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Page 1: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.
Page 2: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

This workshop goes over:

How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés.

What a resumé is and the importance of creating one.

Different resumé types for different jobs.

Page 3: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

The cover letter

It is a letter that accompanies and presents a resumé.

It contains brief information about the student’s interest in a position, and their skills and qualifications.

It also provides a record of when and to whom information was sent.

Page 4: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

How to structure the cover letter

The student should start by mentioning where they heard about the position, and why they are interested in it.

Next, the student should write a little about their skills, and what they can offer to the company.

Close by thanking the recipient and requesting an interview.

Page 5: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

How to structure the cover letter (cont’d)

Be sure to follow the standard format for a business letter or ask the company of interest for their requirements.

Writing should demonstrate appropriate tone and should follow the standard rules of grammar and mechanics.

The letter should point out the most important information of the résumé, not all of it.

Page 6: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

Content differences with the cover letter

A cover letter will vary depending on the individual writing it.

The student’s current status will determine the kind of information they will include.

Example: a student or recent graduate will highlight education; a person with extensive work experience will highlight past positions held.

Page 7: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

The resuméIt is an important tool when searching for a


It is a listing of educational background and employment experience, both past and current.

It highlights skills and abilities that pertain to the potential job.

The type of job the student is applying for (entry level, advanced level, etc.) will determine the structure of the resumé.

Page 8: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

Types of resumés: Entry-Level

Students applying for entry-level jobs will

likely need a resumé that has theiracademic achievements as the


• This resumé also works for students who have little to no relevant work experience.

• The main focus is the student’s academic achievements, grades, classes taken, or extracurricular activities.

• The student should use other information that is relevant to the position that they are applying to.

Peggy Edwards

144 Elm Street, Apt. 4

West Orange, New Jersey 07052

(973) 741-0134

[email protected]

OBJECTIVE To work at a local health department as a Registered Environmental Health Specialist.

EDUCATION Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ

B.S., Health Education (concentrated in Community Health), 2006

Magna Cum Laude, (GPA: 3.75/4.0)

Essex County Community College, West Caldwell, NJ

A.S., Social Services, 2003


Public Health The Teaching of Health

Health Promotion School Health and Community Service

Environmental Health Environmental and Public Health


Dean’s List, Phi Theta Kappa, Golden Key National Honor Society

RELATED Intern, Bergen County Health Department, 1/2004-4/2004

EXPERIENCE (North Bergen, NJ)

Conducted Chapter 12 food inspections, reviewed septic plans, and responded to community complaints under the supervision of trained

health inspectors.

Substitute Health Teacher, West Orange High School, 9/2001-1/2002

(West Orange, NJ)

Dental Assistant, Daniel R. Korb, D.D.S., P.A., 8/2000-3/2001

(Cedar Grove, NJ)

Took dental radiographs of all patients, sterilized instruments, and sanitized rooms.

LICENSES New Jersey Registered Environmental Health Specialist

New Jersey Dental Radiologist

New Jersey Commercial Drivers license with air brake endorsement

REFERENCES Furnished upon request

Scholastic Achievements

Relevant Experience

Page 9: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

Types of resumés: Advanced Level

Students applying for jobs that require

extensive experience will likely needa resumé that has their work

experience as the main theme. This resumé also works for

students who have been out of school for some time.

This resumé is usually organized by the different jobs (work experience) that the student has held, starting with the most recent.

Under each job, the student should briefly describe the duties performed in each job that are relevant to the position that they are applying to.


7761 Shalamar Drive

Dayton, Ohio 45424

(513) 255-4137


A management position in the aerospace industry with responsibility for developing new designs and products.



Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio

Supervise 17 drafting mechanics in support of the engineering design staff. Develop, evaluate, and improve materials and equipment for the design and construction of exhibits. Write specification, negotiate with vendors, and initiate procurement activities for exhibit design support.


Henderson Advertising Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio

Supervised five illustrators and four drafting mechanics after promotion from Graphics Technician. Analyzed and approved work-order requirements. Selected appropriate media and techniques for orders. Rendered illustrations in pencil and ink. Converted department to CAD system.



Edison State College, Wooster, Ohio


Wooster Community College, Wooster, Ohio


National Association of Mechanical Engineers and Drafting Mechanics


References, letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of original designs and drawings available online at www.juno.com/mand.

Description of Duties

Relevant Experience

Page 10: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

How to structure the resumé

The heading should include the student’s full name, address, phone number and e-mail address.

DAVID B. EDWARDS6819 Locustview DriveTopeka, Kansas 66614

(913) [email protected]

The student should include an appropriate employment objective (what the student has to offer to the potential employer).

EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVE: Entry-level programmer or data

communications technician, leading to systems analysis and management positions.

Page 11: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

How to structure the resumé (cont’d)

Provide a listing of educational and employment experience. Order can vary: The student should

determine the standard protocol for the company of interest or follow the format that best suits their needs.

Include a list of skills and abilities. Focus on information that is relevant to the


End the resumé by including references or stating that they are available upon request.

Page 12: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

Helpful hints…

Cover letter and resumé should be truthful!

Use action verbs: Example: write “managed” instead of

“was the manager”.

Do not use the first person POV Instead of: I was promoted to… Use: Promoted to…

Page 13: This workshop goes over: How to write a cover letter to use when submitting resumés. What a resumé is and the importance of creating one. Different.

Resumé handouts & links

How to write a resumé handout with sample resumés

Resumés and Cover Letters

Thanks for Visiting!SOURCE:

Oliu, Walter E., Charles T. Brusaw, and Gerald J. Alred. Writing That Works: Communicating Effectively on the Job, 9th edition. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2007.

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