 121:5-8 - The Lord watches over you.

Knowing that God is greater than anyone or anything. Confidence in His great power.

I need to put on the armour of God in order to be safe from the temptations of the evil one

Building Blocks: Powerful Protector 6 & 7, p. 98-100: Shelter; structures for strength; buildings around the world

Themes for Christian Studies 3: Protector

8-9 years Air and wind; electricity

Mark 4:3 – Jesus has power over

Psalm 63:2; 66:3; 89:13; 146:6;

Understanding the greatness of God

The forces of God’s creation

Building Blocks: Powerful


Page 23: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God provides for us through the powerful forces of His creation

the wind.Acts 2 – The disciples receive the Holy Spirit – wind representing power.Exodus – God sustained the Israelites in the wilderness. God sustains us every day through air.

145:5 - God is powerfulMatthew 6:25-34 – Life is more important than food.Matthew 4:4 – Man shall not live by bread alone.

provide me with the things I need to stay alive.

Protector 11, p. 106: AirLoving Provider 10, p. 37: Electricity

Themes for Christian Studies 5 & 7: Life7: Powerful

9-10 years Earth in spaceWe are God’s special creation

Psalm 91 - Angels protect us2 Kings 6 - Elisha and God's army of angelsActs 12:1-9 - An angel saves PeterPsalm 4:8 - God makes us dwell in safetyIsaiah 31:5 - The Lord protects Jerusalem.

Isaiah 41:10 7 43:1-2 - Fear notProverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart.Isaiah 54:10 - Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken.

Care for our planet

God is in control of our planet. The future is in God’s hands.

Building Blocks: Powerful Creator 4, p. 12 The Solar SystemPowerful Protector 8, p. 102: Our special planet

Themes for Christian Studies 3: Powerful

10-11 years Ships and sea voyages

Acts 27 & 28 - God protected Paul during the

Psalm 27:1-14 - The Lord is my light…I will not

Confidence in God’s great power.

I will trust in God to protect and guide me along

Building Blocks: Powerful Protector 5, p. 96:


Page 24: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God is our guide shipwreck. Luke 8:24 - Jesus protected the disciples during the storm.2 Kings 4:38-41 - Protection from effects of a poisonous plant.Psalm 56:3 - Matthew 7:24-27 - The house on the rock.Exodus 13:21-22 God guided the Israelites by fire and cloud.

be afraid.Isaiah 43:1-2 - Fear not.Psalm 32:7; Psalm 27:5 – Protection in times of trouble.When you are afraid, trust in the Lord.John 8:12 - Jesus, the light of the world.

the journey of life. Lighthouses, ships & sea voyagesThemes for Christian Studies6: Protector

11-12 years Government

God is Lord and King

Genesis 11:1-9 - Tower of Babel – disobedience to God’s authorityExodus 20 - Ten CommandmentsEsther - God's hand in ruling a nation.Exodus - God's rule won over Pharaoh's rule.Matthew 2 - Jesus

Psalm 19:7-8 - The law of the Lord is perfect; the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy.Psalm 47 - God is King of all the earth.Isaiah 9:6-7 - He will govern and reign.Romans 13:1-7 -

Obedience to civil law

My confidence is in God, who is in charge of the whole world.

Building Blocks: Pure and Holy 9, p. 89: Government

Themes for Christian Studies 2: Powerful6: Pure


Page 25: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

was born as KingJohn 12:12-19 - Triumphal entry.John 18:28-38 - Jesus on trial for being King.Acts 1:6-10 - Jesus will return as King.

Pray for those in authority.Psalm 66:11-9 - God rules the nations.


Page 26: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God is a ServantRelated themes: Humble, Faithful, Healer






5-6 years Special communities – aged & disabled

God is patient and kind

2 Sam 4 & 9 – The little lame prince, MephoboshethMatt 9; Mark 3:1-6; Matt 12:10 ; Luke 18:35-43 – Jesus showed kindness through healing disabled people.

1 Peter 5:7 He cares for you1 Cor 13:14 Love is patient and kind1 Thess – Help the weak

Care for others;Kindness and consideration

Jesus cares for people who are disabled, and wants me to serve him in caring for people with special needs.

Building Blocks: Humble Servant 4, p. 112: Special communities

Themes for Christian Studies3: Patient3: Servant2.3:Love – story of Helen Keller

6-7 years Community helpers

Jesus, the willing and helpful servant

Matt 5:41-42 - The extra mileJohn 15:13 - Laying down one's life for his friends.Matthew 8:14-17 - Jesus healed Peter's mother. Luke 18:10-28 - Jesus healed a

Ephesians 6:7 - Serve wholeheartedly.Galatians 6:2 - Carry one another’s burdens.Isaiah 1:19 – willing and obedientPhil 2:14 Do things without

Willingness to help; taking initiative to help when there is a need.

Jesus wants me to serve Him with joy, without grumbling or complaining.

