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Education in Standards 2013 Survey Report

Third Quarter 2013

Requested by: IEEE Educational Activities Report Prepared by: IEEE Strategic Research

Notes and Recommendations for the Survey Report This report is the property of the IEEE. The report contains proprietary information of IEEE and is solely for the use of IEEE Volunteers and Staff. Individual responses are confidential. If there is any personally identifiable information anywhere in this report, especially in the open-ended comments, please be sure to maintain that confidentiality. There are two sections in which data is summarized in this report; key findings and frequency tables. The key findings section summarizes the data using narrative, tables, and graphs. Findings are ordered in a way that makes sense for the reader; therefore, questions do not necessarily follow the order in which they come in the frequency report or survey instrument. The frequency tables section contains summary tables and graphs for each question (or variable) measured in the study. The order of the report is the order in which the questions were presented to the respondents. When making presentations, you may want to re-order these.

Scale questions typically have both a table with numbers and a graph. For presentations, you may want to delete the tables and present only the graphs. Data presented in tables also typically includes both the raw numbers and the percentages. For presentations, you may want to only present one of these, depending on your particular study.

Open-ended questions include all answers by all respondents, without editing or spell-checking. You may want to move these to the end, edit, or pull out example quotes for use in a presentation.

Abstract The purpose of the Education in Standards 2013 Survey was to assess interest in education on standards. IEEE members were surveyed using a self-administered, online questionnaire. Results: The majority (76%) indicated that having a basic understanding of standards is important to their technical careers. More than half (54%) of respondents were interested in receiving education on standards. Among these respondents, 77% were likely to participate in training if all other factors (cost, location, time, and so on) were favorable. Online training was most preferred (79%). Methodology Operating Unit: IEEE Educational Activities Requester: Jennifer McClain Purpose: To assess interest in education in standards Data Collection Started: 31 May 2013 Data Collection Ended: 1 July 2013 Sample: 5,000 IEEE members – random representative sample Response: 983 – Response rate of 20% Margin of Error: ±2.8 (i.e., one can be 95% confident that the true answer lies within ± 2.8 percentage points of the finding) There were 757 complete responses to the survey and 425 incomplete responses (i.e., those who opened the survey but did not finish it), for a total of 1,182 responses. Of the total number of respondents, 199 never answered a single question, leaving 983 usable responses. The response rate is 20% and the margin of error is ± 2.8%; meaning one can be 95% confident that the true answer lies within ± 2.8 percentage points of the finding.

Key Findings

The majority (76%) indicated that having a basic understanding of standards is important

1 to their technical

careers. Of these respondents, slightly fewer (67%) were confident in their understanding of standards. Among all respondents (those for which standards were not important and those for which standards were important), 58% were confident in their understanding. Developing standards was important to 39% of respondents, of which 66% were confident in their skills. Applying or implementing standards was important to 73% of respondents, of which 82% were confident in their skills. All but 24% of respondents had received education or training on standards within the five year period prior to completing this survey. The majority had read a standard (56%) while 40% had training from their current place of employment. Just 16% had received training from an IEEE workshop or seminar and even fewer (14%) through another professional association. Please see Table 1. Sixty-three percent said the most recent education or training they received was useful.

1 Importance was measured using a five point scale where 1 is Not At All Important and 5 is Very Important. High importance is

reported on as the aggregate of 4 and 5. Low importance is reported on as the aggregate of 1 and 2. The neutral score, 3, is not reported on. All other scale variables (satisfaction, usefulness, likelihood to do something, and so on) are reported on in this way.

Table 1 - Recent Education or Training

Organization or Company Percent Selected

From reading a standard 50%

Training through my current place of employment 34%

College or university Bachelor’s or Master’s program 18%

Training through a former place of employment 14%

IEEE workshop or seminar 13%

Through participation in a standards development group 12%

Another professional association 12%

Other 6%

No education or training received in standards 24%

More than half (54%) of respondents were interested in receiving education on standards. Among these interested respondents, 77% were likely to participate in training if all other factors (cost, location, time, and so on) were favorable. Online training was most favorable (79%) among respondents who were interested in receiving education or training on standards. The majority of them (51%) would participate if the training was 1 to 4 hours in length and another 43% if it was more than a day. Fifty-six percent of respondents would participate in training if the registration fee was US$50 or less. Nearly all of these respondents prefer training be offered by a technical expert (87%). Fifty-two percent would like a certificate of completion and 45% want the training to be accredited by an external organization. About a third (31%) of the respondents who were interested in training said their employer would pay the total cost (including travel and lodging) for the training while 13% would pay the partial cost and 15% would not pay any. Of the respondents whose employers would not pay, 47% said it was because their employer does not pay for any education and 25% said it was because knowledge in standards is not critical to their current job.

Appendix A – Frequency Tables

Interview status

Complete 757 64.0%

Incomplete 425 36.0%

Quota Full 0 0.0%

Error 0 0.0%

Screened 0 0.0%

Total 1182 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013


Female 55 4.9%

Male 897 80.1%

Unspecified 168 15.0%

Total 1120 100.0%

AVG 1.9

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013


Region 1 89 7.9%

Region 2 63 5.6%

Region 3 59 5.3%

Region 4 56 5.0%

Region 5 70 6.3%

Region 6 168 15.0%

Region 7 53 4.7%

Region 8 267 23.8%

Region 9 44 3.9%

Region 10 251 22.4%

Uns 0 0.0%

Total 1120 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013


US 505 45.1%

Canada 53 4.7%

Europe/Africa/Middle East 267 23.8%

Latin America 44 3.9%

Asia/Pacific 251 22.4%

Total 1120 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013


AF -- Affiliate 71 6.3%

AM -- Associate Member 21 1.9%

F -- Fellow 9 0.8%

GSM -- Grad Student Member 0 0.0%

H -- Honorary Member 0 0.0%

LF -- Life Fellow 0 0.0%

LM -- Life Member 0 0.0%

LS -- Life Senior Member 0 0.0%

M -- Member 909 81.2%

SA -- Standards Association Member 0 0.0%

SM -- Senior Member 110 9.8%

StM -- Student Member 0 0.0%

Total 1120 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013


Student 0 0.0%

Higher Grade 1049 93.7%

Life 0 0.0%

Affiliate 71 6.3%

Honorary 0 0.0%

Standards 0 0.0%

Total 1120 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Overall, how important or not is having a basic understanding oftechnical standards to your career?


Not at all important1 19 1.9%

2 55 5.6%

3 163 16.6%

4 284 28.9%

Very important5 462 47.0%

Total 983 100.0%

AVG 4.1

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Overall, how confident or not are you in your basic understanding ofstandards?


Not at all confident1 16 1.9%

2 75 9.1%

3 253 30.8%

4 349 42.5%

Very confident5 128 15.6%

Total 821 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

How important or not are each of the following areas related tostandards to you in your career?

Developing standards (the process)

Not at all important1 124 15.5%

2 159 19.9%

3 201 25.1%

4 198 24.8%

Very important5 118 14.8%

Total 800 100.0%

AVG 3.0

Applying or implementing standards

Not at all important1 20 2.5%

2 51 6.4%

3 141 17.6%

4 297 37.1%

Very important5 291 36.4%

Total 800 100.0%

AVG 4.0

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Developing standards (the process)

Not at all important1 124 15.5%

2 159 19.9%

3 201 25.1%

4 198 24.8%

Very important5 118 14.8%

Total 800 100.0%

AVG 3.0

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Applying or implementing standards

Not at all important1 20 2.5%

2 51 6.4%

3 141 17.6%

4 297 37.1%

Very important5 291 36.4%

Total 800 100.0%

AVG 4.0

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

How confident or not are you in your skills in each of the following areasrelated to standards?

Developing standards (the process)

Not at all confident1 127 15.9%

2 172 21.6%

3 240 30.1%

4 174 21.8%

Very confident5 85 10.7%

Total 798 100.0%

Applying or implementing standards

Not at all confident1 28 3.5%

2 67 8.4%

3 185 23.1%

4 336 41.9%

Very confident5 185 23.1%

Total 801 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Developing standards (the process)

Not at all confident1 127 15.9%

2 172 21.6%

3 240 30.1%

4 174 21.8%

Very confident5 85 10.7%

Total 798 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Applying or implementing standards

Not at all confident1 28 3.5%

2 67 8.4%

3 185 23.1%

4 336 41.9%

Very confident5 185 23.1%

Total 801 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Which technology areas are important to your career?q51. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Electrical safety Protection Power?? Which area? among what? Every area ...(?)4G wireless communication802 1384 12207802.11 Wireless Communication Internet Protocol RF Communication Digital Signal Processing802.11 TCP/IP FTTH802.11 Communications 802.3 802.1 RFac drive design

Advanced Control Algorithms Industrial Control SystemsDevelopment Instrumentation Process Control Multidisciplinary Technology

R&DAdvanced Metering Infrastructure Building Management SystemAeronautics/Aerospaceaerospace telecommunictions computersAerospace Software Engineering Robotics Autonomyaerospaceaerospace engineering evolutionary computation data mining aerodynamics fluid dynamicsAgile Developmentaircraft avionics flight safety gps satellite terrain mapping airport and navigationAnalog circuits Analog digital interfaces ESDAnalytics Big data Cyber security

Android development Cloud computing(OpenStack)

Linux servertechnologies Natural language processing Computer vision and image

analysisantenna microwave analog circuit mobile communication signal processingAntenna Materials RF Swtches

Antennas GPS High speed real timenetworks

Artificial intelligence Machine learning Applied thermalimaging Image processing Visual/auditory Recognition

ASIC desgin Medical related ASIC DSPAssistive Technology Multimedia Technology Educational TechnologyAudio AcousticsAudio signal processing Consumer electronicsAudio Signal Processing A/V Networking Adaptive Filtering Array Processingautomation electrical machines power electronicsautomation alternative energy bioimedicalAutomation PLCAutomation Standard Network Security ElectricalAutomotive Renewable energy Power ElectronicsAutomotiveAutomotive electronicsautomotive networking Wireless LAN wireless telecomAutomovitve Minining Robotics TelecommunicationsAvionicsbig data agile/kanbanbiomedical engineering electrical engineeringBiomedical engineering Clinical engineeringbuilding automation communication protocal control policycables tech (Cu,OF) telecom (generally) cables infrastructuracabling network communications safety interoperability

cameras software libraries motors software languages collaboration tools (svn, git,etc.)

