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  • 7/26/2019 This is Our World (2016)


    This is Our


    12 poems, 17 images

    reflecting Time,

    Contemplation and

    Respect for Planet


    By Marcia Sparkes 2016

  • 7/26/2019 This is Our World (2016)



    CONTENTSFireflies, Dust and Beauty

    Verbania! Bella Verbania!

    This is Our World

    Internal Changes

    Beauty and Ugliness

    Mother Earth and Her Poles

    Gypsy and


    Poems inspired by the landscape of Verbania, Italy near the

    LakeMaggiore on the border of the Swiss Alps. Written during a stay on a

    bhaktivedanta retreat in the Northern province with the hare krishnas of the

    ISKON movement.

    The remaining 4 poems,

    The Two Doctors


    Black Hole

    and When I Return Home

    are an Urban Gothic take on the

    passing of time, waiting

    and the visitation of the timely

    character, Death.

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    Fireflies, Dust and Beauty

    Fireflies dance, spokes spark like delighted nymphs skimming sprightly along a moss-

    Green embankment.

    Beauy is like a dancing dragonfly happy in the light.

    A spectral of colour only makes itself known in reflection.

    Otherwise, all you see are grey-brown wings as dull as the clinging of dust in shadows.

    A vision of thruth unravels in front of your eyes only when you decide to look more


    This is not unlike Beauty.

    It only reveals itself to you in its true light.

    Pink, Purple, Green, Indigo, Violet.

    Verbania! Bella Verbania!

    Verbania! Verbania! You are beautiful

    In every way possible

    Bella! Bella!

    Peace is steadfast in the heart of you

    And covers the crown chakras of your maidens like a scared veil

    Here I can be eternally as Im supposed to be

    You are garlanded with jasmine and roses

    Aromatic pleasures are becoming of you

    The lakes waves shimmer and dance like the skin of Krishna-

    nocturnal blue,

    While Radha resides among the misty hills in the distance- mountainous, peaks

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    like a Mother serene and careful caressing her children

    Villagio after villagio resides in you

    You are peaceful, beautiful, calm and tranquil.

    Verbania bella Verbania

    This is Our World

    This is Our World.

    It is no longer your world

    We demand Peace, Knowledge, Freedom, a Future. A Home.

    Your corporations are no longer your corporations

    Your corporate ambitions have now become our

    corporate visions and we have changed the


    The future is already here. Its here now.

    And yes, the futures bright but it ist Orange.

    Its raincow coloured crystalite,

    A sparkling hue of spectral light. Like a merkabic prism

    encapsuling shining bright.

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    Where are the elementals?

    The garden fairies? The garden knomes?

    Where are they? Where is my home?

    Where are the Merlins and wizards and witches and these sun worshippers?

    Worshippers of geometric form?

    The light from a star for a new day is born

    Of nature perfectly held in balance

    Lets heal the earth. Caress, treat tender the womb.

    Nature, nature. Mother Earth

    Longing for a a healing, holistic, loving essential Nature.

    Not a volatile, hostile, violent, destructive Nature.

    The crystal rocks of the Earth

    Moonstone aventurine, apopholite, quartz crystal formed aeons and light

    years ago, will heal and aid me in this day;

    Becoming one with my DNA. Metaphysical make up.

    Salt, iron, water, blood moonstone.

    I and the moon are One

    I and the stars are One

    I and the sun are One.

    And they will aid us- you and me.

    The young generation.

    This is Our generation.

    And no- we are not Generation X.

    Neither are we Generation 666.

    We have a name and our name is clear

    Crystal clear

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    We are the Crystal Children

    The Rainbow Children

    The golden healers of the New Age children

    Fighters of the War and the out-moded system

    We usher in a New Day of peace.

    With the Aquarian water bearer enveloping our skies

    Pouring out a cooling, refreshment

    Allowing all to revitalise.

    You disobey us and think it is us who disobey.

    Yes. We are rebels to your inheritence because we are the new leaders

    and what have you left us as inheritence?

    What kind of earth have we inherited from you?

    So yes, we will disobey.

    Because your ways are no longer our ways.

    And what do you understand?

    You speak a different language.

    We speak another language of Peace, Tolerance, Justice, free from lies.

    With Truth and Love.

    This is our language.

    Direct and Directly tuned from above.

    We speak in frequencies of colour and sound wave vibrations and

    speckles and sparkles of telepathic kinesthetic communication

    of angel dust and light.

    Gearing insight and instant manifestation

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    Existing always in the fourth and fifth dimensions.

    Are you so blind that you cannot see?

    Or are you so deaf that you cannot hear?

    The Natural World needs healing.

    Hear the deforestation of the Amazon

    and the mutilation of the sacred trees and the thousands of species gone

    into extinction.

    When will it be acceptable to be loving again? Kind, compassionate

    and simplistic again?

    Whole again?

    Where has innocence gone?

    Have you been prostituted for politicians sake?

    For wine and the barleys sake?


    The woodlands, the forests, the burning rustic fire of autumnal leaves.

    Autumnal seasonal trees and changes.

    Heaven made us.

    The earth

    The peace

    The calm

    The soil

    The heat and the sweat of the brow that toils,

    but not for money or riches

    but for the karmic Law of Nature

    Yes, the karmic Law of Nature.

    Did you forget about that?

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  • 7/26/2019 This is Our World (2016)



    Internal Changes

    Internal Changes.


    Carried on an eternal wing.

    Colours swirl around my auric field in a daydream floating on an ethereal cloud.

    Caught in rapture.

    Perfectly safe.

    A conscious awareness that transports me.

    Eternal peace flows through me, tranquility, serenity.

    My world is a daydream.

    Constantly sleeping waiting to wake up.

