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Page 1: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu

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Page 2: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson



- -

Page 3: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson



Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Reporting his recent marriage and say-

ing he is living 3 miles west of New-town.

Lawtons, New York

January 15 Lf;wton StAtion, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Announcing his recent marriage Lto

Elsina Billy - she living on Tonawanda

Reservetion]; giving the daily sched-ule of the New Year Ceremonies com-

mencing on January 26th.

lSee letters of l2/3l/2~; 1/13/30 and7/30/30]

J Bl1US.ry 21

Sackett Hemlock to Joseph Keppler

Annonncingda.te for Night Song as Feb-ruary 1st And the commencement of NewYear's CerP-Mony on Janua.ry 26th.

January 24

Lyman Johns0n to Joseph Keppler

Reporting prepar~tions for the NewYear Ceremonies.

Jenuary 25

Ho"!arc Jimers'm to Joseph Keppler

Saying that all are well on the Reser-veti~n and announcingthe date of theNew Yepr' s D~nce as February 7th.

January 29

William Sandy to JosephKeppler

Requesting information about ~onies due

the Tutela nation for lands given '~p in

VirginiA ~d saying that the Indians'

copy of the treaty, the original being

in Ric~~ond, was destroyed in a.firewhich consumed John Harris' house.

C.8,4.; '1

Lawton, LNew York]

H.}.I. 5

Akron, New York

J -J-Z 3

Caledonia. Ont., Can.

s.z z

Page 4: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

ll909 con.]

Februa.ry 8

!.!1tcha11 Dlbo to Joseph Kep-pler

No answer to their letter to Wagnerand Garrison on the Canadian Iroquoi~claim B.gpinst St"!te of He", Yor1clThere is a note in Keppler's handasking ~or copies of Acts o~ 1841and1844 pnd copies of annuity receipts18('1'1-1841]LThis will be fOlmd under 'CeughnawagaClaim"in J.K. Ms. Collection]

February 9

George Jacoos to Jo~eph Keppler

Announcing his arriv~l in New YorkCity on "Thur~day morning."

February 11

Howard Ji~erson to Joseph Keppler

Saying the New Year ceremonies ~eresuccessful; anno1L.'lcing a SiX' '1atlonsmeeting at Cold Spring, New York, inthe autumn, AAd asking about feathers.He iR ne.king ~. model canoe.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

February 11

Mrs. Young Lpv t~ Joseph Keppler

Saying she is ~a~ing ~ basket for him.This is on a Hprtman T'icture post ca.rclbut it evidently had an envelope coverA.S it beer!'! npi ther stam-p nor post msr'\..


Caughna.waga',P. Q;u.e.


Lawton, New York


Tunespssa, New York

Jasper Jacobs to Joseph Keppler

Lewton Statirm, New York

Req'lesting informption AS to whetherhis father, ~eorge Jacobs, is stillir~ :re'ft Yor}:.LP'1~e 4. is marked: Ans't''3red, inKe:;pler 's hpnd]

Februa.ry ?5

Simon George to Josp,h Keppler

Offering for sale an old snow snakemade by his fether, Jame~ George.LMar~ed: Ans~ered, in Keppl~~'s hand]

" J.t.'

Akron, New York


Page 5: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

February 25

March 6

March 9

March 12

March 13

April 5

l1909 con.]

Howard Jimerson to Joseph Keppler

Asking that samples of feathers besent him.LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Reporting death of his dR.ughter,Geneva, on March 1st.

Howard Jimerson to Joseph Keppler

Saying he wants $1.50 for the modelcanoe and .50 cents a ~iece for the

husk dolls, and that he will take theleast expensive feathers. Reports anepidemic of measles on the Reserv8-tion which hAS caused the death offour childrenin a month.lM~.rked: IIAns. $1.00 for dolls, canoereturned," in Keppler's hand]

Lyman Johnson to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Saying they haye no more green corn;that Keppler need not hurry about theIImedicine";that there is to be a Con-dolence Ceremony at Onondaga on March16th.

Sally Jacobs to Joseph Keppler

[post card]

Complaining that she has not hp.~.rd fromKeppler in a long time and hoping he isnot dead.

Joseph Keppler to Arthur Parker

Discussing Keppler's bre8k with Taha-mont.

[This is a copy in Keppler's hand and

marked "Confidential."]


Tunesassa, New York


Akron, New York

Steamburg, New York



)1i_~ 'PL. '"

C, L 0:.'T 011

New York


.. P.2 _}O

1l -......f E'

'- I

J. )- z.10

.l t,Pr" '.jL.t:,.


F J,-"'. 17

Page 6: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

April 7

May 3

May 4

. May 12

May 18

May 30

[1909 con.]

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Kp.pplerL3 sheets]

Expressing his regret over the Taha-mont matter and discussing several!;sles of specimens in which Tahamonthad been involved.[The verso of 3 carries, in Keppler IShand, the word" accoJ!l})agny.lI]


Albany, N. Y.

.r v'.

Plank Roe.d, Cattaraugus Res.. Ne," York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Requesting loan of the old mask for ecoming feast.

Hoses Stacey Lfor Councilmen] toJoseph Keppler

Inquiring as to case of Canadian Iro-9'10is Bf,''''inst State of Ne'1 Yor1.c.LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

'IL E. H

K5 lozCaughnawaga.P. Que.

R.1<'.D. 5, Syre.cuse, New York

LMrs.] Chapman Schanandoah to JosephKeppler

Sending $60 in repayment of loan andreport:!.ng illness of' the baby.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Delo~ B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Rxolaining delay in the return of thefl'll sefa.ce.

Chapman Sch~mandoah to Joseph Keppler[? sheets 1

Asking if his wife re,aid the moneyborrowed froM Keppler; sending someba.yrum; anno'~ncin~ hi s weight as 2:'5pounds.

--- - -

JCCC:Ph .t..


Plan1.c Roa.d, New York

Jf): <" I<E. "! i....('.UL

New Orleans, La.

';'''QUI: \1 .R'

,"~ t:...

(JL... ~,~:~

Page 7: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

June 7

June 11

June 15

JUllS 21

[1909 con.]

L. Everett Schneidar to Joseph KepplerLz she"ts~

C'Vtli:::..;nb in considerpble detail hisplar. to procure for Keppler at leasttwo of the five belts no~ et GrandRiver Reservation in \',rhich, he hnsheard through Lyman Johnson, Keppleris interested.[The verso of 3 carries ~pnciled memo-ra.nda in Keppler's 11.F,nr.]'

LYffianJohnson to Joseph Kep~lerL2 sheets]

Reporting that he has at le.stbeenab1e to ~et S"Y1I"';l'e~n corn; askiugKeppler if some agency will purchesehis father's reme~v to cure the drink-ing hnbi t; ...,'ondering if E\ game can bearrenged with the Crescent AthleticCl'lb fC!r the lpcrosse teaIli and statingthe Tonaw~~dp teron is much strongerthan that fro~ Catt8ra~ls.[This letter is in the hand of L.~verett Schneider [cf. ] e.nc. it carriesE\ postsc 1ut si.gned b'T him attestingthe T,rowes,> )f the Tona.1"anr.p team.]


A)rron, New Yer],.

"S.},J., 'I

Akron, New York

J.lo.t, ,8

~dwerd Cornplanter to Jose]Jh Keppler

1pvton St~tion, ~ew YC!r~


Announcin5 th Strawberry DanceatNewtown Long House on June 19th.LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Arthur C. P~rker to Joseph Keppler[DOSt c r>rd]

Announcin5 th~ successful completiouof the Strawberry Festival, And sayin5Lo.. fACe of cq,rd] that Kelly [Lay] !.u:!sIf,~p]Jl >r' S S..11)"'-sn!'lke of blEtC;o;:...'alnu t.

", c.f) 9'

L::owton IS. ~!. Y,.

"(, I 11(,,,

Page 8: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson


August 12

August 20

August 24

September 4.

[1909 con.]

Lymrol Johnson to ~oseph Keppler

Saying the Tonawanda Seneca-Railw3i/Company agreement has been located atlast and arrangements have been made

to have it copied; that preparations

are being made for the coming Six Na-

tions meeting; that his father's rheu-

matic remedy is most efficient; report-

ing that the West Shore Railroad seeksmore Reservation land in order to

double-track their line.

[This is on the stationery of L. Everett

Schneider, and is in his hand.]

Henry W. Sackett to Joseph Keppler

Announcing Keppler's appointment bythe Mayor as a member of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission.

[This is on the stationery of the Com-

mission, of which Sackett was Secretary.]


Akron, New York



Fol..J.~1NO. , ')

New York, New York

IROQ", 1<:




1001.. li...i No. A 3

R.F.D. 5, Syracuse, New York

[Mrs.] Chapman Schanandoah to JosephKeppler

In~liring about Indian bead manufac-turers and saying Bennie is a year oldand is learning to walk.

lMarked; Answered, in Keppler's handJ

IRon' SPA "

JOSEP'"! ...~

COLLE\.. TI(lr

FOI..$'9 NC..)z

Lawton Station, New York

Kelly Lay to Joseph Keppler

Saying the date for the Green CornDance has not been set; that he Crolnot

leave with the group going to New York

next month and that he is shipping the

flute Keppler wanted.

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Enclosing copy of the Tonawanda Seneca

- Railway Comp.any agreementwhich costhim $4.00; reporting a coming lacrosse





FOIo. ~.ZNO..7

Akron, New York



Page 9: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1909 con.]

September 10

F. E. Moore to Joseph Keppler

Saying that he is endeavoring to get125 Indians together for the Hudson-Fulton Celebration and asking for sug-gestions.

October 14

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Saying thet the Council voted to makean additional grant of land to the WestShore Railroad; regretting that hisfather's poor health prevented him fromattending the Hudson-~~lton celebration.

October 21

Alice White to Joseph Keppler

Saying that her brother, Hiram Jacobs,visited on his way home from New Yorkand they are preparing to go to theSix Nations meeting in Canada on Octo-ber 23.

October 28

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler[post card]

Announcing se,iling orders for Ports-mouth, New Hampshire.

