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Page 1: Tidings September 2012

September - October 2012

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Page 2: Tidings September 2012

You might have heard it said: ‘You don’t haveto go to church to be a Christian’ orperhaps this: ‘I’m not religious but I amspiritual’. In a few sentences I want to giveyou three very good reasons for makingchurch attendance a priority in your life.


Despite the many failings of institutionalchurch, local churches remain the bestexpression of community we know. Inmodern society genuine community isbecoming something that is increasinglyrare. It remains the case that Christiancommunity remains the bedrock ofcompassionate and caring society. Don’ttake my word for it, explore the evidencefor yourself. Community is more thanlimiting ourselves to our own families andfriends. It’s about embracing difference andotherness and knowing the joy that comesthrough this step of trust.

Character formation

The Church is the place where, together,we learn to become better people. Let meuse the analogy of a motor garage. Fromtime to time we take our cars to the garagefor repairs and servicing. If we don’t dothat our cars begin to go wrong and fail torun as well as they are designed to. Howmuch more complex are we to themechanical workings of a car! What exactlymakes us better people? The short answeris this: ‘becoming more like Jesus’. Inparticular God’s design for us is to becomemoral agents who reflect the character ofChrist who ‘loved us and gave his life for us’(Gal. 2: 20). Christian character is ultimately

founded on love – a sort of love that is notfound anywhere else in the world. Again, ifyou don’t believe me feel free to identify amore wonderful expression of love thanPaul lays out in 1Corinthians 13.

Divine encounter

Finally, we should make church a priority sothat we can worship. The WestminsterConfession says this: ‘the chief end of man isto enjoy God’. We ‘enjoy God’ supremelyin worship – literally, ‘coming forward tokiss’. Worship is a truly transcendentexperience. It lifts us out of the ordinarylimitations of our lives and allows us to beremade in the image of God – or at least itshould! We’ve all experienced less thaninspiring church services. However, threethings will raise our worship at St Matthias’:a generous spirit of community, a desire tobecome better people together, and alonging to enjoy God’s presence.

As we go into a new school year may Ichallenge you (gently!) to reflect on yourpriorities – for yourself and for your family?One wise church leader said this: ‘the localchurch is the hope of the world’. I believethat to be true and I believe firmly thatthere is a great deal at stake for ourselves,for our young people and for our society.

During the month of October we will beinviting the whole church to participate in aconversation about how we can make StMatthias’ the best expression of church wecan. Everyone is welcome to the table!

In Christ’s love,William

The Rector writes…

‘Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,but let us encourage one another…’ (Hebrews 10: 25)

Dear friends,


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My friends say I am a collector of religions. I was raised a Roman Catholic, then ‘connected’with Shinnyo-En (Japanese Buddhist denomination)the year I did my masters in UK and now joinedthe St Matthias Anglican community. Thankfullythey are all complementary of each other!

Where do you live?On Killiney Ave, feel very lucky to be within fewminutes walking distance to the church.

How long have you been attending St Matthias? Since 2004

What do you like most about St Matthias?Everything and everyone

If you were the Rector, what is the one thing you wouldlike to change? Probably myself, as I know I wouldn’t be a goodone! But the incumbent is doing a pretty good jobof it. I know he still has a lot more tricks up hissleeve. It is great to see the community is growingstronger under his helm!

What is your favourite hymn or gospel song and why?It was a hymn few services back. I think the title is‘Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace’. I ampleased to learn that it is attributed to St Francisof Assisi, who is a saint I most am in awe. I like itbecause I think it is a great synopsis of whathumanity should be mostly about and what Ishould try to endeavour! Hard act though!

How did you get your faith and what is faith to you?I was born and raised with the faith. And I am verythankful for that. Faith for me is essential inkeeping me in equilibrium.

Do you ever feel close to God? When do you feel closeto God? What do you do to feel close to God?I have been brought up to believe God iseverywhere and anywhere and knows everythingand means well. I have never questioned these.This is faith I guess so yes, I feel close to Godquite a bit or maybe more precisely for me, I feelGod is always close by no matter what.

Under the spotlight with Susie Tyler

Susie Tyler

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Parish Hall Completion

This month we look forward to the final completion of our renovated parish hall and toplanning our official opening.

H+ Course

Sunday 9th September 6.30-8pm at St Matthias’.

