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This Way Wagga WaggaWAGGA WAGGA 2030

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ContentsThe knowledge and wisdom of our past 1Our present strengths and passions 1Influences from outside 2

Our Vision: Our Wagga Wagga 2030 3A thriving, innovative, connected community 3On the Murrumbidgee 3Rich in opportunity, choice, learning and environment 3Where paths cross, where people meet 3

Our values 4Together Wagga Wagga will 4Live and lead with courage, compassion and commitment 4Think and act with respect, beyond ourselves, beyond today 4

Future directions and strategic objectives 5Participatory democracy and decisive leadership 5A community with health and well being 5Viable and connected rural and suburban communities 5A rich and vibrant cultural centre 6A prosperous, diverse and growing economy 6A sustainable environment 7A strong identity 7Our education, learning and training industry makes the difference 7

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‘People should believe that they

can participate and have access to all features of our community.’

Connected community - Ineke

The knowledge and wisdom of our pastThere are many times in the past where we have been successful at working together to achieve the things important to us. We are accustomed to cultural differences and much has been done to begin to understand the richness that flows from a diverse, engaged and tolerant community.

Wagga Wagga has attitude! When challenging times arise we have demonstrated that we can be both resourceful and resilient. Our broad based economy has weathered lean economic times and prosperity comes from a wide range of sectors and activities. Our environment has sustained us and there are examples of good environmental management but also areas where we could have done better.

Sometimes though we have been reluctant to change and it has been said that ‘Wagga waits and then reacts’. We have also displayed short-term thinking instead of long-term responses to the things that affect us. Whilst we would not wish to be brash or conceited, we often hide our talents and also the pride we have in this place we call home.

Our present strengths and passions

Living in Wagga Wagga gives you all the services and facilities of bigger cities with none of the ‘big city’ drawbacks. There are choices and opportunities here in every sector – health, education, agriculture, business, sport, recreation, arts and culture.

This way of life is further enriched by our environment – the magnificent Murrumbidgee River, our cultural heart, a rich rural landscape and agricultural tradition and our City’s built heritage. We have much to be thankful for and to offer others.

Our strategic location affects us not just physically but emotionally. We are well connected in to and out of central New South Wales, Victoria and the nation’s capital. We are centre to the Riverina region. We are also connected to each other; those who live here and those who have spent time in Wagga Wagga. Those who have a connection to Wagga Wagga are found all over the world.

We are passionate about the education, skill development and lifelong learning services and opportunities Wagga Wagga offers. Here you can get a great education from kinder to university; you can train to be a pilot; you can push medical innovation to the edges; you can become a winemaker, artist, performer or innovator. Our diverse economy is facilitated and supported by this passion for education and learning.

We can do more to recognise and celebrate our cultural diversity. If we do we will create even more opportunities for people to come and share our way of life. Those who have a connection to Wagga Wagga will continue to grow. However with population growth comes the need to provide adequate infrastructure. This will cost and we may have to make difficult choices. Also, although Wagga Wagga includes the city heart and surrounding townships more can be done to ensure services and facilities are found throughout the municipality.

We can also build our identity, make it known what we as a community find important and how we think our governments – local, state and federal - can support us. The Wagga Wagga brand can be something that expresses who we are and what we offer.


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Influences from outside

Wagga Wagga is not an ‘island unto itself’. It exists within a region, a state, a nation and the world. There are many things from outside the City that we need to be mindful of and do our best to proactively respond to.

We need to understand deeply:

• the potential effect of climate change on our City, community and industries

• how population growth and demographic change will affect our physical and social infrastructure and how we manage these assets;

• the policies of all levels of government;

• how to make the most of technology and be innovative;

• our individual responsibilities to the environment that sustains us;

• the trends and opportunities in education, learning and training and

• how to lever further opportunities from ‘local/regional’ strengths in globalising world

Wagga Wagga - the entire community of Wagga Wagga including

surrounding villages and rural areas


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A thriving, innovative, connected community

Our broad based and balanced economy is not just surviving but thriving. There is energy, growth and prosperity – across the community. The Wagga Wagga approach is to do the things we already do differently, so we’re always improving, and to do new things before anyone else. We bring innovative thinking to all we do. We’re known for this.