November 10

Sally Jacobs to Joseph Keppler

Asking for clothing and suggesting thatmoney be sent so that she may procuresome of proper size.LOn the verso is noted in Keppler's hand:"Ans.: Dec. 6th: enclosure."J


Middletown, Ohio

Il SEPr .(''"'ll..-f. \..ill,;

M .{., No. I

Akron, New York


/) F "



. 01.. J.I.,."'~ 2'

Steamburg, New York

,/< )\

'4WA-' 7

Guantanimo , CubaIF(Jr, )ISt ,.1'

.J()~l.t' r:>i...' ,)

. ~OL_I:. r II,

Steamburg, New York

'OSE')~I ~r' Ft,)'Lt. ;ur.

Page 10: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1909 can.] 8.

November 11 R.F.D. 5, Syracuse, New York

Charles Doxon to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Sayin~ he has returned to OnondagaCastle for good; that the Virginiaclimate did not agree with him; thathe sent George Van Every, Jr. to Hamp-ton Institute "this fall" and askingif Keppler could arrange to give theboy work during his four-mQnth summervacations.

[Verso of p. 2 marked: Answered, inKeppler's hand]

IRr -'lIotF.A ,r


COLlEL : I'Ji\l

December I Caughnawaga, P. Q;u.e.

Moses Stacey [for Councilmen~] toJoseph Keppl er

,~( 't"

','" -

Making further inquiry as to case ofCanaclian Iroquois a{;ainst the Stateof New York.[Marked: Ans¥ered, in Keppler's hand]


s.~ z..

December 4 U.S.S. Dubuque, Portsmouth, N. H.

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Saying that his family's old homestea.dis now in the hands of white people.[Marked: "Ans. Dec. 6th" in Keppler'shand]

December 8 U.S.S. Dubuque, Portsmouth, N. H.

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Reporting that a Mr. Decker of Rochesteris to continue the case and askingKeppler to write Decker for full detailsof the case; that his mother and uncle,,'ere thrown or carried forcibly from thehouse; that Rockwell is not at Oneida ~tthis writing.

"eVLl 'Inr..


s.~ " 35

December 14 [Post Mark] Steambur~t New York

Sally Jacobs to Joseph Keppler[post card]

Acknowledging money sent her.

Page 11: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson


January 8

Alice White to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Announcing the coming New Year's Cere-

mony and the deRths of her brother-in-

law's, Reuben White's, daughter on

January 1, and those of neighboringtwin bf'.bies.

[The verso of 2 carries memoranda in

Keppler's hand, the address of Wm. H.

Rockwell in Syracuse and that of Chap-

man Schammdoah on the U. S.S. Dubuqueand its Commander's name, John E.Craven.]

January 14

Ste~mburg, Ne~ York

JRt, ,"""P TP',

.IOc,\[Pt .FPDL EJ',,'OLl: ~TI{)""

Edward Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Lawton.Station, New York

Announcing beginning of New Year's

Ceremony on January 16th.

[Page 4 carries, in Keppler's hand:"Rec. Jan. 17th: Ans. Jan. 19th"]

January 20

Alice White to Joseph Keppler

Announcing the deeth of her mother,

Sally Jacobs, on January 11.

[Marked: "Ans. Jan. 28th" in Keppler'shand]

Februa.ry 10

Charlotte Sundown to Joseph Keppler

Request ~ore pieces of silk for quilts.

February 14

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler[3 sheets]

Inq~iring if he received a letter writ-

ten in January announcing the New YearCeremony; reporting several deaths on

the Reservatirm an~ that they have hadhea.vy snow.

[Marked: "Ans. Feb. 18th" in Kep'Pler'shand]

f r_i::.'c

)~ F ~I '.

Coldspring, New York

JI . 010.0~i-

C .Le. I..-

:'(JI, W..4 tote'1

Akron, New York:lFUl.>~ "


II .,E.Jt-' 'PPL.!'


F' S.8j ZPlank Road

r.: I ~~\

Page 12: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

Februa.ry 23

March 4

March 7

March 14

March 21

March 31

[1910 con. ] 2.

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph KepDler

Lawton Station, New York

Reporting his mother criticRlly ill andexplaining the probabilities of why hisannouncement of the Ne'ol'Year Ceremonydid not reach Keppler; other illnessesarp- mentioned and he states ,this "Ii ttlel!girl is doing well in school and can nolonger speak the Iroquois lan~lage.

,10. .~'I

,.. )L '--"-' i0N

George Van mvery to Josenh Keppler

R.F.D. 5, Syracuse, New York

Saying he desires to purchase moreland andasking to borrow $100 at 7%interest, putting up three horses anda yearling colt as security.

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Reporting on the price of corn-huskslippers made by ¥rs. Steward Jones.[Verso marked: Answered, in Keppler'shand]

Joseph Keppler to Delos B. Kittle

Rough handwritten copy of a letter ex-pressing his regret at learning thatKittle's daughter cannot ~Deak hernative tongue.

< i



Newtown, New York

JO.I 'PLE~COLl,,( ,,)t,1

New York, New York

II lOi<'

JOSEPf.i I<t 'L.i:.'

GOll.." i01'1

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

u.s.S. DubuQue, Key West, Fla.

Saying that news from home informs himthat his brother, Albert, is severelyill; asking how the favor he asked ofKeppler is working out; there werequite a number of Indians at the PanamaCanal Celebration in Tampa the preced-ing month and naming severe~.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Ju~r:. 1:...rUL,.1:.

George Van Every to Josenh KepDler

R.F.D. 5, Syracuse, New YorkIP )\

Saying he would like to have the $50for 18 months at 5% interest.

I .

Page 13: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1910 con. ] 3.

April 8 R.F.D. 5, Syrl'lcuse, New York

Apr 11 27

April 28

May 23

George Van ~very to Joseph Keppler

Expressing his appreciation for theloan of $50 for 18 months with inter-est at 5%.

Alice White to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Announcing the tleath of her son,George, and those of other childrenearlier.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]


.!')"EP ,,""LEt-~{'LL.r T o~

v. Z N( J./.

Steamburg, New York


J',)"E.f KEPPU...t-COI.LE Tlot

0, . W.4 N" 10

Louisa Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Lawton Station, New York

Reporting the death of her sister,Julia Jones, on April 27th and thatnow she has neither sisters norbrothers; asking a contribution tothe death feast.

Alice \fuite to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

!H')Que 'I:. .F

j(' "~ "H t c:. JF i...F..

C(J LL" I uN

"" K.~.4' z

Steamburg, New York

I' ".'U(II~'t.r.S

J iEPI-i I'E.PPLE...

Re'T)orting that 14 people from the Res- Cl'llE.CTI"1\I

ervation including their daughter t '. w.4 (\In I IGra.ce, had gone to Ne'...York 'viith -lIr. poore. LMoore was a showman]

May 24 Bluefields, Nicaragua

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler[? ~heetsJ

Describing hostilities then going onbetween the Nicaraguan government andthe rebels; squads have be~n landedfrom his ship and the Paducah to gu.ardthe city of Bluefields; describing anoverhauling of the ship "Veanis" butmentinning that the United Fruit shipsthl'1t B,re not molested are running allsorts of arms.

Page 14: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1910 con.]

Week of June 6

July 5

July 7

July 10


LRwton Station, New York!kv1l '"

."Edward Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler[post cerd]

Anno1mcing Stra.wberry Dance "next S\m-dav," June 12th.

Joseph Kepplpr to Cp.ry W. HI'I.rtmanlz sheetsJ

Discussing Hartman's residence on theCattaraugus Reservation without sanc-tion of the people or the Council enddisnutin~ Hartman's cle.im th~.t thereis no opposition to his having movedonto the Reservation.[There is a tynewritten unsigned origi-nal and a corrected cprbon coPy, signedby typewriter, of this letter.J

Alice White to Joqeph Keppler

Thanking him for "l.);)king after" herdaughter and saying she is gla.dMr. Moore is withholding some of herdaughter's salary as she will need itfor her family when she gets home.

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppl er[2 sheets]

Thanking Keppler for presenting hisretition to the Secretary of the Navybut that it had been referred to hiscomMending officer and he does not be-lieve anything will come of it, flSboth he and the chief engineer wouldnot want to lose him, if possible; thewarring over interior gold fields stille;oes on.LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]


New York, Ne~ York

(ROC' TOI,:,

p" .r

"pI-! r':EP"'U.R. L.C ,Iul';

H,z.z. .

Steamburg, New York

IR'" )U01.sp ~(

Bluefields, Nicaragua



If ~. t<.l- ,..'

L. I-" 1("

oJ' ',EH , .fl'l


Wl/.. IZ

Page 15: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

August 10

October 10

October 14

November 5

November 12

[l~lO con.]

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

[2 sheets]

Discussing the publication of his workon the Hiawa.tha myths, the Constitution

of the Five Nations, and the Code ofHandsome Lake and his source of infor-

mation concerning them, but lack of

appropriations make their early publi-ca.tion irrrorobeble.

[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Edw8rd Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Announcing death of his daughter Martha

the preceding day and asking a contri-bution to the Death Feast.

[Marked: "Ans.; $2 enclosed" in Keppler'shand]

Grace D. White to Joseph Keppler

Saying she returned safely and thatthey are going to Boston with theF. E . Moore show on November 6.

[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]


AI bany, N. Y.


.,t..,)'1 KEPP' .HiLL _T'l""

Newt~wn, New York

IIK2l 1<


'\ _r"IL'r

00LL, <.-'"

Steamburg, New York

,Oi")qUC ISP

J(,<ff'd .,," I:.F'COLl :(;T', ill

fOI;..WAA.j. '. I

Onondaga Castle, New York

Frank Logan to Joseph Keppler

Asking reduced railroad fare tickets

for group attending Six Nation's meet-


LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's handJ

)1 "'.>,

..y E ~

fa ,L .\ l-N

Fe:., L.t,.z N" 4-

R.F.D. 5, Syracuse,New YorkII."" 'UO!~.

Enoch Scanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Seeking em:r>loymentas a snare or ba.ssdrummer.

JO~I "'~ '.L' r'l

C."LLE~ luN

Fo! S.3.Z r~r./o

[post mark] Lawton Station, New York

Edward Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

[post card]

Reporting all well in Newtown.

,;, 'J('

JI)G' .. L'; ~('I.LF' .,~


Page 16: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1910 con.] 6.

November 17 Lawton Station, New York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Requesting loan of the old mask for a

coming ceremony.

lMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

November 29

N. C. Patterson to Joseph Kepplerl3 sheet s]

Announcing th~t at a convention of the

Seneca Nation he w~s appointed to reg-

ister the disapproval of that Nationof the payment of $118,050.00 to the

Indians in severalty, and requesting

Keppler to be present at Long Houseat Newto'~ on December 10th.