capacitor technology reactor technology vacuum switchgear sf6 switchgearCellular Wireless Connectivity IoT middleware Linux/unix, SQL, C++ EMCCellular architechture and protcols RF and microwave Semiconductors Computer architechture Software developmentcharge-discharge of electrons x-ray generation imaging Equipment integrationchromatography computing networkingCircuit breaker Network Switchgear Arc flashcircuit breaker automation drives load calculation voltage drop calculationCircuits Instrumentation Reliability Computer Aided Design Optics

Software Technical computer

Cloud computing Mobility Softwaredeveloppement Entreprise Architecture Technical computer

architecturecloud computing performance engineering network virtualizationCloud computing Embedded systems/m2m Analytics Big databasesCMOS Microfabrication Sensing

CMOS Logic Technology DRAM product standards Wirelesscommunication

coatings / thin films plasmas solar cells windowscommunicatiom network check digit system biometricsCommunicationCommunication Media Internet Upcoming Developments Designcommunication power quality motors drives cybersecurityCommunication Internet Computer Electrical ElectroniccommunicationCommunication system Fiber optics International Standard Optical fiber Sensingcommunicationscommunications test and evaluationcommunications radar navigation remote sensingcommunications computing programmingCommunications Software design Cyber physical systems RoboticsCommunications Signal processing Digital electronics Analogue electronics PowerCommunications Lithography Signal Processing NetworkingCommunications Power Database Radio Networkcommunications encryptioncommunications information technologiesCommunicationsCommunications PowerCommunications Computers Transducers Imaging Sensorscomputer oscillloscope microscope microwawe chipcomputer remote sensors image processingcomputer architecture distributed computing java actor framework algorithmic skeletonsComputer Networks Computer Security System engineering Software engineering Mobile computingcomputer science electronical engineeringcomputer science artificial intelligenceComputer Science Real applicationsComputer Software Devices i.e. smartphones Computer I/O devicesComputer Technology Communications Aerospace Electronics Software & Systems EngineeringComputer VisionComputer Vision Computer GraphicscomputersComputing Mobile commsComputing Electronics Mechanical engineering Electrical Process controlComputing Arcitecture Modeling Nd simulation Security SafetyComputing Control System CommunicationsComputingComputing Security Communication NetworkingConsumer Electronics Multimedia Healthcare EnergyConsumer electronics Programming languages Pcb designcontrol telecommunications power electronics fiber optics energy managementControl engineering Computational Techniques Soft Computing Instrumentation AutomationControl engineering Power plant technology Electrical engineering Gasifictation technologycontrol method mechanism design artificial intelligence realtime implementation roboticscontrol systems automation industrial comunication sensors robotics

Control systems Information Technologies andservices System security Network Security

Control Systems Systems Engineering Green Energy Software EngineeringControl Systems Electric Machines Power Electronics Wireless Communication Energy Storagecorporate and industrial securitydata acquisitionData Management Customer Intelligence Web Search Reporting Systems Customer Experience systemsdata networks telecommunications optical communications

Data Programming Tools Analysis Tools of theProgrammed Data

Implementation ofModel Techniques Nowcast and Prediction Tools Software Development Tools

and Techniquedata storage PCI Express SAS Fibre Channel RAM

Databases HTML/CSS/JavaScript HTTP/IP/InternetStandards

Databases Query Processingdc:dc converter inverters battery chargersDDR USB PCIe SATA HDMIDefence IT CommunicationsDevelopment Research & Innovation Standards compliant Customer SatisfactionDigital Cinema Initiative

Digital communications Signal processing TelecommunicationsDigital System Communication Digital signal and process OFDM DSL Wi-Fi and WiMaxDistributed Power Resouces interconnection Substation Protection Wiring UPS Power Plant Interconnection

Distribution EngineeringDMX Audio Standards Video Standards RS-xxx standsrds ethernet StandardsDO-178B Embedded SoftwareDevelopment

DO-254 HardwareDevelopment

DO-160 HardwareTesting Software Testing FPGA's

DTV Power line communication VLC Siganla Processing Smart GridDynamic modeling Control System theory Optimisation Theory Sensor/Effector designehealth future internet education assisted living integrated medicine

EHV Wound Equipment EHV PowerCircuit Breakers UG Power Cables Medium Voltage Switchgear SubstationAutomation/Integration

electric distributionElectric distribution systems Transmittion systemsElectric Power Transmission Distribution Substation RenewablesElectric power Railroad electrification Corrosion ControlElectric Power Relay Protection Substations Transmission & Distribution Power System AnalysisElectric systems EnergyElectric Vehicle Supply Equipment Surge Protective DevicesElectrical Contracting Urban design Traffic managementElectricalElectrical Constructionelectrical power control electronic mecanical

Electrical Information Technology Instrumentation &Controls

Electrical & Electronics Computer Science Fiber Optic SONET/ATM DWDMElectrical circuit protection Electrical power distribution Automotive electroincs Consumer electronics Telecommunications

Electrical control concepts PLC/PC auto control ofmachinary

Electrical Design Company Parts Safety Compliance NFPA 79 Compliance

electrical engineering magnetism magnetic materials renewables energy motors with permanentmagnets

electrical engineering systems engineering information communication power transmissionelectrical engineering wires/cables computer aided design LiDAR power transmission

Electrical Equipment Design of Power Systems Maintenance ofelectrical infrastructure

Operation of electricalinfrastructure

Safety in power systemenvironment

Electrical Inspictionelectrical power

Electrical Power Electronics andcommunications

Electrical power Solar Wind Power electronic Machine

Electrical Power Systems Design Electrical Safety Arc Flash Assessments Electrical SystemCommissioning

Electrical EquipmentMaintence

electricity regulation electricity generation electricity transmission electricity distribution communicationsElectrics Electronics Instrumentation Communications Navigation

Electromagnetic Compatibility Electrical Safety Management Systems(ISO)

electromagnetics numerical computing microwave circuitsdesign

electromagnetics antennas test & measurementequip

Electromagnetics RF/Microwave Circuits Passive Components Antenna Designs

electromagnetics power characteristics thermal properties ofmat'ls mechanical properties RF safety

electronic components computing calibrations security ICselectronic packaging semiconductorElectronics Medical Electronics Industrial Electronics

Electronics Medical devices Medical imagingsystems

Information Technologiessystems Informatics

electronics communications data training vendor display at show research the webelectronics telecomm software oil recovery power supplyelectronics mechanics avionics domoticsElectronics Computer Science PreSilicion Validation Verification Image Processingelectronics microwave communication mobile EMCElectronics CommunicationsElectronics Instrumentation Electrical Roboticselectronics power electronics semiconductorElectronics High Reliability Applications Metal Whiskers/RoHSelectronics softwareelectronics military explosives encryption SensorsElectronics and Components Fiber Optic Installations Oil and Gas Space and Automotive Audio and Musicalelectronics in space

Electrotechnical Power Electronics Thermodynamics Metallurgy Thermology

Embedded Computing Networking Digital SignalProcessing Microcontrollers

embedded technology power technologies LED technologyEmbedded uC Analog ICs Comm ICsEMC product safety IT hardwareEMC Quality ManagementEMC RF technology Laser Optic Electrical safetyEMC Microwave Antenna Computer TestEMC HART IEEE802.x EN 60079-0 FMEA (e.g. DIN EN 60812)EMC Lightning ESD Shielding AntennaEMC

EMC Instruments andmeasurement Analog circuit design Firmware development DSP

Energy Electronics ComputingEnergy and Power Electromechanicsenergy efficiency wireless communications sustainabilityEngineering Electronics Electricity Project Management Technical Auditengineering modelling theory physics applied electronics mathematics IP & patenting

Enterprise Computing Architecture Operating SystemsArchitectures

Equipment EMC Machinery Safety Environmental Safety ControllersErbium doped fiber amplifier Optical communication Electronics hardware Test and measurement Software development

ESD Protection High speed opto-isolators AC Surge protection Power Supply power density IO Connectivity through abulkhead

ethernet fiber channel cellular telephony wi-fiethernet wifi ip securityEthernet

Ethernet connectivity RFID: ISO 14443, 15693... IEEE 802.15.4 -ZigBee, etc. Bluetooth Biometric standards

Fiber optic cable photonic transmission LTE Basic IP Microwave propagationfiber optics

Filters Tunable circuits communicationstechniques amplifiers switches

Fire Detection Systems Sprinkler systems Fire SuppressionSystems Electronics Software

FPGA Microcontrollers Programming

functional safety application of bus fielddevices smart grid

functional safety test and verification software engineering formal methods computer visionfuzzy logic recommender systems digital libraries web decision makinggeosciences remote sensing data processing geophysical retrievals data calibrationgps signal processingGPS materials

grounding power systems power transformers gear insulatedsubstation

Health Products for Health IndustryHearing prosthesesHigh performance computing Software engineering Algorithms OptimizationHigh temperaturesuperconductivity Wind energy Photovoltaic energy Electrical drives Embedded generation

high voltage transmission /distribution generation protection earthing communications

high-speed digital power distribution testing

Home Networking Multimedia Home Server Digital RightsManagement

Human-Computer Interaction Industrial AutomatizationHV Circuit Breakers HV Gas Insulated Substations Current TransformersHV Electric Power EquipmentHVDC Transformers

HVDC Protection Automation Power systems Communication related topower systems

HVDC, especially supergrid MVDC microgrids circuit breakershypersonic vehicle guidance and control sliding mode controlICT electircalIEEE IPv6IEEE 519 RFI/EMI Motors DrivesIEEE 802.11 TD-SCDMA LTE - TDD / FDD WCDMA

IEEE 802.3 Ethernet PHY IEEE 802.1 Ethernet MAC IEEE 1588v2 Timingover Packet

image processing camera sensor hardware platformImaging Image Processing Machine Vision Industrial AutomationINDUSTRIAL APPLICATION COMPUTER ENGINEERING POWER SYSTEM

industrial automation industrial power systems motor application construction engineering safety technologyindustrial controlsindustrial power distribution Protection and coordinationindustrial power distribution industrial automation

Inertial Sensors MEMS/SemiconductorProcesses

Information & Project Management New Innovative Solutions &Standards

Technical standardsand related ecosystem Energy - Oil & Gas / Petroleum

Telecom / Microwave/ VSAT /Radio ( Terrestrial & NonTerrestrial)

information securityInformation Security Electronic Warfare Anti-Tamperinformation systemsInformation TechInformation technologies Communications Security Distributed Computing ReliabilityInformation Technology EMC General product safetyInformation Technologyinfrared lasers signal processing image processing embedded softwareInstrumentation Software EMI/RFI