Building Blocks: Humble Servant 2, p. 109: Community services

Themes for Christian Studies 2: Servant


Page 27: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

crippled woman.Luke 10:30-37 - The Good Samaritan

grumbling or complaining

7-8 years Community helpers – medical profession

Jesus, the healing servant

The healing miracles of Jesus:John 9:1-34John 5:1-18Luke 8:43-48Luke 5:18-25Luke 6:6-10 Mark 10:46-52Luke 4:18 - He has chosen me to bring good news to the poor and recovery of sight to the blind…Matthew 9:35-36 - Jesus healed people with every kind of disease.

Matthew 4:23 – Jesus healed all kinds of diseasesLuke 6:17-18 - They had come to hear Him and to be healed of their diseases.Matthew 14:14 - He was filled with pity for them and healed those who were ill.

Appreciation for those in medical professions.

Jesus loves for me and cares when I am sick. I can pray for healing.

Building Blocks: Humble Servant 3, p. 110: medical profession

Themes for Christian Studies 3: Servant

8-9 years Serving with time and talents: occupations

Serve the Lord with humility

Matthew 25:14-29 - The talentsLuke 12:35-47 - Be faithful in doing what Jesus wants us to do.Acts 8:1-4 - The

Luke 6:10 - Be faithful in little thingsMatthew 5:15 - Don't hide your light under a bushel.

Using God-given gifts and talents; Serving with humility

God has given me gifts and talents to use for Him.

Building Blocks: Humble Servant 5, p. 96: Serving with time & talents

Themes for


Page 28: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

disciples continued to be faithful in the face of danger.Acts 1-2 - The disciples received power to work for Jesus.1 Corinthians 12 - Spiritual giftsLuke 14:7-11 - Don't make yourself important.

Mark 10:4 – If you want to be great in God’s kingdom then you must be a servant of all

Christian Studies 4 & 5: Servant

9-10 years Flying Doctor service; communicationJesus, the willing and humble servant

1 Peter 4:8-11 – Each one should use whatever gift he has to serve others.John 13:4-5 – Jesus washed the disciple's feet.Luke 12:35-47 - Faithfulness in serving Jesus.

Luke 16:10 - Be faithful in little things.Matthew 5:14 - Christians are lights to the world.Matthew 16:24 - Take up your cross.

Serve others without complaining

Jesus gave His whole life to serving His heavenly father.

Building Blocks: Humble Servant 7, p. 116 Australian pioneers

Themes for Christian Studies 5, Servant

10-11 years How technology serves us – transport,

Acts 1:8; Acts 2 - The disciples receive power.

Matthew 28:18-20 -Go and make disciples of all

Confidence in sharing our faith

I can be a servant by sharing the Good News.

Building Blocks: Humble Servant 6, p. 115: Transport,


Page 29: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God


God is a powerful servant

Acts 3 - Peter and John demonstrate power.Acts 13:4-12 - Barnabas and Paul demonstrate power.Luke 4:18; 7:22 - Jesus came to bring the Good NewsRomans 10:14; 1 Corinthians 12 - The gifts of the Holy Spirit

nations…"Mark 16:14-20 - "Go into all the world…"Ephesians 6:15 - Feet to spread the Good News

machines & technology

Themes for Christian Studies 6: Servant

11-12 years Christian scientists

Standing up for the truth

Matthew 25:14-29 - The talentsJohn 10 – The Good Shepherd – hearing the voice of God.Romans 1:20 – God’s invisible qualities clearly seen through the creation

John 16:13 – The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth.John 14:15-21 – The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth.John 18:37 – Everyone of the truth hears my voice

Boldness in standing up for the truth

I can serve God by being faithful in speaking the truth

Building Blocks: Humble Servant : 9, p. 119: Christian scientists

Themes for Christian Studies 5: Truth (Galileo)


Page 30: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

God is RedeemerRelated themes: Saviour, Life, Peace, Forgiving, Gracious, Merciful






5-6 years Living and non-living

God is life

John 15 - The VineJohn 3 - NicodemusJohn 6:47-58 - Jesus, the bread of life.John 4 - Jesus, the living waterJohn 1:2 & 14 - Jesus is the WordJohn 5:24-25; John 6:53-54 – Eternal life

Matthew 4:4 - Man shall not live by bread alone.1 Peter 2:2 - God's word as our spiritual food.John 15 - The Vine

Relationship with God, and living as God wants us to live.

God has given life to every living thing. When I have Jesus as my friend I can live forever.

Building Blocks: Redeemer 2, p. 122: Living & non-living

Themes for Christian Studies 2 & 3: Life

6-7 years Life cycles

God gives new life

Genesis 2:7 - God gave life to man.Matthew 9:9-12; Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5:27-32; John 1:43-50 - Jesus called the disciples to a new life.

Psalm 150 - Praise the Lord, all living creatures.Acts 17:28 - In Him we live and move.John 11:25 - Jesus, the resurrection and

Christian living – doing what Jesus would do.

When I have Jesus as a friend, He can change me to be more like Him.