    I have questions to ask and thoughts to respond to

    But they are already called to.

    Healing comes with much comprehension

    And much to accomplish. Still much to do.

    Beauty and Ugliness

    Beauty and ugliness

    Seem to me to be one and the same thing.

    Seen through different perspectives.

    How am I to act around you?

    How am I to behave when I am with you?

    I have an urge to shine brighter than a million suns

    But this urge is put away by my environment

    Wholeness and sentiment versus repressed retarded emotional emoting.

    Squeeze extract exploit. Squeeze extract exploit.

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    The showsters in town. Payback time for the clown.

    Up here, it is easy to be all that I want to be

    Down there, Ignorance is bliss so for now, Ill enjoy this retreat before I have to retreat

    And put on my shades.

    And cover over my shameful nakedness

    But somehoew Im getting tired of this Darkness.

    Awake, Oh Sleeper

    Awake, Oh Dreamer

    Awake and arise

    Time to bask, bathe and shower in the Light.

    Time to take off the shades.

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    The Two Doctors

    Its too bright.

    And too beautiful.

    Theres too much of all of it.

    And I want all of it.

    Nothing and everything.

    The Two Doctors

    They have my life in their hands.

    The one- he never fulfills all of my desires.

    And the other- the ones I have hell soon take all away from me.

    What can I do?

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    They cannot help me.

    What can I do?

    Who shall save me?


    and Death.

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    Mother Earth and Her Poles

    The Earth.

    Mother Gaia.

    She is very beautiful is she not?

    She has the North and the South poles.

    The North and the South poles-

    They are very attracted to each other.

    They are opposites and all of this. Opposites are very attracted-

    Everybody knows this.

    So, the North and the South poles are extremely attracted;

    But the thing is-

    Theyre not allowed to touch one another. Intimacy is witheld.

    Not permitted within the Law.

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    The minute they touch, the Earth itself will disintegrate.

    Nothing to exist anymore.

    But the Law- is very perfect.

    The Law makes everything very beautiful and so perfect, and is aware of everything.

    The Law makes everything so perfect, so that there is-

    This tension between them.

    The North and the South.

    But it is this tension that keeps the Earth in place.

    However, the year is 2016.

    This means that the North and the South are now awakening from their long slumber.

    They are beginning to discover their deep attraction for one another.

    This is why right now, the earth is all going topsy-turvy.

    Everything is out of place and upside down.

    There are wars over here and tsunamis over there.

    Everything is very crazy.

    The Mystery


    Dont ever question the question.

    Dont ever question the Mystery.

    Dont doubt it.And dont question it either.

    Because, you know,

    You will never find it.

    It is something that just goes on forever and ever and

    ever and ever and Aigh! Forget about that!

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    The Mystery is very attractive in all its Mystery.


    If you ever find yourself succumbing to its powers,

    And you start to become intoxicated by its magnetism,

    Dont ever attempt to explain


    I go here

    I go there


    Without a care

    My home is no longer my own


    Indistinguishable to me

    Foreigners plough; take over my home land

    Left on my own alone wild and


    My gods are no longer my gods


    My gods are no longer my gods

    You take my gods as your ownand say they are not gods at all

    I am a daughter of the Earth

    The richness of the Earth,

    The Sun and the Moon

    The fire, the Earth, the wind and the rain

    I whisper call summon

    They respond to their names

    But this is not a perception

    Viewed by you

    You take my gods as your own

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    And say they are not gods at all

    So I am exiled

    Driven away


    Why did I come here?

    To ponder over a view?

    To awaken something inside?

    Cycle after cycle.

    Snow covered mountains display themselves proudly in the distance.

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    Unashamed and unafraid.

    Wounded Pride

    There message is hard to decipher

    Something about Purity and Clarity.

    Only take what is essential and pure.

    Then take it and distill it to its highest quality. The best possibility.

    Volcanic rocks spurt molten emit steam from formated crustaceons of mud hills and mudsprings.

    Take me there to Re-oxygenate my face. Infuse my soul.

    Take me there. This is what I want my life to be.

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    Black Hole

    Black Hole

    Small tale

    Willow the wisp in the vale

    The tall dark man hooded cloak covering

    His face skeletal sockets empty

    Menacing grinning Machievellian champion

    Its so funny,

    So funny

    To him

    Not to me

    Where is my time the day that you stole my diary

    Took my privacy away

    The day that you stole my diary

    My private life

    My private head

    My private thoughts

    Did you creep into my bed in the middle of the night

    A black crow as an omen

    Porched on my window sill in the morning

    Told me so

    That you crept into my bed in the middle of the night

    He peered down through the window with beady black eyes

    Pierced a look through me as though he knew something and was

    telling me something

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    Like there is something I know that I really shouldnt know

    Something that I cannot repeat but should despise

    Some kind of forbidden knowledge he passed onto me throuh the pane

    This pain

    Mixed with a tint of pleasure

    Secrets that were not secrets

    But some kind of deadly poison and drugged intoxification to you

    Something so interesting to you

    Fascinating enthused

    You left me and I left not knowing what to do

    Broken pieces of my life on the floor- like glass frozen

    Seeping withering rolling malting

    What can I do

    About this decay?

    Blow you away

    Then today

    Live for today

    With my rock n roll boyfriend in a

    A rock n roll frenzy

    The weekend is here and Im out to play

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    Blow you away, blow your mind away

    I dont need you

    But somehow

    I do

    Wanting, longing to seeyou

    I want you but not in thepast life- the past existence

    Only in this life

    I wantit all brand new

    Like wide screen flat screen and blue ray HD

    Want to create some magic with you

    Want to forget myself with you

    Yor face is my joy

    Your body

    Is my merkabic field.

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