Instrumentation testing Application ofstandards Electrical engineering Mechanical engineering

Instrumentation / Control Control valves Flow Pressure TemperatureInsulation reliability magnetic wireinsulation wirelessInterconnect - wired Interconnect - wireless ic packaginginterconnect (physical layer)interface IP (USB, SerDes, etc) VLSI (tools for RTL2Gates) Process technology compilers/assemblers/optimizers algorithmsInternetInternet ipv6 Sip Mobile data

Internet Protocols Statistical Analysis High PerformanceComputing Network Security

Internet standardsIntrumentation & Measurement

Ionizing radiation measurement Radio pharmaceuticalsproduction Automation

IP technology, routing Internet Connectivity Software developingISO29292isolation analog circuit designITIT Electronics Computer Software Communication AutomationITIT architecture software engineeringIT Infrastructure Architect IT Security IT service Delivery IT Project ManagmentIT Management and Governance Oracle and DBMS System integration Linux and platforms Development platformsIT wired infrastructure IT wireless infrastructureITS (intelligent Transportation

iTu standards Oif standards Telecommunicationsstandards

Java tcp/ip software engineeringJavaEE SQLKeeping water out of thebasement

Keeping water out of thewalls

Keeping water awayfrom the front door

LAN Computer Cloud Computing Operation and management SDNLAN, especially Ethernet andTCP/IP

WAN, esp. TCP/IP, SONET,Optical transport, MPLS

LAN/WAN Wireless Fiber Optics Security RFIDLED Lightinglighting communications computer systems threat mitigation

Lighting Building Automation Power Transmission &Distribution Green Energy Electrical Systems

Lighting protection Harmonics Grounding SPD applications VFD applicationLightning protection Switchgear Cables Diagnostics Arc flashliquid crystal microwave

Logic CMOS technology NVM technology RF & Mixed SignalCMOS technology

low power circuit RF technology energy harvesting cryptographylow powered data logging andsensingLTE Wimax TCASLTE UMTSLTEmachine learning online advertisingMachine Learning Pattern Recognition Data Mining Distributed System Computational Intelligencemagnetics transformer circuit breaker

Magnetism Nanotechnology 2d materialsManufacturing Tolerance Impedance Electrical Engineering Mechanical EngineeringManufacturing Project Management Semiconductors Digital Design PhysicsMarine measuring equipment Microscopes

Materials Science and Engineering Nanotechnology Sol gel sccience andTechnology Composites Semiconductor Processing

Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering ComputerProgramming Physics

Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial/ComputerHardware Industrial/Computer Software Next-Generation/Interactive

DesignMechatronics Instrumentation Control Electronic MechanicMedical Quaility RFMedical Systems Software Electrical WirelessMedicalMedical DevicesMedical equipmentMedical equipment Industrial equipementMedical Imaging Signal Processing Electronics Product DesignMedical instrumentation computing communications imagingMedium voltage equipment PLC PLC communications Low voltage equipment Wireless networkingmfg service medical electreonics developmnet data commmicroelectronics telecommunicationsmicroelectronics solid state physics lithographymicroprocessor operating system compiler specific application devicemicrowave antenna optical fiber wireless communication wireless power transferingmicrowave MMIC radar EDA wireless comicrowave

microwave rf communicationsstandards

Microwave circuit Microwave transistor Micorwavemeasurement Transistor modeling Compound semiconductor

processmicrowave engineeringmicrowaves rf signal processing electromagnetics antennasmicrowaves wireless high power electronics antennas data communicationMilitary Standards Communication (RS232 etc) Spectrum (e.g. radar)military technology telecomunication cyber technology computers information technology

Mixed Analog /Digital IC design Powermanagement on chips Audio and RF chip-design CAD for chip-design

mobile software wireless

Mobile and fixed wireless fiber optics data communicationsprotocols

Mobile Applications Developmentmobile communication downlink transmission MC-CDMA system resourse allocation adaptive modulation

mobile communication antenna measurement OTA (Over the Air)measurement MIMO GPS

Mobile communication Signal processing wirelesscommunciation Computer science Optical

Mobile Communications Networking Computer techsMobile Computing Internet Security Apple iOS Android OS BlackberryMobility Telecommunication Security IT Infrastructure WirelessMobility SDN/Virtulization Policy Networking RANmotors generators partial discharge condition assessmentMOTORS TRANSFORMERS SWITCHGEAR PROTECTION UPSMPLS IP RAN / IP backhaul Synchronization SDN

Multifunctional devices, Bulk N-and S-type NDC

More than Moore. Cellinteraction control

Switching and memoryeffects

Electronic effects of intra- andextracellular level

Diagnostics and theraphymonitiring through electricalimpedance and spectrmanalysis measurements

MV and LV electrical distribution(industrial) Industrial automation PLC SCADA technologies energy efficiency

nano electronics data transmission video processingNanotechnology Semiconductor science Data management Instrumentation and Control OpticsNational Electrical Code IEEE Testing procedures NETA Testing standards ASHREA standards NEMA standardsNetwork Os admin Application support Administration ImplementationNetwork VideoNetwork Engineering Software Engineering

networked systems dis/hla modeling andsimulation open architecture software communications

architecturesystems of systemsintegration

Networking Video and imaging embedded systemsNetworking Embedded systems Medical devices Wireless Sw engineeringnetworking silicon softwareNetworking Software delevolpent Internet Systemsnetworking telecommunications software

Networking Communication ProtocolsNetworking Information Security Control System The Cloud SCADAnetworking securityNetworking Server Operating systemsnetworking web sites development security protocol computer hardware software developmentNetworking Scalable Systems Design

Networking Firewall Implementation Architectual Design Knowledge of all types of ITinfrastrcutures Disaster Recovery and BC

Networking Software Engineering Microcomputer busesand interfaces

Networking Privacy Security Data Interchange Data Analyticsnetworking database accessNetworking ISO Layers 1-3 Computer serversnetworks databases C++ development Clustering Many Corenetworks databasesNetworks Cloud Databasenuclear radiation detectors semiconductor material radiation detectionNumerical methods Mathematics Programming Electromagnetics Physics

Ontologies Software Engineering Geographic InformationSystems Simulation and Virtual Worlds Structured Data - XML

operating systems databases networkingOperating Systems SMTP HTTP/HTTPS TLSOptical Communication Lighting Location SecurityOptical communication Serial bus Memory Processors FPGAoptical communicationOptical components Photonic devices High-speed electronics Optical switchesOptical networks Online education Data managementoptical systems space systems remote sensingOptics Photonicsovercurrent protection standby generation fire protection lighting controls

overhead lines risk evaluation andmanagement safety and security diagnost and tests quality

Packaged device contacting Wafer probingpattern recognition signal processing artificial intellegence natural language process machine learningperformance security cloud bid datapervasive applications ehealth applications network applications network protocolsPhotonics telecommunications semiconductors reliabilityPhotonics Communications Fiber systems semiconductor manufacturing RF electronicsPhotonicsPLCpowerpower telecommunications control systemsPower EMC Control Communications Software systemspower control s alternative powerPower Electronics EMCPower Lighting Life Safety Numerical Methods COmputinpower control communicationPowerpower safetyPower Electrical Safety PCICPOWER SMART GRID CONTROL SYSTEMSPower & Energy Renewable Energy Power Electronic Energy Sorage Hydroelectric Systempower & energy information & communication transportation construction manufacturingpower conversion computingPower Conversion

power converter insulating rules for powerconverter

Power delivery systems Power system technology likesmart grid standards

Power distirbution Constructional electricaldesign work Industrial Electrification Lighting conrol system ELV system

Power Distribution Power Distribution protectionPower distributionPower distribution control systems PLC programming Wiring systems Motor controlpower distribution test equipmentPower distribution Controls and systems Building systems - firepower distribution renewable energy safety energy savingsPower Distribution Electrical Safetypower electronics protective relaying motor control power conversion power distributionpower electronics motor drive

Power electronics Control strategies Power design Electrical circuits Modeling and simulation ofelectrical circuits

Power Electronics FPGA/Logic Design Analog Electronics Control Theorypower electronicsPower electronics Control of power converterspower electronics embedded system automation software programing mecatronicpower electronicsPower electronicsPower Electronics Electrical Machines Renewable Energy Control Power SystemsPower Engineering Power Generation Device comminicationspower engineering electrical engineeringPower engineering Power production Power transmission Substations Balance of plant systemspower engineeringpower engineering

Power equipment Power system design Power equipmentapplications

Power Generation Generator Maintenance Generator Diagnostics Electrical Insulation Testing On Line Monitoring Systems

power generation power systems automation of powergeneration measurements renewable energy

Power generation Energy efficiency Active distributionnetwork planning Transmission Network Load demand and electric

vehiclesPower Generation and DistributionPower generation and transmission High voltage equipment Reliability Power system modeling Protection and controlPower industry Education Computer sciencepower quality power electronics EMI Electrical safety Electrical trasnpotationpower quality variable speed drives electrical machines electrical equipment safetypower quality automatic generation controlpower quality power systems custom power devicespower quality power electronics

Power Safety/Arc Flash Power Transformation Power Transmission Data Networks(Wireless/Landline) Lighting Efficiency

Power semiconductor Passive components Power converters Product safety EMIpower supplies industrial powerpower system power electronics electrical machine electrical equipment controlPower system Communication Cyber security

Power system ICT Energy management Emotional intelligence Human resourcesmanagement

Power System Anlaysis Power System ProtectionPower System Design Power System Protection Electrical Safety Lighting Industrial Control SystemsPower system protection Power Projects


Power Systems Transmission Electricity MarketsPower systems Transformers Motor control centers Switch gears Arc flashpower systems computersPower SystemsPower Systems Power Electronics HVDC Power QualityPower systems Communications systempower Systemspower systems computer systems comunications analysis ans statisticsPower Systems Automation Integration Communication Power Protection

Power transformers Generators Excitation controlsystem Power systems Cabling

Power Transformers large electric motors generatorsPower transmission Power distribution Smart Grid Fiber Optic Communication Wireless CommunicationPower Transmission Power Distribution Power Generation

Power Transmission Asset Management/Maintenance Economics Safety Environment/Sustainability

Power Transmission andGeneration MV & HV Switchgear

Powertransmission (HVDC/HVAC)Precision measurement InstrumentationsProcess Electronics Power distribution Automation and control InstrumentationProcess Analytics Emission MonitoringProcess instrumentation andcontrolproduct design (white goods) product qualification production comunicatiuon systems data processingProgramming Business analysis Project management