We start a 10 week course on the art and science ofbiblical interpretation. It is designed for anyone who mightbe interested in deepening their understanding of the Bible and how to make the best sense of it. No formalbackground in biblical scholarship is necessary. This will be the first H+ Course to run in Ireland and, consequently,it is open to anyone who might be interested in finding out more about the course. All welcome!

Visit www.hplus.org.uk for further details of the course.

Alpha Course

Wednesday 19th September 8-9.30pm at St Matthias’. We begin our next Alpha course.Please contact William or Vivian Stratford ([email protected]) for further details andto register a place on the course. All welcome!

Parish Events in September


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4th Sept - 9th Sept: TheMountains to Sea BookFestival in Dun Laoghaire

21st Sept: Dublin CultureNight : Galleries, museumsand cultural venues opentheir doors for free.

27th Sept - 14th Oct:Dublin Theatre Festival, anarray of international andIrish theatre productions.

Kill parish are holding the KOTG Mega Car Boot Sale on Sat22nd Sept from 9.30am until 1.30pm.It is being held in the Kill O’ the Grange church groundsbehind SuperValu in DeansgrangeCars €10 Vans/Cars with Trailer €15.Refreshments and snacks will be available.A selection of cakes, treats and deli items will also be on sale.Gates Open at 8am for sellers and 9.30am for the public.People are welcome to sell for their own gain. Any donations for the Parish will be gratefully received.Many thanks, Kate Patterson, Joint Parish Secretary - Kill O the Grange COI

Local Cultural Events in the Community


The Harvest is a celebration of the food and growth of the land. We will is celebrated byChristians around the time when the full Moon that occurs closest to the Autumn Equinox.It will be celebrated by us on Sunday 30th September this year.

Relevant passages of the bible related to Harvest Thanksgiving:

The Harvest Thanksgiving

Deuteronomy 8: 7 -18

The people of Israel are exhorted that when they prospermaterially they are not forget the Lord their God.

2 Corinthians 9: 6 - 15

Christians are instructed to give thankfully and cheerfullyto God’s work. They are not to do so grudgingly.

Luke 17: 11 - 19

Only one of ten lepers healed by Jesus returned to thankhim and he was a Samaritan.

We are planning to set aside a whole month of Sundays to convene a parish-wideconversation on our church life. We will have a shortened morning church service followedby coffee and discussion in the parish hall. We will endeavour to facilitate as muchparticipation as possible. With the renovation of the church hall we have a once in ageneration opportunity to set a course for the future health and wellbeing of thiswonderful parish.

Parish Events in October

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Sunday Club

Sunday Club and crèche begins again on 9th Sept. Sunday club is available to those fromjunior infants to third class. If there is anybody who would like to be involved in thisimportant part of ministry please contact Rev William on (01)2852228.

Scouts Written by Jamie Ahern

At 6.30 am on Monday, August 16th, Tuesday Scouts, Thursday Scouts and Ventures met atDublin Port for the start of what was to be yet another fantastic summer camp. All 60 oddof us 47th Ballybrack scouts with our yellow kneckers headed across the seas to Holyheadwhere we were to be collected by coach and brought to our campsite. We arrived,altogether almost 6 hours after we left Holyhead, to our campsite in Parc Bryn Bach andwere met by 3 of our lovely Thursday scout leaders who had travelled down from otherparts of England. The weather on the first number of days was fairly miserable and with somany people walking in and out of the campsite, it got fairly waterlogged! We just dealt withthe weather, the way scouts do and it didn’t impact on our enjoyment. A couple of days inwe got an amazing heat wave in Wales and were delighted to be able to enjoy the sun oncamp. We all did some fantastic activities at the centre and others outside of our campsitethroughout the week.

When asked what was their favourite memory or thing about summer camp, most scoutsand leaders alike said that they loved getting to know others from the other scouts andventures. As a leader, I have to say I loved that everyone was together and got on so well. Ithas made me, and many of the others I’m sure, aware once again of the power and strengthof the 47th Ballybrack scout troop. Each and every one of us is so lucky to be a part of theever-strong scout troop that we are involved in here in Ballybrack.


Parish Clubs

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55 Club Written by Jean Paul

Dear members of the 55 club thank you so much for your present I was quiteoverwhelmed - it was great to join you all on your outing to Mount Congreve when about20 people enjoyed a very pleasant day. We started off with coffee in Leighlinbridge, whichhas become a favourite spot for the 55 Club. Unfortunately there was a power failure sowe could not see the clothes! There we bought a sandwich to take with us for our lunchat Mt. Congreve where they supplied us with coffee. A very agreeable few hours were spentwondering around the estate before returning to Dublin. Many thanks to the drivers andto Bill and Susi for doing a trial run beforehand.

