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Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 2

Safety Matters !

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

- Preventive evacuation - 2nd Accident in LS1 LHC- Bump-Caps

Thomas Otto, Safety Officer, TE Dept.

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 3

Point 8 “Evacuation”, 22. 5. 2013

9:50 FB informed that Lift in PM 85 not working

10:05 FB intervention truck at P8

10:20 Technician for Lift maintenance arrives on-site, can give no estimated duration of the reparation

FB “evacuates” 30 persons waiting in the PM 85 safe room by the stairs. 3 FB teams are engaged in total

12:00 Lift operation back to normal

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

FB characterises this intervention as a “mise en sécurité” (safeguarding)With the main evacuation route not working, it may be wise to remove personnel from an area with potential dangers

This is a very conservative interpretation of the procedure “Sortie du LHC en cas de maintenance ou panne de l’ascenseur” (2009 ff.)

Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 4

“ Entree ou sortie du LHC en cas de Maintenance ou de Panne de l’Ascenseur ” (presently in work)

• 2 major cases:• Lift not working, normal conditions

• Personnel may continue working• or use another lift at the same Point (2,4,5)• or walk to an adjacent point • Or use the stairs, after informing FB

• Lift not working, emergency conditions• FB in charge• Evacuation pathway depending on availability and

location of the danger

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 5

Safeguarding of personnel• When all lifts adjacent to a sector fail, the

personnel will be safeguarded by the Fire Brigade

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 6

Accident in LHC sector 1-2• Use of the orbital cutting

tool• Worker manipulated

“manchette” while keeping the finger on the motor command

• Disrespect of procedure

• Entrainment of finger• Several days of absence

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

Doigt d’indexage tenu par la main gauche


Sens de déplacement de la manchette

Restricted Use of Bump-Caps• Obstacles in zones

where a helmet is not required.

• Constrained workstations where a helmet cannot be worn

• Risk of head injuries

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013 Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 7

Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 8

Restricted Use of Bump-Caps

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

In areas marked with this or a similar sign a safety helmet according to standard EN 397 must be worn.

Only in constrained workspaces, where a safety helmet would be inappropriate, it may be replaced by a bump-cap

Not from the CERN stores.

To be ordered from external suppliers.

Shall conform to standard EN 812

Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 913th LSC, 21. 6. 2013

13th LSC, 21. 6. 2013 Thomas Otto, TE Safety Officer 10

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