Programming Database System Analysis &Design Server Administration

Programming Programming Languages Operating Systems SimulationProgramming Multimedia eLearning NetworksProgramming and projectmanagement tools Software testing Programming

languagesprogramming languages algorithm hardware spec operation systems system softwares

programming languages databases networks cloud computingprogramming languages securty quantum computation

Programming Languages Tools Software Frameworks Application Life-cycleManagement Databases

project management process workflowprotective relaying metering harmonics GIS power qualityQuality Gas and Oil Software EngineeringQuality of supply PV smart grids cost of supply CSPQuantum electric measurement Impedance microwaveradar microwave remote sensingRADARRadio - WCDMA & WIFI Software Development EmbeddedRadio communications Antennas NetworkingRadio Communications Fiber Optic Communicationsradiolocation hydrolocation defectoscopyRailway SignallingRDBM Sockets Object-Oriented 3-D Graphic Languages 64-bit architecturereal time software actuators sensors robotics firmware

Real-time embedded systemsgenerally Vehicle LANs

Software analysis,design anddevelopment

Software testing CASE tools

Refrigeration technology Thermal energy storage data center savingenergy

Reliability Failure analysis Electrical Packaging BEOL

Reliability Components ElectronicManufacturing Maintainability Safety

RFrf antennas electromagnetics mri sarRF softwareRF Microprocessors USB Compilers Custom Operating SystemsRF & Microwave engineering Signal processing Antenna engineeringRF communication systems RFIC designRF Electromagnetic compatibilityRFICRFIDrobotics motor drives machine tools magnetic solenoids numerical toolsRobotics Control theory Computer science Telecommunications Electronicsrobotics mechanics electronics mathematics control

Robotics Design Production System Design Monitoring andGuidance Systems Virtual Manufacturing Information Systems

Robust Control Design andAnalysis Dynamics Estimation Simulation Software Implementation

(Autocode)Rotating Machinery Dielectric Materials Cables Switchgear Electrical SafetyRTCA standards Mil standards

Safety (High Voltage) High FrequencyMeasurements

safety-relevant softwaredevelopment

safety-releventcommunication vehicular technologies embedded software

Safty Standards in aerospace Standards in pwblayout Standards in power eletronics

Satellite Communication 5G communication Satellite remotesensing

Satellite communications WirelessSatellite Communications RF EMC

SCADA and Communications Relay Protection Control andAutomation Electrical Design Project Management and

Process Documentation


SDH telecommunication standard Signal processing Microwave radio links Digital BroadcastingSecurity Telecommunications Mobile softwaresecurity server hardware databases end user support web applicationsSecurity Networking CommunicationsSecurity Architecture

Security Storage Industry psecificapplications Web Telephony

Security CryptographySemiconductor Electronic Physics Chemistry Mechanicalsemiconductor solid state circuits circuits and systems test & measurement High frequencySemiconductor Software SafetySemiconductor Circuit design Biomedicalsemiconductor quality control failure analysisSemiconductor EDA toolssemiconductor optics micro fabrication Test and measurements

Semiconductor design Semiconductor manufacturing EngineeringProductivity Budgets and financials Networking and connectivity

Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Radiation HardenedElectronics Nonvolatile Memory

Semiconductor manufacturing EMS Computercommunications

semiconductor technology mixed-signal i.c. design analog i.c. designSemiconductorssemiconductors navigation telematics telemteriesSemiconductorssemiconductors material science sensors power electronics control systemssensors radiation detectionSensors Acoustic WavesSerdes Powerserial communicationsserial data communications optical communicationsShort Range Wireless Internet of ThingsSiGe HBT HF CMOSsignal integrity SerDessignal integrity high-speed signalling high-speed modeling IO specification InterconnectSignal processing Antennas Networks Data basessignal processing image processing pattern analysissignal processing system analysis system simulation telecommunicationsSignal Processing Telecommunications Imaging Networking SoftwareSignal Processing Hardware Software - embeddedSignal processing Communications Aerospacesignal processing magnetic recording Coding theory electronic circuit Statistic

signal processing high performance computing simulation andmodeling machine learning networks

SIP TCP/IPSmart grid Protection in power systemSmart Gridsmart gridsSmart meters smart grid Home area networks electric vehicles communicationssocial network minin web mining association rule mining frequent pattern mining classificationsoftware electronic circuits mechanicalsoftware algorithmsSoftware Communication protocols Smart gridSoftware

Software IT Systems Management Redundancy in serverssetup RAID Network monitoring

softwaresoftware medical recordssoftware systemsSoftware Power Systems Communications Embedded Systems

Software Architecture Software Development LifeCycle Software Testing Software Configuration


Software Defined Networking LTE Self OrganizingNetworks Wireless Comunications

software design communications standardsSoftware Design Database Software Developsoftware design software process software testSoftware design and developmentSoftware developing Electronic design Network system design

software development geospatial metadata modeling andsimulation motion imagery image processing

Software Development

Software Development Systems Operation Computer LanguageDesign/Implementation Information Management Network Management

Software developmentSoftware Development Requirements Management Design Standards Verification Standards Validation Standards

Software Development Tools Software DevelopmentMethodologies

Software Engineering Cloud Computing ITHardware/Networking Security Internet

software engineering software visualization empirical studiesSoftware Engineering Software Quality Software measurementsoftware engineering psychology business information science networksSoftware Engineering Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Networkssoftware engineering IC manufacturingSoftware Engineering Medical Devices


Software Engineering Sofware Architecture RequirementsEngineering

Software engineering (fulllifecycle) Java architecture Geospatial information

processingsoftware testingSoftwares Computer hardware support equipmentSolar WirelessSolar PV Renewable Energy Environmental Impacts Solar Cells Temperature elementssolder attach sockets interconnects signaling optical devicesSOLDER ATTACH RELIABILITY HALT/HASS

sonar systems unattended ground-basedsystems

acoustic sensortechnology

Analog to Digital DataAcquisition Systems Signal processing technology

Source coding Multimedia transmission Signal processing Data compressionSpatial Data Analysis Networking Computational costs

spectrum/modulation data communications overcopper/fiber

speech signal processing communications

Speech coding Image and video compression Forensics andwatermarking

Speech coding Image coding Video coding Audio coding Wireless communicationSpeech Processing Machine LearningSpeech Signal Processing Digital Signal Processigstandards certification testing application R&DStorage Programming Software Engineering Networking ComputersStorageStorage systems Telecommunications Serversstreaming media video compression realtime systemssuperconductivity power generation MRI magnets nuclearSwitchgear UPS Motors Generators CablesSystem analysis Spreadsheets Software development Webpage designSystem Engineer Control Engineer Ship Motion Navigation and Guidance Visual system ApplicationSystem software ArchitectureSystems Engineering Information Security IT Service Management Communications NetworksSystems Engineering Program Management A EE specialty.Systems Engineering Systems Architecture Software EngineeringTechnical communication withdecentralized energy resources(e.g., IEC 61850)

Inter-system communicationin the utility domain (e.g.,IEC 61970)

Telcom Solid State design renewable energyconversion

Telecom I/O MetrologyTelecomm RF DSP Audio, VideoTelecommunication engineering Digital signal processing Materials engineeringTelecommunication O&M Strategic planning Cost optimization KPI analysis New process developmentTelecommunicationstelecommunications embedded systems signal processingtelecommunications ITtelecommunicationsTelecomunication ICTtransformer switchgear breaker disconnect switch battery

Transformers Capacitors Instrumenttransformers

Transmission & distributionrelatedtopics

Transmission EnergyTransmission networkTransmission SystemTransportation Communicationsultrasonic piezoeletricity sensors electronic numerical analysisUltrasound Imaging signal processing material scienceunderwater Acoustic signal proccesingUnmanned systems robotics navigation sensorsUSB SATA HDMI MHL DPutility power sytemsutility transmission utility distribution testing substationsVDSL2 GPON P2P optical fiber ADSL2+ G.fastVerilog STIL JTAG PCI USBVideo compression Display technology Multimedia Image processing Computer visionVideo compression Video analytical Compressive Sensing Machine learning Video Signal Processing

video processing multimedia systems broadcast televisionsystems C\C++ programming Internet systems

visual processing brain processing autostereoscopic 3D intelligence signal processing high quality image processingVLSI Clircuit Dsiesign Low Power RFID Automation ProgramingVLSI Design Computer Architecture Embedded Systems

Computer system

VLSI design Embedded system design Computer systemdesign Video compression High speed I/O

VoIP ITCWeapons Aircraft Intel, Surveil, Recon Imaging Cyber Securityweb mobile gps positioning wireless networking voipWeb 2.0 Java Mobile Big Data GeoSpatialWeb development Mobile technology Cloud computing

web services cloud computing software developmentmethodologies

Wi-fi communication Aerospacewind industry meterology computer science engineering development managementwireless instrumentation data communicationWireless RFID Space system ASIC RficWireless Powerline communicationswireless static electricity fire protection explosives engineeringWireless Computer architecture Signal processing Performance modellingWireless LANwireless direction finding signal processing user interface comms. protocolWireless networking

Wireless Network communications Radio frequencyengineering

wireless communications cybersecuritywireless mobile LTE-Advanced circuit design communicationwireless & mobile networks multimedia communications

Wireless (Wi-Fi) Wireless (LTE) Visible LightCommunication (VLC)

Wireless / RF Automotive vehicle networkswireless communication safety stardardwireless communication sensors

wireless communication ethernet powerlinecommunication cable modem data storage

wireless communication robot automation industrial automation service oriented sw mechanicswireless communication machine learningWireless communicationwireless communication digital video broadcasting soft-defined radioWireless communications design methodology

Wireless Communications O&G Downholeinstrumentation SCADA Computer simulations

wireless communications LTE OFDM traffic engineering wireless broadbandWireless communicationswireless communicationswireless networks telecommunications computer networksWireless Protocols Internet Standards Software ArchitectureWireline Optical Point to point wirelesswireline communication EthernetWLAN LTE WCDMA Bluetooth

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

In the last five years from what organization or company, if any, haveyou received education or training on standards?