We are connected – to each other; town and country; to the region and to the world. Community life is culturally rich, responsive to diversity, welcoming and fun. We live here but work everywhere. The international connection to Wagga Wagga continues to grow and plays an active role in telling our story to the rest of the world.

On the Murrumbidgee

The Murrumbidgee River flows through our home land and the land of others. It supports the rich and prosperous life we enjoy here. It provides a cooling place for us to meet, have fun, rest and reflect. It is our cultural heart. We take our responsibility to care for this magnificent river very seriously. We do all we can to make sure it will continue to flow freely, nurture and provide for us now as well as for the generations to come.

Rich in opportunity, choice, learning and environment

We’ve maintained the balance between being big and being small. We have all the services and facilities to reach our full potential through each stage of our lives. We’re small enough to still have that strong sense of community and belonging so many people from around the world seek.

Our enviable way of life is built around opportunity and choice in work, recreation, cultural activities, health and well-being. This full range of living options is facilitated and supported by education, training and learning services and standards that are the envy of the world. Lifelong learning is part of the Wagga Wagga way of living. It is part of everything we do.

The built and natural environments are also an integral part of who we are. Our built heritage is part of contemporary living; our modern buildings respond to our climate and environmental responsibilities. They also help build and present our identity. Our natural environment – the river, rural landscapes, animals and plants – are healthy, productive and cared for. We are proud of the way we have learnt to live respectfully with our environment. We’re known for this too!

Where paths cross, where people meet

From the earliest times many of the Aboriginal peoples, the original custodians of our land, came to meet in Wagga Wagga. People are still meeting here. Those who are fortunate enough to be born here welcome those who are fortunate enough to come to this place and call it home, for however short or long a time that might be.

People come to learn, to work, to have fun and for well-being. When they move on they remain part of ‘Wagga Wagga’. Wherever they may be in the world, they join the global community of Wagga Wagga and continue to tell our story.

Wagga Wagga’s strategic location means that road paths, air paths, learning paths, digital paths and life paths all cross and meet. This ‘meeting’ gives strength to our economy, culture, social well being and identity. It is what makes us different and how others talk about us.


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Values shape the way we act toward one another and how we work together. They also guide our decision making when we are faced with choices.

Together Wagga Wagga will

This is all of us, not just one or two groups, but the entire Wagga Wagga community.

Live and lead with courage, compassion and commitment

We are no longer reluctant to change; we no longer wait and then react, but have courage, show commitment to what we are doing and remain compassionate to each other and others. We live like this. We lead like this. We are known for this.

Think and act with respect, beyond ourselves, beyond today

We respect our built and natural environment and each other. We continue to do all we can to understand and enjoy cultural differences. Our thinking and responses are for the longer term. We do for today, with tomorrow in mind. ‘Wagga Wagga has a proud

history as a leader in the arts, we need to make

sure that our community continues to have the

opportunity to experience the arts as consumers, social participants and

innovative creators.’Arts - Kevin


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Participatory democracy and decisive leadership

Wagga Wagga is an engaged community. Being informed, having a say, sharing ideas and getting involved in decisions that matter happens easily. Leadership across all sectors of the community is decisive and issues are dealt with cooperatively and promptly. We work with our neighbors and other levels of government and our contribution is valued.

• There are opportunities to be engaged, involved and informed about community decisions

• Leadership responsibility for moving forward is shared across the community

• Wagga Wagga is a respected regional leader

A community with health and well being

The range of medical services we enjoy makes Wagga Wagga a regional health centre. However, health and well-being are about prevention as much as cure. People have opportunities and take responsibility for their own well-being. This is encouraged through the provision of recreational facilities and strong participation in sport and fitness activities. People with special needs are cared for, the community is safe and there are a range of affordable housing options. Environmental health services and public infrastructure ensure that living spaces and places are clean and healthy.