November 30

tp. Ii 'lIO~

po, 'E"

v:,FPI-1 k' '" ,1"'


Versailles, New York

It( ,,015

F' ~.FS

JOi>..,'~ ,~F, 'P

Cv,L T(>

Lawton Station, New York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Apologizing for delay in returning the

falseface to Keppler.


Joseph Keppler to Thomas Jones

Undated, but probably an answer toJones' inquiry as to drawing his share

of the $118,050.00 fund, and advisinghim to let it remain with the U. S.


LThis is in Keppler's hand]

December 7

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Calling attenti0n to the long articlein the Buffalo Evening News of Decem-

ber 5, 1910 on the conditions on the

Cattaraugus Reservation ,compiled by

Cary W. Har tman as an apT>eal for funds,and branding it as "ingenuous slander."[The verso carries an address "W. T.Larned, 7 Phelps Place, New Brighton"in Keppler's hand]

IR I/j'.JUI,

P ;",

.IO!>E:"I- "E.PP..io."COLLEcn AI!

rJr 5


Albany, New York

'1. H.z.z r, '. Z.

Page 17: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1910 con. J

December 13

T. F. Jamerson toArthur Parkerl3 sheets]

Announcing thatthepeople on Catta-raugus Reservation have t?ken theBuffalo "News" article as an insult

and urging Parker to make reply toit. Reporting in detail Hartman's

appearance before the Seneca NationalCouncil which refused to confirm his


December 14

N. C. Patterson to Joseph Kepplerl5 sheets]

Saying that the petition has been sent

out for signatures; reporting a meet-ing at Newtown longhouse attended by

James McLaughlin and W. R. L,ogan, fromthe Department of Interior; discussingthe distribution of the $118,050 and

citing many laws covering the rightsof the New York Indians and their

appeals for rrotection to many courts.

December 19


Brant. New York

!ROA ' )IS

P c;:::;


COLL, '" "'i

FOI~H.t::.z." )

Versailles, New York

lOSE PI. ,.E "PLi:.PCC.,LI:.( r T ,'I

Cha,pman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

U.S.S. Tallah~ssee, Newport News, Va.

Mentioning his transfer to the "Talla-hassee" now working to raise the sunken"puritlm" but that he expects they willreturn to Washington soon.

December '),0

Thomas Jones to Joseph Keppler

Asking about annuity money and request-ing Keppler to come to Tonawanda Reser-

vation and explain tpe matter as he

did at Cattaraugus.

December 20

Arthur C. Parkerto Joseph Keppler

Asking Keppler to look over the article

and vouchers sent and requesting com-ment on it before sendingit toMr. Mallon Lof the New York Sun 1]

Akron, New York

If<c'uLp '.

ell 'r.to PPll'.F(:f)LL~_' . I(~.

Albany, New York

I"" ~l '15~. ,~

J( "-Pi-! KE!""L,£R

cr LL.. : II 'N

fOI~ H_~.z: 4-

Page 18: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

L19l0 con.]

December 29

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Saying that the "Sun" article will do

as a start [see clipping, New York "Sun"

December 28] and asking Keppler to sup-

ply him with the documentary evidenceof Hartman's earlier crookedness; de-

scribing D. M. Silver of Buffalo as

"Being a lawyer who fattens on Indian

cases"; saying he hopes to have the

Albany "Knickerbocker Press" publishan article in the fight against Hartman.

December 29

Grace D. White to Joseph Keppler

Saying she is ill and asking about the

medicine Keppler got for her when she wasat Glen Island Lwith the F. E. Moore show]

which had helped her so much.

[There is a penciled memoranda in Keppler's

hand on p. 4J



Albany, New York




FOL. H..;:.zNO"

Steamburg. New York



FO!;. ~ t/-.4NO.Z

Page 19: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

? July 10

. January

January 9

January 10


Alice White to Joseph Keppler

Discussing the matter of obtaining

some brooches at Randolph.

Farnham Cook to Josaph Keppler

Making inquiry as to subscriptiontoWashington paper recording activitiesof "United States Council" LCongres-sional Record?] and s~ring New Year's

Ceremony begins 4th of next month.[The date and eddressee's name have

been obliterated through water damage,but the letter is undoubtedly to

Keppler and the month and year areestablished from a letter of Sackett

Hemlock lJanuary 30, 1911J which

establishes the year in which the

Ceremony opened on February 4th.]

Steamburg, New York.f.

"'1 ' ,-'I=<

i N

IL W 4- t..) I +

Lawton's Sta., New York

J(;S~ r.~. 'EP"'l F.P


F')I.. ~...7 No.'

Lawton St8tion, New York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Saying that he he.s had no word from

Keppler that the falseface has beenreceived; announcing date for the NewYear Ceremony as February 4th.ll-iarked:Answered, in Keppler Ishand]

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Saying the Buffalo "News" has asked

for 5 columns on Hertman B.nd asking

Keppler to get the data, pictures, etc.from the "Sun."

lMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

)~ ' ~ ;-~

'.:(;1 . ~T ",1\1

Albany, New York

JI /[:. .<LOl cv Ilul\l

Page 20: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1911 con. ] 2.

Janua.ry 12 U.S.S. Tallahassie, Washin~ton, D. C.

Chflpman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Saying he is enjoyin~ a 10 day leaveat the moment and that his wife is withhim; that the Bill just passed in theSenate brings him within 4 years of re-tirement age; ~:!.sking for a copy of aletter he had written the previous sum-mer.

January 13

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Requesting Keppler's sAvice on whetheror not to draw his annuity money andexpressing 8 lack of confidence in thepresent chiefs.

January 15

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Sending clipring from the Albany"Knickerbocker Press" of January 15and saying that his original copy hasbeen blue-penciled considerably ands~ying that he is preparing the articlefor the Buffalo "News."

January 17

Arthur C. Parker to JoseDh Keppler

Ac'':Ilowledging the "doc11I1lents" [probablythe evidence agAinst Hartman] and say-ing he is strugc"Ung wi th an attack ofla grippe; he hAS been warned to lookout for Ha.rtman's "paid friends."[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]



FOL S."3 NO 4<>

Akron, New York



')L.J'.,.~ NO. 2'2.

Albany, New York



FoL. '"' .'2.:2 No."7

Albany, Ne,... York



FOL. '"'.'1..'2No.8

January ?3 [Probably] Albany, New York

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Sayinp he has returned the papers andthAt he is writing Sampson of theRochester "Post Express" askin~ forsppce.




FoL.'" .'l..'2 NO."

Page 21: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

L1911 con.]

January 25

Arthur C. Parker to Jose~h Kep~ler

Qpoting from 8 lAtter received fromCary Vi.H a.rtman in which he threa.tensParker with libel action and suggest-inf" a reply.

January 25

Dilworth M. Silver to Joseph Keppler

Enclosing 9 reply to the "Sun" articleby Parker and Keppler lDAcAmber 28,1910] which the edi tor of the "Sun"refused to publish.

January 26

Joseph Keppler to Dilwort):: h. Silverl2 sheets]

Acknowledging Silver's letter of thepreceding day and explaining his oppo-sition to Hartman's residenc~ on theCattaraugus reservation. lTwo copies,both signed by typewriter]

January 26

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Saying that the ministers and mission-aries are also oprosed to Hartman Andexplaining Silver's position.

JpnuE'ry ':>7

JO$eph Ke~p1er to Arthur C. P~rker[2 sheetsJ

Hen~ written copy explaining to Parkerhis interest in the Hartman controversyand saying his opposition is not somuch against the Indian Association asto Hartman personally; urging Parkerto avoid legal d.ifficul ties, if possi-ble, but not to be deterred from con-tinuing the fiGht.

--- -


Albf'ny, New York




FOL~. '2.'2 No' 0

Buffalo, New York




FO!..H:Z.Z No. II

New York, New York



FO!.. H. '2."2 No. 1'2

Albany, New York



FO... "':2,'Z No. 13

New York, New York



FO!.. ~VZ:2 No. 14-

Page 22: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1911 con.]

January 30


Lawton Station, New York

Sackett Hemlock to Joseph Keppler

Announcing beginning of New Year's Cere-

mony on February 4th and asking Keppler

to notif~T Parker; also announcing death

of George Jacobs on Jp~uary 27th.

January 31

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler[3 sheets]

Saying he a.grees with Keppler's sugges-

tions and sending information as to

'vhet changes on the Board of Managersof the Thomas Indian School Hartman is

endeavoring to bring about so that he

may be appointed superintendent; ask-

ing Keppler to obtain first-h8nd state-ments from individuals et Newton and

complaining that he is still confined

at home through illness.

February 1




FOL.~.3.\ No6

Albany, New York



FOL.H.'2.2 No \5

Joseph Hemlock to Joseph Keppler

Lawton Station, New York

Saying he has been ill for a month andasking for B.id;announcing death ofGeorge Jacobs "last Saturday." lJanu-aT'J 27 th]

February 4

Arthur C. Parker to Jose~h Keppler

Sa;ring that the "Knickerbocker Press"

will retract nothing EtS demanded byHartman but want Parker to assume re-s"ponsibility for statements made; s.sk-ing Keppler to check on certain matterswhen he visits the Reservation.

[Marked: "Ans. Feb. 13th" in Keppler'shand]




Albany, New York



FO"''''' .'2.'2 No. 16

Page 23: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

L1911 con.]

February 15

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler[4 sheets]

Thanking Keppler for the notes made dur-ing his recent trip to the CattaraugusReservation; La copy of these notes inKeppler's hand accompanies this letter];relating several of Silver's complaintsagainst him and reporting on his replyto them; saying that Rev. Ward wishesto print the contents of a letter fromJ. M. Redmond of Toronto and askingKeppler's advice on this procedure.[A typewritten copy marked "Verbatim"of the Redmond letter accompanies this.]

FebruEtry 17

Simon George to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Requesting Keppler to advise him as towhat Keppler had told Lyman Johnsonabout the cash shares accruing to theIndians froLl the "Tonawanda Fund" andasking for information that might begiven the people to rrevent any fur-ther drawing of shares.[This is written on paper of SenecaIndian Baseball Club of which SimonGeorge is noted as "Manager."]


Albany, lTew York



FOL H.2.2 No '7

Akron, New York



FOt.. Gj. 1) NO 'Z

February 19 TJ.S.S. Tallahassie, Washington, D. C.