College or university Bachelor’s or Master’s program 151 18.2%

IEEE workshop or seminar (not including participatingin standards development) 106 12.8%

Another professional association (please specify) 96 11.6%

Training through a former place of employment 115 13.9%

Training through my current place of employment 279 33.7%

Through participation in a standards developmentgroup 96 11.6%

From reading a standard 411 49.6%

Other (please specify) 47 5.7%

No education or training received in standards 199 24.0%

Total 828 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013


ITILJEDECLEEDLinkedInMikrotikNACENFPANFPANJ Professional EngineerNRECANSPEOntario Society of Professional EngineersPICMG/ATCAPMIPMIPMIPMIPMIPMI, BVQISAGE-AUSANSSANS Institutesans, isc2Scrum AllianceSIRIM MalaysiaSMRPSociety of electrical and electronic engineers of IsraelStandards NZTÜVULUL Universityunderwriters laboratoryVeteran Wireless Operators Association (US)Washington LabsZigBee Alliance

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Other (please specify)q6attending PSRCc++ FAQsCode campsCommercial Seminars/Workshopscompany meeting over ISO29292conferenceconferencesConsultantContinuing Education Coursediscussions with peers and clientsElectrical Workers Registration Board (NZ)equipment vendorfrom coworkersGlobal KnowledgeIBMIFE, IMMMMinformal researchInstrumentation trainingintra-company working goupsMITDOn Line for profit provideron-line coursesPariticapted on Std WG 17 years ago through my employeerPeer code reviewPhDReadingReview of draft standardsSelfself educationSelf-Training from WebSeminar from an industry expertShort technical courses & seminarsspecialty groupstalking to insidersTest labs such as TUV, UL, and NemkoThird PartyTrade MagazinesTrade ShowsTraining (self-paid; not through place of employment)Training by various manufacturersTUV SUDULUniversityVendor supplied sales trainignVendor-sponsoredWeb-based self-study of general background infoWebinars

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Overall, how useful or not useful was the training you most recentlyreceived?

Not at all useful1 5 0.8%

2 47 7.7%

3 171 28.0%

4 228 37.4%

Very useful5 159 26.1%

Total 610 100.0%

AVG 3.8

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Overall, how interested or not are you in personally receiving educationon standards?


Not at all interested1 50 6.7%

2 107 14.4%

3 188 25.2%

4 214 28.7%

Very interested5 186 25.0%

Total 745 100.0%

AVG 3.5

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

On what specific topics, if any, would you like to receive training on standards?q10-- Know existing Standards in instrumentation and Control area - Learn/engage in applying my long technology R&D experience/knowledge to develop newstandards for future technologies in advanced control & instrumentation field* Developing standards * Implementation * Research4G wireless communication protocol4G/5G mobile communications618506LoWPAN802.11xA/D and D/A trainings, Noise related circuit design, like low noise amplifier, Switch capacitor related design with noise considerationAccurate electric measurement based on bridge technologyAgile methodologyAircraft/Equipment CertificationAlgorithmic skeletons,All emerging alternative energy technologiesAll IT Standards along with regulatory such as HIPAA, SOX, PCI-DSS, etc.AnyAny topics related to Computer security and forensics.anything related to power distribution, energy savings, renewable energy technologies, etcAnything to do with Information Security.Anything with power system engineering and infrastructureapplicationArc Furnace Transformers HarmonicsArchitecture and underlying thought behind standards that may not be found in the text.Artificial intelligenceAt this time i have no specific needs. I only use standards when there is a clear driver to do so in the project.Audio/Video codingAuto-coding standardsAutomation Standards, Security Standardsautomation, indistrial comunicationAvailability and changeBasic IP and LTEBEOL, packaging, electrical test and reliabilityBig DataBlue tooth, Wireless LAN, USB, ... (?) personal computer periferals? Like designing daily life by collecting room and climate temparatures in connection withthe weather forecast, wake up time control through dim lights instead of alarm clock sound ... programing radio listening / TV watching time schedule,quick play of them, hopefully, sometimes in styles of sammury, designing one's future life in relation to current usage of time in every day basis ...broadbandCellular/WLAN standardsCertfication.Certification that add value to a product.check digit system and communicationCloudCMMICMOS technology, MEMS/NEMSCommscommunication cybersecuritycommunication protocalCommunication standardsCommunication, Information, Computer and InternetworkingCommunications protocolscommunications standardscomputer networkscomputer science - robotic applications - mobile applicationscomputer science code standardsConsumer ElectronicsConsumer Electronics EMI/EMC Compliance End-User Safety in Electronics Designcontrol de armónicasControl Design Visual systemcryptography

Crystal cuts definition (Quartz, Lithium Niobate...)Data networks, both wires and wirelessDesign & developmentsDesign for microcontrollersdesign informatics for aerospace eingineeringDeveloping standardsdigital video broadcasting(BCAST, ASTC,DVB-T2/NGH) Wireless communication, IMT-advanced(4G/B4G)Distribution EngineeringDO-178CDRAM, WirelessDTV,power line comunnication, DTTBEHV Power TransformersElectric cables Calculation of the current rating Cyclic rating factor calculation Electrical insulation materials Short circuit calculationElectricalElectrical and Safety CodesElectrical appliances and labellingElectrical circuit protectionElectrical Codes, light to HTElectrical Distribution Products (Medium & low voltage)Electrical EngineeringElectrical Equipments such as Transformer, MCC< Switch gears, VFDElectrical Insulation Testing Hi-Pot Testing Flux Probe Testing Full Excitation Core Testing ELCID TestingElectrical overcurrent safety/arc flash modeling. Efficient lighting design.electrical power systemsElectrical power systems design, safety and commissioningElectrical Power Switchgear Asset managementElectrical power, substations, hv, lvelectrical switchgearElectrical Testingelectrical, power, controlElectro Technology Communications NavigationElectromagnetic Compatibility, Electrical SafetyEMCEMCEMCEMCEMCEMC ComplianceEMI lightning power system power supply motor driveEMI power quality packaging and electrical testing relatedEMI/EMC Compliance IEC standards for grid interfaceEmission Monitoring Hazardous Areas (NEC 505)Encryption Algorithms and SystemsEnergyenergy efficiencyEnergy Systems & Devices, Electric Machinesethernet dmxEthernet, 802.11, ZigBee, NFCfcc regulations and ISO/TS 10974Field instrument design, installation and maintenanceFire Sprinkler standards Fire Suppression standardsForensics and watermarkingGas Insulated SubstationsGeneral electrical standards for power stationsGenerator Emissions Fire Alarm Life SafteyGPU designGrid integration of renewables. Experimental measurements on superconducting materials. Test of transformers and induction machines.guidance and control, sliding mode controlharmonics, emi/rfiHow to implement test and measurement systems to verify complianceHTML 5 Data interchange Security PrivacyHuman-Computer Interaction Human-Computer InterfacesI don't know, it all depends on my needs at any given time.I would like my employeer to allow me to join a few standard working groups on power system protection, protective grounding, substations.I would like to know how to get copies of standards without going broke in the process. They are much much too expensive.I'd like to receive training on Software developing StandardsIEC 61850IEC61439, Nema, SweathgearIEEE 11073, 802.11, CMIPIEEE 1547, IEEE 942, High rise building wiring

IEEE 802.11 ac LTE - TDD / FDDIEEE 802.11 standard, such as 802.11u, Hotspot 2.0 implementation. 3G/$G Data Offload... etc. Satellite Communication, Image/Digital Signal ProcessingIEEE 802.11N 802,16 D/EIEEE code books on Power SystemsIEEE/ANSI C37 (Switchgear and circuit breakers)IEEE/ANSI C57 series IEEE/ANSI C37 seriesI'm almost retired (2nd time) so I don't need training on standards; however, every engineering university should have a training session on standardsavailability, application of standards and how they are developed (including benefits and limitations). IEEE, ASME, SAE, ASTM etc should have aconsolidated "standard" package available for free to every university engineering (and science) program.image processing project managementimplementationimportant highlights of standard, why they are created and how to apply themInformation privacyinformation technology, cyber securityInstrumentation in Oil and Gas Facilities. Electronics. Electrical.interpretation of standards StructureIO specificationIoTIP v6Ipv6 sip videoISO 27001, SMTP, XML, HTMLISO and ElectricalIsolationIT Governance Project Management System integrationIT has no real standards, and that is it's problem.IT Systems DevelopmentJTAG DDR-4laboratories safetylaminate electrical testingLighting, Power transmission & distribution, Green Energy, Electrical Systems, LED etc.Lightning, Grounding, Surge Protection, appropriate, relevant multidimensional engineering softwareLow Power-VLSI Design, RFID, Automation, Programing, NBA, University/ College Accreditation standardsLTELTELTE / VLCLTE Advanced standard for 4G technologyLTE optimization and planningLTE Small CellLTE, WLAN, WCDMALTE/3GPPLTE-A.Machine safety NFPA79 Personal protection NFPA 70E Electircal installation NFPA 70 (NEC) IEC 61131Manufacturing related standardsManufacturing, printed circuit boardsMarketing Systems ; Web technologiesmechanical designMechatronics design Electronics designMedical and electronical standardsMedical and Healthcare InformaticsMedical device standards Lighting/electrical device standards Device to computer communication standardsMedical Devicesmedical equipmentmedical instrumentation communicationsmetrology engineermetrology on semiconductor both Front End and Back End processMIMO OTAMobile Applications Mobile Technology Mobile SecurityMobile communicationmobile networkMostly storage related standards, SCSI, FC, SATA, SANMOTOR, SWITCHGEAR, TRANSFORMERS, PROTECTION,UPSMotors and drives, Power Distribution and protection.motors and generatorsMPLS Ethernet Software processesMultivariale Control SystemsMy jobs is about network Standard like NERC standard, NPCC standard. Not the equipment standard.N/An/aN/ANanotechnology and Materialsnegotiation method

network protocolsnetwork virtualizationNetwork, 802networkingnetworking protocolsNetworking ITILnetworking, mobileNetworking, mobile communicationsNew Wi-Fi improvementsNext-Generation TechnologyNo specific needs at present.NoneNone!nothing at the moment. We work with science sanctioned algorithms from NASA and NOAA and we assume certain standards are met right off the bat.nothing springs to mind. I deal more with the implementations of standardsOnly as required for any future consulting contractsOperational Test and EvaluationOptical communicationOptical componentsoptical components and measurementsOptical control plane. SDNOverview level first. No specific topicOverview of 802 standards. How to read an IEEE standard document.Participation in development and emerging standards.Personal Area NetworksPipelinepowerPower & Energy Energy Storage for Power Systems Photovoltaic Systems Eolic SystemsPower and electromechanicsPower Distribution Equipment MaintenancePower electronicsPower engineeringpower engineering topics (electric utility scope)power generationpower generation and all its componentspower generation and transmission, smartgridpower line and equipmentpower quality custom power devices harmonicsPOWER SYSTEMpower systemPower System design, analysis, and protectionPOWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND RELAYING POWER ELECTRONICS - DRIVES/WIND POWER POWER SYSTEM RELATED COMMUNICATIONSpower system protection power system communicationPOWER SYSTEMS OPERATION AND CONTROLPower Systems othersProcess and evolutionProduct safety, EMC, worldwide complianceprogramming, embedded systemsProject managementProject ManagementProject ManagementProject Management ManufacturingProposing amendments to evolve a standardradar, remote sensingReceiving training now in cyber security and identity managementrecent and upcoming changesRegulatory Compliance Electromagnetic Compatibility Safety of MachineryRELIABILITYroom temperature semiconductor detectorssafetySafety and fire systems Installation codesSafety FCC automotiveSafety, FDA, Medical Devices, EMCSafety-critical systemssafety-relevant Software developmentSampling Plans for Acceptance TestingSDHSecurity, Network, EncryptionSeismic requirements for HV substationsSensors, High frequency (THz) , Test & measurement.

