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This Week 's PARISH NEWS!This Week 's PARISH NEWS!

The mission of our parish is to make the love of God more widely known in ourThe mission of our parish is to make the love of God more widely known in ourcommunity and the world by welcoming all people; helping those less fortunatecommunity and the world by welcoming all people; helping those less fortunate

through service and by sharing God’s gifts.through service and by sharing God’s gifts.

October 10, 2021October 10, 202120th Sunday after20th Sunday after


ScripturesScripturesAmos 5:6-7,10-15Amos 5:6-7,10-15Psalm 90:12-17Psalm 90:12-17

Hebrews 4:12-16Hebrews 4:12-16Mark 10:17-31Mark 10:17-31

WorshipWorshipWith Us onWith Us onYouTubeYouTube

Join us forJoin us forIn PersonIn PersonServicesServices

All Saints' ChurchAll Saints' ChurchSaturday 5pm in

the Church Gardenand


St. George’sSt. George’sChapelChapel

Sundays 9:30 am

On the Clergy NightstandOn the Clergy Nightstand

Prayer ListPrayer List (names usually stay on for

about a month)Helen Abrams

Jim AllenLucy Allen

Jack AndersonCathy Bell

Craig BrantleyThenia Brasby

Sherry ChappelleKyle DavidRalph Daub

Darren DiesteBetty Hatfield

Robert HatfieldJessica HeuerCharlotte King

Henry C. HobackLynn Hoback

David HubbuchJessica Heuer

Brian KornmillerDonna Kornmiller

DJ KyleDebbie PadgettJoe ParadiseDavid PierceClaire ReedBonnie Riley

Sharon RodamskiJimmy S.

Carole SchagrinDonna Schmitt

Beau SmithPriscilla SmithMarla Snare

Jon TarnCarol WellsSally Zana

**To add or remove a name,please call the Parish Office

Dear Friends,

In front of me right now are two wonderfulJoan Chittister books. Joan is someone I turnto when I want to center up and make somesense of life or at least find a path to awakenfrom it. She wrote The Gift of Years over 13years ago but I pulled it out recently when aparishioner asked if we could do a bookdiscussion around it. Aging is one of thosethings that often takes us by surprise,sneaking up on us while we're living life.Who knew my mom would be staring at mein the mirror every morning all those yearsago? A few years ago I met Joan Chittister

and had the opportunity to ask her, "Whatkeeps you energized at this stage of life?"Her response was: "My sisters whom I livewith each day, my sweet pets whom I loveevery day, and a small glass of brandy (orwas it bourbon?) every night before I go tosleep." Good old Joan. Such a good nun!!And from her honest answer comes bookt w o : Two Dogs and a Parrot . AnotherChittister classic.

Forever young,Mother Shelley +

Columbus Day Sale atColumbus Day Sale atAll Saints Parish Thrift ShopAll Saints Parish Thrift Shop

11am to 3pm on Monday, October 11

Lots of items at $1 each. All Summer clothing, single wooden chairs,

household goods and lots more. Happy Shopping!

Welcome To Our Parish FamilyWelcome To Our Parish Family

Melanie Leinbach Melanie Leinbach most recently comes to us from thePresbyterian Church of Dover and joins us as a part-time Interim Music Director while we search for a full-time Music Minister. Melanie will be planning music andplaying for our services at both All Saints' Church andSt. George's Chapel. She will be working with choirmembers interested in performing solos and duetsthroughout the Advent and Christmas season. Melaniewill begin in worship with us this Sunday.

With the retirement of our beloved Lynn

Brittingham, Joanna Carty Joanna Carty joins us as our new AllSaints' & St. George's Thrift Shop Manager.Currently, Joanna has been working with both theEpiscopal Diocese of Delaware and CampArrowhead guiding them in the development ofDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as hands-on work with the kids at camp this past summer.Prior to that, Joanna worked for nearly 14 years asa director of various departments and programs atConnecting Generations, a non-profit organization

focused on bringing caring adults into the lives of young people. Joannawill be working closely with Lynn throughout the month of October beforeLynn leaves to meet her new grandchild in Colorado. Look for news of anupcoming celebration for Lynn before she departs.

Feeling Lost After a Loss?Feeling Lost After a Loss?

Come and sit among friends going through the same rough time of life asyou are after losing a loved one in death. This Sunday, September 12th,we begin a comforting journey together called Grief Share. We will meeteach week, support one another at whatever stage of grief we are in, hearfrom grief recovery experts and walk forward together in hope. Oursessions will be led by All Saint's Church and St. George's Chapelparishioners Gwen Spicer, Carol Stone and Joe Antisavage. Come and seewhat love and support can do in a community.

Grief Share, All Saints Parish Hall, 1:00pm every Sunday. Grief Share, All Saints Parish Hall, 1:00pm every Sunday.

A Stephen Minister May Be Just What GodA Stephen Minister May Be Just What GodHas in Mind for YouHas in Mind for You

Stephen Ministries is one of the most beautiful lay ministries our EpiscopalChurch offers within local communities. It is truly a way to live Christ in thisworld by providing short-term one-on-one support to members of AllSaints' Church and St. George's Chapel members who are facing lifechallenges and transitions. Your relationship does not replace the need oroffering of clergy, but it rather enhances the communal Christ experiencewithin the church. If you find yourself in a time of life where a calmingpresence to walk beside you sounds comforting, give Mother Shelley a calland learn more about Stephen Ministries. +

Vestry NomineesVestry Nominees

Vestry Nominees to be voted on at the Annual Meeting on Sunday,November 14 are: Helen Hoart, Sara Lynn Brahms, Lisa Graff and Tracey

Burton Hausel.

Notice of Vestry Vote Notice of Vestry Vote to amend the Bylaws on November 9to amend the Bylaws on November 9

The vestry has scheduled a vote on the recommended changes to thebylaws by the Vestry Bylaws Committee on November 9. A full copy of theBylaw Recommendations is on each bulletin board at All Saints’ Church andat St. George’s Chapel. If you have input as to the proposed amendments,send them to Henley Graves at [email protected].

Pictures from Blessing of the AnimalsPictures from Blessing of the Animals

COVID Response UpdateCOVID Response Update

Please remember the mandatory mask mandate isPlease remember the mandatory mask mandate isstill in effect for both churches till further notice.still in effect for both churches till further notice.

Forward Day by DayForward Day by Day

Forward Day by Day Forward Day by Day Meditation is posted for every dayof the year at: https://prayer.forwardmovement.org/https://prayer.forwardmovement.org/

The new edition of the quarterly devotional, “ForwardDay by Day” is now available. You can pick up your copyfrom the Narthex in both churches or in the Parish Office.

Worship With UsWorship With UsSunday, October 10, 2021Sunday, October 10, 2021

Our LIVE Sunday church servicesOur LIVE Sunday church servicesof Holy Eucharist are available Sundays.of Holy Eucharist are available Sundays.

Just click this link:Just click this link:


All Saints' ChurchAll Saints' Church18 Olive Avenue18 Olive Avenue

Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971





St. George's ChapelSt. George's Chapel20274 Beaver Dam Road (RT. 23)20274 Beaver Dam Road (RT. 23)

Harbeson, DE 19951Harbeson, DE 19951

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