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

~entioning occasional visits to Congressand discussing its business; he has seenNegros posing as Indians.

February 26

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Requesting information as to th€"reduc-

tion in the annual per capita annuity


LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]




FOt.. "S.:3 No.41

Akron, New York



"I,. "J .6.6 No 2!>

Page 24: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

March 29

April 3

April 9

April 11

May 6

[1911 con.]

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Reporting on the fire at the StateCapitol and his experiences in tryingto rescue some of the Iroquois mate-rial and estimating that the loss tothe Indian collections could not bereplaced for $50,000.


Albany, N. Y.


: ',.{

North Collins, New York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Announcing his removal to North Collinsuntil November and asking Keppler toaid his mother in getting her moneyback. [This refers to some picture, andthe Empire Art Institution, Syre~use,seems to be connected with the matter.]



FoL.K.S NO.7'

George Van Every to Joseph Keppler

R.F.D. 5, Syracu~e, New York

Saying he wants to buy a farm for $500and asking a loan so that the purchasemay be consummated. He expla.ins howthe money can be repaid within 4 or 5years.

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Kepplerla sheet s] ,

Reporting in more detail the lossessuffered through the Capitol fire, par-ticularly by the Morgan collection anddiscussing plans for the new museum inthe Education Building and askingKeppler to consider loaning his Iroquoiscollection to the State Museum; discuss-ing texts he has in preparation or con-temrlation for future publication.

Me.rgarette Jordan to Joseph Keppler

Mentioning trouble on the Reservation[St. Regis]and asking Keppler's aid.[See Joseph Wood correspondence in thisconnection.]




FOL. ".~ No 5

Al bany, N. Y.



FOL. P. "2 NO. "35

Bombay, New York




FOL. "S.~ No \

Page 25: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

Ma:r 29

May 30

June [1]

June 5

[1911 con.]

Joseph Xeppler to Joseph Wood[2 sheets]

Letter-press copy of letter saying thathe is informed of the troubles the St.Regis people are having with their landrentals anu asking further and moredetailed information.


New York City



FoL.W.7 No I

Sackett Hemlock to Joseph'Xeppler

Lawton Station, New YorkIROQUOISPAPERS

JOSEPH KEPPLERCOLLECTIONAnnouncing date of Night Song as-

June 3rd and requesting Keppler tonotify Parker.

Joseph Wood to Joseph Keppler[7 sheets]

Mentioning names of real chiefs to besent to Albany to be recognized inplace of the elected chiefs; statingthe.t a white agent is not desired; com-plaining that whites always think theycan rule Indians; asking Keppler tohire a lawyer who will wait for pay un-til annuities are received.[There are 5 numbered sheets and 2 un-numbered]

FoL. 104.~.I No.7

Bombay, New York



FoL.W ..., No.4-

No place, but probably Bombay, New York

Joseph Wood to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Complaining that elective chiefs aretrouble makers; enquiring a.s to costof a lawyer; saying the ~eople aremuch happier under the old councilarr?ngement and attaching 2 lists ofnames, one supforting the old chiefs[60 in number] and the other listing19 opponents.[Keppler has made a C0'P~rof this let-ter in his own hand]





FOL..W.7 No. "Z.

Page 26: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

June 12

June 24

June 26

June 26

July 5

[1911 con.]

Alice White to Joseph Keppler

Announcing the death of her d.aughter,Grace, on June 6, and that she leavestwo small children.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler'shand]

Enoch Scanandoah to Jos8phKeppler

Requesting him to see the manager of"Hillside Park" for possible work.LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Joseph Keppler to Joseph Wood[2 sheets]

Letter-press cop~r of letter detailingadvice as to procedures in removingthe incompetent representatives fromoffice in the St. Regis Council House.


St,eamburg New York



FoL.W.4 No '3

Syracuse, New York



FOL.S.1I.'2 No 7

New York City



FoL. W.7 No ;!,

North Collins, New York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Complaining that he has lost 56 lbs.

in weight and asking if the rumor that

Keppler is to bring a group of the

~eople to New York is true.lMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

LThe verso of pe~e ? cerries penciled~emoranda in Ken~ler's hand. Kittle's

query and these notes probably have todo with the Indian group present at the

4th of July celebration at City Hall,New York City, arranged by Dr. GeorgeKunz.]

Statement of expenses to George K. Kunz

from Joseph Keppler incurred throughIndian participation in New York's first

Safe and Sane Fourth of July celebration.

On one copy Keppler has listed the indi-

vidual Indians participating with theamotl.!'lts paid each.

LWith this is a copy of the Press Release

prepared by Kunz.]




FOL.K. S No 71.-

New York



FOL K."7 No I

Page 27: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

August 3

August 14

Aug'lst 19

Seutember 1

[1911 con.]

Edwarc1 Cornrlantpr to Jose:pr Keppler

Saying th~t after 9 weeks on the roadwith a wild ~est show it went bro~eane nobody was paid; that he is notgoing to Jamestown with the Hartmanshow; that ann',i ty goods are to bedistributed the next day; thAt B. ~.Weber, Indian agent in Salamanca iswithholding the larger tribal payments.L~arked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Ed...!ard Hagaman Hall to Jose:;!h Keppler

Asking Keppler +0 represent the Societyat the first conference .of the AmericanIndian Association to be held at Col'lm-bus, October 12th to 15th, 1911.LThis ~s on the stationery of The Ameri-can Scenic and Historic Preserv~tionSociet~r, of which Hallwas Secretary.The verso carries meMorandA in Kep:pl~r'shand listing topics covering Indianwelfare. ]




COLLECTioN-"Jl.C.8.3 ~'" 96

New York, New York



FOL. K .~- No. A 4-

Lawton's Station, New York

Farnham Cook to Joseph Kepnler[? sheets]

Sayinr that his family is all well andthat if Kep~ler wants the chair, he willship it at once; requestinginformationabout a..mlli tv p~.yrnents.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Joseph Wood to Joseph Kepnler

Saying he arrivee in NewYorkCitySentember 5 and will meet Keppler atN. Y. Central depot.



fOL.C.7 No. Z.

Bombay, New York



FOL.W.7 No.5

Edward Corn~lanter to Josenh KenTIler~ ¥ _ ..a.:

Lawton Station, New York

An~ouncin~ ~ate of Green Corn Dance asSe""tenber 8th.

[P~~e 4 carrips some penciled memorand~in Keppler's hand]



FOL.C .~:S No.97

Page 28: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1911 con.] 10.

September 2 No place, but ~robably Bonbay, New York

Joseph Wood to JosephKeppler

Ann~Ulcing that the op~onents havebeen removed ~.8 Chiefs and TrusteesLat a recent electionl.

Sentember 6

Joseph Kep~ler to St. Regis people[2 sheetsJ[Message delivered b~ Joseph Wood]

Advising tolerance and understandingamong ~heM i! they would be united andstrong.LJoseph Wood visited Keppler in New Yorkand carried this message on his returnto the St. Regis Reservation.J

September 9

Joseph Wood to Joseph Keprler

Announcing his saSe arrival home; thank-

ing Keppler for all his courtesies and

help and reporting thet the law ce,se wasreferred to a County Court.

September 23

Arthur O. Parker to Joseph Kepplerl4 sheets]

Discussing his projected book on Iro-quois law an~ religion; menti~ning hiswife's health; stating thpt he hopesto ~ttend the Indian conference [at

Columbus, Ohio] in October; reportingon Cornplanter and "H" [Cary W. Hart-man 1].

October 4

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler[4 sheets]

Offering to send his mss even thoughstill in rough form which, he hopes,

may be ru'blishedprivately; disc!lSS-ing the coming Indian conference atColur;ibus f'lld his 1910 field-workre-

:(Jort.LThe verso of sheet 4 carries penciledmemoranda in Keppler's hand.]




FO!..W. i No. 4;

New York City




FoL.W. 7 No.7

Bombay, New York




Fo!..W.7 No. ~

Al bany. N. Y.



FoL. P.'t No,'3b

Albany, N. Y.





FOL. P. 'Z. No.3;

Page 29: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

October 6

October 7

October 16

November 5

[1911 con.]

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

[2 sheets]

Saying that he will probably go to the

coming Indian conference at Columbus

as a representative of the New YorkState Education Department and discuss-

ing the "Lake Mohonkists."[With this are clippings reporting the

conference and showing pictures of it.]

Farnham Cook to Joseph Keppler

Acknowledging receirt of money for the

chairs and asking where he might beable to sell some hardwood canes; say-

ing that the children have recoveredfrom colds and that the people draw

some money [annuities?] in a few days.

[Page 4 carries some penciled memo-

randa in Keppler's hand]


Al-bany, N. Y.




I'OL P. 2 No. 38

Newtown, [New York]



"OL <::'.7 No.:3

Cold Spring, New York

Alice White to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Re~orting her grandchildren to be welland her husband able to work a1 though

he is not very strong; s~ring that the

Six Nations meeting held at the Alle-

gany Reservation was attended by 180people.

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler[3 sheets]

Describing some phases of the Columbusconference at which the Society of Ameri-

can Indians was formed; mentioning his

having offended Commissioner Draper in

some way probably because of the littleuse Indians had for the Lake Mohonk

group; disc11ssing his future plans anddetailing the ~roblems of living on his

present income.

--- -




:rLW.4- No 15

Albany, N. Y.




Page 30: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1911 con.]

November 29

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

t3 sheets]

Sending draft of a proposed bill ~d

e~ressing the feRr that the Iroquois

will judge the new Society as just an-other move to force citizenship uponthem.


Albany, N. Y.




FOL. P. 'Z No. 40

December 5 Los AnGeles, California

Charles F. Lummis to Joseph Keppler

Acknowledging his letter; expressing

his joy that Keppler knows Bandelier,whom he considers to be an outstanding

historian and wishin~ they could benearer each other. LThis is not signed

by LumMis but Keppler has identifiedthe writer. It is on the letter paper

of Southwest Society, ArchaeologicalInstitute of America - founder of the

Southwest Museum.]



FOI_ L. ~ No. I

December 11 Lawton Station, New York

Edward Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Announcing Ne\'1Year's Ceremony as com-

mencing January 24, 1912; saying they

got their Government money, $47.31e~ch - this being the per capita dis-tribution to the 2,711 Senecas on Cat-

taraugus, Allegany and Tonawanda Res-ervations.

lMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]



Page 31: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson


J anue.ry

lMrs.] Margerette Jordan to Joseph Keppler

Announcing de~th of her oldest daughter;asking Keppler a.bout CEmadian duties asthey apply to Indians.

