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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any There is/There are = something exists There isnt/There arent = something doesnt exist There is(nt) a new restaurant in town. There are(nt) three new restaurants in town.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any There is = singular Theres a new movie at the theater. There are = plural There are three new restaurants in town.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any There is + a / an There is + the (x) There is the bookstore near here. (x) There is a bookstore near here. (o)
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any a /an = singular countable nouns in affirmative and negative sentences. some = plural nouns in affirmative sentences any = plural nouns and uncountable nouns in negative sentences and questions.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any Affirmative Sentences There + is + a/an + singular countable noun There is a book on the table. There + is + some + uncountable noun There is some water in the glass.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any Affirmative Sentences There + are + some + plural countable noun There are some books on the table.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any Negative Sentences There + isnt + a/an + singular countable noun There isnt a book on the table. There + isnt + any + uncountable noun There isnt any water in the glass.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any Negative Sentences There + arent + any + plural countable noun There arent any books on the table.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any Questions and Short Answers Is + there + a/an + singular countable noun? Is there a bank in town? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Is + there + any + uncountable noun? Is there any water in the glass? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any Questions and Short Answers Are + there + any + plural countable noun? Are there any banks in town? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any You may use a number after There is/There are. There is one plate on the table. There are four books on the desk.
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any AdverbUsageExample a/an singular countable nouns (+) There is a book on the table. (-) There isnt a book on the table. some plural countable nouns (+) There are some books on the table. uncountable nouns (+) There is some water in the glass. any plural countable nouns (-) There arent any books on the table. (?) Are there any books on the table? uncountable nouns (-) There isnt any water in the glass. (?) Is there any water in the glass?
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  • There is vs. There are / some vs. any AdverbUsageExample many plural countable nouns (+) There are many books on the table. (-) There arent many books on the table. much uncountable nouns (-) There isnt much water in the glass. a few plural countable nouns (+) There are a few books on the table. a lot of / lots of plural countable nouns (+) There are a lot of books on the table. uncountable nouns (+) There is a lot of water in the glass.
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  • Now Practice 1. A: Is there a good restaurant around here? B: Sure. There is one on the next block. 2. A: Are there any noodles left? B: No, there arent. They were very good. 3. A: Are there any convenience stores? B: No, there arent. 4. A: Is there a shopping mall? B: Yes, there is. Its five minutes away.
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  • Now Practice 1.There are some good stores around here. 2.There arent any buses after midnight. 3.There are some beautiful parks in this city. 4.There arent any mushrooms on my pizza. 5.There arent any beaches near here.
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  • Sentences with There is/There are Look at the following pictures. Make two sentences for each picture. Use There is or There are for each sentence. Dont forget to include a, an, some, any, much, many, a few, a lot of, lots of, or a number.
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  • There are many computers on the desks.
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  • There is a TV in the corner.
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  • There is a white screen at the front of the room.
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  • There is a projector hanging from the ceiling.
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  • There are some students studying.
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  • There are seven students raising their hands.
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  • There is a boy wearing a purple t- shirt.
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  • There is a girl holding a pencil.
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