SerDesService oriented sw engineering & protocolsServicing Linear Accelerator and its parts.signal processingSIP technologysmart gridSmart GridSmart grid Power distribution, Wind powerSmart Grid standardssmart grid PV CSP quality of supplySmart grids, signal processing (audio and video)Social network mining Web Mining Web personalization Association rule mining Frequent pattern mining ClassificationSoftware & Systems EngineeringSoftware and systems engineeringSoftware Designsoftware developmentSoftware development and documentationSoftware Engineering documentation, federal information processing standards and related.Software Engineering GPU Programmingsoftware engineering IT ArchitectureSoftware Interoperabilitysoftware process; serial interface standards (SPI/UART/RS485/I2C, etc)Solar and wind-turbine converters connection to the grid; Testing solar, wind-turbine and electrical machines drivesSolar PVSpace communications interfaces, terrestrial wireless networks, wireless instrumentation interfacesSPD application Harmonics Ligthing protection Grounding SPD applicationSpeech processing, Digital Signal Processing, Signals & Systems, Adaptive signal processing.Standards for qualifying medical productsStandards development process, Standards revision process, Human Factors standards, Risk Management standardsStandards for space and autonomous softwarestandards on neutral grounding, overvoltage protection, circuit breakers, capacitor banks, insulation coordinationStandards related to medical devices and qualitySubsea, Geology & Reservoir optimization; Technology related to Non terrestrial options; Information Management & Process OptimizationSubstations, protective relays, cables, grounding, harmonics.surge arrester, power transformer, grounding, equipment of substation (tests, and manufacturer)Switchgear. transformers, Programming standards, power conditioning.System test on EMCSystems, Networking, Software developmenttechnical writingtelecom (cables,infrastructura,projecting)Telecommunication protocolstelecommunications, TITesting cochlear implant recipients and testing microphone in situ.The C 37 series NFPA 70 NFPA 72 NFPA 101the ones applicable in sppaeTopics in my interest areas (see other answer)Topics relevant to software development lifecycle, topics pertaining to cloud computing and internet standards, security/cryptography, consumer/mobiledevice power standardsTransformers, including furnace transformersTransient Protection, RS105 + LightningTransmission standardsUL /ETLunderstanding and help compliance to them in developed productsupdates to exiting standards and implications. new standard releases.USB, PCIe, SATA, HDMI, EthernetUse in locating standards, and transaction papersVideo and speech codecsWeb and related technologies Financial information exchangeWeb services and information security.Why they are useful. How they can be modified to keep up with changing technology.Wi-Fi and communicationWifi Bluetooth 61850WiMAx, Digital TV, Signal ProcessingWirelessWirelesswirelessWireless Commincations Networkswireless communicationwireless communication protocolsWireless communication, Bluetooth

wireless communicationswireless communicationswireless communications and ip securitywireless communications, EMC, EMIWireless communications; networking; parallel processing;wireless LANwireless LAN communications: 802.11Wireless power transfer, body network, biomeidical communication regulationwireless standardsWireless standards (LTE, GSM, HSDPA) Media (audio, Image, Video)Wireless standards for piont to point microwave linksWireless technologieswireless technologies, networking protocolsWireless, Network communications, Network securityWireless/wireline communications standards Aerospace standards

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Given all other factors were favorable (for example, cost, time, location,and so on), how likely or not would you be to use or participate intraining on standards?


Not at all likely1 58 7.8%

2 112 15.1%

3 210 28.2%

4 216 29.0%

Very likely5 148 19.9%

Total 744 100.0%

AVG 3.4

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

How likely or not would you be to use or participate in the followingtraining opportunities on standards?

Online training

Not at all likely1 59 8.0%

2 89 12.0%

3 135 18.3%

4 248 33.6%

Very likely5 208 28.1%

Total 739 100.0%

AVG 3.6

In-person training

Not at all likely1 120 16.5%

2 161 22.1%

3 221 30.4%

4 147 20.2%

Very likely5 79 10.9%

Total 728 100.0%

AVG 2.9

Workshops and Panel Sessions at Conferences

Not at all likely1 104 14.2%

2 142 19.3%

3 216 29.4%

4 192 26.2%

Very likely5 80 10.9%

Total 734 100.0%

AVG 3.0

Speakers at events (Lecture series and/or keynote speaker)

Not at all likely1 113 15.5%

2 151 20.7%

3 207 28.4%

4 192 26.3%

Very likely5 67 9.2%

Total 730 100.0%

AVG 2.9

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Online training

Not at all likely1 59 8.0%

2 89 12.0%

3 135 18.3%

4 248 33.6%

Very likely5 208 28.1%

Total 739 100.0%

AVG 3.6

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

In-person training

Not at all likely1 120 16.5%

2 161 22.1%

3 221 30.4%

4 147 20.2%

Very likely5 79 10.9%

Total 728 100.0%

AVG 2.9

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Workshops and Panel Sessions at Conferences

Not at all likely1 104 14.2%

2 142 19.3%

3 216 29.4%

4 192 26.2%

Very likely5 80 10.9%

Total 734 100.0%

AVG 3.0

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Speakers at events (Lecture series and/or keynote speaker)

Not at all likely1 113 15.5%

2 151 20.7%

3 207 28.4%

4 192 26.3%

Very likely5 67 9.2%

Total 730 100.0%

AVG 2.9

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013


Online, self-paced tutorials 62 8.3%

Workshops 85 11.4%

Keynote speakers 122 16.3%

In-person training 128 17.1%

Access to case studies 87 11.6%

Panel sessions at conferences 136 18.2%

Lecture series 118 15.8%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

What requirements, if any, would training on standards have to meet inorder for you to participate? (Please select all that apply.)

Training is accredited by an external organization. 270 36.1%

Certification of completion must be provided 321 42.9%

Training provided by a technical experts 574 76.7%

Other (please specify) 59 7.9%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Less than 1 hour

Online, self-paced tutorials 124 16.6%

Workshops 51 6.8%

Keynote speakers 138 18.4%

In-person training 46 6.1%

Access to case studies 93 12.4%

Panel sessions at conferences 95 12.7%

Lecture series 71 9.5%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

1 to 2 hours

Online, self-paced tutorials 223 29.8%

Workshops 99 13.2%

Keynote speakers 199 26.6%

In-person training 92 12.3%

Access to case studies 153 20.5%

Panel sessions at conferences 194 25.9%

Lecture series 130 17.4%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

2 to 4 hours

Online, self-paced tutorials 159 21.3%

Workshops 117 15.6%

Keynote speakers 88 11.8%

In-person training 109 14.6%

Access to case studies 144 19.3%

Panel sessions at conferences 108 14.4%

Lecture series 120 16.0%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

1 day

Online, self-paced tutorials 88 11.8%

Workshops 224 29.9%

Keynote speakers 50 6.7%

In-person training 187 25.0%

Access to case studies 103 13.8%

Panel sessions at conferences 76 10.2%

Lecture series 108 14.4%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

2 to 3 days

Online, self-paced tutorials 71 9.5%

Workshops 118 15.8%

Keynote speakers 15 2.0%

In-person training 119 15.9%

Access to case studies 48 6.4%

Panel sessions at conferences 44 5.9%

Lecture series 86 11.5%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

3 or more days

Online, self-paced tutorials 120 16.0%

Workshops 48 6.4%

Keynote speakers 9 1.2%

In-person training 83 11.1%

Access to case studies 52 7.0%

Panel sessions at conferences 25 3.3%

Lecture series 76 10.2%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

US$50 or less

Online, self-paced tutorials 417 55.7%

Workshops 158 21.1%

Keynote speakers 268 35.8%

In-person training 152 20.3%

Access to case studies 285 38.1%

Panel sessions at conferences 247 33.0%

Lecture series 196 26.2%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

US$51 to US$100

Online, self-paced tutorials 126 16.8%

Workshops 131 17.5%

Keynote speakers 111 14.8%

In-person training 77 10.3%

Access to case studies 118 15.8%

Panel sessions at conferences 110 14.7%

Lecture series 96 12.8%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

US$101 to US$150

Online, self-paced tutorials 71 9.5%

Workshops 112 15.0%

Keynote speakers 77 10.3%

In-person training 80 10.7%

Access to case studies 77 10.3%

Panel sessions at conferences 81 10.8%

Lecture series 87 11.6%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

US$151 to US$250

Online, self-paced tutorials 39 5.2%

Workshops 98 13.1%

Keynote speakers 45 6.0%

In-person training 118 15.8%

Access to case studies 45 6.0%

Panel sessions at conferences 55 7.4%

Lecture series 93 12.4%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

US$251 to US$350

Online, self-paced tutorials 17 2.3%

Workshops 66 8.8%

Keynote speakers 16 2.1%

In-person training 87 11.6%

Access to case studies 24 3.2%

Panel sessions at conferences 28 3.7%

Lecture series 50 6.7%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

US$351 to US$500

Online, self-paced tutorials 19 2.5%

Workshops 48 6.4%

Keynote speakers 14 1.9%

In-person training 78 10.4%

Access to case studies 19 2.5%

Panel sessions at conferences 23 3.1%

Lecture series 41 5.5%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

More than US$500

Online, self-paced tutorials 19 2.5%

Workshops 45 6.0%

Keynote speakers 15 2.0%

In-person training 102 13.6%

Access to case studies 12 1.6%

Panel sessions at conferences 21 2.8%

Lecture series 46 6.1%

Total 748 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

How much or little would your employer be likely to pay for, orreimburse you, for training on standards?