Bombay, New York



fot.. 'J . ~ Nc "2.

J a.nul'U"Y 2 Lawton Station, Ne~ York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Asking for loan of the two ~~lsefacesfor a coming ceremony.LThe versoc~rries e ~enciled memo andis m~rkeu. "Ans." in K~ppler' shand.]


,}' i.'i[1 .. . ",,-'PLERCOL., '...; ,-". ~

-fr)l.,K. 5 '".J7 3

January 13 Cold Spring, New York

Alice White to Jos~h KepplerL4 sheetsJ

Saying that her husband has been criti-celly ill but is now somewhat improved;announcing several deaths, includingthet of Eliza Logan on January 1, and eMr. 'I<'la.gg, the hotel keeper at Steamburg.

J e.nuary 18

Sackett Hemlock to Joseph KepplerL? sheets]

Announcing date ('fsry ~5th; that Newgins JanuF!ry 24~h;

notify Perker.LVerso p. 2 ma.rked:Keppler's hand]

Night Song as Jenu-Year's Ceremony be-eskin~ Keppler to

Answered, in

J pr..UR.ry 18


..' "I KEPPLER\ ,-,"-~.jTION

Lawton, LNe~ York]



H)'. foI."3. 1 No. 8

Delos B. Kittle to Jose~h Keppler

Lewton 3teti)n, lIe"rYork

Asking Keppler t~ l-jri~ the two ml1sks''11t~ hiT..

lMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]



FO,,,, K. S No.i4-

Page 32: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

Lln2 con.]

January 24

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Discussing some manuscript; discussingorganization matters of Society ofAmerican Indians.




fJI..P. 2 No4'

February 1 Cold Spring, New York

Alice White to Joseph KepplerL4 sheets]

Saying that at the recent New Year Cere-monies Howard Jimerson conducted a specialdance for Keppler and describing severalother dances and games; asking for cloth-ing.



Fot..W. 4- No'7

Februa,ry 7 Lawton Station, New York

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler[2 sheetsJ

Explaining delay in return of the oldmask and announcing the death of Mrs. JohnJack on February 4th at 92 years of age.LVerso of page? marked "Ans." in Keppler'shand.]

February 12

Edward Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Saying there is considerable sicknessamong the people; that the Cattaraugusmen are going to Allegany for a snow-snake game, end that Sadie has gone toschool and Cynthia is at home. lTheseare his daughters.]

Februa,ry 19

Charles Kennedy to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Expressing thanks for parcel of clothes;announcing death of his brother, ThomasH. Kenne~v, on February 13 while drivingalone to Gowanda.



"'ot.. \<. S' No7 5

Newtown, New York



FOL.C .,&."3 No. 99

Irving, New York




FO\;. K. 'Z. No, '2.

Page 33: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

March 4

March 6

Apr il 9

April 15


[1912 con.]

Samuel Thompson to Joseph Keppler

Requesting that Keppler procure a copyof the report on a recent survey of

limp-stone deposits on the Tuscarora Res-ervation which wa,s rer>orted to be worth

$600,000.()0 and wl'1ich""Correll Brothers"

are atteml ting to purchase for $50,000by bribing some of the chiefs.

Joseph Keppler to Samuel Th0mpson


Advising against the sale of stone

quarries on his reservation [probablyTuscarora]; urging him to have the

chiefs give the matter long considera-

tion and sug~esting that e~litablelea.ses be mp,de to bona fide quarry

operators.[With this is a reply from the State

Geologist, Albany, to Keppler's inquiry,dated March 7, 1912.]

Alice White to Joseph Keppler

[4 sheets]

Reporting her family all well and on

heavy snows recently; acknowledging

the package sent; saying that her hus-

band expects ta go to New York with awild west show with a group of 15


Edward Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Announcing the death of his daughter,

Sadie, aged 12, on that evening.

[Mrs.] Marg~rette Jordan to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Sa,ving that her father, Joseph Wood, [cf]was vi!>iting her awt "'anted to talk wi th

Keppler over the telpphone on May 9th.


Lewiston, New York




~(ll.'T.6.~ No I

New York, New York



Fo\.. 'T. (5.'2 NO 2.

Cold Spring, New York



FOL W. 40 No I ~



FO\..C'.~.~ No 100

Bombay, New York



Fo!.. :T., No 2>

Page 34: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

May 22

June 4

J 1111.e 5

June 12

June 12

[191? con.]

Joseph L. Delafield to Joseph Keppler

Announcing Keppler's appointment to theCity of New York Fourth of July Commit-tee.LThis is on the stationery of that com-11"it tee, of which Delafield was Secreta.ry.]

Arthur C. Parker to Josenh Keppler

Discussing the possibility of institut-ing fin "American Indian Day. II[This is on the letter paper of The So-ciety of American Indians.]


New York, New York



- S"'0,_ K. ~ No.A

A1bany, N. Y.



,')L.. P. "2 NO.4'2.

Lawton Station, New York

~dward Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Announcinb the death of his drolghter,CyntLia, aged 9, the previous evening.[Marked: Answered in Keppler's hand]

Sackett Hemlock to Joseph Keppler

Announcing date of Night Song as June16th and acknowledging money sent byKeppler to purchase "the stuff."[Marked: Answered, on verso in Keppler'shand]

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Saying his preliminary inquiry about"AmericAn Indian Day" is being receivedenthusit1stically; a.cknowledging Keppler! sdonation and payment of dues; discussin~Congressman C~rter's speech a~ainst edu-cating Indians and wondering w~y Dr. East-man La Dakota] is not More interested inIndian affairs.



FOL C. 8 ..:~No. I 0 I



FOL~ ::!>.\NO.,



FO... P. 'Z. No. 4 ~

Page 35: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

Ju..'1.e 15

June 27

June ?8

AUfU s t ?,I"\

Se;-te"!1ber 10

[191? con.]

Edward Cornn1anter to Joseph Kepr1~r

Than1dng him .por his contrib'ltion tothe De!'!th Fepst for CynthiA. ~.nri pn-nouncing the d~te of the StrawberryDance on the fo110winp fAY.

LThe verso c~rriAsa penciledmemo in!~n""'ler' shand: 1I:,lpllpcA DoxtatorllOAned $3.nO! June ?oOth, 1912" es wellEtS grour of nenciled figurE\s. ]

Dan [LI'1Fr::>.nceJ Red Eagle to JosephKepl'ler

Requesting lopn of Indian specimens forr~rade and ~eremonies LWritten on thes!->o'J..'st~tionery of' the "Red E~le P'p.Jnily'tlV~rso mark~d: Ans,.'ered, if1 Kep-rler' shand]


Newtown, ~ew York



fOI..C.~."3 Ne. \ OZ,

!RVQ'. .(':SP.'. '.~. ,,':::

;Of\H"", v.:~"?L'R

QOLLE.l' , It)'"

n.S.s. Tallahassie, \lRshinf':ton, D. C.

ChA.pman Sch~npndoph to JosAph Keppler

Sayin," thAt his enlistmo.nt expires onA~~~1st2~th pno that he is ~ee~ing tohimself for certain reasons; askingth~t Keppler send all his pApe~s toi is wife p~ che neerls pn i~surpnc~no'ic~ pmonp the~.Ul,a.rked: Answereri, in Kepnler' shand 1

Edw?~d Cornnlanto.r to Josenh K?n~ler[post cardf '.

Sayin~ all are well. lTh~q is p ric-t'lre nost cprd of the Buffalo General~lectric Co. building.]


r:\" . F:-.

,)OEl'P~" t<: . r~ LT"

CIJL.~.L;' :01'1

LA,.,tons, Ne...r Yor'::

,':'Vj/,St' .,F"F~

FC;. C. 8.'5 "10.10:5

Lr~pt markl Lawtons, ~ew Y~rk

Eoward CornnlAnter to Jose~h Keppler[nost cl'p"dJ

Ann0uncing Grep.n

September 15th.!Jost card. of Thean t)l~ ",ompn and

C0~n D~nce date aR

[This is on a pictureIn~ocraf'ters showinginfr>nt.J

iR "~,)OISI'\!'['RS

os!'!"" I<FcFLERr;c... L_c:, ,j~.

FOL. C.8.~ No. 10+

Page 36: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1912 con.] 6.

October 14 R.F.D. 5, Syracuse, New York

Geor~e V~n Bvery to Joseph Keppler

Asking whathe can ex,ect for the wam-:pUlh "hel t B.nd telling ;~eppler not toworr;'T about the $50, 11.8he is about tosell a c0l t.

October 15

Ed1..-f'rd Corn"Olanter to Joseph Keppler'

Announcing the Six N~ti ms meeting onOctober 26th pt thA Newtown LongHouse.LMarked: Ans1"ered, in Keppler's hand]




FOt..v. '2 No 6

Newtown, New Yor~




December ? ~.F.D. 5, Syracusp, New York

George Van Every to JosephKeppler

Saying th~t Chief Logan did not attendthe ThpnksGivin~ Dance ~~d that he,Van Every, has oeen appointed to preachin Logan's place in the Council House.



FO!...v. Z. N".7

December 16 R.F.D. 5, Syrncuse, New York

Jesse Lyons to Joseph Keppler

'R.e"Dort"ng that the Onondaga chiefs 8.repreparing to visit St. Regis at the in-vi tation of' Chiefs Josep:. Wood and AlexSolomon of that Reserv?tion and BskingKe~pl~r to meet George Vpn Every there.LThis Was originally signed by HarryIsaac ~v+ his name is crossed out andthat of Jesse Lyons inserted.]

December 20

Arthur C. P~rker to Joseph KepplerL7 sheets]

Discussing publishin'" ~')roblems and the10w pa;'T of state employees and the lackof opportunity for qdvancement; statinghe has turned dO''if offers of more l'emun-

~rative positions because he felt a :oy-al i::T to the DepPT'traent and thet it isdiffic'1.1 t to live 0'1 his income; discuss-ing the possnle future of the Societyof ArJerican Indians [nd how it could be-come a great force in the development ofthe Indian.

,f"'- It

1-" '''.,>5



FO!... L.c;).3 Nu.1

Albany, N. Y.



