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Page 1: Things i’ve learned

And why we never stop learning 101

Things I’ve learned

Page 2: Things i’ve learned

I hadn’t heard this Polish quip until recently.There is too much drama in the world and if I

am not in the circus and my monkeys aren’t mine


Sometimes this is difficult but don’t act on others expectations and don’t get involved in

matters not our own. Some people don’t want to change.


Page 3: Things i’ve learned

My son is fully grown but I have learned while he is never a finished product, neither am I.

I now understand why we love grandchildren. We get to do the things I thought might screw up my kid; eating ice cream all day, not changing our underwear, etc.

My daughter in law is not my daughter and she will help select my nursing home-I love her a lot.

If you can keep them busy and exhausted through high school-they will stay out of trouble. Or so I thought.

Parenting and getting old

Page 4: Things i’ve learned

I am one of the 10% of people who are SENSITIVE to light, sounds, the environment, and peoples energies.

My whole like I have heard STOP BEING SO SENSITVE.


My grand daughter is like me. I am trying to teach her to cry on important issues and count backwards like Peg and Cat when she is sensitive.

Trying to teach lessons to young people

Page 5: Things i’ve learned

A think of beauty that can kill with a touchMinnesota nice kills.

It is far easier to

not discuss our

problems and


Over time those

quarrels can fester

and disturb the

relationships we

have those we love.

Having the tough conversation is better than living with misery and resent.

Page 6: Things i’ve learned

SAY NO!!! There is an old saying ask the busiest person you know to complete a task because they will do it quickly and efficiently. I no longer need to be that person.

Not listen to evening news or internet stories about starved animals and other heart wrenching stories. Sometimes it leaves me feeling slightly hopeless.

Not whine-really whine- to others. Save the whining for really important things they may be able to help with. Create a blog or whine in Facebook because people can unfriend you or move on if they don’t want to be part of your circus.

It’s okay to

Page 7: Things i’ve learned

I was a good college teacher and even got awards. I really tried to listen to my adult student but realized I couldn’t reach them, help some of them or they really didn’t want the help. After years of teaching I burned out and realized my job wasn’t to just teach, but to listen and set the example.

I worked in organ and tissue donation. Some days after that job, I thought I couldn’t go on and depression overcame me. After listening to the parents of a deceased two year old talk about her, they told me not to cry and that they did want their daughter’s eyes to go to some one else so they could see. That was courage.

Listening is the most important thing I can do

Page 8: Things i’ve learned

I realized the other day I had colored my hair, worn high heels and panty hose and applied make up since 1968.

Now my legs rarely see the light of day, the razor is less used and I apply makeup for me, not for someone else.

People don’t die if I don’t meet their expectations.

On how I look

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AppreciationI was walking down

Hennepin avenue and guys were wolf whistling at the young women next to me. I yelled to the guys “Thank you!” The guy said, “It wasn’t for you!” I said, “How do you know?” The young women laughed and thanked me. Their skirts were way too short.

There I said it. No one told me getting old would be more than a bad back and fat. People now call me maam and offer me a seat on the bus.

Things I finally believe we earn . .

Gray eyebrown, ear and nose hair

Page 10: Things i’ve learned

Friendships and relationships change over time- most people don’t like change but it is not an option.

Make new friends, but keep the old-one is silver and the other gold. Put the toxic lead friendships that are weighing you down on the end of a fishing line and cast it on its way.

People will make time for you if you are important to them. And they won’t if you are not.

You will

never regret

going out of

your way to



day or just

saying hello.


Page 11: Things i’ve learned

Dating and getting old

Ain’t for babiesHas pluses and minusesI have a new

appreciation for vitamins and energy drinks.

Sleep is a gift and awakening every morning means I ain’t pushing up daisies.

Eye cream is wonderful.

Sometimes I feel better about myself and my life after being on chat rooms.

Confidence is not something you get; it is something you earn and have to keep building on-especially when you are wearing a Depends.

All about meSocial media

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I unfortunately am no longer surprised at how some people will exceed the lowest imaginable depth of lying, incompetence and nastiness, while others will reach out to help, and exude honesty, helpfulness and compassion.

We need to teach our children taking care of others and their money as we get older is not an option and the government can’t afford to take care of everyone. Mom’s money shouldn’t be paying for my trip to Vegas.

Children should celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Days as it is one of the few times we get recognized.

I work in collections . .

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I have enough to do living day by day. I decided to not create another list of things I should have/could have done.I have created a list of things I am glad I DIDN’T /won’t do! Take LSD, go to medical school, move to LA, have bum implants, date Tom Cruise, sign up for a yoga cruise, plan my funeral, become a (bacon) vegetarian , become a super model, become a monk, date a Kardashian, learn rapping, love broccoli, vote for Hilary, etc.

The bucket list

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Change what you can Make good choices every day because you

can’t take a lot back.Chose who you want to be right now,

particularly when posed with a challenge or tough choice.

Set a good example.Try not to screw up too much.Say you are sorry when you do mess up. Accept, embrace and celebrate change unless

it makes your back hurt.

In closing

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