Employer would pay only for cost of an online course 62 8.4%

Employer would pay for the total cost (includes travel,lodging, and so on) 218 29.4%

Employer would pay for partial costs (includes travel,lodging, and so on) 73 9.9%

Employer would only pay for the course (excludestravel, lodging, and so on) 43 5.8%

Employer would not pay any part of the cost 127 17.1%

Not applicable/ I do not know 218 29.4%

Total 741 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Please indicate why your employer would not be willing to pay any partof the cost.

Knowledge in standards is not critical to my currentjob 42 33.1%

My employer already offers training in standards 7 5.5%

My employer does not pay for any education 60 47.2%

Other (please specify) 34 26.8%

Total 127 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Please indicate why your employer would not be willing to pay any part of the cost.q17budget constraintsbudget problemsCheapskateconference for trainingConsiders such knowledge as voluntarycontractorCost control in a startupCurrently retireddown economyEmployer is not a subscriber to IEEE standards, but does allow the occassional purchase of interesting or key standardsI am a contract staff and not Eligible for such opportunities so i take full cost responsibilityI have to get approval from HQ of the company which is a lengthy and time consuming process for outside country trainingsInadequate Fundingmanager does not like to payMy employer does not think training is importantmy interests are not the focus of my employerno budgetNot currently employedprivate universityRetiredSelf employedself-employedSelf-employedSelf-employedSequestrationstingyTends not to have funds available for technical staffThe available standards are so expensive we ignore them.THE COMPANY IS PAYINGThey are cheap.They are too unawear of uncertain future techonlogies to invest or assist employess without low educational level such as simple bachelor to study it.Tough economic timesTraining is considered important use of my time.Unwilling to justify

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What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Some college 9 1.2%

Vocational/technical degree/certification (less than aBachelor's degree) 18 2.4%

Bachelor's degree or equivalent 191 25.2%

Graduate/professional degree 302 39.8%

Doctoral degree 222 29.2%

Other (please specify) 17 2.2%

Total 759 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

What is the highest level of education you have completed?q18JDM.Tech, MBAMasterMasterMaster DegreeMASTER DEGREEMaster of Science in Power supply electrical engineeringMastersMastersMasters (Engg)Masters in Engineering ManagementMBAME(Digital Electronics)Ph. D. thesis submitted in university, final defence is remainingPHD studentPursuing Doctoral Degree since 2010, likely to complete in 2014Technical High School

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Indicate all of the fields in which you hold a degree.

Biomedical Engineering 16 2.1%

Computer science 105 14.0%

Computer engineering 72 9.6%

Business or finance 43 5.7%

Electrical or electronics engineering 509 68.0%

Industrial engineering 11 1.5%

Law 5 0.7%

Materials science/engineering 12 1.6%

Mathematics 44 5.9%

Mechanical engineering 22 2.9%

Medicine 1 0.1%

Physics 62 8.3%

Systems engineering 29 3.9%

Information technology 54 7.2%

Other (please specify) 76 10.1%

Total 749 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Indicate all of the fields in which you hold a degree. q19Accountingaerospace engineeringAerospace Engineering & Applied MechanicsagricultureApplied PhysicsApplied physicsApplied SciencesArchitectureArray Signal Processing/Cellular CommunicationAtmospheric Science and Atmospheric ChemistryBiologyBusinessbusinessBusiness AdministrationChemistryChemistryChemistryChemistrychemistryciviil engineeringCivil EngineeringCivil EngineerringCommunication EngineeringDoctor of OptometryDSLEcologyEducationElectric Power EngineeringElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering + MBAElectro-Technology (Non-Degree Programme)Engineering ManagementEngineering ManagementEngineering ManagementEngineering PhysicsEnglishEntertainmentForensic EngineeringForest ScienceGeneral EngineeringgeophysicsHCI/HRIIndependent StudiesInstrumentation and Control EngineeringKDDLiberal ArtsLogicManagementMaster of Science in Power supply Electrical EngineerMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBA Oil and gasMechanical EngineeringMechatronics EngineeringMS MgmtMusicMusic

Music EngineeringNaval ArchitectureNoneOcean EngineeringOperations Researchpedagogypower engineeringpower engineeringpsychologyReal-time embedded systemsReliabilityReliability & Quality EngineeringSystemsTechnology ManagementTelecommunicationTelecommunicationsTeleCommunications & Networking

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

What is your primary work responsibility?

Management: engineering/scientific 158 21.1%

Management : software/IT 49 6.5%

Management: all others 35 4.7%

Engineering design 160 21.4%

Engineering application 73 9.7%

Software development 76 10.1%

Education/teaching 51 6.8%

Consulting 76 10.1%

Retired 15 2.0%

Unemployed 6 0.8%

Other (please specify) 50 6.7%

Total 749 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Other (please specify)q20Analystapplied researchassistant prof.Chief ScientistCorporate Security; Business Analytics and MetricsCurrently on my quitting process for around 2 years.distribution facilitiesDSLEducationenergy regulationEngineering maintenanceEngineering Research and DevelopmentEnginerring design and EducationField EngineeringInstrument Technician in Oil and Gas FacilityIP attorneyIT Capacity Technical LeadLegallegal adviceLegal ServicesMaintenance engineerMetrologynetwork managementOEM R&D & DesignPatent attorneyPatent LawPh.D. Student in Distributed Control for robotic systemProduct certification and testingProduct MarketingR&DReliabilityresearchResearchResearchresearchResearchresearchResearchresearchresearchResearch & DevelopmentResearch and AnalysisResearch and Development of Acoustic SystemsSecuritySemi-Retired/ConsultingSpecialisttechnical marketingTechnical WriterTechnician (Maintenance & Repair)Yes

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

Private industry – management 129 21.4%

Private industry - technical 309 51.3%

Public/government 68 11.3%

Educational institution 73 12.1%

Non-profit institution (non-educational) 23 3.8%

Total 602 100.0%

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

What is your primary work responsibility?q22-...Among others things, my ideal employer would subscribe to IEEE standards and allow technical staff unfettered access for reasons of curiousity alone.As a member of the IEEE, the cost for the Power Standards are prohibitive personally and very difficult to get my Employer, an equipment manufacturer, topurchase as part of the design process for industrial power system used internallyAs I am responsible for original & basic principals for new and innovative advanced electronic equipment design, standards are of virtually no relevance!(Isn't that great!)Basically, while standards are important, I don't see a need for training on standards - at least for me, having started around 1980 in JTC1/SC24 (and itspredecessors) "Computer Graphics" (later + "and Multimedia") - but also in general. Besides, perhaps, giving an overview about standards families (e.g.that of IEC 61508), standards should be sufficiently self explaining rather than needing extra training.Cimpletely useless survey, waste if time and effort. Also repeated invitation emails are a form of abusedeveloping verified standard is must for achieving again and again the well standard product with higher degree/ probability of success in the process. Inpursuit of same it is also very much important to train all those involved in the process implementation stages and related share holders. So adequateemphases must be given to impart these knowledge to all at cheapest cost as possible.GoodI am not sure I completely understood all the survey questions and thought some of them were poorly written.I am self-employed, which is why I answered "employer will pay all expenses", because employer is ME.I am so accustomed to self-training using standards specifications that I have limited interest in alternatives. For me, the cost of training has been limitedto the cost of getting a copy of the relevant standard (usually covered by an employer) plus the time to study it (usually partly covered by my employer,but mostly my own time).I do more research, which is before standards are importantI expect scope for my Nanomaterials and Materials engineering at IEEEI have well-mixed experience of 12 years in teaching+research, 12 years in industrial R&D and now shifting my job back to university as a professor withteaching + consulting+ research interest and am interested in getting trained in existing standards and subsequently to contribute to develop new standards.- Regards JayeshI let my P.E. license expire because it was more a hindrance than a help. When I removed my P.E. license from my resume, I got more job offers. U.S.industry despises technical excellence.I see that most of the folks involved in developing standards have lot of experience in the corresponding area, which is really wonderful. They do anexcellent job. The problem I see is the gap between the younger generation and the experienced involved in developing standards. I believe once thesefolks retire we could leave a big hole. So it is important to encourage and involve the younger folks in developing standards. They may not have theexpertise but could work together with an senior person. As an example you could given an assignment to two folks - young and experienced. Thatinteraction between the two helps a lot to fill the hole.I stay in IEEE to learn what is going on in the industry and to see what I might be able to apply in our plants.I think most of the trainings on standarts are really good, but there should be more trainings oriented to the work , where you can really see the theory onpractise, real cases. I took course LTE overview, fundaments were good but i felt that case study could have added value to training.I think this survey is biased towards the USA?I use IEEE for there information in general on electrical network, not about the standarss.I want to develop myself to an expert position in Instrumentation and control, both design and Engineering. I am ready to sacrifice time and money toattending workshops, seminars, and lectures,just to achieve my dream. I really appreciate this survey. Thank you.I was the Technical Area Manager of IEC/TC100/TA8 from 2002 to 2007.I'd like to enrol/participate in activities related to standard's development and/or implementation. Thanks.IEEE continually makes it difficult for engineers to do their job. There should be four engineers sitting where I sit now. The IEEE’s insistence upon hard copyversions of current standards, and not off-line (stand-alone), easily searchable files is a shame. Although necessary for my job, my employer currentlyprovides one current standard and no versions of the couple dozen standards I could use. That makes quick access of the one I do have necessary. IEEE hastold engineers they will have the pdf’s out ‘soon’ and they never come – and are never available. Shame on you.IEEE is a good forum to develop personal skills and quality of standards in a Researcher's Life.I'm from Argentine, and it's very difficult to access this kind of courses on Standards, even more nobody knows how important is for proffesional career.I'm glad you are doing this.In my country, Venezuela, we have restriction to obtain foreing currency and is expensive for us.It is a good way of collecting personal intuition.I have intuition to obtain new technology training. I would prefer if IEEE can assist me for access.it sounds to me that the specification or standards sometimes not merely technical but technical-political specification, which makes the specification veryless valuable technically.Many IEEE offers are in the US. I am in Europe and my company would not pay for travelling to a training in the US.Many IEEE standards contain "optional" add-ons put there by some parties for self-interest. These lead to unnecessary complications in the standards.Most of my work experience has been in medical device R&D and Product development.My employer currently has restrictions on travel. Online education works best for me, or workshops held locally.My field is rapidly advancing and the standards that do come out are obsolete and much too expensive.My teaching schedule constrains my ability to attend lectures, talks etc. We are not paid for time away even if it is for trainingn.a.N/AN/ANeed intro on what standards are being talked about.NILnil