FO!;.p. 'Z. No.44-

Page 37: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson


1 Undated l~ut wit~ letters of 1913]

Ad~m Jones to Joseph Keppler

Sayinc he has been ill for 14 monthsand is still unable to do heavy work

and asking Keppler to get him an India,ncostume so that he can get a,job withsome show.

Syracn.se, New York




Janua,ry 2 [post mark] Syra~use, New York Lpost mark]

George Van F,ver~rto Joseph KeH>ler

lpost c~rd]

Saying th~t his son and he havin~ thesame name had caused confusion in his

receiving Keppler's letter.

\R>QUOISP 'rr.'}

JOSEPh r-r-' .c

(~\),.LE" nor,

FoL. V. 'Z. No.6

January 8 R.F.D. 5, Syra~use, New York

Enoch Scanandoah to Joseph Keppl~r

Sayin~ th2t the 8 Indians Lfrom St.

Regis?] sent by Keppler had stoppedoff on their way home; that there arenow 18 chiefs on the St. Regis Reser-

vHtion; that Frank Logan is not friendly

ana that he apnropriates rental monies

of stone quarry for himself.LUarked: Answered Feby. 9th, in Keppler'shand]

IROQUOISp";' ,'P<::'

JO~:' P I<r np' ER


~ot-. S. 3.'2 Nr. ~

Jan'lery 10 Indipn Village, New York

George Van Every to Joseph Keppler

Reporting a succes"flll trip to the

St. Regis Reservation where 18 chiefswere installed; saying that Joseph

Wood end Alexander Solomon of St. Regis

had recentl:' visi ted OnondagA endeavor-

inE.,to obtain a,id in abolishing the

I11rusteesystem on the New York reserva,-tions.



FOil. ¥ 2 NO.,

J anusry 13 R.F.D. 5, Syracuse. New York

Enoch Scanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Asking when Keppler expects to be in

Alban~' 8S Scanandoah is going there

wi th Joseph Wood and would like to

meet Keppler there.



Page 38: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1913 con.]

January 14

Enoch Scanandoch to Joseph KepplerLtelegram]

Requesting that he come to Albany[Keppler has noted in Pencil that hewas in Centr~l America at the time]


Albany, New York



"'Ot.. S. "!. '7. N(' 10

February 13 R.F.D. 5, Syracuse, New York

Enoch Scanandoah Joseph Keppler IROQUO~[2 sheets] P:PIRS

oIOSEPt-< I<:EPf: ER

CaLL, ( , IONSaying he went to Albany with JosephWood, Alex endLouis Solomon regardingthe St. Regis claims, and asking for acopy of the Onondaga Treaty of 1757.

February 2':'

Joseph Keppler to Rodman WanamakerL3 sheetsJ

Handwritten copy of letter complainingthat at the recent ceremonies breakingground for the National Indian Memorialon Staten Island not one representRtiveof the Indian group once ow~ing the landhad been invited.

FOa.. 5.3.'2 Nt) 1\

Stapleton, New York




,.(:,~ W . I Nc I

Februe,ry ?,2 Indian Village, New York

George Van Every to Joseph Keppler

Saying that he cannot leave to come toNew York as his only son goes to school;that he willmeet KepTJler At Rockwellif he can come up.

February 26

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Saying that the mask ha,d arrived toolate for use and that he had returnedit at once and reporting that somedrunkenness had Marred one night ofthe New Year Ceremony.



Lawton, New York



FOa.. \<..S /lio,76

Page 39: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

February ')7


March 9

March 17

[1913 con]

Frederick S. Dellenbaugh to Jose~h Keppler

Acknowledging Keppler's letter of the

25th and reporting the apnroval of his

stand [he was opposed to the statue

planned for the National Indian Memo-rial] by many at the Drake dinner; dis-

cussing in some detail the proposed

structu~e and the proper method of fi-

nancing its erection.

[Mrs.] Margaret~ Jordan to Joseph Keppler[3 sheetsJ

Asking what kind of hcrosse sticks arc

w~nted and saying she can also supplysnow-shoes p~d moccasins.

[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Alice White to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Saying her grandson has been sickly

ell winter; renorting on the New YearCeremony at which a number of whitemen froM Hornell were inducted into

severrll clans.

[To this is attached a cl~pping -

source unknown - listing these indi-viduals and their new Indian names.]

[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Arthur c. Par~er to Joseph KepplerL3 sheets]

Saying that state work and that of the

Society keep him busy; complaining that

no Iroquois were present at the groundcledicetion of the New York haroor Indian

memorial [This was projected by RodmanWanamaker and gro'md was broken byPresident Ta~t on the Ft. Wadsworth Res-

ervation, Staten Island, February 22,1913, but nothing ever came of it.]


New York, New York




FQI:. W. I No '2

Massena, New York

IROO' 1t)1"


~;:..;_:~O.. .. ,'OL


Cold Spring, New York


, PH ' c: 'PLER'.l "CTION

Albany, N. Y.


JO.>,' '" 'Et

';,ILLi ,rIO~.

-Fo... P. '2. No. 45

Page 40: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

Harch 29


April 15

[1913 con.]

~Iichael Solomon to Joseph Keppler

SayinG thAthe an~JoseptWoodhad oeenin Aloany ~ttending to trioal mattersin connection with the repeal of theElecti~e Syste~ Law; inquiringif WoodhR.d rroceeded to liew York to conferwith Keppler. as ~romised; requestingtha.t Keppler write Speaker Smith ofthe Assemoly to interest himself inthe ~llvillier oilladvocated oy theIndians.

LMrs.] Margarette Jord~nto Joseph Kepplerl:-, sheets]

l-iaking inq'U.ir~' 8S to wher~ she couldsell the Indian goods she ~~kes andas to where oeads may oe purchased.


Hogansburg. New York

,II. ':" (o\.

Massena. New York



R.F.D. 5. Syracuse. New York

George Van Every to Joseph Keppler

Sayinb he \'ill me~t KepJ;ler at the

Syracilsere.ilroadstation on April 22and will have the relic with him.

June l AnS. ~:' JK June 8]

June 8

June 18

JosephWood to Joseph Keppler[3 sheets]

DescribiD6 the l~nd belonging to the

Gr~y ~st~te.one mile square in towno~ Ft. Covington. and how it came intonoss~Bsion of ThomRs Terrance.

h::;t.rkec.: A.l'lS. June 8th; GrB~r. inKeppler's hand]

SAckett Hemlock ":0 Joseph Keppler

Anno'IDcing dates of IHght Song as June14th rold Stra,,,berry Dance as June 17th.

Edwarc. Corn'pla'!'~ ter to JoseT'lh Ker:pler

Announcing a successful StrawberryDance completedthe preceding day.


.; i''' t:EP~'LE.R


. \I. 'Z. No. II

~assena. ~ew York

". W." ~. ~

La\o't f)n. LK ew Yark]IR' !QUOIS:",yERS

.,')!;)i:.PI1 KEPPLER.OLLI:.(;TlON

Kewtown. New York

.; .'.EJ'''! ,.::. PPLEk

'Xi Llt:.C'J 'ON

Page 41: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1913 con.]

July 15

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Saying he is with the Hiawatha Show[Chea. E. Lewis, proprietor] at GwynnOak Park and asking if Keppler willsell him a pair of mocc~sins.

[Marked: Ans,...ered, and carrying anaddress, "Indian Exhibits Co.,138 West 42nd Str., Mr. Witte," inKeppler I shand]


Bal timore, Maryland



August 13 Indian Village, New York

George Van E'!ery to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS

Requesting loan of $150 at 5% interestfor 18 months, ~s he desires to pur-chase more Ianc'!.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

November 18

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler[3 sheets]

Announcing his apnointment as curatorof Archeology and Ethnology at theState Museum and discussing plans forthe e~ansion of the exhibits; askingKeppler to present an Iroquois sashto the Museum; reporting that he hasfinished all but the last chapters ofhis biography of Gen. Ely S. Parker.[This is marked "Presented ge,geda" inKeppler's hand.]

November 20

John M. Clark to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Announcing the completion of the newState Museum qua,rters; mentioning sev-eral of the collections it has recentlyacquired and enquiring whether Kepplerwill consider the sale of his collectionto the State.

November 24

DelosB. Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Requesting the loan of his and George

Jones' falsefa.ces for coming ceremonies.


;, ,,;:;FP' k '>',-~H--'LLio\jTIOI\'

~'JL. V. 2 No 1'-

Al bany tN. Y.



'L P. '2. No.46

Albany, New York



;::01;"N~ 2. No. \

L?wton, New York



fO~ K.S ~r;77

Page 42: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

L19l3 con.]

December 2

Alice White to Joseph Keppler[2 sheet s]

Saying the weather has been mild andthat she has been able to gather herbs

and roots; reporting her husband criti-

cally ill with his recurrent stomachtrouble.

December 5

Fred R. Meyer to Joseph Keppler

Thanking Keppler for a book ~nd a gunand saying that he WB.S glad to give

Keppler the medicine teeth and that he

expects to give ~fr. Pep1)er a pe.ir, aswell.

[The verso is marked, in Ke~pler's hand:"Ans. 413 Oa.k:St. Buffalo, N. Y."]


Steamburg, New York



FOL. W.4 No '2.0

Buffalo, New York



Page 43: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

J anusry

J arlUary 6

January 9

J ~nuB,ry 9

January 17


[~rs.J Margarette Jordan to Joseph Keppler

Thanking him for ende?vor to get ordersand detailing shirment of lacrosse sticks.[There is a note in Keppler's han~ thathe ordered 1 doz. sticks as per advice ofJ. B. Hillyer [see his letter: CurtisHigh School, February 6, 1914 - attached]

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler

Requesting loan of the two old false-faces and saying both he and his motherwant to use them because of 1'1dream eachhad.

Edw8rd Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Announcing the opening of the New Year'sCeremony on JanuB.ry 31st.

Delos B. Kittle to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Outlining schedule for the coming NewYe~x Ceremony opening on January 31stand saying the old mask willbe usedas soon as it E\,rrives.

