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Page 1: Third DWSS (women)

Ground Breaking ceremony of Drinking Water Supply Scheme (Hand Pumps)

At village Kuza Bazdara, UC Palai

Under EU-Peace Project

Funded By: European Union Implementing Agency: SRSP

Kuza Bazdara, a poverty stricken and militancy affected

village of UC Palai, is located at a distance a of 46 KM

from Batkhela and comprises of 386 households. There

are 4 WCOs and 1 WVO in village Kuza Bazdara.

Page 2: Third DWSS (women)

Miss Aneela, Senior CLRO, shared that 12 Hand Pumps

would be installed in different locations with a total

cost of 1,902,146 PKR, in which donor share is

1,775,936 PKR and community contribution is 126,210

PKR. This project is being financially assisted by EU

PEACE program. The hand pumps would benefit 386


Miss Farkhanda, Regional CLRO (SRSP), shared that the

purpose of this meeting let all of the community know the

cost of scheme, its funding agency, implementing agency,

duration to get scheme completed and role of community


Page 3: Third DWSS (women)

“It is very encouraging that SRSP is giving a platform to

women in the shape of WCOs. You should take care of the

water supply scheme after completion. I really appreciate

SRSP for working in such remote and far flung villages” shared

Miss Nagina Khan (Member Provincial Assembly).

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