Building Blocks: Redeemer 1, p. 121: Life cycles

Themes for Christian Studies 1 & 2: Life


Page 31: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

John 5:24-25; John 6:53-54 - Eternal life.John 11:25 - Jesus, the resurrection and the life.

the life.

7-8 years Cultural studies

God cares for the poor

Mark 16:15-18 - The Great CommissionIsaiah 58:7-11 - Share your food with the hungry.John 6:1-14 - The boy who shared his lunch with Jesus.Matthew 25:35-40 - I was hungry and you gave me food. 2 Corinthians 9:7-9 - God loves a person who gives happily.2 Corinthians 8:7 - Generosity

Proverbs 22:9 - Be generous and share your food with the poor.Luke 6:38 - Give and it shall be given.Matthew 10:8 - Freely you have received, freely give.1 John 4:16 - God is love.Luke 4:8 - Jesus came to bring good news to the poor.

Care for others; generosity

I can help people in other lands where there are great needs.

Building Blocks: Loving Provider 8, p. 33: Nations of the world

Themes for Christian Studies 7: Provider

8-9 years Transport – used to spread the

Acts 1:8; Acts 2 - The disciples

Ephesians 6:15 - Feet to spread the

Care for others I can share my faith in Jesus with

Building Blocks: Humble servant 6,


Page 32: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God


Spreading the Good News

receive power.Acts 3 - Peter and John demonstrate power.Acts 13:4-12 - Barnabas and Paul demonstrate power.Luke 4:18; 7:22 - Jesus came to bring the Good NewsRomans 10:14; 1 Corinthians 12 - The gifts of the Holy Spirit

Good NewsMatthew 28:18-20 - Go and make disciples of all nations…"Mark 16:14-20 - "Go into all the world…"

others. p. 115: transport, machines & technology

Themes for Christian Studies 6: Servant

9-10 years Sound – radio and TV

God is a communicator

.1 Kings 19 – The still small voice1 Samuel 3 - The boy Samuel hears God's voice.Genesis 2-5 - God spoke face to face with Adam and Eve.Genesis 37-40, Daniel 2 - God speaks through dreams.

Psalm 85:8 - I am listening to what the Lord God is saying.John 10:14-15 - The sheep know the shepherd's voice.Mark 4:19 – He who has ears, let him hear.

Christian living When I know God personally I can hear Him speak to me.

Building Blocks: Patient and Kind: 9, p. 53: communications

Themes for Christian Studies 2: Patient


Page 33: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

Numbers 22 - God spoke through Baalam's donkey.Exodus 19:20 - God spoke to Moses when He gave the Ten Commandments.Samuel 1 & 2 - Jeremiah and other prophets speak God's message.

10-11 years The Great Commission; World exploration

God is Saviour

Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:14-20 - The Great CommissionRomans 1:20 - God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen. Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He has set eternity in the hearts of men.Acts 13 & 14 - Paul and Barnabas

Romans 10:14; Ephesians 6:15 - Feet to spread the Good NewsJohn 14:6-7 - Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life1 Corinthians 7:23 - We were bought with a priceRomans 5:10 - We were God's enemies, but He made us His friends through His death on the cross.

Confidence in sharing the faith.

We were once distant from God, but Jesus paid the price so that we can be brought back to God.

Building Blocks: Humble Servant 8, p. 117: Missionaries Redeemer 8, p. 132: The Great Commission

Themes for Christian Studies 6: Peace


Page 34: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

spread the Good NewsActs 16 - Timothy, Paul and SilasActs 17 - Paul in Athens - 'to the Unknown God'Acts 19 - Paul in Ephesus

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.

11-12 years World peace World Wars 1 & 2

God is Lord and King

Romans 3:23; 5:8; 6:23 - When people sin they are separated from God. Sin forms a barrier between people and God.Matthew 5:21-23 - Make peace with your brother.Mark 9:50; 1 Thessalonians 5:13 - Peace with one another.Psalm 2; Ephesians 2:22; Romans 10:12-21 - Peace for nations.Romans 12:18-21

Colossians 1:20 - Christ's death on the cross broke the barrier.Ephesians 2:14 - He is our peace. He has broken down the wall.Romans 5:1; 1 John 1:9 - If we ask Jesus to forgive us, and we have faith in God, we can have peace with God.Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peace-makersRomans 12:17 - Don't repay evil

Good relationships; forgiveness; saying sorry

When others hurt me I can take that hurt to Jesus. He can help me to forgive.

Building Blocks: Redeemer 7, p. 130: racial & national peace

Themes for Christian Studies 7: Peace


Page 35: Theme: God is Creator - Beacon Media€¦ · Web viewGod provides through His creation Matthew 25: 14-30 - The talents –responsibility with God’s provision. Genesis 37-46 - God

- Don't take revenge.Matthew 5:38-42 - Don't fight back.Luke 10:25-37 - The Good SamaritanMatthew 26:50-56; Luke 23:34 - Jesus set the example

for evil.Matthew 5:38-42 - Love your enemies.


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