Alice White to Joseph Keppler

Announcing the death of her husband,Robert White, on Je,nuary 13, and thAtthe death services were conducted byJames Crow and Edward Cornplanter.LMarked: "Ans. Jan. 20th; enclosed $3"in Keppler's hand]

Massena, New York



Fol;.. :r:-",:> No. G

Lawton. n e'" York



Newtown, New YorkIROQUOISP."Ft:(3




Lawton, New York


., ,,;~ 'H vrpl"LER._"E~TION

". K,S NQ,79

Cold Spring, New York




1'01.. W,4- "10. '2.1

Page 44: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1914 con. J

Jplluary 21

Delos B. Ieittle to Jose~ll. KE:ppler

S?.:rir:..g he is I'et;...rnin[, tLe 01,1 '1l!:-.,:::.LVerso marked "Ans. Jan. 23" inKeppler's hand]

J~ue.ry 23

John C. Finley to Joseph KepplerL~) shee t sJ

Req'lestir.c; Keppler tlJ deposit his col-lection with the 1!e\o/York State :Juseum.LThe verst; is "1a"ked: "Ans. Feb. '5th,1914" in Keppler's hand]


r,ewtow~, ~QW Yor~


",Sf"!>H 1<£"PLER':.fll :." ; ;ON

:, \-(,5 No.8 0

A1ban~r, l{ew York

IRoQUOISPc' ,'!1.;5

.,~,:PH v: Pro'.E.R

,_,!.,',- .r !'Jf'i

~, N,2 1\:(,.'2.

J. Bla~e Hillyer to Joseph Keppler

New Brighton, Staten IslandIROQUOISp', "0

FebruR,ry 5

Official order for 12 sticks for CurtisHigh School lacrosse tea~, for $35.00.

February 10

~lice White to Joseph Keh)lerL2 sheets]

Thar~ing him for help And reportinbthat her brother, Hiram Jacobs, had':isi ted ther;. and re-r;orte1 seeing Kep;lerat the ~ew Year Ceremony at Newtown; say-ing her uncle Squa,r l?] Jacobs is nowliving with h",r.[The verso of ? c8rrie~ en adc,ress :;1erlOin Keppler's hand.]

Februar:; 26

Ar thur C. Par !cer to J 0seph KeJYGJle r

Sa;y-ing that hi s ",..ark in ;fashington pre-vented him from atte~ding the l~ew YearCeremony at Cattara.ug'ls Reservation;~xpressh..; 1'Jleasure that KepI)ler 1j '-ceshis "Code of Handsome Lake"; reportingon a recent banquet in Philadelphir:reportinG ~ $10,000 ~ire loss of Har-rington's 'barn.

[~arked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

J,1S'E.PH f ;;'~!__t ~<

!;uLl~. : . ~ I\..H.i

Cold ~pring, New York


J(1., FI, ." ;-", Ef',

Albany, N. Y.




"n, p, 2 No. 47

Page 45: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

FebruarJ 27



March 6


[1914 con. ]

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Expressing his thanks for the pipesent by Keppler, and his disappoint-ment at having missed seeing him atthe Newtown New Year Ceremony.[Marked: "Ans. Mch. 6th" in Keppler IShand]

[Mrs.] Margarette Jordan to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Saying that rawhide is better for la-crosse stick netting than cord and that,if rawhide is acceptable, the deliveryof sticks can be made sooner.

[l.frs. Margarette Jordan to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Saying that sticks are completed exceptfor nets and complaining that cord hasnot arrived.[Marked: Answered, March 6th, in Keppler'shand]

W. C. Shongo to Joseph Keppler[3 sheets]

Reporting on the introduction of theHorton Bill La co~y of this Bill accom-panies the letterJ as being instigatedby Cary W. Hartman and asking Kepplerto write Governor Glynn about it; de-scribing his efforts against Hartman,having taken up where A. C. Parkerleft off; inviting Keppler to visithim in Buffalo.[This is on the stationery of theB1~falo Historical Society.]


Akron, New York



Fot.. J.6.6 No.'2.4-

Massena, New York



1=01..j ,.<} No. ~

Massena, New York




'")t. .r.':) No.8

Buffalo, New York



;;'0'"' \-\.1-.'2. No. '8

Page 46: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

tl.arch 10

March 23



L1914 con.]

Arthur C. P~rker to Jos9ph Keppler

Sending the falseface an0 the copT'erbe~d; saying he sroke et the Sunrise

Club dinner in :re':lYork; s~")er-Idng ofa visit in the S~ring from Keppler

and Heye; expressing approval of theaw~rd of the Cornp1anter Medal toJ. N. B. He"d t t .

[Marked: "Ans. Mch. 12" in Keppler'shNld]

Arthur C. Parker to Jose~h Keppler

Announcing death of the Horton Bill

LSee Hartman Matter file for this Bill];thanki.:lg K~ln1er for donation to Society

of AmericanIn(HAIls; disc'~ssing theec-tivities of Rev. Dixon and sayinghecould not possibly participate in anyaffa.ir wi th Dixon.

LMrs.] I-;argarette JordA.ll to Joseph Keppler

Saying sha has ~een ','ai ting "qui te along while" for pRyment for the lacrossesticks.

LMrs.] l>1er;Rrett"! JordaJ.~ to Joseph KepTJ1erL3 sheets]

April 2 Lpost merk]

Spying she is still \""8.iting for :1ayment.

April 6

LMrs.] Margarette Jordan to Joseph Keppler[? sheetsJ

SAying lacrosse sticks will be shippee"Monday" - after waiting for cord, thestringing~i11 be rawhide, ~~~rway.

LMrs.J ¥argarette Jor~an to Joseph Keppler[4 sheets]

Saying she is shi:pring sticks "this morn-ing" ane. hoping that Kepn1er cangetmoreorders for her.


Albany, N. Y.



.()LL.C:..' i iUi',

." P. 2. .~o 48

Albany, N. Y.

Fr'''. P."2.

Massena, New York

'ifi:~!- ~:->~~}<EY~l ER

':;:'L i. i:-.C)': UN

Massena, ~;ew York




-"l.J.':) NO.13

Massena, New York

IRO'..!U01~, .~'\

Ma.ssena, New York

il.;i \}IS


.,ve" .; nON

"H.. :J: '} :") II

Page 47: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

April 28

June 18

June ~6

September 4

NO"1ember 13

[1914 con.]

JosephKep~ler to LMrs.] Kargarette Jordan

Sending his cheque for $33 and complain-ing of Qelay in delive~rof sticks.[This is a copy of letter written, isin J 0 s er:.h Kepr 1 ar 's hand, fI.Ild is marke d,

"in substance."J

Jesse Cornpl~~ter to Joseph Ke~pler

Re~ortingthe death of his son, Franklin,on June 15, pnd reQuesting 8 loan forthe Death FeEl.st.He MS a broken armanrl c~not earn ~on~y until he re~~rnsto the Hi~',"athe show.LMa,rked: "An~.-enclosure - June 22nd"in Ke~pler's hand]


Stapleton, New York




Lawtons, New York



JOSfPH ~'EPPLE.~CO LLE..: Ti "";

F,)C.C.%.4h', II

Lawton Station, lIe'" York

Jesse Corn~lanter to Joseph Keppler

Ac:cnowledging the ~oney sent and saying

thet he conte~letes joining his father,n0W with the Hiawatha show there.

Farnham Coo~ to Joseph K~)pler

Announcing Medicine Society meeting at

hi s hOllse on September 9th I'Indsa.'ringthet at a cer,~,nonyheld at Cornplanter' s,~hich he did not at~end, a vhite man

from Chicago - name unknown - w:'!s

adonted into the Nation.

[M~ked: Answered, in Keppler's handJ

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Kepplerl? sheets]

Discllssin~ the Clanc~ Bill nov before

Congress; speaking of Cary W. Hartman'~

eviction fr0::iCattpral1gus Reserv8tion;

eXDlaining his action regarding the

Indians broup:ht do...rnas being descenc-

ents of A.Ctllal l:en.hflttan Inc.ians; say-ing he notes thet Keppler is no long-erflsMcipted wi th "Puck."[The verso of ~ is marked: Ans., andcarries memorRnda in Keppler's hand.]


'r,... c,g.'Ti:, \"2..

Newtown, [New York]


<, C.7 . 4

Albe.ny, 1;. Y.

-"I, P.2. N'. 50

Page 48: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1514 con.]

December ..,

Louis Solomon to Joseph KepplerL-z sheets]

In~liring as t~ the fRCts surrouniingthe transfer of a wampumbelt to thecu.stod,v of New York State [The NewYork Stpte Museum].LHar';:ed: Answered, in Keppler' s h~nd]

December 16

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Kepplerl2 sheets]

Renorting hie rec~nt visit to the Reye~~seum lthen at 10 E. 33rd Street, NewYork] ane. describing a recent banqueti~ ~ashin~ton attended by many promi-nent Indians.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

December 24

Farnh~m COf)'C to Joseph Keppler

AnnolIDcing the d~tes of New Year's Cere-!nony as coming JfI..lluary 20th and ~'~edic1neSociety meetins as JRnuary 2?-nd, andthat Hartman's residence was entirelydestroyed by fire "last Tuesday."[Marked: Ans~ered, in Keppler's hand]


Horansburg, New York




FOI..5:7.'2 "1(: ,

Albany, N. Y.



P.2. ~. SI

Newtown, [New York]


(' . \L '-, ! '; '~'..

"1 C.7 ,', S

Page 49: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

J anua.ry 11

February 13


Farnham Cook to Joseph Kep"pler

Announcing change in date of MedicineSociety meetinE to January 20th; ask-ing Keppler to corne as the people wanthim to explain the "treaty at Washing-ton" to them; thanking Keppler forclothing sent.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Don C. Seitz to Joseph Keppler

Thanking him for a sug~estion whichhas been ~resented to the editors [ofthe World]; saying he is al't!ays gladto help the Six Nations and th~t hehopes tovisit the Reservption someday.

Newtown, [New York]



r'QL.. C.? "'. 6

New York, New York



"Ot, 5.'3.7 Nl \

Page 50: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

January 4


SaMUel Thompson to Jose~h Keppler

Asking for a copy of the Lpw of lRQ?

which T>revented the chie+'(:from dis-

posal of tribal property and me.deilleg~l the sele of Tuscarorp lands

in IJ'orthCarolin:=tin ~8l5. C)p;vin'"

that the stone quarries on the pres-ent T.'lscarora Reservfltion in New

York are still in Indian possession

even though some in<Uviduals still"..antto sell them for a fraction of

thAir 'r~Jlue.