• Health services address the needs of all sectors in the community

• Recreation facilities and infrastructure enable exercise and fitness

• We are the “City of Good Sports” in our activities and attitudes

• People are safe at home and in public spaces

• Our living spaces and places are clean and healthy

• A variety of housing options are available

Viable and connected rural and suburban communities

Everyone feels part of the Wagga Wagga community whether you live in the country or suburbs. All areas have a community heart where people can gather and meet. Innovative service delivery options are provided to places isolated from the city centre. Volunteering brings people together around projects. Activities like farmers markets and community gardens not only bring people together but provide a vehicle to display and promote the produce of our local region.

• All communities, rural and suburban, have a heart where people can gather and meet

• Local community facilities are improved and maintained

• A strong spirit of volunteering is fostered

• Service delivery to isolated areas is innovative


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A rich and vibrant cultural centre

The arts thrive and Wagga Wagga is the regional centre for culture in all its forms. The area is known for its fine wine and dining experiences. The River precinct is our heart and we enjoy a rich program of cultural and sporting events. Our cultural heritage and diversity is celebrated. Our new cultural centre is a ‘keeping place’ for a rich Aboriginal heritage and traditions. Here there is performance, exhibitions and learning for all.

• Build a cafe and food culture

• Thriving regional arts community

• The river precinct is our cultural heart

• The cultural centre is a ‘keeping place’

A prosperous, diverse and growing economy

The economy remains balanced able to withstand both global and national ups and downs. Agriculture is prospering and provides not only employment but the regional produce we’re famous for. Modern technologies link businesses with each other and the world. A range of transport options have made Wagga Wagga accessible and the number of tourists and business visitors continues to increase. The city centre is the regional retail destination and connected business hubs attract a range of industries from across the nation. Wagga Wagga is the first choice for businesses wishing to decentralise.

• Growing levels of visitation by tourists and business people

• Connected business hubs attracting a range of industries

• Leading edge business and communication technology linking everyone

• A growing agricultural sector

• The regional retail centre

• Employment opportunities for all

‘Wagga Wagga is working towards the rebuilding of a new Wagga Wagga Base Hospital, continues to grow its medical community and keen to

secure more post graduate training in the city’Health and Wellbeing - Joy


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A sustainable environment

We think beyond today in all that we do and live lightly on our natural environment. Our building codes are forward thinking and the built environment conserves resources, makes use of alternative energies and offers safe sustainable living. Affordable transport options are accessible to all. We lead the way in research and approaches to water use and conservation. Our rural sector leads in agricultural practices that are environmentally responsible.

• There are incentives to conserve natural resources

• Alternative, sustainable, safe and accessible transport options are available

• Agricultural practices are leading edge and environmentally responsible

• Approaches to water use and conservation are innovative

A strong identity

The world knows about Wagga Wagga and we are proud of our recognisable brand. Many groups and organisations make use of the Wagga Wagga brand to strengthen their activities. Our brand distinguishes our place, our produce and our people. It is one of our most valuable possessions and we do all we can to protect it.

• A recognisable Wagga Wagga brand

• Social and economic alignment with the brand

• Key groups and organizations are part of the brand program

Our education, learning and training industry makes the difference

Wagga Wagga has a full range of education and training facilities - schools, Universities, TAFE colleges, and the defence training centers. It is also a centre of excellence for medical training. Young people from around the world come to Wagga to study. We are a community of lifelong learners.

• Wagga Wagga is a centre of medical excellence with a strong medical school and hospital

• It is a centre for pilot training

• Lifelong community education and learning is fostered

• Grow our education, learning and training industry

• A centre for research and innovation


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This Way Wagga WaggaWAGGA WAGGA 2030http://www.wagga.nsw.gov.au/www/html/3655-which-way-wagga-vision-2030.asp

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