The new season has arrived. Hope everyone had a nice summer. We are currently planningthe activities for the coming months. Subject to confirmation, we are proposing thefollowing:

Oct - Visit to Russborough House near Blessington Lakes, Co Wicklow(seerussboroughhouse.ie)

Nov - Visit to The Mill at Avoca Village, Co Wicklow(see http://www.avoca.ie/home/explore/stores/?id=2)

Dec - Christmas party at Glenview Hotel

Please contact Susie Tyler 087 679 7589 for any queries / comments.7

Parish Clubs

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The Fete 2012

The St Matthias Parish held its annual Fete on Sat 9th June. There was a great atmosphere onthis lovely sunny day, with a wide variety of music being played in the background. It wassuccessfully run due to the help from all volunteers who manned each stall. As a result of allthe donations of goods from the parish to each stall, a total of €17,087 was raised at the fete. It had an impressive selection of stalls with something for everyone which were veryprofessionally run. The gate raised €1183 while the stalls and activities raised €15,904.Congratulations to all concerned.


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Book Club Written by Ann Fleeton

Our next meeting is on Friday 31st August at 7Shanganagh Terrace. We will review the doublebook “If This is a Man” and “The Truce” by PrimoLevi.

For our meeting on Friday 19th October at Truda’shouse, 10 Auburn Avenue, the book choice is “ThePoisonwood Bible” by Barbara Kingsolver. This is anovel about a missionary family in the Congo in the1960’s and portrays imperialism in Central Africa.

Whist Drives

Some time ago Nellie Hewitt organised enjoyable Whist card games in the Parish Hall. It issuggested that we might continue these Whist evenings in our new Parish Centre.

Would those who are interested contact Bill Fleeton, Tel. 01 282 4247. We hope to start inOctober.

CarnegiesCarnegies Funeral Home

Complete Funeral and Cremation Service


Complete Funeral and Cremation Service

Old Connaught Avenue, Bray Tel: (01) 282 5577


Parish Clubs


Page 11: Tidings September 2012


Time Clocks, Immersion & Storage Heaters Extra Sockets & MCB Fuseboards

Security Lighting Free Estimate & Inspection

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Page 12: Tidings September 2012

The 50th International Eucharistic Congress was held in Dublin during the month of June.This was quite the historical event for the Church of Ireland as the key theme of the 2nd dayof the Congress was entirely focused on the challenge of Christian Unity. The Liturgy ofWord and Water on this day was presided over by Archbishop Michael Jackson. During theliturgy Archbishop Michael Jackson stated “Baptism enables distinct Christian communitiesto have not simply parallel lives but a shared life ‘conjoined in the missionary purpose ofGod’ (The Toronto Report). The ministry and mission of God in the church for the world isthe responsibility of all God’s people.”

There was a big Alpha presence throughout the Congress. The Alpha Stand was wellpositioned – see photo, and we were very busy throughout the week. The Two Youth Alphaworkshop inputs were well attended and there was a good response to Jonny Somervilleand Jonathan Westerkamp. Goretti McGuinness from Sligo shared how exciting it was forher to run Youth Alpha in Sligo. See photo of Jonny in action at the Youth Space.

We had an Alpha Taster Experience happening in a Congress Church inWhitefriar Street during the whole week and different speakers gave aninput each day on an Alpha topic. It was absolutely wonderful that NickyGumbel was invited to give a Talk on Christian unity.


Alpha and the Eucharist Congress 2012

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Rev. Nicky Gumbel, Thur. 14th June 2012 International Eucharistic Congress, RDS, Dublin

Communion in our Common BaptismAt his Workshop attended by some 700 people, Nicky first started by sharing his own faithjourney and then outlined four aspects of unity among Christians based on John 17:20-23.To view this talk click http://www.icatholic.ie/videos/iec2012-rev-nicky-gumbel/

Here is a Summary of his talk:

1. The MOTIVE for Unity is the great commission of Jesus – disunity in the church is amajor stumbling block to those outside the church

2. The MEANS of Unity is the Holy Spirit of Jesus – what unites Christians is infinitelygreater than what divides us.

3. The MARK of Unity is the love of Jesus – when people experience the love of Jesus itis a life changing experience.. When we experience His love we receive a love for ourfellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The more different we are the more we need oneanother.