NononoNoNo CommentsNo, Tkank youNo~non.NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone.none.Not a bad survey.Not a very well constructed survey. Choice of responses assumed a level of interest/desire to attend which was not necessarily present.On line standards training is a good idea indeed.only one comment It is very interesting the survey Good luck with the outcomePlease let me know about your results!Promote awareness and use of standards by educating the engineering public about their existence, their role(s) and their benefitsQuestions should be shown on the invitation mails. Responders cannot figure out how long it will take to answer.Regarding employer covering costs of training. The ability to participate would be constrained by the available budget and the location of the training wouldbe pertinent factor.some of your questions are not well constructedStandards are very important in the engineering field and should be encouraged to be adhered to by all professionals.Standards training is recognised essential by practitioners but I doubt that it is valued by budget holders!Thank you, IEEE Standards are Important for my line of work!ThanksThanksThanks for the survey!the acceptable price was considered on a private paid tuition fee (no contribution from employer considered)The need for specific education depends on what I need to know for the project I am working on.The Quebec, Canada, board of engineers (OIQ) recently announced a requirement for certified continuing education. Any training offered by the IEEE wouldhave to be certifiable and offer proof of attendance to be of any use to Quebec engineers.There are few indepth technical topics in my field that would warrent extensive standards training, however, presentation of introduction, overview and keypoints, followed by self-paced (probably online) training would be applicable and of interest to me. In some cases, a short course or lecture series may beappropriate.There needs to be much more activity in training on Standards. Everything is based on Standards these days. There is learning the STandard and learningthe science as to why the Standard specs are the way they are.There was a question on whether employer would pay for entire costs (i.e. cost of conference, workshop, travel, hotel, etc). I put that they would pay all ofit. But my current employer is also very frugal and somewhat balks at this training. So, although they do pay for all of the costs, it is somewhat rare thatthey actually allow their engineers to attend these events. In the past seven years I've attended two out-of-town conferences and one closeby seminar.This is really not applicable to what I am doing.Training in general is very hard to get funded at most companies...they talk the talk about not having a trained work force but sure don't want to pay for iteither.Unemployment: Many engineers are unemployed, willing to work, but not considered because of age, even though many of us are healthier, far moreproficient, possess unquestionable professional integrity and commitment, than several up and coming, lack of experience youngster. The saga does notseem to project an end.Very well designed queries.We have our standards here in the company these are our reference. This thing might keep us away from reading international standards.Whenever I need to learn about a standard I go to the standards docs. I'd rather have a root canal.Your best course of action is to setup an online course, with lots of examples/applications/implementations shown, and source code would be good. Trypartnering with Kahn.org or someone to speed up the process.

Copyright IEEE (C) 2013

Appendix B - Questionnaire


RegionRecoded - RegionRecoded

[Recoded variable]


US (1) Canada (2) Europe/Africa/Middle East (3) Latin America (4) Asia/Pacific (5)

IEEECurrentGradeCodeRecoded - IEEECurrentGradeCodeRecoded

[Recoded variable]


Student (1) Higher Grade (2) Life (3) Affiliate (4) Honorary (5) Standards (6)

i1 - Intro

Thank you for your participation in this survey regarding education on standards. Most of the questions will ask for specific responses or choices. You will also have several opportunities to express your opinions in your own words. Your response to this survey is very important. All responses will be kept confidential and will only be reported on at the aggregate level. For questions related to the survey, please contact: Lesleigh Campanale [email protected] Associate Manager, IEEE Strategic Research 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA +1 732 562 5551, phone +1 732 981 9515, fax

q1 - q1

Overall, how important or not is having a basic understanding of technical standards to your career?

A technical standard is a document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results. Examples of standards include Underwriters Lab (UL) standards, IEEE standards, such as IEEE 802 standards, ISO/IEC standards, and many more.

Not at all important 1 (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

Very important 5 (5)







true false

Question q2(q2)

q2 - q2

[Not required]

Overall, how confident or not are you in your basic understanding of standards?

Not at all confident 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4)

Very confident 5 (5)


q3 - q3

[Not required]

How important or not are each of the following areas related to standards to you in your career?

Not at all important 1 (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

Very important 5 (5)

Developing standards (the process) (1) Applying or implementing standards (2)

q4 - q4

[Not required]

How confident or not are you in your skills in each of the following areas related to standards?

Not at all confident 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4)

Very confident 5 (5)

Developing standards (the process) (1) Applying or implementing standards (2)

q5 - q5

[Open Text Not required]

Which technology areas are important to your career?

Please list up to five areas.

1. (1) ______________________________ 2. (2) ______________________________ 3. (3) ______________________________ 4. (4) ______________________________ 5. (5) ______________________________

q6 - q6

In the last five years from what organization or company, if any, have you received education or training on standards?

Please select all that apply.

College or university Bachelor’s or Master’s program (1) IEEE workshop or seminar (not including participating in standards development) (2) Another professional association (please specify) (3)____________ [Other] Training through a former place of employment (4) Training through my current place of employment (5) Through participation in a standards development group (6) From reading a standard (7) Other (please specify) (8)____________ [Other] No education or training received in standards (9) [Exclusive]





!(f(’q6’).any(’9’)) && f(’q6’).size() >= 2

true false

Question q7(q7)

q7 - q7

[Not required]

What form of training did you most recently receive?

College or university Bachelor’s or Master’s program (1) IEEE workshop or seminar (not including participating in standards development) (2) ^f("q6_3_other")^ (3) Training through a former place of employment (4) Training through my current place of employment (5) Through participation in a standards development group (6) From reading a standard (7) ^f("q6_8_other")^ (8) No education or training received (9)


Condition !(f(’q6’).any(’9’)) && f(’q6’).size() >= 2






true false

Question q8(q8)

q8 - q8

[Not required]

Overall, how useful or not useful was the training you most recently received?

Not at all useful 1 (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

Very useful 5 (5)



Condition !(f(’q6’).any(’9’))

q9 - q9

[Not required]

Overall, how interested or not are you in personally receiving education on standards?

Not at all interested 1 (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

Very interested 5 (5)


q10 - q10

[Not required]

On what specific topics, if any, would you like to receive training on standards?

q11 - 11

[Not required]

Given all other factors were favorable (for example, cost, time, location, and so on), how likely or not would you be to use or participate in training on standards?

Not at all likely 1 (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

Very likely 5 (5)


q12 - q12

[Not required]

How likely or not would you be to use or participate in the following training opportunities on standards?

Not at all likely 1 (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

Very likely 5 (5)

Online training (1) In-person training (2) Workshops and Panel Sessions at Conferences (3) Speakers at events (Lecture series and/or keynote speaker) (4)

q13 - q13

What requirements, if any, would training on standards have to meet in order for you to participate? (Please select all that apply.)

Training is accredited by an external organization. (1) Certification of completion must be provided (2) Training provided by a technical experts (3) Other (please specify) (4)____________ [Other]

q14 - q14

[Not required]

If there were opportunities for you to obtain training on standards, how much or little of a time commitment would

you be willing to invest?

Please select all that apply.

q14_1 - None

q14_2 - Less than 1 hour

q14_7 - 1 to 2 hours

q14_3 - 2 to 4 hours

q14_4 - 1 day

q14_5 - 2 to 3 days

q14_6 - 3 or more days

Online, self-paced tutorials (1) Workshops (2) Keynote speakers (3) In-person training (4) Access to case studies (5) Panel sessions at conferences (6) Lecture series (7)

q15 - q15

[Not required]

If there were opportunities for you to obtain education in standards, please indicate the registration fee (not including travel expenses) you would expect for each type of activity.

Please select all that apply.

q15_1 - US$50 or


q15_2 - US$51 to US$100

q15_3 - US$101 to


q15_4 - US$151 to


q15_5 - US$251 to


q15_6 - US$351 to


q15_7 - More than US$500

Online, self-paced tutorials (1)

Workshops (2) Keynote speakers (3) In-person training (4) Access to case studies (5) Panel sessions at conferences (6)

Lecture series (7)

q16 - q16

How much or little would your employer be likely to pay for, or reimburse you, for training on standards?

Employer would pay only for cost of an online course (1) Employer would pay for the total cost (includes travel, lodging, and so on) (2) Employer would pay for partial costs (includes travel, lodging, and so on) (3) Employer would only pay for the course (excludes travel, lodging, and so on) (4) Employer would not pay any part of the cost (5) Not applicable/ I do not know (6)


Condition !(f(’q1’)[’1’]==’1’)






true false

Question q17(q17)

q17 - q17

Please indicate why your employer would not be willing to pay any part of the cost.

Please select all that apply.

Knowledge in standards is not critical to my current job (1) My employer already offers training in standards (2) My employer does not pay for any education (3)

Other (please specify) (4)____________ [Other]


Condition f(’q16’)==’5’

q18 - q18

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Some college (1) Vocational/technical degree/certification (less than a Bachelor’s degree) (2) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (3) Graduate/professional degree (4) Doctoral degree (5) Other (please specify) (6)____________ [Other]






true false

Question q19(q19)

q19 - q19

Indicate all of the fields in which you hold a degree.

Please select all that apply.

Biomedical Engineering (1) Computer science (2) Computer engineering (3) Business or finance (4) Electrical or electronics engineering (5) Industrial engineering (6) Law (7) Materials science/engineering (8) Mathematics (9) Mechanical engineering (10) Medicine (11) Physics (12) Systems engineering (13) Information technology (14) Other (please specify) (15)____________ [Other]

q20 - q20

What is your primary work responsibility?

Management: engineering/scientific (1) Management : software/IT (2) Management: all others (3) Engineering design (4) Engineering application (5) Software development (6) Education/teaching (7) Consulting (8) Retired (9) Unemployed (10) Other (please specify) (11)____________ [Other]


Condition !(f(’q18’)==’1’)





f(’q20’)==’1’ || f(’q20’)==’2’ || f(’q20’)==’3’ || f(’q20’)==’4’ || f(’q20’)==’5’ || f(’q20’)==’6’ || f(’q20’)==’7’

true false

Question q21(q21)

q21 - q21

[Not required]

Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

Private industry – management (1) Private industry - technical (2) Public/government (3) Educational institution (4) Non-profit institution (non-educational) (5)


Condition f(’q20’)==’1’ || f(’q20’)==’2’ || f(’q20’)==’3’ || f(’q20’)==’4’ || f(’q20’)==’5’ || f(’q20’)==’6’ || f(’q20’)==’7’

q22 - q22

[Not required]

If you have any additional comments regarding the topics in this survey, please indicate them here.


P Complete – Thank you very much for your input. Once you click on OK, your answers will be saved and you will be taken to the IEEE home page.

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