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Thursday 4/14/11

• Please get your propaganda posters ready to present along with your video notes and 150 words poster description.

• Please clearly label your assignments!

• Hmwk: Pg. 172 ‘Activity’ Due Tmrw.

Reading Quiz1. Who did Hitler blame for the Reichstag fire

in 1933?

2. What was the Act that made Hitler a virtual dictator in 1933?

A) Enabling B) Empowering C) Election

3. What leader of the SA was killed on the Night of the Long Knives?

4. What two factors characterize a Totalitarian state?

5. Who was the Gestapo and what was their role?

Reading Quiz Cont.6. Which faction of Hitler’s SS was responsible for the

concentration camps?

7. According to the text, which was not one of the three main reasons why there was so little opposition to Hitler?

A) Nazi Successes B) Economic Fears C) Concentration Camps D) Propaganda

8. What was the Nazi view of the role of women? (Did it change?)

9. What two young people groups did NOT support Hitler?

10. Who was Hitler’s propaganda organizer? (last name)

Mini Project…Due Thursday• Read pages 148-182 • Pick a topic to address in a propaganda

poster…’young nazis’, ‘women’s response’ , ‘jews’ etc….

• Create a propaganda poster illustrating your topic…do NOT copy one from the book…you’ll get no credit.

• Must be 14”x11” (1/4 poster) size.• Fully colored• Caption/slogan on the poster• Also, turn in 150 words explaining your poster and the

topics significance. Typed.

Weimar Republic

• WWI Treaty condition- democracy– Kaiser refuses-revolts in Germany– November 9, 1918 Kaiser abdicated– Socialist leader, Friedrich Ebert leader of

Republic• Signs armistice with Allies

Ebert has opposition

Right Wing

• Kaiser’s former advisers remained in power preventing change

• Hoped Kaiser would return

Left Wing

• Communists wanted revolution like Russia’s 1917

• January 1919- free elections Ebert’s party wins –President of Weimar Republic

Republic in danger 1919-1924

• Left-Wing Threat-

• 1st Revolution Attempt– Communists (Spartacists) led by Karl

Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg– Anti-Communist Threat was Freikorps– Fighting…Freikorps won first communist


Left-Wing Threat Cont.

• 2nd Revolution Attempt– Bavaria south Germany, independent Socialist

state– Feb. 1919 murdered Kurt Eisner, Ebert’s ally– Communists try to make it soviet republic– Ebert sends in Freikorps May 1919– 600 communists killed

More Revolutions

• 1920 more Communist agitation in Ruhr industrial area– Freikorps clashed with Communists– 2000 casualties

• Bitterness grows between Communists and Ebert’s Socialist Party

• Despite defeats, Communists remained powerful anti-government force in 1920’s

Treaty of Versailles

• Germany lost- 10% land, all colonies, 12.5% of population and 16% coal and 48% iron industry, army reduced to 100,000, no air force, reduced navy and accept blame-pay reparations

• Ebert reluctant to sign

• German army felt betrayed by Socialist gov’t. not continuing the war

Right-Wing Threat

• People who supported the Kaiser, dictatorship

• Wanted empire and industry

• 1920 Kapp Putsch-5000 Freikorps to Berlin

• City strikes and shuts down-Kapp leaves and dies awaiting trial

• Assassination frequent

• Hitler led Munich Putsch-jailed for it

Economic Disaster• Germany forced to pay reparations from the


• The Ruhr-– 1921: paid one installment– 1922: no payment– French and Belgium enters industrial Ruhr and

takes reparations in material goods– Germany instructs strike, France kills 100

workers– Strike causes devastation for Germany currency– Hyperinflation occurs

1923 New Gov’t

• Gustav Stresemann takes over

• Called off strike in Ruhr

• Made new money- Rentenmark

• Got American loans under- Dawes Plan

• Renegotiated reparation payments

• Economic Crisis solved

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