4. The MEASURE of Unity is the visibility of Jesus – Jesus prayed that Christians wouldcome to complete unity.- eg 40,000 Catholic and Protestant Christians all kneeling inrepentance under a banner of “Jesus is Lord”

Information supplied by Alpha Ireland


Alpha and the Eucharist Congress 2012

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September 2012

Week ending 1st: Aileen Unger & Orlagh Perrem

Week ending 8th: Jean Salter & Iris Swift

Week ending 15th: Helen Gerty & Clarice Haughton

Week ending 22nd: Vanya Kavanagh & Adrienne Bedell

Week ending 29th: Becky Breach & Sally Anderson

October 2012

Week ending 6th: Bev Grant & Cathy Malseed

Week ending 13th: Aileen Unger & Orlagh Perrem

Week ending 20th: Jeanne Salter & Iris Swift

Week ending 27th: Helen Gerty & Clarice Haughton


Iris Swift

Jackie Hayes

Jackie Hayes

Sheelagh Wallace



Sheelagh Wallace

Joan MacLoughlin

Joan MacLoughlin

Welcome Team

9th Sept: Peter & Pat Fisher

16th Sept: Niall & Daphne Whelan

23rd Sept: Peter & Ann Hegarty

30th Sept: Les & Beverley Grant

7th Oct: Victor & Anna Freeman

14th Oct: Richard & Mary Hill

21st Oct: Jack & Barbara Rankin

28th Oct: Sam & Georgina Farrar

Bell Ringers

9th Sept: Victor Freeman

16th Sept: Les Grant

23rd Sept: Richard Hill

30th Sept: Chris McCabe

7th Oct: John Dyer

14th Oct: John Wallace

21st Oct: Bob Wallace

28th Oct: Sam Farrar


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Prayers - September2nd September William Olhausen

9th September Gillian Keogh

16th September Jane Maxwell

23rd September Tony Quinn

30th September Jeanne Salter

October7th October William Olhausen

14th October Barbara Bates

21st October Niall Stratford

28th October Gillian Keogh


2nd September Acts 2: 42-47 Sarah McLoughlin

9th September Acts 2: 42-47 James Malseed

Mark 7: 24-37 Alice Gervin

16th September Acts 2: 42-47 Stuart McBain

Mark 8: 27-38 Shameela Lyons

23rd September Acts 2: 42-47 Helen Stillman

Mark 9: 30-37 Andrew Beck

30th September Harvest Thanksgiving Caroline Murphy

Readings tbc Alistair Doyle

7th October Mark 10: 2-16 Rachel Olhausen

14th October Mark 10: 17-31 Sarah Grace

21st October Mark 10: 35-45 Scott McConnell

28th October Mark 10: 46-52 Jane Maxwell

Prayer and Reading Rota

If the date you have been scheduled for is notpossible please feel free to swap with someoneelse on the rota. Please deal directly with theperson concerned and remember to makecontact with them in good time!

If you are reading from an Epistle please conclude the reading with the words: This is the Word of the Lord.

If you are reading from the Gospel only use thewording for a Communion service if it is in fact a

communion service. Otherwise please concludethe reading with the words: This is the word ofthe Lord. The congregation need only stand for aGospel reading if it is Communion.

Finally, whether you are reading or leadingprayers please remember to speak slowly, clearlyand loudly! Even with a mic’ the volume is not sufficient for all members of the congregation.

Many thanks for your participation in our worship.

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Sunday 9am 10.30am

2nd Sept Holy Communion All Age Worship

9th Sept Holy Communion Holy Communion

16th Sept Holy Communion Morning Worship

23rd Sept Holy Communion Holy Communion

30th Sept Holy Communion Harvest Thanksgiving

7th Oct Holy Communion All Age Worship

14th Oct Holy Communion Holy Communion

21st Oct Holy Communion Morning Worship

28th Oct Holy Communion Morning Worship

Services for September & October

Parish Contacts

Parish Rector: Rev Dr William Olhausen (01) 2852228

Parish Curate: Rev Niall Stratford (01) 4937535

Select Vestry Hon Secretary: Roisin McCabe (087) [email protected]

Parish Centre Coordinator: Tanya Olhausen (085) 2382375

Tidings Administrator: Alice Gervin (087) [email protected]

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