Lewiston, New York

!.t(':...;(.~.;J' '



FOlioT:£. Z Nu. 3

Page 51: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson



Mrs. Bpptist ThomRs to Joseph Kepnler

Givinr ~atp coverin"" the insurance 1'''''1-ic:r of h,:,~ dece8<>ed hu!"b..nC! -ror "rhichshe dop~ TI')tthin'c full payment hRS been

~ade. T"" this is attRC~Ad a letter

~,pted September? 'f'ro"1the :.~etr()"')olit~m

Li fE'!Insnrr->nce Cf)Mpan~r to J ose:r:hKen!,l er

explt'\ining the details of the deE!th clE!im

T)a.vmen t .

LVer~o of this notes its contents enr is

mar1.:edflnswered lSept. l?] in Ke:')nler'shlmd1

January 16

LY~~TI Johnson to Jose~h Kep~lerL? she~tsJ

Sp~inp thE!t on his way home he sto!'redat the Ononda~A Reserv..tion to see

"Schenne.dore" -[probE!bl:VOh1\pman Schan-andoah] but that he h1\d gone to Washing-ton.

J~nuary ::'8

Sencin~ text of ['letter from ~.nnttor-

ne~r [AE:leman] d2ted A;ril 5, 1917, re-garding a model for a clothes-line

stretcher patented b;rChns. Johnson.

[Marked Answeled, i~.K,';!,ler'shand]

February 8

LYJ~L JObnSOI. to JOSBl-~ Keppler[3 sheets]

Saying tre chiefs are Glad to have

Ke}.ipl,:,r'spdvice 01. ":1'.e;Jetter of~e-crease:i 8n:"'l'li tie:;; pnr that he hpd

spent only a helf a d~r. in Albany.

Februar;! 1::

Farnh~'" Ct;o'c to Joseph K8p~ler

',rond .)'"ir-,.; ,,!hy Ke;'::.-ler Aid not attend::e Yeflr's Oeremon:" "~I, fe',.. ~.'eE;,ks Ago."

\r'. : .,~ .

Akron, New Yl)rk

,l' ~i-I.

jOS£ PH 1<C PPLlcf!

V." !:.,. i C'"

Akron, Ni3'r/ YOl'k

iRe :\.Jl'-"~p ,F'EI:; .

.;(.i:=-,FP. ,..' F ~'1:' r-i

,~~: l..:.. I;'~

A\:ro1J., ~~e York

'-" F.

F(".. J".G.6 III, 26


.j\ : ;-'It.l:.~' h t:. ~ ~"

":r.l cl. ,;; :.J/:

Page 52: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

I~arch 5

Kerch 23

Apl'il 2

June :::'5

ll?l? con.]

Lawton's S~~., ~ew York

Chprley Bowen to Jose,j;h Keppler[-; steets]

Reports hip wife ~uffp,int from dropsy:renuests an O'Tercoet er..d. "I.Gks th~t "mone~' orier fo'" .:'1. 50 be sent him.l~TO. :: Ir,,'tr~..rld.:Ans...:ered, in :;CepYJler'sha~ ::j

"" :<EPPlt:.R;,,;01. ~ ~~_C T"" _i~\

c-, B,7

ThoillD,s Jones to Joseph Ke;,ple:r

Tor;p\>'Anda Reservp.tian, Ne'" York~~.,'( H '. ,;c

Fequesting him to come ~o tl:e ~eserve-tioa for e con~erence.

LymonJohnson to Jose~h Keppler[2 sheets]

Sayinb thet Keppler enjoys the fullestcanfide~ce of the people and chiefs o~TOnI?F£'..nda Reservetion and the,t he iswelcome at their council S B.t all times;askine; him to lo.arn ",hy the 8Hr,ui tiesfrow the Federal Government are d.ecrtE's-in5, and ?bout the hur.t,inband fishingrights granted ther:t in the Trf'!!'!ties of17S? ~ul 1802.U.:ark.::C:: "Ana. A~'r. 6t.h" in Ke:p:pler'she,nd]

J;}~r,',. ~:,EPPl~ 1-C" L' T ,

f'OL-J.'O.")l 4

A~croli, !~e\li York

U'. ~'v.r=

.J(I.:;£;~r! , E. ~1:.!ce.

Tonaw8,nde. Rc,,~rvEti)n. New York

Thoma,s Jones to Joseph Keppler

Saying that Kp.ppler'sletter has beenrea,dbefore an assembly of the chief!"end peol,le. LTo this is attached,&1-t!,'l.;h it ffia:' not belon.; here, eioc'.l-r,1ent, si,~ed b7T \"HEron Ground, LymanJohns~n anQ Th0m?S Jones, givingKeppler L1] au~hori t~r to re"'I'esent tr.eIroq'lois Nation in matters Elffectingit.

Lirm~mJohnson to Joqeph Keppler[2 sheets]

Anno1mcing E'I comine T!'lp,ot:.r..gof theLi ttle \{ater Society and apologizing~or the short notice biven.


A~cron, :Kew Yor!::

101. .J,6,6 ", 2~

Page 53: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

August 2.8

October 31

November 7

November 15

- --'?'--

[1917 con.]

Lyman Jolmson to Joseph Kepplerl2 sheets]

Saying he would. rather rostpone his

visit to Keppler's home until the hunt-

ing season; re~)ortinf: that KeJ'r>ler ,,,ill

proo13"!)l;The::,r fr')1r.Hl"r"bert Johnson con-

cerning matters in which he may be

against the chi8fs.[The verso of sheet ? is marked:

Ans~"ered, in Keppler's hand.]

'J:. .

Akron, New York




F0L 3".6.6 tlo. 2.<]

R.F.D. 5, Syracuse, New York

Mrs. George Van Every to Joseph Keppler

L3 sheets]

Requesting a contribution to the comingSix Nati,ns meeting on November 10th,

And sayin~ that her son George is 8

bookkeeper in Government errploy in Wa,sh-ington.

LOn the verso of p. 3 is a list of

"Officera pure Hanagers" of the OnondagE'Castle Sewing Club]lKarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]



FOt.. V. '2. No. 1;3

R.F.~. 5, Syracuse, Few Yor~

[hrs) Elects ThJill~sto Joseph Keppler

Requesting him to dispose of 25 rp£fle

tickets on a velvet ~uilt, sold to rais~monies for the entertainment of the

visitor~ comin~ to the Six Nations meet-

ing beginnin€ November 10th. This issigned 'by hdr as Secretary and Trefls'lrerlof the On~ndaga Sewing ClubJ.

Lyman Jolms~n to Joseph Keppler

Discussing ~lans for his visit and a

proposed visit of Keppler to the MedicineSociety.LThe verso is r.1arked:"An8. N. 1711 in

Keppler's hAnd.]



FOL. T: 4-.4- No I

Akron, New York



FOL.j.6.6 No. "30

Page 54: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

[1917 con.] 4.

November 25 R.F.D. 5, Syra~use, New York

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph KepplerL2 sheets]

Reporting that everything is going

smoothly for them except he lost a barn

full of hay by lightning and subsequentfire; giving fig~res on the varied crop

he harvested; asking if Keppler "rould

like a barrel of apples.

November 27

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Saying he will bring the articles when

he comes to visit but the.t he may shipthe roasted corn sooner.

LSheet 2 is partially missing and itsverso carries a memo in Keppler's hand.]

[Marked: Answered, in Keppler'~ hand.]



FoL. S."?> No.4?,

Akron, New York



JL. j.6.6 No. 3\

Page 55: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson


1918-19 [1]

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Sayin~ that he meant to discuss his in-cebtecness to Keppler during their visitb'lt had forgotten; that he expects to behome again in a fe'" weeks; sending theclipping Keppler asked for.

J anul'lry 15

Freeman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Saying he has never met Keppler person-ally but that they are of the same Clan.Inquiring if it is true that a group ofwealthy men were so moved by the speechmade by a Cattaraugus Seneca they prom-ised to subscribe monies to the Nation.[This was probe.bly at ground-breakingceremonies for Rodman Wanamaker Memo- .rial, Febr'lary 22, 1913 - a ceremonyfrom ,,'hich no memorial ever eventuated J

Enclosing his photograph. LSee Printno. 16089, files M.A.I.H.F.]

February 11

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Saying he is sending a portion of some-thing now and that he will try to obtainmore.

February 24

ChapmM Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Saying he is working P.t the Frl'lnkfordArsenal to earn money with which to re-build his barn and enquiring as to thepossibility of meeting Keppler in NewYork in March or April.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Fran.1.cford, Pa..



FOL. S.3 No 4-5

Rochester, New York



FOL. .T.6.4 NI' ,

Basom, New York



Philadelphia, Pa.



FD!.. 5.3 Nt, 44-

Page 56: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

March 26

Apr 11 25

June 28

July 17

August 14

October 4

[1918 con.]

Lyma..'rlJohnson to Joseph Keppler

Reportinb that he has been ill allwinter but that he is now able to getaround.

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler(2 sheets]

Thanking him for a picture ane sendingthe cost of the corn and its expressage.[Merked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

LMrs.] Nancy Cornplpnter to Joseph Keppler

Thanking him for his contribution to theDeath Feast (for her husband, EdwardCornplanter] which was held on the ~6th;saying she and her young~r daughter,Anna, a,re alone and that her son, Jesse,is in France (with the A. E. F.].

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler(? sheets]

Enquiring about "ginseng" root in Keppler'sneighborhood and the possibilities of trap-ping small animals.

Farnham Cook to Joseph Keppler

Announcing "Cold Water" medicine meet-ing on September 1st.[Marked: Answered, in Keppler Ishand]

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler[2 sheets]

Asking if, on his next visit, he maybring a friend, Lyman Smith, along andsaying he had been visited by DelosKittle sometime in July.LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]


Akron, New York



~C)L J.6.6 Nn 33

Akron, New York




FOl J,6.6 t 34-

Lawtons, New York



Fo!.. C .8. S No.1

Akron, New York




Fo!.. .r.G.6 NO,35

Lawton's, New York



Basom, New York




Fo!.. J .6.6 No. 36

Page 57: This document is from the Cornell University Library's ...rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/pdf_guides/RMM09184C.pdf · Reporting death of his dR.ughter, Geneva, on March 1st. Howard Jimerson

l1918 con.]

November 23

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Saying that :oeace wa.s celebrated on the

Reservati0n tthat ending World Wa.r I]

on the 17th and discussing the possibil-

ity of his visiting Keppler.

lMarked: "Ans. l!ov. 28th" in Keppler IShand]


Basom, New York



FoL. J:<;.6 No.37

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